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We have entered into the nature of the problem. The summary that you
have read is an example of the problematic that has existed during the Ages of
Christianity and has reached us enriched by the thought of a mountain of
theologians and specialists in the subject. From the reading a final question
emerges, a reduction of the whole problem and at the same time its origin: Who
was Mark?
It seems evident that since I am not a specialist, that is, my brain has
not been touched by the magic wand of the formation of its structure of thought
to the natural method in use in the school of theologians, and because it has
not been touched, it will be understood that my way of seeing the problem is
distanced from that of the specialists in what refers to the approach and in
what sticks to the source. We have seen that the specialists affirm and refute
each other when it comes to solving the mystery of the Identity of the
Evangelist Mark. A mystery that exists and takes shape from them, and only
because they understand it that way the Identity of John Mark becomes an object
of mystery. The fact is that John, who lived until the end of the First
Century, and therefore was the Divine Authority in Christianity, John never
brought up the existence of such a Mystery and only came to the stand when John
left the scene of Earth and ascended to Heaven. Why John, whose theological
thought rose to the heights of the Word, such that in all the History of
Christianity there has been no theologian worthy to untie the straps of his sandals,
including St. Augustine and St. Thomas in the lot, with all the love that the
memory of these saints deserves; why John, living until the end of the century,
when the Gospel of Mark had already been written for at least three decades,
did not enter into the problem of the Mystery of the Identity of the
Evangelist? Or did John himself, who like an eagle surveying the valley from
his cliff and seeing with his eyes the awakening of the Antichrist, miss the
issue of the identification of this mysterious Evangelist? After Peter and
James died, was not John the supreme authority among the Christians?
We have to agree, following the Silence of John, that the Identity of
Mark was neither a Mystery nor a Problem for the generation of the Apostles and
the First Christians. Matthew, Luke, Philip, Peter, Paul, Jude, and the rest of
the Brethren, all knew the true Identity of the author of the Gospel of Mark.
It was only when John and his disciples disappeared from the scene that the
Mystery was born, and eventually became a Problem.
I am not going to get into discussions with the experts or follow their
method, whose structure I do not know, since I have not been trained in it. But
I am going to take the Gospels and, of course, the Spirit of God as my source.
"Woman, behold your son; (to John), behold your Mother".
The reasons are by default lost in the discourse of the circus vanities
in whose arena at the end the experts decide who among all has more genius.
Wisdom being reduced to a crown of laurels with which to parade the art of the
mind, to the humiliation of the losers in the contest of the intellect, the
nature of Truth is subjected to the interest of the victory of the ego over the
necessity of knowledge as the Way to eternal Life. Hence they crucified Christ.
Truth, however, runs its course.
We have the Origin of the Mystery in its true context. Namely, Jesus was
the only son of his mother. If we turn the tables this means that Mary, Jesus
being her only begotten and firstborn, was left alone in the midst of a world
which had just crucified her only son and which, sooner or later, would turn
against her. Having started the Jews to murder the Messiah once his Disciples
open their Message to the World the murderers would not hesitate to launch
themselves against the Mother of the son of David in order to erase that Title
of his Genealogy, an effect they could only achieve by eliminating Mary as the
legitimate heir of Solomon, through which passed the Crown of the Jews to her
son Jesus.
Jesus goes ahead of his enemies and arranges from his Cross, as we all
read, that John, a boy in his adolescence, takes the place that He leaves in
the Heart of his Mother. John becomes, by His command, son to Mary and Mary
mother to John, and, consequently, John was not to abandon the Mother of Jesus
night or day.
John, the son of Zebedee.
John, the brother of James, both sons of Zebedee, and because it is
clear from the Gospels any objection is obsolete, was a teenager when Jesus
enters the scene of World History. While his brother James, as well as Peter,
Andrew's brother, were busy in adult things, John, along with Andrew, Peter's
brother, is hanging around the Baptist. That is to say, John and Andrew were
two teenagers at the time of the Baptism of Jesus.
