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The Peace of Utrecht, as it is commonly called, consists of a series of
treaties signed at Utrecht on April 11,1713, supplemented by others which may
conveniently be ranged under the same heading. The entire body of these
treaties constituted the bases of the peace of Europe for more than a
generation—till the outbreak, in 1746, of the War of the Austrian Succession.
For, apart from the last stages of the Northern War, all the armed conflicts of
importance in Europe, and the efforts of diplomacy to avert or end them, during
this period hinge upon the Utrecht settlement, and—if the Peace of Vienna of
1738 be excepted—left its main provisions untouched. These provisions, as was
pointed out in an earlier chapter, corresponded with a completeness rare in
diplomatic history to the intentions with which the War of the Spanish
Succession had been undertaken by England and the Powers associated with her in
her resistance to the dominance of France, and which had been clearly
formulated in the Treaty of the Hague of September, 1701. Although the House of
Bourbon retained Spain and the Spanish possessions in the New World, it lost a
larger share of the Spanish monarchy than that which in the negotiations for
the Grand Alliance William III had thought it necessary to take away from that
House. What had been Spanish Italy became, through the pacifications which we
are about to review, part of the Austrian dominions—with the exception of
Sicily, of which Victor Amadeus II of Savoy became King, but which in 1720 he
exchanged for Sardinia. In northern Italy that astute Prince recovered Savoy
and Nice from France; and a counterbalance was thus provided in this part of
Europe against the power of the House of Habsburg as well as against that of
the Bourbons. On the north-eastern frontier of France what had been the Spanish
were henceforth the Austrian Netherlands; and the Emperor had in the end to
accept an accession of territory which he had never been particularly desirous
of acquiring—well aware as he and his statesmen were that the possession of
these Provinces entailed the defence of them as the first line of resistance
against any renewed French aggression in this quarter. For the Empire itself
the Emperor, in the long course of the negotiations which began at Utrecht and ended
at Baden, failed to recover more than part of the spoils of a long period of
French aggression, and the whole of the left bank of the upper Rhine remained
in French hands. But what cooperation could there have been between the
dynastic ambition of the House of Habsburg and that of the chief Princes of the
Empire, who, like the Electors of Saxony, Brandenburg, and Hanover, were intent
upon the splendour or power of the royal crowns which
they had acquired or were expecting, or who, like the Elector of Bavaria and
the Catholic Elector Palatine, cherished high hopes, all of which they were
fated to see ignored?
The United Provinces gained a strong Barrier, firmly planted in allied
territory, against any renewal of the aggression of France. But though they
contrived to secure, in addition, some commercial advantages from the Peace,
their political position as a Great Power had gone from them for ever, passing, without any real resistance on their
part, to the Power which had been their rival on the sea during many
generations in times of war and in times of peace; and their mercantile
supremacy was likewise at an end. The territorial gains of Great Britain
herself consisted in Europe of a couple of Mediterranean ports; and though she
extended and strengthened her power in the New World by her gains from France,
the significance of this expansion was imperfectly realized at home, and the
great European duel in the New World was still to come. On the other hand,
England established the security of her Protestant throne; she obtained
commercial advantages of the greatest importance by her treaties with France
and Spain; and to the proofs which the War had given of her ascendancy in
Europe, was added this last proof—that the Peace which ended it had been
largely the work of her statesmen, and had, beyond all doubt, been made
possible by her will alone.
In the following a brief summary of the provisions of the Peace of
Utrecht will be attempted, without any detailed statement as to the course of
the actual negotiations of which it was the result; and a brief account will be
added of the pacifications by which it was supplemented.
It would be useless to discuss the instructions given to the Bishop of
Bristol (John Robinson), Keeper of the Privy Seal, and the Earl of Strafford,
English ambassador at the Hague, as English plenipotentiaries at the Congress
of Utrecht, inasmuch as these instructions quite fictitiously assumed a close
and consistent cooperation between England and her Allies, and excluded any
idea of a partition of the Spanish monarchy, though it was on this very process
that the English and French Governments had resolved. It was peace which they
wanted—and wanted, above all, for the sake of English trade, which revived with
extraordinary rapidity even during the progress of the negotiations. In truth,
the English Ministers had no intention of insisting on any of the demands
contained in these instructions except those which concerned definite English
advantages or gains. For this very reason, however, they treated the
preliminaries signed by Mesnager on his visit to
England (October 8,1711) as open to change; whereas in the instructions given
by Louis XIV to his plenipotentiaries at Utrecht, Marshal d’Huxelles,
the Abbe de Polignac, and Mesnager himself, these
preliminaries were treated as immutable. They had, after a long struggle, been
accepted by the States General, under great pressure on the part of Strafford,
on November 21, 1711; but no instructions to their plenipotentiaries at Utrecht
are extant, perhaps because they were in immediate contact with their
Governments. They were eight in number, two (Buys and van der Dussen) from Holland, and one from each of the remaining
Provinces. On the other hand, the Emperor Charles VI instructed his ambassador
at the Hague, Count von Sinzendorf, to oppose the
meeting of a peace congress on the basis of the Anglo-French preliminaries, and
if possible to revive the preliminaries of 1709, while decisively resisting
the Barrier Treaty. The same instructions, which show how far the Imperial
Government was from realizing the actual situation, were given to Prince
Eugene, then, as has been seen, on his way to England (December, 1711). Savoy
was represented at the Congress by Count Annibale Maffei.
The Congress, the opening of which had been fixed for January 12,
1712, was not actually opened till the 29th. The Emperor had announced at
the Hague that he was not prepared to take part in the Congress, until he had
received an assurance that the Anglo-French preliminaries would not be regarded
as binding. Early in February the French Government disavowed any such
intention, and Sinzendorf duly presented himself at
the Congress, being followed later by the second Imperial plenipotentiary, the
Spaniard Count Corzana; the third, Baron Caspar Florenz von Cronsbruch, had
appeared sooner; his place was afterwards taken by von Kirchner. Little
progress was made in the first period of the sittings of the Congress, which
ended on April 6. From this time forward the separate negotiations, carried on
more especially in London or at the French Court, advanced the work of peace
far more materially than such deliberations as continued to be held at Utrecht,
where no general conference again took place till February 2, 1713. These negotiations
were carried on by the British Government with fresh energy, after the deaths
in the French Royal family (February and March, 1712) had brought so much
nearer the danger, still not removed, of a union between the French and Spanish
For the rest, it may be said that the Government of Philip V had no
voice at the Congress distinct from that of France, and that the Bourbon King
of Spain’s personal action was of importance only at the particular point of
the negotiations when he made up his mind to prefer the retention of a
diminished Spanish to the expectancy of an enlarged French monarchy (May,
1712). Portugal was absolutely tied to England, and, instead of deriving any
advantage from the entire course of negotiations, had to console herself with
the heavy subsidies paid to her during the course of the War. Promises had been
made and prospects held out which gained Savoy over to the side of peace. The
States General had to concentrate their energies, as it had been all along
intended by the English Government that they should, upon the question of their
Barrier; on December 29, 1712, they finally agreed to accept the Anglo-French
preliminaries. Thus, in the progress of the negotiations everything depended
on the maintenance of the understanding between France and England; and for
this purpose the conclusion of a truce between them was of the utmost
importance. The cession of Dunkirk by the French before the conclusion of the
peace enabled Ormond to proclaim this truce on July 16,1712. An Anglo-French
pacification was henceforth a virtual certainty; Bolingbroke’s journey to
France (August 7) and subsequent interviews with Torcy removed all remaining doubts; and, Savoy being more or less satisfied, the
remainder of the negotiations chiefly turned on the satisfaction of the Dutch
and of the Emperor. On February 2,1713, the conferences were formally resumed.
