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AT the accession of Clovis,
who succeeded his father Childeric about the
year 481, the Salian Franks had advanced as far as the Somme. Between the Somme
and the Loire the suzerainty of the Roman Empire was still maintained. The various Gallo-Roman cities preserved a
certain independence, while a
Roman official, by name Syagrius, exercised a kind of protection
over them. Syagrius was the son of Aegidius, the former magister militum, and he held the command by hereditary right.
After the fall of the Roman Empire of the West in 476, he
maintained an independent position,
having no longer any official superior. Failing any regular title, Gregory of Tours designates
him Rex Romanorum, and the former Roman official takes on the character of a barbarian
king, free from all ties of authority. The seat of his
administration was the town of Soissons.
To the south of the Loire
began the kingdom of the Visigoths, which reached beyond the Pyrenees and across Spain to the Strait of
Gibraltar. The country south of the Durance,
that is to say Provence, also formed part of this kingdom. After having long been allies of the Roman
Empire the Visigoths had broken the
treaties which bound them to Rome; moreover since 476 there was no emperor in Italy, and they occupied these vast territories by right of conquest. Euric, who had been king since
466, had extended his dominions on every side and was quite independent.
In the valley of the Saone and
the Rhone, as far as the Durance, the Burgundians had been enlarging their borders. Starting from Savoy, to which Aetius had confined them, they had extended their
possessions little by little, until
these now included the town of Langres. In 481 the kingship of Burgundy was shared by two brothers, of whom the elder, Gundobad, had his seat at Vienne, the younger, Godigisel, at Geneva. A third brother, Chilperic, who had reigned at Lyons, had just died. The rumor ran that he had met a violent death, his
brothers having had him assassinated in order to seize upon his
The Visigoths and
Burgundians endeavored to live at peace with the Gallo-Romans and to administer their territories wisely. The
former subjects of Rome would willingly have submitted to
them in exchange for the protection which they could afford and the peace which
they could secure; they would
willingly have pardoned them for dividing up their territories; but between the Gallo-Romans and
the barbarians there was one grave subject of dissension. The
former had remained faithful to orthodoxy, the latter were Arians; and although
the rulers were willing to exercise
toleration and to maintain friendly relations with the members of the episcopate, their Gallo-Roman
subjects did not cease to regard
them as abettors of heresy, and to desire their fall as a means to
the triumph of the true faith.
To the north of the Burgundian kingdom, the Alemans
had made themselves masters of the
territory between the Rhine and the Vosges —the country which was to be
known later as Alsace — and they were seeking
to enlarge their borders by attacking the Gallo-Roman cities to the west, the
Burgundians to the south and the Ripuarian Franks to the north-west. They also continued to hold the country
on the right bank of the Rhine
which had been known as the agri decumates, and they had established themselves in force upon the shores
of the Lake of Constance and to
the east of the Aar. The Ripuarian Franks remained in possession of a compact State round about Cologne and Treves,
and, near them, the Thuringians
had founded a little State on the left bank of the Rhine. It should be added that small colonies of
barbarians, drawn from many
different tribes, had established themselves here and there over
the whole face of Gaul. Bands of armed barbarians ranged the country, seeking a home for themselves; Saxon
pirates infested the coasts, and had established themselves in some
force at Bayeux.
Beginnings of Clovis. 481-496
Such was the general condition
of Gaul at the time when Clovis became
king of the Salian Franks. For five years the youthful king—he was only fifteen at his accession—remained inactive. He seems to have
been held in check by Euric, the king of the Visigoths. But in the year following the death of Euric, 486, he took up arms and, calling to
his aid other Salian kings,
Ragnachar and Chararic, attacked Syagrius. The two armies came into contact with one another in the neighborhood of
Soissons. During the battle Chararic held off, awaiting the result of the
struggle. In spite of this defection Clovis was victorious, and Syagrius had to take refuge with the king of the
Visigoths, Alaric II, who had
succeeded Euric. Alaric however surrendered him, on the first demand of the Frankish king, who thereupon threw
him into prison and had him secretly put to death. After this victory Clovis
occupied the town of Soissons,
which thenceforth ranked as one of the capitals of the kingdom. It
is in the neighborhood of Soissons that we find the principal villae of the Merovingian kings, notably Brennacum (today Berny-Rivière). From Soissons he extended his sway over the cities
of Belgica Secunda of which Rheims is the metropolis, and he
entered into relations with Remi
(Remigius), the bishop of this city. Then, gradually, meeting with more or less prolonged resistance, he
gained possession of other cities, among them Paris — the defense
of which was directed, so the legend
runs, by Ste Geneviéve — and Verdun-sur-Meuse, which
is said to have received
honorable terms, thanks to its bishop, Euspicius. Thus, little by little, the dominions of Clovis
were extended to the banks of
the Loire. In this newly conquered territory Clovis followed a new policy. In occupying Toxandria the Salians had expelled the Gallo-Roman population; here, on the
contrary, they left the Gallo-Romans undisturbed and were content to mix with
them. The ancient language held its ground, and the Gallo-Romans retained their
possessions; there was not even a division
of the lands, such as the Visigoths and Burgundians had made.
Clovis was no doubt still a pagan, but he respected the Christian religion and showed an extraordinary
deference towards the
bishops—that is the only conclusion that can be drawn from the well-known incident of the bowl of
Soissons—and the prelates already seemed
to see before them a glorious work to be accomplished in the conversion
of Clovis to orthodox Christianity.
Not content with bringing the Gallo-Romans under his
sway, Clovis waged war also with the
barbarian peoples in the neighborhood of his kingdom. In the year 491 he forced the Thuringians
on the left bank of the Rhine to
submit to him, and enrolled their warriors among his own troops. He
also invited other barbarian auxiliaries to march under his standards as well as the Roman soldiers
who had been placed to guard the frontier, and in this way he formed a very
strong army.
The fame of Clovis began to
spread abroad. Theodoric, king of the Ostrogoths,
who had almost completed the conquest of Italy, asked the hand of his sister Albofleda in marriage, and Clovis himself, in 493, espoused a Burgundian princess, Clotilda, daughter of Chilperic,
who had died not long before,
and niece of the kings Gundobad and Godigisel.
Clotilda was an orthodox Christian and set herself to
convert her husband—it would be possible to trace the influence of women in
many of those great conversions which have had important political consequences. Half won-over, the king of the Franks
allowed his children to be baptized, but he hesitated to abjure for
himself the faith of his ancestors. He
did not make up his mind until after his first victory over the
Conversion of Clovis. 496-507
After his victory at Soissons,
Clovis pushed his advance towards the east. The Alemans, already in possession of Alsace, were endeavoring to
extend their territories towards the west, across the Vosges. It was inevitable that the two powers should come into
collision. The struggle was
severe. Clovis succeeded in crossing the Vosges, and, on the banks of the Rhine, probably in the neighborhood of
Strassburg, he defeated his adversaries in a bloody battle (AD 496), but was
unable to reduce them to
subjection. He began to perceive at this time what strength he would gain by embracing Christianity. The
bishops, who exercised a very
powerful influence, would everywhere declare for him, and would support him in his struggles with the heathen
tribes, and even against the barbarians who adhered to the Arian
heresy. His wars would then assume the
character of wars of religion—crusades, to use the term of later times. It was doubtless from such
considerations of policy, rather than
from any profound conviction, that he decided to be baptized. The
ceremony, to which numerous persons of note were invited, took place at Rheims,
whatever some modern historians may say to the contrary. It was celebrated on
Christmas day of the year 496. Three thousand
Franks went to the font along with their king. This conversion produced a profound and wide-spread impression.
