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BY the death of
Theodosius the Eastern throne passed to his incapable elder son, Arcadius, then
17 years old, while the practical administration was in the hands of the praetorian
praefect, Rufinus of Aquitaine, a man of vigour and ability who
in the pursuit of ambition and avarice was not limited by scruples. Under these
circumstances a conflict was likely to arise between Rufinus and
Stilicho, who was the guardian of the Western Emperor Honorius, and husband of
Theodosius' niece, who also asserted that Theodosius had on his death-bed
committed both his sons to his care. Rufinus proposed to
counterbalance the advantage which his rival possessed in his connection with
the imperial family by marrying Arcadius to his own daughter; but,
unfortunately for him, he had a rival at Court in the eunuch Eutropius, a
former slave who had risen to the position of praepositus sacri cubiculi; who now
profited by the praefect's absence to thwart his scheme. Lucian, whom Rufinus had
made count of the East, had refused a request of Eucherius, the Emperor's
great-uncle; and, upon Arcadius complaining of this, the praefect, to show his
own loyalty, made a hasty journey to Antioch and put Lucian to a cruel death.
Meanwhile Eutropius induced Arcadius to betroth himself to Eudoxia,
daughter of Bauto the Frank, who had been
brought up by a son of Promotus, an enemy of Rufinus; who thus had the
mortification of seeing his master united not to his own daughter but to one
who from her upbringing would be bitterly opposed to him (27 Apr. 395).
The inferiority
of Rufinus was increased by the fact that the best of the Eastern
troops had accompanied Theodosius to the West, and of these only some of the
less efficient had been sent back. The Visigothic foederati had
however returned to Moesia; and their leader Alaric, who was now proclaimed
king, was quick to profit by the weakness of the government. Professing indignation
at not being appointed magister militum,
he invaded Thrace and advanced to Constantinople, while Rufinus, having
also to meet an incursion of Caucasian Huns into Asia Minor and Syria (July),
where Antioch was threatened and Old Tyre abandoned by its citizens, had no
forces to oppose to him. He therefore went to the Gothic camp, and, after some
negotiations, Alaric withdrew to Macedonia, and after a check from local forces
at the Peneus passed into Thessaly. Stilicho, who, besides desiring to overthrow Rufinus,
wished to reunite eastern Illyricum to the Western power, treated this as a
pretext for interference; and, starting in early spring, he marched with
considerable forces to Thessaly, and met the Goths in a wide plain. Probably,
however, he did not wish to crush them; and, after some months had been spent
in skirmishes or negotiations, Rufinus, who feared Stilicho more than
Alaric, sent him in the Emperor's name an order to evacuate the dominions of
Arcadius and send back the Eastern troops. To break openly with the East at
this time did not suit Stilicho's purpose; and, as the Eastern forces, which
comprised a large Gothic contingent, were devoted to him, he could attain his
primary object in another way. He therefore returned at once, while the Eastern
army under Gainas the Goth marched to Constantinople. In accordance
with custom the Emperor, accompanied by Rufinus, came out to meet the
troops, and the soldiers, at a signal from Gainas, fell upon the praefect
and cut him in pieces (27 Nov.).
The Emperor's
chief adviser was now Eutropius, who appropriated a large part of Rufinus'
property and procured the banishment of the two most distinguished generals in
the East, Abundantius and Timasius (396), while he entrusted positions of power
to such obscure men as Hosius the cook and
Leo the wool-comber. He also gained much obloquy by selling offices, though as
the prices were fixed and there was no system of public loans, this was only a
convenient method of raising money. As a eunuch, he could not hold any state
office; but for this he partly compensated by transferring some of the powers
of the praefect to the master of the offices and by
interfering in matters altogether outside the functions of a chamberlain. Thus
he is said to have acted as a judge, probably on a special commission, and to
have gone on embassies to the Goths and Huns, from which he returned with
military pomp. Finally he was made a patrician and assumed the consulship
(399), though his name was not admitted to the Western Fasti. At
first he was necessarily on good terms with the army, and therefore with
Stilicho; but he was no more inclined than Rufinus had been to allow
the Western regent to direct Eastern affairs, and the previous position
therefore soon recurred.
After Stilicho’s
retreat Greece lay at Alaric’s mercy, for, perhaps because the army was too
much under Stilicho's influence, no force was sent against him, and through the
unguarded Thermopylae he marched plundering into Boeotia. Thebes indeed was too
strong to take, and Athens he entered only under a capitulation. Megara however
was taken, and, the Isthmus being left undefended, Corinth, Argos, and Sparta
also. During 396 Peloponnesus lay under his heel; but early in 397 Stilicho,
secure in the support of the Eastern army, thought that the time had come for
another campaign. This time he came by sea to Corinth, and, marching westwards,
blockaded the Goths at Pholoe in Elis.
But Eutropius opened negotiations with Gildo,
count of Africa, whose loyalty had long been doubtful, to induce him to
transfer his allegiance to Arcadius; and, the threatening state of affairs
making it necessary for Stilicho to return, he allowed Alaric to withdraw to
Epirus, probably on the understanding that he would keep the Eastern Court
occupied. Eutropius however preferred to satisfy him by the post
of magister militum in
Illyricum, and on these terms peace was concluded. Such being the relations
between the two Courts, it is not surprising to find that some of the eunuch's
enemies conspired with the Gothic soldiers, the allies of Stilicho, against his
life, and that, with the fate of Rufinus before him, he tried to
prevent such plots by a law of extraordinary severity (4 Sept.). Perhaps for
the same reason that no army was sent against Alaric no support was given
to Gildo; but his revolt occupied Stilicho's
attention during most of 398. The pacification of Africa was however soon
followed by Eutropius' fall.
Gainas, now magister militum, had been strengthening his own position by
filling the army with Goths from Moesia; and in spring 399 an opportunity for
action presented itself. Tribigild, commander of the Gothic colonists in
Phrygia, having been refused a donative by Eutropius, revolted and ravaged
the country, upon which Eutropius offered the money; but Tribigild raised
his demands and insisted upon the eunuch's deposition. Gainas, with Leo,
the satellite of Eutropius, was sent against him; but, while Leo advanced
toward the disturbed district, Gainas remained at the
Hellespont. Tribigild on hearing of Leo's approach marched through
Pisidia into Pamphylia, where a large part of his army was cut to pieces by a
rustic force under Valentinus, a citizen of Selga,
and the rest blockaded between the Eurymedon and the Melas. Leo moved
to the support of the local force: but, as he was too indolent and dissolute to
maintain discipline, Tribigild was able by an unexpected attack to
make his way through, while the disorderly force scattered in all directions,
Leo himself perishing in the flight. Tribigild then returned to
Phrygia, which he again plundered. Nor was he the only enemy with whom the
Empire had to contend; for, besides the constant incursions of the desert
tribes into Egypt and Libya, the Huns were ravaging Thrace, and Vram Shapuh of Armenia
was, at the instigation of the Persian king, attempting to annex the five
satrapies north of the Tigris.
Accordingly Gainas with
much show of reason represented to Arcadius that his best course was to
grant Tribigild’s demand; and, as Eudoxia urged
the same, his consent was easily obtained. Eutropius was deposed from
his office, and, though he had abolished by legal enactment the right of
sanctuary possessed by the churches, fled to the altar of St Sophia, where the
bishop, John Chrysostom, who owed his appointment to the eunuch, made use of
his presence to preach on the vanity of earthly things, but resisted all
attempts to remove him. Finally he left the church on a promise that his life
should be spared, but was deprived of property and honours, and banished to
Cyprus (July or Aug.). As however Gainas insisted upon the necessity
of his death, he was, on the pretext that the promise applied only to Constantinople,
brought back to Chalcedon, tried on a charge of using imperial ornaments, and
The fall of Eutropius had
been effected by a combination between Eudoxia and Gainas; and
during the absence of the Goth, who had returned to Phrygia, the Empress
secured the appointment of Aurelianus to the praefecture in
preference to his brother Caesarius, who was
supported by Gainas. After Eutropius’ death she further had herself
proclaimed Augusta (9 Jan. 400); and by an innovation which called forth a
protest from Honorius her busts were sent round the provinces like those of
emperors. But Gainas had not designed to set Eudoxia in the
place of Eutropius; accordingly he sent Tribigild, with whom he had
joined forces, to Lampsacus, while he himself returned to Chalcedon, and
demanded the surrender of three of the principal supporters of the empress,
Aurelianus the praefect, Saturninus an ex-consul, and Count John, her
chief favourite. Resistance was useless; and Aurelianus and Saturninus crossed
to Chalcedon, while John hid himself, probably in a church; but his
hiding-place was discovered, and the bishop’s enemies afterwards asserted that
he had betrayed him. The three men were ordered to prepare for death; but, when
the executioner’s sword was at their necks, Gainas stayed his hand
and had them conveyed by sea towards the Adriatic, perhaps intending to place
them in the hands of Stilicho or Alaric. He next demanded a meeting with the
Emperor; which took place at Chalcedon, where they gave mutual oaths of good
faith in the church of St Euphemia. Both the Gothic leaders then crossed to
Europe. Caesarius was made praefect, and in
consequence of the recent troubles was compelled to increase the taxation; but
in systematizing the sale of offices by limiting the tenure of each he seems to
have performed an act of advantage to the State and justice to the purchasers.
