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GREECE Proper lies between the 36th and 40th parallels
of north latitude, and between the 21st and 26th degrees of east longitude. Its
greatest length, from Mount Olympus to Cape Taenarus,
may be stated at 250 English miles; its greatest breadth, from the western
coast of Acarnania to Marathon in Attica, at 180 miles; and the distance
eastward from Ambracia across Pindus to the Magnesian mountain Homole and the mouth of the Peneus is about 120 miles.
Altogether, its area is somewhat less than that of Portugal. In regard,
however, to all attempts at determining the exact limits of Greece proper, we
may remark, first, that these limits seem not to have been very precisely
defined even among the Greeks themselves; and next, that so large a proportion
of the Hellens were distributed among islands and colonies, and so much of
their influence upon the world in general produced through their colonies, as
to render the extent of their original domicile a matter of comparatively
little moment to verify.
Thermaic, Ambratian Gulfs and Epirus
The chain called Olympus and the Cambunian mountains, ranging from east and west, and commencing with the Aegean sea or
the gulf of Therma, near the 40th degree of north latitude, is prolonged under
the name of Mount Lingon, until it touches the
Adriatic at the Akrokeraunian promontory. The country
south of this chain comprehended all that in ancient times was regarded as
Greece, or Hellas proper, but it also comprehended something more. Hellas
proper, (or continuous Hellas, to use the language of Skylax and Dikaearchus) was understood to begin with the
town and gulf of Ambrakia: from thence, northward to
the Akrokeraunian promontory, lay the land called by
the Greeks Epirus,—occupied by the Chaonians,
Molossians, and Thesprotians, who were termed Epirots, and were not esteemed to belong to the Hellenic
aggregate. This at least was the general understanding, though Aetolians and
Acarnanians, in their more distant sections, seem to have been not less widely
removed from the full type of Hellenism than the Epirots were; while Herodotus is inclined to treat even Molossians and Thesprotians as Hellens.
At a point about midway between the Aegean and Ionian
seas, Olympus and Lingon are traversed nearly at
right angles by the still longer and vaster chain called Pindus, which
stretches in a line rather west of north from the northern side of the range of
Olympus : the system to which these mountains belong seems to begin with the
lofty masses of greenstone comprised under the name of Mount Scardus, or Scardus, (Schardagh,) which is divided only by the narrow cleft,
containing the river Drin, from the limestone of the Albanian Alps. From the
southern face of Olympus, Pindus strikes off nearly southward, forming the
boundary between Thessaly and Epirus, and sending forth about the 39th degree
of latitude the lateral chain of Othrys,—which latter
takes an easterly course, forming the southern boundary of Thessaly, and
reaching the sea between Thessaly and the northern coast of Euboea. Southward
of Othrys, the chain of Pindus, under the name of Tymphrestus, still continues, until another lateral chain,
called Oeta, projects from it again towards the
east,—forming the lofty coast immediately south of the Maliac gulf, with the narrow road of Thermopylae between the two,—and terminating at
the Euboean strait. At the point of junction with Oeta,
the chain of Pindus forks into two branches; one striking to the westward of
south, and reaching across Aetolia, under the names of Arakynthus, Kurius, Korax, and Taphiassus,
to the promontory called Antirrhion, situated on the
northern side of the narrow entrance of the Corinthian gulf, over against the
corresponding promontory of Rhion in Peloponnesus; the other tending
south-east, and forming Parnassus, Helicon, and Cithaeron; indeed, Aegaleus and Hymettus, even down to the southernmost cape
of Attica, Sunium (Sounion), may be treated as a
continuance of this chain. From the eastern extremity of Oeta,
also, a range of hills, inferior in height to the preceding, takes its
departure in a south-easterly direction, under the various names of Knemis, Ptoon, and Teumessus. It is joined with Kithaeron by the lateral communication, ranging from west to east, called Parnes; while
the celebrated Pentelikus (Pentelikon),
abundant in marble quarries, constitutes its connecting link, to the south of
Parnes with the chain from Cithaeron to Sunium.
From the promontory of Antirrhion,
the line of mountains crosses into Peloponnesus, and stretches in a southerly
direction down to the extremity of the peninsula called Taenarus,
now Cape Matapan. Forming the boundary between Elis
with Messenia on one side, and Arcadia with Laconia on the other, it bears the
successive names of Olenus, Panachaikus, Pholoe, Erymanthus, Lykaeus, Parrbasius, and Taygetus.
Another series of mountains strikes off from Cithaeron towards the south-west,
constituting, under the names of Geraneia and Oneia,
the rugged and lofty Isthmus of Corinth, and then spreading itself into
Peloponnesus. On entering that peninsula, one of its branches tends westward
along the north of Arcadia, comprising the Akrokorinthus,
or citadel of Corinth, the high peak of Kyllene, the
mountains of Aroanii and Lampeia,
and ultimately joining Erymanthus and Pholoe,—while
the other branch strikes southward towards the south-eastern cape of
Peloponnesus, the formidable Cape Malea (map), or St. Angelo,—and exhibits
itself under the successive names of Apesas,
Artemisium, Parthenium, Parnon, Thornax,
and Zarex.
From the eastern extremity of Olympus, in a direction
rather to the eastward of south, stretches the range of mountains first called
Ossa, and afterwards Pelion, down to the south-eastern corner of Thessaly. The
long, lofty, and naked back-bone of the island of Euboea, may be viewed as a
continuance both of this chain and of the chain of Othrys:
the line is farther prolonged by a series of islands in the Archipelago,
Andros, Tenos, Mykonos, and Naxos, belonging to the group called the Cyclades,
or islands encircling the sacred centre of Delos. Of
these Cyclades, others are in like manner a continuance of the chain which
reaches to Cape Sunium,—Keos, Kythnos, Seriphos, and Siphnos join
on to Attica, as Andros does to Euboea. And we might even consider the great
island of Crete as a prolongation of the system of mountains which breasts the
winds and waves at Cape Male, the island of Kythera forming the intermediate
link between them. Skiathus, Skopelus,
and Skyrus, to the north-east of Euboea, also mark themselves out as outlying
peaks of the range comprehending Pelion and Euboea.
By this brief sketch, which the reader will naturally
compare with one of the recent maps of the country, it will be seen that Greece
proper is among the most mountainous territories in Europe. For although it is
convenient, in giving a systematic view of the face of the country, to group
the multiplicity of mountains into certain chains, or ranges, founded upon
approximative uniformity of direction; yet, in point of fact, there are so many
ramifications and dispersed peaks, so vast a number of hills and crags of
different magnitude and elevation, that a comparatively small proportion of the
surface is left for level ground. Not only few continuous plains, but even few
continuous valleys, exist throughout all Greece proper. The largest spaces of
level ground are seen in Thessaly, in Aetolia, in the western portion of
Peloponnesus, and in Boeotia; but irregular mountains, valleys frequent but
isolated, land-locked basins and declivities, which often occur, but seldom
last long, form the character of the country.
The islands of the Cyclades, Euboea, Attica, and
Laconia, consist for the most part of micaceous schist, combined with and often
covered by crystalline granular limestone. The centre and west of Peloponnesus, as well as the country north of the Corinthian gulf
from the gulf of Ambracia to the strait of Euboea, present a calcareous
formation, varying in different localities as to color, consistency, and
hardness, but, generally, belonging or approximating to the chalk : it is often
very compact, but is distinguished in a marked manner from the crystalline
limestone above mentioned. The two loftiest summits in Greece (both, however,
lower than Olympus, estimated at nine thousand seven hundred feet) exhibit this
formation,—Parnassus, which attains eight thousand feet, and the point of St.
Elias in Taygetus, which is not less than seven
thousand eight hundred feet. Clay-slate, and conglomerates of sand, lime, and
clay, are found in many parts : a close and firm conglomerate of lime composes
the Isthmus of Corinth : loose deposits of pebbles, and calcareous breccia
occupy also some portions of the territory. But the most important and
essential elements of the Grecian soil, consist of the diluvial and alluvial
formations, with which the troughs and basins are filled up, resulting from the
decomposition of the older adjoining rocks. In these reside the productive
powers of the country, and upon these the grain and vegetables for the
subsistence of the people depend. The mountain regions are to a great degree
barren, destitute at present of wood or any useful vegetation, though there is reason
to believe that they were better wooded in antiquity: in many parts, however,
and especially in Aetolia and Acarnania, they afford plenty of timber, and in
all parts, pasture for the cattle during summer, at a time when the plains are
thoroughly burnt up. For other articles of food dependence must be had on the
valleys, which are occasionally of singular fertility. The low ground of
Thessaly, the valley of the Kephisus, and the borders
of the lake Kopais, in Boeotia, the western portion
of Elis, the plains of Stratus on the confines of Acarnania and Aetolia, and
those near the river Pamisus in Messenia, both are
now, and were in ancient times, remarkable for their abundant produce.
Besides the scarcity of wood for fuel, there is
another serious inconvenience to which the low grounds of Greece are exposed,
the want of a supply of water at once adequate and regular. Abundance of rain
falls during the autumnal and winter months, little or none during the summer;
while the naked limestone of the numerous hills, neither absorbs nor retains
moisture, so that the rain runs off as rapidly as it falls, and springs are
rare. Most of the rivers of Greece are torrents in early spring, and dry before
the end of the summer : the copious combinations of the ancient language,
designated the winter torrent by a special and separate word. The most
considerable rivers in the country are, the Peneius,
which carries off all the waters of Thessaly, finding an exit into the Aegean
through the narrow defile which parts Ossa from Olympus,— and the Achelous,
which flows from Pindus in a south-westerly direction, separating Aetolia from
Akarnania, and emptying itself into the Ionian sea: the Euenus also takes its rise at a more southerly part of the same mountain chain, and
falls into the same sea more to the eastward. The rivers more to the southward
are unequal and inferior. Kephisus and Asopus, in
Boeotia, Alpheius, in Elis and Arcadia, Pamisus in Messenia, maintain each a languid stream
throughout the summer; while the Inachus near Argos, and the Kephisus and Ilissus near Athens,
present a scanty reality which falls short still more of their great poetical
celebrity. Of all those rivers which have been noticed, the Achelous is by far
the most important. The quantity of mud which its turbid stream brought down
and deposited, occasioned a sensible increase of the land at its embouchure,
within the observation of Thucydides.
But the disposition and properties of the Grecian
territory, though not maintaining permanent rivers, are favorable to the
multiplication of lakes and marshes. There are numerous hollows and enclosed
basins, out of which the water can find no superficial escape, and where,
unless it makes for itself a subterranean passage through rifts in the
mountains, it remains either as a marsh or a lake according to the time of
year. In Thessaly, we find the lakes Nessonis and Boebeis; in Aetolia, between the Achelous and Euenus, Strabo mentions the lake of Trichonis,
besides several other lakes, which it is difficult to identify individually,
though the quantity of ground covered by lake and marsh is, as a whole, very
considerable. In Boeotia, are situated the lakes Kopais, Hylike, and Harma; the first of the three formed
chiefly by the river Kephisus, flowing from Parnassus
on the north-west, and shaping for itself a sinuous course through the
mountains of Phocis. On the north-east and east, the lake Kopais is bounded by the high land of Mount Ptoon, which
intercepts its communication with the strait of Euboea. Through the limestone
of this mountain, the water has either found or forced several subterraneous
cavities, by which it obtains a partial progress on the other side of the rocky
hill, and then flows into the strait. The Katabothra,
as they were termed in antiquity, yet exist, but in an imperfect and
half-obstructed condition. Even in antiquity, however, they never fully
sufficed to carry off the surplus waters of the Kephisus;
for the remains are still found of an artificial tunnel, pierced through the
whole breadth of the rock, and with perpendicular apertures at proper intervals
to let in the air from above. This tunnel — one of the most interesting
remnants of antiquity, since it must date from the prosperous days of the old
Orchomenus, anterior to its absorption into the Boeotian league, as well as to
the preponderance of Thebes,— is now choked up and rendered useless. It may,
perhaps, have been designedly obstructed by the hand of an enemy, and the
scheme of Alexander the Great, who commissioned an engineer from Chalcis to
reopen it, was defeated, first, by discontents in Boeotia, and ultimately by
his early death.
The Katabothra of the lake Kopais, are a specimen of the phenomenon so frequent in
Greece,—lakes and rivers finding for themselves subterranean passages through
the cavities in the limestone rocks, and even pursuing their unseen course for
a considerable distance before they emerge to the light of day. In Arcadia,
especially, several remarkable examples of subterranean water communication
occur; this central region of Peloponnesus presents a cluster of such
completely enclosed valleys, or basins.
It will be seen from these circumstances, that Greece,
considering its limited total extent, offers but little motive, and still less
of convenient means, for internal communication among its various inhabitants.
Each village, or township, occupying its plain with the enclosing mountains,
supplied its own main wants whilst the transport of commodities by land was
sufficiently difficult to discourage greatly any regular commerce with
neighbors. In so far as the face of the interior country was concerned, it
seemed as if nature had been disposed, from the beginning, to keep the
population of Greece socially and politically disunited, —by providing so many
hedges of separation, and so many boundaries, generally hard, sometimes
impossible, to overleap. One special motive to intercourse, however, arose out
of this very geographical constitution of the country, and its endless
alternation of mountain and valley. The difference of climate and temperature
between the high and low grounds is very great; the harvest is secured in one
place before it is ripe in another, and the cattle find during the heat of
summer shelter and pasture on the hills, at a time when the plains are burnt
up. The practice of transferring them from the mountains to the plain according
to the change of season, which subsists still as it did in ancient times, is
intimately connected with the structure of the country, and must from the
earliest period have brought about communication among the otherwise disunited
Such difficulties, however, in the internal transit by
land, were to a great extent counteracted by the large proportion of coast and
the accessibility of the country by sea. The prominences and indentations in
the line of Grecian coast, are hardly less remarkable than the multiplicity of
elevations and depressions which everywhere mark the surface. The shape of
Peloponnesus, with its three southern gulfs, (the Argolic,
Laconian, and Messenian,) was compared by the ancient geographers to the leaf
of a plane-tree: the Pagasaean gulf on the eastern
side of Greece, and the Ambracian gulf on the western, with their narrow
entrances and considerable area, are equivalent to internal lakes : Xenophon
boasts of the double sea which embraces so large a proportion of Attica,
Ephorus of the triple sea, by which Boeotia was accessible from west, north,
and south, — the Euboean strait, opening a long line of country on both sides
to coasting navigation. But the most important of all Grecian gulfs are the
Corinthian and the Saronic, washing the northern and north-eastern shores of
Peloponnesus, and separated by the narrow barrier of the Isthmus of Corinth.
The former, especially, lays open Aetolia, Phocis, and Boeotia, as well as the
whole northern coast of Peloponnesus, to water approach. Corinth, in ancient
times, served as an entrepôt for the trade between Italy and Asia Minor, —goods
being unshipped at Lechaeum, the port on the
Corinthian gulf; and carried by land across to Cenchreae,
the port on the Saronic: indeed, even the merchant vessels themselves, when not
very large, were conveyed across by the same route. It was accounted a
prodigious advantage to escape the necessity of sailing round Cape Malea : and
the violent winds and currents which modern experience attests to prevail
around that formidable promontory, are quite sufficient to justify the
apprehensions of the ancient Greek merchant, with his imperfect apparatus for
It will thus appear that there was no part of Greece
proper which could be considered as out of reach of the sea, while most parts
of it were convenient and easy of access : in fact,
the Arcadians were the only large section of the Hellenic name, (we may add the
Doric, Tetrapolis, and the mountaineers along the
chain of Pindus and Tymphrestus) who were altogether
without a seaport. But Greece proper constituted only a fraction of the entire
Hellenic world, during the historical age : there were the numerous islands,
and still more numerous continental colonies, all located as independent
intruders on distinct points of the coast, in the Euxine, the Aegean, the
Mediterranean, and the Adriatic; and distant from each other by the space which
separates Trebizond from Marseilles. All these various cities were comprised in
the name Hellas, which implied no geographical continuity : all prided
themselves on Hellenic blood, name, religion, and mythical ancestry. As the
only communication between them was maritime, so the sea, important, even if we
look to Greece proper exclusively, was the sole channel for transmitting ideas
and improvements, as well as for maintaining sympathies—social, political,
religious, and literary—throughout these outlying members of the Hellenic
The ancient philosophers and legislators were deeply
impressed with the contrast between an inland and a maritime city: in the
former, simplicity and uniformity of life, tenacity of ancient habits, and
dislike of what is new or foreign, great force of exclusive sympathy, and
narrow range both of objects and ideas; in the latter, variety and novelty of
sensations, expansive imagination, toleration, and occasional preference for
extraneous customs, greater activity of the individual, and corresponding
mutability of the state. This distinction stands prominent in the many
comparisons instituted between the Athens of Pericles and the Athens of the
earlier times down to Solon. Both Plato and Aristotle dwell upon it
emphatically,—and the former especially, whose genius conceived the
comprehensive scheme of prescribing beforehand and insuring in practice the
whole course of individual thought and feeling in his imaginary community,
treats maritime communication, if pushed beyond the narrowest limits, as fatal
to the success and permanence of any wise scheme of education. Certain it is,
that a great difference of character existed between those Greeks who mingled
much in maritime affairs, and those who did not. The Arcadian may stand as a
type of the pure Grecian landsman, with his rustic and illiterate habits, his
diet of sweet chestnuts, barley-cakes, and pork (as contrasted with the fish
which formed the chief seasoning for the bread of an Athenian,) his superior
courage and endurance, his reverence for Lacedaemonian headship as an old and
customary influence, his sterility of intellect and imagination, as well as his
slackness in enterprise, his unchangeable rudeness of relations with the gods,
which led him to scourge and prick Pan, if he came back empty-handed from the
chase; while the inhabitant of Phocaea or Miletus exemplifies the Grecian
mariner, eager in search of gain, active, skillful, and daring at sea, but
inferior in steadfast bravery on land, more excitable in imagination as well as
more mutable in character, full of pomp and expense in religious manifestations
towards the Ephesian Artemis or the Apollo of Branchidae;
with a mind more open to the varieties of Grecian energy and to the refining
influences of Grecian civilization. The Peloponnesians generally, and the
Lacedaemonians in particular, approached to the Arcadian type, while the
Athenians of the fifth century BC stood foremost in the other; superadding to
it, however, a delicacy of taste, and a predominance of intellectual sympathy
and enjoyments, which seem to have been peculiar to themselves.
The configuration of the Grecian territory, so like in
many respects to that of Switzerland, produced two effects of great moment upon
the character and history of the people. In the first place, it materially
strengthened their powers of defence : it shut up the
country against those invasions from the interior, which successively subjugated
all their continental colonies; and it at the same time rendered each fraction
more difficult to be attacked by the rest, so as to exercise a certain
conservative influence in assuring the tenure of actual possessors : for the
pass of Thermopylae, between Thessaly and Phocis, that of Cithaeron, between
Boeotia and Attica, or the mountainous range of Oneion and Geraneia along the Isthmus of Corinth, were positions which an inferior
number of brave men could hold against a much greater force of assailants. But,
in the next place, while it tended to protect each section of Greeks from being
conquered, it also kept them politically disunited, and perpetuated their
separate autonomy. It fostered that powerful principle of repulsion, which
disposed even the smallest township to constitute itself a political unit apart
from the rest, and to resist all idea of coalescence with others, either
amicable or compulsory. To a modern reader, accustomed to large political
aggregations, and securities for good government through the representative
system, it requires a certain mental effort to transport himself back to a time
when even the smallest town clung so tenaciously to its right of
self-legislation. Nevertheless, such was the general habit and feeling of the
ancient world, throughout Italy, Sicily, Spain, and Gaul. Among the Hellenes,
it stands out more conspicuously, for several reasons, first, because they seem
to have pushed the multiplication of autonomous units to an extreme point,
seeing that even islands not larger than Peparethos and Amorgos had two or three separate city communities; secondly, because they
produced, for the first time in the history of mankind, acute systematic
thinkers on matters of government, amongst all of whom the idea of the
autonomous city was accepted as the indispensable basis of political
speculation; thirdly, because this incurable subdivision proved finally the
cause of their ruin, in spite of pronounced intellectual superiority over their
conquerors : and lastly, because incapacity of political coalescence did not
preclude a powerful and extensive sympathy between the inhabitants of all the
separate cities, with a constant tendency to fraternize for numerous purposes,
social, religious, recreative, intellectual, and aesthetical. For these
reasons, the indefinite multiplication of self-governing towns, though in truth
a phenomenon common to ancient Europe, as contrasted with the large monarchies
of Asia, appears more marked among the ancient Greek than elsewhere : and there
cannot be any doubt that they owe it, in a considerable degree, to the
multitude of insulating boundaries which the configuration of their country
Nor, is it rash to suppose that the same causes may
have tended to promote that unborrowed intellectual development for which they
stand so conspicuous. General propositions respecting the working of climate
and physical agencies upon character are, indeed, treacherous; for our
knowledge of the globe is now sufficient to teach us that heat and cold,
mountain and plain, sea and land, moist and dry atmosphere, are all consistent
with the greatest diversities of resident men : moreover, the contrast between
the population of Greece itself, for the seven centuries preceding the
Christian era, and the Greeks of more modern times, is alone enough to
inculcate reserve in such speculations. Nevertheless, we may venture to note
certain improving influences, connected with their geographical position, at a
time when they had no books to study, and no more advanced predecessors to
imitate. We may remark, first, that their position made them at once
mountaineers and mariners, thus supplying them with great variety of objects,
sensations, and adventures; next, that each petty community, nestled apart
amidst its own rocks, was sufficiently severed from the rest to possess an
individual life and attributes of its own, yet not so far as to subtract it
from the sympathies of the remainder; so that an observant Greek, commencing
with a great diversity of half countrymen, whose language he understood, and
whose idiosyncrasies he could appreciate, had access to a larger mass of social
and political experience than any other man in so unadvanced an age could
personally obtain. The Phoenician, superior to the Greek on ship-board, traversed
wider distances, and saw a greater number of strangers, but had not the same
means of intimate communion with a multiplicity of fellows in blood and
language. His relations, confined to purchase and sale, did not comprise that
mutuality of action and reaction which pervaded the crowd at a Grecian
festival. The scene which hero presented itself, was a mixture of uniformity
and variety highly stimulating to the observant faculties of a man of genius,
who at the same time, if he sought to communicate his own impressions, or to
act upon this mingled and diverse audience, was forced to shake off what was
peculiar to his own town or community, and to put forth matter in harmony with
the feelings of all. It is thus that we may explain, in part, that penetrating
apprehension of human life and character, and that power of touching sympathies
common to all ages and nations, which surprises us so much in the unlettered
authors of the old epic. Such periodical intercommunion of brethren habitually
isolated from each other, was the only means then open of procuring for the
bard a diversified range of experience and a many-colored audience; and it was
to a great degree the result of geographical causes. Perhaps among other
nations such facilitating causes might have been found, yet without producing
any result comparable to the Iliad and Odyssey. But Homer was, nevertheless,
dependent upon the conditions of his age, and we can at least point out those
peculiarities in early Grecian society, without which Homeric excellence would
never have existed, — the geographical position is one, the language another.
