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GREECE AND THE GREEK COLONIES.1. The Greek People.—Whether the Greeks were the first Aryan people
to settle in Europe or in Eastern Europe we cannot tell for certain. But we do
know for certain that they were the first Aryan nation whose deeds were
recorded in written history; and there never was any nation whose deeds were
more worthy to be recorded. For no nation eve did such great things, none ever
made such great advances in every way, so wholly by its own power and with so
little help from any other people. Yet we must not look on the Greeks as a nation
quite apart by themselves. We have already seen that the Greek people were part
of a great Aryan settlement which occupied both the two eastern peninsulas, and
that the forefathers of the Greeks and the forefather: of the Italians must
have kept together for a good while after they had parted company from the
other branches of the Aryan family. There is some reason to think that some of
the other nations bordering near upon Greece, both in the eastern peninsula and
in the western coast of Asia, in Illyria, Thrace, Phrygia,
and Lydia, were not only Aryan, but were actually part of the same
swarm as the Greeks and Italians. However this may be, it seems quite certain
that most of the nations lying near Greece, as in
and Epirus and Macedonia, which lie to the north,
in Sicily and Southern Italy, and in some parts of
the opposite coasts of Asia, were very closely akin to the Greeks, and spoke
languages which came much nearer to Greek even than the languages of the rest
of Italy. The people of all these countries seem to have had a power beyond all
other people of adopting the G)eek language and manners, and, so to speak, of
making themselves Greeks. The Greeks seem, in fact, to have been one among
several kindred nations which shot in advance of its kinsfolk, and which was
therefore able in the end to become a sort of teacher to the others. And one
thing which helped the Greeks in thus putting themselves in advance of all
their kinsfolk and neighbors was the nature of the land in which they settled.
2. Geographical Character of Greece.—Anyone who turns to the map will see that the
country which we call Greece, but which its own people have
always called Hellas, is the southern part of the great eastern
peninsula of Europe. But we must remember that, in the way of speaking of the
Greeks themselves, the name Hellas did not mean merely the
country which we now call Greece, but any country where Hellenes or
Greeks lived. Thus there might be patches, so to speak, of Hellas anywhere; and
there were such patches of Hellas round a great part of the Mediterranean Sea
wherever Greek settlers had planted colonies. But the first and truest Hellas,
the motherland of all Hellenes, was the land which we call Greece, with the
islands round about it. There alone the whole land was Greek, and none but
Hellenes lived in it. It is, above all the rest of Europe, a land of islands
and peninsulas; and that was, no doubt, one main reason why it was the first
part of Europe to stand forth as great and free in the eyes of the whole world.
For in early times the sea-coast is always the part of a land which is first
civilized, because it is the part which can most easily have trade and other
dealings with other parts of the world. Thus, as Greece was the first part of
Europe to become civilized, so the coasts and islands of Greece were both
sooner and more highly civilized than the other inland parts. Those inland
parts are almost everywhere full of mountains and valleys, so that the
different parts of the land, both on the sea-coast and in the inland parts,
were very much cut off from one another. Each valley or island or little
peninsula had its own town, with its own little territory, forming, whenever it
could, a separate government independent of all others, and with the right of
making war and peace, just as if it had been a great kingdom.
3. Character of Grecian History.—The geographical nature of the land in this way
settled the history of the Greek people. It is only in much later times that a
great kingdom or commonwealth can come to have the same political and intellectual
1'ife as a small state consisting of one city. In an early state of things the
single city is always in advance of the great kingdom, not always in wealth or
in mere bodily comforts, but always in political freedom and in real sharpness
of wit. Thus the Greeks, with their many small states, were the first people
from whom we can learn any lessons m the art of politics, the art of ruling and
persuading men according to law. The little commonwealths of Greece were the
first states at once free and civilized which the world ever saw. They were the
first states which gave birth to great statesmen, orators, and generals who did
great deeds, and to great historians who set down those great deeds in writing.
It was in the Greek commonwealths, in short, that the political and
intellectual life of the world began. But, for the very reason that their
freedom came so early, they were not able to keep it so long as states in later
times which have been equally free and of greater extent.
4. The Greeks and the Phoenicians.—Whether the Greeks found any earlier inhabitants
in the land which they made their own is a point on which we cannot be quite
certain, but it is more likely that they did than that they did not. But it is
certain that, when they began to spread themselves from the mainland into the
islands, they found in the islands powerful rivals already settled. These were
the Phoenicians, as the Greeks called them, who were
a Semitic people, and who played a great
part in both Grecian and Roman history. Their real name among themselves
was Canaanites, and they dwelled on the coast of Palestine,
at the east end of the Mediterranean Sea, especially in the great cities
of Sidon, Tyre, and Arados or Arvad. They were a more really civilized people, and
made a nearer approach to free government, than any other people who were not
Aryans. They were especially given to trade and to everything which had to do
with a seafaring life. They had thus begun to spread their trade, and to found
colonies, over a large part of the Mediterranean coast, before the Greeks
became of any note in the world. They had even made their way beyond what the
Greeks called the Pillar of Heracles, that is, beyond the Strait
of Gibraltar, and had sailed from the Mediterranean into the Ocean.