They had no family responsibilities of their own and hence they spent
their time hanging around the Last Prophet. How old could Andrew and John have
been? 17, 18 years old? Jesus was a man in his 33rd year when John rests on his
chest and asks Jesus who the traitor was. A 30-year-old man does not lie on the
chest of a 33-year-old, nor does a 33-year-old accept a 30-year-old resting his
head on his chest. Therefore, John is still a teenager when he attends the Last
More. Nor could John's age be less than that of a teenager in full
possession of his physical and mental faculties when Jesus and John meet at the
Jordan. No father would have allowed his children, without considering them
already little men capable of defending themselves, no father of those times would
have allowed his son to go alone into the desert, no matter how holy the
Baptist "that one" was! John, like Andrew, therefore, must have
already been 17-19 years old. (We must never forget that in those days and in
Israel, the age of majority was considered to have been reached at about 14
years of age. The case of Jesus, already intellectually an adult at the age of
twelve, is sui generis, unique in History and unrepeatable in the context of
Creation. John is a man born of man and his person was subject to the law in
all aspects of being. Then at about 18, which John must have been, in the eyes
of someone other than his father John was already a man).
More. That Zebedee, John's father, was not exactly a salaried fisherman
is clear from the freedom of his youngest son. At that age all the boys were
already into fishing. Times were not easy and if one belonged to the survival
class, slave of the day to day, a boy like Juan was already on the job and
enslaved to work. Juan is not; neither is Andrés. The deduction I draw is
logical: his parents were not rich but they lived comfortably enough to allow
their young children to wade through the desert.
These two props we set on rock in order to mount on them the weight of
Mark's Identity. One is John's age, an adolescent in the prime of his physical
and mental strength, on the borders of adult life, and the other is the social
class to which John belonged; for let us not forget that John has friends in
the Temple of Jerusalem, and not just any friend; "this disciple (John)
was known to the High Priest".
With the Pontiff of Jerusalem it was the same as with the bishop of
Rome, everyone knows who the Pope is but the Pope knows very few. One of these
acquaintances of the Pontiff of Jerusalem was John. That is to say, Zebedee was
not exactly a salaried fisherman, but someone of weight in the Jerusalem Fish
Market, so much so that even the Pontiff himself knew his son John. Let us not
forget these two factors when we come to the height of the veil we are about to
John's spiritual vocation
It seems entirely sensible and more wise than foolish to say that if
John was around the Baptist at the age at which as a rule the Jewish boys were
already generally involved in work and bringing into the world kids, this
tendency to wander more than curiosity was in John spiritual vocation,
ontological force of divine origin that kept John away from the things that
young people are dedicated to at that age: wine, women and money. If John had
been for money at his age, and in those times, John, starting from the position
of Zebedee, his father, John would have already been handling silver.
If John had been more in love with the flesh than with the spirit, at
his age he would have been married with a child, especially in a society in
which love was a crazy thing and weddings were a matter of business. Since wine
and women were the flesh and blood of the natural man, the fact that John was
not in the arms of any woman confirms that the reason why John went to the
desert was his spiritual vocation. John was impregnated with the Messianic
Reason and the clouds in which his Head unfolded had in the Son of David the
Sun under which his thoughts, his dreams, his illusions moved.
John, the son of Zebedee, when Jesus enters the Jordan, was a virgin in
every aspect.
The experience that John lived in the Light of his Master, the Son of
David in person, would have been just that, an experience in the soul of any
man, but in John it was an ontological revolution, definitive, total, sublime,
supreme; such is its magnitude that while the others hide, John is the only one
who attends all the acts of the Passion and it is he, the youngest of all, who
gives the Mother his Arm to lean on him up the Slope of Calvary. While the
others flee and hide, terrified by the confusion that the darkness of the
moment has cast upon them, John follows his Master to the Cross and carries
with him, as if it were his staff, that Woman whom he loved as a mother even
before the wedding feast of Canaan.
Let us enter into the mystery of the blood connection between Zebedee
and the Mother of Jesus. And to base strength on intelligence, and not the other
way around, I copy here a historical document, written in the tenth century,
approximately, by Severus Al-Ushmunain, bishop of Hermopolis of Egypt, dealing with the matter of the origins
of the Church of Alexandria in the preaching of John Mark, the Evangelist.
