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With the encroachments of the barbarians upon the frontiers of the Roman
Empire, a decisive change came over the character of warfare. The Roman army,
as reorganised by Diocletian and Constantine, differed greatly from the army of
earlier days. The old distinction between the legionary who was a Roman citizen
and the auxiliary recruited from the provinces had long disappeared; the
employment of mercenary soldiers from the tribes which surrounded the Empire
had modified the whole character of the imperial forces; a new regular army
came into being, in which novel elements, the Palatine troops which were
directly at the Emperor’s disposal, and the Comitatenses who could be moved from the interior of the Empire to meet pressure upon any
part of the frontier, took precedence of the older legions stationed in
garrisons upon its limits. Cavalry and light-armed infantry, to cope with the
inroads of swiftly-moving enemies, assumed an
importance which tended to supersede that of the heavy-armed foot-soldier, the
traditional mainstay of the Roman military power. The barbarian, in contact
with the legions, had profited by his experience; the mercenary who had served
in the imperial ranks returned to his home with a new knowledge of the art of
war and of mili tary equipment. The enemies with whom the Romans of the later Empire had to deal
were formidably armed and could fight upon equal terras with their opponents; while the Roman armies themselves, heterogeneous in
composition, no longer formed a compact machine which easily submitted to
control. Civil war between rival Emperors and the divided interests of East and
West hastened the end of what still remained of the
old military system amid its transformations.
The defeat of Valens by the Goths at Hadrianople (378) proved that a new force had arrived against which traditional tactics were found wanting. The battle, begun as an attack by the Roman legions upon the barricades of the Gothic camp, was decided by a sudden charge of cavalry, which threw the Romans into confusion and placed them at the ipercy of their) enemies. Henceforward cavalry took the upper hand in warfare. Under Theodosius the Great a new army took the place of that which had been destroyed at Hadrianople. Foreign chiefs with their bands of personal followers, horsed and armed with lances, were attracted into his service by gifts and promises and gave him their allegiance. With the aid of these foederati he repressed the revolt of the western legions, and so established the supremacy of cavalry and the Teutonic adventurer in the West. While, however, Italy was abandoned to the strife of federate leaders and to the invasions of Goths and Vandals, the Eastern Emperors kept the foreign element in their armies under control. The influence of the foederati is seen in the tendency of the army to move in groups attached by ties of personal allegiance to individual leaders; the greatest generals, Belisarius and Narses, were surrounded like any German chieftain by their comitatus of picked followers, and the prominence which his officers thus acquired was a source of suspicion and jealousy to Justinian, whose policy was directed to checking the power of individuals by dividing and changing the command. But the army which had adopted this alien custom was still in large part drawn from the confines of the Empire, and from it was evolved a force which gave to medieval Europe an example of highly developed strategic and tactical practice. Under the successors of Justinian the foederati decreased in number and importance, as the prospect of the rewards which had allured them at first declined. The comitatus disappeared, and the Byzantine army, as reconstructed by the military reformers of the end of the sixth and beginning of the seventh centuries, was organised under commanders whose authority was derived immediately from the. Emperor. The regiments representing the numeri of the older Roman army, ceased to be independent units, and were grouped into brigades, each under its brigadier: three brigades, each of two to three thousand men, formed a division. In this army, drawn from within the Empire, the purely alien element was small and well under the control of an imperial officer who commanded the corps of foreign soldiers. The themeor army corps became the basis of a system of administration in which civil was subordinated to military government. The civil province was converted into the military theme, ruled by the commander of the corps and staffed by his officers. In this subdivision of the Empire, subject to regrouping and further partition as time went on, the shrunken body of foederati was represented by the Optimatian theme, with its capital at Nicomedia, while the Bucellarian theme, adjoining it to the east, was garrisoned by the foreign members of the iperial guards, which had formed the Emperor's comitatus. No regular systen of universal military service was develiped, in spite of the military basis of government; but there were certainly no difficulty in reruiting forces within the borders of the Empire, or in finding competent officers among members of noble and wealty famlies. The all important factor in the Byzantuie army was its heavy cavalry. The byzantine cavalry man, with his close-fitting steel helm and shirt of mail, and his round shield worn on the left shoulder, rode with a long lance and broad sword, dagger and bow and quiver at his saddle-bow. The use of the bow by horsemen was the result of contac with hostile forces whose main arm it was, and the cavalry of the Eastern Empire employed
