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AT the time when Justinian was only
heir-presumptive of the Empire, probably in the year 520, he met the lady who
was to become the Empress Theodora. Daughter of one of the bear-keepers of the
hippodrome, brought up by an indulgent mother amongst the society which
frequented the purlieus of the circus, this young girl, beautiful, intelligent
and witty—if we may believe the gossip of the Secret History—soon succeeded in
charming and scandalizing the capital. At the theatre where she appeared
in tableaux vivants and pantomimes
she ventured on the most audacious representations: in town she became famous
for the follies of her entertainments, the boldness of her manners and the
multitude of her lovers. Next she disappeared, and after a somewhat unlovely
adventure she travelled through the East in a wretched manner for some
time—according to contemporary gossip. She was seen at Alexandria, where she
became known to several of the leaders of the Monophysite party, and
returned—perhaps under their influence—to a more Christian and purer mode of
life. She was again seen at Antioch, and then returned to Constantinople,
matured and wiser. Then it was that she made a conquest of Justinian. She soon
wielded the strongest influence over her lover: desperately in love, the prince
could refuse nothing that his mistress requested. He heaped riches upon her,
obtained for her the title of patrician, and became the humble minister of her
hatred or her affection. Finally he wished to marry her legally, and was able
to do so in 523, thanks to the complaisance of Justin. When, in April 527,
Justinian was associated in the Empire, Theodora shared the elevation and the
triumph of her husband. She ascended the throne with him in August 527, and for
twenty years the adventuress-Empress exercised a sovereign influence on the
course of politics.
Theodora’s name may still be read with that of the
Emperor on the walls of churches and over the doors of castles of that date.
Her picture makes a fellow to that of her imperial husband in the church of San
Vitale in Ravenna, and also in the mosaics which decorated the rooms of the
Sacred Palace, for it was Justinian’s wish to associate her with the military
triumphs and the splendors of the reign. The grateful people raised statues to
her as to Justinian, the officials also swore fidelity to her, for
she was the Emperor's equal throughout her life, while ambassadors and foreign
kings hastened to her to pay their respects and to gain her goodwill as well as
that of the basileus. In deliberating on the most important occasions Justinian
always took council of “the most honored wife which God had given him”, whom he
loved to call “his sweetest charm”, and contemporaries agree in declaring that
she did not scruple to use the boundless influence which she possessed, and
that her authority was equal to, if not greater than, that of her husband.
Certainly this ambitious lady possessed many eminent qualities to justify the
supreme authority which she wielded. She was a woman of unshaken courage, as
she proved in the troublous time of the Nika rising, proud energy, masculine
resolution, a determined and a clear mind, and a strong will by which she
frequently overruled the vacillating Justinian. She undoubtedly combined
defects and even vices with these qualities. She was domineering and harsh, she
loved money and power. To keep the throne to which she had risen she would
stoop to deceit, violence, and cruelty; she was implacable in her dislikes, and
inflexible towards those whom she hated. By means of a disgraceful intrigue she
pitilessly destroyed the fortunes of John of Cappadocia, the all-powerful
praetorian praefect, who dared for one moment to dispute her supremacy (541).
She made Belisarius bitterly expiate his rare lapses into independence, and by
the ascendancy which she gained over Antonina, the patrician's wife, she made
him her humble and obedient servant. As passionate in her loves as in her
hates, she advanced her favorites without scruple. Peter Barsymes was made praetorian praefect, Narses a general, Vigilius a pope, while she
turned the imperial palace into a hotbed of incessant intrigues. Her influence
was not always good—though the loungers of Constantinople have strangely
lengthened the list of her cruelties and increased the number of her victims—but
it was always powerful. Even when she was forced temporarily to give way before
circumstances, her audacious and supple wit was always able to devise some
startling retaliation. Wily and ambitious, she always aspired to have the last
word—and she got it.
In the twenty years during which Theodora reigned she
had a hand in everything; in politics, and in the Church; in the
administration, she advised the reforms, and filled it with her protégés; in
diplomacy, concerning which the Emperor never decided anything without her
advice. She made and unmade popes and patriarchs, ministers and generals, at
her pleasure, not even fearing, when she considered it necessary, openly to
thwart Justinian’s wishes. She was the active helpmate to her husband in all
important matters. In the legislative reform her feminism inspired the measures
which dealt with divorce, adultery, the sanctity of the marriage-tie, and those
meant to assist actresses and fallen women. In the government of the East her
lucid and keen intelligence discovered and advised a policy more suited to the
true interests of the State than that actually pursued, and if it had been
carried out, it might have changed the course of history itself by making the
Byzantine Empire stronger and more durable.
While Justinian, carried away by the grandeur of Roman
traditions, rose to conceptions in turn magnificent and impossible, and dreamed
of restoring the Empire of the Caesars and of inaugurating the reign of
orthodoxy by reunion with Rome, Theodora, by birth an Oriental, and in other
respects more far-seeing and acute than her husband, immediately turned her
attention to the East. She had always sympathized with the Monophysites; even
before she had become Empress she had willingly received them at the palace,
and allowed them to draw on her credit. She admired their teachers, and loved
the unpolished candor of their monks. She was not actuated by piety alone, for
she had too much political instinct not to realize the importance of religious
questions in a Christian State, and the peril attending indifference to them.
But while Justinian, with the mind of a theologian, occupied himself with
religious questions primarily for the empty pleasure of being able to
dogmatize, Theodora, like all the great Byzantine Emperors, recognized the main
features of political problems under the fleeting form of theological
disagreements. She realized that the rich and flourishing provinces of Asia,
Syria, and Egypt really formed the mainstay of the Empire; and she felt that
the religious differences by which the Oriental nations manifested their
separatist tendencies threatened danger to the monarchy. Furthermore she saw
the necessity for pacifying the growing discontent by means of opportune
concessions and a wide toleration, and she forced the imperial policy to shape
itself to this end; and carried with her the ever worried and vacillating
Justinian, even so far as to brave the Papacy and protect the heretics. It is
only fair to say that she foresaw the future more clearly and grasped the
situation more accurately than did her imperial associate.
Before the advent of Justin’s dynasty Anastasius’
dreams of an ideal monarchy may have taken this form or something approaching
it. He may have imagined an essentially Oriental Empire, having well-defended
frontiers, a wise administration, sound finances, and blessed with religious
unity. To realize this last he would not have hesitated at a breach with Rome
if it had become necessary. In spite of his efforts and good intentions Anastasius
had not succeeded in realizing his ideal. But it was right in principle and,
thanks to Theodora, it inspired the policy of Justinian in the East.
In this way the Empress made a great impression on her husband's government,
and as soon as she died a decay set in which brought the glorious
reign to a sad close.
Second Persian War. 531-544
The imperial policy in the West had been essentially
offensive. In the East, on the other hand, it was generally restricted to a
defensive attitude. Justinian submitted to war or accepted it when offered
rather than sought it, because he was anxious to preserve all his forces for
Africa and Italy. Thus he maintained the safety of the monarchy in the East
less by a series of great victories than by military arrangements combined with
clever diplomatic action.
In Asia, Persia had been the perpetual enemy of the
Romans for centuries. There was a ceaseless temptation to strife and a pretext
for warfare in the coincidence of the two frontiers, and the rival influence
which the two States exercised in Armenia in the Caucasus, and among the Arab
tribes of the Syrian desert. The hundred years’ peace concluded in 422 had
certainly restored tranquility for the rest of the fifth century, but
hostilities had broken out afresh in the reign of Anastasius (502); and it was
evident that the peace of 505 would only prove to be a truce, although Persia
was torn by domestic discord, and had lost her prestige and strength, and her
old king Kawad did not seek adventures. In proportion
as Justinian profited by the relative weakness of his foes he attempted to
bring more peoples into the relation of clients to Rome. Such were the
populations of Lazica (the ancient Colchis), the tribes of Iberia and Georgia,
and even the Sabirian Huns who occupied the
celebrated defiles of the Caspian Gates at the foot of the Caucasus range on
the boundary of the two Empires. With great skill Byzantine diplomacy, by
spreading Christianity in those regions, had inclined the peoples to wish for
the protection of the orthodox Emperor, and so had obtained possession of
important strategic and commercial posts for Greek use. This policy of
encroachment was bound to lead to a rupture, which came in 527, during the last
months of Justin’s reign.
