A.E. Cowley
UNTIL forty years ago, or less, the Hittites were still grouped with Hivites (descendants
of Canaan, son of Ham, son of Noah) and Jebusites (a Canaanite tribe who
inhabited and built Jerusalem prior to its conquest by King David; the Books of
Kings state that Jerusalem was known as Jebus prior
to this event) as an insignificant Syrian tribe unknown outside the Bible.
It was only beginning to be suspected that they might be identified with the
people called Kheta in the Egyptian
records, and Khatti in the cuneiform texts of Assyria. The discovery
of them began when attention was drawn to some curious engraved stones found at
Hamath. The first mention of these ‘Hamath stones’ apparently was by the French traveler La Roque in 1722: “Vis-a-vis du
Chateau il y a une belle Mosquée, accompagnée d'un jardin, presque sur le bord de
la riviere, au-devant de laquelle est une haute colonne de marbre ornée de
bas-reliefs d'une excellente sculpture, qui representent des figures humaines, plusieurs especes d'animaux, des oyseaux et
des fleurs”.
A century later (1822) Burckhardt says: "I inquired in vain [at Hamah]
for a piece of marble with figures in relief, which La Roque saw; but
in the corner of a house in the Bazar is a stone with a number of
small figures and signs, which appears to be a kind of hieroglyphical writing,
though it does not resemble that of Egypt. In fact no pillar of marble with a
Hittite inscription ever has been found at Hamath. All the inscriptions there
are on basalt, so that either La Roque saw some monument which was
not Hittite, or the marble pillar had disappeared in the interval"
Every one read Burckhardt, but another half century elapsed before any
serious attention was paid to the matter. In 1870 two Americans, Johnson and
Jessup, succeeded in finding inscribed stones at Hamath, but were prevented
from copying them by the usual fanaticism of the natives. They did, however,
obtain a very imperfect drawing, by a local artist, of the one known as Hamath
V. This was published in the first Quarterly Statement of the American
Palestine Exploration Society (1871), which I have not been able to see. Their
account was reproduced (without the drawing) in the QS of the PEF 1871,
p. 173. The Fund then commissioned Tyrwhitt Drake to get copies of the
texts, since they now were known to exist and could be localized. Thanks to his
great experience in dealing with the natives, he contrived to take photographs
and squeezes.
By this time interest was thoroughly aroused. It was a time of
archaeological discovery. The decipherment of the cuneiform texts was beginning
to be accepted, and was producing wonders, the Moabite stone had been brought
to light, the Cypriote syllabary was being discussed. The
learned world was therefore ready to be interested in yet another strange
system of writing. The imperfection of the copies, however, made the study of
them difficult, if not impossible. Similar signs could not be distinguished,
and a list of them was out of the question. The well-known traveler Burton, who
was then H.M. Consul at Damascus, saw the stones, and published revised plates
of them in his Unexplored Syria, but his account, though full,
added little to what was already known, except as to the positions of the
The Mesha Stele (popularized in the 19th century as the "Moabite
Stone") is a black basalt stone bearing an inscription by the 9th
century BC ruler Mesha of Moab in Jordan. The
inscription was set up about 840 BC as a memorial of Mesha's victories over "Omri king of Israel" and
his son, who had been oppressing Moab. It is the most extensive inscription
ever recovered that refers to ancient Israel (the "House of Omri"). It bears what is generally thought to be the
earliest extra-biblical Semitic reference to the name Yahweh ,
whose temple goods were plundered by Mesha and
brought before his own god Kemosh. French scholar
André Lemaire has reconstructed a portion of line 31 of the stele as
mentioning the "House of David". The text says:
I am Mesha, son of KMSYT (Kemosh-yat), the king of Moab, the Dibonite.
My father was king of Moab thirty years, and I reigned after my father. And I
built this high-place for Kemosh in QRH ("the
citadel"), a high place of salvation because he saved me from all the
kings (or "all the attackers"), and because let me be
victorious over all my adversaries. Omri was king
of Israel and he oppressed Moab for many days because Kemosh was angry with his land. And his son replaced him; and he also said, "I
will oppress Moab". In my days he spoke thus: But I was victorious over
him and his house. And Israel suffered everlasting destruction, And Omri had conquered the land of Madaba, and he dwelt there
during his reign and half the reign of his son, forty years. But Kemosh returned it in my days. So I [re]built Baal Meon, and I the water reservoir in it. And I bu[ilt] Qiryaten.
The man of Gad had dwelt in Ataroth from of old;
and the king of Israel built Ataroth for him. But I
fought against the city and took it. And I slew all the people [and] the city
became the property of Kemosh and Moab. And I
carried from there the altar of/for its DVD ("its Davidic altar"?)
and I dragged it before Kemosh in Qerioit, and I settled in it men of Sharon men of Maharit. And Kemosh said to me,
"Go! Seize Nebo against Israel." so I proceeded by night and fought
with it from the crack of dawn to midday, and I took it and I slew all of
them: seven thousand men and boys, and women and maidens because I had dedicated
it to Ashtar Kemosh I
took the vessels of Yahweh, and I dragged them before Kemosh.
And the king of Israel had built Yahaz, and he
dwelt in it while he was fighting with me, but Kemosh drove him out before me. So I took from Moab two hundred men, all his
captains. And I brought them to Yahaz, And I seized
it in order to add it to Dibon. I (myself) have
built the 'citadel', 'the wall(s) of the forest' and the wall of the
'acropolis'. And I built its gates; And I built its towers. And I built a
royal palace; and I made the ramparts for the reservo[ir for] water in the midst of the city. But there was no
cistern in the midst of the city, in the 'citadel,' so I said to all the
people, "Make [for] yourselves each man a cistern in his house".
And I hewed the shaft for the 'citadel' with prisoners of Israel. I built Aroer, and I made the highway in the Arnon.
I built Beth-Bamot, because it was in ruins. I
built Bezer, because it was a ruin [with] the armed
men of Dibon because all of Dibon was under orders and I ruled over the hundreds in the towns which I have
annexed to the land. And I built Medeba and Beth-Diblaten and Beth-Baal-Meon,
and I carried there [my herdsmen] [to herd] the small cattle of the land, and Horonain, in it dwelt the
house of [D]VD... [and] Kemosh said to me, "Go
down, fight against Horonain". And I went down
[and I fought with the city and I took it and] Kemosh [re]turned it in my days. Then I went up from there te[n...]
[...a high] place of justice and I [...]

It was William Wright who really began the serious study of the subject. In
1872, being then a missionary at Damascus, he took advantage of an opportunity
to visit Hamath in company with the newly appointed Turkish Governor. It was an
opportunity not to be lost, for now, if ever, it would be possible to
exert authority to overcome fanatical opposition. He gives an excellent account
of the expedition in his ‘Empire of the Hittites’ (1884). The result of it was
that he obtained casts of the inscriptions, one set of which was sent to the
British Museum, and another set to the PEF. He also persuaded the Pasha to send
the stones themselves to the museum at Constantinople, where squeezes were
afterwards made for Berlin. Wright did far more than this, however,
for in his book he dealt with the whole question of the authors of the
inscriptions, and with the help of Sayce supplied
much of the preliminary research necessary for the study of them. It is largely
due to his agreeable presentation of the material that general interest was
aroused. A second edition of the book appeared in 1886, and the study of Hittitology,
as some people have called it, was fairly started.
I have dwelt at some length on these 'Hamath stones', not because they are
intrinsically of greater interest than other Hittite remains, but because they
were the starting-point of the whole inquiry. So unmistakable were they in
character, that, when once attention was drawn to them, no one could fail to
recognize a Hittite inscription. Travellers began
to look out for more of them, and as further specimens of the writing, and also
of the art connected with it, began to accumulate in various parts of Asia
Minor, it became more and more evident that the question of their origin was a
very important one. It is unnecessary to enumerate all the travelers who have
brought home copies. The chief are: George Smith, who excavated at Jerabis (which is Carchemish) in 1878; Hogarth
and Headlam in 1894; Humaun and Puchstein in
1882-3; Ramsay and Hogarth in 1890; Anderson in 1900; Olmstead and others in
1911. These were all (except the last) collected by Messerschmidt in
his Corpus. The most recent and most important discoveries are those of Hogarth
with Woolley and Lawrence in the excavations at Carchemish in 1911 and after.
But above all, the study is indebted to Sayce,
who has never ceased from the beginning to forward it with all the resources of
his wide learning and brilliant genius.
