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What is time? The butterfly is born, flies, in 24
hours perishes.
What is time? God has seen universes disappear, He remains.
A sucker is born, as soon as the winds have finished
furrowing the oceans, the sucker feels eternal, god at his banquet, and when he
thought he was a god, he disappears.
What is time, a cross that we drag cursing, born to
die, and we die killing?
How will a god kill time? To raze a nation, a fascinating spectacle!
Isn't the street full of the dead beautiful? Babies in their cradles, boys and
girls in the prime of life scrapped like cars abandoned in the gutter, dolls
and dolls disemboweled upside down to the health of the sucker.
And those buildings in ruins? paintings worthy of
Picasso, Rembrandt, Van Gogh.
And that divine music of missiles dancing in the air,
falling like delicious bonbons on schools, hospitals, are they not a symphony
worthy of Mozart, Brahms, Wagner, Tchaikovsky?
Vladimir Putin is a god. His kingdom is not of this
world. He goes around handing out comfort, have you nowhere to drop dead? At
least you're alive, dance on the Ukrainian grave, you cretin. The poetry of his
biblical testament makes the prose of Shakespeare, Cervantes and Dostoevsky a
kindergarten book. He is the Quixote of our time. Europe bows before his verb:
I am the embodiment of the ultimate weapon, he says. My legions are angels of
the underworld, my generals are cherubim from beyond the grave, they have no
heart, no soul, they are not human, they are children of my darkness, spectres of the abyss climbing the stairway to heaven, we
will conquer Olympus, we will destroy Asgard, Jesus
Christ will kneel before the son of Satan.
What is time? A movement between two points in space:
start and finish, cradle and grave, warm entrails and cold cemetery. There is a
way. 120 years God said. 120 years dying killing! What a joy.
As one walks, famines, genocides, wars... the horizon
is an open-air movie screen, the decades are the stage, the actors come and go,
different names, the plot is always the same. No wonder God cursed whoever
turned on the projector again, God's patience! If it were up to me and I had a
nano-millionth part of his Almighty power right now I would rise up and reduce
to dust all the madmen who think they are gods playing war. But I am not God,
and God is not me. The closest thing to a god is the Happy American and the
Bitter Russian of life. The two faces of the same face. One kills and the other
lets him kill. One threatens and the other replies "do as you
please". Who is surprised that men do not believe in God? That is the
image and likeness of the gods?
The coffee is good. The Russian calls his enemies at
home traitors, the American hurls his thunderbolts against the traitorous
opposition; same speech, same inbred evil. At least we drink coffee, we should
not complain, or would we rather be in Kiev?
I return to the road. JESUS has always been with me.
When I glance down the paths of time I see hidden snipers killing time by
shooting down lives. A pastime like any other. There are many ways for the gods
to kill time. In the middle of my path, the door of crossed wisdom, I have seen
what is not written about how to have fun killing and there is no god to call
you to judgment: Create a Pandemic, for example; give birth to an AIDS
epidemic; turn entire cities into ruins to the health of the Mass Media;
declare wars in the name of the Silence owed to the gods that rule the
nations.... I know that if God allowed it, the ways of killing time invented by
the sons of Hell would be without number. That is why God gave it the number
"the famous 666". Once this number is reached, the party begins.
Which has already begun.
What I will see from today onwards is blessed glory.
Each one has his eyes, I see with mine: the Light of the Truth is the one that
paints the firmament of blue on my thought. What each one sees is the problem
of each one. I came into the world laughing, and I shall leave this world
laughing. Hear my laughter:
It is my laughter the spring wind rushing to meet the
summer, Sitting on the hill I hear the judgment against the whole house of
Satan, of Heaven and Earth: "To Hell." And I clap my hands until I
run out of strength. There go the Hitlers, the Putins,
the Stalins of all times and places; all together
they follow the Beelzebubs and Satans of the worlds that were before ours. Hooray hooray, I
shout without rest. The time has come to collect the salary;
who worked for Death, Hell,
who worked for Life, Paradise.
And among the clapping, the jumping and the tears of
joy I understand the Patience of God; He never wanted to open the door of the
Eternal Banishment of His Creation to anyone.
This is Life. A path between two points, point of
departure and point of reunion. Time is what lies in between, the perpetual
adventure, the bliss of infinite creation, the opportunity to know and
understand the value of eternal Love. The other is not life, it is death.
