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HISTORY OF INDIA.Turks and Afghans
THE history of the Ghaznavids has given us occasional glimpses of the
princes of Ghur and of the circumstances in which, during the conflicts of
their powerful neighbors, they gradually rose to prominence. They have usually
been described, on insufficient grounds, as Afghans, but there is little doubt
that they were, like the Samanids of Balkh, eastern Persians. In 1163 Saif-ud-din
Muhammad, son and successor of the World-burner, was slain in battle against
the Ghuzz Turkmans, and was succeeded by his cousin, Ghiyas-ud-din Muhammad,
son of Baha-ud-din Sam, who in 1173 expelled the Ghuzz Turkmans from Ghazni and
appointed his younger brother Shihab-ud-din, afterwards known as Muizz-ud-din
Muhammad, to the government of that province.
The relations between the brothers exhibit a pleasing contrast to the
almost invariable tale of envy, jealousy, and fratricidal strife furnished by
the records of other Muslim dynasties. Ghiyas-ud-din commanded, until his
death, the loyal assistance of his brother, and in return reposed in him a
confidence which was never abused and permitted to him a freedom of action
which few other eastern rulers have dared to tolerate in a near relation.
Muhammad acquired territory and wealth which would have enabled him, had he
been so minded, to overthrow his brother and usurp his throne, and was
described on his coins as “the great and victorious Sultan”, but the place of
honor was always assigned to his brother’s name, which was distinguished by
epithets denoting his superiority.
In 1175 Muhammad led his first expedition into India. Ismailian
heretics, long freed from the restraining hand of a powerful and orthodox
ruler, had for some years borne sway in Multan. Muhammad captured the city,
appointed an orthodox governor, and marched to the strong fortress of Uch,
which he took by a stratagem. He promised to make the raja’s wife, who was on
bad terms with her husband, the principal lady in his harem if she would
deliver the fortress to him. She declined the honor for herself but secured it
for her daughter, caused her husband to be put to death, and surrendered the
city. She gained little by her unnatural treachery, for she and her daughter
were sent to Ghazni, ostensibly that they might learn the doctrines and duties
of Islam, and there she died soon afterwards, justly scorned by the daughter
whom she had sold. The unfortunate girl herself died two years later, never
having been Muhammad’s wife but in name.
In 1178 Muhammad sustained his first reverse on Indian soil. He rashly
led an army by way of Multan, Uch, and the waterless Indian desert against
Anhilvara, or Patan, the capital of Bhim the Vaghela, the young raja of
Gujarat. His army arrived before Anhilvara exhausted by its desert march and
utterly unfit to encounter the fresh and numerous army of Bhim. His troops
fought with the valor which religious zeal inspires but were defeated, and
compelled to retrace their steps across the inhospitable desert. The sufferings
of the retreat far exceeded those of the advance and it was but a miserable remnant
of the army that reached Ghazni.
He was nevertheless able, in the following year, to lead an army to
Peshawar, which he wrested from the feeble grasp of the governor placed there
by Khusrav Malik, and in 1181 he led to Lahore the expedition of which the
result was the establishment of a fortress at Sialkot.
The later successors of the great Mahmud had been unable to maintain
their position in India by the strength of their own arm and the hostility of
the rajas of Jammu had compelled them to ally themselves to the Khokars. The
support of Khusrav Malik enabled these tribesmen to repudiate their allegiance
to Chakra Deo of Jammu and to resist his demands for tribute and the raja
avenged himself by inviting Muhammad to invade the Punjab and promising him his
assistance. Muhammad accepted the offer with an alacrity which did little
credit to his zeal for Islam, reduced Khusrav to submission as has already been
described, and at Chakra Deo’s suggestion built the fortress of Sialkot for the
purpose of curbing the Khokars. It was at the instance and with the assistance
of these tribesmen that Khusrav Malik attacked the fortress after Muhammad’s
departure, and it was owing to Chakra Deo’s aid to the garrison that the siege
was unsuccessful. In 1186, when Muhammad invaded the Punjab for the second
time, Vijaya Deo, the son and successor of Chakra Deo, aided him against
Khusrav Malik, who was treacherously seized and carried to Ghazni as already
described. Ali Karmakh, who had hitherto been governor of Multan, was appointed
to Lahore, and Muhammad, having thus established himself in India, proceeded,
by a series of operations differing entirely from Mahmud’s raids, to the
conquest of further territory in that country.
In the winter of 1190-91, the south-eastern boundary of his dominions
being then probably the Sutlej, he captured Bhatinda, in the kingdom of Prithvi
Raj, the Chauhan raja of Delhi and placed in command of it Qazi Ziya-ud-din
with his contingent of 1200 horse. Muhammad was preparing to return when he
heard that Prithvi Raj was advancing with a vast army to attack him. He turned
to meet him and encountered him at Taraori, near Karnal. The Muslims were
overpowered by sheer weight of numbers, and both their wings were driven from
the field, but the centre still stood fast and Muhammad, leading a furious
charge against the Hindu centre, personally encountered the raja’s brother,
Govind Rai, and shattered his teeth with his lance, but Govind drove his
javelin through the sultan's arm, and Muhammad, fearing to sacrifice his army
by falling, turned his horse's head from the field. The army was now in full
flight, and Muhammad, faint from pain and loss of blood, would have fallen, had
not a young Khalj Turk, with great presence of mind, sprung upon his horse behind
him until he reached the place where the fugitive army had halted. Here a
litter was hastily constructed for him and the army continued its retreat in
good order. Prithvi Raj advanced to Bhatinda and besieged it, but the gallant
Ziya-ud-din held out for thirteen months before he capitulated.
Muhammad’s sole care, after reaching Ghazni, was to organize and equip
such an army as would enable him to avenge his defeat, and in 1192 he invaded
India with 12,000 horse. He was not in time to relieve Bhatinda, but he found
Prithvi Raj encamped at Taraori, and adopted tactics which bewildered the
Rajput, a slave to tradition. Of the five divisions of his army four, composed
of mounted archers, were instructed to attack, in their own style, the flanks
and, if possible, the rear of the Hindus, but to avoid hand to hand conflicts
and, if closely pressed, to feign flight. These tactics were successfully
employed from the morning until the afternoon, when Muhammad, judging that the
Hindus were sufficiently perplexed and wearied, charged their centre with
12,000 of the flower of his cavalry. They were completely routed and Prithvi
Raj descended from his elephant and mounted a horse in order to flee more
rapidly, but was overtaken near the river Saraswati and put to death. His
brother was also slain and his body was identified by the disfigurement which
Muhammad’s lance had inflicted in the previous year.
This victory gave Muhammad northern India almost to the gates of Delhi.
Hansi, Samana, Guhram and other fortresses surrendered after the battle of
Taraori, and the sultan marched to Ajmer, which he plundered, carrying away
numbers of its inhabitants as slaves, but the city, isolated by the desert, was
not yet a safe residence for a Muslim governor, and a son of Prithvi Raj was
appointed, on undertaking to pay tribute, as governor.
Qutb-ud-din Aibak
Muhammad appointed as viceroy of his new conquests Qutb-ud-din Aibak,
the most trusty of his Turkish officers, who made Guhram his headquarters. Qutb-ud-din,
the real founder of Muslim dominion in India, had been carried as a slave in
his youth from Turkistan to Nishapur, where he was bought by the local governor
and, being again sold on the death of his master, passed eventually into the
hands of Muhammad. He first attracted his new master’s attention by his lavish
generosity, and rose to the highest rank in his service. His name, Aibak, which
has been the subject of some controversy, means either Moon-lord, and may
indicate that he was born during an eclipse, or Moon-face, an epithet which in
the East suggests beauty, though we learn that he was far from comely. He was
also nicknamed Shal (‘defective’ or
‘paralyzed’) from an injury which deprived him of the use of one little finger.
He was active and energetic, an accomplished horseman and archer, and
sufficiently well learned, and the lavish generosity which had distinguished
his youth earned for him in later years, when wealth had augmented his
opportunities, the name of Lak-bakhsh, or giver of tens of thousands.
Muhammad trusted Aibak as he himself was trusted by his brother, and left him
untrammeled, not only in his administration of the new conquests, but also in
his discretion to extend them.
Towards the close of the rainy season of 1192 an army of Jats under a
leader named Jatwan, who owed allegiance to Raja Bhim of Anhilvara, invaded the
Hansi district and compelled Nusrat-ud-din, the Muslim governor, to take refuge
in the fortress. Aibak marched to his relief and in September appeared before
Hansi. The Jats had fled, but he followed them so closely that they were
compelled to turn and meet him and were defeated and lost their leader. Aibak
returned to Guhram and almost immediately set out for Meerut, captured time
fortress from the Hindu chieftain who held it, and thus established an outpost
to the east of the Jumna.
Delhi still remained in the hands of the Chauhan Rajputs and was a
nucleus of aggressive national and religious sentiment and a formidable
obstacle to the progress of the Muslim arms. From Meerut, therefore, Aibak
marched thither, and in December, 1192, or January, 1193, captured the city
which was destined to be the capital of the Islamic power in India. In 1193 he
made it his headquarters, but allowed himself no repose there.
Meanwhile an officer subordinate to Aibak had been carrying the banner
of Islam further afield. This was Ikhtiyar-ud-din Muhammad, son of Bakhtyar, of
the Turkish tribe of Khalj, which was settled in the Garmsir between Sistan and
Ghazni. His mean and unprepossessing appearance and his ungainly build, which
enabled him, while standing upright, to reach with his hands the calves of his
legs, had long debarred him from employment commensurate with his ambition and
his merits, and he had entered the service of Hijabr-ud-din Hasan Adib, an
adventurous officer who had conquered Budaun even before Muhammad had taken
Bhatinda, and afterwards that of Malik Hisam-ud-din Aghul Bak, another leader
of the vanguard of Islam, who had established himself in Oudh, where
Ikhtiyaruddin received some fiefs between the Ganges and the Son. From this
advanced base he led raids into Bihar and Tirhut and took so much booty that
large numbers of his own tribe, eager to serve under so fortunate a leader,
joined him. With this accession of strength he invaded Bihar, took its capital,
Odantapuri, put to death the Buddhist monks dwelling in its great monastery,
and returned with his plunder, which included the library of the monastery, to
make his obeisance to Aibak, now, in the summer of 1193, established at Delhi.
