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ON 28 November 1199 some great nobles of Champagne and Picardy, who had
assembled in the castle of Ecri-sur-Aisne for a
tournament, resolved to assume the Cross and go to deliver the Holy Land. They
elected Theobald (Thibaut) III, Count of Champagne, as leader. The suggested
expedition coincided so entirely with the desires of Pope Innocent III that he
encouraged it with all his might. At his call, Fulk,
parish priest of Neuilly in France, and Abbot Martin of Pairis in Germany, began a series of sermons, which by their fervour easily persuaded the mass of the faithful to enlist in the Crusade. No doubt
the Western sovereigns intervened only indirectly in the preparation and
direction of the expedition, Philip Augustus being engaged in his struggle with
John Lackland, and Philip of Swabia entirely
engrossed in disputing the Empire with Otto of Brunswick; the Crusade was
essentially a feudal enterprise, led by an oligarchy of great barons, and, even
at first, partly inspired by worldly aspirations and material interests. In
this particular the fourth Holy War differed greatly from the previous ones. “For
many of the crusaders”, says Luchaire, “it was above
all a business matter”. And this consideration will perhaps help us to a better
understanding of the character which this undertaking quickly assumed.
For the transport of the crusaders to the East a fleet was necessary. In
February 1201 the barons sent delegates, of whom Villehardouin was one, to Venice to procure the requisite naval force from the mighty republic.
After somewhat troublesome negotiations, recorded for us by Villehardouin,
a treaty was concluded in April 1201, whereby in return for a sum of 85,000
marks of silver the Venetians agreed to supply the crusaders by 28 June 1202
with the ships and provisions necessary for the transport of their army
overseas. Venice moreover joined in the enterprise, astutely realising the advantage to be gained by guiding and
directing the expedition. The Doge, Enrico Dandolo,
solemnly assumed the Cross at St Mark’s, and in return the crusaders promised
to assign half of their conquests to Venice.
Most of the knights regarded Syria as the goal of the expedition and
cherished the ambition of reconquering the Holy Land. The great barons, on the
other hand, wished to strike at the heart of the Muslim power, i.e. Egypt. And this divergence of
views heavily handicapped the whole Crusade. It has been asserted that the
Venetians, who were bound by treaties with the Sultan of Egypt and did not wish
to compromise their commercial interests, were from the first hostile to the
expedition, and sought means of diverting the crusaders from their path, thus
betraying Christendom. There is nothing to prove that they planned this
deliberately, but it is obvious that the stiff contract of April 1201 rendered
the Christian army dependent on the republic.
The crusaders slowly prepared to cross the Alps. Meanwhile the death of
Theobald of Champagne had obliged them to find another leader. On the
recommendation of the King of France, an Italian baron was chosen, Boniface, Marquess of Montferrat, whose brothers had played a great
part in the East, both Latin and Byzantine. At Soissons on 16 August 1201 he
was acclaimed by the barons, after which he betook himself to Germany, where he
spent part of the winter with Philip of Swabia, his intimate friend; and to
this visit great importance for the ultimate fate of the Crusade has sometimes
been attributed. Meanwhile the army was mustering at Venice, where it was assembled
in July-August 1202. But the crusaders had only paid the Venetians a small part
of the sum agreed upon as payment for the voyage, and it was impossible for
them to collect the remainder. Interned in the island of St Niccoló di Lido, harassed by demands from the Venetian merchants and threats that their
supplies would be cut off if the money were not forthcoming, the crusaders were
finally obliged to accept the doge’s proposal that they should be granted a
respite if they helped the republic to reconquer the city of Zara, which had
been taken by the Hungarians. In spite of the indignant protests of Innocent
III and his legate at an attack directed against a Christian city and a
crusading ruler, the enterprise had to be undertaken in order to satisfy the
Venetian demands. The barons unwillingly agreed to engage in it (September
1202); and on 8 November 1202 the fleet sailed amidst general rejoicings. On 10
November Zara was attacked, and surrendered in five days, when the Venetians
destroyed it utterly. It was in vain that Innocent III threatened and
excommunicated the Venetians. The crusaders were now preoccupied by
considerations of greater importance, which diverted the Crusade to a new
objective. It had been undertaken with the object of delivering Jerusalem, or
attacking Egypt; it ended in the conquest of Constantinople.
For over a century the West had for many reasons been casting looks of
hate and envy towards Byzantium. The Norman Kings of Sicily and their German
successor, the Emperor Henry VI, had several times directed their dreams of
conquest towards the Greek Empire. The leaders of the various crusades,
indignant at the treachery and of the Byzantines, had more than once
contemplated taking Constantinople and destroying the monarchy. Finally the
Venetians, who had for a century been masters of the commerce with the Levant
and were anxious to keep for themselves the fine
markets of the East, were becoming uneasy, both at the increasing animosity
displayed by the Greeks, and at the rivalry of the other maritime cities of
Italy. In the course of the twelfth century they had several times been obliged
to defend their position and privileges by force of arms; therefore their
politicians, and especially the Doge Enrico Dandolo,
were considering whether the easiest way of resolving the problem and securing
the commercial prosperity of the republic in the East would not be to conquer
the Byzantine Empire and establish on its ruins a colonial Venetian empire. All
these various causes, unrealised ambitions of
conquest, old accumulated grudges against the Greeks, threatened economic
interests, almost inevitably led to the diversion of the Fourth Crusade to
Constantinople; all that was necessary was that an opportunity should offer
This opportunity occurred in the course of 1202. The Basileus reigning in Constantinople, Alexius Angelus, had dethroned his brother Isaac in
1195, and had cast the deposed monarch and his young son Alexius into prison.