Meanwhile Gainas was so distributing the Roman troops in the city as
to place them at the mercy of the Goths; and then, thinking his will law, he
asked that a church within the walls should be given to the Arians. This time
however the strong orthodoxy of Arcadius and the influence of the bishop caused
the demand to be refused. The violent hostility aroused by these events made
men believe that the Goths intended to attack the palace; while they on their
side were seized with a panic which led them to expect an attack from forces
which did not exist. Accordingly Gainas, alleging ill-health, retired to
the suburban church of St John, instructing his men to come out singly and join
him. After the greater part had left the city, a trivial occurrence brought on
a scuffle between the Goths and the citizens, who attacked the already
panic-stricken barbarians with any weapons they could find, and at last the
gates were shut, and the Goths, enclosed within the city, without cohesion and
without leaders, offered little resistance and were mercilessly massacred,
while Arcadius found courage to declare Gainas a public enemy and
send his guards to support the populace. Next day the survivors, who had fled
to a church that the bishop had given to the orthodox Goths, were surrounded by
the soldiers; and, though none dared to attack them in the church, the roof was
stripped off and burning wood thrown in until all perished, in spite of the
appeals of Caesarius for a capitulation (12
The Roman troops
were now collected and placed under Fravitta, a
loyal pagan Goth who had distinguished himself in the time of Theodosius. The
attempts of Gainas on the Thracian cities failed, Tribigild was
killed, and lack of provisions compelled the Goths to withdraw to the
Chersonese in order to cross to Asia; but Fravitta had
already placed a fleet on the Hellespont to intercept them. They were however
forced to attempt the passage in rafts, and, these being sunk, most of them
were drowned, while Gainas with the survivors retreated across the
Danube, where he was attacked and killed by Uldin the
Hun (23 Dec.), who sent his head to Constantinople, where it was carried
through the city (3 Jan. 401). Shortly before the victory Aurelianus and the
other hostages escaped from their guards in Epirus, and returned to the
capital; and early in 401 Caesarius was
deposed and imprisoned, and Aurelianus restored. Some deserters and fugitive
slaves, who continued to ravage Thrace, were put down by Fravitta. But he was accused of not pressing his advantage
against the Goths, and, though acquitted, incurred Eudoxia’s enmity,
and afterwards fell a victim to the machinations of her satellites.
Stilicho’s hopes
of directing Eastern affairs through the army were thus destroyed; and soon
afterwards the government was delivered from Alaric, who, having exhausted
eastern Illyricum, invaded Italy, and after an indecisive battle at Pollentia (402)
was established in western Illyricum as magister militum, probably on the understanding that he would
help Stilicho to annex eastern Illyricum when opportunity arose. In other
directions things went less fortunately. By the annihilation of the Goths the
East was left almost without an army; and the Isaurian robbers terrorized
eastern Asia Minor and Syria, where they took Seleucia (Feb. 403), and even
crossed to Cyprus. Arbazacius the Armenian
indeed gained some successes; but he was suspected of corruption and recalled,
though by the influence of the empress he escaped punishment (404).
The chief power in
the State was now Eudoxia; but there was one man who dared to oppose her,
John Chrysostom. As early as 401 he offended her by complaining of some act of
oppression; and not only was he constantly preaching against the prevailing
luxury and dissipation among the ladies of fashion of whom she was leader, but
he used the names Herodias and Jezebel, and in one of his sermons employed the
word “adoxia”, with an application that could
not be mistaken. His popularity was so great that she would hardly have
attacked him on this ground alone; but, with the help of the ecclesiastical
jealousy of the bishop of Alexandria and the discontent which his high-handed
proceedings in the cause of discipline aroused among some of the clergy, she
procured his deposition (c. July 403). Popular clamour however and a building
collapse in the imperial chamber frightened her into recalling him after a few
days and excusing herself by throwing the blame upon others. This
reconciliation did not last long. Two months later a statue of Eudoxia was
erected on a spot adjoining the church of St Irene during divine service, and
John, regarding the festivities as an insult to the church, preached a violent
sermon against those responsible for them, which the empress took as an attack
upon herself. The bishops were therefore again assembled; but the proceedings
were protracted, and Arcadius, who in religious matters had something like a
will of his own, was hard to move. On 20 June 404 however the bishop was
finally expelled. That night some of his fanatical partisans set fire to St
Sophia, which was destroyed with the adjoining Senate-house: in which many
ancient works of art perished.
Less than four
months afterwards Eudoxia died from a miscarriage (6 Oct.); and the
period of active misrule from which the East had suffered since 395 came to an
end. The praefecture was now entrusted to
the capable hands of Anthemius: but the government had still no force to
repress the incursions of the Libyan tribes or the Isaurian brigands, whose
raids continued to the end of the reign. The relations with the West had been
further embittered by the affair of John Chrysostom; and, while Stilicho lived,
a good understanding was impossible. After delays not easy to explain Stilicho
prepared to carry out his compact with Alaric, and, as an earnest of his
intention, closed the ports against Eastern ships, while Alaric invaded Epirus.
But, hearing that the usurper Constantine had crossed to Gaul, Stilicho again
postponed his Eastern expedition, and Alaric in anger evacuated the dominions
of Arcadius and threatened Italy. At this juncture Arcadius died (1 May 408),
leaving a son, Theodosius, aged seven, who since 10 Jan. 402 had been his
father's colleague, and three (perhaps four) daughters; and Stilicho, thinking
the time come to carry out his old project of bringing the East under his rule,
proposed to send Alaric to Gaul and go himself to Constantinople as the
representative of Honorius; but a hostile party secured the Emperor’s ear, and
he was put to death (Aug. 408). The ports were then opened and amity restored.
The care of the
Emperor’s person was in the hands of Antiochus, a eunuch with Persian
connections; but the direction of affairs fell to Anthemius, whose chief
adviser was the sophist Troilus; and the period of his administration was one
of the most fortunate in the history of the East. The danger from the West had
been removed by Stilicho’s fall; and on the eastern side the best relations were
maintained with Yezdegerd the Persian king,
with whom a commercial treaty was made. The military power of the Empire had
suffered too much to be quickly restored; but we hear no more of Isaurian
raids, and it was found possible to send a small force to support Honorius
against Alaric. It was only however by a combination with subject tribes that
the Huns were driven across the Danube, while their tributaries the Sciri were
captured in vast numbers, and enslaved or settled as coloni in
Asia Minor (409). To prevent such incursions the fleet on the Danube was
strengthened (412). Other salutary measures were the relief given to the
taxpayers of Illyricum and the East (413-14), the restoration of the
fortifications of the Illyrian cities (412), and the re-organization of the
corn supply of Constantinople (409). But the work for which the name of Anthemius was
most remembered is the wall built from the Propontis to
the Golden Horn to enclose the portion of the city that had grown up outside
the wall of Constantine, a wall which substantially exists to this day (413).
In 414 the
administration of Anthemius came to an end, probably by death; and on
4 July Pulcheria, the daughter of Arcadius, was proclaimed Augusta, a
title that had not been granted to an emperor’s sister since Trajan's time; and
henceforth, though only two years older than Theodosius, she exercised the
functions of regent, and her bust was placed in the Senate-house with those of
the emperors (30 Dec.). At the same time Antiochus was removed from the palace.
The Court of Pulcheria was
a strange contrast to her mother's. For political rather than religious reasons
she took a vow of perpetual virginity and induced her sisters to do the same,
and the princesses spent their time in spinning and devout exercises. She
herself was a ready speaker and writer in Greek and Latin; and she had her
brother trained in rhetoric, as well as horsemanship and the use of arms, in
ceremony and deportment, and the observances of religion. Hence he grew up a
strict observer of ecclesiastical rules, a fair scholar with a special interest
in natural science and medicine, a keen huntsman, an excellent penman,
exemplary in private life, mild and good-tempered; but, as everything likely to
make him a capable ruler was excluded from his education, the Emperor remained
all his life a puppet in the hands of his sister, his wife, and his eunuchs.
The transference
of the regency to a girl of 15 could not be effected without a change in the
methods of administration; and it is therefore not surprising to find the
government accused of fiscal oppression, while the sale of offices, which was
restricted under Anthemius, became again a matter of public notoriety. In
Alexandria, which, being almost equally divided between Christians, Jews, and
heathens, was always turbulent, the change gave occasion for a serious
outbreak. After prolonged rioting between Jews and Christians the bishop Cyril
instigated his followers to expel the Jews. This the praefect Orestes reported
to the Emperor, while Cyril sent his own account; and, Orestes refusing to
yield, some fanatical monks attacked and stoned him. The chief perpetrator was
tortured to death, whereupon Cyril treated him as a martyr, and both parties
appealed to Constantinople. It now came to be believed among Cyril's partisans
that Orestes was acting under the influence of the celebrated mathematician and
philosopher, Hypatia, who was in constant communication with him: accordingly a
party of parabolani (sick-attendants)
pulled her from her chariot, dragged her into the church called Caesarium, and beat or scraped her to death with
tiles (Mar. 415). At first the government acted with some vigour. No personal
punishment was inflicted, but the parabolani were
limited to 500, and the selection made subject to the approbation of the Augustal and praetorian praefects,
while they were forbidden to appear in the council-house or law-courts or at
public spectacles (29 Sept. 416). It was not long however before the influence
or bribes of Cyril procured the restoration of the freedom of selection (3 Feb.
418). The increase of anti-pagan feeling was also shown by a law excluding
pagans from high administrative office and from the army (7 Dec. 416). Other
disturbances were the rebellion of Count Plintha in
Palestine (418), an attack on the city praefect Aetius (23 Feb. 419), and a
mutiny in the East (420). In Armenia, Yezdegerd having
appointed his brother as king, the Roman portion of the country was definitely
annexed and placed under a count (415-16).
It was now time
for Theodosius to marry; and it was Pulcheria’s object
to prevent the choice of a wife with powerful connections, who would be likely
to endanger her ascendancy. She had by some means made the acquaintance
of Athenais, daughter of the Athenian sophist Leontius,
a woman of high education and literary ability, who had come to Constantinople
through a dispute with her brothers about their father's property. As a
friendless girl dependent on herself, yet fitted by education for the part of
an empress, she seemed exactly suited for the purpose. The Augusta therefore
introduced her to Theodosius, who declared himself willing to make her his
wife; Athenais made no objection to
accepting Christianity, and was baptized under the name of Eudocia, Pulcheria standing
sponsor; and on 7 June 421 the marriage was celebrated. The new empress bore no
malice against her brothers, but summoned them to Court, where one became praefect of
Illyricum and the other master of the offices; in this however she perhaps
showed worldly wisdom rather than Christian charity. After the birth of a
daughter she received the title of Augusta (2 Jan. 423).