it with skill and effect. Moreover, the experience of warfare against the
Goths had shown that an enemy who confined the use of
the bow to his infantry was unable to combine the operations of his horse and
foot successfully. In the open field, the Byzantine infantry played a very
subordinate part; employed against enemies like the Franks, whose armies fought
chiefly on foot, the heavy infantry with foot-archers ranged on its flanks was
covered by wings of horsemen, ready to close in upon the hand-to-hand struggle
in the centre and administer the coup de grace. Otherwise, the use of infantry
was to operate in districts where horsemen were at a geographical
This was the army whose organisation
in an era of reform is drawn in the Strategicon of Maurice (Emperor 583-603), written about 580. The fruits of its experience
are contained in the Tactica of Leo VI
(886-913), when the Saracens were the principal foes of the Empire. Although
the use of infantry is not neglected by Leo, infantry tactics in his day were
of small importance. The Saracen was an armed horseman, hardly inferior at
close quarters to the cavalry of the Empire, formidable in the crowds of
horse-archers with which he could molest less mobile
forces. His footsoldiers, following in the wake of his horsemen, were
practically negligible. The strategy and tactics of the Byzantine army were
thus directed towards campaigns in which infantry were useful merely upon
occasion, and towards battles from which they might be wholly absent, and the
most valuable and original sections of Leo’s discussion of tactics are
concentrated upon the effective use and disposition of cavalry. Similarly,
towards the end of the tenth century, when the Saracen menace was far less
serious and Nicephorus Phocas (963-969) had taken Antioch and Aleppo, the
author of Perí Paradromís Polemon, outlining the conduct of a war against Saracen raiders, treats the cavalry as
the main arm in the battlefield, and relegates the infantry to garrison duty
on the edge of the mountain district through which the invaders entered the
central plateau of Anatolia. At the same tijne, the
use of infantry in the field was not neglected, and Leo gives detailed advice
for their cooperation with horsemen.
The preponderance of cavalry forces in
the West was reached much more slowly. The battle of Châlons (450), in which Roman and Gothic horsemen combined to check the progress of the
horse-bowmen of Attila, belongs to the last days of the Western Empire; the
Roman legionary had passed, but the altered tactics of the Western horseman
with lance and bow and of his ally, the Teutonic lancer, found no general
success outside Italy, where they were the resources of a power in its last
decline. The Franks who overran northwestern Europe were bands of footsoldiers, who depended upon their speed in movement
and their missile weapons, the casting axe and the
heavy javelin. At close quarters they fought with sword, shield, and dagger.
The use of body armour came 50—2 slowly, and, while horsemanship came with it,
the horse was regarded as a means of locomotion rather than as an aid to
battle. Their favourite method of fighting was in a close square, which turned
its face to meet successive changes of attack, and, even when the mounted
knight was beginning to count as an important element in their host, he still
fought on foot when battle was joined. While there were exceptions to this
rule, it prevailed as late as the battle of Poitiers (732), where Charles
Martel and his Franks were engaged with the hosts of Saracen light cavalry.
Here the charge of an insignificant force of armed horsemen would have courted
defeat, and the serried infantry formation was justified by complete victory.
Apart from these defensive tactics,
the success of which depended upon sheer weight of resistance to a lightly
armed foe, the Franks of the Merovingian period developed no systematic art of
war. Under the great mayors of the palace they
learned discipline; the victory of Poitiers is all the, more remarkable because
it followed a period of internecine strife, in which the Frankish kingdom had
ceased to be a formidable foe. Charles Martel’s army, recruited on the
principle of the national levy en masse, and
including numbers of soldiers whose training can have been in the circumstances
only indifferent, did credit to his competent generalship.
While this battle was won by infantry, it is clear that
operations against a mounted enemy were necessarily accompanied by a
development in horsemanship, which was further improved by subsequent contact
with the Lombard cavalry in Italy. It was not, however, until the area of
Frankish conquest was enlarged by Charles the Great that methods of warfare
were systematised among his subjects. The use of armour was enjoined by
legislation, which prohibited the exportation of mail shirts from the realm. In
the campaigns against the Lombards and Avars a host of cavalry was raised under
compulsion firom the great tenants and their
followers. For the ill-organised national levy was substituted a new system of
service, founded upon the obligation of property and arranged upon a graduated
scale which relieved the poorer land-owner of a
disproportionate share in the cost of equipment; efficiency took the place of
casual methods. It is true that Charles’ care for his army was neutralised by
the civil dissensions which destroyed his Empire in the
course of the ninth century; but, amid the weakness of his successors
and the growth of feudal principalities, the military reforms which he inaugurated
bore fruit, and the tactics of feudal warfare were developed upon foundations
which he had laid.
