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King Edward, son of Ethelred and grandson of Edgar,
died on 5 January 1066, being the eve of the Epiphany. On 6 January he was
hurriedly buried before the high altar of his new minster-church at
Westminster, which had been consecrated just nine days earlier. On the very
same day Harold, son of Godwin, Earl of the West Saxons, alleging that the old
king on his death-bed had committed to his keeping not only his widow but his
kingdom, had himself formally elected to the kingship by a small and probably
partisan assembly of magnates. And thereupon he was straightway hallowed King
of the English people by Eldred, the Archbishop of York, within the very
precincts and almost at the very spot where some six hours before Edward’s body
had been laid to rest.
The unprecedented haste and indecent callousness of
these proceedings speak for themselves. Whether Edward with his last breath had
really attempted, as his biographer and the Peterborough chronicle report, to
designate Harold as his successor can never be certainly known; but at any
rate, if precedent and the customs of Wessex counted
for anything, the crown of England was not his to bequeath; nor had Edward ever
brought himself to make any such recommendation when fully possessed of his
faculties. What alone is clear is that Harold had no intention of allowing any
real debate on the succession to take place among the magnates as a whole. For
it is impossible to believe that the great men of the Midlands and of the
North, or even of East Anglia or Devon, were then gathered in London.
Evidently, as soon as ever it had become apparent that
Edward's recovery was unlikely, Harold had made up his mind to set aside Edgar
the Atheling, the sole surviving representative of the old royal stock, who
was, it seems, about sixteen years old, on the plea of his youthfulness, and
had determined to snatch the crown for himself on the double ground that, being
over forty and a statesman of many years’ experience, he was far better fitted
than the Atheling to be king, and that he was the only man in England who could
be relied on to keep order and defend the realm from its foes. When therefore
the moment came for action, all his plans were fully matured; and so it came
about that in the course of a single morning, without any public murmurs of
protest, the right kin of Egbert and Alfred, which
could trace its ancestry back to Cerdic and which for
the last two hundred years had played the leading part in England on the whole
with credit and success, was displaced in favour of
the semi-Danish house of Godwin, which had only emerged from obscurity some
half a century before, and then only as the favoured instrument of the alien conqueror Knut.
That the coup
d'état of 6 January was a gamble on Harold’ s part cannot be
doubted; for most men, he was aware, would regard him as a usurper, while it
was plain that he could not really count on the support of either the house of Leofric or of the thegns north of
the Humber, even if the young Earls Edwin and Morkere were for the moment acquiescent. Looking at the question, however, from the
other side, it must be owned that England at the moment wanted a full-grown
king and a man of experience, who would be feared and respected; and Harold was
undoubtedly the foremost personage in the kingdom, and so wealthy that his mere
accession almost doubled the revenues of the Crown and at the same time
eliminated its most formidable competitor in all the southern shires.
Harold too cannot but have had before his mind the
similar change of dynasty which had been brought about in France only eighty
years before when the Carolingian line was finally set aside by Hugh Capet. If
the Duke of the Franks had been justified in 987, the Earl of the West Saxons
in 1066 may well have persuaded himself that he had an equally good case; for
his material resources were greater than those of the Capetian, and the need of
England for an active leader was patent to all. Lastly, in justification of his
decision it can always be urged that it was plain to Harold, from his personal
knowledge of Normandy and his misadventures there, that Duke William really was
set on claiming the English crown on the ground of his kinship to Edward, by
consent if possible, but by force if need be, and would leave no stone unturned
in the attempt to achieve his purpose.
Year by year men had seen the Norman Duke grow more
powerful, and both Harold and his partisans may quite honestly have argued that
the sooner an experienced and capable man was placed in Edward's seat, the more
likely it would be that William's plans would be brought to naught; whereas his
chances of succeeding in his designs would be deplorably increased, if the
kingly office were not quickly filled and Englishmen instead drifted into disputing
how best to fill it.
If this interpretation of Harold’s behaviour may be adopted as the most plausible one and the best suited to account for his
inordinate haste, it follows that we must also hold that Harold and his
advisers not only considered a struggle with the Norman Duke to be inevitable,
but also considered that the danger which threatened England from that quarter
was of the greatest urgency. Harold of course knew that he might also have
other foes to reckon with, such as his exiled brother Tostig and his cousin Svein Estrithson,
King of Denmark (1047-1075), who as nephew of Knut had dormant claims on
England which would revive when he learnt of Harold's accession. But Tostig was not really formidable, and might probably be
placated, if compensated for his lost possessions; while Svein was of a cautious disposition, and unlikely to move at all quickly. Harold need
not, therefore, have acted with any precipitancy merely to meet such
contingencies, nor even to forestall internal opposition within England. It can
only have been William that he deemed an immediate menace.
But why should he think William so formidable?
Normandy as compared with England was only a small state. From Eu, its frontier town in the north-east, to Rouen and
thence by Lisieux and Falaise to the river Couesnon in the south-west, where the
duchy marched with Brittany, was a journey of less than 190 miles, about the
same distance as would be covered by a horseman riding from Yarmouth through
Ipswich and London to Salisbury, while the breadth of the duchy from north to
south was nowhere more than 70 miles. A considerable portion of the province
too was covered by forest; nor was the fertility of its fields and meadows, so
far as we know, any greater than the fertility of the fields and meadows of Wessex. Even if Normandy possessed a more enterprising and
more vigorous upper class than England, the whole Norman territory was only
equal in area to five-sixths of Wessex, and all round
its borders were other feudal lordships which had constantly harassed its
rulers in the past, and which bore no goodwill to its present duke.
Bearing all these points in mind, it would seem at
first sight as if William must be attempting an impossible task if he set out
to conquer England, and as if Harold might safely have ignored his threats. But
nevertheless, as the course of events was to show, Harold’s instinct of fear
was right. Though William’s dominions were small in extent, William himself,
ever since 1047, when he had taken the conduct of affairs into his own hands,
had been giving the world proof after proof that he possessed not merely energy
and ambition but a gift for leadership and a power of compelling others to do
his will which almost amounted to genius.
During the last nineteen years he had succeeded in all
his undertakings, whether as a leader in war or as a ruler and diplomatist, so
that in all northern France there was no feudal prince who had a greater
prestige, or one who had achieved a more unquestioned mastery of his own
subjects. Normandy too was far better organized internally than were other
parts of France, and was governed under a system which really did impose
restraints, both on feudal turbulence and on ecclesiastical pretensions.
If then we wish fully to understand the risks run by
Harold in challenging William, it will be well to make a short digression
before describing the struggle between them and to study the steps by which the
Norman duchy had acquired its peculiar characteristics and its ruler his
remarkable prestige. To understand the Normandy of 1066 it is not necessary to
go back to the foundation of the duchy in 911 by the Treaty of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte, or to attempt to dispel the fog that surrounds the
careers of the first three dukes. These princes, Rollo (911-931), his son
William Longsword (931-942), and his grandson Richard I surnamed the Fearless
(942-996), were all undoubtedly men of mark; but nevertheless for this period
there are really very few reliable details available.
Dudo, dean of Saint-Quentin, who wrote about 1020, indeed
professes to tell their story, but his work is fundamentally untrustworthy and
for the most part based on legend and hearsay. Some important points, however,
can be established about the development of the duchy during the tenth century.
The first is that by the end of the reign of Richard I the descendants of the
original Norse settlers had become not only Christians but in all essentials
Frenchmen. They had adopted the French language, French legal ideas, and French
social customs, and had practically become merged with the Frankish or Gallic
population among whom they lived. The second is that, as in other French
districts so in Normandy, most of the important landowners by this date held
their estates on a feudal tenure, rendering the duke military service and doing
him homage. Allodial ownership, however, was not
altogether obsolete. The third is that the land-owning class had abandoned the
old Scandinavian method of fighting on foot, and had adopted fighting on
horseback. They no longer relied, like the English and the Danes, on the
battle-axe and the shield-wall, but were renowned for their skill and
efficiency as knights or heavy cavalry.
Duke Richard II. The dukes officers
With the accession of Richard II, in 996, we reach a
somewhat less obscure period. As the title “the Good” indicates, Richard II was
much influenced by the ideals of ecclesiastical reform which had spread from
Cluny in the tenth century, and was a much more active patron of monks than his
ancestors had been. Mainard, a monk of Ghent, had
indeed obtained permission in the tenth century from Richard the Fearless to
revive the ruined abbey of Saint-Wandrille on the
Seine. Thence about 966 he had moved on into the Avranchin and re-established monks in the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel.
The third duke, however, had shown his zeal for
religion rather by reorganizing the seven bishoprics of his duchy than by
founding monasteries; and when he founded Fecamp about 990, he organized it merely as a house for canons. Richard the Good, on
the other hand, like his contemporary King Robert of France (996-1031) with
whom he was ever on the best of terms, undoubtedly believed that monks were
superior to canons. He therefore about 1001, acting under the advice of the
well-known Lombard, William of Volpiano, the Cluniac
monk who had risen in 990 to be Abbot of Saint-Benigne at Dijon, reorganized Fecamp and substituted monks
for the canons. His wife Judith also founded a monastery at Bernai.
Richard's zeal on behalf of monasteries further induced him to issue a number
of charters in their favour, granting them liberal
endowments and privileges of many kinds. Several interesting examples of these
charters have come down to us, especially those in favour of Fecamp, and it is chiefly from their contents that
it is possible to piece together a few facts as to the nature of the ducal
system of government in the first quarter of the eleventh century.
To begin with, if we analyze the witnesses to Richard’s
charters, we find that the Norman Duke was served by certain household
officers. The complete household of a feudal prince does not, it is true, come
before us, but we find mention of a constable, a chamberlain, a chancellor, and
a hostiarius. More prominent, however, among the
witnesses than the household officers are the duke's local officials, styled vicecomites. As
many as thirteen vicomtes—it
seems rather confusing to English ears to call them viscounts—attested the
charter for Bernai, issued in 1025. It is
permissible, however, to assume that all the vicomtes were not present at the
duke’s court when that charter was granted, and from later evidence it can be
shown that there were more than twenty vicomtés in
Normandy, each under its vicomte.
It is impossible to say when the vicomtés were originally
established or how far they were based on older Frankish subdivisions, such as
the pagi and centenae. In the tenth and eleventh centuries vicomtés were the
common units for administrative purposes in all parts of France, and in some
provinces not a few of these jurisdictions had developed into important feudal
In Normandy, on the contrary, it is clear from their
number that the vicomtés were of no great size, nor
should they be regarded as the equivalent of the shires in England. The
majority of them were probably larger than Middlesex, but few can have been as
large as Huntingdonshire. They compare best in fact with the rapes of Sussex in
area. As to the position of the vicomtes politically,
it is clear that they had not succeeded in making their offices hereditary
except in one or two instances. They were still at Richard’s death public
officers, appointed by the duke and removable at his will, who acted as his
agents for all purposes of civil government. The duties laid upon them were not
only fiscal, but judicial and military, the chief being to manage the duke's
estates situated within the vicomté, to collect the
duke's rents arising from them, whether in money or in kind, to lead the local
levies in time of war, to maintain order in time of peace, and to administer
justice in the name of the duke and collect the fines imposed on delinquents.
Besides the vicomtés there also existed in Normandy
under Richard II four or five districts distinguished as comtés (comitatus). These were the comtés of Mortain, of the Hiesinois,
of Evreux, of Brionne, and of Eu.
They were clearly appanages in the hands of the duke's kinsmen; for under
Richard II the first was held by his second son, and the rest by his brothers
or nephews. In area these comtés were not more
extensive than the vicomtés, nor were their revenues
greater. The difference between the two jurisdictions lay in the fact that in
the comtés the duke retained no important estates in
his own possession and left the local administration to the counts, whereas in
the vicomtés he always owned several estates of
importance, and as often as not one or more castles as well for their
protection. A vicomté indeed might easily be changed into
a comté, as was the vicomtéof Arques shortly after Richard's death simply as the
result of a grant transferring the ducal interests there to William of Arques, who was the duke's illegitimate son; and then
become a vicomté again upon the death or forfeiture
of the grantee. In no instance, however, be it noted had a comté ever been set up in Normandy in favour of a baron who was unrelated to the ducal house.