You have NOT read what JESUS CHRIST said, "We are
trees"; but you, ignorant, are a potted plant. Tell me; what do you want
legs for? Give them away, what good are they to you, to say you are human?
Is he really human who kills his brother?
Moscow is slaughtering his mother, Kiev, what will be
the judgment against such a beast?
The generals rose against Nero for the crime against
their own mother; the Mongol generals of Moscow hold the arm, the people hide
for fear of the Beast.
This is the Final Battle. Whoever does not choose sides on the field of
the Son of God's War is crushed in no man's land. This is NO time for pathetic
Cowards, nor for Old Men for Old Men meaner than the Devil, nor for Evas conjuring Adam to make a pact with the Serpent.
Children of God: The Cup of God's Patience has been
spilled and the whole House of Satan is going to drown in the blood they have
spilled on the face of the Earth.
Time comes and goes, returns and says goodbye, it is
like God, it never leaves you alone, it only lets us live life, God also has
His, He needs His Space, the Lord cannot be a slave, nor can the Father be an
Ayo. I do not know if I am making myself clear. I understand the saints, and I
believe that the saints understand me, it is a question of time and space. The
one who kills time is because he is bored, and the one who is bored has a
problem. I do not know if I am making myself clear. A Society built on Perpetual
Fratricide must logically make war its apotheosis, the sublime act that closes
the Tragedy, the final explosion that announces the Final Judgment.
Come, judges of the supreme courts of the nations, and
answer me, what sentence does the daughter who murders her mother deserve? What
sentence will you sign against those who sit and contemplate matricide? What is
your judgment against those who whip the hand of matricide?
Can a coward be a judge? Can a corrupt man do justice?
Who will God call to sit in the seat of the Almighty Judge, and invested with
His own Eternal Glory, judge without fear according to His immaculate spirit of
I am on the mountain, on my knees, begging for mercy.
God is watching me. Okay, son, in 40 years come back to this same place, you
tell me.
It is hard to open your mouth before God to speak to
Him about Judgment. Silence is worth Eternity. The two points are before my
eyes. Here, the starting point is Eternity; there, the meeting point is
Let each one write on his forehead his sentence. I have chosen my Way. He has begotten me and
I am his son, He is the Way, the force that moves the wind, the energy that
inspires my nerves, bones and muscles, the joy of my life: Rain hailstones in
the open field on my nakedness, the whip of the wickedness of men burst my
back, or the spear of their betrayals drive into my chest, I am still alive. My
Father is the Spirit, and all else proceeds from the Devil.
Let each one decide his destiny, to live free in
Truth, or to be a slave to the Science of good and evil; to be a slave to God
for the love of Life, or to be free to be a slave to Death.
I am not one to say, "you here, you there;"
but I am what I am, I bless the Judgment of God without thought of those who
will go to Hell, I live as if they had already gone, I live Here as if I were
There. I do not understand the rest. The King's Law is eternal and clear: He
who does not help his brother shall die.
He who has the jawbone of an ass in his hands, let him
leave it on the ground.
Whoever sees his brother killed, let him rise up, and
stand in the way; if the murderer does not lay down his arms, the defense of
one's own life is sacred, let the blood he shed fall on his head.
Whoever rises up against his neighbor, destroying his
land and his people, let him withdraw, or he shall die.
The Lord God, Yahweh of hosts deploys his forces on
Earth, at the head comes the King. There will be no World War. Justice will be
done. The cowards shall fall from the heights, they shall break against the Law
their skulls.
The creators of pandemic and warlike Panic shall
answer for the darkness they have spread over the nations. God knows their
All that is hidden will come to light. Crimes and
massacres in the name of Dynasties and States, the Lies of Power and policies
to imprison the minds of the peoples.
Dictators, tyrants, murderers of the masses, of women
and children, your days are numbered, the drop that fills the Cup of God's
Patience has been spilled. Centuries has the House of God's children been
waiting for this Hour.
It is written, the mourners shall be comforted, the
peacemakers shall be called children of God, the poor shall possess the earth,
the meek shall rule the nations, the humble in heart shall see God; the hunger
and thirst for righteousness of all men shall be satisfied.
The Intelligence of God will be poured like rain
pregnant with all kinds of sciences on the earth condemned to give thorns and
thistles; the flesh of the Kingdom of God on Earth will be healed, its blood
will flow clean as water coming from the high mountain where the Creator
Two thousand years the children of God have been
waiting for this Day, how can they not laugh, how can they not jump for joy!