Of the personal tactics of Charles in
battle the records are somewhat deficient. The destruction of his rearguard at Roncesvalles was due rather to a lapse in strategic
foresight than to a tactical error; the unexpected attack afforded no
opportunity for tactical skill. As a strategist, however, this was his one
mistake. The success of his campaigns was the work of a mind which carried the
map of his realm imprinted upon it and saw the possibilities which lay beyond
its extending boundary. If his successors
It may be questioned how far, as the
Frankish kingdom assumed coherent form and profited by civilisation, the
remains of the Roman occupation influenced its military progress. The traditions
of Roman practice outside the Eastern Empire were, by the eighth and ninth
centuries, too vague to make much impression on the Frank. Similarly in England
the Saxon seems to have learned little from the conquered Romano-Briton. His
first invasions, like those of the Frank, were made in isolated bands under
individual leaders. Of the art of fortification he
knew nothing, and it was not until the time of Alfred that any movement was
made to repair the walls of Roman cities which the first settlers had left
desolate. In the course of the eighth century the use
of armour progressed; it is probable that the English profited to some extent
by the importation of shirts of mail from France, the traffic which we have
seen forbidden by Charlemagne. Horsemanship, however, lagged far behind. The
Englishman had to contend with no mounted enemy on the trackless borders of the
Saxon kingdoms; the battles of rival tribes were
hand-to-hand encounters on foot, in which one army fought the other with spears
behind the close “shield-wall” formed by the round linden shields borne by each
warrior. In such straightforward conflicts there was no opportunity for
tactics; both sides fought until one gave way. The geography of the early wars
of Northumbria, Mercia, and Wessex is too obscure to allow the discovery of
much strategic capacity; victory probably depended upon superior numbers and
good fortune, and the unfortunate campaign which Ecgfrith led against the Picts in 685 seems to have been conducted with a rashness
and ignorance which may not have been exceptional. In Alfred, however,
strategic genius came to the front; in his wars with Guthrum and Hasting he achieved success by his
The enemy whom Alfred and his
immediate successors kept in check was, like Frank and Saxon, a marauder bent
upon plunder, whose casual attacks upon the coastline did not develop at once into an organised attempt at occupation and conquest.
The settlements which the Northmen effected in England and the Frankish
kingdom were formed by the command of rivers along which their open ships penetrated into the interior, and beside which they made
their camps. Their heavy axes and swords could be used to purpose in
hand-to-hand fight; but it was not until their raids upon undefended country
had put them in possession of horses and armour that their military talent
appeared. The latest of the invaders of western and southern Europe, they were
the readiest to take advantage of the systems which they encountered in their
wanderings. From a sea-rover whose methods, when he was obliged to light on
land, were of the simplest, the Northman became the most accomplished soldier
in Europe. At the siege of Paris in 886 he was in possession of siegeengines, the use of which he had probably
derived from observation of Byzantine methods of war. It is among the Normans,
again, that we find the crossbow in use in the eleventh century; this, known to
the Roman soldier but long forgotten, was re-invented during this period by a
logical application of the principle of the balista or javelin-throwing engine to a missile weapon which could be worked by one
man. Whether the discovery can be ascribed to the Normans is uncertain, but
they, at any rate, were foremost to profit by it.
This advance took place upon the
continent, where it kept pace with the advance of feudalism. It was a feudal
army, drawn from Normandy and the adjacent provinces, that Harold, accompanied
by the hastily-raised force of the English shires, met at Hastings. From a
victory in a hand-to-hand conflict at Stamford Bridge, where both sides as
usual fought on foot with axe, spear, and sword, he came into a field where his
infantry had to face unfamiliar and superior tactics. His forces included large
bodies of men armed only with the traditional English weapons, against whom
were arrayed armed infantry with bowmen and crossbowmen in their front line.