They had there founded the city of Gades,
which still keeps its name as Cadiz, and they founded other
colonies, both in Spain and on the northwest coast of Africa, of which the
most famous was Carthage. They had also settlements in the islands
of the Aegean Sea, as well as in the greater islands of Cyprus and Sicily,
and it was in these islands that they met the Greeks as enemies. But, even
before the Greeks had begun to send out colonies, they had a good deal of trade
with the Phoenicians. And as the Phoenicians were the more early civilized of
the two nations, the Greeks seem to have learned several things of them, and
above all the alphabet. The Greeks learned the letters which the
Phoenicians used to write their own language, which was much the same as
the Hebrew, and they adapted them, as well as they could, to the
Greek language. And from them the alphabet gradually made its way to the Italians,
and from them to the other nations of Europe, with such changes as each nation
found needful for its own tongue. The Phoenicians did much in this way towards
helping on the civilization of the Greeks : but there is no reason to believe
that the Phoenicians, or any other people of Asia or Africa, founded any
settlements in Greece itself alter the Hellenes had once made the land their
5. Foundation of the Greek Colonies.—From the mainland of Greece the Greek people gradually spread themselves over most of the neighboring islands, and over a large part of the Mediterranean coast, especially on the shores nearest to their own land. In fact, we may say that the Phoenicians and the Greeks between them planted colonies round the whole coast of the Mediterranean, save in two parts only. One of these was Egypt on the south; the other was Central and Northern Italy where the native inhabitants were far too strong and brave to allow strangers to settle among them. The Greeks thus spread themselves over all the islands of the Aegean Sea, over the coasts of Macedonia and Thrace to the north and of Asia Minor to the east, as well as in the islands to the west of Greece, and the others which are known now as the Ionian Islands. A great part of this region became fully as Greek as Greece itself only even here in some parts of the coast the Greek possessions were not quite unbroken, but were simply a city here and there, and nowhere, except in Greece itself did the Greek colonists get very far from the sea. Other colonies were gradually planted in Cyprus, in Sicily and Southern Italy, and on the coast of Illyria on the eastern side of the Adriatic. And there was one part of the Mediterranean coast which was occupied by Greek colonies where we should rather have looked for Phoenicians; that is, in the lands west of Egypt, where several Greek cities arose, the chief of which was Cyrene. These were the only Greek settlements on the south coast of the Mediterranean. But some Greek colonies were planted as far east as the shores of the Euxine, and others as far west as the shores of Gaul and Northern Spain. One Greek colony in these parts which should be specially remembered was Massalia, now Marseille. This was the only great Greek city in the western part of the Mediterranean, and it was the head of several smaller settlements on the coasts of Gaul and Spain. In the southern part of Spain, and in the greater part of northern Africa, the Greeks could not settle, because there the Phoenicians had settled before them. And no Greek sailors were ever bold enough to pass the Pillars of Herakles ;and to plant colonies on the shores of the Ocean. 6. Greeks and Barbarians.—We have thus seen the extent of country over
which the Greek people spread themselves. There was their own old country and
the islands nearest to it, where they alone occupied the whole land; and there
were also the more distant colonies, where Greek cities were planted here and
there, on the coasts of lands which were occupied by men of other nations, or,
as the Greeks called them, Barbarians. This word Barbarian,
in its first use among the Greeks, simply meant that the people so called were
people whose language the Greeks did not understand. They called Barbarians,
even though their blood and speech were nearly akin to their own, if only the
difference was so great that their speech was not understood. It followed that
in most parts of the world it was easy to tell who were Greeks and who were Barbarians,
but that along the northern frontier of Greece the line was less strongly drawn
than elsewhere. Along that border the ruder tribes of the Greek nation,
the Aetolians, Akarnanians,
and others, lived alongside of other tribes who were not Greek, but who seem to
have been closely allied to the Greeks. If you turn to the map, you will see
along this northern border the lands of Macedonia, Epirus,
and Thessaly. Macedonia was ruled by Greek
Kings, but it was never counted to be part of Greece till quite late
times. Thessaly on the other hand, was always reckoned as part
of Greece, though the people who gave it its name seem not to have been of
purely Greek origin. In Epirus again the same tribes are by
some writers called Greeks and by others Barbarians, and it was only in quite
late times that Epirus, like Macedonia, was allowed to be a Greek country. So,
among the colonies, though all were planted among people whom the Greeks looked
on as Barbarians, yet it made a great practical difference whether the people
among whom they were planted were originally akin to the Greeks or not. Thus,
in many countries, as in the lands round the Aegean and also in Italy and
Sicily, the Greeks settled chiefly among people who were really very near to
them in blood and speech, and who gradually adopted the Greek language and
manners. Thus both Sicily and Southern Italy became quite Greek countries,
though in Sicily the Greeks had to keep up a long struggle against the
Phoenicians of Carthage, who also planted several colonies in that island. In
Cyprus also the same struggle went on, and the island became partly Greek and
partly Phoenician. But in those of the Aegean Islands where the Phoenicians had
settled, the Greeks drove them out altogether. For there was no chance of the
Phoenicians taking to Greek ways as the Italians and Sicilians did.