The latter succeeded in escaping and came to Germany, either at the end of 1201
or else in the spring of 1202, to seek the help of his brother-in-law, Philip
of Swabia, husband of his sister Irene. But Philip had no means of giving
direct support to the young prince. Did he arrange with Boniface of Montferrat,
or with the Venetians, who were interested in re-opening the Eastern question,
that the crusading army, then inactive at Venice, should be utilised against Byzantium? Scholars of today have devoted much discussion to this very
obscure historical point. It has been suggested that Philip of Swabia, deeply
interested in his young brother-in-law, and moreover cherishing, like his
brother Henry VI, personal ambitions with regard to the East, immediately on
the arrival of Alexius agreed with Boniface of Montferrat that the Crusade
should be diverted to Constantinople. It has been suggested that he hoped by
this means to checkmate the Papacy, and, by threatening to ruin the projected
Crusade, force Innocent III to seek a reconciliation with him. The question has also been raised whether the Venetians had long
premeditated their attack on Zara, and whether or not they had agreed with the Marquess of Montferrat that the fleet should next set sail
for Byzantium; in a word, whether the diversion of the Crusade sprang from
fortuitous causes, or was the result of deep intrigues and premeditated
designs. "This," says Luchaire wisely,
"will never be known, and science has something better to do than
interminably to discuss an insoluble problem." All that can be said is
that the arrival of young Alexius in the West suited the policy of the Doge
Enrico Dandolo admirably, and that the latter used it
with supreme ability to insist on an attempt upon Byzantium against the wishes
of some of the crusaders, thereby ensuring enormous advantages to his country.
Even before leaving Venice in September 1202 the leaders of the Crusade
had received messengers from the Greek claimant, and had entered into
negotiations with Philip of Swabia. After the capture of Zara, envoys from the
German king and his young brother-in-law brought them much more definite
proposals. In return for the help to be given him in recapturing
Constantinople, Alexius promised the crusaders to pay the balance still owing
to the Venetians, to provide them with the money and supplies necessary for
conquering Egypt, to assist them by sending a contingent of 10,000 men, to
maintain five hundred knights to guard the Holy Land, and, finally, to bring
about religious reunion with Rome. It was a tempting offer, and, under pressure
from the Venetians and Montferrat, the leading barons decided to accept it. No
doubt a certain number of knights protested and left the army, starting for
Syria direct. It was represented to the majority that the expedition to Constantinople
in no way superseded the original plan, that, in fact, it would facilitate its
execution, that moreover it would be a meritorious act and one pleasing to God
to restore the legitimate heir to the throne; it is also clear that at this
time no one contemplated the destruction of the Greek Empire. Whatever their
real wishes, the majority allowed themselves to be persuaded. On 25 April 1203
Alexius joined Montferrat and Dandolo at Zara, and at
Corfu in May was signed the definitive treaty which established the diversion
of the great enterprise. The Pope, solicitous as always that the Crusade should
not fall to pieces, allowed matters to go their own way. On 25 May the
crusading fleet left Corfu, and on 24 June 1203 it appeared outside
Breach with the
Byzantine government
Every one knows the celebrated passage in which Villehardouin describes the impressions which the crusaders experienced at first sight of the
great Byzantine city. “Now wit ye well that they gazed at Constantinople, those
who had never seen it; for they had not dreamed that there was in all the world
so rich a city, when they beheld the high walls and the mighty towers by which
she was enclosed all round, and those rich palaces and those great churches, of
which there were so many that none might believe it if he had not seen it with
his own eyes, and the length and breadth of the city, which was sovereign among
all. And wit ye well that there was no man so bold that he did not tremble; and
this was not wonderful; for never was so great a matter undertaken by any man since
the world was created”.
The crusaders had expected that the Greeks would welcome with enthusiasm
the monarch whom they had come to restore. But on the contrary every one
rallied round Alexius III, who was regarded as the defender of national
independence. The Latins were therefore obliged to resort to force. They
stormed the tower of Galata, forced the chain across the harbour, and entered
the Golden Horn; then on 17 July 1203 they assaulted the town by land and sea.
Alexius III, realising his defeat, fled; his victims,
Isaac and the young Alexius, were restored to the throne; on 1 August they were
solemnly crowned at St Sophia in the presence of the Latin barons. The new
sovereigns received the Latins “as benefactors and preservers of the Empire”;
they hastened to carry out the promises they had made, and lavished on them the
wealth of the capital, thereby only increasing the covetousness of the
crusaders, which was already excited. This friendship did not last long. Torn
between the demands of his allies and the hostility of the national party,
which accused him of having betrayed Byzantium to aliens, the young Alexius IV
was soon unable to fulfil his promises. Urged by the Venetians, the Latins had
decided to pass the winter season in Constantinople, but they had made the
mistake of evacuating the capital after an occupation of a few days, and the
insolence of the Greeks had been thereby greatly increased. Finally Dandolo, who during the temporary absence of Montferrat was
in command, seized the opportunity of multiplying difficulties and preparing a
breach by his unreasonableness. In these circumstances a catastrophe was
inevitable. There were affrays and riots, followed by a revolution. In February
1204 the son-in-law of the Emperor Alexius III, Alexius Ducas,
nicknamed Mourtzouphlos, the leader of the national
party, caused the downfall of the two weak Emperors who were incapable of
resisting the demands of the crusaders; and a few days later Alexius IV was
strangled in prison. Henceforth any agreement was impossible. The only means of realising the great hopes inspired by the capture of
Constantinople, ensuring the success of the Crusade, and attaining the union of
the Churches, was to seize Constantinople and keep it. The Venetians especially
insisted on the necessity of finishing the work and founding a Latin Empire;
and in the month of March 1204 the crusaders agreed on the manner in which they
should divide the future conquest. The French and the Venetians were to share
equally in the booty of Constantinople. An assembly of six Venetians and six
Frenchmen were to elect the Emperor, to whom was to be assigned a quarter of
the conquered territory. The other three quarters were to go, half to the
Venetians, half to the crusaders. Dandolo succeeded
in arranging everything to the advantage of Venice. The city of St Mark
obtained a promise that she should receive the lion's share of the booty by way
of indemnity for what was due to her, that all her commercial privileges should
be preserved, and that the party which did not provide the Emperor (a privilege
to which Venice attached no importance) should receive the Patriarchate of
Constantinople and should occupy St Sophia. Moreover the doge arranged matters
so that the new Empire, feudally organised, should be
weak as opposed to Venice. Having thus ordered all things “to the honour of God, of the Pope, and of the Empire”, the
crusaders devoted themselves to the task of taking Constantinople.
