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The fact of being alive is the beginning of all things. If God were dead nothing would exist; but because he is alive, the Universe exists. It is the same with us, if we were dead there would be no thought, but because we are alive the future is ours. And here begins the fratricidal struggle.

The battle to be the owner of the Future of Life on Earth gives rise to war. The ideological differences based on how our Future should be and who should be the god before whom we must kneel proceeds to open a contest that does not stop before anything, neither before the Law, nor before Civil War, nor before Genocide: Dictatorship is the road to Glory.

The dictator born in the belly of democracy believes that because he was born in democracy his dictatorship is legitimized.

In short, it is enough to detach oneself from circumstances, to sit naked, and dressed in abstract thought, and from the Fire of the Bush to contemplate the movement that shakes the surface of the waters of nations, and to draw conclusions.

Yet he is mistaken who thinks that eyes and ears are enough to legitimize conclusions.

Creative Thought is the true Nature of human intelligence: sustained by a brain articulated in order to proceed to the isolation of the circumstances that tend to annul the Power of Human Nature, Thought cannot draw the necessary legitimate conclusions that allow it to understand the space and time in which it moves without an Accurate Knowledge of the Past. It is thus understood that every dictator aspiring to tyranny, or only dictator for a day, the first mission he owes to his happy existence is to amputate the Memory of the People, to limit its dimension in Time, and to proceed to a corruption of Historical Truth within the Strip left to study. This is a general law.

 No matter what ideological or religious cradle the would-be god for a day comes from, in his Manual of Resistance, or Mein Kampz, he must by logic integrate this Manipulation of Historical Truth, necessary for the lobotomization of the masses upon which his existence must rise in order to live the life of "god for a day".

The god for a day is like a butterfly who knows that his existence lasts 24 hours, with the difference that the butterfly has a natural labor, and the dictator causes the ruin and misery, if not civil war, of the people over whom he raises his throne of corruption.

But the mere invocation of the Creative Thought, even when the edifice of its Conclusions is supported by an Encyclopedic Knowledge of the Memory of Universal History, this Natural Power is not sufficient to recreate the True structure of the Time in which one lives if the Intelligence does not reckon with Him who is the Creator of the Universe, and therefore Creator of the existence of Man.

The lesson of History is clothed in wisdom when one contemplates the Death of the Philosophy of Science which in the 19th Century declared the Death of God.

With God dead, that is to say, His Law in Man, and Universal Moral Society abolished, the nations became murderous beasts, and hungry for flesh and blood they gave themselves up to the fratricidal orgy that we call the World Wars of the 20th Century. We must thank Scientific Atheism and the Ideology of International-Socialism for this Lesson, from which we must draw true Wisdom.

That Atheism and that Ideology are in motion live and direct at the present time; for what is natural to the Beast is his inability to make his Intelligence an Instrument of creation in the service of all other members of the Tree of Life.

As a man I could well invoke the argument of St. Paul when, addressing his critics, he put on the table his struggle in defense of his Faith. From a very young age I have lived my life in a continuous journey through the nations, I have lived in many of them, and through others I have traveled in an adventure of knowledge of Nature and its people. I learned to get by in the main languages of the Planet, Spanish, the language of my parents, and English, to which I added French, and a basic knowledge, learned on the ground, of Modern Greek and Italian. I have bathed in the waters of oceans, seas and rivers whose existence is just that, a name on the map for the vast majority of the human population. My legs have kicked through mountain ranges and valleys in Europe, Asia and America. Europe has become my backyard.

London, Rome, Athens, Madrid, Paris, were the neighborhoods of my life. From them I jumped to any part of Europe as the wind of the spirit rose and took me from one place to another.  Venice, Florence, Corinth, Argos, Salzburg, Bratislava, Vienna, Colmar, Helsinki, Vienna, Budapest, Berlin, Klagenfurt, and many other cities as beautiful as exotic for most Europeans, enclosed within the limits of their native regions, free for a crazy weekend of drunkenness in some of the macabre islands of the Mediterranean, the Aegean, the Adriatic or the Atlantic, were the neighborhoods of my city; from this city I jumped to Africa, Asia and America, my World.

40 years for a youth is a long time: can one be an ant and a cicada at the same time?

In the interregnum between my travels my passion was Reading. I ate entire libraries.  Others buy houses, cars, things they buy, and when you die you can't take them with you. My things were the masters of the giants of science and literature. If Newton threw himself flowers saying that he walked on the shoulders of giants, having so few in his days, and even if there had been a billion more than today, I made my journey on the Tree of Knowledge by the hand of the Creator of the Universe. HE amazed me and I allowed myself to be amazed.  Then it was time for recess. The wind would pick up and I would return to my other passion, traveling.

Because the Vigilance alone does not give any man the power to penetrate the nature of the events that unfold around him. The makers of those events erect an impenetrable wall around them so that no one can dissect the nature of their intentions, penetrate the structure of their brains and discover the impotence in which they exist and by reason of which their actions follow the law of St. Paul: "I want to do good, but it is evil that clings to me". And this speaking from the Christian Charity that wants to see in that evil that is born of their wills a little bit of that goodness.  Because we already know that some are more evil than Satan.

Without God, to whom nothing is hidden, nothing is seen. And with God as a father who teaches you as a son the true nature of the events that transpire over the decades, darkness becomes light. It should not surprise anyone, then, that the first thing any aspiring dictator does is to rise up against God, in schools, in cities and in nations, of which the best example is Brussels and its crusade against Christianity since Socialism in the 80's of the 20th century made the palace of the gods its Olympus. The Secularization of Europe is nothing more than a hidden war, initiated from Berlin, against the Foundation of Europe by Christianity, hence they have even tried to erase Christmas from the European Calendar.

