

Blessed be God, for love did not stop him, and he placed Justice above His Father’s Love, thus founding, in the eyes of all his Creation, His Kingdom in a Universal Justice whose principles are above all citizens if His Kingdom, Justice whose Law knows no exception.

The Immunity for their acts that a part of the sons of God came, from before the creation of Man, asking the God of Eternity and Infinity, a claim that became public when with a single voice they used Eve as a Judas kiss and Adam as a spear against the chest of God, with that Crime claiming to the Lord of the Cosmos that the House of Yahweh and Zion, should form the exception to the Law, a compulsory exception before which the Divine Justice would bend and grant eternal and almighty freedom to act at will without answering before any Justice for their thoughts, words and deeds, this claim, blessed be God, was rejected.

That infernal, demonic and evil Immunity that intended to make of the Nations of the Universe armies of tin soldiers for the amusement of the sons of God, and because God loves Justice above all things, God, over the corpse of his younger son, our Adam, denied it once and forever, swearing by his Name that all the enemies of His Justice would be banished from his Kingdom forever.




The History of Universal Salvation has its Origin before the Creation of our Earth and our Heavens. Before God in His Omniscience conceived Man, Creation was already subject to the Danger of its Destruction. In the History of the Creation I related the Wars that ravaged the Paradise of the Empire of God. Regardless of the causes that led and dragged a part of the sons of God to rise up against the Regency of the House of the Brothers of God, the vital fact is that such events were never foreseen by God, and, what is more, if at the beginning He was surprised by the First Civil War among his sons, after the Second Civil War among the Kingdoms of the Empire of his Son JESUS, King of kings and Lord of lords: God, as Creator, could not remain anchored in the position of a Father who continually forgives his sons, thus blessing their wars.

Let it be known once and for Eternity: In the eyes of GOD War is an Abomination, and not because the perpetrators were his sons this Reality was going to change his position towards it. In fact, the existence of the New Cosmos responds to the Creation of a Personal Universe of His own, governed by His Law, a Universe in which the fruit of the Tree of the Science of Good and Evil: “War”, would have no art or part. This was the Reason for the Creation of this Universe in which Death would have no place in his House, his Paradise, a World in which the Hell of War, prelude to the destruction of all life, would have no home. And yet, War was made, Death found good soil in which to sow the Tares of his Cursed Tree. Every time God left his World in the hands of the ruling gods, and took his Son Jesus, King of kings and Lord of lords, the War between the sons of God was unleashed. This situation could not go on forever. The Creator’s Fatherly Love for his Creation could not banish from his Heart the Almighty Reality of his Spirit, whose Personality had been forged in the fires of Eternity during the Ages of Uncreation. “I alone have been formed and there shall be no other after me”, says God; “I AM WHO I AM”, saying this  He shows all that the Consciousness of His Personality is Perfect.

The infinitude of the boundless love of the Creator for His Creation and an eternal and almighty reaction of God against the Science of Good and Evil collide in an Absolute way. Should his sons follow that Path, they would raise in the Loving Father of their sons the Most Holy Personality of that Creator in whose Divine eyes War is an Abomination. The end of the clash in God would be the Destruction of all His Work. And neither as Father nor as Creator was God willing to allow this clash to consummate his Apocalypse. So He set out to Save His Creation from this clash with its Creator by means of revolutionary measures, explained in the previous Chapter, and which, remembering, were:

Opening of the Creative Act, until then reserved exclusively for God and his First Born Son; and Participation of his sons in the Formation of the New Kingdoms that with the passing of Eternity would fill the Empire of His Son.

We understand that the fact of not having invited his sons to the Creation of the worlds had its origin in the reaction of the House of the Brothers of GOD before the Vision and Experience of the Creation of the BIG BANG Creator of the New Universe. There and at that moment, both God and his Brothers understood that every Creature is Dust, personal Creation of this Almighty and Omniscient Being for whom the Cosmos is His natural world. The world of galaxies is His home universe. Only for the Son, JESUS, that World which extends its borders to the Infinite is also his World.

But wanting to avoid this shock in His sons, the effect was the opposite; that is to say, the Paradise of the Empire of God, became for them a prison, a prison whose walls were inviolable.

The Days of the Creation of a New World took millions of years. During that time the Regency of the Empire was in the House of God. This feeling of guilt for having kept their sons outside the Creative Act determined in God the Opening of the Creation to all, and the Participation of all in the Civilizing Formation of the new Kingdom to be born in the Universe.

This Measure did not remove that in order to nip in the bud any new attempt to rise up in War, God took an Incorruptible Legislative Measure, namely: He decreed Death Penalty against all those involved in its declaration; whoever the sons of God were who signed it, the authors of a Future declaration of War against their brothers would be sentenced to Death Penalty.

But evidently the Victory of God over the Cosmological System of Uncreation is based on the Creation of Immortal Life invested with the Indestructibility of its Creator. This means that the Death Penalty referred to in the Law: “If you eat, you shall die”, implies the Banishment of the limits of the Cosmos.

That is why, in order to make his sons understand what would be the nature of the Death Penalty subscribed in the Law against War, God created the Earth on the other side of the Field of the Galaxies.