Sack of Constantinople
The first assault on 9 April 1204 failed. The attack on 12 April was
more successful. The outer wall was taken, and while a vast conflagration broke
out in the town, Mourtzouphlos, losing courage, fled.
On the morrow, the leaders of the army established themselves in the imperial
palaces and allowed their soldiers to pillage Constantinople for three days.
The crusaders treated the city with appalling cruelty. Murder,
rape, sacrilege, robbery, were let loose. “These defenders of Christ”,
wrote Pope Innocent III himself, “who should have turned their swords only
against the infidels, have bathed in Christian blood. They have respected
neither religion, nor age, nor sex. They have committed in open day adultery,
fornication, and incest. Matrons and virgins, even those vowed to God, were
delivered to the ignominious brutality of the soldiery. And it was not enough
for them to squander the treasures of the Empire, and to rob private
individuals, whether great or small. They have dared to lay their hands on the
wealth of the churches. They have been seen tearing from the altars the silver
adornments, breaking them in fragments over which they quarrelled,
violating the sanctuaries, carrying away the icons, crosses, and relics”. St
Sophia was the scene of disgraceful proceedings: a drunken soldiery might be
seen destroying the sacred books, treading pious images underfoot, polluting
the costly materials, drinking from the consecrated vessels, distributing
sacerdotal ornaments and jewels torn from the altars to courtesans and
camp-followers; a prostitute seated herself on the throne of the Patriarch and
there struck up a ribald song. The most famous works of art were destroyed,
bronze statues melted down and used for coinage, and,
among so many horrors, the Greek historian Nicetas,
who in an eloquent lament described and mourned the ruin of his country,
declared that even the Saracens would have been more merciful than these men,
who yet claimed to be soldiers of Christ.
The Latins themselves at last experienced some feelings of shame. The
leaders of the army took severe pleasures to restore order. But pillage was
followed by methodical and organised extortion. Under
pain of excommunication all stolen objects must be brought to a common store; a
systematic search for treasure and relics was instituted, and the spoils were divided
between the conquerors. “The booty was so great”, writes Villehardouin,
“that no man could give you a count thereof, gold and silver, plate and
precious stones, samite and silks, and garments of fur, fair and silver-gray
and ermine, and all the riches ever found on earth. And Geoffrey de Villehardouin, marshal of Champagne, truly bears witness,
according to his knowledge and in truth, that never,
since the world was created, was so much taken in a city”. The total share of
the crusaders—three-eighths—seems to have amounted to 400,000 marks of silver.
The churches of the West were enriched with sacred spoils from Constantinople,
and the Venetians, better informed than the rest as to the wealth of Byzantium,
knew very well how to make their choice.
After the booty, there was still the Empire to be divided. On 9 May 1204
the electoral college assembled to elect the new
sovereign. One man seemed destined to occupy the throne: the leader of the
Crusade, the Marquess Boniface of Montferrat, who was
popular with the Lombards because of his nationality,
with the Germans because of his relationship to Philip of Swabia, and even with
the Greeks because of the marriage he had recently contracted with Margaret of
Hungary, widow of Isaac Angelus. But for these very reasons, Montferrat was
likely to prove too powerful a sovereign, and consequently a source of
uneasiness to Venice, which meant to derive great advantages for herself from
the Crusade. Boniface was therefore passed over in favour of a less important noble, Baldwin, Count of Flanders. On 16 May the latter was
crowned with great pomp in St Sophia. And those who admired the magnificent
ceremonial displayed in these festivities might well believe that nothing had
changed in Byzantium since the glorious days of the Comneni.
But this was only a semblance, as was obvious a little later when the
final division of the Empire took place. As his personal dominions, the new
Emperor was awarded the territory which stretched west and east of the sea of
Marmora, from Tzurulum (Chorlu)
to the Black Sea in Europe; and, in Asia Minor, Bithynia and Mysia to the vicinity of Nicaea; some of the larger islands
of the Archipelago were also assigned to him, Samothrace, Lesbos, Chios, Samos,
and Cos. This was little enough, and even in his capital the Emperor was not
sole master. By a somewhat singular arrangement he only possessed five-eighths
of the city; the remainder, including St Sophia, belonged to the Venetians, who
had secured the lion’s share of the gains. They took everything which helped
them to maintain their maritime supremacy, Epirus, Acarnania, Aetolia, the
Ionian Islands, the whole of the Peloponnesus, Gallipoli, Rodosto, Heraclea in the sea of Marmora and Hadrianople in the interior, several of the islands in the Archipelago, Naxos, Andros,
Euboea, and finally Crete, which Boniface of Montferrat relinquished to them.