A glance at the map will show that remains of this peculiar type are found
sporadically from the north of Asia Minor (Eyuk) to
Hamath in the south, and from the Euphrates in the east to the coast of Ionia
in the west. You do not set up bulky monuments for fun. Evidently the people
who did so were a widespread power. They must have occupied a large place in
history. Who were they then? and how did they so completely disappear
that scarcely a trace of them is to be found in all Greek literature? We now
call them Hittites, but it must not be supposed that the identification was
self-evident, or that it is entirely satisfactory, or that we know much more
when we have agreed to it.
Wright claims to have been the first to apply the name, but it was Sayce who first gave it currency. It did not meet with
immediate acceptance, and even today one uses it with a half-apology. It is not
the existence of a Hittite power which is in doubt. That is amply proved by the
inscriptions of Egypt and Assyria. The question is whether the peculiar
hieroglyphic writing discovered in the last fifty years, and the art which
accompanies it, are the product of that Hittite power. Wright's arguments are
certainly not very convincing, though his conclusion is nearly correct. He says
in effect: here was a people powerful enough to leave records of
itself throughout Cappadocia, even in Ionia, and down to Syria and Carchemish.
They were not Egyptian nor Babylonian. The only power we know which
could have done this, and disappeared before Greek history begins, was that
called Kheta in Egypt, Khatti in
Assyria, and the sons of Heth in the
Old Tastament. I need not point out the flaws in
this argument, nor the large assumption on which it rests. Yet it has been
Since the publication of Wright's book, monuments have been discovered
at Malatia, Marash, Tyana, Ivriz, Babylon, Carchemish, and many less-known
sites. But the next really important stage in the resurrection of this
forgotten empire was when Hugo Winckler, in 1906
and after, excavated the mounds of Boghaz-keui.
It had long been recognized that these must conceal the remains of an important
city, sometimes thought to be the Pteria, beyond
the Halys, which was taken by Croesus. Here, as well as at Eyuk, some miles to the north, strange monuments had been
discovered and drawings of them were published by Texier in
1839. Great things might therefore be expected from the excavation of the site.
The results were beyond all hope. Winckler found
what could be nothing less than the state archives, containing about 20,000
documents or fragments, written, after the Babylonian manner, in cuneiform on
clay tablets. His deeply interesting and brilliant account of them was
published in MDOG, no. 35, in Dec. 1907. Some of the tablets were written in
Semitic cuneiform - the diplomatic and international language of the East at
that time, as Aramaic was at a later date. These, of course, could be read with
comparative ease. Many others, though written in cuneiform, were in what must
have been the native language of the country, certainly not Semitic. This is
not yet fully interpreted. For the present the important point is that Winckler was able to establish beyond question the
fact that the language was that of the Hatti, and the site of Boghaz-keui their capital. He also established the names and
succession of the kings to whom the archives belonged. Among them, by good
fortune, was Hattusil, whose name had been read
in Egyptian as Khetasira. This king made (about
1280 BC) a treaty with Ramses II of which the Egyptian
text was already known. Fragments of a copy of it, in Babylonian cuneiform,
were found in the Boghaz-keui archives. We
thus arrive at the certainty that the Hatti were the Kheta of the Egyptian monuments, and also at a fixed
date for the remains at Boghaz-keui. But
further, the peculiar style of sculpture found there could only have been
produced by the people whose city it was. Wright's or Sayce’s conjecture
was thus amply confirmed. The 'Hamath stones' have the same origin as the Boghaz-keui sculptures as we see from the hieroglyphics which
are common to both. They are, therefore, the work of the Hatti, who are
the Kheta of the Egyptian monuments, who
are the Hatti of Assyrian history, who are no doubt the Hittites of
the Bible.
The earliest tradition of them is preserved in the Book of Genesis. In 1015
we are told that Canaan begat Zidon his
first-born and Heth, which is only a way of
saying that in the records on which this chapter is based Hittites were
described as settled in north Syria. They next appear at Hebron in south
Palestine, when Abraham bought from them the cave of Machpelah as a
burial-place for Sarah. If the Amraphel of
Gen, 14 was really the great Hammurabi, king of Babylon, whose date is
approximately known, this transaction must have taken place somewhere about
2100 BC. The account is, however, much later than the events, and
is full of difficulties, which cannot be discussed here. The most we can say is
that it seems to indicate that there was a Hittite settlement in south
Palestine before the Tell-el-Amarna period and
the Egyptian domination of Syria. They had perhaps diverged there from the main
body in the course of a migration from north to south. That they were
there for trade seems to be indicated by the phrase inch “current money with
merchants” (Gen. 23.16). It was therefore a case of peaceful penetration.
Their first appearance in a military enterprise is when, in the reign of Samsuditana (1956-26 BC) they ventured to
attack Babylon itself - Babylon the great - which had been made powerful by
Hammurabi and developed by his successors. The Chronicle merely says that “the
men of the land of Hatti marched against the land of Accad”. There is
nothing to show what they did at Babylon, nor how long they remained there.
They must, at any rate, have captured the city and plundered it, for apparently
they carried off the statue of Marduk. It is
generally supposed that this invasion or raid weakened Babylon so much that it
ended the dynasty and prepared the way for the Kassite occupation. It
is hardly probable that the Hittites conducted their expedition against Babylon
from so distant a base as Boghaz-keui ('the
land of Hatti'). It is more likely that they had already begun to spread
southwards, attracted by the wealth and trading possibilities of Mesopotamia.
Their presence in south Palestine may then have been due to the same movement.
But the chronology of these centuries is so obscure, and our information so
scanty, that it is better to record only what is stated by the documents, and
for the present to beware of drawing conclusions.
The Kassite dynasty had established itself in Babylon by
1760 BC. Who they were is another of the many problems of this dark
period. They appear to have been a non-literary people, and even of their
language the only specimen we have is one short vocabulary. The history of
their rule in Babylon is very obscure. It is said (in the lists of kings) to
have lasted 576 years, i.e. till 1185 BC. One of the
kings, Agum II (about 1650 BC),
in an important inscription, says that he sent an embassy to the land of Khani to bring back the statue of Marduk, which had been carried off by the men of Khani. This is taken to refer to the Hittite raid mentioned
before, so that the men of Khani would be
Hittites, or, at any rate, members of a Hittite confederacy. It is to be noted
that he sent an embassy, a friendly mission. He did not attempt to take the
statue by force, the more usual method in those days. The men of Khani were therefore powerful, and it was prudent to
be on good terms with them. Khani is
usually taken as meaning Khana on the
middle Euphrates, but it may mean Khani-rabbat,
which is Mitanni. If so, Hittites, Mitanni, and Kassites are here in
close relation. This is merely a suggestion, but where all is so obscure the
slightest clue is worth noting.
We do not know for certain on what terms the Hittites were with the
early Kassite kings. It is evident, however, that their power, which
was first shown in the invasion of Babylon, had not diminished in the next four
centuries. Whether they gained by the goodwill of the Kassites, owing to
alliance or racial connection, or whether the temporary eclipse of Babylon gave
them their opportunity, we cannot say.
By about 1500 BC Egypt had become the dominant power in
Asia. Thothmes I had conquered Palestine
and marched as far as the frontiers of Mitanni, then a powerful state at the
north of Mesopotamia. His grandson Thothmes III,
early in the fifteenth century, completed the conquest of Syria, defeated the
Hittites there, and exacted tribute from them. Carchemish was taken, as well
as Kadesh on the Orontes. There is no evidence to show whether either
of these cities was at that time in Hittite possession, as they both were
later. In a subsequent campaign Thothmes III
developed his success. He broke up the confederacy of which Mitanni was the
head, and thus the whole of western Asia from Mesopotamia to the sea became
subject to Egypt including, of course, the Hittite states of Syria. This is the
condition of things we find still existing when the Tell-el-Amarna letters
begin. These are largely concerned with the intrigues of provincial governors
in Asia and their difficulties in meeting the attacks of the Hittites. The main
general fact which emerges with regard to the Hittites is that when the letters
begin they are still settled in the north of Syria, and gradually extend
southwards towards the end of the period. It was probably about the middle of
the fourteenth century that they took possession of Kadesh on the
Orontes. In the later letters, of the time of Amenophis IV,
it is evident that the strength of Egypt is declining. Whether owing to
troubles caused by that king's heresy, or for any other reason, troops were not
sent when required to keep the unruly Syrian states in order. Partly in
consequence of the disorganization of the country, the Hittite power began to
grow as that of Egypt waned. The king of the Hatti (the dominant
element) became the great king of a Hittite confederacy, with his capital
at Bogbaz-keui in the north, uniting the
minor states represented by Hamath, Aleppo, Marash,
Carchemish, Malatia, &c., and probably with
more or less control over the rest of Asia Minor. It was a very formidable
combination, with the best of reasons for holding together, since they were all
threatened by Egypt on the one side and Babylonia on the other.
