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From the Grecian settlements on the coast of Asia
Minor, and on the adjacent islands, our attention must now be turned to
those non-Hellenic kingdoms and people with whom they there came in
Our information with respect to all of them is
unhappily very scanty. Nor shall we improve our narrative by taking the
catalogue, presented in the Iliad, of allies of Troy, and construing it as
if it were a chapter of geography: if any proof were wanting of the
unpromising results of such a proceeding, we may find it in the confusion
which darkens so much of the work of Strabo—who perpetually turns aside
from the actual and ascertainable condition of the countries which he is
describing, to conjectures on Homeric antiquity, often announced as if
they were unquestionable facts. Where the Homeric geography is confirmed
by other evidence, we note the fact with satisfaction; where it
stands unsupported or difficult to reconcile with other statements, we
cannot venture to reason upon it as in itself a substantial testimony. The
author of the Iliad, as he has congregated together a vast body of
the different sections of Greeks for the attack of the consecrated hill of
Ilium, so he has also summoned all the various inhabitants of Asia
Minor to co-operate in its defence, and he has planted portions of the Cilicians and Lycians, whose historical existence is on the
southern coast, in the immediate vicinity of the Troad.
Those only will complain of this who have accustomed themselves to
regard him as an historian or geographer: if we are content to read him
only as the first of poets, we shall no more quarrel with him for a
geographical misplacement, than with his successor Arktinus for bringing on the battlefield of Ilium the Amazons or the Ethiopians.
The geography of Asia Minor is even now very imperfectly
known, and the matters ascertained respecting its ancient divisions and
boundaries relate almost entirely either to the later periods of the
Persian empire, or to times after the Macedonian and even after the Roman
conquest. To state them as they stood in the time of Croesus king of
Lydia, before the arrival of the conquering Cyrus, is a task in which we
find little evidence to sustain us. The great mountain chain of Taurus,
which begins from the Chelidonian promontory on
the southern coast of Lycia, and strikes north-eastward as far as
Armenia, formed the most noted boundary-line during the Roman
times—but Herodotus does not once mention it; the river Halys is in his view
the most important geographical limit. Northward of Taurus, on the upper
portions of the rivers Halys and Sangarius, was situated the spacious and lofty
central plain of Asia Minor. To the north, west, and south of this
central plain, the region is chiefly mountainous, as it approaches all the
three seas, the Euxine, the Aegean, and the Pamphylian—most
mountainous in the case of the latter, permitting no rivers of long
course. The mountains Cadmus, Messogis, Tmolus,
stretch westward towards the Aegean Sea, but leaving extensive spaces of
plain and long valleys, so that the course of the Maeander, the Kaister, and the Hermus is of considerable length.
The north-western part includes the mountainous regions of Ida, Temnus,
and the Mysian Olympus, yet with much admixture
of fertile and productive ground. The elevated tracts near the Euxine
appear to have been the most wooded—especially Kytorus: the
Parthenius, the Sangarius, the Halys, and the Iris, are all considerable
streams flowing northward towards that sea. Nevertheless, the plain land
interspersed through these numerous elevations was often of the greatest
fertility ; and as a whole, the peninsula of Asia Minor was considered as
highly productive by the ancients, in grain, wine, fruit, cattle, and
in many parts, oil; though the cold central plain did not carry the olive.
Along the western shores of this peninsula, where the
various bands of Greek emigrants settled, we hear of Pelasgians, Teucrians, Mysians, Bithynians, Phrygians,
Lydians or Maeonians, Carians, Lelegians.
Farther eastward are Lycians, Pisidians, Cilicians,
Phrygians, Cappadocians, Paphlagonians, Mariandynians,
&c. Speaking generally, we may say that the Phrygians, Teucrians and M-sians appear in the north-western portion, between the
river Hermus and the Propontis—the Carians and Lelegians south of the river Maeander,—and the Lydians in the central region between
the two. Pelasgians are found here and there, seemingly both in the
valley of the Hermus and in that of the Kaister:
even in the time of Herodotus, there were Pelasgian settlements at Plakia and Skylake on the Propontis, westward of Cyzicus:
and O. Muller would even trace the Tyrrhenian Pelasgians to Tyrrha, an inland town of Lydia, from whence
he imagines (though without much probability) the name Tyrrhenian to
be derived.