The honors bestowed upon him aroused much envy and jealousy, and intriguers and
backbiters were able to freeze the stream of Aibak’s favor into the ice of
suspicion and aversion; but their malice overreached itself, for to compass Ikhtiyar-ud-din’s
destruction they attributed to him a foolish boast, that he could overcome an
elephant in single combat, and persuaded Aibak that the vaunt should be made
good. It had never been uttered, but Ikhtiyar-ud-din would not decline the
challenge and, against the expectation of all, put the beast to flight. His
success regained the favor of Aibak, who dismissed him with fresh honors to
Bihar, after conferring on him as a fief his past and future conquests.
Delhi and Ajmer
After his departure Aibak marched into the Doab and captured Koil, and a
month or two later joined his master with 50,000 horse. Muhammad had invaded
India for the purpose of attacking Jaichand, Raja of Kanauj and Benares, who
according to Hindu accounts, had been his ally against Prithvi Raj, but on
discovering , that the Muslims were determined to annex northern India, had
repented of his unpatriotic alliance and was preparing to attack the intruders.
Muhammad halted near Kanauj and sent Aibak to meet Jaichand, who was encamped
at Chandwar, now Firuzabad, on the Jumna, between Agra and Etawah. The armies
met on the banks of the river, and the Muslims were on the point of giving way
when a fortunately aimed arrow struck Jaichand in the eye and he fell dead from
his elephant, whereupon the Hindus broke and fled, and were pursued with great
slaughter. Jaichand’s body, crushed beyond recognition, was found with
difficulty, but his attendants recognized it by means of the teeth, which had
either been stopped with gold or were false teeth fastened with gold wire. The
victorious army pressed on to the fortress of Asi, near Manaich, where Jaichand
had stored his treasure, which was plundered. Thence it marched to Benares
where it destroyed several temples and took much booty, and Muhammad then
returned to Ghazni.
Muhammad’s policy in Ajmer was not entirely successful. The son of
Prithvi Raj whom he had installed there was illegitimate, and the Rajputs, who
resented his subservience to the foreigner, made his birth a pretext for
disowning him and elected in his place Hemraj, the brother of Prithvi Raj.
Hemraj had molested Aibak when he was besieging Meerut, but had been defeated
and driven off. In 1194 Ruknu-d-din Hamza, Qavamul Mulk, who had captured and
held Ranthambhor, reported that Hemraj was in rebellion and was marching to
attack him. Aibak marched from Delhi to the relief of the fortress, but Hemraj
eluded him and took refuge in the hills of Alwar, the district then known as
Mewat. From this retreat he attacked and captured Ajmer, compelling his nephew
to flee for refuge to Ranthambhor, and from Ajmer he dispatched a force under a
leader named Jhat Rai against Delhi. A demonstration by Aibak was sufficient to
drive Jhat Rai back to Ajmer, whither Aibak followed him. Hemraj came forth to
meet his enemy but was defeated and driven back into the city, where he mounted
a funeral pyre and perished in the flames, and a Muslim officer was appointed
to the government of the city and province.
In 1195 Aibak formed the ambitious design of avenging his master’s
defeat in Gujarat and punishing Raja Bhim for having molested Nusrat-ud-din at
Hansi, and marched to Anhilvara. Kunwar Pal, the commander of Bhim’s army,
retired before him but was compelled by a close pursuit to turn and stand. He
was defeated and slain, and while Bhim took refuge in a remote corner of his
kingdom Aibak plundered his capital and the neighboring country and returned
with much booty to Delhi by way of Hansi. Muhammad, on receiving Aibak’s
dispatch announcing his success, summoned him to Ghazni, where he received him
with every demonstration of approval and formally appointed him viceroy of the
Muslim dominions in India. Aibak was detained for some time at Ghazni by a
serious illness and shortly after his arrival at Delhi, towards the end of
1196, was called upon to meet his master, who had led an expedition into India,
at Hansi. During this campaign Bayana was captured and was placed under the
command of a Turkish slave named Baha-ud-din Tughril, and Muhammad advanced to
Gwalior. He found the fortress too strong to be taken by a coup de main and he could not spare the time for a regular siege,
but the raja was prepared to purchase immunity for himself and his dominions,
and in consideration of a promise to pay tribute and the immediate payment of a
first installment he was permitted to retain possession of his state and his
In the hot season of 1197, when Aibak was at Ajmer, the Mers, who
inhabited the neighborhood of that city, rose in rebellion and invited Raja
Bhim of Gujarat to aid them in expelling the Muslims. Aibak heard of these
communications, and in spite of the great heat of the season marched from Ajmer
and attacked the Mers early one morning before their ally had joined them, but
their superior numbers enabled them to maintain the conflict throughout the
day, and when the battle was renewed on the following day Bhim’s army arrived
and overpowered the Muslims, driving them back into the city. Here Aibak was
besieged until the news that a large army was marching from Ghazni to his
relief caused the Mers and Raja Bhim’s army to retreat. The reinforcements
reached Ajmer late in the year, and in December Aibak marched on Anhilvara by
way of Sirohi to avenge his defeat. He found Bhim’s army awaiting him at the
foot of the Abu hills in a position so strong that he hesitated to attack it,
and his caution enticed the Hindus from the position which constituted their
strength. Aibak, now on equal terms with his enemy, attacked shortly after dawn
and was obstinately resisted until midday, when the Hindus broke and fled. They
suffered severely: 15,000 were slain and 20,000 captured and twenty elephants
and much other plunder were taken. Aibak advanced, unopposed, to Anhilvara,
plundered the city and returned with much wealth, of which he transmitted a due
proportion to Muhammad and to Ghiyasuddin.
Early Muslim Rule
During the next five years the two brothers were much occupied with the
affairs of Khorasan, and Muhammad had so little leisure to spare for India that
the northern provinces enjoyed a period of comparative repose, welcome to the
troops after nine years’ warfare, and beneficial to the country. We may imagine
that the conquerors employed this interval of peace for the establishment of their
simple system of government, but of this no details are given, for Muslim
historians are concerned almost exclusively with war and court intrigue. There
is no reason to believe that the system established by the earlier conquerors
differed from that which we find in existence at a later date under Muslim
rulers. Military fief-holders were responsible for the preservation of order,
for the ordinary executive duties of government, and for the collection of the
revenue when it was necessary to use any degree of force, but in matters of
detail full use was made of indigenous institutions. Hindu accountants kept the
registers in which was recorded the landholder's or cultivator's normal
liability to government, Hindu village officials ordinarily collected such revenue
as could be collected without the employment of force, and Hindu caste
tribunals decided most of the disputes to which Hindus only were parties.
Disputes between Muslin's were decided by Muhammadan qazis and muftis, and
differences between Hindus and their conquerors either by these officials or by
the strong hand of the fief-holder or his deputy, whose natural predilection
for their coreligionists would be restrained sometimes by a sense of justice
but more often by their interest in repressing misconduct likely to lead to
It must not be supposed that this description applies uniformly to the
whole of the territory over which the Muslims pretended to dominion. Extensive
tracts often remained under the rule of Hindu rajas or landowners who were
permitted to retain their authority on promising to pay tribute or taxes, which
they paid when the central authorities was strong and withheld when it was
weak. Both the extent and the boundaries of fiefs held by Muslim officers were
uncertain and a strong or ruthless fief-holder would extinguish all vestiges of
Hindu authority in his fief, and even beyond its borders, while another, weak
or accommodating, might deal with lesser Hindu proprietors as the central
government dealt with the rajas and great landholders. The history of northern
India exhibits, until the middle of the sixteenth century, many instances of
the extent to which Hindus regained their power under a weak government, as
well as of their sufferings under despots strong enough to indulge their
bigotry without restraint.
The five years’ interval of peace was limited to the provinces in
north-western India under Aibak’s immediate control, for Ikhtiyar-ud-din’s
activity was not abated. After returning, in 1193, from Delhi to Bihar he hatched
schemes of conquest which should extend the dominion of the faithful to the sea
on one side and beyond the great mountain barrier of the Himalaya on the other.
Lower Bengal was now ruled by Lakshman, of the Sen dynasty, who, having been a
posthumous son, had succeeded at his birth to his father’s kingdom and was now
an aged man dwelling peacefully at Nabadwipa or Nadiya, which his grandfather
had made the capital of Bengal. In 1202 Ikhtiyar-ud-din left Bihar with a large
body of horse, and marched so rapidly on Nadiya that he arrived at the city
with no more than eighteen companions. Nadiya was partly deserted at this time,
many of its wealthier inhabitants having retired and settled further to the
east, owing, it is said, to predictions in ancient books that the city would be
captured by the Turks, but their flight may be more reasonably attributed to
authentic stories of the activity and rapacity of the Muslims than to ancient
prophecy. Lakshman Sen, whether from apathy or from confidence, had refused to
leave his capital, and when the intruders, who had been permitted to pass
through the city under the impression that they were horse dealers from the
north, reached his palace gates he was sitting down to a meal. The Muslims cut
down the guards and bystanders, burst into the palace, and at once all was
uproar and confusion. The raja, in the half-naked state in which a Hindu of
high caste is obliged to eat, left his unfinished meal and escaped by boat, and
the adventurers were able to hold their own until the rest of the army arrived,
when they plundered the treasury of the accumulations of a peaceful reign of
eighty years and sacked and destroyed the city. Ikhtiyar-ud-din retired to Gaur
or Lakhnawati, where he established himself firmly as governor of Bengal,
founded mosques, colleges, and caravanserais, and caused the Khutba to be recited in the name of
Muizz-ud-din Muhammad, who had succeeded as sole ruler on the death of his
elder brother, Ghiyas-ud-din, on February 11, 1203. (The Khutba is a homily and bidding prayer recited in mosques on Fridays
and festivals and contains the name of the ruling sovereign, whose title it
formally acknowledges. Among Muslims it is one of the two symbols of
sovereignty, the other being the minting of money).
Lakshman Sen escaped to Vikrampur, near Sonargaon and eight miles
south-east of Dacca, and from this town, which had been the favorite residence
of his great-grandfather Balal Sen, ruled the narrow remnant of his kingdom, in
which he was succeeded by his son Madhav Sen, who, again, was succeeded by his
own son Su Sen, the last of the line.
