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The kingdom of Burgundy down to the annexation of the kingdom of Provence
THE unity of the
Empire, momentarily restored under Charles the Fat, had, as we have seen, been
once more and finally shattered in 888. As in 843, the long strip of territory
lying between the Scheldt, the mouth of the Meuse, the Saône and the Cevennes
on one hand, and the Rhine and the Alps on the other, was not reincluded in France; but the German king was no more
capable than his neighbor of keeping it as a whole under his authority. The entire district south of the Vosges slipped from his grasp,
and for a moment he was even in danger of seeing a rival put in possession of
the whole of the former kingdom of Lothar I.
In fact, very
shortly after the Emperor Charles the Fat, abandoned on all hands, and deposed
at Tribur, had made a wretched end at Neidingen,
several of the great lay lords and churchmen of the ancient duchy of Jurane
Burgundy assembled in the basilica of St Maurice d’Agaune, probably about the
end of January 888, and proclaimed the Count and Marquess Rodolph king. Rodolph
was a person of no small importance. His grandfather, Conrad the Elder, brother
of the Empress Judith, count and duke in Alemannia, and his uncle, Hugh the
Abbot, had played a prominent part in the time of Charles the Bald, while his
father, Conrad, originally Count of Auxerre, had taken service with the sons of
the Emperor Lothar about 861, and had received from the Emperor Louis II the
government of the three Transjurane dioceses
of Geneva, Lausanne and Sion, as well as the
abbey of St Maurice d’Agaune. Rodolph had succeeded to this Jurane duchy which
now chose and proclaimed him king.
The significance
of the declaration was at first far from clear. Still, in the minds of Rodolph
and his supporters it must necessarily have involved more than a mere change of
style. The Empire, momentarily united, was once more falling apart into its
earlier divisions, and there being no one capable of assuming the Carolingian
heritage in its entirety, the state of things was being reproduced which had
formerly resulted from the Treaty of Verdun in 843. Such seems to have been the
idea which actuated the electors assembled at St Maurice d’Agaune; and Rodolph,
without forming a very precise estimate of the situation, left the western
kingdom to Odo and the eastern to Arnulf, and set to work at once to secure for
himself the former kingdom of Lothar II in its integrity.
At first it
seemed that circumstances were in the new king’s favor. Accepted without
difficulty in the counties of the diocese of Besançon, Rodolph proceeded to
occupy Alsace and a large part of Lorraine. In an assembly which met at Toul
the bishop of that town crowned him king of Lorraine. But all his supporters
fell away on the appearance in the country of Arnulf, the new king of Germany,
and Rodolph, after in vain attempting to resist his army, had no choice but to
treat with his rival. He went to seek Arnulf at Ratisbon, and after lengthy
negotiations obtained from him the recognition of his kingship over the Jurane
duchy and the diocese of Besancon, on condition of his surrendering all claims
to Alsace and Lorraine (October 888). Thus by force of
circumstances the earlier conception of Rodolph’s kingship
was taking a new form; the restoration of the kingdom of Lorraine was no longer
thought of; a new kingdom, the kingdom of Burgundy, had come into being.
It was only with
reluctance that Arnulf had recognized the existence of this new kingdom. A
Caroling, though illegitimate, he might seem to have inherited from Charles the
Fat a claim to rule over the whole of the former empire of Charlemagne. Not
satisfied that Rodolph should have been forced to humble himself before him by
journeying to Ratisbon to seek the confirmation of his royal dignity, he
attempted to go back upon the recognition that he had granted. In 894, as he
was returning from an expedition to Lombardy, he made a hostile irruption into
the Valais, ravaging the country and vainly attempting to come to close
quarters with Rodolph, who, a few weeks earlier, had sent assistance to the
citizens of Ivrea, a town which the king of Germany had been unsuccessfully
besieging. Rodolph took refuge in the mountains and evaded all pursuit. Nor
could Zwentibold, Arnulf’s illegitimate son, who was sent against him at the
head of a fresh army, succeed in reaching him. The dispossession of the king of
Burgundy was then resolved on, and in 895 in an assembly held at Worms, Arnulf
created Zwentibold “king in Burgundy and in the whole of the kingdom formerly
held by Lothar II”. But these claims were not prosecuted; Rodolph maintained
his position, and on his death (25 October 911 or 912) his son Rodolph II
succeeded unchallenged to his kingdom.