The Dutch were, as will be seen, not really contented till the conclusion of
the Third Barrier Treaty, nearly eighteen months later; nor was the satisfaction
of the Emperor at present accomplished. His demands remained unsupported by
England; and, though on March 14, 1713, Sinzendorf had signed a truce at Utrecht by which the Emperor undertook to withdraw his
troops from Catalonia and to concede the neutrality of the whole of Italy, he
could not obtain the terms on which he insisted. A last attempt made on his
behalf by Shrewsbury at Paris (March, 1713) fell through; and peace was signed
at Utrecht without him (April 11). When the middle of June had been reached,
and no message of acceptance had arrived from Vienna, the last of the
plenipotentiaries quitted Utrecht; though the proceedings there were, as will
be seen, not yet at an end.
The earliest in date, then, as well as the most important of the Treaties,
which it is proposed now briefly to examine was the Peace between France and
Great Britain (April 11, 1713). William III had bequeathed to Marlborough and
Godolphin, the true inheritors of his statesmanship, a foreign policy which
meant war with France so long as France was resolved to unsettle the peace of
Europe in general, and the condition of things established in Great Britain in
particular. The English nation had deeply resented the arrogant interference of
Louis in the matter of the succession to its throne; and but for this
interference, William would hardly have been able to screw to the
sticking-point such warlike feeling as then existed in England. Thus it was
appropriate that the first article of importance in the Anglo-French Treaty was
concerned with the English Succession question. Whatever may be thought of the
account given in the so-called Minutes of the Negotiations of Mesnager of the intrigues for obtaining, with Queen Anne’s
consent, the insertion in the Treaty of a secret clause relieving Louis from
the obligation of keeping his promise to recognize the Hanoverian Succession
“beyond the Queen’s death,” these intrigues, if they were actually carried on,
broke down; and Article IV of the Treaty may be regarded as both sincere and conclusive.
France in this Article recognized the order of succession in England
established by the Act of 1702; and King Louis undertook, both for himself and
for his descendants, never to acknowledge as King or Queen of Great Britain
anyone claiming to succeed unless in the order thus settled; while taking every
care that the son of King James II (the “Old Pretender”) should not at any time
or on any pretext return into the realm of France, from which he had
departed—“voluntarily,” according to the Treaty; in reality after many delays
on his own part, and after much hesitation on that of Louis XIV, whose truly
royal nature made it difficult for him to let his guest go.
1713] France and Great Britain.
Of superior, because of more pressing, importance was Article VI, which
settled the nodus pacis—the
cardinal difficulty of the Peace—the question which after passing through so
many phases was now at last determined by the agreement between France and
Great Britain. This Article recited the successive Acts of Renunciation
precluding the possibility of a personal union between the French and Spanish
kingdoms: the Act of Renunciation, performed by Philip V on November 5, 1712;
its confirmation by the Cortes of Castile in the same month; and the
Renunciations, also in November, performed by Philip’s younger brother, Charles
Duke of Berry (who died in May, 1714), and by Philip Duke of Orleans
(afterwards Regent of France). It further recited the Reservation of the
rights of Philip in the succession to the French Crown, declared by Louis XIV
in December, 1700, when on the eve of the War of the Spanish Succession, and
the Annulment of this Reservation—in other words, the solemn assent of Louis
XIV to Philip V’s abandonment of his claims to the French throne. These Renunciations
were now hedged in by every possible solemnity of obligation; as it happened,
owing to the unexpected survival of Louis’ younger great-grandson, the future
King Louis XV, there was never any question of contesting their validity. By
the same Article, the King of France undertook never to accept in favor of his
own subjects any advantage as to commerce or navigation in Spain or Spanish
America, without its being extended to the subjects of other Powers.
Article IX concerned Dunkirk, whose numerous vicissitudes had not ended
with its sale to France by Charles II in 1662. Louis had greatly added to the
strength of its fortifications, till it became beyond doubt a very serious
menace to Great Britain’s maintenance of her power in the Narrow Seas. It had
now, as was seen, been evacuated by the French during the peace negotiations;
and it was now stipulated that the King of France should within six months raze
the fortifications and fill up the harbour, with an
undertaking never to restore them. Louis XIV showed a want of good faith very dishonorable
to him, by digging another harbour at Mardyk, a village near Dunkirk, which was intended to be
deeper than that which had been filled up, and which was connected with a canal
of considerable length. The complaints which at once arose in England obliged
him to suspend the operations at Mardyk, on which not
less than 12,000 workmen are said to have been employed; and under the Regency
the works were demolished. The Dunkirk clause, to the importance of which
English public feeling had shown itself so alive, made its reappearance in a
succession of treaties before the Peace of Versailles in 1783, when France at
last obtained its abolition.
Articles X, XII and XIII dealt with cessions made by France to Great
Britain in the New World, which are justly regarded as the real beginnings of
the expansion of the British colonial empire. The Hudson’s Bay settlements, to
which France had now finally to renounce her pretensions, were of French
origin, though the Bay itself had been discovered by the English navigator
whose name it bears; and the profitable fur-trade through Canada still remained
largely in French hands. On the St Lawrence and in the wooded peninsula at the
mouth of the great river French colonial enterprise had continued to progress,
after in 1631 Richelieu had recovered both the earlier Canadian settlements and
Acadia for France; and towards the end of the seventeenth century she claimed
the entire region from the north of the Mississippi to the Great Lakes on the
St Lawrence as her own—the title of New France being habitually given to it in
the French maps of the time. It is therefore a notable event in the history of
French and of English colonization, and of the mutual relations between them,
when the Utrecht Treaty once more assigned Acadia to England. At the same time
recognition was given to her sole possession of St Kitt’s (St Christopher’s)—one of the Leeward Islands, forming part of the seventeenth
century “Plantations.” When, in 1660, England and France agreed to make a
division between them of the West Indian Islands, St Kitt’s,
from which the Spaniards had at one time driven out the settlers of both
nations, was retained by them in common; under William III each of the two
nationalities had in turn worsted its rival, but the Peace of Ryswyk had
reestablished the system of joint occupation. To this confusion the Peace of
Utrecht at last put an end. Article XIII provided in addition for the cession
by France of Newfoundland and the adjacent islands; but Cape Breton Island and
the other islands situate at the mouth of the St Lawrence were left in the
possession of the French, who were to be still allowed to ply their
fishing-trade north of Cape Bonavista, and to occupy
the shore of Newfoundland for the purpose of curing their fish. The French
fishing-trade in these regions thus continued to flourish, so that at the time
of the Peace of Aachen in 1748 it very largely exceeded the English; nor was
there up to the Peace of Paris in 1763—to say nothing of later times—any more
constant source of irritation between the two Powers than this sore, which so
many generations of diplomatists have exerted themselves to heal.
