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I HAVE described in the last two chapters, as far as our imperfect
evidence permits, how Sparta came into possession both of the southern portion
of Laconia along the coast of the Eurotas down to its mouth, and of the
Messenian territory westward. Her progress towards Arcadia and Argolis is now
to be sketched, so as to conduct her to that position which she occupied during
the reign of Pisistratus at Athens, or about 560-540 BC, a time when she had
reached the maximum of her territorial possessions, and when she was
confessedly the commanding state in Hellas
The central region of Peloponnesus, called Arcadia, had never received
any emigrants from without. Its indigenous inhabitants, a strong and hardy race
of mountaineers, the most numerous Hellenic tribe in the peninsula, and the
constant hive for mercenary troops, were among the rudest and poorest of Greeks,
retaining for the longest period their original subdivision into a number of
petty hill-villages, each independent of the other; while the union of all who
bore the Arcadian name, though they had some common sacrifices, such as the
festival of the Lykaean Zeus, of Despoina, daughter
of Poseidon and Demeter, and of Artemis Hymnia, was
more loose and ineffective than that of Greeks generally, either in or out of
Peloponnesus. The Arcadian villagers were usually denominated by the names of
regions, coincident with certain ethnical subdivisions, the Azanes,
the Parrhasii, the Maenalii (adjoining Mount Maenalus), the Eutresii,
the Aegytae, the Skiritae,
etc. Some considerable towns, however, there were, aggregations of villages or
demes which had been once autonomous. Of these, the principal were Tegea and Mantinea,
bordering on Laconia and Argolis, Orchomenus, Pheneus,
and Stymphalus, towards the north-east, bordering on
Achaia and Phlius, Kleitor and Heraea, westward,
where the country is divided from Elis and Triphylia by the woody mountains of
Pholoe and Erymanthus, and Phigaleia, on the
south-western border near to Messenia. The most powerful of all were Tegea and Mantinea,
conterminous towns, nearly equal in force, dividing between them the cold and
high plain of Tripolitza, and separated by one of those capricious torrents
which only escapes through katabothra. To regulate the efflux of this water was
a difficult task, requiring friendly cooperation of both the towns : and when
their frequent jealousies brought on a quarrel, the more aggressive of the two
inundated the territory of its neighbor as one means of annoyance. The power of
Tegea, which had grown up out of nine constituent townships, originally
separate, appears to have been more ancient than that of its rival; as we may
judge from its splendid heroic pretensions connected with the name of Echemus, and from the post conceded to its hoplites in
joint Peloponnesian armaments, which was second in distinction only to that of
the Lacedaemonians.
If it be correct, as Strabo asserts, that the incorporation of the town
of Mantinea, out of its five separate demes, was brought about by the Argeians,
we may conjecture that the latter adopted this proceeding as a means of
providing some check upon their powerful neighbors of Tegea. The plain common
to Tegea and Mantinea was bounded to the west by the wintry heights of Maenalus, beyond which, as far as the boundaries of
Laconia, Messenia, and Triphylia, there was nothing in Arcadia but small and
unimportant townships, or villages, without any considerable town, before the
important step taken by Epaminondas in founding Megalopolis, a short time after
the battle of Leuctra. The mountaineers of these regions, who joined Epaminondas
before the battle of Mantinea, at a time when Mantinea and most of the towns of
Arcadia were opposed to him, were so inferior to the other Greeks in equipment,
that they still carried as their chief weapon, in place of the spear, nothing
better than the ancient club.