Germany, indeed,
since the death of Arnulf in 899 had been struggling in the grip of terrible
anarchy. Conrad of Franconia, who in 911 had succeeded Louis the Child, was too
busy defending himself against the revolted nobles to dream of intervention in
Burgundy. Not only had Rodolph II nothing to fear from this quarter, but he saw
a favorable opportunity for retaliation.
On the side of Lorraine it was too late; the king of Burgundy had been
forestalled by the King of France, Charles the Simple, who as early as November
911 had effected its conquest. Rodolph II indemnified himself, it would appear,
by attempting to lay hands on the two Alemannic counties of Thurgau and Aargau,
the districts lying on the eastern frontier of his kingdom, between the Aar,
the Rhine, the Lake of Constance and the Reuss.
He was, indeed, repulsed by the Duke of Swabia at Winterthür in
919, but none the less succeeded in preserving a substantial part of his
conquests. Other events, however, called his attention and diverted his energies
to new quarters.
The state of affairs in Italy was then extremely disturbed.
After many rivalries and struggles, both the Lombard crown and the imperial
diadem had been placed in 915 upon the head of Berengar of Friuli. But Berengar
was far from having conciliated all sections, and at the end of 921 or the
beginning of 922 a number of the disaffected offered
the Lombard crown to Rodolph. The offer was a tempting one. Though separated
from Lombardy by the wall of the Alps, Jurane Burgundy was still naturally
brought into constant relations with it; the high road, which from St Maurice
d'Agaune led by the Great St Bernard to Aosta and Vercelli, was habitually
followed by pilgrims journeying from the north-west into Italy. Besides, owing
to their origin, many nobles of weight in the Lombard plain, notably the
Marquess of Ivrea, were in personal communication with King Rodolph. Finally,
memories of the Emperor Lothar, who had been in possession of Italy as well as
Burgundy, could not but survive and necessarily produced an effect upon men's
Rodolph listened
favorably to the overtures made him. He marched straight upon Pavia, the
capital of the Lombard kingdom, entered the city, and induced the majority of the lay lords and bishops to recognize him
as king (February 922). Berengar was defeated in a great battle fought at
Fiorenzuola not far from Piacenza on 17 July 923, and forced to fly with all
speed to Verona, where he was murdered a few months later (7 April 924). Yet
before long Rodolph was forced to change his tone. With their usual
instability, the Italian barons lost no time in deserting him to call in a new
claimant, Hugh of Arles, Marquess of Provence. Rodolph asked help of the Duke
of Swabia, Burchard, whose daughter he had married a few years before, but the
duke fell into an ambuscade and was killed (April 926) and Rodolph,
disheartened, had no choice but to retrace his steps disconsolately across the
Great St Bernard.
Events, however,
were soon to convince him that his true interest lay in renouncing the Lombard
crown and coming to an understanding with his rival in order
to seek the satisfaction of his ambition in another direction.
The kingdom of Provence down to its annexation to the kingdom of
The wide region
lying to the south of Burgundy, between the Alps, the Mediterranean and the
Cevennes, had been for several years without a ruler, and was in such a state
of confusion and uncertainty as was likely to tempt King Rodolph to seek his
advantage there.