About the time of
the marriage the peace with Persia was broken. Yezdegerd had
always shown himself friendly to the Christians; but at the end of his reign
the fanatical act of a bishop drove him to severe measures. Some Christians
fled to Roman territory, and when their surrender was refused, the position
became so critical that permission was given to the inhabitants of the exposed
provinces to fortify their own lands (5 May 420). After Yezdegerd’s violent death (late in 420) a more
extended persecution was begun by Warahran V;
and the Court of Constantinople began the war by sending the Alan Ardaburius through
Roman Armenia into Arzanene, where he defeated
the Persian Narsai (Aug. or Sept 421), who
retreated to Nisibis. Ardaburius with numerous prisoners advanced
to Amida to prevent an invasion of
Mesopotamia; and here, as the prisoners were starving, Bishop Acacius melted the church plate, ransomed them with
the price, gave them provisions, and sent them home. Ardaburius then
besieged Nisibis, and Warahran prepared to
march to its relief, while he sent Al Mundhir,
sheikh of Al Hira, to invade Syria. Many of the Arabs were however drowned in
the Euphrates, and the rest defeated by the general Vitianus.
On the king's approach Ardaburius burnt his engines and retreated,
and the Persians, crossing the frontier, vainly attacked Rhesaina for over a month; but, though the Romans
gained some successes, no decisive victory was obtained, and Theodosius thought
it best to propose terms. Warahran was also
inclined for peace; but, wishing to gain a success first, he ordered an attack
upon a Roman force, while he kept the ambassador with him. The Romans were
surprised; but during the battle another division under Procopius, the
son-in-law of Anthemius, unexpectedly appeared, and the Persians, taken on
both sides, were defeated. Warahran then
took up the negotiations in earnest; and, on his undertaking to stop the
persecution and each party binding itself not to receive the Arab subjects of
the other, peace was made for 100 years (422). This victory was celebrated
by Eudocia in an epic poem. It was probably a result of the
transference of troops from Europe to meet the Persians that the Huns this year
invaded Thrace, though in consequence of the prudent measures of Anthemius the Danubian frontier was rarely violated before 441. The
provinces had however not recovered from the calamities of Arcadius' time, and
constant remissions of taxation were necessary.
The relations with
the West were again disturbed through the refusal of Theodosius to recognize
the elevation of Constantius (421); and when, after the death of Honorius (Aug.
423) the obscure John was proclaimed emperor in prejudice of the claims of the
young Valentinian the son of Placidia, there was an open breach. When
John’s envoys arrived to ask for recognition, Theodosius threw them into prison. Placidia now
received anew the title of Augusta (424), which Theodosius had before ignored,
Valentinian was declared Caesar at Thessalonica, mother and son were sent to
Italy with a large army under Ardaburius, his son Aspar, and Candidianus; and, John having been overthrown, Valentinian
was invested with the empire (Oct. 425). The concord between the two divisions
of the Empire was confirmed by the betrothal of Valentinian to Theodosius'
daughter Eudoxia, and the victory celebrated by the building of the Golden
Gate, through which the emperors made their formal entries into Constantinople.
In 431, when Placidia needed assistance against the Vandals, an army
under Aspar was sent to Africa; but Aspar returned three years later without
success, probably after an understanding which made him ever after a friend of
the Vandals.
In 427 some
Ostrogoths who had seceded from the Huns were settled in Thrace, and other
tribes were received in 433; while a raid was made by the Huns, and a more
serious attack only prevented by abject submission to their demands (434). At
sea a pirate fleet entered the Propontis, but in
438 the pirate Contradis was captured. At
home stones were thrown at Theodosius in a riot after a famine in 431, and
there were bitter complaints of the extortion of the eunuchs.
Two matters of
internal administration deserve special mention—the codification of the law
(438), and the foundation of a university at Constantinople as a counterpoise
to the schools of Athens (27 Feb. 425). In this university there were 28
professors of Greek and Latin grammar and rhetoric, and two of law, but only
one of philosophy, and all other public teaching in the city was forbidden.
Eudocia was
at first of necessity subservient to her sister-in-law; but that she would always
accept this position was not to be expected. A difference appeared at the time
of the synod of Ephesus (431), when Pulcheria was victorious; but
afterwards her influence declined, and at last a palace intrigue drove her to
retire from court. Under Eudocia’s patronage
a large share in the administration fell to Cyrus, an Egyptian poet and
philosopher, who became city-praefect in 435, and in 439 combined this office
with the praetorian praefecture. Cyrus was the
first praefect who published decrees in Greek, and he also distinguished
himself by renovating the buildings of the city, especially by an extension of
the sea-wall to join the wall of Anthemius, which the capture of Carthage
by the Vandals had made desirable (439). Antiochus, the emperor's old guardian,
was restored to favour and made praepositus.
The capture of
Carthage caused the dispatch of a fleet to Sicily in 441: but in consequence of
an irruption of Huns into Illyricum the force was recalled in 442 and
peace made; but not before the expedition had led to a war with Persia. Under
the capable direction of Anatolius, the magister militum per Orientem,
the defence of the eastern frontier had been strengthened by stricter rules of
discipline in the army (25 Feb. 438) and by the building of the fortress
of Theodosiopolis in Armenia. This last the
new king, Yezdegerd II, probably considered
a menace; and he therefore took advantage of the troubles in the West to begin
war, crossing the frontier from Nisibis and sacking several towns, while
another force raided Roman Armenia (441). He was however hampered by bad
weather and threatened by the Ephthalites beyond
the Caspian; hence, though the Romans had no army to oppose to him, Anatolius and
Aspar by a large sum of money and a promise to surrender some Christian
refugees persuaded him to make a truce for a year. As the troubles with
the Ephthalites continued, this was
followed by a definite peace on the terms that neither party should build a
fort within a certain distance of the frontier, and the Romans should renew an
undertaking made by Jovian to contribute to the defences of the Caucasian
Gates. One of the last acts of Cyrus was to provide that the Armenian frontier
lands should be held on condition of supplying horses, wagons, and pikemen for
the army (26 June 441).
After her
daughter’s marriage (21 Oct. 437), for which Valentinian came to
Constantinople, Eudocia went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem (438), and on
the way gained much popularity at Antioch by a speech in which she boasted of
her Greek blood. She returned in 439; and meanwhile some hostile influence
seems to have been at work, for in 440 Paulinus, ex-master of the offices, was
beheaded at Caesarea in Cappadocia on suspicion, as was popularly believed, of
an intrigue with her, and soon afterwards she asked leave to retire to
Jerusalem, and left Constantinople for ever (441?). With her fell Cyrus, who
through the popular acclamation, “Constantine founded, Cyrus restored”, had
incurred the Emperor’s jealousy. Being charged with paganism, he took orders to
save his head, and was made bishop of Cotyaeum,
where four bishops were said to have been murdered. By his discreet conduct he
succeeded in retaining his see till the time of Leo, when on some unknown
charge he was deprived and came back to Constantinople, where he remained in
possession of large property. Antiochus was also deposed and compelled to take
orders. Pulcheria returned to Court; but the chief influence was for
the rest of the reign exercised by the eunuch Chrysaphius. Eudocia was
not left in peace at Jerusalem; but Saturninus, count of the domestici, was sent to spy upon her, and for some
reason beheaded two clergymen who attended upon her (444). She in revenge
assassinated Saturninus and was deprived of her imperial train,
though she still disposed of ample revenues, which she spent on the erection of
churches and monasteries. She composed several poems, of which large
portions are extant, and died in 460 (20 Oct.).
The good
administration introduced by Anthemius had been in some measure
maintained under the ascendancy of Pulcheria and Eudocia; but
under Chrysaphius the days of Arcadius seemed to have returned. The
Huns overran Thrace and Illyricum, and the murder of the magister militum of Thrace, John the Vandal (apparently by
order of Chrysaphius), did not strengthen the resistance. The Romans
suffered a severe defeat (447), and Chrysaphius could only grant
Attila’s terms and send emissaries to assassinate him. In 447 the walls of
Constantinople were shattered by an earthquake, and in consequence of the
terror caused by the Huns the praefect Constantine rebuilt them in 60 days, and
the Isaurians, who had renewed their raids in 441, were called in under
their leader Zeno to defend the city. Zeno afterwards extorted the office
of magister per Orientem, and
demanded the surrender of Chrysaphius; and, though this was not granted,
the danger from the Huns prevented an intended campaign against the marauders.
Bands of Tzani, Saracens, and Caucasian Huns had
invaded the Empire during the Persian war, and we hear of Saracen raids again
several years later (448), while Yezdegerd showed
signs of a desire to renew hostilities. Libya too was again harassed by the
frontier tribes, and the Vandals terrorized the Ionian sea.
On 26 July 450
Theodosius broke his spine by a fall from his horse while hunting, and died two
days later. The appointment of a successor was left to the Augusta Pulcheria;
and her choice fell upon Marcian, a veteran soldier from Thrace of high
character who had held the post of domesticus (chief
of the staff) to Aspar, to whose influence the selection must be ascribed. Pulcheria crowned Marcian in
the presence of the Senate (24 Aug.), and gave him her hand in nominal
The first act of
the new rulers was to put Chrysaphius to death. The sale of offices
was prohibited, though it is unlikely that the prohibition was strictly carried
out; and attempts were made to lighten the burden of taxation by a remission of
arrears, by reducing the number of praetors to three and relieving non-resident
senators from the burden of the office (18 Dec. 450), and by enacting that the
consuls instead of squandering money on the populace should make a contribution
towards the repair of the aqueducts (452), an obligation which was extended to
honorary consuls by the Emperor Zeno. Marcian also put an end to a
system under which the possessors of certain lands which had been sold by the
State in the time of Valens escaped their share of taxation. The popularity of
his rule is shown by the words “Reign like Marcian”, with which the
citizens in 491 greeted Anastasius.