In mineral and metallic wealth, Greece was not
distinguished. Gold was obtained in considerable abundance in the island of Siphnos, which, throughout the sixth century BC, was among
the richest communities of Greece, and possessed a treasure-chamber at Delphi,
distinguished for the richness of its votive offerings. At that time, gold was
so rare in Greece, that the Lacedaemonians were obliged to send to the Lydian
Croesus, in order to provide enough of it for the gilding of a statue. It
appears to have been more abundant in Asia Minor, and the quantity of it in
Greece was much multiplied by the opening of mines in Thrace, Macedonia,
Epirus, and even some parts of Thessaly. In the island of Thasos, too, some
mines were reopened with profitable result, which had been originally begun,
and subsequently abandoned, by Phoenician settlers of an earlier century. From
these same districts, also, was procured a considerable amount of silver;
while, about the beginning of the fifth century BC, the first effective commencement
seems to have been made of turning to account the rich southern district of
Attica, called Laureion. Copper was obtained in
various parts of Greece, especially in Cyprus and Euboea, in which latter
island was also found the earth called Cadmeia, employed
for the purification of the ore. Bronze was used among the Greeks for many
purposes in which iron is now employed: and even the arms of the Homeric heroes
(different in this respect from the later historical Greeks) are composed of
copper, tempered in such a way as to impart to it an astonishing hardness. Iron
was found in Euboea, Boeotia, and Melos, but still more abundantly in the
mountainous region of the Laconian Taygetus. There
is, however no part of Greece where the remains of ancient metallurgy appear
now so conspicuous, as the island of Seriphos. The
excellence and varieties of marble, from Pentelikus,
Hymettus, Paros, Karystus, etc., and other parts of
the country, so essential for the purposes of sculpture and architecture, is
well known.
Situated under the same parallels of latitude as the
coast of Asia Minor, and the southernmost regions of Italy and Spain, Greece
produced wheat, barley, flax, wine, and oil, in the earliest times of which we
have any knowledge; though the currants, Indian corn, silk, and tobacco, which
the country now exhibits, are an addition of more recent times. Theophrastus
and other authors, amply attest the observant and industrious agriculture
prevalent among the ancient Greeks, as well as the care with which its various
natural productions, comprehending a great diversity of plants, herbs, and
trees, were turned to account. The cultivation of the vine and the olive, the
latter indispensable to ancient life, not merely for the purposes which it
serves at present, but also from the constant habit then prevalent of anointing
the body, appears to have been particularly elaborate; and the many different
accidents of soil, level, and exposure, which were to be found, not only in
Hellas proper, but also among the scattered Greek settlements, afforded to
observant planters materials for study and comparison. The barley-cake seems to
have been more generally eaten than the wheaten loaf; but one or other of them,
together with vegetables and fish, (sometimes fresh, but more frequently salt,)
was the common food of the population; the Arcadians fed much upon pork, and
the Spartans also consumed animal food; but by the Greeks, generally, fresh
meat seems to have been little eaten, except at festivals and sacrifices. The
Athenians, the most commercial people in Greece proper, though their light,
dry, and comparatively poor soil produced excellent barley, nevertheless, did
not grow enough corn for their own consumption : they imported considerable
supplies of corn from Sicily, from the coast of the Euxine, and the Tauric Chersonese, and salt-fish both from the Propontis and even from Gades : the distance from whence
these supplies came, when we take into consideration the extent of fine
corn-land in Boeotia and Thessaly, proves how little internal trade existed
between the various regions of Greece proper. The exports of Athens consisted
in her figs and other fruit, olives, oil, for all of which she was
distinguished, together with pottery, ornamental manufactures, and the silver
from her mines at Laureion. Salt-fish, doubtless,
found its way more or less throughout all Greece; but the population of other
states in Greece lived more exclusively upon their own produce than the
Athenians, with less of purchase and sale,—a mode of life assisted by the
simple domestic economy universally prevalent, in which the women no only
carded and spun all the wool, but also wove out of it the clothing and bedding
employed in the family. Weaving was then considered as much a woman's business
as spinning, and the same feeling and habits still prevail to the present day
in modem Greece, where the loom is constantly seen in the peasants' cottages,
and always worked by women.
The climate of Greece appears to be generally
described by modern travellers in more favorable
terms than it was by the ancients, which is easily explicable from the
classical interest, picturesque beauties, and transparent atmosphere, so
vividly appreciated by an English or a German eye. Herodotus, Hippocrates, and
Aristotle, treat the climate of Asia as far more genial and favorable both to
animal and vegetable life, but at the same time more enervating than that of
Greece : the latter, they speak of chiefly in reference to its changeful
character and diversities of local temperature, which they consider as highly
stimulant to the energies of the inhabitants. There is reason to conclude that
ancient Greece was much more healthy than the same territory is at present,
inasmuch as it was more industriously cultivated, and the towns both more
carefully administered and better supplied with water. But the differences in
respect of healthiness, between one portion of Greece and another, appear
always to have been considerable, and this, as well as the diversities of
climate, affected the local habits and character of the particular sections.
Not merely were there great differences between the mountaineers and the
inhabitants of the plains, between Locrians, Aetolians, Phocaeans, Dorians, Oetaeans, and Arcadians, on one hand, and the inhabitants
of Attica, Boeotia, and Elis, on the other, but each of the various tribes
which went to compose these categories, had its peculiarities; and the marked
contrast between Athenians and Boeotians was supposed to be represented by the
light and heavy atmosphere which they respectively breathed. Nor was this all :
for, even among the Boeotian aggregate, every town had its own separate
attributes, physical as well as moral and political : Oropus, Tanagra, Thespix, Thebes, Anthedon, Haliartus, Koroneia, Onchestus, and Plataea, were known to Boeotians each by its
own characteristic epithet : and Dikaearchus even
notices a marked distinction between the inhabitants of the city of Athens and
those in the country of Attica. Sparta, Argos, Corinth, and Sicyon, though all
called Doric, had each its own dialect and peculiarities. All these
differences; depending in part upon climate, site, and other physical
considerations, contributed to nourish antipathies, and to perpetuate that
imperfect cohesion, which has already been noticed as an indelible feature in
The Epirotic tribes,
neighbors of the Aetolians and Acarnanians, filled the space between Pindus and
the Ionian sea until they joined to the northward the territory inhabited by
the powerful and barbarous Illyrians. Of these Illyrians, the native Macedonian
tribes appear to have been an outlying section, dwelling northward of Thessaly
and Mount Olympus, eastward of the chain by which Pindus is continued, and
westward of the river Axius. The Epirots were comprehended
under the various denominations of Chaonians,
Molossians, Thesprotians, Kassopaeans, Amphilochians, Athamanes,
the Aethikes, Tyraphaei, Orestae, Paroraei, and Atintanes,—most of the latter being small communities
dispersed about the mountainous region of Pindus. There was, however, much
confusion in the application of the comprehensive name Epirot, which was a
title given altogether by the Greeks, and given purely upon geographical, not
upon ethnical considerations. Epirus seems at first
to have stood opposed to Peloponnesus, and to have signified the general region
northward of the gulf of Corinth; and in this primitive sense it comprehended
the Aetolians and Acarnanians, portions of whom spoke a dialect difficult to
understand, and were not less widely removed than the Epirots from Hellenic habits. The oracle of Dodona forms the point of ancient union
between Greeks and Epirots, which was superseded by
Delphi, as the civilization of Hellas developed itself. Nor is it less
difficult to distinguish Epirots from Macedonians on
the one hand, than from Hellenes on the other; the language, the dress, and the
fashion of wearing the hair being often analogous, while the boundaries, amidst
rude men and untravelled tracts, were very
inaccurately understood.
In describing the limits occupied by the Hellens in
776 BC, we cannot yet take account of the important colonies of Leukas and Ambracia, established by the Corinthians
subsequently on the western coast of Epirus. The Greeks of that early time seem
to comprise the islands of Cephalonia, Zakynthus,
Ithaka, and Dulichium, but no settlement, either
inland or insular, farther northward.
They include farther, confining ourselves to 776 BC,
the great mass of islands between the coast of Greece and that of Asia Minor,
from Tenedos on the north, to Rhodes, Crete, and Cythera southward; and the
great islands of Lesbos, Chios, Samos, and Euboea, as well as the groups called
the Sporades and the Cyclades. Respecting the four considerable islands nearer
to the coasts of Macedonia and Thrace,—Lemnos, Imbros, Samothrace, and Thasos,—
it may be doubted whether they were at that time Hellenized. The Catalogue of
the Iliad includes, under Agamemnon, contingents from Aegina, Euboea, Crete,
Karpathos, Kasus, Kos, and Rhodes : in the oldest epical testimony which we
possess, these islands thus appear inhabited by Greeks; but the others do not
occur in the Catalogue, and are never mentioned in such manner as to enable us
to draw any inference. Euboea ought, perhaps, rather to be looked upon as a
portion of Grecian mainland (from which it was only separated by a strait
narrow enough to be bridged over) than as an island. But the last five islands
named in the Catalogue are all either wholly or partially Doric: no Ionic or
Aeolic island appears in it : these latter, though it was among them that the
poet sung, appear to be represented by their ancestral heroes, who came from
Greece proper.
The last element to be included, as going to make up
the Greece of 776 BC, is the long string of Doric, Ionic, and Aeolic
settlements on the coast of Asia Minor, — occupying a space bounded on the
north by the Troad and the region of Ida, and
extending southward as far as the peninsula of Cnidus. Twelve continental
cities, over and above the islands of Lesbos and Tenedos, are reckoned by
Herodotus as ancient Aeolic foundations,—Smyrna, Kyme,
Larissa, Neon-Teichos, Temnos,
Killa, Notium, Aegiroessa, Pitana, Aegae, Myrina, and Gryneia. Smyrna, having been at first Aeolic, was
afterwards acquired through a stratagem by Ionic inhabitants, and remained
permanently Ionic. Phokaea, the northernmost of the
Ionic settlements, bordered upon Aeolis : Klazomenae, Erythrae, Tees, Lebedos, Kolophon, Priene, Myus, and
Miletus, continued the Ionic name to the southward. These, together with Samos
and Chios, formed the Panionic federation. To the
south of Miletus, after a considerable interval, lay the Doric establishments
of Myndus, Halicarnassus, and Cnidus : the two latter, together with the island
of Kos and the three townships in Rhodes, constituted the Doric Hexapolis, or communion of six cities, concerted primarily
with a view to religious purposes, but producing a secondary effect analogous
to political federation.
Such, then, is the extent of Hellas, as it stood at
the commencement of the recorded Olympiads. To draw a picture even. for this
date, we possess no authentic materials, and are obliged to antedate statements
which belong to a later age: and this consideration might alone suffice to show
how uncertified are all delineations of the Greece of 1183 BC, the supposed
epoch of the Trojan war, four centuries earlier.
THE territory indicated in the last chapter—south of
Mount Olympus, and south of the line which connects the city of Ambracia with
Mount Pindus—was occupied during the historical period by the central stock of
the Hellens, or Greeks, from which their numerous outlying colonies were
planted out.
Both metropolitans and colonists styled themselves
Hellens, and were recognized as such by each other; all glorying in the name as
the prominent symbol of fraternity; all describing non-Hellenic men, or cities,
by a word which involved associations of repugnance. Our term barbarian,
borrowed from this latter word, does not express the same idea; for the Greeks spoke
thus indiscriminately of the extra-Hellenic world, with all its inhabitants;
whatever might be the gentleness of their character, and whatever might be
their degree of civilization. The rulers and people of Egyptian Thebes, with
their ancient and gigantic monuments, the wealthy Tyrians and Carthaginians,
the Phil-Hellene Arganthonius of Tartessus, and the
well-disciplined patricians of Rome (to the indignation of old Cato) were all
comprised in it. At first, it seemed to have expressed more of repugnance than
of contempt, and repugnance especially towards the sound of a foreign language.
Afterwards, a feeling of their own superior intelligence (in part well
justified) arose among the Greeks, and their term barbarian was used so as to
imply a low state of the temper and intelligence; in which sense it was
retained by the semi-Hellenized Romans, as the proper antithesis to their state
of civilization. The want of a suitable word, corresponding to barbarian, as
the Greeks originally used it, is so inconvenient in the description of Grecian
phenomena and sentiments, that I may be obliged occasionally to use the word in
its primitive sense.
The Hellens were all of common blood and parentage,
were all descendants of the common patriarch Helen. In treating of the
historical Greeks, we have to accept this as a datum: it represents the
sentiment under the influence of which they moved and acted. It is placed by
Herodotus in the front rank, as the chief of those four ties which bound
together the Hellenic aggregate: 1. Fellowship of blood; 2. Fellowship of
language; 3. Fixed domiciles of gods, and sacrifices, common to all; 4. Like
manners and dispositions.
These (say the Athenians, in their reply to the
Spartan envoys, in the very crisis of the Persian invasion) "Athens will
never disgrace herself by betraying". And Zeus Hellenius was recognized as the god watching over and enforcing the fraternity time
Hekataeus, Herodotus, and Thucydides, all believed that there had been an
ante-Hellenic period, when different languages, mutually unintelligible, were
spoken between Mount Olympus and Cape Malea. However this may be, during the
historical times the Greek language was universal throughout these limits,
branching out, however, into a great variety of dialects, which were roughly
classified by later literary men into Ionic, Doric, Aeolic, and Attic. But the
classification presents a semblance of regularity, which in point of fact does
not seem to have been realized; each town, each smaller subdivision of the
Hellenic name, having peculiarities of dialect belonging to itself. Now the
lettered men who framed the quadruple division took notice chiefly, if not
exclusively, of the written dialects, those which had been ennobled by poets or
other authors; the mere spoken idioms were for the most part neglected. That
there was no such thing as one Ionic dialect in the speech of the people called
Ionic Greek, we know from the indisputable testimony of Herodotus, who tells us
that there were four capital varieties of speech among the twelve Asiatic towns
especially known as Ionic. Of course, the varieties would have been much more
numerous if he had given us the impressions of his ear in Euboea, the Cyclades, Massalia, Rhegium, and Olbia, all numbered as Greeks
and as Ionians. The Ionic dialect of the grammarians was an extract from Homer, Hekataeus, Herodotus, Hippocrates, etc.; to what
living speech it made the nearest approach, amidst those divergences which the
historian has made known to us, we cannot tell. Sappho and Alkaeus in Lesbos,
Myrtis and Korinna in Boeotia, were the great sources of reference for the
Lesbian and Boeotian varieties of the Aeolic dialect, of which there was a
third variety, untouched by the poets, in Thessaly. The analogy between the different
manifestations of Doric and Aeolic, as well as that between the Doric generally
and the Aeolic generally, contrasted with the Attic, is only to be taken as
rough and approximative.
But all these different dialects are nothing more than
dialects, distinguished as modifications of one and the same language, and
exhibiting evidence of certain laws and principles pervading them all. They
seem capable of being traced back to a certain ideal mother-language, peculiar
in itself and distinguishable from, though cognate with, the Latin; a
substantive member of what has been called the Indo-European family of
languages. This truth has been brought out, in recent times, by the comparative
examination applied to the Sanscrit, Zend, Greek,
Latin, German, and Lithuanian languages, as well as by the more accurate
analysis of the Greek language itself to which such studies have given rise, in
a manner much more clear than could have been imagined by the ancients
themselves. It is needless to dwell upon the importance of this uniformity of
language in holding together the race, and in rendering the genius of its most
favored members available to the civilization of all. Except in the rarest
cases, the divergences of dialect were not such as to prevent every Greek from understanding,
and being understood by, every other Greek, a fact remarkable, when we consider
how many of their outlying colonists, not having taken out women in their
emigration, intermarried with non-Hellenic wives. And the perfection and
popularity of their early epic poems, was here of inestimable value for the
diffusion of a common type of language, and for thus keeping together the
sympathies of the Hellenic world. The Homeric dialect became the standard
followed by all Greek poets for the hexameter, as may be seen particularly from
the example of Hesio,— who adheres to it in the main, though his father was a
native of the Aeolic Kyme, and he himself resident at Askra, in the Aeolic Boeotia, and the early iambic
and elegiac compositions are framed on the same model. Intellectual Greeks in
all cities, even the most distant outcasts from the central hearth, became
early accustomed to one type of literary speech, and possessors of a common
stock of legends, maxims, and metaphors.
That community of religious sentiments, localities,
and sacrifices, which Herodotus names as the third bond of union among the
Greeks, was a phenomenon, not (like the race and the language) interwoven with
their primitive constitution, but of gradual growth. In the time of Herodotus,
and even a century earlier, it was at its full maturity : but there had been a
period when no religious meetings common to the whole Hellenic body existed.
What are called the Olympic, Pythian, Nemean, and Isthmian games, (the four
most conspicuous amidst many others analogous,) were, in reality, great
religious festivals, for the gods then gave their special sanction, name, and
presence, to recreative meetings, the closest association then prevailed
between the feelings of common worship and the sympathy in common amusement.
Though this association is now no longer recognized,
it is, nevertheless, essential that we should keep it fully before us, if we
desire to understand the life and proceedings of the Greeks. To Herodotus and
his contemporaries, these great festivals, then frequented by crowds from every
part of Greece, were of overwhelming importance and interest; yet they had once
been purely local, attracting no visitors except from a very narrow
neighborhood. In the Homeric poems, much is said about the common gods, and
about special places consecrated to and occupied by several of them: the chiefs
celebrate funeral games in honor of a deceased father, which are visited by
competitors from different parts of Greece, but nothing appears to manifest
public or town festivals open to Grecian visitors generally. And, though the
rocky Pytho, with its temple, stands out in the Iliad
as a place both venerated and rich, the Pythian games, under the
superintendence of the Amphiktyons, with continuous
enrolment of victors, and a Pan-Hellenic reputation, do not begin until after
the Sacred War, in the 48th Olympiad, or 586 BC.
The Olympic games, more conspicuous than the Pythian,
as well as considerably older, are also remarkable on another ground, inasmuch
as they supplied historical computers with the oldest backward record of
continuous time. It was in the year 776 BC, that the Eleians inscribed the name
of their countryman, Koroebus, as victor in the
competition of runners, and that they began the practice of inscribing in like
manner, in each Olympic, or fifth recurring year, the name of the runner who
won the prize. Even for a long time after this, however, the Olympic games seem
to have remained a local festival; the prize being uniformly carried off, at
the first twelve Olympiads, by some competitor either of Elis or its immediate
neighborhood. The Nemean and Isthmian games did not become notorious or
frequented until later even than the Pythian. Solon, in his legislation,
proclaimed the large reward of five hundred drachms for every Athenian who
gained an Olympic prize, and the lower sum of one hundred drachms for an Isthmiac prize. He counts the former, as Pan-Hellenic rank
and renown, an ornament even to the city of which the victor was a member, the
latter, as partial, and confined to the neighborhood.
Of the beginnings of these great solemnities, we
cannot presume to speak, except in mythical language: we know them only in
their comparative maturity. But the habit of common sacrifice, on a small
scale, and between near neighbors, is a part of the earliest habits of Greece.
The sentiment of fraternity, between two tribes or villages, first manifested
itself by sending a sacred legation, or Theoria, to offer sacrifice at each
other's festivals, and to partake in the recreations which followed; thus establishing
a truce with solemn guarantee, and bringing themselves into direct connection
each with the god of the other under his appropriate local surname. The pacific
communion so fostered, and the increased assurance of intercourse, as Greece
gradually emerged from the turbulence and pugnacity of the heroic age, operated
especially in extending the range of this ancient habit: the village festivals
became town festivals, largely frequented by the citizens of other towns, and
sometimes with special invitations sent round to attract Theors from every Hellenic community, and thus these once humble assemblages gradually
swelled into the pomp and immense confluence of the Olympic and Pythian games.
The city administering such holy ceremonies enjoyed inviolability of territory
during the month of their occurrence, being itself under obligation at that
time to refrain from all aggression, as well as to notify by heralds the
commencement of the truce to all other cities not in avowed hostility with it.
Elis imposed heavy fines upon other towns—even on the powerful Lacedaemon—for
violation of the Olympic truce, on pain of exclusion from the festival in case
of nonpayment.
Sometimes this tendency to religious fraternity took a
form called an Amphiktyony, different from the common
festival. A certain number of towns entered into an exclusive religious
partnership, for the celebration of sacrifices periodically to the god of a
particular temple, which was supposed to be the common property, and under the
common protection of all, though one of the number was often named as permanent
administrator; while all other Greeks were excluded. That there were many
religious partnerships of this sort, which have never acquired a place in
history, among the early Grecian villages, we may, perhaps, gather from the
etymology of the word, (Amphiktyons designates
residents around, or neighbors, considered in the point of view of
fellow-religionists,) as well as from the indications preserved to us in
reference to various parts of the country. Thus there was an Amphiktyony of seven cities at the holy island of Kalauria, close to the harbor of Troezen.
Hermione, Epidaurus, Aegina, Athens, Prasiae,
Nauplia, and Orchomenus, jointly maintained the temple and sanctuary of
Poseidon in that island, (with which it would seem that the city of Treezen, though close at hand, had no connection,) meeting
there at stated periods, to offer formal sacrifices. These seven cities,
indeed, were not immediate neighbors, but the specialty and exclusiveness of
their interest in the temple is seen from the fact, that when the Argeians took Nauplia, they adopted and fulfilled these
religious obligations on behalf of the prior inhabitants : so, also, did the
Lacedaemonians, when they had captured Prasiae.
