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In order not to interrupt the current of Italian, and especially of
Papal history, I have postponed to the present chapter all mention of one of
the most important of Charles's enterprises, and one too which very closely
concerned the fallen Lombard dynasty. I allude to his long duel with his
rebellious vassal, Tassilo, duke of Bavaria.
In a previous chapter we have glanced at the history of the Agilolfings, the ducal house of Bavaria, during the seventh
and eighth centuries. We have seen them drawing into closer and closer
ecclesiastical connection with Rome, but at the same time we have seen their
political connection with the Frankish monarchy growing weaker and weaker, and
in spite of Charles Martel's intervention in their affairs, in spite of his
marrying the daughter of one duke and Tasilo’s refusal to follow Pippin into Aquitaine giving his own daughter in marriage to
another, we have seen the position of the great lord who reigned at Ratisbon
approximating more and more nearly to absolute independence. This tendency
towards independence manifested itself in the most audacious manner when, in
763, the young duke Tassilo flatly refused any longer to follow the standards
of his uncle and overlord Pippin in his campaign against Waifar of Aquitaine.
With the Teutonic ideas as to the obligation of military service, and
especially as to the duty of the ‘companion' to follow his lord to battle, and
if need were to die in his defence in the thickest of the war-storm, this was
to commit an almost unforgivable offence, the grievous crime of harisliz. Politically too such a desertion was of
evil omen for the future unity of the widespread Frankish realm. Thereby the
young duke of the Bavarians seemed to say, “What is it to me whether the men of
Aquitaine obey the rule of my Australian uncle at his palace in Champagne, or
whether they set up for themselves as an independent kingdom? Perhaps they will
do well if they can accomplish this. We too, I and my Bavarians, are not too
deeply enamoured of the rule of these domineering Franks”.
But however insolent was the defiance thus thrown in the face of Pippin,
that monarch, now waxing old and infirm, was too closely occupied by the long
war with Aquitaine to have leisure to accept the challenge of Tassilo. At his
death in 768, Bavaria under its Agilolfing duke must
be considered as having been practically independent. Tassilo was probably
already at that date married to Liutperga, daughter
of Desiderius.
Then came the good queen Bertrada's journey to Ratisbon and to Pavia
(770), the marriage-treaty which she concluded for her son with the delicate
daughter of Desiderius, the short-lived league of friendship between Frank,
Lombard and Bavarian. It seems that, as far as Charles and Tassilo were
concerned, the way had been prepared for this reconciliation by Sturmi, abbot of Fulda, successor of the great Boniface.
Intent on his great work of the Christianization of the Saxons, he desired that
the energies of the Frankish king by whom that work had to be accomplished
should not be frittered away on needless wars in the south of Germany. Himself
a Bavarian by birth, he undertook a mission from Charles to his native prince,
and was 769 (?) so successful in his diplomacy that he established a peace
between the two cousins which lasted for many years, and which apparently was
not shaken by the repudiation of Desiderata, perhaps not even by the overthrow
and exile of Desiderius. One evidence of the long continuance of this
friendship is furnished by the fact that in 778 he sent a detachment of
soldiers to serve under Charles in that Spanish campaign which ended in the
disaster of Roncesvalles.
But during all this time Tassilo was assuming the style of an
independent sovereign. He summoned synods, over which he presided; he left out
the name of Charles and inserted his own in public documents; he even ventured
to speak in them of “the year of my kingship”. Through the whole of this period
Bavaria seems to have been prospering under his wise and statesmanlike rule. In
the East he subdued and converted to Christianity the rough Sclovenes of Carinthia; in the South he recovered, probably by friendly arrangement with
Desiderius, the places in the valley of the Adige which had been taken from his
ancestors by Liutprand. As a reward for his acknowledged services to
Christianity, Tassilo's son Theodo (whom he made the partner of his throne in
777) was in 770 baptized at Rome by Hadrian.