Having said that, being a Christian by birth and a son of God by right, according to the one who has been born again of the Spirit, as powerful as my brain allows me to believe myself when interpreting Reality, without God as my personal Master I could not have gone further than any other intelligence could have gone on the wings of the same conditions that I have lived for my joy and happiness. God is the one who makes the difference, and it is HE who seeing in the darkness makes his creature see with his eyes what is really happening.

40 years going by HIS hand is a lot. Above all it gives the Freedom to open the words of the leaders, wise and holy, that they claim to be, and to see in the light of day the true nature contained in their statements "for the gallery".

For the Power of Man is in his word, it was by the Word that the First Man was deceived, and by the word that leaders, sages and saints proceed to create ruin in our day.

Learning to discover by the fruits of men's Word the true nature of their intentions, where they are going, what they want, is vital to avoid our ruin.

Man that I am, in the Word being my life, if I did not live on Earth I would have no duty to others; the Duty to his Creature is of his Creator. But I am here, on Earth, and what others do reverts on me.  And I would not want it, but it is impossible to avoid the existence of that pathological nature of those who do not want to live from the sweat of their work but do the impossible to live on the story, lying, cheating, if necessary killing, whatever it takes to live like gods on the account of a population that wants to believe in human kindness but does not know how to accept that they are using it for that, to live without giving a blow, unless that blow of the one who makes the Treasury of the Nation his Ali Baba's cave.

Spain is not alone trapped in this web of corruption that from Brussels has spread throughout the EEC. But being currently making my life here, force majeure forces me to analyze the nature of the circumstances that surround me, affect me and I see that they make a population suffer, all their lives working to finally open their eyes to the fact that they are nothing more than the victim of the national-socialist political vampire, always biting their neck but never ending up tearing out their life, because it would be to remain without the blood on which it feeds. In general terms, this is the true nature of the stage Spain is going through.

From the window of my apartment of 200 euros a month, living on 420 euros, plus the benefit of my books on the Internet, I contemplate the struggle of a people that from so much work forgot one thing: To cultivate the most wonderful tree that exists, the Wisdom that is born from the experience of a life open to the living Knowledge of the people of other nations, the joy of traveling around the Planet, the mother Earth, and from this Ship open the eyes to the infinite and perfect beauty of the Heavens.

Enslaved to the daily bread, the people have been denied to eat this bread that makes them strong before God, and of themselves when they look at themselves in the mirror and within their being they carry that album of their own memories, divine personal wealth that makes life a luxury and existence a blessed glory, even when existence goes through narrowness on the way. 

To have a rich Past is the foundation of a Future when youth is gone and we must begin to prepare ourselves to live without that natural wild force, now transformed into Existential Power.

The Future of Man is, then, what we must see on the Horizon. The civilization of Life on Earth must break all its ties with the last stage of the Medieval Age which was the Society of Modern Nations, a deception born in the Protestant Reformation, under which Lie it was intended to hide that the Reformation of Christianity was not a step forward but a 190 degree turn towards the Bestial and Brutal Past from which it was expected to emerge after the Renaissance, and that walking by that lie of the so-called "Modern World" could not be expected more than the Fall of the Imperialist Neo-Feudal nations in the World Wars.  As it was.

Those same Neo-Feudal Imperialist forces, supported by National-Socialist Ideological Atheism, silent during the Interregnum of the last 40 years, have returned from the Ice, throwing smoke messages and beating drums of fratricidal world war. To know how to read those smoke messages, to stand firm before the noise of the drums of war, to prepare to defend World Peace, is everyone's duty.

The Future is built from the Present, and destroyed from the Past by bestial forces that refuse to be part of the same Tree of Nations, branches of the same Tree of Life, brothers and sisters of the same World Family, living under the same universal law of freedom and justice.  But how can we ask those whose master is the Devil, and who live by his infernal inspiration, to listen to the Voice of God in Man?

This is the Dilemma that is hitting our pockets today.





Life is an adventure. To have life in the image and likeness of God is a marvel. There are contradictions in society, if on the one hand it opens the door to this freedom, on the other hand it enslaves you to the need to work, which God does not need. God does not need to work to live. No wonder God calls work a curse.

Civilization was not made by slaves but by men who were oblivious to the need to work to live. And when slaves wanted to create a civilization they created one in the image of their chains.

Communism is the civilization born of utopian socialism which, like the serpent in paradise, promises you glory and gives you ruin. No wonder then that Ukraine, knowing firsthand the malignity of 21st Century Socialism, whose head is the Moscow Monster, has preferred to die rather than live under the law of slaves.

But what is amazing is how the slaves of the other nations do not learn the lesson, and embrace socialism, the mother of communism, as if the poison that kills some would not leave a corpse for them. To this, to learn the lesson of Life, whether on one's own flesh or on the body of others, is called Wisdom.

Because if life is a personal adventure, the fact of living in a world of slaves and masters in perpetual fratricidal war produces in the intelligence an external reality that, by force of impossibility of catching a ticket to some other star, it has to live by force, and has to suffer it as an experience.

This experience, the hallucinating contemplation of a being who, just by raising his hand, can have everything, and prefers to have nothing, a bird in his hand to a hundred flying... when he was born to be one of those hundreds of creatures in freedom, is a pathological phenomenon for the study of a collective psychiatric anthropology. On second thought, it is not strange that extraterrestrial life has erected a cordon sanitaire around the Earth; rather than live under the law of a Cosmic Putin it is better to let our world devour itself, if our world is not able to rise up and cut off ears and tails of the Minotaur of the North that the world perish in its fratricidal-suicidal apocalypse. What can you do! You give them Peace, and they get bored. You give them science, and they create weapons of mass destruction instead of opening themselves to star travel. Only in War do they find the ecstasy that aspiring to be like the gods has lost the north and instead of looking at Jesus Christ they look in the mirror of Satan. The best thing is for them to believe that there are no other worlds, that they are alone in the Universe, that they are the only life in the cosmos, and to return to dust leaving no other inheritance than the memory of the madness that the Science of good and evil generates in every world subject to its laws. Blessed be God: "Eat not, that thou mayest die". Behold the Earth, behold the test.