It will be noted that this document in circulation in the Egyptian
Coptic church consists of two basic elements, one: the facts in the distance,
and the other: the transformation of the same into apocryphal shadows due to
that same distance. But let us look at the translation in the next section
before going into details.
Life of the Apostle and Evangelist Mark by Severus,
Bishop of Al-Ushmunain (955-987 A.D.)
Translated from English by C.R.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, the One
God. This is the first biography in the history of the Holy Church. The story
of St. Mark, the Disciple and Evangelist, Archbishop of the great city of
Alexandria, and first of its Bishops.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, the One
God. This is the first biography in the history of the Holy Church. The story
of St. Mark, the Disciple and Evangelist, Archbishop of the great city of
Alexandria, and first of its Bishops.
In the time of the Ministry of the merciful Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ, in the days when He chose His disciples, there were two brothers in a
city of Pentapolis, in the West, called Cyrene. The name of the elder was
Aristobulus, and the name of the younger was Barnabas; they were farmers, and
had great possessions. Both of them knew the Law of Moses perfectly, and knew
by heart many of the books of the Old Testament. It happened therefore that in
the days of Augustus Caesar, prince of the Romans, the Berbers and Ethiopians
fell upon them and robbed them of their possessions and drove them from their
lands. In order to save their lives they fled from that province, and journeyed
to the land of the Jews.
Aristobulus had a son named John. So Aristobulus and Barnabas settled in
the vicinity of Jerusalem, and John grew up full of the grace of the Holy
Spirit. His father and uncle had a cousin, the wife of Simon Peter, the one who
was the chief of the disciples of Christ, the Lord; and John, whom they began
to call Mark, used to visit Peter, to learn from him everything concerning the
Holy Scriptures.
One day Aristobulus took his son Mark with him to the Jordan, and on the
way a lion and a lioness met them. When Aristobulus saw them approaching, and
perceived the violence of their rage, he said to his son Mark: "My son, do
you see with what fury this lion is coming to destroy us? Flee and save
yourself, my son, while they amuse themselves devouring me, for such is the
will of Almighty God". But Christ's disciple, St. Mark, answered and said
to his father, "Do not be afraid, my father, Christ in whom I believe will
deliver us from all danger."
And when the lions approached them, Mark, the disciple of the Lord
Christ, cried out against them with a loud voice, saying, "The Lord Jesus
Christ, the son of the Living God, commands you to disappear from these
mountains, and have no more descendants from here henceforth forever."
Thereupon the lion and the lioness fell down dead on the spot; and their
whelps likewise. When Aristobulus, the father of Mark, saw this great miracle
manifested in his son by the power of the invincible Lord Jesus Christ, he said
to his son, "I am your father who brought you into the world, Mark, my
son; but today you are my father and my savior. And now, dear son, pray for me
and my brother that we may be converted to the Lord Jesus Christ, whom you
preach." Then St. Mark's father and his brother began to know the doctrine
of Christ from that day on.
Mary, the mother of Mark, was the sister of Barnabas, the disciple of
the apostles.
After this, the following event occurred. There was in those regions, in
a city called Azotus, a very large olive tree,
greatly admired for its size. Since the people of that city were moon
worshippers, they prayed to that olive tree.
When St. Mark saw them praying, he said to them, "What will become
of this olive tree which you worship as God, after you eat its fruit and burn
its branches? Behold, by the word of God whom I worship, I command this tree to
fall to the ground untouched by any iron."
Then they answered him, "We know that you practice the magic of
your master the Galilean, and as you wish it to be so it is done. But we will
pray to our Goddess, and she will bring forth the olive tree for us to adore.
St. Mark answered them, "Very well, I will tear it down, and if
your Goddess can set it up again I will convert to your religion."
They agreed and saw that no one was hiding around the tree to deceive
Then St. Mark raised his face to heaven, turned to the East, opened his
mouth and prayed saying: "My Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God,
hear thy servant, and command the moon, thy second assistant in this world,
which gives light to the night, that his voice may be heard by thy decree and
authority, that these men who have no God, may know the Creator of all things
and be converted; though I know, my Lord and God, that the Moon has no voice
nor power to speak, let it be so by thy Power, that these men may know that the
Moon is not God, but thy handmaid, and that thou art their God. And may you
command this tree, to which they pray, to fall to the ground, so that they may
recognize your Power, and that there is no God but you, with the Father and the
Holy Spirit, giver of eternal life. Amen."