In external
relations the reign was a fortunate one. As Attila was preparing for his
western expedition, his demands for money could safely be refused; and, when
after his return he repeated them with threats, death prevented him from
carrying these out (453). From Zeno, who was appealing to heathen support, the
Emperor was delivered by his death following a fall from his horse. Envoys from
the Armenian insurgents had come before Theodosius’ death to ask for help;
but Marcian refused to break the peace with Persia. With the Vandals
also peace was maintained; for, though after the sack of Rome (455) Marcian tried
to obtain the release of Eudoxia and her daughters, the possession of
these hostages as well as Aspar’s influence secured Gaiseric from attack. In
Syria the magister militum, Aspar’s
son Ardaburius, was in 452 fighting with Arab raiders near Damascus, after
which negotiations were begun, but with what result is not known. At the same
time Egypt was suffering from incursions of the Blemmyes, who gave hostages to
the imperial envoy Maximin, and made peace for 100 years, but on his sudden
death recovered the hostages by force and renewed their raids till put down
by Florus, praefect and count of Egypt. A more
serious position arose on the Danubian frontier,
where after the collapse of the Hun empire (454) some of the Huns and other
tribes were settled in the north of Illyricum and Thrace as foederati.
Of these the most important was a body of Ostrogoths, who under three brothers
of the Amal family, Walamir, Theodemir,
and Widimir, settled in eastern Pannonia, of
which they received a grant from Marcian, who did not recognize
Valentinian III’s successors: they also received pay as foederati.
In 453 Pulcheria died,
leaving all her property to the poor, a bequest which Marcian faithfully
carried out. By a former wife Marcian had a daughter, whom he had
given in marriage to Anthemius, grandson of the praefect Anthemius;
but, when he died (27 Jan. 457) at the age of 65, he had taken no steps to
secure his son-in-law's succession, and the throne lay at the disposal of Aspar
the patrician and magister militum,
who as an Arian and barbarian could not himself assume the crown, but might
reign in the name of some puppet-emperor. He therefore chose Leo, a military
tribune from Dacia and his own steward, a man of some capacity but little
education; and the choice was ratified by the Senate. As there was no elder
emperor or Augusta to perform the coronation, Leo was crowned by the
patriarch Anatolius (7 Feb.). This precedent was henceforth followed
whenever an emperor was not merely being associated with a senior colleague.
One of the first
acts of the new reign was the recognition of Majorian (April), after
whose death (461) Leo, though not recognizing Severus, accepted the Western
consuls, and, while sending an embassy to Gaiseric to secure the liberation of
the widow and daughters of Valentinian, urged him to cease attacking Italy and
Sicily. Gaiseric refused to make peace with the West or to release Eudoxia,
whom he married to his son, but on receiving a share of Valentinian’s property
released his widow and her other daughter Placidia, who came to
Constantinople. Some years later Eudoxia escaped (471) and ended her
days at Jerusalem. Leo also induced Marcellinus, who had set up an independent
power in Dalmatia, to keep peace with the Western Emperor; but further embassies
to Gaiseric effected nothing.
About this time
the migration of the Avars from the east caused a movement among the
Hunnic tribes of the Caucasus, in consequence of which the Saragurs asked for Roman protection, and obtained it,
though some trouble with the fugitive peoples followed. But when the Saragurs invaded Persian territory, an embassy arrived
from King Piroz to complain of the
treatment of Magians in the Empire and the reception of fugitives, and to ask
for the stipulated contribution in money or men towards the defence of the
Caucasian Gates, and money for the war against the Ephthalites;
to which an answer was sent through the ex-praefect Constantine that the
complaints were unfounded and the contribution could not be given.
Meanwhile Gobazes, king of Lazica (Colchis), had offended the government,
and a campaign in his country was undertaken (464), the troops returning to
Roman territory for the winter. The coast-road was however so difficult that
the Romans were thinking of asking leave to pass through Persian territory;
accordingly, on receiving an embassy from Gobazes, Leo granted peace on
the nominal condition that he and his son should not reign conjointly;
and Gobazes, having failed to obtain help from Piroz on
account of the Ephthalite war, consented to retire in his son's
favour. A certain Dionysius, who was known to Gobazes from previous
negotiations, was at his request sent to Lazica and brought the king back with
him to Constantinople (466), where by plausible words and the wearing of
Christian emblems he obtained favour, so that his abdication was not insisted
on. His submission drew upon him the enmity of Piroz,
and a force under Heraclius was sent to his support; but, as the Persians were
occupied elsewhere and the maintenance of the troops was expensive, Gobazes sent
them back. Leo was meanwhile negotiating with Piroz through
Constantine; but Piroz, having overcome
the Ephthalites, sent to announce the fact and
turned against Gobazes, who had meanwhile taken some forts from his north-eastern neighbours,
the Suani, who were in alliance with
Persia. Gobazes asked that part of the Armenian frontier force might
be sent to his support; but Leo, being occupied with the African expedition,
refused assistance (468).
Meanwhile the
relations between Leo and Aspar had become strained. A difference between them
had arisen in 459, when Leo appointed Vivianus praefect
in preference to Aspar’s candidate, Tatianus;
and again in 460 Leo expelled the patriarch Timothy of Alexandria in spite of
Aspar's opposition. Another dispute arose over the affairs of Illyricum. The
Pannonian Ostrogoths, whose subsidy had been withheld by Leo, raided Illyricum
and took Dyrrachium (459), but were obliged to give Theodemir’s son,
the boy Theodoric, as a hostage before obtaining the pay which they claimed.
They then turned against the neighbouring tribes, and after a time became
involved in a war with the Sciri. Both parties appealed to the Emperor for
help, and, though Aspar advised neutrality, Leo insisted on supporting
the Sciri, who gained a victory, Walamir falling
in the battle.
The Emperor was
alarmed by the condition of the West, which after Majorian’s death
fell under the domination of Ricimer; and he determined, if possible, to
save the East from a similar fate: but, as Aspar was surrounded by a large
body-guard of Goths and other dependants and the Thracian Goths, whose chief,
Theodoric, son of Triarius, was his wife's
nephew, were in alliance with him, it was necessary to raise a force from some
other quarter to overthrow him. Accordingly Leo turned his eyes towards
the Isaurians, who had done so much injury to the Empire in the days of
Arcadius and Theodosius, but might now be used to rescue it from more dangerous
enemies. His elder daughter, Ariadne, was therefore given in marriage to the
Isaurian Tarasicodissa, who in memory of his
countryman of the time of Theodosius took the name of Zeno and brought with
him an Isaurian body-guard to set against that of Aspar (467?).
disturbances had arisen in Thrace. From about 460 the command there was held
by Ardaburius, but it was afterwards transferred to Basiliscus, brother of
Leo's wife Verina. In 467 trouble arose with Attila's son Dengizic, and a force of Huns crossed the Danube with a
large body of Goths ; but the two nations were surrounded by a Roman army, and
induced by a trick to fight one another, so that a general slaughter followed,
from which only a few escaped.
In 467 Ricimer,
requiring the Eastern fleet for protection against the Vandals, asked Leo to
nominate an emperor; whereupon he chose Marcian’s son-in-law, Anthemius,
and, having persuaded Marcellinus to submit to the new emperor, prepared a
great expedition by land and sea (468): but the fleet was by the mismanagement
of Basiliscus almost annihilated; and Aspar, the Vandals' friend, was believed
to have induced him to betray his trust. After his return he took refuge in St
Sophia, but at Verina’s intercession
escaped punishment.
Meanwhile Zeno was
sent to Thrace; and the soldiers, instigated, as was supposed, by Aspar, tried
to murder him, and he with difficulty escaped to Sardica.
The command was then given to Anagast, who soon
afterwards rebelled (469). Having been persuaded to submit, he accused Ardaburius of
prompting his rebellion. Zeno now strengthened the Isaurians in
Constantinople by introducing a band of marauders who had been driven from
Rhodes (469), and their arrival was, on account of the unpopularity of
the Isaurians, followed by a riot. He was then sent to the East, as magister militum, and as such was compelled to remove the
Isaurian robber Indacus, son of Papirius,
from his hereditary stronghold of Cherris.
The rise of Zeno
and the strength of the Isaurians forced Aspar to act vigorously if
he was not to be altogether ousted from power; and he pressed Leo to make his
second son Patricius Caesar and give him
his daughter Leontia in marriage. In spite
of the opposition of the monks, who were horrified at the prospect of an Arian
emperor, Leo thought it best to comply (470), and the new Caesar for some
reason went to Alexandria, where he displayed himself with great pomp.
Something more than titles was however needed to make Aspar secure; and Ardaburius tried
to cut the ground from under the Emperor's feet by tampering with the Isaurians in
Constantinople. This was revealed to Zeno, who had returned to Constantinople
in the latter half of 471; and it was resolved to make an end of the supremacy
of the Alans. Aspar and his two elder sons were accordingly treacherously cut
down in the palace, though Patricius is
said to have recovered from his wounds (471): the youngest son, Hermanric, had received warning from Zeno and was not
there. Some of Aspar's guards under Ostrui broke
into the palace, but were expelled by the excubitores,
a new force instituted by Leo, perhaps for same such purpose. They succeeded
however in escaping, and after doing some damage in Thrace joined Theodoric;
but an attack on the city by the Goths was repulsed. Leontia was
now given in marriage to Marcian the son of Anthemius.
