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THE Arcadian divine or heroic pedigree begins with Pelasgus,
whom both Hesiod and Asius considered as an
indigenous man, though Akusilaus the Argeian
represented him as brother of Argos and son of Zeus by Niobe, daughter of Phoroneus. Akusilaus wished to
establish a community of origin between the Argeians and the Arcadians.
Lykaon, son of Pelasgus and king of Arcadia,
had, by different wives, fifty sons, the most savage, impious and wicked of
mankind: Maenalus was the eldest of them. Zeus, in
order that he might himself become a witness of their misdeeds, presented
himself to them in disguise. They killed a child and served it up to him for a
meal; but the god overturned the table and struck dead with thunder Lykaon and
all his fifty sons, with the single exception of Nyktimus,
the youngest, whom he spared at the earnest intercession of the goddess Gaea
(the Earth). The town near which the table was overturned received the name of Trapezus (Tabletown).
This singular legend (framed on the same etymological type as that of
the ants in Aegina, recounted elsewhere) seems ancient, and may probably belong
to the Hesiodic Catalogue. But Pausanias tells us a story in many respects
different, which was represented to him in Arcadia as the primitive local
account, and which becomes the more interesting, as he tells us that he himself
fully believes it. Both tales indeed go to illustrate the same point—the
ferocity of Lykaon’s character, as well as the cruel rites which he practiced.
The latter was the first who established the worship and solemn games of Zeus Lykaeus: he offered up a child to Zeus, and made libations
with the blood upon the altar. Immediately after having perpetrated this act,
he was changed into a wolf.
“Of the truth of this narrative (observes Pausanias) I feel persuaded:
it has been repeated by the Arcadians from old times, and it carries
probability along with it. For the men of that day, from their justice and
piety, were guests and companions at table with the gods, who manifested
towards them approbation when they were good, and anger if they behaved ill, in
a palpable manner: indeed at that time there were some, who having once been
men, became gods, and who yet retain their privileges as such Aristaeus, the
Cretan Britomartis, Heracles son of Alkmena,
Amphiaraus the son of Oikles, and Pollux and Castor
besides. We may therefore believe that Lykaon became a wild beast, and that
Niobe, the daughter of Tantalus, became a stone. But in my time, wickedness
having enormously increased, so as to overrun the whole earth and all the
cities in it, there are no farther examples of men exalted into gods, except by
mere title and from adulation towards the powerful: moreover the anger of the
gods falls tardily upon the wicked, and is reserved for them after their
departure from hence”.
Pausanias then proceeds to censure those who, by multiplying false
miracles in more recent times, tended to rob the old and genuine miracles of
their legitimate credit and esteem. The passage illustrates forcibly the views
which a religious and instructed pagan took of his past time—how inseparably he
blended together in it gods and men, and how little he either recognized or
expected to find in it the naked phenomena and historical laws of connection
which belonged to the world before him. He treats the past as the province of
legend, the present as that of history; and in doing this he is more skeptical
than the persons with whom he conversed, who believed not only in the ancient,
but even in the recent and falsely reported miracles. It is true that Pausanias
does not always proceed consistently with this position: he often rationalizes
the stories of the past, as if he expected to find historical threads of
connection; and sometimes, though more rarely, accepts the miracles of the
present. But in the present instance he draws a broad line of distinction
between present and past, or rather between what is recent and what is ancient:
his criticism is, in the main, analogous to that of Arrian in regard to the
Amazons —denying their existence during times of recorded history, but
admitting it during the early and unrecorded ages.
In the narrative of Pausanias, the sons of Lykaon, instead of perishing
by thunder from Zeus, become the founders of the various towns in Arcadia. And
as that region was subdivided into a great number of small and independent townships,
each having its own eponym, so the Arcadian heroic genealogy appears broken up
and subdivided. Pallas, Orestheus, Phigalus, Trapezeus, Maenalus, Mantineus, and Tegeates, are all numbered among the sons of Lykaon, and
are all eponyms of various. Arcadian towns.
The legend respecting Kalliste and Arkas, the eponym of Arcadia generally, seems to have been
originally quite independent of and distinct from that of Lykaon. Eumelus, indeed, and some other poets made Kallisto
daughter of Lykaon; but neither Hesiod, nor Asius,
nor Pherekydes, acknowledged any relationship between
them. The beautiful Kallisto, companion of Artemis in the chase, had bound
herself by a vow of chastity. Zeus, either by persuasion or by force, obtained
a violation of the vow, to the grievous displeasure both of Here and Artemis.