Both Tegea and Mantinea held several of these smaller Arcadian townships
near them in a sort of dependence, and were anxious to extend this empire over
others : during the Peloponnesian war, we find the Mantineans establishing and garrisoning a fortress at Kypsela among the Parrhasii, near the site in which
Megalopolis was afterwards built. But at this period, Sparta, as the political
chief of Hellas, having a strong interest in keeping all the Grecian towns,
small and great, as much isolated from each other as possible, and in checking
all schemes for the formation of local confederacies, stood forward as the protectress of the autonomy of these smaller Arcadians, and
drove back the Mantineans within their own limits. At
a somewhat later period, during the acme of her power, a few years before the
battle of Leuctra, she even proceeded to the extreme length of breaking up the
unity of Mantinea itself, causing the walls to be razed, and the inhabitants to
be again parcelled into their five original demes, a
violent arrangement, which the turn of political events very soon reversed. It
was not until after the battle of Leuctra and the depression of Sparta that any
measures were taken for the formation of an Arcadian political confederacy; and
even then, the jealousies of the separate cites rendered it incomplete and
short-lived. The great permanent change, the establishment of Megalopolis, was
accomplished by the ascendency of Epaminondas. Forty petty Arcadian townships,
among those situated to the west of Mount Maenalus,
were aggregated into the new city: the jealousies of Tegea, Mantinea, and Kleitor, were for a while suspended; and oekists came from all of them, as well as from the
districts of the Maenalii and Parrhasii,
in order to impart to the new establishment a genuine Pan-Arcadian character.
It was thus there arose for the first time a powerful city on the borders of
Laconia and Messenia, rescuing the Arcadian townships from their dependence on
Sparta, and imparting to them political interests of their own, which rendered
them, both a check upon their former chief and a support to the reestablished
It has been necessary thus to bring the attention of the reader for one
moment to events long posterior in the order of time (Megalopolis was founded
in 370 BC), in order that he may understand, by contrast, the general course of
those incidents of the earlier time, where direct accounts are wanting. The
northern boundary of the Spartan territory was formed by some of the many small
Arcadian townships or districts, several of which were successively conquered
by the Spartans and incorporated with their dominion, though at what precise
time we are unable to say. We are told that Charilaus, the reputed nephew and
ward of Lycurgus, took Aegys, and that he also
invaded the territory of Tegea, but with singular ill-success, for he was
defeated and taken prisoner : we also hear that the Spartans took Phigaleia by
surprise in the 30th Olympiad, but were driven out again by the neighboring
Arcadian Oresthasians. During the second Messenian
war, the Arcadians are represented as cordially seconding the Messenians : and
it may seem perhaps singular that, while neither Mantineia nor Tegea are mentioned in this war, the more distant town of Orchomenus, with
its Aristocrates, takes the lead. But the facts of the contest come before us
with so poetical a coloring, that we cannot venture to draw any positive
inference as to the times to which they are referred.
Oenus and Karystus seem to have belonged to the Spartans in the days of Alkman : moreover, the district called Skiritis, bordering
on the territory of Tegea, as well as Belemina and Maleatis to the westward, and Karyae to the eastward and southeastward, of Skiritis, forming altogether the entire
northern frontier of Sparta, and all occupied by Arcadian inhabitants, had been
conquered and made part of the Spartan territory before 600 BC. And Herodotus
tells us, that at this period the Spartan kings Leon and Hegesikles contemplated nothing less than the conquest of entire Arcadia, and sent to ask
from the Delphian oracle a blessing on their enterprise. The priestess dismissed
their wishes as extravagant, in reference to the whole of Arcadia, but
encouraged them, though with the usual equivocations of language, to try their
fortune against Tegea. Flushed with their course of previous success, not less
than by the favorable construction which they put upon the words of the oracle,
the Lacedaemonians marched against Tegea with such entire confidence of
success, as to carry with them chains for the purpose of binding their expected
prisoners. But the result was disappointment and defeat. They were repulsed
with loss, and the prisoners whom they left behind, bound in the very chains
which their own army had brought, were constrained to servile labor on the
plain of Tegea, the words of the oracle being thus literally fulfilled, though
in a sense different from that in which the Lacedaemonians had first understood
For one whole generation, we are told, they were constantly unsuccessful
in their campaigns against the Tegeans, and this
strenuous resistance probably prevented them from extending their conquests
farther among the petty states of Arcadia.