The ducal revenue. The secular clergy
Besides telling us something about the officials of
Richard’s day, his monastic charters also throw a faint light on the machinery
of government. For example, they show fairly clearly that there was already in
existence an organised ducal treasury. They not only
refer to the fiscus dominions, but make a distinction
between the regular revenues of the fiscus and the
occasional or extraordinary revenues of the camera. For example, in 1025 the
monks of Fecamp were granted the tithe of the duke’s
camera, and a hundred pounds from the same source was at another time given to
the monks of Saint-Benigne at Dijon. Special dues
levied from market towns and on the profits of the duke’s mint are also
mentioned. For example, we hear of the tolls from the burgus of Caen, and also of the tolls of Falaise, Argentan, Exmes, Arques, and Dieppe. Rights of jurisdiction, on the other
hand, and immunities are not so clearly referred to. In the charters granted to
the monks of Saint-Ouen, Jumieges, Fecamp, and Bernai, there
are clauses it is true which somewhat obscurely guarantee to each abbey the
possession of its endowments “free from disturbance by any secular or judicial
powers”, but what this implied is doubtful.
These slight hints of course do not enable us to form
any clear picture of the administrative system under Richard II, but they go
some way to form a basis from which discussion may start. The fact too that
these charters of Richard II do not deal in vague generalities, but are
characterized by preciseness and a good deal of detail, adds considerably to
their value. On the other hand, being solely concerned with monastic privileges
they leave us entirely in the dark as to the relations of the duke with the
bishops and secular clergy of the province, and with the mass of the feudal
vassals, both matters which are of capital importance for the understanding of
Norman conditions.
To obtain any light on such questions, we must go
outside the monastic charters; but, as there are no written laws whether
secular or ecclesiastical to turn to as in England, we have only the very
scrappy and obscure information to rely on which can be gleaned from the
narratives of the few chroniclers who collected the traditions as to Richard’s
reign some two or three generations later. As regards the bishops, one point,
at any rate, emerges clearly, namely, their practical subordination to the
duke. Unlike many bishops in other parts of France or in Germany, not one of
the seven bishops of Normandy was uncontrolled master and lord of his episcopal
city, still less of any county or jurisdiction attached to it. Each bishop had
a vicomte by his side as a rival power reminding him
of the duke’s authority.
In Rouen itself there was a vicomte of the city, and the archbishop apparently had no special burgus of his own exempt from the vicomte’s interference.
Again, in the matter of appointing bishops the duke paid the scantiest
attention to the wishes of the cathedral clergy; for the most part he regarded
bishoprics as scarcely differing from lay fiefs, and when vacancies occurred
bestowed them, wherever it was possible, on his kinsmen. Richard the Fearless,
for example, shortly before his death appointed his younger son Robert to the
archbishopric of Rouen. Robert was already Count of Evreux, and he held both
offices for nearly fifty years. At his death in 1037 his comté descended to his son Richard, while the archbishopric was bestowed on Malger, a bastard son of Richard the Good. Once appointed,
the bishops in theory had considerable powers over the chapters of their
cathedral churches and over the parochial clergy, and, as regards some moral
offences, over the laity as well; for we meet with references to the
Episcopates Consuetudines and to the jurisdiction
exercised by archdeacons, and see the monks constantly endeavouring to withdraw their lands and tenants from the bishop's jurisdiction. In the
duke’s view, however, the bishops enjoyed their authority rather by his leave
and license than as an indefeasible right arising under the universal law of
the Church; and if there was any doubt or dispute as to the extent of a
bishop's powers, it was brought before the duke and settled by his authority.
The position of the laity, whether the military
classes or the peasantry, cannot be very summarily dealt with. As to the
former, three obscure problems confront the inquirer. They may be stated as
follows: firstly, on what conditions of tenure did the substantial landowners
hold their estates? secondly, how large were the ordinary baronies, that is to
say, the baronies held by men who could claim no kinship with the duke? and
thirdly, had any precise amount of military service been already fixed for each
barony? As to tenure, we find that an estate in some cases would be referred to
as an alodus,
in some cases as a beneficium,
in others as a feudum.
The contrast, however, between these tenures is evidently vanishing, and the
one is no more precarious in its nature than the other. The “alod” in particular no longer, as in earlier days, implied
absolute ownership. It was held of a lord, and the allodial owner, if he wished to dispose of it, had to obtain the lord's consent. The
lord, on the other hand, was free to dispose of his rights over the allodial owner to a third person. We find Richard II, for
instance, giving the monks of Saint-Wandrille an “alod” which he describes as held of himself by tenants named Osbern and Ansfred. Again, though Richard II alludes in one of his
charters for Fecamp first to certain hereditates quas patertio hire (fideles mei) possidebant, and
afterwards to certain beneficia quae nostri iuris erant, thereby seeming
to imply that there was some contrast between them, it is evident that in
general the fiefs whether of the barons or their knights were held on
hereditary tenure, and were neither estates for life nor estates at will. It
seems clear too that there was no attempt as yet, on the part of the duke, to
insist that fiefs were indivisible. In the absence of any special agreement,
when a succession occurred, all the sons had rights in the inheritance and, in
default of sons, daughters might inherit even the largest fiefs.
It is not so clear what happened if the heirs were
under age. In one case Richard II seems to dispose of the hand of a vassal’s
daughter; but our sources are too scanty to inform us whether the so-called
feudal incidents of later times, the right of the lord to reliefs, wardships, and marriage, had as yet been systematically
introduced. Evidence as to the size of the baronies is also scarce; but by good
fortune we have a fairly detailed description of the barony of a certain Gere,
which seems typical of the medium-sized Norman fief. This is preserved in the
remarkable account given of the origins of the monastery of Saint-Evroul by Ordericus Vitalis, a monk of that house, who wrote only a century
after Richard II’s death, and who piously put on record all the traditions
which he could collect about the ancestors of the men who had founded the
monastery in 1050. Gere, who was of Breton descent, began his career as a
vassal of the lords of Belleme, holding lands on the
southern frontier of Normandy and in Maine, with a castle at Saint-Ceneri on the river Sarthe near Alençon. While still a
young man, he came under the notice of Richard II, who granted him in addition
the barony of a Norman named Heugo, situated in the
southern part of the diocese of Lisieux in the
district of Ouche. The demesne lands of this barony,
as described by Ordericus, consisted of about
half-a-dozen detached manors spread out over thirty miles of wooded and hilly
country, the chief being Montreuil and Echauffour,
the one lying north and the other south of the site of Saint-Evroul. Even in his own district Gere had many formidable neighbours, of whom the chief were the Count of Brionne and the lord of Montgomeri;
but none the less he is put before us as a man of some importance, whose
daughters all married well, whose sons after his death were able to stand up
against the Count of Brionne, and who himself was
rich enough to build and endow six parish churches for the use of his tenantry.
Compared with the estates of many a king’s thegn in England, Gere's barony was clearly insignificant;
but this only emphasizes the fact that Normandy was quite a small principality,
in which there was no room for really large fiefs, and in which the great majority
of the duke's vassals were men of quite moderate estate, more or less on an
equality with each other. To show that Gere's barony really may be regarded as
a fair specimen of the medium Norman fief, we have to rely on much later
evidence, namely, the returns to the inquest ordered in 1172 to ascertain what
services were then due to the Duke of Normandy from his various barons. In
these returns we are informed that the barony of Montreuil and Echauffour still belonged to the house of Saint-Ceneri, that the number of knights holding of it was
twenty, and that its lord owed the duke the service of five knights. If,
however, we analyze the whole of the returns collected in 1172, we find that
the total number of knights enfeoffed on the Norman
baronies, after allowing for some missing returns, was about 1800 knights; that
the total service due to the duke from all the baronies put together was about
800 knights, and that, though there were some two dozen larger baronies which
owed the duke the service of ten to twenty knights each, the great mass of the
baronies were no larger than Gere's and owed the duke either a service of five
knights, like the barony of Montreuil and Echauffour,
or even a smaller service. In the period of 150 years between 1025 and 1172, we
must, of course, allow for the break-up and reconstitution of some of the
Norman baronies; but, as there is no good reason to suppose that the majority
of them were materially altered in either extent or character during that time,
this later evidence, besides testifying to the size of the baronies, gives us a
much-needed means of estimating roughly what number of fully-armed mounted
knights could take the field when summoned for service by Richard II.
And this is a matter of some importance, if we are to
have any just idea of Norman conditions; for historians have often spoken, when
describing Normandy, as if the Norman dukes could rely on several thousands of
knights, whereas in all probability in the middle of the eleventh century the
number of fully-equipped knights existing in the duchy can hardly have exceeded
twelve hundred. It is a further question how many of this total were really
bound to render the duke service on expeditions outside the limits of the
duchy. As already stated, in 1172 the duke only claimed to be entitled to the
service of some 800 knights, though by that date his barons had sub-enfeoffed more than double that number of knights on their
lands. It seems hardly probable that any of the earlier dukes could claim the
service of a larger body; for if so, then, as the duchy grew more populous and
more organized, the liability to find knights for offensive purposes must have
been reduced. But this we can hardly believe; and it is altogether more
reasonable to assume that the obligation to provide 800 knights or thereabouts
for the duke's service was an arrangement made in quite early days and applied
in the middle of the eleventh century as well as in the middle of the twelfth.
On the other hand, we can hardly assume that the precise number of knights,
twenty, fifteen, ten, five, and so on, due in 1172 from individual baronies,
had been fixed for each by the end of Richard's reign.
Such fixed quotas might indeed have been agreed upon
at any date; but in the case of the lay baronies their continuance unaltered
over a long period of years seems hardly feasible, so long as inheritances were
regarded as divisible among sons. The maintenance of fixed quotas of service
seems in fact bound up with the adoption of primogeniture as the rule of
succession to land, and with the development of the doctrines that fiefs were
indivisible and that younger sons, to share in the succession at all, must
become under-tenants of the eldest son. Exactly when these customs were
introduced, it is impossible to say. There are indications, however, that fixed
quotas of service had been imposed on some of the ecclesiastical baronies by
the middle of the eleventh century.
Lastly, a few words may be hazarded about the
peasantry and other classes below the grade of knights. As in the rest of the
feudal world, the general body of the peasantry in Normandy were tied to the
soil and in return for their holdings were bound to labour on the demesnes of their lords and render them in addition many special dues
and services. There were, however, it would seem, on Norman estates very few
actual slaves who could be treated merely as chattels; and this has been held
to differentiate Normandy from other French districts, as it certainly
distinguishes it from southern England. In Norman legal documents the ordinary
term for a peasant tied to the soil is either villanus, conditionarius, or colonus, but a considerable
class, described as hospites,
is also frequently referred to. It may be presumed from their name that this
latter class, in theory at any rate, had originally not been tied to the soil
in the same way as the villani,
but the evidence about them is too scanty to say to what extent it was still
possible for them to move from one lordship to another. The real difference in
Richard’s day may have been that, unlike the villani, they were not bound to
regular week-work, but only rendered the lord occasional services, like the sokemen or radmanni in
England. Finally, above the hospites came the vavassores or smaller freeholders. These men seem to have
been bound to military service, like the knights; but most of them served in
war-time on foot, not being individually wealthy enough to provide themselves
with a knight's full equipment. Groups of vavassors,
however, might in some instances be jointly liable to provide a fully-armed
knight to serve in the field for them. Lastly, there was a small class engaged
in industry and commerce, for the Normans had inherited the trading spirit from
their Norse ancestors. These men dwelt chiefly in the seven episcopal cities
and in the duke’s burgus of Caen. Outside these eight
towns there were as yet, so far as we can tell, no urban centres of any importance; such places as Lillebonne, Fecamp, Arques, Eu, Argentan, Falaise, Mortain, and other sites of castles, indeed had their
markets, but these places still remained essentially rural in character and
their inhabitants are not referred to as “burgenses”.
Normandy under Robert I
Duke Richard II died in 1026, leaving two legitimate
sons by his Breton wife Judith. The elder son, Richard III, only survived his
father a year, dying, it is hinted, by poison. The younger son, Robert I, who
must have been born about 1010 and who had been made titular Count of the Hiesmois, the district with Falaise for its centre, then succeeded and ruled as duke from
1027 to 1035. At first he was influenced by evil counsellors, and indulged in
planning foolish schemes, such as a raid on England in the interest of his
cousin, the exiled Aetheling Edward; but this was
frustrated by a storm. Tradition also has it that he might have married the
widowed Estrith, Knut’s semi-Swedish, semi-Danish
half-sister, who must have been some ten years his senior, but he neglected Knufs overtures. He began, however, as he grew older, to
show his family's normal ability, and he quite came to the front in French
politics in 1031, when he helped Henry I, the new King of France, to secure
his throne in despite of the Queen-mother and the Count of Blois, who
wished to set him aside.