Again, in Triphylia, situated between the Pisatid and Messenia, in the western part of Peloponnesus,
there was a similar religious meeting and partnership of the Triphylians on Cape Samikon, at
the temple of the Samian Poseidon. Here, the inhabitants of Makiston were entrusted with the details of superintendence, as well as with the duty of
notifying beforehand the exact time of meeting, (a precaution essential amidst
the diversities and irregularities of the Greek calendar,) and also of
proclaiming what was called the Samian truce,—a temporary abstinence from
hostilities, which bound all Triphylians during the
holy period. This latter custom discloses the salutary influence of such
institutions in presenting to men's minds a common object of reverence, common
duties, and common enjoyments; thus generating sympathies and feelings of
mutual obligation amidst petty communities not less fierce than suspicious. So,
too, the twelve chief Ionic cities in and near Asia Minor, had their Pan-Ionic Amphiktyony peculiar to themselves: the six Doric cities,
in and near the southern corner of that peninsula, combined for the like
purpose at the temple of the Triopian Apollo; and the
feeling of special partnership is here particularly illustrated by the fact,
that Halikarnassus, one of the six, was formally
extruded by the remaining five, in consequence of a violation of the rules.
There was also an Amphiktyonic union at Onchestus in Boeotia, in the venerated grove and temple of
Poseidon : of whom it consisted, we are not informed. These are some specimens
of the sort of special religious conventions and assemblies which seem to have
been frequent throughout Greece. Nor ought we to omit those religious meetings
and sacrifices which were common to all the members of one Hellenic subdivision,
such as the Pam-Boeotia to all the Boeotians, celebrated at the temple of the Itonian Athena near Koroneia,—the
common observances, rendered to the temple of Apollo Pythaeus at Argos, by all those neighboring towns which had once been attached by this religious
thread to the Argeians,— the similar periodical
ceremonies, frequented by all who bore the Achaean or Aetolian name, — and the
splendid and exhilarating festivals, so favorable to the diffusion of the early
Grecian poetry, which brought all Ionians at stated intervals to the sacred
island of Delos. This latter class of Festivals agreed with the Amphiktyony, in being of a special and exclusive character,
not open to all Greeks.
But there was one amongst these many Amphiktyonies, which, though starting from the smallest
beginnings, gradually expanded into so comprehensive a character, and acquired
so marked a predominance over the rest, as to be called The Amphiktyonic Assembly, and even to have been mistaken by some authors for a sort of federal
Hellenic Diet. Twelve sub-races, out of the number which made up entire Hellas,
belonged to this ancient Amphiktyony, the meetings of
which were held twice in every year : in spring, at the temple of Apollo at
Delphi; in autumn, at Thermopylae, in the sacred precinct of Demeter Amphiktyonis. Sacred deputies, including a chief called the
Hieromnemon, and subordinates called the Pylagoraae,
attended at these meetings from each of the twelve races : a crowd of
volunteers seem to have accompanied them, for purposes of sacrifice, trade, or
enjoyment. Their special, and most important function, consisted in watching
over the Delphian temple, in which all the twelve sub-races had a joint
interest; and it was the immense wealth and national ascendency of this temple,
which enhanced to so great a pitch the dignity of its acknowledged
The twelve constituent members were as follows :
Thessalians, Boeotians, Dorians, Ionians, Perrhaebians, Magnetes, Lokrians, Oetaeans, Achaeans, Phokians, Dolopes, and
Malians. All are counted as races, (if we treat the Hellenes as a race, we must
call these sub-races), no mention being made of cities : all count equally in
respect to voting, two votes being given by the deputies from each of the
twelve: moreover, we are told that, in determining the deputies to be sent, or
the manner in which the votes of each race should be given, the powerful
Athens, Sparta, and Thebes, had no more influence than the humblest Ionian,
Dorian, or Boeotian city. This latter fact is distinctly stated by Aeschines,
himself a pylagore sent to Delphi by Athens. And so,
doubtless, the theory of the case stood : the votes of the Ionic races counted
for neither more nor less than two, whether given by deputies from Athens, or
from the small towns of Erythrae and Priene; and, in
like manner the Dorian votes were as good in the division, when given by
deputies from Boeon and Kytinion in the little territory of Doris, as if the men delivering them had been
Spartans. But there can be as little question that, in practice, the little
Ionic cities, and the little Doric cities, pretended to no share in the Amphiktyonic deliberations. As the Ionic vote came to be
substantially the vote of Athens, so, if Sparta was ever obstructed in the
management of the Doric vote, it must have been by powerful Doric cities like
Argos or Corinth, not by the insignificant towns of Doris. But the theory of Amphiktyonic suffrage, as laid down by Aeschines, however
little realized in practice during his day, is important, inasmuch as it shows
in full evidence the primitive and original constitution. The first
establishment of the Amphiktyonic convocation dates
from a time when all the twelve members were on a footing of equal
independence, and when there were no overwhelming cities (such as Sparta and
Athens) to cast in the shade the bumbler members, — when Sparta was only one
Doric city, and Athens only one Ionic city, among various others of
consideration, not much inferior.
There are also other proofs which show the high
antiquity of this Amphiktyonic convocation. Aeschines
gives us an extract from the oath which had been taken by the sacred deputies,
who attended on behalf of their respective races, ever since its first
establishment, and which still apparently continued to be taken in his day. The
antique simplicity of this oath, and of the conditions to which the members
bind themselves, betrays the early age in which it originated, as well as the
humble resources of those towns to which it was applied. "We will not
destroy any Amphiktyonic town, we will not cut off
any Amphiktyonic town from running water",— such
are the two prominent obligations which Aeschines specifies out of the old
oath. The second of the two carries us back to the simplest state of society,
and to towns of the smallest size, when the maidens went out with their basins
to fetch water from the spring, like the daughters of Keleos at Eleusis, or those of Athens from the fountain of Kallirrhoe. We may even
conceive that the special mention of this detail, in the covenant between the
twelve races, is borrowed literally from agreements still earlier, among the
villages or little towns in which the members of each race were distributed. At
any rate, it proves satisfactorily the very ancient date to which the
commencement of the Amphiktyonic convocation must be
referred. The belief of Aeschines (perhaps, also, the belief general in his
time) was, that it commenced simultaneously with the first foundation of the
Delphian temple,—an event of which we have no historical knowledge; but there
seems reason to suppose that its original establishment is connected with
Thermopylae and Demeter Amphiktyonis, rather than
with Delphi and Apollo. The special surname by which Demeter and her temple at
Thermopylae was known, — the temple of the hero Amphiktyon which stood at its side,— the word Pylae, which
obtained footing in the language to designate the half-yearly meeting of the
deputies both at Thermopylae and at these indications point to Thermopylae (the
real central point for all the twelve) as the primary place of meeting, and to
the Delphian half-year as something secondary and super-added. On such a
matter, however, we cannot go beyond a conjecture.
The hero Amphiktyon, whose
temple stood at Thermopylae, passed in mythical genealogy for the brother of
Hellen. And it may be affirmed, with truth, that the habit of forming Amphiktyonic unions, and of frequenting each other's
religious festivals was the great means of creating and fostering the primitive
feeling of brotherhood among the children of Hellen, in those early times when
rudeness, insecurity, and pugnacity did so much to isolate them. A certain
number of salutary habits and sentiments, such as that which the Amphiktyonic oath embodies, in regard to abstinence from
injury, as well as to mutual protection, gradually found their way into men's
minds : the obligations thus brought into play, acquired a substantive efficacy
of their own, and the religious feeling which always remained connected with
them, came afterwards to be only one out of many complex agencies by which the
later historical Greek was moved. Athens and Sparta in the days of their might,
and the inferior cities in relation to them, played each their own political
game, in which religious considerations will be found to bear only a
subordinate part.
The special function of the Amphiktyonic council, so far as we know it, consisted in watching over the safety, the
interests, and the treasures of the Delphian temple. "If any one shall
plunder the property of the god, or shall be cognizant thereof, or shall take
treacherous counsel against the things in the temple, we will punish him with
foot, and hand, and voice, and by every means in our power." So ran the
old Amphiktyonic oath, with an energetic imprecation
attached to it. And there are some examples in which the council construes its
functions so largely as to receive and adjudicate upon complaints against
entire cities, for offences against the religious and patriotic sentiment of
the Greeks generally. But for the most part its interference relates directly
to the Delphian temple. The earliest case in which it is brought to our view,
is the Sacred War against Kirrha, in the 46th Olympiad,
or 595 BC, conducted by Eurylochus, the Thessalian, and Cleisthenes of Sikyon, and proposed by Solon of Athens : we find the Amphiktyons also, about half a century afterwards,
undertaking the duty of collecting subscriptions throughout the Hellenic world,
and making the contract with the Alkmaeonids for rebuilding the temple after a
conflagration. But the influence of this council is essentially of a
fluctuating and intermittent character. Sometimes it appears forward to decide,
and its decisions command respect; but such occasions are rare, taking the
general course of known Grecian history; while there are other occasions, and
those too especially affecting the Delphian temple, on which we are surprised
to find nothing said about it. In the long and perturbed period which
Thucydides describes, he never once mentioned the Amphiktyons,
though the temple and the safety of its treasures form the repeated subject as
well of dispute as of express stipulation between Athens and Sparta; moreover,
among the twelve constituent members of the council, we find three, the
Perrhaebians, the Magnetes, and the Achaeans of Phthia, who were not even independent, but subject to the
Thessalians, so that its meetings, when they were not matters of mere form,
probably expressed only the feelings of the three or four leading members. When
one or more of these great powers had a party purpose to accomplish against
others,—when Philip of Macedon wished to extrude one of the members in order to
procure admission for himself; — it became convenient to turn this ancient form
into a serious reality, and we shall see the Athenian Aschines providing a pretext for Philip to meddle in favor of the minor Boeotian cities
against Thebes, by alleging that these cities were under the protection of the
old Amphiktyonic oath.
It is thus that we have to consider the council as an
element in Grecian affairs,—an ancient institution, one amongst many instances
of the primitive habit of religious fraternization, but wider and more
comprehensive than the rest,—at first, purely religious, then religious and
political at once; lastly, more the latter than the former,—highly valuable in
the infancy, but unsuited to the maturity of Greece, and called into real
working only on rare occasions, when its efficiency happened to fall in with
the views of Athens, Thebes, or the king of Macedon. In such special moments it
shines with a transient light which affords a partial pretense for the imposing
title bestowed on it by Cicero, —“commune Graeciae concilium”, but we should completely misinterpret Grecian
history if we regarded it as a federal council, habitually directing or
habitually obeyed. Had there existed any such “commune concilium”
of tolerable wisdom and patriotism, and had the tendencies of the Hellenic mind
been capable of adapting themselves to it, the whole course of later Grecian
history would probably have been altered; the Macedonian kings would have
remained only as respectable neighbors, borrowing civilization from Greece, and
expending their military energies upon Thracians and Illyrians; while united
Hellas might even have maintained her own territory against the conquering
legions of Rome.
The twelve constituent Amphiktyonic races remained unchanged until the Sacred War against the Phocaeans (BC 355),
after which, though the number twelve was continued, the Phokians were disfranchised, and their votes transferred to Philip of Macedon. It has
been already mentioned that these twelve did not exhaust the whole of Hellas.
Arcadians, Eleans, Pisans, Minyae, Dryopes, Aetolians, all genuine Hellens, are not
comprehended in it; but all of them had a right to make use of the temple of
Delphi, and to contend in the Pythian and Olympic games. The Pythian games,
celebrated near Delphi, were under the superintendence of the Amphiktyons, or of some acting magistrate chosen by and
presumed to represent them : like the Olympic games, they came round every four
years (the interval between one celebration and another being four complete
years, which the Greeks called a Pentaeteris) : the
Isthmian and Nemean games recurred every two years. In its first humble form,
of a competition among bards to sing a hymn in praise of Apollo, this festival
was doubtless of immemorial antiquity; but the first extension of it into
Pan-Hellenic notoriety (as I have already remarked), the first multiplication
of the subjects of competition, and the first introduction of a continuous
record of the conquerors, date only from the time when it came under the
presidency of the Amphiktyons, at the close of the
Sacred War against Kirrha. What is called the first
Pythian contest coincides with the third year of the 48th Olympiad, or 585 BC.
From that period forward, the games become crowded and celebrated : but the
date just named, nearly two centuries after the first Olympiad, is a proof that
the habit of periodical frequentation of festivals, by numbers and from distant
parts, grew up but slowly in the Grecian world.
The foundation of the temple of Delphi itself reaches
far beyond all historical knowledge, forming one of the aboriginal institutions
of Hellas. It is a sanctified and wealthy place, even in the Iliad : the
legislation of Lykurgus at Sparta is introduced under
its auspices, and the earliest Grecian colonies, those of Sicily and Italy in
the eighth century BC, are established in consonance with its mandate. Delphi
and Dodona appear, in the most ancient circumstances of Greece, as universally
venerated oracles and sanctuaries : and Delphi not only receives honors and
donations, but also answers questions, from Lydians, Phrygians, Etruscans,
Romans, etc.: it is not exclusively Hellenic. One of the valuable services
which a Greek looked for from this and other great religious establishments
was, that it should resolve his doubts in cases of perplexity, — that it should
advise him whether to begin a new, or to persist in an old project,— that it
should foretell what would be his fate under given circumstances, and inform
him, if suffering under distress, on what conditions the gods would grant him
relief. The three priestesses of Dodona with their venerable oak, and the
priestess of Delphi sitting on her tripod under the influence of a certain gas
or vapor exhaling from the rock, were alike competent to determine these
difficult points : and we shall have constant occasion to notice in this
history, with what complete faith both the question was put and the answer
treasured up,— what serious influence it often exercised both upon public and
private proceeding. The hexameter verses, in which the Pythian priestess
delivered herself, were, indeed, often so equivocal or unintelligible, that the
most serious believer, with all anxiety to interpret and obey them, often found
himself ruined by the result; yet the general faith in the oracle was no way
shaken by such painful experience. For as the unfortunate issue always admitted
of being explained upon two hypotheses,— either that the god had spoken
falsely, or that his meaning had not been correctly understood, — no man of
genuine piety ever hesitated to adopt the latter. There were many other oracles
throughout Greece besides Delphi and Dodona: Apollo was open to the inquiries
of the faithful at Ptoon in Boeotia, at Abae in Phocis, at Branchidae near Miletus, at Patara in Lycia, and other places : in like manner, Zeus gave
answers at Olympia, Poseidon at Taenarus, Amphiaraus
at Thebes, Amphilochus at Mallas, etc. And this habit of consulting the oracle
formed part of the still more general tendency of the Greek mind to undertake
no enterprise without having first ascertained how the gods viewed it, and what
measures they were likely to take. Sacrifices were offered, and the interior of
the victim carefully examined, with the same intent : omens, prodigies,
unlooked-for coincidences, casual expressions, etc., were all construed as
significant of the divine will. To sacrifice with a view to this or that
undertaking, or to consult the oracle with the same view, are familiar
expressions embodied in the language. Nor could any man set about a scheme with
comfort, until he had satisfied himself in some manner or other that the gods
were favorable to it.
The disposition here adverted to is one of those
mental analogies pervading the whole Hellenic nation, which Herodotus
indicates. And the common habit among all Greeks, of respectfully listening to
the oracle of Delphi, will be found on many occasions useful in maintaining
unanimity among men not accustomed to obey the same political superior. In the
numerous colonies especially, founded by mixed multitudes from distant parts of
Greece, the minds of the emigrants were greatly determined towards cordial
cooperation by their knowledge that the expedition had been directed, the oekist indicated, and the spot either chosen or approved,
by Apollo of Delphi. Such in most cases was the fact: that god, according to
the conception of the Greeks, “takes delight always in the foundation of new
cities, and himself in person lays the first stone”.
These are the elements of union—over and above the
common territory, described in the last chapter—with which the historical
Hellens take their start : community of blood, language, religious point of
view, legends, sacrifices, festivals, and also (with certain allowances) of
manners and character. The analogy of manners and character between the rude
inhabitants of the Arcadian Kynaetha and the polite
Athens, was indeed accompanied with wide differences: yet if we compare the two
with foreign contemporaries, we shall find certain negative characteristics, of
much importance, common to both. In no city of historical Greece did there
prevail either human sacrifices, or deliberate mutilation, such as cutting off
the nose, ears, hands, feet, etc., or castration, or selling of children into
slavery, or polygamy, or the feeling of unlimited obedience towards one man :
all customs which might be pointed out as existing among the contemporary
Carthaginians, Egyptians, Persians, Thracians, etc. The habit of running, wrestling,
boxing, etc., in gymnastic contests, with the body perfectly naked, was common
to all Greeks, having been first adopted as a Lacedaemonian fashion in the
fourteenth Olympiad : Thucydides and Herodotus remark, that it was not only not
practiced, but even regarded as unseemly, among non-Hellens. Of such customs,
indeed, at once common to all the Greeks, and peculiar to them as distinguished
from others, we cannot specify a great number; but we may see enough to
convince ourselves that there did really exist, in spite of local differences,
a general Hellenic sentiment and character, which counted among the cementing
causes of an union apparently so little assured.
For we must recollect that, in respect to political
sovereignty, complete disunion was among their most cherished principles. The
only source of supreme authority to which a Greek felt respect and attachment,
was to be sought within the walls of his own city. Authority seated in another
city might operate upon his fears, might procure for him increased security and
advantages, as we shall have occasion hereafter to show with regard to Athens
and her subject allies, might even be mildly exercised, and inspire no special
aversion; but, still, the principle of it was repugnant to the rooted sentiment
of his mind, and he is always found gravitating towards the distinct
sovereignty of his own boulé or ekklesia. This is a
disposition common both to democracies and oligarchies, and operative even
among the different towns belonging to the same subdivision of the Hellenic
name, Achaeans, Phocians, Boeotians, etc. The twelve Achaean cities are
harmonious allies, with a periodical festival which partakes of the character
of a congress, but equal and independent political communities; the Boeotian
towns, under the presidency of Thebes, their reputed metropolis, recognize
certain common obligations, and obey, on various particular matters, chosen
officers named boeotarchs, but we shall see, in this,
as in other cases, the centrifugal tendencies constantly manifesting
themselves, and resisted chiefly by the interests and power of Thebes. That
great, successful, and fortunate revolution, which merged the several
independent political communities of Attica into the single unity of Athens,
took place before the time of authentic history: it is connected with the name
of the hero Theseus, but we know not how it was effected, while its
comparatively large size and extent, render it a signal exception to Hellenic
tendencies generally.
Political disunion—sovereign authority within the city
walls—thus formed a settled maxim in the Greek mind. The relation between one
city and another was an international relation, not a relation subsisting
between members of a common political aggregate. Within a few miles from his
own city-walls, an Athenian found himself in the territory of another city,
wherein he was nothing more than an alien, where he could not acquire property
in house or land, nor contract a legal marriage with any native woman, nor sue
for legal protection against injury, except through the mediation of some
friendly citizen. The right of intermarriage, and of acquiring landed property,
was occasionally granted by a city to some individual non-freeman, as matter of
special favor, and sometimes (though very rarely) reciprocated generally
between two separate cities. But the obligations between one city and another,
or between the citizen of the one and the citizen of the other, are all matters
of special covenant, agreed to by the sovereign authority in each. Such
coexistence of entire political severance with so much fellowship in other
ways, is perplexing in modern ideas, and modern language, is not well furnished
with expressions to describe Greek political phenomena. We may say that an
Athenian citizen was an alien when he arrived as a visitor in Corinth, but we
can hardly say that he was a foreigner; and though the relations between
Corinth and Athens were in principle international, yet that word would be
obviously unsuitable to the numerous petty autonomies of Hellas, besides that
we require it for describing the relations of Hellenes generally with Persians
or Carthaginians. We are compelled to use a word such as interpolitical,
to describe the transactions between separate Greek cities, so numerous in the
course of this history.
As, on the one hand, a Greek will not consent to look
for sovereign authority beyond the limits of his own city, so, on the other
hand, he must have a city to look to scattered villages will not satisfy in his
mind the exigencies of social order, security, and dignity. Though the
coalescence of smaller towns into a larger is repugnant to his feelings, that
of villages into a town appears to him a manifest advance in the scale of
civilization. Such, at least, is the governing sentiment of Greece throughout
the historical period; for there was always a certain portion of the Hellenic
aggregate—the rudest and least advanced among them—who dwelt in unfortified
villages, and upon whom the citizen of Athens, Corinth, or Thebes, looked down
as inferiors. Such village residence was the character of the Epirots universally, and prevailed throughout Hellas
itself, in those very early and even ante-Homeric times upon which Thucydides
looked back as deplorably barbarous; times of universal poverty and insecurity,
absence of pacific intercourse, petty warfare and plunder, compelling every man
to pass his life armed, endless migration without any local attachments. Many
of the considerable cities of Greece are mentioned as aggregations of
preexisting villages, some of them in times comparatively recent. Tegea and
Mantinea in Arcadia, represent, in this way, the confluence of eight villages,
and five villages respectively; Dyme in Achaia was
brought together out of eight villages, and Elis in the same manner, at a
period even later than the Persian invasion; the like seems to have happened
with Megara and Tanagra. A large proportion of the Arcadians continued their
village life down to the time of the battle of Leuctra, and it suited the
purposes of Sparta to keep them thus disunited; a policy which we shall see
hereafter illustrated by the dismemberment of Mantinea (into its primitive
component villages), which Agesilaus carried into effect, but which was
reversed as soon as the power of Sparta was no longer paramount, as well as by
the foundation of Megalopolis out of a large number of petty Arcadian towns and
villages, one of the capital measures of Epameinondas. As this measure was an
elevation of Arcadian importance, so the reverse proceeding—the breaking up of
a city into its elementary villages—was not only a sentence of privation and
suffering, but also a complete extinction of Grecian rank and dignity.
