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LIFE OF VOLTAIRE1694-1778by John Morley
Incidents in his Life.
The narrative is compiled from biographies written at
various periods since 1778, and is enriched in being supplemented by the
little-known tributes of the most charming English writer among Voltaire’s
contemporaries, Oliver Goldsmith, who was personally acquainted with the great
Frenchman, whose genius he admired as enthusiastically as he championed his
François Marie Arouet was
born at Paris on November 21, 1694. He assumed the name de Voltaire when in his
twenty-fifth year.
1711—From the first, as a schoolboy, Voltaire
outclassed his fellows. At the close of his sixth school year he was awarded
prize after prize and crown after crown, until he was covered with crowns and
staggered under the weight of his prize books. J. B. Rousseau, being present,
predicted a glorious future for him. He was a good scholar, a favorite of his
teachers, and admired and beloved by his companions.
Left school in August, aged nearly seventeen, tall,
thin, with especially bright eyes as his only mark of uncommon good looks. He
was welcomed to the Temple by such grand seigniors as the duke de Sully, the
duke de Vendôme, prince de Conti, marquis de Fare,
and the other persons of rank forming their circle, who put him on a footing of
perfect familiarity. He became a gay leader of fashion, flattered by the
ladies, made much of by the men, supping with princes and satirizing the
follies of the hour in sparkling verse.
1717—Voltaire returned in the spring to Paris, where
many uncomplimentary squibs were being circulated concerning the
pleasure-loving regent, of which he was at once suspected, rightly or wrongly;
he was arrested in his lodgings in the “Green Basket,” sent to the Bastille and
assigned a room, which was ever after known as Voltaire’s room. Here he dwelt
for eleven months, during which he wrote the “Henriade"
and corrected “The Oedipe”
1718—Released April 11th, as a result of entertaining
the regent with comedy, and changed his name, for luck, as he says himself, to
Voltaire, a name found several generations back in the family of his mother.
1722—M. Arouet, Voltaire’s
father, died January 1st, leaving Armand, the orthodox son, his office, worth
13,000 francs a year, and to Voltaire property yielding about 4,000 francs a
year. Voltaire was granted a pension of 2,000 francs by the regent. He loaned
money at ten per cent, a year to dukes, princes and other grand seigniors with
a determination to become independent He always lived well within his income.
1726—It was desirable to leave France for a time,
hence Voltaire’s visit to England. His letters show how deeply he was impressed
by the characteristics of the nation by whom he was so cordially welcomed.
Voltaire having lost 20,000 francs through a Jewish financier, the king of
England presented him with one hundred pounds.
1727—He studied English so industriously that within
six months he could write it well, and within a year was writing English
poetry. He made many influential friends, and seems to have known almost every
living Englishman of note. He studied Newton, Shakespeare, Milton, Dryden,
Locke, Bacon, Swift, Young, Thomson, Congreve. Pope, Addison, and others. His
two and a half years in England were as a post-graduate university course to
him and amidst his studies he still was a producer, completing unfinished works
and preparing others for his London publisher. Newton and Locke—Locke in
particular—inspired in Voltaire his strongest and best trait—the love of
justice for its own sake.
1730-1731—The first year after his return from England
was comparatively peaceful, but in March of 1730 his friend, the brilliant
actress, Adrienne Lecouvreur, died at the age of
twenty-eight, and was refused Christian burial; Voltaire leaped forward with
his accustomed magnanimity as her champion, unhesitatingly endangering his
safety in so doing—always a true friend, always the helper of the weak and
oppressed, always the advocate of justice, and always first to defend natural
rights. In this year, too, he began the mock-heroic poem of ten thousand lines
on Joan of Arc (“La Pucelle”), the keeping of
which from his enemies caused him anxiety for years. Interferences in his
publications by the authorities of Paris marked this year, and, restive and
unsubdued, he looked elsewhere, with the result that in March of the next year,
under pretence of going to England, he took up his
abode in obscure lodgings in Rouen, where he passed as an exiled Englishman.