In return for this service, King Henry is said to have
ceded to Robert the mesne feudal suzerainty over the barons of the French Vexin, the district between the Epte and the Oise, which ecclesiastically was part of the diocese of Rouen; but in
the end this grant remained inoperative, being always ignored by the Counts of
Mantes, who were determined to remain direct vassals of the French
crown. Duke Robert, like his father, was as a rule well-disposed to the
reforming party in the Church, and is represented as placing much reliance on
the counsels of Richard, the famous Abbot of St Vannes near Verdun, while Odilo, the fourth Abbot of Cluny, is found witnessing one
of his charters. Robert too, in spite of his short career, was a builder
of monasteries, being the founder of the abbey of St Vigor at Cerisy and also of the first Norman nunnery, which he
placed at Montevilliers near the mouth of the Seine. Cerisy and Mont-Saint-Michel, it should be noted, were as
yet the only monasteries founded in the western half of Normandy; but whereas
the famous Mount, lying on the very confines of Brittany, hardly extended its
influence beyond the Avranchin, Cerisy,
lying twelve miles west of Bayeux, was well placed for influencing both the Bessin and the Cotentin. Charters still in existence
further show that Robert’s liberality was not confined to his own
Though they unfortunately add little to our knowledge
of Norman institutions, they attest Robert’s interest in Fecamp,
Mont-Saint-Michel, Saint-Ouen, Jumieges,
and Saint-Wandrille, as well as in the cathedrals of
Rouen and Avranches. More important still, they
reveal the fact that a desire to found monasteries was now beginning to arise
among the greater Norman barons, and that the movement was encouraged by ducal
approval. This is a most noticeable development and led to three non-ducal
monasteries being founded, La Trinité-du-Mont at
Rouen in 1030 by the vicomte of Arques, Preaux near Pontaudemer by
Humphrey de Vetulis of Beaumont in 1034, and a third
on the fief of Gilbert, Count of Brionne, by his
knight Herluin. This last was shortly afterwards
moved to Bee near Brionne, and in a very few years
became one of the leading centres of piety and
learning in northern France. An equally important event, but of a different
kind, which also befell in Robert's reign, was the founding of the first Norman
principality in South Italy.
Ever since 1016, bands of Normans had been taking a
part in the conflicts between the Lombards and the
Greeks and Saracens. The Greek armies, we are told, disappeared before
them “as meat before devouring lions”. Consequently they were much prized as
allies by the Princes of Salerno and other Italian barons. About 1030, however,
they set up a petty state of their own at Aversa just north of Naples, a small
beginning, but one destined to have important consequences, like the founding
of Bec. In these adventures Duke Robert took no part
personally, but in 1034 he determined to follow the example of Fulk Nerra of Anjou and see the
world by making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Pilgrimages to the Holy Land had at
this date become quite common undertakings for Frenchmen; but in Robert's case
it entailed a difficulty, for being still unmarried he had no direct heir who
would automatically take his place if he did not return.
He had, however, when only Count of the Hiesmois, formed an irregular union with a low-born maiden
named Arlette, the daughter of Fulbert a tanner of Falaise, and had by her a son named William. For this
bastard son, who was now about seven years of age, and for Arlette, Robert had
a great affection, and he was determined that the boy should be his successor,
especially as his legitimate heir, his sister’s son, was a Burgundian and even
younger than William, while his own half-brothers, Malger and William, were both illegitimate. He therefore summoned a council and
proposed to his barons that they should undertake to accept his bastard son,
should misfortune befall him on his travels. This, it appears, they consented
to do, though doubtless the proposal was distasteful to some of them. Whereupon
four guardians of the duchy were chosen to conduct the government for the
little William, should his father fail to return. The guardians selected were
Gilbert, Count of Brionne, Osbern the duke’s seneschal, Thorold of Neufmarche, probably
the duke's constable, and Alan, Count of Rennes, the duke's cousin. Approval
for these arrangements was also obtained from the King of France as overlord of
Normandy. As Duke Robert was only about 25 years old and in perfect health, it
perhaps did not seem probable that the question of the succession would become
of immediate importance. Robert’s journey, however, turned out to be an
ill-fated one. He reached Jerusalem safely, but fell ill at Nicaea in Asia Minor,
on his way home, and died there on 2 July 1035.
The minority of William the Bastard.
As soon as Robert's death was reported in Normandy,
feudal turbulence broke out in most parts of the duchy. The young William was,
it is true, proclaimed duke without demur, for the barons never anticipated
that in a few years the bastard would become their unchallenged master, still
less that their children would one day acclaim Arlette’s child as the Conqueror
of England. What they looked forward to was the possibility of exploiting a
long minority in their own interests. William’s guardians, it would appear,
tried to do their duty to their ward; but how critical the times were can be
seen from the fact that at least three of them came to violent ends, Osbern the seneschal being actually assassinated in
William's bed-chamber by a member of the house of Montgomery.
It is by no means clear who took charge of William’s
education after the deaths of his guardians. Some writers think that he became
a ward of the King of France; but it is equally probable that he was protected
by the Archbishop of Rouen, who naturally desired to have control of the boy
duke's ecclesiastical powers and who was at the same time his most prominent
kinsman. At the date of William’s accession to the dukedom the archbishopric
was still held by his great-uncle Robert, who was also Count of
Evreux. But Robert died in 1037 and was succeeded in the archbishopric by
William’s uncle Malger. Now it was under Malger’s auspices in 1042 that the “Truce of God” for
limiting private war to three days in the week under pain of severe
ecclesiastical penalties was first proclaimed in Normandy, a circumstance which
at any rate shows that he busied himself with the suppression of feudal
turbulence. And if he was active in that direction, the further inference that
he took upon himself the protection and education of his nephew seems fairly
The promotion of Malger’s younger brother William to be Count of Arques at this
time also points the same way; and so does the appointment of Ralf de Wacv to lead the duke’s men against Thurstan Goz, the vicomte of the Hiesmois, who had treacherously seized Falaise;
for Ralf was a younger son of Archbishop Robert and Malger’s first cousin. Ralf de Wacy himself had rather an evil
reputation; but a certain amount of calm nevertheless seems to have followed on
his appointment, and it is interesting to note that three more baronial
monasteries arose about this time, the first being founded at Conches by Roger
de Toeni, standard-bearer of Normandy, the second at
Lire by William the son of the murdered seneschal Osbern,
and the third at Saint-Pierre-sur-Dives by Lescelina,
Countess of Eu. It was also during this period that
Robert, Abbot of Jumieges, was summoned to England by
King Edward to become Bishop of London, and that Robert Guiscard left his
village home at Hauteville near Coutances to seek his fortune in Apulia and become the founder of the principality which
in due time grew into the kingdom of Sicily.
It is not, however, till 1047, when Duke William had
reached the age of twenty, that we really get any precise news about him
personally. By that time it is clear that the more turbulent barons, especially
those whose fiefs lay in the Bessin and the Cotentin,
were beginning to be afraid of him, with the result that an organized movement
was set on foot for getting rid of him on the ground of his bastard birth, and
substituting in his place his Burgundian cousin Guy, who already had a footing
in the duchy as lord of Brionne and Vernon. The
leaders of this movement were Ralf of Briquessart and
Nigel of Saint-Sauveur, who were respectively vicomtes of the Bessin and the
Cotentin. They began operations by trying to capture William by treachery at Valognes. William, however, was warned in the nick of time;
and making his escape rode right across Normandy to Poissy near Paris to ask for help from the King of France. King Henry was not
unwilling to repay the service which he had himself received in like
circumstances from William's father sixteen years before, and so William was
enabled before long to take the field against the rebels at the head of a mixed
force of Normans and Frenchmen with King Henry at his side. The rival forces
met at Val-des-Dunes, a few miles east of Caen, and the day ended in a complete
victory for the Bastard, who soon followed it up by taking Brionne and driving Guy of Burgundy out of Normandy.
The victory of Val-des-Dunes marks William’s accession
to power, and a year later he still further enhanced his fame by leading a
large band of Norman knights into Anjou to assist King Henry in an attack on
Geoffrey Martel. On this expedition he showed such daring in the field and such
skill as a military leader that Geoffrey Martel himself declared that there
could nowhere be found so good a knight as the Duke of Normandy.
Having made such a successful debut, William was not
the man to let the grass grow under his feet, but quickly set to work to make
it clear to all who were in any way inclined to thwart him that he “recked nought of them and that if
they would live or would keep their lands or would be maintained in their
rights they must will all that he willed”. If not, whether kinsman or vassal,
bishop or monk, rich or poor, he would sweep them from his path, sparing no
man. The first to feel the weight of his wrath were his kinsmen, William Count
of Mortain, William Busac of Eu, and William Count of Arques.
In turn they all challenged the duke’s authority, and for their temerity were
deprived of their estates and driven into exile, the first to Apulia, the
second to Boulogne, and the third to the court of the French King. Shortly
afterwards William also fell foul of Archbishop Malger.
The quarrel arose primarily because William resented
the attitude which the leaders of the Church had taken up in the matter of his
marriage. As early as 1048, William made overtures to the Count of Flanders,
Baldwin V, for the hand of his daughter Matilda. The Count approved of the
match, but on some obscure grounds the clergy objected to it, and bringing the
matter before Pope Leo IX at the Council of Rheims in 1049, obtained a decree
forbidding William and Matilda to marry. As soon, however, as William heard in
1053 that Pope Leo had been beaten and taken prisoner at Civitate,
he set the Church’s ban at defiance, and boldly married Matilda in the minster
at Eu. Malger, who was
smarting over the outlawry of his brother the Count of Arques,
thereupon excommunicated William, with the result that two years later he was
himself deposed by a council summoned by William, on the charge that he was too
worldly a prelate, while his see was bestowed on Mauritius, a monk of Fecamp.
It was in the middle of this period of family strife
in 1051 that William visited England and came back believing, as he afterwards
declared, that he had received some sort of promise from his kinsman King
Edward that he would be nominated by him as his successor. At the moment, of
course, this promise could make no practical difference to William’s position.
It was otherwise, however, with his marriage to Matilda; for the alliance with
Flanders upset the balance of power in northern France and led Henry I to
abandon the traditional friendship of the Capetian house towards the lords of
Rouen and to take up the cause of William’s dispossessed kinsmen. This new
policy led to two invasions of Normandy by French forces, but on both occasions
Henry’s arms met with crushing defeats, in 1054 at Mortemer,
not far from Aumale, and in 1058 at Varaville, near the mouth of the Dives.
The acquisition of the county of Maine
These victories greatly increased William’s confidence
in himself, and turned his thoughts towards enlarging his dominions at the
expense of his southern neighbours. Already in 1049
he had made a beginning by seizing the hill-town of Domfront and the surrounding district of the Passais in the
north-west corner of the county of Maine and annexing them to Normandy; but in
1051 Geoffrey Martel had made further expansion in this direction difficult by
driving Herbert, the young Count of Maine, out of his patrimony, and annexing
his territories to Anjou. After the victory of Mortemer William advanced beyond Domfront another twelve miles
into Maine and built a castle at Ambrieres in
defiance of Geoffrey. This was a serious menace to Geoffrey of Mainz, the
leading baron of western Maine, who appealed to Geoffrey Martel for assistance;
but their united efforts to demolish the fortress only led to the capture of
Geoffrey of Mainz, who, a little later, was forced to do homage to William for
his lands in order to regain his freedom. In eastern Maine, however, where lay
the see and castle of Le Mans and the chief demesnes of the count, Geoffrey
Martel’s position remained unaffected, and the most William could do was to
prepare for the future by betrothing his infant son Robert to Count Herbert's
infant sister Margaret, with the understanding that Herbert’s right to Maine,
if he died childless, should pass to the heir of Normandy as Margaret's
destined husband. In 1060 both Henry of France and Geoffrey of Anjou died, and
the way became open for Count Herbert to recover his patrimony.