It is just at this point that the archives of Boghaz-keui take up the story. The city must have been
hitherto the head-quarters of one tribe or section of the confederacy. When the
king of it became the 'Great King' of all the Hittites, his city became the
capital of an empire and the repository of records of dealings with his
widespread dependencies. So we find the earliest of the kings whose archives
are preserved there is the first of the Great Kings, named Subbiluliuma. His father Hattusil is
called only 'King of the city of Kussar', a name
otherwise unknown. It is evident, therefore, that he was a king in a
small way, one of the kings of the confederacy. His son Subbiluliuma must have been a man of great force of
character, since he succeeded in uniting the Hittite tribes into a really
powerful state, and founded a dynasty. His reign was long, and though we cannot
yet date the beginning and end of it precisely, we know from Tell-el-Amarna that he lived in the reign of Amenophis III and overlapped into that of Amenophis IV. He belongs, therefore, to the early part
of the fourteenth century BC. A letter shows that the Hatti had
been at war with Mitanni under Tushratta and had been
defeated for Mitanni was then a powerful state. But friendly relations must have
been established since the Boghaz-keui records
show that Subbiluliuma, as a sort of suzerain,
supported Tushratta’s son Mattiuaza on his accession after his father's death.
Having thus secured himself on the east, Subbiluliuma was
strong enough to encroach on the Egyptian sphere of influence, and was
acknowledged as overlord by the Amorites of Syria under Azir. He contrived at the same time to remain on good terms
with Egypt, but writes to Amenophis IV as
an equal. The TA letters present a pathetic picture of the
misery of the Egyptian provinces in Syria at this time, constantly subject to
intrigue and war in which Hittites took a large part, much to their own
advantage. It is not improbable that Carchemish became Hittite about this time.
SYRIA lies at the crossroads of the Near East between
Mesopotamia in the east, Anatolia in the north and Egypt in the south. Both
Mesopotamia and Anatolia are lacking in indispensable raw materials which they
must acquire by trade.
For them, then, Syria means access to world trade. Through Syria pass the
overland communications that lead from one to the other.
More significant still, Syria possesses ports where merchandise from
far-away countries is received and exchanged for whatever Asia has to offer. By
land and by sea Syria is also linked to Egypt, another important centre of ancient civilization. For these reasons all
political development in the Near East tends toward the domination of Syria by
its neighbors. In antiquity possession of this key position assured supremacy
in the world as it then existed. The fourteenth century, a period of intensive
interrelations among all parts of the world, was no exception. In fact, the
struggle for the domination of Syria was never more marked than during this
The efforts of the various powers involved in the struggle were facilitated
by the ethnic and social conditions which they encountered when they invaded
Syria. The Amorite rule over the country had created a large number of small
city-states which were organized along feudalistic lines. This had become more
accentuated when the Hurrians, revitalized by Indo-Aryan dynasts, had
expanded from Upper Mesopotamia toward the west. Hurrian knights had
then replaced the Amorite princes, taken over the best parts of the land for
themselves and their liegemen (mariyanna), and
now formed a caste of their own. Thus the rift between the rulers and the ruled
was not only economic and social, it was ethnic as well. Anyone who gained the
co-operation of the upper class could easily dominate their countries.
Egyptian power had been omnipotent in Syria in the days of the great Tuthmosis III. During the reigns of his successors it
was definitely on the decline, until under Amenophis III
(1417—1379) Egyptian domination was only nominal. The most important source
illustrating these conditions is the Amarna letters, the remnants of
the political archives of Amenophis III and
IV. Found in the ruins of Amenophis IV’s
palace at Amarna they have given the name ‘Amarna Age’ to the
whole period which they cover. The Amarna letters consist of the
messages, mostly composed in Akkadian and all of them written in
cuneiform script on clay tablets, which had been sent to the Egyptian court by
the contemporary rulers of the great powers in neighboring Asia and by the
numerous independent princes of Palestine and Syria. At the period in question
Egyptian officers, appointed to supervise and control the local princes and to
collect the tribute which these had to pay to the pharaoh, still resided in the
area. The Akkadian sources call such an officer rabisu, literally ‘watcher, observer’,
the corresponding word in the Semitic vernacular of the country being sakinu (Canaanite sokinu). During
our period, the cities of Kumidu and Sumura served as residences for these 'commissioners'
or 'regents' of Syria. Both these cities are strategically located. The former
blocks the passage through the Biqa, the narrow
plain between the Lebanon in the west and the Anti-Lebanon and the Hermon in
the east; it is close enough to Damascus to control it as well. The latter is
situated on the coastal highway, near the mouth of the Eleutheros River,
and also dominates the road which leads eastward along that river to the
Orontes Valley. Along the coast Egyptian control was firmer than inland. When
roads were disrupted there was always the sea route to maintain communications
with Egypt.
The Mitanni kings ruled in Upper Mesopotamia with their capital Washshuganni probably near the Upper Khabur River,
and the influence which they exercised upon Syria no doubt depended on the fact
that since the days of the Hurrian expansion many, if not most, of
the small states there had passed into the hands of Hurrian princes.
In the days of Egyptian weakness, the Mitannian kings
used this circumstance to create a kind of Hurrian confederacy which
was controlled from their capital. Mitannian power
was at its height at the beginning of the fourteenth century.
It had then taken the place of the Hittites as the dominating factor. With
the decline of Egyptian might after the death of Tuthmosis III
the Hittites had, with considerable success, tried to re-establish themselves in
Syria where they had ruled during their ‘Old Kingdom’. But when their
homeland on the Anatolian plateau had been attacked from all sides in the times
of Tudkhaliash III, they had been forced to
withdraw from Syria. Yet their power continued to loom in the background as a
factor with which to reckon.
The interplay of all these forces—the Egyptians, the Mitannians with their Hurrian partisans and
finally the Hittites—determined the fate of Syria in the fourteenth century.
Since the middle of the second millennium the dynasty which called itself
‘kings of Mitanni’ (Maitani) had become dominant
among the Hurrians. From Washshuganni it
exercised power eastward over Assyria and the East Tigris regions, northward
over the country which later became Armenia, and westward into Syria.
Within the Hurrian realm there existed a rivalry between the
kings of Mitanni and those who called themselves 'kings of the Khurri Land'. This must refer to a Khurri Land in the narrower sense of the term. The
border dividing this Khurri Land from the
Mitanni kingdom apparently ran along the River Mala, i.e. the Euphrates (Murad Su?). It seems that the Khurri Land
had been the older of the two, but that Mitanni had overtaken it in power and
political importance. Tushratta, the younger son of
a Shuttarna who had been an older contemporary
of Amenophis III, had acquired kingship
over Mitanni in irregular fashion. Shuttarna had
first been succeeded by his son Artashuwara. He
was slain, however, by a certain Utkhi (UD-hi), a
high officer of the state, and Tushratta (Tuiseratta), a younger brother, then still a
minor, was installed on the throne. Artatama of Khurri apparently did not recognize Tushratta as his overlord; on the contrary he seems to have
claimed at least independence if not more. Judgement on the situation
is rendered difficult by the circumstance that the earlier relations of the
two rivalling states are not known to us. According to the beliefs of
the time, the struggle which ensued between Tushratta and Artatama was conceived as a lawsuit
between the two opponents pending before the gods.
The date of Tushratta’s accession to
the throne falls within the reign of Amenophis III
(1417-1379), more precisely into its second half. The Amarna archive
has yielded seven letters from Tushratta to Amenophis III, an indication that their
friendly relationship was maintained over a number of years. We may estimate
that Tushratta's reign is to be counted
from about 1385.
Whatever territory Artatama of Khurri may have controlled, Tushratta was able to maintain himself in the Mitanni kingdom for the time being. This
included, in addition to Assyria and the adjoining provinces in the east, Upper
Mesopotamia and parts of Syria. There, more specifically, the following
territories were under his overlordship. Farthest north, in Cilicia and
bordering on the Mediterranean lay Kizzuwadna. For a long time it had
shifted its allegiance back and forth between Khatti and Mitanni. The
collapse of Hittite power under Tudkhaliash III
had driven it again into the arms of the Mitannians.