7. The Greek Commonwealths.—Greece itself, the land to the south of the
doubtful lands like Macedonia and Epirus, was the only land which was wholly
and purely Greek, where there was no doubt as to the whole people being Greek,
and where we find the oldest and most famous cities of the Greek name. Such, in
the great peninsula called Peloponnesus, were Sparta and Argos, and,
in early times, Mycenae; Corinth too on the Isthmus, and
beyond the Isthmus, Megara, Athens, Thebes, and, in very early
times, Orchomenos. Each Greek city, whenever it was strong enough,
formed an independent state with its own little territory ; but it often happened
that a stronger city brought a weaker one more or less under its power. And in
some parts of Greece several towns joined together in Leagues, each
town managing its own affairs for itself, but the whole making war and peace as
a single state. Thus in Peloponnesus, first Mycenae, then Argos,
and lastly Sparta, held the first place, each in turn
contriving to get more or less power over a greater or smaller number of other
cities. And it would almost seem that in very early times the Kings of Mycenae
had a certain power over all Peloponnesus and many of the islands. Still, even
when a Greek city came more or less under the power of a stronger city, it did
not wholly lose the character of a separate commonwealth. And when the cities
of Old Greece began to send out colonies, those colonies became separate
commonwealths also. Each colony came forth from some city in the mother
country, and it often happened that a colony sent forth colonies of its own in
turn. Each colony became an independent state, owing a certain respect to the
mother city, but not being subject to it. And, as the colonies were commonly
planted where there was a rich country or a position good for trade, many of
them became very flourishing and powerful. In the seventh and sixth centuries
before Christ, many of the colonial cities, as Miletus in
Asia, Synaris in Italy, and Syracuse in
Sicily, were among the most flourishing of all Greek cities, far more so than
most of the cities in Greece itself. But the colonies were for the most part
not so well able to keep their freedom as the cities in Greece were.
8. Forms of Government.—In the earliest days of Greece we find much the
same form of government in the small Greek states which we find among all the
Aryan nations of whose early condition we have any account. But both the Greeks
and the Italians were unlike the Teutons and some of the other Aryan nations in
one thing. That is because they were gathered together in cities from the very
beginning, while some of the other nations were collections, not so much
of cities as of tribes. Still the early form of
government was much the same in both cases. Each tribe or city had its
own king or chief, whose office was mostly confined to one
family, for the Kings were commonly held to be of the blood of the Gods. The
King was the chief leader both in peace and war; but he could not do everything
according to his own pleasure. For there was always a Council of
elders or chief men, and also an Assembly of the whole people
or at least of all those who were held to have the full rights of citizens.
This kind of kingship lasted in Greece through the whole of the earliest times,
through what are called the Heroic Ages, and in the neighboring
lands of Epirus and Macedonia a kingship of much the same kind lasted on
through nearly the whole of their history. But in Greece itself the kingly
power was gradually abolished in most of the cities, and they became
commonwealths. At first these commonwealths were aristocracies;
that is to say, only men of certain families were allowed to fill public
offices and to take part in the assemblies by which the city was governed.
These privileged families would in most cases be the descendants of the oldest
inhabitants of the city, who did not choose to admit new-comers to the same
full rights as themselves. Some of the Greek cities remained aristocracies till
very late times; but others soon became democracies; that is to
say, all citizens were allowed to hold offices and to attend the assemblies.
But it must be remembered that everyone who lived in a Greek city was not
therefore a citizen. For in most parts of Greece there were many slaves,
and if a man from one city went to live in another, even though the city in
which he went to live was a democracy, neither he nor his children were made
citizens as a matter of course. In a few cities the name king, in Greek Basileus,
remained in use as the title of a magistrate, though one who no longer held the
chief power. And in Sparta they always went on having Kings of the old royal
house, two Kings at a time, who retained much power both in military and in
religious matters, though they were no longer the chief rulers of the state.
9. The Tyrants.—All the three chief forms of government,
Monarchy, Aristocracy and Democracy were held in Greece to be
lawful; but there was another kind which was always deemed unlawful. This
was Tyranny. It sometimes happened, especially in cities where the
nobles and the people were quarrelling as to whether the commonwealth should be
aristocratic or democratic, that some man would snatch away the power from both
and make himself Tyrant. That is to say, he would, perhaps with the
good will of part of the people, seize the power, and much more than the power,
of the old Kings. The word Tyrant meant at first no more
than that a man had got the power of a King in a city where there was no King
by law. It did not necessarily mean that he used his power badly or cruelly,
though, as most of the Tyrants did so, the word came to have a worse meaning
than it had at first. The time when most of the Tyrants reigned in Greece was
in the seventh and sixth centuries before Christ; and the most famous of them
were Peisistratus and his sons, who ruled at Athens in
the sixth century. In the colonies, and especially in Sicily.
Tyrants went on rising and falling during almost the whole time of Grecian
history. But in old Greece we do not hear much of them after the sons of
Peisistratus were driven out, about the end of the sixth century, till quite
the later times of Grecian history, when Tyrants again were common, but Tyrants
of quite another kind.
10. The Greek Religion.—The religion of the Greeks was one of those
forms of mythology which have been already spoken of as growing up among most
of the Aryan nations. All the powers of nature and all the acts of man’s life
were believed to be under the care of different deities, of different degrees
of power. The head of all Zeus the God of the sky, and he is
described as reigning on Mount Olympus in Thessaly, where the
Gods were believed to dwell, with his Council and his general Assembly, much
like an early Greek King on earth. The art and literature of the Greeks, and
indeed their government and their whole life, were closely bound up with their
religion. The poets had from the beginning many beautiful stories to tell
about the Gods and about the Heroes, who were mostly said to
be children of the Gods. And when the Greeks began to practice the arts, it was
in honor of the Gods and Heroes that the noblest buildings and the most
beautiful statues and pictures were made.