The Ozolian Locrians, the
Aetolians, and the Acarnanians maintained their separate village residence down
to a still later period, preserving along with it their primitive rudeness and
disorderly pugnacity. Their villages were unfortified, and defended only by
comparative inaccessibility; in case of need, they fled for safety with their
cattle into the woods and mountains. Amidst such inauspicious circumstances,
there was no room for that expansion of the social and political feelings to
which protected intramural residence and increased numbers gave birth; there
was no consecrated acropolis or agora, no ornamented temples and porticos,
exhibiting the continued offerings of successive generations, no theatre for
music or recitation, no gymnasium for athletic exercises, none of those fixed
arrangements, for transacting public business with regularity and decorum,
which the Greek citizen, with his powerful sentiment of locality, deemed
essential to a dignified existence. The village was nothing more than a
fraction and a subordinate, appertaining as a limb to the organized body called
the city. But the city and the state are in his mind, and in his language, one
and the same. While no organization less than the city can satisfy the
exigencies of an intelligent freeman, the city is itself a perfect and
self-sufficient whole, admitting no incorporation into any higher political
unity. It deserves notice that Sparta, even in the days of her greatest power,
was not (properly speaking) a city, but a mere agglutination of five adjacent
villages, retaining unchanged its old-fashioned trim: for the extreme
defensibility of its frontier and the military prowess of its inhabitants,
supplied the absence of walls, while the discipline imposed upon the Spartan,
exceeded in rigor and minuteness anything known in Greece. And thus Sparta,
though less than a city in respect to external appearance, was more than a city
in respect to perfection of drilling and fixity of political routine. The
contrast between the humble appearance and the mighty reality, is pointed out
by Thucydides. The inhabitants of the small territory of Pisa, wherein Olympia
is situated, had once enjoyed the honorable privilege of administering the
Olympic festival. Having been robbed of it, and subjected by the more powerful
Eleians, they took advantage of various movements and tendencies among the
larger Grecian powers to try and regain it; and on one of these occasions, we
find their claim repudiated because they were villagers, and unworthy of so
great a distinction. There was nothing to be called a city in the Pisatid territory.
In going through historical Greece, we are compelled
to accept the Hellenic aggregate with its constituent elements as a primary
fact to start from, because the state of our information does not enable us to
ascend any higher. By what circumstances, or out of what preexisting elements,
this aggregate was brought together and modified, we find no evidence entitled
to credit. There are, indeed, various names which are affirmed to designate
ante-Hellenic inhabitants of many parts of Greece,— the Pelasgi, the Leleges, the Kuretes, the Kaukones, the Aones, the Temmikes, the Hyantes, the Telchines, the Boeotian Thracians, the Teleboae,
the Ephyri, the Phlegyae,
etc. These are names belonging to legendary, not to historical Greece,
extracted out of a variety of conflicting legends, by the logographers and
subsequent historians, who strung together out of them a supposed history of
the past, at a time when the conditions of historical evidence were very little
understood. That these names designated real nations, may be true, but here our
knowledge ends. We have no well-informed witness to tell us their times, their
limits of residence, their acts, or their character; nor do we know how far
they are identical with or diverse from the historical Hellens, whom we are
warranted in calling, not, indeed, the first inhabitants of the country, but
the first known to us upon any tolerable evidence. If any man is inclined to
call the unknown ante-Hellenic period of Greece by the name of Pelasgic, it is open to him to do so; but this is a name
carrying with it no assured predicates, noway enlarging our insight into real history, nor enabling us to explain—what would
be the real historical problem—how or from whom the Hellens acquired that stock
of dispositions, aptitudes, arts, etc., with which they begin their career.
Whoever has examined the many conflicting systems respecting the Pelasgi,—from
the literal belief of Clavier, Larcher, and Raoul Rochette, (which appears to
me, at least, the most consistent way of proceeding,) to the interpretative and
half-incredulous processes applied by abler men, such as Niebuhr, or 0. Muller,
or Dr. Thirlwall,— will not be displeased with my resolution to decline so
insoluble a problem. No attested facts are now present to us —none were present
to Herodotus and Thucydides, even in their age—on which to build trustworthy
affirmations respecting the ante-Hellenic Pelasgians. And where such is the
ease, we may without impropriety apply the remark of Herodotus, respecting one
of the theories which he had heard for explaining the inundation of the Nile by
a supposed connection with the circumfluous Ocean, —that "the man who
carries up his story into the invisible world, passes out of the range of
As far as our knowledge extends, there were no towns
or villages called Pelasgian, in Greece proper, since 776 BC. But there still
existed in two different places, even in the age of Herodotus, people whom he
believed to be Pelasgians. One portion of these occupied the towns of Plakia and Skylake near Kyzikus,
on the Propontis; another dwelt in a town called
Kreston, near the Thermaic gulf. There were,
moreover, certain other Pelasgian townships which he does not specify, it
seems, indeed, from Thucydides, that there were some little Pelasgian townships
on the peninsula of Athos. Now, Herodotus acquaints us with the remarkable
fact, that the people of Kreston, those of Plakia and
Skylake, and those of the other unnamed Pelasgian townships, all spoke the same
language, and each of them respectively a different language from their
neighbors around them. He informs us, moreover, that their language was a
barbarous (i.e. a non-Hellenic) language; and this fact he quotes as an
evidence to prove that the ancient Pelasgian language was a barbarous language,
or distinct from the Hellenic. He at the same time states expressly that he has
no positive knowledge what language the ancient Pelasgians spoke, —one proof,
among others, that no memorials nor means of distinct information concerning
that people, could have been open to him.
This is the one single fact, amidst so many
conjectures concerning the Pelasgians, which we can be said to know upon the
testimony of a competent and contemporary witness : the few townships—scattered
and inconsiderable, but all that Herodotus in his day knew as Pelasgian— spoke
a barbarous language. And upon such a point, he must be regarded as an
excellent judge. If, then, (infers the historian,) all the early Pelasgians
spoke the same language as those of Kreston and Plakia,
they must have changed their language at the time when they passed into the
Hellenic aggregate, or became Hellens. Now, Herodotus conceives that aggregate
to have been gradually enlarged to its great actual size by incorporating with
itself not only the Pelasgians, but several other nations once barbarians; the
Hellens having been originally an inconsiderable people. Among those other
nations once barbarian, whom Herodotus supposes to have become Hellenized, we
may probably number the Leleges; and with respect to
them, as well as to the Pelasgians, we have contemporary testimony proving the
existence of barbarian Leleges in later times.
Philippus, the Carian historian, attested the present existence, and believed
in the past existence, of Leleges in his country, as
serfs or dependent cultivators under the Carians, analogous to the Helots in
Laconia, or the Penestae in Thessaly. We may be very
sure that there were no Hellens—no men speaking the Hellenic tongue—standing in
such a relation to the Carians. Among those many barbaric-speaking nations whom
Herodotus believed to have changed their language and passed into Hellens, we
may, therefore, fairly consider the Leleges to have
been included. For next to the Pelasgians and Pelasgus,
the Leleges and Leleae figure most conspicuously in the legendary genealogies and both together cover
the larger portion of the Hellenic soil.
Confining myself to historical evidence, and believing
that no assured results can be derived from the attempt to transform legend
into history, I accept the statement of Herodotus with confidence, as to the
barbaric language spoken by the Pelasgians of his day; and I believe the same
with regard to the historical Leleges, but without
presuming to determine anything in regard to the legendary Pelasgians and Leleges, the supposed ante-Hellenic inhabitants of Greece.
And I think this course more consonant to the laws of historical inquiry than
that which comes recommended by the high authority of Dr. Thirlwall, who softens
and explains away the statement of Herodotus, until it is made to mean only
that the Pelasgians of Plakia and Kreston spoke a
very bad Greek. The affirmation of Herodotus is distinct, and twice repeated,
that the Pelasgians of these towns, and of his own time, spoke a barbaric
language; and that word appears to me to admit of but one interpretation. To
suppose that a man, who, like Herodotus, had heard almost every variety of
Greek, in the course of his long travels, as well as Egyptian, Phoenician, Assyrian,
Lydian, and other languages, did not know bow to distinguish bad Hellenic from
non-Hellenic, is, in my judgment, inadmissible; at any rate, the supposition is
not to be adopted without more cogent evidence than any which is here found.
As I do not presume to determine what were the
antecedent internal elements out of which the Hellenic aggregate was formed, so
I confess myself equally uninformed with regard to its external constituents.
Cadmus, Danaus, Kekrops,—the eponyms of the Cadmeians,
of the Danaans, and of the Attic Kekropia,—present
themselves to my vision as creatures of legend, and in that character I have
already adverted to them. That there may have been very early settlements in
continental Greece, from Phoenicia and Egypt, is nowise impossible; but I see
neither positive proof, nor ground for probable inference, that there were any
such, though traces of Phoenician settlements in some of the islands may
doubtless be pointed out. And if we examine the character and aptitudes of
Greeks, as compared either with Egyptians or Phoenicians, it will appear that
there is not only no analogy, but an obvious and fundamental contrast: the
Greek may occasionally be found as a borrower from these ultramarine contemporaries,
but he cannot be looked upon as their offspring or derivative. Nor can I bring
myself to accept an hypothesis which implies (unless we are to regard the
supposed foreign emigrants as very few in number, in which case the question
loses most of its importance) that the Hellenic language—the noblest among the
many varieties of human speech, and possessing within itself a pervading
symmetry and organization—is a mere confluence of two foreign barbaric
languages (Phoenician and Egyptian) with two or more internal barbaric
languages,—Pelasgian, Lelegian, etc. In the mode of
investigation pursued by different historians into this question of early
foreign colonies, there is great difference (as in the case of the Pelasgi)
between the different authors,—from the acquiescent Euemerism of Raoul Rochette to the refined distillation of Dr. Thirlwall, in the third
chapter of his History. It will be found that the amount of positive knowledge
which Dr. Thirlwall guarantees to his readers in that chapter is extremely
inconsiderable; for though he proceeds upon the general theory (different from
that which I hold) that historical matter may be distinguished and elicited
from the legends, yet when the question arises respecting any definite
historical result, his canon of credibility is too just to permit him to
overlook the absence of positive evidence, even when all intrinsic
incredibility is removed. That which I note as Terra Incognita, is in his view
a land which may be known up to a certain point; but the map which he draws of
it contains so few ascertained places as to differ very little from absolute
The most ancient district called Hellas is affirmed by
Aristotle to have been near Dodona and the river Achelous,—a description which
would have been unintelligible (since the river does not flow near Dodona), if
it had not been qualified by the remark, that the river had often in former
times changed its course. He states, moreover, that the deluge of Deukalion took place chiefly in this district, which was in
those early days inhabited by the Selli, and by the
people then called Graeci, but now Hellenes. The Selli (called by Pindar, Helli) are mentioned in the Iliad
as the ministers of the Dodonaean Zeus,—"men who
slept on the ground, and never washed their feet"; and Hesiod, in one of
the lost poems (the Eoiai), speaks of the fat land
and rich pastures of the land called Hellopia,
wherein Dodona was situated. On what authority Aristotle made his statement, we
do not know; but the general feeling of the Greeks was different, — connecting Deukalion, Hellen, and the Hellenes, primarily and
specially with the territory called Achaia Phthiotis,
between Mount Othrys and Oeta.
Nor can we either affirm or deny his assertion that the people in the
neighborhood of Dodona were called Graeci before they
were called Hellenes. There is no ascertained instance of the mention of a
people called Graeci, in any author earlier than this
Aristotelian treatise; for the allusions to Alkman and Sophokles prove nothing
to the point. Nor can we explain how it came to pass that the Hellenes were
known to the Romans only under the name of Graeci, or Graii. But the name by which a people is known to
foreigners is often completely different from its own domestic name, and we are
not less at a loss to assign the reason, how the Rasena of Etruria came to be known to the Romans by the name of Tuscans, or Etruscans.
HAVING in the preceding chapter touched upon the
Greeks in their aggregate capacity, I now come to describe separately the
portions of which this aggregate consisted, as they present themselves at the
first discernible period of history.
North of the pass of Thermopylae : Thessalians,
Perrhaebians, Magnetes, Achaeans, Melians, Aenianes, Dolopes.
South of the pass of Thermopylae : Dorians, Ionians,
Boeotians, Locrians, Phocaeans.
Other Hellenic races, not comprised among the Amphiktyons, were : The Aetolians and Acarnanians, north of
the gulf of Corinth.
The Arcadians, Eleians, Pisatans,
and Triphylians, in the central and western portion
of Peloponnesus : I do not here name the Achaeans, who occupied the southern or
Peloponnesian coast of the Corinthian gulf, because they may be presumed to
have been originally of the same race as the Phthiot Achaeans,
and therefore participant in the Amphiktyonic constituency, though their actual connection with it may have been disused.
The Dryopes, an
inconsiderable, but seemingly peculiar subdivision, who occupied some scattered
points on the sea-coast,—Hermione on the Argolic peninsula; Styrus and Karystus in Euboea; the island of Kythnus, etc.
Though it may be said, in a general way, that our
historical discernment of the Hellenic aggregate, apart from the illusions of
legend, commences with 776 BC, yet, with regard to the larger number of its
subdivisions just enumerated, we can hardly be said to possess any specific
facts anterior to the invasion of Xerxes in 480 BC. Until the year 560 BC, (the
epoch of Croesus in Asia Minor, and of Peisistratus at Athens,) the history of
the Greeks presents hardly anything of a collective character : the movements
of each portion of the Hellenic world begin and end apart from the rest. The
destruction of Kirrha by the Amphiktyons is the first historical incident which brings into play, in defense of the
Delphian temple, a common Hellenic feeling of active obligation.
But about 560 BC, two important changes are seen to
come into operation, which alter the character of Grecian history, extricating
it out of its former chaos of detail, and centralizing its isolated phenomena :
1. The subjugation of the Asiatic Greeks by Lydia and by Persia, followed by
their struggles for emancipation, wherein the European Greeks became
implicated, first as accessories, and afterwards as principals. 2. The combined
action of the large mass of Greeks under Sparta, as their most powerful state
and acknowledged chief, succeeded by the rapid and extraordinary growth of
Athens, the complete development of Grecian maritime power, and the struggle
between Athens and Sparta for the headship. These two causes, though distinct
in themselves, must, nevertheless, be regarded as working together to a certain
degree, or rather, the second grew out of the first. For it was the Persian
invasions of Greece which first gave birth to a widespread alarm and antipathy
among the leading Greeks (we must not call it Pan-Hellenic, since more than
half of the Amphiktyonic constituency gave earth and
water to Xerxes) against the barbarians of the East, and impressed them with
the necessity of joint active operations under a leader. The idea of a
leadership or hegemony of collective Hellas, as a privilege necessarily vested
in some one state for common security against the barbarians, thus became
current, — an idea foreign to the mind of Solon, or any one of the same age.
Next, came the miraculous development of Athens, and the violent contest
between her and Sparta, which should be the leader; the larger portion of
Hellas taking side with one or the other, and the common quarrel against the
Persian being for the time put out of sight. Athens is put down, Sparta
acquires the undisputed hegemony, and again the antibarbaric feeling manifests itself, though faintly, in the Asiatic expeditions of
Agesilaus. But the Spartans, too incompetent either to deserve or maintain this
exalted position, are overthrown by the Thebans, themselves not less
incompetent, with the single exception of Epaminondas. The death of that single
man extinguishes the pretensions of Thebes to the hegemony, and Hellas is left,
like the deserted Penelope in the Odyssey, worried by the competition of
several suitors, none of whom is strong enough to stretch the bow on which the
prize depends. Such a manifestation of force, as well as the trampling down of the
competing suitors, is reserved, not for any legitimate Hellenic arm, but for a
semi-Hellenized Macedonian, “brought up at Pella”, and making good his
encroachments gradually from the north of Olympus. The hegemony of Greece thus
passes forever out of Grecian bands; but the conqueror finds his interest in
rekindling the old sentiment under the influence of which it had first sprung
up. He binds to him the discordant Greeks, by the force of their ancient and
common antipathy against the Great King, until the desolation and sacrilege
once committed by Xerxes at Athens is avenged by annihilation of the Persian
empire. And this victorious consummation of Pan-Hellenic antipathy, the dream
of Xenophon and the Ten Thousand Greeks after the battle of Kunaxa,
the hope of Jason of Pherae, the exhortation of Isocrates, the project of
Philip, and the achievement of Alexander, while it manifests the irresistible
might of Hellenic ideas and organization in the then existing state of the
world, is at the same time the closing scene of substantive Grecian life. The
citizen-feelings of Greece become afterwards merely secondary forces,
subordinate to the preponderance of Greek mercenaries under Macedonian order,
and to the rudest of all native Hellens, the Aetolian mountaineers. Some few
individuals are indeed found, even in the third century BC, worthy of the best
times of Hellas, and the Achaean confederation of that century is an honorable
attempt to contend against irresistible difficulties : but on the whole, that
free, social, and political march, which gives so much interest to the earlier
centuries, is irrevocably banished from Greece after the generation of
Alexander the Great.
The foregoing brief sketch will show that, taking the
period from Croesus and Peisistratus down to the generation of Alexander
(560-300), the phenomena of Hellas generally, and her relations both foreign
and interpolitical, admit of being grouped together
in masses, with continued dependence on one or a few predominant circumstances.
They may be said to constitute a sort of historical epopee, analogous to that
which Herodotus has constructed out of the wars between Greeks and barbarians,
from the legends of Io and Europa down to the repulse of Xerxes. But when we
are called back to the period between 776 and 560 BC, the phenomena brought to
our knowledge are scanty in number, exhibiting few common feelings of
interests, and no tendency towards any one assignable purpose. To impart
attraction to this first period, so obscure and unpromising, we shall be
compelled to consider it in its relation with the second; partly as a
preparation, partly as a contrast.
Of the extra-Peloponnesian Greeks north of Attica,
during these two centuries, we know absolutely nothing; but it will be possible
to furnish some information respecting the early condition and struggles of the
great Dorian states in Peloponnesus, and respecting the rise of Sparta from the
second to the first place in the comparative scale of Grecian powers. Athens
becomes first known to us at the legislation of Drako and the attempt of Kylon
(620 BC) to make himself despot; and we gather some facts concerning the Ionic
cities in Euboea and Asia Minor, during the century of their chief prosperity,
prior to the reign and conquests of Croesus. In this
way, we shall form to ourselves some idea of the growth of Sparta and Athens,
of the short-lived and energetic development of the Ionic Greeks, and of the
slow working of those causes which tended to bring about increased Hellenic
intercommunication, as contrasted with the enlarged range of ambition, the
grand Pan-Hellenic ideas, the systematized party-antipathies, and the
intensified action, both abroad and at home, which grew out of the contest with
There are also two or three remarkable manifestations
which will require special notice during this first period of Grecian history :
1. The great multiplicity of colonies sent forth by individual cities, and the
rise and progress of these several colonies; 2. The number of despots who arose
in the various Grecian cities; 3. The lyric poetry; 4. The rudiments of that
which afterwards ripened into moral philosophy, as manifested in gnomes, or
aphorisms, or the age of the Seven Wise Men.
But before I proceed to relate those earliest
proceedings (unfortunately too few) of the Dorians and Ionians during the
historical period, together with the other matters just alluded to, it will be
convenient to go over the names and positions of those other Grecian states
respecting which we have no information during these first two centuries. Some
idea will thus be formed of the less important members of the Hellenic
aggregate, previous to the time when they will be called into action. We begin
by the territory north of the pass of Thermopylae.
Of the different races who dwelt between this
celebrated pass and the mouth of the river Peneius,
by far the most powerful and important were the Thessalians. Sometimes, indeed,
the whole of this area passes under the name of Thessaly, since nominally,
though not always really, the power of the Thessalians extended over the whole.
We know that the Trachinian Herakleia, founded by the
Lacedaemonians in the early years of the Peloponnesian war, close at the pass
of Thermopylae, was planted upon the territory of the Thessalians. But there
were also within these limits other races, inferior and dependent on the
Thessalians, yet said to be of more ancient date, and certainly not less
genuine subdivisions of the Hellenic name. The Perrhaebi occupied the northern portion of the territory between the lower course of the
river Peneius and Mount Olympus. The Magnetes dwelt along the eastern coast, between Mount Ossa
and Pelion on one side and the Aegean on the other, comprising the
south-eastern cape and the eastern coast of the gulf of Pagasae as far as Iolkos. The Achaeans occupied the territory
called Phthiotis, extending from near Mount Pindus on
the west to the gulf of Pagasae on the east, along
the mountain chain of Othrys with its lateral
projections northerly into the Thessalian plain, and southerly even to its
junction with Oeta. The three tribes of the Malians
dwelt between Achaea Phthiotis and Thermopylae,
including both Trachin and Herakleia. Westward of
Achaea Phthiotis, the lofty region of Pindus or Tymphrestus, with its declivities both westward and
eastward, was occupied by the Dolopes.
All these five tribes, or subdivisions, Perrhaebians, Magnetes, Achaeans of Phthiotis,
Malians, and Dolopes, together with certain Epirotic and Macedonian tribes besides, beyond the
boundaries of Pindus and Olympus, were in a state of irregular dependence upon
the Thessalians, who occupied the central plain or basin drained by the Peneius. That river receives the streams from Olympus, from
Pindus, and from Othrys, flowing through a region
which was supposed by its inhabitants to have been once a lake, until Poseidon
cut open the defile of Tempe, through which the waters found an efflux. In
travelling northward from Thermopylae, the commencement of this fertile region
— the amplest space of land continuously productive which Hellas presents — is
strikingly marked by the steep rock and ancient fortress of Thaumaki;
from whence the traveller, passing over the mountains
of Achaea Phthiotis and Othrys,
sees before him the plains and low declivities which reach northward across
Thessaly to Olympus. A narrow strip of coast—in the interior of the gulf of Pagasae, between the Magnetes and
the Achaeans, and containing the towns of Amphanaeum and Pagasae belonged to this proper territory of
Thessaly, but its great expansion inland: within it were situated the cities of
Pherae, Pharsalus, Skotussa, Larissa, Krannon, Atrax, Pharkadon, Trikka, Metropolis, Pelinna, etc.
