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Some notice must be taken of those barbarous or non-Hellenic nations who
formed the immediate neighbors of Hellas, west of the range of Pindus, and
north of that range which connects Pindus with Olympus, as well as of those
other tribes, who, though lying more remote from Hellas proper, were yet
brought into relations of traffic or hostility with the Hellenic colonies.
Between the Greeks and these foreign neighbors, the Akarnanians, of whom
I have already spoken briefly in my preceding volume, form the proper link of
transition. They occupied the territory between the river Achelous, the Ionian
sea, and the Ambrakian gulf: they were Greeks, and admitted as such to contend
at the Pan-Hellenic games, yet they were also closely connected with the
Amphilochi and Agraei, who were not Greeks. In manners, sentiments, and
intelligence, they were half-Hellenic and half-Epirotic, like the Italians and
the Ozolian Lokrians. Even down to the time of Thucydides, these nations were
subdivided into numerous petty communities, lived in unfortified villages, were
frequently in the habit of plundering each other, and never permitted
themselves to be unarmed : in case of attack, they withdrew their families and
their scanty stock, chiefly cattle, to the shelter of difficult mountains or
marshes. They were for the most part light-armed, few among them being trained
to the panoply of the Grecian hoplite; but they were both brave and skillful in
their own mode of warfare, and the sling, in the hands of the Akarnanian, was a
weapon of formidable efficiency.
Notwithstanding this state of disunion and insecurity, however, the
Akarnanians maintained a loose political league among themselves, and a hill
near the Amphilochian Argos, on the shores of the Ambrakian gulf, had been fortified
to serve as a judgment-seat, or place of meeting, for the settlement of
disputes. And it seems that Stratus and Oeniadae had both become fortified in
some measure towards the commencement of the Peloponnesian war. The former, the
most considerable township in Akarnania, was situated on the Achelous, rather
high up its course, the latter was at the mouth of the river, and was rendered
difficult of approach by its inundations. Astakus, Solium, Palaerus, and
Alyzia, lay on or near the coast of the Ionian sea, between Oeniadae and Leukas
: Phytia, Koronta, Medeon, Limnaea, and Thyrium, were between the southern
shore of the Ambrakian gulf and the river Achelous.
The Akarnanians appear to have produced many prophets. They traced up
their mythical ancestry, as well as that of their neighbors the Amphilochians,
to the most renowned prophetic family among the Grecian heroes; Amphiaraus,
with his sons Alkmaeon and Amphilochus : Akarnan, the eponymous hero of the
nation, and other eponymous heroes of the separate towns, were supposed to be
the sons of Alkmaeon. They are spoken
of, together with the Aetolians, as mere rude shepherds, by the lyric poet
Alkman, and so they seem to have continued with little alteration until the
beginning of the Peloponnesian war, when we hear of them, for the first time,
as allies of Athens and as bitter enemies of the Corinthian colonies on their
coast. The contact of those colonies, however, and the large spread of Akarnanian
accessible coast, could not fail to produce some effect in socializing and
improving the people. And it is probable that this effect would have been more
sensibly felt, had not the Akarnanians been kept back by the fatal neighborhood
of the Aetolians, with whom they were in perpetual feud, a people the most
unprincipled and unimprovable of all who bore the Hellenic name, and whose
habitual faithlessness stood in marked contrast with the rectitude and
steadfastness of the Akarnanian character. It was in order to strengthen the
Akarnanians against these rapacious neighbors, that the Macedonian Cassander
urged them to consolidate their numerous small townships into a few considerable
cities. Partially, at least, the recommendation was carried into effect, so as
to aggrandize Stratus and one or two other towns; but in the succeeding
century, the town of Leukas seems to lose its original position as a separate
Corinthian colony, and to pass into that of chief city of Akarnania, which is lost only by the sentence of the
Roman conquerors.
Passing over the borders of Akarnania, we find small nations or tribes
not considered as Greeks, but known, from the fourth century BC downwards, under the common name of
Epirots. This word signifies properly, inhabitants of a continent, as opposed
to those of an island or a peninsula, and came only gradually to be applied by
the Greeks as their comprehensive denomination to designate all those diverse
tribes, between the Ambrakian gulf on the south and west, Pindus on the east,
and the Illyrians and Macedonians to the north and north-east. Of these
Epirots, the principal were, the Chaonians, Thesprotians, Kassopians, and
Molossians, who occupied the country inland as well as maritime along the
Ionian sea, from the Akrokeraunian mountains to the borders of Ambrakia in the
interior of the Ambrakian gulf. The Agraeans and Amphilochians dwelt eastward
of the last-mentioned gulf, bordering upon Akarnania : the Athamanes, the
Tymphaeans, and the Talares, lived along the western skirts and high range of
Pindus. Among these various tribes it is difficult to discriminate the semi-Hellenic
from the non-Hellenic; for Herodotus considers both Molossians and Thesprotians
as Hellenic, and the oracle of Dodona,as well as the Nekyomanteion, or holy
cavern for evoking the dead, of Acheron, were both in the territory of the
Thesprotians, and both, in the time of the historian, Hellenic. Thucydides, on
the other hand, treats both Molossians and Thesprotians as barbaric, and Strabo
says the same respecting the Athamanes, whom Plato numbers as Hellenic.