On the same day (April 11) was also signed a Treaty of Navigation and
Commerce between Great Britain and France which, besides placing each of them,
as towards the other, in the footing of the most favored nation, contained
certain stipulations of considerable significance for the progress of
international law. The ordinance, issued by Louis XIV in 1681, when in his
pride he already regarded himself as master of the seas, declaring any vessel a
fair prize which should contain goods belonging to enemies of France, controverted
the principle of “free ships, free goods,” which France herself had accepted in
her Treaty with the Dutch of 1646, and to which England had agreed in a
succession of treaties. A rude shock had thus been administered to a principle
hitherto generally, though not universally, acknowledged; and during the
ensuing period (including that of the War of the Spanish Succession) the
further encroachment came into vogue, that all goods produced in an enemy’s
land or by an enemy’s industry remained enemy’s goods, even if in the
possession of a neutral, and were thus liable to seizure at sea. Finally, the
interpretation was actually extended to the very ships of neutrals loaded in an
enemy’s port and proceeding to a port not in their own country; and such ships
were actually seized. To these interpretations or proceedings the Utrecht
Treaty opposed the provision that, so far as British and French vessels were
concerned, the flags of the nation to which they belonged should respectively
cover all goods (except contraband of war), without distinction of ownership,
even in the case of vessels bound for a port belonging to an enemy of that
nation. Inasmuch as a treaty of the same purport was signed a few weeks later
between France and the States General, maritime commerce might seem to have
thus obtained an important boon at Utrecht. But, as a matter of fact, the
question was still very far removed from a settlement. The pretensions of
France had been negatived; but Great Britain, whose
maritime ascendancy was now at last assured, paid very little attention to the
principles which she had at Utrecht been instrumental in asserting. Though she
could not ignore them altogether, she chose to treat them, not as the assertion
of a general international principle, but as an agreement with a particular
Power which would expire with the particular treaty in which it was included.
Though France had agreed on the same head with the States General, no analogous
agreement was contained in any of the other compacts concluded by Great Britain
at Utrecht, not even in her Commercial Treaty with Spain. The principle of the
Commercial Treaty between Great Britain and France thus awaited its
revival—half a century later—in circumstances very different alike for Great
Britain and for Europe at large.
Great Britain and Spain : Gibraltar and Minorca. [1713
The Peace between Great Britain and Spain may conveniently be next
considered, though it was not actually concluded till July 13,1713. Obviously,
the plenipotentiaries of Philip V could not make their appearance at Utrecht
till the Treaties of Peace between France and Great Britain and the other
principal negotiating Powers had been signed, and till Philip had been recognized
by them as King of Spain. It is pointed out in the work of Koch and Schoell, to which this summary is throughout indebted, that
this Treaty between Great Britain and Spain is the first international
instrument to make mention of what had been the real question of the
War—namely, the imminent danger which had threatened the independence and
welfare of Europe through so close a union as that which had been brought about
between the kingdoms of France and Spain; it was for this reason, as Article II
recites, that both the King of France and the King of Spain had consented to the
requisite precautions being taken, and that the latter had for himself and his
heirs and successors renounced for ever his claims to
the French Crown, which renunciation he now solemnly confirmed. In further
Articles he expressly approved the succession established in Great Britain by
Act of Parliament; and promised to prevent the transfer of any land or lordship
in America by Spain to France or to any other nation.
Among the remaining Articles, that which confirmed the cession by Spain
to Great Britain of the town, citadel, and port of Gibraltar is of special
interest. Spanish pride and a well-warranted national feeling had to accept
this sanction of an acquisition which, after having been made almost
gratuitously, had been held with so much pertinacity. It was, however,
accompanied by stipulations which guaranteed the free exercise of the Catholic
religion in Gibraltar, and prohibited Jews and Moors from settling there, and
by an engagement on the part of the British Crown securing the refusal of
Gibraltar to the Spanish—should the British ever contemplate selling or
otherwise alienating it.
By another Article (XI) the sovereignty of the island of Minorca,
captured by Stanhope and Leake in 1708, was likewise
ceded to Great Britain by Spain. The history of the acquisition of Minorca,
with its fortified harbour of Port Mahon, differed
greatly from that of Gibraltar, inasmuch as it underwent both recapture and
recovery before it was finally given up at the Peace of Amiens in 1802,together
with Malta, the retention of which has rendered the loss of it a matter of indifference
to Great Britain.
In the same Treaty the King of Spain likewise agreed to a cession of
which he had sought to delay as long as possible the formal acknowledgment.
Yielding to the request of his Britannic Majesty, he agreed to abandon to the
Duke of Savoy the kingdom of Sicily—his Britannic Majesty promising to use his
best endeavors for its restoration to the Spanish Crown, in default of heirs
male of the House of Savoy. It was not, however, as will be seen elsewhere, a
deficiency of this sort which a few years later (in 1720) obliged Victor
Amadeus II to exchange Sicily for Sardinia.
The Anglo-Spanish Treaty contained two other clauses of moment, on which
Englishmen cannot look back with the same sense of detachment. By Article XII
Spain accorded to Great Britain and the British South Sea Company, whose
history is summarized elsewhere, for a term of thirty years the sole right of
importing negroes into Spanish America. England and her privileged Company were
thus to enjoy the rights of the Asiento (or legal
compact) under the conditions which in 1701 had been granted for the enjoyment
of the same right for ten years by Philip V to the French Guinea Company; in
other words, she undertook to furnish an annual supply of 4800 negroes to the
Spanish colonies in America, paying certain dues, on each imported slave and a
sum in advance of 200,000 livres, to be repaid within
the last ten years of the duration of the Treaty. But during its first five and
twenty years as many negroes above the stipulated number of 4800 might be
imported as was thought expedient, only half the dues fixed for those within
that total being payable on account of those in excess of it. Certain other
provisions favorable to the trading Company were reintroduced, besides the
assignment of a share in the profits of the slave-trade to the sovereign; and a
new provision was added (which was to prove of great political importance)
granting British merchants the right of sending each year one vessel of five
hundred tons burden to trade with the Spanish colonies in America. The
“ingenuity of British merchants was thus enabled to evade the narrow bounds
within which they were confined, and to secure for themselves (as the South Sea
Company effectually did till the outbreak of the War with Spain in 1740) the
greater part of the general commerce with these regions.