And at that hour, as soon as he had finished his prayer, a great
darkness came over, at noon, and the Moon appeared bright in the sky to them,
and they heard his voice, saying, "O men of little faith, I am not God
that you should worship me, but his servant and one of his creatures, I am a
minister of Christ the Lord, whom Mark, his disciple, preaches; and Him only do
we serve and worship." At once the olive tree fell to the ground. And
great fear seized all present.
But the people who worshiped the tree rose up against St. Mark, seized
him, beat him, and handed him over to the Jews, who put him in prison. That
night St. Mark saw in his dream the Lord Christ, who said to Peter,
"Tonight I will release all those who are in prison." When he awoke from
his dream, Mark saw the doors of his prison open; and he and all those with him
in prison went out; for the jailers had fallen asleep as dead men. But the
multitudes who witnessed it said, "Our persecution of Galileans will never
come to an end, for Beelzebub, the chief of the devils, is with them."
Mark was one of the Seventy Disciples. And he was one of the servants
who poured the water into the jars that Our Lord turned into wine, at the
wedding feast of Canaan in Galilee. And it was he who carried the jar of water
to the house of Simon the Cyrenian, for the
celebration of the Last Supper. And it was he also who welcomed the disciples
into his house during the Lord's Passion, and after his resurrection from the
dead, where he entered, though the doors were locked
And after his Ascension into heaven, St. Mark went with Peter to
Jerusalem, and they preached the word of God to the multitudes. But the Holy
Spirit appeared to Peter and commanded him to go through the cities and
villages of the country. So Peter, and Mark with him, went on to Bethany, to
preach the word of God; and they remained there some days. And being in Bethany
he saw in a dream the angel of God, who said to him, "In two places there
is a great famine." Peter said to the angel, "In which?" He answered,
"In the city of Alexandria, in the land of Egypt, and in Rome. It is not a
famine of bread nor a thirst for water, but the famine that comes from
ignorance of the Word of God, which you preach." When Peter awoke, he told
Mark what he had seen in his dream. And after this, Peter and Mark went on to
the region of Rome, and there they preached the word of God.
And in the fifteenth year after the Ascension of Christ, holy Peter sent
St. Mark the evangelist to the city of Alexandria, to announce the Good News,
to preach the word of God and the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, whose is the
glory, honor and worship, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, the eternal God.
Martyrdom of St. Mark, and his
preaching in the city of Alexandria.
During the time of the Ministry of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
after his Ascension to Heaven, the Holy Spirit sent the Apostles to all nations
in order to proclaim to them the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ. And in the
distribution of territories it fell to St. Mark the great city of Alexandria,
that they might hear and be converted, for its people were sunk in idol
worship, serving the creature instead of the Creator. There were many temples
there dedicated to contemptible gods, which they served in iniquity and magic
arts. It was he, St. Mark, who was the first to preach in the province of
Egypt, in Africa, Pentapolis, and all those regions.
So when St. Mark returned from Rome, he went first to Pentapolis, where
he preached in all its districts the word of God, and worked many miracles,
cured the sick, cleansed the lepers, and cast out devils by the grace of God
which was in him. And many believed in the Lord Christ through him, forsook the
idols they used to worship, and were delivered from the power of devils. And he
baptized them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, One
Then the Holy Spirit appeared to him, and said to him, "Arise and
go to the city of Alexandria, and sow there the seed of the word of God."
The disciple of Christ arose and set out, clothed with the power of the Holy
Spirit as a warrior dressed for war; he took leave of his brethren and said to
them, "The Lord Jesus Christ will make a way for me, that I may preach his
gospel there." Then he prayed, saying, "Lord strengthen the brethren
who have known your holy name that I may rejoice in them on my return."
And they took their leave.