11. The Early History of Greece.—Of the earliest times of Grecian history we have
no accounts written down at the time; we have to make out what we can from the
traditions preserved by later writers, and from the notices of the poets. For
composition in verse always goes before composition in prose, and the earliest
Greek writings that we have are those of the poets. The poems which go by the
name of Homer, the Iliad and Odysseus give
us a picture of the state of things in the earliest days of Greece, and
allusions and expressions in them also help us to some particular facts. But
scholars no longer believe that the story of the war of Troy is
a true history, though the tale most likely arose out of the settlements of the
Greeks on the north-west coast of Asia. These settlements were among the
earliest of the Greek colonies, the very earliest probably being the settlements
in the southern islands of the Aegean, which Homer himself seems to speak of.
These were so early that it is vain to try to give them any exact date.
Presently we get glimmerings, which seem to have been preserved partly by poets
and partly by tradition, of a great movement by which the Dorians,
a people of Northern Greece, came and conquered the Achaeans in
Peloponnesus and reigned in their chief cities, Argos, Sparta, Corinth, and
others. The other chief division of the Greek nations was the Ionians,
whose chief city was Athens, and who are said to have planted many
colonies in Asia about the same time when the Dorians came into Peloponnesus.
And, when we get down to times to which we can give something more like exact
dates, we have remains of several poets which sometimes help us to particular
facts. Thus we learn something of a war in which Sparta conquered
her neighbors of Messene from the poems of the minstrel Tyrtaios, who made songs to encourage the Spartan
warriors. This was in the seventh century before Christ; and in the next
century, Solon, the famous lawgiver of Athens, made laws
for his own city, and first gave the mass of the people a share in the
government, which was the beginning of the famous democracy. Solon was also a
poet, and we have some remains of his verses, which throw light on his
political doings. So again, the poems of Theognis of Megara throw
some light on the disputes between the nobles and the people in that city. But
from fragments like these we can get no connected history, so that most of what
we know of these days comes from later writers, who did not live near the time,
and whose accounts therefore cannot be trusted in every detail. It is only when
we come to the Persian Wars, in the beginning of the
fifth century before Christ, that we begin to have really trustworthy accounts.
For those times we have the history of Herodotus, who, though he
did not himself live at the time, had seen and spoken with those who did. By
this time the chief cities of Greece had settled down into their several forms
of government, aristocratic or democratic. And most of the colonies had been
founded, especially those in Italy and Sicily,
which were at this time very nourishing, though many of them were under
Tyrants. Greece had now pretty well put on the shape which she was to wear
during the greatest times of her history, and she had now to bear the trial of
a great foreign invasion and to come out all the stronger for it.
12. The Persians.—The people of Persia though
they lived far away from the shores of the Mediterranean, in the further part
of Asia beyond the great rivers Euphrates and Tigris,
were much more nearly allied to the Greeks in blood and speech than most of the
nations which lay between them. For they belonged to the Eastern branch of the
Aryan family, who had remained so long separate from their kinsfolk in Europe,
and who now met them as enemies. The Persians first began to
be of importance in the sixth century before Christ, when, under their
King Cyrus they became a conquering people. He took Babylon which
at that time was the great power of Asia, and also conquered the kingdom
of Lydia in Asia Minor, a conquest which first brought the
Persians across the Greeks, first in Asia and then in Europe. For the Greeks
who were settled along the coast of Asia had been just before conquered
by Croesus, King of Lydia, the first foreign prince who ever bore
rule over any Greeks; and now, as being part of the dominions of Croesus, they
were conquered again by Cyrus. The Greek cities of Asia, which had, up to this
time, been among the greatest cities of the Greek name, now lost their freedom
and much of their greatness. And from this time various disputes arose between
the Persian Kings and the Greeks in Europe. The Athenians had now driven out
their Tyrants and had made their government more democratic. They were
therefore full of life and energy, and they gave help to the Asiatic Greeks in
an attempt to throw off the Persian yoke. Then the Persian King Darius wished
to make the Athenians to take back Hippias,
the son of Peisistratus, who had been their Tyrant. At last Darius made up his
mind to punish the Athenians and to bring the other Greeks under his power; and
thus the wars between Greece and Persia began.
13. The Persian Wars.— The first Persian expedition against
Greece was sent by Darius in the year 490 B.C. A Persian fleet crossed the
Aegean, and landed an army in Attica. But, far smaller as their numbers were,
the Athenians, under their general Miltiades utterly defeated
the invaders in the famous battle of Marathon. In this battle the
Athenians had no help except a small force from their neighbors of a small town
on the Boeotian border, which was in close alliance with them. This
was the first of all the victories of the West over the East,
the first battle which showed how skill and discipline can prevail over mere
numbers. As such, it is perhaps the most memorable battle in the history of the
world. Ten years later, in 480 B.C., a much greater Persian expedition came
under King Xerxes himself the son of Darius. He came by land,
and all the native kingdoms and Greek colonies on the north coast of the
Aegean, and even a large part of Greece itself, submitted to him. Some Greek
cities indeed, especially Thebes, fought for the Barbarians against
their countrymen. But Athens, Sparta, and several other
Greek cities withstood the power of Xerxes, and in the end drove his vast fleet
and army back again in utter defeat. In this year 480 were fought the battle
of Thermopylae, where the Spartan King Leonidas was
killed, and the sea fight of Salamis, won chiefly by the Athenian
fleet under Themistocles. After this Xerxes went back; but in the
next year his general Mardonios was
defeated by the Spartans and other Greeks in the battle of Platania, and the same day the Persians were also
defeated both by land and sea at Mycale, on the coast of Asia.
These three battles, Salamis, Plataia,
and Mycale, decided the war, and the Persians never again dared to
invade Greece itself. But the war went on for several years longer before the
Persians were driven out of various posts which they held north of the Aegean.