But in 1062 Herbert also died, whereupon William at
once advanced down the valley of the Sarthe and occupied Le Mans in Margaret’s
name, in opposition to the wishes of the inhabitants, who rose in favour of Herbert’s aunt Biota, the wife of Walter, Count
of Mantes. A year later the little Margaret died before any marriage had taken
place between her and Robert. The only excuse for holding Le Mans therefore
vanished; but William none the less determined to retain his prize and shortly
afterwards himself assumed the title of Count of Maine.
In normal times this step would have provoked strong
opposition both from the King of France and the Count of Anjou; but Philip I,
the new King of France, was at the time a minor, and in the guardianship of
William's father-in-law, the Count of Flanders, while the Angevin inheritance was in dispute between Geoffrey Martel’s two nephews. William
accordingly in 1064 had a free hand. His overlordship nevertheless was not really acceptable to either the clergy or the barons of
Maine, who, if they must submit to a stranger, much preferred an Angevin master. In the long run, therefore, the acquisition
of the overlordship over Maine, partly by force and
partly by chicanery, brought William little real strength, though it
undoubtedly increased his reputation for luck and cunning. Meantime on his
eastern border William had also profited by the victory of Mortemer to compel the Count of Ponthieu to do him homage; and
thus it came about that Harold was handed over to William
and became his unwilling guest when he was wrecked in the count’s
The Norman Church under William
By 1065, then, William was a far more commanding
French feudatory than he had been in 1047. Within his duchy also he had taken
steps which greatly consolidated his authority. For example, he had fixed the
quotas of military service for his barons and rigidly enforced the rule that no
castle should be built without his leave; he had made his half-brothers, Robert
and Odo, the sons of Arlette by a marriage with Herluin of Conteville,
respectively Count of Mortain and Bishop of Bayeux,
and had bestowed on each of them very extensive fiefs. He had also, in 1059,
obtained a dispensation for his marriage from Pope Nicholas II on the condition
that he and his wife should each build and endow a monastery. This
reconciliation with the Church had been negotiated in Rome by the Italian Prior
of Bec, Lanfranc of Pavia, who, in spite of his
original opposition to William’s marriage, had become his closest friend and
adviser. And this was very important, for Lanfranc was not only the finest
teacher of his day and renowned for his successful disputations with the
heretic Berengar, but was also a most subtle lawyer
and a statesman of genius. Born about 1008, he was some twenty years older than
William; but, once they had made friends, the difference of age and training
was no bar to the completest sympathy arising between them, and so a
relationship arose which was of the utmost value to William, as it put at his
service one of the keenest and most practical intellects in Europe. At the same
time, it must not be thought that either William's reconciliation with the
Papacy or his friendship for Lanfranc had made him in any way abandon the
claims of his ancestors to be supreme over the Norman clergy.
On the contrary, in 1065 there was hardly any
continental Church so much under the control of the secular power as that of
Normandy. Not only did the duke nominate all the Norman bishops and invest them
with their privileges, but he was regularly present at the meetings of Church
councils and no ecclesiastical decrees were issued without his sanction. His
influence over the clergy, however, seems to have been almost wholly a good
one. For just as he himself in his private life was an earnest and religious
man and an exemplary husband, so in his public capacity, as protector of the
Church, he took the greatest pains to foster discipline and piety among the
parish priests, and saw to it that the prelates whom he selected were men of
learning and character who would do their best to promote reforms and rebuke
evil-doers. He also took an active part in broadening the range of monastic
In obedience to the Pope’s decree, he set himself
about building two monasteries at Caen, one for men and the other for women,
and he did his best further to improve discipline and learning in the older
ducal abbeys. His example too was an incentive to several of his greater
vassals, with the result that some six or seven baronial minsters were founded
between 1050 and 1065. The chief of these were St Évroul and Cormeilles in the diocese of Lisieux,
St Martin at Seez, and Troarn near Val-des-Dunes in the Bessin, the last two, it
should be noted, both being founded by Roger of Montgomery. Normandy could
therefore boast in 1065 of twenty-one monasteries for men, eight of which were
in the patronage of the duke and thirteen in the patronage of the leading
barons. There was, however, still no monastic foundation in the diocese of Coutances.
William prepares to invade England, 1066
The foregoing sketch of the development of Normandy
and of William’s career down to 1066 has been given in order to show clearly
the nature of the risks deliberately accepted by Harold when he seized the
English crown. However confident he might be that he could deal with the Earls
of Mercia and Northumbria—and he at once tried to
conciliate them by marrying their sister Ealdgyth—Harold
knew that his most dangerous rival was William and that it would be very
difficult to come to terms with him. Nor did William long leave any one in
doubt as to his intentions.
As soon as he heard of Harold’s coronation, he sent
messengers to England, reminding him of his oath and demanding his allegiance.
At the same time he proclaimed to all the world that Harold was a usurper, and
sent envoys to Pope Alexander II denouncing Harold as a perjurer and asking for
a blessing on his proposed invasion of England. To this appeal the Pope gave a favourable ear; for the English Church in the eyes of the
Curia was much in need of reform, and might well be brought by such an
expedition more under papal authority. Alexander, therefore, by the advice of
Archdeacon Hildebrand, sent William a consecrated banner as a token of his
approbation, and thus gave the duke’s piratical adventure almost the character
of a holy war. Pending the result of their negotiations, William summoned a
council of his barons to meet at Lillebonne, and
asked them to support his enterprise.
It was only with difficulty that they were persuaded
to help him. Feudal law gave the duke no right to call for their services out
of France, and to most of them it seemed doubtful whether a sufficiently strong
force could be got together for so great an undertaking, or, even if got
together, whether it would be possible to build and man sufficient transports
to carry it across the Channel. The first objection was met by asking for
volunteers from outside Normandy and promising them a share in the plunder of
England. And as for the second objection, William would not listen to it for a
moment, but ordered transports to be built in all parts of the duchy and stores
of arms and provisions to be made ready by harvest time.
In these deliberations the most active advocate of the
duke's project was his seneschal William Fitz Osbern,
who perhaps knew something of southern England at first hand, as his brother Osbern Fitz Osbern already held
an ecclesiastical post in Sussex, being Dean of Bosham,
together with an estate in Cornwall. The appeal for volunteers soon brought
adventurous spirits from all quarters to William's standard. The largest number
are said to have come from Brittany, led by Brian and Alan of Penthievre; but the number of Flemings was almost as great.
There were also strong contingents from Artois and Picardy, while Eustace of
Boulogne, who had a long-standing feud with the house of Godwin, offered his
services in person.
On the other hand very little help came from Maine or
Anjou, and only a handful of knights from more distant parts, such as
Champagne, Poitou, or Apulia. One would fain know the total number of William’s
host, but as usual the figures given by the chroniclers are merely rhetorical.
Several considerations, however, strictly limit the possible numbers. In the
first place, we can be sure that the Norman contingents outnumbered the
auxiliaries from other parts. But, as we have already seen, it is very unlikely
that Normandy at this time could put more than 1200 knights into the field.
Again, the Bayeux poet Wace, who describes the expedition in great detail in
Roman de Rou, a metrical chronicle written about 1172, states that his father
had told him that the number of transports of all kinds was not quite seven
hundred; and, as the Bayeux tapestry testifies, the largest of these were only
open barges, with one square sail, not capable of holding more than a dozen
horses, while the majority were still smaller and less capacious.
It seems then that the most plausible number we can
assume for William’s army is somewhere round about 5000 men. Somewhere about
2000 of these were probably fully-equipped knights with trained horses, of whom
about 1200 hailed from Normandy and about 800 from other districts, while the
remaining 3000 men would be made up by contingents of footmen and archers and
the crews who manned the ships. In that age, however, even 5000 men were an almost
fabulously large force to collect and keep embodied for any length of time, nor
were there any precedents for attempting to transport a large body of cavalry
across the sea. No viking leaders had ever done that.
Their fleets had only carried warriors, and their
first operation after landing had always been to seize horses from the invaded
territory. William’s knights, on the contrary, must have their own trained
horses; and so William had to provide for bringing over at least 2500 horses in
addition to his men, and this too in small open boats which were unable to beat
to windward; nor could he reckon on any docking accommodation, either for
embarking or disembarking them. The mere crossing of the Channel, then, would
be a remarkable and very novel feat; and if the weather turned stormy or the
tide were missed, a very hazardous one. Nothing indeed brings out the duke's
prestige so plainly as the fact that he was able to persuade his followers to
take so tremendous a risk. By harvest time, as arranged, his preparations were
fairly complete, and the contingents from western Normandy and Brittany lay
ready with their transports at the mouth of the Dives. There they remained windbound for four weeks, and it was only in the middle of
September that they were able to move eastwards to Saint-Valery in the estuary
of the Somme and join the contingents from eastern Normandy and Picardy. At
Saint-Valery the invaders were about 60 miles as the crow flies from the Sussex
coast, instead of about 105 miles as they would have been had they started from
the Dives; but still there was no sign of a fair wind for England, and whispers
began to spread that William's luck had deserted him.
Harold defeats Harold Hardrada
Meantime, events were taking place in England which greatly
improved William’s chances. All through the summer Harold had kept both men and
ships in readiness on the south coast for William’s coming. But when September
came the men insisted on going to their homes to see after the harvest.
Scarcely, however, had they disbanded, when Harold received the unwelcome
tidings that his exiled brother Tostig in alliance
with Harold Hardrada, the great warrior-King of
Norway, had entered the Humber with a large fleet and was threatening York.
Harold at once got together his house-carls and such
other men as he could lay hands on, and started to cover the 200 miles between
London and York by forced marches to succour the
Before he reached Tadcaster,
news arrived that the Earls Edwin and Morkere had
been defeated at Fulford outside York, that the city
had submitted, and that the invaders had moved off eastwards to plunder Harold’s
own manor of Catton by Stamford Bridge on the Derwent. Harold accordingly
marched past York and fell on the invaders by surprise. A long and desperate
tight ensued, in which both Harold Hardrada and Tostig were killed, while only a remnant of their men
survived to regain their ships and betake themselves home. This splendid
victory was gained on Monday, 25 September, and at any other time would have made
Harold’s position secure.
Almost at the same time William at Saint-Valery, in
total ignorance of what Harold was doing, was organizing processions of relics
to intercede for more favourable weather. In most
years equinoctial gales might have been expected, but suddenly fate smiled upon
him. The weather became fine, the wind veered round to the right quarter, and
on Thursday, 28 September, he was able to embark all his men and horses. By
nightfall all was ready, but he still had to wait for the tide.
The actual start was not made till near midnight,
William leading the way with a lantern at his mast-head in the Mora, a
fast-sailing craft which had been specially fitted out for him by his wife. The
probable intention was to land near Winchelsea in the great manor of Brede (Rameslie), which for over 40 years had been in the
possession of the monks of Fecamp by the gift of Knut
and Emma. The wind and tide, however, carried the flotilla farther to the west,
and in the morning William found himself off the small haven of Pevensey, with
no obstacle to bar his entrance. Pevensey itself at this time was a small
borough of 52 burgesses; but they could only look on helplessly while William’s
transports were one by one beached and unloaded. Once safe ashore, no time was
lost in moving eastwards to the larger borough of Hastings, where orders were
immediately given for the building of a castle.
On the news of William’s landing being brought to
York, Harold at once rode south to London to collect fresh forces, leaving
Edwin and Morkere to follow. Many of his best house-carls had fallen at Stamford Bridge, but a very powerful
force of thegns could soon have been mustered from
the shires south of the Welland and Avon if only
Harold would have played a waiting game. He was, however, in no mood to remain
on the defensive. He had just won a magnificent victory, and it seemed to him a
cowardly plan merely to stand by and let the invaders overrun his native Sussex
without hindrance. He therefore, after a few days’ halt, set out again, having
with him only such levies as had hastily come in from the districts nearest
Passing through the Weald, he led his forces towards Crowhurst and Whatlington, two
villages lying northwest of Hastings, which had formed part of his personal
estates before he became Earl of Wessex, and on 13
October, the eve of St Calixtus, he encamped on an
open ridge of down which lay midway between his two properties some six miles
from the sea. Early next day William, eager to attack, marshalled his army near
the high ground of Telham, two miles away, and then
advanced in three divisions having the Breton contingents, say 1000 men, on the
left, the Flemings and Frenchmen, say 1000 men, on the right, and the Normans,
say 2400 men, in the centre.
A slight valley intervened between the two armies, and
across it William could see Harold's forces posted in close formation several
ranks deep along the crest of the ridge, having a front of perhaps 500 yards.