Finally, in Article XIII of this Treaty, the King of Spain declared
that, by reason of his respect for the Queen of Great Britain, he accorded to
the Catalans not only a complete amnesty, but also all the privileges at
present enjoyed by the Castilians, “of all the peoples of Spain that which the
King cherished most.” The self-sacrificing loyalty of the Castilians might have
warranted this expression of preference; but it must also be allowed that the
Catalans, animated alike by an ardent attachment to their ancient fueros and by
their bitter hatred of the Castilians, had done everything they could to
intensify Philip's antipathy to themselves. In Peterborough’s days (1706) the
Catalans had both fought and suffered heroically for the cause of Charles III,
which Great Britain had made her own; it was among them that he had sojourned
even after he had become Emperor, and to their care that on his departure he
had confided his young wife. Yet at Utrecht they were, under cover of the
hypocritical verbiage cited above, left to the mercy of Philip V, who barely
took the trouble of concealing his—very explicable—hatred of them. The
privileges of which they were “guaranteed” the enjoyment were those of the
Castilians, not their own; and their “ obstinacy,” as Bolingbroke chose to call
it, was requited by their being left out in the cold. The cynical indifference
with which the rights of the Catalans were thus ignored was all the more
impolitic as contrasting with the consideration shown to them by France in the
Peace of the Pyrenees (1659). The result was that which had been foreseen, and
concludes the one shameful episode connected with the Peace of Utrecht. In
July, 1713, after the Catalans had refused unconditional submission and set up
a provisional Government of their own, Philip V’s troops invested Barcelona,
whence after the departure of his consort the Emperor had, in accordance with a
separate agreement concluded by him at Utrecht on March 14,1713, in the same
month withdrawn his troops under Starhemberg. His proposal of an independent
Catalan republic was of course nugatory; and the real intentions of the British
Government were revealed in August, by the dispatch into the Mediterranean of
an English squadron under the Tory Admiral Sir James Wishart,
with instructions to put an end, if necessary, to the “confusion” existing at
Barcelona. He was also instructed to reduce the inhabitants of Majorca by
force, should they refuse the terms offered them; and it is quite clear that
the two designs were to be carried out on parallel lines. So late as March,
1714, an address to the Queen was proposed in the Lords by Cowper, and, notwithstanding
Bolingbroke’s sarcastic comment that her Majesty could not be held to be bound
by her promises after Charles III had relinquished the Spanish throne, carried
with an immaterial modification, urging the continuance of English
interposition on behalf of the Catalans. It had at least the effect that Wishart was ordered not to appear off Barcelona for the
present. The city gallantly held out against the attacks of its besiegers, who
were reinforced by a French army under Berwick and a French fleet. At last on
the night of September 11 a general assault began, and the fighting continued
all next day in every street—it might almost be said in every house—of
Barcelona. The fall of Barcelona, which has been aptly compared to that of Numantia, forms the tragic ending of the story; the
survivors, sick and wounded, were sold into slavery; and the very standards of
the Catalans were by special order of King Philip burnt in the public market by
the common hangman.
France and the United Provinces.
Among the remaining Treaties comprehended under the general name of the
Peace of Utrecht, which may here be dealt with quite summarily, that between
France and the States General, signed April 11, 1713, may be noticed first. It
has been sufficiently shown above how on the present occasion the hand of the
Dutch had been forced by the preliminary agreement between France and Great
Britain, as to which they had not been consulted, and which they were, as a
matter of fact, powerless to resist. In the Treaty with the States General,
France undertook to transfer to them so much of the “Spanish” Netherlands as
still remained in her hands, to be by the Dutch handed over to the House of
Austria, so soon as the Imperial Government should have concluded a
satisfactory arrangement with them concerning their “Barrier.” A portion of
Gelderland, surrendered to Prussia by France, was excepted from this
arrangement; and a further exception of a minute and curious kind was made in
the case of a petty district to be taken out of Luxemburg or Limburg, and
settled on the Princess Orsini (des Ursins) and her heirs. This last provision, which had never
been carried out, was omitted in the Peace of Kastatt;
and an annual allowance of 40,000 livres from the
French Government was the whole recompense ultimately received “by this
extraordinary woman for services which had materially contributed to bring
about the Bourbon succession in Spain, to popularize King Philip and his Piedmontese consort, Marie-Louise, in their new kingdom,
and to create those relations between the Spanish Bourbons and their people
which long outlasted the War of the Succession. She had afterwards aroused the
displeasure of Louis XIV, but had in the end gained both his goodwill and that
of Madame de Maintenon (1705), and had returned to Madrid, with full powers, as
it were, to sway the Spanish Court and monarchy as the most faithful friend and
supporter of the French Crown. Her subsequent experiences belong to a later
chapter of this work.
Article IX of this Treaty revoked Philip V’s cession, ominous for the
diplomatic history of the eighteenth century, of the Spanish Netherlands to
Bavaria (made in pursuance of an agreement, concluded in 1702, between Louis
XIV and the Elector Maximilian Emanuel); France undertaking to obtain from
Bavaria a cession to the House of Austria of her claims to the Belgic
Provinces. In return for the surrender to the States General for ultimate
transfer to the House of Austria of certain places in French Flanders (they in
fact included some of those forming part of the proposed Dutch “Barrier”), the States General undertook to obtain the restoration to
France of Lille, on which she had during the negotiations set the utmost store,
and of certain other of her former possessions.
In a Treaty of Commerce concluded with the States General on April 11,
1713, France granted the same important concession with regard to the rights of
neutrals as that which had been made by England to the Dutch, who still held so
much of the carrying-trade of the world. France also undertook to obtain for
the United Provinces from Spain the rights which she had granted to them at
Munster in 1648, when she first acknowledged their independence.
The Peace between France and Savoy, signed April 11,1713, restored to
the latter Power Savoy and Nice, and in general any part of the Duke’s
dominions taken from him by the French arms. By means of a series of reciprocal
cessions, the chain of the Alps became the boundary-line between the French and
the ducal territory, while the plateau of these mountains was divided between
the two Governments. The Duke of Savoy was acknowledged as the legitimate King
of Sicily, its possession being guaranteed to him by the King of France, to
whom this arrangement had been specially repugnant; the stipulations as to the
succession in Spain of the male line of the House of Savoy, in default of
posterity; of Philip, either male or female, may be passed by as never having
come into operation. On the same day was signed the Treaty between Spain and
Savoy, of which only those provisions possess a wider interest which referred
to the cession of Sicily by the King of Spain to the Duke of Savoy, and to the
confirmation of certain cessions made to the latter in northern Italy by the Emperor
Leopold I in the Peace of Turin (1703).
France and Portugal also concluded a Treaty on April 11, having, five
months earlier, agreed to a suspension of arms. The historical importance of
their agreement is colonial. The Portuguese settlements on the banks of the
Amazon were now recognized as wholly appertaining to the State by which they
had been established; while France renounced any right on the part of her
colony of Cayenne to trade in the mouth of the river. As a matter of fact,
however, the Brazilian trade had since the middle of the seventeenth century
more and more fallen into English hands, the Portuguese acting for the most
part as agents or factors only; so that these so-called Portuguese gains must
be counted among the provisions of the Peace most profitable to Great Britain.