One important fact to remark, in respect to the native
population of Asia Minor at the first opening of this history, is, that they
were not aggregated into great kingdoms or confederations, nor
even into any large or populous cities—but distributed into many
inconsiderable tribes, so as to present no overwhelming resistance, and
threaten no formidable danger, to the successive bodies of Greek emigrants. The
only exception to this is, the Lydian monarchy of Sardis, the real
strength of which begins with Gyges and the dynasty of the Mermnadae,
about 700 b.c. Though the increasing force
of this kingdom ultimately extinguished the independence of the Greeks in
Asia, it seems to have noway impeded their
development, as it stood when they first arrived and for a long time
afterwards. Nor were either Carians or Mysians united under any one king, so as to possess facilities for
aggression or conquest.
As far as can be made out from our scanty data, it
appears that all the nations of Asia Minor west of the river Halys, were,
in a large sense, of kindred race with each other, as well as with the Thracians
on the European side of the Bosphorus and Hellespont. East of the Halys dwelt
the people of Syro-Arabian or Semitic
race,—Assyrians, Syrians, and Cappadocians—as well as Cilicians, Pamphylians and Solymi, along its
upper course and farther southward to the Pamphylian sea. Westward of the Halys the languages were not Semitic, but
belonging to a totally different family—cognate, yet distinct one from another,
perhaps not mutually intelligible. The Carians, Lydians and Mysians recognised a certain degree of brotherhood with
each other, attested by common religious sacrifices in the temple of Zeus Karios at Mylasa. But it is by no means certain that each
of these nations mutually comprehended each other’s speech; and
Herodotus, from whom we derive the knowledge of these common sacrifices,
acquaints us at the same time that the Kaunians in the south-western corner of the peninsula had no share in them, though
speaking the same language as the Carians; he does not, however, seem to
consider identity or difference of language as a test of national
Along the coast of the Euxine, from the Thracian
Bosphorus eastward to the river Halys, dwelt Bithynians or Thynians, Mariandynians and Paphlagonians—all recognised branches of the widely-extended Thracian race.
The Bithynians especially, in the north-western
portion of this territory, and reaching from the Euxine to the Propontis,
are often spoken of as Asiatic Thracians—-while on the other hand
various tribes among the Thracians of Europe are denominated Thyni or Thynians—so little
difference was there in the population on the two sides of the Bosphorus,
alike brave, predatory, and sanguinary. The Bithynians of Asia are also sometimes called Bebrykians,
under which denomination they extend as far southward as the Gulf of Kios
in the Propontis. They here come in contact with Mygdonians, Mysians and Phrygians. Along the southern coast of
the Propontis, between the rivers Rhyndakus and Aesepus,
in immediate neighbourhood with the powerful Greek colony of Cyzicus,
appear the Doliones; next, Pelasgians at Plakia and Skylake; then again, along the coast of the
Hellespont near Abydus and Lampsacus,
and occupying a portion of the Troad, we find
mention made of other Bebrykians. In the
interior of the Troad, or the region of Ida, are
Teucrians and Mysians: the latter seem to extend
southward down to Pergamus and the region of Mount Sipylus, and
eastward to the mountainous region called the Mysian Olympus, south of the lake Askanius, near which
they join with the Phrygians.
As far as any positive opinion can be formed
respecting nations of whom we know so little, it would appear that the Mysians and Phrygians are a sort of connecting link
between Lydians and Carians on one side, and Thracians (European
as well as Asiatic) on the other—a remote ethnical affinity pervading
the whole. Ancient migrations are spoken of in both directions across the
Hellespont and the Thracian Bosphorus. It was the opinion of some that
Phrygians, Mysians and Thracians had immigrated into
Asia from Europe, and the Lydian historian Xanthus referred the
arrival of the Phrygians to an epoch subsequent to the Trojan war. On
the other hand, Herodotus speaks of a vast body of Teucrians and Mysians, who, before the Trojan war, had crossed the strait
from Asia into Europe, expelled many of the European Thracians from
their seats, crossed the Strymon and the Macedonian rivers, and penetrated
as far southward as the river Peneus in Thessaly—as far westward as
the Ionic Gulf. This Teukro-Mysian migration (he
tells us) brought about two consequences: first, the establishment near the
river Strymon of the Paeonians, who called themselves Teucrian
colonists; next, the crossing into Asia of many of the dispossessed
Thracian tribes from the neighbourhood of the Strymon into the
northwestern region of Asia Minor, by which the Bithynian or Asiatic Thracian
people was formed. The Phrygians also are supposed by some to
have originally occupied an European soil on the borders of Macedonia
near the snow-clad Mount Bermion, at which time
they were called Briges,—an appellative name in the Lydian language equivalent
to freemen or Franks: while the Mysians are said
to have come from the north-eastern portions of European Thrace south of
the Danube, known under the Roman empire by the name of Moesia. But
with respect to the Mysians there was also
another story, according to which they were described as
colonists emanating from the Lydians; put forth according to that system
of devoting by solemn vow a tenth of the inhabitants, chosen by lot, to seek
settlements elsewhere, which recurs not unfrequently among the
stories of early emigrations, as the consequence of distress and famine.
