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Ireland was
never subjected to the discipline of Imperial Rome, and her people missed the
early lesson in orderly government which the subject races of the Empire never
quite forgot; but in the early part of the fifth century, when the Western
Empire was beginning to crumble under its own weight, Ireland received from
Romanised Britain and Gaul the message of Christianity together with some of
the civilising influences that followed in its train. Popular tradition has
fixed upon St Patrick as the Apostle of Ireland, and in so doing has had good
grounds. He was certainly an historical character, and his Confessio,
recognised as an authentic work of his hand, shows him an unassuming servant of
God whose whole heart was in his work; but it also shews—what indeed vague
traditions indicate—that there were other workers in the field in Southern
Ireland, more learned perhaps than he, but not so single-minded or so free from
jealousy. The new faith was not enforced by the sword; it gradually gained
adherents through precept and example, and there was no disturbance of the
existing tribal organisation. There is, however, little positive evidence about
this early period. The earliest extant Life of St Patrick was written by Muirchu Maccu Machtheni near the close of the seventh century, and the Memoirs of Tirechan a little later. It would seem that here and there a tribal chief who had
accepted the new teaching would grant some land, a fort or an island, to the
founder saint, who with his companions would build a primitive church and
necessary habitations thereon. Disciples would be attracted, and the Christian
community thus formed was regarded as the separate finé or family (in an extended sense) of the saint, existing side by side with the finé of the land. The successors (comarbs)
of the founder were selected from his finé in much
the same way as the successor of the tribal chief. Women were welcomed in the
work of evangelisation, the most famous being St Brigit of Kildare, called the
“Mary of the Gael.” In some such way, in the course of the next century and a
half, numerous churches were founded and primitive monastic communities and
schools were formed, in which the civilising influences of the new religion
were centred and fostered. With the religion of the Book, writing and the Latin
language were introduced, and through such means of communication came some of
the art and learning of the Old World.
missionary effort was not confined to Ireland. In 563 Columba carried the
Christian faith from Deny to the island of Hy (Iona), the mother church of
Scotland, and to the Northern Picts, and from thence in 635 his disciples
brought it to Lindisfarne, whence it spread over Northumbria. Columba’s success
was followed by a great missionary movement among the barbarian kingdoms of
Western Europe. The most famous missionary there was Columbanus, a monk of
Bangor on Belfast Lough. He made his way to Burgundy and founded a monastery at Luxovium (Luxeuil) in 590,
where for many years his missionary efforts prospered. At length, however,
having come into conflict with Brunhild, the Queen Regent, and having estranged
the Gallican clergy by his adherence to Celtic usages, he was forced to leave the
country. Afterwards lie went up the Rhine to Lake Constance (where his
follower, St Gall, remained to found the monastery known by his name), and
thence passing into Lombardy he founded the famous monastery of Bobbio. Here in 615 he died. From these and other centres
many daughter houses issued, and communication was kept up between these
foreign monasteries and those in Ireland to the advancement of learning. From
the middle of the seventh century there were also reflex waves of immigrants
from Britain and the Continent to the monastic schools of Ireland. Moreover,
the influence of Italo-Byzantine art, and more particularly of Lombard art, has
been traced in the wonderful development of interlaced work as shown in Irish
and Hiberno-Saxon manuscripts, such as the Books of Kells,
Lindisfarne, and Durrow, about the close of the seventh century, and at a later
period in metal, as on the shrines of bell, book, and crozier; and though at
least one important motif of Irish art, the divergent spiral, has been traced
back to what is known as the late Celtic or La Tene period, it seems probable that an important channel of influence in art as in
learning was the inter-communication of foreign and Irish monasteries.
Certainly the results in Ireland were mainly confined to monastic institutions.
to traditions preserved in the older heroic literature, Ireland was at one time
divided into five independent kingdoms, corresponding roughly to the present
four provinces with the kingdom of Meath cut out of Leinster to make the fifth.
Later writers often speak of “the five-fifths of Ireland” to designate the
whole. There was also an old traditional division of Ireland into two halves,
which came to be known respectively as Conn’s Half (Leth Cuinn), and Mogh’s Half (Leth Mogha), and were separated
by a line through the great central plain from the Bay of Dublin to that of
Galway. This division, originating in all probability in a racial difference,
was deep-seated. It never quite lost its hold on popular memory, and in later
ages it often inspired political aims and ideals and influenced military
efforts. In the historical period, however, prior to the Scandinavian invasions
and up to the coming of the Normans, Ireland appears as a Heptarchy
acknowledging at most a shadowy high king (ard-rí).
Accordingly in the Book of Rights, compiled (in the form that has come down to
us) at the opening of the tenth century, when Cormac son of Cuilennan was King of Cashel, with additions made about a century later in the time of
King Brian Borumha, the numerous Raids of the
Norsemen subordinate kingdoms and territories of Ireland are grouped under the
following seven chief kings: (1) the king of Cashel, representing Munster and
part of King’s County; (2) the king of Cruachan,
representing Connaught and Cavan; (3) the king of Ailech,
representing Donegal, Derry, Tyrone, and part of Fermanagh; (4) the king of
Uriel (Oirghialla), representing Armagh, Monaghan,
the rest of Fermanagh, and part of Louth; (5) the king of Ulaidh,
representing Antrim, Down, and part of Louth; (6) the king of Tara,
representing Meath, Westmeath, Longford, and parts of King’s County and
Kildare; (7) the king of Laighin, representing
Leinster, less the kingdom of Tara and Louth. In the addition to the Book of
Rights ascribed to Brian, it is claimed that “when the king of Cashel is not
king of Ireland the government of the (southern) half of Ireland is due to
him”, and further that “the supreme sovereignty of Ireland ought to be in him”;
but the poetical version naively admits that the history on which this right is
founded “is not taught by the Leinstermen” or
“preserved in Conn’s Half.” As a matter of fact, during the historic period up
to the time of King Brian, with one or two disputed exceptions, the Kings of Ailech and Tara, representing two branches of the Ui Neill
family, supplied between them the generally recognised high kings of Ireland.
In the descent of kingship all males of the family to which the existing king
belonged were eligible. Each was known as a rigdamna,
“the makings of a king.” The family (derb finé) consisted of a single head (whether living or dead)
and his sons, grandsons, and greatgrandsons, but on
the birth of a member of the next generation it became subdivided into as many
families as there were sons of the first head. Such at least appears to have
been the theory. In practice, at any rate, so wide a choice often led to
intrigues, violence, and bloodshed, and to minimise these the plan was adopted
in the thirteenth century of naming a tánaiste or successor in the lifetime of the ruling prince.