The peace in northern India was broken by Aibak, who in 1202 attacked
Parmal, the Chandel raja of Kalinjar, whose ancestor had paid tribute to
Mahmud. Parmal was defeated, and in order to retain possession of his fortress
accepted the position of a vassal, but while he was collecting the stipulated
tribute suddenly died, and his minister Aja Deo, who aspired to his throne,
refused to abide by the treaty and, trusting to a spring which had never been
known to fail, resolved to stand the chances of a siege, but a few days after
he had closed the gates the hitherto inexhaustible spring dried up, and the
citizens, confronted with the prospect of death from thirst incautiously
admitted the besiegers without making fresh terms. Aibak punished Aja Deo’s
treachery by treating the city as one taken by storm. Plunder amounting to far
more than the promised tribute was taken, 50,000 captives, male and female,
were carried off as slaves, and the temples in the city were converted into
mosques. After capturing Kalinjar, Aibak reduced without difficulty Mahoba, the
civil capital of the Chandel state, and on his way towards Budaun received
Ikhtiyar-ud-din, who presented to him the spoils of Nadiya.
Muhammad bin Sam sustained at
the hands of the Turkmans of Alau-d-din Muhammad Khvarazm Shah, near Andkhui,
in 1205, a defeat which dealt a fatal blow at his military reputation in India.
It was reported, and for some time believed, that he had been killed, and his
old enemies the Khokars and some other tribes to the north of the Salt Range
rose under the leadership of Rai Sal, a petty raja who, having been converted
to Islam, had since relapsed. The rebels defeated the deputy governor of Multan
and plundered Lahore, and by closing the roads between that city and Ghazni
prevented the remittance of revenue from the Punjab. Muhammad, intent on
avenging his defeat at the hands of Khvarazm Shah, ordered Aibak to deal with
the rebellion in India, but this step confirmed the rebels in their belief that
the reports of his death were true, for they did not understand the
difficulties which confronted him in Central Asia and could not believe that he
would entrust to a subordinate a task so important as the suppression of their
rebellion. Muhammad at length perceived the necessity for taking the field in
person, and on October 20, 1205, set out from Ghazni for India. He left
Peshawar on November 9 and fell suddenly on the Khokars in a position of their
own choosing between the Jhelum and the Chenab. They withstood him from
daybreak until the afternoon with such obstinacy that the tide of battle was
only turned by the arrival of Aibak with the army of Hindustan. The Muslims
pursued the Khokars with great slaughter and took so many alive that five
Khokar slaves sold in the camp for a dinar.
Of the two leaders of the Khokars one, Sarka, was slain and the other, Bakan,
made his way to a fortress in the Salt Range but, being pursued thither, saved
his life by surrendering. A body of the more determined rebels fled from the
fortress into a dense jungle where they perished miserably when the forest was
fired by the Muslims.
Muhammad arrived at Lahore on February 25, 1206, and gave his troops
permission to return to their homes in order that they might be ready to
accompany him on his projected expedition to Khorasan. On his return towards
Ghazni he was assassinated, on March 15, on the bank of the Indus.
The circumstances of his death are a vexed question. The legend which
attributes it to Prithvi Raj who, according to the bards of the Rajputs had not
been slain at Taraori but was wounded and taken prisoner and remained, after
having been blinded, a captive for the rest of his life, is mentioned by one Muslim
historian but may be dismissed without hesitation as a fabrication. Other
authorities attribute the deed to some of the Khokars whose homes had so
recently been made desolate, but though these were perhaps privy to the design,
and, if so, certainly furthered it, the actual assassins appear to have been
fanatical Shiahs of the heretical Ismaili sect. A few years before this time
these heretics had again established themselves in Khorasan, where they are
still numerous, and held possession of that province until Muhammad crushed
them in 1199, and restored his brother's authority. A number of these bound
themselves by an oath to slay the persecutor of their faith, and found on this
occasion their opportunity.
The body of the murdered sultan was carried to Ghazni and there buried.
His nominal successor was Ala-ud-din, of the Bamiyan branch of his family, who
was almost immediately supplanted by Mahmud, the son of Ghiyas-ud-din, but
these princes were mere pageants, and the real successors were the provincial
viceroys, Tajuddin Yildiz, governor of Kirman, and Qutb-ud-din Aibak, who
assumed the title of Sultan at his master's death and was, acknowledged as
sovereign by Ikhtiyar-ud-din of Bengal and by Nasir-ud-din Qabacha who, having
distinguished himself at the disastrous battle of Andkhui, had in 1205 been
appointed governor of Multan and Uch, and had married Aibak’s daughter.
We may now conveniently revert to the course of events in Bengal, where
Ikhtiyar-ud-din, having firmly established himself in Lakhnawati, had begun to
indulge in dreams of carrying his arms beyond the Himalaya. He had already
extended his influence to the foot of these mountains among the Mongoloid
tribes, Koch, Mech, and Kachari, and one chieftain, known after his conversion
as Ali the Mech, had exchanged his animistic belief for the doctrines of Islam.
Ali undertook to guide Ikhtiyar-ud-din through the great mountains and about
the middle of the year 1205 he set out, with an army of 10,000 horse, on his
perilous adventure. The interest which this enterprise might have possessed is
unfortunately diminished by the impossibility of tracing the adventurer's footsteps,
for the vague accounts of historians ignorant of geography preserved in
corrupted texts afford us no means of following his course. Having entered into
a treaty with the raja of Kamrup, who agreed to refrain from molesting him and
to assist him, at least with advice, he marched from Debkot in the modern
district of Dinajpur, to the banks of a great river which seems to have formed
the boundary between his territory and Kamrup and followed its course
northwards for ten days until he reached a city, perhaps Burdhankot, in the
raja’s dominions. Here the river was spanned by a stone bridge, and Ikhtiyar-ud-din,
leaving a force to hold the bridge, set out, against the advice of the raja,
who counseled him to wait for the spring, for Tibet. In what direction he
marched, or what part of Tibet was his objective, is uncertain, but after
fifteen days' marching he reached a strong fortress standing in open country
which was well cultivated and thickly populated. The inhabitants joined the
garrison of the fortress in opposing the invader and though lkhtiyar-ud-din
held his ground throughout the day his losses were very heavy and information
received from prisoners, who reported that large reinforcements from a
neighboring city were confidently awaited, convinced him of the necessity for
an immediate retirement. During his retreat he paid the penalty of his rashness
in advancing so far into an unknown country without securing his
communications. The natives had destroyed or obstructed the roads and burnt all
vegetation, so that neither fodder nor fuel was procurable and the army was
reduced to living on the flesh of its horses. When the river was reached it was
discovered that the inhabitants had taken advantage of quarrels between the
officers left to secure at least this point to destroy the bridge, that the
river was unaffordable, and that no boats were at hand. The raja of kamrup
perfidiously attacked the retreating army and drove it into the river. Ikhtiyar-ud-din
succeeded in reaching the opposite bank with about a hundred horsemen, with
which sorry remnant of his army he returned to Lakhnawati.
This was the greatest disaster which had yet befallen the Muslim arms in
India. Armies had been defeated, but Ikhtiyar-ud-din’s force had been all but
annihilated, and it would have been well for him to have perished with it, for
he could not show his face in the streets of Lakhnawati without encountering
the gibes and reproaches of the wives and families of those whom he had led to
their death, and early in 1206 he took to his bed and died, of grief and
mortification, as some authorities assert, but he was in fact murdered by Ali
Mardan, a leading member of the Khalji tribe.
On Ikhtiyar-ud-din’s death the government was assumed by Muhammad bin Shiran, a Khalji officer who had
acted as one of his deputies during his absence in Tibet. Ali Mardan was
imprisoned, but escaped and fled to Lahore, where he persuaded Aibak, from whom
he concealed his share in Ikhtiyar-ud-din’s death, to depute an officer from
Oudh to make a fresh distribution of fiefs among the officers in Bengal. In the
course of the dissensions which arose in connection with this redistribution
Muhammad bin Shiran, Ali Mardan’s principal enemy, was slain, and Ali Mardan
persuaded Aibak to appoint him governor.
Nasir-ud-din Qabacha’s acknowledgement of his father-in-law, Aibak, as
his sovereign aroused the resentment of Tajuddin Yildiz, governor of Kirman,
who claimed the succession to Muhammad in Ghazni and, in consequence, the
sovereignty of the Punjab. He sent an army against Qabacha and drove him from
Multan but was in turn attacked by Aibak, defeated, and driven back to Kirman.
Aibak, elated by his success, entered Ghazni as a conqueror in 1208-09 and
celebrated his victory with wine and revelry, while his troops robbed and
ill-treated the citizens. They secretly informed Yildiz of the state of affairs
and be suddenly marched on Ghazni and so completely surprised Aibak that he
fled to Lahore without striking a blow.
Early in November, 1210, Aibak’s horse fell upon him as he was playing chaugan or polo and the high pommel of
the saddle pierced his breast, inflicting a wound so severe that he died almost
immediately. The nobles, in order to avoid the confusion and strife inseparable
from a delayed or disputed succession, hurriedly proclaimed Aram Shah,
sometimes described as Aibak's adopted son but usually believed to have been a
son of his body.
The reign of
The death of Aibak affords us an opportunity of turning again to the
course of events in Bengal. Ali Mardan, on receiving the news, adopted the
style of royalty and the title of Sultan Ala-ud-din. To his own subjects he was
a ruthless and bloody tyrant, and the Hindu rulers on his borders stood in such
awe of him that the tribute with which they conciliated him filled his
treasury. The rapid growth of his power and prosperity so unhinged his mind that
he believed himself to be monarch of all the known world and bestowed upon his
subjects and suppliants grants of the most distant kingdoms and provinces. To a
poor merchant of Isfahan who had been robbed of his goods in Bengal he made a
grant of his native city and province, and none dared to suggest that the grant
was but breath and paper. The violence of his temper increased with his mania
until neither the Khalji noble nor the humble trader of the bazaar was secure,
and when he had reigned for about two years a party among the nobles conspired
and slew him, and raised to the throne Hisam-ud-din Iwaz, governor of the
frontier district of Debkot.