Still they were at last wholly driven out of Europe, and they were even obliged
to withdraw for a time from the Greek cities of Asia.
14. The Growth of Athens.—At the beginning of the Persian Wars Sparta was
generally looked up to as the chief state of Greece; but, as Athens was much
the stronger at sea, it was soon found that she was better able than Sparta to
carry on the war against the Persians, and to recover and protect the islands
and cities on the coasts. Most of the cities therefore joined in a League, of
which Athens was the head, and which was set in order by the Athenian Aristides,
surnamed the Just. But after a time Athens, instead of being merely
the head, gradually became the mistress of these smaller states, and most of
them became her subjects, paying tribute to her. Athens thus rose to a
wonderful degree of power and splendor, beyond that of any of the other cities
of Greece. The chief man at Athens at this time was Pericles, the
greatest states man of Greece, perhaps of the world, under whose influence the
Athenian government became a still more perfect democracy. In his time Athens
was adorned with the temples and other public buildings which the world has
admired ever since. This was also the time of the great dramatic poets, Aeschylus, Euripides,
and Aristophanes. Aeschylus had fought in all the great battles
with the Persians. Euripides and Aristophanes were younger men who lived on
through the next period. Oratory, which was so needful in a democratic state,
began to be cultivated as an art, and so were the different forms of
philosophy; in fact, there never was a time when the human mind was brought so
near to its highest pitch as in these few years of the greatest power and
splendor of Athens.
15. The Peloponnesian War.—But the great power of Athens raised the
jealousy of many of the other Greek cities, and at last a war broke out
between Athens and her allies on the one side, and Sparta and
her allies on the other. This war, which began in the year 431 B.C. and lasted
for twenty-nine years almost without stopping, was known as the Peloponnesian
War, because it was waged by the Athenians against Sparta and her allies,
among whom were the greater part of the cities of Peloponnesus,
besides Thebes and some other cities in other parts of Greece.
Of this war we know all the events in great detail, because we have the history
of it from writers who lived at the time. The history of the greater part of
the war was written by Thucydides, who was not only living at the
time, but himself held a high command in the Athenian army. And the history of
the latter years of the war was written by Xenophon, another
Athenian writer, who also lived at the time. This war might be looked on as a
war between Ionians and Dorians, between democracy and oligarchy,
Athens being the chief of the Ionian and democratic states, and Sparta the
chief of the Dorian and aristocratic states. But the two parties were never
exactly divided either according to descent or according to forms of
government. It is perhaps more important to remark that Sparta had many free
and willing allies, while Athens had but few, so that she had to fight mainly
with her own powers and those of the allies who were really her subjects.
During the first ten years of the war, down to the year 421, the two parties
contended with nearly equal success, the Athenians being much the stronger by
sea, and the Spartans and their allies by land. A peace was then made, but it
was not very well kept; so that Thucydides says that the years of peace ought
to be reckoned as a part of the war. Then, in 415, the Athenians sent a fleet
to attack the city of Syracuse in Sicily. The Syracusans got
help from Sparta, and so the war began again; but, after two years of fighting
and siege, the Athenians were altogether defeated before Syracuse. The allies
of Athens now began to revolt, and the war during the later years was carried
on almost wholly on the coasts of Asia. The Persians now began to take a share
in it, because they were eager to drive away the Athenians from those coasts,
and to get back the Greek cities in Asia. But they did more in the way of
giving, and sometimes only promising, money to the Spartans than by actually
fighting. Several battles, chiefly by sea, were fought in these wars with
varying success; and it is wonderful to see how Athens regained her strength
after her loss before Syracuse. At last, in the year 405, the Athenians were
defeated by the Spartan admiral Lysandros at Aegospotamos in the Hellespont. Athens was now
besieged, and in the next year she had to surrender. She now lost all her
dominion and her great naval power, and was obliged to become a member of the
Spartan alliance. Her democratical government
was also taken away, and an oligarchy of thirty men was set up
under the protection of Sparta. But in the next year, 403, the oligarchy was
put down, and Athens, though she did not get back her power, at least got back
her freedom.
16. The Dominion of Sparta.—At this time, at the end of the fifth century
before Christ, Sparta was more than ever the greatest power of Greece. From
this time Athens has no longer any claim to be looked on as politically the
first power of Greece. But she still remained one of the greatest among the
Grecian cities, and, as her political power grew less, she became more and more
the acknowledged chief in all kinds of literature and philosophy. Her loss of
anything like an equal power with Sparta led to great changes in the course of
the next century. New powers began to come to the front. We shall, first of
all, see the foremost place in Greece held for a while by Thebes,
the chief city of Boeotia, which had always been reckoned one of the greater
cities of Greece, but which during the Peloponnesian war had played only a
secondary part as one of the allies of Sparta. We shall next see the power over
all Greece fall into the hands of a state which had hitherto not been reckoned
to be Greek at all, through the victories of the grea Macedonian Kings, Philip and Alexander. But
for a while the Spartans had it all their own way. No state in Greece could
stand up against them; the government of most of the cities passed into the
hands of men who were ready to do whatever the Spartans told them, and in many
of them there even were Spartan governors and garrisons. A few years after the
end of the Peloponnesian war, the Spartans made war upon Persia, and their
King Agesilaos waged several
successful campaigns in Asia Minor. But by this time several of the Greek
cities had got jealous and weary of the Spartan power, and the Persian
King Artaxerxes against whom the Spartans were fighting, was
naturally glad to help them with both money and ships. So in the year 394 Agesilaos had to come back to withstand a confederacy
formed against Sparta by Athens, Argos, Corinth, and Thebes.