Finally, France and Prussia agreed to a separate Peace on the same date
(April 11); though it is noticeable that as Elector of Brandenburg, King
Frederick William I still continued at war with France. Through the diplomatic
activity of France, Spain had in this instance once more been obliged to
compensate a member of the Grand Alliance for his exertions against the Bourbon
claimant to her throne. The bulk of Upper, or Spanish, Gelderland was ceded to
France, in order by preconcerted arrangement to be
made over by her to Prussia, on condition that the Catholic religion should be
maintained there as it had been under the Spanish rule. Upper Gelders, the nucleus of the entire duchy, had remained with
Spain when Lower Gelders had concurred in the Union
of Utrecht (1579); but in the course of the War of the Spanish Succession the
King of Prussia had laid claim to it as Duke of Cleves. This claim was to a
large extent conceded in the Peace of Utrecht, though lesser portions of Upper Gelders went to the House of Austria, and to the Elector
Palatine, as Duke of Jülich and Berg. A fresh division of Gelders—into
four parts—was made in the Barrier Treaty of 1715, to be mentioned below, but
it will be seen later that, before the century was out, they were alike
swallowed up by France, and that it was not till the Vienna Treaties of 1814-5
that Upper Gelders was, in part at least, restored to
At Utrecht the King of Prussia’s sovereignty over Neuchatel and Valengin was likewise acknowledged. Neuchatel (Neuenburg) was an ancient countship,
whose chief civic community had been connected with the Swiss Confederation by
a series of treaties of alliance, and had at times been under the actual
control of the Confederation itself. By right of inheritance the countship had been held by the ducal House of Longueville (a branch of the Orleans line) till its
extinction in 1707, with the death of Marie de Longueville,
Duchess of Nemours. Already during her lifetime Louis XIV, whose annexation of Franche Comté had made him the
immediate neighbor of Neuchatel, had put forward the claims of the Prince of
Conti upon the inheritance. These claims had been strenuously opposed by the
Swiss cantons—Bern, Luzern, Solothum, and
Freiburg—associated by written compact with Neuchatel, where (whether or not
with the intention of spiting France) a movement arose, headed by the former
Chancellor, George de Montmollin, in support of
Frederick I of Prussia’s claims as representing the House of Nassau-Orange,
which had formerly held sway at Neuchatel. Bern, the most important of the
members of the Swiss Confederation, and other cantons strongly supported these
claims, which in 1707 were approved by the Estates of Neuchatel, and in 1713
declared valid at Utrecht. The folly of the attempt to establish an intimate
political connection between two places so remote from each other as Berlin and
Neuchatel, especially at a time when all claims to Orange were renounced, was
to avenge itself slowly, but surely. After undergoing the vicissitudes of the
Napoleonic wars, Neuchatel was not finally given up by Prussia to Switzerland,
of which it is an organic part, till the precipitous changes of 1848.
As already observed, it was at this very time that an end was put to the
political existence of the principality of Orange, which had come to be a mere
archaic inconvenience. This principality, like the neighbouring city of Avignon
and county of Venaissin, was a remnant of the old
Burgundian kingdom. It passed successively under .the sway of several
dynasties, notably under that of 'the House of Nassau, Rene of Nassau having in
1530 become Prince of Orange as the nephew of the last Prince of the House of Châlons,
and having, in 1544, been succeeded by his great cousin William. The little
principality had then, in a series of wars, been seized by a succession of
French kings, but had with the same regularity of sequence been restored to its
owners at the pacifications ending these several conflicts. When, after the
death of King William III, Frederick I of Prussia had on the strength of his
kinship with the House of Orange- Nassau displayed some intention of putting
himself in possession of the principality, Louis XIV had at once anticipated
him. Now, at Utrecht, Prussia gave up whatever claims she possessed, and in the
Peace of Rastatt in 1714 France definitively absorbed
Orange; while the neighbouring papal dominions were retained by the Holy See,
till in 1791 they too were overtaken by their destiny, and became part of the
one and indivisible Republic,
It remains to note that, by a clause which, had Frederick I of Prussia
survived till the actual signature of the Franco-Prussian Treaty, would in. his
eyes have surpassed all the rest of it in importance, the King of France, in
his own name and in that of the King of Spain, promised to acknowledge the
royal dignity of his Prussian brother.
The Emperor and the Peace of Utrecht. [1713
Viewing the Peace of Utrecht as a whole (though it was actually
completed by certain additional treaties signed in 1714 after the conclusion of
the Peace of Baden), we are of course confronted by the conspicuous gap caused
in its settlements by the missing consent and cooperation of the Emperor, on
whose behalf the great struggle had for twelve eventful years been carried on.
Perhaps, had the campaign conducted by Prince Eugene in 1712, after his British
allies had sheathed their swords, ended more successfully, the Emperor Charles
VI might have played an important part in peace negotiations conducted on an
altered basis; but by the autumn of the year the hopes of such an issue had
grown small; and though the interests of the Emperor and the Empire were not
altogether left out of sight at Utrecht, they were more or less neglected, as
opposed, in different ways, to the interests both of France and of the United
Provinces, and a matter of indifference, if not of aversion, to Bolingbroke and
his colleague. On the evening of the day on which the Anglo-French and some of
the other pacifications noted above had been signed, the British plenipotentiaries
handed to Count Sinzendorf the ultimatum of Louis
XIV—consisting of conditions very different not only from those which France
would have held herself fortunate in obtaining at various stages of the War,
but even from offers transmitted by Louis to the Emperor in the course of the
Utrecht negotiations themselves. France now declared herself prepared to
accept the settlement, not of the Peace of Westphalia, but of the Peace of
Ryswyk, based on a uti possidetis far more favourable to France. The Rhine was to form
the frontier between France and the Empire —which of course involved the
severance from the latter of Strassburg, though not
of Kohl, of which, however, as in all cases of fortified places included in the
arrangement, the works Were to be razed. The offer of Louis XIV to recognize
Charles VI as Emperor, and George Lewis of Hanover as Elector, was very coolly,
received by them. On the other hand, Louis XIV demanded the full and entire
restoration to their rights of his allies the Electors of Bavaria and
Cologne—though the Upper Palatinate was to be left in the possession of the
Elector Palatine. The Elector of Bavaria was to be indemnified for his
renunciation of the Spanish Netherlands by the transfer to him of the island of
Sardinia with the title of King; while, until his restoration to all his
hereditary dominions (except the Upper Palatinate), he was to remain in
absolute sovereign possession of Luxemburg, Namur, and Charleroi. France
consented to the assignment to the Emperor of Naples, Milan, and the “Spanish”
Netherlands, demanding only that Italian territories not dependent on either
Naples or Milan (in other words, those of her allies the Dukes of Mantua and
Mirandola) should be restored to their lawful owners. These terms Louis XIV
declared himself ready to keep open till June 1; but, as he refused to assent
to a cessation of arms even up to that date, it is quite dear that he looked to
a further continuance of French successes in the field for a modification of
his proposals in his own favour. In April and May,
the first and second Imperial plenipotentiaries respectively quitted Utrecht,
the latter having for the present failed to gain over Bavaria by the offer of
the hand of an Austrian archduchess for the young Electoral Prince Charles Albert,
who might thus become heir of the whole Habsburg dominions. Bavaria, in the
existing condition of things, had to thank Austria “ for nothing,”
The Imperial Government—after the fashion of what not in England alone
was a preeminently pamphleteering age and, in the particular instance of the
Peace of Utrecht, a preeminently pamphleteering occasion—issued a German
pamphlet designed for popular consumption; together with a more temperately
written apologia, elaborated, in accordance with Sinzendorf’s instructions, by the learned Jean Dumont, both in Latin and French, under the
title of A Letter to an Englishman. But even the French-born Imperialist
historiographer ventured to reproach the British nation with its servile
submissiveness to the authority of the Crown, and to warn Queen Anne of the
risk she ran of incurring the fate of her father. Thus, though abandoned by his
Allies, and labouring under the lack of resources
chronic to his dynasty,, the Emperor Charles VI showed himself immovable in his
resolution, to carry on the War. When he turned to the Diet at Ratisbon, he
obtained without much difficulty a vote for the continuation of the War on the
part of the Empire and for a contribution of four million dollars. But the
money came in at a snail's pace; the proclamation issued, or rather caused to
be issued at second-hand, by the Emperor, fell fiat; and the prospects of a war
carried on without British or Dutch subsidies revealed themselves in all their
nakedness. The Imperial Government remained blind to the fact that Great
Britain’s commercial interests would not suffer from a breach with the Empire,
which must follow upon a political rupture between the two Powers; and that it
would therefore be practically ignored in the settlement which the British and
French Governments were at one in hastening to a conclusion.