At length, in the reign of Anaxandrides and
Aristo, the successors of Leon and Hegesikles (about
56O BC), the Delphian oracle, in reply to a question from the Spartans, which
of the gods they ought to propitiate in order to become victorious, enjoined
them to find and carry to Sparta the bones of Orestes, son of Agamemnon. After
a vain search, since they did not know where the body of Orestes was to be
found, they applied to the oracle for more specific directions, and were told
that the son of Agamemnon was buried at Tegea itself, in a place where two
blasts were blowing under powerful constraint, where there was stroke and
counter-stroke, and destruction upon destruction". These mysterious words
were elucidated by a lucky accident.
During a truce with Tegea, Lichas, one of the
chiefs of the three hundred Spartan chosen youth, who acted as the movable
police of the country under the ephors, visited the place, and entered the
forge of a blacksmith, who mentioned to him, in the course of conversation,
that, in sinking a well in his outer court, he had recently discovered a coffin
containing a body seven cubits long; astounded at the sight, he had left it
there undisturbed. It struck Lichas that the gigantic
relic of aforetime could be nothing else but the corpse of Orestes, and he felt
assured of this, when he reflected how accurately the indications of the oracle
were verified; for there were the "two blasts blowing by constraint",
in the two bellows of the blacksmith : there was the "stroke and
counter-stroke", in his hammer and anvil, as well as the “destruction upon
destruction”, in the murderous weapons which he was forging. Lichas said nothing, but returned to Sparta with his
discovery, which he communicated to the authorities, who, by a concerted
scheme, banished him under a pretended criminal accusation. He then returned
again to Tegea, under the guise of an exile, prevailed upon the blacksmith to
let to him the premises, and when he found himself in possession, dug up and
carried off to Sparta the bones of the venerated hero.
From and after this fortunate acquisition, the character of the contest
was changed; the Spartans found themselves constantly victorious over the Tegeans. But it does not seem that these victories led to
any positive result, though they might perhaps serve to enforce the practical
conviction of Spartan superiority; for the territory of Tegea remained
unimpaired, and its autonomy noway restrained. During
the Persian invasion, Tegea appears as the willing ally of Lacedaemon, and as
the second military power in the Peloponnesus; and we may fairly presume that
it was chiefly the strenuous resistance of the Tegeans which prevented the Lacedaemonians from extending their empire over the larger
portion of the Arcadian communities. These latter always maintained their
independence, though acknowledging Sparta as the presiding power in
Peloponnesus, and obeying her orders implicitly as to the disposal of their
military force. And the influence which Sparta thus possessed over all Arcadia
was one main item in her power, never seriously shaken until the battle of
Leuctra; which took away her previous means of insuring success and plunder to
her minor followers.
Having thus related the extension of the power of Sparta on her northern
or Arcadian frontier, it remains to mention her acquisitions on the eastern and
north-eastern side, towards Argos. Originally, as has been before stated, not
merely the province of Kynuria and the Thyreatis, but
also the whole coast down to the promontory of Malea,
had either been part of the territory of Argos or belonged to the Argeian confederacy. We learn from Herodotus, that before
the time when the embassy from Croesus, king of Lydia, came to solicit aid in
Greece (about 547 BC), the whole of this territory had fallen into the power of
Sparta; but how long before, or at what precise epoch, we have no information.
A considerable victory is said to have been gained by the Argeians over the
Spartans in the 27th Olympiad or 669 BC, at Hysiae,
on the road between Argos and Tegea. At that time it does not seem probable
that Kynuria could have been in the possession of the
Spartans, so that we must refer the acquisition to some period in the following
century; though Pausanias places it much earlier, during the reign of
Theopompus, and Eusebius connects it with the first establishment of the
festival called Gymnopsaedia at Sparta, in 678 BC.