The war, however, was neither very long nor
disastrous. Neither of the two adversaries wanted to fight to the death. Kawad, who had taken up arms, was distracted by domestic
difficulties and the task of assuring the succession of his son. Justinian
wanted to disengage himself as soon as possible in order to have his hands free
to deal with affairs in the West. Under these conditions the imperial army,
which was of a good size, and well commanded by Belisarius, was able to snatch
a signal victory at Dara in 530, the first victory won against Persia for many
years. Another general was able to make considerable progress in Persian
Armenia at the same time, but Justinian did not set himself seriously to profit
by his successes. The next year a Persian invasion of Syria forced Belisarius
to engage in and to lose the disastrous battle of Callinicum (531). Then, in spite of the fact that the Persians were besieging Martyropolis (531) and that a career of pillage had brought
the Huns under the very walls of Antioch (December 531), the Great King troubled
as little to push his advantages as the Emperor did to avenge his defeat.
Negotiations were as important in this war as military operations. When
therefore in September 531 the death of Kawad gave
the throne to his son Chosroes I Anoushirvan, the new
sovereign was preoccupied by the endeavor to consolidate his power at home, and
willingly joined in the negotiations which ended in the conclusion of an
“everlasting peace”, in September 532. Justinian was delighted to end the war,
and gave way on almost every point. He agreed to pay once more the annual
subsidy which the Romans had handed over to the Persians to keep up the
fortresses which defended the passes of the Caucasus against the Northern
barbarians. This was a large sum of 110,000 pounds of gold, a thinly veiled
form of tribute, He promised to move the residence of the Duke of Mesopotamia
from Dara, the great fortress built by Anastasius in 507, to Constantina, which
was further from the frontier; and he abandoned the protectorate over Iberia. In
return the country of the Lazi remained within the sphere of Byzantine
influence, and the Persians evacuated the fortresses in it.
But Chosroes was not the man to rest contented with
these first successes. He was a young prince, ambitious, active, and anxious
for conquests. It was not without suspicion that he viewed the progress and
success of the imperial ambition, for he knew that the longing for universal
dominion might well form a menace to the Sassanid monarchy, as well as to the
West. He therefore made use of the years which followed the peace of 532 to
reconstruct his army, and when he saw what seemed to him a favorable
opportunity, he resolutely began the war again (540). This happened when he
discovered that the Roman frontier was stripped of troops, Armenia and the
country of the Lazi discontented under Byzantine rule, and the Goths at bay
after the Vandals were conquered. At the beginning of hostilities he threw
himself on Syria, which he cruelly ravaged, and seized Antioch, which he
completely ruined under the eyes of the helpless Roman generals. In vain
Justinian sent the best generals against him, first Germanus and then
Belisarius, hastily recalled from Italy at the beginning of 541. Their troops
were not sufficient to defend the country effectively. In 541, Chosroes
attacked Lazica, reduced Iberia, and swept away the strong fortress of Petra,
which Justinian had lately built to the south of Phasis. In 542 he ravaged Commagene; in 543 he made a demonstration on the Armenian
frontier; and in 544 he again appeared in Mesopotamia which he ravaged cruelly,
in spite of the heroic resistance of Edessa. Meanwhile the imperial troops did
nothing: and the generals spent their time in intrigues instead of in fighting.
The military prestige of Belisarius had made Chosroes give way for a brief
space, but the general was absorbed in his domestic troubles, and let slip the
time when he should have taken the offensive with vigour;
and by so doing more or less justified the disgrace which soon overtook him
through Theodora's (542). The only military enterprise undertaken in 543 by
Justinian's army was the invasion of Persian Armenia, with more than 30,000
men, and it led to a great disaster. The Emperor was seriously concerned with
events in Italy — Totila had just reconquered nearly the whole peninsula — and
he was very lucky to be able to buy with gold a truce for five years, instead
of a final peace (545). Thanks to the renewal of this convention in 551
and 552 the Asiatic provinces enjoyed tranquility once more, though the war
continued in Lazica for many years afterwards.
It was an easy matter for the diplomacy of the two
Empires to win allies from amongst the belligerent tribes of the Caucasus,
since their good faith was always an uncertain quantity. While the Lazi, who
were discontented under the Persian tyranny, returned to Justinian in 549,
other peoples who had formerly been within the Byzantine sphere of influence
now attached themselves to Chosroes. Furthermore the war seemed unending in a
country rendered almost impassable by mountains and forests. A struggle was
maintained for several years over Petra. Taken by the Persians in 541, it was
attacked in vain by the Byzantines in 549, and was only finally regained in
551. Other places were attacked and defended with equal tenacity. Justinian
realized the importance of possessing a region which would enable him to
deprive the Persians of an outlet on the Black Sea, and therefore he made
unheard-of efforts to keep it. He concentrated as many as 50,000 men there in
552. Finally Chosroes saw the uselessness of the interminable strife; and the
armistice of 555 was turned into a definite treaty in 561. Peace was declared
for fifty years, and the Persians agreed to evacuate Lazica, where they knew
that their power could hardly be maintained, since the people were
enthusiastically Christian. But the Emperor's success was dearly bought. He
bound himself to pay an annual tribute of 30,000 aurei, handing over the
sum-total for the first seven years in advance. He promised for the future to
discontinue any religious propaganda in the dominions of the Great King, in
return for the extension of toleration to Christians in Persia. These
concessions dealt a blow at Justinian's pride as an Emperor and a Christian.
However, Lazica remained to him, and it was a considerable gain in the
direction of securing the safety of the Empire. Still the treaty was
intentionally so vague in some points that it contained the beginnings of many
future difficulties.
The Huns. 527-5621
While Roman Asia was cruelly suffering from these
endless wars, the European provinces were not escaping. Although the shock of
the great barbarian invasions had shaken the East much less than the
West, a succession of barbarian peoples were settled north of the Danube.
The Lombards, Heruls, and Gepidae were on the west;
Slavs and Bulgars, Antae and Huns on the lower reaches of the river, while
behind them lay the strong nation of Avars, still roving to the north of the
Palus Maeotis but gradually spreading themselves westward. The Empire proved as
attractive to these barbarians as to those who had invaded the West. They had
all one wish and one aim—some day to become members
of the rich and civilized commonwealth, whose towns were fair, whose fields
were fertile, and in which men received great treasures and honor from the hand
of the Emperor. Without doubt these sentiments were largely inspired by greed
of the splendid plunder that the Roman territory offered to the enterprise of
the barbarians, and if their peaceful offers were declined they did not
hesitate to keep their vows by the use of force. Thus, at the end of the fifth
century the tribes had formed the habit of crossing the Danube periodically,
either in unnoticed driblets, or by sudden invasions, and certain groups were
legally settled on the south side of the river by the beginning of the sixth
century. The movement continued during the whole of Justinian’s reign.
From the beginning of his reign the Huns had appeared
in Thrace and the Antae in Illyricum; but they were repulsed with such energy
that, according to Malalas, “a great terror overcame
the barbarian nations”. Soon, however, the resistance gave way. As had been the
case in Asia, the frontier was denuded of troops in consequence of the
expeditions to the West, and the boldness of the invaders increased. In 534 the
Slavs and Bulgars crossed the Danube, and the magister militum of Thrace perished in the attempt to drive
them back. In 538 the Huns invaded Scythia and Moesia, in 540 they went further
and ravaged Thrace, Illyricum, and Greece as far as the Isthmus of Corinth. One
of their bands even penetrated to the environs of Constantinople, and spread a
terrible panic in the capital. In 546 there was another Hunnish invasion, in
547 an attack from the Slavs who devastated Illyricum as far as
Dyrrachium, while the imperial generals did not even dare to face them. In 551
a band of three thousand Slavs pillaged Thrace and Illyricum and advanced as
far as the Aegean Sea. In 552 the Slavs and Avars menaced Thessalonica and
settled themselves on Byzantine land as though they had conquered it. In 558
the Kotrigur Huns pushed into Thrace, one of their
bands reaching Thermopylae, while another appeared under the walls of
Constantinople, which was only just saved by the courage of the old Belisarius.
In 562 the Huns reappeared. Then the insolent and menacing Avars became
prominent, on the very eve of Justinian's death. It is quite certain that none
of these incursions would have led to the permanent establishment of a
barbarian people within the limits of the Empire, as had happened in the West,
for the imperial generals were always finally successful in hurling the swarms
of invaders back over the Danube. At the same time the incessant scourge could
not fail to produce lamentable consequences in the provinces which suffered
from it. Procopius estimates that more than 200,000 people were either slain or
led captive during its course. He also compares the annually ravaged lands to
the "Scythian deserts," and tells how the folk were forced to flee to
the forests and mountains to avoid the outrages and atrocities which the
barbarians would have inflicted upon them.