St. Mark arrived in the city of Alexandria; and as he was entering the
gate the strap of his shoe broke. Seeing this, he thought to himself: "Now
I know that the Lord is guiding me". So he went to a shoemaker who was
there to have his shoe repaired. And when the shoemaker took the awl, he
pierced his hand. Then he said, "Heis ho
Theos", which means, "God is One". When St. Mark heard that he
mentioned the name of God, he rejoiced greatly, and turning his face to the
East he said, "My Lord Jesus, it is you who smooth my way wherever I
go." Then he spat on the ground, and put the mud on the place where the
awl had pierced the cobbler's hand, saying, "In the name of the Father and
the Son and the Holy Spirit, eternal God, may this man's hand be healed at this
moment, to the glory of your name." And his hand was healed.
St. Mark said to him, "If you know that God is One, why do you
serve many gods?" The cobbler answered him, "We mention God with our
mouths, but that is all; for we do not know who he is."
Marveling at the power of God in St. Mark, the cobbler said to him,
"I pray thee, O man of God, come to thy servant's house, that thou mayest rest
and eat." Then St. Mark answered him joyfully, "May the Lord give you
the bread of life from heaven!" And he went with him to his house. And
when he entered his dwelling, he said, "May the blessing of God be with
this house!" and he prayed.
After they had eaten, the cobbler said to him, "My Father, I pray
thee, make known to me Him in whose name thou hast wrought this miracle."
Then the saint replied, "I serve Jesus Christ, the Son of the living
God". The cobbler exclaimed: "I wish I could see him". St. Mark
said to him: "I will make it so".
Then he began to teach him the Gospel, and the doctrine of the glory and
power and dominion which belong to God from the beginning, and exhorted him
with many instructions, to which his history testifies, and ended by saying to
him, "The Lord Christ was incarnate in the Virgin Mary, came into the
world, and saved us from our sins." And then he explained to him the
Prophets, step by step.
The cobbler said to him, "I have never heard of these books that
you speak of; the books of the Greek philosophers are the books that are taught
here, and those of the Egyptians also."
Then St. Mark said to him, "The wisdom of the philosophers of this
world is vanity before God." When the cobbler had heard the wisdom and the
words of the Scriptures from the mouth of St. Mark, together with the miracle
of the healing of his hand, his heart believed in the Lord, and he was
baptized, he and all the people of his house, and all his neighbors. His name
was Anianus.
But when those who believed in the Lord began to multiply, and the
people of the city heard that a Jew and Galilean had entered the city,
intending to overthrow the idols, their gods, and had already persuaded many to
abstain from serving them, they sought him everywhere; and they set men after
him. When St. Mark saw that they were plotting against him, he ordained Anianus bishop of Alexandria, ordained three priests and
seven deacons, and confirmed these eleven to serve and comfort the faithful
brethren. But he left and returned to the Pentapolis, where he remained for two
years, preaching and confirming bishops, priests and deacons throughout his
Then he returned to Alexandria, and found that the brethren had been
strengthened in the faith, and had multiplied by the grace of God, and had
found the means of building a church in a place they called the Cattle Pasture,
near the sea, by the side of a rock. Then St. Mark rejoiced exceedingly; and
falling on his knees he blessed God for having confirmed in the faith those
whom he had instructed in the doctrines of the Lord, and for having turned away
from the service of idols.
But when those unbelievers heard that St. Mark was back in Alexandria,
filled with fury against the believers in Christ, because of his miracles,
healing the sick, casting out devils, loosing the
tongues of the dumb, opening the ears of the deaf, and cleansing the lepers;
they sought St. Mark with great fury, but found him not; and gnashing their
teeth in their temples, filled with wrath they said to their idols, "Do
you not see the wickedness of this sorcerer?"
So on the first day of the week, the day of the festival of the Lord's
Passover, which fell that year on the 29th of Barmudah,
just the time when the idolaters celebrated their heathen festivals, they
sought him with zeal, and found him in the sanctuary. They seized him and tied
a rope around his neck, with which they dragged him along the ground, saying,
"Drag that serpent!" But the saint, as they dragged him, glorified
God, saying, "Blessed are you, Lord, for you have found me worthy to
suffer for your name's sake." And they lacerated his flesh against the
stones of the street, and his blood flowed on the ground.