Before the attack
on Aspar, Leo had thought it desirable to gain the support of the Goths of
Pannonia, and therefore released Theodoric (the Amal), who returned with great
gifts to his father. His first act was to defeat the Sarmatians and
recover Singidunum, which however he did not
restore to the Emperor. So far from assisting Leo, Theodemir, now released
from restraint, thought the disturbances in both divisions of the Empire a good
opportunity to acquire new territories. Accordingly he sent Widimir to Italy, while he himself marched southeast
and occupied Naissus. Leo thereupon sent Hilarianus,
master of the offices, to offer him settlements in Lower Moesia. On these terms
peace was made; and soon afterwards Theodemir died and was succeeded
by Theodoric (471).
As Theodoric the
son of Marius remained in arms, an ambassador was sent to ask his terms (473),
and through his envoys whom he sent to Constantinople he demanded Aspar’s
property, his post of magister militum,
and a grant of the whole of the province of Thrace. As Leo would only agree to
the second of these demands, Theodoric sent a force to Philippi, which however
only burned the suburbs, while he himself reduced Arcadiopolis. But, as
the Goths were straitened for food, he sent another embassy, and peace was made
on the conditions that he was made magister militum and
paid 2000 lbs. of gold a year, and that Leo recognized him as chief of all the
Thracian Goths and did not receive deserters from them, while he undertook to
assist the Emperor against all enemies except the Vandals, who had been Aspar’s
The reign of Leo
was afterwards remembered for the law by which all legal process and all
spectacles in the theatre, amphitheatre, and circus were forbidden on Sundays
(9 Dec. 469). Similar laws had been passed by Constantine, Theodosius, and
Arcadius, but had probably remained little more than dead letters; and it is
unlikely that even this law, at least the latter portion, was ever fully
carried out. But in spite of the increasing Christian tendency of the
government and of laws to the contrary, heathens continued to hold high offices
of state and enjoy the favour of the Court. Prominent among these was James the
physician, philosopher, and man of letters, son of a Syrian father and Greek mother,
whose medical skill made him indispensable. Isocasius also,
a Cilician philosopher, was made quaestor. Being deprived of his
post and arrested under the law which forbade the tenure of office by a
heathen, he was at the intercession of James sent for trial before Pusaeus the praefect, who was known to be in sympathy
with him, and allowed to escape by submitting to baptism. The philosopher Eulogius also received a pension.
One of Leo’s last
acts was to surrender the island of Jotaba at
the northern end of the Red Sea to the Arab Amrul Kais. This man, coming from Persian territory, had reduced
several Arab tribes and occupied the island, driving out the Roman
tax-collectors. He then sent the bishop of his tribe to ask for a grant of the
island and the chieftainship of the tribes in the province of Palestine III;
and, though this was contrary to the treaty of 422, Leo sent for him, treated
him with honour, and granted his requests (473). During this year the Emperor
was attacked by a serious illness, which made it necessary to settle the
succession. Fearing (on account of the unpopularity of the Isaurians) to
declare Zeno his successor, he made his grandson, Zeno's son Leo, a boy of
five, Caesar, and later crowned him Augustus in the circus (18 Nov.). Less than
three months afterwards he died at the age of 63 (3 Feb. 474); and, as it was
probably known that the child was unlikely to live, he was directed by Ariadne
and Verina to place the crown upon his father's head (9 Feb.). On his
death nine months later (10 Nov.) Zeno became sole emperor in the East.
The new government
began with a great success, the end of the disastrous Vandal war. One of the
last acts in this war was the capture of Nicopolis by
the Vandals very soon after Leo's death; and about the same time Zeno sent
Severus to treat for peace, who greatly impressed Gaiseric by refusing to
accept presents for himself and saying that the most acceptable present would
be the release of the captives; whereupon the king gave him all the captives
belonging to himself and his sons, and allowed him to ransom as many more as he
could. Shortly afterwards a perpetual peace was made (474), which after
Gaiseric's death (477) was confirmed by his son. The Vandal danger was at an
The peace was the
more necessary on account of the disturbances in other quarters. The Arabs were
making one of their raids in Syria, the Bulgarians appeared for the first time
south of the Danube, and the accession of the Isaurian led to a serious rising of
the Thracian Goths, who took prisoner Heraclius, the magister militum of Thrace, and held him to ransom. Zeno
levied the sum from the general’s kinsmen and sent it to the Goths; but after
receiving it they killed their captive. Illus, one of the many Isaurians who
came to Constantinople after Zeno's accession, a man whose large native
following and influence with his countrymen made him a power in the State, was
now appointed to the command and succeeded in holding the Goths in check. But
the favour with which these Isaurian adventurers were received increased the
Emperor’s unpopularity; and his son's death was soon followed by a plot. Verina’s brother Basiliscus, who was living in
retirement at Heraclea, opened negotiations with Illus, and no doubt by large
promises induced him to betray his patron; and Verina joined the
conspiracy, which the son of Triarius also
supported. Verina frightened Zeno into escaping by night with his
wife and mother (9 Jan. 475) and fleeing to Isauria; and the conspirators
gained possession of the city without fighting. The Empress had been led to
believe that she would be allowed to raise Patricius,
master of the offices, to the throne, which she intended to share as his wife;
but Basiliscus did not intend to act for anyone but himself, and, having the
strongest support, was proclaimed emperor, the proclamation being followed by a
massacre of Isaurians. Patricius was
put to death; and Verina tried to get up a conspiracy for Zeno's
restoration. This being discovered, she fled to St Sophia; but her
nephew, Armatus, conveyed her away and kept her
in safety till Zeno’s return. Meanwhile Illus and his brother Trocundes were sent against Zeno, blockaded him
in Sbide, and captured his brother Longinus.
But soon things
turned again in his favour. In the first place Basiliscus had offended
Theodoric by transferring the post of magister militum to
his own nephew Armatus, a man of fashion who
posed as a soldier and was supported by the favour of the Empress Zenonis; and in the second place he favoured the
Monophysites, and, not content with abrogating the theological decree of
Chalcedon, was induced by Timothy of Alexandria to abolish the patriarchate of
Constantinople created by that synod, thereby making a bitter enemy of the
bishop Acacius, a man who cared little about
theology, but knew well how to stir up popular fanaticism. So threatening was
the aspect of affairs that Basiliscus recalled his decrees: but it was too
late; Illus and Trocundes went
over to Zeno, and the combined force marched on Constantinople while Trocundes with some Isaurian guards was sent to
Antioch. Armatus marched to Nicaea to
oppose Zeno's advance; but he had no mind to fight in a losing cause, and on
receiving the promise of the office of magister militum for life and the rank of Caesar for his
son Basiliscus, left the road open; and as Theodoric held aloof, Zeno entered
Constantinople without opposition (Aug. 476). Basiliscus and his family fled to
St Sophia; but they were handed over to some of his enemies, who took them to
Cappadocia and beheaded them all. The promise to Armatus was
kept; but, as he was entering the circus, where Zeno and the young Caesar were
watching the games, he was assassinated by Onoulf,
a man who had received great kindness from him and been raised by his influence
to the military command of Illyricum. His son was ordained a reader, and
afterwards became bishop of Cyzicus. Theodoric the Amal, who from rivalry with
his namesake had supported Zeno, was made magister militum and
adopted in Teutonic fashion as Zeno's son in arms. It was perhaps these
commotions which enabled the Samaritans to set up as emperor the robber Justasa, who took Caesarea, but was defeated and killed by
the duke of Palestine.
Leo left the
treasury full; and at the beginning of Zeno’s reign the burdens were
considerably lightened by the praefect Erythrius;
but, as the sums wanted for the Isaurian favourites could not be raised without
extortion, he resigned, and his successor Sebastian earned a bad reputation by
selling offices to the highest bidder. His administration was however
distinguished by an act providing that all civil and military governors should
remain in their districts for fifty days after the termination of office, in
order that anyone with a grievance might prefer an accusation against them (9
Oct. 479).
One of Zeno’s
first tasks after his return was to decide what policy to follow with regard to
the affairs of the West. The concord between the Courts had been broken by the
murder of Anthemius (472); but Leo shortly before his death nominated
as emperor Nepos, the nephew and successor of Marcellinus, and gave him Verina’s niece in marriage. The fiction of the unity
of the Empire was however in part abandoned, since Nepos' name does not appear
in Eastern laws. After his expulsion (475) and the dethronement of his
successor (476) the Roman Senate asked Zeno to grant Odovacar the title of
patrician, and Nepos begged for help to recover his throne. Zeno advised Odovacar
to apply to Nepos for the title, but styled him patrician in a
letter, while declining to help Nepos.
The son of Triarius, wishing to obtain pay for his men, sought to make
his peace (477): but the Senate, to which Zeno referred the matter, said they
could not pay both Theodorics and left it
to him to choose between them. Zeno then made a violent speech to the army
against the son of Triarius. He did not however
immediately break with him, but protracted negotiations. At last, finding that
his strength was increasing, while that of his rival was diminishing, he
summoned troops from all quarters and announced the appointment of Illus to
the command; which was however, probably because of his growing jealousy
of Illus, afterwards transferred to Martinianus.
As this change led to disorder among the Isaurian soldiery, Zeno summoned the
Amal to his aid, promising that, if he would take the field, Martinianus should meet him at the passes of Mt Haemus
and another force at the Hebrus, and on this
understanding Theodoric set out; but either from treachery or from lack of
discipline no army met him, and his Roman guides led him to a place where he
found the heights in front occupied by his rival, who then easily persuaded him
to make common cause against the Emperor. Both sent to Constantinople to state
their terms, the Amal demanding land and provisions for his men and the
emoluments of his office, and the son of Triarius the
terms granted by Leo with the arrears of pay and the restoration of any living
members of Aspar’s family. Zeno promised the former in case of victory a large
sum down, a yearly pension, and the hand of Valentinian’s granddaughter
Juliana, or any other lady whom he might name, and, this offer being refused,
announced that he would lead the army himself. But circumstances now caused a
change of plan.