On Aibak’s death Qabacha also declared himself independent in Multan,
and nothing was left to Aram Shah but Hindustan and a part of the Punjab, where
the turbulence of the Hindus threatened his rule and alarmed the stoutest
hearts among the Muslims. From Lahore the new king marched to Delhi, but the
nobles who had remained in the capital when Aibak marched to Lahore, and had
had no voice in the election of Aram Shah, were loth to accept so feeble a
ruler, and invited Shams-ud-din Iltutmish, son-in-law of Aibak and the foremost
of his slaves, to ascend the throne. Iltutmish marched from Budaun to Delhi,
defeated and captured Aram Shah, who met him in the plain before the city, and
ascended the throne in the latter half of 1211. Of Aram Shah, who reigned for
less than a year, nothing more is heard.
The new king, who is usually, but incorrectly, styled Altamsh by European
historians, was a Turk of the Ilbari tribe who, though of noble birth, had,
like Joseph, been sold into slavery by his brothers. When he and another slave
named Aibak Tamghaj were first carried to Ghazni Muhammad would not pay the
price demanded for them, but afterwards permitted Qutb-ud-din Aibak to purchase
them at Delhi. Tamghaj was slain when Yildiz drove Qutb-ud-din Aibak from
Ghazni, but Iltutmish advanced rapidly in his master’s favor and held in
succession the fiefs of Gwalior, captured in 1196, Baran (Bulandshahr) and
It was but a remnant of Aibak’s wide dominions that Iltutmish gained by
his victory over Aram Shah. Ali Mardan was independent in Bengal, Qabacha
seemed likely, besides retaining his independence in Multan and Sind, to extend
his authority over Lahore and the upper Punjab, and Yildiz, who held Ghazni,
pretended, as Muhammad's successor, to suzerainty over all the Indian conquests
and asserted his claim by issuing to Iltutmish a commission as viceroy. The
position of Iltutmish was so precarious that he dared not at once resent the
insult, but he neither forgot nor forgave it. Many of the Turkish nobles, even
in Hindustan, chafed against his authority and he was for some time occupied in
establishing it in the districts of Delhi, Budaun, Oudh, and Benares, and in
the submontane tract of the Himalaya.
In 1214 Ala-ud-din Muhammad Khvarazm Shah drove Yildiz from Ghazni, and
the fugitive took refuge in Lahore and expelled the officer who held the town
for Qabacha. Iltutmish protested against this act of aggression, and when the
protest was disregarded marched towards Lahore. Yildiz accepted the challenge
and on January 25, 1216, the armies met on the already famous field of Taraori.
Yildiz was defeated and taken, and after being led through the streets of Delhi
was sent to Budaun, where he was put to death in the same year.
After the overthrow of Yildiz, Qabacha again occupied Lahore, but in
1217 Iltutmish expelled him from the city and recovered the upper Punjab.
In 1221 the effects of the raids of the heathen Moguls which afterwards
became a source of constant anxiety to the sultans of Delhi, first made
themselves felt in India. These savages, under their leader, the terrible
Chingiz Khan, drove Ala-ud-din Muhammad Khvarazm Shah from his throne, and his
son, Jalal-ud-din Mangbarni, took refuge in Lahore and sent an envoy to
Iltutmish to beg for an asylum in his dominions. The fugitive and his 10,000
troops were most unwelcome guests on the frontier, and Iltutmish, having put
the envoy to death on the pretext that he was attempting to stir up sedition,
replied that the climate of Lahore was likely to be prejudicial to Mangbarni’s
health and offered him a residence near Delhi. The offer was declined and
Mangbarni retired towards the Salt Range, where he first attacked and defeated
the Khokars but afterwards found it to his advantage to enter into an alliance
with them, and by a marriage with the daughter of their chief, who had long
been at enmity with Qabacha, acquired an interest in an intestine feud. With
his new allies he attacked Qabacha and compelled him to comply with an
exorbitant demand for tribute. Rumors that Chingiz had discovered his retreat
and purposed to follow him thither seriously perturbed him, and by extorting a
further sum from Qabacha and plundering Sind and northern Gujarat he amassed
treasure sufficient to enable him to flee, in 1224, to Persia.
The defeat and humiliation of Qabacha had profited Iltutmish, who was at
leisure, after Mangbarni’s flight, to turn his attention to Bengal, where Hisam-ud-din
Iwaz had assumed the title of Sultan Ghiyas-ud-din, and in 1225 he led his army
through Bihar. On his approach Iwaz submitted to him, abandoned the use of the
royal title, acknowledged his sovereignty and presented to him, as tribute,
thirty-eight elephants and much treasure, and Iltutmish, after appointing his
eldest son, Nasir-ud-din Mahmud, governor of Oudh, and establishing his own
governor in Bihar, returned to Delhi.
In 1226 Iltutmish recovered Ranthambhor, which, in the confusion which
followed Aibak's death, had fallen into the hands of the Hindus, and in the
following year took Mandawar, a strong fortress eight miles north of Bijnor
held by Rahup, an Agarwal Baniya who had captured it from a prince of the
Parihar dynasty. Having thus established his authority in Hindustan and Bengal
he decided that the time had come to deal with Qabacha, who still maintained
his independence in Sind and the lower Punjab and had not abandoned his
pretensions to the upper province. He marched first towards Uch, and Qabacha
withdrew to Ahrawat on the Indus and moored his boats near his camp, leaving
his minister to defend Uch. As Iltutmish approached Uch his lieutenant, Nasir-ud-din
Aiyitim, advanced from Lahore and besieged Multan, and Qabacha took to his
boats and fled to the island-fortress of Bakhar, in the Indus, leaving his
minister to follow him with the treasure stored at Uch. On February 9, 1228,
Iltutmish arrived at Uch and opened the siege, at the same time dispatching a
force under his minister, Kamal-ud-din Muhammad Junaidi, entitled Nizam-ul-Mulk,
in pursuit of Qabacha, who in his despair sent Ala-ud-din Bahram Shah, his son
by Aibak’s daughter, to make terms. Bahram was successful, and in accordance
with the treaty Uch was surrendered en May 4, but Junaidi was either not
informed of the treaty or willfully disregarded it, for he continued to besiege
Bakhar, and Qabacha was drowned in the Indus. The circumstances of his death
are variously related; some writers say that he was accidentally drowned in
attempting to escape, and others that he committed suicide by throwing himself
into the river. His death ended the campaign, and his troops transferred their
services to Iltutmish, who returned to Delhi in August, leaving Junaidi to
complete the conquest of lower Sind. Malik Sinan-ud-din Chatisar, eleventh of
the Sumra line, a Rajput dynasty the later members of which accepted Islam,
submitted and was permitted to retain his territory as a vassal of Iltutmish,
whose dominions were thus extended to the sea.
Iltutmish, as a good Muslim, had, while still employed in establishing
his authority, sought from the Abbasid Caliph of Baghdad confirmation of his
title and he was gratified by the arrival, on February 8, 1229, of the Caliph's
envoy, who invested him with a robe of honor and delivered to him a patent
which conveyed the Caliph's recognition of his title as Sultan of India.
After the retirement of Iltutmish from Bengal in 1225 Iwaz rebelled,
expelled the king’s governor from Bihar and ill-treated those who had
acknowledged his authority. The governor fled to Oudh and in 1227 Mahmud, the
son of Iltutmish, invaded Bengal from that province to punish the rebel. Iwaz
being absent on an expedition; he occupied Lakhnawati without opposition, and
when Iwaz returned he defeated him, captured him, put him to death, and
imprisoned the Khalji nobles who had formed a confederacy to oppose the
suzerainty of Delhi.
Mahmud now governed Bengal as his father’s deputy, and made the most of
an opportunity which was closed by his early death in April, 1229, for he
defeated and slew raja Britu, possibly the raja of Kamrup, who had, until that
time, defeated the Muslims on every occasion on which they had attacked him. On
Mahmud’s death Balka, the son of Iwaz, caused himself to be proclaimed king of
Bengal under the title of Ikhtiyar-ud-din Daulat Shah Balka, and it was not
until the winter of 1230-31 that Iltutmish was able to lead an army into Bengal
to crush the rebellion. Balka was captured and probably put to death, and Ala-ud-din
Jani was appointed governor of Bengal
The king’s next task was the recovery of his first fief, Gwalior, which,
since the death of Aibak, had been captured by the Hindus, and was now held by
the raja Mangal Bhava Deo, son of Mal Deo, and in February, 1232, he invested
the fortress, which he besieged until December 12, when the raja fled by night
and succeeded in making his escape. Iltutmish entered the fortress on the
following morning and, enraged by the stubborn resistance which he had
encountered and by the raja’s escape, sullied his laurels by causing 700 Hindus
to be put to death in cold blood. On January 16, 1233, he set out on his return
march to Delhi, where, in this year, he purchased the slave Baha-ud-din Balban,
who eventually ascended the throne as Ghiyas-ud-din Balban.
Iltutmish had now established his authority throughout the dominions
which Aibak had ruled, and in order to fulfill the duty of a Muslim ruler
towards misbelieving neighbors and to gratify his personal ambition set himself
to extend those dominions by conquest. In 1234 he invaded Malwa, captured the
city of Bhilsa, and advanced to Ujjain, which he sacked, and, after demolishing
the famous temple of Mahakali and all other temples in the city, carried off to
Delhi a famous lingam, an image of
Vikramaditya, and many idols. The lingam is said by some to have been buried at the threshold of the Friday mosque of
Old Delhi, and by others to have been buried at the foot of the great column of
red sandstone built by Iltutmish.
This famous column, known as the Qutb Minar, was founded in 1231-32 in
honor of the saint, Khvaja Qutb-ud-din Bakhtyar Kaki, of Ush, near Baghdad,
who, after residing for some time at Ghazni and Multan, settled at Delhi, and
lived at Kilokhri, highly honored by Iltutmish, until his death on December 7,
1235. The name of the column has no reference, as is commonly believed, to Qutb-ud-din
Aibak, the master and patron of Iltutmish.