As the Epirots were confounded with the Hellenic communities towards the
south, so they become blended with the Macedonian and Illyrian tribes towards
the north. The Macedonian Orestea, north of the Cambunian mountains and east of
Pindus, are called by Hekataeus a Molossian tribe; and Strabo even extends the
designation Epirots to the Illyrian Paroraeia and Atintanes, west of Pindus,
nearly on the same parallel of latitude with the Orestae. It must be remembered,
as observed above, that while the designations Illyrians and Macedonians are
properly ethnical, given to denote analogies of language, habits, feeling, and
supposed origin, and probably acknowledged by the people themselves, the name
Epirots belongs to the Greek language, is given by Greeks alone, and marks
nothing except residence on a particular portion of the continent. Theopompus
(about 340 BC) reckoned fourteen
distinct Epirotic nations, among whom the Molossians and Chaonians were the principal.
It is possible that some of these may have been semi-Illyrian, others
semi-Macedonian, though all were comprised by him under the common name
Of these various tribes, who dwelt between the Akrokeraunian promontory
and the Ambrakian gulf, some, at least, appear to have been of ethnical kindred
with portions of the inhabitants of southern Italy. There were Chaonians on the
gulf of Tarentum, before the arrival of the Greek settlers, as well as in
Epirus; we do not find the name Thesprotians in Italy, but we find there a town
named Pandosia, and a river named Acheron, the same as among the Epirotic Thesprotians
: the ubiquitous name Pelasgian is connected both with one and with the other.
This ethnical affinity, remote or near, between Oenotrians and Epirots, which
we must accept as a fact without being able to follow it into detail, consists
at the same time with the circumstance, that both seem to have been susceptible
of Hellenic influences to an unusual degree, and to have been molded, with
comparatively little difficulty, into an imperfect Hellenism, like that of the Aetolian
and Akarnanians. The Thesprotian conquerors of Thessaly passed in this manner
into Thessalian Greeks, and the Amphilochians who inhabited Argos on the
Ambrakian gulf, were Hellenized by the reception of Greeks from Ambrakia,
though the Amphilochians situated without the city, still remained barbarous in
the time of Thucydides : a century afterwards, probably, they would be
Hellenized, like the rest, by a longer continuance of the same influences, as
happened with the Sikels in Sicily.
To assign the names and exact boundaries of the different tribes
inhabiting Epirus, as they stood in the seventh and sixth centuries BC, at the time when the western stream
of Grecian colonization was going on, and when the newly established Ambrakiots
must have been engaged in subjugating or expelling the prior occupants of their
valuable site, is out of our power. We have no information prior to Herodotus
and Thucydides, and that which they tell us cannot be safely applied to a time
either much earlier or much later than their own. That there was great analogy
between the inland Macedonians and the Epirots, from Mount Bermius across the
continent to the coast opposite Kerkira, in military equipment, in the fashion
of cutting the hair, and in speech, we are apprized by a valuable passage of
Strabo; who farther tells us, that many of the tribes spoke two different languages,
a fact which at least, proves very close intercommunion, if not a double origin
and incorporation.
Wars, or voluntary secessions and new alliances, would alter the boundaries
and relative situation of the various tribes. And this would be the more easily
effected, as all Epirus, even in the fourth century BC, was parcelled out among an aggregate of villages, without any
great central cities; so that the severance of a village from the Molossian
union, and its junction with the Thesprotian (abstracting from the feelings
with which it might be connected), would make little practical difference in
its condition or proceedings. The gradual increase of Hellenic influence tended
partially to centralize this political dispersion, enlarging some of the
villages into small towns by the incorporation of some of their neighbors; and
in this way, probably, were formed the seventy Epirotic cities which were
destroyed and given up to plunder on the same day, by Paulas Emilius and the
Roman senate. The Thesprotian Ephyre is called a city, even by Thucydides.
Nevertheless, the situation was unfavorable to the formation of considerable
cities, either on the coast or in the interior, since the physical character of
the territory is an exaggeration of that of Greece, almost throughout, wild,
rugged, and mountainous. The valleys and low grounds, though frequent, are
never extensive, while the soil is rarely suited, in any continuous spaces, for
the cultivation of corn : insomuch that the flour for the consumption of
Janina, at the present day, is transported from Thessaly over the lofty ridge
of Pindus, by means of asses and mules; while the fruits and vegetables are
brought from Arta, the territory of Ambrakia.
