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His first three
campaigns were directed against the north-eastern and eastern provinces. He
began by attempting to collect the tribute from Nairi,
the payment of which had been suspended since the outbreak of the revolution,
and he re-established the dominion of Assyria from the district of Paddir to the township of Kar-Shulmanasharid,
which his father had founded at the fords of the Euphrates opposite to
Carchemish (821 BC). In the following campaign he did not
personally take part, but the Rabshakeh Mutarriz-Assur
pillaged the shores of Lake Urumiah, and then made
his way towards Urartu, where he destroyed three hundred towns (820). The third
expedition was directed against Misi and Gizilbunda beyond the Upper Zab and Mount Zilar. The inhabitants of Misi entrenched
themselves on a wooded ridge commanded by three peaks, but were defeated in
spite of the advantages which their position secured for them; the people of Gizilbunda were not more fortunate than their neighbors,
and six thousand of them perished at the assault of Urash, their capital. Mutarriz-Assur
at once turned upon the Medes, vanquished them, and drove them at the point of
the sword into their remote valleys, returning to the district of Araziash, which he laid waste. A score of chiefs with barbarous
names, alarmed by this example, hastened to prostrate themselves at his feet,
and submitted to the tribute which he imposed on them. Assyria thus regained in
these regions the ascendency which the victories of Shalmaneser III in their
time had won for her.
Babylon, which
had endured the suzerainty of its rival for a quarter of a century, seems to
have taken advantage of the events occurring in Assyria to throw off the yoke,
by espousing the cause of Assur-Dain-Pal. Samsi-Ramman,
therefore, as soon as he was free to turn his attention from Media (818),
directed his forces against Babylonia. Meturnat, as
usual, was the first city attacked; it capitulated at once, and its inhabitants
were exiled to Assyria. Karni to the south of the Turnat, and Dibina on Mount Yalman, suffered the same fate, but Gananate held out for a time; its garrison, however, although reinforced by troops from
the surrounding country, was utterly routed before its walls, and the
survivors, who fled for refuge to the citadel in the centre of the town, were soon dislodged. The Babylonians, who had apparently been
taken by surprise at the first attack, at length made preparations to resist
the invaders. The Prince of Dur-Papsukal, who owned
allegiance to Marduk-Balatsu-Ikbi, King of Babylon,
had disposed his troops so as to guard the fords of the Tigris, in order to
prevent the enemy from reaching his capital. But Samsi-Ramman dispersed this advanced force, killing thirteen thousand, besides taking three
thousand prisoners, and finally reduced Dur-Papsukal to ashes.
The respite thus
obtained gave Marduk-Balatsu-Ikbi sufficient time to
collect the main body of his troops: the army was recruited from Kalda and Elamites, soldiers from Namri,
and Aramean contingents, and the united force awaited the enemy behind the
ruins of Dur-Papsukal, along the banks of the Daban canal. Five thousand footmen, two hundred horsemen,
one hundred chariots, besides the king’s tent and all his stores, fell into the
hands of the Assyrians. The victory was complete; Babylon, Kuta, and Borsippa capitulated one after the other, and the invaders
penetrated as far as the land of the Kalda, and
actually reached the Persian Gulf.
Samsi-Adad offered
sacrifices to the gods, as his father had done before him, and concluded a treaty
with Marduk-Balatsu-Ikbi, the terms of which included
rectification of boundaries, payment of a subsidy, and the other clauses usual
in such circumstances; the peace was probably ratified by a matrimonial
alliance, concluded between the Babylonian princess Sammuramat and Bamman-Nirari, son of the conqueror. In this
manner the hegemony of Assyria over Karduniash was
established even more firmly than before the insurrection; but all available
resources had been utilized in the effort necessary to secure it. Samsi-Adad had no leisure to reconquer Syria or Asia Minor,
and the Euphrates remained the western frontier of his kingdom, as it had been
in the early days of Shalmaneser III.
The peace with
Babylon, moreover, did not last long; Bau-Akhiddin,
who had succeeded Marduk-Balatsu-Ikbi, refused to
observe the terms of the treaty, and hostilities again broke out on the Turnat and the Tigris, as they had done six years
previously. This war was prolonged from 813 to 812 BC, and was
still proceeding when Samsi-Adad. His son Adad-Nirari III quickly brought it to a successful issue. He
carried Bau-akhiddin captive to Assyria, with his
family and the nobles of his court, and placed on the vacant throne one of his
own partisans, while he celebrated festivals in honor of his own supremacy at
Babylon, Kuta, and Borsippa.