However, in Asia as in Europe, Justinian had taken
wise and vigorous measures to secure the defense of his provinces, to give
them, as he said, “peace and tranquility”, and to remove the “temptation to
invade and ravage the countries where the Emperor's subjects dwelt” from the
barbarians. With this object of efficiency in view he reorganized the great
military commands which were created to guard the frontier. In Asia one
general, the magister militum of the
East, had commanded the enormous district reaching from the Black Sea to Egypt.
This command was too large, and Justinian divided it, instituting magistri militum for
Armenia and Mesopotamia. In Europe he added a magister militum of Moesia to those of Illyricum and
Thrace. But above all, for the immediate defence of the
frontier he organized all along the limes military districts commanded by duces and
occupied by special troops, the limitanei.
We have already seen how the duties and divisions of this formation were
determined in Africa. The same system was extended to the whole Empire, and a
large strip of military lands round its whole circumference assured the safety
of the interior. Although several of these limites were
in existence before the time of Justinian, he had the merit of organizing and
completing the whole system. Three limites were
formed in Egypt, several commands were halved in Syria and on the Euphrates,
and duces were established in Armenia, while others kept watch
on the Danube, in Scythia, in the two Moesias, and in
Dacia. Thus the barbarians were again confronted with the opposing wall that
used to be called “the monarchy’s wrapper”.
Justinian’s Fortresses
Justinian also busied himself in building a continuous
chain of fortresses along all the frontiers, as he had done in Africa. Rome had
formerly been forced to undertake the immediate defense of the frontiers of the
Empire in order to protect her territories. Justinian did more. Behind the
first line of castella, and attached to them by a succession of
stations, he built a series of large fortresses placed further apart, and more
important. These served to strengthen the frontier castles, made a second
barrier against invasion, and were a place of refuge for the inhabitants of the
country. Thus the whole district was covered with strong castles. They were of
unequal importance and strength, but they kept a watch on the enemy's
territory, occupied points of strategic importance, barred the defiles,
commanded the important routes, protected the safety of the towns, and
sheltered the rural population. They covered all the provinces with a
close-meshed net of fortresses, a network through which it seemed impossible
for the enemy to slip. It had taken only a few years for Justinian’s resolution
to raise or repair hundreds of fortresses, from the Danube to the Armenian
mountains, and to the banks of the Euphrates. If ancient Roman posts were
merely repaired at some points, while at others it was only necessary to
complete buildings begun by Anastasius, yet the dazed admiration which
contemporaries seem to have felt for this colossal work was justified, for
Justinian gave unity to the whole system and displayed the greatest energy in
carrying it out. According to Procopius, by it he truly “saved the monarchy”.
In his De Aedificiis Procopius
gives the detailed list of the countless buildings repaired or built by the
Emperor’s orders. Here it must suffice to notice the chief features of the
work. On the Danube more than eighty castles were built or restored between the
place where the Save enters that river and the Black Sea. Among them may be
mentioned Singidunum (Belgrade), Octavum,
Viminacium, Novae, further to the east Ratiaria,
Augusta, Securisca, Durostorum (Silistria), Troesmis, and,
on the left bank, the strongly fortified bridge of Lederata.
These were for the most part ancient Roman citadels newly repaired. Justinian's
original work consisted chiefly in the measures which he took to strengthen the
rear. Hundreds of castella sprang up in Dacia, Dardania, and Moesia, further south in Epirus, Macedonia,
and Thrace. Thus there was a second and even a third line of defence. In Dardania alone,
Justinian's native country, Procopius enumerates more than one hundred and
fifty castella besides such great posts as Justiniana Prima, Sardica, and Naissus. Fortifications were even constructed on the shore
of the Sea of Marmora and the Archipelago. To protect Constantinople Anastasius
had built the Long Wall in 512. It ran from the Sea of Marmora to Selymbria on the Black Sea. Similar long walls covered the
Thracian Chersonesus, barred the passes of Thermopylae, and cut across the
Isthmus of Corinth. Fortresses were also raised in Thessaly and northern
Greece. Thus the whole of the Balkan Peninsula formed a vast entrenched camp.
On the side of the Euxine long walls protected the approaches to Cherson, and
the strong castle of Petra Justiniana defended
Lazica. Then several lines of fortresses were drawn up from Trebizond to the
Euphrates. In Armenia there was Theodosiopolis (now Erzeroum), Kitharizon, and Martyropolis; in Mesopotamia Amida, Constantina, Dara,
called “the rampart of the Roman Empire”, and another Theodosiopolis; Circesium was on the Euphrates and Zenobia and
Palmyra on the borders of the desert. Added to these there were the
intermediate castella which connected the big fortresses. A
little to the rear, in the second line, were Satala, Coloneia,
Nicopolis, Sebaste, Melitene,
“the bulwark of Armenia”, Edessa, Carrhae, Callinicum in Osrhoene, Sura,
Hierapolis, Zeugma in the Euphrates district, and Antioch after the catastrophe
of 540. These made a formidable field for warfare. It is certain that all these
buildings do not date from Justinian’s reign, but he must have the credit of
combining them all into a sure and splendid defensive system.
Justinian’s Diplomacy
Military methods alone were not employed for the
defense of the Empire in the East. The imperial diplomacy was putting forth all
its powers to that end, and displayed wonderful skill and ingenuity in the
task. The Empire always possessed a great influence over the barbarians settled
on the Roman frontiers. They were proud when their services and good faith won
for them the approval of the basileus. They gladly placed their forces at his
disposal when they received the annual subsidy (annona),
and became the auxiliaries and vassals of the Empire, bearing the name of foederati.
Their chiefs felt themselves honored when they received the splendid insignia
of their commands from the hands of the basileus. They gladly adorned
themselves with titles culled from the hierarchy of the palace, and hastened to
declare themselves to be “Slaves of the imperial Majesty”.
Constantinople and the Court dazzled their simple minds, they flocked there
gladly, and it was easy for the Emperor by the mere splendor of their reception
to impress them with a great idea of the strength of the monarchy. During the
whole of Justinian’s reign the Sacred Palace was filled with a never-ending
succession of strange and barbaric sovereigns. Heruls,
Huns, Gepidae, Avars, Saracens, Axumitae, Lazi,
Iberians, men of every race and of every land, with their wives and children
and their retinue in picturesque garments, filled the capital with a babel of
all the tongues in the universe. They were loaded with honors, presents, and
magnificent demonstrations of affection, and returned to their native wilds
dazzled by the spectacle of the imperial majesty. Naturally they felt
themselves only too happy to be allowed to serve this basileus who gave so warm
a welcome to his faithful servitors, and recompensed them so generously.
Thus by the clever distribution of favors and money
the Emperor was able to maintain a fringe of barbarian clients on all his
frontiers. At the same time the authorities at Byzantium never forgot that the
fickle and perfidious allies might prove to be dangerous servants because of
their indiscipline, faithlessness, and greed. The imperial diplomacy watched
them with an eagle eye, skillfully treating them with a mixture of sternness
and leniency; and endeavoring to render them harmless by the policy of setting
them against each other, and fostering rivalry and hatred amongst them.
Justinian maintained a possible rival to every barbarian king; he had always a
hostile people waiting his word to descend on every other people. The Lombards
menaced the Gepidae, the Utigurs the Kotrigurs, the Avars the Huns. Thus, as Agathias wrote, “so long as the barbarians destroyed each other, the Emperor was always
victor without drawing his sword, no matter what was the end of the struggle”.
Formerly Rome had found the same methods necessary to govern the barbarians.
Byzantium was able to add to the Roman traditions the influence which she
wielded because of her propagation of Christianity. Her missionaries worked for
the consolidation of the imperial power as effectively as her diplomatists.
They opened a road for politicians, and prepared new territories for Byzantine
influence and civilization. Thanks to them conversions increased everywhere,
from the plains of southern Russia to the Abyssinian plateau, and from the
Caucasus Mountains to the oases of the Sahara.
By means of Christianity Byzantine influence spread
beyond the boundaries of the Empire in Justinian's reign, and many were the
peoples affected by it; Huns from the Cimmerian Bosphorus, Suanians, Abasgi, Apsilians from the
Caucasus district, Alans, and Sabirian Huns, Tzani from the upper Euphrates, Arabs from Syria, Himyarites from Yemen, Nobadae and Blemmyes from the upper Nile, Berbers from the oases of the Sahara, and Heruls from Moesia.