When evening came, they put him in prison while they decided what they
were going to do with him, what kind of death they were going to give him. At
midnight, when the prison doors were shut, and the sentries were asleep, there
was a great earthquake. And the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and
came to the saint, and said to him, "Mark, servant of God, your name is written
in the book of life, and is numbered in the assembly of the saints, and your
soul shall sing praises with the angels in heaven; your body shall not perish,
nor cease to exist on earth."
And when he awoke from his sleep he raised his eyes to heaven, and said,
"O my Lord Jesus Christ, I beseech thee to receive me that I may be happy
in thy presence." When he had finished these words, he fell asleep again;
and the Lord appeared to him in the form in which the disciples knew him, and
said to him, "Hail Mark, the evangelist and chosen one!" Then the
saint said to him, "I thank thee, O my Savior Jesus Christ, that thou hast
found me worthy to suffer for thy holy name." And the Lord and Savior
saluted him, and disappeared.
When he awoke the morning had come, and the multitude assembled, they
brought the saint out of the prison, put again around his neck the rope, and
said, "Drag that serpent into the Cattle Field!" And they dragged him
along the ground while he gave thanks to the Lord Christ, and glorified Him,
saying, "Into Thy hands I commit my spirit, O my God!" Then the saint
After these things the ministers of the idols gathered wood in a place
called Angelion, in order to burn the body of the
saint. But by God's command a thick fog and a strong wind arose, so that the
earth trembled; and much rain fell, so much that many of the people died of
fear and terror; and they said to themselves, "Surely, Serapis, he has
come to collect the dead man."
Then the faithful brethren assembled, went to pick up the body of St.
Mark from among the ashes, and found that nothing had suffered from his
appearance. They took him to the church in which they used to celebrate the
Liturgy; they perfumed and wrapped him, and prayed over him according to the
established rites. They dug a place for him and buried his body there; in order
to preserve his memory always with joy and blessing for the grace which the
Lord Christ bestowed on the city of Alexandria by his servant. They placed him
in the eastern part of the church, during the day on which his martyrdom took
place (he being the first of the Galileans martyred for the name of the Lord
Jesus Christ in Alexandria), namely, the day before Barmudah according to the calculation of the Egyptians, which is equivalent to the
eighth day before the kalends of May among the months of the Romans, and 24th
of Nisan among the months of the Hebrews.
And we too, the children of Orthodoxy, offer glory and sanctification
and praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to whom is all praise and honor
and adoration, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, Life-Giver and
Consubstantial, now and forever.
The Mother of Jesus Christ
One observes in the Coptic account of the life of St. Mark the two
elements I noted earlier: the distance, natural to one who wrote the account
ten centuries later, and its kinship with the style of the Gnostic apocrypha of
the early centuries, in which a populist element of background serves as the
nucleus of a biography without formal historical value.
The populist background element is the relationship between the Apostle
John and the Evangelist Mark, a mystery around which the whole problem of the
Identity of the Evangelist revolves. The identity of John the Apostle beyond
doubt, that of Mark the Evangelist, i.e., John as Evangelist under the name of
Mark, is the Mystery. Why did John not make himself known as he was and use the
code name under which he concealed the true identity of the youngest son of
To approach this Mystery let us start from the Mind of Jesus.
I have said before that once crucified "the dog" the Jews,
when they saw that they had not finished with the rabies, would launch, with
the same pity and mercy with which they had treated the son, against the
Mother. Mary was the only person in the world, not being Joseph on the scene,
who could prove with documents the Identity of the Crucified, and with them in
hand to prove the legitimacy of Jesus to the Throne of David, a fact which, if
proven, would show that indeed the title on the Cross, King of the Jews, was as
real as the crown of thorns with which the Romans enthroned the Son of David.
It was only natural that Jesus, being what He was, and knowing all the
things that were to be the effect of the cause which He Himself had moved,
should see His judges and executioners turn against the Mother of the Lamb and,
by their elimination, destroy all genealogical evidence that could connect the
"Galilean dog" with the Crown of the Jews.