The abundance of corn and cattle from the neighboring
plains sustained in these cities a numerous population, and above all a proud
and disorderly noblesse, whose manners bore much resemblance to those of the
heroic times. They were violent in their behavior, eager in armed feud, but
unaccustomed to political discussion or compromise; faithless as to
obligations, yet at the same time generous in their hospitalities, and much
given to the enjoyments of the table. Breeding the finest horses in Greece,
they were distinguished for their excellence as cavalry; but their infantry is
little noticed, nor do the Thessalian cities seem to have possessed that
congregation of free and tolerably equal citizens, each master of his own arms,
out of whom the ranks of hoplites were constituted, —the warlike nobles, such
as the Aleuadae at Larissa, or the Skopadae at Krannon, despising
everything but equestrian servile for themselves, furnished, from their
extensive herds on the plain, horses for the poorer soldiers. These Thessalian
cities exhibit the extreme of turbulent oligarchy, occasionally trampled down
by some one man of great vigor, but little tempered by that sense of political
communion and reverence for established law, which was found among the better
cities of Hellas. Both in Athens and Sparta, so different in many respects from
each other, this feeling will be found, if not indeed constantly predominant,
yet constantly present and operative. Both of them exhibit a contrast with
Larissa or Pherae not unlike that between Rome and Capua, the former, with her
endless civil disputes constitutionally conducted, admitting the joint action
of parties against a common foe; the latter, with her abundant soil enriching a
luxurious oligarchy, and impelled according to the feuds of her great
proprietors, the Magii, Blossii,
and Jubellii.
The Thessalians are, indeed, in their character and
capacity as much Epirotic or Macedonian as Hellenic,
forming a sort of link between the two. For the Macedonians, though trained in
aftertimes upon Grecian principles by the genius of Philip and Alexander, so as
to constitute the celebrated heavy-armed phalanx, were originally (even in the
Peloponnesian war) distinguished chiefly for the excellence of their cavalry,
like the Thessalians, while the broad-brimmed hat, or kausia,
and the short spreading-mantle, or chlamys, were common to both.
We are told that the Thessalians were originally
emigrants from Thesprotia in Epirus, and conquerors
of the plain of the Peneius, which (according to Herodotus)
was then called Aeolis, and which they found occupied by the Pelasgi. It may be
doubted whether the great Thessalian families, such as the Aleuadae of Larissa, descendants from Heracles, and placed by Pindar on the same level
as the Lacedaemonian kings, would have admitted this Thesprotian origin; nor does it coincide with the tenor of those legends which make the
eponymous, Thessalus, son of Heracles. Moreover, it
is to be remarked that the language of the Thessalians was Hellenic, a variety
of the Aeolic dialect, the same (so far as we can make out) as that of the
people whom they must have found settled in the country at their first
conquest. If then it be true that, at some period anterior to the commencement
of authentic history, a body of Thesprotian warriors
crossed the passes of Pindus, and established themselves as conquerors in
Thessaly, we must suppose them to have been more warlike than numerous, and to
have gradually dropped their primitive language.
In other respects, the condition of the population of
Thessaly, such as we find it during the historical period, favors the
supposition of an original mixture of conquerors and conquered: for it seems
that there was among the Thessalians and their dependents a triple gradation,
somewhat analogous to that of Laconia. First, a class of rich proprietors
distributed throughout the principal cities, possessing most of the soil, and
constituting separate oligarchies, loosely hanging together. Next, the subject
Achaeans, Magnetes, Perrhaebi,
differing from the Laconian Perioeki in this point,
that they retained their ancient tribe-name and separate Amphiktyonic franchise. Thirdly, a class of serfs, or dependent cultivators, corresponding
to the Laconian Helots, who, tilling the lands of the wealthy oligarchs, paid
over a proportion of its produce, furnished the retainers by which these great
families were surrounded, served as their followers in the cavalry, and were in
a condition of villenage, yet with the important reserve, that they could not
be sold out of the country, that they had a permanent tenure in the soil, and
that they maintained among one another the relations of family and village.
This last mentioned order of men, in Thessaly called the Penestae,
is assimilated by all ancient authors to the Helots of Laconia, and in both
cases the danger attending such a social arrangement is noticed by Plato and
Aristotle. For the Helots as well as the Penestae had
their own common language and mutual sympathies, a separate residence, arms,
and courage; to a certain extent, also, they possessed the means of acquiring
property, since we are told that some of the Penestae were richer than their masters. So many means of action, combined with a
degraded social position, gave rise to frequent revolt and incessant
apprehensions. As a general rule, indeed, the cultivation of the soil by
slaves, or dependents, for the benefit of proprietors in the cities, prevailed
throughout most parts of Greece. The rich men of Thebes, Argos, Athens, or
Elis, must have derived their incomes in the same manner; but it seems that
there was often, in other places, a larger intermixture of bought foreign
slaves, and also that the number, fellow-feeling, and courage of the degraded
village population was nowhere so great as in Thessaly and Laconia. Now the
origin of the Penestae, in Thessaly, is ascribed to
the conquest of the territory by the Thesprotians, as
that of the Helots in Laconia is traced to the Dorian conquest. The victors in
both countries are said to have entered into a convention with the vanquished
population, whereby the latter became serfs and tillers of the land for the
benefit of the former, but were at the same time protected in their holdings,
constituted subjects of the state, and secured against being sold away as
slaves. Even in the Thessalian cities, though inhabited in common by Thessalian
proprietors and their Penestae, the quarters assigned
to each were to a great degree separated : what was called the Free Agora could
not be trodden by any Penest, except when specially
Who the people were, whom the conquest of Thessaly by
the Thesprotians reduced to this predial villenage,
we find differently stated. According to Theopompus,
they were Perrhaebians and Magnetes; according to
others, Pelasgians; while Archemachus alleged them to
have been Boeotians of the territory of Arne, some emigrating, to escape the
conquerors, others remaining and accepting the condition of serfs. But the
conquest, assuming it as a fact, occurred at far too early a day to allow of
out making out either the manner in which it came to pass, or the state of
things which preceded it. The Pelasgians whom Herodotus saw at Kreston are
affirmed by him to have been the descendants of those who quitted Thessaly to
escape the invading Thesprotians; though others held
that the Boeotians, driven on this occasion from their habitations on the gulf
of Pagasae near the Achaeans of Phthiotis,
precipitated themselves on Orchomenus and Boeotia, and settled in it, expelling
the Minyae and the Pelasgians.
Passing over the legends on this subject, and
confining ourselves to historical time, we find an established quadruple
division of Thessaly, said to have been introduced in the time of Aleuas, the ancestor (real or mythical) of the powerful Aleuadae,—Thessaliotis, Pelasgiotis, Histiaeotis, Phthiotis. In Phthiotis were
comprehended the Achaeans, whose chief towns were Melitaea, Itonus, Thebae, Phthiotides, Alos, Larissa, Kremaste, and Pteleon, on or near
the western coast of the gulf of Pagasae. Histiaeotis, to the north of the Peneius,
comprised the Perrhaebians, with numerous towns strong in situation, but of no
great size or importance; they occupied the passes of Olympus and are sometimes
considered as extending westward across Pindus. Pelasgiotis included the Magnetes, together with that which was
called the Pelasgic plain, bordering on the western
side of Pelion and Ossa. Thessaliotis comprised the
central plain of Thessaly and the upper course of the river Peneius.
This was the political classification of the Thessalian power, framed to suit a
time when the separate cities were maintained in harmonious action by favorable
circumstances, or by some energetic individual ascendency; for their union was
in general interrupted and disorderly, and we find certain cities standing
aloof while the rest went to war. Though a certain political junction, and
obligations of some kind towards a common authority, were recognized in theory
by all, and a chief, or Tagus, was nominated to enforce obedience, yet it
frequently happened that the disputes of the cities among themselves prevented
the choice of a Tagus, or drove him out of the country; and left the alliance
little more than nominal. Larissa, Pharsalus, and Pherae, each with its cluster
of dependent towns as adjuncts, seem to have been nearly on a par in strength,
and each torn by intestine faction, so that not only was the supremacy over
common dependents relaxed, but even the means of repelling invaders greatly
enfeebled. The dependence of the Perrhaebians, Magnetes,
Achaeans, and Malians, might, under these circumstances, be often loose and
easy. But the condition of the Penestae—who occupied
the villages belonging to these great cities, in the central plain of Pelasgiotis and Thessaliotis, and
from whom the Aleuadae and Skopadae derived their exuberance of landed produce—was noway mitigated, if it was not even aggravated, by such constant factions. Nor were
there wanting cases in which the discontent of this subject-class was employed
by members of the native oligarchy, or even by foreign states, for the purpose
of bringing about political revolutions.
“When Thessaly is under her tagus,
all the neighboring people pay tribute to her; she can send into the field six
thousand cavalry and ten thousand hoplites, or heavy-armed infantry”, observed
Jason, despot of Pherae, to Polydamas of Pharsalus,
in endeavoring to prevail on the latter to second his pretensions to that
dignity. The impost due from the tributaries, seemingly considerable, was then
realized with arrears, and the duties upon imports at the harbors of the Pagasaean gulf, imposed for the benefit of the confederacy,
were then enforced with strictness; but the observation shows that, while
unanimous Thessaly was very powerful, her periods of unanimity were only
occasional. Among the nations which thus paid tribute to the fullness of
Thessalian power, we may number not merely the Perrhaebi, Magnetes, and Achaeans of Phthiotis,
but also the Malians and Dolopes, and various tribes
of Epirots extending to the westward of Pindus. We
may remark that they were all (except the Malians) javelin-men, or light-armed
troops, not serving in rank with the full panoply; a fact which, in Greece,
counts as presumptive evidence of a lower civilization : the Magnetes, too, had a peculiar close-fitting mode of dress,
probably suited to movements in a mountainous country. There was even a time
when the Thessalian power threatened to extend southward of Thermopylae,
subjugating the Phocaeans, Dorians, and Locrians. So much were the Phocaeans
alarmed at this danger, that they had built a wall across the pass of
Thermopylae, for the purpose of more easily defending it against Thessalian
invaders, who are reported to have penetrated more than once into the Phocaean
valleys, and to have sustained some severe defeats. At what precise time these
events happened, we find no information; but it must have been considerably
earlier than the invasion of Xerxes, since the defensive wall which had been
built at Thermopylae, by the Phocaeans, was found by Leonidas in a state of
ruin. But the Phocaeans, though they no longer felt the necessity of keeping up
this wall, had not ceased to fear and hate the Thessalians, an antipathy which
will be found to manifest itself palpably in connection with the Persian
invasion. On the whole, the resistance of the Phocaeans was successful, for the
power of the Thessalians never reached southward of the pass.
It will be recollected that these different ancient
races: Perrhaebi, Magnetes,
Achaeans, Malians, Dolopes, though tributaries of the
Thessalians, still retained their Amphiktyonic franchise, and were considered as legitimate Hellenes: all except the Malians
are, indeed, mentioned in the Iliad. We shall rarely nave occasion to speak
much of them in the course of this history : they are found siding with Xerxes
(chiefly by constraint) in his attack of Greece, and almost indifferent in the
struggle between Sparta and Athens. That the Achaeans of Phthiotis are a portion of the same race as the Achaeans of Peloponnesus it seems
reasonable to believe, though we trace no historical evidence to authenticate
it. Achaea Phthiotis is the seat of Hellen, the
patriarch of the entire race, of the primitive Hellas, by some treated as a
town, by others as a district of some breadth, and of the great national hero,
Achilles. Its connection with the Peloponnesian Achaeans is not unlike that of
Doris with the Peloponnesian Dorians.
We have, also, to notice another ethnical kindred, the
date and circumstances of which are given to us only in a mythical form, but
which seems, nevertheless, to be in itself a reality, that of the Magnetes on Pelion and Ossa, with the two divisions of
Asiatic Magnetes, or Magnesia, on Mount Sipylus and Magnesia on the river Meander. It is said that
these two Asiatic homonymous towns were founded by migrations of the Thessalian Magnetes, a body of whom became consecrated to the
Delphian god, and chose a new abode under his directions. According to one
story, these emigrants were warriors, returning from the Siege of Troy;
according to another, they sought fresh seats, to escape from the Thesprotian conquerors of Thessaly. There was a third
story, according to which the Thessalian Magnetes themselves were represented as colonists from Delphi. Though we can elicit no
distinct matter of fact from these legends, we may, nevertheless, admit the
connection of race between the Thessalian and the Asiatic Magnetes,
as well as the reverential dependence of both, manifested in this supposed
filiation, on the temple of Delphi Of the Magnetes in
Crete, noticed by Plato as long extinct in his time, we cannot absolutely
verify even the existence.
Of the Malians, Thucydides notices three tribes as
existing in his time: the Paralii, the Hieres (priests), and the Trachinii,
or men of Trachin : it is possible that the second of
the two may have been possessors of the sacred spot on which the Amphiktyonic meetings were held. The prevalence of the
hoplites or heavy-armed, infantry among the Malians, indicates that we are
stepping from Thessalian to more southerly Hellenic habits: the Malians
recognized every man as a qualified citizen, who either had served, or was
serving, in the ranks with his full panoply. Yet the panoply was probably not
perfectly suitable to the mountainous regions by which they were surrounded;
for, at the beginning of the Peloponnesian war, the aggressive mountaineers of
the neighboring region of Oeta, had so harassed and
overwhelmed them in war, that they were forced to throw themselves on the
protection of Sparta; and the establishment of the Spartan colony of Herakleia,
near Trachin, was the result of their urgent
application. Of these mountaineers, described under the general name of Oetaeans, the principal were the Aenianes,
or Enienes, as they are termed in the Homeric
Catalogue, as well as by Herodotus), an ancient Hellenic Amphiktyonic race, who are said to have passed through several successive migrations in
Thessaly and Epirus, but who, in the historical times, had their settlement and
their chief town, Hypata, in the upper valley of the Spercheius, on the northern declivity of Mount Oeta. But other tribes were probably also included in the
name, such as those Aetolian tribes, the Bomians and Kallians, whose high and cold abodes approached near to the Maliac gulf. It is in this sense that we are to
understand the name, as comprehending all the predatory tribes along this
extensive mountain range, when we are told of the damage done by the Oetaeans, both to the Malians on the east, and to the
Dorians on the south: but there are some eases in which the name Oetaeans seems to designate expressly the Aenianes, especially when they are mentioned as exercising
the Amphiktyonie franchise.
The fine soil, abundant moisture, and genial exposure
of the southern declivities of Othrys, especially the
valley of the Spercheius, through which river all
these waters pass away, and which annually gives forth a fertilizing
inundation, present a marked contrast with the barren, craggy, and naked masses
of Mount Oeta, which forms one side of the pass of
Thermopylae. Southward of the pass, the Locrians, Phocaeans, and Dorians,
occupied the mountains and passes between Thessaly and Boeotia. The coast opposite
to the western side of Euboea, from the neighborhood of Thermopylae, as far as
the Boeotian frontier at Anthedon, was possessed by
the Locrians, whose northern frontier town, Alpeni,
was conterminous with the Malians. There was, however, one narrow strip of
Phocis—the town of Daphnus, where the Phocaeans also
touched the Euboean sea—which broke this continuity, and divided the Locrians
into two sections, Locrians of Mount Knemis, or Epiknemidian Locrians, and Locrians of Opus, or Opuntian Locrians. The mountain called Knemis,
running southward parallel to the coast from the end of Oeta,
divided the former section from the inland Phocaeans and the upper valley of
the Kephisus : farther southward, joining
continuously with Mount Ptoon by means of an intervening
mountain which is now called Chlomo, it separated the
Locrians of Opus from the territories of Orchomenus, Thebes, and Anthedon, the north-eastern portions of Boeotia. Besides
these two sections of the Locrian name, there was also a third, completely
separate, and said to have been colonized out from Opus, the Locrians surnamed Ozolae, who dwelt apart on the western side of Phocis,
along the northern coast of the Corinthian gulf. They reached from
Amphissa—which overhung the plain of Krissa, and stood within seven miles of
Delphi—to Naupaktus, near the narrow entrance of the
gulf; which latter town was taken from these Locrians by the Athenians, a
little before the Peloponnesian war. Opus prided itself on being the
mother-city of the Locrian name, and the legends of Deukalion and Pyrrha found a home there as well as in Phthiotis. Alpeni, Nikaea, Thronium, and Skarpheia, were
towns, ancient but unimportant, of the Epiknemidian Lokrians; but the whole length of this Locrian coast is
celebrated for its beauty and fertility, both by ancient and modern observers.
The Phocaeans were bounded on the north by the little
territories called Doris and Dryopis, which separated
them from the Malians, on the north-east, east, and south-west, by the
different branches of Locrians, and on the south-east, by the Boeotians. They
touched the Euboean sea, (as has been mentioned) at Daphnus,
the point where it approaches nearest to their chief town, Elateia; their
territory also comprised most part of the lofty and bleak range of Parnassus,
as far as its southerly termination, where a lower portion of it, called Kirphis, projects into the Corinthian gulf, between the two
bays of Antikyra and Krissa; the latter, with its
once fertile plain, lay immediately under the sacred rock of the Delphian
Apollo. Both Delphi and Krissa originally belonged to the Phocaean race, but
the sanctity of the temple, together with Lacedaemonian aid, enabled the
Delphians to set up for themselves, disavowing their connection with the
Phocaean brotherhood. Territorially speaking, the most valuable part of Phocis
consisted is the valley of the river Kephisus, which
takes its rise from Parnassus, not far from the Phocaean town of Lilaea, passes
between Oeta and Knemis on
one side, and Parnassus on the other, and enters Boeotia near Chaeronea,
discharging itself into the lake Kopais. It was on
the projecting mountain ledges and rocks on each side of this river, that the
numerous little Phocaean towns were situated. Twenty-two of them were destroyed
and broken up into villages by the Amphiktyonic order, after the second Sacred War; Abae (one of the
few, if not the only one, that was spared) being protected by the sanctity of
its temple and oracle. Of these cities, the most important was Elateia,
situated on the left bank of the Kephisus, and on the
road from Locris into Phocis, in the natural march of an army from Thermopylae
into Boeotia. The Phocaean towns were embodied in an ancient confederacy, which
held its periodical meetings at a temple between Daulis and Delphi.
The little territory called Doris and Dryopis, occupied the southern declivity of Mount Oeta, dividing Phocis on the north and north-west, from the
Aetolians, Aenianes, and Malians. That which was
called Doris in the historical times, and which reached, in the time of
Herodotus, nearly as far eastward as the Maliac gulf,
is said to have formed a part of what had been once called Dryopis;
a territory which had comprised the summit of Oeta as
far as the Spercheius, northward, and which had been
inhabited by an old Hellenic tribe called Dryopes.
The Dorians acquired their settlement in Dryopis by
gift from Heracles, who, along with the Malians (so ran the legend), had
expelled the Dryopes, and compelled them to find for
themselves new seats at Hermione, and Asine, in the Argolic peninsula of Peloponnesus, at Styra and Karystus in Euboea, and in the island of Kythnus; it is only in these five last-mentioned places,
that history recognizes them. The territory of Doris was distributed into four
little townships, Pindus, or Akyphas, Boeon, Kytinion, and Erineon, each of which seems to have occupied a separate
valley belonging to one of the feeders of the river Kephisus,
the only narrow spaces of cultivated ground which this “small and sad” region
presented. In itself, this tetrapolis is so
insignificant, that we shall rarely find occasion to mention it; but it
acquired a factitious consequence by being regarded as the metropolis of the
great Dorian cities in Peloponnesus, and receiving on that ground special
protection from Sparta. I do not here touch upon that string of ante-historical
migrations —stated by Herodotus, and illustrated by the ingenuity as well as
decorated by the fancy of O. Müller — through which the Dorians are affiliated
with the patriarch of the Hellenic race,—moving originally out of Phthiotis to Histiaeotis, then to
Pindus, and lastly to Doris. The residence of Dorians in Doris, is a fact which
meets us at the commencement of history, like that of the Phocaeans and
Locrians in their respective territories.
We next pass to the Aetolians, whose extreme tribes
covered the bleak heights of Oeta and Korax, reaching
almost within sight of the Maliac gulf, where they
bordered on the Dorians and Malians, while their central and western tribes
stretched along the frontier of the Ozolian Lokrians to the flat plain, abundant in marsh and lake,
near the mouth of the Euenus. In the time of
Herodotus and Thucydides, they do not seem to have extended so far westward as
the Achelous; but in later times, this latter river, throughout the greater
part of its lower course, divided them from the Acarnanians : on the north,
they touched upon the Dolopians, and upon a parallel
of latitude nearly as far north as Ambracia. There were three great divisions
of the Aetolian name,—the Apodoti, Ophioneis, and Eurytanes,—each of
which was subdivided into several different village tribes. The northern and
eastern portion of the territory consisted of very high mountain ranges, and
even in the southern portion, the mountains Arakynthus, Kurion, Chalcis, Taphiassus,
are found at no great distance from the sea; while the chief towns in Aetolia, Kalydon, Pleuron, Chalcis, seem to have been situated
eastward of the Euenus, between the last-mentioned
mountains and the sea. The first two towns have been greatly ennobled in
legend, but are little named in history; while, on the contrary, Thermus, the
chief town of the historical Aetolians, and the place where the aggregate
meeting and festival of the Aetolian name, for the choice of a Pan-Aetolic general, was convoked, is not noticed by any one
earlier than Ephorus. It was partly legendary renown, partly ethnical kindred
(publicly acknowledged on both sides) with the Eleians in Peloponnesus, which
authenticated the title of the Aetolians to rank as Hellens. But the great mass
of the Apodoti, Eurytanes,
and Ophioneis in the inland mountains, were so rude
in their manners, and so unintelligible in their speech, (which, however, was
not barbaric, but very bad Hellenic,) that this title might well seem
disputable, — in point of fact it was disputed, in later times, when the
Aetolian power and depredations had become obnoxious nearly to all Greece. And
it is, probably, to this difference of manners between the Aetolians on the
sea-coast and those in the interior, that we are to trace a geographical
division mentioned by Strabo, into ancient Aetolia, and Aetolia Epiktetus, or acquired. When or by whom this division was
introduced, we do not know. It cannot be founded upon any conquest, for the
inland Aetolians were the most unconquerable of mankind : and the affirmation
which Ephorus applied to the whole Aetolian race, — that it had never been
reduced to subjection by any one, — is, most of all, beyond dispute concerning the
inland portion of it.