Throughout the whole of Gaul, in
the kingdom of the Burgundians as well as that of the Visigoths, orthodox Christians spoke of it
with enthusiasm. Avitus, bishop of Vienne, a subject of King
Gundobad, wrote to Clovis, king of the Franks: “Your ancestors have opened the
way for you to a great destiny; your decision will open the way to a yet
greater for your descendants. Your
faith is our victory”. And he urged him in emphatic language to propagate Catholicism among the
barbarian peoples in more distant lands, “which have not yet been
corrupted by heretical doctrines”. It was quite evident that if the Catholics
of the Burgundian and Visigothic
kingdoms did not precisely summon Clovis to their aid, they would
at least not resist him if he came of his own motion.
Accordingly, four years after his baptism, in the year
500, Clovis commenced operations
against the Burgundians. Coming to an understanding with Godigisel, he made war on Gundobad, king of Vienne.
He first defeated him near
Dijon, and then advanced along the Rhone as far as Avignon. But
that was the limit of his success. On Gundobad's promising to pay tribute,
Clovis retired. Gundobad, however, not only broke his word, but attacked his brother Godigisel, slew him in a
church in Vienne and made himself
master of the whole of Burgundy. Thus the attack of Clovis had the consequence of making Gundobad
stronger than before. From the
year 500 onwards Burgundy enjoyed a period of prosperity. It was at
this period that the so-called Lex Gundobada and
the Roman law of Burgundy were promulgated. Clovis, not being able to subdue Gundobad, notwithstanding the secret
support of the orthodox clergy,
came to terms with him, and later found him a useful ally in the war
with the Visigoths.
Wars with Burgundians and Visigoths. 500-507
If Clovis did not push home
his success against the Burgundians, it was doubtless because his own kingdom was menaced by the Alemans. About
this time, therefore, he decided to expel that nation from the territories which they occupied; and from 505 to
507 he waged against them a war
of extermination. He not only seized the country afterwards known
as Alsace, but pursued the Alemans up the right bank of the Rhine and drove
them to take refuge in the valley of the upper Rhine (Rhaetia). At this point Theodoric the Great, the
king of the Ostrogoths, intervened in favor of the vanquished. Theodoric
desired to exercise a kind of hegemony
over the barbarian kings and with that view to maintain the balance
of power among them. He wrote an eloquent letter to Clovis, in which, while
sending him a player on the cither, he
begged him to spare the remnant of the Alemans, and declared that he took them
under his protection. The Alemans, who were now occupying the high valleys of the Alps, thus passed under
the dominion of Theodoric, and
paid tribute to him. They formed a kind of buffer-State between the
kingdoms of the Franks and the Ostrogoths. We shall see how Witigis, a successor of
Theodoric, gave up these remnants of the Alemans to the
Franks (536).
Battle of Vouglé. 507-508
As early as 507 Clovis was
bending all his energies to the project of wresting
from the Visigoths the part of Gaul which they held. The orthodox bishops were
now tired of being subject to Arian rulers, and besought the aid of the king of the Franks. Alaric II, who had succeeded Euric in 486, was undoubtedly a
tolerant ruler. He gave to the
Romans of his dominions an important code of law which is known by the name of the Breviarium Alarici; and he allowed the bishops more
than once to meet in councils. But being obliged to take severe measures
against certain bishops, he was counted a persecutor. Thus, two successive bishops of Tours, Volusianus and Verus, were driven from that see, Ruricius of Limoges was obliged to live
in exile at Bordeaux; and all these bickerings made the bishops long for an orthodox ruler. Causes of contention between
Franks and Visigoths were not lacking. One difficulty after another arose
between the two neighboring kingdoms. In
vain the kings endeavored to remove them, meeting for this purpose on an island in the Loire near Amboise; in
vain Theodoric the Great wrote urging the adversaries to compose
their quarrel. He advised Alaric to be
prudent and not to stake the fate of his kingdom upon a throw of the dice. He reminded Clovis that
the issue of a battle was always uncertain, and threatened to
intervene himself if the king of the
Franks proceeded to extremities. He invited Gundobad the king of the
Burgundians to co-operate with him in maintaining peace. He warned three kings who held the right
bank of the Rhine—the kings of the Herulians, the Warnians, and the
Thuringians—of the ambitions of Clovis. It was too late; the war
could not be averted. Beyond question,
Clovis was the aggressor. He mustered his troops and made a vigorous speech to them: "It
grieves me that these Arians
should hold a part of Gaul. Let us march, with the help of God, and reduce their country to subjection." He had with him Chloderic, son of Sigebert, king of the Ripuarian Franks, while Gundobad
king of the Burgundians co-operated by advancing upon the Visigoths from the east. The decisive battle took
place at Vouglé, in the neighborhood of Poitiers (AD 507). The
Visigoths made a heroic resistance, in which the Arvernians, led by Apollinaris the son of the poet Sidonius, especially distinguished themselves.
But the Franks broke down all
resistance, and Clovis slew Alaric with his own hand.
After the battle the Salians
effected a junction with the Burgundians, and the combined forces advanced on Toulouse and burned that city. Then
the conquerors divided their troops into three armies. Clovis subjugated the
western part of the country, capturing Eauze,
Bazas, Bordeaux, and Angouleme; his son
Theodoric (Thierry) operated in the central region, and took the
cities of Albi, Rodez, and Auvergne; Gundobad
advanced towards the east, into Septimania, where a
bastard son of Alaric II named Gisalic had just had himself proclaimed king, ousting the legitimate son, Amalaric.
Soon there remained to the Visigoths, to the north of the Pyrenees, nothing but
Provence, with its capital Arles, formerly the residence of the Praetorian
Praefect and known as the “little Rome
of Gaul” (Gallula Roma). The Franks
and Burgundians had laid siege
to this city when the army of the Ostrogoths came upon the scene. Theodoric had been unable to
intervene earlier, for at the beginning of 508 a Byzantine fleet,
perhaps at the instigation of Clovis,
had landed a force on the shores of Apulia, and the king of the Ostrogoths had had to turn his attention
thither. At length, in the
summer, he sent an army across the Alps, and its arrival forced the Franks and Burgundians to raise the
siege of Arles. His troops occupied the whole of Provence, but
instead of restoring this territory to the Visigoths, the Ostrogoths kept it
for themselves. Theodoric sent
officials to the cities of Provence with orders to treat in a conciliatory fashion this people which had been
“restored to the bosom of the Roman Empire”. The Ostrogoths did not
however content themselves with this success. Their general Ibbas retook Septimania from the Franks and Burgundians,
capturing Narbonne, Carcassonne, and Nimes. He left this territory, however,
under the rule of Amalaric and rid him of his rival Gisalic.
Communication was thus established along the coast of the Mediterranean between
the kingdoms of the Ostrogoths and Visigoths.
Nevertheless Clovis gained
considerable advantage from the war. If Septimania had
eluded his grasp, he had extended his kingdom from the Loire to the Pyrenees. Gundobad alone obtained no profit from the
Clovis treated with clemency
the Gallo-Roman populations whom he had just brought under his dominion. He ordered all clergy, widows, and
serfs of the Church, who had been made prisoners by his troops during the campaign, to be set at liberty. There
was no new distribution of lands. The Arians, indeed, were required
to embrace the orthodox faith, but even their conversion was effected rather by
persuasion than by force. The Arian
clergy were allowed to resume their rank in the hierarchy after a
reconciliation by laying on of hands. Their churches were not destroyed, but after reconsecration were made over
to the use of the orthodox.