How to put locks on the mouth that wants to sing songs of Victory! To the
guitar, to the violins, to the organs, these are the weapons that come like a
diamond ring to the hands of men. Drums and flutes, oboes and lutes, sitars,
brushes and pencils, these are the instruments for which man was called to be
wise and master.
Mouths that ruminate words of hell, fingers that
caress triggers of atomic destruction? It was never in the Mind nor in the
Heart of the Creator of our Heavens and our Earth to make man a Beast, his
world a field of war.
Wisdom will draw near to our children and will beget
in them children to God; the Firmament of the ages will be filled with her
stars; there will be no more darkness, no more confusion or ignorance, sickness
and loneliness will retreat before the advance of the Spirit of the Son of God
in his Creation.
To those of you who have poured out that drop that
bears the Number of the Beast, in his Testament written to keep hope alive in
the children of God in Heaven, where will you hide from the Gaze of the One who
with his eyes makes light out of darkness? You thought that God could not
penetrate the steel walls dug in the depths of the earth, where you gathered to
write the Future you have finally unfolded.
What shall I say? I will speak in the name of the Son
of God, for He has put His Word in my mouth, a word of purity, more beautiful
than the purest gold. In his Name I say:
Withdraw from doing Evil, from making your house in
corruption, and your fortune in war.
Stop planning genocides and pandemics, femicides and
epidemics; break the pact with the servants of the House of Satan; you still
have time to choose between the Kings, the King of Heaven and the King of Hell.
This Battle is Final; after it there will be no more
wars on Earth. Creation will not know this Tragedy again.
Even the Door of eternal Life is open. Forgiveness is
of God, and he who is forgiven much will love much.
Be wise, do not continue to think that you are gods.
He who is True God has deployed his forces and the earthquake that will lift
his legs will tear down cartographic borders, ideological walls, temples and
palaces. Nothing will withstand the weight of his Spirit. This is not for
Tomorrow; this is why the House of Satan desperately seeks the Absolute
Destruction of all life on Earth.
Do not believe that you can stop the Glory of the
Creator of Light; he has it all in his Father : the Creator of the New Cosmos
who as an Ocean of living waters extends his shores to the Infinite.
We are nothing, but we can be everything. The choice
is up to each one of you.
I carry your message, I carry your oil, but once the
choice is made the arm that holds the Iron Rod will strike as one strikes an
earthen vessel. Dust to dust, ashes to ashes.
Does the creature that comes out of the womb know what
its destiny will be? Had the Disciples known that their destiny was to be the
flesh of wild beasts, torches to illuminate the gardens of Nero, shepherds
leading innocent flocks into the mouth of the wolf; had they known this before
Jesus called them, would they have joined the party? Does the father who
conceives have the right to write a future for his child, and couldn't the
mother who gave birth to him abort the project in the unborn phase, without
being accountable to anyone?
The Millennium that died, denied by all the churches
to have been the Millennium of the Devil, some for not recognizing that they
were his servants, and the others because they were found sleeping, began with
a Man for eternity, worthy successor of Saint Peter, his name: the Roman Bishop
Gregory VII, Saint Satan as he was called by the first children of the Devil,
all of them Germans, as it could not be otherwise. The Devil and Germany were
during the whole Millennium of the Devil what the adulteress and her bed were,
the diary of her prostitutions. It was natural that the epilogue of this Evil
Diary of the Devil's Servant, filthy Germany, should close with two World Wars.
The judge of Eternity has that Diary; the fire is ready, her Judgment is perfect,
the name written on its pages will be dry wood in the flames.
The Devil's
Millennium closed its orgy of destructions and crowned celebrities having to
endure a hallucination impossible to believe. The Millennium began with a Man
for Eternity and God closed it with another equal, John Paul II; Roman Bishop,
worthy successor of St. Peter. Both Divine Servants are seated around the Lord
who governs the Church, for he who lives in Christ does not die but crosses the
Gate and passes into eternal Life.
But let me tell you about the first, Gregory VII, who
had a short pontificate, like that of his Lord, Jesus Christ.
What three years those were! Eternity has gathered
them in his bosom with the love of a father to his only son.
The truth is that Jesus was crucified for being brave.
He was told many times. "We are going to kill you, shut up now".
There was no way. That Prophet was not
afraid of Death.
Because of him, the People, repressed by the Fear of
the Tyrant, the Genocidal, the Dictator, the children of the Devil, rose up,
reclaimed the garments of their Hero and the world was filled with Brave.