(811 BC-783
Samiram held regency five years, 811-806,
during the minority of Adad Nirari, his brother
Karduniash made no attempt to rebel against Assyria during
the next half-century. Ramman-Nirari proved himself
an energetic and capable sovereign, and the thirty years of his reign were by
no means inglorious. We learn from the eponym lists what he accomplished during
that time, and against which countries he waged war; but we have not yet
recovered any inscription to enable us to fill in this outline, and put
together a detailed account of his reign. His first expeditions were directed
against Media (810), Gozan (809), and the Mannai (808-807); he then crossed the Euphrates, and in
four successive years conducted as many vigorous campaigns against Arpad (806), Kkazaiu (808), the town of Baali (804), and the cities of the Phoenician sea-board (803). The plague interfering
with his advance in the latter direction, he again turned his attention
eastward and attacked Khubushkia in 802, 792, and
784; Media in 801-800, 794-793, and 790-787; Lushia in 799; Namri in 798; Diri in 796-795 and 785; Itua in 791, 783-782; Kishki in 785. This bare enumeration conjures up a vision
of an enterprising and victorious monarch of the type of Assur-Nazir-Pal or
Shalmaneser III, one who perhaps succeeded even where his redoubtable ancestors
had failed. The panoramic survey of his empire, as unfolded to us in one of his
inscriptions, includes the mountain ranges of Illipi as far as Mount Sihina, Kharkhar, Araziash, Misu, Media, the
whole of Gizilbunda, Man, Parsua, Allabria, Abdadana, the
extensive territory of Istairi, far-off Andiu, and, westwards beyond the Euphrates, the Khati, the entire country of the Amorites, Tyre, Sidon, Israel, Edom, and the Philistines. Never
before had the Assyrian empire extended so far east in
the direction of the centre of the Iranian tableland,
nor so far to the south-west towards the frontiers of Egypt.
In two only of
these regions, namely, Syria and Armenia, do native documents add any
information to the meager summary contained in the Annals, and give us glimpses
of contemporary rulers. The retreat of Shalmaneser, after his partial success
in 839, had practically left the ancient allies of Ben-Hadad II at the mercy of Hazael, the new King of Damascus,
but he did not apparently attempt to assert his supremacy over the whole of
Coele-Syria, and before long several of its cities acquired considerable importance,
first Mansuate, and then Hadrach,
both of which, casting Hamath into the shade, succeeded in holding their own
against Hazael and his successors. He renewed
hostilities, however, against the Hebrews, and did not relax his efforts till
he had thoroughly brought them into subjection. Jehu suffered loss on all his
frontiers, “from Jordan eastward, all the land of Gilead, the Gadites, the Keubenites, and the Manassites, from Aroer, which is
by the valley of Arnon, even Gilead and Bashan”,
Israel became thus once more entirely dependent on Damascus, but the sister
kingdom of Judah still escaped its yoke through the energy of her rulers.
Athaliah reigned
seven years, not ingloriously; but she belonged to the house of Ahab, and the
adherents of the prophets, whose party had planned Jehu’s revolution, could no
longer witness with equanimity one of the accursed race thus
prospering and ostentatiously practicing the rites of Baal-worship within sight
of the great temple of Jahveh. On seizing the throne, Athaliah had sought out
and put to death all the members of the house of David who had any claim to the
succession; but Jehosheba, half-sister of Ahaziah,
had with difficulty succeeded in rescuing Joash, one
of the king’s sons. Her husband was the high priest Jehoiada, and he secreted
his nephew for six years in the precincts of the temple; at the end of that
time, he won over the captains of the royal guard, bribed a section of the
troops, and caused them to swear fealty to the child as their legitimate
sovereign. Athaliah, hastening to discover the cause of the uproar, was
assassinated. Mattan, chief priest of Baal, shared
her fate; and Jehoiada at once restored to Jahveh the preeminence which the
gods of the alien had for a time usurped (837). At first his influence over his
pupil was supreme, but before long the memory of his services faded away, and
the king sought only how to rid himself of
a tutelage which had grown irksome. The temple had suffered during the late
wars, and repairs were much needed. Joash ordained
that for the future all moneys put into the sacred treasury—which of right
belonged to the king—should be placed unreservedly at the disposal of the
priests on condition that they should apply them to the maintenance of the
services and fabric of the temple: the priests accepted the gift, but failed in
the faithful observance of the conditions, so that in 814 BC the
king was obliged to take stringent measures to compel them to repair the
breaches in the sanctuary walls: he therefore withdrew the privilege which they
had abused, and henceforth undertook the administration of the Temple Fund in
person. The beginning of the new order of things was not very successful. Jehu
had died in 815, after a disastrous reign, and both he and his son Jehoahaz had been obliged to acknowledge the supremacy of Hazael: not only was he in the position of an inferior
vassal, but, in order to preclude any idea of a revolt, he was forbidden to
maintain a greater army than the small force necessary for purposes of defence, namely, ten thousand foot-soldiers, fifty
horsemen, and ten chariots.