After the king’s return from Malwa a serious religious disturbance broke
out at Delhi, where a large community of fanatics of the Ismaili sect had
gradually established itself. They may have been irritated by persecution but
they appear to have believed that if they could compass the king's death they
might be able to establish their own faith as the state religion. They plotted
to assassinate Iltutmish when he visited the great mosque for the Friday
prayers, which he was wont to attend unostentatiously and without guards. One
Friday, accordingly, while the congregation was at prayers, a large body of
Ismailis ran into the mosque armed, drew their swords, and attempted to cut
their way through the kneeling multitude to the Sultan, but before they could
reach him he made his escape and, the alarm having been given, the people
crowded the roofs, walls, and gateways of the mosque and with a shower of
arrows and missiles annihilated the heretics. Such adherents of the sect as
remained were diligently sought and were put to death.
In the winter of 1235-36 Iltutmish led an expedition against the
Khokars, whose hostility to the Muslim rulers of India had survived the
extinction of the dynasty of Ghur, but on his way he was stricken with an
illness so severe that it was necessary to carry him back to Delhi in a litter.
As his life was ebbing the courtiers, desirous of averting the horrors of a
disputed succession urged him to name his successor. Mahmud, the only one of
his sons who, having reached maturity, had shown any promise, was dead, and the
dying monarch named his daughter Raziyya. The courtiers, scandalized by this
suggestion, urged the insuperable objection of her sex, and the king, languidly
replying that they would find her a better man than any of her brothers, turned
his face to the wall and died, on April 29, 12361, after a reign of twenty-six
Iltutmish was the greatest of all the Slave Kings. His achievements were
hardly equal to those of his master, but he never had, as Aibak had, the moral
and material support of a great empire. What he accomplished he accomplished by
himself, often in the face of great difficulties, and he added to the dominions
of Aibak, which he found dismembered and disorganized, the provinces of Sind
and Malwa. That he was even more profuse than his master is little to his
credit, for the useless and mischievous prodigality of eastern rulers is more
often the fruit of vanity than of any finer feeling, and at a court at which a
neat epigram or a smart repartee is almost as profitable as a successful
campaign the resources of a country are wasted on worthless objects.
The reign of
Rukn-ud-din Firuz
The courtiers, disregarding their dying master’s wishes, raised to the
throne his eldest surviving son, Rukn-ud-din Firuz, who had proved himself, as
governor of Budaun, to be weak, licentious and worthless. The nobles assembled
at the capital returned to their fiefs with well-founded misgivings, and Firuz,
relieved of the restraint of their presence, devoted himself entirely to
pleasure, and squandered on the indulgence of his appetites the treasure which
his father had amassed for the administration and defense of the empire. He
took a childish delight in riding through the streets on an elephant and
scattering gold among the rabble, and so neglected public business that the
direction of affairs fell into the bands of his mother, Shah Turkan, who,
having been a handmaid in the harem, now avenged the slights which she had
endured in the days of her servitude. Some of the highly born wives of the late
king were put to death with every circumstance of indignity and those whose
lives were spared were subjected to gross and humiliating contumely.
The incompetence and sensuality of Firuz and the mischievous activity of
his mother excited the disgust and indignation of all, and passive disaffection
developed into active hostility when the mother and son barbarously destroyed
the sight of Qutb-ud-din, the infant son of Iltutmish. Nor was intestine
disorder the only peril which threatened the kingdom, for the death of
Iltutmish had been the opportunity of a foreign enemy. Malik Saif-ud-din Hasan
Qarlugh, a Turk who now held Ghazni, Kirman and Bamiyan, invaded the upper
Punjab and, turning southwards, appeared before the walls of Multan. Saif-ud-din
Aibak, governor of Uch, attacked and routed him and drove him out of India, but
to foreign aggression the more serious peril of domestic rebellion immediately
succeeded. Ghiyas-ud-din Muhammad, a younger son of Iltutmish, rebelled in
Oudh, detained a caravan of treasure dispatched from Bengal, and plundered many
towns to the east of Jumna, and Izz-ud-din rebelled in Budaun. In the opposite
direction the governors of Multan, Hansi and Lahore formed a confederacy which,
to within a distance of ninety miles from Delhi, set the royal authority at
naught. In Bengal no pretence of subordination remained. In 1233 Izz-ud-din
Tughril Taghan Khan had succeeded Saif-ud-din Aibak as governor of the
province, but Aor Khan, who held the fief of Debkot, had established his
independence in the country to the north and east of the Ganges and had
recently attempted to expel Tughril from Lakhnawati. He had been defeated and
slain, but neither antagonist had dreamt of appealing to Delhi, and Tughril,
who now ruled the whole of Bengal, was bound by no ties, either of sentiment or
interest, to the unworthy successor of Aibak and Iltutmish.
When Firuz awoke to a sense of his danger his situation was already
desperate. He turned first to attack the confederacy which threatened him from
the north-west, but as he was leaving Delhi he was deserted by his minister
Junaidi, who fled and joined Izz-ud-din Jani at Koil, whence both marched to
join the confederates of the Punjab. Firuz continued his march, but had not
advanced beyond the neighborhood when the officers with him and the slaves of
his household murdered two of his secretaries and other civil officials,
including Junaidi’s son, and at the same time the news of a serious revolt at
Delhi recalled him to the capital. His mother had made preparations for putting
to death his half-sister Raziyya, whose abilities she regarded as a menace to
his authority, but the populace, aware of the high esteem in which the princess
had been held by her father, rose in her defense, and before Firuz could reach
Delhi his mother was a prisoner in the hands of the victorious rebels. Those
who had defied his authority at Taraori deserted him and joined the people of
Delhi in raising Raziyya to the throne, and Firuz, who took refuge in Kilokhri
was seized and put to death on November 9, 1236, after a reign of six months
and seven days.
The task which lay before the queen would have taxed even her father’s
powers. Junaidi and the governors of Multan, Hansi, Lahore and Budaun, who were
marching on Delhi, had all been implicated in excluding her from the throne,
and still declined to recognize her. She summoned to her aid Nusrat-ud-din, who
had been appointed to Budaun after the defection of Izz-ud-din Jani, but before
he could cross the Ganges he was defeated by the confederates, in whose hands
he died, and they besieged her in her capital, but she marched out and encamped
on the banks of the Jumna. She was not strong enough either to give or accept
battle, but she turned her proximity to their camp to good account and by means
of dexterous intrigues fomented distrust and dissension among them. She induced
Izz-ud-din Jani and Ayaz of Multan to visit her and to treat for the betrayal
of some of their associates, and then circulated in the rebel camp an account
of all that had passed at the conference. Consternation fell upon all, no man
could trust his neighbor, and Saif-ud-din Koji of Hand, Ala-ud-din Jani of
Lahore, and Junaidi, who were to have been surrendered to her, mounted their
horses and fled, but were pursued by her cavalry. Jani was overtaken and slain
near Pael, Kuji and his brother were taken alive and put to death after a short
imprisonment, and Junaidi fled into the Sirmur hills, where he died.
Raziyya’s astuteness thus dissolved the confederacy and established her
authority in Hindustan and the Punjab, where Ayaz was rewarded for his
desertion of his associates with the government of Lahore in addition to that
of Multan, and Khvaja Muhazzib-ud-din, Husain, who had been assistant to the
fugitive minister, Junaidi, succeeded him in his office and in his title of
Nizam-ul-Mulk. The queen's energy and decision secured for her also the
adhesion of the governors of the more distant provinces of Bengal and Sind, who
voluntarily tendered their allegiance, but she found it necessary to send a
force to the relief of Ranthambhor, where the Muslim garrison had been
beleaguered by the Hindus since the death of Iltutmish. Qutb-ud-din Husain, who
commanded the relieving force, drove off the Hindus, but for some unexplained
reason withdrew the garrison and dismantled the fortress.
Raziyya now laid aside female attire, and appeared in public, both in
the court and in the camp, clothed as a man and unveiled. This seems to have
given no cause for scandal, but she aroused the resentment of the nobles by the
appointment of an African named Jalal-ud-din Yaqut to the post of master of the
horse, and by distinguishing him with her favor. Later historians suggest or
insinuate that there was impropriety in her relations with him, but the
contemporary chronicler makes no such allegation, and it is unnecessary to
believe that she stooped to such a connection, for the mere advancement of an
African was sufficient to excite the jealousy of the Turkish nobles, who formed
a close corporation.
Notwithstanding the vindictive zeal with which Iltutmish had pursued
Ismailian and Carmathian heretics, some appear to have escaped death, and Delhi
now again harbored large numbers of these turbulent fanatics, who had assembled
from various provinces of the kingdom and were excited by the harangues of a
Turk named Nur-ud-din, a zealous preacher and proselytizer. On Friday, March 5,
1237, the heretics made a second organized attempt to overthrow the established
religion, and to the number of a thousand entered the great mosque from two
directions and fell upon the congregation. Many fell under their swords and
others were killed by the press of those who attempted to escape, but in the
meantime the Turkish nobles assembled their troops and, aided by many of the
congregation who had gained the roof of the mosque and thence hurled missiles
on their foes, entered the courtyard and slaughtered the heretics to a man.
Discontent in the capital bred disaffection in the provinces. By the
death of Rashid-ud-din Ali the command of the fortress of Gwalior had devolved
upon Ziya-ud-din Junaidi, a kinsman of the late minister. He was believed to be
ill-disposed towards the government, and on March 19, 1238, both he and the
historian Minhaj-ud-din were compelled by the governor of Baran to leave
Gwalior for Delhi. The historian cleared his reputation and was restored to
favor, but of Junaidi nothing more is heard. A more formidable rebel was Ayaz,
governor of the Punjab, who, resenting Yaqut's influence at court, repudiated
his allegiance to the queen. Towards the end of 1239 Raziyya marched into the
Punjab to reduce him to obedience, and Ayaz submitted without a contest, but
was deprived of the government of Lahore and compelled to retire to Multan.
From this district he was shortly afterwards expelled by Saif-ud-din Hasan
Qarlugh, who, having in 1230 been driven by the Moguls from Kirman and Ghazni,
had retired into Sind, where he had been awaiting an opportunity of
establishing himself to the east of the Indus.