Something similar may have happened to Ishuwa,
farther east, although nothing precise is known about it. In Syria proper the
kingdoms of Carchemish and Aleppo were most important; in the circumstances,
neither can have been independent of Mitanni. For the first this is confirmed
by the role it played in the later Hittite war of conquest; for Aleppo there is
documentary proof that it once formed part of the Hurrian system of
states. Further to the south were located the countries of Mukish (with its capital at Alalakh)
and Ugarit. Formal relations with the Mitanni state are assured for the former;
for Ugarit this remains doubtful. Its position on the coast may well have
resulted in conditions different from those which prevailed inland; under the
protection of Egypt, Ugarit may have maintained a precarious kind of
independence. The Nukhash Lands, between
the bend of the Euphrates and the Orontes, definitely belonged to Tushratta's realm. In the Orontes valley we find Neya (Ne'a), Arakhtu, and Ukulzat ruled
by Hurrian dynasties which no doubt maintained friendly relations
with the Mitanni king. Finally there are, in the far south of Syria, Qatna, Kinza (Kidsa=Qadesh on the
Orontes), and Amurru. Here Mitannian influence was counterbalanced by the
Egyptians, and local princes found it necessary to play the dangerous game of
aligning themselves on one side or the other, as circumstances required.
Tushratta at first experienced no unpleasantness in his relations with the Hittite
kingdom. As long as the Hittites remained recoiled upon their Anatolian
homeland and maintained themselves with difficulties, there was no opportunity
for friction.
The relations of Mitanni with Egypt were friendly. Friendship with Egypt
had been a traditional policy of the Mitanni kings for several generations. A
number of marriages had taken place between the royal houses. Artatama, Tushratta's grandfather,
had sent one of his daughters to the pharaoh, and Shuttarna,
his father, had given his daughter Gilu-Kheba in
marriage to Amenophis III (an event which
falls into that king's tenth year, i.e. about 1408). Tushratta himself was to continue this policy by sending one of his daughters, Tadu-Kheba, for the pharaoh's harem.
The inactivity of the Egyptians in Syria made it possible for Tushratta to remain on friendly terms with Amenophis III during all of the latter's reign. When
it is realized that this was so in spite of the expansionist tendencies of
Mitanni in Syria, one is led to assume that a formal understanding must have
existed by which the coast of Syria and all of Palestine, including the region
of Damascus, was recognized as an Egyptian sphere of influence, the rest of
Syria being considered as Mitannian domain.
During the later part of Tushratta’s reign,
good relations with Egypt became more and more a necessity, because a powerful
personality had in the meantime ascended the Hittite throne and had initiated a
period of Hittite renascence.
Probably not long after the events which brought Tushratta to the throne of Mitanni (c. 1385), a shift of rulership also
took place in the Hittite country. Under Tudkhaliash III
the previously mighty kingdom had shrunk into insignificance from which it had
only partially recovered before the king's death. If some of the lost
territory, especially along the eastern border had been regained, this had been
due to the military leadership of the king's son, Shuppiluliumash.
Upon his father's death Shuppiluliumash became
king as the next in line. In him there came to the throne a powerful man who
was destined to restore the might of his country and to secure for it a
position second to none. The ambitions which must have spurred Shuppiluliumash from the outset made him cast his eyes
almost automatically upon Syria, where earlier Hittite kings had won glory.
Hence an armed conflict with Tushratta became
inevitable. It was postponed for some time only because Shuppiluliumash had to reorganize his homeland before he could think of embarking on a war of
conquest in Syria.
This was done with comparative ease, for the Hittite system of government
was more firmly knit than that of the Mitannians.
The ruling class among the Hittites had long since become amalgamated with the
Anatolian population. Strong feudalistic tendencies still lingered on, but as a
whole the Khatti Land proper was now governed by officials who were
appointed by the king, preferably members of the royal family. Around this
inner core of the kingdom an outer ring of vassal states had been formed. Their
rulers had concluded formal treaties with the 'Great King' and received back
their lands from his hands. They had surrendered to him part of their
sovereignty, above all the right to conduct an independent foreign policy.
There was a marked trend toward assuring the loyalty of these vassals by tying
them to the royal house of Khatti by intermarriage.
The accession of Shuppiluliumash to the Hittite
throne can be dated only approximately. It falls within the reign of Amenophis III (c. 1417—1379), and
probably later than the beginning of Tushratta’s reign
which was estimated above as having taken place c. 1385. It
can be set at approximately 1380.
The first clash between the two adversaries must have occurred soon after Shuppiluliumash ascended the throne. Tushratta,
in one of his letters to Amenophis III,
tells about a victory in which he claims to have crushed an invading Hittite
army. The letter in which the report is contained is very likely the first of
the letters directed to that pharaoh which have been preserved. It seems, then,
that Shuppiluliumash failed in his early attempts at
expansion toward the south. One may well doubt, however, that it was anything
more than a testing raid.
The military situation was not yet such as to encourage Shuppiluliumash to conduct operations on a larger scale. At the beginning of his reign,
the Khatti Land and the country of Mitanni had only a comparatively
short border in common. It became more extended when Shuppiluliumash recovered Ishuwa which his father had lost.
But even then, for the larger part of the distance between the Upper Euphrates
and the Mediterranean Sea, the two countries were separated by Kizzuwadna.
It must have been one of the first tasks of the young king to come to terms
with this buffer state. The result of his efforts is contained in the treaty
which he concluded with Shunashshura, the king
of Kizzuwadna.
Large parts of an Akkadian version and parts of a parallel
Hittite version have survived. The salient fact in the treaty is that Kizzuwadna renounced
its affiliation with the Mitanni kingdom and forthwith returned to the Hittite
sphere of influence. Shunashshura was
treated by Shuppiluliumash with some consideration
and granted certain privileges. This does not alter the fact that he had to
surrender essential parts of his sovereignty, especially the right to maintain
such relations with foreign countries as suited himself. The common frontier
was revised.
Shuppiluliumash also reached an agreement with Artatama,
the king of the Khurri Land. In view of the
enmity that existed between Tushratta and Artatama—their law-suit was still pending before the
gods—this must have been comparatively easy. From Artatama's point
of view, Tushratta was a rebel and a usurper. The
text of the treaty has not come down to us, but there is every reason to
believe that Shuppiluliumash treated Artatama as a ‘Great King’, i.e. his equal; there is
certainly no doubt that the treaty was directed against Tushratta.
In all likelihood, Artatama promised at least
benevolent neutrality in the impending conflict. This relieved Shuppiluliumash of the fear that the Hurrian might
try to interfere in favor of the Mitannian; it
thus enabled him to concentrate all his might against the latter. No wonder
then that Tushratta considered the conclusion of the
treaty as a casus belli.
The relations of Shuppiluliumash with Egypt at
that moment conformed with the diplomatic customs of the time, but
were rather cool. The Hittite had good reason for keeping them correct. He had
exchanged courteous messages with Amenophis III;
we possess the letter which he wrote to Amenophis IV
(1379-1362) when the latter assumed kingship. It betrays a certain tension
between the two countries. This is easily understandable when it is recalled that
family ties existed between the pharaoh and Tushratta, Tadu-Kheba his daughter having been given in marriage
to Amenophis III from whose harem she was
transferred to that of Amenophis IV.
Furthermore, the Egyptians must gradually have grown apprehensive of the
Hittite's intentions. One may rather feel surprised that relations
between Khatti and Egypt remained as undisturbed as they apparently
did for so long. The situation suggests that Amenophis IV
had no desire whatever to become involved in what he considered the internal
affairs of Syria and to provide Tushratta with more
than nominal support. Tushratta may have hoped
for more active assistance, and, when none was forthcoming, his feelings
toward the pharaoh became increasingly cool. His three extant letters to Amenophis IV show a growing animosity, and
it may well be that after the third the correspondence was actually
When the Hittite attack finally came, Tushratta proved unable to keep his hold on Syria. Shuppiluliumash moved at will, and all the country between the Euphrates and the Mediterranean
Sea as far south as the Lebanon fell prey to the invader. One may assume that
see-sawing battles took place before a firm frontier was finally established.
As a matter of fact, existing reports—if they belong here—suggest that Tushratta conducted a counter-campaign in Syria. He is said
to have reached Sumura (which had been
before, and was later, an Egyptian stronghold) and to have tried to
capture Gubla (Byblos), but to have been
forced to retreat by lack of water. Was this a mere show of force or was it an
attempt at creating a line which made it possible for him to maintain contact
with the Hurrian princes in southern Syria and ultimately with Egypt?