On his way back from the war, Clovis in 508 visited
the town of Tours, where he made large
gifts to the monastery of St. Martin. At Tours he received from the Emperor of
the East, Anastasius, the patent of consular rank. He was not
entitled consul, and his name would be sought in vain in the consular records;
he was an honorary consul, tanquam consul, as Gregory of Tours quite accurately expresses
it. He at once assumed the
insignia of the consulship, with the purple tunic and mantle of the same color, and, starting from the church of St.
Martin, he made a solemn entry into the town of Tours, and proceeded
to the cathedral of St. Gatien, scattering largess as he went. Clovis was
evidently proud of this new honor, which was a proof of the Emperor's friendship — perhaps he had come to
an agreement with the Emperor
directed against Theodoric — but his investiture with the consulship gave him no new authority. His rights
were those of conquest; they were not dependent on the sanction of the
Emperor, and he continued to govern the Gallo-Romans after 508 as
he had governed them before it. If he
wore the Roman insignia at his entry into Tours, he continued to
wear also the crown characteristic of barbarian
kings, and along with the title of honorary consul—translated in a prologue to the Salic law by Proconsul — he
assumed that of Augustus.
From Tours, Clovis proceeded to Paris where he now
established the seat of his government. The town was admirably situated, lying
on an island in the Seine, at a point
about the middle of its course, and not far from the points at
which it receives its two great confluents, the Marne and the Oise; well placed also for communication with the northern plain, and with the south of France by way
of the Gap of Poitou. Already
the town had overflowed to the left bank, and there Clovis built a basilica
dedicated to the Holy Apostles. This was later the church of Ste Genevieve, close to what is now
the Pantheon. In the neighborhood of Paris there sprang up a number of royal villae, Clichy, Rueil, Nogent-sur-Marne, Bonneuil.
Clovis had won great
victories; but there were still some Salian tribes which were ruled over by their own kings, and round about Cologne lay the kingdom of the Ripuarian Franks. By a series of assassinations Clovis got rid of the Salian kings, Chararic and Ragnachar, and the two brothers of the latter, Richar and Rignomer— the former killed near Mans—and took possession of their territories. The details which have come down to us of the
assassination of these petty kings are legendary, but that
they were murdered would appear to be
the fact. There remained the kingdom of the Ripuarians.
Clovis stirred up Chloderic against his father Sigebert the Lame and then presented himself to the Ripuarians in the character of the avenger of Sigebert. The Ripuarians hailed him with acclamations and accepted him as their king: "Thus day by day God brought low his enemies before him, so that they submitted to him, and increased his kingdom, because he walked before Him with an upright heart and did that
which was pleasing in His sight." Such is the singular reflection which
closes the narrative of all these murders. Gregory of Tours reproduces it, borrowing it from some traditional
source, and the bishop does not seem to have been conscious how
singular it was.
The Sons of Clovis. 508-558
Clovis died in the year 511,
after holding at Orleans a council at which a great number of the bishops of his kingdom were assembled. He had accomplished a really great work. He had conquered nearly the whole of Gaul, excepting the kingdom of Burgundy, Provence, and Septimania. By
subjugating the Alemans he had extended his authority even to the other side of the Rhine. He had
governed this kingdom wisely,
relying chiefly on the episcopate for support. He had codified the customary
law of the Salian Franks—it is from his reign, between the years 508 and 511, that the first redaction of
the Salic law is in all probability
to be dated. He may be called with justice the founder of the
French nation.
The Merovingians regarded the kingdom as a family
inheritance, the sons dividing their
father's dominions into portions as nearly equal as possible. This was now done by the sons of Clovis,
Theodoric (Thierry), Clodomir, Childebert,
and Chlotar. Each of them took a share of their father's original kingdom to the north of the
Loire, and another share from
among his more recent conquests to the south of that river. As their capitals,
they chose respectively Rheims, Orleans, Paris, and Soissons. Each
of the four brothers, urged by covetousness, sought to increase his portion at the expense of his
neighbor, and they carried on a contest of intrigue and chicanery.
On the death of Clodomir in 524, Childebert and Chlotar murdered his children in order to divide his kingdom between
themselves. Two other families were also doomed to extinction. Theodoric died in 534, leaving a very able son Theudibert, the
most remarkable among the kings of that period, but he died in 548,
and his young son Theodebald fell a victim to precocious debauchery in 555. Childebert died in 558 and of
all the descendants of Clovis
there now remained only Chlotar I. He fell
heir to the whole of the
Merovingian dominions, and his power was apparently very great. His son Chramnus rebelled against him and fled to Chonober, count
of Brittany, but the father mustered his forces and defeated him — "like another Absalom," says
Gregory of Tours. Chlotar had him shut up in a hut with his wife and children,
and caused it to be set on fire.
Afterwards, however, he was overwhelmed with remorse. In vain he sought peace for his soul at the tomb
of St. Martin of Tours. Struck
down by disease he died at his palace of Compiègne, his last words
being: "What think ye of the King of Heaven who thus overthrows the kings
of earth?" His surviving sons
buried him with great pomp in the basilica of St. Medard at
Soissons (561).
In spite of the fact that
during the greater part of this period the kingdom was divided into four parts,
it was still regarded as a unity: there was only one Frankish kingdom, regnum Francorum. The
sons of Clovis had a common task to
accomplish in the carrying on of their father's work and the completion of the conquest of Gaul. In this they
did not fail. Clovis' expedition against the Burgundians in 500 had miscarried; his sons subjugated that kingdom.
Sigismund the son of Gundobad had been converted to the orthodox
faith; he restored the great monastery
of Agaunum in the Valais, on the spot where St.