Here he lived for six months—sometimes in a farmhouse—and did a prodigious
amount of work, besides having his interdicted works published. Late in the
summer of this year he returned to Paris, where, for the first time since
returning from England, he took permanent quarters. These were luxurious ones
in the hotel of the countess de Fontaine-Martel, at whose invitation he came
and with whom he was friendly. Here were continuous gayeties, here his plays
were performed, and here he had Cideville and Formont as near friends and helpful critics.
1732—On August 13th, he had the satisfaction of having
“Zaïre” successfully produced in Paris, then in Fontainebleau, then in
London, and soon, amidst applause, in cities throughout all Europe. This
October he spent in Fontainebleau, and in November he returned to his aged
friend, the countess, in Paris.
1733—During January he acted a leading part in the
production of “Zaïre” with telling effect, and about this time this
happy life was terminated by the death of the countess. Voltaire stayed for
three months longer, and in May took lodgings with Demoulin,
his man of business, in a dingy and obscure lane. Here two other poets, Lefèvre
and Linant, were with him, and here he began to live
more the life of a philosopher. He engaged in the importation of grain from
Spain and was interested in the manufacture of straw-paper. In company with his
friend Paris-Duverney, he took contracts for feeding the army, out of which he
quickly realized over half a million francs. Business never interfered with his
literary work, and while he fed the army he also produced verse for it.
1734—Forty years of age. Voltaire had recently met the
marquise du Châtelet. He was doubtless now the most conspicuous, almost the
only, literary figure on the continent who wrote in the new, free spirit that
began to dominate the few great minds of northern Europe. Booksellers in Europe
found his writings profitable. Frederick, prince royal of Prussia, was his
disciple. Two editions of his collected works had been published in Amsterdam,
and he was in demand everywhere; but more trouble was brewing. J. B. Rousseau,
piqued over a quarrel, wrote from his exile disparagingly of Voltaire, who, in
his turn, wrote the “Temple of Taste,” which an enemy secured and published
without the censor’s approval, and again Voltaire was in trouble. He dearly
loved a fight, and he fought like a man—for truth, toleration, and justice—and
he won. At this time he found time to bring about the marriage of the princess
de Guise to the duke de Richelieu, and attended, with Madame du Châtelet, the
nuptials in Monjeu, 150 miles southeast of Paris.
Unlike many writers of our day, Voltaire could not keep the product of his pen
out of print, and some surreptitious publications at this time caused an order
for his arrest and the public burning of the book. The sacrifice of paper took
place, but our ever wary author saved himself by flight, supposedly to
Lorraine. At this time Voltaire and the philosophical Madame du Châtelet became
greatly attached to each other, and their friendship lasted sixteen years. She
lived in a thirteenth century castle at Cirey, in
1736—On his return to Cirey,
he found awaiting him a long letter from Frederick of Prussia. A year or two
before, Voltaire had received from the duke of Holstein, heir presumptive to
the throne of Russia, husband of Catherine II., an invitation to reside in the
Russian capital, on a revenue of 10,000 francs a year, which he declined. He
was accustomed to the attention of princes and eulogiums from the gifted, but
the letter of this Prussian prince had an especial importance and effect and
opened a voluminous correspondence, ceasing only with the close of Voltaire’s
1740—This was one of the most interesting years of his
life. Frederick’s admiration for and devotion to him were at their height,
while his fine sentences, so freely and so finely expressed, induced Voltaire
to call him the modern Marcus Aurelius, and the Solomon of the North. Frederick
made Voltaire his confidant; Voltaire was to him the most devoted teacher,
philosopher and friend. The intercourse of these two men constitutes one of the
most interesting episodes in history. Frederick William died May 31st, and
Voltaire’s royal friend occupied the throne of Prussia. This fact promised to
be of immense advantage to Voltaire.
For ten years a struggle existed between Frederick and
Madame du Chatelet for a monopoly of Voltaire’s company. This rivalry was not
conducive to his happiness.
1741-1742—Voltaire and Frederick gradually became
disenchanted with each other. There was no longer any intellectual sympathy
between their strong individualities. Frederick, warlike and aggressive,
shedding the blood and disturbing the peace of nations, was not the Frederick
Voltaire admired, and he hesitated not to reprove the king frequently.