If so, it was of no avail; the Hittite king's might proved overpowering. The most loyal partisan whom the pharaoh had in Syria, Rib-Adda of Gubla, sums up the result of the campaign in the following
words: 'The king, my lord, should be advised that the Hittite king has taken
over all the countries affiliated(?) with the king of the Mita(nni) land, i.e.(?) the king
of Nakh(ri)ma'
(probably meaning Naharina, the name under which
the Mitanni country was known in Egypt).
This move had brought Shuppiluliumash right to
the border of the territory over which Egypt not only claimed, but in some
fashion also exercised sovereignty. Shuppiluliumash halted here. He could not wish to antagonize the pharaoh unnecessarily at a
time when Tushratta was far from completely defeated.
To be sure, the Mitanni king was no longer undisputed ruler of Syria. But he
may still have held open a line of communication with Egypt by way of Kinza. At any rate, Kinza defied
the Hittites for a long time to come and was considered by them, even
after Tushratta's downfall, as part of
Egypt's sphere of influence. At the present moment Tushratta still ruled over his homeland in Upper Mesopotamia as well as all his eastern
Moreover, there existed a treaty of long standing between the Hittites and
Egypt. It had been concluded when people of the Anatolian town of Kurushtama had been transferred (in a somewhat
mysterious way) to Egyptian territory to become subjects of the pharaoh. It is
unknown who precisely had been the contractants,
but the political situation suggests that on the Egyptian side it must have
been one of the pharaohs who still controlled Syria, and on the Hittite side a
king who still held at least the Taurus frontier, i.e. a king
reigning before the rebellion against Tudkhaliash,
father of Shuppiluliumash. It must
go back to the time before the Mitannians had
come on to the scene and separated the two great western powers. The treaty had
almost been forgotten; it acquired new actuality only when conquest
reconstituted a common frontier between them.
It is difficult to assign an exact date to this first great success of the
Hittite king. It seems clear, however, from the sources that the
event took place during the lifetime of Abdi-Ashirta of Amurru whose death occurred late in the reign of Amenophis IV, perhaps about 1365.
The Hittite victory upset the order in Syria; it destroyed Mitannian control, but it did not replace it as yet
with an equally firm Hittite rule. Some of the Syrian states became Hittite
vassals, a development which made them susceptible to Mitannian vengeance.
Others were freed from their old obligations and thus enabled to follow their
own particularistic ambitions.
To safeguard access to his Syrian dependencies Shuppiluliumash installed, perhaps at this time, his son Telepinush as
the local ruler ('priest') in the holy city of Kumanni (Comana Cappadociae). The
pertinent decree has come down to us in the name of the great king, his second
queen Khenti, and the crown prince Arnuwandash.
The Syrian states in the north, the territories of which were contiguous
with former Hittite possessions, were reduced to vassalage. The most important
among them was the state of Aleppo (Khalap). So far
we have no direct testimony for a treaty between Shuppiluliumash and the king of Aleppo. We may take it for granted, however, that such a treaty
must have existed. The same can be assumed for Mukish (Alalakh). The treaty between Shuppiluliumash and Tunip, remnants of which have survived, may
belong to this period. As far as Ugarit on the coast is concerned, it is
unlikely that it submitted at that time. Protected as it is by mountain ranges
toward the plains of the north, it could feel reasonably safe .There are
indications that Ammishtamru remained true
to his obligations toward Egypt. His son Niqmaddu who
later had to submit to Shuppiluliumash still
corresponded with the pharaoh and even seems to have married an Egyptian
princess. A treaty between Shuppiluliumash and
the Nukhash Lands, the territories south of
Aleppo, is definitely attested; the ruler of that region was at that time Sharrupsha.
It goes without saying that Tushratta could not
accept without a fight the loss even of northern Syria. In fact, we know that
he reacted violently. He could not but regard the conclusion of a treaty with
the Hittites on the part of the king of the Nukhash Lands
as a treasonable action. Aided by a local pro-Mitannian party,
an armed invasion of Nukhash by a Mitannian army was temporarily successful, but was
ultimately repulsed.
In other countries, e.g. in Neya and Arakhtu, partisans of the Mitannians must
also have existed. After all, the ruling class was largely Hurrian in
origin. Shuppiluliumash proved his deep mistrust of
them when later, after his final conquest, he exiled most of these families to
Anatolia. He probably had experienced difficulties with them. Of course, the
position in which these dynasts found themselves was in no way enviable. They
were caught between the three parties to the conflict: Tushratta,
Egypt, and now the Hittites. The bolder among them tried to exploit the
situation for their own ends and avoided commitments and eventual submission to
any of the great powers. Such men were to be found particularly in southern
Syria. There Mitannian supremacy had been
broken, Egyptian domination was an empty claim, but Hittite influence was still
too weak to demand unquestioned recognition. The princes of Amurru in particular took advantage of the opportunity
that presented itself.
The kings of Amurru, Abdi-Ashirta and his son Aziru after
him, were easily the most restive personalities in Syria at this time. A
country Amurru had existed there at least
since the Mari Age; it apparently lay west of the middle Orontes. Reactivated
by Hapiru people it now showed a
marked tendency to expand toward the Mediterranean coast; gradually it gained a
foothold between Sumura in the south and
Ugarit in the north. This had happened before Shuppiluliumash appeared on the scene. Already Amenophis III
had had to recognize Abdi-Ashirta as
the Amurrite chief; he had even tried to
use him as a tool of Egyptian policy in order to check Tushratta's Syrian
schemes. Rib-Adda of Gubla (Byblos),
who was to become the foremost victim of the Amurrite,
dates the beginning of his troubles from a visit that Amenophis III
had paid to Sidon. The Hittite conquest of northern Syria did not make Rib-Adda's situation
any less dangerous. On the contrary it removed every restraint that had held
back Abdi-Ashirta. Egyptian control had ceased
for all practical purposes. Pakhamnate, the
Egyptian ‘commissioner’, had to give up his residence Sumura and
probably returned to Egypt. Abdi-Ashirta stepped
into the gap thus created; in doing so he seems to have obtained the official
sanction of the pharaoh. He used his enhanced position to expand inland toward
Damascus and to get a firmer hold on the coast, to the dismay of Rib-Adda of Gubla. The territory controlled by this tragic champion of
Egyptian rule began to dwindle; his ever-repeated complaints and his incessant
demands for help were not taken seriously by the pharaoh. Neither did his
southern neighbors comply with his calls for help. In consequence, Sumura fell. Then the rulers of the town of Irqata and Ambi were
murdered at the instigation of Abdi-Ashirta, and
these places, together with Shigata and Ardata, were taken by the Amurrite.
The appointment of Kha'ip (Ha'apt) as the new Egyptian commissioner did not
arrest this development. Abdi-Ashirta, Rib-Adda says,
acted as though he were the Mitanni king and the Kassite king all in one. Gubla itself was seriously threatened. It was saved at
the last moment when, after Bit-Arkha and Batruna, the last possessions of the prince of Gubla, had fallen, the Egyptian general Amanappa finally appeared with some troops.
Sumura and the other towns just mentioned are later in Egyptian hands
again. Their recapture perhaps took place in connection with the events that
led to Abdi-Ashirta’s death. This fierce
fighter, whose activities in the interest of Amurru,
his country, had been troublesome for many of his contemporaries, was at last
slain, no matter in what way. His death did not, however, change the situation
materially. After a temporary set-back, the people of Amurru,
now led by Aziru, Abdi-Ashirta’s son,
resumed their activities with renewed vigour.
Very soon Irqata, Ambi, Shigata and Ardata were reoccupied by them. Sumura did
not fall at once; it was besieged and could for some time be reached only by
boat. The Egyptians made an effort to hold it, and the commissioner of Sumura was killed in the fight. But the Egyptians
finally had to evacuate their troops from the city. Rib-Adda, now left alone,
faced a hopeless situation, particularly when Zimredda of
Sidon allied himself with Aziru. Finally Gubla alone was left in his possession, and it too
fell when intrigues compelled Rib-Adda to flee his hometown; he met
a—probably violent—death in exile. At the same time Aziru took
possession of Neya. All this seems to have taken
place shortly before, or at the very beginning of, the second war in Syria.