In the middle of
the ninth century (855) a kingdom had been formed there for the benefit of
Charles, third son of the Emperor Lothar. On the death of the young king (863)
the inheritance had been divided between his two brothers, and was soon after
occupied by Charles the Bald, who entrusted its administration to his vassal
Boso (870). The latter, who was of Frankish origin, was among the most
influential personages of the Western Kingdom; his sister, Richilda, had been
first the mistress and later the wife of the king; he himself, apparently, was
an ambitious man, energetic, skilful, and unscrupulous. In 876 he married
Ermengarde, daughter of the Emperor Louis II, and secured the favor of Pope
John VIII who, on the death of Charles the Bald in October 877, even thought
for a moment of drawing him to Italy. Later, on the death of Louis the
Stammerer, Boso openly revolted and ventured on having himself crowned king
at Mantaille (15 October 879). Before this
date, Boso had been in possession of Provence and of the counties of Vienne and
Lyons, and he now obtained recognition as king in the Tarentaise as
well as in the Uzège and Vivarais districts and even in the dioceses of
Besançon and Autun. But his attempt was premature; the united Carolingians,
Louis III and Carloman, supported by an army promptly dispatched by Charles the
Fat, invaded the country in 880; the war was a tedious one, but at last in
September 882 Vienne yielded, and Boso, driven from the Viennois, remained in
obscurity till his death (11 January 887).
For more than three
years the fate of the kingdom of Provence remained in suspense. From the
beginning of 888 the public records are dated “in such a year after the death
of Boso” or “after the death of Charles” (the Fat). The kingdom of Burgundy had
been formed, yet neither Rodolph, its king, nor Odo, King of France, nor
Arnulf, King of Germany, all too fully engaged elsewhere, ever thought of
laying claim to the vacant throne of Provence.
But if Arnulf
were unable to undertake the occupation of the kingdom of Provence, at least it
was plainly his interest to further the setting up of a king who would
recognize his overlordship and might also serve as a counterpoise to the
ambitious and encroaching Rodolph. Now Boso had left a son, still quite young,
named Louis, who having been protected and even adopted by Charles the Fat,
might be looked upon as the rightful heir of the Provençal throne. His mother,
Ermengarde, set herself energetically to bring about his coronation; in May 889
she repaired to Arnulf's court, and by means of rich gifts secured his help.
Louis’s claims, supported also by the Pope, Stephen V, were generally
recognized, and towards the end of 890 he was proclaimed king in an assembly
held at Valence, and brought under his rule the greater part of the territory
lying to the south of Rodolph’s dominions.
But the exact
nature of his kingship can hardly even be conjectured from contemporary
records. We hear of him only as having journeyed about his kingdom and granted
privileges to churches. Moreover, from the year 900 his energies are diverted
to the other side of the Alps, whither he is invited by the lords of Italy,
who, weary of their king, Berengar, offer him the crown. Louis closed with
their proposals, as, later on, Rodolph II was to do,
marched at once upon Pavia, and there assumed the crown as king of Italy, about
the beginning of October 900. Then, continuing his march, he entered Piacenza
and Bologna, and in February 901 received the imperial crown at Rome from the
hands of Pope Benedict IV. Some few engagements with Berengar’s troops
were enough to secure to him the adhesion of the majority of the nobles.
But if Italy was
quickly won, it was quickly lost. Driven from Pavia, which Berengar succeeded
in reentering (902), Louis in 905 made a fresh attempt to thrust out his rival.
But he was surprised at Verona on 21 July 905', and made prisoner by Berengar who put out his eyes, and sent him back beyond the
the unhappy Louis the Blind drags out a wretched existence within his own
dominions. While continuing to bear the empty title of Emperor, he remained
shut up in his town and palace of Vienne, leaving the business of government to
his cousin Hugh of Arles, Marquess of Provence, who, holding both the March of
Provence and the county of Vienne, acts as master throughout the kingdom. We
find him for instance interfering in the affairs of the Lyonnais, although this
district had a count of its own, and again in the business of the church of
Valence, the bishop of which see is described as his vassal. Again, if any
question of alliance with a neighboring king arises, it is he who intervenes.
At the beginning of 924 he has an interview with Raoul, King of France, in
the Autunois on the banks of the Loire. In
the same year the Hungarians, who for some time had been devastating the
Lombard plain, crossed the Alps and threatened at once the kingdoms of Rodolph
II and Louis the Blind. Again it is Hugh of Arles who
opens communications with Rodolph and concerts with him a common plan of action
against the dreaded barbarians. The two princes joined their forces to stay the
course of the robber bands by penning them up in a defile, whence, however,
they escaped. Hugh and Rodo1ph together pursued them to the Rhone and drove
them into Gothia.