With Gregory VII more of the same happened. "Shut
up or I'll kill you" repeated again and again that son of the Devil, Henry
IV, the first of the beasts with which Germany, in the name of Satan, her
Hidden God, Cursed Lover, watered Europe and the World with blood.
What was the Crime of that Saint? Why did the Devil
want to shut his mouth? Why was he crucified by History?
The Propaganda of the Antichrist, seated on the
British throne, put all his academic batteries firing massively against the
Gregorian Epoch. The Antichrist, son of the Devil, could not admit that his
Crown was subject to human laws. Neither to human nor to divine laws. Such a satanic doctrine, in the opinion of
the Antichrist, who to hide his evil face put on the mask of a female of the
whore species, was a thing of Christ.
How can it be accepted that a god can be subject to
any law!
It will be understood, and all the divine scholars of
the Empire signed, that such a doctrine is an infernal thing, it does not come
from the Wisdom that came down from Heaven, but from that which ascends from Hell.
The Divine Right of kings is supreme, and in their
hands they hold the life and death of their subjects. Amen, hallelujah, and
whoever does not bend his knees, let his head be cut off.
The question is clear: how did a people of braves
overnight become a nation of cowards kneeling at the feet of a monster! The
Word of the Brave echoes through the Four Regions of the Cosmos: VADE RETRO
SATAN. That of the British people was to declare the London Harlot Divine.
For that Gregory VII, servant of the Devil according
to the Anglo-Saxon Antichrist, came to impose the Doctrine of the Absolute
Universality of the Divine Law. His Axiom for Eternity was this: "All
Creation, whether of this world, or of those that God has already created, and
of those that will be created: is subject to the Right and Duty that emanates
from the Justice of the King. No one, neither son nor servant nor citizen of
the Kingdom of God is beyond the Law, is immune or has impunity of any nature
whatsoever before the Justice of the King that God has given to all his
Simple to understand, isn't it? And yet today they are
not kings, instead of one king the nations have hundreds of them, all immune
before the Law, all beyond the power of the arm of Justice, all with their
thrones in Parliaments and Senates.
Is it understood why the British school found in the
nations disciples?
And it is deduced from this doctrine the derivative
Corruption that has sunk Democracy on Earth, at present a mockery.
I close the memory of that Saint by saying what all
could see and did see. "They persecuted him, rounded him up and killed
him." As the Lord so his Servant.
Both crucified for not being Afraid of Death.
The Millennium of the Devil closed its History with
another Saint. A star arose in that thick darkness that the Soviet Empire
spread over Europe and the World. Moscow spread genocidal dictatorships,
financed Nationalist Terror, blessed wars.
Like that of its sister Germany, Russia's Journal of
Crimes against Humanity lies at the feet of the Divine Judge.
Then, it already seemed that Moscow's Socialist sowing
had found fertile soil in Europe, and was beginning to bear fruit, sinking
European Democracy in this ocean of Corruption over whose storms the Brussels
School swims like worms in fetid waters, when the star of John Paul II arose.
From Moscow, Berlin, London and Brussels Roman
Apostolic Christianity was being attacked without truce or quarter. The spirit
of the Lord in Gregory VII arose from the Tomb of the centuries and dressed in
the prophetic spirit opened his mouth to illuminate the Earth with the Truth of
the one who is not Afraid of Death.
In his time, a Saint and a Brave accompanied the Feast
of the Freedom of the one who is not Afraid of anything or anyone, but only and
exclusively of losing the Love of the Beloved.
Mother Teresa
of Calcutta and Ronald Reagan, Grace and Strength, in union with the Servant of
the Lord raised the spirit of Christian Civilization, and joining their moral
and political forces brought down a building that was rotten, the Empire of the
Soviet Union, heir of the Doctrine of the Antichrist, Today imposed on the UN
by the son of Satan, his Axiom :
"1º:Power has the Right to defend itself and the
Duty to crush any criticism and position to its Government.
"2nd: Any interference by a foreign nation in
this Duty to Genocide of the Government in Power is a declaration of war"
Indeed, the Antichrist sat in London, extended his
satanic borders to Berlin and Moscow, and has finally made the UN his throne
and seat.
And a son of that Lord whom those two stars for
Eternity served by illuminating the Way amidst the darkness that the Devil's
doctrine sowed on Earth, that son of that Lord wonders. Where is that spirit?