Thus, forced to live in a world where to be a beast is the seed of Pride, to be corrupt the path that leads to Power, and to make a pact with Crime the guarantee of survival, one stands still, nole me tangere, or I become a worm.

And I think: Who is surprised that when Europe is governed by worms, they laugh and congratulate themselves for their charity towards Ukraine? They are better than them! Against hypersonic missiles, biological and atomic weapons, they send to the Kiev Spartacus water pistols and Halloween rifles. It is the way these civilized worms have of making a pact with the Devil; as if the Devil were for pacts with worms swimming in the corrupt waters of Brussels like swans in the Danube, more beautiful them, all dressed in white, the mask paid for by the slaves of all Europe, the haircuts of them, the smiles of them. Happiness, long life to the gods of the new Olympus!

To be born again to the life of Intelligence in the image and likeness of God is an event; to die is a Fact necessary to resurrect; not that in the Beginning God made it a sinequanon condition, Immortality was His personal scientific victory, before He created Man, upon whose Origin He sowed and cultivates the Tree of Life of the Worlds; Man chose to die rather than to live forever; it is also true that deceived by the cunning of a Serpent; since then War was our Daily Bread, Bread that came from Hell, contrary to the Bread that came down from Heaven and that, placing both on the Table again God gave us to choose: the Bread of Peace or the Bread of War.

As we can see when we move our eyes three hundred and sixty degrees, we are not mistaken in saying that there are two human groups that have chosen the Bread of War. One is the 21st Century Socialism Bloc, led by the Ukrainian Warlord, and godfather of the New European Lefts.  The other Bloc is Islam, in Perpetual War of Slaughter against Christians in Asia and Africa. From the events lived by the Universal History of Humanity in the last Millennia we can deduce without mistake in comma, dot or accent that WAR is the total, absolute, definitive renunciation of Humanity. He who feeds on that Bread of Hell is not Man. The Man who lives on War has legs and arms, eyes and ears, but all beasts have arms and legs, eyes and ears. What distinguishes Man from the Beast is the Bread of Peace, the Bread that came down from Heaven. Two realities therefore:  He who eats the Bread that came up from Hell is a Beast; he who eats the Bread that came down from Heaven is a child of God, a Citizen of His Kingdom. The Question is obvious:

 What does one do with a murderous wolf who, fed up with the flesh of lambs, wants the flesh of the shepherd?

Brussels and Washington, London and Paris say that the shepherd must be sacrificed, let the wolf feast on the meat of the shepherd, because once his stomach is satiated, the blood and flesh of the Ukrainian people devoured by the wolf and his dogs, the Great Can of Hell will return to the divine Moscow of the Patriarch of the Third Rome to share the spoils with the 150 million national-socialist slaves on whose spiritual and intellectual misery the Moscow Monster, of the race of the White Huns, has raised his throne.

From the fire of the Divine Bush opens the horizon of the 21st Century. Can there be a future for a world ruled by mass murderers and cowards who instead of facing the wolf, as the Shepherd does, they line up to make a pact with the Monster once the meat has been devoured? 

Do NOT ask the scientists. Scientists are silent. Nor the Bishops, the bishops put their hands to their mouths. Nor to politicians, politicians grow the flowers with which they will adorn a cemetery called Ukraine.

Is it so difficult to break the chains of fear of death?

This Fear is the wind on whose wings travels the terror of the Devil's son.

God created Man to be his equal, Fearless of Death and Invincible in his Battles. Behold Man now, hidden behind skirts and on his knees before the Hun of the North.

From the heat of the Fire in the Bush you hear words of an unknown language, which translated into Christian comes to say that by 2025 Europe is going to create an army of 5,000 tin soldiers. Destruction is knocking on its doors and all that occurs to the god of Brussels corruption is to throw balls outside?

The gods of Brussels are so used to making pacts with criminal organizations of all nations and species, with dictators and genocides no matter the flag or the dimension of their crimes, that they have finally become blind. Seeing what we are seeing in Ukraine, do the gods of the European Olympus believe that the New Attila of the Race of Genghis Khan is going to stop, supposedly in terror, before their 5,000 tin soldiers. I repeat the question, who is the madman who, being able to have everything, chooses to have nothing? Why would the Butcher of Ukraine stop his war for all the kingdoms of the world on the shores of the Black Sea?

It is the experience of being alive.  Here, in Spain, dictator be damned dictator be damned.

The de facto socialist dictator went from aspiring to manage 140 billion Euros, and retire like his master Zapatero, to live the life of a god, to truly believe in the promise of the pro-russian communist party, creators of Venezuelan Constitutional Tyranny. By the Grace and Wisdom and its ANTI-SPAIN allies, Spain paying for the Life Power the price of the Disruption of the Crown of the Catholic Monarchs, the National-Socialist Democracy would be transformed into a bridge of assault and conquest of the dictatorship of the XXI Century in the Peninsula.