This concord
between Hugh of Arles and King Rodolph was not to be lasting. We have already
seen how Rodolph, called in by the lords of Lombardy and crowned king of Italy
in 922, had the very next year been abandoned by a large
number of his supporters who had offered the kingdom to the Marquess of
Provence. The latter had then come into collision with Berengar’s troops, and had
been obliged to pledge himself to attempt nothing further against him. But when
in 926 Rodolph definitively withdrew from Italy, Hugh embarked from Provence
and landed near Pisa. In the beginning of July 926, at Pavia, he received in
his turn the crown which he was to succeed in retaining for twenty years
without encountering any rival of importance.
About a year
later Louis the Blind died. Of his children only one seemed capable of
reigning, Charles Constantine, often held illegitimate; he was Count of Vienne,
a district which he had been virtually ruling since the departure of Hugh. But
the new king of Italy, who was still all-powerful in the kingdom of Provence,
was not disposed to favor him. For several years this state of uncertainty
prevailed, and charters were again dated either by the regnal year of the dead
sovereign, or, according to a formula widely used in times of interregnum, “God
reigning, and a king being awaited”.
About 933 events
occurred which cleared up the situation. “At this time”, says the Lombard
historian Liudprand, “the Italians sent into
Burgundy to Rodolph’s court to recall him.
When King Hugh heard of it, he dispatched envoys to him and gave him all the
lands that he had held in Gaul before he ascended the throne, taking an oath of
King Rodolph that he would never return to Italy”. This obscure passage is our
only source of information as to the agreement arrived at between the two
sovereigns. What was its exact purport it is impossible to say, but the whole
history of the succeeding years goes to prove that the cession then made
consisted of the sovereign rights which Hugh had practically exercised for many
long years in the dominions of Louis the Blind. It
amounted, in fact, to the union of the kingdom of Provence with that of
The kingdom of Burgundy and its annexation to the Empire.
Rodolph II did
not long survive this treaty. He died on 12 or 13 July 937, leaving the
government to his young son Conrad, in after years called the Peaceful, and
then aged about fifteen at most.
The youth and
weakness of the new king were sure to be a temptation to his neighbors. Apparently Hugh of Arles, King of Italy, planned how he
might turn the situation to account, for as early as 12 December 937, we find
him on the shores of the Lake of Geneva, where he took to wife Bertha, mother
of young Conrad and widow of Rodolph II. Soon afterwards, he married his son
Lothar to Bertha's daughter, Adelaide. The new King of Germany, Otto I, who in
937 had just succeeded his father, Henry I, could not look unmoved on these
maneuvers. Without loss of time he set out for
Burgundy, and, as his biographer tells us, “received into his possession the
king and the kingdom”. In reality it was a bold and
sudden stroke; Otto, cutting matters short, had simply made young Conrad
prisoner. For about four years he kept him under a strong guard, taking him
about with him on all his journeys and expeditions, and when he released him,
at about the end of 942, he had made sure of his fidelity.
Thenceforward the
king of Burgundy seems to be no more than a vassal of the German king. When in
946 Otto went to the help of Louis IV d’Outremer,
against the aggressions of Hugh the Great, Conrad with his contingent of troops
accompanied him. In May 960 we find him at Otto's
court at Kloppen in the neighbourhood of
Mannheim. Gradually the bonds that unite the king of Germany and the king of
Burgundy were drawn closer; in 951 Otto married Adelaide, sister of Conrad, and
widow of Lothar, King of Italy; ten years later he was crowned king of Italy at
Pavia, and (2 February 962) received the imperial crown at Rome. From this time
onward, apparently, he looks upon the kingdom of Burgundy as a sort of
appendage to his own dominions; not only does he continue to keep Conrad always
in his train (we find him for instance in 967 at Verona), but he makes it his
business to expel the Saracens settled at Le Frainet (Fraxinetum)
in the district of St-Tropez, and in January 968 makes known his intention of
going in person to fight with them in Provence.