The part played
by Illus in 475, together with his retention of Longinus as a hostage
and his influence with the Isaurian soldiers, made him something of a thorn in
Zeno's side, and the jealous ambition of Verina rendered her his
deadly enemy. In the summer of 477 Paul, one of the Emperor's slaves, tried to
assassinate him and was surrendered for punishment. In 478 another attempt was
made by an Alan, who under torture confessed that he had been instigated
by Epinicus the praefect, a client of Urbicius the
eunuch-chamberlain and favoured by Verina. Zeno thereupon
surrendered Epinicus also to Illus, who sent him to Isauria,
and then, having obtained leave on the ground of the death of a brother,
withdrew to his native country. Fearing a rebellion on the part of Illus,
Zeno now resolved to secure the support of the son of Triarius and
renounced his intention of taking the field; and, as this caused disaffection
in the army, he on Martinianus’ advice recalled
it to winter quarters. Peace was then made. The son of Triarius was
to receive food and pay for 13,000 men, the command of two regiments of scholarii, the office of magister militum, and the property that had been taken from him,
while any surviving members of Aspar’s family were to retain their property and
live in any city that Zeno might choose.
The imperial
troops succeeded in expelling the Amal from Thrace; but Macedonia was left to
his mercy (479). He sacked Stobi; and on his
approaching Thessalonica the citizens, thinking themselves betrayed,
transferred the keys from the praefect to the bishop. Heraclea he was at first
persuaded by large gifts to spare; but on the refusal of a demand for corn and
wine burnt the greater part of it. He was repulsed from Lychnidus, but took Scampia,
which was deserted, and occupied Dyrrachium, which a confederate had induced
the garrison by a trick to abandon. Meanwhile Zeno had again opened
negotiations, and the patrician Adamantius, the son of Vivianus, was sent to treat. At Thessalonica he put down a
military tumult directed against the praefect; and at Edessa handed to Sabinianus the
Emperor's commission as magister of Illyricum in place of Onoulf. From Lychnidus he
invited Theodoric either to come to Lychnidus or
to send hostages for his own safety if he went to Dyrrachium. As Sabinianus,
who accompanied him, refused to secure the return of the hostages by oath, this
plan failed; but Adamantius went with a small escort to a wild spot
near Dyrrachium and invited Theodoric to meet him. Theodoric came and stood on
the opposite bank of a river, and Adamantius offered him a settlement
in the district of Pautalia in Dardania, where he would act as a check on his namesake and
be between the Thracian and Illyrian armies. Theodoric refused to move before
spring, but offered, if supported by a Roman army, to destroy the Thracian
Goths on condition that he might then be made magister militum and live in Constantinople, or, if
preferred, to go to Dalmatia and restore Nepos. Adamantius however
declined to make terms until he left Epirus. Meanwhile Sabinianus, having
received reinforcements, captured 5000 Goths, and Zeno was encouraged to break
off negotiations. For the next two years Sabinianus held the Goths in
On 25 Sept. 479
the walls of Constantinople were greatly damaged by an earthquake; Zeno in fear
of the Goths begged Illus to return, in order that his Isaurians might
assist in defending the city; and the Emperor and the chief officials came out
beyond Chalcedon to meet him. Having learned from Epinicus that Verina was
the author of the plot against his life. Illus refused to enter
Constantinople unless she was surrendered; and Zeno, who was clearly in fear of
him and was perhaps not sorry to be rid of his mother-in-law, complied. She was
conveyed by Illus’ brother-in-law, Matronianus,
to Tarsus, where she was compelled to become a deaconess, and kept in custody
at the Isaurian Dalisandus. Illus was
made master of the offices, Epinicus was at his request recalled, and
his client, Pamprepius the philosopher, who had been expelled on
account of his open paganism and the suspicion of inciting his patron to
treason, returned with him and was made quaestor.
The predominance
of Illus soon led to a vigorous attempt to throw off the Isaurian
rule. On the pretext of Verina’s banishment Marcian,
the son-in-law of Leo, having secured the adhesion of the son of Triarius and the support of a force of barbarians and
a large number of citizens, rose against Zeno and claimed the crown for himself
on the ground that Leontia was born in the
purple while Ariadne was born before Leo’s accession (end of 479). During the
day the insurgents, aided by the people, who hurled missiles from the houses at
the soldiers, carried all before them; but in the night Illus brought
some Isaurians over from Chalcedon, and on the next day the rising
was suppressed, though Illus’ house was burnt. Marcian, who fled to
the church of the Apostles, was compelled to take orders and sent to Caesarea
in Cappadocia, while his brothers, Procopius and Romulus, escaped to
Theodoric's, camp, and Leontia sought
refuge in a convent. Marcian however escaped and with a rustic force
attacked Ancyra, but was captured by Trocundes and
confined in the castle of Cherris, whither his
wife and daughters were now brought to join him. Immediately after the rising
Theodoric the son of Triarius appeared before
Constantinople under pretence of assisting the Emperor, thinking that, as the
towers and battlements had been overthrown by the earthquake, he could easily
take it; but, finding the Isaurians manning the wall and ready to
burn the city in case of defeat, he accepted Zeno's gifts and promises and
withdrew. He refused however to surrender the fugitives, and was thereupon
superseded in the office of magister militum by Trocundes. He then plundered Thrace, and Zeno could only
call in the Bulgarians against him. Having defeated the Bulgarians, Theodoric
again appeared before the capital (481); but, finding the gates strongly
guarded by Illus and his Isaurians, tried to cross to Bithynia
and was defeated at sea. Receiving news of a conspiracy against him, he
returned home and put the conspirators to death; after which he marched towards
Greece to seek new territory, but on the way was accidentally killed. His
son Rekitach, who by killing his uncles became
sole ruler of his people, returned to Thrace and continued to ravage the
country. In 481 Sabinianus died a violent death, some said by Zeno's
contrivance, and Theodoric (the Amal) plundered Macedonia and Thessaly and
sacked Larissa (482). John the Scythian and Moschianus were
sent against him; but no great success was obtained. In consequence of the
threatened revolt of Illus Theodoric was invited to Constantinople,
made patrician and magister militum, and
designated consul, and received territory in Dacia and Lower Moesia (483). His
rival Rekitach, who was in the city at the same
time, he was allowed to assassinate, and the Thracian Goths ceased to maintain
a separate existence.
Ariadne, urged by
her mother, pressed Zeno to recall Verina; but he referred her to Titus,
who refused compliance. A third attempt upon the life of Illus was
then made by a scholarian, who succeeded in
cutting off his ear, while he was going to the palace to receive some barbarian
envoys at the Emperor’s request. The assassin was put to death, and Zeno denied
on oath all knowledge of the matter; but Illus, feeling himself unsafe,
asked for leave of absence on the ground of needing change of air. Zeno then
made him magister militum per Orientem with the right of appointing dukes, and,
taking with him Matronianus, Marsus, who had commanded the land force in the expedition
against the Vandals, Pamprepius, and other powerful men, and a large
military force, he withdrew to Antioch (early in 482), where he set himself to
gain popularity by largesses and lavish
expenditure on public buildings. The patrician Leontius, who was sent to
ask for Verina’s release, was induced to
That a civil war
was imminent must have been cleat to both parties; and after the accommodation
with Theodoric Zeno demanded the surrender of Longinus, and on receiving a
refusal, sent John the Scythian to supersede Illus, expelled his friends,
and confiscated their property, which he gave to the Isaurian cities. Illus now
openly revolted, proclaimed Marcian emperor, and sent envoys to
Odovacar, who refused assistance, and to the Persians and the satraps of the
five provinces annexed in 298, who promised support to any force that appeared
in their neighbourhood (484). It is clear that he did not intend to head a mere
Isaurian revolt, which could not have any lasting success, but to form a
powerful combination against the Emperor; for which purpose he held out hopes
to the heathens through Pamprepius, while he was also on friendly terms
with the Chalcedonians, who had been offended by the issue of the Henoticon, whereby Zeno soon after his departure tried to
placate the Monophysites (482).
At first, to
prevent a revolt in Isauria, Zeno sent a small force under Illus’
bastard brother, Linges, and the Isaurian Conon,
who had exchanged a military life for the bishopric of Apamea;
whereupon Illus for some reason dropped Marcian, and
brought Verina, who as Augusta might advance some claim to appoint an emperor,
to Tarsus, where she formally crowned Leontius (19 July), who eight
days later entered Antioch. The inhabitants of Chalcis refused to accept the
new Emperor's busts, and he attacked the city for 45 days; while at Edessa the
citizens shut the gates against Matronianus.
About the same time the great victory of the Ephthalites precluded
all hope of support from Persia.
Theodoric was now
sent with a force of Romans and Goths to join John the Scythian; but Zeno
changed his mind and recalled him, though his Goths remained with the army; and
in his place Hermanric the son of Aspar,
who had once revealed a conspiracy to Zeno and had married a daughter of his
illegitimate son, was sent with a contingent of Rugians.
When the force which Illus sent against the imperial army Was
defeated, he hastily summoned Leontius from Antioch (Sept.), and they
fled to the stronghold of Cherris, to
which Verina had already been sent. His confederates then shut
themselves up in different fortresses, and many of his men deserted. Zeno
recalled the Goths, who were no longer needed, and made the Isaurian Cottomenes magister militum in
place of Theodoric, while another Isaurian, Longinus of Cardala, was made master of the offices. Nine days after
the beginning of the siege Verina died, and a month later Marsus, and Illus left the defence to the owner
of the fortress, Indacus, Trocundes' brother-in-law. Trocundes,
who had been sent to collect reinforcements, was captured by John and beheaded,
and Zeno's brother Longinus was allowed to escape (485).