The English in accordance with their national custom were all on foot, the
house-carls and thegns being armed with two-handed axes and kite-shaped shields. Some of Harold's men,
however, were just peasants, armed only with javelins and stone-tipped clubs.
The whole body probably outnumbered the invaders, but Harold knew that he was
at a great disadvantage in having very few archers, and no mounted troops to
match William's 2000 horsemen. He consequently gave his men orders to stand
strictly on the defensive, and on no account to leave their position, which was
one of advantage, as the enemy would have to attack up a fairly steep slope,
whether in front or on the flanks. William's men, undeterred by that, came on
steadily, the front ranks in each division being made up of archers and
cross-bowmen, followed by lines of heavily-armed footmen, while the knights
brought up the rear.
For some hours all attempts to storm the hill were in
vain, and at one moment William had great difficulty in preventing the Bretons
from retreating in a panic. At last, however, by the stratagem of a feigned
flight on the right, a number of the English were induced to rush down the hill
in pursuit, whereupon the Norman knights wheeled their horses round, and easily
cut them to pieces. This gave the opening which William was looking for.
Renewing the attack, slowly but surely the Norman knights pressed back the
depleted English shield-wall, until at last Harold was mortally wounded by an
arrow in his eye. For a space some leading thegns still held out round the king's dragon standard; but one by one they too were
hewn down, so that by nightfall the English army was reduced to a mere
leaderless rabble which scattered and fled into the woods.
The disaster to Harold's cause was complete. The
deaths of his brothers, Earls Gyrth and Leofwin, together with the slaughter of so many leading
men, made it impossible for the supporters of the house of Godwin in eastern Wessex to make another stand. Duke William, on the other
hand, was too cautious to press on quickly; and it was not till five days after
his victory that he set out from Hastings to get possession of Canterbury,
moving by Romney and Dover.
Meantime, in London, the leaders of the English
Church, headed by Stigand, acting in cooperation with
the chief landowners of the Midlands and the Eastern counties under the
guidance of Aesgar the Staller, the leading magnate
in Essex, declared for setting Edgar the Aetheling on
the throne. In this decision Edwin and Morkere outwardly acquiesced; but secretly the two earls were intriguing to prevent the
crowning of the young prince—he was hardly yet seventeen, it would seem—and
they soon retired to their estates without summoning their men to fight for
Once more it was clearly shown that the English race
had as yet developed no true national feeling. Perhaps what the earls hoped for
was a partition of the kingdom between themselves and William, the duke
contenting himself with Wessex. While still at
Canterbury, the news was brought to William that Queen Edith and the men of
Winchester were prepared to recognize him. This made it safer for him to
advance on London; but before actually attacking the city, he thought it more
politic to secure as strong a foothold as possible south of the Thames. He
therefore marched past Southwark and Kingston and up
the Thames valley, harrying a wide belt of country, until he came to the
borough of Wallingford, at that time the chief place in Berkshire.
Crossing the Thames at this point, he doubled back
eastwards to Berkhampstead in Hertfordshire, so as to
threaten London from the north-west and cut it off from possible succour from the Midlands. As Edwin and Morkere still remained inactive, the magnates in London decided that armed resistance
was hopeless. They accordingly went to meet William, and made their submission,
the king-elect, Edgar the Aetheling, being one of the
party. The Norman forces thereupon advanced unopposed to London; and on
Christmas Day 1066 William, like Harold only a year before, was hallowed King
of the English in Edward's new church at Westminster by Ealdred the Archbishop of York, Stigand of Canterbury’s services
being refused, on the ground that he had received his pallium from an
William crowned. Revolt of Hereward
When once William had been crowned with the
traditional rites, his attitude towards those who had submitted to him
necessarily changed from that of an invader bent on promoting terror and havoc
to that of a lawful sovereign anxious to stand well in the eyes of his new
subjects and eager to give them as good peace as he had already given to
Normandy. Nevertheless, William was faced with a dilemma; for he could not
safely allow his new dominions to remain without a Norman garrison, or risk
offending the soldiery to whom he owed his triumph by disappointing them of
their promised rewards. To feel secure he had to allot extensive estates to his
chief followers, which they, in their turn, could deal out to their retainers,
and also build castles up and down the land for their protection. As he
surveyed his position, however, after the coronation, William might well think
that he had gained sufficient territory to reward his men lavishly. The area
acknowledging his authority was already much larger than Normandy, and it
included a considerable proportion of the most fertile and best populated parts
of the country. It comprised, moreover, the estates of nearly all those who had
actually fought against him, including a large proportion of the estates of the
house of Godwin; and all these he could legitimately regard as confiscated for
treason and available for distribution. The areas, too, which had not as yet
actively opposed him, such as West Wessex, North
Mercia, and Northumbria, might well submit
voluntarily if given more time. He therefore decided to adopt a waiting policy,
and to direct his immediate efforts to organizing the south-eastern half of the
country, giving out at the same time that the English laws and customs would be
maintained, and that even those who had helped to set up Edgar the Aetheling might make their peace by paving suitable fines
and providing hostages. In Essex and East Anglia there was really little doubt
that leniency would be the best policy, as William knew that several of the
leading landowners, such as the Bishop of London, the Abbot of Bury St Edmunds,
Half the Staller, and Robert son of Wimarc, were
definitely on his side, being men of French extraction who had been installed
and promoted by King Edward. The policy of waiting, however, quickly bore fruit
in the Midlands as well, and before long many of the leading Mercians, headed by Edwin and Morkere,
betook themselves to William’s court at Barking and did him homage. The two
earls, in fact, as they had not fought against William, were well received and
confirmed in all their possessions on the condition that they remained in his
company. Meanwhile castle-building and the assignment of confiscated lands to
Normans were pressed on steadily, and by March William felt himself
sufficiently secure to risk a visit to Normandy, for the double purpose of
making a triumphal progress through the duchy and of impressing his continental neighbours. To grace his triumph he took with him
Edgar the Aetheling, Archbishop Stigand,
Earl Edwin, Earl Morkere, Earl Waltheof,
and many other leading Englishmen, and also a great quantity of gold and silver
and plate and jewels, seized from the conquered districts, for distribution as
a thank-offering among the churches of Normandy. In England he left the
direction of affairs in the hands of his half-brother, Odo,
Bishop of Bayeux, and of his seneschal William Fitz Osbern,
the former having his head-quarters in Kent and Essex, and the latter
apparently in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, together with the custody of
more distant strongholds in Gloucestershire and Herefordshire. For eight
months these two governed as joint-regents; and if they did not foster, at any
rate they did little to repress, the rapacity and licence of the rank and file of the intending settlers. No serious risings of the
English, however, occurred, the only disturbance of note being an unsuccessful
attempt made by Eustace of Boulogne, helped by the men of Kent, to oust Odo of Bayeux from Dover, a stronghold which the count
claimed ought to have been entrusted to him and not to the bishop.
In December 1067 William returned from Normandy, and
soon realized that the remoter shires were not going to submit to his authority
without compulsion. To begin with, Harold's mother, Gytha,
was still holding out in western Wessex; and though
the men of Somerset had apparently by this time deserted her cause, it required
a march by William in person to Exeter, and an eighteen days1 siege of the
borough, before the men of Devon and Cornwall would come to terms with him.
Then, soon after Whitsuntide 1068, came the news that Edwin and Morkere, disgusted at the slights put upon them, had broken
into revolt, that Edgar the Aetheling with his
sisters had set out for the north, and that Gospatric,
who had been recognized by William as Earl of Bemicia,
was inclined to set Edgar up as king. William, thus challenged, at once marched
his forces into Yorkshire. The rapidity of his movements and the prompt
building of castles at Warwick, Nottingham, and York, quickly cowed Edwin and Morkere into renewing their allegiance; but Edgar and Gospatric took refuge at the court of Malcolm Canmore, the King of Scots (1054-1092), who received them honourably. William himself did not go beyond York, but
turned south again, and spent the autumn in erecting castles at Lincoln,
Huntingdon, and Cambridge. Being determined, however, to get a footing in the
north, he offered the earldom of Bemicia to one of
his Flemish followers, Robert of Commines, and sent him early in 1069 with a
force of 500 horsemen to Durham. This move ended in disaster, for the
Northumbrians at once rose and massacred Commines and his men; whereupon Edgar,
helped by Earl Waltheof, reappeared in Yorkshire and
laid siege to William's forces in York. Once more William hastened to York and
gave orders for a second castle to be built there. But even so the Yorkshiremen
were only temporarily quelled, and soon took heart again on hearing that Svein Estrithson of Denmark was
at last fitting out an army to enforce his claim to the English crown as Knufs heir. The Danish expedition set out in August 1068,
and after ineffective attacks on Kent and East Anglia, joined forces with Edgar
the Aetheling in the Humber. The fall of York
followed towards the end of September, Waltheof taking a prominent part in the attack. For a moment the situation looked
serious; for a revolt was also in progress in Shropshire and Staffordshire led by a thegn named Eadric the Wild, while only a month or two earlier some of
Harold's illegitimate sons, sailing from Dublin, had effected a landing near Barnstaple in Devon. There was, however, no real
co-operation between William’s enemies, and the crisis soon passed away.
Leaving the Bishop of Coutances and Brian of Penthievre to deal with the danger in the south, William
himself marched upon Stafford, scattering the rebels before him, and then into
Yorkshire, at the same time sending detachments into Lindsey under the Counts
of Mortain and Eu. South of
the Humber these leaders were successful in capturing several parties of Danes,
but William himself was held up at the river Aire by
floods for over three weeks. His mere proximity, however, demoralized the
Danes; and when at last he renewed his advance, he found that the main body had
evacuated York and retreated to their ships. The way was thus cleared for
William to punish the Yorkshiremen. Thrice they had defied him, and he was determined
that it should never occur again. He therefore gave orders that the country
from the Humber to the Tyne should be systematically devastated. For several
weeks the cruel work went on, the villages one after the other being burnt,
while the inhabitants and cattle were either killed or driven away. As a
result, the whole of the diocese of York, stretching from the North Sea to the
Irish Channel, became so depopulated that even twenty years later the greater
part of it still remained an uncultivated waste. Nothing in William's career
has so blackened his reputation as this barbarous action; but it led quickly to Gospatric and Walthcof’s submission, and at any rate freed the Normans from all further danger. In 1070
Cheshire and Shropshire were both overcome without
any serious fighting, and by March William was back at Salisbury and able to
disband his forces. After that, only one more rising of the English is
reported. This was led by Hereward, a petty Lincolnshire landowner, and was no
more than a forlorn hope, provoked by the arrival of the Danish fleet in the
fenlands surrounding Ely. The Danes indeed effected little beyond the sack of
Peterborough, but Hereward held out in the Isle of Ely for over a year. The
fall of his stronghold marks the completion of the Conquest. By the close of
1071, William was in full possession of every English shire; Earl Edwin was
dead, Earl Morkere a prisoner, and Edgar the Aetheling was once more a fugitive in Scotland.
The evidence of Domesday Book
Having followed in outline the five years’ struggle by
which William gradually obtained full mastery over his kingdom, it is time to
turn to the measures which he took for its reorganization and government. At
the outset, as we have seen, it was by no means his intention to make many
sweeping changes. He claimed to be Edward's lawful heir, and from the first he
gave out that it was his will that “all men should have and hold Edward’s law”.
Such surviving writs and charters as date from the years 1067 and 1068 show
that at first he acted partly through Englishmen, while to some extent he even
seems to have employed the English local levies in his military operations.
The prolonged resistance, however, which he
encountered in so many districts, inevitably led the Conqueror to change this
policy, and gave him an excuse for treating all the greater English laymen as
suspected, if not active, rebels and for confiscating their estates. He thus by
degrees seized nearly all the best land, with the exception of the broad
estates owned by the Church and the monasteries, and was able to reward his
leading fighting-men not merely handsomely, but with fiefs often ten or even
twenty times as valuable as the lands they possessed across the Channel. And
even so he by no means exhausted the land at his disposal, but was able to
retain for himself far more and far better distributed crown-lands than had
been enjoyed by any English king before him. He was able further to set aside a
sufficient amount of land to provide wages or maintenance for some hundreds of
minor officials and domestic retainers, such as chaplains, clerks, physicians,
chamberlains, cooks, barbers, bailiffs, foresters, falconers, huntsmen, and so
forth, whom he employed about his person or on his wide-spread estates, or
whose past services had entitled them to either pensions or charity.