The English had no cavalry; on the other side, the rear was composed of
horsemen, ready to alternate with the bowmen and foot-soldiers in attacks upon
the solid mass defended by the shieldwall which
fronted them. With the advantage of position on their side, and with
unfaltering steadiness, Harold’s army stood for hours upon the defensive, enduring
the flights of arrows and repelling the charges which followed, until the king
was slain and their ranks at last were broken. The obstinate tactics which had been proof against the Saracen cavalry
at Poitiers were now no guarantee of success, even had all the English host at
Hastings been trained and armed warriors; against the
In 1071, five years after Hastings,
the Byzantine army, the oldest and best trained military force in Europe, was
destroyed in battle with the Seljuq Turks at Manzikert in Armenia. The fight
was purely one of cavalry, heavily armed horsemen (cataphracts) against hordes
of skilful riders who used the bow to harass their enemy without engaging in
close conflict. Rashness in venturing into a position where troops were open to
flank attack and encircling manoeuvres, combined with treachery in the Byzantine
ranks, caused the disaster, which was as great a blow to the military
organisation as Hadrianople, seven centuries before, had been. The consequent
menace of the Seljuq power to Europe was the political cause which, joined with
religious enthusiasm, provoked the Crusades.
The conduct of the Crusades, quite
apart from the initial difficulty caused by the assemblage of heterogeneous
multitudes from rival nations under jealous leaders of very different capacity,
was distinguished by singular improvidence. The strategic problems of carrying
a large force to Syria through Asia Minor, an unknown country laid waste by its
Turkish invaders, and of holding the precarious group of feudal states formed
in Syria against an active and dangerous enemy, might well have taxed the
genius of the most competent general. The leaders knew nothing of the
topography or climate of the country through which they had to pass, nor did
their suspicious Greek allies trouble to enlighten
them with proper precautions. Insufficiently provisioned, liable to continual
annoyance from the bands of Seljuq horsemen who hung upon their progress, and occasionally without adequate
weapons to repel their attacks, they reached Syria with forces enormously
depleted. In Syria itself the possession of Jerusalem was the engrossing
interest, and the systematic conquest which would have secured that position
was neglected in favour of holding isolated posts without proper lines of
communication. While the navies of the Italian cities held the coast-line which
brought them commercial profit, the Frankish counts and barons, with inadequate
forces, were unable to control the interior of the kingdom of Jerusalem; and when in 1149 the armies of the Second
Crusade had a good prospect of capturing Damascus, the chance was lost by the
mutual distrust of the generals.
Had the crusaders profited by the
experience of Byzantine tacticians in the open field, their victories would
have produced a more permanent result. From Byzantine methods of fortification they learned much; the practice, of which
examples were under their eyes in the Eastern Empire, was employed by them with
advantage in their Syrian fortresses and was transferred by them to the West,
so that the military architecture of the thirteenth century seems a direct
inheritance from the Roman period. On
It has already been said that the
Turkish strength lay chiefly in large forces of light cavalry, which, operating
in an open area, pursued irritating tactics against which an enemy was
helpless. To meet them effectively, it was necessary to choose ground on which
their outflanking movements could be prevented. Where they closed in upon their
opponents without the possibility of encircling them, the mailed horseman of
the West had his advantage. In such a position also a combination of infantry
with heavy cavalry ensured success to the crusaders; the crossbowmen in the infantry line countered the arrows from the Turkish
horse-bows and prepared the way for the cavalry charges which decided the day.
The proper observation of these conditions, combined with caution in keeping on
the defensive until the attack could be delivered with a certain prospect of
victory, led to the blow inflicted by Richard I upon Saladin at Arsuf in 1191,
the culminating point of crusading successes which, had full advantage been
taken of it, would have re-established the Franks in Jerusalem. Even at Antioch
(1098) in the First Crusade, where the army was beset in front and rear, its
disposition across the plain between the northern hills and the Orontes was a
decisive element in its favour; the two Turkish forces were hindered from
uniting, and while the combination of infantry and cavalry put the Turks to
flight on the main front, detachments of heavy cavalry engaged the smaller body
of horse in the rear with complete success. But, where precautions were
disregarded, where, from mere rashness or out of necessity, an unfavourable
position was chosen, or where infantry and horse failed to co-operate, only a
happy accident could save the day. In the first great battle of the Crusades,
at Dorylaeum (1091), defeat was avoided only by the
sudden arrival of a lost contingent; at Hittin (1187), the disaster which gave Jerusalem to Saladin was caused by the choice
of an impossible battleground, and by the inability
of an exhausted infantry to take its part in the ensuing conflict.