Adjoining the Aetolians were the Acarnanians, the
westernmost of extra-Peloponnesian Greeks. They extended to the Ionian sea, and
seem, in the time of Thucydides, to have occupied both banks of the river
Achelous, in the lower part of its course, though the left bank appears
afterwards as belonging to the Aetolians, so that the river came to constitute
the boundary, often disputed and decided by arms, between them. The principal
Acarnanian towns, Stratus and Oeniadae, were both on the
right bank; the latter on the marshy and overflowed land near its mouth. Near
the Acarnanians, towards the gulf of Ambrakia, were
found barbarian, or non-Hellenic nations, the Agraeans and the Amphilochians: in the midst of the latter, on
the shores of the Ambracian gulf, the Greek colony, called Argos Amphilochicum, was established.
Of the five Hellenic subdivisions now enumerated,
Locrians, Phocaeans, Dorians (of Doris), Aetolians, and Acarnanians (of whom
Locrians, Phocaeans, and Aetolians are comprised in the Homeric catalogue), we
have to say the same as of those north of Thermopylae: there is no information
respecting them from the commencement of the historical period down to the
Persian war. Even that important event brings into action only the Locrians of
the Euboean sea, the Phocaeans, and the Dorians: we have to wait until near the
Peloponnesian war, before we require information respecting the Ozolian Locrians, the Aetolians, and the Acarnanians. These
last three were unquestionably the most backward members of the Hellenic
aggregate. Though not absolutely without a central town, they lived dispersed
in villages, retiring, when attacked, to inaccessible heights, perpetually
armed and in readiness for aggression and plunder wherever they found an
opportunity. Very different was the condition of the Locrians opposite Euboea,
the Phocaeans, and the Dorians. These were all orderly town communities, small,
indeed, and poor, but not less well administered than the average of Grecian
townships, and perhaps exempt from those individual violences which so
frequently troubled the Boeotian Thebes or the great cities of Thessaly.
Timaeus affirmed (contrary, as it seems, to the supposition of Aristotle) that,
in early times, there were no slaves either among the Locrians or Phocaeans,
and that the work required to be done for proprietors was performed by poor
freemen; a habit which is alleged to have been continued until the temporary
prosperity of the second Sacred War, when the plunder of the Delphian temple so
greatly enriched the Phocaean leaders. But this statement is too briefly given,
and too imperfectly authenticated, to justify any inferences.
We find in the poet Alkman (about 610 BC), the Erysichaean, or Kalydonian shepherd, named as a type of rude rusticity,—the antithesis of Sardis, where
the poet was born. And among the suitors who are represented as coming forward
to claim the daughter of the Sicyonian Cleisthenes in
marriage, there appears both the Thessalian Diaktorides from Krannon, a member of the Skopad family, — and the Aetolian Males, brother of that Titormus who in muscular strength surpassed all his contemporary Greeks, and who had
seceded from mankind into the inmost recesses of Aetolia: this Aetolian seems
to be set forth as a sort of antithesis to the delicate Smindyrides of Sybaris, the most luxurious of mankind. Herodotus introduces these
characters into his dramatic picture of this memorable wedding.
Between Phocis and Locris on one side, and Attica
(from which it is divided by the mountains Cithaeron and Parnes) on the other,
we find the important territory called Boeotia, with its ten or twelve
autonomous cities, forming a sort of confederacy under the presidency of
Thebes, the most powerful among them. Even of this territory, destined during
the second period of this history, to play a part so conspicuous and effective,
we know nothing during the first two centuries after 776 BC. We first acquire
some insight into it, on occasion of the disputes between Thebes and Plataea,
about the year 520 BC. Orchomenus, on the north-west of the lake Kopais, forms throughout the historical times one of the
cities of the Boeotian league, seemingly the second after Thebes. But I have
already stated that the Orchomenian legends, the
Catalogue, and other allusions in Homer, and the traces of past power and
importance yet visible in the historical age, attest the early political
existence of Orchomenus and its neighborhood apart from Boeotia. The Amphiktyony in which Orchomenus participated, at the holy
island of Kalauria near the Argolic peninsula, seems to show that it must once have possessed a naval force and
commerce, and that its territory must have touched the sea at Halae and the
lower town of Larymna, near the southern frontier of
Locris; this sea is separated by a very narrow space from the range of
mountains which join Knemis and Ptoon,
and which enclose on the east both the basin of Orchomenus, Aspleden,
and Kopae, and the lake Kopais. The migration of the
Boeotians out of Thessaly into Boeotia (which is represented as a consequence
of the conquest of the former country by the Thesprotians)
is commonly assigned as the compulsory force which Boeotized Orchomenus. By whatever cause, or at whatever time (whether before or after 776
BC) the transition may have been effected, we find Orchomenus completely
Boeotian throughout the known historical age, yet still retaining its local Minyeian legends, and subject to the jealous rivalry of
Thebes, as being the second city in the Boeotian league. The direct road from
the passes of Phocis southward into Boeotia went through Chaeronea, leaving Lebadeia on the right, and Orchomenus on the left hand, and
passed the south-western edge of the lake Kopais near
the towns of Koroneia, Alalkomenae, Haliartus, all situated on the mountain Tilphossion, an outlying ridge connected with Helicon by
the intervention of Mount Leibethrius. The Tilphossion was an important military post, commanding that
narrow pass between the mountain and the lake which lay in the great road from Phokis to Thebes. The territory of this latter city
occupied the greater part of central Boeotia, south of the lake Kopais; it comprehended Akraephia and Mount Ptoon, and probably touched the Euboean sea
at the village of Salganeus south of Anthedon. South-west of Thebes, occupying the southern
descent of lofty Helicon towards the inmost corner of the Corinthian gulf, and
bordering on the southeastern extremity of Phocis with the Phocaean town of
Bulis, stood the city of Thespiae. Southward of the
Asopus, between that river and Mount Cithaeron, were Plataea and Tanagra; in
the south-eastern corner of Boeotia stood Oropus, the frequent subject of
contention between Thebes and Athens; and in the road between the Euboean
Chalcis and Thebes, the town of Mykalessus.
From our first view of historical Boeotia downward,
there appears a confederation which embraces the whole territory; and during
the Peloponnesian war, the Thebans invoke “the ancient constitutional maxims of
the Boeotians” as a justification of extreme rigor, as well as of treacherous
breach of the peace, against the recusant Plataeans. Of this confederation, the
greater cities were primary members, while the lesser were attached to one or
other of them in a kind of dependent union. Neither the names nor the number of
these primary members can be certainly known, there seem grounds for including
Thebes, Orchomenus, Lebadeia, Koroneia, Haliartus, Kopae, Anthedem,
Tanagra, Thesphe, and Plataea before its secession. Akraephia, with the neighboring Mount Ptoon and its oracle, Skolus, Glisas, and other places,
were dependencies of Thebes: Chaeronea, Aspledon, Holmones,
and Hyettus, of Orchomenus: Siphae,
Leuctra, Keresus, and Thisbe, of Thespiae.
Certain generals or magistrates, called Boeotarchs, were chosen annually to
manage the common affairs of the confederation. At the time of the battle of Delium in the Peloponnesian war, they were eleven in
number, two of them from Thebes; but whether this number was always maintained,
or in what proportions the choice was made by the different cities, we find no
distinct information. There were likewise, during the Peloponnesian war, four
different senates, with whom the Boeotarchs consulted on matters of importance;
a curious arrangement, of which we have no explanation. Lastly, there was the
general concilium and religious festival, the Pamboeotia, held periodically at Kortineia.
Such were the forms, as far as we can make them out, of the Boeotian
confederacy; each of the separate cities possessing its own senate and
constitution, and having its political consciousness as an autonomous unit, yet
with a certain habitual deference to the federal obligations. Substantially,
the affairs of the confederation will be found in the hands of Thebes, managed
in the interests of Theban ascendency, which appears to have been sustained by
no other feeling except respect for superior force and bravery. The discontents
of the minor Boeotian towns, harshly repressed and punished, form an uninviting
chapter in Grecian history.
One piece of information we find, respecting Thebes
singly and apart from the other Boeotian towns anterior to the year 700 BC.
Though brief and incompletely recorded, it is yet highly valuable, as one of
the first incidents of solid and positive Grecian history. Diokles, the
Corinthian, stands enrolled as Olympic victor in the 13th Olympiad, or 728 BC,
at a time when the oligarchy called Bacchiadae possessed the government of Corinth. The beauty of his person attracted towards
him the attachment of Philolaus, one of the members
of this oligarchical body,—a sentiment which Grecian manners did not proscribe;
but it also provoked an incestuous passion on the part of his own mother,
Halcyone, from which Diokles shrunk with hatred and horror. He abandoned
forever his native city and retired to Thebes, whither he was followed by Philolaus, and where both of them lived and died. Their
tombs were yet shown in the time of Aristotle, close adjoining to each other,
yet with an opposite frontage; that of Philolaus being so placed that the inmate could command a view of the lofty peak of his
native city, while that of Diokles was so disposed as to block out all prospect
of the hateful spot. That which preserves to us the memory of so remarkable an
incident, is, the esteem entertained for Philolaus by
the Thebans, a feeling so profound, that they invited him to make laws for
them. We shall have occasion to point out one or two similar cases, in which
Grecian cities invoked the aid of an intelligent stranger; and the practice
became common, among the Italian republics in the Middle Ages, to nominate a
person not belonging to their city either as podesta or as arbitrator in civil
dissensions. It would have been highly interesting to know, at length, what
laws Philolaus made for the Thebans; but Aristotle,
with his usual conciseness, merely alludes to his regulations respecting the
adoption of children and respecting the multiplication of offspring in each
separate family. His laws were framed with the view to maintain the original
number of lots of land, without either subdivision or consolidation; but by
what means the purpose was to be fulfilled we are not informed. There existed a
law at Thebes, which perhaps may have been part of the scheme of Philolaus, prohibiting exposure of children, and empowering
a father, under the pressure of extreme poverty, to bring his newborn infant to
the magistrates, who sold it for a price to any citizen-purchaser, taking from
him the obligation to bring it up, but allowing him in return, to consider the
adult as his slave. From these brief allusions, coming to us without
accompanying illustration, we can draw no other inference, except that the
great problem of population, the relation between the well-being of the
citizens and their more or less rapid increase in numbers, had engaged the
serious attention even of the earliest Grecian legislators. We may, however,
observe that the old Corinthian legislator, Pheidon, (whose precise date cannot
be fixed) is stated by Aristotle to have contemplated much the same object as
that which is ascribed to Philolaus at Thebes; an
unchangeable number both of citizens and of lots of land, without any attempt
to alter the unequal ratio of the lots, one to the other.
WE now pass from the northern members to the heart and
head of Greece, — Peloponnesus and Attica, taking the former first in order,
and giving as much as can be ascertained respecting its early historical
The traveller who entered
Peloponnesus from Boeotia during the youthful days of Herodotus and Thucydides,
found an array of powerful Doric cities conterminous to each other, and
beginning at the isthmus of Corinth. First came Megara, stretching across the
isthmus from sea to sea, and occupying the high and rugged mountain-ridge
called Geraneia; next Corinth, with its strong and conspicuous acropolis, and
its territory including Mount Oneion as well as the
portion of the isthmus at once most level and narrowest, which divided its two
harbors called Lechaeum and Kenchreae.
Westward of Corinth, along the Corinthian gulf, stood Sicyon, with a plain of
uncommon fertility, between the two towns: southward of Sicyon and Corinth were Phlius and Kleonae, both
conterminous, as well as Corinth, with Argos and the Argolis peninsula. The
inmost bend of the Argolic gulf, including a
considerable space of flat and marshy ground adjoining to the sea, was
possessed by Argos; the Argolis peninsula was divided by Argos with the Doric
cities of Epidaurus and Troezen, and the Dryopian city of Hermione, the latter possessing the
south-western corner. Proceeding southward along the Western coast of the gulf,
and passing over the little river called Tanos, the traveller found himself in the dominion of Sparta, which comprised the entire southern
region of the peninsula from its eastern to its western sea, where the river
Neda flows into the latter. He first passed from Argos across the difficult
mountain range called Parnon (which bounds to the
west the southern portion of Argolis), until he found himself in the valley of
the river Oenus, which he followed until it joined the Eurotas.
In the larger valley of the Eurotas, far removed from
the sea, and accessible only through the most impracticable mountain roads, lay
the five unwalled, unadorned, adjoining villages, which bore collectively the
formidable name of Sparta. The whole valley of the Eurotas,
from Skiritis and Beleminatis at the border of Arcadia, to the Laconian gulf; — expanding in several parts
into fertile plain, especially near to its mouth, where the towns of Gythium and Helos were found,— belonged to Sparta; together
with the cold and high mountain range to the eastward, which projects into the
promontory of Malea,—and the still loftier chain of Taygetus to the westward, which ends in the promontory of Taenarus.
On the other side of Taygetus, on the banks of the
river Pamisus, which there flows into the Messenian
gulf, lay the plain of Messene, the richest land in the peninsula. This plain
had once yielded its ample produce to the free Messenians Dorians, resident in
the towns of Stenyklerus and Andania.
But in the time of which we speak, the name of Messenians was borne only by a
body of brave but homeless exiles, whose restoration to the land of their
forefathers over passed even the exile's proverbially sanguine hope. Their land
was confounded with the western portion of Laconia, which reached in a
south-westerly direction down to the extreme point of Cape Akritas,
and northward as far as the river Neda.
Throughout his whole journey to the point last
mentioned, from the borders of Boeotia and Megaris,
the traveller would only step from one Dorian state
into another. But on crossing from the south to the north bank of the river
Neda, at a point near to its mouth, he would find himself out of Doric land
altogether : first, in the territory called Triphylia,
—next, in that of Pisa, or the Pisatid,— thirdly, in
the more spacious and powerful state called Elis; these three comprising the
coast-land of Peloponnesus from the mouth of the Neda to that of the Larissus. The Triphylians,
distributed into a number of small townships, the largest of which was Lepreon,—and the Pisatans,
equally destitute of any centralizing city,—had both, at the period of which we
are now speaking, been conquered by their more powerful northern neighbors of
Elis, who enjoyed the advantage of a spacious territory united under one
government; the middle portion, called the Hollow Elis, being for the most part
fertile, though the tracts near the sea were more sandy and barren. The Eleians
were a section of Aetolian emigrants into Peloponnesus, but the Pisatans and Triphylians had both
been originally independent inhabitants of the peninsula,—the latter being
affirmed to belong to the same race as the Minyae who
had occupied the ante-Boeotian Orchomenus : both, too, bore the ascendency of
Elis with perpetual murmur and occasional resistance.
Crossing the river Larissus,
and pursuing the northern coast of Peloponnesus south of the Corinthian gulf,
the traveller would pass into Achaia,— a name which
designated the narrow strip of level land, and the projecting spurs and
declivities, between that gulf and the northernmost mountains of the
peninsula,—Skollis, Erymanthus, Aroania, Krathis, and the towering eminence called Kyllene. Achaean cities,—twelve in number at least, if not
more,—divided this long strip of land amongst them, from the mouth of the Larissus and the north-western Cape Araxus on one side, to the western boundary of the Sicyonian territory on the other. According to the accounts of the ancient legends and
the belief of Herodotus, this territory had once been occupied by Ionian
inhabitants whom the Achaeans had expelled.
In making this journey, the traveller would have finished the circuit of Peloponnesus; but he would still have left
untrodden the great central region, enclosed between the territories just
enumerated,—approaching nearest to the sea on the borders of Triphylia, but never touching it anywhere. This region was
Arcadia, possessed by inhabitants who are uniformly represented as all of one
race, and all aboriginal. It was high and bleak, full of wild mountain, rock,
and forest, and abounding, to a degree unusual even in Greece, with those
land-locked basins from whence the water finds only a subterraneous issue. It
was distributed among a large number of distinct villages and cities. Many of
the village tribes,—the Maenalii, Parrhasii, Azanes, etc., occupying the central and the western
regions, were numbered among the rudest of the Greeks : but along its eastern
frontier there were several Arcadian cities which ranked deservedly among the
more civilized Peloponnesians. Tegea, Mantineia, Orchomenus, Stymphalus, Pheneus, possessed
the whole eastern frontier of Arcadia from the borders of Laconia to those of
Sicyon and Pellene in Achaia: Phigaleia at the south western corner, near the borders of Triphylia,
and Heraea, on the north bank of the Alpheius, near
the place where that river quits Arcadia to enter the Pisatis,
were also towns deserving of notice. Towards the north of this cold and
thinly-peopled region, near Pheneos, was situated the
small town of Nonakris, adjoining to which rose the
hardly accessible crags where the rivulet of Styx flowed down : a point of
common feeling for all Arcadians, from the terrific sanction which this water
was understood to impart to their oaths.
The distribution of Peloponnesus here sketched,
suitable to the Persian invasion and the succeeding half century, may also be
said (with some allowances) to be adapted to the whole interval between about
BC 550-370; from the time of the conquest of Thyreatis by Sparta to the battle of Leuctra. But it is not the earliest distribution
which history presents to us. Not presuming to criticize the Homeric map of
Peloponnesus, and going back only to 776 BC, we find this material difference,
— that Sparta occupies only a very small fraction of the large territory above
described as belonging to her. Westward of the summit of Mount Taygetus are found another section of Dorians, independent
of Sparta: the Messenian Dorians, whose city is on the bill of Stenyklerus, near the south-western boundary of Arcadia,
and whose possessions cover the fertile plain of Messene along the river Pamisus to its mouth in the Messenian gulf: it is to be
noted that Messene was then the name of the plain generally, and that no town
so called existed until after the battle of Leuctra. Again, eastward of the
valley of the Eurotas, the mountainous region and the
western shores of the Argolic gulf down to Cape Malea
are also independent of Sparta; belonging to Argos, or rather to Dorian towns
in unison with Argos. All the great Dorian towns, from the borders of the
Megarid to the eastern frontier of Arcadia, as above enumerated, appear to have
existed in 776 BC; Achaia was in the same condition, so far as we are able to
judge, as well as Arcadia, except in regard to its southern frontier,
conterminous with Sparta, of which more will hereafter be said. In respect to
the western portion of Peloponnesus, Elis (properly so called) appears to have
embraced the same territory in 776 BC as in 550 BC : but the Pisatid had been recently conquered, and was yet
imperfectly subjected by the Eleians; while Triphylia seems to have been quite independent of them. Respecting the south-western
promontory of Peloponnesus down to Cape Akritas, we
are altogether without information : reasons will hereafter be given for
believing that it did not at that time form part of the territory of the
Messenian Dorians.
Of the different races or people whom Herodotus knew
in Peloponnesus, he believed three to be aboriginal,—the Arcadians, the
Achaeans, and the Kynurians. The Achaeans, though
belonging indigenously to the peninsula, had yet removed from the southern portion
of it to the northern, expelling the previous Ionian tenants : this is a part
of the legend respecting the Dorian conquest, or Return of the Herakleids, and we can neither verify nor contradict it.
But neither the Arcadians nor the Kynurians had ever
changed their abodes. Of the latter, I have not before spoken, because they
were never (so far as history knows them) an independent population. They
occupied the larger portion of the territory of Argolis, from Orneae, near the northern or Phliasian border, to Thyrea and the Thyreatis, on the Laconian
border : and though belonging originally (as Herodotus imagines rather than
asserts) to the Ionic race — they had been so long subjects of Argos in his
time, that almost all evidence of their ante-Dorian condition had vanished.
But the great Dorian states in Peloponnesus—the
capital powers in the peninsula—were all originally emigrants, according to the
belief not only of Herodotus, but of all the Grecian world : so also were the
Aetolians of Elis, the Triphylians, and the Dryopes at Hermione and Asine. All these emigrations are so
described as to give them a root in the Grecian legendary world : the Triphylians are traced back to Lemnos, as the offspring of
the Argonautic heroes, and we are too uninformed about them to venture upon any
historical guesses. But respecting the Dorians, it may perhaps be possible, by
examining the first historical situation in which they are presented to us, to
offer some conjectures as to the probable circumstances under which they
arrived. The legendary narrative of it has already been given in the first
chapter of this volume, — that great mythical event called the Return of the
Children of Heracles, by which the first establishment of the Dorians in the
promised land of Peloponnesus was explained to the full satisfaction of Grecian
faith. One single armament and expedition, acting by the special direction of
the Delphian god, and conducted by three brothers, lineal descendants of the
principal Achaeo-Dorian heroes through Hyllus, (the
eponymous of the principal tribe) — the national heroes of the preexisting
population vanquished and expelled, and the greater part of the peninsula both
acquired and partitioned at a stroke,— the circumstances of the partition
adjusted to the historical relations of Laconia and Messenia, — the friendly
power of Aetolian Elis, with its Olympic games as the bond of union in
Peloponnesus, attached to this event as an appendage, in the person of Oxylus,—all these particulars compose a narrative well calculated
to impress the retrospective imagination of a Greek. They exhibit an epical
fitness and sufficiency which it would be unseasonable to impair by historical
The Alexandrine chronology sets down a period of 328
years from the Return of the Herakleids to the first
Olympiad (1104 BC-776 BC), — a period measured by the lists of the kings of
Sparta, on the trustworthiness of which some remarks have already been offered.
Of these 328 years, the first 250, at the least, are altogether barren of facts;
and even if we admitted them to be historical, we should have nothing to
recount except a succession of royal names. Being unable either to guarantee
the entire list, or to discover any valid test for discriminating the
historical and the non-historical items, I here enumerate the Lacedaemonian
kings as they appear in Mr. Clinton’s Fasti Hellenici.
There were two joint kings at Sparta, throughout nearly all the historical time
of independent Greece, deducing their descent from Heracles through Eurysthenes
and Prokles, the twin sons of Aristodemus; the latter
being one of those three Herakleid brothers to whom
the conquest of the peninsula is ascribed : —
Both Theopompus and Alkamenes reigned considerably longer, but the
chronologists affirm that the year 776 BC (or the first Olympiad) occurred in
the tenth year of each of their reigns. It is necessary to add, with regard to
this list, that there are some material discrepancies between different authors
even as to the names of individual kings, and still more as to the duration of
their reigns, as may be seen both in Mr. Clinton's chronology and in Müller's
Appendix to the History of the Dorians. The alleged sum total cannot be made to
agree with the items without great license of conjecture. O. Müller observes,
in reference to this Alexandrine chronology, "that our materials only
enable us to restore it to its original state, not to verify its correctness".