The events of the campaign on the Rhine in 1713 showed that no choice
was left to Prince Eugene but the adoption of a purely cunctatory strategy; while the Emperor was on all sides surrounded by misfortune. The
French had once more crossed the Rhine; Catalonia was lost, or virtually so;
and at Vienna there was an outbreak of the plague. As in the course of the War,
when, after holding his entry into “his capital,” Charles had seen province after
province slip from his grasp: so now, when his arms were carrying on the
struggle alone and to no purpose, nothing could disturb the grandiose
self-control—or the immovable phlegm—of the Emperor. But gradually he began to recognize
the futility of the efforts which were being continued on his behalf; and he
allowed communications to be opened through British mediation between Prince
Eugene and Marshal Villars. Full powers were granted to them by the Emperor and
the King of France; and formal peace negotiations accordingly began between
these two sovereigns on November 27, 1713, at Rastatt—a
castle near the right bank of the Rhine, belonging to the widow of Margrave
Lewis William of Baden. Great secrecy was observed in the negotiations, Prince
Eugene conferring with nobody but Villars in person. The King of France had, on
the strength of the successful campaign just ended, by no means lowered his
conditions, though he finally desisted from the demand that Philip V should be
included in the Treaty. Villars had asked that not only should Landau be left
in the possession of France, but that the costs of the prolongation of the War
should be made good by the Emperor—a proposal logical in a sense, but in the
circumstances quite unreasonable. On the other hand he would not listen to the
Imperial demand for the restoration to the Catalans of all their privileges. In
addition, there was the perennial difficulty concerning the Elector of Bavaria,
whom France desired to see restored to his rights as well as compensated for
his losses. The upshot was that Prince Eugene declared the French propositions
inadmissible, and early in February, 1714, quitted Rastatt for Stuttgart, Villars taking his departure for Strassburg.
Hereupon Louis showed a more yielding disposition especially after the vote of
the Diet already mentioned; and negotiations were resumed.
After all, it was the safety of the Germanic Empire rather than, except
in an outlying part of them, that of the hereditary dominions of the House of
Austria, which was endangered by the French demands; and the sensitiveness of
that House has not always been as keen for the former as for the latter. The
Peace as to which negotiations were in progress could not in any case be
actually concluded without the consent of the Diet; although to wait for the
actual participation of its representatives might delay ad infinitum the
prospect 6f reaching a settlement. Both at Gertruydenberg and at Utrecht the Diet had intended to be represented by a Deputation which
should watch over the interests of the Empire; but the necessary formalities,
and the usual difficulty of balancing the representation of the Catholic and
the Protestant Estates respectively, occupied a long time, and nothing was
ultimately done. Thus at Rastatt, where he concluded
peace with France on March 7, 1714, the Emperor took upon himself to agree
to a series of provisions in the name of the Empire without having been authorized
to do so by the Diet; the entire agreement being treated as if it only formed
preliminaries, although it actually constituted the Treaty itself and was
ratified by the Emperor “in the undoubted confidence, that the Electors,
Princes, and other Estates would not hesitate” to follow suit. He excused
himself for these high-handed proceedings towards the Empire by a “Decree of
Commission,” in which he sought to throw the responsibility of his action upon
Villars, and offered the Diet the choice between at last naming its Deputation,
or empowering him to conclude peace in the Empire’s name. The Catholic Estates
were prepared to grant him these powers; but not so the Protestant—and for a
very significant reason, into which it is necessary to enter rather more fully.
The hesitation of the Protestant Estates at this point arose out of an
article in the Rastatt preliminaries, affirming that
the Treaties of Westphalia and of Ryswyk should form the bases of the intended
Peace; Now, Article IV of the Treaty concluded by France with the Emperor and
the Empire at Ryswyk had contained a clause, against which the Protestants had
persistently protested and which they regarded as having been rendered invalid
by the outbreak of the European War that had put an end to the Treaty
containing it. The Article itself had provided for the restoration to the
Empire of all the districts occupied by France outside Alsace—a loose
designation which, however, need not be further criticized in the present
connection; for it is the clause added by France to the Article which is in
question, and which plays an unhappily prominent part in the diplomatic history
of the first quarter of the eighteenth century. During the French occupation of
the Palatinate in the iniquitous “Orleans War”, (1688-90) it had seemed good to
the French Government, the standard-bearer of intolerance at home, to espouse
the interests of the Catholics in those districts where no Catholic worship had
been established, by introducing there the exercise of it side by side with
that of the Protestants, forcing the latter either to share the use of their
churches with the Catholics or to give up to them the chancels. These
proceedings amounted to a palpable violation of the settlement made in the
Peace of Westphalia according: to which the established Church (representing
any one of the three recognized Confessions) in any given district was to be
that which had been the established Church there in the year 1624. In the Peace
of Ryswyk, however, France sought to force her new provision upon the
frontier-districts restored by her to the Empire under Article IV, by means of
the clause declaring that in the territories so restored the Roman Catholic
religion should remain in the condition in which it was at the present time—in
other words, where a simultaneous Catholic worship had been established by the
French, it was to be maintained for ever. The insertion of this clause in the
Peace not having been opposed by the Imperial plenipotentiary at Ryswyk, it:
was accepted by the Catholic Estates of the Empire, on the plea of the
imperative necessity of concluding the Peace; but of the Protestant Estates
only a few attested their signatures to the Treaty; and soon afterwards the
entire Corpus Evangelicorum entered their solemn protest against the manifest violation of the Peace of
Westphalia. Finally, though to the resolution of the Diet approving of the
ratification of the Peace of Ryswyk (November, 1697), there was added a
postscript intended to safeguard the Protestants against any application of the
clause to their disadvantage, this postscript was ignored by the Emperor in
accepting the resolution; and the result was a protracted quarrel between the
Protestant and Catholic Estates at the Diet which led to a stagnation of all
business in that assembly and recalls, in its complications, the evil days of
the Reservation Ecclesiasticum.
Nor can it be said that in the later instance the whole dispute was a tempest
about nothing; for the number of places whose religious condition was involved
in it amounted to little short of 2000 (1922). When in 1714 the matter came up
again at the Diet in connection with the Emperor’s proposal that he should be
empowered by it to conclude peace in its name, the Protestants used all the
forms at their disposal to obtain the insertion in the decree of their demand
that the obnoxious clause should be held to have been abrogated for ever. Charles VI refused to accept powers thus
restricted; and the Protestant Estates had to content themselves with a fresh
protest, which when the terms of peace were actually settled at Baden was, as
will be seen, coolly passed over.