Who is that who sits today in the Chair of St. Peter? Why
should he open his mouth so that the spirit of Jesus, the spirit of prophecy,
may speak to the nations words of judgment, justice and truth, but his mouth is
closed: in the name of a fight against the sins of the servants of the Church?
Are the priests of Christ not servants of Jesus, the
Lord, but of the Bishop of Rome? Is it not written: "Cursed is he who by
his works defiles the Immaculate Face of the Lord"? Where then is the
What pact can there be between Christ and the Devil?
Does the doctrine by which kings and all men live by the Divine Law not
understand the servants of the Lord? Have the Servants mocked their Lord by
electing as Head of the Bishops a peacemaker who is used to making pacts with
tyrants and genocides, filthy dictators, murderers of families, women and
children, young and old? Is the Successor of St. Peter now making a pact with
those who live in the Curse of the Lord?
Has the
prophetic Voice died in the Church?
Does the Silence have words? The Voice of John Paul II
and Gregory VII is conspicuous by its absence.
As in those old
days of glory, when the Alexanders held filthy orgies in the light of day
before the nations, is the Roman See today a banquet where the new Alexanders
consume their orgies in the dark, far from the eye of the light of Truth?
Is the Lord blind, is the Omniscient Creator of the
Forest of the Galaxies whose eyes penetrate the Infinite unable to penetrate
the Wall of Silence of the bishops? Is not the Ukrainian church a sister, is
not the Ukrainian people a child of the Lord?
Who is he who has come across the seas to govern a
Ship that makes its voyage over the troubled waters of Europe, the mother of
the nations of the Earth? He has hidden himself in the belly of the Ship, he
does not want to see Jesus walking on the waves rising to the top of the mast.
What is this spectacle we are witnessing? The servants
of the Devil are joyfully shooting their arrows, The King of Heaven is at War
against the king of Hell, and all the Roman Bishop can think of is to suffer
and be silent? Will that peacemaker make a pact with the son of Satan for the
peace that would devour the Church? Will the son of the Lord stand by and watch
how his Mother is besieged from without and from within?
It is not a Day of Peace, in War there is no Silence.
The crimes of the ruling houses in Europe will come out of their graves. The
earthquake has already begun. The hurricane from Heaven is already spreading
its thunder and lightning over London and the enemy crowns of the One Universal
The fire for His House was kindled when He saw
Antichrist seated on the throne of England; His Father stopped Him.
"Remain at my right hand until I lay your enemies at your feet." The
Son lowered his eyes. The time of the Devil was not yet over. There would be a
30-year Fratricidal War, European revolutions and world wars. The Devil had the
Second Millennium to deploy his forces and lead Humanity to Ruin.
"Patience, my Son; Your Victory is not for one day and the next we turn
back. It is for Eternity. All the sons and Servants of God lowered their eyes.
Time is a force on the way; the Arm from which it
proceeds is from the Lord God, YAVE, Creator of the New Cosmos; its Heart
shines with the Light of a Star, the Love of His House. "Patience,
children, let the Vessel be filled, and the Cup be poured out. My Creation will
never again live this Tragedy. The Judgment is already written and the Sentence
awaits its execution; let Wisdom make her Way. He who wishes to die, let him
die. He who prefers Curse to Blessing, let him embrace the eternal Banishment
from my House. Yet once again I will pour out my Mercy in Obedience to my
Unifying Will, whoever runs to me, by his Obedience shall live, whoever remains
in the division created by the Devil between churches and nations shall be a
branch plucked from the tree of life and cast into the fire."
Where are you going Peter? The Spirit of prophecy is
the spirit of the Lord, and lives in his Servant, therefore the Lord will raise
up a Servant of his pleasure who will put on his lips his Spirit and the
nations will know the Judgment of the King of Heaven and Earth against those
who yearn for the spirit of the Antichrist.
I am going to tell you the History of a world as told
to me by my Father, It is the History of your World, you will do well to pay
attention and learn the lesson of wisdom, your life depends on your
Once upon a time there was a universe inhabited by
different worlds with origin in different stars, after some time they met and
formed a civilization of civilizations all sharing the same universal values,
which we can define as Fraternity, Equality and Freedom.
Thus they had been sharing for millions of years the
Joy of a Natural, Divine Peace, which they did not want to lose for anything in
the world. They had known fratricidal crises some time ago and had overcome
them, they had been cured of that evil virus and had never again suffered from
that disease. In fact, no one remembered the Fratricidal Disease of War until
one day they discovered the existence of a World in bloom.