Raziyya returned to Delhi on March 15, 1240, but on April 3 was again
compelled to take the field. The Turkish nobles, headed by the lord
chamberlain, Ikhtiyar-ud-din Aitigin, resented the power and influence of Yaqut
and instigated Ikhtiyar-ud-din Altuniya, governor of Bhatinda, to rebel. When
the army reached Bhatinda the discontented nobles slew Yaqut, imprisoned
Raziyya, whom they delivered into the custody of Altuniya, and directed their
confederates at Delhi to raise to the throne Muizz-ud-din Bahram, third son of
Iltutmish and half-brother of Raziyya. Bahram was proclaimed on April 22, and
when the army returned to Delhi on May 5, its leaders formally acknowledged him
as their sovereign, but made their allegiance conditional on the appointment of
Aitigin as regent for one year. Aitigin married the king’s sister and usurped
all the power and most of the state of royalty, and Bahram, chafing under the
regent's arrogance and the restraint to which he was subjected, on July 30
incited two Turks to stab, in his presence, both Aitigin and the minister, Nizam-ul-Mulk.
Aitigin was killed on the spot, but the minister was only wounded, and made his
escape. To save appearances the assassins suffered a brief imprisonment, but
were never brought to punishment, and Bahram appointed as lord chamberlain Badr-ud-din
Sunqar, a man of his own choice.
Meanwhile Altuniya was bitterly disappointed by the result of his
rebellion. The courtiers had made him their catspaw, and had appropriated to
themselves all honors and places, leaving him unrewarded. Aitigin was dead, Nizam-ul-Mulk
was discredited, and there was nobody to whom the disappointed conspirator
could turn. He released Raziyya from her prison, married her, and, having
assembled a large army, marched to Delhi with the object of replacing his
newly-wedded wife on her throne, but on October 13 Bahram defeated him near
Kaithal, and on the following day he and Raziyya were murdered by the Hindus
whom they had summoned to their assistance.
‘The Forty’
The situation at court was now extremely complicated. Sunqar, the new
lord chamberlain, was as arrogant and as obnoxious to his master as his
predecessor had been. Nizam-ul-Mulk, who had condoned the attempt on his life
and still held office as minister, resented, equally with Bahram, Sunqar’s
usurpation of authority, and allied himself with the king. Sunqar perceived
that his life would not be safe as long as Bahram reigned and conspired to
depose him, but committed the error of confiding in Nizam-ul-Mulk. He would not
believe that the minister had really forgiven Bahram and could not perceive
that he was subordinating his resentment to his interest. He received Sunqar’s
emissary apparently in privacy, but as soon as he had departed dispatched a
confidential servant who had been concealed behind a curtain to acquaint Bahram
with what he had heard. Bahram acted with promptitude and decision; he rode at
once to the meeting to which Nizam-ul-Mulk had been summoned and compelled the
conspirators to return with him to the palace. Sunqar was dismissed from his
high office, but his influence among the great Turkish nobles, or slaves, who
were now known as 'the Forty' saved his life for the time, and his appointment
to Budaun removed him from the capital. Three other leading conspirators fled
from the city, and in November, 1241, Sunqar’s return from Budaun without
permission gave the king a pretext for arresting him and putting him to death.
This necessary act of severity greatly incensed the Forty.
The consideration of the position of the Forty affords a convenient
opportunity for an explanation of the name by which the dynasty under which
they acquired their influence is known, for to most Europeans the appellation
‘Slave Kings’ must appear to be a contradiction in terms. In an eastern
monarchy every subject is, in theory, the slave of the monarch and so styles
himself, both in conversation and in correspondence. To be the personal slave
of the monarch is therefore no disgrace, but a distinction, and, as eastern
history abundantly proves, a stepping-stone to dignity and power. The Mamluk or
Slave Sultans of Egypt are a case in point. The Turks were at this time the
most active and warlike people of Asia, and the Ghaznavids, themselves sprung
from a Turkish slave, the princes of Ghur, and other houses, surrounded
themselves with slaves of this nation who, often before they received
manumission, filled the highest offices in the state. Loyal service sometimes
earned for them a regard and esteem which their master withheld from his own
sons, born in the purple and corrupted from their cradles by flattery and
luxury. A faithful slave who had filled with credit the highest offices was
sometimes rewarded with the hand of his master's daughter in marriage, and was
preferred to an unworthy or degenerate son or nephew. Alptigin had been the slave
of Abdul-Malik the Samanid and Sabuktigin the slave and son-in-law of Alptigin.
Qutb-ud-din Aibak was Muhammad's viceroy in India for some time before he
received manumission, and succeeded his master in the Indian conquests. He was
indeed succeeded by his son, but Aram Shah was almost immediately compelled to
make way for Iltutmish, Aibak’s son-in-law and the ablest of his slaves. During
the reign of Iltutmish the leading Turks formed themselves into a college of
forty, which divided among its members all the great fiefs of the empire and
all the highest offices in the state. The commanding genius of Iltutmish
preserved the royal dignity intact, but in the reigns of his children the power
of the Forty was ever increasing. Raziyya lost her throne by her preference for
one who was not of their number and her brother Bahram was no more than their
nominee. There can be no doubt that the throne itself would ordinarily have
been the prize of one of the Forty had not the jealousies of all prevented them
from yielding precedence to one. They were thus content to own the nominal
authority of one or other of the offspring of Iltutmish, but their compact with
Bahram at the time of his accession clearly indicated their determination to
retain all authority for themselves, and the king, by destroying one of their
number, sealed his fate.
Bahram was friendless, for the crafty Nizam-ul-Mulk, who had assumed the
mask of loyalty for the purpose of destroying an enemy, so dexterously concealed
his betrayal of Sunqar’s plot that he retained the confidence of the Forty,
whose resentment against Bahram was so strong that it was not even temporarily
allayed by the invasion of a foreign enemy who deprived the kingdom of a
province. The Moguls, who had expelled the Qarlugh Turks from Ghazni, now
appeared before Multan under their leader, Bahadur Tair, the lieutenant of
Chaghatai Khan and of his grandson Hulagu. Kabir Khan Ayaz, who had expelled
Saif-ud-din Hasan Qarlugh and re-established himself in Multan, confronted them
with such resolution that they turned aside and marched to Lahore, a more
tempting prey. The citadel was ill-furnished with stores, provisions, and arms
and the citizens were not unanimous in opposition to the invaders, for the
merchants, who were accustomed to trade in Khorasan and Turkistan, were largely
dependent on the goodwill of the Moguls and held their passports and permits,
which were indispensable in those countries and might even protect them at
Lahore. The garrison was weak and the governor relied on assistance from Delhi
which never reached him.
The Moguls at Lahore
The feebleminded king had now entrusted his conscience to the keeping of
a darvish named Ayyub, at whose
instigation he put to death an influential theologian who was highly esteemed by
the Forty, and thus still further estranged that influential body. On learning
of the Mogul invasion he ordered his army to march to the relief of Lahore, but
the nobles, fearing lest their absence from the capital should give him an
opportunity of breaking their power, hesitated to obey. Procrastination served
them for a time but they were at length compelled to depart, and Nizam-ul-Mulk
employed their resentment and their apprehensions for the purpose of avenging
the king's attempt on his life. When the army reached the Sutlej he secretly
reported that the Turkish nobles were disaffected and sought the king's
sanction to their destruction. The shallow Bahram, suspecting no guile, readily
consented, and the minister exhibited to the Forty his order approving their
execution, and easily persuaded them to return to Delhi with a view to deposing
Qaraqush, the governor of Lahore, defended the city to the best of his
ability, but the dissensions among the citizens and the misconduct of his
troops caused him to despair of success, and after burying his treasure he fled
by night, leaving the city on the pretext of making a night attack on the
besiegers' camp. On the following day, December 22, 1241, the Moguls took the
town by storm. They suffered heavy losses, including that of their leader, in
the street fighting which ensued, but before retiring they annihilated the
citizens and razed the walls to the ground. Qaraqush returned, recovered his
treasures and retired to Delhi.
The army, in open rebellion, arrived at Delhi on February 22, 1242, and
besieged the king in the White Fort until the month of May. He had received an
accession of strength by the adhesion of Qaraqush and one other faithful
Turkish noble but he had fallen under the influence of a slave named Mubarak
Farrukhi, at whose instance he committed the supreme folly of imprisoning these
two nobles, and the same pernicious influence restrained him from coming to
terms with the Forty, who were ready, after more than two month’s fighting, to
secure their safety by an honorable composition. Nizam-ud-din seduced from
their allegiance, by large bribes, the ecclesiastics, who were the king's
principal supporters, and on May 10 the city and fortress were captured by the
confederate nobles, and Bahram was put to death five days later.
On the capture of the city Izz-ud-din Balban, entitled Kishlu Khan,
caused himself to be proclaimed king, but his action was repudiated by his
associates, who assembled at the tomb of Iltutmish to determine the succession.
Their choice fell upon Ala-ud-din Masud, the son of Firuz Shah, and Qutb-ud-din
Husain was appointed regent. Nizam-ul-Mulk was permitted at first to retain
office as minister, but so disgusted the nobles by his arrogance that on
October 28 he was put to death, and Qaraqush was made lord chamberlain. Kishlu
Khan was consoled for his disappointment with the fiefs of Nagaur, Mandawar,
and Ajmer, and the gift of an elephant.
The Reign of Masud
At the beginning of Masud’s reign the governor of Budaun conducted a
successful campaign against the Rajputs of Katehr, the later Rohilkhand, but
was shortly afterwards poisoned while revolving schemes of wider conquest, and
Sanjar, entitled Gurait Khan, having ensured the obedience of the native
landholders of Oudh, invaded Bihar, where the Hindus had taken advantage of the
dissensions among their conquerors to re-establish their dominion. He plundered
the province, but was slain before the walls of its capital. While these events
were occurring in the eastern provinces the Qarlugh Turks again attacked Multan
and were repulsed, but in this achievement the kingdom had no part, for Ayaz,
after turning aside, unaided, the Mogul, had renounced his allegiance to Delhi
and his son, Abu Bakr, now ruled Multan as an independent sovereign. The
kingdom had thus lost Bengal and Bihar on the east and on the west and
north-west Multan, Sind, and the upper Punjab, wasted by Moguls and occupied by
the Khokars.
After the death of Nizam-ul-Mulk the office of minister was allotted to
Najm-ud-din Abu Bakr and that of lord chamberlain, with the fief of Hang, on
Baha-ud-din Balban, who was afterwards entitled Ulugh Khan and eventually
ascended the throne. He will henceforth be designated Balban, the ambitious Izz-ud-din
Balban being described by his title, Kishlu Khan.