Several battles were fought; and, though the Spartans commonly had the victory,
yet it was shown that the Theban soldiers were able to do great things. In the
former part of this war the Persian King sent his great Phoenician fleet to
help the Athenians; but afterwards he was persuaded to change sides, and in 387
a peace was made, called the Peace of Antalcidas, by which the
Greek cities of Asia were given up to Persia, and those of Europe were declared
to be every one independent. But in truth the power of Sparta now became
greater than ever, and the Spartans domineered and interfered with the other
cities even more than before. Among other things, they treacherously seized
the Kadmiea, or citadel of Thebes, and
put a Spartan garrison in it. They also put down a confederacy which the people
of Olynthus were making among the Greek cities on the coasts
of Macedonia and Thrace, and thus took away what might have been a great check
to the growing power of the Macedonian Kings.
17. The Rise of Thebes.—It was now that the power of Sparta was at its
very highest that it was overthrown. The Thebans, who had shown in
the former war that they were nearly as good soldiers as the Spartans
themselves, now rose against them. In 379 the Spartans were driven out of
Thebes; a democratical government was set
up, and Thebes, under two great citizens, Pelopidas and Epaminondas, became
for a while the chief power of Greece. The Spartans were defeated in 371, the
first time they had ever been defeated in a pitched battle, at Leuctra in
Boeotia. After this Epaminondas invaded Peloponnesus several times. He greatly
weakened the power of Sparta by restoring the independence of Messene,
which the Spartans had long ago conquered, and by persuading the Arcadians to
join in a League and to found Megalopolis or the Great City,
near the Spartan frontier. During the first part of this war the Athenians took
part with Thebes, and in the later part with Sparta; and in the course of it
they won back a great deal of their power by sea, and again got many of the
islands and maritime cities to become their allies. At last, in 362,
Epaminondas was killed at Mantinea in a battle against the
Spartans and Athenians, and after his death, as there was no one left in Thebes
to take his place, the power of the city gradually died out.
18. The Rise of Macedonia.—We have already seen that, though the Macedonians
were probably closely allied to the Greeks, and though the Macedonian Kings
were acknowledged to be of Greek descent, yet Macedonia had
hitherto not been reckoned as a Greek state. Its Kings had not taken much share
in Greek affairs, but several of them had done much to strengthen their kingdom
against the neighboring Barbarians, and also to bring in Greek arts and
civilization among their own people. Just at this time there arose in Macedonia
a King called Philip the son of Amyntas, who did much
greater things than any of the Kings who had gone before him. His great object
was, not exactly to conquer Greece or make it part of his own kingdom, but
rather to get Macedonia acknowledged as a Greek state, and, as such, to win for
it the same kind of supremacy over the other Greek states which had been held
at different times by Mycenae, Argos, Sparta, Athens, and Thebes. He artfully
contrived to mix himself up with Grecian affairs, and to persuade many of the
Grecian states to look upon him as their deliverer, and as the champion of the
god Apollon. The great temple of Delphi had been
plundered by the Phocians and Philip put himself forward as
the avenger of this crime, and got himself acknowledged as a member of
the Amphiktyonic Council, the
great religious assembly of Greece, which looked after the affairs of the Delphian Temple.
This was much the same as formally acknowledging Macedonia to be a Greek state.
Philip also conquered the Greek city of Olynthus in the
neighborhood of his own kingdom, and made the peninsula called Chalcidice,
which runs out as it were with three fingers into the Aegean, part of
Macedonia. This he might perhaps not have been able to do, if the Spartans had
not already destroyed the great Greek alliance which the Olynthians had begun to make in those parts. Philip
was several times at war with Athens, and it was during these wars that the
great orator Demosthenes made himself famous by the speeches
which he made to stir up his countrymen to act vigorously. Philip’s last war
was against Athens and Thebes together, and in 338 he gained a victory over
them at Chaeronea in Boeotia, from which the overthrow of
Grecian freedom may be dated. After this, all the Greeks, except the Spartans,
were partly persuaded, partly compelled, to hold a synod at Corinth, where
Philip was elected captain-general of all Greece, to make war on Persia and
avenge the old invasions of Greece by Darius and Xerxes. But, while he was
making ready for a great expedition into Asia, he was murdered in the year 336
by one of his own subjects.
19. Alexander the Great.—Philip was succeeded by his son Alexander,
known as Alexander the Great. He was presently acknowledged as the
leader of Greece against the Persians, as his father had been. Thebes however,
where Philip had put a Macedonian garrison, now revolted, but it was taken and
destroyed by Alexander. In the next year, 334, Alexander set out on his great
expedition, and he never returned to Macedonia and Greece. In the course of six
years he completely subdued the Persian Empire, fighting three famous battles,
at the river Granikos in Asia Minor
in 334, at Issos, near the borders of
Cilicia and Syria, in 333, and at Arbela or Gaugamela in
Assyria in 331. In these last two battles the Persian King Darius was
present, and was utterly defeated. Between the two last battles Alexander
besieged and took Tyre, and received the submission of
Egypt, where he founded the famous city which has ever since borne his
name, Alexandria. Soon after the battle of Gaugamela Darius was
murdered by some of his own officers, and Alexander now looked upon himself as
King of Persia. He afterwards set out, half exploring, half conquering, as far
as the river Hypastis, in northern India,
beyond which his soldiers refused to follow him. At last he died at Babylon in
323, having made greater conquests than were ever made by any European prince
before him or after him. And there was no conqueror whose conquests were more
important, and in a certain sense more lasting; for, though his great empire
broke in pieces almost at once, yet the effects of his career have remained to
all time.
