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In this long evolution of almost nine hundred years
extending from the death of Justinian to the capture of Constantinople by the
Turks, it is necessary to distinguish periods. The first period reaches from
the death of Justinian to the reign of Basil the Macedonian (565-866); during
this time Justinian's codification remained the principal source of law. The
second period includes the interval between the accession of Basil the
Macedonian and the date when Constantine Monomachus reestablished the School of
Law in Constantinople (867-1045); its main feature was the publication of a new
compilation of laws, the Basilics. The third period stretches from this
restoration of the School of Law in Constantinople down to the fall of the
Byzantine Empire (1045-1453); this period was marked, at least at first, by a
revival in the science of law due to the great event of 1045, and later by the
final decadence. In the study of these three periods, it will be necessary to
point out what were the new constitutions (Novels) promulgated by the Emperors
who succeeded each other on the throne, and also to mention the legal works
which, together with Justinianean law, the Basilics, and the Novels, formed the
sources of Byzantine legislation, a system as complicated as that of Roman law,
but which never attained its perfection.
Commentaries on Justinian’s work.
The study of Byzantine legislation after Justinian
cannot be undertaken without a consideration of the works devoted to his
codification even during the Emperor's life-time. For at whatever period they
may have been written, whether before or after 565, the commentaries on the
imperial compilation composed by Greek professors became, in the same way as
the work itself, a veritable source of Byzantine law of the very highest value,
from which materials for other works or codes were for long derived.
Justinian, fearing that freedom of commentary would
reduce law to the former confusion and disorder which he had intended once and
for all to end, authorized jurisconsults to select one of three methods only in
explaining his Digest and his Code: (1) by giving literal translations of the
Latin texts into Greek. (2) either by framing additions to one of the ‘titles’
in the original, in the form of a systematic statement or in the form of
extracts from other parts of the text closely related to the subject of the ‘title’
under consideration, or else by drawing up tables of concordance between a
given law and other texts . (3) by making abridgments or summaries of the
texts. These three methods were employed concurrently in the schools of the
East. But a fourth method was tolerated although it was a departure from the
imperial injunctions: the use of explanatory notes on passages in the
legislative work. This was the only fruitful method in common use even before
Justinian in the days when legal instruction was concentrated on the sources of
classical Roman law; it was by means of this method that the professors of the
sixth and seventh centuries still succeeded in making some improvements in the
The commentators whose names and places of residence
have come down to us are the following:
Under Justinian we find Theophilus, professor in
Constantinople, probably the author of the celebrated Greek Paraphrase of the
Institutes of Justinian, who also gave lessons on the Digest; Dorotheus,
professor in Berytus (Beyrout) (Institutes and Digest); Isidore (Digest and
Code); Anatolius, professor in Berytus (Code); Thalelaeus (Code and Digest),
author of the most extensive commentary on the Code; Julian, professor in
Constantinople, who formed the collection of Novels translated into Latin and
called by his name, the Epitome Juliani.
Under Justin II and Maurice there are Stephen, an
eminent jurisconsult (Digest, Code, Institutes); Cobidas (Digest); Cyril the
Younger (Digest); the advocates Athanasius (Novels), Theodore of Hermopolis
(Code, Digest?, Novels), Anastasius (Digest), Philoxenus and Symbatius
(Novels), and finally an unknown jurisconsult called the Anonymus (Digest).
With the exception of the Paraphrase of the Institutes
composed by or attributed to Theophilus, the works of the preceding authors
have not been preserved in their integrity. They are only known to us by the
extracts which constitute the ‘ancient scholia’ on the Basilics, to which we
shall refer later.
After an eclipse of the science of law in the days of
Phocas, the reign of the Emperor Heraclius (610-641) witnessed the appearance
of some few legal works, two of which still relate to the work of Justinian.
(1) The Book of the Antinomies, written by an anonymous author, who from the
title of his work has received the name of Enantiophanes;
only a few fragments have survived in the scholia on the Basilics; (2) Ai Ropai, a
collection which was widely known even in the West, and which consisted of
classified excerpts of all passages in Justinianean law referring to the legal
influence which prescription “up to a hundred years” has on the substance of
law. A third work, which is devoted to law-suits (the treatise De Actionibus) is the re-issue in a
revised form of a treatise prior to Justinian, which in spite of its poor
quality had a certain success, for it went through another edition after the
publication of the Basilics.
Novels of Justin
II, Tiberius, and Heraclius
Only a very small number of the Novels promulgated by
Justin II, Tiberius, and Heraclius have been preserved. They relate to matters
of public, ecclesiastical, or private law (especially marriage). The most
celebrated are Novels XXII to XXV of Heraclius on the organization of the
Church, and especially on the privilegium
fori. The Novels of Tiberius possess an interest of another kind. Under
Justin II, the economic situation of the Eastern Empire, already serious in the
time of Justinian, had become still worse. The Powerful, certain of impunity,
gave way to excesses which Constantine Manasses chronicles in his emphatic
verses. Tiberius, both as co-regent and when reigning alone, tried to counteract
this situation by his Novels, which reveal the distress of the small
landholders, the gradual disappearance of free laborers, the venal partiality
of the governors, and the tyranny of the Powerful. According to Monnier,
Tiberius suspended the practice of the epiboli
(adiectio, or the compulsory linking of waste lands to adjoining cultivated
land, with a view to ensuring the collection of the tax); the epiboli was not reestablished
until the reign of Nicephorus I (802-811), and then under a different form.
A fresh eclipse of legislation occurred in the century
which intervened between the reign of Heraclius and that of the Iconoclastic
Emperor, Leo III. Leo and his son Constantine V have also only left a few
Novels. On the other hand, famous in political and religious history for the
iconoclastic reform, they have retained the attention of jurists owing to the
publication of a very important work, the Ecloga,
a kind of civil code, to which must be added the three Codes which complete it,
the Military Code, the Maritime Code, and the Rural Code.