And this last opinion was supported by the character of the Mysian language, half Lydian and half Phrygian, of
which both the Lydian historian Xanthus, and Menekrates of Elaea, (by whom the opinion was announced,) must
have been very competent judges.
From such tales of early migration both ways across
the Hellespont and the Bosphorus, all that we can with any certainty infer
is, a certain measure of affinity among the population of Thrace and Asia
Minor—especially visible in the case of the Phrygians and Mysians. The name and legends of the Phrygian hero
Midas are connected with different towns throughout the extensive region
of Asiatic Phrygia—Kelaenae, Pessinus,
Ankyra, Gordium—as well as with the neighbourhood of Mount Bermion in Macedonia: the adventure whereby Midas got
possession of Silenus, mixing wine with the spring of which he drank, was
localised at the latter place as well as at the town of Thymbrion, nearly at the eastern extremity of Asiatic
Phrygia. The name Mygdonia, and the
eponymous hero Mygdon, belong not less to the European territory near the
river Axius (afterwards a part of Macedonia) than to the Asiatic coast of the
eastern Propontis, between Kios and the river Rhyndakus. Otreus and Mygdon are the commanders of the Phrygians
in the Iliad; and the river Odrysde, which
flowed through the territory of the Asiatic Mygdonians into the Rhyndakus, affords another example of
homonymy with the Odrysian Thracians’ in Europe. And
as these coincidences of names and legends conduct us to the idea of
analogy and affinity between Thracians and Phrygians, so we find
Archilochus, the earliest poet remaining to us who mentions them as
contemporaries, coupling the two in the same simile. To this early Parian
Iambist, the population on the two sides of the Hellespont appears to have
presented similarity of feature and customs.
To settle with any accuracy the extent and condition
of these Asiatic nations during the early days of Grecian settlement among
them is impracticable: the problem was not to be solved even by the ancient
geographers, with their superior means of knowledge. The early indigenous
distribution of the Phrygian population is unknown to us, and the
division into the Greater and Lesser Phrygia belongs to a period at least
subsequent to the Persian conquest, like most of the recognised
divisions of Asia Minor; it cannot therefore be applied
with reference to the period earlier than Croesus. It appears that
the name Phrygians, like that of Thracians, was a generic designation, and
comprehended tribes or separate communities who had also specific names of
their own. We trace Phrygians at wide distances: on the western bank
of the river Halys—at Kelaenae, in the interior
of Asia Minor, towards the rise of the river Maeander— and on the
coast of the Propontis near Kios:—in both of these latter localities there
is a salt lake called Askanius, which is the
name both of the leader of the Phrygian allies of Troy and of
the country from whence they are said to come, in the Iliad. They
thus occupy a territory bounded on the south by the Pisidian mountains—on
the west by the Lydians (indicated by a terminal pillar set up by
Croesus at Kydrara)—on the east by the river
Halys, on the other side of which were Cappadocians or Syrians:—on the north by
Paphlagonians and Mariandynians. But it seems,
besides this, that they must have extended farther to the west, so as to occupy
a great portion of the region of Mount Ida and the Troad.
For Apolloddrus considered that both the Doliones and the Bebrykians were
included in the great Phrygian name; and even in the ancient poem called ‘Phoronis’ (which can hardly be placed later than 600 b.c.), the Daktyls of Mount
Ida, the great discoverers of metallurgy, are expressly named Phrygian.
The custom of the Attic tragic poets to call the inhabitants of the Troad Phrygians, does not necessarily imply any translation
of inhabitants, but an employment of the general name, as better
known to the audience whom they addressed, in preference to the less
notorious specific name—just as the inhabitants of Bithynia might be
described either as Bithynians or as Asiatic
If (as the language of Herodotus and Ephorus would
seem to imply) we suppose the Phrygians to the be at a considerable
distance from the coast and dwelling only in the interior, it will be difficult
to explain to ourselves how or where the early Greek colonists came
to be so much influenced by them; whereas the supposition that the tribes
occupying the Troad and the region of Ida were
Phrygians elucidates this point. And the fact is incontestable, that
both Phrygians and Lydians did not only modify the religious manifestations of
the Asiatic Greeks, and through them of the Grecian world generally—but
also rendered important aid towards the first creation of the Grecian
musical scale. Of this the denominations of the scale afford a proof.