20. Effects of the Conquests of Alexander.—The conquests of Alexander, though they were
won so quickly, and though a large part of them were soon lost again, made a
great and lasting change throughout a large part of the world. Both he and
those who came after him were great builders of cities in Asia Minor, Syria,
Egypt, and as far as their conquests reached. In each of these cities was
placed a Greek or Macedonian colony, and in the western part of Asia most of
these cities lived and flourished, and some of them, like Alexandria in Egypt
and Antioch in Syria, soon took their place among the greatest
cities in the world. The Greek language became the tongue of all government and
literature throughout many countries where the people were not Greek by birth.
It was thus at the very moment that Greece began to lose her political freedom
that she made, as it were, an intellectual conquest of a large part of the
world. And though, in the cities and lands which in this way became
partially Hellenyzed, there was neither
the political freedom nor the original genius of the great statesmen and
writers of old Greece, yet mere learning and science flourished as they had
never flourished before. The Greek tongue became the common speech of the
civilized world, the speech which men of different nations used in speaking to
one another, much as they use French now. The Greek colonies had done much to
spread the Greek language and manners over a large part of the world. The
Macedonian conquests now did still more; but they did not, as the old colonies
had done, carry also Greek freedom with them.
21. The Successors of Alexander.—The great empire of Alexander did not hold
together even in name for more than a few years after his death. He left no one
in the Macedonian royal family who was at all fit to take his place, and his
dominions were gradually divided among his generals, who after a little while
took the title of Kings. Thus arose the kingdom of the Ptolemies in Egypt and
that of the descendants of Seleukos in
the East, which gradually shrank up into the kingdom of Syria. In
the countries beyond the Tigris the Macedonian power gradually died out; but
various states arose in Asia Minor, which were not strictly Greek, but which
had a greater or less tinge of Greek cultivation. Such were the
kingdom of Pergamum and
the League of the cities of Lycia. These arose in countries which
had been fully subdued by Alexander, and which won their independence only
because the descendants of Seleukos could
not keep their great dominions together. But Alexander's conquests
had been made so fast that some parts even of Western Asia were not fully
subdued. Thus out of the fragments of the Persian Empire several kingdoms
arose, like those of and Pontos and Bithynia,
which were ruled by native Kings, but which also affected something of Greek
civilization. And some real Greek states still contrived to keep their independence
on or near the coast of Asia, as the city of Byzantion, the
island of Rhodes, and the city of Herakleia, which last
was sometimes a commonwealth and sometimes under tyrants. Of many of these
states we shall hear again as they came one by one under the power of Rome. But
we are now more concerned with what happened in Macedonia and in Greece itself.
22. The later Macedonian Kings.—The death of Alexander was followed by a time of
great confusion in Macedonia and Greece. Even while Alexander was away in Asia,
the Spartans, under their king Agis had
tried to throw off the Macedonian yoke, but in vain. After Alexander’s death
another attempt was made by several of the Greek states, especially the
Athenians, who were again stirred up by Demosthenes, and the Aetolians.
These last were a people of western Greece, the least civilized of all the Greek
states, but which now began to rise to great importance. This was called
the Lamian War. In the end
the Athenians had to yield, and they were obliged by the Macedonian
general Antipatros to change their constitution, making it
much less democratical than before, and
depriving many of the citizens of their votes. For many years there was the
greatest confusion in Macedonia and Greece and all the neighboring countries.
And things were made worse by an attack from an enemy with whom the Greeks had
never before had anything to do. Greece and Macedonia were invaded by the Gauls.
By these we need not understand people from Gaul itself, but some of those
Celtic tribes which were still in the east of Europe. After doing much mischief
in those parts, the Gauls crossed over into Asia, and there founded a
state of their own which was called Gallatia,
and, as they too began to learn something of Greek civilization, Gallo-graecia. Meanwhile Kings were being constantly set up
and overthrown in Macedonia, and each of them tried to get as much power and
influence as he could in Greece itself. At this time too Epirus, a
country which hitherto had been of very little importance, became a powerful
state under its King Pyrrhus, who at one time obtained possession
of Macedonia. He also waged wars in Italy and Sicily, which will be spoken of
in the next chapter, and he had a great deal to do with the affairs of
Peloponnesus, where he was at last killed in besieging Argos in
272. From this time things became rather more settled; a second time of
freedom, if not of greatness, began in Greece, and a regular dynasty of Kings
Axed itself in Macedonia. The old royal family was quite extinct, and the
second set of Macedonian Kings were the descendants of Antigonus,
one of the most famous of Alexander’s generals. His son Demetrius,
surnamed Poliorcetes or
the Besieger, got possession of the crown of Macedonia in 294. Both
he and his son Antigonus Gonata were
driven out more than once, but in the end Antigonus contrived to keep the
Macedonian crown, and to hand it on to his descendants, who held it till the
Macedonian kingdom was conquered by Rome.
23. The later History of Greece.—The last days of Grecian history, before the
country came altogether under the power of the Romans, are distinguished in
several ways from the times which went before them. The states which are most
important in these times are not the same as those which were most important in
the old days of the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars. First of all we must
remember that Macedonia and Epirus must now
be reckoned as Greek states, and that a large part of Greece, especially in the
north, was now always, till the Roman conquest of Macedonia, more or less
subject to the Macedonian Kings, or at least under their influence. And, among
the states of Greece itself the division of power was very different from what
it had been in earlier times. In the days which we have now come to neither
Athens nor Thebes was of very great account, and, though Sparta was of great
importance during part of the time, yet its greatness was only, as we may say,
by fits and starts. We may say that the chief powers of Greece now were Macedonia, Achaia, Aetolia and Sparta.