The process by which the conquered land was parceled
out into fiefs for William’s fighting-men can unfortunately only be surmised;
for no documents have survived, if any ever existed, recording his grants or
the terms on which they were made. The outcome of the process on the other hand
is very completely set before us, as the resulting fiefs, or “baronies” to use
the technical French term which now came into use, are all described in minute
detail in the “book of Winchester”, the unique land-register, soon nicknamed “Domesdei”, which the Conqueror ordered to be drawn up in
1086. This wonderful survey, which we know as Domesday Book, covers the whole
kingdom with the exception of the four northern counties and a few towns,
London and Winchester being unfortunately among the omissions.
Internal evidence shows that the survey was made by
sending several bands of commissioners on circuit through the shires, who
convened the shire-moots and got the information they required from local
juries, containing both Normans and Englishmen, drawn from each hundred. The
resulting returns, which are set out in Domesday Book county by county and fief
by fief, are clearly answers to a definite schedule of questions which were put
to the juries, and which were designed to elicit how many distinct properties,
or “manors” as the Normans termed them, there were in each hundred, by whom
they had formerly been held in King Edward's day, and to whom they had been
allotted, how far they were sufficiently stocked with peasantry and
plough-oxen, and what was estimated to be their annual value to their
possessors, both before the Conquest and at the date when the survey was made.
Particulars were also called for, which enable us to
ascertain the categories into which the peasantry were divided, the
distribution of wood, meadow, and pasture, and the amount of taxation to which
each manor was liable in the event of the king levying a Danegeld.
Unfortunately the clerks who compiled the record in its final shape at
Winchester, and re-arranged the returns by fiefs instead of as originally by
hundreds and villages, were not directed to summarize the information collected
about each fief; and so the survey contains no totals either of area or value
for the different fiefs by which they can be conveniently compared and
contrasted one with another.
With patience, however, such totals can be
approximately worked out, and sufficiently accurate statistics compiled to show
relatively how much of England William reserved for himself and his personal dependants, how much he left in the hands of the prelates
and monastic houses, and how much he assigned to the various lay baronies which
he created to reward the soldiery by whose help he had effected the Conquest.
In making such calculations, however, it is not so much the acreage or extent
of any given fief which it is important to find out as its total annual value.
Any widespread estate, of course, gave importance to its possessor from a political
point of view; but in the eleventh century, just as today, acreage was only of
subsidiary importance, and the effective power of most of the landed magnates
at bottom depended, not on the area but on the fertility and populousness of their manors and on the revenue which could
be obtained from them either in money or in kind. It is in fact as often as not
misleading to count up the number of the manors on different fiefs, as some
commentators on Domesday Book have done, and contrast, for example, the seven
hundred and ninety-three manors allotted to the Count of Mortain with the four hundred and thirty-nine manors allotted to the Bishop of Bayeux,
or both with, say, the hundred and sixty-two manors allotted to William Peverel. For “manors” or holdings were of every conceivable
extent and variety, just as estates are today, and might vary from petty farms
worth only a few shillings a year, in the currency of those times, to lordly
complexes of land stretching over dozens of villages and worth not infrequently
as much as £100 a year or more. Even neighboring manors of similar acreage
might vary enormously in value in proportion as they were well or badly stocked
with husbandmen and cattle; while in some parts of England whole districts
remained throughout William's reign so badly devastated that to own them was
far more of a liability than an advantage, in view of the large expenditure
required for reinstatement.
To take a leading example, Hugh, the Vicomte of Avranches, was
allotted almost the whole of Cheshire with the title of Earl, a wide territory
which in later centuries gave considerable importance to his successors; but in
Hugh's day (1071-1101) the revenue which could be derived from all the manors
in Cheshire put together was estimated to be little more than £200 a year. In
Middlesex on the other hand the single manor of Isleworth was estimated to be worth £72 a year in 1086 and the manors of Fulham and Harrow £40 and £56 a year respectively; nor were
manors such as these by any means the most valuable which then existed in
fertile and populous parts of England. It seems clear then that the Vicomte of Avranches did not
derive his undoubted importance and power in England so much from his Cheshire
estates, in spite of their extent, as from other far better stocked manors
which William allotted to him in Lincolnshire (£272), Suffolk (£115), Oxfordshire (£70), and elsewhere, which were together
worth over £700 a year, and without which he and his retainers could hardly
have supported the expense of defending the marches of Cheshire against the
tribesmen of North Wales.
Let us take then the estimated annual value put upon
the various manors and estates by the Domesday juries in 1086 as the most
illuminating basis of calculation open to us. If this is done, it will be
found, after a reasonable allowance has been made for ambiguous entries and
entries where the value has been inadvertently omitted by the scribes who wrote
out the final revision, that the total revenue in the money of the period of
the rural properties dealt with in the survey, but exclusive of the revenue
arising from the towns, may be thought of in round figures as about £73,000 a
To this total the ten shires of Wessex south of the Thames contributed about £32,000, the three East Anglian shires
about £12,950, the eight West Mercian shires about £11,000, the seven shires of
the Southern Danelaw lying between the Thames and the Welland about £9400, the northern Danelaw between the Welland and the Humber about £6450, and finally the devastated lands of Yorkshire and
Lancashire about £1200.
If it were possible to ascertain the corresponding
values at the date when the estates first came into the hands of their new
owners, the figures would in each case be much smaller; but though there are
some returns in Domesday which give the values “when the lands were received”,
these are far too fragmentary to furnish the data necessary for calculating such
general totals. To make up totals from averages is all that could be done for
the earlier date, which would be unsatisfactory; and, after all, the values for
1086 are perhaps more to our purpose, as they indicate better the
potentialities of income to which the new landowners could look forward in
1070, however much for the moment the countryside had been impoverished by the
fighting in the previous four years.
Reckoning then that the income from land which the
Conqueror had at his disposal, exclusive of the rents and other profits of the
boroughs, was potentially about £73,000 a year, Domesday Book, when further
analyzed, shows that the distribution of this sum resulting from the king's
grants for the five main purposes for which he had to provide was roughly as
follows: (a) £17,650 a year for the support of the Crown and royal house,
including in that category himself, his queen, his two half-brothers, and King
Edward's widow; (b) £1800 a year for the remuneration of his minor officials
and personal servants, later known as the King’s Serjeants;
£19,200 a year for the support of the Church and monastic bodies; £4000 a year
for the maintenance of some dozen pre-Conquest landowners and their men, such
as Ralf the Staller, Robert son of Wimarc, Alured of Marlborough, Colswegen of Lincoln, and Thurkil of Arden, who for one reason
or another had retained his favour; and (e) £30,350 a
year for the provision of some 170 baronies, some great and some small, for the
leading captains, Norman, French, Breton, and Flemish, and their retainers, who
had risked their lives and fortunes in the great adventure of conquering
The figures just given, though of course they only
claim to be approximately accurate, are of great interest, revealing as they do
that William retained nearly a quarter of the income of the kingdom from land
for the use of the royal house, and that he assigned little more than
two-fifths of the total for rewarding the chiefs of the great families who had
fought for him, and their military and other followers. Even if the two fiefs,
worth together about £5050 a year, which William assigned to his half-brothers,
the Bishop of Bayeux and the Count of Mortain, be
reckoned to the share of the baronage rather than to the share of the Crown,
the income allotted for baronial fiefs must still be thought of as considerably
less than half the total income of the estates in the kingdom. With these two
fiefs deducted, the share of the Crown may be thought of as about £12,600 a
year; but as some £1600 a year of this was assigned to Queen Edith and her
retainers for her life, William and Matilda’s potential income from their
manors before 1076 was roughly £11,000 a year.
Even this smaller figure is about twice the amount of
the Crown’s revenue in King Edward’s day as estimated by the Domesday juries.
The estates, too, retained by the Conqueror for the Crown were more evenly
distributed over the kingdom than Edward’s estates had been, so that the power
of the Crown in many districts was much increased.
In the last years of his reign Edward had possessed no
manors in Middlesex, Hertfordshire, Essex, Lincolnshire, Rutland, Cheshire, or
Cornwall, and comparatively few in Norfolk, Suffolk, and Yorkshire. As
arranged by William, the Crown had a substantial share everywhere except in
Sussex and in the three counties along the Welsh border, in which districts he
parted with all the old Crown manors and erected marcher fiefs of a special
kind, apparently for military reasons. The ultimate increase in the revenue of
the Crown from land was not, however, solely due to a retention of a larger
number of manors for the royal use, but arose partly from raising the rents at
which the manors were let to farm to the sheriffs and other reeves, who took
charge of them as speculative ventures and recouped themselves in their turn by
raising the dues and increasing the services exacted from the cultivating
peasantry. To what extent these augmented rents were justifiable or oppressive
we cannot tell; but Domesday often records a thirty, and sometimes a fifty, per
cent, rise above the estimated values of King Edward's day, and in not a few
instances the remark is added that the cultivators could not bear these
increased burdens.
The ecclesiastical fiefs
Turning from the Crown to the Church, let us next
analyze the revenue of about £19,200 a year set aside for the support of the
various classes of the clergy. This substantial sum is made up of four items as
follows: (a) =£8000 a year assigned for the maintenance of the secular clergy,
that is to say of the fifteen bishoprics and of the houses of secular canons,
some thirty in number, but exclusive of the endowments of the parochial clergy;
(b) =£9200 a year appropriated to some forty monasteries for men; (c)=£1200 a
year appropriated to some ten nunneries; and (d) =£800 a year appropriated, by
the gift of either Edward or William, to Norman and other foreign monasteries.
In one sense of course very little of this revenue can
be said to have been assigned to the Church by William, for the greater
proportion of the manors which produced it had long been devoted to religious
purposes. The Conqueror, however, as a matter of policy acted on the principle
that not even the oldest grants to the Church were valid until he had
re-confirmed them. As a result, the Church suffered not a few losses; but she
was at the same time recouped by many new grants of great value, and on the
whole gained considerably. In particular, the poorly-endowed sees of the
Danelaw acquired a great increase of temporalities. In some cases, however,
such new acquisitions seem to have been purchased. The see of Canterbury, as
might be expected, enjoyed the wealthiest fief, with a revenue of about £1750 a
year, the see of Winchester coming second with a revenue of over £1000 a year.
In general, however, the greater monasteries
controlled more valuable fiefs than the lesser bishops. The seven richest
houses, that is to say, Glastonbury (£840), Ely (£790), St Edmund's Bury
(£655), the old Minster at Winchester (£640), Christchurch at Canterbury
(£635), St Augustine’s (£635), and Westminster (£600), were assigned between
them a revenue of nearly =£4800 a year, whereas the ten poorer bishoprics had
less than =£3000 a year between them. The see of Selsey for example had even in 1086 only a revenue of £138 a year, and the see of
Chester even less. It is true the secular clergy had other sources of
revenue besides their manorial incomes; but none the less it remains one of the
most outstanding features of the society of the day that the monks and nuns,
who can hardly have numbered all told a thousand individuals, should have had
control of so large a share of the rental of England.
Having provided for himself, his half-brothers, his
personal servants, and the Church, William still had an income of over £34,000
a year from land at his disposal. Some £4000 of this, as already noted, was
either restored to or bestowed on favoured Englishmen
and their retainers; but these doles were on too small a scale to affect the
general character of the Conquest settlement, and so they need not detain us.
It is, however, interesting to observe that Archbishop Stigand occupies an important place in this category; for he appears in Domesday as
holding a personal barony worth some £800 a year in addition to his immense
Church preferments, and so as a landowner he ranks
with the wealthiest of the barons.
Let us pass on then and consider the general body of
the military fiefs, the “baronies” or “honours” as
the Normans termed them, which were created to reward the invading armies, and
which form one of the corner-stones of the English social system for some three
centuries. It is here that the Domesday evidence is particularly welcome, the
evidence of the historical writers being for the most part vague, and limited
to too few fiefs to give a true picture. Domesday on the other hand enables us
to analyze and compare all the fiefs, and shows that there were at least one
hundred and seventy baronies, without counting as such the petty fiefs held
directly of the Crown with incomes of less than £10 a year, which were also
numerous but only of subsidiary importance.