The Peace of Baden. [1714
When, therefore, on June 10, 1714, a peace congress opened at Baden (in
Switzerland), there was really very little for it to accomplish. It was
attended by plenipotentiaries of the Emperor and of France, of Duke Leopold
Joseph Charles of Lorraine and of several Princes of the Empire and of Italy,
and of the Pope. No warmer friend of France, it may be observed, has ever worn
the tiara than Clement XI (1700-21); but he had at an early date in his
pontificate found it necessary to come to an understanding with the Emperor
Joseph. Yet the Peace of Utrecht had deprived him of certain portions of his
temporal dominions; and Clement, who regarded this unprecedented act as a
personal affront, was neither able to obtain redress nor to suffer in dignified
silence. The Peace between France and the Empire was concluded at Baden on
September 7, 1714.
No essential difference is accordingly to be noticed between the
Treaties of Rastatt and Baden, unless it be that the
earlier of the two was drawn up in French, and the later in Latin. The Treaty
of Ryswyk was, together with those of Westphalia and Nymegen,
taken as a basis of the Peace of Baden; and the protestation mentioned above
was passed over after an unctuous French declaration as to the King’s devotion
to the Catholic faith, which had been fortified by two hortatory briefs from
the Pope. The provisions of the Peace, which was signed on September 7, were
entirely concerned with the relations between the Empire and France, and mainly
with the regulation of their frontier. Hence the mediation offered by Great
Britain and the participation in the negotiations desired by Spain, had been
alike declined. Alt- Breisach and Freiburg, with the
fort of Kohl—all on the right bank of the Rhine—were restored to the Empire;
while Landau, further to the north on the left bank of the river, was, with its
dependencies, ceded to France. Various petty Princes, temporal or spiritual,:
of the Empire recovered the possessions taken from them by France since the
Peace of Ryswyk; on the other hand, her allies, the Electors of Bavaria and
Cologne, were replaced in the position in which they had stood at the beginning
of the War. “ In the event ”—so ran one of the Articles of the Peace—“of the
House of Bavaria finding some Exchange of its States in conformity with its
interests,” France would raise no objection. But the supposition is untenable
that in this Article an exchange of the whole of the Bavarian dominions was
contemplated, as was seventy years later contended by Joseph II when he sought
to exchange for Bavaria the Belgic Netherlands, which the Peace of Baden recognized
as belonging to the House of Austria, together with the dominions left to it in
Italy by the Peace of Utrecht.
The Peace of Baden was, however, by no means a mere repetition of the
Peace of Utrecht; for at Baden the Emperor did not acknowledge the rule of
Philip V in Spain, and Philip in his turn gave no consent to the dismemberment
of the Spanish monarchy in favour of the Austrian
Habsburgs. There are other points of difference—notably as to the treatment of
the Elector of Bavaria, who at Baden profited greatly from the late successes
of his French ally, and from the magnanimity with which on this, as on other
occasions, Louis XIV supported the interests of his friends. The Peace of Baden
was ratified by the Diet of the Empire, but not till after many difficulties
had been raised and surmounted; for while the Protestant Estates recorded a
protest against the maintenance of the notorious clause of the Fourth Article
of the Peace of Ryswyk, other protests were recorded by several Italian
princes, and by the Pope himself, against other sections of the present treaty.
As indicated above, two further treaties have yet to be noticed in this
survey, concluded respectively a little before and a little after the Peace of
Baden. The Peace between Spain and the United Provinces, which was signed at
Utrecht on June 26, 1714, had been delayed so long on account of the persistent
refusal of the Emperor to assent to the Article in the Peace between France and
the United Provinces in favour of the Princess Orsini. Philip V was now at last persuaded to give way, and
in this same year the ascendancy of the Princess itself came to an end after
the death of Philip’s Queen, Marie-Louise. Certain other reasons had
contributed to delay the conclusion of the Spanish-Dutch treaty. Its most
important provisions as a matter of course had reference to trade, as to which
Spain placed the United Provinces on the footing of the most favored nation,
with the exception of trade with the Spanish American colonies. This remained,
closed to all European nations except, in so far as the Asiento was concerned, to Great Britain. The attempt of the Spaniards to secure the
cession of Maestricht and certain other districts,
which in a critical moment of their fortunes (1678) the States General had
promised to make over to them so as to secure their aid against the invasion of
Louis XIV, inevitably broke down, since the Belgian Netherlands as a whole were
now to pass, not to Spain, but to the House of Austria.
Peace between Portugal and Spain. [1701-15
Portugal and Spain likewise concluded peace at a date so late as
February 6, 1715. The lasting hatred between the two neighbor peoples goes a
long way to account for the delay; but it must also be allowed that Portugal,
who, as has been seen, had faithfully adhered to the Grand Alliance since
British diplomacy had induced her to join it in 1703—notwithstanding the
dangers and damages to which her colonial empire had been exposed in
consequence—might justly have expected a fuller consideration of her claims in
the Peace than she had succeeded in obtaining. She was left very much to make
her own terms with Spain; and, though in the end she reduced her demands to the
single city of Badajoz and the abandonment of the Spanish claims (upheld by the
valor of Indians trained by Jesuits) in the colony of St Sacrament in Uruguay,
to whose strange history reference is made elsewhere, the Government of Philip
V was provided with further counter-claims of its own. When, however, it became
apparent that the Emperor had resolved to conclude no peace with Spain at
present, the Spanish negotiations with Portugal were resumed; and, under
pressure from her generous British ally, Portugal was brought to sign the
Peace—both the contracting Powers making it very evident through the behavior
of their plenipotentiaries, that they and their peoples were affectionately
disposed towards each other. On the whole, the conditions of this treaty were
necessarily favorable to Portugal. The home frontier was regulated in
accordance with the status quo ante bellum; and Spain gave up the disputed
colony of St Sacrament to Portugal, unless she should within eighteen months
have found and accepted a suitable equivalent. The later changes in the history
of the colony were as numerous as the earlier, but cannot occupy us here.
This account may fitly be concluded by a few words concerning the
“Barrier Treaties,” of which the third and last finishes the series of
transactions calling for notice here. Article IX of the Treaty of 1701, in
which the lines of the Grand Alliance were laid down, had contained an
assurance to the United Provinces of a barrier against France. The importance
of such a protection to the Provinces was of course patent. Nature had done
little or nothing for the Low Countries in the way of barrier or boundary; and
the repulse of the French invasion of 1672—one of those great crises in the
history of a nation which must end either in the destruction or in the
preservation of a nation’s existence as such—had so far only proved that, but
for an extraordinary effort of national patriotism under a great national
leader, the Dutch Republic might have sunk under the waters, instead of
emerging from them.
The question of the Dutch Barrier had accordingly become a theme of
protracted discussion between the States General and the Imperial Government,
which of course began with treating; the Spanish Netherlands as part of the
dominions of the Habsburg candidate for the Spanish throne, Archduke Charles.