The former changed Kallisto into a bear, the latter when she was in that shape
killed her with an arrow. Zeus gave to the unfortunate Kallisto a place among
the stars, as the constellation of the Bear: he also preserved the child Arkas, of which she was pregnant by him, and gave it to the Atlantid nymph Maia to bring up.
Arkas, when he became
king, obtained from Triptolemus and communicated to
his people the first rudiments of agriculture; he also taught them to make
bread, to spin, and to weave. He had three sons—Azan, Apheidas,
and Elatus: the first was the eponym of Azania, the northern region of Arcadia;
the second was one of the heroes of Tegea; the third was father of Ischys (rival of Apollo for the affections of Koronis), as
well as of Epytus and Kyllen:
the name of Epytus among the heroes of Arcadia is as
old as the Catalogue in the Iliad.
Aleus, son of Apheidas and king of Tegea, was
the founder of the celebrated temple and worship of Athena Alea in that town. Lycurgus and Kepheus were his sons, Auge his daughter, who was
seduced by Heracles, and secretly bore to him a child: the father, discovering
what had happened, sent Auge to Nauplius to be sold into slavery: Teuthras, king of Mysia in Asia Minor, purchased her and
made her his wife: her tomb was shown at Pergamum on the river Kaikus even in the time of Pausanias.
From Lykurgus, the son of Aleus and brother of
Auge, we pass to his son Ankaeus, numbered among the
Argonauts, finally killed in the chase of the Kalydonian boar, and father of Agapenor, who leads the Arcadian contingent against
Troy,—(the adventurers of his niece, the Tegeatic huntress Atalanta, have already been touched upon),—then to Echemus,
son of Aöropus and grandson of the brother of
Lycurgus, Kepheus. Echemus is the chief heroic
ornament of Tegea. When Hyllus, the son of Herakles, conducted the Herakleids on their first expedition against Peloponnesus, Echemus commanded the Tegean troops who assembled along with the other Peloponnesians at the isthmus of
Corinth to repel the invasion: it was agreed that the dispute should be
determined by single combat, and Echemus, as the
champion of Peloponnesus, encountered and killed Hyllus.
Pursuant to the stipulation by which they had bound themselves, the Herakleids retired, and abstained for three generations
from pressing their claim upon Peloponnesus. This valorous exploit of their
great martial hero was cited and appealed to by the Tegeates before the battle of Plataea, as the principal evidence of their claim to the
second post in the combined army, next in point of honor to that of the
Lacedaemonians, and superior to that of the Athenians: the latter replied to
them by producing as counter-evidence the splendid heroic deeds of Athens,—the
protection of the Herakleids against Eurystheus, the
victory over the Kadmeians of Thebes, and the
complete defeat of the Amazons in Attica. Nor can there be any doubt that these
legendary glories were both recited by the speakers, and heard by the listeners,
with profound and undoubting faith, as well as with heart-stirring admiration.
One other person there is—Ischys, son of
Elatus and grandson of Arkas—in the fabulous
genealogy of Arcadia whom it would be improper to pass over, inasmuch as his name
and adventures are connected with the genesis of the memorable god or hero Esculapius, or Asklepius.
Koronis, daughter of Phlegyas, and resident near the
lake Boebeis in Thessaly, was beloved by Apollo and
became pregnant by him: unfaithful to the god, she listened to the propositions
of Ischys son of Elatus, and consented to wed him: a
raven brought to Apollo the fatal news, which so incensed him that he changed
the color of the bird from white, as it previously had been, into black.
Artemis, to Avenge the wounded dignity of her brother, put Koronis to death;
but Apollo preserved the male child of which she was about to be delivered, and
consigned it to the Centaur Cheiron to be brought up. The child was named Asklepius or Aesculapius, and acquired, partly from the
teaching of the beneficent leech Cheiron, partly from inborn and superhuman
aptitude, a knowledge of the virtues of herbs and a mastery of medicine and
surgery, such as had never before been witnessed. He not only cured the sick,
the wounded, and the dying, but even restored the dead to life. Kapaneus, Eriphyle, Hippolytus, Tyndareus and Glaukus were all affirmed by different poets and logographers to have been endued by
him with a new life. But Zeus now found himself under the necessity of taking
precautions lest mankind, thus unexpectedly protected against sickness and
death, should no longer stand in need of the immortal gods: he smote Asclepius
with thunder and killed him. Apollo was so exasperated by this slaughter of his
highly-gifted son, that he killed the Cyclopes who had fabricated the thunder,
and Zeus was about to condemn him to Tartarus for doing so; but on the
intercession of Latona he relented, and was satisfied
with imposing upon him a temporary servitude in the house of Admetus at Pherae.