In the beginning it was happiness, paradise, those
worlds participated in the creation of civilization in that new world emerged
among the stars of the heavens, and cultivated in the peoples of that world the
values that were natural to them for millions of years, and formed the backbone
of their Peace, which were: Fraternity among all families, Equality among all
peoples, and the freedom of all individuals to love each other, to know each
other, to live together, and to move through all nations according to the soul
of each one.
Like all new life that arises in the stars, in the
beginning the Nature of the Earth was an explosion of animal and vegetable
life. This explosion of life always occurs at the beginning of all life in the
universe; the tree of Intelligent life in the image and likeness of the Divine
Universal Intelligence has its origin in the tree of species, then the creative
intelligence arises in a particular species of the new world and from that
moment begins the path that will lead that species from the animal condition
regulated by instincts to the natural condition to intelligent life in the
Universe, the backbone of whose Reality is regulated by Divine Truth, Law for
all Worlds.
Welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven.
But one day the virus of Fratricide found in the
intelligent creature of the new world arisen in the heavens fresh flesh,
fertile soil. The virus became pandemic and all the families of the Earth began
to engender Cains devoured by a pathological thirst for absolute Power. Soon
the Cities began to be ruled by these Cains. One Cain devoured another Cain.
Cain could not bear the existence of another Cain, and families continued to
beget Cains, an invincible pandemic disease.
For a time the Cains signed peace, but it was only to
declare fratricidal war until only one remained, emperor and king of kings of
the Four Regions of the World.
Then the Worlds of the Heavens withdrew. If that
Pandemic Virus were to leave the Earth it would be a universal war whose future
would be a cosmic apocalypse. There was no other cure than to abandon Humanity
to its own self-destruction. Dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return.
The disease was incurable. Even God had tried by
erasing from the face of History the world that emerged from that first
generation of peoples who raised their souls to the Citizenship of the Kingdom
of Heaven. All for nothing. The disease that found its breeding ground in the
flesh of Cain was incurable; it reproduced, transmitted itself, infected all
families, spread through all peoples, had become a pandemic disease with no
cure; the Future of human life on Earth was its return to cosmic dust. As time
went by, those Worlds would remember the Tragedy and the lesson to be learned
is never to allow Death to find an open door in their minds and souls.
Indeed, the world that emerged from that first
generation of peoples that structured itself socially as a kingdom, in the
image and likeness of the worlds existing for millions of years in the
Universe, drowned in the ocean of its own blood, blood spilled during wars that
know neither father nor mother, brother nor sister, friend nor neighbor. Cain
cannot bear the existence of anyone remaining in front of him with his boots
on, all on his knees, head or no head on his shoulders is his last word.
The survivors of that war of Cain against the whole
world learned nothing, and as soon as they began to multiply the same pandemic
evil began to manifest itself. Families united into tribes, tribes into cities,
cities into nations; it was not long before they declared war on each
other. The Old History began to rewrite
its new pages by dipping the Pen of Hatred in the inkwell of the blood of the
It was obvious: the Disease of the Human Being had no
Human nations were walking towards the abyss of their
massive self-destruction on the horse of war.
The decision was hard but necessary: It was necessary
to prevent that Pandemic Virus from leaving Earth. It was necessary to surround the EARTH with
an External Wall impossible to break down by the growing intelligence of the
human being. War and the human soul had become one.
The diagnosis was final: man had no salvation, the
future of the Earth was to see its children return to the dust from which they
emerged. One had only to contemplate the behavior of the peoples and nations
that filled their continents.
Cannibalism was the daily bread in most of the world
in the days of the Roman Empire, the highest that Civilization had been able to
rise was not to eat each other alive, but to throw those others to the wild
beasts for circus amusement of the masses was a pleasure that could not be
Crucifixion was the gentlest death sentence ever
conceived by mankind. The refinement of the death of the other by the oriental
civilization has bequeathed us that phrase that we know as Chinese Torture. To
kill the other in a thousand ways and each new form more refined in pain and
monstrosity was the supreme aspiration to which the imperial terror of the
Eastern nations devoted its civilization.
Cannibalism among the Incas, Aztecs and Mayas was
religion. In Africa it was pleasure and feasting. War was the science, the art,
the greatest adventure to which youth aspired among the North American Indians.
The Roman Crucifixion was the most visible and
revolutionary advance of the moment. Impaling entire defeated armies, skinning
them alive and putting them on the grill as one does with pigs at a friendly
party, were part of the rite of victory celebration among the Barbarians.
