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ROMAN LAW is not merely the law of an Italian
Community which existed two thousand years ago, nor even the law of the Roman
Empire. It was, with more or less modification from local customs and
ecclesiastical authority, the only system of law throughout the Middle Ages,
and was the foundation of the modern law of nearly all Europe. In our own
island it became the foundation of the law of Scotland, and, besides general
influence, supplied the framework of parts of the law of England, especially of
marriage, wills, legacies, and intestate succession to personalty.
Through their original connection with the Dutch, it forms a main portion of
the law of South Africa, Ceylon and Guiana, and it has had considerable
influence in the old French province of Louisiana. Its intrinsic merit is
difficult to estimate, when there is no comparable system independent of its
influence. But this may fairly be said: Roman Law was the product of many
generations of a people trained to government and endowed with cultivated and practical
intelligence. The area of its application became so wide and varied that local
customs and peculiarities gradually dropped away, and it became law adapted not
to one tribe or nation but to man generally. Moreover, singular good fortune
befell it at a critical time. When civilization was in peril through the influx
of savage nations, and an elaborate and complicated system of law might easily
have sunk into oblivion, a reformer was found who by skilful and conservative measures stripped the law of much antiquated complexity, and
made it capable of continued life and general use without any breach of its
connection with the past.
Sir Henry Maine has drawn attention to its influence
as a system of reasoned thought on other subjects: “To Politics, to Moral
Philosophy, to Theology it contributed modes of thought, courses of reasoning,
and a technical language. In the Western provinces of the Empire it supplied
the only means of exactness of speech, and still more emphatically, the only
means of exactness, subtlety, and depth in thought”.
Gibbon in his 44th Chapter has employed all his wit
and wealth of allusion to give some interest to his brief history of Roman
jurisprudence and to season for the lay palate the dry morsels of Roman Law.
The present chapter makes no such pretension. It is confined to a notice of the
antecedents and plan of Justinian’s legislation, and a summary of those parts
of it which are most connected with the general society of the period or afford
some interest to an English reader from their resemblance or contrast to our
own law. Unfortunately a concise and eclectic treatment cannot preserve much,
if anything, of the logic and subtlety of a system of practical thought.
The sources of law under the early Emperors were
Statutes (leges), rare after Tiberius; Senate’s decrees (senatus consulta), which proposed by the
Emperor took the place of Statutes; Edicts under the Emperor’s own name;
Decrees, i.e., his final decisions as judge on appeal; Mandata, instructions to provincial governors; Rescripta, answers on points of law submitted to him
by judges or private persons; the praetor’s edict as revised and consolidated
by the lawyer Salvius Julianus at Hadrian's command and confirmed by a Senate’s
decree (this is generally called The Edict); and finally treatises
on the various branches of law, which were composed, at any rate chiefly, by
jurists authoritatively recognized, and which embodied the Common Law and
practice of the Courts. By the middle of the third century AD the succession of
great jurists came to an end, and, though their books, or rather the books
written by the later of them, still continued in high practical authority, the
only living source of law was the Emperor, whose utterances on law, in whatever
shape whether oral or written, were called constitutiones.
If written, they were by Leo’s enactment (470) to bear the imperial autograph
in purple ink.
Diocletian, who reformed the administration of the law
as well as the general government of the Empire, issued many rescripts, some at
least of which are preserved to us in Justinian’s Codex, but few rescripts of
later date are found. Thereafter new general law was made only by imperial
edict, and the Emperor was the sole authoritative interpreter. Anyone
attempting to obtain a rescript dispensing with Statute Law was (384) to be
heavily fined and disgraced.
The imperial edicts were in epistolary form, and were
published by being hung up in Rome and Constantinople and the larger provincial
towns, and otherwise made known in their districts by the officers to whom they
were addressed. There does not appear to have been any collection of
Constitutions, issued to the public, until the Codex Gregorianus was made in the eastern part of the
Empire. (Codex refers to the book-form as opposed to a roll). This collection
was the work probably of a man named Gregorius, about the end of the third
century. In the course of the next century a supplement was made also in the
Eastern Empire and called Codex Hermogenianus,
probably the work of a man of that name. Both contained chiefly rescripts. A
comparatively small part of both has survived in the later codes and in some
imperfectly preserved legal compilations. During the fourth century, perhaps as
Mommsen thinks in Constantine’s time, but with later additions, a compilation
was made in the West, of which we have fragments preserved in the Vatican
Library. They contained both branches of law, extracts from the jurists Ulpian,
Paul, and Papinian, as well as Constitutions of the
Reform of Law by Theodosius II
At length the need of an authoritative statement of
laws in force was so strongly felt that the matter was taken up by government.
Theodosius II, son of the Emperor Arcadius, having previously taken steps to
organize public teaching in Constantinople, determined to meet the
uncertainties of the law courts by giving imperial authority to certain text
writers and by a new collection of the Statute Law. The books of the great
lawyers, Papinian, Paul, and Ulpian and of a pupil of
Ulpian, Modestinus, were well known and in general
use. Another lawyer rather earlier than these, of whom we really know nothing,
except his name (and that is only a praenomem),
Gaius, had written in the time of Marcus Antoninus in very clear style a
manual, besides other works of a more advanced character. The excellence of
this manual brought it into general use and secured for its author imperial
recognition on a level with the lawyers first named. Another work in great
general use was a brief summary of the law by Paul known under the name
of Pauli Sententiae. All these lawyers were in the habit of citing
the opinions of earlier lawyers and often inserting extracts from them in their
own works. Theodosius (with Valentinian, then seven years old) in AD 426
addressed to the Senate of Rome an important and comprehensive Constitution,
intended to put what may be called the Common Law of Rome on a surer footing.
He confirmed all the writings of Papinian, Paul,
Gaius, Ulpian, and Modestinus, and added to them all
the writers whose discussions and opinions were quoted by these lawyers,
mentioning particularly Scaevola, Sabinus, Julian, and Marcellus. The books of
the five lawyers first named were no doubt in the hands of judges and advocates
generally, but the books of the others would be comparatively rare, and a
quotation from them would be open to considerable doubt. It might contain a
wrong reading or an interpolation or even a forgery. Theodosius therefore
directed that these older books should be admitted as authorities, only so far
as they were confirmed by a comparison with manuscripts other than that
produced by the advocate or other person alleging their authority.
But Theodosius went further. If the writers thus
authoritatively recognized were found to differ in opinion, the judge was
directed to follow the opinion of the majority, and if the numbers on each side
were equal, to follow the side on which Papinian stood and disregard any notes of Paul or Ulpian contesting Papinian’s opinion, but Paul’s Sententiae were always to count. If Papinian’s opinion was not there to decide between equal
numbers of authorities, the judge must use his own discretion.
The great portion of law which had been set forth in
text-books as reasonable and conformable to precedent and statute having thus
been sanctioned, and rules given for its application, Theodosius turned his
attention to the Statute Law itself. The jurists had in their various treatises
taken account of the pertinent rescripts, edicts, etc., already issued and it
was therefore only from the time when the series of authoritative jurists ended
that the imperial constitutions required collecting. The books of Gregorius and Hermogenianus (Codices Greg, et Herm.)
contained those issued down to Constantine’s time, which was therefore taken as
the starting-point for the additional collection. Theodosius in 429 appointed a
Commission of eight, and in 435 another larger Commission of which Antiochus
the praefect was named first with other officials and ex-officials of the
Record and Chancellery departments and Apelles, a law professor, power being
given to call other learned men to their aid. He instructed them, following the
precedent of Gregory and Hermogenianus’ books, to
collect all the imperial Constitutions issued by Constantine and his successors
which were either in the form of edicts or at least of general application, to
arrange them in the order of time under the known heads of law, breaking up for
this purpose laws dealing with several subjects, and while preserving the enacting
words to omit all unnecessary preambles and declarations. When this is done and
approved they are to proceed to review Gregory, Hermogenianus,
and this third book, and with the aid of the pertinent parts of the jurists’
writings on each head of law to omit what was obsolete, remove all errors and
ambiguities, and thus make a book which should “bear the name of the Emperor
Theodosius and teach what should be followed and what avoided in life”.
The Theodosian code, technically called, as Mommsen
thinks, simply Theodosianus, was
published in Constantinople 15 February 438 and transmitted to Rome at the end
of the year. The consul at Rome holding the authentic copy in his hands, in the
presence of the imperial commissioners, read to the Senate the order for its
compilation, which was received with acclamation. We have an account of this
proceeding with a record of the enthusiastic shouts of the senators and the
number of times each was repeated, some 24 or 28 times. Exclusive authority was
given to the code in all court-pleadings and court-documents from 1 January
439, the Emperor boasting that the code would banish a cloud of dusty volumes
and disperse the legal darkness which drove people to consult lawyers; for the
code would make clear the conditions of a valid gift, the way to sue out an
inheritance, the frame of a stipulation, and the mode of recovering a debt
whether certain or uncertain in amount.
Burgundian Code
With the knowledge which we possess of the Vatican
Fragments and the Digest and Code of Justinian, we might expect from the above
description that the Theodosian Code would contain a selection from the
juristic writings as well as the constitutions of a general character arranged
under the several titles or heads of law. But the Code, which has in a large
part (about two-thirds of Books I-V being lost) come down to us, contains no
extracts from the jurists and no constitution earlier than Constantine. So that
the exclusive authority which the Emperor gave to his code can only be
understood to relate to constitutions since Constantine, and he must have
relied on the Gregorian and Hermogenian Codes for earlier constitutions still
in force, and on the text-books of the lawyers, approved by his constitution of
426, for supplying the requisite details of practical law.
The Code of Theodosius was divided into sixteen books,
each book having a number of titles and each title usually containing a number
of constitutions or fragments of such. The order of subjects is similar to that
of Justinian’s Code with some exceptions. Private law is treated in Books II-V,
military matters in VII, crime in IX, revenue law in X and XI, municipal law in
XII, official duties in I, and XIII-XV, and ecclesiastical matters in XVI. The
names of the Emperors at the time of enactment and the date and the place
either of framing or of publication were given with each constitution though
they are not wholly preserved. Compared with Justinian's Code it contains a
much larger proportion of administrative law and a much smaller proportion of
ordinary private law. The Code remained in force in the East and in Italy until
Justinian superseded it, though the traces of its use are few. In the West, in
Spain, France, and Lombard Italy, it remained in practical use for long,
chiefly as part of the Code issued to the Visigoths by Alaric II in 506.
A number of constitutions issued by Theodosius and his
successors after the Code and therefore called Novellae (i.e. leges),
“new laws”, have come down to us- 84 in number, the latest of which bearing the
names of Leo and Anthemius was issued in 468. Of further legislation by Roman
Emperors until Justinian we have only what he chose to retain in his Code.
After the Theodosian Code and before Justinian there
were compiled and issued codes of laws for the Romans in Burgundy, for the
Ostrogoth subjects in Italy, and for the Romans in the Visigothic kingdom in
South France and in Spain; and we have evidence of other laws prevailing in the
Eastern part of the Empire, before and after Justinian’s time.
In Burgundy about the beginning of the sixth century
King Gundobad issued a short code of laws for all his subjects whether
Burgundian or Roman. A few subsequent constitutions by him or his successors
have been appended to it. Somewhat later he issued a code for his Roman subjects,
when suits lay between them only. This code is about half the length of the
other but many of the headings of the chapters are the same. The matter is
principally torts and crimes (e.g. cattle-lifting), runaway slaves, succession,
gifts, marriage, guardianship, process, and some brief rules on other parts of
the law. It appears to have been taken from the same sources as the Lex Visigothorum and the particular source is
frequently named. But instead of simply repeating selected words of the source,
it is rather an attempt at real codification.
(The name Papianus often given to it arises probably from this Code Codes for Ostrogoths and
Visigoths having followed in the MSS. the Lex Visigothorum and the extract from Papinian which closes that
having been taken as the commencement of this. Papianus is a frequent mistake for Papinianus).
Codes for Ostrogoths and Visigoths
For the kingdom of the Ostrogoths in Italy a code of
laws was issued by Theodoric about AD 500. It is usually called Edictum Theodorici.
The code is nearly the same length as the Lex Romana Burgundiorum and much resembles it in character
and sources, but does not name them. The contents are torts and crimes,
especially attacks on landed possessions and cattle-lifting, successions,
marriage, serfs, conduct of judges, process, etc. The first editor, Pithou, had two MSS. in 1578, but these have completely
The Lex Romana Visigothorum is
much more important than either of the above. It is a compilation promulgated
by Alaric II for Roman citizens in Spain and part of Gaul in the twenty-second
year of his reign, i.e. AD 506. He states in an accompanying letter
to Count Timotheus that it was compiled by skilled lawyers (prudentes)
with the approval of bishops and nobles, to remove the obscurity and ambiguity
of the laws and make a selection in one book which should be solely
authoritative. No power of amending the law appears to have been given.
It contains a large number of constitutions from the
Theodosian Code, omitting especially those which relate to administration
rather than general law. Consequently there are few taken from Books VI, VII,
XI, XIV. Some post-Theodosian Novels follow; then an abridgment of Gaius’
Institutes, a good deal of Paul’s Sententiae, a few extracts from
the Gregorian and Hermogenian Codes, and one extract from Papinian.
A short interpretation is appended to all of these, except to Gaius and to most
of Paul's Sentences, where interpretation is stated not to be required. The
author and age of the interpretation are quite unknown. It sometimes gives a
restatement of the text in other words, sometimes adds explanations. The
selection of matters for the code shows the intention of giving both Statute
and Common Law. The code was no longer authoritative law after Chindaswinth
(642-653), but it was used in the schools and assisted largely in preserving
Roman Law in the south and east of France till the twelfth century; and a tradition
that it received confirmation from Charlemagne is possibly true. Our knowledge
of Books II-V of the Theodosian Code and of most of Paul’s Sentences is due to
this compilation, which in modern times has received the name of Breviarium Alarici.
Syrian Code.
In the lands on the eastern part of the Mediterranean
Syria, Mesopotamia, Persia, Arabia, Egypt, and Armenia a collection of laws,
evidently translated from Greek, was used under the name of “Laws of
Constantine, Theodosius, and Leo”, probably composed at the end of the fourth
century and enlarged in the fifth, perhaps with later alterations from the
Justinian laws. Versions of it in Arabic, Armenian, and several in Syriac,
differing in some degree from one another, have been lately published. The chief
portion relates to family law, marriage, dowry, guardianship, slaves, and
inheritance, but obligations and procedure are also included. It is supposed to
have been compiled for practical use in suits before the bishops and minor
ecclesiastics. Differences between the law prevailing in the East and that in
the West are sometimes mentioned, e.g. that in the former the husband’s
marriage gift was only half the value of the wife’s dowry. Other differences
from the regular Roman Law of the time are the requirement of a written
contract for marriage, the recognition of the possession (as in the Gospels) of
wives and slaves by demons, punishment of a receiver of others' slaves or serfs
by making him a slave or serf, prescription of 30 years for suits for debts,
prohibition of purchase by creditor from debtor until the debt is paid,
allowance of marriage with wife’s sister or brother’s widow if dispensation be
obtained from the king, many peculiarities in intestate inheritance,
privileges, and endowments for the clergy, etc.
Justinian’s Reform
Justinian succeeded his uncle Justin in 527 and at
once took up the task partially performed by Theodosius, and succeeded in
completing it in a more thorough manner than might have been expected from the
speed with which it was done. In 528 he appointed a commission of ten, eight
being high officials and two practicing lawyers, with instructions to put
together the imperial constitutions contained in the books of Gregorius, Hermogenianus, and Theodosius, and constitutions issued
subsequently, to strike out or change what was obsolete or unnecessary or
contradictory, and to arrange the constitutions retained and amended under
suitable heads in order of time, so as to make one book, to be called by the
Emperor’s name, Codex Justinianus. The book compiled by the
commission was sanctioned by the Emperor in 529, and it was ordered that no
constitution should be quoted in the law courts except those contained in this
book, and that no other wording should be recognized than as given there.