Greek musical scale —partly borrowed from
the Phrygians.
Three primitive musical modes were employed by the
Greek poets, in the earliest times of which later authors could find any
account—the Lydian, which was the most acute—the Dorian, which
was the most grave—and the Phrygian, intermediate between the two;
the highest note of the Lydian being one tone higher, that of the Dorian
one tone lower, than the highest note of the Phrygian scale. Such
were the three modes or scales, each including only a tetrachord, upon which
the earliest Greek masters worked: many other scales, both higher and
lower, were subsequently added. It thus appears that the earliest Greek
music was, in large proportion, borrowed from Phrygia and Lydia: and
when we consider that in the eighth and seventh centuries before the
Christian sera, music and poetry conjoined (often also with dancing
or rhythmical gesticulation) was the only intellectual manifestation
known among the Greeks—and moreover, that in the belief of all the ancient
writers, every musical mode had its own peculiar emotional influences,
powerfully modified the temper of hearers, and was intimately connected
with the national worship—we shall see that this transmission of the
musical modes implies much both of communication and interchange between
the Asiatic Greeks and the indigenous population of the continent. Now the
fact of communication between the Ionic and Aeolic Greeks, and their
eastern neighbours, the Lydians, is easy to comprehend generally,
though we have no details as to the way in which it took place; but we do
not distinctly see where it was that the Greeks came so much into contact
with the Phrygians except in the region of Ida, the Troad,
and the southern coast of the Propontis. To this region belonged those
early Phrygian musicians (under the heroic names of Olympus, Hyagnis, Marsyas,), from whom the Greeks borrowed. And
we may remark that the analogy between Thracians and Phrygians
seems partly to hold in respect both to music and to religion, since the
old myth in the Iliad, wherein the Thracian bard Thamyris,
rashly contending in song with the Muses, is conquered, blinded and
stripped of his art, seems to be the prototype of the very similar
story respecting the contention of Apollo with the Phrygian Marsyas—the
cithara against the flute; while the Phrygian Midas is farther characterised as
the religious disciple of Thracian Orpheus.
In my previous chapter relating to the legend of Troy,
mention has been already made of the early fusion of the Aeolic Greeks
with the indigenous population of the Troad; and
it is from hence probably that the Phrygian music with the flute as
its instrument—employed in the orgiastic rites and worship of the
Great Mother in Mount Ida, in the Mysian Olympus, and other mountain regions of the country, and even in the Greek
city of Lampsacus—passed to the Greek composers. Its introduction is coeval
with the earliest facts respecting Grecian music, and must have taken
place during the first century of the recorded Olympiads. In the
Homeric poems we find no allusion to it, but it may probably have
contributed to stimulate that development of lyric and elegiac composition
which grew up among the post-homeric Aeolians
and Ionians, to the gradual displacement of the old epic. Another
instance of the fusion of Phrygians with Greeks is to be found in the
religious ceremonies of Cyzicus, Kius, and Prusa, on
the southern and south-eastern coasts of the Propontis: at the first of
the three places, the worship of the Great Mother of the Gods was
celebrated with much solemnity on the hill of Dindymon,
bearing the same name as that mountain in the interior, near Pessinus, from whence Cybeld derived her principal surname of Dindymene. The
analogy between the Cretan and Phrygian religious practices has been often
noticed, and confusion occurs not unfrequently between Mount Ida in Crete
and the mountain of the same name in the Troad;
while the Teucrians of Gergis in the Troad—who
were not yet Hellenised even at the time of the Persian invasion, and
who were affirmed by the elegiac poet Kallinus to have immigrated from Crete—if
they were not really Phrygians—differed so little from them as to be
called such by the poets.