It is quite likely that already at that time some understanding had been
reached between Shuppiluliumash and Aziru. It need not necessarily have consisted of a formal
treaty. At repeated times Aziru calls the
pharaoh's attention to the fact that the Hittite stands in the Nukhash Lands, as though to remind him he might be
forced to throw in his lot with the northerners. But, at the height of the
threatening crisis, and before Shuppiluliumash was
able to advance further to the south, the pharaoh called the Amurrite to Egypt. The correct interpretation of this
act is probably an attempt at removing from the scene at the decisive moment
the potentially most dangerous man. The pharaoh may even have hoped to
draw Aziru over to his side, assigning him
a role in a scheme for the preservation of Egyptian influence in Syria. Be this
as it may, Aziru complied and, once there,
played his ambiguous game with political skill and cleverness. His son, left at
home, had to listen to accusations that he had sold his father to Egypt.
But Aziru eventually returned from the
court of the pharaoh unharmed. His treaty with Niqmaddu of
Ugarit, which greatly strengthened his position in Syria, may have looked as
though inspired by Egypt. It revealed its real import only when shortly
thereafter, it seems, he also entered into a formal pact with Shuppiluliumash. Thereby he took finally his place in the
Hittite system of states.
At about the same time Shuppiluliumash took
another step of a highly political nature: he married a Babylonian princess.
Assuming the name Tawannannash, a name which the
first queen of the Hittites had borne in the old days, she also became reigning
queen. The purpose is clear: in anticipation of the attack on Tushratta of Mitanni, Shuppiluliumash sought protection of his rear. Burnaburiash must
then have been king in Babylon.
His rival's earlier successes had alerted Tushratta to the things to come. Naturally he had tried to reassert his power. We know of
two counter-measures he took. He interfered in the Nukhash Lands
deposing Sharrupsha; he also initiated an
anti-Hittite action further toward the north in Ishuwa.
This gave Shuppiluliumash the pretext for his final
attack. He declared that the Nukhash Lands
were ‘rebels’—neighboring Mukish and Neya were likewise involved—and that the Mitannian had acted with arrogant presumptuousness.
At the same time he had prepared himself with circumspection. Approaching
Ugarit beforehand he proposed a treaty of mutual peace which, in the
circumstances, can only have been favorable to the small country where Niqmaddu, the son of Ammishtamru,
then reigned. In this way he kept his right flank secure; sending a detachment
to the Nukhash Lands, he himself crossed
the Euphrates into Ishuwa where Tushratta had threatened him. Having obtained King Antaratal's permission he passed through Alshe and appeared on the north-western border of the
Mitanni land proper. Having there captured the forts of Kutmar and Suta, he
made a swift stab at Washshuganni, the Mitannian capital. When he reached it, he found,
however, that Tushratta had fled.
He did not bother to pursue him, but turned westward; Syria was of much
greater importance to him. He entered it recrossing the Euphrates
from east to west, probably south of the strongly fortified Carchemish. Once
on Syrian soil, one country after another fell to him. Everywhere he
removed the Hurrian city-rulers who had been the mainstay of Mitannian domination and replaced them with men of his
own choice. The list of the rebellious countries which Shuppiluliumash gives himself includes Aleppo, Mukish, Neya, Arakhtu, Qatna, Nukhash and Kinza, the sequence most likely indicating the order in
which he defeated them. The campaign ended in Apina (Damascus), i.e. in
clearly Egyptian territory. The negative fact is noteworthy that the report
does not mention Carchemish, Ugarit and Amurru.
The first probably remained independent; the two others were already bound by
treaty to the Hittites.
This war had profoundly changed the overall political picture. Above all it
meant the end of Tushratta and his empire. He himself
may have held on for a while after his flight from Washshuganni;
in the end he was murdered by conspirators among whom was his own
son Kurtiwaza. In accordance with the beliefs of
the times, his death was interpreted as the final decision of Teshub (the Mitanni Land's highest god) in the
long-pending lawsuit between him and the king of the Khurri Land.
It was now considered proven that Tushratta had
usurped a throne which had not been rightfully his.
To be sure, the immediate advantage of Tushratta's downfall
was not Artatama’s, but went to Alshe and above all to Assyria. These two
countries, freed by the Hittite victory from Mitannian overlordship,
divided most of the Mitannian territory
between themselves, Alshe taking the
north-western part and Assyria the north-eastern. The liberation of
Assyria, where Ashur-uballit was then king, was
an event which, unwished for and of little consequence at the moment, became of
great significance later on. However, the Mitanni kingdom, although greatly
reduced in area, did not entirely cease to exist; Kurtiwaza remained
its ruler. A serious rival to him arose in the person of Shutatarra (Shuttarna),
apparently son and successor of Artatama, who
maintained, so it seems, that the Mitanni Land was now a vacant fief of
the Khurri king. Kurtiwaza,
expelled by Shutatarra (Shuttarna)
sought refuge in Kassite Babylonia; finally he appeared at the court
of Shuppiluliumash and tried to enlist the help
of the Hittite king for the recovery of his throne.
Of greater immediate significance for the Hittites was the new order which Shuppiluliumash, after the destruction of the Mitanni
Empire, created in Syria. It was based on the system of vassal states. In
northern Syria some treaties already existed, with the successors to the
vanquished rebels new ones were concluded. Soon the south was also reorganized.
This time Ugarit was firmly included in this system. Niqmaddu came
to Alalakh, the capital of Mukish, to pay homage to Shuppiluliumash.
He received his country back as a fief, the frontier toward Mukish being regulated in detail, and assumed, as
usual in vassal treaties, the duty of furnishing troops in wartime and paying a
yearly tribute to his overlord. The documents written out then and handed
to Niqmaddu bear the seal of Shuppiluliumash and sometimes that of the Great King and
his third queen Tawannannash.
The treaty with Aziru of Amurru was confirmed; parts of a copy have
survived. Aziru proved a loyal vassal of
the Hittite king for the rest of his life which lasted into the reign of Murshilish, the son of Shuppiluliumash.
The treaties no doubt concluded with Mukish and Neya have not come to light. Further inland and in the
south the reorganization seems to have taken somewhat longer. At first Shuppiluliumash merely removed the reigning families to
Hittite territory. Eventually, however, he brought them back; probably a few
years later.
Thus in the Nukhash Lands, where Tushratta had started his last war, he replaced Sharrupsha, who had lost his life in the upheaval, by his
grandson Tette. The treaty concluded with him is
partly preserved. In Kinza Shuppiluliumash had not wanted to interfere. However,
attacked by the local king, Shutatarra, and his
son, he had been forced to engage himself. Defeated, they were deported, but
the son, Aitakama, was eventually brought back.
No doubt a formal treaty, not recovered as yet, was concluded also with him. Abi-milki of Tyre reports
to Amenophis IV the fact of his restoration
with obvious misgivings; he may have had good reasons. For Aitakama, backed by Hittite power and seconded by Aziru, immediately sought to extend his own borders by
attacking the nominally Egyptian territory on his southern frontier. Not far
east from Kinza, in Qatna, Aitakama found
another target for his attempt at expansion. In a way not clear to us a
certain Akizzi had gained possession of the
small kingdom which had been listed only a short while ago as conquered by Shuppiluliumash; this Akizzi,
as his letters show, recognized Egyptian overlordship. He reports to the
pharaoh that Aitakama had tried to persuade
him to take part in an anti-Egyptian conspiracy. He also reports that Aitakama's advances had been more successful
with Teuwatti of Lapana and Arzawiya of Ruh-hizzi.
Indeed, reinforced by Hittite troops, he attacked Qatna,
apparently capturing it and compelling Akizzi to
flee. Aitakama was even able to
attack Apina (Damascus) where Piryawaza, the 'commissioner' of Kumidu,
represented the pharaoh.
The advance of Hittite partisans as far south as the Biqa, the valley between Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon, and
further east as far as Damascus ought not to have left the Egyptians
indifferent; this was undisputed Egyptian territory. However, they either were
unwilling or unable to help their friends in southern Syria. The letters
of Akizzi—like those of Rib-Adda—are vivid
testimony to Egyptian impotence.
A word remains to be said on chronology. The precise date of Tushratta's downfall is not ascertainable. Tushratta once mentions that friendship had prevailed
between Amenophis IV and himself for four
years. All his letters keep the memory of Amenophis III
alive as though he had passed away only a short while ago. On the other hand,
all of Aziru's struggle with Rib-Adda of Gubla must fall before the victory of Shuppiluliumash. The latter occurred early in the reign
of Ashur-uballit of Assyria and certainly
before Kurigalzu became king of
Babylon, i.e. during the reign there of Burnaburiash. Therefore, one will be inclined to propose a
date about 1360 or a little later.