The Ecloga was for long ascribed to other Emperors likewise bearing the names of Leo and
Constantine, the sons of Basil the Macedonian. Nowadays no one disputes its
attribution to Leo III and Constantine V. The Ecloga was promulgated by them in March 740. It is a kind of
abridged civil code, founded on the Institutes, Digest, Code, and Novels of
Justinian, “corrected with a view to improvement”, as the very title of the
work states, and conceived in a more Christian spirit. The Preface indicates
the purpose of the work. Having recognized that the laws promulgated by their
predecessors were dispersed throughout many books, and that their meaning
escaped many of their subjects, especially those dwelling in the provinces, the
Emperors—according to the version of certain manuscripts—ordered the quaestor
Nicetas, another Nicetas, and Marinus, as well as other officials, to collect
the ancient books, and to arrange in a clearer and more concise manner the
decisions on the more ordinary cases and contracts and on the scale of
penalties for crimes. In accordance with this programme, the Ecloga is therefore not an exhaustive
work; the Emperors did not seek to regulate everything, but only here and there
to establish the precision which was needed. It consists of eighteen titles,
dealing with the ordinary actions of legal life (betrothal, marriage, dowry,
donations, wills, successions and legacies, wardship, enfranchisement), with
contracts, with crimes, and finally with the division of the spolia. The enactments contained in the
work are—as modern scholars have shown—frequently derived from the popular or
vulgar customary law of the East, while other enactments spring from the
development of the principles of Justinianean law. Certain provincial Greek
institutions, differing from those of Rome, have become legal institutions in
the Ecloga : thus, among other
instances, the distinction between marriage by written contract and marriage
without it, to which concubinage was assimilated, the restriction of wardship
to minors, the impossibility of emancipating minors, the exercise of the patria potestas by the mother and father
conjointly, the necessity for the consent of both parents to the marriage of
children alieni or sui iuris, the
right of the surviving partner in a marriage to the property of the deceased
partner, their two estates being now considered to become one by marriage. In
this respect the vigorous judgment of the Iconoclasts, and their lofty
conception of family life, made them far exceed the limits of Roman law;
community of property and identity of pecuniary interests were to them logical
consequences of personal union; breaking here and there through the shackles of
the dowry system, there appears a system fully inspired with the Christian
ideal of community of goods.
The Ecloga differs from Justinianean law in the absence of all distinction between the tutela and the cura, the regulation of intestate estates, the legal conception of
the testament, and the law of disinheritance. The influence exercised therein
by ecclesiastical law is mainly shown, as might be expected, in the
marriage-laws, in which the Emperors enforced decisions arrived at by the
Councils of the seventh century. Finally, the system of punishments, amongst
which are found many cruel penalties unknown to the law of Justinian, such as
various kinds of mutilation, seems partly to have sprung from the custom by
which in practice magistrates inflicted certain arbitrary, but milder,
penalties on criminals whom they might have condemned to death.
The authority of the Ecloga diminished in course of time under the influence of the
reaction against the policy of the Iconoclasts. It was even formally abrogated
by Basil the Macedonian, who wished to replace it by his own productions, and
in particular by his Prochiron. But
this abrogation proved of no avail because the Ecloga was a convenient manual (Encheiridion), in harmony with
provincial customs. It continued all the same its brilliant career, the
development of which will be noticed in the course of this sketch. A particular
and very striking proof of the favor which it still retained is that certain
manuscripts contain both the Ecloga and the Prochiron of Basil himself.
Three small Codes completed the Ecloga: the Military Code, the Maritime Code and the Rural Code.
The three Codes answer the same purpose as the principal work: to spare jurists
lengthy researches in the works of Justinian and to simplify their task. They
were compiled in part directly from these works, in part from the private
labors of jurisconsults. Of the three the Rural Code is that which supplies
historians with the most useful information on the condition of the free and
the dependent peasants in the middle of the eighth century, and on the rural
police and the penalties applicable to crimes or to involuntary damage
committed in the course of agricultural work.
As a whole, the Iconoclastic Emperors displayed as
much originality in legislative, as they did in political, matters. In the judgment
of legal historians, their legislative experiments prove their understanding of
the fact that Justinian’s codification could not satisfy practical needs,
because this work, considered by many modern authors inferior to the works of
Roman jurisconsults during the great classical period, was on the other hand
too abstruse for the practitioners of the East. The Iconoclasts wished to
rectify this excess of science in a personal manner without interfering with
the code itself. In opposition to their methods we shall see that Byzantine
legislators and jurists of later ages thought they could attain this object in
a totally different way by successive attempts to adapt the code to the
increasingly feeble intelligence of men of law in the East.
Only a few Novels issued during the period subsequent
to Leo III and Constantine V remain. They are due to Leo the Chazar and
Constantine VI, to Irene, Nicephorus I, Leo V, and Theophilus. These Novels are
chiefly concerned with political, religious, and canonical legislation.
Canon law of the
sixth century
According to the chroniclers, it was the Caesar Bardas
(856-866) who revived profane letters, which had disappeared and been lost for many
years through the barbarism and ignorance of the Emperors. He assigned to each science
a school in some fixed spot; he collected scholars in the Palace of Magnaura,
he contributed handsomely to their support, and ordered them to give free
instruction to their pupils. The chroniclers conclude by saying that the
personal action of Bardas did so much good that the laws revived. Although we
have no exact information on the form assumed by legal education at this
period, it is necessary to mention the initiative of Bardas, because it
doubtless contributed to the legal equipment of the men who were themselves to accomplish
great things, or to assist the Emperors in accomplishing them, in ensuing
In Justinian’s reign, the canons of the Eastern
Ecumenical Councils were combined with the Constitutions of the Code relating
to ecclesiastical matters in the Collectio
XXV capitulorum (about 535). At an unrecorded date in the sixth century
there appeared the Synagoge canonum under fifty titles, ascribed either to John Scholasticus (of Antioch) or to
other writers. An appendix to this work called the Collectio LXXXVII capitulorum includes extracts from some lost
Novels of Justinian. From a slightly later period date the Synopsis Canonum
attributed to Stephen of Ephesus, and the Collectio
constitutionum ecclesiasticarum tripertita, the manuscripts of which
include as an appendix the four Novels of Heraclius already cited, which contain important pronouncements on the organization of the Eastern Church. To
the end of the sixth century belong the
three first known Nomocanones: the Nomocanon titulorum derived from the Synagoge canonum, which only assumed its final form in the ninth century; the Canonicon of John Nesteutes; and the Nomocanon XIV titulorum, which achieved the greatest success.