Under Rodolph
III, son and successor of Conrad, the dependent position of the king of
Burgundy in relation to the Emperor, becomes more and more marked. Rodolph III,
on whom even during his life-time his contemporaries
chose to bestow the title of the “Sluggard (ignavus)”,
does not seem, at least in the early part of his career, to have been lacking in
either energy or decision. Aged about twenty-five at the time of his accession
(993), he attempted to re-establish in his kingdom an authority which, owing to
the increasing strength of the nobles, was becoming daily more precarious. A
terrible rebellion was the result, against which all the king’s efforts broke
helplessly. Incapable of subduing the revolt, he was obliged to have recourse
to the German sovereign. The aged empress, Adelaide, widow of Otto I and aunt
of young Rodolph III, hastened to him in 999 and journeyed with him through the
country, endeavoring to pacify the nobles.
At the end of the
same year, 999, she died, and hardly had two years passed when the Emperor Otto
III followed her to the grave (23 January 1002). Under his successor, Henry II
of Bavaria, German policy soon showed itself aggressive and encroaching. In
1006 Henry seized the town of Basle, which he kept for several years; soon
afterwards he exacted from Rodolph an oath that before he died he would name him his heir, and ten years later events occurred which placed
the king of Burgundy completely at his mercy.
For reasons which
are still to some extent obscure, the Count of Burgundy, Otto-William, and a
large group of the lords had just broken out into revolt against Rodolph. In
his character of count of Burgundy Otto-William was master of the whole
district corresponding to the diocese of Besançon, and as he held at the same
time the county of Macon in the kingdom of France, and was brother-in-law of the powerful bishop Bruno of Langres,
and father-in-law of Landry, Count of Nevers, of William the Great, Duke of
Aquitaine, and of William II, Count of Provence, he was the most important
person in the kingdom of Burgundy. As a contemporary chronicler Thietmar, Bishop of Merseburg, says while the events were
yet recent, “Otto-William” though “nominally a vassal of the king” had a mind
to live as “the sovereign master of his own territories”.
The dispute broke
out on the occasion of the nomination of a new
archbishop to the see of Besancon.
Archbishop Hector had just died, and immediately rival claimants had appeared,
Rodolph seeking to have Bertaud, a clerk of his
chapel, nominated, and Count Otto-William opposing this candidature in the
interest of a certain Walter. The real question was who was to be master in the
episcopal city, the king or his vassal? Ostensibly the
king won the day; Bertaud was elected,
perhaps even consecrated. But Otto-William did not submit. He drove Bertaud out of Besançon, installed Walter by force,
and, as the same Bishop Thietmar relates,
carried his insolence so far as to have Bertaud hunted
by his hounds in order to mark the deep contempt with
which this intruder inspired him. “And”, adds the chronicler, “as the prelate,
worn out with fatigue, heard them baying at his heels, he turned round, and
making the sign of the cross in the direction in which he had just left the
print of his foot, let himself fall to the ground, expecting to be torn to
pieces by the pack. But those savage dogs, on sniffing the ground thus hallowed
by the sign of the cross, felt themselves suddenly stopped, as if by an
irresistible force, and turning back, left God’s true servant to find his way
through the woods to a more hospitable region”.
Otto-William was
triumphant. Rodolph, having exhausted all his resources, was obliged to ask
help of Henry II. An interview took place at Strasbourg in the early summer of
1016. Rodolph made his appearance with his wife, Ermengarde, and two of her
sons who did homage to the Emperor. Rodolph himself, not satisfied with
renewing the engagement to which he had already sworn, to leave his kingdom on
his death to Henry, recognized him even then as his successor and swore not to
undertake any business of importance without first consulting him. As to Otto-William,
he was declared to have incurred forfeiture, and his fiefs were granted by the
Emperor to some of the lords about his court.
Next came the carrying-out of this programme, a matter which bristled with
difficulties. The Emperor himself undertook the despoiling of the Count of
Burgundy. But entrenched within their fortresses, Otto-William and his
partisans successfully resisted capture. Henry could only ravage the country, and being recalled by other events to the northern
point of his dominions, was obliged to retreat without having accomplished
anything. Thus the imperial intervention had not
availed to restore Rodolph’s authority. Again abandoned to his own resources, and incapable of
making head against the rebels, the king of Burgundy gave ear to the proposals
of the latter, who offered to submit on condition that the engagements of the
Treaty of Strasbourg were annulled. Just at first, Rodolph appeared to yield.