The summaries of the Hittite conqueror's reign list—allegedly after twenty
years of war against the Kaska (Gasga) people—six years of campaigning in the Khurri Lands, i.e. in northern Syria.
The combined evidence from various surviving sources makes at least a tentative
reconstruction possible.
The first link in the series of campaigns is probably a Hittite attack
on Amqa, the land between Lebanon and
Anti-Lebanon which was considered an Egyptian dependency. The attack was
commanded not by the king himself, but by one of his generals. The second year
of this campaign saw serious fighting on the Euphrates frontier; the main
adversary there was Carchemish which—surprisingly—had so far not been
conquered. The city must have had helpers from further east. The military
leader on the Hittite side was Telepinush, the
king's son, who held the position of the 'priest' in Kumanni.
His quick success resulted in the submission of the countries of Arziya and Carchemish; only that city itself continued
to resist. The victorious army took up winter camp in Khurmuriga (or Murmuriga). When Telepinush had
to go home in order to attend to urgent religious duties, the command was
entrusted to the general Lupakkish. The prince’s
departure precipitated an attack of Hurrian troops on Khurmuriga, which was enveloped and besieged. At the
same time, Egyptian troops—probably reacting to the Hittite raid on Amqa which had just been mentioned—invaded Kinza. It was probably then that Kinza and Nukhash, as
other sources relate, 'revolted' against Shuppiluliumash. Aziru of Amurru,
however, remained loyal to his overlord.
Shuppiluliumash prepared his counter-stroke carefully. He gathered a new army in Tegarama and with the arrival of spring (this then is
the third year of this series of campaigns) he sent it to Syria under the joint
command of the crown-prince Arnuwandash and Zidash, the major-domo. Before he could join this army
himself, it defeated the Hurrians and lifted the siege of Khurmuriga. He could at once proceed to laying siege to the
city of Carchemish, and still had sufficient troops at hand to send a column
under Lupakkish and Tarkhunda-zalmash against the Egyptians. They promptly
drove the Egyptians from Kinza and re-entered Amqa, the Egyptian border province.
While Carchemish was under siege and this second army stood in Amqa, news reached Shuppiluliumash that a pharaoh, whom our source calls Piphururiyas, had
died. His identity has been much discussed; the publication of a new fragment
in which the name is given as Niphururiyas finally
decides the issue in favor of Tutankhamun, Akhenaten's son-in-law.
According to the chronology followed in this work his death occurred c. 1352.
A remarkable message from the pharaoh’s widow was conveyed to Shuppiluliumash. It deserves to be quoted here in full: 'My
husband has died, and I have no son. They say about you that you have many
sons. You might give me one of your sons, and he might become my husband. I
would not want to take one of my servants. I am loath to make him my husband.'
This offer was so surprising to the Great King that he called together his
noblemen into council and decided first to investigate whether the request was
sincere. A high official, Khattusha-zitish was
sent to Egypt. During his absence in Egypt, Carchemish was taken by storm more
quickly than anyone expected.
At the beginning of the following year—the fourth—Khattusha-zitish returned
with a second message from the Egyptian queen, who bitterly complained about
distrust and hesitancy. She added: “I have not written to any other country, I
have written only to you... He will be my husband and king in the country of
Egypt”. This time Shuppiluliumash complied with her
wish. He sent Zannanzash to Egypt, but the
prince never reached the goal of his journey. He was murdered on the way,
probably by the 'servants' of the queen who did not wish a foreigner to ascend
the throne of the pharaohs. Thus, by over-cautious hesitation Shuppiluliumash missed the chance of making one of
his sons pharaoh of Egypt. All that he was able to do then was to
send Hittite troops on a new expedition against Amqa.
This seems to be counted as the fifth campaign in the series. On their return
they carried home to the Hittite country a plague which harassed the people for
a long time to come.
After the fall of Carchemish Shuppiluliumash reorganized northern Syria: he elevated his two sons Piyashilish and Telepinush (until then 'priest' of Kumanni) to kingship in Carchemish and Aleppo respectively. Thereby
he assured firm control of the Taurus and Amanus passes and Hittite
domination of the two most important states in northern Syria.
The downfall of Tushratta had set free Assyria, a
result which was not altogether desirable from the Hittite point of view. Shuppiluliumash was not oblivious of the danger inherent in
this development. To counteract it, he decided to make use of the presence
of Kurtiwaza, the Mitannian prince,
at his court. Piyashilish, the new king of
Carchemish—now known as Sharre-Kushukh—was
entrusted with the task of re-establishing him as king in Washshuganni. This may be counted as the sixth Hurrian campaign;
it involved a serious armed expedition. The two princes set out from
Carchemish, crossed the Euphrates, and attacked Irrite.
The people of this city and the surrounding country, after some fighting,
recognized that resistance was useless and surrendered. The next objective was
Harran, which was quickly overrun. Further advance toward Washshuganni brought about some interference from the
Assyrian, i.e. Ashur-uballit, and
from the king of the Khurri Land. But the
Hittite troops, acclaimed by the populace, were able to enter the former
capital. The advance east of Washshuganni,
however, proved to be difficult, mainly for lack of supplies. Nevertheless, the
Assyrians did not risk battle and withdrew. Shuttarna retired
beyond the Upper Euphrates and only insignificant skirmishing took place beyond
that line. It became the north-eastern boundary of Kurtiwaza's new
kingdom. The two versions of the treaty which Shuppiluliumash concluded with the new king are preserved. By taking one of the overlord's
daughters in marriage, Kurtiwaza had
previously been made a member of the royal family.
Either simultaneously with this campaign in the Mitanni country or in the
following year, Arnuwandash, the crown prince,
was sent out against 'Egypt'. Nothing beyond the mere fact is known.
When the reign of Shuppiluliumash drew toward its
end—he must have died soon afterward, i.e. about 1346, the victim of the plague
which Hittite soldiers had imported from Amqa—he
was the undisputed master of Syria and wielded more power than any one of his
contemporaries. The Egyptians, at the end of the Amarna period, were
for internal reasons in no position to challenge the Hittites, and remained
unable to do so for the next fifty years. The Assyrians, still in process of
reorganization after their liberation from Mitannian overlordship,
were not yet ready to oppose them seriously. Thus the struggle for Syria had
ended for the time being and a balance of power had been established.
Despite the efforts of the pharaohs of the Nineteenth Dynasty, and also despite
the intermittent resurgence of Assyrian might, this remained essentially
unchanged down to the great migrations toward the end of the thirteenth
Subbiluliuma was succeeded by his son Arandas, of
whom there are no records, and then by another son, Mursil,
read as Maurasira in Egyptian. In an
interesting chronicle he mentions his father's conquest of Mitanni, and speaks
of his own relations with various allied or subject states, mostly not yet
identified. He also maintained control over the Amorites of Syria. But Egypt
had now recovered from its weakness and its new king, Seti I,
regained possession of south Syria. This serious blow seems to have
roused Mutallu (or Mutallis),
who succeeded his father Mursil, to make a great
effort to re-establish the Hittite power over unhappy Syria. He resumed the war
with Egypt, and fought a great battle against Ramses II (the successor of Seti) near Kadesh on the Orontes, which was still
a Hittite stronghold. The Egyptian account of this battle is a well-known piece
of literature. Things were going badly for Pharaoh:
“My warriors and my chariots had deserted me; not one of them stood by me.
Then I prayed, Where art thou, my father Amon? And Amon heard
me and came at my prayer. He stretched out his hand to me and I shouted for
joy. I was changed. I became like a god, like a god in his strength, I slew the
hosts of the enemy: not one escaped me. Alone I did it!”
But apart from its Homeric setting, the account is historically important
because it indicates the extent of the Hittite confederacy. To oppose Ramses
they had summoned contingents from Syria and Phoenicia, from Aleppo and
Carchemish, Dardani, and Masu, and others
whose identity is uncertain. It was probably the greatest effort they ever
made, and it nearly succeeded. Evidently both sides suffered severely,
for Mutallu found it safer to shut himself
up in Kadesh and Rameses did not follow up the victory he
claimed. In consequence of his failure Mutallu appears
to have been deposed, and no doubt murdered, by a military conspiracy after a
short reign.
His brother Hattusil, who followed him, had
a long and eventful reign, largely occupied by his dealings with Egypt. As
most of the Boghaz-keui documents belong to
him, we may hope for a good deal of information when the language of them is
better understood. He was a powerful and resourceful king, a worthy grandson
of Subbiluliuma. His policy was the same as that
of his grandfather, and was in fact the only possible policy for a state
situated as the Hittites were, with an equally powerful rival on either side.