Maurice and his comrades of the
Theban legion were slain. He reformed the Church at the great Council of Epaône in 517, where very severe measures were adopted
against the Arian heresy. But it was now too late. Sigismund failed to win over the orthodox
and he provoked a lively
discontent among the Burgundian warriors. The sons of Clovis were not slow to profit by this. Clodomir, Childebert, and Chlotar invaded Burgundy in 523, defeated Sigismund in a
pitched battle, and took him
prisoner. He was handed over, with his wife and children, to Clodomir, who had them
thrown into a well at St. Péravy-la Colombe near Orleans. And while the Franks were
invading the kingdom of Burgundy
from the north, Theodoric king of the Ostrogoths, resenting Sigismund's zeal against Arianism, had
sent troops from Provence and
captured several strong-places to the north of the Durance: Avignon, Cavaillon, Carpentras,
Orange, and Vaison. Burgundy however regained some strength under the rule of a brother of Sigismund named Godomar,
who defeated and slew Clodomir on 25 June 524, at Vézéronce near Vienne. He endeavored to reestablish
some order in his dominions at the assembly of Amberieux, and his kingdom was thus enabled to prolong its
existence until the year 534. At
that date Childebert, Chlotar, and Theudibert seized Burgundy and divided it between them, each one taking a
portion of the country and
adding it to his dominions. The kingdom of the Burgundians had existed for nearly a century, not without a
certain brilliance. A great
legislative work had been accomplished, and among them we find a historian in Marius of Aventicum and a poet
in Avitus, whom Milton was to recall in his Paradise
Lost. For long Burgundy formed a separate division of the Frankish
kingdom, and perhaps even today it is possible to recognize among the dwellers
on the banks of the Saône and the Rhone certain moral and physical
characteristics of the ancient Burgundians seven and a half feet in
height, hard-workers but loving pleasure
and good wine, and fond of letting their tongues run freely and without
Conquest of Provence. 536
The sons of Clovis also
annexed Provence and the cities to the north of the Durance which the Ostrogoths had occupied. Witigis,
who was defending himself with difficulty against the
Byzantines, offered them these
territories as the price of their neutrality, if they would refrain from siding with Justinian. The Frankish kings
divided up Provence (536) as
they had divided up Burgundy. They were now masters of the ancient
Phocaean colony of Marseilles, with the whole coast-line; at Arles, the old Roman capital of Gaul, they
presided over the games in the amphitheatre. Along with Provence, Witigis transferred to
the Franks the suzerainty over
the Alemans who in 506 had taken refuge in Rhaetia. From this time forward the Franks were masters of the
whole of ancient Gaul, with the
exception of Septimania which continued to be held by the Visigoths. Time after time did the
sons of Clovis attempt to wrest this country from them, but all their
expeditions failed for one reason or another. Septimania continued to be united to Spain and
shared the fortunes of that country, passing along with it under the domination of the Arabs. It was not until
the reign of Pepin that this fair region was incorporated with
But if the kingdom of the Franks had on the whole been
greatly extended, in one quarter the
limits of their dominion had been curtailed. In the course of the sixth century some of the
Celts, driven out of Great Britain by the Anglo-Saxon invasions, themselves
invaded the Armorican peninsula, which like the rest of Gaul had been
completely Romanized. “They embarked with loud lamentations, and,
as the wind swelled their sails, they cried with the Psalmist: Lord, Thou hast
delivered us like sheep to the
slaughter, and hast scattered us among the nations”. Arriving in
small separate companies they gained a foothold at the western extremity of the
peninsula. Gradually establishing themselves among the original population,
before long they ousted it, pushing it further towards the east. The aspect of
the Armorican peninsula underwent a
rapid change; it lost its earlier name and became known as Brittany, after its new inhabitants. In the
western districts the Romanic language disappeared entirely and
Celtic took its place; and special
saints with unfamiliar names were there held in honor, St. Brieuc, St. Tutwal, St. Malo, St. Judicaël. The Britons were
divided into three groups, of which
each one had its own chief; round about Vannes was the Bro-Waroch, so called
from the name of one of the chiefs; the group of Cornovii, coming from Cornwall,
established itself in the east; to the north, from Brest harbor to
the river Couesnon extended the Domnonée,
the inhabitants of which were natives of Devon. No doubt these various chiefs
recognized in theory the suzerainty of the Frankish kings, but they were not appointed by the latter, and were in
fact independent. The western extremity of France, the ancient Armorica, was thus separate from the rest of the
country; and similarly, between the Gironde and the Pyrenees, the Basques, who
belonged to a distinct race and spoke a peculiar dialect, maintained their
independence under the rule of their dukes.
Such was the state of the Frankish kingdom proper;
but, under the sons of Clovis, Frankish
influence extended even over the neighboring countries. They came
in contact with various Germanic peoples and imposed their suzerainty on some of them. Clovis himself had subjugated the Alemans; Theodebald his great-grandson
entered into relations with the
Bavarians beyond the Lech. Theodoric (Thierry) and Chlotar made war on the Thuringians and destroyed their independence (531). It
was from Thuringia that Chlotar took his wife, Radegund, who left him in order to found the famous convent of Ste Croix, at
Poitiers. Chlotar even made war upon the Saxons, who inhabited the great plain of
northern Germany, and imposed
upon them a yearly tribute of 500 cows. Spain and Italy, too, witnessed the warlike exploits of
these Frankish princes. From an expedition against Saragossa in 542
Childebert brought back the tunic of
St. Vincent, and in honor of this relic he founded at the gates of Paris the monastery of St. Vincent, later
known as St Germaindes-Près. Theudibert made several incursions into Italy.
Sometimes posing as a friend of the Ostrogoths, at others as a friend of the
Byzantines, he plundered some of the wealthy cities and amassed large spoils. He even made himself master for a time of
Liguria, Emilia, and Venetia, and had coins minted at Bologna.
Indignant because the Emperor added to his titles that of Francicus,
he even thought of penetrating by way of the valley of the Danube into Thrace,
and of appearing in arms before Constantinople. He addressed to Justinian
a haughty letter, which has come down
to us. So far these sons of Clovis still bear themselves like kings. They had achieved the conquest of Gaul up to the frontiers assigned by nature to
that country; they had also turned their arms against Germany, the country of
their origin, and had opened up
in that direction the pathway of civilization. Like the ancient Gauls whom they supplanted, they had descended
upon Italy, where their incursions created wide-spread
The Grandsons of Clovis. 561-575
To all this the epoch of the grandsons of Clovis
presents a striking contrast. The
vigorous expansion of the Franks was checked. They failed to wrest Septimania from the Visigoths and make Gaul a united whole. No doubt they made several expeditions
against the Lombards of Italy,
but these were merely plundering-raids; there were no further conquests. The Merovingians began to turn their warlike ardour against each other; there follows
a miserable period of civil war.
Of the four sons of Chlotar I —Charibert, Guntram, Sigebert, and Chilperic— who divided their father's kingdom in 561, Charibert the king of
Paris early disappeared from the scene, dying in 567. Sigebert king of Metz and Chilperic king of Soissons were
bitterly jealous of one another,
each constantly endeavouring to filch some fragment
of the other's territory. Between
these two Guntram king of Orleans and
Burgundy adopted a waiting attitude, in order to maintain the balance
of power, and giving his aid at the opportune moment to the weaker side to
prevent it from being crushed. The rivalry of the two brothers was intensified
by that of their wives, which gives to these struggles a peculiarly ruthless character. Sigebert, whose morals
were more respectable than those of his brothers, had sent an
embassy to Toledo to the king of the
Visigoths, Athanagild, to ask the hand of his daughter Brunhild
(Brunehaut) in marriage. Brunhild renounced Arianism, professed the Trinitarian faith, and brought to her
husband a very large dowry. The
marriage was celebrated at Metz with great magnificence. The young
poet Fortunatus also, who had just left his home at Treviso, indited an
epithalamium in grandiloquent lines into which
he dragged all the divinities of Olympus. The new queen was perhaps the only person present who understood
these eulogies, for she had been
brilliantly educated and spoke Latin excellently. At the half-barbarous court of Sigebert she made a profound impression.
The news of this marriage fired
Chilperic with envy. He had espoused a somewhat insignificant woman named Audovera, and had
afterwards repudiated her in
order to live in low debauchery with a serving-woman named Fredegund. But
after the marriage of Sigebert, he asked of Athanagild the hand of the latter's
eldest daughter, Galswintha. The king of the Visigoths did not dare to refuse. Galswintha came to Soissons,
and at first her husband loved her much “because she had brought great
treasures”. Before long however he went back to his mistress, and one morning
Galswintha was found strangled in her bed. Very shortly afterwards
the king married Fredegund, and ordered
the execution of his first wife Audovera. In this way arose a
bitter quarrel between Fredegund and Brunhild, the latter burning to avenge her sister; and it may well be conceived that
a peculiarly vindictive and
relentless character was thus imparted to the civil war. Almost at the beginning of the struggle
Sigebert met his death. He had
defeated Chilperic, had conquered the greater part of his kingdom, and compelled him to shut himself up
in Tournai; he was about to be raised on the shield and proclaimed
king at Vitry not far from Arras, when
two slaves sent by Fredegund struck him down with poisoned daggers
(scramasaxi) (575).