The next step was to deal with the mass of text-books
and other legal literature, so far as it had been recognized by the courts and
by the custom of old and new Rome. In 530 Tribonian,
one of the members of the former commission for the code, was directed to
choose the most suitable professors and practicing lawyers, and with their aid
in the imperial palace under his own superintendence to digest the mass of law
outside the constitution into one whole, divided into fifty books and
subordinate titles. All the authors were to be regarded as of equal rank: full
power was given to strike out and amend as in the case of the constitutions:
the text given in this book was to be the only authoritative one: it was to be
written without any abbreviations; and, while translation into Greek was
allowed, no one was to write commentaries on it. This work, never attempted
before and truly described by Justinian as enormously difficult, was “with the
divine assistance” completed in Justinian’s Digest three years, Tribonian calculating that he had reduced nearly 2000 rolls
containing more than 3,000,000 lines into a Codex of about 150,000 lines.
Justinian called this book Digesta or Pandectae and
directed that it should take effect as law from 3 December 533. Its somewhat irrational distribution into seven parts and
fifty books was probably due to a superstitious regard to the mysterious
efficacy of certain numbers. The really important division is into titles, of
which there are 432.
From reverence to the old lawyers, he directed that
the name of the writer and work from which an extract was taken should be
placed at the commencement of it, and he had a list of the works used placed
before the Digest. This list requires some correction. There were used between
200 and 300 treatises of about 40 authors, some of the treatises being very
voluminous, so that over 1600 rolls were put under contribution. Over 95 per
cent, of the Digest was from books written between the reigns of Trajan and
Alexander Severus. Two works by Ulpian supply about one-third of the Digest:
sixteen works by eight authors form nearly two-thirds: twice this number of
books supply four-fifths. From some treatises only a single extract was taken. Tribonian’s large library supplied many books not known even
to the learned. Many were read through without anything suitable for extraction
being found.
The plan which Tribonian devised appears to have been to divide the commission into three parts and give
each committee an appropriate share of the books to be examined. Ulpian's and
Paul's Commentaries and other comprehensive works were taken as the fullest
exposition of current law and made the foundation. They were compared with one
another and with other treatises of the same subject-matter; antiquated law and
expressions were cut out or altered, contradictions removed, and the
appropriate passages extracted and arranged under the titles to which they
severally belonged. The titles were, as Justinian directed, mainly such as
appeared in the Praetor's Edict or in his own code. The extracts made by the
committee which had furnished the most matter for the title were put first, and
the others followed, with little or no attempt to form an orderly exposition of
the subject. What connection of thought between the extracts is found comes
mainly from the treatise taken as the foundation. There is no attempt at fusing
the matter of text-books and giving a scientific result, nor even of making a
thorough and skilful mosaic of the pieces extracted.
The work under each title is simply the result of taking strings of extracts
from the selected treatises, arranging them partly in one line and partly in
parallel lines, and then as it were squeezing them together so as to leave only
what is practical, with no more repetition than is requisite for clearness.
This process done by each committee would be to some extent repeated when the
contributions of the three committees came to be combined. For special
reasons occasionally this or that extract might be moved to some other
place, sometimes to form an apt commencement for the title, in one case (Book
XX, title 1) by way of honor to Papinian.
Justinian’s work was thus not a codification, as we
understand the word, but a consolidation of the law, both of the jus and
the leges, as it may be called, of the Common and the Statute Law.
It was consolidation combined with amendment. The removal of obsolete law and
of consequent reference led necessarily to innumerable corrections both of
substance and of wording. Whatever criticism this mode of solving the problem
may justly receive, it had two great merits. It gave the Roman world within a
short time a practical statement of the law in use, cleared of what was
obsolete and disputable, full in detail, terse in expression, familiar in language,
and of unquestionable and exclusive authority, it has preserved for the
civilized world in all ages a large amount of the jurisprudence of the best
trained Roman lawyers of the best age, which but for Tribonian would in all probability have been wholly lost.
Revised Code. Institutes
But Tribonian was not
satisfied with this achievement. In preparing the Digest it was found desirable
formally to repeal parts of the old law, and for this purpose fifty
constitutions were issued. On this and other accounts Justinian directed him
with the aid of Dorotheus, a professor at Berytus,
and of three eminent lawyers in the Courts at Constantinople to take the Code
in hand, to insert the new matter, to omit what were repetitions, and
thoroughly to revise the whole. This second or revised Code is what we have. It
took effect from 29 December 534. The earliest constitution in it is one of
Hadrian’s and there are few before Severus, the jurists’ writings having
embodied earlier ones so far as they were of general and permanent application.
Many rescripts of Diocletian are given, but none of subsequent Emperors. Many
constitutions are much abridged or altered from the form in which they appear
in the Theodosian Code, which itself contained often only an abridgment of the
Justinian’s Novellae.
A manual for students (the Institutes) founded largely
on Gaius’ Institutes (which have come down to us in a
palimpsest luckily discovered at Verona by Niebuhr in 1816) was also sanctioned
by Justinian, and took effect as law from the same day as the Digest.
An authoritative course of study was ordained at the same time, and law schools
were sanctioned, but only in Constantinople, Rome, and Berytus,
those existing in Alexandria, Caesarea, and elsewhere being suppressed, under
the penalty for any teacher of a fine of 10 lbs. gold and banishment from the
Justinian did not end here his legislative activity,
but issued from time to time, as cases brought before him or other
circumstances suggested, new constitutions for the amendment of the law or
regulation of the imperial or local administration. Of these 174 are still
extant, about half relating to administration and half to private law
and procedure. About forty deal with the law of the family and of
succession to property on death. Some are careful consolidations of the law on
one subject, some are of miscellaneous content. These constitutions with a few
issued by his near successors are called Novellae,
and as being the latest legislation supersede or amend some parts of the
Digest, Code, and Institutes, which with them form the Corpus Iuris as received by European nations. Almost all
are written in Greek, whereas very little Greek occurs in the Digest (chiefly
in extracts from the third-century lawyer, Modestinus)
and not much relatively in the Code. An old Latin Version of many of the
Novels, probably prepared in Justinian's lifetime, is often quoted by old
lawyers under the name of Authenticum. It
is a significant fact that only eighteen of the Novels, and those almost wholly
administrative, are dated after the year of Tribonian’s death (546), though Justinian survived him nearly twenty years. One may be sure
that it was Tribonian who suggested and organized
this great reform of the law, though no doubt it owed much also to the good
sense and persistence of the Emperor.
It would not be practicable to give anything like an
adequate summary of Justinian’s law books within the limits which can be
assigned to it in a general history. His own Institutes contain an
authoritative and readable account, which however on some matters, especially
marriage and inheritance, requires correction from the Novels. But summary
information may be given here on such topics as the position of slaves,
freedmen, and serfs; of the power of the head of a family; of marriage,
divorce, and succession to property; of some leading principles of contract, of
criminal law, and of procedure.
In Rome the household comprised SLAVES as well as
freemen, and slaves gave occasion to a great deal of legal subtlety.
Theoretically they were only live chattels, without property or legal rights,
absolutely at the disposal of their owner, who had full power of life and death
over them. But at all periods, more or less largely, theory was modified in
practice, partly by natural feeling towards members of the same household,
partly by public opinion. Antoninus Pius, either from policy or philosophic
pity, so far interfered between master and slave as to make it a criminal
offence for a master to kill his own slave without cause, and he required one
who treated his slave with intolerable cruelty to sell him on fair terms.
Constantine (319) went still further and directed any master who intentionally
killed his slave with a club or stone or weapon or threw him to wild beasts or
poisoned or burnt him to death to be charged with homicide. But discipline was
not to suffer, and therefore by another law (326) chaining or beating in the
ordinary way of correction for offences, even if the slave died of it, was not
to justify any inquiry into the master's intentions or to found any charge
against him. Justinian in his Code reproduced only the former constitution, and
retained in the Digest the duty imposed on the city praefect and provincial
governors of hearing the complaints of slaves who had fled from cruelty,
starvation, or indecency, to the refuge of the Emperor’s statues. To give such
protection, said Antoninus (152), was required by the interests of masters,
whose full command over their slaves should be maintained by moderate rule,
sufficient supplies, and lawful tasks. On the other hand any offences of slaves
which came under the animadversion of the State were visited with severer
punishments than those of a freeman.
The economical position of slaves requires some notice
also. In theory they were simply instruments of their master; what they
acquired passed at once to him; they were not capable of having property of
their own, he was responsible for them as he was for any other domestic animal
that he kept. But in practice slaves were usually allowed to accumulate
property out of their savings or from gifts, and the law by a fiction allowed
them to use it in purchasing their own freedom. Such quasi-property was called
their peculium (petty stock): it existed only so long as their master chose; he
could withdraw it, but rarely did so, except for grave offences. But so long as
it existed and his master gave him a free hand, a slave could trade with it and
enter into all kinds of business transactions ostensibly for himself, but in
the eye of the law for the master’s account. He could not however give away
anything, and he had no locus standi in court: he could sue and be sued only in
the name of his master. If he was freed by his master when living, the peculium
was deemed to accompany him, unless expressly withdrawn. But if he was freed by
will or alienated, it did not pass with him unless expressly granted.
The law of persons was greatly simplified by
Justinian’s legislation. There were now only two classes of persons, slaves and
freemen, though freemen were not all treated alike by the law. Besides some
discrimination in favor of persons of high rank, freedmen and serfs were in a
very inferior position.
FREEDMEN were manumitted slaves and retained traces of
their former servile condition. In earlier times, besides the regular forms of
manumission by a ceremony before the praetor or by last will, some legal effect
used to be given to informal expressions of the master’s will. The slave so
informally emancipated became free in fact during his life, but his property on
his death did not pass as a freeman’s by will or to his relatives, but remained
like a slave’s peculium to his former master or master's representatives. Such
half-freemen were called Latins as not being complete citizens. Justinian (531)
allowed the informal acts which had this imperfect effect to confer in future
full freedom, so that a letter to the slave subscribed by five persons as
witnesses, or a declaration similarly witnessed or recorded in court, or the
delivery to the slave before five witnesses of his master's documents of title,
or the slave’s attendance on the bier of the deceased master by his or the
heir’s direction, or the giving a female slave in marriage to a freeman with a
dowry settled in writing, or addressing a slave in court as his son, were acts
sufficient without further formality to make the slave a freedman or
freedwoman. So also, by an edict of Claudius, ejection of a sick slave from the
master’s house without making provision for him, or prostitution of a female
slave in breach of a condition of her purchase, forfeited the master’s rights,
and full freedom now ensued; and other cases of freedom by operation of law are
mentioned. Further Justinian repealed the laws which required a master to be
twenty years old before he could emancipate slaves by will, and restricted the
number. Constantine confirmed (316) a custom of giving freedom in church before
the priests and congregation, a record of the matter being signed by the
former; and he allowed clerics to confer freedom on their slaves by any form of
words without witnesses, the freedom to take effect on publication of the
document at the master’s death.
A freedman did not, however, by the act of manumission
lose all trace of his former condition. He remained under limited control of
his former master or owner, now patron, and patron's children. A patron could
claim respect (obsequium), services, and the
succession to some or all of his property at death if he left no children as
heirs. From services he could be exempted by a special grant by the Emperor of
the right of wearing gold rings, and by a like grant (restitutio natalium, “restoration of birth”) from the patron's
claim to his estate. Such grants were rarely made without the patron's consent.
Justinian dispensed with the formality of special grants and made the removal
of the patron’s claim to services and inheritance follow of itself on a
manumission. But unless the master then, or by way of trust in his will, made a
declaration to that effect, this automatic grant did not exempt a freedman from
the duty of due respect to his patron. He was punishable for using abusive
language to him: he could not sue him or his children except by consent of the
proper authority: and any suit which he brought had to show formal respect by
the complaints being couched in a mere statement of the facts without casting
any imputation. Constantine allowed freedmen guilty of ingratitude or insolent
conduct, even though not of a grave character, to be remitted into their
patron's power. A patron in need could claim support (alimenta)
from his freedman. Claims to the status of freeborn, when disputed, were
reserved for the decision of the city praefect or governor: claims to the
status of freedman were reserved likewise for the same high officials, or if
the treasury was a party, then for the chief officer of that department.
SERFS though free were in some respects not far
removed from slaves. They were found usually in country districts in the
provinces, and were often included under the general term “cultivators” (coloni), which was also applied in republican and
early imperial times to small farmers, who were freemen not only in law but in
practice. The origin and history of this serfdom is not clear. It may very
possibly have been developed on the example of Marcus Aurelius’ settlement in
Italy of numbers of the peoples conquered in the Marcomannic War, and possibly
on the example of the German “Liten” (laeti), settled
on the Gallic border. But besides conquered tribes retained in their own
country or settled other countries, voluntary contract under pressure of
poverty and statutes against beggary probably added to the number. The
maintenance of the land tax introduced by Diocletian made the retention of the
cultivators on the several estates a necessity.
The characteristic of a serf was that he and his
descendants were inseparably attached to the land, and as a rule to one
particular farm, specified in the government census, and held under a lord. If
this particular part of the lord’s estate was over-supplied with cultivators,
he might transfer serfs permanently to another part which was undersupplied, in
accordance with the purpose of the institution that of keeping the land under
due cultivation and enabling it to bear taxes. But except in such a case the
serfs could not be separated from the farm nor the farm from them. They were
part of its permanent stock. If the lord sold a part of the land, he must
convey with it a proportionate number of the serfs belonging. If a serf
wandered or was stolen, or became a cleric without his lord's consent, he could,
whatever was the social position to which he had attained, be reclaimed by his
lord just as if he were a runaway slave. And for some offences, e.g. marrying a
freewoman, he was liable by statute, like a slave, to chains or stripes. He was
not admissible to the army, but as a free man he paid poll tax. He could sell
the surplus produce of his farm, and his savings, called his peculium, were in
a sort his property but were inalienable except in the way of trade; on his
death (e.g. as a monk), childless and intestate, they passed to his
lord, but usually would pass to his children or other successors on his farm.
He might (apparently) own land, and would be entered in the Register as its
holder and be liable for the land tax, whereas the tax on the farm to which he
was attached as a serf would usually be collected from the lord. A serf was
bound to pay a rent to his lord but the rent was certain, usually a fixed
portion of the produce but sometimes a sum of money. Against any attempt of the
lord to increase the rent, he could bring the case into court, but on all other
grounds he was disabled from suing his lord. The rent was called canon or pensio.
The union of serfs was held to be a marriage and
accordingly the children were serfs, and even the children of a serf by a
freewoman or a slave followed the condition of the father, until Justinian,
pressed by the analogy of the rule regarding slaves’ unions, first made a
serf's offspring by a slave woman to be slave (530), and afterwards from the
love of liberty made a serf’s offspring by a freewoman to be free (533). He
confirmed this again in 537 and 539, though, by the later law, he required the
children, though free and retaining their property, to be permanently attached
to the farm. Finally in 540, influenced by representations of the danger of
thus depleting the land of its proper cultivators, he restored the old law and
made the children serfs, without affecting the mother’s status as a freewoman.
His successors made such children personally free.
It was difficult for a serf to improve his status.
Justinian abolished (c. 531) any claim to throw off serfdom by prescription,
but allowed anyone who had been consecrated as a bishop to be free from serfdom
as from slavery (546). Orthodoxy however was essential, and any serf who
encouraged Donatist meetings on his land was to be beaten, and if he persisted
was fined one-third of his peculium.
Serfs were sometimes called originarii from
being in the class by birth; censiti from
being enrolled in the census-register; usually adscripti or adscripticii from being enrolled as of a
certain farm; tributarii from paying
poll tax. Another term, inquilini, which
appears in the Digest in the beginning of the third century, and in earlier
inscriptions, appears to denote a similar class, possibly serfs living in huts
on the land and employed either as cultivators or herdsmen or otherwise. The
clear recognition of serfs as half-free is seen chiefly in laws since
Constantine. After Justinian there is little said of them.