By these means Justinian was able to checkmate his
enemies. In the East he sought amongst the Sabirian Huns for allies against the Sassanid monarchy, because they could rush upon the
Persian realm from the north. He also went to the Arabs of the Syrian desert because
they might make useful diversions from the south, and he formed them into a
unique State, under the phylarchus Harith the Ghassanid (531). Not content with this, he went yet further
and made friends among the Arabs on the Yemen and in the Ethiopian kingdom of
Axum. In the West he skillfully managed to sow discord amongst the tribes who
crowded on the Danube frontier, checking the Bulgars by the Huns, the Huns by
the Antae, and the Antae and Utigurs by the Avars. He
scattered money and lands liberally amongst them all, loading their ambassadors
with silken robes and golden chains, in return for which he only asked them to
supply Byzantium with soldiers. In this way he settled the Lombards in
Pannonia, the Heruls in Dacia, and the Kotrigur Huns in Thrace. He offered the Avars lands
suitable for settlement on the Save, and similarly managed to procure a number
of vassals on all the frontiers of the Empire. On the Danube there were the Heruls, Gepidae, Lombards, Huns and Antae; on the borders
of Armenia the Lazi and Tzani; on the Syrian frontier
the crowd of Arab tribes; in Africa the Berber inhabitants of Byzacena, Numidia and Mauretania.
Defects of Justinian’s Diplomacy
Thus with wonderful skill Justinian exercised the
difficult art of ruling barbarians, and he did it from the depth of his palace
and capital. Contemporaries waxed eloquent in praise of the prudence, the
fairness and delicacy displayed by the Emperor in carrying out this policy, and
in celebrating that efvulia by
which, according to Menander, “he would have destroyed the barbarians without
fighting if he had lived long enough”. However this policy was not without its
dangers. By displaying the riches of the Empire to the barbarians, and by
lavishly distributing money and lands amongst them, their demands were
naturally increased enormously, and their invasions provoked. Procopius very
wisely observed that “once they had tasted Byzantine wealth it was impossible
to keep them from it, or to make them forget the road to it”. The
obvious antidote for the dangers of this course of diplomacy was a strong
military organization. Procopius again wrote “there is no other way of
compelling the barbarians to keep faith with Rome except by the fear of the
imperial armies”. Justinian understood this quite well. Unfortunately, in
proportion as the West again absorbed the resources and attention of the
Empire, lack of money led to the disorganization of those military institutions
which had been formed to protect the East. Corps of limitanei were disbanded,
the fighting force of the troops of the line in Syria was diminished, strong
positions were left undefended, often bereft of garrisons altogether, and
Justinian's excellent network of fortresses no longer sufficed to keep out the
barbarians. The Emperor seemed to prefer diplomatic action by itself to the
practical military precautions that he had applied so actively at the beginning
of his reign. He thought it more clever to buy off the invaders than to beat
them by force of arms, he considered it cheaper to subsidize the barbarians
than to maintain a large army on a war footing; he found it more agreeable to
direct a subtle diplomacy than great military operations, and he never realized
that the first result of his policy was to encourage the barbarians to return.
This was the fundamental defect of Justinian's foreign
policy in the East. It rested on a skilful combination of military force and diplomacy. As long as the balance was
maintained between these two elements equilibrium was secured, the end aimed at
was attained, and the Empire was well defended and comparatively safe. But when
this balance was upset, everything went wrong at once. The Slavs appeared at
Hadrianople, the Huns under the walls of Constantinople, while the Avars
assumed a threatening attitude and regions of the Balkans were terribly
ravaged. Procopius was justified when he reproached Justinian with having
“wasted the riches of the Empire in extravagant gifts to the barbarians”, and
in his assertion that the Emperor’s rash generosity only incited them to return
perpetually “to sell the peace for which they were always well paid”. The
historian goes on to explain that “after them came others, who made a double
profit, from the rapine in which they indulged and from the money with which
the liberality of the prince always furnished them. Thus the evil continued
with no abatement, and there was no escape from the vicious circle”.
This mistaken policy cost the Empire dear.
Nevertheless, it was founded on a right principle, and some of the results
which it produced were not to be despised, in connection with the defense of
territory, the development of commerce, or the spread of civilization.
Justinian's mistake—specially during the last years of his reign—lay in
the fact that he carried the system to excess. When he allowed the army to
become disorganized and fortresses to fall into ruin he bereft his diplomacy of
the force that was necessary to support his plans. When he ceased to awe the
barbarians he found himself at their mercy.
Justinian’s Legislation. 533-536
The domestic government of the East took up as much of
Justinian's attention as the defense of the territory. The urgent need for
administrative reform in the midst of a serious religious crisis provided ample
food for his anxiety.
In Byzantium the sale of public offices was an ancient
custom, and this venality led to deplorable results. The governors expected to
recoup themselves from the province for the expenses which they incurred in
obtaining their posts, and to enrich themselves to as great an extent as
possible while they held them. The other agents in so corrupt an administration
only followed the governor’s example, when they pillaged and crushed the
district to their heart's content. The financial system was oppressive and
exacting; justice was sold or partially administered, and deep misery and
general insecurity was the natural result. The people left the country, the
towns were emptied, the fields deserted, and agriculture abandoned. While those
who were strong or rich enough to defend themselves managed to escape the
exactions of the tax-collector, the great proprietors maintained troops of
armed men in their pay, and ravaged the country, attacked people and seized
land, sure of immunity from the magistrates. Everywhere murder, brigandage,
agitation and risings abounded, and last and most serious result of all the
disorders, the returns of the taxes from the exhausted provinces were but
scanty. Justinian calculated that only one-third of the taxes imposed really
reached the treasury, and the misery of the subjects destroyed the source of
the public wealth. It will be easy to understand why the Emperor felt so much
concern at affairs in the East, if we add that the laws abounded in
contradictions, obscurities and useless prolixity, which gave rise to very long
law-suits, and furnished an opportunity for the judges to give arbitrary decisions, or
to decide matters to suit their own convenience.
Justinian, as we know, had the qualities that go to
make a good administrator. He loved order, he had a sincere wish to
do good work, and a real care for the well-being of his subjects. With an
authoritative disposition and absolutist tendencies, he combined a taste for
administrative centralization. But above all, his vast projects left him
incessantly in need of large sums of money. He saw that the best way to ensure
the regularity of the returns was to protect those who paid from the
functionaries who ruined them; and thus in furthering the well-being and quiet
of his subjects the Emperor was also serving the best interests of the fisc. Moreover, it satisfied Justinian's pride to maintain
the tradition of the great Roman Emperors by being a reformer and legislator.
For these various reasons from the time of his accession he undertook a double
work. In order to give the Empire certain and unquestionable laws he had
legislative monuments drawn up under Tribonian’s direction, which are known as Justinian’s Code (529),
the Digest (533), the Institutes (533), and
completed by the series of Novellae (534-565).
The details of Justinian’s legislative work will be
found in another chapter. All that is done here is to indicate their place in
the reign as a whole and in the general policy of the Emperor. After the great
crisis of the Nika riot had clearly shown him the public discontent and the
faults of the government, he promulgated the two great ordinances of April 535.
By these two documents Justinian laid down the principles of his administrative
reform and showed his functionaries the new duties which he expected of them.
The sale of offices was abolished. To take all pretext for exploiting
the population from the governors, their salaries were raised, while their prestige
was increased in order to remove from them the temptation to yield to the
demands of powerful private persons. But before all things, the Emperor wished
his agents to be scrupulously honest, and was always urging them to keep their
“hands clean”. He gave minute instructions to his magistrates, and bade them
render the same justice to all, keep a watchful eye on the conduct of their
subordinates, protect the subjects from all vexations, hinder the encroachments
of the great, ensure the maintenance of order by frequent progresses, and
govern, in fact, “paternally”. But above all he bade them neglect nothing that
might defend the interests of the fisc, and increase
its resources. To pay in the taxes regularly was the first duty of a good
officer, as the first duty of a taxpayer was to acquit himself regularly
and completely of the whole sum due. Furthermore, to ensure the carrying out of
his plans, Justinian requested the bishops to inspect the conduct of the
magistrates; and he invited anyone who wished to make complaints to come to
Constantinople, and lay his grievances at the feet of the sovereign.
The Administration
During the years 535 and 536 a series of special
measures was added to the general enactments. Their object was to strengthen
the local government and to ensure obedience to the central power. In the
fourth century the traditional method of conducting the administration was to
multiply provincial districts, to complicate an endless hierarchy of officials,
and to separate civil and military authority. Justinian made a determined break
in these pedantic traditions. He desired to simplify the administration, to
have fewer provinces but to have them better organized. He also wished to
diminish the number of officials, to give those that remained better salaries,
and to make them stronger, and more dependent on the central government. To
further this end he reduced the number of circumscriptions, by uniting couples
of them or by grouping them more reasonably. He suppressed the useless vicarii, who had been intermediaries between the provincial
governors and the praetorian praefect, and he reunited the civil and military
authority in the hands of the same officials in a great number of provinces. He
created praetors in Pisidia, Lycaonia, Pamphylia, and Thrace; counts in
Isauria, Phrygia, Pacatiana, Galatia, Syria, and
Armenia; an administrative moderator in the Hellespont; a proconsul to govern
Cappadocia. The Emperor adorned all these officials with the high-sounding
title of Justiniani, and they united authority over the troops stationed in
their circumscription to their competence in civil matters. This was a great
innovation and was fraught with serious consequences in the administrative
history of the Byzantine Empire.