In short, the human being had no salvation. For a
while peace was signed, but it was only to rearm with increasingly destructive
and powerful donkey jaws, and return to the field of fratricide.
The history of peace and war was the never-ending
story of the Earth. Until one day a new Cain would find the ultimate Weapon and
call all nations to their knees before his World Destroying Power or suffer the
consequences: Death of all life!
So the Worlds of the Heavens settled on a Final Truth
: The disease of the human being had no cure, Man had no salvation, his future
was to return to dust, to leave in the History of the Universe a Memory for
The answer to the threat that the expansion of that
man would pose to the Peace in the Heavens could not be other than to abandon
man to his self-destruction, to close the door to the creative omniscience, to
let him continue cultivating the Science of War, the Final Cain with the atomic
jawbone of an ass in his fratricidal hands would sooner or later be born and
the vision of the God of the Heavens would be fulfilled: "Dust thou art
and unto dust thou shalt return".
Today we have alive that Final Cain, Vladimir Putin, a
Mongol, son of Genghis Khan, of the race of Attila, a monster devoured by the
thirst for unlimited power.
That was the way things were, the mind of the lice of
the God of Heaven was already made up, namely: man, insofar as world, had no
salvation, his fratricidal disease had no cure; when suddenly a Voice was
heard, saying : Man's disease DOES have a cure; there IS salvation for his
They all turned their heads and stared at the speaker.
If God says so, it shall be so.
None of God's children could see how it would be
possible to save man from that monstrous beast who had found in his soul his
paradisiacal jungle, his perfect habitat. But since it was God who spoke....
all his children put their hands to their mouths.
Not all of them, but most of them.
Who were they to answer God, "Come on, give us
fairy tales; is this monster going to abandon his fratricidal rites and his
cannibalistic feasts and give himself to Peace and Justice?
But stand still, the children of God count their years
by millions of centuries, but God counts his by eternities. If God says there
is Salvation for Man, blessed be his Wisdom, for what is theirs could not see
beyond the Final Apocalypse.
Soon a voice began to be heard in the wilderness:
"A son shall be born to us, who has on his
shoulders the sovereignty and shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Everlasting
Father, on whom shall rest the spirit of Yahweh, the spirit of wisdom and
understanding, of understanding and strength, counsel and the Fear of God.
Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and her son shall be called Immanuel, God
with us".
To the first impossibility, to see life to the Future
of the Human Race on the other side of his Cainite Apocalypse, the Prophet
added an Impossibility of the same Divine nature, (understanding here by
"Divine" a reality that only God can conceive, in this case a Woman
and Virgin begetting a child without the reproductive participation of the
Male). But well, it is Two who told that man to speak and that man spoke. Hence
the term Prophet.
Because to say that there is going to be a final
judgment, and that some go to paradise and others to hell, or that the world is
going to be destroyed, are not things that make the prophet, to speak of these
things is something elementary, something that enters the head of the human
being and has been conceived by the nations since the most remote antiquity.
But to come saying that a Child will be born of a Virgin, and that this Child
will be born with the Power of God among Us, this IS.
And it is so because it does not fit into the head of
any human being, first, that a Virgin should give birth, and, secondly, that
any man can have the Power of God.
The Prophet was a madman. Or a man who responded to
God with the same look and attitude as his children: God is the Creator of all,
who will dare to penetrate His Eternity? If He says so, it shall be so.
It is in this way that the History of the Salvation of
the Human Genus begins . "God says,
and so it is done." Any
"but..." or "see it to believe it..." is the seed of Death
in the soul of creation.
"God says, and it is so", period.
There is no room for a period or comma. God said Let
there be light, and there was Light.
The Doubt comes from Satan. Who is Satan to limit the
Power of the Creator of the Universe of the galaxies and Creator of the Tree of
the Worlds? In whose head is it possible that a creature, be it from another
world or from our world, dares to count the years of his existence, the width
and depth of his Intelligence, to put barriers to the Creative Power of his
Wisdom, to put himself before his Omniscience?
The answer of creation to its Creator has no other
words than the one written in this "Amen".
Evidently the Prophet was a madman. To speak to the
human beasts that were his contemporaries with the Language of God is like
explaining mathematics to a mouse. The mouse,
if it could speak, would treat the madman who spoke to it about numbers and
numerical letters as a madman.
A Virgin is going to give birth to a Child to whom God
will give the Power to be God among men. The Prophet was mad as hell!
And yet that Madman was followed by another madman.