As I already wrote in the History of the Uncreation, the Creation of the New Universe, in the bosom of the Uncreated Cosmos, was an Event followed by a massive Destruction of the Old Cosmos, its effect being the Creation of the Darkness “that fills the Abyss”.

Briefly, God transformed the Old Cosmos into a graveyard of dead matter drifting through the infinite spaces. In the infinite depths of that Cemetery of dead matter would take place the Banishment to Death Penalty to which the authors of a possible Declaration of War against their brothers would be directed, “Hell in which there would be gnashing of teeth” and from which there would never be a return to Life. 

Likewise, to close any discussion on the legality of a Doubt on the Nature of the Divine Truthfulness of the King of kings and Lord of lords of the Empire of God, God made His Son the Morning Star of the Creative Act of the New World to be created, the world of Man.

It was God the Son who, opening his Mouth, said: “LET THERE BE LIGHT” ... “LET THERE BE FIRMAMENT” ... “LET THERE BE STARS BETWEEN LIGHT AND DARKNESS” ... and “LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR IMAGE AND IN OUR LIKENESS”, that is to say, a son of God.

Evidently the Revolutionary Experience of the Voyage to the other side of the Ocean of the Galaxies, in Expansion and Multiplication ad eternum and ad infinitum, is an Adventure whose divine magnificence can be compared to a walk through a magical Forest in which Space and Time are in continuous movement, so that the mere idea of being abandoned in that Forest of Galaxies would mean the impossibility of finding the way back to the place of departure. For God this Journey is part of his Existence from the Beginning without beginning of the Uncreation.

These things settled, always from the Love of a Father, but firmly established from the position of a Creator whose Personality “is God”, the Salvation of his Creation remained still in suspense. It had been seen that although they were brothers by reason of the Divine Paternity, their Peoples had not yet found their place in the Building of the common Universal Existence. It was as if the Branches refused to form part of the same Tree of Life. The Civilizations of the different Peoples of his Paradise had not found in the Love of the Creator for his Creation the way to that Unity in the Fraternity that, cementing their beings, would make of all one same People, Citizens of one same Universal Kingdom.

So, in order to lead the Peoples to this Unity in the Natural Fraternity to those who, being sons of God, participate in their Father of all things, God engendered, in His Wisdom, Man; a Living Soul who, being born from the very Heart of his Creator, would extend this Love of the Creator for his Creation to all the worlds, acting like the cement that unites all the parts of a building, like the sap that penetrating with its nature all the Branches makes them all parts of the same Tree.

The Wisdom that lives in the Heart of God would be the Womb of Man, the younger sons of the House of the sons of God, whose Civilization would unite in its structure the nature of the existing civilizations in the Divine Empire, for God would distribute among His sons, “not of this creation”, the formation of the different human families. To finally be united in One Universal Family in the Kingdom of Adam.

This was the Salvation for His Creation that God conceived in response to the Wars of his sons “not of this creation”.

Was there anything wrong with his Wisdom, could any evil be detected in his Heart?

Not at all.

God acted as a loving Father; and, as Creator who loves his Creation and defends it from any destruction, He established a Law of Incorruptible nature against anyone who approached seeking the destruction and death of any his brothers.

All had seen that the Word of God is God:

“God says, and so it is done”.

If not out of Love for their brothers, then out of Fear of God, their sons would refrain from approaching the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Now everyone knew the Fruit of that tree; and from now on they knew the Answer of God to the Transgression of his Will.

Each one was free to choose Life or Death, Paradise or Hell. The Word of God was, and is firm: He who declares War to one of his sons declares War on God, his Father. And thus Fear would conquer what in Love it could not.

For the Love of God as Father must not erase from our being the Fear of God as Creator. In the Love of God as Father and Creator is Life. And in this Love God begot his son Adam.

Blessed, therefore, be God.

Great and deep was, then, the pain of that Father who, while he was enjoying his Rest, had his younger son killed without giving Him the opportunity to defend Him. And terrible was the cry of pain that was heard throughout the length and breadth of the Heavens against the rebellious son.

But even when His breast was pierced by the lance of Treason, the Almighty and Omniscient Creator of the Cosmos had His hands and feet nailed to the Cross of His Justice; because if He came down from that Cross it would be the Holy Spirit of Justice who would descend to Hell, and not having room in His Heart for such a Future for His Kingdom, God abandoned His younger son to Death, and with him the Fullness of the nations of the Human World.

Terrible would be the accusation of those who would raise against His Justice the argument of having condemned an entire world for the sin of a single man. But infinite is His Goodness because He placed Justice above Love in order that Truth might reign forever and ever.

Blessed be Almighty God, then, because, being able to resurrect His son, Adam, at the price of exposing the whole creation to the corruption born of Absolute Immunity in favor of those who govern it, He cast away from Himself a passing happiness and chose a present pain, the cradle of future glory, casting away from Himself that Evil Claim which behind forgiveness hid the fire from Hell.



The Law: Universal and Eternal


The Case was simple. On the one hand was God, Creator of all life, which has flourished on Earth as it flourished before in other parts of His Creation, and will flourish by His Will during Eternity throughout the Universe.

With a view to the peaceful existence of all the Peoples of His Kingdom, God established an Eternal Law, which reigns over the particular laws and is the core from which these particular laws emerge like branches from the same trunk. This Law has no exception, it does not grant immunity to any creature.