From the
beginning of the sixth to the close of the eighth century, Ireland, though
split up into a number of petty kingdoms often at variance with each other, was
free from the ravages of external invasion. This, indeed, was the period of her
“Golden Age of art and learning”. But early in the ninth century this
comparative peace was at an end. From about the year 807 sporadic bands of
raiders commenced to ravage the mainland, and in the course of the next 150
years “countless sea-belched shoals of foreigners” penetrated up the estuaries
and rivers of Ireland and plundered and burned the monasteries—many of them
over and over again—in all parts of the country. No general resistance was
organised, and though the invaders met with defeats here and there from
particular clan-groups, new hordes came to fill the gap. Uniting under a leader
called Turgeis, these predatory bands succeeded in
dominating the northern half of Ireland until, in 845, their leader was
captured and drowned. This domination was contemporary with attempts by Felimy, son of Criffan, King of
Cashel, to contest the supremacy of the recognised ard-rí in the north—the first, but not the last, example of internal dissensions
facilitating the work of invaders of Ireland.
The first
invaders seem to have been Norwegians, but in the middle of the ninth century
there came Dubhgaill (or Danes) who fought against
and subdued the Finngaill (or Norwegians) there,
though in general no clear distinction can be gathered from the annalists. In 853 Olaf (Amhlaibh),
“son of the king of Lochlann,” believed to be “Olaf
the White” of the Landnamabok, “came to Ireland, when
the foreigners submitted to him and a tribute was given to him by the Gael”. He
is repeatedly mentioned as fighting and plundering along with Ivar (Imhar) and sometimes with Carrol (Cerball),
King of Ossory. He fights from Ireland to Alba and
Britain. In 866 he is fighting in Fortrenn (Pictland); in 867 he is at the battle of Caer Ebroc (York); and in 870 with Ivar at the siege of Ail Cluathe (Dumbarton). Next year they return to Dublin with
captives and booty, but Olaf is heard of no more. Then in 873 “Ivar, king of
the Northmen of all Ireland and Britain, died.” This and other entries indicate
that the leaders of the Northmen, who at this time and later were carving out a
kingdom for themselves in the north of England, were using the harbours of
Ireland as bases for their operations against the sister kingdom.
From this
time, for a period of about forty years, no fresh invasion of foreigners is
recorded, though several examples are noted of their plundering churches and of
conflicts between them and the native clans. Butin914and following years fresh
fleets of foreigners came to Waterford. In 917 their leaders were Ragnall (Regnald), King of the Dubhgaill, and Sihtric, both “grandsons of Ivar,” and they
gained a victory over the King of Leinster at Cenn Fuait (near St Mullins, County Carlow). Next year Ragnall fought against the men of Alba on the Tyne, but
Sihtric went to Dublin, and on 15 September 919 defeated and slew Niall
Black-knee (Glundubh), ard-rí of Ireland, at Cell-mo-samog on the Liffey immediately west of Dublin. He was probably the Sihtric who
married Aethelstan’s sister and died in 927. Ragnall died in 921 and was succeeded by Guthfrith, another grandson of Ivar, who died in 934. Then
in 937 Olaf son of Guthfrith left Dublin to join the
combination of the Northumbrian Danes and Constantine the Scottish King against Aethelstan which met with the signal defeat of Brunanburh. Olaf escaped and “fled o’er the deep water,
Dublin to seek.” But there was another Olaf, a son of Sihtric and son-in-law of
Constantine, who also escaped from the battlefield. Both successively appear at
times as King of Northumbria and of Dublin. Olaf Guthfrithson died in 941, but Olaf Sihtricson (who is also called
Olaf Cuaran) lived to 980, when he met with a severe
defeat from Malachy II (Maelsechlainn), King of Tara,
and retreated to Iona, “where he died in holiness and penance.” Malachy’s
victory was followed by the release of the hostages held by the Danes of Dublin
and the freedom of the Ui Neill from tribute and exaction.
About this
time a new outstanding figure appears in the south in the person of Brian, son
of Kennedy, commonly called, from a fort near Killaloe, Brian Bórumha. He was
leader of the Dál Cais, a group of clans in Thomond
or North Munster now beginning to rival the Eoghanachta, who had hitherto
supplied the kings of Cashel. Three of these kings, Felimy mac Criflan, Cormac mac Cuilennain,
and Celiachan of Cashel, had claimed to be supreme
kings of Leth Mogha and
even beyond, but their power had waned, and Munster seems to have become
dominated by the Danes of Limerick. In 967, however, Brian and his elder
brother, Mahon, defeated the Danes in a battle near Tipperary, and followed up
their victory by the sack of Limerick. Mahon was now King of Munster, but a
conspiracy formed against him by the Eoghanacht leaders, Molloy and Donovan, in alliance with the foreigners, resulted in his
murder in 976 and the eventual accession of Brian as King, not only of Munster
but of all Leth Mogha. Then
began the rivalry between Brian and the ard-rí Malachy. In 982 Malachy plundered Thomond and cut down the sacred tree at Magh Adhair, the inauguration
hill of the Dál Cais, and in the following year
defeated Donnell Claen, King of Leinster, and the
foreigners of Waterford and plundered Leinster to the sea. Brian’s retort was
to bring a fleet of boats to Lough Bee and plunder the west of Meath and
Connaught. And so the bickering went on between the rivals until 998, when,
according to a tract which may be regarded as “the Brian Saga,” Malachy came to
meet Brian on the shores of Lough Ree, and a treaty
was concluded by which Malachy surrendered to Brian the hostages he held of Leth Mogha and even those of the
southern clans of Connaught, while Brian acknowledged that the sole sovereignty
of Leth Cuinn belonged to
Malachy. Though this treaty is not mentioned in the regular annals, its result
is seen in the joint action of Brian and Malachy against the foreigners in that
year, and also in the next, when they together defeated the united forces of
the Danes of Dublin, under Sihtric son of Olaf, and the Leinstermen,
under their King Maelmora, at Glenmama (probably Glen-Saggart near Dublin) and entered
Dublin and pillaged it.
But the
concord between Brian and Malachy did not last long. Next year (1000) Brian
made terms with Sihtric, gave him his daughter in marriage, and led a hosting
of the men of Leinster and South Connaught accompanied by the Danes of Dublin
“to proceed to Tara”. As was his custom, he avoided a pitched battle with
Malachy, but he soon practically gained his end. He obtained the hostages of
Connaught and Meath and in 1003 was reckoned King of Ireland. In 1005 he was at
Armagh, and, as Imperator Scotorum, recognised
its ecclesiastical supremacy, as a marginal entry in the Book of Armagh
testifies. He had more difficulty in securing the submission of the northern
clans. Year after year he led armies against them, but not till 1010 did he
receive the hostages of all Leth Cuinn.
reign, as the annals shew, was far from the peaceful time alleged by his
shanachies, but he went nearer to uniting Ireland under one head than any
native king before or since. It was moreover a time of recuperation. Churches
and ecclesiastical towers were built or restored, and there was some revival of
art and learning. Henceforth the Danes were normally confined to their seaport
towns and the districts immediately adjoining. They had become Christians too,
and intermarried with the Gael. Indeed the protagonists in the drama at this
time were curiously connected by marriage with one another. Gormflaith,
sister of Maelmora King of Leinster, called in the Njal Saga “the fairest of women”, but one “who did all
things ill over which she had any power”, was, it seems, first the wife of Olaf Cuaran and mother of Sihtric King of Dublin. Next,
probably after 980, she was the wife of Malachy II and mother of his son Conor,
but repudiated by him she became wife of Brian Bórumha and mother of his son Donough. Perhaps in each case she was the prize of the
victor. But the complication was greater still, for Malachy’s wife Maelmaire, who died in 1021, was daughter of Olaf, Sihtric’s father, and finally, as we have mentioned,
Sihtric married Brian’s daughter.
