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Here is the best kept secret in the world. During the 3,500 years that have passed from Moses to Christ Raul, no human being was allowed to open the Seal with which YAHWEH God ordained that the History of the Creation of the Heavens and the Earth remained beyond the reach of the intelligence of the millennia; until the Day in his Fixed Foreknowledge, it is understood.

When this Seal is opened, and the Hieroglyph written by Moses is exposed to the reading of all nations, the Wisdom of Yahweh God, its Forger, is magnified to infinity, all the more so since the wise men and geniuses of all ages have tried to open this Seal, to read its Contents, and they could not.

The Intelligence of YAHWEH God, Creator of the Universe, is all the higher and more inaccessible when it is seen that the man to whom He has given the glory of opening this Seal and reading its Content to all nations is nothing but a man with no other studies than the elementals natural to his time and people.

Obviously, the strength to be overcome by this Book is multiplied by that number of men who, frustrated by their inability to open the Seal of Genesis, agreed with themselves to proceed with the impossibility of the fact that the biblical account of Genesis is nothing more than "a metaphor without any scientific content."

Human intelligence created to rise to the image of divine intelligence, as it reads, "let us make man in our image and in our likeness", that frustration could not but bring to light a vision about the origin of the Universe born to drown human ignorance and keep afloat "the all-power of scientific Reason". The fruit of this emotional duality brought to the world a godless cosmology, defensive in the first instance, and offensive, i.e., anti-creationist, later, in order to save human greatness over "the death of God."

Now, God does not lie; not in vain did He say of Himself: "I am the Truth". Thus having written in the form of a Hieroglyph the Memory of the Creation of our Universe, on the same Ground of Impossibility of penetrating into His Text, without entering into the Hand of its Author, and because the Impossibility manifests itself in the Fall of the Science of the Twentieth Century into the abysses of Nazism,  because of this Impossibility the existence of the Text became a Promise of Opening, to be fulfilled, thanks to Christ, on a date known exclusively to Him.

In short, that the Seal was to be opened and the Mystery of its Content to come to light.

Now, since the Scientific Atheism of the Nineteenth Century has evolved into the Cosmology of the Twentieth Century, and the Twentieth Century has built an artificial structure to the unreal edifice of its fictitious image of the Universe in Time and Space, the clash between such artificial and fictitious vision and the true image of the Universe is logical.  here open, it must make sparks fly.

Let us say that the need to found on pseudo-scientific principles a cosmological image without any support in the structure of Reality raised, around that castle in the air that was the CSXX, a whole neopagan religion, the universities for temples and the Academy of Sciences for the Vatican, thus demonstrating, even in its atheism,  that any human structure that aspires to be invincible must follow the model that Christ set in life: the Catholic Church.

In their aspirations to immortality, both the Third Reich and the Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist Party did not hesitate to adapt the Catholic structure to their parties. The anti-creationist atheism of the CSXX was not going to be less, nor would it fail to bring that copy to its perfection, all the more so since among its masons were the geniuses who gave birth to the Atomic Age.

God's task in this age is not small, nor small.

But it is in impossibility that Divine Omniscience and Omnipotence manifest themselves in their true infinite and eternal nature.

As for the literary aspect, all the defects of this little book must be attributed to me. Being an Introduction does not imply infallibility or dogma. However, since its foundations have been laid by the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth Himself, any break with those foundations is to reopen the door to the World Wars.

Over the years my thinking has grown. The original substrate remains.

The reading of this little book is not easy, nor do I intend to adapt my style to the laws of commerce. It is all the less easy for me, as complex has been the artificial structure that the Cosmology of the Twentieth Century built for the Atheism of the Scientific Class.

There were many geniuses who used Newton's backs as leverage towards Einstein's. Ignoring the technological and scientific revolutions experienced by the past two centuries, the heirs of that Cosmological System, founded on a Hypothesis whose greatness consisted in having reinvented a Universe existing only in their heads, the Astronomers of our days prefer to continue working with their eyes closed to the Data than to compromise that Marvelous Cosmological Edifice created by man and,  under the weight of evidence, having to sign the Demolition of the Religion of Atheism of the Twentieth Century. Divine Truth, however, is Invincible. The Data stored in the Astronomical Memory of the 21st Century rises to bring down that castle in the air that was the CSXX with a slap.