Patria Potestas
PATRIA POTESTAS. The father (or grandfather) when
regularly married, as head of the family (paterfamilias), had in early times absolute
power over the other members whether sons or daughters. And his wife, if
married by the ancient forms, ranked as a daughter. In imperial times this
relation was largely modified. She remained outside her husband’s family, who
instead of taking her whole property, received only a dowry of which he was
rather the accountable manager than the beneficial owner. The children unless
emancipated had no property of their own, any more than slaves had. Whatever
came to them, from any source, passed in strict law at once to the father, who
could do what he liked with it. This “fatherly power” endured irrespectively of
the age or social or political position of his sons and daughters. A man of
full age, married, with children and occupying a high office was, unless
formally emancipated, still under his father's power and had only a peculium
like slaves. He could sue and be sued only in his father’s name and in law for
his father’s account. Nor could he compel his father to emancipate him, and if
emancipated himself he did not thereby carry his children with him, unless
expressly included in the emancipation. If his father died, his children fell
into his own power; if he died first, his children remained under his father's
power. Loss of citizenship had the same effect as death.
Constantine in 319 made an important innovation. He
enacted that the father's full right over what came to his children should be
restricted to what came from himself or his relatives; and that in anything
that came from their mother, the head of the family should have only the
usufruct and the administration, but with no right of alienation or mortgage.
If the children died (it was enacted in 439), their property, apart from the
usufruct, passed to their children, or, if there were none, to their father as
next heir, not to the grandfather, who if alive would be enjoying the usufruct.
When the head of the family emancipated a child, he lost the usufruct, but was
authorized to take one-third of the property. Justinian (529) repealed this and
gave instead to the father (or other head of the family) the right to retain
one-half of the usufruct. Further this arrangement was made to apply not only
to what came from the mother but (excepting, as we shall see, camp-peculium) to
everything which the children acquired by their own labor or by gift or will
from other than their father's relatives. The administration which accompanied
the usufruct was not subject to any interference or impeachment by the
children, who however were to be supported by their father. The father retained
the usufruct, even if he married again.
Soldiers from the time of Augustus were privileged to
treat as their own property, disposable as they chose in their life or by their
will, all gains made while in the army and in connection therewith, including
gifts from comrades. Such acquisitions were called their castrense-peculium.
On this analogy Constantine (326) granted the like privilege to the court
officials (palatini), and later Emperors extended it to provincial governors,
judicial assessors, advocates, and others in the imperial service (which was
often called militia); and eventually (472) to bishops, presbyters, and deacons
of the orthodox faith. Wills disposing of such castrense,
or quasi-castrense peculium, were specially exempted
from challenge by children or parents on the ground of failure in due regard.
In case of intestacy, before Justinian altered the law in 543, the intestate's
camp-peculium passed to the father as if, like any other peculium, it had been
his all along
As regards the persons of (free) children the father
had the power and duty of correction and in early times presumably could sell
or kill them, as he could slaves. But this right was rarely exercised, at least
in historical times, though not until Constantine (319) was killing a son
formally forbidden and ranked as parricide. Sale (with a right however of
redemption) was possible only in case of a newly-born child, under pressure of
extreme poverty. Exposure of a child, at least after the second century, made
the parent liable to punishment. Exposed children of whatever class could not
be brought up as slaves or serfs or freed, but were to be deemed freeborn and
independent (529). Previously to this law of Justinian it was left to the
bringer-up to make them slave or free at his choice.
The dissolution of the natural father’s power over his
children, whether in order to make the child independent (sui juris), or to
give him by adoption into another’s power, was in old times effected by a
complicated ceremonial. This was abolished by Justinian (531), who substituted
in the case of adoption a declaration before a competent magistrate, both
parties being present, and, in the case of emancipation, either the like simple
declaration, or, according to a law of Anastasius (502), if the son or daughter
were of age and not present in court, a declaration, supported by a petition to
the Emperor, with his grant of the prayer and the consent of the child, if not
an infant.
By ADOPTION in older times a person passed under the
fatherly power of one who was not his natural father. If he was not
independent, he passed entirely from one family to another: his natural father
no longer controlled him or was responsible for him, the son’s acquisitions did
not pass to him, nor had the son any right to his inheritance. The adoptive
father stood in the natural father’s place, and could retain or emancipate him.
Justinian (530) altered this in all cases where the adopter was an outsider.
The adopted person retained all his rights and position in his natural father’s
family, and simply acquired a right of succession to the adopter if he died
intestate. But if the adopter was the grandfather or other ascendant either on
the father’s or mother's side, the effect of adoption remained as of old.
Adoption of a person who was sui juris was
often called adrogation, and required a
rescript from the Emperor. If the person to be adopted was under age (impubes), inquiry was made whether it was for his
advantage, and the adopter had to give security to a public officer for
restoration of all the adopted’s property to his
right heirs, if he died under age. If he emancipated him without lawful cause,
or died, he was bound by a law of Antoninus Pius to leave him one-fourth part
of his property, besides all that belonged to the adopted person himself. If a
person adrogated had children, they
passed with him under the power of the adopter. In all cases it was required
that the adopter should be at least eighteen years older than the adopted.
In the old law guardians (tutores)
were required not only for young persons for a time, but for women throughout
their life, though the authority they exercised was often nominal. Guardianship
for women was criticized by Gaius as irrational, and it ceased probably before
Constantine. By Justinian’s time, guardianship affected only impuberes. He fixed the age for puberes at fourteen for males, twelve for
females. Up to that age, if their father or other head of the family was dead,
or if they were freed from his power, they required a guardian to authorize any
legal act which was to bind them. Without such authority they could bind others
but not themselves, the rule being that they could improve but could not impair
their estate. After the age of puberty the law regarded them as capable of
taking the responsibility of their own acts, but practically they had not the
requisite knowledge and discretion. No one could deal safely with them, because
of the risk of the contract or other business being rescinded, if the praetor
found that it was equitable to do so. To meet this difficulty a curator was
often appointed to guide young persons in the conclusion of particular
business, and eventually was appointed to act regularly in matters of business until
the ward became 25 years old. It was the analogy of madmen, etc. (mentioned
below), which probably suggested this course. From the third century allowance
of age (venia aetatis) could be
obtained from the Emperor by youths of 20 years, women of 18, on evidence of
fitness. Justinian however (529) restrained them from all sale or mortgage of
land, unless specially authorized.
Guardians and Curators
A guardian was appointed by the father’s will. In
default of such appointment, the mother or grandmother had the first claim by
Justinian’s latest legislation, and then the nearest male in order of
succession to the inheritance. If such were disqualified, the praetor at Rome,
the governors in the provinces, and if the estate was small, the
town-defenders, made the appointment of both guardians and curators.
Guardianship was regarded as a public office, and no
one was excused from undertaking it, except for approved cause. Guardians and
curators were liable for any loss caused by their act or neglect. They could not
marry their wards, unless approved by the ward's father or by his will.
Mothers had been allowed (since 390) to act in these
capacities for their own children, but by Justinian's final legislation, had to
renounce the right of re-marriage and the benefit of the Velleian Senate’s decree (see below). If they broke their promise, they incurred infamy
and became incapable of inheriting from any but near relatives, besides losing
part of their property.
Severus (195) prohibited all sale of a ward’s land in
the country or suburbs unless authorized by the father's will or by the
praetor. A subsequent edict directed everything else to be sold and reduced
into money. Later Emperors (326 and after) reversed this direction, and partly
on the ground of probable attachment of the ward to the family house, and the
utility of old family slaves, and partly from the difficulty of finding good
investments, ordered all the property to be preserved, unless land had to be
purchased or loans made in order to supply the ward’s needs.
Madmen and spendthrifts, pronounced such by the
praetor, were by the XII Tables under the care of their agnates (relatives
through males) but in practice under a curator appointed by the praetor or
provincial governor. So also a curator was appointed, without limit of age in
the ward, for the demented, or deaf and dumb, or for persons incapacitated for
business by chronic disease. The practice of making contracts by oral
stipulation brought deaf and dumb into this category.
Rescission of contracts. Postliminium
The protection of minors, mentioned above, was an
interesting feature of Roman Law but must often have been very embarrassing in
practice. Whatever business a minor had conducted, a sale, a purchase, a loan,
a pledge, acceptance of an inheritance, agreement to an arbitration, etc., if
it was shown that he had been in any way deceived or overreached or had
suffered from want of due vigilance, application might be made to the Court, to
have the matter rescinded, provided he had not acted fraudulently and there was
no other remedy. The Court heard the parties, and if it found the claim just,
put the parties back, so far as possible, into their old positions. This was
called in integrum restitutio. The application had to be made
within (originally) one year after the minor’s completing his twenty-fifth
year, and would be rejected if after this age he had in any way approved his
former act or default. Justinian extended the period to four years.
A similar reinstatement was sometimes granted to
persons of full age, if it were shown that they had suffered serious loss owing
to absence on the public service, or to captivity, or fraud, or intimidation.
Or the reverse might be the case: similar absence of others might have
prevented plaintiff from bringing a suit or serving a notice within the proper
time: reinstatement might then sometimes be obtained.
A person, who had been taken captive by the enemy and
returned home with the intention of remaining, was held to re-enter at once
into his old position, his affairs having been in the meantime in a state of
suspense. This was called the law of postliminium (reverter). His own marriage was however dissolved by his
captivity, as if he were dead, though his relation to his children was only
suspended till it was known whether he would return. Slaves and other chattels
taken by the enemy, if brought back into Roman territory, similarly reverted to
their former owners subject to any earlier claims which attached to them.
Anyone who ransomed them from the enemy had a lien for the amount of the
Betrothal. Marriage and Prohibited marriages.
MARRIAGE was often preceded by betrothal, that is by a
solemn mutual promise. The consent of the parties was required, but, if the
woman was under her father’s power, she was presumed to agree to his act unless
she plainly dissented. The age of seven was deemed necessary for consent. The
restrictions on marriage applied to betrothal, and a betrothed person was for
some purposes treated in law as if married. Betrothal was usually accompanied
by gifts, as earnest from or on behalf of each party to the other. If the
receiver died, the giver had a right to its return, unless a kiss had passed
between them, when the half only could be recovered (336). Breach of the
contract without good cause, such as lewd conduct, diversity of religion, etc.,
previously unknown to the other, at one time involved a penalty of fourfold
(i.e. the earnest and threefold its value), but in the fourth century this
was remitted altogether, if the father or other ascendant of a girl, betrothed
before she was ten years old, renounced the marriage, and in the fifth century
(472) it was reduced generally to twofold. Delay for two years to fulfill the
promise was a sufficient justification for the girl’s marrying another.
Marriage in Roman Law is the union of life of man and
woman for the purpose of having children as members of a family in the Roman
Commonwealth. Both must be citizens of Rome or of a nation recognized for this
status by the Romans; they must be of the age of puberty; if independent, must
give their own consent, if not, their father must consent. Nuptias non concubitus sed consensus facit was the dominant rule of
Roman Law. It was the avowed purpose of such a union and public recognition
that distinguished marriage from concubinage. In earlier times the woman passed
by one of several forms with all her property into the power (manus) of
her husband and occupied the position of a daughter. Gradually a freer marriage
was developed, by which the woman did not become part of her husband’s family,
but remained either under her father's power, or independent, and controlled,
with the aid of a guardian for a time, her own property, except so far as she
had given part as dowry. The ceremonials, which accompanied the old forms of
marriage, gradually went out of use and had apparently ceased in or by the
third century. The only external mark of marriage was then the woman's being
led into her husband's house, and thus the paradoxical statement could be made
that a woman could be married in the absence of her husband, but a husband
could not be married in the absence of his wife. The settlement of a dowry grew
to be, and was made by Justinian, a decisive characteristic of marriage, though
its absence did not prevent a union otherwise legal and formed with the
affection and intention of marriage from being such in the eye of the law.
Marriage, and of course also betrothal, could take
place only between free persons, not of the same family, and not otherwise
closely connected. The old law was reaffirmed by a constitution of Diocletian
(295), which expressly forbade marriage of a man with his ascendants or
descendants or aunt or sister or their descendants or with step-daughter,
step-mother, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law or others forbidden by the law of
old. A woman was forbidden to marry the corresponding relatives. Such marriage
were incestuous. Relationship formed when one or both parties were slaves was
equally a bar. Constantius (342) also forbade marriages with brother's daughter
or grand-daughter and (in 355) marriage with brother’s widow or wife’s sister a
prohibition repeated in 415. The marriage of first cousins, forbidden with the
approval of St Ambrose by Theodosius about 385, was relieved from extreme
penalty (of fine) by his sons in 396, and expressly permitted in 405. Justinian
(530) forbade marriage with a god-daughter. No change was made in the old law
which permitted a step-son of one parent to marry a Prohibited marriages. Dowry
step-daughter of the other, and forbade the marriage of brothers and sisters by
adoption so long only as they remained in the same family. Marriage with the
daughter of a sister by adoption was legal.
Other prohibitions were based on considerations
outside of the family tie. A guardian or curator was prohibited by Severus and
later Emperors from marrying his ward, if under twenty-six years of age, either
to himself or his son, unless special permission was obtained. Provincials were
forbidden by Valentinian (c. 373) to marry barbarians under threat of capital
punishment. Jews and Christians were forbidden by Theodosius (388) to
intermarry, the act being punished as adultery. Justinian (530) following the
sacred canon forbade presbyters, deacons, and sub-deacons to marry at all; if
they did, their children were to be treated as born of incestuous connection.
Senators and their descendants were forbidden by
Augustus and by Marcus Aurelius to marry freed persons or actors or actresses
or their children. Constantine (336) forbade any person of high rank or
official position in towns to marry, whether after concubinage or not, freed
women or actresses or stall-keepers or their daughters or others of low
condition, mere poverty not being regarded as such (Valentinian 454). Justin,
in consequence of his nephew Justinian’s marriage with Theodora, removed this
prohibition, if the woman had ceased to practice her profession, and gave to
his law retrospective effect from his accession. Justinian relaxed the rule
still further, and eventually (542) enabled all persons to marry any free
woman, but in the case of dignitaries only by regular marriage settlement: others
could marry either by settlement or by marital affection without settlement.
Forbidden marriages were declared to be no marriages,
dowry and marriage gift were forfeited to the Crown, the children were not even
to be deemed natural children; the parties were incapable of giving by will to
any outsiders or to each other. Incestuous marriage, by Justinian’s latest law
(535), was punished by exile and forfeiture of all property, and in the case of
persons of low rank by personal chastisement. Any children by a previous lawful
marriage became independent, took their father's property, and had to support
A woman’s dowry was a contribution from herself or her
relatives or others to the expenses of the married life, placed under the
charge and at the disposal of the husband, and, although theoretically his
property, to be accounted for by him on the dissolution of the marriage to the
donor or the wife. It presumed a lawful marriage: it could be given either
before or after, but if given before it took effect only on marriage. It was
governed by customary rules and often by special agreements consistent with its
general principles. From the time of Constantine a betrothed husband's or
wife’s gift made in view of an intended marriage was revocable by the donor, if
the donee or the wife’s father was
the cause of the marriage not taking place. And a gift from the husband, which
was now a usual incident, was treated as balancing the dowry and gradually
subjected to like treatment (468). As the dowry could be increased by the wife
or others during the marriage (notwithstanding the rule against gifts between
husband and wife), so also could the husband’s ante nuptial gift, and, if none
such had been made, he was allowed to make one not exceeding the value of the
dowry, and any agreements which had been made for a marriage settlement could
be modified accordingly. The amount of the settlement could be reduced by
mutual consent, unless there were children of the marriage, for which the
settlement was made (527). Justinian enacted (529) that all agreements for the
share to be taken by the wife in her husband’s gift after his death were to
apply to the share to be taken by the husband in the wife’s dowry on her death,
the larger share to be reduced to the smaller, and altered the phrase ante nuptias donatio to propter nuptias donatio, that
it might fit the extended character (531). In 539 he enacted that the dowry and
the marriage gift should be equal, and that in all cases of dissolution of the
marriage, whether either party married again or not, the amount coming to him
or her from the settlements of the marriage or former marriage should pass as
property to the children of the marriage and only the usufruct to the parent;
and that was to be subject to the support of the children. In 548 he enacted
that either party abstaining from a second marriage should as a reward share
with the children in the property of the dowry or nuptial gift, besides
enjoying the usufruct of the whole: and further he required that the husband or
his friends should (as in other cases of gift) record in court the amount of
his marriage gift if over 500 solidi (about equal to 500) under penalty for
omission of losing all share in the dowry.