Formerly it was erroneously
attributed to Photius (ninth century), but it was really due, according to some, to the Anonymus or
to Hieronymus, according to others,
to Julian the editor of the Epitome of the Novels of Justinian.
Legislation of Basil I
The second period is dominated by the names of two
law-giving Emperors : Basil the Macedonian (867-886) and Leo the Wise
(886-911), who both lived at its commencement.
Basil, a conqueror on the field of battle, wished
likewise to ensure for his subjects the benefits of a system of legislation
more practical than that which had existed before him. Two motives urged him to
this course. The first, of a legislative kind, is mentioned by his official
biographer, the author of the Vita
Basilii: it was to dissipate the obscurity and unravel the confusion
prevailing in civil law as a result of good and bad enactments, and the
uncertainty as to which laws had been abrogated and which were still in force.
The second motive, of a political order, is referred to in the Prologue to the Prochiron itself, and in a passage of the Epanagoge two of his works of which
we are about to speak: this was to substitute works edited under his own
auspices for the Ecloga of the
Iconoclasts, against whom Basil had vowed an undying hatred which is betrayed
in the unfair judgment he passed on their admirable little book. All Basil’s
work was thus intended to achieve the rehabilitation of Justinian’s
legislation, which practicing lawyers had been abandoning more and more.
In the first place Basil published an introductory
manual to the science of law : lex
manualis or Prochiron,
promulgated between 870 and 879 by himself and his two sons, Constantine and
Leo (the Wise). This very simple manual consisted of texts which were being continually
applied in current usage; it has frequently been compared with the Institutes, and it was founded on Greek
translations of, and commentaries on, the works of Justinian. In its second
part it also reproduced the provisions of the Ecloga in spite of the abuse of its authors in the Prologue. There
are few innovations due to Basil. The Prochiron is divided into forty titles: betrothal and marriage (titles I to XI),
obligations (titles XII to XX), inheritance (XXI to XXXVII), public law
(XXXVIII to XL). The Prochiron enjoyed a great reputation among civil lawyers, as well as among the canonists
of the Greek and Russian Churches, even after the fall of the Eastern Empire.
Further on we shall quote some striking proofs of the evident estimation in
which it was held.
Basil’s second work was likewise a manual of law, published
in the names of Basil, Leo, and Alexander, between 879 and 886. This work only
constitutes a draft, without any official character, of a ‘second edition’—such
is the meaning of the Greek title— of the Prochiron,
as well as an introduction to the work which Basil intended to be his
masterpiece, the Repurgatio veterum legum, a collection “of pure and unadulterated
law, divided into forty books, and prepared like a divine draught”, a work to which
we shall presently return. As regards the Epanagoge,
it consists of forty titles corresponding in general to those of the Prochiron. Like the latter, it marks a
return to the provisions of Justinianean law, although it includes certain
later reforms.
There exists great obscurity as to the Anacatharsis, to which we alluded above.
The most competent students of Byzantine history consider that the work, which
has not been preserved, was actually executed in Basil’s reign, although there
are doubts about its scope, as the Prochiron speaks of a work in sixty books, while the Epanagoge refers to one in forty. Most probably the Anacatharsis was not promulgated by Basil, but served as foundation for the Basilics
promulgated by his son, Leo VI.
Legislation of
Leo VI: the Basilics
The Emperor Leo the Wise, or the Philosopher, must be
regarded as the most eminent Byzantine legislator after Justinian, for on the
one hand he has left the most famous and most extensive monument of
post-Justinian Graeco-Roman law (the Basilics),
and on the other a great number of Novels.
The Basilics owe their name, not to the Emperor Basil,
but to their character as imperial decisions. They are also called Sixty-Books because
they contain sixty books.
The edict (Proemium) which appears at the beginning of
the Basilics explains the aim and defines the spirit of the compilation.
According to Leo, the error in the method employed by Justinian was that the same
subjects were distributed over four different works (Code, Digest, Institutes,
Novels); the Emperor Leo, discarding everything contradictory or obsolete,
proposed on the contrary to assemble in one single book all previous laws
bearing on the same subject, so as to facilitate reference. For this purpose he
appointed a commission of qualified jurisconsults, whose names have been lost,
except that of the President, the Protospatharius Symbatius. The exact date
when the Basilics were promulgated has not been determined; it has been placed
by different authorities in 888, 889, or 890.
The sixty books of the Basilics are divided into a
varying number of titles supplied with rubrics; the titles are themselves
divided into numbered chapters, and these, finally, are divided into paragraphs.
As there no longer exists in any library a complete
manuscript, the general arrangement of the work is only known by the table or Index of the manuscript Coislin 151 of
the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris, and by the Tipucitus. In some particulars the plan follows that of the Code, in
others that of the Digest. The first Book is devoted to the Holy Trinity and
the Catholic Faith. In the second are collected the general rules of law drawn
from the Digest. Books III to V treat of ecclesiastical law. Books VI to IX
deal with magistrates, jurisdictions, and procedure. Books X to LIII are
devoted to matters concerning civil law. Books LIV to LVII to public and
military law. Book LVIII is occupied with servitudes and the water-system, Book
LIX with funerary laws. Book LX with crimes and penalties.