As with the “manors”, the first thing to note about
the “baronies” is that they were of many different types and varied not only in
size and value, but in compactness and to some extent in the conditions of
tenure under which they held. What a contrast one barony might be to another
can best be seen from the fact that the list of baronies comprises fiefs of all
grades, starting from quite modest estates producing incomes of only £15 a year
or less and gradually advancing in stateliness up to two princely fiefs with
revenues of about £1750 a year each. Another characteristic is that there were
no well-marked groups in the list corresponding to definite grades of rank; nor
is there any indication that the Conqueror distributed his rewards in
accordance with any pre-arranged scheme. A clear idea of the nature of his
distribution, however, can only be gained by attempting some classification;
and so it will be well to divide the baronies arbitrarily into the five
following groups: Class A, containing baronies valued at over £750 a year each;
Class 13, containing baronies having revenues between £650 and £400 a year;
Class C, containing baronies having revenues between £400 and £200 a year;
Class D, containing baronies with revenues between £200 and £100 a year; and
Class E, containing baronies valued at less than £100 a year.
Working on these lines, Domesday enables us to say
that in Class A there were eight baronies, having an aggregate of about £9000 a
year; in Class B ten baronies, with revenues aggregating about £5000 a year; in
Class C twenty-four, with revenues aggregating about £7000 a year; in Class D
thirty-six; and in Class E between ninety and one hundred. The two wealthiest
baronies were those assigned to William Fitz Osborn and Roger of Montgomery;
and next in order came the fiefs allotted respectively to William of Warenne, Hugh of Avranches,
Eustace of Boulogne, Richard of Clare, Geoffrey Bishop of Coutances,
and Geoffrey de Mandeville. In Class B the richest fief was that assigned to
Robert Malet, and several other famous names figure
in it, such as Ferrers, Bigod, Giffard, Braiose, Crispin,
and Taillebois; but it is not till Class C is reached
that we come to the equally famous names of Peverel,
Lacy, Montfort, Toeni, Mortimer, and Vere, and only
at the very bottom of Class C that we find Beaumont and Beauchamp. It remains
to be said that if we insert the English survivors into these classes, Ralf the
Staller and Stigand take rank in Class A, Earl Waltheof in Class B, and Robert son of Wimarc in Class C. Similarly as regards the bishoprics. The sees of Canterbury and Winchester, both be it noted held by Stigand,
are the only sees which rank in wealth with the first class of baronies. The sees of London (£615), Dorchester (£600), Salisbury (£600),
Worcester (£480), and Thetford (£420) rank with the second class; the sees of Exeter (£360), Wells (,£325), York (£370), Hereford
(£280), Rochester (£220), and Durham (£205) with the third, Chichester (£138) with the fourth, and Chester (£85) with the fifth. York and Durham,
however, are not fully accounted for in Domesday, and so possibly these sees
should be reckoned as baronies of the second class.
The spoils of victory being thus parcelled out, we must next inquire under what conditions of tenure the baronies were
held. On this point the Domesday survey is unfortunately silent, no questions
as to tenure being put to the hundred juries, and so we have to fall back on
inferences drawn from the conditions of tenure found in force in England a
generation or two later, supplemented by the few vague hints which can be
gleaned here and there from monastic chronicles. There can, however, be hardly
any doubt that William from the outset insisted that the baronies should be
held on the same conditions of tenure as the baronies in Normandy, nor can the
barons themselves have desired to hold by any tenure other than the one they
were accustomed to and understood. This means that the English methods of
land-tenure were not adopted, and that the barons obtained their fiefs on the
four conditions of (a) doing homage to the king and swearing fealty, (b)
providing definite quotas of fully-equipped knights, if summoned, to serve in
the king’s army for 40 days in the year at their own cost, (c) attending the
king’s court when summoned to give advice and assist the king in deciding
causes, and (d) aiding the king with money on the happening of certain events.
The quotas of military service
If these obligations were not sufficiently performed,
it was recognized that the baronies were liable to be forfeited. As to the
rules of succession, it was recognized that no baron had any power to dispose
of his barony or any part of it by will. If a baron died leaving no heirs, the
barony escheated, that is, fell back to the Crown. If there were male heirs it
descended to them, subject to the payment of a relief to the Crown; but already
there was a tendency for the king to claim that fiefs were indivisible and to
insist on enforcing a rule of primogeniture. If there were only female heirs,
the fief was partitioned amongst them provided the king did not interfere. If
the heirs were minors, the king had the right of guardianship, and in the case
of female heirs the right of bestowing them in marriage. A further question,
about which there has been a good deal of discussion, is how were the quotas of
knights to be provided fixed for each barony. There has been a tendency to
suppose that the number of knights demanded must have borne some fixed relation
either to the size or to the value of the barony. All the evidence, however,
tends to prove that in this matter there was much caprice and no uniformity,
and it seems probable that the king was able to fix the amount of military
service arbitrarily when the baronies were created, and perhaps solely in
accordance with his personal estimation of the merits of the various barons. As
a result the quotas which he imposed, the servitium debitum as it was called, were for most
baronies a round number of knights—5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60, and so on, the feudal
armies being organized on a basis of constabularies of ten knights. Quotas of
forty or more knights were imposed on most of the baronies having revenues of
over £200 a year; quotas of between twenty and forty knights on most of the
baronies havIt appears, however, that several of the
poorer baronies had to find comparatively large quotas, and on the whole the
burden of knights’ service was lightest for the richer baronies. It is
certainly curious that William was satisfied with such small quotas, for the
system is only designed to produce a force of some 4200 knights. He made up his
mounted force, however, to 5000 knights by imposing tenure by knights’ service
on all the bishoprics and on a number of the richer abbeys, and he evidently
regarded these selected ecclesiastical fiefs in many respects as baronies. One
more matter requires elucidation. It is commonly supposed that there was a
castle at the head of each barony, but at any rate in William's day this was
not the case. It is true that William himself ordered many castles to be built,
but these were on his own estates; it is also true that many castles were erected
by William Fitz Osborn, Roger of Montgomery, and Hugh of Avranches,
the three barons with special powers put in charge of the Welsh marches; but
elsewhere William insisted that no castles should be built without his licence. A small number of barons only were accorded this
special mark of favor, and those who obtained it were not always the barons
with the largest fiefs. Most of the barons, it would seem, far from having
castles of their own, were saddled on the contrary with the obligation of
finding garrisons for the royal castles, a service that came to be known as
The under-tenants and the peasantry
Having set out the baronies and defined their military
liabilities and conditions of tenure, William to all appearances left each
baron full discretion to deal with his barony as he liked. The various
manors composing it were handed over as going concerns with the peasantry
living upon them, and each baron selected for himself which manors he would
keep as demesnes for himself and which he would sub-enfeof.
The king did not even insist that enough knights should be enfeoffed to perform the servitium debitum of the barony. If the barons preferred it, they had full liberty to farm
out their lands to non-military tenants, who held not by knights' service but
by the tenure known as “socage”, that is to say, by
the payment of rents in kind or in money, together with some light agricultural
services. It thus came about that, though the baronies in their entirety were
held by knights' service, only a portion of the lands which they comprised were
actually held by military tenants. It must not be supposed, either, that when subtenancies were created the barons only gave them to
their kinsmen or retainers from overseas. The returns in Domesday shew clearly
that on all baronies many men were granted subtenancies who were of English descent, and some of these undoubtedly held their lands by
knights’ service subject to the same conditions as their Norman
neighbors. As to the peasant classes, it was not to the interest of either
the barons or their subvassals to expropriate them to
any extent. The invaders were few and could not provide a peasantry from
their own ranks. Their interest lay in having as numerous a population as
possible on their estates, in order that they might obtain increased dues and
increased labour services from them, and in time
bring more land into cultivation. At the same time the new landlords could
see no use in preserving the numerous distinctions which had differentiated the
“geneat” from the “gebur”
or the “socmanni” from the “liberi hominess”. They found it much more convenient to regard the peasantry as all
equally bound to the soil and all liable to similar dues. In particular they
were hostile to the system of commendation under which some of the cultivating
classes had been free to select and change their lords. As a result
commendation was entirely swept away, and the men in every manor, whatsoever
their social status, became bound to their lords by an hereditary
tie. This meant a considerable social revolution, especially in the
eastern half of England. To a great extent the freer classes were merged into
the less free, absorbed into manors, and compelled to do unfree
services. Every lord of a manor was allowed under the new system to
maintain a court for his tenantry and could compel
them to bring their civil disputes before it, provided tenants of other lords
were not involved. The net outcome no doubt was increased exploitation of the
peasantry, but at the same time the advent of the new landowners also meant
greater activity in farming. When once the turmoil of the Conquest and reallotment of the land was over, the new lords set to work
with a will at reinstatement, and they not only, in a few years, restocked the
greater proportion of the wasted manors, but are soon found encouraging the assentation
of woodlands, the drainage of the fens, the building of mills and churches, and
the planting of new urban centres. There were of
course black sheep among them, stupid and avaricious men, of whom little good
is reported; but such men were hardly typical and, at any rate as long as
William lived, they had to keep in the background and curb their passions.
William’s anti-feudal measures
The allotment of the land was perhaps the most
complicated and critical task that William had to undertake. At any rate it was
the most revolutionary of his measures; for it established in England the
cardinal feudal doctrines that all land is held of the king, that all occupiers
of land except the king must be tenants either of the king himself or of some
lord who holds of the king, that the tie between the lord and his tenants is
hereditary, and that the extent of each man's holding and the nature of his
tenure determine in the main his civil and political rights. William in fact,
whether consciously or not, brought about a reconstruction of society on a new
legal basis, and so in a sense turned England into a feudal state. But though
this is so, William also took very good care that he himself should not become
a feudal king after the pattern of the king in France or the Emperor in Germany.
In Normandy he had established his ascendency over the
baronage and had shown how feudalism could be combined with personal
government. In England he worked out exactly the same result on a larger scale.
Rich and magnificent as were some of the new baronies, he never allowed any of
their holders to become petty kings in their own fiefs, to make private war on
their neighbours, or to acquire a jurisdiction over
their tenants which would entirely exclude his own. To this end he maintained
intact the courts of the shire and hundreds, and to some extent the Anglo-Saxon
system of police. To this end he created only six or seven earldoms, with
strictly curtailed spheres and privileges, and in the rest of England retained
all the fiscal rights that had attached to the office in his own hands. To this
end he insisted on the rule that all tenants by knights' service owed that
service to the king alone and not to the barons from whom they held their
knights’ fees.
To this end he maintained side by side with the new
feudal cavalry-force the right to call out the old national infantry levy.
Taxation was not feudalised. The obligation on all
freeholders to pay “gelds” was maintained as well as the obligation to serve in
the “fyrd”; and for both purposes William quickly
realized that he must put on record the details of the ancient hidage scheme
from which alone each man's liability could be ascertained. Lastly, he never
allowed his advisory council to take a definitely feudal shape.
As supreme feudal lord he constantly held courts for
his immediate tenants; but, the kingdom being large and the tenants widely
dispersed, he soon established the practice of summoning only a portion of the
tenants to any particular court. As a result the court of barons, the “Curia
Regis”, as it was called, easily became a very elastic body, very like the old
“Witenagemot” in composition, in which the king could take the advice of whom
he would, but still need never hamper himself by summoning too many of those
who were likely to oppose his wishes. So completely indeed was this principle
established, that mere gatherings of the king’s household officers, the
steward, the butler, the chamberlain, or the constable, reinforced by one or
two prelates and perhaps one or two barons of moderate estate, came to be
regarded before William died as a sufficient meeting of the “Curia Regis” for
all but the most important sorts of business, and the way became cleared for
future kings to utilize their feudal court as the chief organ of government,
out of which in due time the various departments of state for special purposes
were each in turn developed.
There were, however, no developments of this nature in
William’s day. Confident in his own powers and determined to be master in
everything, his numerous “writs” show that he settled nearly every detail
himself, and made little use of any subordinates other than the staff of royal
chaplains who prepared the writs under the supervision of his chancellor, and
the local sheriffs to whom the writs were addressed, who presided in the
shire-courts, had charge of the collection of the revenue, and farmed the royal
manors. So confident indeed was he that he frequently employed barons of the
third grade as sheriffs; but it is clear that he dismissed them at will, and we
never find them in league against him or attempting independent action. Looked
at broadly, the outcome of the Conqueror’s policy was the establishment of a
monarchy of such an absolute type that it could ignore all provincial
differences of law and custom; and so William’s measures tended to bring about
a real unity in the kingdom such as had never been known under the Saxon kings.