In point of fact they are insufficient even for the former purpose, as the
dissensions among learned critics attest.
We have a succession of names, still more barren of
facts, in the case of the Dorian sovereigns of Corinth. This city had its own
line of Herakleids, descended from Heracles, but not
through Hyllus. Hippotes, the progenitor of the
Corinthian Herakleids, was reported in the legend to
have originally joined the Dorian invaders of the Peloponnesus, but to have
quitted them in consequence of having slain the prophet Karnus.
The three brothers, when they became masters of the peninsula, sent for Aletes, the son of Hippotes, and
placed him in possession of Corinth, over which the chronologists make him
begin to reign thirty years after the Herakleid conquest. His successors are thus given -
Aletes ..... reigned 38 years
When we jump this vacant space, and place ourselves at
the first opening of history, we find that, although ultimately Sparta came to
hold the first place, not only in Peloponnesus, but in all Hellas, this was not
the case at the earliest moment of which we have historical cognizance. Argos,
and the neighboring towns connected with her by a bond of semi-religious,
semi-political union,—Sicyon, Phlius, Epidaurus, and Troezen,— were at first of greater power and consideration
than Sparta; a fact which the legend of the Herakleids seems to recognize by making Temenus the eldest brother of the three. And
Herodotus assures us that at one time all the eastern coast of Peloponnesus
down to Cape Melea, including the island of Cythera, all which came afterwards
to constitute a material part of Laconia, had belonged to Argos. Down to the
time of the first Messenian war, the comparative importance of the Dorian
establishments in Peloponnesus appears to have been in the order in which the
legend placed them, — Argos first, Sparta second, Messene third. It will be
seen hereafter that the Argeians never lost the
recollection of this early preeminence, from which the growth of Sparta had
extruded them; and the liberties of entire Hellas were more than once in danger
from their disastrous jealousy of a more fortunate competitor.
At a short distance of about three miles from Argos,
and at the exact point where that city approaches nearest to the sea, was
situated the isolated hillock called Temenion,
noticed both by Strabo and Pausanias. It was a small village, deriving both its
name and its celebrity from the chapel and tomb of the hero Temenus, who was
there worshipped by the Dorians; and the statement which Pausanias heard was,
that Temenus, with his invading Dorians, had seized and fortified the spot, and
employed it as an armed post to make war upon Tisamenus and the Achaeans. What renders this report deserving of the greater attention,
is, that the same thing is affirmed with regard to the eminence called Solygeius, near Corinth : this too was believed to be the
place which the Dorian assailants had occupied and fortified against the
preexisting Corinthians in the city. Situated close upon the Saronic gulf, it
was the spot which invaders landing from that gulf would naturally seize upon,
and which Nikias with his powerful Athenian fleet did actually seize and occupy
against Corinth in the Peloponnesian war. In early days, the only way of
overpowering the inhabitants of a fortified town, generally also planted in a
position itself very defensible, was, — that the invaders, entrenching
themselves in the neighborhood, harassed the inhabitants and ruined their
produce until they brought them to terms. Even during the Peloponnesian war,
when the art of besieging had made some progress, we read of several instances
in which this mode of aggressive warfare was adopted with efficient results. We
may readily believe that the Dorians obtained admittance both into Argos and
Corinth in this manner. And it is remarkable that, except Sicyon (which is
affirmed to have been surprised by night), these were the only towns in the Argolic region which are said to have resisted them; the
story being, that Phlius, Epidaurus, and Troezen had admitted the Dorian intruders without
opposition, although a certain portion of the previous inhabitants seceded. We
shall hereafter see that the non-Dorian population of Sicyon and Corinth still
remained considerable.
The separate statements which we thus find, and the
position of the Temenion and the Solygeius,
lead to two conjectures, first, that the acquisitions of the Dorians in
Peloponnesus were also isolated and gradual, not at all conformable to the
rapid strides of the old Herakleid legend; next, that
the Dorian invaders of Argos and Corinth made their attack from the Argolic and the Saronic gulfs, — by sea and not by land. It
is, indeed, difficult to see how they can have got to the Temenion in any other way than by sea; and a glance at the map will show that the
eminence Solygeius presents itself, with reference to
Corinth, as the nearest and most convenient holding-ground for a maritime
invader, conformably to the scheme of operations laid by Nikias. To illustrate
the supposition of a Dorian attack by sea on Corinth, we may refer to a story
quoted from Aristotle (which we find embodied in the explanation of an old
adage), representing Hippotes the father of Aletes as having crossed the Maliac gulf (the sea immediately bordering on the ancient Maleans, Dryopians, and Dorians) in ships, for the purpose of
colonizing. And if it be safe to trust the mention of Dorians in the Odyssey,
as a part of the population of the island of Crete, we there have an example of
Dorian settlements which must have been effected by sea, and that too at a very
early period. “We must suppose (observes O. Müller, in reference to these Kretan Dorians) that the Dorians, pressed by want or
restless from inactivity, constructed piratical canoes, manned these frail and
narrow barks with soldiers who themselves worked at the oar, and thus being
changed from mountaineers into seamen, — the Normans of Greece, — set sail for
the distant island of Crete”. In the same manner, we may conceive the
expeditions of the Dorians against Argos and Corinth to have been effected; and
whatever difficulties may attach to this hypothesis, certain it is that the
difficulties of a long land-march, along such a territory as Greece, are still
more serious.
The supposition of Dorian emigrations by sea, from the Maliac gulf to the north-eastern promontory of
Peloponnesus, is farther borne out by the analogy of the Dryopes,
or Dryopians. During the historical times, this
people occupied several detached settlements in various parts of Greece, all
maritime, and some insular;— they were found at Hermione, Asine, and Eion, in
the Argolic peninsula (very near to the important
Dorian towns constituting the Amphiktyony of
Argos)—at Styra and Karystus in the island of Euboea,—in the island of Kythnus,
and even at Cyprus. These dispersed colonies can only have been planted by
expeditions over the sea. Now we are told that the original Dryopis,
the native country of this people, comprehended both the territory near the
river Spercheius, and north of Oeta,
afterwards occupied by the Malians, as well as the neighboring district south
of Oeta, which was afterwards called Doris. From
hence the Dryopians were expelled, — according to one
story, by the Dorians,— according to another, by Heracles and the Malians :
however this may be, it was from the Maliac gulf that
they started on shipboard in quest of new homes, which some of them found on
the headlands of the Argolic peninsula. And it was
from this very country, according to Herodotus, that the Dorians also set
forth, in order to reach Peloponnesus. Nor does it seem unreasonable to
imagine, that the same means of conveyance, which bore the Dryopians from the Maliac gulf to Hermione and Asine, also
carried the Dorians from the same place to the Temenion,
and the hill Solygeius.
The legend represents Sikyon,
Epidaurus, Troezen, Phlius,
and Kleonae, as all occupied by Dorian colonists from
Argos, under the different sons of Temenus : the first three are on the sea,
and fit places for the occupation of maritime invaders. Argos and the Dorian
towns in and near the Argolic peninsula are to be
regarded as a cluster of settlements by themselves, completely distinct from
Sparta and the Messenian Stenyklerus, which appear to
have been formed under totally different conditions. First, both of them are
very far inland, — Stenyklerus not easy, Sparta very
difficult of access from the sea; next, we know that the conquests of Sparta
were gradually made down the valley of the Eurotas seaward. Both these acquisitions present the appearance of having been made
from the land-side, and perhaps in the direction which the Herakleid legend describes, by warriors entering Peloponnesus across the narrow mouth of
the Corinthian gulf, through the aid or invitation of those Aetolian settlers
who at the same time colonized Elis. The early and intimate connection (on
which I shall touch presently) between Sparta and the Olympic games as
administered by the Eleians, as well as the leading part ascribed to Lycurgus
in the constitution of the solemn Olympic truce, tend to strengthen such a
In considering the early affairs of the Dorians in
Peloponnesus, we are apt to have our minds biased, first, by the Herakleid legend, which imparts to them an impressive, but
deceitful, epical unity; next, by the aspect of the later and better-known
history, which presents the Spartan power as unquestionably preponderant, and
Argos only as second by a long interval. But the first view (as I have already
remarked) which opens to us, of real Grecian history, a little before 776 BC,
exhibits Argos with its alliance or confederacy of neighboring cities colonized
from itself, as the great seat of Dorian power in the peninsula, and Sparta as
an outlying state of inferior consequence. The recollection of this state of
things lasted after it had ceased to be a reality, and kept alive pretensions
on the part of Argos to the headship of the Greeks as a matter of right, which
she became quite incapable of sustaining either by adequate power or by
statesmanlike sagacity. The growth of Spartan power was a succession of
encroachments upon Argos.
How Sparta came constantly to gain upon Argos will be
matter for future explanation : at present, it is sufficient to remark, that
the ascendency of Argos was derived not exclusively from her own territory, but
came in part from her position as metropolis of an alliance of autonomous
neighboring cities, all Dorian and all colonized from herself,—and this was an
element of power essentially fluctuating. What Thebes was to the cities of
Boeotia, of which she either was, or professed to have been, the founder, the
same was Argos in reference to Kleonae, Phlius, Sikyon, Epidaurus, Troezen, and Aegina. These towns formed, in mythical
language, “the lot of Temenus”,—in real matter of fact, the confederated allies
or subordinates of Argos the first four of them were said to have been Dorized
by the sons or immediate relatives of Temenus; and the kings of Argos, as
acknowledged descendants of the latter, claimed and exercised a sort of suzeraineté over them. Hermione, Asine, and Nauplia seem
also to have been under the supremacy of Argos, though not colonies. But this
supremacy was not claimed directly and nakedly : agreeably to the ideas of the
time, the ostensible purposes of the Argeian confederacy or Amphiktyony were religious, though its secondary and not less real effects, were political.
The great patron-god of the league was Apollo Pythaeus,
in whose name the obligations incumbent on the members of the league were
imposed. While in each of the confederated cities there was a temple to this
god, his most holy and central sanctuary was on the Larissa or acropolis of
Argos. At this central Argeian sanctuary, solemn sacrifices were offered by
Epidaurus as well as by other members of the confederacy, and, as it should
seem, accompanied by moneypayments,—which the Argeians, as chief administrators on behalf of the common
god, took upon them to enforce against defaulters, and actually tried to
enforce during the Peloponnesian war against Epidaurus. On another occasion,
during the 66th Olympiad (BC 514), they imposed the large fine of 500 talents
upon each of the two states Sikyon and Aegina, for
having lent ships to the Spartan king Kleomenes, wherewith he invaded the
Argeian territory. The Aeginetans set the claim at defiance, but the Sicyonians
acknowledged its justice, and only demurred to its amount, professing
themselves ready to pay 100 talents. There can be no doubt that, at this later
period, the ascendency of Argos over the members of her primitive confederacy
had become practically inoperative; but the tenor of the cases mentioned shows
that her claims were revivals of bygone privileges, which had once been
effective and valuable.
How valuable the privileges of Argos were, before the
great rise of the Spartan power, — how important an ascendency they conferred,
in the hands of an energetic man, and how easily they admitted of being used in
furtherance of ambitious views, is shown by the remarkable case of Pheidon, the Temenid. The few facts which we learn respecting this
prince exhibit to us, for the first time, something like a real position of
parties in the Peloponnesus, wherein the actual conflict of living historical
men and cities, comes out in tolerable distinctness.
Pheidon was designated by Ephorus as the tenth, and by Theopompus as the sixth, in lineal descent from
Temenus. Respecting the date of his existence, opinions the most discrepant and
irreconcilable have been delivered; but there seems good reason for referring
him to the period a little before and a little after the 8th Olympiad, —
between 770 BC. and 730 BC. Of the preceding kings of Argos we hear little: one
of them, Eratus, is said to have expelled the Dryopian inhabitants of Asine from their town on the Argolic peninsula, in consequence of their having
cooperated with the Spartan king, Nikander, when he invaded the Argeian
territory, seemingly during the generation preceding Pheidon; there is another, Damokratidas, whose date cannot be positively
determined, but he appears rather as subsequent than as anterior to Pheidon. We
are informed, however, that these anterior kings, even beginning with Medon,
the grandson of Temenus, had been forced to submit to great abridgment of their
power and privileges, and that a form of government substantially popular,
though nominally regal, had been established.3Pheidon, breaking through the
limits imposed, made himself despot of Argos. He then reestablished the power
of Argos over all the cities of her confederacy, which had before been so nearly
dissolved as to leave all the members practically independent. Next, he is said
to have acquired dominion over Corinth, and to have endeavored to assure it, by
treacherously entrapping a thousand of her warlike citizens; but his artifice
was divulged and frustrated by Abron, one of his confidential friends. He is
farther reported to have aimed at extending his sway over the greater part of
Peloponnesus, — laying claim, as the descendant of Heracles, through the eldest
son of Hyllus, to all the cities which that restless and irresistible hero had
ever taken. According to Grecian ideas, this legendary title was always
seriously construed, and often admitted as conclusive; though of course, where
there were strong opposing interests, reasons would be found to elude it.
Pheidon would have the same ground of right as that which, two hundred and
fifty years afterwards, determined the Herakleid Dorieus, brother of Cleomenes king of Sparta, to acquire for himself the
territory near Mount Eryx in Sicily, because his progenitor, Heracles, had
conquered it before him. So numerous, however, were the legends respecting the
conquests of Heracles, that the claim of Pheidon must have covered the greater
part of Peloponnesus, except Sparta and the plain of Messene, which were
already in the hands of Herakleids.
Nor was the ambition of Pheidon satisfied even with
these large pretensions. He farther claimed the right of presiding at the
celebration of those religious games, or Agones,
which had been instituted by Herakles, —and among these was numbered the
Olympic Agon, then, however, enjoying but a slender fraction of the lustre which afterwards came to attach to it. The
presidency of any of the more celebrated festivals current throughout Greece,
was a privilege immensely prized. It was at once dignified and lucrative, and
the course of our history will present more than one example in which blood was
shed to determine what state should enjoy it. Phedon marched to Olympia, at the epoch of the 8th recorded Olympiad, or 747 BC; on
the occasion of which event we are made acquainted with the real state of
parties in the peninsula.
The plain of Olympia,—now ennobled only by immortal
recollections, but once crowded with all the decorations of religion and art,
and forming for many centuries the brightest centre of attraction known in the ancient world,—was situated on the river Alpheius, in the territory called the Pisatid,
hard by the borders of Arcadia. At what time its agonistic festival, recurring
every fifth year, at the first full moon after the summer solstice, first began
or first acquired its character of special sanctity, we have no means of
determining. As with so many of the native waters of Greece, — we follow the
stream upward to a certain point, but the fountain-head, and the earlier flow
of history, is buried under mountains of unsearchable legend. The first
celebration of the Olympic contests was ascribed by Grecian legendary faith to
Heracles,— and the site of the place, in the middle of the Pisatid,
with its eight small townships, is quite sufficient to prove that the
inhabitants of that little territory were warranted in describing themselves as
the original administrators of the ceremony. But this state of things seems to
have been altered by the Aetolian settlement in Elis, which is represented as
having been conducted by Oxylus and identified with
the Return of the Herakleids. The Aetolo-Eleians,
bordering upon the Pisatid to the north, employed
their superior power in subduing their weaker neighbors, who thus lost their
autonomy and became annexed to the territory of Elis. It was the general rule
throughout Greece, that a victorious state undertook to performs the current
services of the conquered people towards the gods, such services being
conceived as attaching to the soil : hence, the celebration of the Olympic
games became numbered among the incumbencies of Elis, just in the same way as
the worship of the Eleusinian Demeter, when Eleusis lost its autonomy, was
included among the religious obligations of Athens. The Pisatans,
however, never willingly acquiesced in this absorption of what had once been
their separate privilege; they long maintained their conviction, that the
celebration of the games was their right, and strove on several occasions to
regain it. On those occasions, the earliest, so far as we hear, was connected
with the intervention of Pheidon. It was at their invitation that the king of
Argos went to Olympia, and celebrated the games himself; in conjunction with
the Pisatans, as the lineal successor of Heracles;
while the Eleians, being thus forcibly dispossessed, refused to include the 8th
Olympiad in their register of the victorious runners. But their humiliation did
not last long, for the Spartans took their part, and the contest ended in the
defeat of Pheidon. In the next Olympiad, the Eleian management and the regular
enrolment appear as before, and the Spartans are even said to have confirmed
Elis in her possession both of Pisatis and Triphylia.
Unfortunately, these scanty particulars are all which
we learn respecting the armed conflict at the 8th Olympiad, in which the
religious and the political grounds of quarrel are so intimately blended, —as
we shall find to be often the case in Grecian history. But there is one act of
Pheidon yet more memorable, of which also nothing beyond a meagre notice has
come down to us. He first coined both copper and silver money in Aegina, and
first established a scale of weights and measures, which, through his
influence, became adopted throughout Peloponnesus, and acquired, ultimately,
footing both in all the Dorian states, and in Boeotia, Thessaly, northern
Hellas generally, and Macedonia, — under the name of the Aeginaean Scale. There
arose subsequently another rival scale in Greece, called the Euboic, differing considerably from the Aeginaean. We do
not know at what time it was introduced, but it was employed both at Athens and
in the Ionic cities generally, as well as in Euboea, — being modified at
Athens, so far as money was concerned, by Solon's debasement of the coinage.
The copious and valuable information contained in M. Boeckh’s recent publication on Metrology, has thrown new
light upon these monetary and statical scales. He has shown that both the
Aeginaean and the Euboic scales — the former standing
to the latter in the proportion of 6 : 5 —had contemporaneous currency in
different parts of the Persian empire; the divisions and denominations of the
scale being the same in both, 100 drachma: to a mina, and 60 mime to a talent.
The Babylonian talent, mina, and drachma are identical with the Aeginaean : the
word mina is of Asiatic origin; and it has now been rendered highly probable,
that the scale circulated by Pheidon was borrowed immediately from the
Phoenicians, and by them originally from the Babylonians. The Babylonian,
Hebraic, Phoenician, Egyptian, and Grecian scales of weight (which were
subsequently followed wherever coined money was introduced) are found to be so
nearly conformable, as to warrant a belief that they are all deduced from one
common origin; and that origin the Chaldean priesthood of Babylon. It is to
Pheidon, and to his position as chief of the Argeian confederacy, that the
Greeks owe the first introduction of the Babylonian scale of weight, and the
first employment of coined and stamped money.
If we maturely weigh the few, but striking acts of
Pheidon which have been preserved to us, and which there is no reason to
discredit, we shall find ourselves introduced to an early historical state of
Peloponnesus very different from that to which another century will bring us.
That Argos, with the federative cities attached to her, was at this early time
decidedly the commanding power in that peninsula, is sufficiently shown by the
establishment and reception of the Pheidonian weights,
measures, and monetary system,—while the other incidents mentioned completely
harmonize with the same idea. Against the oppressions of Elis, the Pisatans invoked Pheidon, —partly as exercising a primacy
in Peloponnesus, just as the inhabitants of Lepreum in Triphylia, three centuries afterwards, called in
the aid of Sparta for the same object, at a time when Sparta possessed the
headship,—and partly as the lineal representative of Heracles, who had founded
those games from the management of which they had been unjustly extruded. On
the other hand, Sparta appears as a second-rate power. The Aeginaean scale of
weight and measure was adopted there as elsewhere—the Messenian Dorians were
still equal and independent, — and we find Sparta interfering to assist Elis by
virtue of an obligation growing (so the legend represents it) out of the common Aetolo-Dorian emigration; not at all from any
acknowledged primacy, such as we shall see her enjoying hereafter. The first
coinage of copper and silver money is a capital event in Grecian history, and
must be held to imply considerable commerce as well as those extensive views
which belong only to a conspicuous and leading position. The ambition of
Pheidon to resume all the acquisitions made by his ancestor Heracles, suggests
the same large estimate of his actual power. He is characterized as a despot,
and even as the most insolent of all despots : how far he deserved such a
reputation, we have no means of judging. We may remark, however, that he lived
before the age of despots or tyrants, properly so called, and before the Herakleid lineage had yet lost its primary, half-political,
half-religious character. Moreover, the later historians have invested his
actions with a color of exorbitant aggression, by applying them to a state of
things which belonged to their time and not to his. Thus Ephorus represents him
as having deprived the Lacedaemonians of the headship of Peloponnesus, which
they never possessed until long after him, — and also as setting at naught the
sworn inviolability of the territory of the Eleians, enjoyed by the latter as
celebrators of the Olympic games; whereas the Agonothesia,
or right of superintendence claimed by Elis, had not at that time acquired the
sanction of prescription, —while the conquest of Pisa by the Eleians themselves
had proved that this sacred function did not protect the territory of a weaker
How Pheidon fell, and how the Argeians lost that supremacy which they once evidently possessed, we have no positive
details to inform us : with respect to the latter point, however, we can
discern a sufficient explanation. The Argeians stood
predominant as an entire and unanimous confederacy, which required a vigorous
and able hand to render its internal organization effective or its ascendency
respected without. No such leader afterwards appeared at Argos, the whole
history of which city is destitute of eminent individuals : her line of kings
continued at least down to the Persian war, but seemingly with only titular
functions, for the government had long been decidedly popular. The statements,
which represent the government as popular anterior to the time of Pheidon,
appear unworthy of trust. That prince is rather to be taken as wielding the
old, undiminished prerogatives of the Herakleid kings,
but wielding them with unusual effect,—enforcing relaxed privileges, and
appealing to the old heroic sentiment in reference to Heracles, rather than
revolutionizing the existing relations either of Argos or of Peloponnesus. It
was in fact the great and steady growth of Sparta, for three centuries after
the Lycurgean institutions, which operated as a cause
of subversion to the previous order of command and obedience in Greece.