The power of
Israel had so declined that Hazael was allowed to
march through its territory unhindered on his way to wage war in the country of
the Philistines; which he did, doubtless, in order to get possession of the
main route of Egyptian commerce. The Syrians destroyed Gath, reduced Pentapolis
to subjection, enforced tribute from Edom, and then marched against Jerusalem. Joash took from the treasury of Jahveh the reserve funds
which his ancestors, Jehoshaphat, Joram, and Ahaziah,
had accumulated, and sent them to the invader, together with all the gold which
was found in the king’s house.
From this time
forward Judah became, like Israel, Edom, the Philistines and Ammonites, a mere
vassal of Hazael; with the possible exception of
Moab, all the peoples of Southern Syria were now subject to Damascus, and
formed a league as strong as that which had successfully resisted the power of
Shalmaneser. Ramman-Nirari, therefore, did not
venture to attack Syria during the lifetime of Hazael;
but a change of sovereign is always a critical moment in the history of an
Eastern empire, and he took advantage of the confusion caused by the death of
the aged king to attack his successor Mari (803 BC). Mari essayed
the tactics which his father had found so successful; he avoided a pitched
battle, and shut himself up in Damascus. But he was soon closely blockaded, and
forced to submit to terms; Ramman-Nirari demanded as
the price of withdrawal, 23,000 talents of silver, 20 talents of gold, 3000 of
copper, 5000 of iron, besides embroidered and dyed stuffs, an ivory couch, and
a litter inlaid with ivory,—in all a considerable part of the treasures amassed
at the expense of the Hebrews and their neighbors. It is doubtful whether Ramman-Nirari pushed further south, and penetrated in
person as far as the deserts of Arabia Petra—a suggestion which the mention of
the Philistines and Edomites among the list of his tributary states might induce
us to accept. Probably it was not the case, and he really went no further than
Damascus. But the submission of that city included, in theory at least, the
submission of all states subject to her sway, and these dependencies may have
sent some presents to testify their desire to conciliate his favor; their names
appear in the inscriptions in order to swell the number of direct or indirect
vassals of the empire, since they were subject to a state which had been
effectually conquered.
Adad-Nirari did not meet with such good fortune in the North;
not only did he fail to obtain the brilliant successes which elsewhere attended
his arms, but he ended by sustaining considerable reverses. The Ninevite
historians reckoned the two expeditions of 808 and 807 BC against
the Mannai as victories, doubtless because the king
returned with a train of prisoners and loaded with spoil; but the Vannic inscriptions reveal that Urartu, which had been
rising into prominence during the reign of Shalmaneser, had now grown still
more powerful, and had begun to reconquer those provinces on the Tigris and
Euphrates of which the Assyrians thought themselves the undoubted lords. Sharduris II had been succeeded, about 828, by his son Ishpuinis, who had perhaps measured his strength against Samsi-Adad V.