He maintained his friendship with Babylon (still Kassite) and his alliance
with Mitanni, so protecting himself against the growing power of Assyria on the
east, and at the same time kept a hold on the Amorites in the west. He was thus
in a strong position to deal with Egypt. Ramses, in spite of his boastful
record of the battle of Kadesh was content in his twenty-first year
(c. 1280 BC) to make a treaty with the Hatti, leaving to them
Syria and all western Asia from the Euphrates to the sea. The treaty was a
great event. The fragments found at Boghaz-keui evidently
belong to a draft of it, and the terms were much discussed by letter before it
was finally presented to Ramses for ratification.
But in spite of Hattusil’s diplomacy,
the Hittite power from this time began steadily to decline. His reason for
making the treaty with Egypt may have been that he foresaw danger from the
increasing power of Assyria. At any rate it must have been soon after 1280 (the
chronology is not quite certain) that Shalmaneser I in his great
stone inscription records with pride how he conquered the land of Khani (rabbat), or Mitanni,
and “slaughtered the army of the Hittite and the Aramaeans, his allies,
like sheep”. This was the end of Mitanni power, and of any help it might give
to the Hittites in their struggle.
The kings after Hattusil were his
son Dudhalia, who mentions Carchemish as a
vassal state under Eni-Tesup (a Hittite
name), and his grandson Arnuanta neither of
them apparently of much importance. The Boghaz-keui records
then cease about 1200 BC. It is probable that the city was losing its dominant
position by this time (owing to pressure from the west?) and that the Hittite centre was being gradually transferred to Carchemish in the
south. Assyria was temporarily eclipsed after the death of Tukulti-ninib, and as Egypt was also weak, it was a time of
unusual peace, with no power able to restrict the southward expansion of the
Hittites and their trade. Unfortunately we have in consequence very little
external information for the years just after Boghazkeui stops.
From Egyptian sources we learn that the Hittites took part in an invasion of
Egypt from the sea in the reign of Ramses III (twelfth century). They were no
longer, however, the leading power among the allies. They merely joined in an
attack which was organized from the west. It failed, and this is the last time
they came in contact with Egypt. It is from Tiglath-Pileser I, under
whom Assyria again became powerful, that we next hear of changes in the Hatti state.
He broke up their federation, about 1120 BC, and was recognized by
Egypt as the conqueror of Syria and north Palestine, which the Assyrians
called Hatti-land. He did not, however, take Carchemish, and this
continued to be their chief centre, though we get no
more news of it for more than two centuries. In his time we begin to hear of
the Muski (Hebrew), a powerful tribe who
seem to take the place of the Hittites as head of the confederacy.
It has been suggested that the Kassite conquest of Babylon may
have been facilitated by the Hittite invasion which preceded it. Whether or not
the Hittites were racially connected with the Kassites, or had a
particular interest in their fortunes, it is at least striking that we hear of
them again at the end of the Kassite dynasty. That came to an end in
1181 BC, and was succeeded by the Semitic dynasty of Isin,
and some thirty years later the Hittites ventured to invade Babylon again. But
this time they encountered Nebuchadrezzar I,
a very different person from Samsuditana. They
succeeded in taking the city, but not in holding it. In thirteen days Nebuchadrezzar drove them out and pursued them
westward as far as Syria. It was merely a raid, which cannot have had any
serious political effect, and never again did Hittites attack Babylon. In fact
their glory was departed.
In all this long story, largely concerning Syria since the time
of Hammurabi, there has been no mention of the people with whom we naturally
associate it the Israelites. Indeed, their entry into the promised land can
have happened only a short time before the events just narrated. The Hittite
control of Syria had been broken, and the Amorites, who had shared their
ascendancy, shared also their downfall. This does not mean that no Hittites or
Amorites were left in the country. On the contrary the books of Joshua and
Judges mention both specially. The population remained, but the land was
without a government, and therefore an easier object of attack to the
Israelites under Joshua. That the invaders amalgamated with the native
population is stated in Judges III. 5-6, and Ezekiel's taunt (XVI. 3 -45) of
Jerusalem (some centuries later) is no doubt founded on historical fact: 'The
Amorite was thy father, and thy mother was an Hittite.' The basis of
the population must have remained largely Hittite, and when we can read the
language we may find that their influence was fundamental. Indeed the Hittites
were so closely associated with Syria that it continued to be called Hatti-land
long after they had lost their hold on it. Similarly the name was applied
vaguely to members of the confederacy, irrespective of race. It was a great
name, and the Assyrians did not forget it. After Tiglath-Pileser I
there is a blank in our sources of information for about two centuries, during
which Assyrian records give very little information at all. This interval must
have witnessed the rise of Carchemish, and also the growth of Aramaean power.
The rest of the story of the Hittites now centres round
Carchemish, and is a record of continual struggle against Assyria, with varying
success, but always tending to the inevitable end. The Assyrian accounts are
very full, and I can only indicate here the main features of the history. Assurnazirpal I (884-858), in his campaigns to the
north and north-west, to strengthen his hold on the provinces there, after
savagely crushing many small states, received tribute from Milid and Kurhi,
members of the Hittite confederacy. He had already subdued Kummuh. His constant attacks on the Aramaean states
along the Euphrates show the importance which these had attained, probably at
the expense of the Hittites. In 1877 he took Carchemish. Owing to its position
the city had become a rich commercial centre, under
its king Sangara. It was for this reason
that Assurnazirpal attacked it, and a large
tribute was exacted. He then went on to the neighbouring and
allied state of Hattin (capital Kunulua,
under Labarna), through which the trade passed
to the Orontes, and so on to the Lebanon and the sea. Here also a large tribute
was exacted.
His son Shalmaneser III (858-824) carried out the same plan still
further. He again had to deal with the Aramaeans, but his main object was
to crush the Hittite confederacy. There could in fact be no peace for Assyria
until these troublesome states were reduced to Assyrian provinces. They must
have rebelled again, for he took tribute (to name only places of interest here)
from Carchemish (King Sangara), Kummuh (King Kundashpi), Milid (King Lulli), Hattin (King Kalparuda), Pitru and
Aleppo (whose god was Adad). He also fought a great battle at Karkar, near the Orontes, against an army of allies from
Hamath (Irhuleni), Damascus (Bir-idri),
and Israel (Ahab), with others. Though he claims a great victory, he was unable
to follow it up. The alliance was powerful, and if it could have held together
it might have maintained its independence, but it had too many incompatible
interests to last. Adadnirari IV (810-781)
took tribute from Damascus and Syria, which was now only traditionally
called Hatti-land. While the Hittite power was thus being gradually broken
by Assyria, it also had to contend with the new kingdom of Van, as we learn
from the Vannic inscriptions. This kingdom
had risen to importance soon after the death of Shalmaneser III. One
of its kings, Sarduris III, about 750,
overran north Syria and compelled the Hittite states of Milid (King Sulumal), Gurgum (Tarkhulara), Kummukh (Kushtashpi),
and probably Carchemish (Pisiris), to form an
alliance with him against Assyria. This bold adventure was crushed by Tiglath-Pileser IV
(746-727), who took tribute from all the allies, as well as (or including)
Damascus (Bezin), Kue (Urikki), Hamath (Enilu), Samal (Panammu), Tabal (Uassurme), Tyana, and many others.
The end of this ‘strange eventful history’ came with Sargon II (722-705).
Hamath had again become a centre of opposition to
Assyria, under its king Yaubidi or Ilubidi (successor of Enilu),
who is called a Hittite. He was killed and the city was taken. Carchemish had
managed to remain independent, and its king, Pisiris,
was called sar mat Haiti, as
though his city was now the capital of Hatti-land. He now joined
with Mita of Muski in
an attempt to withstand Assyria. But the unity of the Hittite states had been
broken and they were powerless except in a large combination. Pisiris was defeated and taken prisoner, together with
large booty from the prosperous city. In order to guard against any trouble
from it in the future, Sargon reduced Carchemish to the status of a province of
the empire under an Assyrian governor in 717 BC. Revolts of some minor states,
such as Milid (Tarhunazi)
and Gurgum (Mutallu),
had to be suppressed in the next few years, but this may be said to be the end
of the Hittite power. Owing to its position Carchemish remained an important
place for some centuries. It is now a mound whose identity has only recently
been established by archaeological evidence.