Theodoric had
perhaps been occupied during 485 by a Bulgarian invasion; but in 486 he raided
Thrace, and Odovacar in spite of his previous refusal showed signs of wishing
to assist Illun, who now in vain made proposals
for peace, while Zeno stirred up the Rugians against
Odovacar. In 487 Theodoric advanced close to Constantinople, and an agreement
was made under which he set out to wrest Italy from Odovacar, who had defeated
the Rugians, and the East was rid of the Goths
for ever (488).
All hope for the
besieged was now at an end; Pamprepius, who had prophesied success, was
put to death, and at last Indacus and
others betrayed the fort. Illus’ requests with regard to the burial of his
daughter, who had died during the siege, and the treatment of his family were
granted, and he and Leontius were beheaded, and their heads exposed
at Constantinople (488). The traitors were all killed during the assault,
perhaps by the besieged. Verina’s body was
taken to Constantinople and buried with Leo's. Most of the Isaurian fortresses
were dismantled. As the satraps of the five provinces had been in communication
with Illus, the hereditary tenure of the four most important satrapies was
abolished, though the satraps retained their native forces.
Zeno had by his
first wife a son, Zeno; but he had killed himself by his excesses at an early
age, and the Emperor wished to leave the crown to his brother Longinus. The
infamous character of Longinus and the unpopularity of the Isaurians hindered
him from declaring him Caesar; but he appointed him magister militum, in the hope that his military authority and
the strength of the Isaurians in the army would secure him the
succession. On 9 April 491 Zeno died of dysentery at the age of 60.
In accordance with
the precedent of 450 the choice of a successor was left to thy Augusta Ariadne;
and on the next morning, by the advice of Urbicius,
she nominated the silentiary Anastasius of Dyrrachium, a
man of 61, who had shortly before been one of the three candidates selected for
the see of Antioch. He was crowned the next day; and, when he appeared before
the people, they greeted him with the acclamation “Reign as you have lived”. On
20 May he married Ariadne.
The new Emperor
began by the popular measures of remitting arrears of taxation and refusing
facilities to informers, and he is credited with abolishing the sale of
offices; but his reign was constantly disturbed by serious outbreaks. No
immediate opposition was offered to his elevation; but in Isauria a
revolt on a small scale broke out, and at Constantinople some unpopular action
on the part of Julian the city-praefect led to an uproar; and on an attempt to
restore order by force the rioters threw down the pedestals on which stood the
busts of the Emperor and Empress in front of the circus, and many were killed
by the soldiers. To avoid more bloodshed Anastasius deposed Julian,
who had been appointed by Ariadne on the day of Zeno's death, and named his own
brother-in-law Secundinus to succeed him.
Thinking that peace was impossible while the Isaurians were in the
city, he expelled them and deprived them of the pay assigned by Zeno. Longinus
the brother of Zeno was compelled to take orders and exiled to the Thebaid,
where he died, it is said, of hunger, eight years later, while his wife and
daughter retired to Bithynia and lived the rest of their life on charity. The
property of the late Emperor, even his imperial robes, was sold by auction, and
the castle of Cherris, which had not yet been
occupied by the rebels, was dismantled. Longinus of Cardala and
a certain Athenodorus, who were among those who
had been expelled from the capital, joined the insurgents in Isauria,
among whom were now to be found Linginines,
count of Isauria, Conon the ex-bishop, and another Athenodorus. Reinforced by discontented Romans and others
who served under compulsion, they advanced to Cotyaeum.
Here John the Scythian and John the Hunchback, who had succeeded Longinus
as magister militum in praesenti met
and defeated them. Linginines fell in the
battle, and the Isaurians fled to their native mountains (end of
492): but the generals waited till spring before crossing the Taurus. In 493
Diogenes, a kinsman of Ariadne, took Claudiopolis,
but was besieged in it by the Isaurians, and his men were nearly starved.
John the Hunchback however forced the passes, and by a sudden attack, aided by
a sortie on the part of Diogenes, routed the enemy, Bishop Conon being mortally
wounded. The Isaurians were henceforth confined to their strongholds,
and a certain Longinus of Selinus, who resided in the strong coast town of
Antioch and had a large fleet, supplied them with provisions by sea.
The Emperor's
attention was now distracted by an incursion of barbarians, perhaps Slavs, in
Thrace, during which Julian, the magister militum of
Thrace, was killed. Moreover, as his Monophysite opinions made his rule
distasteful to the Chalcedonians, who were strong in Constantinople, there was
perhaps communication between them and the insurgents, a charge on which the
patriarch Euphemius was deprived in 495. At
last in 497 Longinus of Cardala and Athenodorus were taken and beheaded by John the
Scythian and their heads sent to Constantinople, while the head of the
other Athenodorus, who was captured the same
year, was exhibited at the gates of Tarsus. Longinus of Selinus held
out till 498, and was then made prisoner by Priscus, an officer serving under
John the Hunchback, exhibited in chains at Constantinople, and tortured to
death at Nicaea. Large numbers of Isaurians were settled in Thrace,
and the population of Isauria, which had been greatly thinned by the two
wars, was thereby yet further reduced, so that the necessity which had made the
mountaineers the terror of Asia Minor no longer existed. The Isaurians had
done their work of saving the East from the fate of the West; and, though they
still provided useful recruits for the army, their day of political power was
over. The importance of looking at home for soldiers instead of trusting to the
barbarians had been learned and was never forgotten.
Besides the
Isaurian war Anastasius had also been troubled by incursions of
Blemmyes in Egypt (491); and in 498 bands of Saracens invaded the eastern
provinces. The followers of Numan of Al
Hira, who owed allegiance to Persia, were after an inroad into Euphratesia defeated by Eugenius, a duke stationed
at Melitene, and parties of Taghlibi and Ghassani Arabs
under Hugr and Gabala, the latter at least
a Roman subject, were routed by Romanus, duke of Palestine, who also
recovered Jotaba, which was leased to a company
of Roman traders for a yearly tribute. In 502 a more successful raid was made
by Hugr's brother, Madi Kharb; but the outbreak of the Persian war made it possible
to turn the raids in another direction, and peace was made with the Taghlibi chief, Al Harith, father of Madi Kharb (503). In 502 the Tzani also
raided Pontus.
Immediately after
the accession of Anastasius, Kawad, who
became king of Persia in 488, demanded a contribution towards the defences of
the Caucasian Gates. This was refused; but the Armenian rising prevented
further action, though Anastasius refused to aid the
insurgents. Kawad took advantage of the
Isaurian troubles to repeat his demand, but was soon afterwards deposed (496).
Having been restored by the king of the Ephthalites under
a promise of paying a large sum of money (499), he again applied to Anastasius for
help. The Emperor would only agree to lend the money on a written promise of
payment; and Kawad, refusing this, entered Roman
Armenia (22 Aug. 502) and took and sacked Theodosiopolis,
which was surrendered by the treachery of Constantine, the count of Armenia,
who went over to the Persian service. Having occupied Martyropolis,
he passed on to Amida (5 Oct.), where,
though there was no military force in Mesopotamia except the garrison of Constantina, a stubborn defence was made by the
citizens. Anastasius sent Rufinus to offer him money to
withdraw, but he kept the ambassador in custody. A Persian force, accompanied
by Arabs and Ephthalites, was sent to the
district of Constantina, and, after a small
party had been cut to pieces (19 Nov.), routed Eugenius of Melitene and Olympius,
duke of Mesopotamia, while Numan’s Arabs
plundered the territory of Carrhae (26
Nov.) and advanced to Edessa. Eugenius however retook Theodosiopolis.
Meanwhile Kawad, despairing of taking Amida, was willing to retire for a small sum; but the governor
and the magistrates refused this and demanded compensation for the crops that
had been destroyed. The siege therefore continued, until on a dark night the
Persians found access by some aqueducts to a part of the wall which was guarded
by some monks who were in a drunken sleep. They thereupon scaled the wall, and
after hard fighting made themselves masters of the town (11 Jan. 503), which
for three days was given up to massacre. Rufinus was then released,
and Kawad at the beginning of spring
retreated to the neighbourhood of Singara,
leaving 3000 men under Glon in Amida. Further demands for money were rejected by Anastasius (April),
who, having immediately after the fall of Amida sent
men to defend the fortified places, now despatched a considerable army from
Thrace to Mesopotamia under Patricius, magister militum in praesenti, Areobindus, magister militum per Orientem,
great-grandson of Aspar, and his own nephew Hypatius (May),
accompanied by Appion the praefect, who
took up his quarters at Edessa to look after the commissariat. Patricius and Hypatius laid
siege to Amida, while Areobindus encamped
near Dara to stop a new invasion, and for some time prevented an advance on the
part of the Persians from Singara, and even
drove them in confusion to Nisibis; but, when the enemy, reinforced by Arabs
and Ephthalites, prepared to attack him in greater
strength under the traitor Constantine (July), he retreated to Harram near Mardin to
be near his colleagues: his request for assistance being however disregarded,
he was compelled to abandon his camp and flee to Constantina and
Edessa. Patricius and Hypatius on hearing of Areobindus’
flight raised the siege of Amida and met
the Persians under Kawad himself at the
neighbouring fort of Apadna (Aug.), but
were routed and fled to Samosata. Hypatius was
then recalled. Kawad’s attempts to
take Constantina, Edessa, and Carrhae by assault were unsuccessful, and Patriciolus, who was bringing reinforcements, destroyed a
small Persian force at the Euphrates, while the Persian Arabs, having ravaged
the country up to the river near Batnae, crossed
into Syria. A second attempt upon Edessa fared no better than the first,
and Kawad then advanced to the Euphrates.
Anastasius now
sent Celer, the master of the offices, with
large reinforcements; and, though he had hitherto followed a civil career and
was not formally appointed to the chief command, his personal position gave him
practical authority over the other generals and replaced division by unity. On
his approach Kawad marched down the river
to Callinicus, where a detachment was cut to pieces by Timostratus, duke of Osrhoene.