In December, 1242, Tughril, governor of Bengal and the most powerful of
the satraps, who resented Kurait Khan's invasion of Bihar, though it had
temporarily passed out of his possession, marched to Kara, on the Ganges above
Allahabad, with the object of annexing to his government of Bengal that
district and the province of Oudh, but the historian Minhaj-ud-din, who was
accredited to his camp as the emissary of Tamar Khan, the new governor of Oudh,
succeeded in persuading him to return peaceably to Bengal.
Towards the end of 1243 the raja of Jaipur in Cuttack, called Jajnagar
by Muslim historians, invaded and plundered some of the southern districts of
Bengal, and in March, 1244, Tughril marched to punish him and met the Hindu
army on April 16, on the northern bank of the Mahanadi. The Hindus were at
first driven back, but rallied and defeated the Muslims, among whom a supposed
victory had, as usual, relaxed the bonds of discipline. Tughril was followed,
throughout his long retreat to his capital, by the victorious Hindus, who
appeared before the gates of Lakhnawati, but retired on hearing that Tamar Khan
was marching from Oudh to the relief of Tughril.
Tamar Khan arrived before Lakhnawati on April 30, 1245, and, alleging
that his orders authorized him to supersede Tughril, demanded the surrender of
the city. Tughril refused to comply and on May 4 was defeated in a battle before
the walls and driven into the town. Peace was made by the good offices of
Minhaj-ud-din, and Tughril surrendered the city but was permitted to retire
with all his treasure, elephants, and troops, to Delhi, where he was received
with much honor on July 11 and was appointed, a month later, to the government
of Oudh, vacated by Tamar. He died in Oudh on the day (March 9, 1247) on which
Tamar, who was then in rebellion, died at Lakhnawati.
Later in 1245 a large army of Moguls under Manquta invaded India, drove
from Multan Hasan Qarlugh, whose second attempt at ousting Abu Bakr had been
successful, and besieged Uch, but raised the siege and retired when they heard
that the king, who was marching to its relief, had reached the Beas.
The character of Masud had gradually succumbed to the temptations of his
position, and he had become slothful, impatient of the tedium of business, and
inordinately addicted to drink, sensuality, and the chase. Rebellions, which he
lacked the strength or the energy to suppress, rendered him apprehensive and
suspicious of all around him, and his severity and lack of discrimination in
punishment alienated from him the Forty, who now turned their eyes towards his
uncle, Nasir-ud-din Mahmud, a youth of seventeen or eighteen, who was nominally
governor of Bahraich. When their invitation reached him his mother, an
ambitious and resourceful woman, spread a report that her son was sick and must
go to Delhi for treatment. She placed him in a litter and sent him from
Bahraich with a large retinue of servants. When night fell the prince was
covered with a woman's veil and set on a horse, and the cavalcade pressed on to
Delhi with such caution and expedition that none but the conspirators was aware
of his arrival in the city.
On June 10, 1246, Masud was deposed and thrown into prison, where he
perished shortly afterwards, doubtless by violence, and Mahmud was enthroned in
the Green Palace.
Of Mahmud, who was an amiable and pious prince, but a mere puppet,
absurd stories are told by the later historians. He is said to have produced
every year two copies of the Koran, written with his own hand, the proceeds of
the sale of which provided for his scanty household, consisting only of one
wife, who was obliged to cook for him, as he kept no servant. This story, which
is told of one of the early Caliphs, is not new, and, as related of Mahmud, is
not true, for he is known to have had more than one wife. His principal wife
was Balban’s daughter, who would certainly not have endured such treatment, and
as he presented forty slaves, on one occasion, to the sister of the historian
Minhaj-ud-din it can hardly be doubted that his own household was reasonably
well supplied in this respect. The truth seems to be that the young king
possessed the virtues of continence, frugality and practical piety, rare among
his kind, and had a taste in calligraphy which led him to employ his leisure in
copying the Koran, and that these merits earned for him exaggerated praise.
Advancement of Balban
On November 12 Mahmud, on the advice of Balban, his lord chamberlain,
left Delhi in order to recover the Punjab. He crossed the Ravi in March, 1247,
and after advancing to the banks of the Chenab sent Balban into the Salt Range.
Balban inflicted severe punishment on the Khokars and other Hindu tribes of
those hills and then pushed on to the banks of the Indus, where he despoiled
Jaspal Sehra, raja of the Salt Range, and his tribe. While he was encamped on
the Jhelum a marauding force of Moguls approached the opposite bank but, on
finding an army prepared to receive them, retired. There now remained neither
fields nor tillage beyond the Jhelum, and Balban, unable to obtain supplies,
rejoined the king on the Chenab, and on May 9 the army arrived at Delhi.
In October Balban led an expedition against the disaffected Hindus of
the Doab, took, after a siege of ten days, a fortress near Kanauj, and then
marched against a raja whose territory had formerly been confined to some
districts in the hills of Bundelkhand and Baghelkhand, but who had recently
established himself in the fertile valley of the Jumna. Balban attacked him so
vigorously in one of his strongholds that he lost heart, and retired by night
to another fortress, further to the south. The Muslims, after pillaging the
deserted fort, followed him through defiles described as almost impracticable,
and on February 14, 1248, captured his second stronghold, with his wives and
children, many other prisoners, cattle and horses in great numbers, and much
other plunder. Balban rejoined Mahmud, now encamped at Kara, and on April 8 the
army set out for Delhi. At Kanauj Mahmud was met by his brother, Jalal-ud-din,
who was now appointed to the more important fiefs of Sambhal and Budaun. He
warned Mahmud against the ambition of Balban, whom he accused of secretly
aiming at the throne, but the warning was unheeded, and after Mahmud’s return
to Delhi Jalal-ud-din, fearing that his confidence had been betrayed, fled from
Budaun and joined the Moguls in Turkistan.
In 1249 Balban was employed in chastising the turbulent people of Mewat,
the district to the south of Delhi, and in an unsuccessful attempt to recover
Ranthambhor, which had been restored by the Hindus since it had been dismantled
by Raziyya’s troops, and was now held by Nahar Deo. He returned to Delhi on May
18, and on August 2, the king married his daughter and he became almost supreme
in the state. Mahmud appointed him lieutenant of the kingdom and his place as
lord chamberlain was taken by his brother, Saifuddin Aibak, Kashli Khan. In the
early months of 1250 Balban was again engaged in restoring order in the Doab.
In this year the north-western provinces of the kingdom were thrown into
confusion by a complicated dispute between the great fief-holders. Kishlu Khan
of Nagaur demanded that the fiefs of Multan and Uch should be bestowed upon him
and though there was some difficulty in ousting Ikhtiyar-ud-din Kuraiz, who had
expelled the Qarlughs from the province, his request was granted on condition
of his relinquishing Nagaur and his other fiefs to Kuraiz. Ignoring this
condition he marched from Nagaur, expelled Kuraiz from Multan and Uch and
occupied those places. Hasan the Qarlugh immediately attacked him at Multan and
although he was slain his followers concealed his death and persuaded Kishlu
Khan to surrender the city. Sher Khan Sunqar then marched from his headquarters
at Bhatinda, expelled the Qarlughs, and replaced his lieutenant Kuraiz in
Multan. The situation was anomalous and complicated. The governor appointed by
royal authority had surrendered the city to a foreign enemy, and Sunqar held it
by right of conquest from that enemy, and Kuraiz, his deputy, strengthened his
claim by capturing, in December, from a force of Mogul marauders a large number
of prisoners, whom he sent as a peace-offering to Delhi. Kishlu Khan, on the
other hand, had defied the royal authority by failing to surrender Nagaur,
whither he had again retired after his discomfiture at Multan, and early in
1251 Mahmud marched to Nagaur to enforce the fulfillment of this condition.
After much prevarication Kishlu Khan submitted, and retired to Uch, still held
by one of his retainers, and Kashli Khan, Balban's brother, was installed in
Nagaur, but meanwhile Sunqar had marched to Uch and was besieging the fortress.
Kishlu Khan, who was related to Sunqar, incautiously placed himself in his
power while attempting to effect a composition and was imprisoned, compelled to
issue orders for the surrender of Uch, and sent to Delhi. Balban, who was related
to both Sunqar and Kishlu Khan, adjusted the quarrel by appointing the latter
to Budaun.
In November Balban led an expedition against Chahad the Acharya, raja of
Chanderi and Narwar and the most powerful Hindu chieftain in Malwa. He is said
to have been able to place in the field 5000 horse and 200,000 foot, but he was
defeated and his capital was taken, though no permanent settlement was made in
Malwa, and the army returned to Delhi on April 24, 1252, with much booty and
many captives.
Disgrace of Balban
During Balban’s absence those who were jealous of his great power,
including Mahmud’s mother and Raihan, a eunuch converted from Hinduism, who had
already shown some aptitude for factious intrigue, poisoned the king’s mind
against him, and found many sympathizers and supporters among the Forty, who
resented the excessive predominance of one of their number. Balban’s
condonation of the offences of his disobedient cousin, Sunqar, furnished a text
for the exhortations of the intriguers, who succeeded in persuading Mahmud that
it was necessary to vindicate his authority by punishing Sunqar, and in the
winter of 1252-53 Balban was compelled to accompany his master on a punitive
expedition and to submit to the daily increasing arrogance of his enemies. At
the Sutlej the conspirators attempted his assassination, but fortune, or his
own vigilance, befriended him, and having failed in their attempt they
persuaded Mahmud to banish him to his fief of Hansi, hoping that an overt act
of disobedience would furnish a pretext for his destruction, but they were
disappointed, for Balban obeyed the order in dignified silence. The expedition
had been merely an excuse for his humiliation, and the army retired to Delhi
immediately after his dismissal.
The rancour of the vindictive eunuch was not yet sated, and he persuaded
the king to transfer the fallen minister from Hansi to Nagaur, and so
confidently anticipated resistance that he sent the royal army, in June, 1253,
to enforce obedience, but again he was disappointed, for Balban retired without
a murmur to his new fief. Hand was bestowed nominally upon an infant son of the
king by a wife other than the daughter of Balban, but was occupied by a
partisan of Raihan as the child’s deputy.