The cause that had set this effect in motion was impossible to be
stopped or to divert its consequences. This act was outside the Power of the
Son of God. God the Father had determined the cause and this cause must proceed
to its effects. Now, at no time had God the Father determined "the
Necessity of the Death of the Mother of Christ" in the way he had
determined "the Necessity of the Death of his Son".
God the Father takes the life of this Woman into his hands and having
consummated the Perfect Necessity of the Death of Christ, from the Cross Jesus
provides the Mother of his Son with a cherub, a guardian, a personal bodyguard,
whom God himself has formed from the womb of his mother, the woman of Zebedee,
to be "the youngest son of Thunder". This is where the Mystery of
John Mark begins.
When the historian-theologians of the future approached the problem,
none of them started from this source, as we have seen. And the fact is that,
forgive me the devil, one of the most notable defects of Theology is to be a
science, and like all sciences, Theology has the virtue of making of its lover
a true fool who prefers the knowledge of men as a source to God as the Source
of all knowledge. For as everyone will understand and even the Bishop of Rome,
the one who calls himself Holy Father, equal to God except in the flesh, and
only by the flesh - curse - equal to us, why seek in the Living God what is in
books? Or does God have Memory?
But isn't the Memory that hard disk where the lived events are stored? With the difference that the hard disk can be erased
and the things that are recorded in the Living Memory remain as long as there
is life, and of course, being God eternal, the Memory of the Universe has in
Him its fireproof Book. So why prefer books as a source of knowledge about the
Divine Mysteries when God is there to discover us His Mind?
In defense of all, let us say that the Law of Silence under which the
centuries were enclosed, because of which St. Paul said that "Ignorance
keeps the world in corruption" etc., has had its effect and the criticism
of the Past is a lesson for the Future, so as not to fall into the same stone
There are two methods to get to know someone: to approach him and enter
into a dialogue, or to approach third parties and from them form an idea.
The Bible is not there to be a third party but to be the Way to the One
you want to know. The first method is that of Theology; the second is that of
the one that opens this Introduction to the Mystery of the Identity of
John-Marcos. Since God is there, why ask anyone about God? Let us continue
We have taken the position of the Son of God. He is the Lamb of God and
nothing and no one could prevent God from offering his Atoning Sacrifice for
the sins of the whole World. This is already written and is not the subject.
Our interest begins when the Mother of that Lamb will inevitably become the
target of the criminal instinct of the Jews. Even before the Crucifixion the
Jews had managed to make their inquiries about the identity of that Galilean
prophet. And rummaging in the memory of Nazareth they unearthed the memory of
the Annunciation Episode in the non-Christian version, from which the Jews deduced
that Jesus was "a bastard dog" and his mother "a whore", a
deduction that they threw in his face at the Feast when they said:
"We know who our father is, who is yours?"
To which Jesus, knowing what they were talking about, answered them:
"Your father is the devil," for surely only a son of Satan
could call the Bride of the God who declared Himself the Father of His Son a
"harlot" and the Son of God a "bastard dog." And those same
sons of the Devil would not hesitate for a nanosecond to use the
"secret" they found, make it public and take the Mother of Christ to
the street to be stoned, a posteriori, for adultery, a crime condemned in the
Law of Moses with death. The same Jesus who said to them: "You are
children of the Devil", is the Jesus who said to John: "Behold your
And it would be in that Mind and in that Divine Heart that John became
Mark. And it would be from this Need to Protect the Mother of Jesus Christ that
the first Gospel of John, the one that bears the name of Mark, arose from the
Law, which says: "By the testimony of two shall the judgment be
valid". Having written Matthew's, John, who has in his custody the Mother,
and for all, except for the Apostles, is Mark, thus hiding the Identity of the
Woman who was always with him, whom he called Mother, and she called him Son,
John-Marcos writes his Gospel so that the Law would be fulfilled, and hence the
Gospel of St. Mark is a simple Testimony in support of Matthew. John-Marcos
does not pretend in his first Gospel to say neither more nor less than Matthew,
and he limits himself to put his Gospel next to it so that by the Law, which
required two Witnesses for the validity of the Testimony, the Law would be
This being the reason for the Gospel of Mark, the terse but firm nature
of the one who has lived all and one by one the events narrated by Matthew, is
the most visible character of the Narration of Mark and the reason why the
"theologians" wanted to see its origin in Peter, with respect to whom
Mark was his "secret" and was putting in writing what the
"Chief" was spouting.