Thus, while the Crusades exhibit
instances of judicious and even, as in Baldwin II’s battle array at Danith (or Hab, 1119), of
elaborate tactics, their leaders were liable to the same mistakes at the end as at the beginning. No scientific method of warfare was
evolved from them. Even if the deduction could hardly fail to be drawn that the
support of infantry was an aid to victory in certain circumstances, the
principle was not fully extended to other occasions.
It is interesting to trace the details
of individual battles during this period, but a comparison of them reveals
differences without discovering any co-ordinating principle. The essential
distinction between the battles of the Crusades and contemporary battles in
Europe lay in the fact that in the second case the cavalry on both sides was
fully armed; the fights were not between heavy cavalry and infantry on one side
and light horsemen on the other, but between forces whose chief arm was their
heavy cavalry, whether supported by infantry or not. Thus the order of battle was different; the cavalry took the front line, with
infantry in reserve to meet the enemy’s horse with their spears if the front
line were broken, or a mass of infantry was brought into the middle of the
front line with cavalry on the wings. At Bouvines (1214), where there is some difference of opinion about details, this seems to
have been the arrangement adopted on both sides. As usual, the opposing armies
were divided into three “battles,” each commanded by its own leader; the front
line was placed as described, with spearmen and crossbowmen in the middle,
covering the central body of cavalry, which, in the middle of the second line,
was supported by infantry at the back of the cavalry wings.
While the foot-soldier, though present
in large numbers, took a subordinate position in the field, and the mounted
knight and man-at-arms were regarded as the decisive factor in battle, there
were yet occasions on which the value of infantry to maintain a defensive
position, where cavalry failed to stand an onset, pointed a moral which could
not be mistaken. At Legnano the shock of Barbarossa’s
horsemen broke the front line of Italian cavalry, but the attack wore itself
out against the firm resistance of the closely-ranked reserve of Milanese pikemen. It is true that herethe routed
horsemen rallied and materially stiffened the defence, but the credit of a victory which broke the ascendancy of feudalism in Italy belongs
to the foot-soldiers of the free cities. In Italy and the Netherlands revolt
against feudal lords was accompanied by the development of infantry forces and
of a professional soldiery whose experience, at the service of the highest
bidder, leavened European practice in war. We see also in some twelfth-century battles the employment of an expedient which
had an important influence in the future. The use of dismounted horsemen in a
defensive fight was not new. In the Gothic war of 552 Narses at Taginae had formed his centre by dismounting his foederati; the defensive square in which
the early Frankish armies fought was strengthened by its horsemen, who took
their places on foot with the rest. The amour propre of the feudal
knight, however, was slow to encourage a practice which confounded him with his
inferiors, and its systematic employment was long delayed.
In strategy feudal armies displayed
even less advance than in tactics. It is obvious that, even where a general was
familiar with the main features of the country covered by his manoeuvres, his
means for detailed knowledge were small, and he had to depend much upon the
reports of scouts who could not always be trusted. In an unknown country, as
the crusading expeditions through Asia Minor showed, he moved blindly. Nowhere
was this more conspicuous than in the unfortunate campaign of St Louis in Egypt (1250), in which, even without the chaotic disregard
of prudence which caused his defeat and capture at Mansurah,
the impossible route across the labyrinth of the Delta would in any case have
meant disaster. The importance also of castles in warfare checked strategic
development on broader lines. In England, throughout the twelfth and thirteenth
centuries, success in war depended upon the possession and defence of castles,
and strategy took the form of devising the best route by which a castle might
be surprised or relieved and a battle in the open avoided. Thus the civil wars of Stephen's reign, with their complicated details, were fought
round castles without any consistent plan of campaign; the wars of the
Plantagenets in Normandy and the Angevin dominions were concentrated upon the
reduction or defence of single fortresses; and the decisive fight with the
barons and their French allies in the streets of Lincoln (1217) was the result
of a cunning attack on a castle which formed no part of a larger scheme. The
campaign of Lewes (1264), as conducted by Henry III, was an aimless attempt at
the reduction of castles, in which he deliberately threw away his chance of making
for a definite objective and left the field clear for his adversary. At Lewes
Simon de Montfort shewed brilliant generalship, and
it is possible that a year later, had he fathomed the seriousness of his situation in time, he might have saved himself from defeat. His delay,
however, in realising the menace of the alliance between Prince Edward and. the
Earl of Gloucester kept him engaged in minor operations in the Welsh border until the line of the Severn was closed against him,
and his subsequent endeavours to extricate himself from the trap into which he
had fallen were successfully countered by his opponent until it was too late.