A woman’s claim for her dowry had since 529 (and still
more since 539) precedence of almost all other claims on her husband's
property; and if her husband was insolvent she could maintain her claim on the
settled property even during his life against his creditors, and against her
father or mother or other donor unless they had expressly stipulated for its
return. Any money or securities or other property which the wife had beside her
dowry (parapherna) were not touched by any of
these agreements or statutes, but remained entirely the property of the wife
and subject to her claim and disposition. The fact was sometimes mentioned in
the dowry deed, and the husband and his property were answerable for the parapherna so far as they were under his care.
Justinian (530) allowed him to sue for them on his wife's behalf, and to use
the interest for their joint purposes, but the capital he was to deal with
according to her wish.
Second Marriages
SECOND MARRIAGES were the subject of much change of
opinion, in the minds of the Emperors at least, between Augustus and Justinian.
Under the former celibacy was not merely discouraged, but visited with the
penalty of incapacity to take an inheritance or legacy, if the man was under
sixty or the woman under fifty years of age. Constantine appears to have been
the first to modify this legislation. No doubt the declension of the Roman
population had ceased to have the importance which led to Augustus’ stringent
enactments, now that the Empire contained a wider field for supplying recruits
for the army. And the Christian Church, coming by the fourth century to count
the single life nobler than the married, and encouraging anchorite and monastic
asceticism, looked on second marriages with increasing dislike and reprobation.
The Emperors in the fourth century, though requiring the father's consent to
the re-marriage of a woman under twenty-five years of age, and severe in
condemnation and punishment of any woman who married again within ten months
(in 381 extended to one year) from the death of her husband, in other cases
interfered only to secure the interest of the children of the former marriage.
Justinian dealt with the subject in 536 and 539. As regards any property
derived from the former husband or wife the party marrying again, as already
mentioned, retained only the usufruct, the children of the former marriage
being entitled to the property in equal shares. As regards property not derived
from the former partner, the party re-marrying was disabled from giving by
dowry or otherwise or leaving to the second wife or husband more than the
smallest share of it which any child of the former marriage would get. Under
the law any excess was to be divided equally between the said children if not
If property was left to a person on condition of his
or her not marrying again, it used to be the practice to require an oath for
the observance of the condition before the property was transferred. Justinian,
in order to prevent frequent perjury and secure the execution of testator’s
intention, allowed the legatee, after a year for reflexion,
to have a transfer of the bequest, or, if it be money, the payment of interest
on it. Security had to be given, or at least an oath to be taken, by the
recipient that he would, if the condition were broken, restore the property
transferred with the profits or interest. His or her own property was tacitly
pledged by the statute (536). By second marriage a mother lost the right, which
the law usual gave her, of educating her former children, and the guardianship,
if she had it, and lost all dignities and privileges derived from her former
Divorce. Repudium
Until the year 542 marriage could be dissolved in the
life of the parties by mutual consent without special cause and with only such
consequences as were agreed between them. In that year Justinian forbade any
such divorce except in order to lead a life of chastity. For breach of this law
he enacted in 556 that both parties were to be sent into a monastery for the
rest of their lives; of their property one-third was to be given to the monastery
and two-thirds to their children: if there were no children, two-thirds to the
monastery and one-third to their parents; if they had no ascendants alive, all
to the monastery. If however husband and wife agreed to come together again,
the penalties were not enforced: if one only was willing, he or she was freed.
Justinian’s son, Justin, in 566 yielded to persistent
complaints and restored the old law permitting divorce by mutual consent.
Divorce at the instance of one party only, called repudium,
in old times was subject to no restraint, but in Augustus' time required seven
witnesses to the declaration, which was made orally or in writing and delivered
to the other party by declarant’s freedman.
Under the Emperors dissolution of marriage without
good ground was visited with penalties. Good ground was either incapacity on
the part of the husband for a period of three years from marriage, or desire to
lead a life of chastity, or captivity, combined with the other's ignorance for
five years of the captive’s being alive. In these cases, called by
Justinian divortium bona gratia,
the dowry is given back to the wife and the marriage gift to the husband, but
no penalty is incurred. On the other hand for grave crime or offence either
party may repudiate the other and gain both dowry and marriage gift. The
offences as specified by Valentinian (449) were in the main the same in both
cases, adultery, murder, enchantments, treason, sacrilege, grave-robbery,
kidnapping, forgery, attacks on the other's life, or blows: also in the case of
the man, cattle-lifting, brigandage or brigand-harboring, associating with
immodest women in presence of his wife: in the case of the woman, reveling with
other men not belonging to her, without her husband’s knowledge or consent, or
against his will going to theatres or amphitheatres or horse races, or without good cause absenting herself from his bed. Justinian
(535) added to the wife's offences willful abortion, bathing with other men,
and arranging a future marriage while still married.
By a later law (542) Justinian reduced the number of
offences which would justify repudiation to six on the part of the wife, viz.,
conspiracy against the Empire or concealing such from her husband, proved
adultery, attempt on the husband's life, banqueting or bathing with strange men
without his consent, staying out of her own house except at her parents’ house
or with her husband's consent, visiting circus shows or theatres or amphitheatres without his knowledge and approval. On the
part of the husband five offences only are to count: conspiracy against the
Empire, attempt on his wife’s life or neglect to avenge her, conniving at
others' attempts on her chastity, charging her with adultery and failing to
prove it, associating with other women in the house where his wife dwells or
frequently consorting with another woman in the same town and persisting after
several admonitions by his wife's parents or others. The regular penalty for
the guilty person in such a case and Concubinage for repudiation on other grounds
than those sanctioned by the law was forfeiture of all the settled property to
the innocent person, if there were no children, and if there were children, the
innocent person was to have the usufruct and the children the property in
remainder. In graver cases an additional amount from the other property of the
delinquent equal to one-third of the dowry or nuptial gift forfeited, was to be
so treated. Where the marriage was not accompanied by a settlement, the guilty
party was to forfeit one-fourth of his or her property to the other. By the
latest legislation (556) the penalty was to be as for dissolution merely by
mutual consent.
If a husband beat his wife with whip or stick, the
marriage was not dissoluble on that account, but he was to forfeit to her of
his own property as much as was equal to one-third of the marriage gift.
As regards persons in military or other imperial
service, Justinian eventually enacted (549) that death should not be presumed
from absence of news however long, but if the wife hear of her husband's death
she must enquire, and, if the authorities of the regiment swear to his death,
she must wait a year before marrying again. Otherwise both husband and wife
will be punished as adulterers.
Legitimation of natural children
CONCUBINAGE was a connection not merely transitory or
occasional but continuous, for the gratification of passion, not for the
founding of a family of citizens. The children, if any, had no legal relation
to their father any more than their mother had. And thus, the economical relations between the man and woman being in law
those of independent persons, gifts were not barred in concubinage as they were
in marriage.
Such a connection was a matter of social depreciation,
but not subject to moral disapprobation if the man was unmarried. Foreigners
and soldiers in the early Empire were rarely capable of contracting a regular
Roman marriage (matrimonium justum), and a looser connection became almost
inevitable. By Romans in a higher class it was rarely formed except with a
woman of inferior position, a slave or a freedwoman, and in such cases was
thought more seemly than marriage. With freeborn women it was unusual, unless
they followed some ignoble trade or profession or had otherwise lost esteem.
Constantine and other Christian Emperors viewed it with strong disfavor, and
discouraged it by refusing legal validity to all gifts and testamentary
dispositions by the man in favor of the children of the connection. On the
other hand the conversion of concubinage into marriage and consequent
legitimation of the children was encouraged, at first under Constantine, only
when there were no legitimate children already and when the concubine was a
freeborn woman. Marriage settlements having been executed, the children born
before as well as any born after became legitimate, and (if they consented)
subject to their father's power and alike eligible to his succession. After
varied legislation eventually Justinian enacted in 539 that this should apply
to freedwomen also and apply whether there were children before, legitimate or
not, and whether others were born after or not. In the previous year he had
provided that, where by the death of the mother or for other cause marriage was
not feasible, the children might be legitimated on the father’s application or
in accordance with his will; and that a woman who, trusting to a man's oath on
the Gospels or in church that he would regard her as his wife, had lived long
with him and perhaps had children, could on proving the fact maintain her position
against him and be entitled to the usufruct of a fourth of his estate, the
children having the property; if there were three children she had the usufruct
of a child's share. In 542 he provided that if a man in a public deed, or his
own writing duly witnessed, or in his will called a child by a free woman his
son without adding the epithet “natural”, this sufficed to make him and his
brothers legitimate and their mother a legitimate wife without further
As regards connections with slave women Justinian in
539 enacted that they might be legitimatized by enfranchisement and marriage
settlement, and the children of the connection though born in slavery would
thereby become free and legitimate. He had already in 531 provided that if a
man having no wife has formed such a connection and maintained it till his
death, the woman and her children should become free after his death, if he did
not make other disposition by his will.
Theodosius in 443 had introduced another mode of
improving the condition of natural children. He authorized a father either in
his life or by his will to present one or more of his natural children to the
municipal council of his town to become a member of their body, and further
authorized him to give or leave such children any amount of his property to
support their rank and position; and similarly to give his natural daughters in
marriage to members of the council. Those so presented were not allowed to
decline the position, burdensome though it was. They succeeded to their
father's intestate inheritance just as if they were legitimate, but had no
claim to the inheritance of their father's relatives. Theodosius restricted
this right to a father who had no legitimate children. Justinian (539) in
confirming the law removed this restriction but limited such a natural son's
share of the inheritance to the smallest amount which fell to any legitimate
The jus liberorum exempting
from the disabilities imposed by the Papian law was
acquired by natural as well as by legitimate children, and so also the
reciprocal rights between mother and children of intestate inheritance given by
the Tertullian and Orfitian Senates' decrees. The Papian law was abolished by Constantine (320).
Incestuous connection was not tolerated as concubinage
any more than as marriage. Children of such or other prohibited connection were
not capable of legitimation or of any claim on their parents, even for aliment.
A will in Roman law was not a mere distribution of
testator's property: it was the formal nomination of one or more persons to
continue as it were his personality and succeed to the whole of his rights and
obligations to men and gods. In early times the heir had to perform the sacred
rites of the family and to pay the debts, and if testator's property was not
sufficient, he was still liable himself in full.
The power of making a will belonged to all free
persons who were sui juris (i.e. not under the power of their
father or other ascendant), of the age of puberty, not mad at the time and not
naturally quite deaf and dumb. Spendthrifts and persons in the enemy's power
could not make a will, but a will made before interdiction or capture was good.
The procedure was simplified by Justinian, partly indeed by previous Emperors.
Seven witnesses were required, all present at the same time and subscribing and
sealing the written document containing the will.
Neither woman nor child nor anyone in the power of
testator nor slave nor deaf nor dumb nor mad nor spendthrift nor the heir named
nor anyone in the heir's power nor one in whose power the heir was, is a good
witness. There was no objection to legatees as witnesses. The testator must
sign the will and acknowledge it as his will to the witnesses, but need not
disclose its contents. If he cannot write, an eighth person must subscribe for
him. If he is blind, there must be a notary (tabellarius)
to write and subscribe the will, or at least an additional witness.
If the will be written entirely by testator and he
states this fact in the document, five witnesses suffice. Valentinian III (446)
had allowed a holographic will to be valid even without witnesses. The will
might be written on boards or paper or parchment : the material was
unimportant. Nor need the will be written at all. An oral declaration by the
testator of his will in the presence of seven witnesses was enough without
further formality.
Justinian made a concession to country people in
places where literates (i.e. persons able to read and write) were
scarce. There must be at least five witnesses, literates if possible, one or
two of whom if necessary might subscribe for the rest. In such wills the
witnesses must however be informed who are appointed heirs, and must depose
this on oath after testator’s death.
Soldiers although in the power of their fathers were
competent to make a will dealing with their separate estate (castrense peculium). If they were in actual service in camp
or had not retired more than a year, their will was
exempted from all formalities. This concession was begun by Julius Caesar and
made permanent by Trajan in the most general terms: “Let my fellow soldiers
make their testaments as they will and as they can, and let the bare will of
the testator suffice for the division of his goods”. It must however be
definitely made and understood as a will and not be a mere casual remark in
conversation. Such a will ceased to be valid after testator had left the
service for a year; he must then make his will in the ordinary form. Words
written on his shield scabbard with his blood or scratched in the dust with his
sword at the time of death in battle were allowed by Constantine as a soldier’s
A will might be revoked not only by a second will duly
made, but by cutting the threads which fastened the tablets or breaking the
seals with that intention. If ten years have elapsed, a verbal declaration of
revocation proved by three witnesses or made in court is enough. If a second
will not duly made gave the inheritance to the persons who would be entitled on
intestacy and the first will gave it to others not so entitled, the second
will, if witnessed by five persons on oath, is to prevail (439).
An informal disposition of property was sometimes made
by a testator's writing his desire in a note-book (codicilli).
The practice was introduced with Augustus' approval and was confirmed by the
great lawyer Labeo, in that he followed it himself.
It was originally connected with fideicommissa. Codicils
presupposed a will appointing an heir, and might be made more than once, before
or after the will, but should be confirmed expressly or impliedly by the will,
subsequently or by anticipatory clause. Even if no will followed, codicils were
held good, if there was evidence of testator's not having retracted his
intention, testator in such a case being deemed to have addressed his request
to the heir ab intestato. Only by
way of trust could an heir be appointed in codicils. Codicils required five
witnesses who should subscribe the written document. Testator's subscription
was not necessary if he had written the codicils himself. Oral codicils are
It became a practice for a testator in making a formal
will to insert a clause declaring that if for any cause the will should be
found invalid as a will, e.g. by the heir's non-acceptance, he
desired that it should pass as codicils. Any person claiming under the will had
to elect whether he claimed as under a will or under codicils, and to declare
his intention at the first. Parents however and children within the fourth
degree were allowed after suing on it as a will and being unsuccessful to apply
as for a trust, for they are regarded as claiming what is due, whereas
outsiders are trying to secure a gain (424).
A testator could appoint as many heirs as he pleased.
If no shares are mentioned, all take equally. If some heirs accept and others
do not, those who accept take the whole among them, the shares being in the
original proportions to each other. A testator may also provide for the
contingency of the heir or heirs named not accepting, or dying, or otherwise
failing to take, and substitute another or others on this contingency. And he
could also appoint a substitute for a child in his power becoming heir but
dying before he came of age (puberty).
Slave Heirs on condition.
Slave heirs such a case the substitute becomes heir to
the father, if the son does not become heir, and heir to the son, if the son
has become heir but dies before puberty. Nor was a testator bound to appoint
his son heir; he might disinherit him and yet appoint an heir to any property
which came to his son from inheritance or gift from others. Justinian allowed a
father to make a similar will for a son of full age who was demented.
If an heir is appointed on a condition, which at the
time of testator's death it is impossible to fulfill, the condition goes for
nothing and the appointment is absolute. But if the appointed heir is a son,
the appointment is treated as bad, and the son being thus passed over, the will
is null, and the son becomes heir on an intestacy. A condition which could be
fulfilled but involved an illegal or immoral action was treated as impossible, Papinian laying down the principle that acts should be
deemed impossible which do violence to dutiful affection, to fair repute, to
respectful modesty, and generally which are opposed to good conduct.
A testator could make one of his slaves heir, if he
also gave him his freedom. The slave then became heir of necessity, and this
plan was sometimes adopted by a testator who was insolvent, in order that the
disgrace of the estate being sold in bankruptcy might fall on him rather than on
the testator. As compensation for this misfortune, the creditors were not
allowed any right to be paid out of acquisitions made by him since testator's
Madmen, dumb, infants, posthumous, children under
power, others' slaves, were capable of being heirs.
The position of an heir as a representative of the
deceased was in many cases attended with much uncertainty and serious risk. His
own estate was liable, if testator’s was not sufficient, to pay the creditors.