Ishpuinis appears to have
conquered and reduced to the condition of a province the neighboring
principality of Biainas, which up to that time had
been governed by a semi-independent dynasty; at all events, he transferred
thence his seat of govern and made Dhuspas his
favorite residence. Towards the end of his reign he associated with him on the
throne his son Menuas, and made him
commander-in-chief of the army. Menuas proved a bold
and successful general, and in a few years had doubled the extent of his
dominions. He first delivered from the Assyrian yoke, and plundered on his
father’s account, the tribes on the borders of Lake Urumiah, Muzazir, Gilzan, and Kirruri; then, crossing the Gordygean mountains, he burnt the towns in the valley of the Upper Zab, which bore the
uncouth names of Teraîs, Ardis, Khanalis, Bikuras, Khatqanas, Inuas, and Nibur, laid waste the
more fertile part of Khubushkia, and carved triumphal
stelas in the Assyrian and Vannic scripts upon the
rocks in the pass of Rowandiz.
It was probably
to recover this territory that Adad-Nirari waged war
three times in Khubushkia, in 802, 792, and 785, in a
district which had formerly been ruled by a prefect from Nineveh, but had now
fallen into the hands of the enemy.
Everywhere along
the frontier, from the Lower Zab to the Euphrates, Menuas overpowered and drove back the Assyrian outposts. He took from them Aidus and Erinuis on the southern
shores of Lake Van, compelled Dayaini to abandon its
allegiance, and forced its king, Udhupursis, to
surrender his treasure and his chariots; then gradually descending the valley
of the Arzania, he crushed Seseti, Kulme, and Ekarzu. In one
year he pillaged the Mannai in the east, and attacked
the Khati in the west, seizing their fortresses of Surisilis, Tarkhigamas, and Sarduras; in the province of Alzu he left 2113 soldiers dead on the field after one engagement; Gupas yielded to his sway, followed by the towns of Khuzanas and Puteria, whereupon
he even crossed the Euphrates and levied tribute from Melitene.
But the struggle against Assyria absorbed only a portion of his energy; we do
not know what he accomplished in the east, in the plains sloping towards the
Caspian Sea, but several monuments, discovered near Armavir and Erzerum, testify that he pushed his arms a considerable
distance towards the north and north-west. He obliged Etius to acknowledge his supremacy, sending a colony to its capital, Lununis, whose name he changed to Menua-Lietzilinis.
Towards the end of his reign he partly subjugated the Mannai,
planting colonies throughout their territory to strengthen his hold on the
By these
campaigns he had formed a kingdom, which, stretching from the south side of the
Araxes to the upper reaches of the Zab and the Tigris, was quite equal to
Assyria in size, and probably surpassed it in density of population, for it
contained no barren steppes such as stretched across Mesopotamia, affording
support merely to a few wretched Bedawin. As their dominions increased, the
sovereigns of Biainas began to consider themselves
on an equality with the kings of Nineveh,
and endeavored still more to imitate them in the luxury and display of their
domestic life, as well as in the energy of their actions and the continuity of
their victories. They engraved everywhere on the rocks triumphal inscriptions,
destined to show to posterity their own exploits and the splendor of their
gods. Having made this concession to their vanity, they took effective measures
to assure possession of their conquests. They selected in the various provinces
sites difficult of access, commanding some defile in the mountains, or ford
over a river, or at the junction of two roads, or the approach to a plain; on
such spots they would build a fortress or a town, or, finding a citadel already
existing, they would repair it and remodel its fortifications so as to render
it impregnable. At Kalajik, Ashrut-Darga,
and the older Mukhrapert may still be seen the ruins
of ramparts built by Ishpuinis. Menuas finished the buildings his father had begun, erected others in all the
districts where he sojourned, in time of peace or war, at Shushanz, Sirka, Anzaff, Arzwapert, Geuzak, Zolakert, Tashtepe, and in the
country of the Mannai, and it is possible that the
fortified village of Melasgerd still bears his name.
His wars
furnished him with the men and materials necessary for the rapid completion of
these works, while the statues, valuable articles of furniture, and costly
fabrics, vessels of silver, gold, and copper carried off from Assyrian or
Asiatic cities, provided him with surroundings as luxurious as those enjoyed by
the kings of Nineveh. His favorite residence was amid the valleys and hills of
the south-western shore of Lake Van, the sea of the rising sun. His father, Ishpuinis, had already done much to embellish the site of Dhuspas, or Khaldinas as it was
called, from the god Khaldis; he had surrounded it
with strong walls, and within them had laid the foundations of a magnificent
palace. Menuas carried on the work, brought water to
the cisterns by subterranean aqueducts, planted gardens, and turned the whole
place into an impregnable fortress, where a small but faithful garrison could
defy a large army for several years. Dhuspas, thus
completed, formed the capital and defence of the
kingdom during the succeeding century.