The Dynamic Structure of our Heavens, this Firmament of the Heavens that every night opens our eyes to the immensities of its Creation, and that for reasons of Historical Social Barbarism men have been alienated from their free contemplation, slaves as they are of an Animal Social System founded precisely on that Cosmological System from whose bosom all the Evils of the Twentieth Century were born; when we study the Physical Data that Natural Astronomy serves us, we discover an Edifice of infinite Beauty whose Foundations open the eyes of Thought to the Existence of a Creative Wisdom established on the limitless Intelligence of an Almighty Being whose Force has been placed at the Service of the Tree of the Sciences of the Creation of Universes,  in whose Activity his Being acquires the Supernatural Properties that are proper to the Creator of the Cosmos:

Omniscience and Omnipotence.

It is logical, then, that in the face of the being or not being of the CSXX, as long as it is the Religion of Science, the astronomers of our days follow with their eyes closed to the evidence that the Universal Astrophysical Data puts on the table.

My work in this Context is to make the difficult simple and to show that the Light that blinds the eyes is the Light that opens the Intelligence of the human creature to the Image of the Divine Intelligence of its Creator. For one continues to prefer to work under the animal condition solely and exclusively for the fear of living a Freedom that, in the Image and Likeness of the Divine, conquers everything and faces the problems of Space and Time with the victorious consciousness of one who has learned that Living is an Adventure, an Epic in constant and continuous advance towards a Horizon that discovers its nature as one approaches its Mark. In the words of our Creator, God the Only Begotten Son, our King and Lord, our Father and Master, "Each day will bring its treachery."

I understand that having worked in this Terrain, of the Creation of our Universe, with the perseverance of one who has dedicated his life to recreating the True Image of our Heavens and its Relationship in Space and Time with the Cosmos in which it has been created, formed my intelligence to work with simple images supported by Natural Astronomical Data,  it is necessary for me to start from a clear Universal Principle that leaves no room for doubt and serves as a Bridge between the CSXX and this Introduction to the CSXXI. To satisfy this need I will say at once that this Introduction is what its title indicates: "An Introduction". Whoever opens the Door does his job; it is up to those who enter to continue working and Updating Cosmological and Astrophysical Thought so that the New Generations move in the coming centuries through a terrain fed by a Tree of Creative Sciences whose Fruit lives under the Law of Life and not under the Law of Death, which was the Fruit that the tree of scientific atheism came to serve in the twentieth century.

As to the Origin of the Cosmos, establishing here the Beginning of Our Universe as a Work subsequent to the Creation of the Cosmos, and a Cosmos which was created to be the Raw Material Field which its Creator was to use for the Creation of New Universes, this Cosmological Origin took place in a Massive Transformation of astrophysical matter into cosmic energy; global energy that, being redirected into space-time energy fields, began its journey back to astrophysical matter.

Basically, this Original Big-Bang continues to occur at the Frontiers of the Cosmos, where the cosmic energy created by the Galaxies is collected by space-time energy fields that transform energy into matter. And so on to infinity, for eternity, and hence the natural Expansion ad infinitum to the Cosmos. The Creation of Galaxies is an endless event that the Creator of the Original Big-Bang fuels by extending the Space of the Frontiers of His Creation as Time materializes in galaxies and galaxy clusters.

It is no coincidence, then, that the Radio Astronomy Revolution that we are experiencing adds and adds new galaxies to those already detected, and expands the frontiers of the Cosmos as this new addition opens our eyes to an Expansion alien to any Final Cosmological Contraction.

Like Eternity, the Infinite and God have no Beginning or End: Creation has come to remain forever for ever. On the contrary, to deny the Infinite Expansion of the Cosmos in the affirmation of a Contraction to begin at some point on the line of Eternity, is to surrender to science fiction, that is, it is to return to the Age of the Fallacy of the CSXX, when a Hypothesis was Law until its Evil was demonstrated. Having the Evil of the CSXX watered the fields of the Earth with two world wars, the persistence in such a Fallacy is to declare an Open War against the Human Race, against Life and against God.