The reorganization of the judicial administration
completed these useful measures. Justinian desired that justice should be
administered with more speed and security in these provinces. In order to avoid
the obstruction of business in the courts of the capital he made a series of
courts of appeal midway between the court of the provincial governor and that
of the praetorian praefect and the quaestor. Thus appeals were made easier and
less burdensome to the subjects, and at the same time Constantinople was freed
from the crowd of litigants who had flocked there, and who, since they were
discontented and idle, were only too ready to join the ranks of thieves or
One of the great difficulties confronting the
government was the police of the capital. Praetors of the people were
instituted there in 535, to judge cases of theft, adultery, murder, and to
repress disturbances. In 539 another magistrate, the quaestor, was
established, to rid the city of the crowd of provincials who obstructed it with
no valid excuse. At the same time, probably owing to Theodora's initiative, the
guardians of public morals were reorganized, and rigorous mandates were issued
to check excessive gambling, impious blasphemy, and the scandal caused by
infamous persons who did not wait for night to hide their deeds. To those who
had been driven to vice by need rather than choice protection was also given
against the lenones who took
advantage of them. The Empress’ charity was exercised to provide a refuge for
these unfortunate girls, in the convent of Repentance established by her wish
in an old imperial palace on the Asiatic side of the Bosphorus. But above all
the various factions were closely watched, the games in the circus were
suppressed for several years, and the tranquility of the capital was
undisturbed for at least fifteen years.
The City of Constantinople. 532-554
This administrative work was completed by the great
impetus which was given to the public works. In the instructions to his
officials Justinian had commended to their attention the maintenance of roads,
bridges, walls, and aqueducts, and had promised large supplies for such
purposes. In consequence new roads were everywhere made to facilitate
communication, wells and reservoirs were established along them so that
caravans might be supplied with water; bridges spanned the rivers, and the
course of the streams was controlled. Schemes were carried out in order to
supply drinking-water to the great towns in the Empire, and many public baths
were built. After the disaster of 540 Antioch was rebuilt with unheard-of
luxury. It was plentifully supplied with aqueducts, sewers, baths, public
squares, theatres, and in fact with “everything which testifies to the
prosperity of a town”. After the earthquakes of 551 and 554 the Syrian towns
rose from their ruins more splendid than ever, thanks to Justinian’s
munificence. The Empire was covered with new cities built at the prince’s wish,
and bearing, to please him, the surname of “Justiniana”. Tauresium, the modest village in which the Emperor
was born, became a great city in this way with the name of Justiniana Prima. It was populous and prosperous, “truly worthy of a basileus”.
Constantinople, which had been partly destroyed by the fire of 532, was rebuilt
with incomparable magnificence. The church of St Sophia was begun in 532 under
the direction of Isidore of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles,
and finished in 537; the Sacred Palace with the Chalce vestibule was built in
538 and completely lined with mosaics and marbles, while the great throne-room
or Consistorium was dazzling with
the shimmer of precious metals. There were also the great square of the Augusteum, in the centre of which stood an equestrian statue of Justinian and which was surrounded on
every side by splendid monuments; the long porticoes which stretched from the
imperial residence to the forum of Constantine; the church of the Holy
Apostles, begun by Theodora in 536 and completed in 550; and the numerous
hostels and hospitals founded by Justinian and Theodora, together with palaces
and basilicae; all these attested the luxurious taste
and magnificent pride of the Emperor. To this day the splendid reservoirs of Jerebatan-Serai and Bin-bir-Direk (the thousand and one columns) show the trouble that
was taken to supply the capital with drinking-water; and the churches of St
Irene, and SS. Sergius and Bacchus, above all St Sophia, that miracle of
stability and boldness, of purity of line and brightness of color, remain as
incomparable witnesses to Justinian’s grandeur.
Trade. 530-554
A solid economic prosperity justified so many
expensive splendors. In order to develop industry and commerce in his Empire
Justinian gave great attention to economic questions. He set himself to free
the Byzantine merchants from the tyranny of middlemen who had oppressed them
and to open fresh fields for their enterprise. As a matter of fact, in the
sixth century Byzantium did not obtain exotic commodities and precious
materials for her luxury straight from the countries which produced them. The
land routes by which the products of the Far East were brought to the
Mediterranean from China through the oases of Sogdiana, and the sea routes by
which precious stones, spices, and silk were brought from Ceylon to the ports
on the Persian Gulf, were in the hands of Persia. Persia not only guarded these
routes jealously, but also regulated with special severity the exportation of
silk, which was indispensable to the Byzantines. Justinian determined to remedy
this state of things. In the Black Sea, the ports of the Crimea, Bosphorus, and
Cherson made, with the south of Russia, a splendid district for barter; besides
this Byzantium, situated at the mouth of the Black Sea, carried on a brisk
trade with Lazica. But, from the Sea of Azof, as well as from Colchis, the
Caspian could be reached, and then if a northerly direction were taken the
oases of Sogdiana could be reached without crossing Persian territory. Another
route offered itself more to the south. The Syrian and Egyptian merchants set
out from Aila on the Gulf of Akabah to work the
shores of the Red Sea, and then extended their operations as far as the ports
of Himyar on the east, and the great Ethiopian port of Adoulis on the west. But Adoulis kept up wide-spread
relations with the whole of the Asiatic East, and her ships, like those of the
Arabs of Yemen, went as far as Ceylon, the great emporium for India. Thanks to
these routes, Justinian thought that he could divert the trade of which the
Persians had the monopoly from the usual routes. During 530 or 531 strange
negotiations took place with the Himyarites and the
Court of Axum, with the object of persuading those peoples to agree with the
Emperor's plans, and to bring the products of the Far East straight to the Red
Sea. The "King of Kings" of Axum readily agreed to do so; but the
Persians had the upper hand in the Indian ports, and they would not allow
themselves to be deprived of their profits. The peace therefore of 532 restored
the transactions between the Empire and the Sassanid monarchy to their ordinary
However, thanks to the importation of raw silk, which
became once more regular, the Syrian manufactures were flourishing. The rupture
with Persia in 540 brought about a grave crisis for them, and Justinian only
made matters worse by the unwise measures which he took. In his excessive love
of regulations he attempted to fix the price of raw silk, by a law which
enforced a maximum price. He hoped thus to substitute a monopoly of the
manufactures of the State for the ruined private industry. The Syrian industry
was seriously injured by these measures. Luckily the cultivation of silk-worms
did much to repair the disasters. The eggs of the worms were brought into the
Empire from the country of Serinda by two missionaries, between 552 and 554.
The silk industry soon recovered when raw material could be obtained more
cheaply, although Byzantium was not successful in freeing herself completely
from Persia. On the whole, however, Byzantine commerce was flourishing.
Alexandria was a splendid port, and grew rich by exporting corn, while her
merchants travelled as far as the Indies. Syria found a market for her
manufactures as far away as China. But above all, Constantinople, with her
incomparable situation between Europe and Asia, was a wonderful mart, towards
which, according to a contemporary, the ships of the world's commerce sailed,
freighted with expectation. Her numerous industrial societies, and the active commerce
in silver carried on there with wealthy bankers, increased her riches still
further; and seeing the prosperity of his capital, Justinian was able, with his
usual optimism, to congratulate himself on “having given another flower to the
State by his splendid conceptions”.
Justinian’s Exactions. 535-565
But in spite of the Emperor’s good intentions, his
administrative reform miscarried. From 535 until the end of the reign Justinian
was constantly obliged to renew his ordinances, think out new measures, and
blame the zeal of his officials. In the great ordinance of 556 he was forced to
repeat everything which he had laid down twenty years earlier. From the
statements of the public documents themselves we learn that the peace continued
to be disturbed, the officials continued to steal openly “in their shameful
love of gain”; the soldiers continued to pillage, the financial administration
was more oppressive than ever; while justice was slow, venal, and corrupt, as
it had been before the reform.