Among the Englishmen who visited him in Brussels was
Lord Chesterfield, to whom he read his play, “Mahomet,” which was in May
produced in Lille by a good French company, Voltaire and Madame du Châtelet
being present. It was successful, but its production in Paris was delayed on
account of a temporary disfavor in which Voltaire found himself with the
Parisians, owing to his intimacy with the king of Prussia, now become the enemy
of France. However, in August, 1742, it was produced in the Théâtre Français, to the most distinguished audience that Paris
could furnish—the ministry, magistrates, clergy, d’Alembert, literary men, and
the fashionable world, Voltaire being conspicuous in the middle of the pit. Its
success was immense, but his old enemy, the Church, tireless as himself, found
an excuse for censuring “Mahomet,” and within a week had it taken off
the boards. Invited by Frederick, he went in September to Aix-la-Chapelle.
There the king again tried to lure him to Prussia. Frederick offered him a
handsome house in Berlin, a fine estate in the country, a princely income, and
the free enjoyment of his time, all of which to have Voltaire near him; but
Voltaire loved his native country, notwithstanding its persecutions, its
Bastille, its suppression of his dramas, its Jansenists, Convulsionists, Desfontaines, and its frequent exiling of its most
illustrious son; and he loved his friends and was faithful; and so, declining
the king’s bounty', he went back to Paris. He devoted himself for a year to the
production of plays, drilling the actors, subjecting every detail to the
closest scrutiny, and creating successes that eclipsed even his own earlier
efforts. It is said that the “Mérope” drowned
the theatre in tears, and caused high excitement.
1745—In January, Voltaire took up his abode in
Versailles to superintend rehearsals, and in consideration of his labors at the
fete, the king appointed him historiographer of France, on a yearly salary of
2,000 francs, and promised him the next vacant chair in the Academy. Voltaire
considered this fair remuneration for a year of much toil in matters of the court.
During these turbulent times, when a skilful pen was
needed he was called upon. He was at this time in high favor with the king;
Madame de Pompadour and many other influential persons also favored his
aspirations. Voltaire dedicated “Mahomet” to the Pope, and sent a copy
and a letter to him, out of which grew an interesting correspondence, the
publication of which proclaimed his good standing with the head of the Church.
He was elected to the Academy in 1746.
1747—Private theatricals among the nobility were
greatly in vogue at this time, and Madame de Pompadour selected Voltaire’s
comedy, “The Prodigal,” to be played in the palace before the king. It
was a striking success, and the author, in acknowledgment of the compliment,
addressed a poem to Madame de Pompadour in which occurred an indiscreet
allusion to her relations with the king. As a consequence, the king was induced
to sign an order for his exile. This was followed by his hurried flight from
court. At midnight, Voltaire, returning to his house in Fontainebleau, ordered
the horses hitched to the carriage, and before daybreak left for Paris. He took
refuge with the duchess du Maine in Sceaux.
1749—Madame du Châtelet died under peculiar
circumstances in August. Voltaire found solace in play-writing. He set up house
in Paris, and invited his niece, Madame Denis, to manage for him, which she did
for the remainder of his days, and thus at the age of fifty-six he had a
suitable and becoming home in his native city, with an income of 74,000 francs
a year, equal to about fifty thousand dollars today. Though it was considered
fashionable in that age to have intrigues with women, there is no evidence to
prove that it was not repugnant to Voltaire. He may at court have pretended to
have been conventional in this respect, but his retired life with his niece,
his years at Frederick’s court, and his more than fatherly treatment of his
nieces, Corneille’s granddaughter, and other young women, show that he was a
good man to women. He owned no land, his investments being almost wholly in
bonds, mortgages, and annuities. His letters indicate that at this time he
considered himself settled for life, his intention being, after spending the
winter in Paris, to visit Frederick and Rome, making a tour of Italy, and then
to return to Paris. But his reformatory writings were again bringing him into
disfavor at court. He provided a theatre in his house, and invited a troupe of
amateurs, amongst whom was the soon to be famous Lekain,
to perform in it. This little theatre became famous. Voltaire worked like a
Trojan, drilled the actors, supervised everything, and produced the most
artistic effects. His work at this period included “Zadig”,
“Babouc,” and “Memnon”, among his best
burlesque romances.