Reform of the Church
One set of deliberate reforms has still to be
mentioned. Before the Conquest the English Church organization was very
defective. Synods for promulgating ecclesiastical laws had ceased to be held,
nor were there any special ecclesiastical tribunals or any definite system of
archdeaconries. The special jurisdiction of the bishops was exercised in the
shire and hundred moots, with the result that the enforcement of moral
discipline was at the mercy of dooms men who were ignorant of Canon Law and
very possibly themselves offenders. Even the powers of the primate over his suffragans were far from clear; and the two archbishops,
instead of working together, were in dispute as to their spheres of
jurisdiction. In addition to these defects, there was little zeal shown
anywhere for either discipline or learning. The monasteries had not adopted the
Cluniac reforms. Simony, pluralities, and worldliness were everywhere rampant.
The authority of the Papacy was only formally admitted, while the primate
himself had been uncanonically elected. To continental observers such a state
of affairs was intolerable; nor could William as a zealous Churchman, whose
expedition had been blessed by the Pope, afford to ignore it. As soon therefore
as he felt himself secure, he took the matter up, assisted by three papal
legates who arrived in England early in 1070.
The first matters taken in hand were the deposition of Stigand and three other bishops, the appointment of
Lanfranc, the great Italian scholar and theologian of Bec and Caen and William’s trusted friend, to be Archbishop of Canterbury, and the
appointment of Thomas, a canon of Bayeux, to the see of York, which had fallen
vacant by the death of Archbishop Ealdred. Under these
new shepherds the English Church was soon put in better order. One after
another, as vacancies occurred, the bishoprics and abbeys were put in charge of
carefully selected foreigners. The holding of synods was revived. Monastic
discipline was tightened up. Study and learning were encouraged. The canons of
cathedrals were made to observe celibacy. Sees, such as Dorchester and Selsey, which had been situated in villages, were removed
to populous towns, while everywhere there arose a movement, headed by Lanfranc
at Canterbury, for building more magnificent churches. Most far-reaching of all
were two reforms introduced in 1072. These were the definite subordination of
York to Canterbury, and the creation, as in Normandy, of a distinct set of
ecclesiastical courts, the so-called “Courts Christian”, in which in future the
bishops were to be free to deal with ecclesiastical causes and to receive the
fines arising from all matters contra christianitatem,
unhampered by lay interference.
The latter change was perhaps not altogether wise; for
it set up rival jurisdictions side by side which sooner or later were bound to
come into collision, and also gave an opening for the Papacy, as the source of
the Canon Law, to claim the legal sovereignty of the Church in England. These
dangers, however, were remote, and William could afford to ignore them, being
quite accustomed to such courts in Normandy and confident that he would not
fall out with Lanfranc. Nor did he fear the Papacy, not even in the person of
Hildebrand, who just at this moment was elected to succeed Alexander II. On the
contrary, when in 1080 Gregory VII demanded that he should do fealty as the
Pope’s vassal, William refused point-blank; nor did he ever admit that anyone
but himself had any right to control the English Church. Throughout his reign
he not only appointed bishops and abbots at will but also invested them with
their spiritualities, and in his determination to be
master went so far as to insist that no Pope should be recognized without his
leave, that no papal letters should have any force in his dominions until he
had approved them, and that none of his officers or barons should be subjected
to excommunication without his consent. So uncompromising an attitude naturally
led to strained relations between himself and Gregory; but in view of the
Conqueror’s proved zeal for clerical efficiency, the great Pope never thought
it politic to begin an open quarrel.
Invasion of Scotland. Revolt of Maine
The events of the last fifteen years of William’s career,
when once he had brought unity and order into his new dominions, are not of the
same interest as the story of the Conquest or even of his early days. Both in
England and Normandy men feared to provoke him, and his most serious
preoccupations were not at home but with the outside world, especially with the
county of Maine, where his claim to exercise overlordship on behalf of his son Robert entailed the constant hostility not only of the
local baronage but also of Fulk le Rechin, the Count of Anjou. Much of his time was
accordingly spent in Normandy, English affairs being entrusted as a rule to
Lanfranc. His foreign difficulties began in 1069, when Azo, an Italian marquess who had married a daughter of Count Hugh III, was
acclaimed Count of Maine in opposition to the youthful Robert. Azo was really
put forward by Geoffrey of Mainz, William’s old antagonist; and he soon went
back to Italy, leaving his wife Gersindis and a son
to carry on the struggle under Geoffrey’s protection. For three years William had
no time to deal with the revolt, yet Gersindis made
little headway, having compromised herself by becoming Geoffrey's mistress,
while Geoffrey's own arrogance drove the townsmen of Le Mans, in 1072, to set
up a government of their own and to summon Fulk le Rechin to their aid. This popular rising in Le Mans in
opposition to the exactions of the neighbouring baronage has an interest as one of the earliest attempts in North France to
form a commune based on an oath of mutual assistance, but it was really a very
ephemeral affair leading to nothing but the occupation of Le Mans by Fulk. In 1072 William himself was occupied partly in
Northumberland, where he set up Waltheof as Earl, in
place of the half-Scotch Gospatric who had bought the
earldom in 1069, and partly in leading his forces into Scotland against Malcolm Canmore, who had recently married as his second wife
Edgar the Aetheling’s sister Margaret, and who was harbouring Edgar and other English refugees. Malcolm,
realizing that his men were no match for Norman knights, retired before them,
but came to terms when William reached Abernethy near Perth, and agreed to
expel Edgar. At the same time Malcolm did some kind of homage, sufficient at
any rate to enable men in after days to boast that William had reasserted the
old claim of the English crown to suzerainty over Scotland. This success left
William at last free to attend to Maine, and in 1073 he set out for Le Mans,
taking it is said some English levies with him. On this occasion the Norman
force advanced from Alençon down the Sarthe valley, and though it met with some
resistance at Fresnay and Beaumont from the local vicomte, Hubert of Sainte-Suzanne, easily reached Le Mans,
only to find that Fulk le Rechin had retired. Once more William had triumphed; but the successes of 1072 and
1073 were not really conclusive. Neither Malcolm nor the men of Maine nor the
Count of Anjou were cowed, and all three continued to seize every opportunity
of annoying him. In 1076, for example, Fulk attacked
the lord of La Flèche on the Loir, an Angevin upholder of the Norman cause in Maine, and also
dispatched assistance to the Breton lords who were defying William at Dol. In
1079 Malcolm overran Northumberland as far as the Tyne, an act which led to the
foundation of Newcastle as a defence against further
Scotch raids. In 1081 Fulk, assisted by Hoel, Duke of Brittany, burnt the castle of La Flèche before the Normans could gather their forces, and
even when William did come in person to the rescue of his adherents, he found it
politic to avoid a battle and agreed to an arrangement known as the Peace of Blanchelande, under which Robert, now perhaps 26 years of
age, was recognized by Fulk le Rechin as Count of Maine, but only on the condition of accepting Fulk as his overlord and doing him homage. Even this peace was not well kept; for in
1083 Hubert of Sainte-Suzanne and others of Maine once more took up arms
against the Norman domination over their fiefs, and for three years defied all
attempts made by William to subdue them. The fact is, in spite of much
rhetorical talk about William's conquest of Maine, the greater part of the
county was never thoroughly in his grasp, and as years went by the influence of
Anjou kept increasing.
During all this time we hear of no challenge to
William’s autocratic rule either in England or in Normandy, except in 1075,
when a handful of barons plotted a rising, but with such little general support
that William did not even return to England to deal with it. The chief
conspirators were two rash young men who had recently succeeded to their
fathers’ baronies, Roger, Earl of Hereford, the son of the trusted William Fitz
Osborn who had been killed in Flanders in 1070, and Ralf of Guader in Brittany, the son of Ralf the Staller, who had been recognized by William as
Earl of East Anglia. These two earls were aggrieved, partly because William had
forbidden Ralf to marry Roger's sister and partly because the sheriffs claimed
jurisdiction over their estates. They accordingly took up arms and for a moment
enticed Waltheof, Earl of Northumberland, to dally
with their schemes. Waltheof, however, soon repented
and disclosed their intentions to Lanfranc, who had no difficulty in rallying
the mass of the barons to the king's side and easily dispersed the forces of
the rebels both in Worcestershire and in Norfolk. Ralf was wise enough to flee
the country, but Roger was captured and sentenced to perpetual imprisonment. It
was harder to deal with Waltheof, who had not called
out his men and who was married to Judith, the Conquero’s niece; but after five months’ hesitation William ordered him to be executed,
possibly to please the loyal barons, who were indignant that so much favour had been wasted on an Englishman.
Robert Curthose. Arrest of Bishop Odo
The only serious domestic trouble of William’s later
years came from his eldest son Robert, who, though not wanting in courage,
early showed himself a spendthrift and quite destitute of statesmanlike
qualities. To some extent the friction between them was William’s fault; for,
like many other men with strong wills, the Conqueror could not bring himself to
depute any part of his authority to his son, not even in Maine where Robert was
ostensibly count.
Not unnaturally Robert as he grew up resented being
kept in tutelage more and more, until at last he quarreled openly with his
father and betook himself, after some aimless wanderings, to Paris. Philip, the
King of France, always ready to harass William, took pains to welcome the
fugitive, and in 1079 established him at Gerberoi near Beauvais, where he could attack Normandy. A personal encounter followed
between the father and son, in which Robert actually wounded William. This
scandalous episode, however, led to a reconciliation, and Robert returned for a
time to his father’s court.
But the two could never work together; and after Queen
Matilda's death, which occurred in 1083, Robert again went abroad and never
returned in his father’s life-time. Of minor troubles in these years, two
perhaps should be mentioned. The first is the murder in 1080 of Walcher, the Bishop of Durham, who had been put in charge
of Northumberland after the execution of Waltheof.
This murder was the work of an English mob, and shows that William's peace was
never properly established north of the Tees.
The second is the outbreak of a quarrel between
William and his brother Odo, leading to the arrest
and imprisonment of the bishop in 1082. This dramatic step fairly astounded
Norman society; for Odo was Earl of Kent and the
holder of the wealthiest fief in England, and only two years before had been in
full favour and entrusted with the punishment of the
Northumbrians. Some have supposed that William feared Odo’s ambition; but Odo’s hostility to Lanfranc and mere
greed on the king's part may really have been the moving causes. Anyhow he kept
the bishop a prisoner at Rouen for the rest of his reign and sequestrated his
large English revenues.
That William in old age became avaricious is attested
not only by the Peterborough chronicler, who had lived at his court, but also
by his public measures, such as the levy of a triple Danegeld in 1083 without, it would seem, any real need, and the compilation of the
Domesday Book in 1086. This failing comes out too in his refusal to give Robert
a position and income suitable to his expectations. As the chronicler says
grimly, “the king loved much and overmuch scheming to get gold and silver and recked not how sinfully it was gotten”.
But of course that is only one side of the picture,
and it was just because he paid such close attention to his finances, and
thought it no shame to set down “every ox and cow and pig” in his great survey,
that he was able to found a unique type of feudal monarchy in England, in which
the king’s wealth was adequate to his needs so that he could “live on his own”
and pay his way, and not be merely primus inter pares in his dealings with his
vassals. From this point of view the making of Domesday was William’s greatest
exploit, not merely because of the novelty of the undertaking, but because the
inquiry proceeded on the theory that all men without exception must answer the
king’s questions, and because it practically forced every baron and every subtenant
to admit that the king’s grant was the source of their privileges, and the king's
writ and seal the only effective guarantee of their possessions. Further, the
survey ignored the baronial courts, instead of utilizing them to obtain
But William was still not satisfied that his claims to
be a real king and not merely a feudal overlord had been sufficiently
acknowledged. He accordingly, in August 1086, summoned all the landowners,
“that were worth aught”, to come to Salisbury, “whosesoever vassals they were”,
and made them swear oaths of fealty to him “that they would be faithful to him
against all other men”, that is, even against their own immediate lords. This
was William’s last public act in England. He crossed the Channel immediately
afterwards, and in 1087 invaded the French Vexin; but
as he sat watching the burning of Mantes he was thrown from his horse and
severely injured. His men carried him to Rouen, where he died on 9 September.
On his death-bed he recognized that Normandy must pass to Robert, in spite of
his undutiful conduct, being his patrimony; but as to England, he expressed his
wish that it should pass to his son William, nicknamed Rufus, and sealed a
letter to Lanfranc recommending him as his successor.
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