The doge assumed the title of “despot”; he was dispensed from paying homage to
the Emperor, and proudly styled himself “lord of one fourth and a half of the
Greek Empire”. A Venetian, Thomas Morosini, was
raised to the patriarchate, and became the head of the Latin Church in the new
Empire. Venice, indeed, was not to hold in her own hand all the territory
granted to her. In Epirus she was content to hold Durazzo,
and, in the Peloponnesus, Coron and Modon; she granted other districts as fiefs to various
great families of her aristocracy; Corfu and most of the islands of the
Archipelago thus became Venetian seigniories (the
duchy of Naxos, marquessate of Cerigo,
grand-duchy of Lemnos, duchy of Crete, etc.). But, by means of all this and the
land she occupied directly, she secured for herself unquestioned supremacy in
the Levantine seas. The Empire was very weak compared with the powerful
Nor was this all. Some compensation had to be given to Boniface of Montferrat for having missed
the imperial dignity. He was promised Asia Minor and continental Greece, but
finally, despite the Emperor, he exchanged Asia Minor for Macedonia and the
north of Thessaly, which formed the kingdom of Thessalonica held by him as
vassal of the Empire. The counts and barons had next to be provided for, and a whole crop of feudal seigniories blossomed forth in the Byzantine world. Henry of Flanders, the Emperor’s brother,
became lord of Adramyttium, Louis of Blois was made Duke of Nicaea, Renier of Trit Duke of Philippopolis, and Hugh of St Pol lord of Demotika. On one day, 1 October 1204, the Emperor knighted
six hundred and distributed fiefs to them. Some weeks later other seigniories came into being in Thessaly and the parts of
Greece conquered by Montferrat. The Pallavicini became marquesses of Boudonitza,
the La Roche family first barons, and subsequently dukes, of Athens; Latin
nobles settled in Euboea, over whom Venice quickly established her suzerainty;
finally, in the Peloponnesus, William of Champlitte and Geoffrey of Villehardouin, the historian's
nephew, founded the principality of Achaia.
Assises of Romania
In this new society, the crusaders introduced all the Western
institutions to the Byzantine East. The Latin Empire was an absolutely feudal
State, whose legislation, modelled on that of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem,
was contained in the Assises of Romania. Elected by
the barons, the Emperor was only the foremost baron, in spite of the ceremony
with which he had surrounded himself and the great officers of his court. To
render the Empire, thus born of the Crusade, living and durable, a strong
government and a perfectly centralised State were
necessary, whereas Baldwin was almost powerless. Boniface of Montferrat in
particular was a most unruly subject, and, to impose on him the homage due to
his suzerain, Baldwin was obliged to make war on him and to occupy Thessalonica
for a while (August 1204); and in these civil disorders there was danger, for,
as is said by Villehardouin, “if God had not been
pitiful, all that had been gained would have been lost, and Christendom would
have been exposed to the peril of death”. Matters were arranged more or less
satisfactorily; but the emergency had clearly demonstrated the Emperor's
weakness. As to the vassals of the outlying parts of Greece, the dukes of
Athens and princes of Achaia, they generally took no interest in the affairs of
the Empire. The position with the Venetians was even more difficult, engrossed
as they were in their own economic interests and impatient of all control.
Romania was their chattel, and they meant to keep the Emperor dependent on
them. By the agreement of October 1205, a council was established, in which sat
the Venetian podestà, and the great Frank barons, to
assist the Emperor; it combined the right of superintending military operations
with judicial powers, and had the privilege of controlling the sovereign's
decisions. A High Court of Justice composed of Latins and Venetians similarly
regulated everything which affected the relations between vassals and suzerain.
Furthermore the Venetians were exempted from all taxation.
Weakness of the Latin
Thus the “New France”, as it was called by the Pope, which had come into
being in the East, was singularly weak owing to the differences between the
conquerors, and Innocent III, who at first hailed with enthusiasm “the miracle
wrought by God to the glory of His name, the honour and benefit of the Roman See, the advantage of Christendom”, very soon
experienced a grave disillusion. Many other difficulties, indeed, endangered
the new Empire. The manner in which the Latins had treated Constantinople was
ill adapted to gain the friendship of the Greeks; the fundamental misunderstanding
between victors and vanquished could not fail to become intensified. It was
impossible to establish agreement between the two races, the two Churches, the
two civilizations. The brutal methods of conquest and the inevitable
confiscations (from the first the Latins had seized all the property of the
Greek Church) did not conduce to settle difficulties and to quell hatred.
There were, indeed, some Latin princes of greater political insight,
—Montferrat in Thessalonica, Villehardouin in Achaia,
and Baldwin's successor, Henry of Flanders—who sought to conciliate the
vanquished by assuring them that their rights and property would be respected.
But, except in the Peloponnesus, the results obtained were disappointing. With
the exception of some great nobles, such as Theodore Branas,
who adhered to the new government, the great mass of the Greek nation remained
irreconcilable, and the patriotic party felt deep contempt for those “servile
souls whom”, as Nicetas wrote, “ambition armed
against their country, for those traitors, who to secure some territory, had
submitted to the conquerors”, when they should have wished to remain eternally
at war with the Latins.
The principal effect of the taking of Constantinople by the crusaders
was to arouse patriotic sentiment in the Greeks and to reawaken in them the
sense of nationality. Round the son-in-law of the Emperor Alexius III, Theodore Lascaris, had collected any of the Byzantine
aristocracy and leading Orthodox clergy that had escaped disaster, and in 1206
the Greek prince caused himself to be solemnly crowned as Emperor of the
Romans. Other Greek states rose from the ruins of the Empire. Some princes of
the family of the Comneni founded an Empire at
Trebizond, which lasted until the fifteenth century. In Epirus, a bastard of
the house of Angelus, Michael Angelus Comnenus,
established a Despotat which reached from Naupactus
to Durazzo; and other seigniories were founded by Gabalas at Rhodes, by Mankaphas at Philadelphia, and in Greece by Leo Sgouros. Of these States, two were specially formidable, Epirus which threatened Thessalonica, and Nicaea which aspired to
conquer Asia Minor preparatory to regaining Constantinople.