Whether Brother, Son, or Servant of God, every living creature, from the one who sits at the Right Hand of the Throne of the King to the humblest being in Paradise, we are all subject to this Law by which each one is responsible for his acts before a Universal Justice which makes no exception for Brother, Son or Servant, and before its Tribunal all creatures present themselves naked to be judged according to their thoughts, words and deeds. There is no place for invocation to the Divine Paternity. And the root of this Justice is Truth; its fruit is Peace.

On the other side we have a part of the sons of God, who could not accept this nakedness and claimed the immunity of gods born of an Almighty and Eternal God whom no one can judge. And as sons of that God they claimed the Almighty power that was natural to the God of gods, by this power giving birth to the exception, which the Law does not grant.

The question was how to wrest this immunity from God. For God was not only unwilling to give the green light to the transformation of his House into an Olympus of gods outside the Law but, to settle the question, publicly and in front of all his House, personified in his youngest son Adam, he made known his last Word: “Whoever eats of that fruit, shall die, without exception”. And he did not want to hear about it again, ever!

The Law is Universal and will remain so for Eternity.



The Cunning of the Serpent


The one could not conceive eternal life in the bosom of a Universal Peace founded on a Justice before whose Tribunal all creatures, regardless of position and origin, are equal before the Law, was shocked. Instead of bowing down  he threw himself into open Rebellion against God’s Final Decision manifested: “In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.”

In his evil cunning the ringleader and prince of the Rebels, Satan, placed on the table of his answer to their problem. It is evident that the Law is all-powerful as long as it has in the Being of God its Force, but what if God were enslaved to His own Word and for love of His Word He Himself should be forced to break it? In this hypothetical case, would it not be questionable that the Word is God? Let me explain:

The Law is Almighty and makes no exception. Adam eats, Adam dies. For the sin of only one man, Head of his World, for “God created man in his own image and likeness”, the whole Human World dies.

Now, the Law binds God to the Word, enslaving him to consummate his Project of Formation of the Human World. So, the Word being God, the Law binds God to the World until his Will is fulfilled. But if this Will is never fulfilled and therefore the Human World never attains the condition of the of sons God, God would be forced to renounce His Will, with which the Divinity of the Law, in order to remain free of His Word, would have to be abolished by Hod Himself.

For, compelled by His Word, God would have to try again and again until His Will was fulfilled.... but what if it could not be fulfilled?

Then all that had to be done was to use Adam as a spear against the Word, to drive the spear into God’s chest, and from there to give himself to the Destruction of the Human Race, so that God would be forced to recognize that he had been defeated and consequently he had to grant the Exceptionality to the Law. That is to say, House of God would have to evolve and transform itself into an Olympus. The entire Creation would have to adjust to this new Law... and all the Peoples of the Universe... would be at the mercy... of the New Gods.





God, Adam’s Father, was wounded to the depths of his heart.

As a father returning from a trip finds the corpse of his son still fresh in the garden of his house, God entered into infinite anger upon discovering that the murderer of his son had been the same one to whom he had entrusted his custody while he was away.

God, as an incorruptible Judge, passed sentence against all parties with the severity that Justice demanded, imposing punishment without regard to the origin and social condition of the offenders.

But God, as Creator, was astonished at the infinite madness that was in His eyes the declaration of war thrown in His face by a creature that He Himself had taken from the dust, and whose existence He could erase from the face of Time and Space with a simple breath.

God could not fail to see behind the movement on the Board of Eternity of these pawns the face of his True Enemy: Death.

For many eternities, from the very Day that He launched Himself into the conquest of Immortality, first, and eternal life, finally, for all the Living, Death had been following God’s footsteps throughout the Infinite in order to force Him to accept the everlasting Coexistence, as it had been from the beginningless beginning of Uncreation, of Life and Death in the bosom of Creation.

God had limited himself to ignore the existence of Death as an Uncreated Entity and had considered it a phenomenon of lack inherent to Life, which, once conquered the Indestructible Immortality that supposes eternal life, he considered as finished and banished from his World.

The Joy of the Transfiguration of God into the Father and the Son, the Joy of the Creation of the Universe and its first Worlds, the Joy of the growth of his Paradise into a Wonderful Empire full of vitality, were joys that had been marred by the Wars of Heaven. Nevertheless, and since He had already known the Science of Good and Evil, He set about to extirpate from His Creation this accursed Tree by means of the Law, so that War, its Fruit, might not spread its fire over the Universe and Hell carry away His Work into the darkness of oblivion.

Suddenly, with the Spirit in suspense, and although God knew that “that bull had already gored before”, He put the Law as a yoke on all His sons, without exception, in order to subject them all to Obedience.

Then “the bull” is unleashed and throw itself against a Creature without any knowledge of the nature of the fruit of the Tree of good and evil, -and hence Ignorance as the Foundation of Redemption-, Man, without any knowledge of the murderous instinct of the Beast, is killed.

God, he says to himself, “Impossible”; he looks up and sees his true enemy, Death. And in his Pain He accepts the declaration of war and launches Himself into the Final Battle for the Salvation of His Creation.