If more than one person was appointed heir, each was liable in proportion to
his share as specified by testator, or, if no share was named, then in equal
shares. Testator might give away from his heirs such parts of his property as
he chose, and these legacies, unlike the heir ship, carried no unexpressed
burden with them: a legatee was a mere recipient of bounty, unless some
condition was attached: he was a successor to testator’s rights in a particular
thing only.
In such circumstances the appointed heir or heirs
could not prudently accept the inheritance until after careful inquiry into the
solvency of the estate, and even then the emergence of some previously
undiscovered debts might upset all his calculations and ruin him. Further,
besides testator’s debts, the heir is liable also to pay the legacies, and
cannot prevent the loss to the estate of the slaves to whom testator may have
given freedom by his will. Hence there might be further ground for hesitation
in accepting the inheritance, and yet if no heir named accepts, the will becomes
a dead letter, intestacy results, and the legacies and freedom fall to the
Benefit of inventory. Lex Falcidia
The first-named difficulty was met very imperfectly by
testator’s axing a period for the heir to make his decision (cretio); afterwards by statute (529) allowing an heir a
year for deliberation without his losing the right, if he died before decision,
of transmitting to his child or other successor his claim to the inheritance.
But a still more effective remedy was enacted in 531. The heir was empowered, under suitable precautions for accuracy and after inviting the
presence of creditors and legatees, to make an inventory and valuation of the
assets of the deceased, and was then not bound to discharge debts and legacies
beyond that total amount. He need not distribute the value of the estate pro
rata to the claimants, but (unless fully aware of the insufficiency of the
estate) could pay them in the order of their application. Then creditors who
had any right or priority could proceed against any posterior to themselves who
had received payment, or against holders of any property specifically pledged
to them, and all creditors not satisfied could proceed against legatees who had
been paid out of what turned out to be insufficient to cover the debts. This
provision for limiting the heir's liability was called “the benefit of an
inventory”, and heirs were thus no longer prevented from promptly accepting an
inheritance which might turn out to be ruinous.
Further difficulty arose from legacies and freedoms
left in the will. Testator’s estate might be able to meet the debts, but if
there were many or heavy charges for bequests, there might be nothing left to
make it worthwhile for the heir to accept the inheritance, and the will might
therefore be nullified. Several attempts to meet this difficulty were made, but
nothing effectual, until a Lex Falcidia was passed c.
BC 40. This law, as interpreted by the lawyers, allowed the heir or heirs, if
necessary, to reduce the amount of each legacy by so much as would leave the
heir or heirs collectively one-fourth of the inheritance in value, the value
being taken as at the time of death after deducting the value of slaves freed,
the debts, and funeral expenses. If any legacies lapsed or other gain accrued
to the heirs from the estate, this would be counted towards the Falcidian fourth (as it was called). By this arrangement
the heir was sure of getting something, if he accepted a solvent inheritance.
And as, if he refused, the will would drop and the legacies be lost, the
legatees might be willing to accept possibly a further deduction to prevent
intestacy. The application of the Falcidian law had
been so thoroughly worked out by the lawyers that Justinian seems to have found
little occasion for further enactment, except (535) to provide for the presence
of the legatees or their agents at taking the inventory, with power to put the
heir on his oath and to examine the slaves by torture for the purpose of
getting full information. An heir neglecting to make an inventory was liable to
creditors in full and could not use the Falcidian against the legatees. In 544 Justinian directed that the Falcidian should not apply to any immovable which testator had expressly desired should
not be alienated from his family, otherwise it might have now to be sold. In
535 he had directed the Falcidian not to be used, if
testator had expressly so willed.
Differences in the form of legacies led to many legal
discussions which Justinian settled by treating all the forms as having the
same effect, and giving the legatee both a direct claim to the thing bequeathed
and also a personal claim on the heir to transfer it.
Trusts. Fideicommissa
TRUSTS (Fideicommissa) were another subject of
complication. In or before the time of Augustus attempts were made by testators
to leave their estates, or a legacy, to persons legally disqualified to take
them (e.g. foreigners, Latins, unmarried persons, women in some cases). In a
trust the heir was not directed to transfer the estate or legacies but simply
requested to do so. There was no legal compulsion, the heir could fulfill the
testator's desire or not as he chose ; if the property was transferred, it was
as the act of the living heir and not therefore hampered by restrictions which
affected gifts from the dead. Augustus, after much hesitation, treated such a
desire as obligatory on the heir. Gradually such appeals to the honor and good
faith of the heir became frequent and obtained full recognition and use.
Advantage was eagerly taken of this untechnical language to get round many of
the limitations of ordinary testamentary law; and if only an heir was duly
appointed and entered on the inheritance, almost any dispositions, direct or
contingent, present or future, might be made of the estate or part of it
through him as a channel. Thus testator might secure the transfer of his estate
or of a legacy in certain events from the person first made heir or legatee to
another person. Or he might prevent his estate from being alienated from his
family by requesting the successive holders to pass it on at their deaths to
other members. And trusts might be imposed not on only named persons, but on
the heir or heirs by intestacy, in case the will should not have regular
validity. The Courts strove to give effect to the intentions of a testator
however mildly or informally expressed, and to protect the trust against the
heir. But the old difficulties then recurred: the heir might as easily be
overburdened with trusts as with legacies, and if he did not think it
worthwhile to enter on the inheritance, the will failed and the trust with it.
It was thus found necessary (c. AD 70) to ensure that any heir burdened with a
trust should get some advantage out of it; and accordingly he was empowered, if
he entered and accepted the habilities, to retain
one-fourth as by the Falcidian statute. Or if he
suspected the estate to be insolvent, he might restore, as the phrase went, the
inheritance altogether to the person favored by the trust and be free from both
risk and advantage. Otherwise he might indeed take his fourth, but would, as
partial heir, be liable for his share of the heir’s obligations. If however
testator had directed him to retain a certain thing or a certain amount, which
was equal in value at least to one fourth of the inheritance, and restore the
rest, he was regarded as a legatee and not in any way liable to the creditors
of deceased's estate. The risk and difficulty attending heirs did not arise
where a trust was imposed on a legatee; he was liable for no more than he
received; and as the validity of the will was not at stake, there was no
necessity for the law to bribe him to accept by a share of the gift.
Justinian swept away a mass of distinctions and
perplexities by putting trusts and legacies in other respects on the same
footing, giving legacies the flexibility of trusts and fortifying trusts with
the legal character and effective suits belonging to legacies. The phraseology
was held to be unimportant, the intention was to prevail. Not only the trust
but the will and legacies might now be written in Greek. When an oral trust was
added to a written will, or the will itself was oral and contained a trust, and
the regular number of witnesses had not been present on the occasion, Justinian
enacted that if the heir denied the trust, the person claiming under it should,
having first sworn to his own good faith, put the heir on his oath whether he
had not heard the testator declare the trust: the heir's answer on oath was
then decisive.
Children’s right
The Statute of the XII Tables authorized, according to
tradition, full effect to be given to a Roman’s will for the disposal of his
estate at his death. But a paterfamilias was expected to show in the will that
he had duly considered the claims of his children in his power, and especially
of his sons, they being his natural representatives. He must either appoint
them heirs or expressly disinherit them, whether they were sons by birth or by
adoption and even if posthumous. In default of such express notice, the will
was set aside. Others in his family, whether daughters or grandchildren by his
sons, had either to be appointed heirs or to be disinherited, but general terms
were sufficient, e.g. “all others are disinherited”. If no notice was taken of
them, the will was partly broken, for the daughters and grandchildren were
admitted to share with the appointed heirs. Justinian in 531 abolished the
distinction in these matters between sons and daughters and between those in
testator’s power and those emancipated, and required express notice for all.
The praetor had already in practice made the like amendments of the old civil
Plaint of unduteous will
But disinheritance, as well as disregard, of his
children imperiled the will. As next heirs on an intestacy they could complain
to the Court that the will failed in the due regard which a sane man would show
to his children. This was the “plaint of an unduteous will”. If complainant established his case, the will with all its legacies and
gifts of freedom drops and intestacy results. To establish his case he has to
prove three things: that his conduct did not justify disinheritance, that he
did not get under the will (e.g. by legacy) at least one-fourth of the share of
the inheritance to which he would have been entitled under an intestacy, and
that he had not in any way shown an acceptance of the will as valid. Parents
could in the same way complain of their children's wills, and brothers and
sisters of the testator could complain of his will, if the heirs appointed were
disreputable. An illegitimate child could complain of his mother's will. If
complainant had judgment given against him, he lost anything given him by the
will. An analogous complaint was allowed against excessive donations which
unfairly diminished a child's or parent's claim.
The value of the estate is taken for this purpose as
for the Falcidian fourth. Justinian in 528 enacted
that if complainants had been left something but not enough, the deficiency
could be supplied without otherwise upsetting the will, provided testator had
not justly charged them with ingratitude. In 536 Justinian raised the share of
the inheritance which would exclude the plaint to one-third, if there were four
or fewer children, and to one-half if there were more than four, i.e. to
one-third or one-half of what would be claimant's share on an intestacy. Thus
supposing two children, each would now be entitled to one-sixth (instead of
one-eighth) of the estate: if three children, to one-ninth: if five, to
one-tenth, and so on. Such share is called “statutory portion” (portio legitima)
and could be made up either by an adequate share of the inheritance, or by
legacy, or through a trust, or by gift intended for the purpose or by dowry or
nuptial gift or purchasable office in the imperial service (militia), or a
combination of such.
In 542 Justinian put the matter on a new footing by
requiring children to be actually named as heirs in their father’s or mother’s
or other ascendant’s will, unless the will alleged as the cause of disherison “ingratitude” on one at least of
certain grounds, and the heirs prove the charge to be true. These grounds are:
laying hands on parents, gravel insulting them, accusation of crimes (other
than crimes against the Emperor or the State), associating with practisers of evil acts, attempting parent's life by poison
or otherwise, lying with step-mother or father’s concubine, informing against
parents to their serious cost, refusing, if a son, to be surety for an
imprisoned parent, hindering his parents from making a will, associating with
gladiators or actors against his parent's wish (unless his parent was such
himself), refusing (if a daughter under twenty-five years of age) a marriage
and dowry proposed by her parent and preferring a shameful life, neglecting to
free a parent from captivity neglecting him if insane, refusing the Catholic
faith. If ingratitude is charged and established, the will is good: if it is
not established, the appointment of heirs made in the will is null, and all the
children share the inheritance equally (subject to bringing any marriage
settlement into hotchpotch), but legacies, trusts, freedoms, and guardianships
remain valid (subject of course to the Falcidian deduction).
Justinian’s final legislation
Those who have no children are required to name their
parents as heirs, unless on similar grounds (a reduced list is given) they can
be justly omitted.
Having left to children (or parents) the due amount, a
testator or testatrix can dispose of the residue at his or her pleasure, and a
mother can even exclude the father from any management of the property left to
the son, and, if the son is under age, appoint another manager. Justinian
further enacted that none but orthodox should take any part of an inheritance,
and that, if all entitled under a will or on intestacy were heterodox, in the
case of clerics the Church, in the case of laymen the Crown, should inherit.
Members of a town council (decuriones)
had since 535 been obliged if without any children, to leave three-fourths of
their estate to the council: if they had children, legitimate or illegitimate,
three-fourths or the whole according to circumstances were to go to such of
them as were or became members or wives of members of the council. The law
imposing disability for ingratitude applied here also.
A patron, if passed over in his freedman's will, could
claim a third (free from legacies and trusts) if there were no children except
such as were justly disinherited.
Succession to an intestate
In default of a will duly made and duly accepted by
the heirs named or one of them the law provided heirs. The statutable heirs
were testator's lawful children (sui heredes),
and failing these (in old times), his agnates, failing these, the clan (gens).
Gradually by the praetor's action cognates were also admitted, emancipated
children and women other than sisters were no longer excluded, other
disabilities were removed, and mother and children obtained by statute
reciprocal rights of inheritance. The husband or wife claimed only after all blood-relations.
This system is found in the Digest, Code, and Institutes. But in 543 and 548
Justinian superseded this system with its multifarious technicalities and
ambiguities, and established (but for the orthodox only) a simpler order of
succession, which is the more interesting because it largely supplied the frame
for the English Statute of Distributions for intestate personalty.
Justinian disregarded distinctions of sex, of
inclusion in or emancipation from the family, of agnates and cognates, and allowed
in certain Succession to an intestate cases the share which would have fallen
to a deceased person to be taken by his children collectively.
The first claim to succeed was for descendants.
Children (and, in default of them, grandchildren) excluded all ascendants and
collaterals and took equal shares, whether they sprang from the same marriage
or more than one, and whether the marriage was formed by regular settlements or
not. A deceased child's children took his or her share among them. Any child who
had had from his or her parents dowry o nuptial gift had to bring it into
account as part of his or her share. If a parent was alive and had a right of
usufruct in the property or part of it, that right remained.
In the next class, that is, when there is no living
descendant, come the father and mother and whole brothers and sisters of the
deceased. In this case the father does not retain any right of usufruct he may
have. If ascendants, not excluded by nearer ascendants, as well as brothers and
sisters of the whole blood are found, they all share alike (per capita).
If a brother or sister has predeceased the intestate, his or her children take
collectively his or her share. Of ascendants the nearer is preferred. If there
are only ascendants in the same degree, the estate is divided in halves between
those on the father's side and those on the mother's.
If there are neither descendants nor ascendants,
brothers and sisters are preferred, the whole blood excluding the half-blood,
even though the latter be nearer in degree; therefore a nephew or niece of the
whole blood excludes brothers and sisters of the half-blood. If there are no
brothers or sisters or children of such, either of the whole blood, or
half-blood, other relations succeed according to their degree, the nearer
excluding the remoter, and those of the same degree sharing per capita.
Degrees of relationship were reckoned by the number
births from the one person to the common ancestor added to the number from him
to the other person. Thus a nephew or uncle is in the third degree of
relationship to me, a second cousin is in the sixth, there being three births
from my great-grandfather to me and three also from him to my second cousin.
After all blood-relations are exhausted, the husband
or wife would presumably inherit as under the old law before Justinian. A poor
widow without dowry was entitled to a fourth of her husband's estate, such
fourth not exceeding 100 lbs. gold.
In the case of freedmen dying intestate, children and
other descendants have first claim: if there are none, then the patron and his
children (531).
If presbyters, deacons, monks, or nuns, die without
making a will or leaving relatives, their goods pass to the church or monastery
to which they are attached, unless they are freedmen or serfs or decurions, in
which cases they pass to the patron or lord or council respectively (434).
In default of any legal claimant the Crown took a
deceased's estate.
GIFTS were viewed by Roman Law with considerable
suspicion, partly as often made on the spur of the moment without due
reflection, partly as liable to exert an improper influence on the donee. In BC 204 a law (Lex Cincia)
was passed which forbad all gifts exceeding a certain value, and required
formal execution of gifts within that value, land to be mancipated,
goods to be delivered, investments duly transferred, etc. Any gifts
contravening the law were revocable by the donor during his life or by will.
Gifts between near relatives, either by blood or marriage, were however
excepted from the prohibition of the law.
Constantine appears to have repealed this law, and,
leaving gifts under 300 solidi free, required all gifts above that amount to be
described in a written document and recorded in court, and possession to be
given publicly before witnesses. In 529-531 Justinian further facilitated
gifts. A mere agreement was enough without any stipulation, the presence of
witnesses ceased to be necessary, and the fact of the gift was alone required
to be recorded in court and that only when its value exceeded 500 solidi.
Delivery of the object given was, according to Justinian, not so much a
confirmation as a necessary consequence of the gift, and was incumbent on the
donor and his heirs, especially if it were a gift for charitable purposes. A gift
duly made could be revoked by the donor only on clear proof of donee’s ingratitude, such as is shown by insults or attacks
on the person or property of the donor, or on non-fulfillment of the conditions
of the gift. Remuneration for a service rendered is not a gift within the
meaning of these rules.
Gifts between husband and wife, with trifling
exceptions, were absolutely void until AD 206, and the same rule applied to
gifts to either from anyone under the same fatherly power, or from those in
whose power they respectively were. But Caracalla by a decree of the Senate
made them only voidable. If the donor predeceased the donee and did not repent of the gift, the donee became
fully entitled. Gifts from either to increase the marriage settlement were
allowable (see above).