1750—The king of Prussia, on the death of his rival,
renewed his solicitations that Voltaire should come to live with him. After his
wars Frederick was again an industrious author, and Voltaire, submitting to his
importunities, again went to him, leaving Madame Denis and Long-champ in charge
of his house. He left Paris June 15th, and reached, July 10th, Sans-Souci, near
Potsdam, the country place of the king, seventeen miles from Berlin. Here
everybody courted him, and all that the king had was at his disposal. At a
grand celebration in Berlin, Voltaire’s appearance caused more enthusiasm than
did the king’s. Frederick was now thirty-eight years of age, had finished his
first war and was devoting himself to making Berlin—a city of 90,000
people—attractive and famous. At his nightly concerts were Europe’s most famous
artists. At his suppers were, besides Voltaire, many of the choice spirits of
the literary world. Here, after thirty years of storms, Voltaire felt that he
had found a port. Here was no Mirepoix to be despised and feared, no Bull Unigenitus, no offensive body of clergy and
courtiers seeking fat preferment, no billets de confession, nor lettres de cachet, no Frérons to irritate authors, no cabals to damn a play, no more semblance of a king.
Here for a time Voltaire was so happy that the long prospected trip to Italy
was forgotten, but ere the year was out Paris, in the distance, to our
Frenchman grew even more attractive and beautiful than before; several
disagreeable things happened as a result of the decided attachment of Frederick
for Voltaire, —jealousy and all forms of littleness ever present at court were
repugnant to Voltaire. At this time he had an unhappy misunderstanding with
Lessing, and in this and the following year he did much work on his “Age of
Louis XIV.”
In November his propensity for speculation led him
into the most deplorable lawsuit of his life. He supplied a Berlin jeweller named Abraham Hirsch with money and sent him to
Dresden to buy depreciated banknotes at a large discount. Hirsch attended to
his private business, it seems, and neglected Voltaire’s. He was recalled and
the speculation abandoned; but the wily agent was not easily shaken off, as
Voltaire found to his cost. Voltaire had a constitutional persistence that made
it all but impossible for him to submit to imposition, and he fought in this
case an antagonist as persistent as himself, and one utterly unscrupulous, so
that after several months of litigation he indeed won his suit, but suffered
much humiliation withal and greatly disgusted Frederick, who could not tolerate
a lawsuit with a Jew.
1751—During this year of trouble, he and the king for
a time saw less of each other, and Voltaire found solace, as usual, in his
literary labors. He studied German, published his “Age of Louis XIV.” in
Berlin and in London. He co-operated with Diderot and d’Alembert on the great “Encyclopaedia,” the first volume of which was prohibited in
this year; and so, still toiling in a room adjoining the king’s in the chateau
in Potsdam, this year glided into the next, in which the famous “Doctor Akakia” looms up.
1752—In his brochure with this title
Voltaire played with the great Maupertuis as a cat might with a mouse. The
indulgence of his satirical tendencies endangered his friendship with the king,
and in September a letter to Madame Denis revealed the fact that he was
preparing to return to Paris. In November the king learned of the printed
attack on his president of the Academy and was furious with Voltaire. An
interesting correspondence followed, and partial reconciliation. The court and
Voltaire went to Berlin for the Christmas festivities, but in this instance to
separate houses. Here he had the honor of seeing several copies of his diatribe
publicly burned on Sunday, December 24th, the result being that for some time ten
German presses were printing the work day and night.