About the year 547 BC, the Argeians made an effort to reconquer Thyrea
from Sparta, which led to a combat long memorable in the annals of Grecian
heroism. It was agreed between the two powers that the possession of this
territory should be determined by a combat of three hundred select champions on
each side; the armies of both retiring, in order to leave the field clear. So
undaunted and so equal was the valor of these two chosen companies, that the
battle terminated by leaving only three of them alive, Alkenor and Chromius among the Argeians. Othryades among the
Spartans. The two Argeians warriors hastened home to report their victory, but
Othryades remained on the field, carried off the arms of the enemy’s dead into
the Spartan camp, and kept his position until he was joined by his countrymen
the next morning. Both Argos and Sparta claimed the victory for their
respective champions, and the dispute after all was decided by a general
conflict, in which the Spartans were the conquerors, though not without much
slaughter on both sides. The brave Othryades, ashamed to return home as the
single survivor of the three hundred, fell upon his own sword on the field of
This defeat decided the possession of Thyrea, which did not again pass,
until a very late period of Grecian history, under (he power of Argos. The
preliminary duel of three hundred, with its uncertain issue, though well
established as to the general fact, was represented by the Argeians in a manner
totally different from the above story, which seems to have been current among
the Lacedaemonians. But the most remarkable circumstance is, that more than a
century afterwards, when the two powers were negotiating for a renewal of the
then expiring truce, the Argeians, still hankering after this their ancient
territory, desired the Lacedaemonians to submit the question to arbitration;
which being refused, they next stipulated for the privilege of trying the point
in dispute by a duel similar to the former, at any time except during the
prevalence of war or of epidemic disease. The historian tells us that the
Lacedaemonians acquiesced in this proposition, though they thought it absurd,
in consequence of their anxiety to keep their relations with Argos at that time
smooth and pacific. But there is no reason to imagine that the real duel, in
which Othryades contended, was considered as absurd at the time when it took
place, or during the age immediately succeeding. It fell in with a sort of
chivalrous pugnacity which is noticed among the attributes of the early Greeks,
and also with various legendary exploits, such as the single combat of Echemus and Hyllus, of Melanthus
and Xanthus, of Menelaus and Paris, etc. Moreover, the heroism of Othryades and
his countrymen was a popular theme for poets, not only at the Spartan gymnopaedia, but also elsewhere, and appears to have been
frequently celebrated. The absurdity attached to this proposition, then, during
the Peloponnesian war, in the minds even of the Spartans, the most
old-fashioned and unchanging people in Greece, is to be ascribed to a change in
the Grecian political mind, at and after the Persian war. The habit of
political calculation had made such decided progress among them, that the
leading states especially had become familiarized with something like a
statesmanlike view of their resources, their dangers, and their obligations.
How lamentably deficient this sort of sagacity was during the Persian invasion,
will appear when we come to describe that imminent crisis of Grecian
independence : but the events of those days were well calculated to sharpen it
for the future, and the Greeks of the Peloponnesian war had become far more
refined political schemers than their forefathers. And thus it happened that
the proposition to settle a territorial dispute by a duel of chosen champions,
admissible and even becoming a century before, came afterwards to be derided as
The inhabitants of Kynuria are stated by
Herodotus to have been Ionians, but completely Dorized through their long subjection to Argos, by whom they were governed as Perioeki.
Pausanias gives a different account of their race, which he traces to the
eponymous hero Kynurus, son of Perseus : but he does
not connect them with the Kynurians whom he mentions
in another place as a portion of the inhabitants of Arcadia. It is evident
that, even in the time of Herodotus, the traces of their primitive descent were
nearly effaced. He says they were “Orneates and Perioeki”
to Argos; and it appears that the inhabitants of Orneae also, whom Argos had reduced to the same dependent condition, traced their
eponymous hero to an Ionic stock, Orneus, the son of
the Attic Erechtheus. Strabo seems to have conceived the Kynurians as occupying originally, not only the frontier district of Argolis and Laconia,
wherein Thyrea is situated, but also the northwestern portion of Argolis, under
the ridge called Lyrkeium, which separates the latter
from the Arcadian territory of Stimphalus. This ridge
was near the town of Orneae, which lay on the border
of Argolis near the confines of Phlius; so that Strabo thus helps to confirm
the statement of Herodotus, that the Orneates were a
portion of Kynurians, held by Argos along with the
other Kynurians in the condition of dependent allies
and Perioeki, and very probably also of Ionian origin.