Achaia and Aetolia are states of which but little is heard in Grecian history
since the heroic times, and the strength which they had now chiefly came from a
cause which must be explained a little more at length.
34. The Achaean and Aetolian Leagues.—What chiefly distinguishes this part of Grecian
history from earlier times is that we have now but little to do with single
cities, but with cities and tribes bound together so as to make states of much
greater size. With the exception of Sparta, the Greek states which play the
greatest part at this time were joined together in Leagues, so as
to form what is called a FederalGovernment, such as
there is now in Switzerland and in the Unites States
of America. That is to say, several cities agreed together to give up part
of the power which naturally belonged to each city separately to an Assembly or
Council or body of magistrates, in which all had a share. In a government of
this kind the central power commonly deals with all matters which concern the
League as a whole, while each city still acts much as it pleases in its own
internal affairs. There had been several Leagues of this kind in Greece from
the beginning, but they were chiefly among the smaller and less famous parts of
the Greek nation, and they did not play any great part in Grecian affairs. The only
one which was of much note in earlier times was the League of Boeotia,
and that could hardly be called a League with any truth, for Thebes was
so much stronger than the other Boeotian cities as to be practically
mistress of all of them. But now the Federal states of Greece come to be of
special importance, because it was found that, as long as the cities stood one
by one, they had no chance of keeping their freedom against the Macedonian
Kings, and that their only chance of doing so was by several cities acting
together in matters of peace and war as if they were one city. The greatest of
these Leagues was that of Achaia which began with the ten
small Achaean cities on the south side of the Corinthian Gulf. These cities had
been joined together in a League in early times, but in the times of the
Macedonian power they had gradually fallen asunder, and in the days of
Antigonus Gonatas several of them were in the hands of Tyrants, who
reigned under Macedonian protection. This was the case with many other cities
of Greece also, and it was the great object of the League, as it grew and
strengthened, to set free these cities and to join them on to its own body. It
was about the year 280 that the old Achaean towns began to draw together again,
the chief leader in this work being Markos of Keryneia. About thirty years after, in 251, the League
began to extend itself by admitting the city of Sicyon as a
member of its body. Sicyon had just been set free by Aratos, who
now became the leading man in the League, and, under his administration and
that of Philopoimen who followed
him, the League took in one city after another, Corynth,
Megalopolis, Argos, and others, at first only with their own good will, but
afterwards sometimes by force. At last all the cities of Peloponnesus and some
cities beyond the Isthmus became members of the League. The Aetolian League
on the other side of the Corinthian Gulf did not bear so good a character as
the Achaean, though its form of government was much the same. For the Aetolians,
though a brave people and always stout in defending their own freedom, were
ruder and fiercer than most of the Greeks, and were much given to plunder both
by sea and land. The Aetolian League thus greatly extended itself,
and became more powerful than that of Achaia, but its policy was not so just
and honorable as that of Achaia commonly was. There were also smaller Leagues
in Phocis, and Akarnania, besides the League of Epirus,
which was now counted as a Greek land, and which had got rid of its Kings and
had changed itself into a Federal commonwealth. Thus, except Sparta at one end
and Macedonia at the other, by far the greater part of Greece was parted out
among the different Leagues.
25. The last Days of Independent Greece.—For a long time the great object of the Achaeans
was to set free the cities which were more or less under the Macedonian power.
But at last they became jealous of Sparta, which was again becoming a great
power, and in 227 a war broke out between Sparta and the League. Sparta had now
a great King called Kleomenes, who had
upset the old oligarchy and had greatly increased the power both of the Kings
and of the people. By so doing he put quite a new life into his country, and he
pressed the Achaeans so hard that at last, in 223, they asked help of Antigonos Doson, King of Macedonia,
which they only got by giving up to him the citadel of Corynth.
The Macedonians and Achaeans together defeated Kleomenes,
and Sparta’s second time of greatness died with him. The next King of
Macedonia, Philip, kept on the alliance with Achaia, and the
Achaeans and Macedonians fought together in a war with Aetolia; but, though the
League gained in extent, it lost in real power and freedom by joining with a
prince who was strong enough to be its master. Peace was made over all Greece
in 216, but by this time the Romans had begun to meddle in Greek affairs, and
from hence the history of Greece and Macedonia chiefly consists of the steps by
which they were swallowed up in the Roman dominion. This last stage of their
history will therefore best be told in our sketch of the history of Rome.
26. Summary.—The history of Greece which we have thus run
through, though it is the history only of a small part of the world for a few
hundred years, is worth fully as much study as any later and wider part of
history. It is, as it were, the history of the world in a small space. There is
no lesson to be taught by history in general which is not taught by the history
of Greece. The Greeks too, we should never forget, were the first people to
show the world what real freedom and real civilization were. And they brought,
not only politics, but art and science and literature of every kind to a higher
pitch than any other people ever did without borrowing of others. In all these
ways Greece has influenced the world for ever. Still the influence of Greece
upon later history has been to a great degree indirect. Greece influenced Rome,
and Rome influenced the world. But with the history of Rome an unbroken chain
of events begins which is going on still. We will now try and trace it from the
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