Within the titles, the laws (or chapters) are not the
personal work of Leo; their text was in no way revised by the commissioners for
the Basilics. They were all drawn from earlier works, chiefly from the Code and
the Digest, a very few from the Institutes, many from the Novels of Justinian
and his successors, a few also from the Prochiron.
The laws are all given in Greek; when they are derived from the three Latin
works of Justinian, they have been extracted not from the originals but from Greek
commentaries of the sixth and seventh centuries; for the Code, from the
Commentary of Thalelaeus and from the Breviarium of Theodore; for the Digest, from the commentaries of the Anonymus, Stephen, and
Cyril; for the Institutes, from the Paraphrase of Theophilus. The Novels are
drawn from the collection called the CLXVIII Novels, in which Justinian’s
Novels were completed by the addition of the Novels of Justin II and Tiberius,
and by the Eparchies (or Edicts of the Praetorian Prefects).
It must be noted that the text of the laws is, in the
manuscripts, accompanied by numerous marginal scholia. The most important of
these, which constitute the “ancient scholia”, are extracts from the Greek
commentaries of the sixth and seventh centuries enumerated above; they were probably
added to the actual text of the laws, of which they represent a sort of interpretation,
between 920 and 945, in the reign of Constantine Porphyrogenitus. To refer the
addition of the ancient scholia to his reign is the only way of explaining how
Balsamon could have attributed a final Repurgatio
Legum to Leo’s son. The other scholia, “the recent scholia”, were
introduced subsequently, in the course of the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth
centuries; they are due to jurisconsults of less weight: John Nomophylax,
Calocyrus Sextus, Constantine Nicaeus, Gregory Doxopater, Patzus, Theodorita or
Hagiotheodorita, and finally the Anonymus.
If we wish to appreciate the value of the Basilics in
a few words, it may be said that in themselves they offered to the lawyers of
the Greek Empire the great advantage over the Justinianean Code of being a unified
work composed in Greek. At the time of their appearance, and for long afterwards,
they inspired a respect all the deeper for being the work realized or inspired
by the founder of the Macedonian house in continuance of the reforms of the
great Emperor Justinian. For modern scholars, the text of the Basilics and the
ancient scholia present the advantage of sometimes enabling them to recover the
original version of Justinian’s works, which has been altered by copyists, or
even the original version of the texts of classical jurisconsults altered by
the members of Justinian’s commission. The closer examination of the ancient
scholia has even permitted the recovery of some fragments of pre-Justinian law,
whose import and origin are only beginning to be perceived.
The Novels of Leo the Wise are chiefly known by the
collection of CXIII Novels, with Preface, a collection of which the Latin
translation by Agylaeus is appended to the Novels of Justinian in the complete editions
of the Corpus iuris civilis. With two
exceptions which concern two Novels not appearing in this edition, they are
undated. Most of them are later than the Basilics. This collection of CXIII
Novels was probably formed previous to Leo’s second marriage (894), or at any
rate to his third marriage (899). The Preface states that the Emperor has made
a selection among the ancient laws, that he has omitted or expressly abrogated
useless laws, and that he has converted into laws certain customs deemed worthy
of this honor.
The collection of CXIII Novels has been abridged in a
work entitled Ecloga Novellarum Leonis
pii Imperatoris in capp. LVI. The author is possibly identical with that of
the Synopsis Maior; wishing to
preserve only those Novels still in force, he has not kept more than half of
the original collection, and has only retained the enactive clauses of the original
texts. This Ecloga Novellarum was
probably compiled towards the middle of the tenth century.
There exist, moreover, seven Novels by Leo which have
survived, in addition to the collection of CXIII Novels.
Leo’s Novels have been utilized by the principal
writers of treatises on Civil or Canon Law subsequent to the tenth century:
Psellus, Michael Attaliates, Balsamon, Matthew Blastares, and Harmenopulus.
Several of these Novels show that, in the reign of Leo the Wise, great
territorial estates were constantly growing, and that Leo was not strong enough
to struggle with the Powerful, who, under the Macedonian dynasty, were developing
into real feudal lords.
Novels from 911
to 1045
During the long period which separated Leo’s reign
from that of Constantine Monomachus, i.e. from 911 to 1045, the legislative activity of the Emperors does not appear to
have been very fruitful. The manuscripts only provide us with a few Novels by
Romanus Lecapenus, Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, Nicephorus Phocas, John
Tzimisces, Basil II Bulgaroctonus, Romanus III Argyrus, and Zoe.
In contrast to the Novels of Basil and Leo which, in
completion of their fundamental works, treat various subjects affecting
different parts of legislation, the scanty Novels of these Emperors only refer
to a few special points. Two subjects in particular are the object of
1. The law of redemption, preference, or pre-emption (protimesis, ius protimieseos), granted
to relatives or neighbours in cases of alienation of some estate or house for a
pecuniary consideration, was established principally by Novel II of Constantine
VII and Romanus Lecapenus in 922. Some writers have conjectured that this law,
which had existed since an earlier period of the Roman Empire, was intended to
moderate the oppression of small landholders by the Powerful. The Byzantine
Emperors were frequently obliged to revive its operation on account of the
inefficacy or obscurity of the decrees of their predecessors.
2. The character of military estates which it was
necessary to protect so as to safeguard the resources intended to meet the
expenses of the army.
Whatever the subject treated, the Novels are above all
concerned with custom, either in recording good customs or in attempting to
check bad ones. Amongst the most original institutions which they regulate and which
arose from ancient popular customs, must be mentioned the Theoritron referred to for the first time in a Novel of Constantine
VII Porphyrogenitus. This was a gift made by the husband to the wife for ius primae noctis or pretium virginitatis; it was in addition
to the donation propter nuptias.