The principles of the transformation of a democracy into tyranny, using the mechanisms of democracy, are simple. Sink the Economy, clear the land of all enterprises not akin to the Dictator, create a cushion of survival in misery for the slave class, make those who want to live see that only by supporting the Dictator will they be free from the general misery necessary for his elevation. The Universal Subsidy as a high-speed highway leads the Free State to a State of Legal Corruption at whose feet the Prosecutor's Office, the Treasury, the Armies and the Security Corps must be on their knees, eliminating the healthy apples from the basket and filling it with rotten apples. The message penetrates the people, whoever wants to sign up to the Socialism of the XXI Century survives, whoever does not, every man for himself. 

Unions, Nationalists, Independents, Terrorists, "all united will never be defeated". Nazis are all those who oppose the enthronement of the National-Socialist Dictator.

The final phase, at the end of the first two legislatures, is to follow the example of the Russian and the Venezuelan, amputate the Constitution and create a tailor-made one so that the dictator's suit will accompany him until his death.

So far so good. The misery of the subsidies is spreading through all the Hispanic regions like fire on a powder line; the attack against freedom, and prosperity, is massive; and as the Devil comes to the aid of his own, the Pandemic and the Ukrainian War are the two crutches that will help him to install the Socialism of the XXI Century in the Spain that one day was the Pride and glory of Europe, and today prepares its pact with the Russian, once Berlin and Brussels surrender to his demands.  They hide this pact with the nutty noise of the disagreements between master and pupil.

History as a living intellectual experience is a great lesson.

But where is God? Does the Devil help his own and Jesus Christ abandon his people?

The Devil is in a rage. It has backfired on him. The cordon sanitaire to Vox, which his servant agreed with the PP of Casado, has been undone.

Casado was a traitor to the PP; as was his mentor Rajoy; what is called a rat, a mole of the enemy, a mine under the wall to blow up the opposition building. Had he been a PP man, Rajoy would have resigned, passing the presidency to the vice-president; but instead he preferred to hand over power to the enemy, in exchange for his immunity from the corruption cases of his team.

He sold the PP and placed a rat at the service of the PSOE with the mission of stopping VOX, and the promise of passing the baton of the Government to the PP after 8 years in power.

A fool is a person who trusts someone whose word is garbage. Europe is governed by fools. They believe that the son of Satan who swore freedom for Ukraine in 1994 and has fulfilled it as it is seen, massacring its population, that same Muscovite snake is going to keep his own in front of the borders of Europe the day after the destruction of Kiev.

The Brussels gods are so used to dealing with worms of their own kind that they have dared to lump the Butcher of Mariupol in with them.

The Brussels philosophy is "he who does not make a pact with the devil, dies", and they are already preparing the New Memorandum by which Moscow will stop its War on the borders of Europe in exchange for an Economic Compensation for the damages caused to its Economy by the interference of Europe in its War against Ukraine.

From this position one can understand the Heroic Declaration of the Brussels Foreign Minister stating that by 2025 Brussels will create a Praetorian Guard of 5,000 legionnaires ready to die killing. 5,000 legionnaires against 500 million of the Russian Federation. Truly pathetic!

The trick to avoid the Brussels War Crime is simple. Since the International Human Law includes NO Relief as a Crime, Brussels sends four little bangers to Ukraine, and thus while making a deal with the devil on the Border Memorandum on the Ukrainian Cemetery, they make a mockery of the Court of Human Rights.





It would indeed be strange that God having written "let us make man in our image and after our likeness" and having before Him what we see before us, God could look in the mirror and say to Himself "I am God". Quite the contrary, since on one side the metaphysical conception we have of the Divine Being, intellectually elaborated, a conclusion suggested to thought by the existence of Jesus Christ, and on the other side the daily vision of the human being, whose supreme example we see in the Butcher of the North, visible resurrection of the Butchers of the 20th century, In the face of this comparative reality, we have no choice but to agree with Martin Luther in affirming that his Muse was a Hidden God, a God who, in the face of the comparison between the Metaphysical Model and the Visible Image at ground level, would have no other option but to hide in shame.

In what way is the man of all centuries similar to that God who wrote "let us make man in our image"? Taking Scripture literally, erasing the New Testament from the Bible, what we are left with is Calvin's Monster, a Being not of this World who amuses himself by grilling some and filling his paradisiacal Zoo with monsters similar to himself.

Our Classical Thinkers by what they saw they deduced what he was, and seeing the man that they were, and around him they moved, they deduced that being the man of the gods his like by logical force the immortal gods had to be subject to the same passions as mortals. The Morality of Classical Mythology was thus blessed; the Hero was the one who conquered the most land, being worthy of Olympus the one who subjected the most peoples to the speech of his sword. Not having the Original Model, having to deduce from what they saw the Mold, Classical Mythology became the highest Thought so far on human Morality.

We are subject to the same structure of Thought. We must not forget that Classical Logic was adopted by European Christian Thought, was developed and exported to Medieval Civilization by St. Augustine, working on which, having overcome the Crisis of the Fall of the Ancient World, Intelligence reached its highest structure, its Power of Abstraction, with St. Thomas Aquinas, from which the progress of the abstract capacity of Thought made the sciences its field of cultivation, a field in which the giants who carried Newton on their shoulders were born. The Victory of the Resurrection of Intelligence in hand, Newton's successors did not take long to turn their backs on the Civilization that made possible the birth of those giants. But this is Bio-History of Science, a different matter.

The Fact does not lie. The Question cannot be left aside: Who was God's equal: Cain or Abel? Let us transfer the question to ground level: Who is the man cut after the divine pattern we have in Jesus Christ : Putin or Zelenski?

From the fire that fuels the War of the existing Morals, Thought cannot remain oblivious to the Slaughter of nations en route to the self-destruction of life on Earth.