Chilperic. 561-584
The actors left upon the
scene, from that time forward, were Chilperic who was now to get back his kingdom, and Brunhild
who, after being held prisoner
for a time, succeeded after the most romantic adventures in escaping from Rouen
and reaching Austrasia, where her son, Childebert II (still a
child), had been proclaimed king.
Chilperic is the very type of a Merovingian despot. He
had two dominant passions, ambition and
greed of gold. He desired to extend his kingdom, he wished to accumulate treasure. He ground down his
people with taxes and caused a
new assessment to be made. Many of his subjects refused to submit
to this increase of taxation, preferring to leave the country and seek an
easier life elsewhere. In his capacity as judge he imposed especially heavy fines upon the rich as a means of
confiscating their property. He
was envious of the great possessions of the Church, complaining that “Our treasury is empty, all our
wealth has passed over to the
churches; the bishops alone reign, our power is gone, it has been transferred
to the bishops of the cities”. He therefore pronounced void all wills made in favor of the churches, he even
revoked the gifts which his
father had left to them. He sold the bishoprics to the highest bidder, and
in his reign very few of the clergy attained to the episcopate; rich laymen purchased the priestly office and passed in
one day through the various grades of orders. He was at once
avaricious and debauched, gourmand and
cruel. He delighted in low amours and he made a god of his belly. At the foot of his edicts he
inscribes this formula: “Whosoever sets at nought our order shall
have his eyes put out”.
But with all this he was a man of original ideas. He
desired that, contrary to the strict provisions of the Salic law, women should
in certain cases be allowed to inherit
land. He was no less ready to attack
religious dogma than ancient custom. He did not believe that it is
necessary to distinguish three Persons in God; he scoffed at the anthropomorphic designations, the Father and the
Son, as applied to the Deity. He
issued an edict forbidding the Trinity to be named in prayer—the name God was alone to be used.
Orthography as well as dogma must bow to his decree. He added to
the alphabet four letters, borrowed
from the Greek, to represent the long o, the “voiceless” th, the ce and
the w. It was not the Germanic sounds which he wished to
represent more exactly: Chilperic despised the Germanic tongue, and his reform
was intended to apply to the Latin. He directed that children were to be taught by the new methods; in ancient
manuscripts the writing was to
be erased and reinserted with the additional letters. This barbarian king was a
devoted admirer of the Roman civilization; he composed poems in the
manner of Sedulius, and wrote hymns which he also set to music. His skepticism regarding the Trinity did not prevent
him from being superstitious: he believed in portents, in relics,
in sorcerers. He fancied himself able to outwit the Deity. Having sworn, for instance,
not to enter Paris without the consent of his brothers, he broke the compact, but to avert misfortune he had a number
of the bones of various saints
carried in front of his troops. He was a fantastical and violent man,
of a strange and complex character; and it is no very flagrant calumny when Gregory of Tours calls him the Nero
and the Herod of his time. From
all these characteristics it can well be imagined that the struggle which he carried on against Brunhild and
her son was fierce and merciless.
Brunhild in Austrasia. 575-587
He wrested from them a number
of towns, among them Poitiers and Tours, and it was thus that Gregory became,
to his intense disgust, the subject of this debauched monarch,
with whom he was constantly at odds. It
may well be supposed that Chilperic had stirred up much wrath and many enmities and it is not
surprising that he died by
violence. One day as he was returning from Chelles where he had been hunting, a man came close to him and stabbed him
twice with a dagger (584). Who his assassin actually was, remained unknown.
While Chilperic succeeded in imposing his authority
upon the western Franks in the
territories which formed the most recent Frankish conquests — known
a little later as Neustria, from the word niust “the newest” —Brunhild made strenuous efforts to preserve
intact all the prerogatives of
the royal power in the eastern region, Austrasia. Exceedingly ambitious, eager
to secure her authority by every possible means, it was she who in the name of her son Childebert II
(575-596) actually held the reins
of power. The great men of the kingdom threw themselves into an embittered struggle against her. Supported by Chilperic and Neustria they refused to give
obedience to a woman and a foreigner. Ursio, Bertefried, Guntram-Boso and duke Rauching placed themselves at their head and attacked the adherents of the royal house,
chief among whom was Lupus of Champagne. Brunhild tried in vain to separate the combatants; the rebels
answered brutally: “Woman, get you gone, let it suffice you to have ruled
during your husband's lifetime; now
it is your son who reigns and it is not under your protection but
under ours that the kingdom is placed. Get you hence, or we shall trample you
under the hoofs of our horses”. By vigorous action, however, the queen succeeded in re-establishing order. She formed an
alliance with Guntram king of
Burgundy, who at Pompierre adopted his nephew Childebert and recognized him as his heir (577).
The pact was renewed ten years
later at Andelot (28 November 587). Brunhild got rid
of the most turbulent of her nobles by the aid of the assassin's knife; and she suppressed the revolt of Gundobald, a bastard son of Chlotar I, whom
the nobles had brought back from Constantinople to set up in opposition to
Guntram and Childebert. Besieged in the little town of Comminges situated in a valley of the Pyrenees, Gundobald was forced to surrender, and a Frankish count dashed out his brains with a great
stone (585). Finally Brunhild besieged Ursio and Bertefried in a strong castle in Woëvre. The former
perished in the flames of the burning castle; the latter took refuge at Verdun in the
chapel of the bishop Agericus, but the
soldiers tore up the roofing and killed him with the tiles (587). Thus, thanks to the inflexible determination of
Brunhild, the Austrasian aristocracy was vanquished. The queen also
succeeded in baffling all the plots devised against her and Childebert
II by Fredegund, who since 584 had
governed Neustria in the name of her infant son Chlotar II. She succeeded so well that
when Guntram died on 28 March 593, Childebert was able to enter
upon his heritage without the slightest opposition.
And when Childebert in turn was carried off by disease while still young, Brunhild's authority was
uncontested. Childebert's two
sons Theodebert and Theodoric divided his kingdom between them, the former
taking Austrasia, and the latter, Burgundy. In reality their grandmother
Brunhild continued to rule in their name. Her authority extended over both Austrasia and Burgundy and she
imposed the same measures upon
both countries. The aristocracy, lay and ecclesiastical, were obliged to conform to her laws. Regarding the
royal authority as a trust on behalf of her grandsons, she was
determined on leaving it to them
intact. She had the satisfaction of seeing her rival Fredegund die
in 597; and her grandsons on several occasions defeated Chlotar II, who lost the greater part of his territories.