The assertion made by Herodotus,— that, in earlier
times, the whole eastern coast of Laconia as far as Cape Malea, including the
island of Cythera and several other islands, had belonged to Argos,— is
referred by O. Müller to about the 50th Olympiad, or 580 BC. Perhaps it had
ceased to be true at that period; but that it was true in the age of Pheidon,
there seem good grounds for believing. What is probably meant is, that the
Dorian towns on this coast, Prasiae, Zarex, Epidaurus Limera, and Boeae, were once autonomous, and members of the Argeian
confederacy,—a fact highly probable, on independent evidence, with respect to
Epidaurus Limera, inasmuch as that town was a
settlement from Epidaurus in the Argolic peninsula:
and Boeae too had its own oekist and eponymous, the Herakleid Boeus, noway connected with Sparta,— perhaps derived from
the same source as the name of the town Boeon in
Doris. The Argeian confederated towns would thus comprehend the whole coast of
the Argolic and Saronic gulfs, from Cythera as far as
Aegina, besides other islands which we do not know : Aegina had received a
colony of Dorians from Argos and Epidaurus, upon which latter town it continued
for some time in a state of dependence. It will at once be seen that this
extent of coast implies a considerable degree of commerce and maritime
activity. We have besides to consider the range of Doric colonies in the
southern islands of the Aegean and in the south-western corner of Asia
Minor,—Crete, Kos, Rhodes (with its three distinct cities), Halicarnassus, Knidus, Myndus, Nisyrus, Syme,
Karpathos, Kalydna, etc. Of the Doric establishments
here named, several are connected (as has been before stated) with the great
emigration of the Temenid Althaemenes from Argos :
but what we particularly observe is, that they are often referred as colonies
promiscuously to Argos, Troezen, Epidauras — more frequently however, as it seems, to Argos. All these settlements are
doubtless older than Pheidon, and we may conceive them as proceeding conjointly
from the allied Dorian towns in the Argolic peninsula,
at a time when they were more in the habit of united action than they
afterwards became : a captain of emigrants selected from the line of Heracles
and Temenus was suitable to the feelings of all of them. We may thus look back
to a period, at the very beginning of the Olympiads, when the maritime Dorians
on the east of Peloponnesus maintained a considerable intercourse and commerce,
not only among themselves, but also with their settlements on the Asiatic coast
and islands. That the Argolic peninsula formed an
early centre for maritime rendezvous, we may farther
infer from the very ancient Amphiktyony of the seven
cities (Hermione, Epidaurus, Aegina, Athens, Prasiae,
Nauplia, and the Minyeian Orchomenus), on the holy
island of Kalauria, off the harbor of Troezen.
The view here given of the early ascendency of Argos,
as the head of the Peloponnesian Dorians and the metropolis of the Asiatic
Dorians, enables us to understand the capital innovation of Pheidon, —the first
coinage, and the first determinate scale of weight and measure, known in
Greece. Of the value of such improvements, in the history of Grecian
civilization, it is superfluous to speak, especially when we recollect that the
Hellenic states, having no political unity, were only held together by the
aggregate of spontaneous uniformities, in language, religion, sympathies,
recreations, and general habits. We see both how Pheidon came to contract the
wish, and how he acquired the power, to introduce throughout so much of the
Grecian world an uniform scale; we also see that the Asiatic Dorians form the
link between him and Phoenicia, from whence the scale was derived, just as the Euboic scale came, in all probability, through the Ionic
cities in Asia, from Lydia. It is asserted by Ephorus, and admitted even by the
ablest modern critics, that Pheidon first coined money "in Aegina";
other authors (erroneously believing that his scale was the Euboic scale) alleged that his coinage had been carried on “in a place of Argos called
Euboea”. Now both these statements appear highly improbable, and both are
traceable to the same mistake,—of supposing that the title, by which the scale
had come to be commonly known, must necessarily be derived from the place in
which the coinage had been struck. There is every reason to conclude, that what
Pheidon did was done in Argos, and nowhere else : his coinage and scale were
the earliest known in Greece, and seem to have been known by his own name, “the Pheidonian measures”, under which designation they
were described by Aristotle, in his account of the constitution of Argos. They
probably did not come to bear the specific epithet of Aeginaean until there was
another scale in vogue, the Euboic, from which to
distinguish the ; and both the epithets were probably derived, not from the
place where the scale first originated, but from the people whose commercial
activity tended to make them most generally known, — in the one case, the Aginetans; in the other case, the inhabitants of Chalcis
and Eretria. I think, therefore, that we are to look upon the Pheidonian measures as emanating from Argos, and as having
no greater connection, originally, with Aegina, than with any other city
dependent upon Argos.
There is, moreover, another point which deserves
notice. What was known by the name of the Aegimean scale, as contrasted with and standing in a definite ratio (6 : 5) with the Euboic scale, related only to weight and money, so far as
our knowledge extends : we have no evidence to show that the same ratio
extended either to measures of length or measures of capacity. But there seems
ground for believing that the Pheidonian regulations,
taken in their full comprehension, embraced measures of capacity as well as
weights : Pheidon, at the same time when he determined the talent, mina, and
drachm, seems also to have fixed the dry and liquid measures,—the medimnus and metretes, with their parts and multiples : and
there existed Pheidonian measures of capacity, though
not of length, so far as we know. The Aeginaean scale may thus have comprised
only a portion of what was established by Pheidon, namely, that which related
to weight and money.
It has already been stated that
the territory properly called Elis, apart from the enlargement which it
acquired by conquest, included the westernmost land in Peloponnesus, south of
Achaia, and west of Mount Pholoe and Olenus in Arcadia—but not extending so far southward as the
river Alpheius, the course of which lay along the
southern portion of Pisatis and on the borders of
Triphylia. This territory, which appears in the Odyssey as “the divine Elis,
where the Epeians hold sway,” is in the historical
times occupied by a population of Aetolian origin. The connection of race
between the historical Eleians and the historical Aetolians was recognized by
both parties, nor is there any ground for disputing it.
Aetolian invaders or immigrants into Elis would cross from Naupaktus or some neighboring point in the Corinthian gulf, is in the natural course of
things—and such is the course which Oxylus, the
conductor of the invasion, is represented by the Herakleid legend as taking. That legend (as has been already recounted) introduces Oxylus as the guide of the three Herakleid brothers—Temenus, Kresphontes, and Aristodemus—and as stipulating with them
that in the new distribution about to take place of Peloponnesus, he shall be
allowed to possess the Eleian territory, coupled with many holy privileges as
to the celebration of the Olympic games.
the preceding chapter I have endeavored to show that the settlements of the
Dorians in and near the Argolic peninsula, so far as
the probabilities of the case enable us to judge, were not accomplished by any
inroad in this direction. But the localities occupied by the Dorians of Sparta,
and by the Dorians of Stenyklerus in the territory called Messene, lead us to a
different conclusion. The easiest and most natural road through which
immigrants could reach either of these two spots is through the Eleian and the
Pisatid country. Colonel Leake observes that the direct road from the Eleian
territory to Sparta, ascending the valley of the Alpheius near Olympia to the sources of its branch the Theius,
and from thence descending the Eurotas, affords the
only easy march tow and that very inaccessible city and both ancients and
moderns have remarked the vicinity of the source of the Alpheius to that of the Eurotas. The situation of Stenyklerus
and Andania, the original settlements of the
Messenian Dorians, adjoining closely the Arcadian Parrhasii,
is only at a short distance from the course of the Alpheius;
being thus reached most easily by the same route. Dismissing the idea of a
great collective Dorian armament, powerful enough to grasp at once the entire
peninsula—we may conceive two moderate detachments of hardy mountaineers from
the cold regions in and near Doris, attaching themselves to the Aetolians
their neighbors, who were proceeding to the invasion of Elis. After having
aided the Aetolians both to occupy Elis and to subdue the Pisatid, these
Dorians advanced up the valley of the Alpheius in
quest of settlements for themselves. One of these bodies ripens into the
stately, stubborn, and victorious Spartans; the other into the short-lived,
trampled, and struggling Messenians.
the darkness which overclouds these original settlements, we seem to discern
something like special causes to determine both of them. With respect to the
Spartan Dorians, we are told that a person named Philonomus betrayed Sparta to
them, persuading the sovereign in possession to retire with his people into the
habitations of the Ionians in the north of the peninsula—and that he received
as a recompense for this acceptable service Amyklae with the district around
it. It is farther stated—and this important fact there seems no reason to
doubt—that Amyklae, though only twenty stadia, or two miles and a half, distant
from Sparta, retained both its independence and its Achaean inhabitants long
after the Dorian immigrants had acquired possession of the latter place, and
was only taken by them under the reign of Teleklus,
one generation before the first Olympiad. Without presuming to fill up by
conjecture incurable gaps u the statements of our authorities, we may from
hence reasonably presume that the Dorians were induced to invade, and enabled
to Require, Sparta by the invitation and assistance of a party in the interior
of the country. Again, with respect to the Messenian Dorians, a different, but
not less effectual temptation was presented by the alliance of the Arcadians in
the south-western portion of that central region of Peloponnesus. Kresphontes,
the Herakleid leader, it is said, espoused the
daughter of the Arcadian king Kypselus, which procured for him the support of a
powerful section of Arcadia. His settlement at Stenyklerus was a considerable
distance from the sea, at the north-east corner of Messenia, close to the
Arcadian frontier; and it will be seen hereafter that this Arcadian alliance is
a constant and material element in Ihe disputes of the Messenian Dorians with
may thus trace a reasonable sequence of events, showing how two bodies of
Dorians, having first assisted the Aetolo-Eleians to
conquer the Pisatid, and thus finding themselves on the banks of the Alpheius, followed the upward course of that river, the one
to settle at Sparta, the other at Stenyklerus. The historian Ephorus, from whim
our scanty fragments of information respecting these early settlements are
derived—it is important to note that he lived in the age immediately succeeding
the first foundation of Messene as a city, the restitution of the long-exiled
Messenians, and the amputation of the fertile western half of Laconia for their
benefit, by Epaminondas—imparts to these proceedings an immediate decisiveness
of effect which does not properly belong to them; as if the Spartans had become
at once possessed of all Laconia, and the Messenians of all Messenia;
Pausanias, too, speaks as if the Arcadians collectively had assisted and allied
themselves with Kresphontes. This is lie general spirit which pervades his
account, though the particular facts, in so far as we find any such, do not
always harmonize with it. Now we are ignorant of the pre-existing divisions of
the country, either east or west of Mount Taygetus,
at the time when Dorians invaded it. But to treat the one and the other as kingdoms,
handed over at once to two Dorian leaders, is an illusion borrowed from the old
legend, from the historicizing fancies of Ephorus, and from the fact that in
the well-known times this whole territory came to be really united under the
Spartan power.
what date the Dorian settlements at Sparta and Stenyklerus were effected we
have no means of determining. Yet that there existed between them in the
earliest times a degree of fraternity which did not prevail between Lacedaemon
and Argos, we may fairly presume from the common temple, with joint religious
sacrifices, of Artemis Limnatis (or Artemis on the
Marsh) erected on the confines of Messenia and Laconia. Our first view of the
two, at all approaching to distinctness, seems to date from a period about half
a century earlier than the first Olympiad (776 b.c.)—about the reign of king Teleklus of the Eurystheneidor Agid line, and the introduction of the Lykurgean discipline. Teleklus stands in the list as the eighth
king dating from Eurysthenes. But how many of the seven kings before him are to
be considered as real persons—or how much, out of the brief warlike expeditions
ascribed to them, is to be treated as authentic history—I pretend not to
earliest determinable event in the internal history of Sparta is the
introduction of the Lykurgean discipline; the
earliest external events are the conquest of Amyklae, Pharis and Geronthrae. effected by king Teleklus,
and the first quarrel with the Messenians, in which that prince was slain. When
we come to see how deplorably great was the confusion and ignorance which
reigned with reference to a matter so pre-eminently important as Lykurgus and his legislation, we shall not be inclined to
think that facts much less important, and belonging to an earlier epoch, can
have been handed down upon any good authority. And in like manner, when we
learn that Amyklae, Pharis, and Geronthrae (all south
of Sparta, and the first only two and a half miles distant from that city) were
independent of the Spartans until the reign of Teleklus,
we shall require some decisive testimony before we can believe that a
community, so small and so hemmed in as Sparta must then have been, had in
earlier times undertaken expeditions against Helos on the sea-coast, against Kleitor on the extreme northern side of Arcadia, against
the Kynurians, or against the Argeians.
If Helos and Kynuria were conquered by these early
kings, it appears that they had to be conquered a second time by kings
succeeding Teleklus. It would be more natural that we
should hear when and how they conquered the places nearer to them—Sellasia, or Belemina, the valley
of the Oenus or the upper valley of the Eurotas. But
these seem to be assumed as matters of course; the proceedings ascribed to the
early Spartan kings are such only as might beseem the palmy days when Sparta was
undisputed mistress of all Laconia.
succession of Messenian kings, beginning with Kresphontes, the Herakleid brother, and continuing from father to son—Aepytus, Glaukus, Isthmius, Dotadas, Subotas, Phintas, the last being contemporary
with Teleklus—is still less marked by incident than
that of the early Spartan kings. It is said that the reign of Kresphontes was
troubled, and himself ultimately slain, by mutinies among his subjects; Aepytus, then a youth, having escaped into Arcadia, was
afterward restored to the throne by the Arcadian Spartans, and Argeians. From Aepytus the
Messenian line of kings are stated to have been denominated Aepytids in preference to Herakleids—which affords another
proof of their intimate connection with the Arcadians, since Aepytus was a very ancient name in Arcadian heroic
is considerable resemblance between the alleged behavior of Kresphontes on
first settling at Stenyklerus, and that of Eurysthenes and Prokles at Sparta—so far as we gather from statements, alike meager and uncertified,
resting on the authority of Ephorus. Both are said to have tried to place the
pre-existing inhabitants of the country on a level with their own Dorian bands;
both provoked discontents and incurred obloquy, with their contemporaries as
well as with posterity, by the attempt; nor did either permanently succeed. Kresphontes
was forced to concentrate all his Dorians in Stenyklerus, while, after all the
discontents ended in his violent death. And Agis, the son of Eurysthenes, is
said to have reversed all the liberal tentatives of
his father, so as to bring the whole of Laconia into subjection and dependence
on the Dorians at Sparta, with the single exception of Amyklae. So odious to
the Spartan Dorians was the conduct of Eurysthenes that they refused to acknowledge
him as their oekist, and conferred that honor upon Agis;
the two lines of kings being called Agiads and Eurypontids, instead of Enrystheneids and Prokleids. We see in these statements the same
tone of mind as that which pervades the Panathenaic oration of Isokrates, the
master of Ephorus—the facts of an unknown period so colored as to suit an ideal
of haughty Dorian exclusiveness.
as Eurysthenes and Prokles appear, in the picture of
Ephorus, to carry their authority at once over the whole of Laconia, so too
does Kresphontes over the whole of Messenia—over the entire south-western
region of Peloponnesus, westward of Mount Taygetus and Cape Taenarus, and southward of the river Neda.
He sends an envoy to Pylus and Rhium,
the western and southern portions of the south-western promontory of
Peloponnesus, treating the entire territory as if it were one sovereignty, and
inviting the inhabitants to submit under equal laws. But it has already been
observed that this supposed oneness and indivisibility is not less uncertified
in regard to Messenia than in regard to Laconia. How large a proportion of the
former territory these kings of Stenyklerus may have ruled, we have no means of
determining, but there were certainly portions of it which they did not
rule—not merely during the reign of Teleklus at
Sparta, but still later, during the first Messenian war. For not only we are
informed that Teleklus established three townships, Poieessa, Echeiae, and Tragium, near the Messenian gulf and on the course of the
river Nedon, but we read also a farther matter of evidence
in the roll of Olympic victors. Every competitor for the prize at one of these
great festivals was always entered as member of some autonomous Hellenic
community, which constituted his title to approach the lists: if successful, he
was proclaimed with the name of the community to which he belonged. Now, during
the first ten Olympiads seven winners are proclaimed as Messenians; in the
eleventh Olympiad we find the name of Oxythemis, Koronaeus— Oxythemis, not of Koroneia in Boeotia, but of Korone in the western bend of the Messenian gulf, some miles on the right bank of the Pamisus, and a considerable distance to the north of the
modern Coron. Now, if Korone had then been
comprehended in Messenia, Oxythemis would have been
proclaimed as a Messenian, like the seven winners who preceded him; and the
fact of his being proclaimed as a Koronaean proves
that Korone was then an independent community, not
under the dominion of the Dorians of Stenyklerus. It seems clear, therefore,
that the latter did not reign over the whole territory commonly known as
Messenia, though we are unable to assign the proportion of it which they
actually possessed.
Olympic festival, in its origin doubtless a privilege of the neighboring Pisatans, seems to have derived its great and gradually
expanding importance from the Aetolo-Eleian
settlement in Peloponnesus, combined with the Dorians of Laconia and Messenia. Lykurgus of Sparta and Iphitus of Elis are alleged to have joined their efforts for the purpose of
establishing both the sanctity of the Olympic truce and the inviolability of
the Eleian territory. Hence, though this tale is not to be construed as matter
of fact, we may see that the Lacedaemonians regarded the Olympic games as a
portion of their own antiquities. Moreover, it is certain both that the dignity
of the festival increased simultaneously with their ascendency, and that their
peculiar fashions were very early introduced into the practice of the Olympic
competitors. Probably the three bands of co-operating invaders, Aetolians and
Spartan and Messenian Dorians, may have adopted this festival as a periodical
renovation of mutual union and fraternity; from which cause the games became an
attractive center for the western portion of Peloponnesus, before they were
much frequented by people from the eastern, or still more from extra-Peloponnesian
Hellas. For it cannot be altogether accidental, when we read the names of the
first twelve proclaimed Olympic victors (occupying nearly half a century from 776 b.c. downward), to find that seven of them are Messenians, three Eleians, one from Dyme in Achaia, and one from Korone;
while after the twelfth Olympiad, Corinthians and Megarians and Epidaurians begin to occur, later still,
extra-Peloponnesian victors. We may reasonably infer from hence that the
Olympic ceremonies were at this early period chiefly frequented by visitors and
competitors from the western regions of Peloponnesus, and that the affluence to
them from the more distant parts of the Hellenic world did not become
considerable until the first Messenian war had dosed.
thus set forth toe conjectures, to which our very scanty knowledge points,
respecting the first establishment of the Aetolian and Dorian settlements in
Elis, Laconia, and Messenia, connected as they are with the steadily-increasing
dignity and frequentation of the Olympic festival, I proceed in the next
chapter to that memorable circumstance which both determined the character and
brought about the political ascendency, of the Spartans separately—I mean die
laws and discipline of Lykurgus.
the pre-existing inhabitants of Laconia and Messenia, whom we are accustomed to
call Achaeans and Pylians, so little is known, that
we cannot at all measure the difference between them and their Dorian invaders,
either in dialect, in habits, or in intelligence. There appear no traces of any
difference of dialect among the various parts of the population of Laconia; the
Messenian allies of Athens, in the Peloponnesian war, speak the same dialect as
the Helots, and the same also as the Ambrakiotic colonists from Corinth—all Doric. Nor me we to suppose that the Doric dialect
was at all peculiar to the people called Dorians. As far as can be made out by
the evidence of inscriptions, it seems to have been Ike dialect of the Phokians, Delphians, Lokrians, Aetolians,
and Achaeans of Phthiotis; with respect to the
latter, the inscriptions of Thaumaki in Achaea Phthiotis afford a proof the more curious and the more cogent
of native dialect, because the Phthiots were both
immediate neighbors and subjects of the Thessalians, who spoke a variety of the Awolic. So too, within Peloponnesus, we find
evidences of Doric dialect among the Achaeans in the north of Peloponnesus—the Dryopic inhabitants of Hermione—and the Eleuthero-Lacones, or Laconian townships (compounded of Perioeki and Helots), emancipated by the Romans in the
second century me. Concerning the speech of that population whom the invading
Dorians found in Laconia, we have no means of judging; the presumption would
rather be that it did not differ materially from the Doric. Thucydides
designates the Corinthians, whom the invading Dorians attacked from the hill Solygeius, as being Aeolians, and Strabo speaks both of the
Achaeans as an Aeolic nation and of the Aeolic dialect as having been
originally preponderant in Peloponnesus. But we do not readily see what means
of information either of these authors possessed respecting the speech of a
time which must have been four centuries anterior even to Thucydides.
that which is called the Aeolic dialect there are three marked and
distinguishable varieties—the Lesbian, the Thessalian, and the Boeotian; the
Thessalian forming a mean term between the other two. Ahrens has shown that the
ancient grammatical critics are accustomed to affirm peculiarities, as
belonging to the Aeolic dialect generally, which in truth belong only to the
Lesbian variety of it, or critics attentively studied. Lesbian, Aeolic,
Thessalian Aeolic, and Boeotian Aeolic, are all different; and if, abstracting
from these differences, we confine our attention to that which is common to all
three, we shall find little to distinguish this abstract Aeolic from the
abstract Doric, or that which is common to the many varieties of the Doric
dialect. These two are sisters, presenting both of them more or less the Latin
side of the Greek language, while the relationship of either of them to the
Attic and Ionic is more distant. Now it seems that (putting aside Attica) the
speech of all Greece, from Perrhaebia and Mount Olympus to Cape Malea and Cape Akritas, consisted of different varieties either of the
Doric or of the Aeolic dialect; this being true (as far as we are able to
judge) not less of the aboriginal Arcadians than of the rest. The Laconian
dialect contained more specialties of its own, and approached nearer to the
Aeolic, and to the Eleian, than any other variety of the Dorian: it stands at
the extreme of what has been classified as the strict Dorian—that is, the
farthest removed from Ionic and Attic. The Kretan towns manifest also a strict Dorism; as well as the
Lacedaemonian colony of Tarentum, and seemingly most of the italiotic Greeks, though some of them are called Achaean
colonies. Most of the other varieties of the Doric dialect (Phokian, Lokrian, Delphian, Achaean of Phthiotis)
exhibit a form departing less widely from the Ionic and Attic: Argos and the
towns in the Argolic peninsula seem to form a
stepping-stone between the two.
positions represent all our scanty information respecting those varieties of
Grecian speech which are not known to us by written works. The little
presumption which can be raised upon them favors the belief that the Dorian
invaders of Laconia and Messenia found there a dialect little different from
that which they brought with them—a conclusion which it is the more necessary
to state distinctly, since the work of O. Muller has caused an exaggerated
estimate to be formed of the distinctive peculiarities whereby Dorism was parted off from the rest of Hellas.