Kashli Khan shared his brother’s disgrace, and was deprived of his
office and sent to the fief of Kara, all real power at court was usurped by the
eunuch, and even the leading members of the Forty were fain to content
themselves with minor offices. Sunqar, dismayed by his patron's sudden fall, had
fled to Turkistan, leaving his three fiefs, Bhatinda, Multan and Uch, in the
hands of deputies whose surrender enabled the king to bestow them on Arsalan
Khan Sanjar Chast, one of the Forty who was then hostile to Balban.
Balban displayed, meanwhile, an equivocal activity. He invaded the Hindu
state of Bundi, attacked and defeated Nahar Deo of Ranthambhor, and returned to
Nagaur with much booty, prepared, apparently, either to take credit for his
exploits or to devote his spoils to the improvement of his own military
strength, as circumstances should dictate. Mahmud, under the guidance of
Raihan, led a successful expedition against the Hindus of Katehr and returned
to Delhi on May 16, 1254. Five months later he learnt that his fugitive brother
Jalal-ud-din and Balban’s cousin Sunqar had returned from Turkistan and joined
forces in the neighborhood of Lahore with the object of establishing themselves
in the Punjab under the protection of the Moguls.
Meanwhile the rule of Raihan at Delhi was daily becoming more
intolerable, and the Turkish nobles whose jealousy of Balban had associated
them with the eunuch felt keenly, as his insolence increased, the disgrace of
their subservience to him. He maintained a gang of ruffians to molest those who
were not well affected towards him and the historian Minhaj-ud-din complains
that for a period of six months or more he dared not leave his house to attend
the Friday prayers for fear of these bullies. Nearly all the great nobles of
the kingdom sent messages to Balban imploring him to return to the capital and
resume his former position. A confederacy was formed, and Balban from Nagaur,
Arsalan Khan Sanjar of Bhatinda, Bat Khan Aibak of Sunam, and Jalal-ud-din and
Sunqar from Lahore assembled their troops at Bhatinda. In October the king and
Raihan marched from Delhi to meet them, and an indecisive affair of outposts,
which threw the royal camp into confusion, was fought near Sunam. After
celebrating the Idul Fitr (November
14) at this place Mahmud retired, a week later, to Hansi, and the confederates
advanced to Guhram and Kaithal. They were loth to attack the king and
endeavored to attain their object by means of intrigue and secret negotiations.
Jalal-ud-din expected that his brother would be deposed and that he would be raised
to the throne, but Balban, who seems to have entertained a genuine affection
for his weak and pliant son-in-law, was not prepared to gratify this ambition.
The Turkish nobles in the king’s camp favored, almost unanimously, the cause of
the confederates, and on December 5, while the army was retreating from Hansi
towards Jind, the eunuch was dismissed from his high office and invested with
the fief of Budaun. On December 15 Bat Khan Aibak was sent to thank Mahmud for
this act and to request an audience for the confederate nobles, but the
imminent reconciliation was nearly frustrated by the malice of the eunuch, who
arranged to have the emissary assassinated. The design was fortunately
discovered and Raihan was at once dismissed to Budaun, and on December 30
Balban and his associates were received by the king. Balban at once resumed his
former place at the head of affairs and on January 20, 1255, returned with
Mahmud to Delhi. Jalal-ud-din was rewarded for his services to the confederacy
and consoled for the disappointment of his ambition by his brother's formal
recognition of his independence in Lahore.
After Balban’s return another ramification of the conspiracy against him
came to light. Qutlugh Khan of Bayana, one of his leading opponents, now outwardly
reconciled, had secretly married the king's mother, who had formerly exercised
much influence over her son and had been Raihan’s chief ally. Mahmud’s eyes
were opened to the network of intrigue by which he had been surrounded, and
Qutlugh and his wife were dismissed to Oudh, in order that they might be as far
as possible from the court. Raihan was transferred, at the same time, from
Budaun to Bahraich, a less important fief, but it was discovered a few months
later that he was in dangerous proximity to Qutlugh Khan, and Sanjar Chast was
sent to remove him from Bahraich. He was arrested and imprisoned by Qutlugh
Khan but in August made his escape, attacked Bahraich with a small force,
defeated and captured the eunuch, and put him to death.
Early in 1256 Mahmud and Balban marched to punish Qutlugh Khan, who
advanced to Budaun and defeated a detachment sent against him. As the main body
of the army approached he retired and contrived to elude Balban’s pursuit and
on May 1 the army returned to Delhi. After its return Qutlugh attempted to
conquer his old fief, Kara Manikpur, but was defeated by Sanjar Chast and
endeavored to retreat into the Punjab in order to seek service at Lahore under
Jalal-ud-din. He followed the line of the Himalaya and marched to Santaurgarh,
where he gained the support of Ranpal, raja of Sirmur, but on January 8, 1257,
Balban marched from Delhi and Qutlugh fled. Balban continued his advance,
driving both Qutlugh and the raja before him and, after plundering Sirmur,
returned to Delhi on May 15.
Kishlu Khan had been reinstated in Multan and Uch during Raihan’s
ascendency and had since thrown off his allegiance to Delhi and acknowledged
the suzerainty of the Mogul whose camp he visited and with whom he left a
grandson as a hostage for his fidelity. When the army returned from Sirmur to
Delhi he was in the neighborhood of the Beas and marched north-eastwards until
he was joined by Qutlugh Khan, when their combined forces marched southwards
towards Samana. Balban marched from Delhi to meet them and came into contact
with them in the neighborhood of Kaithal. A faction of discontented
ecclesiastics had written from Delhi, urging the rebels to advance fearlessly
and seize the capital, but the intrigue was discovered and at Balban's instance
the traitors were expelled from the city. The rebels followed, however, the
advice of their partisans, eluded Balban, and, after a forced march, encamped
on June 21 before Delhi, hoping to find the city in friendly hands, but were
disappointed to learn that the loyal nobles were exerting themselves to
assemble troops and repair the defences, and that the governor of Bayana was
approaching the city with his contingent. Balban remained for two days in ignorance
of the rebels' march to Delhi but they knew that he might at any moment cut off
their retreat, and many disaffected officers who had joined them now deserted
them and made their peace with the king, and on June 22 Kishlu Khan and Qutlugh
Khan fled towards the Siwaliks, whence the former, with the two or three
hundred followers who still remained to him, made his way to Uch.
In December an army of Moguls under the Nuyin Salin invaded the Punjab
and was joined by Kishlu Khan. They dismantled the defences of Multan and it
was feared that they were about to cross the Sutlej. On January 9, 1258, the
king summoned all the great fief-holders, with their contingents, to aid him in
repelling the invaders, but the Moguls, whether alarmed by this demonstration
or sated with plunder, retired to Khorasan. Their retreat was fortunate, for
the condition of the kingdom was so disordered that the army could not safely
have advanced against a foreign foe. Two fief-holders, Sanjar of Oudh and Masud
Jani of Kara, had disobeyed the royal summons, the Hindus of the Doab and the
Meos of Mewat, to the south of the capital, were in revolt and the latter had
carried off a large number of Balban’s camels, without which the army could
hardly have taken the field. For four months the troops were occupied in
restoring order in the Doab and in June marched to Kara against the two
recalcitrant fief-holders. The latter fled, but received a promise of pardon on
tendering their submission, and after the return of the army to Delhi appeared
at court and were pardoned. Shortly afterwards Sanjar received the fief of Kara
and Masud Jani was promised the government of Bengal, from which province
Balban Yuzbaki, the governor, had for some time remitted no tribute, but the
latter, on hearing that he was to be superseded, secured his position by
remitting all arrears. He died in 1259, but the promise to Masud Jani was never
Early in 1259 the disorders in the Doab necessitated another expedition,
and after the punishment of the rebels the principal fiefs in the province, as
well as those of Gwalior and Bayana, were bestowed upon Sunqar.
In 1260 the Meos expiated by a terrible punishment a long series of
crimes. For some years past they had infested the roads in the neighborhood of
the capital and depopulated the villages of the Bayana district, and had
extended their depredations eastwards nearly as far as the base of the
Himalaya. Their impudent robbery of the transport camels on the eve of a projected
campaign had aroused Balban’s personal resentment, and on January 29 he left
Delhi and in a single forced march reached the heart of Mewat and took the Meos
completely by surprise. For twenty days the work of slaughter and pillage
continued, and the ferocity of the soldiery was stimulated by the reward of one
silver tanga for every head and two
for every living prisoner. On March 9 the army returned to the capital with the
chieftain who had stolen the camels, other leading men of the tribe to the
number of 250, 142 horses, and 2,100,000 silver tangas. Two days later the prisoners were publicly massacred. Some
were trampled to death by elephants, others were cut to pieces, and more than a
hundred were flayed alive by the scavengers of the city. Later in the year
those who had saved themselves by flight returned to their homes and ventured
on reprisals by infesting the highways and slaughtering wayfarers. Balban, having
ascertained from spies the haunts and movements of the bandits, surprised them
as before by a forced march, surrounded them, and put to the sword 12,000 men,
women and children.
A most gratifying mission from the Moguls now arrived at Delhi. Nasir-ud-din
Muhammad, son of Hasan the Qarlugh, had been negotiating a marriage between his
daughter and Balban's son, and had sent Balban's agent to Hulagu’s court at
Tabriz, where he was received with great honor. On his return to Delhi he was
accompanied by a Mogul officer of high rank from the north-western frontier of
India, who was authorized to promise, in Hulagu’s name, that depredations in
India should cease.
The contemporary chronicle closes here, and there is a hiatus in the history of Muhammadan
India, which later historians are unable to fill, from the middle of the year
1260 to the beginning of 1266. In attempting to explain the abrupt ending of
the Tabaqati-Nasiri some say that
the author was poisoned by the order of Balban, whose displeasure he had incurred,
others that he was thrown into prison and starved to death, but these tales
rest on no authority and are probably pure conjecture.
The next historical fact of which we are aware is that Mahmud Shah fell
sick in 1265 and died on February 18, 12661. He is said to have designated his
father-in-law as his successor but, as no male heir of the house of Iltutmish
survived, the accession of the powerful regent followed as a matter of course,
and he ascended the throne under the title of Ghiyas-ud-din Balban.
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