In spite of
these alliances, Maelmora and Sihtric with their
forces revolted against Brian and Malachy in 1013, and this led in the next
year to the great attempt by “the foreigners of the West of Europe” to recover
and complete their domination of Ireland. The battle of Clontarf was fought on
Good Friday, 23 April 1014. Brian brought with him the men of Munster and some
of the southern clans of Connaught, and he was supported by the men of Meath
under Malachy, but the King of Connaught and all the northern kings held aloof.
On the other side were the Leinstermen under Maelmora, the Danes of Dublin under Sihtric, and “the
foreigners of Lochlann” whom Sihtric had invited to
his aid. These last were said to be a thousand mail-clad men. Their principal
leaders were Sigurd, Earl of Orkney, and Brodir, a viking, called “chieftain of the Lochlann fleet”, which then lay at the Isle of Man. It was a desperate fight. Most of
the leaders on both sides were killed, including Brian himself, his eldest son
and grandson, and both Sigurd and Brodir as well as Maelmora. Sihtric indeed still held Dublin, but the few
surviving invaders were driven to their ships, and the attempted conquest
If Brian’s
aim, as has been thought, was to establish political unity in Ireland under a
strong monarchy, the hope was shattered at his death, if not defeated by the
very course he adopted. His surviving sons quarrelled among themselves and were
opposed by some of the Eoghanacht clans. Malachy’s
resumption of his former position was not indeed disputed, but he never had
much power, and after his death in 1022 there was no recognised ard-ri for many years. Curiously enough, it is stated in
the Annals of Clonmacnois (of which the Irish
original is lost) that the land was governed for twenty years “like a free
State, and not like a monarchy,” by a poet and an anchorite. Whatever that may
mean, it is certain that Brian’s action in breaking the monopoly of the
high-kingship hitherto vested in the two branches of the Ui Neill had a lasting
effect. If one king of Munster could gain the supremacy by the sword, the way
was open for another king of Munster, or of Leinster, or of Connaught, to
attain the same position by the same means; and as a matter of fact the
political history of the next century and a half is a record of the attempts of
one or other of the provincial kings to subdue the rest. None of them, however,
succeeded. At best the most powerful became ard-rí co fressabhra, “high-king with opposition”, which
meant that at least one province held out against him. The consequence was
that, besides the usual border raids between hostile clans, whole provinces
were often engaged in devastating one another. The usual policy of an aspirant
for supremacy was to divide a province which he had subdued and set up two or
more kings in it. These arbitrary divisions were most frequent in Meath and
Munster, but all the provinces were at various times temporarily split up,
either by internal dissensions or by external compulsion.
Yet during
this long period of anarchy the Viking terror was no longer present. The
Scandinavian sea-rovers settled down in the seaport towns they had formed and
exchanged piracy for trade, thus gradually reviving a more healthy
communication with England and Western Europe. They became zealous Christians
and from about the middle of the eleventh century had bishops of their own in
Dublin, Waterford, and Limerick, who received consecration from Canterbury and
professed canonical obedience to that see, and not to Armagh. From this
beginning indeed may be traced the movement to bring the Church of Ireland into
conformity with that of England and through it with that of Rome. Early in the
twelfth century Gilbert, Danish Bishop of Limerick, a friend of Anselm, was
appointed papal legate, and in a treatise which is still extant he expounded
the hierarchical system as developed in Canterbury and Rome. Malchus, consecrated by Anselm in 1096 as Bishop of
Waterford, presided over the famous school of Lismore, where one of his pupils
was Maelmaedog O’Morgair,
afterwards known as St Malachy. He went to Rome in 1139 and was appointed papal
legate in succession to Gilbert. He became the principal instrument in the
reform of the Irish Church, and to his efforts was doubtless due the
constitution by the Pope in 1152 of the four metropolitan sees of Armagh,
Dublin, Cashel, and Tuam. To Malachy, who was the
lifelong friend of St Bernard of Clairvaux, is also to be attributed the first
introduction of the Cistercians into Ireland, and among the earliest houses of
the Order were St Mary’s Abbey in Dublin and Mellifont near Drogheda (1142).
From 1156
to 1166 Murtough O’Loughlin, representative of the
northern Ui Neill, was the most powerful king in Ireland. He was consistently
supported by Dermot MacMurrough, King of Leinster, but was at first vigorously
opposed by Rory O’Conor, King of Connaught. Each of
these rivals repeatedly fought for supremacy over Munster, Meath, and North
Leinster. Each would set up his own nominees in these districts, to be
immediately replaced by the nominees of the rival party. In 1159 Tieman
O’Rourke, King of Breffhy, a country bordering on the
territories of both rivals, threw in his lot with O’Conor.
It was inevitable that he should take the side opposed to MacMurrough, who in
1152 had carried off his wife, an insult he never forgot. But the united forces
of O’Conor and O’Rourke were utterly defeated, and in
1161 O’Conor gave hostages to O’Loughlin. He was,
however, merely biding his time. In 1166 by a gross breach of faith O’Loughlin
alienated both the clergy and his own people, and later in the same year he
fell a victim to the avenging arm of one of his sub-kings.
O’Conor now seized
the opportunity of his rival’s disgrace or death. He led an army to Dublin,
where the citizens made him their king. Then, after receiving the hostages of
Uriel, he advanced into Leinster. There the northern clans submitted to him,
and he forced Dermot to give him hostages for his own territory of Okinselagh (represented by the diocese of Fems). With this submission O’Conor seems to have been satisfied, and he passed into Ossoiy and Munster and took their hostages. But O’Rourke did not let his personal
enemy escape so easily. He led an army composed of the men of Breffny and Meath
and of Dermot’s own revolted subjects against Dermot, who, deserted by all,
fled from Ireland by sea. Whether Rory O’Conor would
have been more successful than the previous provincial kings in founding a
permanent dynasty and bringing political unity to Ireland, if it had not been
for foreign interference, is one of those speculations which it seems futile to
entertain. All that can be said is that he began well, but he was not a
resolute man, and subsequent history shews that the O’Conors were hopelessly divided amongst themselves even as regards the succession to
their own province.