More and more Justinian needed money. He needed it for
his wars of conquest, for his buildings, for the maintenance of his imperial
luxury, and for the expenses of his policy with regard to the barbarians. Thus
after having ordered that the subjects of the Empire should be treated
leniently, and having declared that he would be content with the existing
taxes, he was himself forced to create new dues, and to exact the returns with
a merciless severity. Worse still, thanks to the financial distress against
which he struggled, he was obliged to tolerate all the exactions of his
officials. As long as money came to the treasury, no one troubled to enquire
how it was obtained : and as it had been necessary to yield to the
venality of the public offices, so the only course was to appear as blind to
the dealings of the administration as to the sufferings of the subjects.
Besides, a corrupt example was set in high quarters. John of Cappadocia, brutal
and covetous as he was, speculating on everything, stealing from everyone,
still maintained the Emperor's credit in a wonderful way until 541 “by his
constant labors to increase the public revenue”. Peter Barsymes who succeeded him in 543 was the prince's chief favorite until 559, in spite of
his shameless traffic in the magistracies, and his scandalous speculation in
corn, simply because he was able, in some degree, to supply money for all
Justinian’s needs. The provincial officials followed the lead of their chiefs,
and even rivaled them in exactions and corruption, while the Emperor looked the
other way. The financial tyranny had reached such a pitch by this time that a
contemporary tells us that “a foreign invasion seemed less formidable to the
taxpayers than the arrival of the officials of the fisc”.
The misery suffered was terrible enough to justify the sinister fact recorded
by John Lydus, “The tax-gatherers could find no more money to take to the
Emperor, because there were no people left to pay the taxes”. Justinian's
administrative system had woefully miscarried.
The Church. 527-565
In common with all the Emperors who had occupied the
throne of the Caesars since the time of Constantine, Justinian gave much
attention to the Church, as much for political reasons as because of his zeal
for orthodoxy. His autocratic disposition was unable to realize that anything
could be exempt from the prince's inspection in a well-regulated monarchy. He
claimed therefore to exercise his authority, not only with regard to
ecclesiastics—the greatest included—but further, when questions of discipline
or dogma arose his word was never lacking. He wrote somewhere that “good order
in the Church is the prop of the Empire”. He spared nothing which might lead to
this good order. Both Justinian's Code and the Novellae abound in laws dealing with the organization of the clergy, the regulation of
their moral life, the foundation and administration of religious houses, the
government of ecclesiastical property, and the control of the jurisdiction to
which clerics were liable. During his whole reign Justinian claimed the right
to appoint and dispossess bishops, to convoke and direct councils, to sanction
their decisions, and to amend or abolish their canons. Since he enjoyed
theological controversies, and had a real talent for conducting them, he was
not deterred by pope, patriarchs, and bishops, from setting himself up as a
doctor of the Church, and as an interpreter of the Scriptures. In this capacity
he drew up confessions of faith and hurled forth anathemas.
In exchange for the mastery which he assumed over it,
he extended his special protection to the Church. A crowd of religious
buildings, churches, convents, and hospitals sprang up in every part of the
Empire, thanks to the Emperor's generosity. Throughout the monarchy the bishops
were encouraged to make use of the government's authority and resources to
spread their faith as well as to suppress heresy. Justinian believed that the
first duty of a sovereign was “to keep the pure Christian faith inviolate, and
to defend the Catholic and Apostolic Church from any harm”. He therefore
employed the most severe measures against anyone who wished to injure or
introduce changes into the unity of the Church. Religious intolerance was
transformed into a public virtue.
From the beginning of his reign Justinian promulgated
the severest laws against heretics in 527 and 528. They were excluded from
holding any public office, and from the liberal professions. Their meetings
were forbidden and their churches shut. They were even deprived of some of
their civil rights, for the Emperor declared that it was only right that
orthodox persons should have more privileges in society than heretics, for whom
"to exist is sufficient." The pagans, Hellenes as they were called,
were persecuted by the enforcement of these general rules; Justinian endeavored,
above all things, to deprive them of education, and he had the University of
Athens closed in 529; at the same time ordering wholesale conversions.
Missions were frequently sent to the Monophysites of
Asia by John, bishop of Ephesus, who called himself “the destroyer of idols and
the hammer of the heathen” (542). Those sanctuaries which were not yet closed,
that of Isis at Philae and that of Ammon in the oasis of Augila,
were shut by force, and nothing remained of paganism but an amusement for a few
men of leisure, or a form of political opposition in the shape of secret
societies. The Jews fared no better, and the Samaritan revolt in 529 made their
position still worse. Other sects which refused to conform, Manichaeans,
Montanists, Arians, and Donatists, were persecuted in the same way. Religious
intolerance accompanied the imperial restoration in the West. In Africa, as in
Italy, Arians were spoiled for the benefit of Catholics, their churches were
destroyed or ruined, and their lands confiscated. The Monophysites alone
profited by comparative toleration, because they engrossed more of Justinian's
attention, since they were stronger and more numerous than the others.
Justinian had been thrown into the arms of Rome at the
beginning of his reign, partly by the orthodox restoration effected by Justin,
and partly by his own desire to maintain friendly relations with the Papacy; a
desire due to political interests as well as to religious zeal. Resounding
confessions of faith testified to the purity of his belief and his profound
respect for Rome, while his measures against heretics proved the sincerity of
his zeal. Justinian spared nothing in his efforts to conciliate the Roman
Church, and we find inserted with evident satisfaction in Justinian's Code pontifical
letters, which praise his efforts to maintain “the peace of the Church and the
unity of religion”, and assert that “nothing is finer than faith in the bosom
of a prince”.
However, if concord with Rome was a necessary
condition of the establishment and maintenance of the imperial domination in
the West, the Monophysites had to be reckoned with in the East. In spite of the
persecutions of Justin's reign, they were still strong and numerous within the
Empire. They were masters of Egypt, where the monks formed a fanatical and
devoted army at the disposal of their patriarch. In Palestine, Syria,
Mesopotamia, Osrhoene, and Armenia they held
important posts, and found protectors even in the capital itself; and their
furious opposition to the Council of Chalcedon and the Roman doctrines was the
more dangerous since under the guise of religion they displayed those
separatist tendencies, which had long been hostile towards Constantinople in
both Egypt and Syria. Justinian had to choose between the horns of a dilemma,
between the restoration of political and moral unity in the East by the
sacrifice of peace with Rome—the course followed by Zeno and Anastasius, and
advised by Theodora—and the maintenance of friendly relations with the West at
the price of meeting the Eastern Monophysite opposition with force. Justin had
pursued this policy and Justinian had carried it on. But now, placed as he was
between the Pope and the Empress, he found a change of policy necessary. A
middle course seemed fraught with least difficulty, so he tried to find a
neutral position which would allow him to recede from the Council of Chalcedon
sufficiently to satisfy the dissidents, and so, without sacrificing his
orthodoxy, to extinguish an opposition which troubled the Emperor as much as
the theologian. This was the fundamental idea underlying his religious policy,
in spite of variation, hesitations, and contradictions. Theodora suggested it
to him, and it would have proved a fruitful conception if time had been allowed
the Empress to finish her work; in any case it was an idea worthy of an
Dealings with the Monophysites. 529-537
From the time of his accession Justinian had busied
himself in the attempt to find some common ground with the Monophysites. In 529
or 530, on Theodora’s advice he recalled the fugitive or proscribed monks from
exile, as a pledge of his good intentions. He invited to Constantinople
Severus, the ex-patriarch of Antioch, for whom the Empress professed a
passionate admiration, to seek with him for a way which might lead to an
agreement. In 533 he arranged a conference in the capital “to restore unity”,
at which the heretics were to be treated with complete kindness and unalterable
patience. Soon afterwards, in order to satisfy the Monophysites, he imposed on
the orthodox clergy, after the theopaschite quarrel,
a declaration of faith that has rightly been called “a new Henotikon”.
Further, he allowed the Monophysites complete liberty to spread their teaching,
and not only in the capital but in the Sacred Palace itself heresy increased,
thanks to the open protection of Theodora. When, in 535, the patriarchal throne
became vacant, Epiphanius’ successor was Anthemius, bishop of Trebizond, a
prelate secretly attached to the Monophysite cause. Under the influence of
Severus, who was in the capital, and a guest at the palace, the new patriarch
pursued the policy approved by the religious leaders of the East, that is the
same that Zeno and Anastasius had followed; while Theodora actively helped, and
the Emperor gave a tacit consent.