It is evident that the entry of Jesus Christ on the horizon of our intelligence revolutionized the Classical Mythology, overthrew its Olympus and confronted us with the True Man contained in the Word: "Let us make man in our image and after our likeness". Because there is Jesus Christ, Luther's Hidden God was Satan and Calvin's Monster was the Devil. If Jesus Christ had not been ECCE HOMO Luther's clear reason would have been holy and pure. But, there was Jesus Christ, and in HIM we saw the MAN that GOD begot, first in his BEING and then in FLESH, to live in every man as a child of God and Citizen of His Kingdom.

Here enters the Problem of the Millennia, solved by the Doctrine of the Holy Mother Catholic Church under the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit; so I am not going to add or take away a word from His Created; and I am going to pick up the first flame that ignited these lines. I mean, God could not have looked His Son face to face and even less open His Mouth saying what was written if His Victory on the Question of the Immortality of Life in His Universe had not been conquered before the Creation of the New Cosmos. Could God sit His Glory of Creator on an insurmountable impossibility for His Omniscience? Finally, here we could get lost in the trash literature so fashionable for some time now, with which the youth is fed from childhood in order to amputate their power of Critical Judgment. It is understood that a citizenry incapable of analyzing the words of its rulers is the dream, the utopia of every aspirant to be god for a day.

The Event of the Resurrection of the Son of God is God's Discourse on the Immortality of Man, whom He created in His Image and Likeness to have Eternal Life like His own, that is to say, clothed with Indestructibility.  God not only defeated created Death by elevating Life in his Universe to Immortality but advanced a step further by investing it with the Indestructibility Natural to his Being. The Created Being was clothed with the Uncreated Nature of its Creator. Words that would have been carried away by the wind if the Son of God Himself had not descended from the Heart of that Universe to become man and write with His Resurrection the Discourse of the Victory of His Father over Death.

In the Divine History of Jesus Christ I dealt with this Theme of the Revolution in the Cosmos that took place when the Divine Being was formed in the Creative Omniscience and set as a Personal Biohistorical Goal the Creation of a Universe of His Own in which Life, free from Death, would enjoy existence in His Image and Likeness. Written what is written, we pass to the next level.

Obviously Immortal Life in the image and likeness of the Creator of the New Universe implies indestructibility. Which has two sides. Let's put it this way: I can commit suicide, but I cannot die. I die, but I cannot be destroyed. As soon as I close my eyes, I open them. God has made me in his image and likeness as the Self. In this way what was a Divine Good becomes to me a Diabolic Evil, because wanting to die I cannot consummate my desire, so that the indestructibility that was my Paradise is now my Hell. Hence the question: Why didn't God ask me if I wanted to live Life in His Image and Likeness?  

An idle question: Should we ask our children when they are not yet born if they want to be born? Will creation rise up against its creator and say: Why have you made me? Will the Ninth Symphony accuse Beethoven of being evil?

Thus, the Discourse on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ has two fronts. On the one, blessed glory, we have been created to enjoy Immortality, with the bonus of Indestructibility, in a Universe whose King is this same Jesus whose Story we fear in the New Testament. Blessed Bread that came down from the Universe that His Father has created, by Him and for Him, in order to nourish our Courage and shield our Thought against that Monster of Calvinism creator of some for glory and others for hell, by reason of which He had to Hide His Face after having shown us that other Face, Divine, in Jesus Christ. The Conclusion of the Divine Discourse was written thus, GOD IS LOVE. Period.

But on the other hand, although created to be Immortal and Indestructible, this Reality depends on the Personality of this same God who defeated Death in the Cosmos, and has created a New Universe in which the Tree of Life of the Worlds has been Immunized, let us say so, against the Destruction that Death, doing its work from eternity, operated in all the Worlds before the Creation of the Universe by God created to be His World. The fact is that this God has a Moral, Social, Philosophical, Theological, Anthropological Personality, foundations of an Ontological Consciousness on whose Building He says of Himself: "I AM THAT I AM".

And here begins the dilemma. The Creation of a World built to be the Home of many Peoples, each created in different spaces and times, implies a Universal Constitution, Legislative Trunk of the Kingdom to which God gives rise. And evidently this Universal Law reflects the Intimate Personality of the Consciousness of the Lawgiver. The Kingdom of God is a Society established on the Principle of the Moral, Social, Metaphysical and Theological and Anthropological Personality of God Himself. The Incarnation of the Spirit of this Universal Law, JESUS CHRIST himself.

To love or not to love to live in this Society of the Creator with his Creation is a Decision that every Creature born in his Image and Likeness, in terms of being, must make. Not that God, as Creator, would ever consider this act: would a father consider asking his son, when he grows up, if he still wants to be his son? It is absurd!

But the fact is that this Act came into HIS world as a consequence of some children who asked themselves if they wanted to remain children of God. This is very serious. For having been created Immortal and Indestructible, to leave the House of God implies Banishment outside the limits of His Creation, and the whole Cosmos being His Creation, and outside the shores of this New Cosmos, expanding to infinity for eternity, what exists is the Cemetery of the Old Cosmos, where will you be able to go?

 So bad is the Universal Law from which God has articulated his Kingdom so that all peoples, governed by the same Spirit, may find together in his Creative Wisdom the MUSA of a Divine Future? What are the principles of that spirit, the land where the Law has taken root, and as a Trunk has given its Justice an Incorruptible Body?

Obviously the Personality of God, as we saw in Jesus Christ, God's own Discourse on Himself, in a Wonder to him who loves Truth, has in Justice its star and in Peace its life. But this same Jesus Christ, that is to say, the Living Image of the Divine Personality, is a Fire that is never extinguished against him who makes life his War, Justice his harlot, and Truth his murder weapon. Before this Discourse of God, man's intelligence cannot remain seated to see what happens. MAN in Jesus Christ is the Measure of all things, the Rod that raises the Wall between Good and Evil, the Mirror in which we see the true face of all men. By Him we know that he who loves War is a child of Satan, and he who loves Peace is a child of God.