The success of Edward in the campaign
of 1265 was the result of strategy exercised against an enemy neglectful of
precautions, who, at the crowning movement, found himself bereft of succour in
a position where tactics were useless. In the conduct of his wars in Wales
(1277- 1295) his military skill was at its height. These wars, waged in
difficult country where campaigns were necessarily prolonged into the winter,
led to changes in the composition of his army, the discussion of which belongs
more properly to the history of the legislation in which these years were so
fertile. Feudal obligations of military service were modified and transformed
by the system of longer service for fixed payment. While in this direction
feudal barriers were broken down, the castle, the symbol of feudalism, was
employed as the means of controlling the conquered districts; as yet its military importance was unchallenged, and its
defensive superiority was for the time being firmly established.
But the Welsh wars brought about a
change which, for the present purpose, is of greater moment. The traditions of
cavalry battles in which Edward had been reared were of little help in a
mountainous country, and reliance had to be placed in a greater degree than
usual upon the infantry. Up to this time the foot-soldier’s chief weapons had
been the pike and crossbow. The use of the bow, as distinguished from the crossbow
or arbalast, had been encouraged and even enjoined by
legislation; the shortbow, drawn from the breast, had
been long familiar, though overlooked in favour of the crossbow, and the
longbow, which was aimed from the ear, had made its appearance. From whatever
source the longbow in England was derived, its home was in Wales, and it had
played its part in the conquest of Ireland by the Norman settlers from South
Wales. In the Welsh wars it came for the first time into prominence in the
English service; and henceforward, until it was finally displaced by the
progress of newer inventions, it remained the characteristic English weapon.
The value of the longbow was tested in
the Scottish wars which followed. Here, as in Wales, the English horseman was
opposed to squadrons of foot-soldiers on the defensive with but little cavalry
support. At Falkirk (1298) the strength of huge masses of infantry in close
order to keep cavalry charges at bay threatened defeat to the English, until the
archers were brought up and, raining their arrows into the compact “schiltrons” of the enemy, opened the way for the horsemen
to do their work. Had such tactics been properly employed at Bannockburn
(1314), the English army might have obtained an advantage which it did its best
to forfeit; as it was, in the haste and disorder of the attack the archers were
deprived of their opportunity. Those who managed to inflict loss upon the Scots
were ridden down by a squadron of Scottish horse- men
posted on their flank, and the English cavalry failed miserably for the lack of
the support which they had denied themselves. The crushing defeat of
Bannockburn proves little in itself, for the chances
of success from the beginning were entirely in favour of the Scots; but Falkirk
had shown that cavalry, without the aid of a
sufficient force of footmen armed with missiles, could only dash itself in vain
against a wall of spearmen. Long before, at Hastings, the value of a combined
body of horse and bowmen against a mass of infantry had been proved; these
later lessons shewed that it was necessary to victory.
That such lessons had been taken to
heart is proved by the gradual tendency to adopt an order of battle in which
horsemen and archers take the defensive. The experiment of dismounting horsemen
to stand a cavalry charge with their spears on foot has been mentioned. It was
employed in combination with archery at Boroughbridge (1322), which thus forms
a landmark in the change of English tactics, and the practice was again exemplified
at Dupplin Muir (1332), where the disinherited barons
overwhelmed the Scottish force which, charging on their centre, was thrown
into confusion by the archers posted in open order on the wings. Its use in the
French campaigns of Edward III met with striking success; tried upon more than
one occasion, it was responsible for the victory of Crecy (1346), where the
squadrons of English archers, set obliquely outwards on the flanks of each of
the three main battles of dismounted horsemen, presented a front like the teeth
of a harrow to the French army. The success of the formation was complete: the
Genoese crossbowmen who opened the offensive from the French side missed their
marks and were impatiently ridden down by the charge of French horsemen, who, after
repeated efforts, failed to break the English line and
were shot down from the flanks.