1753—On New Year’s day Voltaire returned to the king
as a New Year’s gift the cross of his order and his chamberlain’s key, together
with a most respectful letter resigning his office and announcing his intended
return to Paris. The king sent the insignia back and pressed Voltaire to stay,
but in vain. After a sojourn in Leipzig, Voltaire paid a visit to the duchess
of Saxe-Gotha, at Gotha. At her desire he undertook to write the “Annals of the
Empire since Charlemagne.” In the evenings he delighted the brilliant company
with reading his poems on “Natural Religion” and “La Pucelle.” Voltaire again irritated by his parting shots
at Maupertius. An order was given, and carried out,
by which Voltaire was arrested and detained at Frankfort while his boxes were
searched for the cross and key, and the more important manuscript of verses by
the king, entitled “Palladion”, in
which his majesty had burlesqued the Christian faith. The king got his papers
and chuckled over the humiliation of the man he had idolized, who took a poet’s
revenge in this roughly paraphrased epigram on the great Frederick:
“Of incongruities a monstrous pile,
Calling men brothers, crushing them the while;
With air humane, a misanthropic brute;
Ofttimes impulsive, ofttimes too astute;
Weakest when angry, modest in his pride;
Yearning for virtue, lust personified;
Statesman and author, of the slippery crew;
My patron, pupil, persecutor too.”
In November of this year he visited his old friend,
the duke de Richelieu, in Lyons, a city of great commercial importance about
200 miles from Colmar. Here he was enthusiastically welcomed by his few friends
and the public, but the Church made it plain to him that he was not welcome to
the governing class in France; so that, after a month in Lyons, he loaded his
big carriage once more and sought an asylum in Geneva, ninety miles distant. He
would have gone to America had he not feared the long sea journey, and in
Switzerland he found the best possible European substitute for the new world of
freedom so attractive to him.
1755—In February Voltaire bought a life-lease of a
commodious house, with beautiful gardens, on a splendid eminence overlooking
Geneva, the lake and rivers; and giving an enchanting view of Jura and the
Alps. This place he named “Les Délices,” the name it
still bears. Here, he was in Geneva. Ten minutes’ walk placed him in Sardinia.
He was only half an hour from France and one hour from the Swiss canton of
Vaud. The situation pleased Voltaire, and he bought property and houses under
four governments, and all within a circuit of a day’s ride. Voltaire describes
his retreat thus: “I lean my left on Mount Jura, my right on the Alps, and I
have the beautiful lake of Geneva in front of my camp, a beautiful castle on
the borders of France, the hermitage of Délices in
the territory of Geneva, a good house at Lausanne; crawling thus from one
burrow to another, I escape from kings. Philosophers should always have two or
three holes underground against the hounds that run them down.” From now until
the end of his long life he lived like a feudal lord, a landed proprietor and an
entertaining host. He kept horses, carriages, coachmen, postilions, lackeys, a
valet, a French cook, a secretary and a boy, besides pet and domestic animals.
Nearly every day he entertained at dinner from five to twenty friends.
1756—On November 1st, All Saints’ Day, at 9:40 a. m.,
occurred the Lisbon earthquake, when half the people of that city were in
church. In six minutes the city was in ruins and 30,000 people dead or dying.
This was food for the thought of Europe and inspired one of Voltaire’s best
poems. This was followed by “Candide,” the most celebrated of his prose
burlesques, on Rousseau’s “best of all possible worlds,” and Dr. Johnson’s “Rasselas.” At this time the surreptitious publication of “La Pucelle” offended the French Calvinists of Geneva,
and Voltaire thought it well in 1756 to go to Lausanne, where he inaugurated
private theatricals in his own house. Here Gibbon had the pleasure of hearing a
great poet declaim his own production on the stage. In this year his admirable
Italian secretary, Collini, left him, and his place
was filled by a Genevan named Wagnière, who continued
to be his factotum for the remainder of his life. When scarcely three years in
Geneva, Voltaire, finding the Genevans—who built their first theatre ten years
later—averse to his theatrical performances, bought on French soil the estate
of Ferney and built a theatre there.