Fundamentals of the Final Battle


There was Redemption because there was Ignorance; so that if through Ignorance came the curse: because of that same Ignorance, and if there had not been Redemption would not have been possible by Law; for there was Ignorance Redemption took place by Expiatory Sacrifice

Now, the Law of Moses looked at the individual and, in its most open facet, to the sacrifice for the sins of the Hebrew and Jewish people. But the whole world having sinned and living in sin because of the Ignorance of Adam, whose sin is suffered in our flesh by the Fullness of the Nations of the Human Kind, this Law was a symbol and announcement of the Atoning Sacrifice for all the sins of the World that God was preparing.

The answer to the question: what Lamb could be worth in the eyes of God so much as to wash away in His Blood the sins of an entire World, and its derivatives, are part of the Doctrine of the Holy Mother Catholic Church since the days of the Apostles.

What is important for us is that God assumed our Cause as His own, and took responsibility for the Fall inasmuch as “knowing that the bull was dangerous” He exposed our Future and that of the whole Creation to Freedom, making use of which the Enemy of the Holy Spirit made of Adam’s Ignorance the Achilles heel against which to launch the arrow of Treason.

Assumed our Cause, the Dilemma in which the disciples of the Evil One wanted to trap God and between the knots of whose impossible Gordian labyrinth they wanted to strip Him of His Holy Spirit, reducing Divinity to Power, by virtue of whose new Reality “Truth, Justice and Peace” would be marginalized from the structure of the Cosmos, that Dilemma passed through the How to separate the Holy Spirit from God.

It was only natural! Leaving Truth as the root of Justice behind,  a world without Truth would place the Future of the Creation on a Field of Perpetual War, whose final conclusion would be the Absolute Destruction of Creation itself. And hence God flatly refused to agree to the transformation of his kingdom into an Olympus of gods all beyond Good and Evil.

But from the standpoint of the evil school that defended that new status and denied the Wisdom of God by asserting that the Dilemma could be resolved by God renouncing His Saint Spirit, the strategy was clear.

Even in the Event of the Creation of Man, God manifested His will to make known to His Son the existence of Good and Evil as Science, but not as experience. And hence He symbolized this Knowledge in the form of a Tree. It is by Pure Intelligence that God wanted to make known to his Son the existence of Good and Evil.

The strategy of Death and his Prince then centered his cunning on giving the Son of God a taste of the fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil, that is to say, War. The Cunning of the Evil One would reach its climax by seducing the Only One who could get God to open in the body of the Law “the exception”.

What would happen if the Son of God found satisfaction in War?

How could God know whether or not his Only Begotten Son liked the Science of Good and Evil if he had not yet tasted its fruit?

In the face of a supposed terminal choice of the Son of God in favor of the school of the Devil... would not the Holy Spirit lose the Battle?

This was the Hell-crazed scheme raised up by Satan as a wisdom of his own by which to separate God and Holy Spirit.

When God discovered its effect and stood before the fait accompli, He saw for the first time the face of his True Enemy, Death.

It was clear that an uncreated Force had been at work there, and since the only part of Creation that did not become part of Creation was Death, God could no longer excuse the behavior of his sons in this and that, nor blame himself for having underestimated the value of his own Victory against Death, namely, the creation of life in his image and likeness.

Death, that reality which he once defined by the absence of eternal life, was revealed to him in all its Uncreated Reality in the Madness of the school of the Serpent, whose head Satan, a creature of his own hands, sought to destroy the Holy Spirit by using the Son against the Father.

The Battle became Cosmic. It was the entire Creation that was threatened by that Uncreated Force against which God rose up with his Cosmos, a New Universe in which Life has its Origin in God, inherits his Immortality and becomes a Tree whose branches cover with their fruit, the Worlds, Eternity and Infinity.

It was this New Universe that Death had to bring down.

And only God in person could rise against that Force and banish it from His Creation. It was the Hour of the Final Battle of that War declared by God to Death by his Will “Immortality for all!”. If until then God had not seen face to face the true enemy of his Creation, once the madness unfolded in Eden was consummated, God opened his eyes and saw the Face of His Enemy.

From that moment on, all questions remained in suspense.



The expectation of the "whole creation".


It is evident that He who once opened in the Infinite the Source from which flows all the creative energy of the Cosmos, this same God could destroy everything created, open a black hole in the Infinite and throw his Enemy into it, sealing that pit for Eternity.

But this is supposed for a God who is alone and acts according to His solitude. But God is not alone. What until He is Father he never had to do, explain why he does this or that, since the Father and the Son were, God could no longer simply act according to His immediate will. How to explain to His Son the massive destruction of an entire Cosmos without basing His Power on the will of a God who to do and undo as He pleases!

Death had attacked where He thought his arrow would bring God to his knees.

You don’t create a Cosmos and decide overnight to wipe it off the map. That is done by mathematicians and madmen. No one works from sunrise to sunset for a whole summer to let the fruit fall to the ground once it is ripe.

The first thing His Son would do is ask himself why.

And then, the Son has Brothers. God could not simply take his Enemy by the throat and throw him into Hell. What could He say to his Son!

However, the  thought of Satan was this: How could God know the Answer of His Son to the question at the origin of the Fall of Adam and the Rebellion against the Holy Spirit… if He was not exposed to temptation Himself?