But the Emperor certainly lent no countenance to the expedient, the result of
which would be disastrous to himself, and as early as February 1018 he
compelled the king of Burgundy, his wife, his step-sons and the chief nobles of his kingdom solemnly to renew the arrangement of
Strasbourg. He then directed a fresh expedition against the county of Burgundy.
It is not known, however, whether its results were any better than those of the
expedition of 1016.
A few years
later, when Henry II died (13 July 1024) Rodolph attempted to shake off the
Germanic suzerainty, by claiming that former agreements were ipso facto
invalidated by Henry’s death. The latter’s successor, Conrad II of Franconia,
at once made it his business peremptorily to demand what he looked upon as his
rights, and Rodolph was forced to submit. He even went as a docile vassal to
Rome, to be present at the imperial coronation of the new prince (26 March
1027), and a few months later, at Basle, he solemnly renewed the conventions of
Strasbourg and Mayence.
Rodolph III
himself only survived this new treaty a few years. On 5 or 6 Sept. 1032 he
died, without legitimate children, after having sent the insignia of his
authority to the Emperor.
It seemed as though the Emperor Conrad had nothing to do but come and take possession of
his new kingdom. The chief opponent of his policy in Rodo1ph's lifetime,
Otto-William, Count of Burgundy, had died several years before in 1026, and the
principal nobles of the kingdom had in 1027 come with their king to Basle to
ratify the conventions of Strasbourg and Mainz. The course of events, however,
was not to be so smooth.
Already, for some
time Odo II, Count of Chartres, Blois, Tours, Troyes, Meaux and Provins, the most formidable and turbulent of the king of
France’s vassals, had been intriguing with the Burgundian lords to be
recognized as the successor of King Rodolph. He had even attempted, though
without success, to inveigle the latter into naming him as his heir, to the
exclusion of his imperial rival. He put himself forward in his character of
nephew of the king of Burgundy, his mother being Rodolph’s sister,
whereas the Emperor Conrad was only the husband of that king's niece.
No sooner had
Rodolph closed his eyes, than Odo II, profiting by the Emperor's detention at
the other end of his dominions, owing to a war against the Poles, promptly
crossed the Burgundian frontier, seized upon several fortresses in the very
heart of the kingdom, such as Morat and
Neuchâtel, and thence marching upon Vienne, forced the Archbishop, Léger, to
open the gates and, with a view to being crowned, made sure of his adhesion.
The expedition thus rapidly carried out, with a decision all
the more remarkable as Odo II had at that very moment to reckon with the
hostility of the king of France against whom he had rebelled. certainly had the result of deciding a large number of the
Burgundian lords, whether willingly or unwillingly, to declare for the Count of
Blois. The Archbishop of Lyons and the Count of Geneva pronounced against the
Emperor. It was high time for the latter to intervene.
Having secured
the submission of the Polish duke, Mesco II,
Conrad hastened back and in the depth of winter marched without stopping upon
Basle (January 1033). From thence he quickly reached Soleure and
then the monastery of Payerne, to the east of
Lake Neuchâtel. He took advantage of the Feast of Candlemas (2 February) to
have himself solemnly elected and crowned there as king of Burgundy by the
nobles who favored his cause and had come to meet him. From thence he advanced
to lay siege to Morat, which was held by the
partisans of the Count of Blois. But the cold was so intense and the resistance
of the besieged so determined that Conrad was forced to abandon the enterprise
and fall back upon Zurich, and from thence return to Swabia until the season
should be more favorable.
Luckily for the
Emperor, Odo was obliged during the spring of 1033 to make head against Henry
I, King of France, who for the second time had made an
attempt upon Sens, and he was for several months quite unable to follow
up his early successes in Burgundy. Some months later hostilities were resumed
between Conrad and his rival, but already the latter had begun to cherish new projects,
and instead of entering Burgundy he invaded Lorraine and threatened Toul.