The conquest of Thyrea (a district valuable to the Lacedaemonians, as we
may presume from the large booty which the Argeians got from it during the
Peloponnesian war) was the last territorial acquisition made by Sparta. She was
now possessed of a continuous dominion, comprising the whole southern portion of
the Peloponnesus, from the southern bank of the river Nedon on the western coast, to the northern boundary of Thyreatis on the eastern
coast. The area of her territory, including as it did both Laconia and
Messenia, was equal to two-fifths of the entire peninsula, all governed from
the single city, and for the exclusive purpose and benefit of the citizens of
Sparta. Within all this wide area there was not a single community pretending
to independent agency. The townships of the Perioeki, and the villages of the
Helots, were each individually unimportant; nor do we hear of any one of them
presuming to treat with a foreign state : both consider themselves as nothing
else but subjects of the Spartan ephors and their subordinate officers. They
are indeed discontented subjects, hating as well as fearing their masters, and
not to be trusted if a favorable opportunity for secure revolt presents itself.
But no individual township or district is strong enough to stand up for itself,
while combinations among them are prevented by the habitual watchfulness and
unscrupulous precautions of the ephors, especially by that jealous secret
police called the Krypteia, to which allusion has
already been made.
Not only, therefore, was the Spartan territory larger and its population
more numerous than that of any other state in Hellas, but its government was
also more completely centralized and more strictly obeyed. Its source of
weakness was the discontent of its Perioeki and Helots, the latter of whom were
not like the slaves of other states imported barbarians from different
countries, and speaking a broken Greek, but genuine Hellens,
of one dialect and lineage, sympathizing with each other, and as much entitled
to the protection of Zeus Hellanius as their masters,
from whom, indeed, they stood distinguished by no other line except the perfect
training, individual and collective, which was peculiar to the Spartans. During
the period on which we are at present dwelling, it does not seem that this
discontent comes sensibly into operation; but we shall observe its
manifestations very unequivocally after the Persian and during the
Peloponnesian war.
To such auxiliary causes of Spartan predominance we must add another,
the excellent military position of Sparta, and the unassailable character of
Laconia generally. On three sides that territory is washed by the sea, with a
coast remarkably dangerous and destitute of harbors; hence Sparta had nothing
to apprehend from this quarter until the Persian invasion and its consequences,
one of the most remarkable of which was, the astonishing development of the Athenian
naval force. The city of Sparta, far removed from the sea, was admirably
defended by an almost impassable northern frontier, composed of those districts
which we have observed above to have been conquered from Arcadia, Karyatis, Skiritis, Maleatis, and Beleraminatis. The difficulty as well as danger of
marching into Laconia by these mountain passes, noticed by Euripides, was
keenly felt by every enemy of the Lacedaemonians, and has been powerfully
stated by a first-rate modern observer, Colonel Leake.
No site could be better chosen for holding the key of all the penetrable passes
than that of Sparta. This well-protected frontier was a substitute more than
sufficient for fortifications to Sparta itself, which always maintained, down
to the times of the despot Nabis, its primitive aspect of a group of adjacent
hill-villages rather than a regular city.