Peter's memory must have been bad and Mark's secretary worse to reduce
the Memory of Jesus Christ in the Apostle to a simple Testimony in support of
the Gospel of St. Matthew. But the infinite memory of Mark, who, being John,
signs at once everything testified by his colleague Matthew without giving more
importance than is due to the literary style of his own Testimony.
It is this lack of concern, so wealthy and exquisite in the learned
theologians, that, hallucinating them the fact that a yokel in the sciences of
letters was capable of giving birth to a little book of such grace and glory,
they could not understand the original value of the Gospel of Mark according to
the Law. But as I have already said that Ignorance has been Universal by reason
of the Prescience and Omniscience of the Father of all things, looking to the
Hope of Salvation of all the nations of the Earth, I will not insist on the
written failure of theology to penetrate behind the Veil of the Divine Mind.
And I continue.
A key factor makes possible the natural assumption of John's filiation
with respect to the Mother in the eyes of all outsiders, and it will be the
veil thanks to which neither the Jews nor anyone else could guess the true
nature behind the mother-son relationship under which John and the Mother of
Jesus present themselves before the whole world, including the Christians
themselves, among whom only a very select circle, of which St. Paul would later
say, "we speak among the perfect a secret wisdom..." etcetera, were
aware of the true Identity of the "mother" of "Mark". This
factor would be, and was, the perfect Youth that the Mother of Jesus preserved
until the Death of her Son, and according to which it was impossible to suspect
that that "woman", who by appearance was in her 40's, was not the
mother of that young man in his 21 years, approximately.
In square numbers, Mary's age for the date of her Son's Resurrection
must have been around 60, year up and year down. In those times, 60 was a lot
of years. Had the law of the Fall been deprived on the Immaculate Mother of
Jesus Christ, the Veil under which God the Father defended the Mother of his
Son would not have worked. And in any case it would have worked against. For
who would have believed that that 60-something old woman could have been the
mother of that young boy, John, unless she had given birth in the manner of
Sarah to Isaac, another point against this son, and a bridge to the nature of
the theater on whose stage the Galilean wanted to put his Mother to safety.
God the Father breaks the curse of the Fall and puts the Mother of his
Son out of the Law of the Flesh, hence no one among those present at the scene
of the Crucifixion would have thought to relate that Woman, mature but young,
who at the foot of the Cross wept with tears, with the Mother of the Crucified
and, in any case, with one of "those women" who followed him
everywhere and on whom the Master lived.
It was Jesus himself who kept the Identity of his Mother more than once.
Being in public, by means of those truths of his that he said: "Who is my
mother and who are my brothers but the one who does the will of my
Father?", by this subtle way Jesus always diverted everyone's gaze from
the face of his Mother, a face that, because of her Youth, no one related in
principle to him.
It was only natural for Mark to present the Mother as "his
mother." And given the mythology of the living Legend: "the Apostles
of the Lord Jesus", it was only natural that Peter and Paul took with them
"Mark and his mother" as part of their baggage, to put it
That Woman was Sacred to Peter and the Apostles, and nothing and no one
in this world had access to Her and Her Heart. John, the son of Thunder,
remains at all times around the Mother as a Cherubim armed with a flaming sword
and the fire always alive, like the Bush: always burning without being
consumed. This is the Mission of John. His mission is neither to preach nor to
die, his Mission is to close the way for every man to the Mother of the Lord
Jesus and to remain with her until God the Father disposes of his life in this
Mark is constantly on the move and both Peter and Paul cover their
comings and goings with stories of jealousy and contingent needs. It would be
in one of those trips that Mark arrived in Alexandria, where he left in the
Original Community the indelible memory of his Presence among the First
Christians of that City, which, passing the time the patriarchal interests,
etcetera, transformed into the Comic Strip about the Life of Mark that you have
read above.
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