MacMurrough, on the other hand, shewed great pertinacity in the steps he took
to recover his position. He landed at Bristol, where he was well received by
Robert Fitz Harding, a personal friend of Henry II. Probably it was by his
advice that Dermot sought aid from the King of England, and after much
journeying, early in 1167, found him in Aquitaine. Henry, as is well known, on
coming to the throne had conceived the design of annexing Ireland and had
sought and obtained the sanction of Pope Hadrian IV, but at the time had laid
the project aside; and though he now received the exiled king courteously, he
put him off with vague promises and an open letter assuring the royal favour to
such of his subjects as should be willing to aid Dermot to recover his
dominions. Dermot then returned to Bristol, where after some time he got a conditional
promise from Richard Fitz Gilbert, Earl of Striguil,
commonly known as “ Strongbow,” on Dermot’s agreeing to give him his daughter
in marriage and (according to Giraldus) the
succession to the kingdom of Leinster. It may, however, be doubted if this
latter promise was made, in this bald form at least, as such a devolution of an
Irish kingdom was quite unknown to Irish custom. Dermot then went to St
David’s, where he secured further promises of assistance from the descendants
of Gerald, former castellan of Pembroke, or (to speak more correctly) of Nest,
daughter of Rhys ap Tewdwr, last independent king of South Wales.
The First
Conquerors, 1169
From this
remarkable lady indeed were sprung most of those leaders in the Cambro-Norman
invasion of Ireland who have been styled “the first conquerors.” By a royal
lover, Henry I, she had a son known as Henry Fitz Henry, who was slain in 1157.
His sons, Meiler and Robert, took part in the
invasion. She was married to Gerald, castellan of Pembroke, about 1100 and bore
him three sons and one daughter: (1) William de Carew, whose sons were Odo, ancestor of the Carews,
Raymond called “le gros,” and Griffin; of these,
Raymond took the most prominent part; (2) Maurice, ancestor of the barons of
Naas, the earls of Kildare, the earls of Desmond, and other families, all more
or less famous in the subsequent history of Ireland; (3) David, Bishop of St
David’s, whose son Miles was the first baron of Iverk;
(4) Angarad, who by William de Barry of Manorbier was mother of Gerald, the historian of the
Conquest, and ancestress of the numerous families of the Barrvs in Ireland. Finally (as far as we are concerned), Nest had a son, Robert, by
Stephen constable of Cardigan, and he was the first of the adventurers to set
foot in Ireland.
Dermot did
not wait for this promised aid, but about August returned to Ferns with only a
few troops under Richard, son of Godibert, a Fleming from Rhos near Haverford. O’Conor and O’Rourke came to Cill Osnadh (Kellistown, Co. Carlow) to oppose him, where after
some skirmishing Dermot gave hostages to O’Conor for Okinselagh, and 100 ounces of gold to O’Rourke in atonement
for the wrong done to him fifteen years previously. Dermot, however, had no
intention of submitting, and was only awaiting the expected help from Wales,
and as this did not come in the ensuing spring (1168) he sent his latimer or secretary, Maurice Regan, to Wales with
offers of rewards for armed aid. To this Maurice Regan, as being the principal
informant of the author of the rhymed chronicle known as “the Song of Dermot”,
we are indebted for much of our knowledge of this period up to the taking of
Limerick in October 1175.
At length,
in May 1169, Robert Fitz Stephen landed at Bannow with thirty men-at-arms (milites) of his
kinsmen and sixty others clad in mail and about 300 archers, “the flower of the
youth of Wales”. With them came Hervey de Montmorency, Strongbow’s uncle (i.e. son of his paternal grandmother by a second marriage), and on the following day
Maurice de Prendergast, another Fleming from Rhos.
All told, they were not more than 600 men, but they were well armed, inured to
warfare in Wales, and the archers carried a weapon
for which the Irish had no counterpart and no defence. Having been joined by
Dermot with 500 men, they proceeded to assault the walled town of Wexford. On
the second day the Ostmen (as the Northmen, whether
Danes or Norwegians, are now usually called) surrendered on terms, and
afterwards supplied a contingent to Dermot’s army. This success was followed by
the return of many Leinster clans to their allegiance, and by more or less
successful forays against such as still held out in Ossory and North Leinster.
operations did not pass unnoticed by O’Conor and
O’Rourke. They led their forces, accompanied as before by the Meathmen and the Ostmen of
Dublin, into Leinster. This was a critical moment for Dermot, more especially
as Maurice de Prendergast, perhaps despairing of success, had returned with his
men to Wales. But once more peace was made. Dermot was to hold Leinster of the ard-rí and to give his son Conor as a hostage, while by a
secret agreement he is said to have promised to introduce no more foreigners
and to dismiss those already with him as soon as Leinster was pacified. But
Dermot preferred to keep faith with the foreigner rather than with his
countrymen. Soon afterwards Maurice Fitz Gerald arrived with a further
contingent, and he and Dermot ravaged the country about Dublin. So confident
did Dermot become that he sent Fitz Stephen with his followers to distant
Limerick to assist his son-in-law Donnell O’Brien, who had turned against the ard-rí, and now, with Fitz Stephen’s help, for the time
successfully resisted him.
encouraged by the success of the “first conquerors,” and urged on by Dermot who
was already aspiring to the position of ard-rí, was
now preparing an expedition on a larger scale. About the beginning of May 1170,
he sent on before him Raymond Fitz William, nicknamed le Gros, with a small
force of ten milites and seventy archers.
Raymond landed at a rocky headland then known as Dundonnell, but now called Baginbun, on the southern coast of Wexford. Here he was
joined by Hervey de Montmorency, but it was thought better to make no move
before Strongbow arrived. Accordingly they formed an entrenched camp, cutting
off the entire headland by a large double rampart which still remains. Here
they beat off a formidable attack organised by the Ostmen of Waterford, and here they awaited the arrival of the earl. At the last
moment, when Strongbow was ready to embark, messengers came from the king
forbidding the expedition, but it was too late to draw back, and on 23 August
1170 the earl landed near Waterford with about 1200 men. Here he was at once
joined by Raymond, and on Tuesday 25 August they took the city by assault.
Dermot now came to meet the earl, and the nuptials of his daughter Eva (Aoife)
with Strongbow were duly solemnised—a sign that the invaders had come to stay.