Menuas was gathered to
his fathers shortly before the death of Adad-Nirari, perhaps in 784 BC. He was
engaged up to the last in a quarrel with the princes who occupied the mountainous
country to the north of the Araxes, and his son Argistis spent the first few years of his reign in completing his conquests in this
region. He crushed with ease an attempted revolt in Dayaini,
and then invaded Etius, systematically devastating it,
its king, Uduris, being powerless to prevent his
ravages. All the principal towns succumbed one after another before the vigor
of his assault, and, from the numbers killed and taken prisoners, we may
surmise the importance of his victories in these barbarous districts, to which
belonged the names of Seriazis, Silius, Zabakhas, Zirimutaras, Babanis, and Urmias, though we
cannot definitely locate the places indicated. On a single occasion, the
assault on Ureyus, for instance, Argistis took prisoners 19,255 children, 10,140 men fit to bear arms, 23,280 women, and
the survivors of a garrison which numbered 12,675 soldiers at the opening of
the siege, besides 1104 horses, 35,016 cattle, and more than 10,000 sheep. Two
expeditions into the heart of the country, conducted between 784 and 782 BC,
had greatly advanced the work of conquest, when the accession of a new
sovereign in Assyria made Argistis decide to risk a
change of front and to concentrate the main part of his forces on the southern
boundary of his empire.
Ramman-Nirari, after his last
contest in Khubushkia in 784, had fought two
consecutive campaigns against the Aramean tribes of Itua,
near the frontiers of Babylon, and he was still in conflict with them when he
died in 782 BC.
His son,
Shalmaneser IV, may have wished to signalize the commencement of his reign by
delivering from the power of Urartu the provinces which the kings of that
country had wrested from his ancestors; or, perhaps, Argistis thought that a change of ruler offered him an excellent opportunity for
renewing the struggle at the point where Menuas had
left it, and for conquering yet more of the territory which still remained to
his rival. Whatever the cause, the Assyrian annals show us the two adversaries
ranged against each other, in a struggle which lasted from 781 to 778 BC. Argistis had certainly the upper hand, and though his
advance was not rapid, it was never completely checked. The first engagement
took place at Nirbu, near the sources of the Supnat and the Tigris: Nirbu capitulated, and the enemy pitilessly ravaged the Hittite states, which were
subject to Assyria, penetrating as far as the heart of Melitene (781).
The next year
the armies encountered each other nearer to Nineveh, in the basin of the Bitlis-Tchai, at Khakhias; and,
in 779, Argistis expressly thanks his gods, the Khaldises, for having graciously bestowed upon him as a
gift the armies and cities of Assur. The scene of the war had shifted, and the
contest was now carried on in the countries bordering on Lake Urumiah, Bustus and Parsua. The natives gained nothing by the change of
invader, and were as hardly used by the King of Urartu as they had been by
Shalmaneser III or by Samsi-Ramman: as was invariably
the case, their towns were given over to the flames, their fields ravaged,
their cattle and their families carried into captivity. Their resistance,
however, was so determined that a second campaign was required to complete the
conquest: and this time the Assyrians suffered a serious defeat at Surisidas (778), and a year at least was needed for their
recovery from the disaster. During this respite, Argistis hastened to complete the pacification of Bustus, Parsua, and the small portion of Man which had not been
reduced to subjection by Menuas. When the Assyrians
returned to the conflict, he defeated them again (776), and while they withdrew
to the Amanus, where a rebellion had broken out (775), he reduced one by one
the small states which clustered round the eastern and southern shores of Lake Urumiah. He was conducting a campaign in Namri, when Shalmaneser IV made a last effort to check his
advance; but he was again victorious (774), and from henceforth these troubled
regions, in which Nineveh had so persistently endeavored for more than a
century to establish her own supremacy, became part of the empire of Urartu. Argistis’s hold of them proved, however, to be a precarious
and uncertain one, and before long the same difficulties assailed him which had
restricted the power of his rivals.