And this madman was followed by a disciple, as mad as his master. NOT only the
wise men of the neighboring nations who knew the sacred prophetic scriptures of
the Jews were taking their fingers to the loose screw that was slipping out of
the heads of their people; the Jews themselves had them for crackpots, holy,
but crackpots without a cure. They even raised further their response to the
Prophets than the Gentiles. They killed them.
Unlike the case of St. Paul before the Greeks, who
laughed at his Grace, the Jews killed them. No one is or should be surprised
that by killing their own brother Prophets, they conspired against the
Christians until they left not a single one alive on Earth.
The Evil of Cain found in his father Adam the open
door to the world, and spread pandemically through all nations. Salvation was
also for them, but they refused to answer God with the Silence of their
children before his Voice: Man has Salvation.
Although, of course, it must be understood that to
make of that monster, into which Death had transformed men, a son of God in the
image and likeness of Christ Jesus, "the son of Man", would not be a
thing of magic dust. You do not go to
bed one night in a bed covered with blood, with which you have drunk yourself
into unconsciousness in the ecstasy of your strength and glory, and suddenly,
as if by magic, you rise at dawn in a bed white as snow, and your soul cleansed
of criminal desires as if you had never, in perfect happiness, had enough of
devouring human flesh.
The Road to Salvation would be long and narrow. The malignant disease from which mankind had
suffered had been active for the past thousands of years. Kill or be killed was
the law of life in the days of the Birth of our Age. Either you prepared for
war or you were devoured by it. Either you owned the empire or you would be a
slave to someone else's empire. And the existence of slaves was not exactly
that of the modern proletariat. The slave was a beast whose life depended on
the word of his master; it was enough for him to lose his life. He was his
Man did not exist in the human being before the Birth
of Christ. He existed once. He ceased to exist. To resurrect him was the
question. To beget a son of God in the womb of those conditions, resulting from
thousands of years thrown into the hell of the Cainite passions, was not going
to be exactly a here I catch you and here I kill you. And yet, here we are.
We have Cain before us, the announced Cain, with the
Atomic Ass Jaw in his hands, in fratricidal action, as he crushes the skull of
his Ukrainian brother, threatening all life on Earth with absolute destruction
if they do not kneel before his presence.
And there is the Word that God has given us, not to
destroy His House among Us, and, amen, to extend His Kingdom of Justice and
Peace over the Fullness of the nations of Mankind.
A madness, another Impossible! One of those things
before which to say Amen or to take the hand of Doubt to one's head, turn the
screw, and believe that God has lost His mind. This answer is up to each one of
I, personally, mine, is AMEN. And formed in the
Knowledge of His Being I have written the Divine Story of Jesus Christ in order
to eliminate the possibility of Doubt in my fellow man. I know it will be so.
The End of the World born of Sin has entered its last straight. The Way has
been long and narrow, hard as the Crucifixion of His Son was for God. But there
was no other Way than the one we have made from his Birth to our days.
The response of each one will determine the future of
his being. No one will die for the crime of another. The nation that continues
to live under the law of Cain, by that law will disappear from the face of the
twenty-first Century.
Truth has a very simple Law to understand. She is the
Mother of Justice and the Daughter of Justice is Peace. In the House of Peace
are born Fraternity, Equality and Liberty. Without the first three the second three cannot be sustained. Hence the
world wars of the twentieth century.
Therefore, lay down your arms; abandon the Power,
dictators and tyrants; those of you whose glory is the accumulation of wealth,
making the peoples your slaves, cease and distribute what you have gained among
those who have served you as slaves. I say: Cursed is every man who remains in
the Ideology of War as a Weapon of Natural Selection.
His name is Christ Jesus, He is the Man whom God has
raised up, and whose Image and Likeness in Us opens the Gate of Life for us.
Whoever does not advance in the growth of this Image and Likeness in Us, will
not know life, will be dust that the Wind of Time picks up and blows out of the
He is the Salvation of God against the spirit of Death
which entering the World spread its Fratricidal Disease through all nations. He
is JESUS CHRIST; our KING, the Word of God is His Word, by the Covenant He
signed with His Blood between God and Us we know that there will be no World
War, that there is life on the other side of the Apocalypse that He will stop,
and the Fullness of the nations will be healed of the Evil that has afflicted
them for generations.
I say Amen, and let everyone say what they will, their
answer will determine their future. But the Future of Mankind is the Kingdom of
Two, whose King is His Son.
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