Legal education
under Leo VI
All official teaching of law in a State school had
long disappeared when it was restored by Constantine Monomachus in 1045. It had
been replaced, much to the detriment of legal studies, by a purely private system
of instruction which is described rather inadequately in broad outline in the
Book of the Prefect by Leo the Wise, which is an edict on the trade-gilds of
Constantinople, discovered by Nicole. From Chapter I of this edict, devoted to
the organization of the notarial profession, we get our information. The twenty-four
notaries of the capital formed a corporation. To be eligible for it, young men
had to attend the lectures of professors attached to this corporation. These
professors were of two kinds, professors of law, and encyclopaedic professors;
they were under the supervision of the Prefect, and after having been elected by
co-option they had to be confirmed by that high official. The students
subsequently underwent an examination before the whole corporation of notaries.
Possibly the same professors also taught the youths who were studying for the
bar, who would then have to undergo an examination before the gild of
advocates. The programme of studies was amazingly simple: the Book of the
Prefect states that the candidates “must know by heart the forty titles of the
Prochiron and be familiar with the sixty books” (of the Basilics), and this was
Some historians have thought that control by the
Prefect, enjoined by the Edict of Leo, was not of long continuance, and that
the organization of studies by the corporation of notaries became relaxed, so
that finally legal education was absolutely uncontrolled; this would give the cause,
or one of the causes, for the serious decadence of the science of law between
Leo’s reign and the reform of 1045. Their hypothesis seems to be absolutely
confirmed by the complaints of Constantine Monomachus, when he took steps to
end this lamentable state of things.
Legal treatises
based on the Ecloga and Basilics
The Epitome legum,
or Ecloga legum in epitome expositarum,
which appeared in 920, the first year of the reign of Romanus Lecapenus, was derived,
according to its editor Zachariae, from another Epitome ex antiquis libris collecta, consisting of extracts from
the Digest (after Stephen and the Anonymus), extracts from the Code (after
Theodore and Thalelaeus), extracts from the Novels (after the Breviarium of
Theodore), a selection from the texts of
the Prochiron with some references to
the Basilics and the Novels of Leo. The author—possibly the Symbatius of the
Basilics— announces in a Preface full of interesting historical details that he
will only record useful regulations. The work consists of fifty titles. This manual
enjoyed a great reputation, as may be seen from the numerous copies and
revisions of its text.
The Ecloga of Leo and Constantine, although condemned by Basil, had nevertheless retained
a great practical influence for the reasons already indicated. The influence of
this very convenient short manual is shown by the publication of new works
based upon it, which are known as the Ecloga
Privata, the Ecloga Privata Aucta,
and the Ecloga ad Prochiron Mutata.
The Ecloga Privata was a re-issue,
now lost, of the original with some modifications; Zachariae considers that it
is the source of the Ecloga Privata Aucta.
The Ecloga Privata Aucta seems to have
been compiled from the Ecloga Privata and an Encheiridion containing a
mixture of Justinianean law and new law. This work expounds the form of
Byzantine law prevailing in Southern Italy. Its date is very hard to discover,
but possibly it may even be as late as the twelfth century. The Ecloga ad Prochiron Mutata in forty
titles seems to have been drawn up at the same date and in the same country. It
is derived from the Ecloga Privata,
the Epitome legum, and the Prochiron. Two of its peculiarities are,
first, the presence among its texts of the Ecloga
Legis Mosaicae, extracted from the Mosaic law in thirty-six short chapters taken
from the Pentateuch, and, secondly, the presence of loci singulares dealing with penal law, passages of foreign origin
alien to Graeco-Roman law, which have given rise to controversy (they are
attributed by different writers to a Lombard or to a Norman origin).
The Synopsis
Basilicorum Maior is a work composed with the help of the Basilics. It
opens with a title on the Orthodox faith. It contains twenty-four parts or
letters, divided into titles arranged in alphabetical order according to the
rubrics of the titles of the Basilics, and includes extracts from the capitula of the Basilics. The work,
whose author is unknown and is perhaps the same as the compiler of the Ecloga Novellarum Leonis, was written
towards the middle of the tenth century. It is accompanied by annotations due
to various authors. Its success was considerable; it was the foundation of the Synopsis Minor, and was utilized by the Prochirum auctum and by Harmenopulus.
The Prochiron of Basil only underwent one modification. This was the Prochiron legum, which was made up of fragments from the Ecloga, the Prochiron, the Epanagoge,
and the Epitome legum; these
fragments were adapted to contemporary (late tenth century) practice and to the
part of Italy in which the compilation was made.
Amongst other revisions of the Epanagoge, it will be enough to mention the Epanagoge aucta, at the end of the tenth century, a small manual
which utilises the Prochiron, the Ecloga cum appendice, the Epitome Novellarum of Athanasius, the
Basilics, and the Novels of Leo, as well as the Epanagoge.
The Pira,
Canonical collections
After all these works, which were in fact only
abridgments or revisions of existing works, we come at last to a more original
achievement, which possesses the merit of being the result of practical
jurisprudence; it is actually the only example of this kind in all the
abundance of Byzantine legal literature.
It was called the Pira or Practica sive Doctrina ex actis magni viri Eitstathii Romani. It
was written by an unknown author employed in the law-courts at Constantinople,
who appears to have been subsequently a judge in the same courts, and who was
regarded with considerable respect by his colleagues. The seventy-five titles
of the treatise consist both of fragments from the Basilics and of reports of cases
with reasons for the decisions. These cases extend from the middle of the tenth
century (about 950) until the reign of Romanus III Argyrus (1028-1034).
According to the title of the work, the author utilized the decisions of the
famous jurisconsult, Eustathius Romanus, although we are not certain whether
the latter ever drew up a list of legal cases which could have served in the
composition of the Pira. The Pira is too mediocre a work to be
ascribed to Garidas, or to be regarded as an official manual intended for use
in the new School of Law of Constantine Monomachus, as has been suggested.