The Phrygians are celebrated by Herodotus for the
abundance both of their flocks and their agricultural produce: the excellent
wool for which Miletus was always renowned came in part from the
upper valley of the river Maeander, which they inhabited. He contrasts
them in this respect with the Lydians, among whom the attributes and
capacities of persons dwelling in cities are chiefly brought to our view:
much gold and silver, retail trade, indigenous games, unchastity of young
women, yet combined with thrift and industry. Phrygian cheese and
salt-provisions, Lydian unguents, carpets and coloured shoes, acquired
notoriety. Both Phrygians and Lydians are noticed by Greek authors
subsequent to the establishment of the Persian empire as a people timid,
submissive, industrious, and useful as slaves—an attribute not ascribed to
the Mysians, who are usually described as brave
and hardy mountaineers, difficult to hold in subjection: nor even true
respecting the Lydians, during the earlier times anterior to the
complete overthrow of Croesus by Cyrus; for they were then esteemed
for their warlike prowess. Nor was the different character of these two
Asiatic people yet effaced even in the second century after the Christian
sera. For the same Mysians, who in the time of
Herodotus and Xenophon gave so much trouble to the Persian satraps, are
described by the rhetor Aristeides as seizing and plundering his property
at Laneion near Hadriani—while
on the contrary he mentions the Phrygians as habitually coming
from the interior towards the coast regions to do the work of the
olive-gathering9. During the times of Grecian autonomy and ascendency, in the
fifth century b.c., the conception of a Phrygian or a
Lydian was associated in the Greek mind with ideas of contempt and
servitude, to which unquestionably these Asiatics became fashioned, since it was habitual with them under the Roman empire to
sell their own children into slavery—a practice certainly very rare among
the Greeks, even when they too had become confounded among the mass of
subjects of imperial Rome. But we may fairly assume that this association
of contempt with the name of a Phrygian or a Lydian did not prevail
during the early period of Grecian Asiatic settlement, or even in the
time of Alkman, Mimnermus, or Sappho, down to
600 b.c. We first trace evidence of it in a
fragment of Hipponax, and it began with the subjection of Asia Minor
generally, first under Croesus and then under Cyrus, and with the
sentiment of comparative pride which grew up afterwards in the minds of
European Greeks. The native Phrygian tribes along the Propontis, with
whom the Greek colonists came in contact—Bebrykians, Doliones, Mygdonians,
&c.—seem to have been agricultural, cattle-breeding and
horse-breeding, yet more vehement and warlike than the Phrygians of
the interior, as far at least as can be made out by their legends. The
brutal but gigantic Amykus son of Poseidon,
chief of the Bebrykians, with whom Pollux
contends in boxing, and his brother Mygdon to whom Herakles is opposed,
are samples of a people whom the Greek poets considered ferocious, and not
submissive; while the celebrity of the horses of Erichthonius, Laomedon,
and Asius of Arisbe, in the Iliad, shows that
horse-breeding was a distinguishing attribute of the region of Ida,
not less in the mind of Homer than in that of Virgil.
Primitive Phrygian king or hero Gordias. Midas.
According to the legend of the Phrygian town of
Gordium on the river Sangarius, the primitive Phrygian king Gordius was
originally a poor husbandman, upon the yoke of whose team, as he one day
tilled his field, an eagle perched and posted himself. Astonished at this
portent, he consulted the Telmissean augurs to
know what it meant, and a maiden of the prophetic breed acquainted
him that the kingdom was destined to his family. He espoused her, and
the offspring of the marriage was Midas. Seditions afterwards breaking out
among the Phrygians, they were directed by an oracle, as the only means of
tranquillity, to choose for themselves as king the man whom they should first
see approaching in a waggon. Gordius and Midas happened to be then
coming into the town in their waggon, and the crown was conferred
upon them: their waggon was consecrated in the citadel of Gordium to
Zeus Basileus, and became celebrated from the insoluble knot whereby the yoke
was attached, and the severance of it afterwards by the sword of Alexander
the Great. Whosoever could untie the knot, to him the kingdom of Asia
was portended, and Alexander was the first whose sword both fulfilled
the condition and realised the prophecy.
Of these legendary Phrygian names and anecdotes we can
make no use for historical purposes. We know nothing of any Phrygian kings,
during the historical times—but Herodotus tells us of a certain Midas
son of Gordius, king of Phrygia, who was the first foreign sovereign that
ever sent offerings to the Delphian temple, anterior to Gyges of Lydia.
This Midas dedicated to the Delphian god the throne on which he was in the
habit of sitting to administer justice. Chronologers have
referred the incident to a Phrygian king Midas placed by Eusebius in
the tenth Olympiad—a supposition which there are no means of verifying.
There may have been a real Midas king of Gordium; but that there was ever
any great united Phrygian monarchy, we have not the least ground for supposing.
The name Gordius son of Midas again appears in the legend of Croesus and
Solon told by Herodotus, as part of the genealogy of the
ill-fated prince Adrastus: here too it seems to represent a legendary
rather than a real person.
Of the Lydians I shall speak in the following chapter.