When, along with such territorial advantages, we contemplate the
personal training peculiar to the Spartan citizens, as yet undiminished in
their numbers, combined with the effect of that training upon Grecian
sentiment, in inspiring awe and admiration, we shall not be surprised to find
that, during the half-century which elapsed between the year 600 BC and the
final conquest of Thyreatis from Argos, Sparta had acquired and begun to
exercise a recognized ascendency over all the Grecian states. Her military
force was at that time superior to that of any of the rest, in a degree much
greater than it afterwards came to be; for other states had not yet attained their
maximum, and Athens in particular was far short of the height which she
afterwards reached. In respect to discipline as well as number, the Spartan
military force had even at this early period reached a point which it did not
subsequently surpass; while in Athens, Thebes, Argos, Arcadia, and even Elis
(as will be hereafter shown), the military training in later days received
greater attention, and improved considerably. The Spartans (observes Aristotle)
brought to perfection their gymnastic training and their military discipline,
at a time when other Greeks neglected both the one and the other : their early
superiority was that of the trained men over the untrained, and ceased in
after-days, when other states came to subject their citizens to systematic
exercises of analogous character or tendency. This fact, the early period at
which Sparta attained her maximum of discipline, power, and territory, is
important to bear in mind, when we are explaining the general acquiescence
which her ascendency met with in Greece, and which her subsequent acts would
certainly not have enabled her to earn. That acquiescence first began, and
became a habit of the Grecian mind, at a time when Sparta had no rival to come
near her, when she had completely shot ahead of Argos, and when the vigor of
the Lycurgean discipline had been manifested in a long series of conquests,
made during the stationary period of other states, and ending only, to use the
somewhat exaggerated phrase of Herodotus, when she had subdued the greater part
of Peloponnesus.
Our accounts of the memorable military organization of Sparta are
scanty, and insufficient to place the details of it clearly before us. The arms
of the Spartans, as to all material points, were not different from those of
other Greek hoplites. But one grand peculiarity is observable from the
beginning, as an item in the Lycurgean institutions. That lawgiver established
military divisions quite distinct from the civil divisions, whereas in the
other states of Greece, until a period much later than that which we have now
reached, the two were confounded, the hoplites or horsemen of the same tribe or
ward being marshaled together on the field of battle. Every Lacedaemonian was
bound to military service from the age of twenty to sixty, and the ephors, when
they sent forth an expedition, called to arms all the men within some given
limit of age. Herodotus tells us that Lycurgus established both the syssitia, or public mess, and the enomoties and triakads, or the military subdivisions peculiar
to Sparta.
The triakads are not mentioned elsewhere, nor
can we distinctly make out what they were; but the enomoty was the special characteristic of the system, and the pivot upon which all its
arrangements turned. It was a small company of men, the number of whom was
variable, being given differently at twenty-five, thirty-two, or thirty-six
men, drilled and practised together in military
evolutions, and bound to each other by a common oath. Each enomoty had a separate captain, or enomotarch, the strongest
and ablest soldier of the company, who always occupied the front rank, and led
the enomoty when it marched in single file, giving
the order of march, as well as setting the example. If the enomoty was drawn up in three, or four, or six files, the enomotarch usually occupied the front post on the left, and care was taken that both the
front-rank men and the rear-rank men, of each file, should be soldiers of
particular merit.
It was upon these small companies that the constant and severe
Lacedaemonian drilling was brought to act. They were taught to march in
concert, to change rapidly from line to file, to wheel right or left in such
manner as that the enomotarch and the other protostates, or front-rank men, should always be the
persons immediately opposed to the enemy. Their step was regulated by the fife,
which played in martial measures peculiar to Sparta, and was employed in actual
battle as well as in military practice; and so perfectly were they habituated
to the movements of the enomoty, that, if their order
was deranged by any adverse accident, scattered soldiers could spontaneously
form themselves into the same order, each man knowing perfectly the duties
belonging to the place into which chance had thrown him
Above the enomoty were several larger
divisions, the pentekostys, the lochus,
and the mora, of which latter there seem to have been
six in all. Respecting the number of each division, and the proportion of the
larger to the smaller, we find statements altogether different, yet each
resting upon good authority, so that we are driven to suppose that there was no
peremptory standard, and that the enomoty comprised
twenty-five, thirtytwo, or thirty-six men; the pentekostys, two or four enomoties;
the lochus, two or four pentekosties,
and the mora, four hundred, five hundred, six
hundred, or nine hundred men, at different times, or according to the limits of
age which the ephors might prescribe for the men whom they called into the
What remains fixed in the system is, first, the small number, though varying
within certain limits, of the elementary company called enomoty,
trained to act together, and composed of men nearly of the same age, in which
every man knew his place; secondly, the scale of divisions and the hierarchy of
officers, each rising above the other, the enomotarch,
the pentekonter, the lochage,
and the polemarch, or commander of the mora, each having the charge of their respective divisions.