In the course of these discussions the States General advanced claims which the
Imperial Government resisted; but, as during the progress of the War that
Government became aware of the danger (sufficiently illustrated in the previous
section), that Louis XIV might seek to tempt the Dutch by offering to conclude
a separate Peace with them, Count Sinzendorf was in
1708 sent to the Hague by the Emperor Joseph to negotiate an arrangement on the
subject with the States General, through the mediation of Marlborough. At that
date there was no difficulty in settling that the States General would listen
to no peace propositions that should fail to ensure the indivisibility of the
Spanish monarchy under the House of Habsburg; but as to the question of the “
Barrier ” it was not so easy to arrive at an agreement. The contention of the
Imperial Government—reasonable enough if alliances were designed to last for ever was that, if the Austrian claimant to the Spanish
monarchy were secured in the possession of the Spanish Netherlands, there was
no necessity for any “Barrier” at all—for why should the Dutch have the right
of garrisoning a series of fortified places in a friendly territory ? The
Dutch, however, taking a less trustful view, actually designated the fortified
places of which they would like their Barrier to consist, and which at first
included not only Ostend, Nieuport, and Dendermonde, but even Antwerp. This liberal selection,
however, in its turn naturally excited on the part of Great Britain both
jealousy and apprehension of the results which might follow in the not
absolutely impossible event of a future Anglo-Dutch conflict.
When, however, as was seen in the earlier section of this chapter, the
peace negotiations of 1709-10 broke down, and the War had to be resumed by the
Allies, both Great Britain and the United Provinces perceived that the vexed
question of the Barrier ought to be got oqt of the way,
even though the Emperor, for the benefit of whose claimant the Spanish
Netherlands were being contested against France, might take no immediate part
in the transaction. The result was the so-called First Barrier Treaty,
concluded on October 29, 1709. Ip this compact the
British Government undertook to secure to the States General the right of
garrisoning nine strong places which belonged or had belonged to the Spanish
Netherlands, namely Nieuport, Furnes, Knoque, Ypres, Menin,
Lille, Tournay, Condé, and Valenciennes, in addition
to ten others (including Charleroi, Namur, and the citadel of Ghent) in case of
their being recaptured from the French, in whose hands they at the present
remained. A million of francs was to be annually paid to the Dutch out of the
revenues of the Spanish Netherlands for the maintenance of the fortresses; and
garrisons aforesaid.
This Barrier Treaty, which in fact amounted to a renewal, by way of assurance,
of the defensive and offensive alliance between Great Britain and the United
Provinces, in terms favorable beyond precedent to the! latter, was decried in
Parliament as unfavorable to England as well as to France; and this complaint
was echoed in the country at large. A strong popular feeling against the Dutch
had survived from the ignoble factiousness of the reign of William III, and it
was probably augmented' by some genuine fears as to the consequences of
strengthening the position of England’s chief mercantile rival. Thus,
notwithstanding the Barrier Treaty, or partly in consequence of it,
considerable soreness ensued between the two peoples and Governments; and,
when, in December, 1711, Marlborough was dismissed from his public employments,
the States General made over the command of their
troops, not to his successor, the Duke of Ormond, but to the Imperial
Commander, Prince Eugene. Party feeling took advantage of these relations to
undermine the Grand Alliance by such semi-official manifestos as Swift’s
Remarks on the Barrier Treaty (1712).
Thus, during the progress of the peace negotiations of 1711 and 1712
between the British and French Governments, the former were found quite ready
to meet the wishes of France as to a revision of the Barrier Treaty, of which
it is certainly not too much to say that it seriously impaired the force of the
compact. Several of the Barrier places on which the Treaty had insisted being
now promised to France, it became necessary for Great Britain, if her present
policy was to be carried out, to conclude a Second Barrier Treaty with the States
General, and this was accomplished at Utrecht on January 30, 1713. In this
Treaty, by which the First was formally revoked, it was settled that the States
General should have the right of keeping garrisons in Knoque,
Ypres, Menin, Tournay,
Mons, Charleroi, Namur, and Ghent; but Lille, Condé, Valenciennes and Maubeuge, which were included as Barrier places in the
First Treaty, were not so included in the Second. Great Britain was to furnish
10,000 and the States General 6000 men, and each of the two Powers the same
number of vessels, for the maintenance of the Treaty. Upper Gelders,
which the First Treaty had assured to the United Provinces, was passed over in
the Second, it being, as has been seen, intended to dispose of it otherwise (in favour of Prussia).
Now, though the Treaties of Utrecht, Rastatt,
and Baden had alike kept in view the transfer of the “Spanish” Netherlands to
the House of Austria, yet they had all provided that these Belgic Provinces
should remain in the occupation of the States General,
until they should have arrived at a satisfactory understanding with the Emperor
on the subject of their Barrier, With a view to such an understanding, a
conference was held at Antwerp between representatives of the Imperial
Government and of the States General, General Cadogan, who after Queen Anne’s death had been reinstated
as Lieutenant-General and appointed envoy at the Hague, acting as mediator. The
Dutch, whose influence among the Allies had as a matter of course been much
depressed under the Tory rule of the last four years of Queen Anne, had now
regained a much stronger position; and it was improved by the exertions of Cadogan, who was active in keeping up a good understanding
between the Whigs and the German States friendly to the Hanoverian Succession.
Thus the Third Barrier Treaty, concluded at Antwerp on November 15,
1715, was more favorable to the claims of the United Provinces than might
have seemed possible during the course of the Utrecht negotiations. They
obtained the Barrier places desired by them, namely Namur, Tournay, Menin, Fumes, Wameton,
Ypres, and Knoque, together with the right of joint
garrison at Dendermonde. 35,000 men were to form the
garrisons of these places—three-fifths of the cost involved being furnished by
the Imperial Government, and two-fifths by that of the States General, to whom certain of the revenues of the now Austrian Netherlands were
to be pledged as a security for the Austrian share of the expense. Furthermore,
in Upper Gelders Venloo was, together with certain smaller places, ceded to the States General; and
there was also a small cession of territory in Flanders which would be Useful
to them in time of war, in the event of their desiring to place the country
between Meuse and Scheldt under water. Great Britain guaranteed the whole of
the Treaty, and, in the case of any attack upon the Barrier places mentioned in
it, undertook to furnish towards their defence a force of 10,000 men and twenty
ships of war; and, should these prove insufficient, to apply all further
requisite efforts, and if necessary to declare war against the aggressor.
On the whole, therefore, the Dutch had by their tenacity, and by taking
advantage of the favorable opportunity which had at last come to them, obtained
a guaranteed agreement which not only effected their main object, the
establishment of a well-protected frontier as towards France, but even (in the
words of a Dutch historian) placed what were now the Austrian Netherlands in a
relation which was in some degree a relation of dependence as towards the Free.
For by the Third Barrier Treaty the States General at once gave up to the
Emperor all those portions of the Netherlands which had been in the possession
of King Charles II of Spain; but they retained under certain pretexts those
districts which France had restored to the House of Austria in the Treaties of
Utrecht, Rastatt, and Baden. These were likewise
delivered up to the Emperor by virtue of a supplementary convention signed at
the Hague on December 22, 1718. The unity of the monarchy of the Spanish
Habsburgs, which the will of Charles II had sought to preserve, had received
its final blow; and under the guarantee of Great Britain the head of the House
of Austria had reentered into the possession of one of the fairest of the jewels
in the crown of his great namesake.
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