On all this increase of reputation and territory, however, Charles was
not likely to look with favouring eye, so long as he must entertain the painful
thought that this fair Danubian land, which had owned
the sovereignty of the weakest Merovings, was daily
slipping from his grasp. On his second visit to Rome (781) he appears to have
discussed Bavarian affairs with his Papal host, and the result of their
conversation was the despatch of a joint embassy to Tassilo (two bishops sent
by the Pope, a deacon and grand butler by the king), to remind Duke Tassilo of
the oaths which he had sworn long ago, and to warn him not to act otherwise
than as he had sworn to the lords Pippin and Charles. And when these
ambassadors in pursuance of their instructions had spoken with the aforesaid
duke, so greatly was his heart softened, that he declared his willingness at
once to proceed to the presence of the king' (who had by this time returned to
Frankland), if such hostages could be given as would leave him no doubt of his
safety. On receipt of these hostages he went promptly to the king at Worms,
swore the prescribed oath, and gave the twelve hostages who were required at
his hands for the fulfilment of his promises, and whom Sindbert, bishop of
Ratisbon, brought into the king's presence. But the said duke returning to his
home did not long remain in the faith which he had sworn.
The hollow truce thus concluded lasted for six years, A hollow till
Charles's third visit to Rome. By this time, 781-787, he had, as he thought,
thoroughly subdued the Saxons. Widukind had been baptized, and for the time
there was peace in North Germany. In Italy, too, Arichis of Benevento had
without bloodshed been brought to his knees, nor had his brother-in-law of
Bavaria apparently stretched out a hand to help him. Yet Tassilo seems to have
known that his position was insecure; he sent accordingly two envoys, Arno,
bishop of Salzburg, and Hunric, abbot of Mond See, to
beg the Pope to reconcile him with King Charles.
The Pope seems to have honestly done his best to bring about the desired
reconciliation. earnestly besought Charles to renew friendly relations with his
cousin of Bavaria. “The very thing that I desire”, answered Charles : “I have
been long seeking for the re-establishment of peace between us, but have not
been able to accomplish it”. The envoys were called in, but when the Pope
proceeded to examine them as to the conditions which Tassilo was willing to
accept, it appeared that they were in no sense plenipotentiaries, and had no
other commission than simply to hear and carry back to their master the words
of the king and pontiff. At this Pope Hadrian, not without cause, lost his
temper. “Unstable and mendacious, false and fraudulent” were the words which burst
from his lips: and he proceeded to pronounce the anathema of the Church on
Tassilo and all his followers unless he fulfilled to the letter the promise of
obedience which he had sworn to Pippin and his son. “Warn Tassilo”, said he to
the envoys, “that he prevent effusion of blood and the ravage of his land by
manifesting entire obedience to his lord King Charles and his sons. If
otherwise, if with hardened heart he refuse to obey my apostolic words, then
King Charles and his army will be absolved from all peril of punishment for
sin, and whatever shall happen in that land, burning or homicide or any other
evil that may light on Tassilo and his partisans, lord Charles and his Franks
will remain thereafter innocent of all blame”.
The annalist then describes King Charles's return to his own land, his
meeting with his queen Fastrada, and his convocation of a synod in Worms (July,
787), before which he declared all that had recently been done in the matter of
the Bavarian duke. Once more an embassy was sent to remind Tassilo of the
obligations of his oath and to summon him to the presence of his lord. On his
refusal to obey the summons Charles prepared for the invasion of Bavaria, and
according to his favourite system of strategy, divided Charles his army into
three parts. He himself entered the Bavaria, country from the west by way of
the river Lech and the city of Augsburg. The united forces of the Austrasian
Franks, the Thuringians and the Saxons (for Charles already ventured to employ
Saxons in his army) entered from the north-west, by way of Ingolstadt. The
boy-king Pippin with his Italian forces came by way of the duchy of Trient and advanced as far as Botzen.
Tassilo, seeing himself Tassilo surrounded on all sides and conscious that many
of his own nobles wavered in their fidelity (preferring doubtless the distant
Frankish overlord to the near Agilolfing duke), threw
up the game, came into the presence of Charles, confessed that he had sinned
grievously against him, resigned into his hands the ducal dignity which he had
received from Pippin and received it back again on confessed terms of
vassalage. He again swore the oaths of fealty and gave thirteen hostages, his
son Theodo being one of them, for the faithful performance of his promises.
Satisfied herewith, King Charles returned to his palace at Ingelheim on the
Rhine and there celebrated Christmas and Easter.
The accord between the two cousins, the lord and the vassal, was of
short duration. It was again proved that
Never can true reconcilement grow
Where wounds of deadly hate have pierced so deep.