Gifts mortis causa are only to take effect if the
donor die before the donee, and are epigrammatically
characterized as something which the donor prefers himself to enjoy rather than
the donee, and the done rather than his heir. Such
gifts were valid if made in presence of five witnesses orally or in writing,
without any formality and with the effect of a legacy. The Lex Falcidia was applied to such gifts by Severus, if the heir
had not had his due out of the rest of donor's estate. Gifts for charitable
purposes (piae causae)
were encouraged by Justinian who (c. 530 and 545) directed that the bishops,
whether requested or not or even forbidden by testator, should see that any
disposition by will for such purposes was duly carried into effect; the
erection of a church should be completed within three years from the time when
the inheritance or legacy was available, a house for strangers within a year
unless one was hired until the house was built. If Charitable gifts (Piae causae) this
was not done the bishops should take the matter in hand by appointing
administrators, the heirs or legatees after such default not being allowed to
interfere. The other charitable purposes specially mentioned are houses for
aged persons or infants, orphanages, poor hospitals, and redemption of
captives. The bishops are to inspect and if necessary discharge the
administrators, bearing in mind the fear of the great God and the fearful day
of eternal judgment. All profits, from the endowment belong from the first to
the charity. Delay after admonition by the bishops made the heirs or legatees
who were charged with the charity, liable for double the endowment. Annuities
for clergy, monks, nuns, or other charitable bodies were not to be commuted for
a single sum, lest it should be spent and the claims of the future be
disregarded. The property of the testator was mortgaged for the annuity, unless
an agreement was made in writing and duly recorded for setting aside an
inalienable rent, larger than the annuity by at least one-fourth and not
subject to heavy public dues. If the bishops were slack, possibly being
corrupted by the heirs, or others, the metropolitan or archbishop was
authorized to interfere, or any citizen might bring an action on the statute
and demand the fulfillment of the charity.
If, in order to avoid the Falcidian Law, a testator leaving all his property for the redemption of captives,
appoints captives to be his heirs, Justinian (531) directed such an appointment
to be good and not void for uncertainty. The bishop and church-manager (oeconomus)
of the testator's domicile had to take up the inheritance without any gain for
themselves or the Church. Similar appointments of poor as heirs are valid, and
fall, if left uncertain by testator, to the poor-house of the place, or if
there are several such to the poorest, or if there be none such, the funds are
to be distributed to poor beggars or others in the place.
The distinctions, which existed under the early Roman
Law between land in Italy and land in the provinces with a form of conveyance (mancipatio) applicable to the former and not to the
latter, disappeared before Justinian. Under him full ownership in all land,
wherever situate, was conveyed by delivery actual or symbolical, in accordance
with agreement, or at least with the transferor's intention to part with the
property. And the same applied to all other corporal objects. Such a
distinction between real and personal property, between Property. Servitudes.
Emphyteusis land and chattels, as is found in English law, never existed with
the Romans either as to transfer of ownership between the living or in
succession to the dead. A distinction between movables and immovables is found
in some matters, e.g. a title to the former being secured by acquisition on
lawful grounds in good faith and uninterrupted possession by the holder and his
predecessor in title for three years, whereas title to the latter required like
acquisition and ten years' uninterrupted possession if claimant lived in the
same province as the possessor, or twenty years when he lived in a different
province. Further protection in some cases was given by an additional twenty
years’ possession: and claims of the Church were by a law' of 535 good against
one hundred years’ adverse possession; but in 541 the period was reduced to
forty years.
Rights in things, as distinguished from ownership,
were called SERVITUDES and were of two classes, according as the benefit of
them was attached to persons or to immovables. The principal case of the former
was usufruct, i.e. the right of use and enjoyment of profits, corresponding in
its main incidents to life tenure. A man might have a usufruct in lands or
houses or slaves or herds and even in consumables. Security had to be given to
the owner for reasonable treatment and restoration in specie or equivalent at
the expiry of the usufruct, which was lost not only by death but also by loss
of civic status : it could not be transferred to another person. Minor rights
of similar character are bare use and habitation.
The second class of servitudes corresponds to English
“easements”. They were limited rights, appurtenant to certain praedia whether farms in the country or houses
in towns. They secured to the occupier a limited control over neighboring
houses or lands, which was necessary or at least suitable for the proper use of
the dominant farm or house to which they were servient. Rights of way, of
leading water, of pasturing cattle, are instances of country servitudes: rights
of light and prospect and carrying off water are instances of urban servitudes.
They were created usually by grant and were lost by non-user for a period of
two years, which was raised by Justinian to ten or twenty years.
EMPHYTEUSIS, i.e. plantation. The
practice grew up in imperial times of tracts of country, in many cases waste
land, being held by tenants at a fixed rent (usually called canon, vectigal, pensio)
on the terms that so long as the rent was duly paid the tenant should not be
disturbed and could transmit the land to his heirs or sell or pledge it. The
owners were usually the State or the Emperor (who had a private domain) or
country towns in Italy or in the provinces. The lawyers doubted whether to
treat this contract as sale or lease. Zeno, about 480, decreed that it should
be regarded as distinct from both, and rest upon the written agreement between
lord and tenant. By Justinian’s edicts the tenant had to pay without demand the
public taxes and produce the receipts and pay the canon to the lord, who for
three (or in Obligations the case of church land, two) years’ default could
eject him. If rent and receipts were offered and not accepted, the tenant could
seal them up and deposit them with the public authority and so be safe against
eviction. If eventually the lord did not take them, the tenant could keep them,
and pay no more rent till the landlord demanded it, and then be liable only for
future rents. As regards improvements, in the absence of express stipulations,
the tenant could not sell them to outsiders, until he had offered them to the lord
at the price he could get from another, and two months had passed without the
lord’s accepting. Nor could he alienate the farm to any but suitable persons,
i.e. such as were allowed generally to hold on this tenure. The lord had to
give admission to the transferee and certify it by letter in his own hand or by
declaration before the governor or other public authority, a fee of two per
cent, of the price being demandable for such consent.
Edicts of the Emperors were not uncommon, which
granted secure possession on some such terms to anyone who cultivated waste
lands and was thus in a position to pay the tax upon them. If the lands had
been deserted by the owner, he could claim them back only on paying the
cultivator his expenses after two years his right was gone.
Besides rights which are good against all the world,
such as ownership and other rights to particular things, rights good only
against particular persons form a most important and perhaps the most notable
part of Roman Law. Such are called obligations and arise either from contract
or from delict (in English usually called "tort"). The detailed
classification of these given in the Institutes is in many respects artificial
and is not found in the other books of Justinian.
CONTRACTS are voluntary agreements between two or more
persons. The Romans required for an agreement which should be enforceable by
law some clear basis or ground of obligation. There must be either a transfer
of something from one of the parties to the other, or a strict form of words
accompanying the agreement, or there must be agreed services of one party,
usually of both. As the Romans said, the contract must be formed aut re aut verbis aut consensu.
Otherwise it was a bare agreement (nudum pactum), and, though available
for defense against a claim, it was not enforceable by suit, except so far as
it set forth the details of one of the regular contracts and was concluded in
close connection therewith, or it reaffirmed, by a definite engagement to pay,
an already existing debt of promiser’s or another (pecunia constituta).
Verbal obligations. Mutuum
It may be convenient to treat first of the most
general form. The contract made verbis was
called “stipulation” and was made by oral procedure between the parties present
at the same place. The matter and details of the agreement being stated, the
party intending to acquire right said, according to the original practice, Spondesne? “Do you promise?” to which the other
replied, Spondeo, “I promise”. But in later time any
other suitable words might be used, e.g. Dabisne?
“Will you give?” Dabo, “I will give”. The essential was that the answer should
not add to or vary the scope and conditions contained in the questions: the
agreement had to be precise. A record in writing was very usual, but not
necessary, provided the stipulation could be proved by witnesses. The drawback
in stipulation, viz., that it required the stipulator and promiser to meet, was
to some extent removed by the use of slaves or children, for they could stipulate
(though not promise) on behalf of their master or father, and the fact that
they were under his power made the contract at once his contract. A free person
sui juris could only stipulate for himself, and thus could not act as a mere
channel pipe for another. Stipulation however had this great convenience that
it was applicable to any kind of agreement, and at once elevated a mere pactum into
a strict, valid contract. The pactum was usually put in
writing and the fact of its having been confirmed by a stipulation was added to
the record. If a promise was stated, the law presumed it to be in reply to an
appropriate question: where consent was recorded, no special form of words was
necessary (472). A law of Justinian (531) enacted that such record should not be
disputable, whether the stipulation was effected through a slave or by both
parties themselves: if it stated that the slave had done it, he should be
deemed to have belonged to the party and to have been present : if it stated
the latter, the parties should be deemed to have been present in person, unless
it was proved by the very clearest evidence (Justinian delights in
superlatives) that one of the parties was not in the town on the day named.
A very important contract, resting on a transfer of
ownership, was MUTUUM, i.e. loan of money or of corn or any
other matters (often called "fungibles") in which quantity and not
identity is regarded, one sum of money being as good as any other equal sum.
The lender was entitled to recover the same quantity at the agreed time, but
had no implied right to interest unless the debtor made delay. A loan was
therefore usually accompanied by a stipulation for interest. Justinian however
in 536 enacted that a mere agreement was enough to secure interest to bankers.
If no day for payment of a loan was named, the debtor might await creditor's
application. Part payment could not be refused. Justinian (531) gave to a
debtor on loan as in other cases a right to set off against a creditor's claim
any debt clearly due from him.
The rate of INTEREST was limited by law. In Cicero's
time and afterwards it was not to exceed 12 per cent, per annum. Justinian
forbad illustres to ask more than 4
per cent, per annum. Traders were limited to 8 per cent.; other persons to 6
per cent. But interest on bottomry might go up to 12 or 12’5 per cent. Any
excess paid was to be reckoned against the principal debt. Compound interest
was forbidden altogether by Justinian, and in connection with this the
conversion of unpaid interest into principal was forbidden. And even simple
interest ceased so soon as the amount paid equaled the amount of the principal
(so Justinian 535). In loans of corn, wine, oil, etc., to farmers, Constantine
allowed 50 per cent, interest; Justinian only 12’5 per cent., and for money
lent to farmers only 4’6. He also forbad the land to be pledged to the lender.
In action on a judgment four months were allowed for payment; after that simple
interest at 12 per cent, was allowed.
Any son under his father’s power was by a senate’s decree
of the Early Empire disabled from borrowing money. Repayment of any money so
borrowed could not be enforced against either his father or his surety or
against himself (if he became independent), unless he had recognized the debt
by part payment. But the decree did not apply, where the creditor had no ground
for knowing the debtor to be under power, or where a daughter required a dowry,
or where a student was away from home and borrowed to cover usual or necessary
expenses. The fact that the borrower was grown up and even perhaps in high
public office did not prevent the decree's applying.
Other contracts made re, involved a transference not
of property but of possession. Such are COMMODATUM, gratuitous loan of
something which is to be returned in specie, and DEPOSITUM, transfer of
something for safekeeping and return on demand or according to agreement. A
third contract under this head was pignus, which calls for fuller notice.
SECURITY FOR DEBT, etc. In order to secure a person's
performance of an bligation, two means are commonly
in use: (1) giving the promise hold over some property of the promiser’s; (2)
getting a confirmatory promise from another person: in other words, pledge and
The Romans had three forms of PLEDGE : fiducia,
pignus, hypotheca. Fiducia was an old form by which the
creditor was made owner (for the time) of the property: by pignus he
is made possessor; by hypotheca he is given simply a power of
sale in case of default. Fiducia went out of use about the fourth century; it
was analogous to and probably the origin of, our mortgage, the property being
duly conveyed to the promiser, who could, subject to account, take the profits
and on default of payment as agreed, could sell and thus reimburse himself. A
power of sale was usually made by agreement to accompany pignus and hypotheca.
In pignus it formed an additional mode of compulsion on the debtor besides the
temporary deprivation of the use of his property: in hypotheca it constituted
the essence of the security. Pignus was a very old form and always continued in
use: hypotheca was no doubt borrowed from the Greeks, and we first hear of it
in Cicero’s time. It had the great convenience for the debtor that he could
remain in possession of the object pledged, and as no physical transfer was
required, it could be applied to all kinds of property, movable and
immovable, near or distant, specific or general, corporal or incoporeal (such as investments). And the creditor was not
responsible, as he was in the case of pignus, for the care and safekeeping of
the object. In other respects the law which applied to the one applied to the
other. A written contract was not necessary, if the contract could be proved
Tacit pledges were recognised in some cases. Thus the law treated as pledged to the lessor for the rent,
without any distinct agreement, whatever was brought into a house by the lessee
with the intention of its staying there. A lodger's things were deemed to be
pledged only for his own rent. In farms the fruits were held to be pledged, but
not other things except by agreement. One who supplied money for reconstructing
a house in Rome had the house thereby pledged to him; and for taxes or any debt
to the Crown (fiscus) a person's whole property was so treated: guardians’ and
curators’ property is in the same position as security to their wards;
husband's as security to the wife for her dowry (531); and what an heir gets
from testator is security to the legatees and trust-heirs; what a fiduciary
legatee gets is security to the legatee by trust.
Any clause in a pledge-agreement which provided for
forfeiture of the pledged property in default of due payment of the loan (Lex commissoria) was forbidden by Constantine. But the right of
sale for non-payment of was, in the absence of contrary agreement, deemed
inherent in pledge. It had however to be exercised with due formality after
public notice and the lapse of two years from the time when formal application
had been made to the debtor or from the judgment of the Court. Then no sale was
effected, the creditor could after further time and fresh notice petition the
Emperor for permission to retain the thing as his own. If the value of the
pledge did not equal the amount of the debt, the creditor could proceed against
the debtor for the balance; if its value was more, the debtor was entitled to
the surplus. Where the creditor was allowed to retain the thing as his own,
Justinian allowed a still further period of two years in which the debtor could
claim it back on payment of the debt and all creditor's expenses (530)
SURETIES (fidejussores)
were frequently given and were applicable to any contract, formal or informal,
and even to enforce a merely natural obligation, as a debt due from a slave to
his master. Sureties were bound by stipulation. If there were more than one,
each was liable for the whole for which the debtor was liable, but Hadrian
decided that a surety making application for the concession should be sued only
for his share, provided another surety was solvent. The creditor had the option
of suing the debtor or one of the sureties, and, if not satisfied, then the
other; but this was modified by Justinian (535), who enacted that the debtor
should be first sued if he were there, and that if he were not, time should be
given to the sureties to fetch him; if he could not be produced, then the
sureties might be sued, and after that, recourse should be had to the debtor’s
property. If sureties paid, they had a claim on the debtor for reimbursement
and for the transfer to them of any pledge he had given, but could not retain
the pledge if debtor offered them the amount of debt and interest. A surety’s
obligation passed to his heirs.
If a woman gave a guaranty for another person, even
for her husband or son or father, so as to make her liable for them, the
obligation was invalid. But she was not protected, if the obligation was really
for herself, or if she had deceived the creditor or received compensation for
her guaranty, or had after two years’ interval given a bond or pledge or surety
for it. This rule, which dates from the Early Empire (senates consultum Velleianum), was based on the theory that a woman might
easily be persuaded to give a promise, when she would not make present
sacrifice. Accordingly she was not prohibited from making gifts. Justinian
confirmed and amended the law in 530 by requiring for any valid guaranty by a
woman a public document with three witnesses, and in 556 enacted that no woman
be put in prison for debt.
The class of contracts which arise CONSENSU, i.e. by
the agreement of the parties, without special formalities or transfer of a
thing from one to the other, is constituted by Purchase and sale, Hire and
lease, Partnership, Mandate.