Nevertheless it is of sufficient value to supply us with precious details on
the jurisprudence and the legal administration, organization, and procedure of
the Greek Empire, at the end of the tenth and beginning of the eleventh
In conclusion, and for the sake of completeness, it is
necessary to mention some monographs written at various times in the tenth and eleventh
centuries : the opusculum of Eustathius and of George Phobenus on the Hypoholon (a new name for the donation propter nuptias); a short anonymous
commentary on the protimesis (right
of redemption); and finally, the treatises de
peculiis and de privilegiis
In the period between 867 and 1045 there appeared only
re-issues of canonical collections or Nomocanones composed in the sixth century. These were: the re-issue in 883 of the Nomocanon XIV titulorum called the
Syntagma of Photius, but of which Photius, the well-known Patriarch of
Constantinople, was probably neither the new editor nor the author; another
revision of the same work, which served as a foundation to the work of Theodore
Bestes (eleventh century); and a revision of the Epitome (Synagoge) canonum by Simon the Logothete in the reign of
Basil II Bulgaroctonus (975-1025).
The law school of Constantinople (1045)
The development of the science of law has, at all
times and in all places, a close connection with the organization of serious
instruction in this science. It seems that the system indicated in the Book of
the Prefect, which we described in considering the previous period, did not
give satisfactory results (if indeed it remained in force). The Novel of
Constantine Monomachus in 1045 on the reform of legal education reveal the
deplorable results of the system of gild education, and proposes to rectify
them by a return to the system of State education. These were the two
fundamental ideas developed therein.
The Novel itself states that there were no means of
guaranteeing a high standard for professors of law, as these were independent
teachers. “The young men”, it says, “eagerly seek for someone to teach them the
science of law, but, as they find no one with professional authority and supported
by the imperial approval, for lack of a better each adopts the teacher whom he
meets haphazard”. Thereby there arose great confusion in the judgment of cases,
and often there were divergencies, or even contradictions, in the sentences
pronounced by the judges, who had been trained by teachers holding different
opinions; hence also the inferiority of the notaries and advocates. The Emperor
was very careful to note that these evils arose from the system of liberty in
legal education which prevailed in Constantinople, because, in the first place,
other branches of education supported by the State were in successful
operation, and, secondly, because certain towns, in which the teaching had
remained organized, attracted students to the detriment of the capital. The
responsibility for this decadence falls, says the Emperor, on his predecessors,
who indeed improved the laws but failed to ensure an official organization for
the Schools of Law.
Constantine Monomachus, a pacific Emperor, was
fortunate enough to find two able counselors, who helped him to start the
necessary reforms —Xiphilin and Psellus, the former a judge in the Courts of
the Hippodrome, the latter secretary to the Emperor. The drafting of the Novel of
1045 was due to John Mauropus or Euchaitensis, amongst manuscripts of whose
works it was discovered by Cardinal Angelo Mai.
According to the Novel, the school founded by the
Emperor was an official and gratuitous State school. The professor-principal (Nomophylax) was appointed by the
Emperor, was removable by him, and was paid by him. The course of study is
defined in the Novel. The diploma on leaving was a State diploma necessary for
the exercise of the offices of advocate or notary, or for eligibility for high
administrative office. The first Nomophylax was Xiphilin himself. He was no doubt helped in his task by other teachers. The
school was established in the buildings of the church of St George.
Notwithstanding the absence of precise information, we
must suppose that the school of Constantinople survived at least until the
fourteenth century; for the title of Nomophylax was borne, in the twelfth
century by Doxopater, Alexius Aristinus, and Theodore Balsamon; in the
thirteenth by Michael Chumnus; in the fourteenth by Constantine Harmenopulus;
all of whom were jurists or canonists of reputation. Other jurisconsults such as
Garidas, the Pseudo-Tipucitus, or Hagiotheodorita, were professors in the same
school, but not its principals.
All these men have left legal works of greater or
lesser value, and of varying degrees of originality, works which in any case show
the successful result of the reform operated by Constantine Monomachus.
Byzantine legislation, in the strict sense of the
word, includes the civil laws, and the Novels of the Emperors. Up to the
eleventh and twelfth centuries the civil laws were still summed up in the two
great legislative works of Justinian and Leo the Wise, for Leo, when he
promulgated the Basilics, had no intention of superseding Justinian’s
compilation, to which however the Basilics was to be preferred in cases of
disagreement. But at the close of the twelfth century, during the reign of
Manuel Comnenus, Justinian’s codification was definitely put aside, although,
as we shall see, jurisconsults still studied the works of which it was
composed. So much for the legislation of the past.
The Novels of the Emperors, whereby new law was
created, were not very numerous between the eleventh and the fifteenth century.
Of some Emperors there is only a single Novel extant (Constantine Monomachus, Michael
Stratioticus, Isaac Comnenus, Constantine Ducas, Alexius II Comnenus, Michael
Palaeologus, Andronicus III). Of others we know only two, three, or four Novels
(Michael Ducas, Nicephorus Botaniates, John Comnenus, Isaac Angelus, John
Vatatzes, Andronicus II Palaeologus). The only Emperors whose Novels form a
more imposing collection are Alexius I Comnenus, twenty-five of whose texts
remain, and Manuel Comnenus who left seventeen. Many of these enactments
regulated points in religious government or in canon law: for instance, binding
force given to betrothal or promise of marriage (1084, 1092), prohibition of
marriage on account of consanguinity (1094, 1160), marriage of slaves (1094).
The reforms in civil law are generally of little interest; it is only necessary
to mention one which also has to do with marriage, the privilege granted by
Constantine Ducas to the wife to have priority of the exchequer in the recovery
of her dowry in respect of the objects named in the marriage contract. Finally,
among the Novels referring to other matters, the most important was the great Novel
X of Manuel Comnenus (1166) which constitutes a real system of judicial organization
and procedure, as it deals with assessors, the hearing of cases, the
introduction of a suit, with preliminary examinations, advocates, sentences,
with summons and appeals, and even with protimesis in the case of a mortgage.