Death of Brunhild. 584-613
But the great nobles of Austrasia rose in wrath
against her, and Theodebert himself repudiated her tutelage. The incensed
Brunhild withdrew to Burgundy, where
she continued to rule. There she broke down all resistance, had the
patrician Egila put to death, exiled Didier, bishop of Vienne, nominated her followers to
every post of emolument, and levied the taxes with the utmost
rigor. But she knew that the Burgundian rebels were encouraged by those of
Austrasia. It was in Austrasia that she must strike the decisive blow, and in
her thirst for power she did not
hesitate to set Theodoric against Theodebert and so to provoke a fratricidal struggle. The king of
Austrasia was defeated on the banks of the Moselle, in the
neighborhood of Toul, taken to Zülpich and there put
to death. Brunhild was now triumphant, but just in the moment of her triumph her grandson Theodoric died (613) in
his palace of Metz, at the age of twenty-seven. Breaking with the Merovingian
tradition of dividing the kingdom, Brunhild caused the eldest son to be declared sole king, in the hope
of reigning in his name. But all the living forces of Austrasia
banded themselves together to oppose her ambition. Arnulf, bishop of Metz, and
Pepin, the two founders of the Carolingian family, appealed to Chlotar II the son of Fredegund. Brunhild made a magnificent effort to stand up against the
storm, but she found herself deserted on all hands, and was taken prisoner on the shores of the Lake of Neuchatel.
Her great-grandsons were killed,
or at any rate disappear from history. Brunhild herself was tortured for three days, set upon a camel as a
mark of derision, and then tied by her hair, one arm, and one foot,
to the tail of a vicious horse, which was then lashed to fury.
Brunhild is undoubtedly the
most forceful figure of this period, and it
would be a gross injustice to put her on the same footing with Fredegund. It is true she was exceedingly ambitious
and eager for power, but she
attempted by means of this power to carry out a policy. She upheld
with unrivalled energy the rights of the king against the aristocracy. She treated the Church with firmness
but with respect, made gifts to the bishoprics and built a number
of abbeys. She entered into relations
with Pope Gregory the Great (590-604) who addressed to her a large number of letters, sent her relics,
and requested her to take under
her protection the estates of the Church of Rome which lay in Gaul. He urged her to reform the Frankish
Church, to call councils and to
protect Augustine and his companions who were going across the Channel
to carry the Gospel to the pagan Anglo-Saxons. But while maintaining these
relations Brunhild knew how to control the Frankish Church, as she did the lay aristocracy. She
disposed of the episcopal sees at her pleasure, and expelled from
his monastery of Luxeuil the abbot Columbanus who had refused to obey her
orders. In short in all her conduct Brunhild displayed the
qualities of a great statesman.
Chlotar II sole King. 614-629
After Brunhild’s death Chlotar II found himself, as Clovis had done before him, sole master of the whole of Gaul. But how different are the
two periods! Clovis had been strong in his recent victories, victories due to his own courage and political
ability. Chlotar II owed his success not
to himself but to the treason of the Austrasian and Burgundian nobles, whom he was
consequently obliged to conciliate. In his constitution of 18 October 614, as well as in a praeceptio of which the date is unknown, he had to make large
concessions to the aristocracy. He proclaimed, under certain
restrictions, freedom of episcopal
elections, extended the competence of the ecclesiastical courts, and promised to respect wills made by private
persons in favor of the Church.
He suppressed unjust taxes and pledged himself to choose the counts from the districts they were to
administer, which was equivalent to making over this important office to
the landed aristocracy. Moreover Chlotar was forced to accord a measure of independence
to Austrasia and Burgundy; each
of these countries had its own Mayor of the Palace, who was as much
the representative of the interests of the local nobles as of those of the king. In 623 he was even obliged to
give the Austrasians a king in his young son
Dagobert. In the latter's name,
Arnulf, bishop of Metz, and Pepin, the Mayor of the Palace,
exercised the actual authority. Thus ancient Gaul became once more distinctly
divided into three kingdoms: Neustria, Burgundy and Austrasia, having each a distinct character and a
separate administration. Already within these kingdoms the local officials,
strong in the possession of vast estates, were endeavoring to usurp
the royal prerogatives: already these
three kingdoms were being parceled out into seigniories.
Reign of Dagobert. 629-639
Chlotar II's
son Dagobert (629-639), however, was still a king in something more than name.
Although he had a brother Charibert he succeeded
in reigning alone over the whole Frankish kingdom. He even subjected
it to the authority of a single Mayor of the Palace, by name Aega. He made
royal progresses through Austrasia, through Neustria, and through Burgundy,
sitting in judgment each day, and doing strict justice without respect of
persons. In Aquitaine he left to his brother Charibert the administration of the counties of Toulouse, Cahors, Agen, Perigueux, and Saintes, thus making him a kind of warden of
the marches on the Basque frontier. But on the death of Charibert
in 632, he took over the government of
this district also—and up to about 670 Aquitaine remained under the rule of the Frankish kings.
After that date it broke away, and the local nobles founded
independent dynasties.
Dagobert caused many estates
which had been usurped by the seigniors
and the Church to be restored to the royal domain. He kept up a
luxurious court, which gave, it must be said, anything but a good example in regard to morals. He was a patron of the
arts and took great delight in
the rich examples of goldsmith's work produced by his treasurer Eligius (Eloi),
whom he afterwards appointed bishop of Noyon. Many abbeys were founded in his reign. There was a
revival of missionary activity,
too, and St. Amandus preached the Gospel to the Basques in the south and to the inhabitants of Flanders and
Hainault in the north. Throughout the whole of the kingdom the
royal authority was paramount. The duke of
the Basques came to court to swear allegiance, and Judicael, chief of the Domnonée,
was seen at the royal residence at Clichy. Dagobert intervened not
unsuccessfully in the affairs of the Visigoths
in Spain, and in those of the Lombards in Italy. He had also
relations with the Empire of Constantinople, taking an oath of perpetual peace
with Heraclius in 631; and the two rulers took concerted action against the Bulgarian and Slavonic tribes who raided by turns the Byzantine Empire and the regions of
Germany which were under the
suzerainty of the Franks. Towards the close of his life, in 634,
Dagobert was obliged to give to the Austrasians a
king of their own in the person of his
eldest son Sigebert. Ansegis, son of Arnulf and
of a daughter of Pepin, was appointed Mayor of the Palace and governed in the name of this child in conjunction
with Cunibert, bishop of Cologne. In spite of this, when Dagobert died
(19 January 639), in his villa
at Epinay, men held him to have been a very great
prince. And his fame was to grow
still greater owing to the contrast between his reign and the
period which followed it.
The faineant Kings . 639-751
This new period, which extends
from 639 to 751, is marked by the lamentable decadence of the Merovingian race. It is with justice that the sovereigns who then reigned are known as the rois fainéants.
It was a dynasty of children; they died at the age of 23,
24, or 25, worn out by precocious
debauchery. They were fathers at sixteen, fifteen, and even at fourteen years, and their children were
miserable weaklings. As kings
they had only the semblance of power; they remained shut up in their villae surrounded
by great luxury. Only at long intervals did they go forth, in
chariots drawn by oxen. The real authority was thenceforth exercised by the
Mayor of the Palace, or by the different mayors
who were at the head of the three kingdoms, Neustria, Burgundy, and
Austrasia, whose separateness became more clearly marked. The mayors made and
unmade the kings as interest or caprice prompted; sometimes they exiled them,
only to recall them later. Apocryphal Merovingians were often produced who had
no connection with the sacred race. It is useless to make any further reference
to these sovereigns, who were nothing but shadows and whose names serve
only to date charters. The historian
must direct his attention exclusively to the Mayors of the Palace.