Now, between Putin and Zelenski, who is the son of whom?

It is obvious to say that what is true for a son of God is true for all creatures. That is to say, the circumstantial fact of the death of the body does not annul the Creative Act of Man in the Image and Likeness of God. Indestructible the Universal Soul that God rests in Life, clothing it with His Divine Nature as far as Existence is concerned, the mere thought of having to face God in a Final Judgment to answer for the crimes and offenses committed on Earth when the King's Law is written, this thought alone is in itself sufficient to kneel down on our knees, throw down our arms, throw away our crowns from our heads, remain naked and convert to the Universal Law by which we are all Citizens of the Kingdom of the Son of God, the sublime expression of whose Personality is the Apostolic Declaration: GOD IS LOVE. And Father's Love, which never dies.

Whence it could be said, but well, if Satan was His son, and this Father's love never dies, why banish him from His Universe as if he had not been His son?

And here I will have to answer with what was written before. That once he comes of age a son has the personal power to abhor his father, to disinherit himself, and to prefer to live at infinite distance from his presence rather than to remain living under the law of his house. This is a Power we all creatures have from the moment we are created in the Image and likeness of our Creator. Satan and his rebellious brothers chose this path. We know why. They abhorred the Law of Peace and went mad for the Power that comes from the Law of War. They chose to be murderous monsters rather than remain united with all the children of God by the spirit of freedom that is born of Peace. They assumed with full intellectual responsibility and mental awareness the consequences of a Total War against the Law of the Divine King. The Law was pronounced. "He who makes War against his brother, shall die."

Which brings us back to the same dilemma.

God having defeated Death in his Universe and invested his Creation with Indestructibility by this very Reality, the Transgressor knows that his death is the Banishment for eternity of the Cosmos of which God is Lord and Creator. Lord because it is His Property, and Creator because He is the Origin of the Creative Force that upon the Matter of the Old set in Motion the New. Conscious then of these facts, the Transgression having been consummated with the Declaration of War signed with the Blood of the First Man, son of God, Adam, the Sentence had to be fulfilled.

Why it has taken so long to be executed, I have already written in the DIVINE HISTORY OF JESUS CHRIST.

The fact is that this same Sentence is still in force against every man who remains in the Law of War. For the King's Law is eternal. His Word is the Word, and the Word is God, as we all know. Which means that unlike the men who signed the Budapest Memorandum, and in the name of their States swore that the Borders of Ukraine would be inviolable, and after two decades betrayed the word of their States, thus making the Treaties with their States trash talk, for whose betrayal of the Honor of their States they should answer before Courts of the Nation; unlike the Word of the States, the Word of God is Eternal, and His Law for Eternity is irrevocable.

For, indeed, if God had not sent us His Son, man not knowing HIS Spirit, even though guilty of crimes committed in his Ignorance of the Personality of God, the Penalty could not be to Eternity precisely because of this very Ignorance. And hence a First Judgment was held first, after the Resurrection, the Old World answering for its crimes, and the Universal Judgment was left for a Final Judgment, once the Ignorance was erased from the being of the Human Race, so that by the works born of True Knowledge the behavior of all Humanity would be judged.

There was Redemption because the Son of God believed that once established our People in the True Knowledge of the Spirit of his Father the nations would run to the Citizenship of his Kingdom, and detached from Ignorance, once healed the Tree of Life on Earth our world would give to its Creator divine fruits, a generation of children of God who leading the nations would advocate with their actions for their People, the Human Gender, before the Almighty Judge, our King and Lord, the same Jesus Christ.

The future is in check with the present. The war between Life and Death has opened its final battle, it is played out in Ukraine; on one side man in the image and likeness of Satan, on the other a people born from the bosom of the Faith of Christ. What we do now, whether we sit back and watch Cain smash Abel's head in, or stand up and run to his defense, will mark the nature of the actions we will see unfolding before our eyes in the times ahead.

The battle that is being fought at ground level is being fought over our heads; the King of Paradise has been commanded by his Father to hunt down Satan and his forces and banish them from Earth. As the snake whose head is crushed keeps desperately wagging its tail, so Satan and his forces seek the world war which our King takes out of his hands. The existential question is for Russia and its allies, either they lay down their arms and their peoples bring before military tribunals the fathers of the satanic war against Ukraine, or Russia will be dismantled and disappear from the political map of the Earth. The King has the Iron Rod with which he strikes the nations and they break like potter's vessels; the time is running, the more innocent blood runs, the stronger will be the blow against the Third Rome.






It seems clear after the study of the Universal Memory of Life on Earth that no World can subsist in the Universe as long as its Technological Progress of Expansion towards the stars is subject to the Law of Perpetual Fratricidal Civil War.

As we are currently living, the existence of the Ghost of Cain is a constant. The nature of the fratricidal weapon changes; yesterday it was a simple donkey's jawbone, today it is an atomic jawbone of worldwide mass destruction.

Even if this World were to overcome this new crisis of the threat of absolute thermonuclear war, the Time Line of the last six millennia tells us and affirms us in the final conclusion: This World is condemned, by this Law in force, to self-destruct in a universal conflagration.

No matter the dreamed utopias, the incarnated illusions, the developed ideologies, the blessed religions, the Ghost of Cain, dressed in new clothes and new jaws, returns from the tomb more and more powerful and strong to consummate his sacred mission : Destroy Life on Earth.