The whole Creation remained in suspense from Adam to Christ. For it was evident both that Immortality for all Living and the Science of Good and Evil are incompatible, and that God for love of JESUS, His Son, if taken God to the extreme of choosing between His Son and the Universe, He would destroy all the Work of His hands, reduce the Cosmos to dust, and, as He had done before, would start all over again, taking care that next time not to leave any door open to the Seed of the Devil.

The Future of the entire Creation, as it exists, was therefore in the hands of JESUS, His Son. And there was only one way to close the Doubt: for the Son of God to speak for Himself.

For God the question was beyond all Doubt, but since the Doubt had found its way and demanded to hear from the JESUS himself his Final Word on the matter: Yes to the exception to the Law for the sons of God, or No to it, subjecting Himself to the Law, so it would be.

The whole Old Testament is but the Preparation of the Stage from which the Son of God would make known his answer “to the whole creation” about his Position regarding the Science of Good and Evil: Exception to the Law for the sons of God, or Kingdom of Righteousness over all beings no matter our position in God’s Kingdom?

Satan made known their decision on the blood of Adam, demonstrating that for nothing in the world was he willing to live under the Empire of a Law that did not differentiate between Ruler and Ruled, between King and People.

Once the Declaration of War against the Holy Spirit on the blood of Adam was signed, the whole creation, scandalized by the End that was drawn on its horizon, remained with its heart shrinking, waiting for the Decision of the Only One who could obtain from God such a transformation of his Empire into an Olympus of gods, all beyond Good and Evil.



Empire or Cross


His name is JESUS. Such was the Name of the Son of God on whose lips depended the Future of the whole Creation. For love of his Son, God would not have hesitated to erase the galaxies from the map of the cosmos, to erase the cosmos itself and to begin a New Creation. The Decision was His.

JESUS became man so that the whole creation would listen with words His Answer to the question in dispute: Yes or No to a Law that admits no exception, and is a Rock on which the Building of Justice stands indestructible against the passage of Time.

His was the Last Word. If his answer was “No to the Equality of all people before the Law”, JESUS only had to write his “No”, embodying the vision of the Messiah that Judaism had formed in its ignorance of the inspiring Spirit of the Scriptures.

His was the Power. Once a final decision according to Judaism was made, nothing and no one could cut off the Son of David’s passage to the Universal Empire of Jerusalem; Rome succeeded Athens, Athens to Susa, Susa to Babylon, Babylon to Nineveh, Nineveh to ... the journey of the “empire” would end in Jerusalem ... if the final decision of the Son of David was a No to the Law of the Holy Spirit.

If JESUS’ Answer was Yes to the Law of the Saint Spirit, He had only to bend His knees and go up to the Cross, thus signing His Final Declaration with the blood of Christ.

Two doors. One led to the ephemeral glory of the empire; the other... to the everlasting Glory of the Kingdom of God. The Decision was his. The Future of the whole Creation was in his hands. If the Son wanted to see with his own eyes in what experience the Law of the Father against the Science of Good and Evil originated, this experience would lead the whole creation to its total destruction.



The doctrine of the Devil


The Son, like the Father, is God, and could afford the luxury of living a cosmic Apocalypse on the other side of the book of History of an Empire of his own. So what? Is not every living creature clay on which God breathes his breath of life, and if he withdraws it, he expires and returns to dust? Why not live the experience? After all, a creature cannot endure eternal existence. Sooner or later it needs Death, it asks for it, it begs for it, it is the dream of eternal rest, the dream of final peace, dust to dust, ashes to ashes. Why not make that time between Today and Tomorrow an Olympic Adventure, a walk through the fields of the War of the gods?

God has nothing to lose, for He is indestructible, and being the Son of the same Nature as the Father, where is the fear? Is not Creation a Show? Sometimes: tragedy, sometimes: comedy, now a circus, then a war, a wedding, a funeral, a tear, a laughter… What good is there in a Law that admits no exceptions and resembles a machine following the guidelines of an irrational program?

After all, the Divinity is all-powerful and it is enough for him to want to turn stones into bread, open his mouth to extinguish fire and resurrect fallen pawns during the scene of a War of Worlds. What is wrong with the glory of a god who walks his Power through the stars mobilizing worlds like flocks running to the slaughterhouse to feed the bellies of the gods?

Freedom, Peace, what is all that, if there is not the Power to free slaves and end wars?



The doctrine of the kingdom of heaven


His name is JESUS, and he was, he is the Christ, our King, our Hero. His Voice resound from one corner to the other of the Universe: “Depart from me, Satan”.

That was the moment when the heart of the whole creation was loosed and the chest that was shrunken was widened, and tears of joy sprang to God’s eyes. The cry was heard in the Infinite: Victory!

The Father, the Son and the Saint Spirit, one God, one Eternal Reality.

Now JESUS had to sign his Answer by drowning the pen in the blood of the Lamb of God.

By Law, CHRIST had to die, because, being a Jew by birth stood against the Law of exclusion of all nations from the kingdom of God, imposing as a condition sine qua non for the enjoyment of salvation: obedience to the temple of Jerusalem. But CHRIST was the Son of David, it was in his hand to invoke the Exception or to bend his knees before the Law.

If CHRIST followed the doctrine of the Devil, he would invoke the Exception; if that of the Kingdom of God, even being the Son, he had to become equal to his creature, so that in his Yes the whole creation would find its eternal Life.