Among these mayors the most
distinguished were those of Austrasia. They were to make the office hereditary in their family and to found a
powerful dynasty which was destined gradually to supplant the Merovingians. The two founders of that dynasty
were, as has already been said,
Arnulf, bishop of Metz, and Pepin, who had been Mayor of the Palace to the youthful Dagobert when the
latter was king of Austrasia
only. Both were men of distinguished piety. Arnulf ruled the city
of Metz wisely and effected important reforms in the Church. Pepin destined his
daughters for the cloister; one of them, Gertrude, founded the abbey of Nivelle in the district now known as Brabant. In this neighborhood is situated the
estate of Landen; whence the designation "of Landen" by which Pepin is
distinguished in later
documents. Arnulf's son Ansegis, who was Mayor of the
Palace to the young Sigebert,
married a daughter of Pepin whom the chronicles later call Begga; of this marriage was born the
second Pepin, known to historians as Pepin of Heristal.
At first however it seemed
probable that the chief representative of the
family would be Pepin of Landen's own son Grimoald. For thirteen years, from 643 to 656, he held the office of
Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia,
while Sigebert continued to bear the title of king. On the death of
that prince Grimoald considered himself strong enough to attempt a revolution. He had the locks of Dagobert,
the young son of Sigebert,
shorn, sent him to an Irish monastery, and had his own son proclaimed king of
Austrasia. But the times were not yet ripe for a change of this kind. The Austrasian nobles refused to obey a youth who was not of the blood royal. They rose in revolt
and gave up the Mayor of the Palace to the king of Neustria, Clovis II, who had
him put to death.
Battle of Tertry. 670-687
After this tragic event the families of Arnulf and
Pepin remained in the background for about twenty-five years. The stage of
politics was occupied by two men named
Ebroin and Leodegar (Leger) who engaged in a desperate rivalry. Ebroin, Mayor of the Palace in Neustria,
was intent on maintaining, for
his own advantage, the unity of the Frankish kingdom and exercising
a commanding influence in Austrasia and Burgundy
as well as in Neustria. His schemes failed first in Austrasia where he had to acknowledge a king and a Mayor of
the Palace, Wulfoald by name. In Burgundy Leodegar,
bishop of Autun, placed himself
at the head of the nobles. He was at first successful and shut up his rival in the monastery of Luxeuil (670). The principle was accepted that each country was to keep its own
laws and customs, that no official was to be sent from one country
to another, that no one should aspire to
absolute power, and that the post of Mayor of the Palace should be held by each of the great men in
turn. But Ebroin was to take a
signal vengeance. Escaping from Luxeuil, he
besieged Leodegar in Autun, and captured the town and the bishop
with it. After the lapse of a
considerable time he caused the prelate to be put to death. The Church revered Leodegar as a saint, and
many monasteries were dedicated
to him. Ebroin remained master of Burgundy and Neustria until at
length, in 681, he fell by the dagger of an assassin.
But in the later portion of
his life Ebroin had encountered an obstinate resistance in Austrasia; and now
the second Pepin appears upon
the scene. In Austrasia his authority was almost absolute, and after the death of Ebroin he kept himself fully informed regarding
the affairs of Neustria and
plotted against the successive Mayors of the Palace in that country. Finally he
took the field against the mayor Berthar,
and gained a decisive victory over him at Tertry on
the Omignon in the neighborhood of St Quentin (687). Many historians have
represented this battle as a victory of the Germans of the east over the
Gallo-Romans of the west and have seen in Pepin II's expedition something in the nature of a second Germanic
invasion. But in point of fact there were many Germans in Neustria,
while a large part of Austrasia was
occupied by Gallo-Romans. In its capital, Metz, the Latin tongue—now in process of transformation into
the lingua Romana—was alone
spoken. The victory of Pepin over Berthar is rather a victory of the aristocracy over the Merovingian
royal house; and in fact Pepin
was to find many supporters among the Neustrian nobles. Pepin, having won the
victory, now proceeded to set up again, for his own advantage, the power which he had overthrown; in fact, this
battle marks the fall of the Merovingians and the real accession of the new dynasty, which, from its most
illustrious representative, Charles
the Great, was to be known as the Carolingian. Some chronicles have this
entry: "In the year 687
Pepin began to reign."
The reign of Pepin over this
Merovingian kingdom which he had succeeded in reuniting
was not lacking in brilliance. He defeated the Frisians, dispossessed them of a portion of their territory, and
caused Christianity to be preached among them. In this last work he
found a valuable auxiliary in the Anglo-Saxon Willibrord. Born on the
banks of the Humber, Willibrord had
gone to Rome to have his mission sanctioned by Pope Sergius I; for the
Anglo-Saxons who had been converted to Christianity by the missionaries of Pope
Gregory I, showed their gratitude by attaching to the papal see the barbarian
peoples whom they evangelised. Willibrord founded the
see of Utrecht and pointed out the way which Boniface was to follow later on.
Pepin also wished to make the Germans on the right bank of the Rhine, who
during the recent period of anarchy had cast off their allegiance, recognize
again the suzerainty of the Franks. He subjugated the Alemans, and he
established once more a member of the noble family of the Agilolfings in the duchy of Bavaria. It was at this period that the church of Salzburg was
founded by St Rupert; and about the same time Kilian preached the Gospel in
Franconia on the banks of the Main. Pepin protected all these missionaries and
cherished the project of assembling councils to reform the Church. From 687
till his death in 714 Pepin II was undisputed master of the whole of Gaul, with
the exception of Aquitaine, which alone maintained an independent position.
Pepin II had appointed one
grandson (Theodebald) as Mayor of the Palace in Neustria, two others (Arnulf and
Hugo) all under the regency of his widow Plectrude in
Austrasia. But the great men refused to fall in with this arrangement and there
ensued a period of anarchy. Charles, an illegitimate son of Pepin, restored
order, and was the real executor of his father's policy. His name signifies
valiant, bold, and as the continuator of Fredegar remarks, the name fitted the
man. He wrested the power from Plectrude and took the
title of Mayor of the Palace in his nephew's stead. He defeated the Neustrians at Ambleve near Liege
(716), at Vincy near Cambrai (717), and again at Soissons, in 719, and forced
them to recognize his authority. He made himself master of Burgundy also, and
appointed his own leudes to the
countships and bishoprics of that country. In Aquitaine the duke, Eudo, who had
his seat at Toulouse, exercised an independent authority; but Charles obliged
him in 719 to acknowledge, at least in name, the suzerainty of the northern
Franks. Charles had thus acquired great power, and during some years he even governed
without a king. His official title remained the same, Mayor of the Palace, but
he was already called, even by his contemporaries, princeps or subregulus.
He presided over the royal court of justice, issued decrees in his own name and
had the disposal of every appointment, lay and ecclesiastical; he summoned the
assembly of the great men of the kingdom, decided questions of peace and war
and held the command of the army. He was king in fact if not in name.
732-739. Battle of Tours
Charles was now to save from a
serious danger the realm which he had reunited. The Arabs had conquered Spain
in 711; in 720 they had crossed the Pyrenees and seized Septimania,
which was a dependency of the kingdom of the Visigoths. Using this as a base they
had invaded Gaul. Eudo, duke of Aquitaine, had succeeded, by his able policy,
in holding them in check for some years, but in 732 a new wali or governor Abd-ar-Rahman,
belonging to a sect of extreme fanatics, assumed the offensive. Eudo was
vanquished on the banks of the Garonne, Bordeaux was taken and its churches
burnt, and the Arabs then advanced, by way of the Gap of Poitiers, towards the
north. Poitiers resisted their attack, but the basilica of St Hilary, situated
outside the walls, was burnt. Without halting, Abd-ar-Rahman
continued his march on Tours, the resting-place of the body of St Martin, which
was, as it were, the religious capital of Gaul. Eudo besought the aid of
Charles, who hurried up and posted himself at the junction of the Clain and the
Vienne. The two armies halted, facing one another, for seven days. Then, on an
October Saturday of 732 exactly a hundred years after the death of Mahomet the
battle was joined, and Charles came off victorious. Abd-ar-Rahman
was slain on the field. This battle became extremely celebrated and it is
chiefly on account of it that later chronicles give to Charles the surname of Tudites or Martellus (Charles Martel).