In the meantime, each individual to live his time of existence as best he can, leaving each one to fend for himself, and there each nation will manage to give itself an existence as prosperous as possible until the Clock of Time reaches its goal and the Final Conflagration reduces to dust what came out of the dust.

It seems evident that the Expansion in the Universe of a World can only be realized through the Unity of all the beings of that World in an explicit Universal direction, implying the Abolition of the Law of Perpetual Fratricidal Civil War whose effect is, irremediably, the Disappearance of its World in Space and Time.

As far as we know and understand from the Sentence of God against the one who invoked this Law as the Motor of Civilization, this Law of Impossibility of Expansion in the Universe on the Science derived from this Law, this Impossibility is Absolute. God merely laid His Experience in the Cosmos at the feet of our World; having seen World after World fall into the same Abyss, God simply announced the End of the Path. "Dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return." Termini Station; finite journey, the Perpetual Fratricidal Civil War Train has come to an end. "Bye bye baby; enjoy the chronicle announced of your Death".

The question is how to abolish this Law, and how to make the Universal Unity of the Fullness of the Nations of this World a Fact. For, from what we have seen until today we can believe that the mere idea of building a Universal Organization for Peace is answered by the nations with a struggle of hegemonies, of individuals to be the most powerful, the greatest, the divine head, the god of all and for all before whose presence all, individuals as well as nations, must bend their knees and close their mouths, being allowed to open them exclusively to breathe an amen.

Such is the situation today, when the New Cain announces the End of Life on Earth in the name of his glory and the sacred hegemony of his people.

Copying the classic saying: "Nothing new under the sun".

And yet the Vision of our Need to look at the Universe remains in us. The Knowledge of the Earth's Timeline does not lie. The Earth has a time of existence, relative to its Life sustaining capacity, limited in Time.

The pathological belief of science and the international powers that be in the possibility of continuing to live on Earth for a few thousand more years is comprehensive suicide. The desertification of the Earth and the loss of Water from the Polar Caps has been a constant since the Creation of the Biosphere. Climatic changes have been a natural dynamic inherent to the very structure of the Solar System, and above all, to the Temporality of the astrophysical structures. Within this Law of astrophysical structures, Life has a Time of Growth from Animal Reason to Creative Intelligence, during which, as a World, it must direct its Scientific and Political Resources in that Universal direction. In order to this Attainment World Unity in Universal Peace is the Way to Victory.

This Law, Universal Peace as the Way to Life in Time, is the one that was broken when the first king that the first peoples, organized in city-states, had, decided otherwise. Instead of Peace that king chose the path of War as the vehicle of expansion of his Civilization throughout the Four Regions.

Instead of remaining as one more Citizen, elected to maintain in Peace the Unity of all nations, that king chose to be a god among men, to establish his word as a law of life and death before which all men had to obey without limits, or suffer the consequences. The effect of rebellion, as was to be expected, immediately unleashed the consequent revolution; his kingdom entered into Fratricidal Civil War, which in time proved to be Perpetual Civil World War.

God, who already had ample experience with Worlds that passed before His eyes for being unable to recover from that Wound of Death, leaving in His Memory the memory of a broken Promise, seeing the Civil War already unleashed among the City-States of the First Kingdom known to the History of the Earth, foretold to our World the fruit that it would reap from its harvest of Death and Destruction. Almighty Truth that has been swallowed up in the Dust kingdom after kingdom, empire after empire. And, in the meantime, the Earth dying.

The Dilemma we face Today is how to recover lost Time. This on the one hand; on the other, how to close this Perpetual Fratricidal Civil War, not only at the local level, but at the World Level, establish Peace at the Universal level and Unite the Fullness of Nations in the same Law and Intelligence.

The clashes of personalities and powers leave us powerless to bring them down from their podiums of glory, to make them renounce the privileges they have inherited and conquered to live as gods for a day. For such rational animals the very idea of the Creation of a Peace governed by a World Unity on the way to a Civilization with a horizon in the Stars, it is unfortunate to say, is a heresy, a direct attack against their fantasy of remaining, as long as the Earth lasts, gods for a day.

And here we are. The growth of the Intelligence of Life in us has run its course despite its long and narrow journey even against Science itself. For we must distinguish between Intelligence and Science; Science is the necessary instrument for Intelligence to develop its creative activity. The other, to believe that there is no Intelligence outside Science is the Evil Philosophy which having penetrated during the XIXth century the minds of the powers that be led and dragged the XIXth century into its Wonderful History of Heroes and Villains which we know as the World Wars.

The Reality is that if there is no Intelligence there can be no Science, but without Science Intelligence remains. Prehistory is the invincible proof that makes it unnecessary to raise dust by discussing what is indisputable. Unless scientists now wish to deny that Art and Religion have nothing to do with Intelligence, it follows that Science is the final stage of Intelligence itself.

True, without Science the idea of subsisting in Space and Time is incredible. Not in vain, invoking again the Jesus-Christian Thought, God spoke of Science of Good and Evil, thus opening Intelligence to a Law which, if we were subject to its dimension, would lead our World to the Instrumentalization of Science as a Weapon of Self-Destruction.

Unfortunately that generation led by the Adam of the Bible believed that it could elude the Divine Truth and impose its own law on Death itself.

And here we are, witnessing the Fratricide of the new Abel by the usual Cain while the Judas who sold out Ukraine once and have now abandoned her to destruction, gather to congratulate themselves for their Cowardice to stand up and face the son of Death.

The Battle ahead of us to build this World Organization of the Fullness of Nations, Unity for that Lost Universal Peace, in the light of whose Law the 22nd Century will live, is under our feet. We are in the Battlefield; there is no turning back now. Judas refuses to hang himself and believes he can lead his colleagues to his camp after having made a pact with the Russian Caiaphas to annex Ukraine.