But the orthodox position was restored by several
events. In March 536 the energetic pope Agapetus came to Constantinople and
boldly deposed Anthemius; the Council of Constantinople anathematized the
heretics with no uncertain pronouncement soon after (May 536), while the
apostolic legate Pelagius acquired in the following years considerable
influence over Justinian. Towards the end of 537 persecution of the
Monophysites broke out again: bonfires were lighted in Syria, Mesopotamia, and
Armenia, and it was boasted that heresy had been rooted out by severity and
tortures. Even Egypt, the Monophysite stronghold, was not spared. The patriarch
Theodosius, one of Theodora's protégés, was torn from his see, driven into
exile (538) and replaced by a prelate fitted to inspire respect for orthodoxy
by means of terror. Egypt bent under his iron hand. Even the monks accepted the
Council of Chalcedon; and Justinian and Pelagius flattered themselves that they
had beaten down heresy (540).
Although the Emperor returned to the Roman side in the
dispute, he had no intention of giving up for that reason the supreme authority
which he considered his due, even over the Papacy. Silverius, successor of
Agapetus, had made the great mistake of allowing himself to be elected by
Gothic influence just when Theodora wanted her favorite, the deacon Vigilius,
to be elevated to the pontifical throne. Belisarius accepted the uncongenial
task of paying off imperial grudges towards the new pope. In March 537
Silverius was arrested, deposed, and sent into exile on an imaginary charge of
treason. Vigilius was unanimously elected in his place under pressure from
Byzantium (29 March 537).
Jacob Baradaeus. 527-550
The Empress counted on her protégé to carry out her
revenge for the repulse of 536. But once installed, Vigilius made delays, and
in spite of Belisarius' summons to carry out his promises, finally refused to
accomplish any of the plans expected of him. At the same time, Monophysitism was spreading in the East in spite of the severity
of the edicts of 541 and 544. Justinian had taken what he thought to be the
wise measure of assembling the heretical leaders in Constantinople, where they
would be in his power, and under the eye of the police. But Theodora soon
procured a return to court favor for the exiles. The Emperor willingly made use
of their enthusiastic zeal, and sent them to convert the pagans of Nubia (540),
to struggle with those of Asia Minor (542), and to establish Christianity
amongst the Arabs of Syria (543). Theodora did still more. Thanks to her
efforts Jacob Baradaeus, who had been secretly
consecrated bishop of Edessa (543), was able to continue the work of
reorganizing the Monophysite Church throughout the East. Active and
indefatigable, in spite of the harshness of the enraged police who dogged his
track, he was able to reconstruct the scattered communities in Asia, Syria, and
Egypt, to give them bishops and even a leader in the patriarch whom
he ordained at Antioch in 550. It was owing to him that a new Monophysite
Church was founded in a few years, which took the name of its great founder,
and henceforth called itself Jacobite.
This unexpected revival changed Justinian's plans once
more. Again his old dream of unity seemed to him to be more than ever necessary
for the safety of the State as well as for the good of the Church. Thus, when
Theodore Askidas, bishop of Caesarea, drew his
attention, among the writings approved by the Council of Chalcedon, to those of
the three men Theodore of Mopsuestia, Theodoret of Cyrrhus, and Ibas of Edessa, as
notoriously tainted with Nestorianism, he was easily persuaded that to condemn
the Three Chapters would be to create an easy and orthodox way to dissipate the
Monophysite distrust of the Council "renewed and purified." And since
Pelagius was no longer there to counterbalance Theodora's influence, and as the
heretics joyfully welcomed any scheme which injured the authority of Chalcedon,
the Emperor pronounced the anathema against the Three Chapters by an edict of
Pope Vigilius. 543-551
It was still necessary to obtain the adhesion of the
Papacy; but this did not trouble the Emperor. It was essential to remove the
pope from his Roman surroundings, which were hostile to the designs of the
Greek theologians, and to put him in the Emperor's power. Therefore Vigilius
was carried off from Rome in the midst of a display of the troops (November
545) and transported under escort to Sicily, whence he travelled slowly towards
Constantinople. He arrived at the beginning of 547, and soon yielded to the
importunities of the basileus, the energetic summons of Theodora, and the
subtle entreaties of the court theologians. He promised “to set their minds at
rest” by condemning the Three Chapters, and he published his Judicatum on Easter Eve 548. This, while formally
maintaining the authority of the Canons of Chalcedon, condemned no less clearly
the persons and writings of the three guilty doctors. This was Theodora's last
triumph. When she died soon after (June 548) she could think that her highest
hopes were realized, in the humiliation of the Apostolic See and the constant
progress of the Monophysite Church.
When the news of these events at Constantinople spread
to the West, there was a general protest against Vigilius’ conduct in Africa,
Dalmatia, and Illyricum. Justinian was unmoved. By an imperial edict bearing
the date of 551 he solemnly condemned the Three Chapters a second time, and set
himself to overcome all opposition by the use of force. The most recalcitrant
bishops in Africa were deposed, and the rest appeased by means of intrigues;
and since Vigilius, alarmed at what he had done, insistently clamored for an
ecumenical council to settle the dispute, strong measures were taken against
him. In the month of August 551 the church of St Peter in Hormisda,
where he had taken refuge, was entered by a band of soldiers, who dragged the
clerics composing the pontifical train from the sanctuary. Vigilius was
clinging to the altar pillars; he was seized by the feet and the beard, and the
ensuing struggle was so desperate that the altar was pulled over and fell,
crushing the pope beneath it. At the sight of this dreadful occurrence the
assembled crowd cried out in horror, and even the soldiers hesitated. The
Praetor decided to beat a retreat; the plan had miscarried. But the pope was
nothing more than the Emperor’s prisoner. Surrounded by spies, fearing for
his liberty, even for his life, Vigilius decided to flee. On a dark night
(23 Dec. 551) he escaped from the Placidian Palace with a few faithful
followers, and sought refuge in the church of St Euphemia at Chalcedon, the
same place where the Council had been held for which Vigilius was suffering
Justinian was afraid that he had gone too far: and he
resumed negotiations. Not without difficulty nor without another
attempt to use force, he persuaded the pontiff to return to Constantinople, and
brought forward the idea of a Council once more. After various hindrances this
great assembly, known as the Fifth Ecumenical Council, opened (5 May 553) in
the church of St Sophia. A few African prelates, chosen with great care, were
the only representatives of the West; the pope refused to take part in the
debates, in spite of all entreaties: and while the Council accomplished its
task, obedient to the Emperor's commands, he tried to make a pronouncement on
the question in dispute on his own authority by the Constitutum of
14 May 553. While he completely abandoned the doctrines of Theodore of Mopsuestia, he refused to anathematize him, and showed himself
even more indulgent towards Ibas and Theodoret,
saying that all Catholics should be contented with anything approved by the
Council of Chalcedon. Unfortunately for Vigilius he had bound himself by
frequent vows and by written and formal agreements to condemn the Three
Chapters at Justinian's wish. At the Emperor's instigation the Council ignored
the pontiff’s recantation. To please the prince it even erased the name of
Vigilius from the ecclesiastical diptychs; and then, the Three Chapters having
been condemned in a long decree, the fathers separated, 2 June 553.
Violence was again used to enforce the decisions of
the Council. Particular severity was used towards those clerics who had
supported Vigilius in his resistance. They were exiled or imprisoned, so that
the pontiff, deserted and worn out, and fearing that a successor to him would
be appointed in newly-conquered Rome, gave way to the Emperor’s wish and
solemnly confirmed the condemnation of the Three Chapters by the Constitutum of February 554. The West, however,
still persisted in its opposition. The authorities flattered themselves of
having reduced the recalcitrants by floggings,
imprisonment, exile, and depositions. They were successful in Africa and
Dalmatia, but in Italy there was a party amongst the bishops, led by the
metropolitans of Milan and Aquileia, who flatly refused to remain in fellowship
with a pope who “betrayed his trust” and “deserted the orthodox cause”, and in
spite of the efforts of the civil authorities to reduce the opposition, the
schism lasted for more than a century.
The Papacy emerged from this long struggle cruelly
humiliated. After Silverius, Vigilius had experienced in full measure the
severity of the imperial absolutism. His successors, Pelagius (555) and John
III (560), elected under pressure from Justinian's officials, were nothing more
than humble servants of the basileus, in spite of all their struggles. Their
authority was discredited in the entire West by the affair of the Three
Chapters, shaken in Italy by the schism, and still further lessened by the
privileges that the imperial benevolence granted to the church of Ravenna,
since that town was the capital of reconquered Italy. By paying this price, by
cruelly wounding the Catholic West, and recalling the Monophysites, Justinian
hoped until his dying day that he had obtained the results which were the aim
of his religious policy, and had restored peace to the East. “Anxious”, wrote
John of Ephesus, “to carry out the wishes of his dead wife in every detail”, he
increased the number of conferences and discussions after 548, in order to
reconcile the Monophysites: while he had such a great wish to find some common
ground with them that to satisfy them he slipped into heresy on the eve of his
death. In an edict of 565 he declared his adherence to the doctrine of
the Incorruptiblae, the most extreme of
all the heretics, and as usual he used force against the prelates who made any
resistance. Thus until the end of his life Justinian had consistently
endeavored to impose his will upon the Church, and to break down all
opposition. Until the end of his life also he had sought to realize the
ideal of unity which inspired and dominated the whole of his religious policy.