The day of Poitiers marks the
turning-point in the fortunes of the Arabs. Harassed during their retirement by
Eudo and his Aquitanians, they met with defeat after
defeat. But to crown all, at this moment internal dissensions broke out within
the Arab Empire. The Maddites regained the ascendancy
at the expense of their enemies the Yemenites, but the Berbers in Africa
refused to obey the new rulers and rose in revolt. The Arabs, occupied with the
suppression of this rebellion, were thenceforth unable to throw powerful armies
into Gaul.
Charles proceeded to take the
offensive against the Muslims. In 737 he wrested from them the town of Avignon
which they had seized, and then attempted the conquest of Septimania,
but in spite of strenuous efforts he was unable to effect the capture of
Narbonne. He had to content himself with laying waste the country systematically
and destroying the fortifications of Agde, Beziers,
and Maguelonne. He set fire to the amphitheatre at
Nimes, and the marks of the fire are still visible. In 739, the Arabs having
attempted a new descent on Provence and even threatened Italy, Charles marched
against them once more and drove them out. He allied himself against them with
Liutprand, king of the Lombards, who adopted the Frankish ruler according to
the Germanic custom.
Charles also completed the
subjugation of the barbarian tribes of Germany. He abolished the duchy of
Alemannia, intervened in the affairs of Bavaria, made expeditions into Saxony,
and even, in 738, compelled some of the Saxon tribes to pay tribute. He gave a
safe-conduct to Boniface who preached Christianity in Thuringia, in Alemannia
and in Bavaria, and constantly befriended the devoted Anglo-Saxon missionaries.
Boniface, like Willibrord, went to Rome to receive investiture, and the Pope
conferred on him successively the titles of missionary, bishop, and archbishop.
It may have been Boniface who brought the papal see into relations with the
739-741. Embassy of Gregory III
The circumstances were as
follows. Liutprand king of the Lombards was anxious to impose his authority on
the dukes of Spoleto and Benevento and to wrest from the Byzantine Empire its
last remaining possessions in Italy. He first attacked and defeated Thrasamund, duke of Spoleto, who thereupon took refuge at
Rome. Liutprand demanded from Pope Gregory III the surrender of Thrasamund, and on Gregory's refusal he laid siege to the
Eternal City. The Pope, in distress, sent an embassy to Charles, consisting of
the bishop Anastasius and a priest named Sergius, to implore him to deliver the
people of Rome from the Lombard oppression. By these ambassadors he sent to
Charles "the keys of the Confession of St Peter", portions of the
chains of the Prince of the Apostles and various magnificent gifts. The
"keys" were a kind of decoration which the pontiffs were accustomed
to confer on illustrious personages, while the chains were supposed to have
miraculous virtues. This embassy impressed the imagination of contemporaries,
and the continuator of Fredegar lays much stress on it. In return for the help
which he implored Gregory III offered to renounce the imperial suzerainty and
to confer upon the Mayor of the Palace a certain authority over Rome, with the
title of Roman Consul. Gregory III seems to have had a kind of intuition of the
great historic change which was afterwards to take place when the popes were to
turn away from the Emperor of Byzantium and attach themselves to the king of
the Franks. Charles gave the papal envoys a cordial reception (739) and
showered gifts upon the Pope, sending them by the hands of Grimo,
abbot of Corbie, and Sigebert, a monk of St Denis. But that was all. He could
not take sides against Liutprand who had been his ally against the Arabs. In vain
did Gregory write to him in 740 two imploring letters: "I adjure thee in
the name of the true and living God, and by the keys of St Peter’s Confession
which I sent thee, not to prefer the friendship of a king of the Lombards to
that of the Prince of the Apostles, but to come quickly to our aid."
Charles turned a deaf ear to this new appeal, and both he and the Pope died not
long after.
When he felt his end
approaching, Charles divided the kingdom between his sons as if he had been
sole master of it. The eldest, Carloman, received Austrasia, Alemannia, and
Thuringia, with the suzerainty of Bavaria; the younger, Pepin, had for his
share Neustria, Burgundy, and Provence, with the suzerainty of Aquitaine. Not
long afterwards (22 October 741), Charles died at Quierzy-sur-Oise
and was buried at St Denis. His grandson, Charles the Great, bore his name and
closely resembled him in character; he inherited his great vigour and martial ardour, but he had a higher conception of
his political duty and a wider outlook upon life. In the chansons de geste the two personages were afterwards confused.
Charles' sons, Carloman and
Pepin, rendered some service to France. They defeated Hunald duke of Aquitaine,
the successor of Eudo, and when Hunald had retired to a monastery in the Île de Rhé they defeated his son Waifar also. They took from the Alemans the last vestiges of their independence. They
forced Odilo duke of Bavaria to give up to them a portion of his territories
doubtless the Nordgau and obliged him to acknowledge their suzerainty. They
made a series of incursions into Saxony. But the two brothers were not to
govern jointly for long. In 747 came an unexpected change. Carloman, fired by
religious zeal, relinquished his throne in order to become a monk. At Rome, which
was more and more coming to be considered the capital of Western Europe, he
received the priestly vestments from Pope Zachary, and founded on Mount Soracte a monastery dedicated to St Sylvester, a name full
of significance since at that time the legend was widely current of the Emperor
Constantine's "donation of Italy" to Pope Sylvester. Carloman had
children, whom he had committed to the care of his brother; but Pepin gradually
got them out of the way and drew all authority into his own hands.
Pepin, now sole Mayor of the
Palace, from this time forward aimed still higher. He desired the title of
king. For two years a profound peace had reigned --et quievit terra a proeliis annis duobus,
says the chronicler, borrowing the expression from the Book of Joshua. The
moment seemed propitious for the decisive step. Pepin proceeded with great
caution. He was especially desirous of securing the approval of the highest
moral authority of the age. He sent to Pope Zachary an embassy consisting of Fulrad, abbot of St Denis, and Burchard, bishop of Worms, a
disciple of St Boniface, and laid before him a question regarding the kings who
still nominally held the royal authority. The Pope replied that it would be
better that he should be king who held the reality of power rather that he who
only possessed the semblance of royalty. Pope Zachary gave a written decision
--auctoritas-- to that effect. Armed with this
authoritative pronouncement Pepin called together at Soissons in November 751
an assembly of the Franks. There he was unanimously chosen king; unlike the
Merovingians, therefore, he held his throne by right of election. But besides
this he had himself, like the Anglo-Saxon kings, consecrated by the bishops,
and it may safely be conjectured that St Boniface presided at the ceremony. In
virtue of this anointing, Pepin, king by election, became also king “by the
Grace of God”. King Childeric was shut up in the monastery of St Bertin, and
the manner of his death is unknown. The Merovingian dynasty was ended: a new
period opened in the history of France.
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