Monographs of
the eleventh century
The vicissitudes of the Eastern Empire under various
dynasties, sometimes Greek, sometimes Latin, were naturally not without their
echoes in the development of legal science, in so far as it found expression in
treatises of varied nature and diverse scientific import. Several phenomena of
legal activity are worthy of note : the manuscripts of Justinian’s Novels and
the Institutes and Paraphrase of Theophilus were re-copied as frequently as the
Basilics themselves and their scholia; later scholia were added to the work of
Leo the Wise; the Greek Emperors favored the composition of treatises on civil
or canon law; the earlier sources of Byzantine law, such as the Prochiron, Ecloga, and Epanagoge,
continued to serve as nuclei for new commentaries; but the most famous work of this
period, the Promptuarium of
Harmenopulus, only appeared at the close of the Greek Empire.
The earliest productions of legal literature with
which we meet are monographs. First, a Liber
de Actionibus arranged in alphabetical order, only a few extracts from
which have been preserved among the later scholia of the Basilics, and which
the professor Garidas wrote in the reign of Constantine Ducas (1059-1067);
then, by the same author, a short treatise de
homicidiis, intended to explain Novel XII of Constantine Porphyrogenitus on
murder; finally, the Meditatio de nudis
pactis dating from the middle of the eleventh century, a somewhat brief
text, which presents the interesting feature of being an original work without
a model. It is probably the votum of
an assessor of the Supreme Court of the Empire, which was presided over by the
Emperor in person, or in his absence by the Drungarius of the watch. It may
have been written by John Xiphilin himself, the counselor of Constantine
After these monographs comes the Synopsis Legum composed in 1406 iambic and “political” verses; it
is usually attributed to Michael Psellus and may date from 1070. This
attribution is, however, denied by Monnier on account of the weak and childish character
of the work. It was compiled by order of Constantine Monomachus with the object
of instructing Michael Ducas in some elementary notions of law; it utilizes the
Code, Digest, and Novels, and the Basilics, reverting to ancient law, making
law-suits the starting-point for the discussion of legal matters, and seeking
inspiration from various prose treatises and monographs, some still extant,
others lost. Among these authorities we find a few works which offer some
analogy to certain elements of the Synopsis, and which go under the name of
Psellus; possibly they also are not his work.
To the beginning of the twelfth century belongs the Tipucitus, the work of an unknown author.
Its title is an artificial one derived from the words quid ubi invenitur?. The title is appropriate to the character of
the book, which is a table of contents of the Basilics, giving the rubrics and
most important chapters under each title and indicating analogous passages in
all of them. The Tipucitus is of
undoubted service in reconstructing the lost books of the Basilics. With regard
to the Basilics, it is well to recall the fact that it was during this period
that they received the addition of the “recent scholia” derived from the works
of John Nomophylax, Calocyrus Sextus, Constantine Nicaeus, Gregory Doxopater,
Patzus, Theodorita or Hagiotheodorita, and finally an anonymous writer
(eleventh or thirteenth century).
The Synopsis
Minor, which is divided into twenty-four parts or letters of the alphabet,
subdivided into titles, has for sources the Synopsis
Maior, the Epanagoge, and the Glossae Nomicae; its author (according
to Zachariae) wrote in Nicaea under John Ducas Vatatzes (1222-1255). It is not
a mere reproduction of its authorities, and, notwithstanding the decadent
period during which it was written, it constitutes a convenient repertoire of
thirteenth-century law.
The Prochirum
auctum is a Prochiron in forty
titles, augmented by texts from the Basilics, the Synopsis Maior, etc., Imperial Novels, and extracts from works on
canon law; the text is followed by thirty-two Paratitl, of which No. XXV is the treatise De Creditis. This work was written before 1306. It dates about the
period of the restoration of the Empire to Constantinople.
The Promptuarium or Hexabihlos, of Harmenopulus,
Nomophylax and supreme judge at Thessalonica, a friend of Philotheus who was Patriarch
from 1354 to 1355 and again from 1362 to 1376, the author of various treatises
on canon law, has a history which is told in the preface. Harmenopulus had
taken up Basil’s Prochiron believing
that in accordance with the preface of the book he would find therein collected
all provisions of obvious necessity and constant utility. But when he read it
he was disappointed to find that some of the most important things had been
omitted. Therefore he decided to revise the book, making it complete, as he
says, by aid of the Corpus Legum, the Basilics, the Novels, the Romaics of the
Magister, the Eparchies, and the Manuals. In order to distinguish between his
texts, he put the signum solare at the
head of his additions, and the signum
saturninum before the original text of the Prochiron. The sources
identified by the modern editor, Gustav Ernst Heimbach, are as follows: the Synopsis Maior (not the Basilics), the Synopsis Minor, the Ecloga Novellaruni Leonis, the Ropaí,
the Pira (referred to under the name of “the Romaics of the Magister”), an
appendix to the Synopsis whence Harmenopulus derived the Novels up to the days
of Manuel Comnenus, the Epanagoge,
extracts from Julianus Ascalonita (a pre-Justinian writer who described the law
which, in Syria and Palestine, governed vicinage, boundaries of property, and the
like), the Ecloga, and the synodal
sentences of the patriarchs. Later interpolations, taken from the same works
and added to the manuscripts attest the success of the Hexabiblos, a success
which continued in Greece and Russia even after the fall of the Eastern Empire.
The six books (whence the name Hexabiblos) are concerned with the following
(I) Law, legal organization, restitutions, and liberty
(18 titles).
(II) Possession, new work, adoption, and maritime law
(11 titles).
(III) Sale, deposit, and partnership (11 titles).
(IV) Betrothal and marriage (12 titles).
(V) Wills and wardship (12 titles).
(VI) Crimes and penalties (15 titles).