Asclepius was worshipped with very great solemnity at Trikka, at Kos, at Cnidus, and in many different parts of
Greece, but especially at Epidaurus, so that more than one legend had grown up
respecting the details of his birth and adventures: in particular, his mother
was by some called Arsinoe. But a formal application had been made on this
subject (so the Epidaurians told Pausanias) to the
oracle of Delphi, and the god in reply acknowledged that Asclepius was his son
by Koronis. The tale above recounted seems to have been both the oldest and the
most current. It is adorned by Pindar in a noble ode, wherein however he omits
all mention of the raven as messenger —not specifying who or what the spy was
from whom Apollo learnt the infidelity of Koronis. By many this was considered
as an improvement in respect of poetical effect, but it illustrates the mode in
which the characteristic details and simplicity of the old fables came to be
exchanged for dignified generalities, adapted to the altered taste of society.
Machaon and Podaleirius, the two sons of
Asclepius, command the contingent from Trikka, in the
north-west region of Thessaly, at the siege of Troy by Agamemnon. They are the
leeches of the Grecian army, highly prized and consulted by all the wounded
chiefs. Their medical renown was further prolonged in the subsequent poem of Arktinus, the Iliu-Persis,
wherein the one was represented as unrivalled in surgical operations, the other
as sagacious in detecting and appreciating morbid symptoms. It was Podaleirius who first noticed the glaring eyes and
disturbed deportment which preceded the suicide of Ajax.
Galen appears uncertain whether Asclepius (as well as Dionysus) was
originally a god, or whether he was first a man and then became afterwards a god;
but Apollodorus professed to fix the exact date of his apotheosis. Throughout
all the historical ages the descendants of Asclepius were numerous and widely
diffused. The many families or gentes called Asklepiads, who devoted themselves to the study and
practice of medicine, and who principally dwelt near the temples of Asclepius,
whither sick and suffering men came to obtain relief—all recognized the god not
merely as the object of their common worship, but also as their actual
progenitor. Like Solon, who reckoned Neleus and Poseidon as his ancestors, or
the Milesian Hekataeus, who traced his origin through
fifteen successive links to a god—like the privileged gens at Pelion in
Thessaly, who considered the wise Centaur Cheiron as their progenitor, and who
inherited from him their precious secrets respecting the medicinal herbs of
which their neighborhood was full,—Asklepiads, even
of the later times, numbered and specified all the intermediate links which
separated them from their primitive divine parent. One of these genealogies has
been preserved to us, and we may be sure that there were many such, as the Asklepiads were found in many different places. Among them
were enrolled highly instructed and accomplished men, such as the great
Hippocrates and the historian Ktesias, who prided
themselves on the divine origin of themselves and their gens—so much did the
legendary element pervade even the most philosophical and positive minds of
historical Greece. Nor can there be any doubt that their means of medical
observation must have been largely extended by their vicinity to a temple so
much frequented by the sick, who came in confident hopes of divine relief, and
who, whilst they offered up sacrifice and prayer to Aesculapius, and slept in
his temple in order to be favored with healing suggestions in their dreams,
might, in case the god withheld his supernatural aid, consult his living
descendants. The sick visitors at Kos, or Trikka, or
Epidaurus, were numerous and constant, and the tablets usually hung up to record
the particulars of their maladies, the remedies resorted to, and the cures
operated by the god, formed both an interesting decoration of the sacred ground
and an instructive memorial to the Asklepiads.
The genealogical descent of Hippocrates and the other Asklepiads from the god Asclepius is not only analogous to
that of Hekataeus and Solon from their respective
ancestral gods, but also to that of the Lacedaemonians kings from Heracles,
upon the basis of which the whole supposed chronology of the ante-historical
times has been built, from Eratosthenes and Apollodorus down to the
chronologers of the present century. I shall revert to this hereafter.