He was forced to
return again and again to these districts, destroying fortresses and pursuing
the inhabitants over plain and mountain: in 773 we find him in Urmes, the territory of Bikhuras,
and Bam, in the very heart of Namri; in 772, in Dhuaras, and Gurqus, among the Mannai, and at the city of Uikhis,
in Bustus. Meanwhile, to the north of the Araxes,
several chiefs had taken advantage of his being thus engaged in warfare in
distant regions, to break the very feeble bond which held them vassals to
Urartu. Etius was the fountain-head and main support
of the rebellion; the rugged mountain range in its rear provided its chiefs
with secure retreats among its woods and lakes and valleys, through which
flowed rapid torrents. Argistis inflicted a final
defeat on the Mannai in 771, and then turned his
forces against Etius. He took by storm the citadel of Ardinis which defended the entrance to the country,
ravaged Ishqigulus, and seized Amegu,
the capital of Uidharus: our knowledge of his wars
comes to an end in the following year with an expedition into the land of Tarius.
The monuments do
not tell us what he accomplished on the borders of Asia Minor; he certainly won
some considerable advantages there, and the influence which Assyria had
exercised over states scattered to the north of the Taurus, such as Melitene, and possibly Tabal and Kummukh, which had formed the original nucleus of the
Hittite empire, must have now passed into his hands. The form of Argistis looms before us as that of a great conqueror,
worthy to bear comparison with the most indefatigable and triumphant of the
Pharaohs of Egypt or the lords of Chaldea. The inscriptions which are
constantly being discovered within the limits of his kingdom prove that,
following the example of all Oriental sovereigns, he delighted as much in
building as in battle: perhaps we shall some day recover a sufficient number of records to enable us to restore to their
rightful place in history this great king, and the people whose power he
developed more than any other sovereign.
Assyria had thus
lost all her possessions in the northern and eastern parts of her empire;
turning to the west, how much still remained faithful to her? After the
expedition of 775 BC to the land of Cedars, two consecutive
campaigns are mentioned against Damascus (773) and Hadrach (772); it was during this latter expedition, or immediately after it, that
Shalmaneser IV died. Northern Syria seems to have been disturbed by revolutions
which seriously altered the balance of power within her borders. The ancient states,
whose growth had been arrested by the deadly blows inflicted on them in the
ninth century by Assur-Nazir-Pal and Shalmaneser III, had become reduced to the
condition of second-rate powers, and their dominions had been split up. The
Patina was divided into four small states—the Patina proper, Unki, Iaudi, and Samalla, the latter
falling under the rule of an Aramaean family; perhaps the accession of Qaral, the founder of this dynasty, had been accompanied by
convulsions, which might explain the presence of Shalmaneser IV in the Amanos in 775.
III (772-755) AND ASSUR NIRARI III (754-745)
All these
principalities, whether of ancient or recent standing, ranged themselves under
one of two kingdoms—either Hadrach or Arpad, whose
names henceforth during the following half-century appear in the front rank
whenever a coalition is formed against Assyria. Carchemish, whose independence
was still respected by the fortresses erected in its neighbourhood,
could make no move without exposing itself to an immediate catastrophe: Arpad,
occupying a prominent position a little in front of the Afrin, on the main
route leading to the Orontes, had assumed the rôle which
Carchemish was no longer in a position to fill. Agusi became the principal centre of resistance; all
battles were fought under the walls of its fortresses, and its fall involved
the submission of all the country between the Euphrates and the sea, as in
former times had been the case with Kinalua and Khazazu.
Similar to the
ascendency of Arpad over the plateau of Aleppo was that of Hadrach in the valley of the Orontes. This city had taken the position formerly
occupied by Hamath, which was now possibly one of its dependencies; it owed no
allegiance to Damascus, and rallied around it all the tribes of Coele-Syria,
whose assistance Hadadezer, but a short while before,
had claimed in his war with the foreigner. Neither
Arpad, Hadrach, nor Damascus ever
neglected to send the customary presents to any sovereign who had the temerity
to cross the Euphrates and advance into their neighborhood, but the necessity
for this act of homage became more and more infrequent.