And concluding this Prologue, the live observation of the evolution that the astronomical sciences, and physics in general, have experienced, in these last 40 years, is a source of study of intellectual resources favorable to the construction of a clear and seamless Thought on the Natural Image that corresponds to our Heavens and our Earth. There can be no doubt at this point that the image that the geological and astronomical sciences project to the Human Race affects its position towards its Civilization and its attitude towards the Universe. Wanting to throw balls out and blame one's own ills on a force outside the system itself is a pathological resource that, as can be deduced from the historical reality in which we currently find ourselves, leads nowhere, or rather, it does lead to a very precise place: destruction.

The part that the natural sciences played in the outbreak of the Second World War is a mea culpa that weighs in the air like a slab on a grave.

The relationship between Knowledge and Behavior, a law perfectly assumed by the sciences since the most illustrious days of Ethology, not to extend too much in time, what was the part that Scientific Atheism, supported by the CSXX, had in the tragedy of the twentieth century is far from any discussion. Unless, of course, now, in addition to being blind, they want us all brainless.

Personally, I don't think the Evil was conscious. But once Consciousness is acquired, the consequences of Freedom cannot be ascribed to the Impossibility of opening a Seal which God kept closed with His own Handwriting. There is, therefore, no Condemnation; nor is it my job to judge the Thinkers of the last centuries. Truth is beyond judgment on others; in its Nature is to make free those who were locked in the darkness of a Silence with its Origin in a Cosmological Need, Today overcome.

Let us therefore open the Door which for 3,500 years has remained closed for the Glory of our Divine Creator and the Liberation of the Fullness of the Nations of the Human Race from the forces which the Ignorance born of the Fall of the First Man unleashed upon all the peoples of the Earth.





In the Beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. The earth was confused and empty, and darkness covered the beam of the Abyss. But the spirit of God hovered over the surface of the waters.

God said, "Let there be light," and there was light, and God saw the light to be good, and separated it from darkness; and he called the Light day and darkness night, and there was evening and morning, the first day.

Then God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, separating them from one another"; and so it was. And God made the firmament, separating waters from waters, the waters that were under the firmament from those that were above the firmament. And God saw that it was good. God called the firmament heaven, and there was evening and morning, the second day.

Then he said, "Let the waters under the heavens gather together in one place, and the dry things may appear." This was done, and the waters under the heavens gathered together in their places, and the dry land appeared; and God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of the waters seas. And God saw that it was good.

Then he said, "Let the earth bring forth green grass, grass with seed, and fruit trees, each with its fruit according to its kind and with its seed, on the earth." And so it was. And the earth brought forth green grass, grass with seed, and fruit trees, each with its seed. God saw that he was good; and there was evening and morning, the third day.

Then God said: "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to separate day from night, and to serve as signs for seasons, days, and years; and let them shine in the firmament of heaven, that they may give light to the earth." And so it was. God made the two great luminaries, the greater to preside over the day, and the lesser to preside over the night, and the stars; and he put them in the firmament of heaven, to give light to the earth, and to preside over the day and the night, and to separate the Light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good, and there was evening and morning, the fourth day.

Then God said, "Let the waters boil with animals, and let the birds fly over the earth under the firmament of heaven." And so it was. And God created the great monsters of the water, and all the animals that swarm in it, after their kind, and all the winged birds, after their kind. And God saw that it was good, and blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters of the sea, and let the birds multiply on the earth." And there was evening and morning, the fifth day.

Then God said, "Let the earth spring up creatures that are animate after their kinds, cattle, creeping things, beasts of the earth after their kinds." And so it was. God made all the beasts of the earth after their kinds, the cattle after their kinds, and all the creeping things of the earth after their kinds. And God saw that it was good. Then God said to himself, "Let us make man in our image and likeness, that he may have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over the cattle of the earth, and over all the beasts that move upon it." And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, and created them male and female; and God blessed them, saying to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth; subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all that lives and moves on the earth." God also said, "Here I give you as many herbs of seed as are on the face of the earth, and as many trees as fruit of seed, that they may all be food for you. And to all the beasts of the earth, and to all the birds of the air, and to all that are living that are on the earth, and that move about, I give for food as much green grass as the earth produces." And so it was. And God saw that all he had done was very good, and there was evening and morning, the sixth day.

Thus were the heavens, and the earth, and all their retinue, finished. And when all the work which he had done was finished on the sixth day, God rested on the seventh day from all that he had done; and he blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, for in it God rested from all that he had created and made. This is the origin of the Heavens and the Earth when they were created. .