PURCHASE AND SALE (one thing under two names) is
complete when the parties have agreed on the object and the price, or at least
agreed to the mode of fixing the price. The agreement may be oral or in
writing: if the latter, it must be written or subscribed by the
parties and till that is done, neither party is bound. Whether the
contract is oral or written, the intended buyer, if he does not buy (in the
absence of any special agreement on the point), forfeits any earnest money he
may have given, and the vendor, if he refuses to complete, has to repay the
earnest twofold. (So Justinian 528.) The vendor is bound by the completed
contract to warrant to the purchaser quiet and lawful possession but is not
bound to make him owner. He must, however, unless otherwise agreed, deliver the
thing to the purchaser, where it is, and thereby transfer all his own right.
From the date of completion of the contract, though delivery has not taken
place, the risk and gain pass to the purchaser, but he is not owner until he has
paid the price and got delivery, and then only if the vendor was owner, or
possession for the due time has perfected the purchaser's title. The vendor is
liable to the purchaser on his covenants (e.g. in case of buyer's eviction, for
double the value), and also for any serious defects which he has not declared
and of which the purchaser was reasonably ignorant. In case of sale of an
immovable Diocletian admitted rescission when the price was much under the
value (285) . It was probably Justinian who gave generally a claim for
rescission whenever the price was less than half the real value. This ground of
rescission was later called laesio enormis, and many attempts were made to extend its
The contract of LEASE AND HIRE is similar in many
respects to that of purchase and sale. But the lessee, if evicted, has only his
claim against the lessor on his covenant to guaranty quiet possession, and has
no hold over the land, if sold by his lessor to another. In letting a farm the
lessor was bound to put it in good repair and supply necessary stabling and
plant: and, if landslip or earthquake or an army of locusts or other
irresistible force does damage, the lessor has to remit proportionably the
current rent. The like rules held of letting houses, except that plant was not
provided. The lessee had a good claim on the lessor for any necessary or useful
additions or improvements, and usually could recover his expenditure or remove
them. He was bound to maintain the leased property whether farm or house, and to
treat it in a proper manner, cultivating the farm in the usual way. He could
underlet within the limits of his term; and the law of the fifth century
allowed either lessor or lessee to throw up the contract within the first year,
without any penalty, unless such had been agreed on. The usual term of lease
was five years, at least in Italy and Africa; in Egypt one or three years.
Contracts for building a house, carriage of goods,
training of a slave, etc., come under this head, where the locator supplied the
site or other material. The conductor, who performed the service, was liable
for negligence.
PARTNERSHIP is another contract founded on simple
agreement, but also characterized, like the two last mentioned, by reciprocal
services. It was in fact an agreement between two or more persons to carry on
some business together for common account. The contributions of the members and
their shares in the result were settled by agreement, and they were accountable
to each other for gains and losses. Like other contracts it concerned only the
partners: outsiders need know nothing of it; in any business with them only the
acting partner or partners were responsible. A partner’s heir did not become a
partner, except by a new contract with common consent. A partnership came to an
end by the death of a partner, or his retirement after due notice, or when the
business or time agreed came to an end.
There was no free development of association into
larger companies, without the express approval of the State. A company
continues to exist irrespectively of the change or decease of the members,
regulates its own membership and proceedings, has a common chest and a common
representative, holds, acquires, and alienates its property as an individual.
In Rome such corporate character and rights were only gradually granted and
recognized, each particular privilege being conceded to this or that institution
or class of institutions as occasion required.
Towns and other civil communities had common property
and a Companies. Mandate common chest, could manumit their slaves and take
legacies and inheritances. They usually acted through a manager; their
resolutions required a majority of the quorum, which was two-thirds of the
whole number of councilors (decuriones) . They are
said corpus habere, “to be a body corporate”.
Other associations for burials or for religious or
charitable purposes, often combined with social festivities, were allowed to
exist with statutes of their own making, if not contrary to the general law.
But without express permission they could not have full corporate rights.
Guilds or unions of the members of a trade, as bakers, are found with various
privileges. Such authorized societies or clubs were often called collegia or sodalitates.
They were modelled more or less on civic corporations: Marcus Aurelius first
granted them permission to manumit there slaves.
The large companies for farming the taxes (publicani) or working gold or silver mines had the rights
of a corporation, but probably not so far as to exclude individual liability
for the debts, if the common chest did not suffice.
MANDATE differs from the three other contracts, which
are based on simple agreement. There are no reciprocal services and no
remuneration or common profits. It is gratuitous agency: not the agency of a
paid man of business; that would come under the head of hiring. Nor is it like
the agency of a slave; that is the use of a chattel by its owner. It is the
agency of a friend whose good faith, as well as his credit, is at stake in the
matter. The mandatee is liable to the mandator for
due performance of the commission he had undertaken, and the mandatory is
liable to him only for the reimbursement of his expenses in the conduct of the
Similar agency but unauthorized, without any contract,
was not uncommon at Rome, when a friend took it upon himself to manage some
business for another in the latter's absence and thereby saved him from some
loss or even gained him some advantage. The swift process of the law courts in
early days seems to have produced and justified friendly interference by third
parties, which required and received legal recognition. The person whose
affairs had thus been handled had a claim upon the interferer for anything
thereby gained, and for compensation for any loss occasioned by such perhaps
really ill-advised action or for negligence in the conduct of the business, and
was liable to reimburse him for expenses, and relieve him of other burdens he
might have incurred on the absentee's behalf. Such actions were said to
be negotiorum gestorum,
“for business done”.
But in Rome the usual agent was a slave; for anything
acquired by him was thereby ipso facto acquired for his master, and for any
debt incurred by him his master was liable up to the amount of his slave’s
peculium; and if the business in question was really for the master’s account
or done on his order the master was liable in full. And though in general
when the master was sued on account of his slave (de peculio)
he had a right to deduct from the peculium the amount of any debt due to
himself, he had no such right when he was cognizant of the slave's action and
had not forbidden it; he could then only claim rateably with other creditors. A son or daughter under power was for these purposes in
the same position as a slave.
It was rarely that the Romans allowed a third party
who was a freeman and independent to be privy to a contract. The freeman
acquired and became liable for himself, and the principals to the contract in
case of such an agent had to obtain transfers from him of the rights acquired:
they could not themselves sue or be sued on the agent's contract. But two cases
were regarded by Roman Law as exceptional. When a person provided a ship and
appointed a skipper in charge of it, he was held liable in full for the
skipper's contracts in connection with it, if the person contracting chose to
sue him instead of the skipper. And the like liability was enforced, if a man
had taken a shop and appointed a manager over it. In both cases the rule held,
whether the person appointing or appointed was man or woman, slave or free, of
age or under age. The restriction of the owner's liability to the amount of the
slave's peculium disappeared, and the privity of contract was recognized
against the appointer, although the skipper or manager who actually made the
contract was a free person acting as mediary. But
this recognition was one-sided: the principal did not acquire the right of
suing on the skipper's or manager's contract, if the latter were free; he must,
usually at least, obtain a transfer of the right of suit from him, the transfer
being enforced by suing the skipper or manager as an employee or mandatee.
Agency. Equitable interpretation
At one time there was a marked difference between the
consensual contract along with most of those arising re on the one hand, and on
the other hand stipulation and cash-loan (mutuum). In actions to enforce
the former the judge had a large discretion, and the standard by which he had
to guide his decisions or findings was what was fairly to be expected from
business men dealing with one another in good faith. In actions to enforce the
latter the terms of the bargain were to be observed strictly: the contract was
regulated by the words used: the loan was to be repaid punctually in full.
Gradually these latter contracts came to be treated similarly to the former so
far as their nature permitted, and by Justinian's time the prevalence of equity
was assured: the intention of the parties was the universal rule for
interpretation of all contracts, and reasonable allowance was made for
accidental difficulties in their execution, when there was no evidence of
Two modes were adopted in classical times for dealing
with the engagements or position of parties where the terms and characteristics
of a proper contract in due form were not found. One was to treat the
matter on the analogy of some contract the incidents of which it appeared to
resemble. Thus money paid on the supposition of a debt, which however proved
not to have existed, was recoverable, as if it had been a loan. Money or
anything transferred to another in view of some event which did not take place
was recoverable, as if paid on a conditional contract, the condition of which
had not been fulfilled.
Another mode was for the complainant, instead of
pleading a contract, to set forth the facts of the case and invite judgment on
the defendant according to the judge's view of what the equity of the case
required. Thus barter was not within the legal conception of purchase and sale,
for that must always imply a price in money, but it had all other
characteristics of a valid contract and was enforced accordingly on a statement
of the facts. If a work had to be executed for payment but the amount of
payment was left to be settled afterwards, this was not ordinary hire, which is
for a definite remuneration, but might well be enforced on reasonable terms.
Before leaving contracts, which are the largest and
most important branch of obligations, it is as well to point out that the
transfer of an obligation, whether an active obligation, i.e. the right to
demand, or a passive obligation, i.e. the duty to pay or perform, is attended
with difficulties not found in the transfer of a physical object, whether land
or chattels. An obligation being a relation of two parties with one another
only, it seems contrary to its nature for A, who has a claim on B, to insist on
payment from C instead; or for D to claim for himself B's payment due to A.
With the consent of all parties, the substitution is possible and reasonable,
but the arrangement for transfer must be such as to secure D in the payment by
B, and to release B from the payment to A. Two methods were in use. At A’s
bidding D stipulates from B for the debt due to A: B is thereby freed from the
debt due to A and becomes bound to D. This was called by the Romans a novation,
i.e. a renewal of the old debt in another form. Similarly A would stipulate
from C for the debt owed by B to A. This being expressly in lieu of the former
debt frees B and binds C. These transfers being made by stipulation require the
parties to meet. The other method was for A to appoint D to collect the debt
from B and keep the proceeds, the suit being carried on in A's name, and the
form of the judgment naming D as the person entitled to receive instead of A.
Similarly in the other case C would make A his representative to get in B's
debt. In practice no doubt matters would rarely come to an actual suit. The
method by representation was till 1873 familiar enough in England, a debt being
a chose in action and recoverable by transferee only by a suit in the name of
the transferor.
Gradually from about the third century it became
allowable for the agent in such cases to bring an analogous action in his own
Delicts. Lex Aquilia
The other important class of obligations besides
contracts are delicts or torts. They arise from acts which without legal
justification injure another's person or family or property or reputation. Such
acts, if regarded as likely to be injurious not only to the individual but to
the community, become subjects for criminal law: if not so regarded, are
subject for private prosecution and compensation. In many cases the injured
person had a choice of proceeding against the offender criminally or for
private compensation. The tendency in imperial times was to treat criminally
the graver cases, especially when accompanied with violence or sacrilege.
The principal classes of delicts were: theft, wrongful
damage, and insult (injuriarum). Theft is
taking or handling with a gainful intention any movable belonging to another
without the owner's consent actual or honestly presumed. Usually the theft is
secret: if done with violence it is treated with greater severity as robbery (rapina). Any use of another's thing other than he
has authorized comes under this tort, and not only the thief but anyone giving
aid or counsel for a theft, is liable for the same. Not only the owner, but
anyone responsible for safekeeping can sue as well as the owner. The penalty
was ordinarily twofold the value of the thing stolen, but, if the thief was
caught on the spot, fourfold the value. If the offence was committed by a slave
the master could avoid the penalty by surrendering the slave to the plaintiff.
In early days such a surrender of a son or daughter in their father's power was
possible, but probably rare. Robbery was subjected to a penalty of fourfold the
value. Cattle-driving was usually punished criminally. Theft from a man by a
son or slave under his power was a matter of domestic discipline, not of legal
process. Theft by a wife was treated as theft, but the name of the suit was
softened into an action for making away with things (rerum amotarum).
Wrongful damage rested even till Justinian’s time on a
statute (Lex Aquilia) of early republican date which received characteristic
treatment from lawyers' interpretations extending and narrowing its scope. It
embraced damage done whether intentionally or accidentally to any slave or
animal belonging to another, or indeed to anything, crops, wine, nets, dress,
etc., belonging to another, provided it was done by direct physical touch, not
in self-defense nor under irresistible force. If the damage was caused by
defendant but not by corporal touch, the Romans resorted to the device of
allowing an analogous action by setting forth the facts of the case, or by
express statement of the analogy. The penalty was in case of death assessed at
the highest value which the slave or animal had within a year preceding the
death; in case of damage only, the value to the plaintiff within the preceding
thirty days. But condemnations under this head of wrongful damage did not
involve the infamy which belonged to theft; that was purposed, this was often
the result of mere misfortune. Surrender of a slave who had caused
the damage was allowed to free the defendant as in the case of theft. Damage
done to a freeman's own body was hardly within the words of the statute; and
compensation could be obtained only by an analogous action.
The third class was confined to cases of malicious
insult but had a very wide range. It included blows or any violence to
plaintiff or his family, abusive language, libelous or scandalous words,
indecent soliciting, interference with his public or private rights. Not only
the actual perpetrator of the insult, but anyone who procured its doing, was
liable. The character of the insult was differently estimated according to the
rank of the person insulted and the circumstances of the action. The damages on
conviction were, under a law of Sulla which in principle remained till
Justinian, assessable by plaintiff subject to the check of the judge. Many of
these acts, especially when of an aggravated character, were punished
criminally, even by banishment or death.
A fourth class of torts (sometimes called quasi ex
delicto) makes defendant liable not for his own act but for injury caused by
anything being thrown or falling from a room occupied by him near a right of
way, or for theft or injury perpetrated in a shop or tavern or stable under his
control. The penalty is put at double the estimated damage, except that, if a
freeman is hurt, no estimate of damage to a free body was held possible, and
the penalty was therefore the amount of medical expenses and loss of work: if
he was killed, it was put at fifty guineas (aurei).
In classical times the parties after summons approached
the praetor and asked for the appointment of a judex to hear and decide the
suit. Instructions proposed by plaintiff and sometimes modified by the praetor
at the request of the defendant were agreed to by the parties, who then joined
issue, and the formula containing these instructions was sent to the judex
named. The judex heard and decided the case, and, if he found against the
defendant, condemned him in a certain sum as damages. But in some few matters
the praetor, instead of appointing a judex in the ordinary course, kept the
whole matter in his own hands. This extraordinary procedure became in
Diocletian’s time the ordinary procedure, and the praefect or the governor of a
province or the judex appointed by them heard the case from the first without
any special instructions. In the fourth century the case was initiated by a
formal notice (litis denuntiatio) to the
defendant; but in Justinian's time by plaintiff's presenting to the Court a
petition (libellus) containing his claims on
the defendant, who was then summoned by the judge to answer it. If he did not
appear, the judex after further summons examined and decided
the matter in his absence.
Either party before joinder of issue had the right of
refusing the judex proposed by the governor, etc. Three days
were then allowed them to choose an arbitrator, and in case of disagreement the
governor or other authority appointed. Jews' suits whether relating to their
own superstition or not could be heard by the ordinary tribunals, but by
consent they might have the case heard by an arbitrator who was a Jew.
Soldiers and officials were not exempt from being sued
before the civil tribunals on ordinary matters. Constantine in a constitution
of 333 (if genuine) gave either party the right even against the will of the
other to have the case transferred to the bishop at any stage before final
judgment. But Arcadius in 398 repealed this and required the consent of both
parties, so that the bishop was only an arbitrator and his judgment was
executed by the ordinary lay officers.
The judices were to act on the
general law, said Justinian (541), and during their task were not to expect or
accept any special instruction for deciding the case. If any application were
made to the Emperor, he would decide the matter himself and not refer it to any
other judex. A judex was authorized, if in doubt about the interpretation of a
law, to apply to the Emperor.
No suits excepting those touching the Crown (fiscus),
or public trials were to be extended beyond three years from the commencement
of the hearing. When only six months remained of this period, the judex was to
summon either party, if absent, three times at intervals of ten days, and then
to examine and decide the matter, the costs being thrown on the absentee (531).
The courts were open all the year, with the exception
of harvest and wine-gathering (sometimes defined as 24 June to 1 August, and 23
August to 15 October), also seven days before and after Easter, also Sundays,
Kalends of January, birthdays of Rome and Constantinople, birthday and
accession of Emperor, Christmas, Epiphany, and time of commemoration of the
“Apostolical passion” (Pentecost). Neither law proceedings nor theatrical shows
were allowed on Sundays; but Constantine exempted farmers from observance of
Sundays. No criminal trials were held in Lent.