The early part of 788 was an anxious time for the Frankish king. War
both with the Greeks and the Avars was evidently impending, and this was the
time moreover when Hadrian was plying him with perpetual insinuations as to the
hostile designs of Adelperga and her Beneventans and
beseeching him not to surrender his hostage Grimwald. Tassilo it is true was
humbled, but was not his very humiliation dangerous? Was he likely ever to
forget that he came of an older and nobler line than that cousin who claimed
him as his vassal; that his ancestors were dukes and all but kings of Bavaria,
when the ancestors of Charles were but head-servants in Austrasia? And there
were not only his own wrongs, but his wife's also, rankling in his mind. Liutperga's father had been dethroned and shut up in a
monastery, her mother and sister had been forced to take the veil, her brother
was wandering in hopeless exile; all these injuries cried aloud for vengeance,
and smarting under their bitter memory she was— so men believed—even now urging
on her husband to dangerous and treacherous designs.
Charles determined to deal first with the suspected rebel at home ere he
struck at the enemy abroad. He called a general assembly of all his subjects,
Franks and Bavarians, Lombards and Saxons, to meet him at Ingelheim. Tassilo
was summoned and did not dare to disobey the call. Sundry of his own Bavarian
subjects appeared to bear witness against him. They accused him (1) of having
opened treasonable communications with the Avars, (2) of having summoned to his
court men who had ‘commended' themselves as vassals to King Charles and then
laid snares for their lives, (3) of having ordered his men when they swore
[oaths of fealty to Charles] to practise ‘mental reservation' and swear
deceitfully, (4) of having said (doubtless with reference to the fact that his
son Theodo was hostage for his fidelity), “If I had ten sons, I would lose them
all rather than stand by my sworn compact with the king. It is better for me to
die than to live on these terms”. To none of these accusations, we are told,
was Tassilo able to offer a denial, and in truth the gravest of them all, the
accusation of treasonable correspondence with the Avars, was confirmed by an
expedition of that barbarous people against Friuli and Bavaria, only a few
months later. Pondering these charges, and taking account also of the old and
never-atoned-for crime of harisliz against
King Pippin in 763, the assembled nations judged the Bavarian duke guilty of
death. Charles however, “for the love of God and because he was and kinsman”,
commuted the sentence to deposition from his ducal rank and confinement in a
Tassilo bowed to the inevitable doom : he is even represented by the
chronicler as entreating permission to enter a convent that he might there
repent of his many sins. This, however, is doubtless the invention of the
courtly historian. A more natural and more probable turn is given to the
narrative by another annalist who tells us that “with many prayers he besought
the king that he might not be shorn of his locks then and there in the palace,
but might be spared the shame and humiliation of having this thing done to him
in sight of all the Franks”. The king hearkened to his prayers, and he was sent
to the place where the body of St. Goar reposes on the banks of the Rhine.
There he was made a ‘cleric', and after that he was banished to the monastery
of Jumieges. His two sons, Theodo and Theotbert, his two daughters, and his wife, the Lombard Liutperga, were all sentenced to the same religious
seclusion. Charles was averse, for the most part, to the shedding of blood, but
he highly valued, for his enemies, the opportunities for meditation and prayer
afforded by the monotonous stillness of the cloister. At the same time some
persistently loyal adherents of Tassilo were banished the realm.
Six years after these events the monk Tassilo was once more brought out into the light of day and obliged to face his victorious kinsman. At the synod of Frankfurt “appeared that Tassilo who aforetime was duke of Bavaria, to pray for pardon for all the faults which he had committed whether in the time of King Pippin or King Charles, at the same time with pure mind laying aside all wrath and bitterness of spirit for the punishment which had been inflicted upon him. As to his claims to property in Bavaria which had belonged to him or to any of his children, he utterly renounced them all, and declared that no demand in respect of them should ever be made in future. And he commended his sons and daughters to the compassion of the king. Upon this the king, moved with pity, freely forgave the aforesaid Tassilo for all the faults that he had committed against him, and promised him that he should live thenceforward in his favour and on his alms”; but did not apparently let him out of the monastery. He had probably been brought forth from its seclusion only in order to cure some technical defect in the former acts of deposition and confiscation. Herewith the once magnificent Tassilo vanishes out of history, even the year of his death being unknown: and with him ends the great Agilolfing line which for two centuries had seen its fortunes so closely interwoven with those of the Lombard kings of Italy. CHAPTER FOUR. TWO COURTS : CONSTANTINOPLE AND AACHEN.
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