During his reign
of eighteen years Assurdan III, son and successor of
Shalmaneser IV, appeared only three times beneath their walls—at Hadrach in 766 and 755, at Arpad in 750, a few months only
before his death. Assyria was gradually becoming involved in difficulties, and
the means necessary to the preservation of its empire were less available than
formerly. Assurdan had frankly renounced all idea of
attacking Urartu, but he had at least endeavored to defend himself against his
enemies on the southern and eastern frontiers; he had led his armies against Gananate (771,767), against Itua (769), and against the Medes (766), before risking an attack on Hadrach (765), but more than this he had not attempted. On
two occasions in eight years (768, 764) he had preferred to abstain from
offensive action, and had remained inactive in his own country. Assyria found
herself in one of those crises of exhaustion which periodically laid her low
after each outbreak of ambitious enterprise; she might well be compared to a
man worn out by fatigue and loss of blood, who becomes
breathless and needs repose as soon as he attempts the least exertion. Before
long, too, the scourges of disease and civil strife combined with exhaustion in
hastening her ruin. The plague had broken out in the very year of the last
expedition against Hadrach (765), perhaps under the
walls of that city. An eclipse of the sun occurred in 763, in the month of Sivân, and this harbinger of woe was the signal for an
outbreak of revolt in the city of Assur.
From Assur the
movement spread to Arrapkha, and wrought havoc there
from 761 to 760; it then passed on to Gozan, where it
was not finally extinguished till 758. The last remains of Assyrian authority
in Syria vanished during this period: Assurdan, after
two years’ respite, endeavored to re-establish it, and attacked successively Hadrach (755) and Arpad (754). This was his last exploit.
His son Assur-Nirari III spent his short reign of
eight years in helpless inaction; he lost Syria, he carried on hostilities in Namri from 749 to 748—whether against the Aramaeans or Urartians is uncertain—then relapsed into inactivity, and a
popular sedition drove him finally from Calah in 746. He died some months
later, without having repressed the revolt; none of his sons succeeded him, and
the dynasty, having fallen into disrepute through the misfortunes of its last
kings, thus came to an end; for, on the 12th of Iyyar,
742 BC, a usurper, perhaps, the leader of the revolt at Calah,
proclaimed himself king under the name of Tiglath-Pileser. The second Assyrian
empire had lasted rather less than a century and a half, from Tukulti-Ninip II to Assur-Nirari III.
In the manner in
which it had accomplished its work, it resembled the Egyptian empire of eight
hundred years before. The Egyptians, setting forth from the Nile valley, had
overrun Syria and had at first brought it under their suzerainty, though
without actually subduing it. They had invaded Amurru and Zahi, Naharaim and
Mitanni, where they had pillaged, burnt, and massacred at will for years,
without obtaining from these countries, which were too remote to fall naturally
within their sphere of influence, more than a temporary and apparent
submission; the regions in the neighborhood of the isthmus alone had been
regularly administered by the officers of Pharaoh, and when the country between
Mount Seir and Lebanon seemed on the point of being organized into a real empire
the invasion of the Peoples of the Sea had overthrown and brought to nought the work of three centuries. The Assyrians, under
the leadership of ambitious kings, had in their turn carried their arms over
the countries of the Euphrates and the Mediterranean, but, like those of the
Egyptians before them, their expeditions resembled rather the destructive raids
of a horde in search of booty than the gradual and orderly advance of a
civilized people aiming at establishing a permanent empire. Their campaigns in
Cole-Syria and Palestine had enriched their own cities and spread the terror of
their name throughout the Eastern world, but their supremacy had only taken
firm root in the plains bordering on Mesopotamia, and just when they were
preparing to extend their rule, a power had sprung up beside them, over which
they had been unable to triumph: they had been obliged to withdraw behind the
Euphrates, and they might reasonably have asked themselves whether, by
weakening the peoples of Syria at the price of the best blood of their own
nation, they had not merely laboured for the benefit
of a rival power, and facilitated the rise of Urartu. Egypt, after her victory
over the Peoples of the Sea, had seemed likely, for the moment, to make a fresh
start on a career of conquest under the energetic influence of Ramses III, but
her forces proved unequal to the task, and as soon as the master's hand ceased
to urge her on, she shrank back, without a struggle, within her ancient limits,
and ere long nothing remained to her of the Asiatic empire carved out by the
warlike Pharaohs of the Theban dynasties. If Tiglath-pileser could show the same courage and capacity as Ramses III, he might well be
equally successful, and raise his nation again to power; but time alone could
prove whether Nineveh, on his death, would be able to maintain a continuous
effort, or whether her new display of energy would prove merely ephemeral, and
her empire be doomed to sink into irremediable weakness under the successors of
her deliverer, as Egypt had done under the later Ramessides.