The contest
for Dublin
The next
objective was Dublin, towards which, after leaving a garrison at Waterford, the
united forces now marched. That city was under the rule of “Asgall mac Raghnaill mic Turcaill”,
who had submitted to O’Conor. Anticipating an attack,
he had sent for assistance to his overlord, who promptly came with O’Rourke
and O’Carroll and encamped at Clondalkin. Moreover, the usual approaches to
Dublin were “plashed” and guarded. Informed by his scouts of this, Dermot led
the army over the mountains of Glendalough and reached the city without
opposition. Through the mediation of the Archbishop Lawrence O’Toole, Dermot’s
brother-in-law, the Ostmen prepared to submit, but
while the terms were being arranged, on 21 September, Raymond le Gros and Miles
de Cogan with a band of youths rushed the walls and captured the town. Many of
the citizens were slain, but Asgall and others
escaped in their ships. O’Conor, seeing that the Ostmen had deserted him, left the city to its fate and
now plundered Meath and Breffny, territories of his old enemy O’Rourke. In
reply O’Conor and O’Rourke put to death the hostages
they held, including Dermot’s son Conor. Dermot had regained his kingdom and something
more, and in Munster O’Brien was his ally, so that at his death he is called in
the Book of Leinster “King of all Leth Mogha and also of Meath.” But he did not live long to enjoy
his triumph. He died at Ferns in the spring of 1171 in the sixty-first year of
his age. His death was the signal for the Leinster clans to rise under Murtough MacMurrough, Dermot’s nephew. It was also the
signal for all Ireland, except the northern Ui Neill, to send contingents to
the ard-rí for the siege of Dublin, while Godred, King of Man, was invited to blockade the port. To
add to the earl’s difficulties he could get no supplies or reinforcements from
Wales, for earlier in the year King Henry, on hearing of the earl’s doings, had
placed an embargo on shipping to Ireland, and had even ordered all his subjects
who were already there to return before Easter. Raymond, who had been then sent
to the king with Strongbow’s assurance that whatever he should acquire in
Ireland he would hold at the king’s disposal, had recently returned without a
favourable reply, and Hervey de Montmorency was now sent on a further mission
to the king. The siege lasted nearly two months when, as provisions were nearly
exhausted, a desperate sortie was made by three small companies. They took O’Conor’s camp at Castleknock by surprise, and the Irish, stript of everything, “fled away like scattered cattle.” It
was an astounding feat. The rest of the besiegers at once dispersed, and thus
ended the last attempt of the ard-rí to expel the
seems to have found Henry at Argentan in July, where
he had summoned a council with a view to his expedition to Ireland, and it was
about the end of August when Hervey reached Waterford with letters from the
king bidding Strongbow to come to meet him in England. The earl met Henry in
Wales or on its border, and made his peace with the king on the terms that he
should surrender Dublin with the adjoining cantreds and the other seaport towns to Henry and hold the rest of Leinster from the
king. While the earl was absent from Dublin, Miles de Cogan, who was left in
charge of the city, had to meet two attacks on it, one by the late ruler, Asgall son of Turcall, and the
other by O’Rourke. The latter seems to have been easily repulsed, but the
Scandinavian attack was a more formidable affair. Asgall had collected a large viking foree from the Isles and Man, including a notable berserker named John “the Wode” (furiosus) from Norway, and
while they were attacking the east gate Richard de Cogan, brother of Miles, issued
from the west gate and took the attackers in the rear. Ultimately, with the aid
of the local chieftain, Donnell MacGillamocholmog,
the Norsemen were put to flight. John the Wode was
killed and Asgall was taken prisoner and beheaded.
This was the last attempt of the Scandinavians on Ireland.
landed at Crook near Waterford on 17 October 1171 with a well-equipped army of
about 4000 men. He did not come prepared to make any extensive campaign at that
late season of the year, and in fact he had no occasion to unsheathe a sword.
His primary aim was to secure the supremacy of the Crown over the lands already
acquired by the earl. He saw clearly the danger of allowing an independent
feudal State to arise on England’s flank. He further hoped to conciliate the
Irish and win them over to accept him as their overlord. He entered Waterford
the next day, and Strongbow formally surrendered the city to him and did homage
for Leinster. Dermot MacCarthy, King of Desmond, at
once came and swore fealty to him. Then, knowing how essential it was to gain
the favour of the clergy, Henry went to Lismore, where the papal legate,
Christian O’Conarchy, was bishop, and with him, no
doubt, arranged for the holding of the synod of prelates which met some months
later under the legate’s presidency. Next he visited Cashel, the seat of the
southern archbishopric, where the synod was afterwards actually held. Near
Cashel Donnell O’Brien, King of Thomond, came to meet him and gave in his
allegiance, and to both Cork and Limerick the king sent officers of his own to
govern the towns. Having left a garrison at Waterford, Henry moved through Ossory to Dublin, which he reached on 11 November,
receiving either on the way or at Dublin the submission of all the principal
chieftains of Ossory, Leinster, Meath, Breffny,
Uriel, and Ulidia (Ulaidh)
or North-East Ulster. Rory O’Conor met the king’s
messengers, Hugh de Lacy and William Fitz Audelin, on
the Shannon, but while acknowledging the King of England as his supreme lord,
he appears to have insisted on his position as ard-ri with respect to all the other kings of Ireland; this view was met by a
compromise four years later, but the arrangement did not last long. Of all
Ireland only the Kings of Tirowen and Tirconnell held completely aloof.
Henry kept
Christmas in Dublin in a palace constructed of wattlework in the fashion of the country, and entertained there numerous Irish princes who
came to visit him. It was probably after Christmas that the Synod of Cashel was
held under the presidency of the papal legate. It was attended by the
Archbishops of Cashel, Dublin, and Tuam, and their
suffragans, together with many abbots, priors, and other dignitaries, while
Ralph, Abbot of Buildwas, Ralph, archdeacon of
Llandaff, and Nicholas, the king’s chaplain, were present on behalf of the
king. The Archbishop of Armagh was in his eighty-fifth year and was unable to
attend, but he afterwards assented to the arrangements made. Either now or
previously all these prelates made full submission to Henry. The synod issued
several decrees directed towards the reformation of certain irregularities in
ritual and conduct, the improvement of the status of the Church in Ireland, and
its conformity with that in England.
few of Henry’s charters or grants of this period survive or have been recorded.
His grant of the city of Dublin (Duvelina) to his men
of Bristol (Bristowa), with the liberties and free
customs that they had at Bristol and throughout his land, has been
exceptionally preserved. But though several men of Bristol took advantage of
Henry’s charter to settle in Dublin, it is clear from the names on the earliest
rolls of citizens that have been preserved that immigrants, mostly merchants
and traders, came from numerous towns in England and Wales and some from
Scotland and France. The Ostmen inhabitants that
remained appear to have been settled in the northern suburb about St Mary’s
Abbey, which came to be known as the Villa Ostmannorum, Ostmaneby, or (corruptly) Oxmantown.
Similarly in Waterford, Cork, and Limerick there was an Ostmen’s quarter.
On 1 March
Henry left Dublin for Wexford. Owing to contrary winds no news had come from
England during the winter, and when at last, about 26 March, news did come it
was so serious that he determined to wait no longer. Before leaving he granted
Meath to Hugh de Lacy for the service of fifty knights and appointed him
justiciar—an appointment which seems to shew that he still felt a certain
distrust of the Earl of Striguil. On Easter Monday,
17 April 1172, Henry left Ireland.
and Hugh de Lacy now set about securing their respective fiefs, but about a
year later Henry summoned both of them to his assistance in Normandy and sent
William Fitz Audelin as his representative to
Ireland. By this time the replies had been received from Pope Alexander III,
dated 20 September 1172, to the letters sent to him from the Synod of Cashel.