Herein were many sources of weakness for the Latin Empire. The Bulgarian
peril added yet another cause for uneasiness. Since the end of the twelfth
century an independent state had arisen in Bulgaria, at whose head was the Tsar Kalojan, or Johannitsa (1197-1207), who styled himself Tsar of the Wallachians and the Bulgars. He was hostile to the Byzantines and
quite disposed to be friendly with the Latins. He was also on good terms with
Rome, and had even been crowned by a legate of Innocent III. When, therefore,
he heard of the taking of Constantinople, he was quite ready to come to terms
with the crusaders. But they took a high hand, and summoned the Bulgarian Tsar
to restore the “portion of the Greek Empire unjustly retained by him”. This was
a grave mistake, and was recognised as such by Pope
Innocent III. Had the Latins been on peaceful terms with the Bulgars, they might have had some chance of opposing the
Greeks, but their methods were such as to unite all their adversaries against
Defeat and death of the
Emperor Baldwin I
Without money, without authority, almost without an army, what could the
weak sovereign of the new Latin Empire do, when faced by the hostility of his
Greek subjects and of the external enemies, Byzantines and Bulgars,
who were threatening him? It was in vain that he posed as the successor of the Basileus, and sometimes caused uneasiness to the Pope by
his daring claims on Church property; his position was precarious. The Latin
Empire, offspring of the Fourth Crusade, lasted barely half a century (1204-1261),
and this short-lived and fragile creation embittered yet more the antagonism
which separated the Greeks and the Latins.
Nevertheless, in the first period of confusion which followed the taking
of Constantinople, the Latins met with success everywhere. Boniface of
Montferrat made a magnificent sally across Thessaly and Central Greece which
carried him to Athens and to the very walls of Corinth and Nauplia (the end of 1204–May 1205). About the same time Henry of Flanders undertook the
conquest of Asia Minor (November 1204). With the assistance of the Comneni of Trebizond, who were jealous of the new Empire of
Nicaea, he defeated the troops of Theodore Lascaris at Poimanenon (December 1204), and seized the most
important cities of Bithynia—Nicomedia, Abydos, Adramyttium,
and Lopadium. The barely-established Greek State
seemed on the point of destruction, when suddenly the Frank troops were
recalled to Europe by a grave emergency, and Theodore Lascaris was saved.
The Greek population of Thrace, discontented with the Latin rule, had
revolted, and, at their call, the Bulgarian Tsar Johannitsa had invaded the Empire. The Emperor Baldwin and the aged Doge Dandolo advanced boldly with the weak forces at their
disposal to meet the enemy. On 14 April 1205, in the plains of Hadrianople, the Latin army was defeated. Baldwin, who was
taken prisoner by the Bulgars, disappeared
mysteriously a few weeks later, and Dandolo led all
that remained of the army back to Constantinople, where he died and was buried
with solemnity in St Sophia, his conquest. It seemed as though in this
formidable crisis the Empire must perish, but it was saved by the energetic
measures of Henry of Flanders, Baldwin's brother. Chosen by the barons first as
regent of Romania, then crowned as Emperor on 21
August 1206, Henry of Flanders, by his courage, energy, and intelligence, was
quite equal to the task imposed on him. He was able not only to encounter the
Bulgarian invasion and repel it, but also to restore unity among the Latins,
and even to secure the submission of the Greeks; during his ten years' reign
(1206-1216) he was the real founder of the Latin Empire.
Accession of Henry of
Flanders: his early successes
The Greeks, indeed, began to be uneasy at the violence and brutality of
their terrible Bulgarian ally. Johannitsa pillaged
everything, burnt everything, and massacred every one, in his path. He longed
to avenge the defeats which in bygone days Basil II had inflicted on his
nation, and, just as the Byzantine Emperor had styled himself the slayer of Bulgars" (Bulgaroctonos), so
he proudly flaunted the title of "slayer of Romans" (Romaioctonos). The horrified Greeks therefore soon reverted
to the side of the Latins. The Emperor Henry knew how to profit by these
sentiments. He secured the assistance of Theodore Branas,
one of the great Byzantine leaders, by granting him Demotika and Hadrianople as fiefs (October 1205). In person he
waged victorious warfare with the Bulgars. He
relieved Renier of Trit,
who was besieged in Stenimachus, and retook Hadrianople (1206). Finally, to the great advantage of the
Empire, he became reconciled with Boniface of Montferrat, whose daughter Agnes
was betrothed to him. Undoubtedly the death of the marquess-king, killed in battle in 1207, and the Bulgarian attack
on Thessalonica, were fresh causes of disquietude. Fortunately for the
Latin Empire, Johannitsa was assassinated outside the
city he was besieging (October 1207). The Greek legend assigns the credit for
his death to the saintly patron of the city, St Demetrius, who, mounted on his
warhorse and armed with his invincible spear, is said to have stricken down
the terrible enemy of Hellenism in his own camp. It is unnecessary to add that
it happened in a less miraculous manner. But the death of the Bulgarian Tsar
delivered the Empire from a great danger. His successor, Boril,
after his defeat in 1208 at Philippopolis, soon made
peace, which was sealed in 1215 by the marriage of the Emperor Henry with the
Tsar’s daughter.