The six books are followed by four titles on various
subjects, and by appendices, containing among other things the rural laws.
The Promptuarium is the most complete treatise on civil and criminal law composed during the
final period of Byzantine law. An additional merit in the eyes of modern
historians is that certain texts which appeared in Justinian’s codification
have been reproduced by Harmenopulus from pre-Justinian sources; in the Hexabiblos they consequently appear untouched
by Justinian’s commissioners, and give readings free from the interpolations
which so often prevent us from knowing the original versions of classical
The Syntagma of
Matthew Blastares
It was only after the days of the Comneni that the
study of canon law became more serious and produced important works, either by
order of the Emperors, or at least encouraged by them.
In addition to the revisions of the Epitome Canonum Antiqua, which belong to
the eleventh and twelfth centuries, we find the Nomocanon of Doxopater, which was composed by order of John
Comnenus (1118-1143), and presents great analogies with the Syntagma, ascribed to Photius. Another Nomocanon, on the Epitome canonum, is due to the Nomophylax Alexius Aristinus.
The same Syntagma,
attributed to Photius, which consists of a Nomocanon with XIV titles and of the Collectio
Canonum, was first developed, so to say, by Theodore Bestes, who had been
directed by Michael VII before 1080 to transcribe the texts of the civil laws
cited in each chapter; this transcription has been utilized by modern editors
of Justinian’s Code. In the twelfth century the Syntagma was not only revised but annotated in the remarkable works
of John Zonaras, Grand Drungarius of the watch in the reign of Manuel Comnenus
(1159-1169), and of Theodore Balsamon, Nomophylax and Patriarch of Antioch. The Exegesis Canonum of Balsamon,
undertaken by order of Manuel Comnenus and of the Patriarch Michael Anchialus
(1169-1177), acquired in the East a very great reputation which has lasted
until the present day. The author proposed to establish a concordance between
the civil laws used in the Nomocanon ascribed to Photius, as edited by Zonaras, and the texts of the Basilics; for this purpose he employed a
twofold method: he reproduced the passages from the Basilics parallel with the civil texts from the Nomocanon, and indicated the passages
which had not been retained in the Basilics. The work was therefore of the
greatest practical utility to contemporaries; it is equally helpful to modern
critics of the Justinianean code and the Basilics, as also for the study of
Byzantine law in general, for it includes several Novels either by Leo the Wise
or the Comneni, as well as sentences passed by synods and patriarchs which are only
known to us by this transcription.
From the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth centuries
there also remain some canonical writings by Michael Psellus, Balsamon, Michael
Chumnus, and others, of which it is enough to mention the existence. Under the
Palaeologi there appeared a work as famous as that of Balsamon, and as
wide-spread among the clergy as the Promptuarium of Harmenopulus was among the world of lay practitioners. This was the Syntagma Canonum et Legum, which Matthew
Blastares, a monk, completed in 1335. The preface is followed by a history of
the sources of the body of Greek Canon law up to 879, and by a history of Roman
law up to the Basilics. The Syntagma of Matthew Blastares contains three hundred and three titles in twenty-four
chapters or letters of the alphabet. The titles are formed of the provisions of
canon law and of civil law alternately or separately. The provisions of civil
law seem to have been taken from a revision of the Epanagoge.
The last work to be mentioned is the Epitome Canonum which Harmenopulus
placed at the end of his Promptuarium;
it is divided into six sections and twenty-six titles.
The diffusion of
Byzantine legislation
Byzantine legislation shed its luster throughout
Eastern Europe and Asia. Its influence is unmistakable on the ecclesiastical
law of the Russians, and on the civil law of the Roumanians, Serbs, and
Georgians (Code of Vakhtang).
In the West it likewise exerted its influence on the
law of Italy, which was for so long part of the Empire of Constantinople. This
is not the place to deal exhaustively with the diffusion of Byzantine
legislation in Italy, because the subject seems rather to belong to the history
of Italian law. It will be enough to indicate the principal features of this
diffusion. The diffusion of Byzantine law in Italy, or more precisely in
Southern Italy and Sicily, is shown first by a phenomenon referred to above:
the compilation on Italian soil of legal works on Byzantine law. The Prochiron legum (tenth century), the Ecloga privata aucta (twelfth century?),
the Ecloga ad Prochiron mutata (twelfth century), are works which are very valuable for comparison because
they add to their models the modifications arising from local laws, or even loci singulares which are not of Graeco-Roman
The influence of Byzantine law in Italy was moreover
exercised in another way, as well as in the learned and scientific form : by
the rise of customs, which, here as everywhere, constitute popular and vulgar
law, customs which are proved by the acts of notarial practice, or which are found
codified in numerous municipal statutes in the Middle Ages. But when we examine
the details of institutions, there is great difficulty in determining the exact
extent of Byzantine influence; as some institution or other existing in Italian
law, to which we are tempted to assign a Byzantine origin because the same
institution occurs in Byzantine law, may have arisen either by development of
the native law, or by contamination from foreign laws possessing similar
institutions. Thus, in Sicily, community of property between husband and wife,
or between them and their children, may as reasonably have arisen from the
development of the vulgar law, or by contamination from Franco-Norman law, as
from the direct influence of the Ecloga.
And the same applies to certain regulations on protimesis common alike to Sicilian sources and to Byzantine, such
as the Epanagoge, the Novels of Leo
the Wise, or those of Constantine Porphyrogenitus and Romanus Lecapenus;
probably these regulations in Sicily are derived from customs already existing
there in the Byzantine period, and confirmed in the East by legislative texts, rather
than from these texts themselves. In Southern Italy the protimesis is said to be Graecorum
prudentia derivata; the Byzantine element preponderates in public law and
in ecclesiastical matters; in private law, the executors of wills are called epitropi; but other institutions may
have arisen from native development of ancient customs, and not from the
diffusion of Byzantine legal works or Byzantine Novels.
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