They were addressed to the prelates, to Henry, and to the kings and princes of
Ireland, respectively. They expressed complete approval of what had been done,
and contained commands to the clergy and admonishments to the kings to be
faithful in their allegiance to the King of England. According to Giraldus, the Pope also sent an express confirmation of
Hadrian’s privilege, and these two privilegia were now publicly read before a synod at Waterford. Without here attempting to
review the somewhat heated controversy that has arisen concerning the
authenticity of these privilegia as given by Giraldus, we may note three points not always observed: (1)
Hadrian’s letter does not purport to be a grant of Ireland (though from the
first loosely described as such), but only a sanction to Henry’s project; (2)
its publication was not delayed beyond what might be expected, considering
Henry’s strained relations with the Papacy at the time of his entry into
Ireland; (3) if with most scholars of repute we admit as genuine the statement
of John of Salisbury in the Metalogicon and
Alexander’s three letters, the question of the authenticity of Laudabiliter becomes merely an academic one.
About the
close of August 1173 Henry allowed Strongbow to return, and showed confidence
in him by entrusting to him the government of Ireland, while recalling the
garrisons he had left there. From the time of Strongbow’s first landing to his
death was not quite six years. Within this period the settlement of the Crown
lands about Dublin and the subinfeudation of the greater part of Leinster took
place. To his principal followers Strongbow granted large fiefs, lying for the
most part in the rich lands about the rivers Liffey, Barrow, and Slaney. He had
more difficulty with the land about the Nore, for
here he came into conflict with Donnell O’Brien. In 1174, indeed, a combination
of O’Conor and O’Brien and a revolt of the Ostmen of Waterford reduced him to great straits, from
which he was relieved by Raymond le Gros, who was rewarded by the hand of the
earl’s sister in marriage and a large fief about the upper waters of the
Slaney. On 6 October 1175 a treaty was made at Windsor between Henry and the
envoys of O’Conor, by which O’Conor was to hold Connaught of the king as long as he should faithfully serve him,
subject to a tribute of hides, and to be overlord of the rest of the land
(except what was held in demesne by the king and his barons), and to remove any
sub-king who should refuse to pay his share of tribute or withdraw from his
fealty, and for this purpose, if necessary, to call for the aid of the king’s
constable. This treaty soon proved unworkable. Rory O’Conor had not the power to enforce the obedience of his sub-kings or even, as the
event shewed, of members of his own family, and his attempt to do so by calling
in Norman troops was probably the cause of his unpopularity and subsequent
dethronement. Within eight months from the date of this treaty Strongbow died
of blood-poisoning. He was buried in the church of the Holy Trinity at Dublin—a
church which, founded in his time on the site of the Norse cathedral and added
to, altered, and injured many times since, has been restored in our own days to
its original lines, and may well be regarded as a monument of the higher
civilisation which Strongbow introduced. By his death the Anglo-Norman colony
lost their most prudent leader, one who had thrown in his lot with the country
in a constructive spirit and had done much to check the mere filibustering of
some of his followers.
Henry now
again sent William Fitz Audelin as his representative
to Ireland. Acting evidently on instructions, he endeavoured to keep the Geraldines in check. But there was another adventurous
spirit who would not be restrained. Setting out from Dublin early in 1177 with
a small band of followers, John de Courcy marched rapidly northwards and took
by surprise the city of Down, and in the course of the next few years in a
series of battles, sometimes “facing fearful odds”, made himself master of the
district lying east of the Newry River, Lough Neagh, and the Bann. Here he encastled and organised a feudal principality for himself,
and was not disturbed until after King John came to the throne. But meantime,
in May 1177, Henry made an entirely new disposition of Ireland. His son John,
then in his tenth year, was created Dominus Hiberniae.
Hugh de Lacy was given the custody of Dublin and William Fitz Audelin that of Wexford, while the services of Leinster
were divided between the two. But more important than these arrangements,
necessitated by the minority of Strongbow’s heir, were the grants now made of
the “kingdom of Cork” to Robert Fitz Stephen and Miles de Cogan jointly, and of
the “kingdom of Limerick” to Philip de Braiose. These
grants were obviously inconsistent with the Treaty of Windsor. Presumably
Donnell O’Brien was regarded as having withdrawn from his allegiance. Certainly
O’Brien, who claimed to be King of Leth Mogha, had fought against Strongbow in Ossory and had been expelled by O’Conor from his kingdom.
The city of Cork was still in the hands of an English garrison, and the
grantees seem to have come to terms with Dermot MacCarthy,
and for the present were satisfied to divide the seven cantreds nearest Cork between themselves. But Philip de Braiose,
finding on arrival that the citizens of Limerick set fire to their city rather
than surrender it, preferred to return home and not risk his life among such
determined enemies.
Hugh de
Hugh de
Lacy was a capable and prudent governor. He occupied himself in restoring
peace and order, in encouraging Irish cultivators to return to their lands, and
in building castles both in Meath and Leinster. These early castles, which were
hastily erected in all districts occupied by the Normans, were not substantial
stone buildings, but, as is now generally recognised, wooden towers erected on
earthworks called “mottes.” A motte was a steep mound or hillock of earth
surrounded by a fosse, with generally a bailey or court-yard enclosed within
palisaded earthen ramparts at its base. These motte-castles were often
replaced by stone castles, but at nearly all the known early manorial centres
such earthworks, or traces of them, are to be seen, while they are not found in
purely Celtic districts. We hear of no filibustering expeditions under Hugh de
Lacy. He married as his second wife a daughter of Rory O’Conor.
Indeed it was this marriage and his popularity with the Irish which aroused in
Henry’s mind suspicions, probably quite unfounded, of his aiming at becoming
King of Ireland. He was superseded in 1184 by Philip of Worcester, and two
years later he fell a victim to the vengeance of an Irish assassin.
in 1184, Henry conceived the unfortunate plan of sending his son John, then in
his eighteenth year, to Ireland as Dominus. John landed at Waterford on 25
April 1185 with some 300 men-at-arms and a large force of horsemen and archers.
Among his followers were Bertram de Verdun and Gilbert Pipard,
to both of whom he gave lands in County Louth. With him also came Gerald de
Barry (Giraldus Cambrensis),
to whose writings we owe much of our knowledge of the preceding period.