The Hundred Years’ War continued the
advance which under Edward I had put an end to the stationary period in which
the supremacy of cavalry had been uncontested. While England, with the
development of its archery, established itself as the first military nation in
Europe, it also commanded an army raised on the system of commissions of array
which had superseded the old feudal levies; an army prepared for long service
in the field and led by experienced captains. The fourteenth century
witnessed the development of the professional soldier on a large scale. The
exploits of mercenary captains and their trained companies, who followed war as
a game and went anywhere where there was fighting to be done, fill the annals
of the French war; the civil strife! of the Italian states produced the condottieri whose ability and ambition won principalities and controlled the political
situation. At the same iirne, with this increase in
military efficiency, there was little advance in great qualities of generalship. Edward III and the Black Prince, at Crecy and
Poitiers, showed resource at a crisis; but there was no genius in the conditet of the campaigns which preceded those victories.
The English campaigns in France were long processions with uncertain
objectives, spreading devastation through a hostile country without regard to
the necessity of keeping in touch with a base of operations. Both victories
were won at moments in forced retreats when the English army was in danger of
being cut off from its destination; they were sudden rallies at a point at
which fighting was the last resource, and left the
victorious side as exhausted as its opponents. They proved the superiority of
English arms, at Crecy to a foe which relied upon outworn tactics, at Poitiers
to a clumsy plan of attack which shewed that the lesson of Crecy had not been
forgotten but had been imperfectly comprehended. While, after Poitiers, the
French, under the influence of Bertrand du Guesclin,
adopted the expedient of avoiding pitched battles and allowing the enemy to
wear themselves out in a ravaged country, the English pursued their familiar
marches through the interior. John of Gaunt’s parade
of his forces in 1373 through northern and central France, and Thomas of
Woodstock’s expedition to the relief of Charles of Brittany some years later,
conducted by routes which were not merely circuitous but went far in the
opposite direction to the places aimed at, met with no opposition and had no result other than the thinning of the invaders by famine and
By the close of the fourteenth
century, then, strategy among the Western armies was undeveloped, and had
little opportunity of improving. But in tactics the temporary superiority of
the defensive signally successful at Crecy had altered traditional conceptions
of the art of war. We have seen the armed horseman, in the later days of the
Roman Empire, proving his capacity to strike a decisive blow at a host in which
infantry was the superior arm. The horseman, throughout the period in which the
medieval nations were being formed and throughout the epoch of the supremacy of
feudal institutions, ruled the course of battle; if he learned the value of
co-operation with infantry, it was he who decided the day. The necessity of an
infantry force in the line of battle could hardly be overlooked; examples of
battles in which a cavalry charge was successful against a mixed army of horse
and foot are very exceptional. Nevertheless, it was not until the English
archers took the field in formidable numbers that the feudal trust in horsemen
was shaken. In their first great success, at Falkirk, they were in action
against large bodies of foot-soldiers and were used to ensure the success of a
charge of horse. At Crecy they were opposed, with bodies of dismounted
horsemen, to the attack of cavalry. At Poitiers they were met by an attack of
dismounted horse modelled on the English method of array,
and proved how all this was calculated to
break their defence. Finally, in the victory of the Black Priince at Navarrete
(1367), the Spanish horse, trained in the lessons of warfare against the Moors,
was incapable of meeting this new formation; and later, at Aljubarrota (1385),
Spanish chivalry was once more defeated, by an order of
battle which the Portuguese kg hinad learned from his
English allies.
Meanwhile, even in the day of the
English archer’s triumph, new methods of warfare were beginning to appear. The
archer himself, while offering a difficult problem to any attacking force,
could not fail to be met with obvious precautions of defence. Plate armour,
slowly introduced, was gradually superseding mail, until it became a
protection for the whole body against which arrows were comparatively harmless.
A new arm was coming slowly into use, at first cumbrous and ineffective, which,
used for the defence and attack of strongholds in the fourteenth century, put
an end to the importance of the castle, and was to supersede the longbow in the
field. The appearance of a new improvement of infantry in the trained warriors
of the Swiss cantons, and the development of military science in Italy, were
signs of an epoch which had left the traditions of feudal war entirely behind;
while, at the very end of the century, on the field of Nicopolis (1396), the last crusaders were defeated by the Eastern power whose victories
were to outlast the Middle Ages and bridge the interval between them and the
modern world.
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