1757-1758—Voltaire never became indifferent to the
disfavor in which he was held at the French court under the dominion of the
Jesuits. Fortunately for him, he had for a friend the brilliant and powerful
Pompadour, who at this time made him again safe on French soil, restored his
pension and had his Ferney estate exempted from
taxation. At this time, too, the “old Swiss,” as he was sometimes called, received
an invitation from Elizabeth, empress of Russia, to come to St. Petersburg to
write a history of her father, Peter the Great. Voltaire, now sixty-four,
gladly undertook the work, but declining to go to St. Petersburg on account of
his health, he had all necessary documents sent to Ferney.
While Europe and America were ravaged by war, Voltaire worked industriously on
his history, and yet amidst his labors his generous heart, consecrated to
justice and humanity, moved him to splendid though unsuccessful efforts to save
Admiral Byng from his persecutors. Again the king of Prussia seemed unable to
forget Voltaire, and their correspondence was resumed. Voltaire hated carnage
and cruelty, and begged Frederick, almost piteously, to end the war; but it continued,
and the “Swiss Hermit” worked on in his retreat, never letting Europe forget
his existence.
His outdoor occupations in Switzerland so improved his
health that he resolved to become a farmer at his new place, the ancient estate
of Ferney. He converted the old chateau into a
substantial stone building of fourteen rooms. He improved the estate
throughout, and made a life purchase of the adjacent seigniory of Tourney. He
employed sixteen working oxen in his farming operations, established a breeding
stable of ten mares at Les Délices, accepted a
present of a fine stallion from the king’s stables, kept thirty men employed,
and maintained on his estate more than sixty; and let it be remembered that not
only did he make his estates beautiful, but he made them profitable. He had
splendid barns, poultry-yards, and sheepfolds, winepresses, storerooms, and
fruit-houses, about 500 beehives, and a colony of silkworms. He had a fine
nursery and encouraged tree-planting. He formed a park, three miles in circuit,
on the English model, around his house. Near the chateau he built a marble
bath-house, supplied with hot and cold water. Everything that Voltaire wished
for he had; from 1758 to 1764 he enjoyed good health and spirits and was never
less involved in public affairs nor more prolific with his pen. Marmontel and Casanova wrote interestingly of their visits
to Voltaire at this time. He finally wearied of the stream of people that
visited him at Les Délices, and in 1765 sold
it and spent all his time at the less easily reached Ferney.
1759—In this year his “Natural Religion” was
burned by the hangman in Paris. This infamy stirred Voltaire’s indignation
greatly and impelled him to almost superhuman efforts against “L'Infâme”, the name with which he branded ecclesiasticism
claiming supernatural authority and enforcing that claim with pains and
penalties. His friends tried to dissuade him, but he had enlisted for the war
and would not desert. Though as one against ten thousand, he knew no fear, and
his watchword became Ecrasez l’Infâme.
1760—In 1759 and 1760 appeared in Paris anonymous
pamphlets by a well-known pen, in which the Jesuit Berthier and others were
smothered in the most mirth-provoking ridicule. In this year he had also much
dramatic success in Paris under the management of d’Argental.
It was one of his most eventful years, and a rumor of his death having spread
over Paris, in writing Madame du Deffand, he said: “I have never been less dead
than I am at present. I have not a moment free; bullocks, cows, sheep, meadows,
buildings, gardens, occupy me in the morning; all the afternoon is for study,
and after supper we rehearse the pieces that arc played in my little theatre.”
This rumor occasioned the noble tribute of Goldsmith appended to this
1761—The infamous outrage by the Church on the Calas
family of Protestants in Toulouse is referred to by Voltaire in his work on
“Toleration.” It stirred his indignation so powerfully that he devoted almost
superhuman efforts to the duty of undoing the crime so far as possible.