Unfortunately he gives no adequate account of John’s actual doings in Ireland,
though in general language he scathingly censures his mismanagement of
affairs, and intimates that he exasperated the native chieftains and alienated
the existing settlers. From other sources we know that John made a large
speculative grant to Theobald Walter, ancestor of the Ormonde family, in North Tipperary, and similar grants to William de Burgh and Philip
of Worcester in South Tipperary, but his efforts to give possession to his
grantees were not successful. Indeed an English chronicler tells us that the
greater part of John’s army deserted to the Irish who were about to fight
against him, while the Irish annals show that in this year Connaught was torn
by a general war among the princes (rigdamna) of the
house of O’Conor, and that there were foreign
mercenaries (presumably the deserters from John’s army) fighting on behalf of
some of the rivals. Eventually Rory O’Conor was
banished by his son Conor “of Maenmagh.” No wonder
that Henry recalled the Dominus Hiberniae before the
year was out.
From this
period to the accession of King John we are largely dependent on the bald
entries in the Irish annals. In 1189 Conor “of Maenmagh”
was killed by his own kinsmen, and after another unsuccessful attempt by Rory O’Conor to recover his throne, his younger brother, Cathal Red Hand (Crobhderg), was
generally recognised as king. He was opposed by Cathal Carragh, son of the former king, until in 1202 the
latter was slain. In the parts of Ireland already dominated by the Normans this
appears to have been a period of peaceful consolidation. Leinster in 1189
passed with the marriage of Strongbow’s heiress to William Marshal, Earl of
Pembroke. For many years he managed his great fief through seneschals, and it
was not until 1207 that he came to reside there, but to his tact, ability, and
loyalty the increasing prosperity of the province was largely due. In 1192 an
important advance was made by William de Burgh and Philip of Worcester to take
possession of the “speculative” fiefs granted to them by Prince John in the Suir valley, and this was continued and extended until by
1197 Limerick was finally in Norman hands, and with the acquiescence of the
sons of Donnell O’Brien the lands of their Eoghanacht rivals to the south of the Shannon were divided among the leaders of the
expedition. The Norman barons were no doubt rapacious and unscrupulous, but
their encroachments were seldom made without both royal warrant and some native
encouragement. It seems clear too that John before coming to the throne made a
grant of lands in Connaught to William de Burgh, and this, together with a call
for his aid by Cathal Carragh,
was the ground of William’s interference there in the year 1200. Soon
afterwards, however, Cathal Red Hand was recognised
by the Crown as a vassal-king, and finally, by a charter dated 13 September
1215, he was to hold his land of Connaught during good service, and so that he
should not be disseised thereof without judgment of the king’s court, rendering
yearly 300 marks. On the same date a grant was made to Richard, son of William
de Burgh, of all the land of Connaught which William his father held, but
apparently this grant was to come into operation only if Cathal made default.
attitude towards his barons was always capricious. Thus, after making numerous
grants in Counties Limerick and Tipperary, he sought in 1201 to subject the
grantees to William de Braiose, to whom for a large
fine he granted the honour of Limerick. This naturally provoked opposition, and
William de Braiose gained little or nothing by the
transaction. Next, John confiscated the lands of John de Courcy, who certainly
seems to have been a contumacious subject, and on 29 May 1205 gave them to the
younger Hugh de Lacy and created him Earl of Ulster. Then in 1208 John fell out
with William de Braiose and pursued him with
relentless hostility. In fact, if we are to believe the king’s own account, his
great expedition to Ireland in the summer of 1210 was undertaken because
William owed the enormous fine of 40,000 marks for regaining the king’s peace.
Certain it is that all John’s military actions when in Ireland were directed
towards punishing the de Lacys for having harboured
William, whom he had outlawed, and who was Walter de Lacy’s father-in-law. He expelled the de Lacys and confiscated
all their lands in Meath and Ulster, and he succeeded in capturing Maud de Braiose, William’s wife, and one of her sons, and starved
them to death in prison. He was even suspicious of that most loyal of men, Earl
William Marshal, and did what he could to injure him. Only towards the close of
his reign, when his enemies were threatening him, did he acknowledge the earl’s
sterling worth, and under his influence begin to make restitution to those whom
he had despoiled in Ireland. John’s expedition, however, had the wholesome
effect of increasing the power of the Crown in Ireland, and under the governors
whom he appointed much was done to improve the administration by the formation
of counties and sheriffs’ courts, and the institution of itinerant justices outside
the great liberties, and by restricting the powers of the courts of the
liberties themselves. Under the influence of William Marshal restitution was
made to Walter de Lacy and others, but it was not until after Hugh de Lacy had
recourse to “direct action” that in 1227 he was restored to his earldom.
Cathal O’Conor remained loyal up to his death in 1224. His son Aedh succeeded to him, but was opposed by a son of Rory,
the last ard-rí. Aedh now,
like some other Irish potentates, was faced with this dilemma: without seeking
English aid he could not overcome his rival, but unless he attacked the English
he could not retain the allegiance of his urriaghs (sub-kings). He foolishly tried both alternatives, with the result that he
forfeited his position, and Connaught lost its independence. After having
regained the crown with English help, Aedh was
summoned to the justiciar’s court on a charge of forfeiture. He ignored the
summons, and at a subsequent conference near Athlone he seized the English
envoys and burned the town. In May 1227 the grant of Connaught to Richard de
Burgh was confirmed, five cantreds on the eastern
border being retained by King Henry out of which provision was to be made for
the Irish king. The province was repeatedly subdued, but several years elapsed
before peace was finally established. The main difficulty was to find a king
who would remain satisfied with the restricted territory assigned to him. At
last in 1235 Felim, another son of Cathal, accepted the five cantreds,
and the remaining 25 cantreds were parcelled out by
Richard de Burgh among the leaders who had assisted him in his campaigns.
Edward as dominus
In 1254
Henry gave Ireland to his son Edward on his marriage, but so that it should
never be separated from the Crown, and retaining to himself all matters
relating to the Church. Before this, in 1243, on the death of Hugh de Lacy, his
land of Ulster reverted to the Crown and was managed by seneschals, while by
1245 the liberties of both Meath and Leinster, owing to failure of male heirs,
had become subdivided and thereby weakened. Edward paid more attention to
Gascony and Wales than to Ireland, and relations with the semi-independent
kings there grew worse. In 1258 Brian O’Neill attempted to revive in his own
person the extinct high-kingship, and Aedh, the
warlike son of Felim, confederated with him and gave
him hostages; but his neighbour O’Donnell rejected O’Neill’s overtures, quoting
the proverb “Every man should have his own world.” This indeed is the sentiment
which has ever stood in the way of Irish unity. Next year Aedh O’Conor married a daughter of Dugald MacSorley (Somhalrle), a
descendant of Somerled, lord of the Isles, and with
her brought back 160 warriors called óglaigh under Dugald’s brother Alan. This was the first of many bands of
gall-oglaigh, or “galloglasses” as the name came to
be written, that took service as heavyarmed foot-soldiers under Irish chieftains and did much to increase their military
power. But, in spite of this foreign aid, the confederates were defeated at the
battle of Down in 1260 and Brian O’Neill was killed. In or shortly before 1264,
when the struggle with Simon de Montfort was coming to a head, Edward enfeoffed
Walter de Burgh in the land of Ulster, and the earldom was revived in his
favour. In Earl Walter’s time there was peace in Ulster. Aedh Buidhe O’Neill, the new King of the Cenel Eoghain, was friendly to
him. He married a cousin of the earl and acknowledged that he held his regality of him. But in Connaught the earl was not so
successful at this time. He had a quarrel about tenure with Maurice Fitz
Maurice which caused great disturbance, and he was much harassed by Aedh O’Conor who, on the death of Felim in 1265, became king of a still more restricted
territory. He died in 1271 without having been able to subdue his formidable
During the
long reign of Henry III the area of English domination in Ireland had greatly
increased, and the peace and prosperity of the more settled districts in the
east and south were well maintained. Numerous small towns grew up under the
shelter of the castles, and many of these received charters from their lords,
formed trade gilds, and became centres of industry and commerce. Rivers were
bridged. Cathedrals and monastic and parish churches were built, several of
which remain and, whether still in use or in ruins, bear witness to the beauty
and strength of thirteenth-century architecture. In Connaught, Thomond, and
Desmond, the plan of treating the native chief as a quasi-feudal tenant of the
Crown in a restricted part of his former territory had at first some measure of
success. These chiefs remained loyal and repeatedly fought beside the king’s
forces. But towards the close of the reign some expectant successor would chafe
against the restrictions and take the more popular course of heading a raid
against his English neighbours.