About the same time matters improved in Asia Minor. In 1206, at the
instigation of David Comnenus, Emperor of Trebizond,
who was uneasy at the aggrandisement of Theodore Lascaris and wrathful at the imperial title recently
assumed by the Despot of Nicaea, the Latins resumed the offensive in Asia Minor
and seized Cyzicus and Nicomedia, which they retained
until 1207. But the Bulgarian danger necessitated the concentration of all the
forces of the Empire; in order to be able to recall all his troops from Asia
Minor, Henry concluded a two years’ armistice with Lascaris.
The struggle was resumed as soon as the Bulgarian peril had been averted. Lascaris, having vanquished the Turks on the Maeander
(1210), became a source of uneasiness to the Latins, as he contemplated
attacking Constantinople. The Emperor boldly took the offensive, crossed to
Asia, and on 13 October 1211 overwhelmingly defeated the Nicaean sovereign on
the river Luparkos (Rhyndakos). Lascaris determined to make peace. By the treaty of
1212 he relinquished to the Latins the north-west of Asia Minor, all the western
part of Mysia and Bithynia.
While Henry thus waged victorious warfare with his external enemies, he
also strengthened the imperial authority at home. On the death of Boniface of
Montferrat, the throne of Thessalonica passed to his infant son Demetrius, in
whose name the government was carried on by the Queen-regent, Margaret of
Hungary, and Count Hubert of Biandrate, Baile or guardian of the kingdom. The Lombard party, whose
leader Hubert was, was unfriendly to the queen-regent, and even more hostile to
the French and the Emperor, whose suzerainty they wished to repudiate. Henry
had no hesitation in marching on Thessalonica, and in spite of Biandrate’s resistance he succeeded in occupying the city ;
then, supported by the queen-regent, he enforced the recognition of his
suzerainty, settled the succession which had been left open by the death of
Boniface, and caused the young Demetrius to be crowned (January 1209). Henry,
indeed, had still much to do in combating the intrigues of Biandrate,
whom he arrested, and in neutralising the hostility
of the Lombard nobles of Seres and Christopolis, who intended to bar the Emperor's return to
Constantinople. He had, however, solidly established the prestige of the Empire
in Thessalonica. Thence he proceeded to Thessaly, and, after having crushed the
resistance of the Lombard nobles at Larissa, at the beginning of 1209 in the
parliament of Ravennika he received the homage of the
French barons of the south, above all of the Megaskyr of Athens and of the Prince of Achaia, who since the death of Boniface wished
to be immediate vassals of the Empire because of their hatred of the Lombards. Henry displayed no less energy in religious
matters, and his anti-clerical policy, whereby he refused to return
ecclesiastical property seized by laymen, caused displeasure to Innocent III
more than once. The concordat signed at the second parliament of Ravennika (May 1210) seemed for a time to have arranged
matters. The barons undertook to return any Church property illegally detained
by them; the clergy promised to hold these from the civil State, and to pay the
land-tax for them. But this attempt at an agreement led to no lasting results.
Henry also insisted on opposing the claims of the Patriarch Morosini to govern the Latin Church despotically, and at Morosini’s death in 1211 he secured the election to the patriarchate of a candidate chosen
by himself. He was equally careful to protect his Greek subjects against the
demands of the Latin Church. Unfortunately this monarch, the
best of the Emperors whom fate gave to the Latin Empire of Constantinople,
died, perhaps of poison, on 11 June 1216, when he was still under forty. This was an irreparable loss for the Empire; henceforward, under the weak
successors of the Emperor Henry, the State founded by the crusaders moved
slowly towards its ruin.
Decline of the Empire
after Henry's death
Yolande, sister of the two first Latin Emperors, was married to Peter of
Courtenay, Count of Auxerre, and he was elected
Emperor by the barons in preference to Andrew, King of Hungary, a nephew by marriage of Baldwin and Henry. Peter set out for
Constantinople. But in the course of an expedition which he undertook in
Epirus, with the object of reconquering Durazzo which
had been taken from the Venetians by the Greeks, he was betrayed into the hands
of Theodore Angelus, Despot of Epirus, and died soon afterwards in his prison
(1217). The Empress Yolande, who had reached the shores of the Bosphorus in safety, then assumed the regency provisionally
in the name of the missing Emperor, and, with the help of Conon of Bethune, one
of the heroes of the Crusade, she governed for two years (1217-1219). But a man
was needed to defend the Empire. The barons elected Philip, the eldest son of
Peter and Yolande, who declined the honour offered to
him. His younger brother, Robert of Courtenay, was then chosen in his place; he
set out in 1220, and was crowned by the Patriarch on 25 March 1221. He reigned
for seven years (1221-1228); after him his throne passed to his brother,
Baldwin II, a boy of eleven, during whose minority (12281237) the government
was entrusted to John of Brienne, formerly King of Jerusalem, a brave knight
but an absolutely incapable statesman. Under these feeble governments which
succeeded each other for twenty years, Greeks and Bulgars found an easy victim in the exhausted Latin Empire.
In 1222 a grave event took place. The Latin kingdom of Thessalonica
succumbed to the attacks of the Despot of Epirus. Theodore Ducas Angelus had succeeded his brother Michael in 1214, and by a series of
successful undertakings he had, at the expense of both the Greeks and Bulgars, greatly augmented the State he had inherited. He
had retaken Durazzo (1215) and Corfu from the
Venetians, and occupied Ochrida and Pelagonia; he appeared to the Greeks as the saviour and restorer of Hellenism. In 1222 he attacked
Thessalonica, where the youthful Demetrius, son of Boniface of Montferrat, was
now reigning; he took the city easily, and was then crowned Emperor by the
Metropolitan of Ochrida. In the ensuing years
(1222-1231) the new Basileus extended his sway at the
expense of the Bulgars to Macedonia and Thrace, to
the neighbourhood of Hadrianople, Philippopolis, and Christopolis.