Conrad replied by an invasion of Champagne. Both parties having grown weary of
the fruitless struggle decided on opening negotiations. A meeting took place;
according to the German chroniclers Odo took an oath to abandon all claims upon
Burgundy, to evacuate the fortresses he still held there, and to give hostages
for the fulfillment of these promises; finally, he undertook to give the nobles
of Lorraine, who had suffered by his ravages, every satisfaction which the
imperial court should require.
These promises,
if they were really made, were too specious to be sincere. As soon as the
Emperor had withdrawn in order to suppress a revolt of
the Lyutitzi on the borders of Pomerania,
Odo renewed his destructive expeditions through Lorraine. Conrad realized that
he must first of all make a good ending of his work in Burgundy; he gained the
help of Humbert Whitehands, Count of Aosta; he
was therefore able in May 1034 to make a junction at Geneva with some Italian
troops brought to him by Boniface, Marquess of Tuscany; without difficulty he
reduced most of the strongholds in the northern part of the Burgundian kingdom,
forced the Count of Geneva and the Archbishop of Lyons to acknowledge his
authority, and again caused the crown to be placed solemnly upon his head at
a curia coronata held at
Geneva. Morat still held out for the Count
of Blois; it was taken by storm and given up to pillage. The cause of the Count
of Blois was now lost beyond redemption in Burgundy, and Conrad, recognized by
all, or practically all, could promise himself secure possession of his new
Meanwhile, Odo,
no more successful in his enterprise against Lorraine than in his Burgundian
expedition, was soon to meet his death before the walls of Bar (15 November
From the day that
the submission of the kingdom of Burgundy to the Emperor Conrad became an
accomplished fact, the history of the kingdom may be said to come to an end.
Yet it is not well to take literally the assertions of late chroniclers who sum
up the course of events in such terms as these: “The Burgundians, not departing
from their habitual insolence towards their king, Rodolph, delivered up to the
Emperor Conrad the kingdom of Burgundy, which kingdom had, from the time of the
Emperor Arnulf, for more than 130 years, been governed by its own kings, and
thus Burgundy was again reduced to a province”. But there was really a short
period of transition; in fact at an assembly held
(1038) at Soleure, Conrad, doubtless feeling
the need of having a permanent representative in the kingdom, decided on
handing it over to his son Henry. Whatever may have been said on the subject,
it appears that Henry was in fact recognized as king of Burgundy; the great
lords took a direct oath of fealty to him, and the Emperor doubtless granted
him the dignity of an under-kingship, with which the Carolingian sovereigns had
so often invested their sons.
But this form of
administration did not last long. As early as 4 June 1039 King Conrad died, and
now Henry III, the young king of Burgundy, found the kingdoms of Germany and
Italy added to his first realm. The title of king of Burgundy was now, however,
only an empty form. The domains which the sovereign had at his disposal in
Burgundy were so insignificant that during the latter years of Rodolph III the
chronicler Thietmar of Merseburg could
write in reference to him: “There is no other king who governs
thus; he possesses nothing but his title and his crown, and gives away
bishoprics to those who are selected by the nobles. What he possesses for his
own use is of small account, he lives at the expense of the prelates, and
cannot even defend them or others who are in any way oppressed by their
neighbors. Thus they have no resource, if they are to
live in peace, but to come and commend themselves to the lords and serve them
as if they were kings”.
The very name of
“Kingdom of Burgundy” covered a whole series of territories without unity,
without mutual ties, and over which the king's control was quite illusory.
Rodolph III, in his latter years, hardly
ever so much as showed himself outside the districts bounded by the valleys of
the Saone and the Doubs and between the Jura and the upper course of the Rhone.
The greater part of the lords, shutting themselves up within their own domains,
made a show of ignoring the king’s authority, or else merely deferred their
revolt because, knowing the king near at hand, they might fear being
constrained by him. “O king!” exclaimed the Chancellor Wipo to Henry III a few years later, “Burgundy
demands you; arise and come quickly. When the master tarries long absent, the
fidelity of new subjects is apt to waver. The old proverb is profoundly true:
¡Out of sight, out of mind! Although Burgundy is now, thanks to you, at peace,
she desires to view in thy person the author of this peace and to feast her
eyes upon the countenance of her king. Appear, and let your presence bring back
serenity to this kingdom. Formerly, you did with difficulty subdue it; profit
now by its readiness to serve you”.