When Edward
I came to the throne, Thomond (i.e. the present County Clare) was being torn
between the rival factions of the O’Briens. Brian Roe
O’Brien, son of the late King Conor, who held a moiety of Thomond under the
Crown, had been expelled by his nephew Turlough. Edward in 1276 sought to put
an end to these disturbances by granting the whole of Thomond to Thomas de
Clare, brother of the Earl of Gloucester, and by an arrangement with the former
Norman owner the castle of Bunratty and the adjoining cantred were given to him in possession. De Clare restored King Brian and expelled
Turlough, but next year Brian was defeated by Turlough and de Clare’s
brother-in-law slain. In a fit of frenzy de Clare caused Brian to be executed.
According to the Caithréim Toirdelbaig,
de Clare afterwards repented of this deed and aided Donough,
son of Brian, in recovering his father’s throne. A savage warfare ensued,
however, between the rival O’Briens until in 1284 Donough was killed. De Clare died on 29 August 1287, when
the manor of Bunratty was fairly prosperous, but the vendetta between the
O’Brien factions broke out again at intervals until 1318, when Richard, son of
Thomas de Clare, was killed, and not long afterwards all hope of maintaining
English rule in Thomond was abandoned. The ultimate failure was largely due to
the de Burghs of Connaught who, through jealousy of the de Clares,
habitually supported the O’Brien party opposed to them.
Connaught, after the death in 1274 of Aedh son of Felim, the old quarrels between the rival O’Conor factions again broke out, and in the next four
years four successive aspirants to the throne were killed by their kinsmen. The
fighting, however, was confined to the cantreds reserved for them, and at first the English did not interfere. According to the
story of a late chronicler, Edward in 1278 called his justiciar, Robert d’Ufford, to account for permitting “such shameful
enormities,” and he replied that “in policie he
thought it expedient to winke at one knave cutting
off another,” whereat “the king smiled and sent him back to Ireland.” Whether
true or false, the story is ben trovato and seems
applicable to other periods in Irish history, but such is not the policy by
which good government can be maintained. Robert d’Ufford,
however, built the great Edwardian castle of Roscommon and repaired those of
Athlone and Randown to protect the southern part of
the county now in the hands of English settlers.
A Pax Normannica
In Ulster
after 1280, when Earl Richard de Burgh, son of Earl Walter, was given seisin of
his lands, the disturbances which often accompanied a minority ceased, and by
1286 the young earl was supreme in all his dominions both in Connaught and
Ulster. In Connaught indeed the old quarrel with the Geraldine feoffees broke
out in 1294, but ultimately John Fitz Thomas, head of the Geraldines,
was obliged to surrender his Connaught lands to the earl, whose supremacy was
now undisputed over the whole north of Ireland from Carlingford Lough to Galway
Bay. He took an important part in the Scottish campaigns of 1296 and 1303, and
up to the period of Bruce’s invasion was by far the most powerful man in
Ireland, but probably just because of his great power he was never actually
made justiciar. The most successful justiciar appointed by Edward I was John de Wogan, lord of Picton Castle near Haverford, who retained his post almost continuously from 1295 for
eighteen years. In 1297 he summoned the first council that can properly be
called a parliament, to which, in addition to the lords temporal and spiritual
usually summoned by writ, two knights for each shire and liberty were to be
elected “by the assent of the county or liberty”, and in subsequent parliaments
in 1300 and 1310 the cities and boroughs were also represented. Unfortunately
the experiment of summoning the principal Irish chieftains was not tried.
All the
great legislation of Edward I in England, framed for the improvement of the law
and the reform of its administration, was extended to Ireland. The justiciars
held their courts throughout Meath, Leinster, and Munster. The increasing
wealth of the orderly districts is shewn in many ways: by the growth of
numerous towns, by the largely increased revenue, by the produce of the tax on
the export of wool and the great variety of articles subject to customs duties,
by the considerable subsidies granted and the large quantities of corn and
other supplies purchased for Edward’s foreign wars. The farming accounts of the
Earl of Norfolk’s estates in Counties Carlow and Wexford shew in detail the
careful way in which landed property was managed, and many inquisitions attest
the large acreage “ under the lord’s plough.” All this prosperity was rendered
possible by the comparative order which went hand in hand with Norman
domination, and in the latter part of Edward’s reign it seemed as if a Pax Normannica was about to extend throughout the length and
breadth of the land.
But there
was another side to the picture. There were large districts where Gaelic clans
continued to live in their old independent way under their antiquated customs
and were little affected by the material progress beyond their borders. The
ideal of Norman feudalism was incompatible with that of the Celtic clan-system.
The clansmen would not part with their liberty for a peace and order they did
not value. Their chieftains would not willingly subordinate themselves to any
superior, whether Gael or Norman. These characteristics had always operated
against the political unity of Ireland, and they operated still.
Notwithstanding some intermarriages, the races as a whole did not amalgamate.
The incomers regarded the natives as an inferior race, whereas in reality they
were only in an earlier stage of the evolution of civilisation. The Geraldines understood them best, and saw that if they
lacked some of the elements essential to the vitality of a nation, they had
many good qualities, such as physical courage, intelligence, and a taste for
literary culture of their own. The natives, on the other hand, thought the
foreigners proud and rapacious, as indeed, like most conquerors, they often
were. Thus the Gaelic clans were for the most part ever ready to take advantage
of any governmental weakness to plunder and destroy the wealth of their
neighbours which they had not the qualities to create or maintain for
themselves. The opportunity came with the weak rule of Edward II and the
invasion of Edward Bruce.
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