1762—1763—He undertook to have the Calas case
reopened, and devoted himself to this task as if he had no other object or hope
in life. He issued seven pamphlets on the case, had them translated and
published in England and Germany. He stirred Europe up to help him. The queen
of England, the archbishop of Canterbury, ten other English bishops, besides
seventy-nine lords and forty-seven gentlemen, subscribed; also several German
princes and nobles. The Swiss cantons, the empress of Russia, the king of
Poland, and many other notables contributed money to assist Voltaire in this
tremendous battle. It took him three years to win it, but on the 9th of March,
1765, he had the satisfaction of having the Calas family declared innocent and
their property restored, amidst the applause of Europe. Voltaire went further,
and had the king grant to each member of the family a considerable sum in cash,
besides other benefits that he secured for them. Known as the savior of the
Calas family, others in trouble went to him, till Ferney became a refuge for the distressed. ‘Another celebrated case, that of the Sirven family, occurred in this year. Voltaire, learning of
it in 1763, took up the cause of the oppressed as enthusiastically as in the
Calas case. He wrote volumes in their behalf, and labored for nine years for
the reversal of their sentence, giving and getting money as required. At
length, in January, 1772, he was able to announce the complete success of his
efforts on their behalf, and their complete vindication. These are but two of
many such cases in which he interested himself. The horrors of French injustice
at this time kept him constantly agitated and at work, and even induced him to
attempt, in 1766, the forming of a colony of philosophers in a freer land. But
failing to find philosophers inclined to self-expatriation, he dropped the
1768—On Easter Sunday he communed in his own church
and addressed the congregation.
1769—Again, on Easter of this year, the whim seized
him to commune, as he lay in bed. At this time he was draining the swamp lands
in the vicinity, lending money without interest to gentlemen, giving money to
the poor, establishing schools, fertilizing lands, and maintaining over a
hundred persons, defending the weak and persecuted, and playing jokes on the
bishop, besides, after his sixtieth year, writing 160 publications. The
difficulty of circulating his works can be imagined when it is remembered that
he found it desirable to use 108 different pseudonyms. The Church watched all
his manoeuvres as a cat watches a mouse, yet he outwitted his enemies, and the
eager public got the product of his great mind in spite of them.
1770—By this time Ferney was
becoming quite populous. Voltaire could not build houses quickly enough for
those that flocked to his shelter. He fitted up his theatre as a watch-factory,
and had watches for sale within six weeks. His friend, the duchess of Choiseul,
wore the first silk stockings woven on the looms of Ferney.
The grandest people bought his watches, and soon great material prosperity
waited upon the industries of Ferney. Voltaire used
all his prestige on behalf of his workmen, and so much was he liked that he
could have had nearly all the skilled workmen of Geneva had he furnished houses
for them. Catherine II. of Russia ordered a large quantity of his first product
in watches. Voltaire, by his genius, literally forced Ferney’s products into the best markets of the world, so that within three years the
watches, clocks, and jewelry from Ferney went
regularly to Spain, Algiers, Italy, Russia, Holland, Turkey, Morocco, America,
China, Portugal, and elsewhere. Voltaire was a city-builder and creator of
trade. His charities were numerous and were bestowed without the odious flavor
of pauperizing doles.
In this year, some of his friends proposed to erect a
statue in his honor. Subscriptions came abundantly on the project being known,
and the statue now is in the Institute of Paris. He was so overrun with
visitors that he facetiously called himself the innkeeper of Europe. La Harpe, Cramer, Dr. Tronchin, Chabanon, Charles Pongens, Damilaville, d’Alembert, James Boswell, Charles James Fox,
and Dr. Charles Burney were among his visitors.
1774—On the death of Louis XV., he began to think
again of Paris, to take a new interest in and lay plans for a visit to the city
he loved so well; but the conditions seemed unfavorable, and the various labors
and pleasures in Ferney continued.
1776—In 1776 a large store house was fitted up as a
theatre and Lekain drew together in Ferney the nineteen cantons. In this year he adopted into
his family a lovely girl of eighteen whom he called Belle-et-Bonne.
1777—In this year he was still, at the age of
eighty-three, an active, vigilant, and successful man of business, with ships
on the Indian seas, with aristocratic debtors paying him interest, with the
industrial “City of Ferney” earning immense revenues,
with famous flocks, birds, bees, and silkworms, all receiving his daily
attention. His yearly income at this time was more than 200,000 francs, and
with nearly as much purchasing power then as the same number of dollars has
with us today. In this year his pet, the sweet Belle-et-Bonne, was wooed and
won by a gay marquis from Paris. Voltaire, though a bachelor, was fond of
match-making, and was pleased in telling of the twenty-two marriages that had
taken place on his estate of Ferney. The newly
married pair remained in the chateau and they and Madame Denis conspired to
induce him to go to Paris. They adduced a hundred reasons why he should go and
these he as cleverly parried; but at length they prevailed and he consented to
go for six weeks only.