Hearing of an invasion of Caucasian Huns, Kawad then
returned home, upon which Patricius, who was
wintering at Melitene, returned to Amida and routed a force sent against him by Kawad. Celer, and
afterwards Areobindus, then joined Patricius before Amida,
where Glon had been captured by a stratagem
and put to death. Seeing how things were going, Constantine returned to his
allegiance (June 504) and was allowed to take orders and live at Nicaea. Adid the Arab and Mushel the
Armenian also went over to the Romans. The whole army was now no longer needed
at Amida; accordingly Areobindus raided
Persian Armenia, while Celer crossed
into Arzanene, where he cut some cavalry to
pieces, and burnt the villages, killing the men and taking the women and
children prisoners. Similar raids were made by the Roman Arabs. Kawad then sent his spahpat (commander-in-chief)
to Celer to propose peace, returning the
most important prisoners. Celer at first
refused terms in the hope of taking Amida, and
an attempt to revictual it failed; but during the winter, which was a severe
one, there were many desertions in the army, and he agreed to pay a sum of
money for the surrender of the town, a definite peace being postponed till the
Emperor's pleasure should be known. Hostilities were however considered to be
ended, and some Arab sheikhs on the Persian side who had raided Roman territory
were put to death by the Persian marzban,
and some sheikhs of the Roman Arabs who had raided Persian territory were
treated in the same way by Celer, who after a
visit to Constantinople had returned to Syria. Anastasius granted
remissions of taxes throughout Mesopotamia, gave largesses to
the districts which had suffered most, restored the fortifications, and built a
new fortified position on the frontier at Dara. As this was contrary to the
treaty of 442, the Persians tried to prevent it; but Kawad,
being engaged in war with the Huns and the Tamuraye,
a tribe of unknown geographical position, was unable to take active steps in
the matter. In April 506 Celer came to
Edessa on his way to meet the spahpat,
but, hearing from Persian envoys of his death, he waited till a successor
should be appointed, while his Gothic soldiers caused much trouble to the
citizens: he then went to Dara (Oct.) and made peace for seven years with the
new spahpat (Nov.), the Emperor
agreeing to pay compensation for the breach of faith involved in the
fortification of Dara.
In Thrace and
Illyricum the departure of the Goths left the way open to the more savage
Bulgarians. In 499 they inflicted a disastrous defeat on Aristus, magister militum of
Illyricum, at the Tzurta; and in 500 Anastasius thought
it wise to give a donative to the Illyrian army. At an unknown date his
nephew Pompeius was defeated by some enemy at Hadrianople; and
in 507 the long wall across the peninsula on which Constantinople stands was
built to secure the city from attack by land. In 512 the Heruli after their defeat by the Lombards were
settled in the Empire, but afterwards rebelled and had to be put down by force
of arms. In 517 the Slays plundered Macedonia, Thessaly, and Epirus, and
carried off captives, whom Anastasius ransomed. Libya also suffered
from the incursions of the Mazices.
Though there was
little serious hostility with the Goths, relations were for a large part of the
reign unfriendly. In 493 the Emperor refused Theodoric's request for
confirmation of his title to Italy, though by accepting his consuls he tacitly
recognized him. In 498 however he gave the desired recognition and returned the
imperial insignia which Odovacar had sent to Zeno. But in 505 a conflict was
brought about by a certain Mundo, who had been expelled by the king of
the Gepids and received as a foederatus in the
Empire, but afterwards became a captain of robbers, and being attacked by Sabinianus,
magister militum of Illyricum (son of
the Sabinianus who held the same office under Zeno), with Bulgarian
allies, called in a Gothic force which had been fighting the Gepids. In
the battle which followed at Horrea Margi
the Romans were routed; but no further fighting seems to have taken place, and
Mundo entered Theodoric's service. The assistance given to Mundo caused
ill-feeling at Constantinople, and in 508 a fleet raided the coast of Italy, by
which Theodoric was hindered from supporting the Visigoths against the Frankish
king, on whom Anastasius conferred the insignia of the consulship.
Shortly afterwards peace was restored, no doubt by concessions on the side of
Theodoric, who wished to be free to deal with the Franks.
The domestic
administration of Anastasius was distinguished by several popular
measures. The most celebrated of these was the abolition of the chrysargyron (May 498), a tax on all kinds of
stock and plant in trade, instituted by Constantine, which pressed heavily on
the poorest classes. Instead of this he imposed a land-tax called chrysoteleia, which he applied to the support of the
army, abolishing the right of requisition. He also attempted by several
enactments to ensure that the soldiers received their full pay. But his chief
financial reform was the abolition, by the advice of the Syrian Marinus, of the
system under which the curiales were
responsible for the taxes of the municipalities, and the institution. of
tax-collectors called vindices. The
burdens of the curiales were not
however wholly removed, for they existed in some form under Justinian. These
measures were no doubt primarily intended to increase the revenue, and at the
end of his reign under the administration of Marinus complaints were made of
heavy extortion; but the immediate financial success of the policy is proved by
the fact that at the time of his death the treasury was full. His humanity was
shown by the abolition of fights between men and beasts (Aug. 499); but this
did not extend to the practice of exposing criminals to beasts, which existed
as late as the time of Maurice.
although Anastasius is almost universally praised for mildness and
good administration, his Monophysite opinions were distasteful to the
population of the capital, and the peace was constantly disturbed by serious
riots. In 493 his refusal to release some stone-throwers of the Green faction
who had been arrested by the city-praefect produced an outbreak, during which a
stone was thrown at the Emperor, part of the circus buildings burnt, and the
statues of Anastasius and Ariadne dragged through the streets. Many
of the rioters were arrested and punished, and the, thrower of the stone, a
Moor, was killed by the excubitores; but
the Emperor was compelled to appoint a new praefect in the person of Plato. An
occasion for rioting was also provided by the ancient pagan festival of
the Brytae, which was celebrated by dancing
performances every May. Such a riot occurred in the praefecture of
Constantine (501), when the Greens attacked the Blues in the theatre and many
were killed, among them an illegitimate son of Anastasius. After this an
order was issued that the celebration of the Brytae should
cease throughout the Empire (502). In 512 the Monophysite addition to the Trisagion,
made at the instigation of Marinus, caused the most dangerous outbreak of the reign
(6 Nov.). The rioters killed the Monophysite monks, threw down the Emperor's
statues, and proclaimed emperor the unwilling Areobindus,
whose wife Juliana represented the Theodosian house. When Celer and Patricius were
sent to appease them, they drove them away with stones, burnt the houses of
Marinus and Pompeius, and plundered Marinus' property. On the third
day Anastasius showed himself in the circus without his crown and
begged them to refrain from massacre, whereupon they demanded that Marinus and
Plato should be thrown to the beasts; but the Emperor by promising concessions
persuaded them to disperse. The banishment of Ariadne's kinsman, Diogenes, and
the ex-praefect Appion (510) may, as they
were recalled by Justin, have been caused by religious troubles. In Alexandria
and Antioch also riots were frequent.
In 513 the
religious differences culminated in an armed rising. The military
administration of Hypatius (not the
Emperor’s nephew) had caused discontent in the Thracian army, especially among
the Bulgarian foederati. These foederati were
commanded by Vitalianus (son of the Patriciolus who held a command in the Persian war);
who had a grievance on account of the expulsion of the patriarch Flavianus of Antioch (512), with whom he was on terms
of close friendship. Making use of the discontent in the army, he murdered two
of the general's staff, bribed the duke of Moesia, and, having seized Carinus, one of the chief confidants of Hypatius, forced him to place the town of Odessus in his hands. By means of the money there
found he collected a large force of soldiers and rustics, and, with the cry of
justice for the banished patriarchs and abolition of the addition to the Trisagion,
marched on Constantinople, whither Hypatius had
fled. Anastasius, having no army at hand, could only provide for the
defence, while he set up crosses on the gates and announced the remission of
one-fourth of the animal-tax in Asia and Bithynia. Patricius the magister militum, to whom Vitalianus in
large measure owed his promotion, was sent to confer with him; and next day
some of Vitalianus’ chief officers entered the
city; who on receiving a promise that just grievances should be remedied and
the Pope asked to send representatives to settle the religious differences took
the oath of allegiance, returned to Vitalianus,
and compelled him to withdraw. Cyril, a man of some capacity, was now appointed
to succeed Hypatius, and, having entered Odessus, from which Vitalianus had
retired, was believed to be planning an attack on him. Hearing of this, Vitalianus made his way into the town by night,
surprised Cyril while asleep in his house, and killed him. He was thereupon
declared a public enemy by decree of the Senate, and a large force collected
and sent against him under Hypatius, the
Emperor's nephew, though the office of magister militum of Thrace was given to the barbarian Alathar. Hypatius fought
for some time with varying success, and gained at least one victory (autumn
513). Finally he encamped at Acris on the coast, where, being attacked by the
enemy and routed, he was captured in the sea, into which he had fled. Alathar was also captured, and was ransomed by Vitalianus himself from the Bulgarians, whom he
permitted to sell the prisoners. Vitalianus occupied
all the fortresses in Scythia and Moesia, among them Sozopolis,
in which he captured some envoys sent with a ransom for Hypatius. It was now expected that he would be proclaimed
emperor; and further rioting occurred at Constantinople, in which the praefect
of the watch was killed. Meanwhile he advanced on the capital by land and sea;
but on receiving 5000 lbs. of gold, the Thracian command, and a promise of
satisfaction upon the religious question, he again retired and released Hypatius, though he refused to disband his army (514). It
was clear that neither party was likely to observe the peace; and in 515 Vitalianus, having probably promises of support from inside
the city, where another riot had occurred, again appeared before Constantinople,
but was defeated by land and sea and retired to Anchialus, though still
remaining at the head of his barbarian force. Hypatius was
sent to the East as magister militum,
and in July 517 went on an embassy to Persia.
On 9 July
518 Anastasius died suddenly, Ariadne having died three years before.
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