But nothing came of his efforts; the Monophysites were never satisfied with the
concessions made to them, and upon the whole this great theological
undertaking, this display of rigor and arbitrariness, produced no results at
all or results of a deplorable nature.
Justinian’s last years. 548-565
It remains to be seen what were the consequences of
Justinian’s government in the East, and what price he paid, especially during
the last years of his reign, for this policy of great aims and mediocre or
unskillful measures.
A secret defect existed in all Justinian’s
undertakings, which destroyed the sovereign's most magnificent projects, and
ruined his best intentions. This was the disproportion between the end in view
and the financial resources available to realize it. Enormous, in fact
inexhaustible supplies were needed, for the drain on them was immense; to
satisfy the needs of a truly imperial policy, to meet the cost of wars of
conquest, to pay the troops, and for the construction of fortresses; to
maintain the luxury of the Court and the expense of buildings, to support a
complicated administration and to dispense large subsidies to the barbarians.
When he ascended the throne Justinian had found in the treasury the sum of
320,000 pounds of gold, more than S14,400,000 sterling, which had been
accumulated by the prudent economy of Anastasius. This reserve fund was
exhausted in a few years, and henceforth for the rest of his long reign, the
Emperor suffered from the worst of miseries, the lack of money. Without money
the wars which had been entered upon with insufficient means dragged on
interminably. Without money the unpaid army became disorganized and weak.
Without money to maintain an effective force and provision the posts, the badly
defended frontier gave way under the assault of the barbarians, and, to get rid
of them, recourse was had to a ruinous diplomacy, which did not even protect
the Empire against invasions. Without money the attempted administrative reform
had to be abandoned, and the vices of an openly corrupt administration to be
condoned. Without money the government was driven to strange expedients, often
most unsuitable to its economic as to its financial policy. To meet expenses
the burden of taxation was increased until it became almost intolerable; and as
time passed, and the disproportion between the colossal aims of the imperial
ambition and the condition of the financial resources of the monarchy became
greater, the difficulty of overcoming the deficit led to even harsher measures.
“The State”, wrote Justinian in 552, “greatly enlarged by the divine mercy and
led by this increase to make war on her barbaric neighbors, has never been in
greater need of money than today”. Justinian exercised all his ingenuity to
find this money at any sacrifice, but in spite of real economies—amongst others
the suppression of the consulship (541)—by which he tried to restore some proportion
to the Empire's budget, the Emperor could never decide to curtail his luxury,
or his building operations, while the money which had been collected with such
difficulty was too often squandered to please favorites or upon whims.
Therefore a terrible financial tyranny was established in the provinces,
which effected the ruin of the West already overwhelmed by war, of
the Balkan peninsula ravaged by barbarians, and of Asia fleeced by Chosroes.
The time came when it was impossible to drag anything from these exhausted
countries, and seeing the general misery, the growing discontent and the
suspicions which increased every day, contemporaries asked, with a terrified
stupor, “whither the wealth of Rome had vanished”. Thus the end of the reign was strangely sad.
The death of Theodora (June 548), while it deprived
the Emperor of a vigorous and faithful counselor, dealt Justinian a blow from
which he never recovered. Henceforth, as his age increased—he was 65 then—the
defects of his character only became more prominent. His irresolution was more
noticeable, while his theological mania was inflamed. He disregarded military
matters, finding the direction of the wars which he had so dearly loved
tiresome and useless; he cared more for the exercise of a diplomacy, often pitifully
inadequate, than for the prestige of arms. Above all, he carried on everything
with an ever-increasing carelessness. Leaving the trouble of finding money at
any cost to his ministers, to Peter Barsymes the
successor of John of Cappadocia, and to the quaestor Constantine, the successor
of Tribonian, he gave himself up to religious
quarrels, passing his nights in disputations with his bishops. As Corippus, a man not noted for severity towards princes:
wrote “The old man no longer cared for anything; his spirit was in heaven”.
Death of Justinian. 551-565
Under these circumstances, everything was lost. The
effective force of the army, which ought to have numbered 645,000 men, was
reduced to 150,000 at the most in 555. No garrisons defended the ramparts of
the dilapidated fortresses. “Even the barking of a watch-dog was not to be
heard” wrote Agathias, somewhat brutally. Even the
capital, inadequately protected by the wall of Anastasius, which was breached
in a thousand places, only had a few regiments of the palatine guard—soldiers
of no military worth—to defend it, and was at the mercy of a sudden attack.
Added to this, successive invasions took place in Illyricum and Thrace; the
Huns only just failed to take Constantinople in 558, while in 562 the Avars
insolently demanded land and money from the Emperor.
Then there was the misery of earthquakes, in 551 in
Palestine, Phoenicia and Mesopotamia, in 554 and 557 at Constantinople. It was
in 556 that the scourge of famine came, and in 558 the plague, which desolated
the capital during six months. Above all there was the increasing misery caused
by the financial tyranny. During the last years of the reign the only supplies
came from such expedients as the debasement of the coinage, forced loans and
confiscations. The Blues and Greens again filled Byzantium with disturbances:
in 553, 556, 559, 560, 561, 562 and 564 there were tumults in the streets, and
incendiarism in the town. In the palace the indecision as to a successor led to
continual intrigues: already the nephews of the basileus quarreled over their
heritage. There was even a conspiracy against the Emperor's life, and on this
occasion Justinian's distrust caused the disgrace of Belisarius once more for a
few weeks (562).
Thus when the Emperor died (November 565) at the age
of 83 years, relief was felt throughout the Empire. In ending this account of
Justinian’s reign the grave Evagrius wrote: “Thus
died this prince, after having filled the whole world with noise and troubles:
and having since the end of his life received the wages of his misdeeds, he has
gone to seek the justice which was his due before the judgment-seat of hell”.
He certainly left a formidable heritage to his successors, perils menacing all
the frontiers, an exhausted Empire, in which the public authority was weakened
in the provinces by the development of the great feudal estates, in the capital
by the growth of a turbulent proletariat, susceptible to every panic and
ready for every sedition. The monarchy had no strength with which to meet
all these dangers. In a novel of Justin II promulgated the day after
Justinian's death we read the following, word for word: “We found the treasury
crushed by debts and reduced to the last degree of poverty, and the army so
completely deprived of all necessaries that the State was exposed to the
incessant invasions and insults of the barbarians”.
It would, however, be unjust to judge the whole of
Justinian’s reign by the years of his decadence. Indeed, though every part of
the work of the Byzantine Caesar is not equally worthy of praise it must not be
forgotten that his intentions were generally good, and worthy of an Emperor.
There is an undeniable grandeur in his wish to restore the Roman traditions in
every branch of the government, to reconquer the lost provinces, and to recover
the imperial suzerainty over the whole barbarian world. In his wish to efface
the last trace of religious quarrels he showed a pure feeling for the most
vital interests of the monarchy. In the care which Justinian took to cover the
frontiers with a continuous network of fortresses, there was a real wish to
assure the security of his subjects; and this solicitude for the public good
was shown still more clearly in the efforts which he made to reform the
administration of the State. Furthermore, it was not through vanity alone, or
because of a puerile wish to attach his name to a work great enough to dazzle
posterity, that Justinian undertook the legal reformation, or covered the
capital and Empire with sumptuous buildings. In his attempt to simplify the
law, and to make justice more rapid and certain, he undoubtedly had the
intention of improving the condition of his subjects: and even in the impetus
given to public works we can recognize a love of greatness, regrettable in its
effects perhaps, but commendable all the same because of the thought which
inspired it.
Certainly the execution of these projects often
compared unfavorably with the grandiose conceptions which illuminated the dawn
of Justinian's reign. But however hard upon the West the imperial restoration
may have been, however useless the conquest of Africa and Italy may have been
to the East, Justinian none the less gave the monarchy an unequalled prestige
for the time being, and filled his contemporaries with admiration or terror.
Whatever may have been the faults of his diplomacy, none the less by that
adroit and supple combination of political negotiations and religious
propaganda he laid down for his successors a line of conduct which gave force
and duration to Byzantium during several centuries. And if his
successes were dearly bought by the sufferings of the East and the widespread
ruin caused by a despotic and cruel government, his reign has left an indelible
mark in the history of civilization. The Code and St Sophia assure eternity to
the memory of Justinian.
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