Orders were transmitted from the king, as commander-in-chief, through the polemarchs to the lochages, from
the lochages to the pentekonters,
and then from the latter to the enomotarchs, each of
whom caused them to be executed by his enomoty. As
all these men had been previously trained to the duties of their respective
stations, the Spartan infantry possessed the arrangements and aptitudes of a
standing army. Originally, they seem to have had no cavalry at all, and when
cavalry was at length introduced into their system, it was of a very inferior
character, no provision having been made for it in the Lycurgean training. But
the military force of the other cities of Greece, even down to the close of the
Peloponnesian war, enjoyed little or no special training, having neither any
small company like the enomoty, consisting of
particular men drilled to act together, no fixed and disciplined officers, nor
triple scale of subordination and subdivision.
Gymnastics, and the use of arms, made a part of education everywhere,
and it is to be presumed that no Grecian hoplite was entirely without some
practice of marching in line and military evolutions, inasmuch as the
obligation to serve was universal and often enforced. But such practice was
casual and unequal, nor had any individual of Argos or Athens a fixed military
place and duty. The citizen took arms among his tribe, under a taxiarch, chosen from it for the occasion, and was placed
in a rank or line wherein neither his place nor his immediate neighbors were
predetermined. The tribe appears to have been the only military classification
known to Athens, and the taxiarch the only tribe
officer for infantry, as the phylarch was for
cavalry, under the general-in-chief. Moreover, orders from the general were
proclaimed to the line collectively by a herald of loud voice, not communicated
to the taxiarch so as to make him responsible for the
proper execution of them by his division. With an arrangement thus perfunctory
and unsystematized, we shall be surprised to find how
well the military duties were often performed: but every Greek who contrasted
it with the symmetrical structure of the Lacedaemonian armed force, and with
the laborious preparation of every Spartan for his appropriate duty, felt an
internal sentiment of inferiority, which made him willingly accept the headship
of "these professional artists in the business of war", as they are
often denominated.
It was through the concurrence of these various circumstances that the
willing acknowledgment of Sparta as the leading state of Hellas became a part
of Grecian habitual sentiment, during the interval between about 600 BC and 547
BC. During this period too, chiefly, Greece and her colonies were ripening into
a sort of recognized and active partnership. The common religious assemblies,
which bound the parts together, not only acquired greater formality and more
extended development, but also became more numerous and frequent, while the
Pythian, Isthmian, and Nemean games were exalted into
a national importance, approaching to that of the Olympic. The recognized
superiority of Sparta thus formed part and parcel of the first historical
aggregation of the Grecian states. It was about the year 547 BC, that Croesus
of Lydia, when pressed by Cyrus and the Persians, solicited aid from Greece,
addressing himself to the Spartans as confessed presidents of the whole
Hellenic body. And the tendencies then at work, towards a certain degree of
increased intercourse and cooperation among the dispersed members of the
Hellenic name, were doubtless assisted by the existence of a state recognized by
all as the first, a state whose superiority was the more readily acquiesced in,
because it was earned by a painful and laborious discipline, which sill
admired, but none chose to copy.
Whether it be true, as O. Müller and other learned men conceive, that
the Homeric mode of fighting was the general practice in Peloponnesus and the
rest of Greece anterior to the invasion of the Dorians, and that the latter
first introduced the habit of fighting with close ranks and protended spears, is a point which cannot be determined. Throughout all our historical
knowledge of Greece, a close rank among the hoplites, charging with spears
always in hand, is the prevailing practice; though there are cases of
exception, in which the spear is hurled, when troops seem afraid of coming to
close quarters. Nor is it by any means certain, that the Homeric manner of
fighting ever really prevailed in Peloponnesus, which is a country eminently
inconvenient for the use of war-chariots. The descriptions of the bard may
perhaps have been founded chiefly upon what he and his auditors witnessed on
the coast of Asia Minor, where chariots were more employed, and where the
country was much more favorable to them. We have no historical knowledge of any
military practice in Peloponnesus anterior to the hoplites with close ranks and protended spears.