1778—On the 3d of February they started. The colonists
and he were weeping. At the stopping-places on the way, in order to get away
from the crowd of admirers that would press on him, he found it necessary to
lock himself in his room. He made the 300 miles by February 10th, and put up at
the hotel of Madame de Villette, after an exile of twenty-eight years! The city
was electrified by the news and a tide of visitors set in, and crowds waited
outside the hotel for a chance glimpse of the great man. He held a continuous reception
and, amidst the tumult of homage, his gayety, tact, and humor never flagged.
Among the first to do homage to Voltaire was Dr. Benjamin Franklin, with whom
he conversed in English. With the American ambassador was his grandson, a youth
of seventeen, upon whom Franklin asked the venerable philosopher's benediction.
Lifting his hands, Voltaire solemnly replied: “My child, God and Liberty,
remember those two words.” He said to Franklin that he so admired the
Constitution of the United States and the Articles of Confederation between
them that, “if I were only forty years old, I would immediately go and settle
in your happy country.” A medal was struck in honor of Washington, at
Voltaire’s expense, bearing this couplet:
Washington réunit, par un rare assemblage,
Des talens du guerrier et
des vertus du sage.
During the first two weeks several thousands of
visitors called to welcome their great compatriot.
Voltaire busied himself with perfecting his new play,
“Irène”, and rehearsing it prior to performance. On February 25th a fit
of coughing caused a haemorrhage. The doctors managed
to save him for the grand event. The play was fixed for March 30th. The queen
fitted up a box like her own, and adjoining it, for Voltaire. He attended a
session of the Academy in the morning, where he was overwhelmed with honors,
and elected president. His carriage with difficulty passed through the crowds
that filled the streets, hoping to see him. On entering the theatre he thought
to hide himself in his box, but the people insisted on his coming to the front.
He had to submit, and then the actor Brizard entered the box, and in view of
the people placed a laurel crown on his head. He modestly withdrew it, but all
insisted on his wearing it, and he was compelled to let it be replaced. The
scene was unparalleled for sustained enthusiasm. The excitement of these months
proved fatal to the strong constitution which might easily have carried him
through a century if he had remained at Ferney.
At 11:15 p,m., Saturday, May
30, 1778, aged 83 years, 6 months, and 9 days, he died peacefully and without
pain. His body was embalmed and in the evening of June 1st was quietly buried
in a near-by abbey, the place being indicated by a small stone, and the
inscription: “Here lies Voltaire.”
The king of Prussia delivered before the Berlin
Academy a splendid eulogium and compelled the Catholic clergy of Berlin to hold
special services in honor of his friend. The empress Catherine wrote most
kindly to Madame Denis and desired to buy his library of 6,210 volumes, and
having done so, invited Wagnière to St. Petersburg to
arrange the books as they were in Ferney. Crowned
heads bowed to this great man, and the homage of his native Paris knew no
After thirteen years di rest, his body, by order of the
king of France, was removed from the church of the Romilli to that of Sainte-Genevieve, in Paris, thenceforth known as the Pantheon of
France. The magnificent cortege was the centre of the
wildest enthusiasm. On July 10, 1791, the sarcophagus was borne as far as the
site of the Bastille, not yet completely razed to the ground. Here it reposed
for the night on an altar adorned with laurels and roses, and this inscription:
“Upon this spot, where despotism chained thee,
Voltaire, receive the homage of a free people.”
A hundred thousand people were in the procession. At
ten o’clock at night the remains were placed near the tombs of Descartes and
Mirabeau. Here they reposed until 1814, when the bones of Voltaire and Rousseau
were sacrilegiously stolen, with the connivance of the clerics, and burned with
quicklime on a piece of waste ground. This miserable act of toothless spite was
not publicly known until 1864.