The Decision of the Son of God is written. In his Yes to the Law of the Saint Spirit, Creation found its Savior.

God, exalted before his entire House by the Obedience of his Beloved Son, abolished the Empire of the sons of JESUS CHRIST to the Universal Kingdom. There are no kings, only princes, all subjected to the Universal and everlasting Crown of the Son of God. “One King, one Lord and Savior”.



The Hope of Universal Salvation


But God did more. He placed everything at the feet of his Son, both the Throne of His Kingdom, before which every Power answers, and the Throne of Universal Judgment, before whose Tribunal every creature answers. And placing in his hands the Final Judgment, God invested his Son with the Glory that God had reserved for himself: the Glory of the one who has the Power to sign Universal Acquittal or Condemnatory Sentence ad eternum, being his Judgment final and unappealable.

Gathering, then, the Justice by which the ignorance of our parents made us worthy of Redemption, God wanted to give us as Judge the same one who in the Beginning said: “Let there be Light”, so that we would find in the Judge our own Savior, He who suffered in His being -although He had no power over Him- Death, and knowing His Power, He would judge us according to our nature and not in relation to His own.

Yes, from our most tender Adolescence we were delivered to the Empire of Death, almighty monster that preparing a banquet for its princes, served our flesh as a delicacy for kings, and our blood as ambrosia for gods. We, human nations, have had hatred and vengeance for tutors and teachers, cruelty and terror had been our school and academy, we have made our way through the millennia like beasts that crawl through inhospitable deserts where the law is to devour or be devoured. The Science of good and evil was our lot! Who will take pity on crimes committed in the darkness of a battle where truce and quarter were for the dead?

How could the God of Love deliver us naked, our original soul forged in clouds of weightless cotton wool like happy dreams, to a Tribunal alien to Mercy?

Was the God of all loves going to allow a Judge who never knew the fragility of this flesh of ours chained to the wall of the cruel hells of hunger and thirst for justice to raise his fist against us?

How can we judge the mud for not resisting the impetus of the current that comes down from the mountains dragging stones and logs?

By what law can be judged the bite that the puppy abandoned in the jungle gives against the leg of the one who sleeps in his tent?

Did not he who dreamed of our liberation in space take with him our liberation in time?

God, most loving of His entire creation, wanted to open horizons to the Power of His Son and show Him how with a single Word He can make a whole World be born again, and its Soul not to remember the pain and sorrow but, as one who has a bad dream, to get up and forget forever the nightmare in which it was trapped by an abominable Betrayal.

Behold the Glory of our Judge, it is not in our Condemnation, but in our Absolution.

And as in the Spirit of prophecy is Absolution to him that is converted, it was in this Spirit that the Doctrine of the kingdom of heaven came to us, that by our Conversion we might obtain Grace for all nations of our Kind, so that if by one man we were all made sinners, and by another only many were made righteous, by those whom we believe may be justified those who neither knew nor saw the Son of God.




But as I have already said, without forgetting the need for the Salvation of the Human World, the Salvation of the entire Creation was an almighty priority. God could not and would not allow this Tragedy to happen again. What God wanted was to give an Eternal End to the Battle between His Creation and Death. And for this He had to do a Wonderful, New Work, of infinite value.

For indeed it had become clear that the Origin of the Problem was the Absence of God among His Creatures, and as long as this Absence was not overcome the problem would continue to persist. And yet, clearly speaking, the Freedom of the Creator cannot remain enslaved to the Love of the Father for his sons.

As God, the Creator needs to live his Being, to spread his Arm over the limits of the Cosmos, to extend the Empire of Time over the lands of a Space covered with Darkness; in short, to show his Son his Creation and make him a sharer in all his Divine Reality. This Reality surpasses the nature of the Creature. This Reality belongs exclusively to the Divine Being.

We have already seen it, when the gods themselves, created by God to be his Brothers, fell on their knees before the Almighty Lord of Infinity and Eternity, whose Arm is the Origin of the Expansion and Multiplication of the Galaxies of the New Cosmos.

It was and is evident, therefore, that neither God can cease to be who He is, the Creator, nor as Father can or will He leave His sons alone at the mercy of the Science of good and evil.

The answer of GOD to this Need of his Creature to have “GOD WITH US”, without enslaving the Creator to this Need of his House: could only be the Incarnation of HIS Spirit, that is to say, to beget CHRIST, the THIRD PERSON OF THE TRINITY.  So if the FATHER and the SON are two Persons and only one Spirit, giving Flesh to this Spirit, remaining only one God, they are Three Divine Persons, and this Third Person is CRHIST: “GOD WITH US”, forever living among the House of God for the Salvation of all the Peoples of His Creation.

Thus, if He glorified His Son JESUS by abolishing every Crown and placing in His hands His entire Creation, He gave His Crown a Servant, CHRIST, who being JESUS, YOU-GOD, THE SON, the HEAD of this CHRIST, and because this Head is Divine : his BODY lives in and participates of the Fullness of his Divine Nature, being thus this CHRIST JESUS: “GOD WITH US”, that GOD without whose Presence the Creation fell into the Science of Good and Evil, and that, if God did not give his Spirit INCARNATION, it would succumb again to the Temptation of the Science of Good and Evil.