Epirus is essentially a pastoral country : its cattle as well as its
shepherds and shepherd’s dogs were celebrated throughout all antiquity; and its
population then, as now, found divided village residence the most suitable to
their means and occupations. In spite of this natural tendency, however,
Hellenic influences were to a certain extent efficacious, and it is to them that we are to ascribe the
formation of towns like Phoenike, an inland city a few miles removed from the
sea, in a latitude somewhat north of the northernmost point of Corcyra, which
Polybius notices as the most flourishing of the Epirotie cities at the time
when it was plundered by the Illyrians in 236 BC. Passaron, the ancient spot where the Molossian kings were
accustomed on their accession to take their coronation-oath, had grown into a
considerable town, in this last century before the Roman conquest; while
Tekmon, Phylake, and Horreum also became known to us at the same period. But
the most important step which those kings made towards aggrandizement, was the
acquisition of the Greek city of Ambrakia, which became the capital of the
kingdom of Pyrrhus, and thus gave to him the only site suitable for a
concentrated population which the country afforded.
If we follow the coast of Epirus from the entrance of the Ambrakian gulf
northward to the Akrokeraunian promontory, we shall find it discouraging to
Grecian colonization. There are none of those extensive maritime plains which
the gulf of Tarentum exhibits on its coast, and which sustained the grandeur of
Sybaris and Kroton. Throughout the whole extent, the mountain-region, abrupt
and affording little cultivable soil, approaches near to the sea, and the level
ground, wherever it exists, must be commanded and possessed, as it is now, by
villagers on hill-sites, always difficult of attack and often inexpugnable.
From hence, and from the neighborhood of Corcyra, herself well situated for
traffic with Epirus, and jealous of neighboring rivals, we may understand why
the Grecian emigrants omitted this unprofitable tract, and passed on either
northward to the maritime plains of Illyria, or westward to Italy.
In the time of Herodotus and Thucydides, there seems to have been no
Hellenic settlement between Ambrakia and Apollonia. The harbor called Glykys
Limen, and the neighboring valley and plain, the most considerable in Epirus,
next to that of Ambrakia, near the junction of the lake and river of Acheron
with the sea, were possessed by the Thesprotian town of Ephyre, situated on a
neighboring eminence; perhaps also, in part, by the ancient Thesprotian town of
Pandosia, so pointedly connected, both in Italy and Epirus, with the river
Acheron. Amidst the almost inexpugnable mountains and gorges which mark the
course of that Thesprotian river, was situated the memorable recent community
of Suli, which held in dependence many surrounding villages in the lower
grounds and in the plain, the counterpart of primitive Epirotic rulers in
situation, in fierceness, and in indolence, but far superior to them in
energetic bravery and endurance.
It appears that after the time of Thucydides, certain Greek settlers
must have found admission into the Epirotic towns in this region. For
Demosthenes mentions Pandosia, Buchetia, and Elaea, as settlements from Elis,
which Philip of Macedon conquered and handed over to his brother-in-law the
king of the Molossian Epirots; and Strabo tells us that the name of Ephyre had
been changed to Kichyrus, which appears to imply an accession of new
Both the Chaonians and Thesprotians appear, in the time of Thucydides,
as having no kings : there was a privileged kingly race, but the presiding
chief was changed from year to year. The Molossians, however, had a line of
kings, succeeding from father to son, which professed to trace its descent
through fifteen generations downward, from Achilles and Neoptolemus to Tharypas
about the year 400 BC; they were thus
a scion of the great Aeakid race. Admetus, the Molossian king to whom Themistocles
presented himself as a suppliant, appears to have lived in the simplicity of an
inland village chief. But Arrybas, his son or grandson, is said to have been
educated at Athens, and to have introduced improved social regularity into his
native country : while the subsequent kings both imitated the ambition and
received the aid of Philip of Macedon, extending their dominion over a large
portion of the other Epirots : even in the time of Skylax, they covered a large
inland territory, though their portion of sea-coast was confined.
From the narrative of Thucydides, we gather that all the Epirots, though
held together by no political union, were yet willing enough to combine for
purposes of aggression and plunder. The Chaonians enjoyed a higher military
reputation than the rest, but the account which Thucydides gives of their
expedition against Akarnania exhibits a blind, reckless, boastful impetuosity,
which contrasts strikingly with the methodical and orderly march of their Greek
allies and companions. We may here notice, that the Kassopaeans, whom Skylax
places in the south-western portion of Epirus between the Acheron and the
Ambrakian gulf, are not noticed either by Herodotus or Thucydides : the former,
indeed, conceives the river Acheron and the Thesprotians as conterminous with
the Ambrakiotic territory.
To collect the few particulars known respecting these ruder communities
adjacent to Greece, is a task indispensable for the just comprehension of the
Grecian world, and for the appreciation of the Greeks themselves, by comparison
or contrast with their contemporaries. Indispensable as it is, however, it can
hardly be rendered in itself interesting to the reader, whose patience I have
to bespeak by assuring him that the facts hereafter to be recounted of Grecian
history would be only half understood without this preliminary survey of the
lands around.