Neither the Russian Caiphas nor the Anglo-Saxon Judas ever expected that the Ukrainian Abel would rather die with his boots on than return to the law of the Soviet Neo-Empire. In the announced Chronicle of the Annexation of Ukraine signed by NATO it was taken for granted that in 24 hours Kiev would fall. And everyone was happy.

It is a law among cowards that the sight of a brave man is offensive to their pride and they prefer the prompt death of the hero to being accused of having been a party to his death by following him alive. Under this law they have gathered today, March 24, in their European lair to wash their hands and make believe that they are doing something other than certifying the death of Kiev.

For its part, the Moscow Cain maintains its nuclear war theater to hide its pact with the traitors to the Budapest Memorandum. Everybody wins, nobody loses. Ukraine? Let's see, who would think of stripping itself of its Nuclear Force in the name of the Judas Peace?

And the question born of this Betrayal is clear: which nation will ever again sign a Peace Treaty with another nation if the Word of the States is garbage in the hands of the Wolves that the nations give themselves for Presidents?

On the other question everyone knows the answer:

After this War the sale of arms all over the world will skyrocket. long live business! And the arms race of all spectrums: nuclear, biological, drone, will skyrocket to the necessary limits to activate that great orgy that would be the Third Absolute World War.

But in the meantime, the Bidens and their ilk will have a divine life, and will dance on the Ukrainian cemetery with the clean and clear conscience of those who prevented an atomic world war.







What is this that we are living? Who is this God who delivers his children to the slaughter? Who will say from now on? “I am a child of God”.

Where is the madman who wants to be born to be torn to pieces by Satan while God celebrates a banquet of silence over the tomb of his children? What God is this? Is this the destiny of the children you create: to be torn to pieces for the entertainment of the gods? Who will welcome in his bowels the fire for your Name? Is NOT Ukraine your daughter? Or is the word of your Son, the Almighty, the Omnipotent, true God of true God, worth what the word of those who celebrate banquet pouring in their cups over the blood of your Ukrainian son? “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God”. Didn't Ukraine undress in the name of Peace on Earth? Or will he be called Peaceful who turns his back on Cain and blesses his Crime, that dog of war, daughter of Satan, Russia?

For this God has written his sentence in the Fire of his Oath against the murderers of his daughter, saying:

 Against Russia : Celebrate your orgy, daughter of Satan; devour the flesh of the children and the women of my people while you still have teeth. Thus will I do to the daughter of Satan: I will tear her pride and her garments of war; from every city of her empire I will make a nation, and she whose name is Russia shall be a curse among all the nations of the Earth; whoever says “I am a Russian” shall be cast out of fellowship with every people and banished from the society of every man as one who has before him a child of the people of Satan, a citizen of Hell. Your teeth and your iron paws shall be brought to the house of my daughter, which I will make into the Tower over which the banner of my Peace shall fly.

Against America: Behold what God will do who was in his arm a sword of salvation and in his pride went to lie with the Devil’s daughter.

As a grouping of stars scattered by a hurricane wind coming down from the Cosmos, so will God do with your flag, every star will shoot out of the Union, your glory will be thrown into the mud from which you were formed, and the very idea of returning to the Union will be drowned by a rain of blood in which your Creator will make drunk the lovers of the daughter of Satan. The Judas who gave you for lord and king will answer for his war crime against Ukraine, daughter of God.

Against The United Kingdom : You rose up against the King of Heaven and declared yourself god on Earth. You accused God of being the godfather of your genocides and your savage crimes against my people of Earth. You have consummated your crime by handing over a daughter of God to the son of Satan. And do you think you will escape your ruin? Was not man created in the image of God? and at the cost to the speaker of his own life? In what image were you created London? In the image of Antichrist, thy god and lord? Your kingdom shall be broken, never to meet again. The diamonds of the crown of Satan's wife will be cast into the waters of the Thames, and whoever rushes to rescue them will drown in the depths.  The Kingdom of God is a People of the brave, each one is a hero; about the cowards, it is written “Out”. Now ask your divines, servants of Antichrist, Satan’s wife, how you can buy the Judge who against you has signed Sentence. Dance, London, while you can. The borders of Europe shall be closed to your children, and the song of your people shall be abhorred by those whom you abhorred.

Against China: Your mother is a Dragon that came up from Hell, since you set foot on the earth, from your plants came out fountains of blood all of innocent peoples trampled by your thirst and your hunger for power. God will take the Sickle and will reap the harvest; he will take the Hammer and will break your strength, from every region of your infernal empire a nation will be born, among them your name, China, will be an abomination.

Against France: What have you done, my first-born daughter, how have you slept with the wolves and delivered your sister to the slaughter? Having beautiful nations, all your sisters, with whom you could go to contemplate the stars of my heavens, you went with Judas the Anglo-Saxon to bless the slaughter of my daughter?  Paris, your glory, will no longer be counted among the great cities of the Earth; Madrid will surpass you in beauty, Rome in joy. But God will not destroy you, for He will have mercy on France, his daughter.

What are you looking at, then, nations? have you not attended the funeral of NATO on the day before its demise? do you not believe that the King of Heaven has the Power to execute the Sentence that his Father has written with Fire?

Weep, Ukraine, for from your tears of sorrow will be born a river of joy that will lift your head above the nations of the World. God will rebuild your cities, which will be the admiration of the nations of His Creation; your land will be Holy Land, he who does not take off his shoes when stepping on your borders will be consumed by fire. Thus the nations will see that the daughters of God are the apple of his eye, and whoever dares to raise his hand against a child of God will be cursed for eternity.

When all theses things take place you all shall know that the kings is God.