Thus, God, in the Person of the Son, became Creation to elevate the Creature, in his Spirit of Son, to the House of God, inheriting this Creature the natural Divinity of those who are, by the Spirit, Brothers of Christ. Hence the House of the Brethren of Christ Jesus openly said, “we are COHERITORS OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD”.

Divine, Marvelous Work, by which God the Father has given to his Kingdom a Divine Body, whose Head is the SON, from whom his Brethren all the Glory of him who is True God.

Begotten in Christ, in whom the Father and the Son live, to serve the King for eternity, they have inherited with him the Kingdom, so that they are slaves in the service of the King with the Almighty Liberty of those who are true sons of God and live and work for their Father being GOD WITH US for eternity of eternities.

For this reason God says of the Saint Spirit, Christ, that is the Third Person of God. And in the Three Persons lives one and the same God.

In short, there is NO Salvation outside of Christ. Eternal Life is in Conversion to Christ, in whom the Father and the Son live.






Now, let us not forget that Salvation by God begotten in his Wisdom, and from His Heart born, and because Eternity is proper to His Being and inherited by His Creature by reason of His Love for His Creation, once Salvation in motion and seeking Victory ad aternum came to imply the Necessity not only of the Death of Christ but also the Necessity of living the Root of the Cause for whose effect God abhors the Science of Good and Evil to the point of, if pushed to the limit, rising up to give an End to every Creature.

That is to say, God wanted to seal with fire in his sons and his entire Creation the Abomination that the existence of this Evil Science causes to his Being. It was necessary that all His creation live what He has lived during the Ages of His Eternity. That is to say, every World subject to the Law of the Science of Good and Evil, in spite of and against the struggle of that World for its existence in Space and Time, walks to its self-destruction: until its Apocalypse is finally consummated.

It was so during the Uncreation and would continue to be so as long as Creation opened the door to the Law of the Science of Good and Evil.

The World of men after Christ would continue on its way to its cosmic Apocalypse, so that living this End the whole creation would live the Abomination that God Himself feels towards the Science of Good and Evil. A seal that will remain for Eternity in the Being of Creation. All the more infinite this Seal as the House of Christ, would be born in the Fires of the Science of Good and Evil.

Also God willed that His entire Creation should see with its eyes the Sanctity of the Judgment against Satan sealed.

For God having the Power to heal every soul it could be seen the Sentence of Eternal Banishment against Satan a Sentence disproportionate to the consummated Disobedience. Wherefore God arranged that at the end of the Thousand Years of the First Millennium of Christ, Satan should be released on Earth, in order that with his own eyes his sons might see that the Disobedience and Homicide against Adam did not proceed from a fall into a passing temptation, but had its Reason in the Freedom given to him, as to all the sons of God, to submit to the Law of God, or to rise up against it. Satan chose to be king in Hell rather than prince in Heaven under the Crown of the Son of God. And this choice, despite the Judgment, still stood.

The Hatred in Satan is a Fire that is not consumed and even having been defeated by the Son of God, if Delivered, he would try by all means to destroy his Work in our World. Envy against the Son of God had settled in his being so that only by sitting on his Divine Throne could his soul be healed.

Obviously, one would have thought that, exposed to such an Eternal Condemnation once released on Earth, after the Thousand Years of Imprisonment to which he was condemned, Satan, before the vision of his Banishment, could have bent his knees and imploring Mercy, could have moved the Heart of the Father before God.

God wanted his sons and his entire creation to see that such a possibility was in Satan an absolute impossibility, for his Envy of the Son and his Hatred against the Saint Spirit of the Creator is in Satan his being.

Thus, released on Earth to export to all Mankind his Hatred against Christ, destroying his Work, the Catholic Church, the Bride of the Lord Jesus, as a gateway to the Apocalypse of the World Wars under whose fires Christianity would be erased from mankind, and Life on Earth would be dragged to its extinction, a project that he hastily released put into action, causing the Eastern Schism, which would be followed by the Western Schism, when his attempt to make the Bride of the Lord Jesus the Concubine of the Holy German Emperor failed; Satan directed his forces, which Death raised during the First Millennium of Christ, to divide Christendom and give entrance to the armies of Death in the Christian Europe of the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Modern Age.

An enterprise that God fought by placing the Empire in the hands of Catholic Spain, whose armies, financed by the Gold of the New World, faced on all fronts the forces of Death placed at the disposal of Satan. Having failed in the Battle for Europe, Satan concentrated all his forces in the European Fratricidal War that we know as the 30 Years’ War.

But if there is one thing that all the sons of God saw in the events that took place, it is the True Enemy of God’s Creation, not Satan, but Death. Uncreated Force from existing Eternity, the whole Revolution of Salvation engendered in the Heart and Mind of God the Father has as its End the Immunization of his Universe against its entrance into his Kingdom. As it happened here on Earth, Sin, that is, the Fall into the Temptation to Disobedience against the Law of God, is the door through which Death enters Creation and, moved by its own nature, drags all Life to its Extinction. This is why God became Flesh, why the Creator became a Creature to defend His Creation from Falling into Temptation for eternity of eternities.