In 1221 he attacked the Latin Empire, and defeated Robert of Courtenay's troops
at Seres.
Wars with Greeks and
At the very time when the peril which threatened it in Europe was thus
increasing, the Latin Empire lost Asia Minor. When Theodore Lascaris (1206-1222), first Emperor of Nicaea, died, he left a greatly increased and
solidly established State to his son-in-law, John Vatatzes.
He had, by victories over the Comneni of Trebizond
and over the Seljuq Turks, advanced his frontiers to the upper streams of the Sangarius and the Maeander. Vatatzes,
who was as good a general as he was an able administrator, during his long
reign (1222-1254) completed the work of Lascaris, and
bestowed a final period of prosperity on Greek Asia Minor. By 1224 he had recaptured from the Latins almost all the territory they still
held in Anatolia, and in a fierce battle at Poimanenon he defeated their army commanded by Macaire of St Menehould. At the same time his fleet seized Lesbos, Chios,
Samos, Icaria, and Cos, and compelled the Greek ruler of Rhodes to recognise Vatatzes as suzerain.
Before long the Emperor of Nicaea, who was jealous of the success of the new Greek monarch of Thessalonica and suspicious as to his
aims, despatched troops to Europe; Madytus and Gallipoli were taken and sacked, and, at the
call of the revolted Greeks in Hadrianople, the army
of the Nicaean sovereign occupied the city for a time (1224). There they
encountered the soldiers of the Emperor of Thessalonica, to whom they had to
yield the city. Unfortunately, the Latins were incapable of profiting by the
quarrels of the two Greek Emperors, who fell out over their spoils.
They were no better able to profit by the chances offered them by
Bulgaria. Since 1218 John Asen had been Tsar at Trnovo (1218-1241). He had married a Latin princess related
to the Courtenay family, and, like Johannitsa in
bygone days, was quite disposed to side with the Latins against the Greeks;
when the Emperor Robert was deposed in 1228, he would gladly have accepted the
office of regent during the minority of Baldwin II, as many wished, and he
promised to help the monarchy to regain from Theodore Angelus all that had been
lost in the West. The foolish obstinacy of the Latin clergy, who were violently
opposed to an Orthodox prince, wrecked the negotiations. Thus vanished the last chance of salvation for the Latin Empire.
The Bulgarian Tsar, justly indignant, became a relentless enemy to the
Latins, to the great advantage of the Greeks of Nicaea, to whom he rendered yet
another service; he conquered their European rival, the Emperor of
Thessalonica, whose ambition was becoming a source of uneasiness to Bulgaria. In
1230 he attacked Theodore Angelus, defeated him, and took him prisoner in the
battle of Klokotinitza, forcing him to renounce the
throne. As is recorded in a triumphal inscription engraved in this very year
1230 on the walls of the cathedral of Trnovo, he annexed
“all the country from Hadrianople to Durazzo, Greek territory, Albanian territory, Serbian
territory”. The Empire of Thessalonica was reduced to modest proportions (it
only included Thessalonica itself and Thessaly), and devolved on Manuel
Angelus, Theodore’s brother.
Reign of Baldwin II
Thus all-powerful in Europe, John Asen joyfully accepted the proposals of an alliance against the Latins made by John Vatatzes (1234). The two families were united by the
marriage of John Asen's daughter to Vatatzes’ son; and the two sovereigns met at Gallipoli,
which the Nicaean Emperor had taken from the Venetians in 1235, to arrange the
division of the Frank Empire. Encompassed on all sides, Constantinople nearly
succumbed in 1236 to the combined attack of its two adversaries. But this time
the West was roused by the greatness of the danger. The Pisans, Genoese, and
Venetians all sent their fleets to succour the
threatened capital; Geoffrey II, Prince of Achaia, brought a hundred knights
and eight hundred bowmen, and lent an annual subsidy of 22,000 hyperperi for the defence of the
Empire. Thanks to these aids, Constantinople was saved, and the Latin Empire
survived another quarter of a century. But it was a singularly miserable
existence. During the twenty-five years of his personal reign (1237-1261),
Baldwin II, last Latin Emperor of Constantinople, who had already visited Rome
and Paris in 1236, had to beg all over the Western world for help in men and
money, which he did not always get. To raise funds he was reduced to pawning
the most famous jewels in Constantinople, the crown of thorns, a large piece of
the true cross, the holy spear, the sponge, which St Louis bought from him. And
such was the distress of the wretched Emperor that for his coinage the lead
roofing had to be used, and to warm him in winter the timbers of the imperial
palace were chopped up. Some rare successes indeed prolonged the life of the
Empire. The Greco-Bulgarian alliance was dissolved; in 1240 Baldwin II
recaptured Tzurulum from the Greeks, and thus cleared
the approaches to the capital to a certain degree; in 1241 the death of John Asen began the decay of the Bulgarian Empire. Nevertheless
the days of the Latin State were numbered. One question remained: would the
Greek Empire of Epirus or that of Nicaea have the honour of reconquering Constantinople?