As a matter of
fact, Burgundy could spare her king very well, and the efforts made by Henry
III to render his government in these parts a little more effective were to be
unavailing. Despite his frequent visits, and the attempts that he made to
reduce to obedience his rebellious vassals, notably the Counts of Burgundy and
Genevois, Henry III accomplished nothing lasting. On his death (1056), his
widow, the Empress Agnes, tried as fruitlessly to restore the royal power by
sending Rudolf of Rheinfelden, Duke of Swabia,
to represent her in the kingdom. Later on, Henry IV,
when he had attained his majority, and after him Henry V in his struggle with
the Papacy, met with hardly anything but indifference or hostility in Burgundy
as a whole. Henry V's successor, Lothar of Supplinburg,
himself supplies the proof of the purely nominal character of his authority in
these distant provinces, when, on summoning the lords of Burgundy and Provence
to join an expedition which he was preparing for Italy, he exclaims: “At sundry
times we have written to you to demand the tribute of your homage and
submission. But you paid no heed, thus emphasizing in an indecorous manner your
contempt for our supreme power. We intend to labor henceforward to restore in
your country our authority, which has been so much diminished among you as to
be almost completely forgotten.... Thus we command you
to appear at Piacenza, on the Feast of St Michael, with your contingent of
armed men”.
This summons was
to produce no result. The Emperors tried by every means to make their power a
reality. Following the example of the Empress Agnes, who had sent Rudolf
of Rheinfelden to represent her, Lothar
of Supplinburg, and afterwards Frederick
Barbarossa were to try the experiment of delegating
their authority to various princes of the Swiss house of Zahringen whom they appointed “rectors” or viceroys.
This rectorate, soon to be called the Duchy
of Burgundia Minor (lesser Burgundy), was,
however, only effective to the east of the Jura, that is, practically over
modern Switzerland, and it disappeared in 1217 on the extinction of the elder
line of Zahringen. In 1215 Frederick II was to
try a return to the same policy, making choice of William of Baux, Prince of Orange, then in 1220 of William, Marquess
of Montferrat; from 1237 onwards, he was to be represented by imperial vicars.
We shall see the Emperors make an appearance, in an intermittent fashion, in
the kingdom and sometimes seeming to repossess themselves of a more or less real authority in this or that district.
Frederick Barbarossa, in particular, after his marriage with Beatrice, the
heiress of the county of Burgundy, will appear as unquestioned master in the
diocese of Besancon, and be crowned king of Arles in 1178; Frederick II will
for a time recover a real power of action in Provence and the Lyonnais; and
again in the fourteenth century, Henry VII, strong in the support of the
princes of Savoy, will rally to his standard large numbers of the nobles of the
kingdom. Charles IV will characteristically go through the empty form of
coronation in 1365. But these will be isolated exceptions, leading to nothing.
Incapable of
enforcing their authority, the Emperors, from the latter part of the twelfth
century onwards, more than once will even meditate restoring the kingdom of
Arles, as it is now most frequently called, to its former independence,
reserving the right to exact from its new king the recognition of their
suzerainty. Henry VI will offer it to his prisoner, Richard Coeur de Lion in
1193; Philip of Swabia to his competitor, Otto of Brunswick in 1207; Rudolf of
Habsburg will consider entrusting it in 1274 to a prince of his family, and later on to an Angevin prince,
an idea to be revived by Henry VII in 1310.
But all these
efforts prove vain. For long centuries the kingdom of Arles remains in theory
attached to the Empire, but little by little, this kingdom, over which the
German sovereigns could never secure effective control, will crumble to pieces
in their hands. Out of its eastern portion the Swiss confederation and the
duchy of Savoy will be formed; the kings of France, in the
course of the fourteenth century, will succeed in regaining their
authority over the Vivarais, the Lyonnais, the
Valentinois and Diois, and Dauphine,
successively. To these, a century later, will be added Provence, which had
already been long in French hands
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