Blessed be God! For having been able to bring Happiness to all the nations of the Earth by merely opening His Mouth against those who came to Crucify Him, He left His Heart exposed to Suffering for the sake of the Eternal Salvation of His Creation, which once invested with His Saint Spirit has been raised to the very Incorruptible Nature of its Creator, Lord, King and Father.



The Spirit of Jesus


But if Necessity imposed its Law, the Love of God for His Creation came to bring us His Universal Hope. For if He first invested the Bride of her Son with the natural Indestructibility to her Husband and Lord, saying: “The gates of Hell shall not prevail against you”, immediately, before being born of this Divine Union any “offspring”, God says to the Lord: “YOUR Offspring will seize the gates of their enemies”.

For it is evident that the sons of God, moved by the Tragedy of the Human Kind and moved by the Wisdom of the Spirit in them, which makes them not need to see in order to believe, and the Word of the God of the Eternity of the Infinite, and Lord of all that exists, being sufficient for them, as the Son wept imploring his Father that this End should not come to pass, so their Brothers, believing without seeing, have fulfilled the Law without need of experience.

So that by Faith in the Divine Word the End effect of Disobedience has been consummated by the Faith of those who need not see to believe in the Truthfulness of God.

God Himself, Father of those Divine sons, already seeing in His Heart their answer, and having been consummated in His Eternal World the Salvific Revolution that has brought the Son to the Universal Throne,  God determined a time for the Expulsion of Satan from the Earth at the beginning of the Third Millennium of our Era, at the dawn of which Millennium would come, has come, to Life that Descendancy on which God, before being born, being in the bosom of CHRIST, their Father, promised Him Invincibility to his sons when He said to us: “YOUR Offspring, King and Lord, will seize the gates of His enemies”.

And this is so because the Son Himself, Christ Jesus, having pleaded before His Father with boundless tears, here on Earth, for our Salvation, arguing that if God had not been betrayed by Satan, Adam would never have fallen into Temptation, God welcoming her tears determined in His Heart that after the completion of Satan’s Deliverance the Wife of Christ would beget for her Lord a Generation of children, born of His Spirit of Intelligence, who by the hand of their everlasting Father will lead the Fullness of the nations out of the Law of Hell and into the Kingdom of God.

For as we know the Spirit of Jesus “is the spirit of prophecy”. Whose nature we see in Jonah; who prophesying the end of Nineveh, by Fear of its fulfillment was converted and by Conversion came to Nineveh the Mercy that granted her Life.

It is in this spirit that God announces in his Son the Final Universal Judgment. And His Spirit being the Spirit of Prophecy, He leaves the Judgment in the hands of the Conversion of Mankind. And Christ having advocated for the Human Race, admitted by God his Cause, predestines his Offspring for the Victory over Death, offspring born to lead the fullness of the nations to the XXII Century, and converted to the Kingdom of God to leave in the hands of future generations the Fidelity to the King until God determines the Transfer of our World to his World.

Out of Faithfulness shall come Mercy, and as Nineveh was spared by her Fear, so shall those called to Judgment have in the hands of the Universal Judge their Life or their Death. For God being True, who is Almighty Judge has Power to heal all souls. And overcoming the Fidelity of the centuries, the Hope of Universal Salvation of the Human Race takes shape in the Love of Him who with His tears won for all to make His Cause our Cause and His Discourse our Discourse.

God, in effect, has opened for us the Door of His Heart, giving us as Judge the same one who with His tears won for His Discourse a Path to the Universal Salvation of those who, accepting the spirit of Prophecy, make of their Conversion the Path to Divine Mercy.




The Decree of God the Father against Satan has been given and written. The last enemy, Death, is our enemy. Begotten to enjoy the Invincibility of our King and Father, JESUS CHRIST, the future we will bequeath to future generations is to Remain Faithful to the Divine King until the end of the ages by God, their Father, determined to open to our World the gates of His Paradise.

Joy then, because from Faith comes the Hope for which Christ Jesus lived and died. The End of the Tragedy of the Human Race has come. The Day that the whole creation has been awaiting with a shrinking  heart, has dawned. And although Satan in his desperation is madly seeking to drag the nations into a Third Nuclear World War, know that the Glory of the King is the Glory of his Father, and nothing and no one can stand before JESUS CHRIST without exposing himself to be swept away with the force that dust is swept away by the hurricane wind that comes down from Heaven to bring all nations into his Kingdom, and leave in the hands of the sons of our sons the Faithfulness that will bring Mercy to all nations of Antiquity.

Bless the King, sons of God, glorify the Son in whose hands the Lord of Infinity and Eternity has placed the Life of a World that, betrayed by an Evil Serpent, daughter of Death, dressing himself as Minister of God, spat the fire of his Hell on the sons of the Earth, making our World the scene of a tragedy whose horrors and miseries have penetrated the hearts and souls of all the sons of God, the entire creation swearing not to live this Tragedy again for eternity of eternities, an oath that the sons of the Earth, invested by the Spirit of CHRIST, SEALED WITH HIS BLOOD IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE HOUSE OF GOD.

Indestructible is the Wife of the Lord, and Invincible is her Offspring, begotten in this Spirit, by Obedience to His Will and Fidelity to the King’s Law, Victory over Death is our Inheritance. And with the whole House of God the Father we repeat: “All glory, all honor, all power to the Lamb of God, JESUS CHRIST KING”.