It was secured by Nicaea. While the Latin Empire was in its last agony,
John Vatatzes was succeeding in restoring Byzantine
unity against the aliens. He drove the Latins from their last possessions in
Asia Minor (1241); he gained the powerful support of the Western Emperor
Frederick II, whose daughter Constance he married (1244), and who, out of
hatred for the Pope, the protector of the Latin Empire, unhesitatingly
abandoned Constantinople to the Greeks; he deprived the Franks of the support
of the Seljuq Sultan of Iconium (1244); and he seized
the Mongol invasion of Asia Minor as an opportunity of enlarging his state at
the expense of the Turks. He was specially active in Europe. Since the year 1237, when Michael II Angelus (1237-1271) had
founded the despotat of Epirus in Albania at the
expense of the Empire of Thessalonica, anarchy had prevailed in the Greek
States of the West. In 1240, with the help of John Asen,
the aged Theodore Angelus had taken Thessalonica, overthrown his brother
Manuel, and caused his son John to be crowned as Emperor (1240-1244). Vatatzes took advantage of this weakness. In 1242 he
appeared outside Thessalonica and forced John to renounce the title of Emperor,
to content himself with that of Despot, and to become vassal of Nicaea. In 1246
he returned to the attack; this time he seized Thessalonica and expelled the
Despot Demetrius. Then he fell on the Bulgarians and took from them a large
part of Macedonia—Seres, Melnik, Skoplje, and other places—and the following year he
deprived the Latins of Vizye and Tzurulum;
finally, a family alliance united him to the only Greek prince who still
retained his independence in the West, Michael II, Despot of Epirus. This ambitious
and intriguing prince was doubtless about to go to war with Nicaea in 1254.
Nevertheless, when on 30 October 1254 Vatatzes died
at Nymphaeum, the Empire of Nicaea, rich, powerful, and prosperous, surrounded
the poor remnants of the Latin Empire on all sides. Only Constantinople
remained to be conquered.
The final catastrophe was delayed for seven years by discords between
the Greeks. Theodore II Lascaris (1254-1258) had at
one and the same time to carry on war with the Despot of Epirus and to fight
with the Bulgars, who after the death of Vatatzes had considered the time favourable for avenging their defeats. Theodore Lascaris routed
them at the pass of Rupel (1255); but it was only
after the assassination of their King Michael (1257) that he succeeded in
imposing peace on them. On the other hand, in spite of his great military and
political qualities, the new Greek Emperor was of a
delicate constitution. The field was therefore clear for the intrigues of
ambitious men, and especially for Michael Palaeologus, who, having married a
princess of the imperial family, openly aspired to the throne.
When by Theodore’s premature death the throne passed to a child, Michael
had no difficulty in seizing the real power after the assassination of Muzalon
the regent, nor a little later in superseding the
legitimate dynasty by causing himself to be crowned Emperor at Nicaea on 1
January 1259. He soon justified this mean usurpation by the victories he
He first brought the war with Michael II, Despot of Epirus, to a
successful conclusion. Michael II was a formidable enemy: he was the ally of
Manfred, King of Sicily, and of William of Villehardouin,
Prince of Achaia, who had both married daughters of the despot; he was
supported by the Albanians and the Serbs, and was very proud of the successes
he had secured; since the capture of Prilep (1258) he
was master of the whole of Macedonia, and was already threatening Thessalonica.
Michael Palaeologus boldly took the offensive, reconquered Macedonia, and
invaded Albania. In spite of the help brought by the Prince of Achaia to his
father-in-law, the army of Michael II was overwhelmingly defeated at Pelagonia (1259). William of Villehardouin himself fell into the hands of the Byzantines; and the Emperor seized the
opportunity to recover a part of the Peloponnesus. Henceforth the despotat of Epirus was swallowed up by the Empire of
Nicaea. The time had come when Michael Palaeologus was to restore Hellenism by
reconquering Constantinople.
End of the Latin Empire
In 1260 he crossed the Hellespont, took Selymbria and the other strongholds still retained by the Latins outside the capital, and
threatened Galata. At the same time he very astutely utilised the rivalry of the Venetians and Genoese to gain the alliance of the latter. On
13 March 1261, by the Treaty of Nymphaeum, he promised that, in return for
their help against Venice and their support against his other enemies, he would
grant them all the privileges enjoyed by the Venetians in the East. The Genoese
secured counting-houses at Thessalonica, Adramyttium,
Smyrna, Chios, and Lesbos; they were to have the reversion of the Venetian
banks at Constantinople, Euboea, and Crete; the monopoly of commerce in the
Black Sea was assigned to them. At this price they consented to betray Western
Venice had realised, rather late in the day,
the necessity of defending the Latin Empire; since 1258 she had maintained a
fleet of some importance at Constantinople. But in July 1261 it happened that
the fleet had temporarily left the Golden Horn to attack the neighbouring town of Daphnusia.
One of Michael Palaeologus’ generals, the Caesar Alexius Strategopulus,
seized the opportunity; on 25 July 1261, by a lucky surprise, he captured the
capital of the Latin Empire, almost without resistance. Baldwin II had no
alternative but to take to flight, accompanied by the Latin Patriarch, the podestà, and the Venetian colonists; on 15 August 1261
Michael Palaeologus made his solemn entry into Constantinople, and placed the
imperial crown on his head in St Sophia.
Thus, after an existence of half a century, fell the State established
in Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade. Even though the Empire had only an
ephemeral existence, yet the East remained full of Latin settlements. Venice,
in spite of the efforts of her enemies, retained the essential portions of her
colonial empire in the Levant, Negropont, and Crete, and the strong citadels of Modon and Coron; her
patrician families kept most of their seigniories in
the Archipelago. So also did the other Latin States in Greece born of the
Crusade. Under the government of the La Roche family, the duchy of Athens
lasted until 1311; and although the disastrous battle of the Cephisus then
transferred it to the hands of the Catalans (1311-4334), who were superseded by
the Florentine family of Acciajuoli (1334-1456), the
Byzantines never regained possession of it. The principality of Achaia, under
the government of the three Villehardouins (1204-1278), was even more flourishing. These settlements were really the most
lasting results, within the Latin Empire of Constantinople, of the Crusade of
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