Private suits and questions of freedom were to be
tried at defendant’s place of residence, or of his residence at the date of the
contract. So Diocletian, (293) following the old rule, actor rei forum sequatur. Suits in rem, or for a fideicommissum, or
respecting possession should be brought where the thing or inheritance is.
Justin (526) forbade any interference with a burial on
the ground of a debt due from deceased; and invalidated all payments, pledges,
and sureties obtained in these circumstances. Justinian (542) forbade anyone
within nine days of a person’s death to sue or otherwise molest any of his
relatives. Any promise or security obtained during this period was invalid.
The person who puts forth a claim or plea has to prove
it. The possessor has not to prove his right to possess, but to await proof to
the contrary. Thus one who is possessed of freedom can await proof by a
claimant of his being his slave. But one who has forcibly carried off or
imprisoned another, whom he claims to be his slave, cannot on the ground of
this forcible possession throw the burden of proof on his opponent. To prove a
purchase it is not enough to produce a document describing the fact, but. there
must be shown by witnesses the fact of purchase, the price paid, and possession
of the object formally given.
To prove relationship, the fact of birth and the
parents’ marriage, or adoption by them must be shown: letters between the
parties or application for an arbiter to divide the family inheritance are not
Persons who have admitted a debt in writing cannot
prove payment without a written receipt, unless they produce five unimpeachable
witnesses to the payment in their presence. But as a general rule they are not
bound by a statement in the document of debt of their having originally
received the money, wholly or partly, if they can prove within 30 days after
the production of the document that the stated money had not been paid them.
All witnesses must be sworn. One suspected of giving
false evidence can be put to the question at once, and, if convicted, can be
subjected by the judge hearing the case to the penalty to which the defendant
was liable against whom he had given the false evidence. A single witness
without other evidence proves nothing, and Constantine enacted (334) that he
should not be heard in any suit. All persons (enacted Justinian 527) with like
exceptions as in criminal cases are compellable to give evidence. Slaves were
sometimes examined under torture.
No judge was to commence the hearing until he had the
Scriptures placed before the tribunal, and they were to remain there until
judgment. All advocates had to take an oath, touching the Gospels, that they
would do what they could for their clients in truth and justice, and resign
their case if they found it dishonest (530). Both plaintiff and defendant had
to take an oath to their belief in the goodness of their cause (531).
Justinian among other rules respecting documents
enacted these: All persons are compellable to produce documents who are
compellable to give evidence. The production is to be in the court, at the
expense of the person requiring it. Anyone declining to produce on the ground
that he will be injured thereby, must, if this is contested by the other party,
make oath of his belief and also that it is not any bribe or fear or favor of
someone else that deters him.
All documents were to be headed with year of Emperor,
consul, indiction, month and day.
Contracts of sale, exchange, and gift (if not such as
must be officially recorded), of earnest and compromise and any others arranged
to be in writing, were not valid, unless written out fair and subscribed by the
parties; if written by a notary, he must complete and sign them and be present
himself at their execution by the parties (528 and 536). In 538 it was directed
that contracts of loan or deposit or other should, even when written, have at
least three witnesses to their completion, and when produced for proof be
confirmed by oath of the producer.
In lieu of proof by witnesses or documents, oaths were
sometimes resorted to. The judge might propose to one of the parties to support
his allegation by an oath, and, if the oath was taken, the judge would naturally
decide that point in his favor. But either party might challenge the other,
either before trial or in the course of it, to swear to some particular matter,
and if the party so challenged swore in the terms of the challenge, the matter
would be held to be decided as much as by a judgment, and in any further
dispute between the parties or their sureties or persons joined with them the
oath if relevant could be pleaded or acted on as decisive. And the same result
ensues, if the party to whom the oath is tendered declares his readiness to
swear and the other then waives the demand. The party called on to swear may
instead of taking the oath retort the demand, and the other party is then in
the same position as if the oath had been originally tendered to him. In
earlier times probably such tender of oath could be declined in most cases
without prejudice, but Justinian apparently makes no restriction, and a
defendant for instance to an action for money lent, if plaintiff tendered him
an oath whether it was due or not, had no choice except either to take the oath
or admit the debt, unless indeed he retorted the tender. Plaintiff, if he
accepted the retort, would have first to swear to his own good faith and then
could establish his claim by the oath. In all cases the oath, if it is to carry
the consequence stated, must not be volunteered, but taken in reply to the
challenge and must conform precisely to the terms.
The requirement of an oath was also resorted to in
some cases by the judge in order to compel obedience, wrongly refused, to an
interlocutory decision. The plaintiff was allowed to fix the damages himself,
by an oath of the amount due. This was called in litem jurare, “to swear to the disputed aim”.
The criminal law was put in force either on the
magistrate’s own initiative or by private persons. Women and soldiers were not
admitted as accusers, unless the crime was against themselves, or their near
relatives. Anyone desiring to bring an accusation had to specify the date and
place of the crime and to give a surety for due prosecution. Laws of
Constantine, and Arcadius, retained by Justinian, directed that any servant (familiaris) or slave bringing an accusation against
his master should be at once put to death before any inquiry into the case or
production of witnesses. And the like was enacted (423) in the case of a
freedman accusing his patron. Excepted from this rule were cases of adultery,
high treason, and fraud in the tax-return (census). An accuser not proving his
case was (373) made subject to the penalty belonging to the crime charged. A
like rule of talion was prescribed in some other cases.
A law of 320 prescribed that in all cases, whether a
private person or an official was prosecuting, the trial should take place
immediately. If accuser were not present or the accused’s accomplices were
required, they should be sent for at once, and meantime any chains that were
put on the accused should be long ones, not close-fitting handcuffs; nor should
he be confined in the inmost and darkest prison but enjoy light, and at night,
when the guard is doubled, be allowed in the vestibules and more healthy parts
of the prison. The judge should take care that the accusers do not bribe the gaolers to keep the accused back from a hearing and starve
them: if they do, the officers should be capitally punished. The sexes were to
be kept apart (340). Justinian in 529 forbade anyone being imprisoned without
an order from the higher magistrates, and directed the bishops to examine once
a week into the cause of imprisonment, and to ascertain whether the prisoners
were slave or free and whether imprisoned for debt or crime. Debtors were to be
let out on bail: if they had no bail they were to have a hearing and be let out
on oath, their property being forfeited if they fled. Freemen charged with
lesser crimes to be let out on bail, but if the charge were capital and no bail
was allowed, imprisonment was not to extend beyond one year. Slaves to be tried
within 20 days. The bishops, as ordered by Honorius, had to report any
remissness in the magistrates. Private prisons were forbidden altogether by
Justinian (529).
The accused was examined by the judge. If a slave was
accused, torture was sometimes applied to elicit a confession. In republican
times a freeman was not liable to this. Under the Empire the rule was broken,
but persons of high rank were exempt, except where the charge was treason (majestas) or magical arts.
The judge could compel anyone to give evidence except
bishops and high officers and old and sick persons or soldiers or attendants on
magistrates at a distance. A private accuser had similar powers, but for a
limited number. Defendant could call witnesses, but had no power of compulsion.
Parents and children were not admissible as witnesses
against one another, nor were other near relatives; nor freedmen against their
patron. Slaves were not admissible to give evidence against their master,
except in cases of treason, adultery or fraud on the revenue.
As a rule slaves were used as witnesses only in
default of others. They were examined, and if their statements were not
satisfactory, torture was applied.
If after trial the accused was acquitted, the old
practice (retained by Justinian) was for the judge to examine into the conduct
of the accuser, and, if he found no reasonable ground for the accusation, to
hold him guilty of calumny. For collusion with the accused he might be held
guilty of prevarication. Nor was an accuser allowed to withdraw from an
accusation once undertaken, especially if the accused had been long in
prison or had been subjected to blows or chains. But if the accused consented
or had not been harshly treated, withdrawal (abolitio)
was generally permitted, except on charges of treason or other grave crimes.
An accuser, once desisting, could not take the charge
up again. A general indulgence, by which all persons accused (with certain
exceptions) were released, was decreed by Constantine in 322 on account of the
birth of a son to Crispus. In later years the like indulgence was granted at Easter,
and apparently in 385 it was made a standing rule.
Persons charged with poisoning, murder, adultery, evil
magic, sacrilege, or treason, and sometimes other offenders, were excepted.
Most of the legislation on crime goes back to the
Republic or to Augustus. The law of treason (majestas)
is based on a law of the latter. Treason consists in doing anything against the
Roman people and includes all assistance to the enemy, attacks on Roman
magistrates, intentional injury to the Emperor's statues, collecting for
seditious purposes armed men in the city, refusal to leave a province on the
appointment of a successor, making false entries in public documents, etc.
Abuse or other insult to the Emperor required careful inquiry as to the motive
and sanity of the accused; punishment was to await a report to the Emperor. If
an accuser failed to establish his charge, he was liable to be examined by
torture himself, notwithstanding any privilege from military service, birth, or
dignity. The punishment for treason was death and forfeiture of property.
Conspiracy to compass the death of the Emperor's councilors subjected even the
sons of the criminal to incapacity for succession to any inheritance or legacy,
and to be reduced to such want that “death would be a comfo
By a law of Sulla, maintained and developed by the
Emperors, murder, magical arts, nocturnal incantations or rites to exert unholy
influence over persons, desertion to the enemy, stirring up seditions or
tumult, bribing witnesses or judges to act falsely, were punished with death in
the case of all but the privileged class. So also consulting soothsayers
(haruspices) or mathematicians respecting the health of the Emperor,
introduction of new sects or unknown religions to excite men’s minds, forgery
or suppression of wills, forgery of seals, coining, melting or mutilating
coinage were sometimes punished capitally. Coining was regarded as treason
Constantine (318) forbade under pain of burning any
soothsayer from crossing the threshold of another person, even though an old
friend, but in the case of magical arts distinguished between those directed
against another's safety or chastity, and remedies for disease or country
spells against heat or rain upon the crops. Constantius (358) was also severe
against all divination, etc. Valentinian (364) forbade all nocturnal religious
rites, but relaxed this prohibition on the proconsul of Greece representing
that life then would be intolerable.
Adultery could be charged only by the nearest
relatives: husband, father, brother, uncle, first cousin. The husband had precedence
for sixty days, then the father having the woman in his power, then after the
like time outsiders, who however could not accuse her while married, unless the
adulterer had first been convicted.
A father was justified in killing his daughter (if in
his power) if he caught her in adultery at his or his son-in-law’s house, and
in killing the adulterer also, but if he killed one and spared the other, he
was liable for murder. A husband was justified in killing his wife so caught,
but the adulterer only if he was a slave or freedman or pander or player or a
condemned criminal. The husband was otherwise bound to repudiate his wife at
once. Justinian (542) justified a husband's killing anyone suspected of illicit
intercourse with his wife, if, after sending her three warnings supported by
evidence of trustworthy persons, he found her conversing with the adulterer in
his own or her house or in taverns or suburban places. For making assignations
in church the husband after like warnings could send both the wife and man to
the bishop for punishment as adulterers according to the laws.
A husband who retained a wife detected in adultery, or
compounded for her release, was guilty of pandering. So also was anyone who
married a woman convicted of adultery. One accused of adultery and escaping, if
he consorted with the woman again, was to be seized by any judge and without
further trial to be tortured and killed.
By a law of Augustus (Lex Julia) the punishment for
adultery was banishment, and for the man, forfeiture of half his property, for
the woman, forfeiture of half her dowry and a third of her property.
Constantine and Justinian made the punishment death by the sword for the man.
Justinian (556) sent the woman into a monastery after being flogged. The like
punishments were ordained for stuprum, i.e. intercourse with an
unmarried woman or widow, who was neither in the relation of concubine nor a
person of disreputable life.
Anyone who without agreement with her parents carried
off a girl was to be punished capitally, and the girl herself if she consented.
A nurse who persuaded her to do so was to have her throat and mouth filled with
molten lead. If the girl did not consent, she was still deprived of right of
succession to her parents for not having kept within doors or raised the
neighbors by her cries. The parents, if they overlooked the matter, were to be
banished: other assistants to be punished capitally, slaves to be burnt. So
Constantine in 320. Constantius limited the penalty of free persons to death
(349). Eventually Justinian punished ravishers and their aiders with death and
confiscated their property for the benefit of the injured woman.
PUNISHMENTS were not the same for all persons. Three
classes of persons were recognized in Justinian's Digest : honestiores, humiliores or tenuiores, servi.
I. The first class contained the imperial senators and
their agnatic descendants to the third degree; knights with public horses;
soldiers and veterans and their children; decurions. They were not liable to
the penalty of death except for parricide or treason or except by an imperial
order, nor to the mines or compulsory work or beating. The usual malty was
deportation to an island, in some cases combined with confiscation of part of
their property. Deportation involved loss of citizenship.
II. The second class were punished for grave offences
by death, more frequently by condemnation to the mines preceded by beating and
accompanied with chains. This punishment was usually for life and involved loss
of citizenship and property. It formerly involved loss of freedom, but this was
abolished by Justinian in 542. Banishment (relegatio)
might be for life or for a time, and citizenship was not lost.
The death penalty for free persons was usually
beheading, in and after second century by sword, not axe; rarely, and only for
the gravest offences, crucifying or burning. Beating or torturing to death,
strangling and poisoning, were forbidden.
Justinian in 556 enacted that for crimes involving
death or banishment the property of the criminals should not be confiscated
either to the judges or officials, or, as according to the old law, to the fisc, but should pass to their descendants, or, if there
were none, to the ascendants up to the third degree. He also enacted that where
the law ordered both hands or both feet to be cut off, one only should be cut,
and that joints should not be dislocated. No limb should be cut off for theft,
if without violence.
Constantine (318) re-enacted the punishment assigned
by old practice to parricide, viz., the criminal to be beaten with rods, sewn
up in a sack with a dog, cock, viper and ape, and thrown into a deep sea, if
near, or into a river. Justinian retained the law, but confined it to murderers
of father, mother, and grandfather and grandmother, whereas it had previously
been applicable to many other relatives.
III. Slaves were punished for grave crime by
beheading, sometimes by crucifying or burning or exposure to wild beasts: for
lesser crimes by work in the mines. Flogging was usual in many cases, and
regularly preceded capital punishment. Imprisonment was not used as a
punishment, but only as security for trial.
Heretics were deprived by Constantine (326) of all
privileges given on the ground of religion and were forbidden (396) to occupy
any place for worship. In 407 Manichaeans and Donatists were ordered to be
treated as criminals; they forfeited all their property to their next of kin
(if free from heresy) and were incapable of succession, of giving, of buying
and selling, of contracting, of making a will; their slaves were to be held
guiltless only if they deserted their masters and served the Catholic Church.
In 428 Manichaeans were to be expelled from their towns,
and given over to extreme punishment, and a long list of heretics was forbidden
to meet and pray anywhere on Roman soil. In 435 Nestorians, in 455 the
followers of Eutyches and Apollinarius were to have
their books burnt, and were forbidden to meet and pray. In 527 heretics,
Greeks, Jews, and Samaritans were rendered incapable of serving in the army, of
holding civil office except in the lower ranks and then without a chance of
promotion; and were disabled from suing orthodox Christians for private or
public debts. Children of heretics, if themselves free from the disease, might
take their legal share of their father's property, and their fathers were to
support them and to give dowries to their daughters.
In 530 Montanists like other heretics were forbidden
to assemble, to baptize, to have Communion, and to receive charitable alms from
law courts or churches.
In suits against orthodox, whether both parties or
only one be orthodox, heretics and Jews were not good witnesses, but only in
suits among themselves. Even this was not applicable to Manichaeans,
Montanists, pagans, Samaritans, and some others; for they being criminals were
incapable of bearing witness in judicial matters; they were however allowed as
witnesses to wills and contracts, lest proof should be difficult.
A law of Augustus, confirming analogous republican
practice, forbade any Roman citizen who appealed to the Emperor being killed,
tortured, beaten, or put into chains even by the governor or other high
magistrate. This is retained in Justinian's Digest.
Several constitutions at the end of the fourth century
(398) were directed against attempts of clergy or monks to prevent due
execution of sentences on criminals or debtors.
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