One Peloponnesian state there was, and one alone, which disdained to
acknowledge the superiority or headship of Lacedaemon. Argos never forgot that
she had once been the chief power in the peninsula, and her feeling towards
Sparta was that of a jealous, but impotent, competitor. By what steps the
decline of her power had taken place, we are unable to make out, nor can we
trace the succession of her kings subsequent to Pheidon. It has been already
stated that, about 669 BC, the Argeians gained a victory over the Spartans at Hysiae, and that they expelled from the port of Nauplia its preexisting inhabitants, who found shelter, by
favor of the Lacedaemonians, at the port of Mothone,
in Messenia. Damokratidas was then king of Argos.
Pausanias tells us that Meltas, the son of Lakides, was the last descendant of Temenus who succeeded
to this dignity; he being condemned and deposed by the people. Plutarch,
however, states that the family of the Herakleids died out, and that another king, named Aegon, was
chosen by the people at the indication of the Delphian oracle. Of this story,
Pausanias appears to have known nothing. His language implies that the kingly
dignity ceased with Meltas, wherein he is undoubtedly
mistaken, since the title existed, though probably with very limited functions,
at the time of the Persian war. Moreover, there is some ground for presuming
that the king of Argos was even at that time a Herakleid,
since the Spartans offered to him a third part of the command of the Hellenic
force, conjointly with their own two kings.
The conquest of Thyreatis by the Spartans deprived the Argeians of a
valuable portion of their Perioekis, or dependent
territory; but Orneae, and the remaining portion of Kynuria, still continued to belong to them; the plain round
their city was very productive; and except Sparta, there was no other power in
Peloponnesus superior to them. Mycenae and Tiryns, nevertheless, seem both to
have been independent states at the time of the Persian war, since both sent
contingents to the battle of Plataea, at a time when Argos held aloof and
rather favored the Persians. At what time Kleonae became the ally, or
dependent, of Argos, we cannot distinctly make out. During the Peloponnesian
war, it is numbered in that character along with Orneae;
but it seems not to have lost its autonomy about the year 470 BC, at which
period Pindar represents the Kleonaeans as presiding
and distributing prizes at the Nemean games. The
grove of Nemea was less than two miles from their town, and they were the
original presidents of this great festival, a function of which they were
subsequently robbed by the Argeians. in the same manner as the Pisatans had
been treated by the Eleians with reference to the Olympic Agon.
The extinction of the autonomy of Kleonae and the acquisition of the presidency
of the Nemean festival by Argos, were doubtless
simultaneous, but we are unable to mark the exact time; for the statement of
Eusebius, that the Argeians celebrated the Nemean festival as early as the 53d Olympiad, or 568 BC, is contradicted by the more
valuable evidence of Pindar.
Of Corinth and Sicyon it will be more convenient to speak when we survey
what is called the Age of the Tyrants, or Despots; and of the inhabitants of
Achaia (who occupied the southern coast of the Corinthian gulf, westward of
Sicyon, as far as Cape Araxus, the north-western
point of Peloponnesus), a few words exhaust our whole knowledge, down to the
time at which we are arrived. These Achaeans are given to us as representing
the ante-Dorian inhabitants of Laconia, whom the legend affirms to have retired
under Tisamenus to the northern parts of Peloponnesus, from whence they expelled
the preexisting Ionians and occupied the country. The race of their kings is
said to have lasted from Tisamenus down to Ogygus,
how long we do not know. After the death of the latter, the Achaean towns
formed each a separate republic, but with periodical festivals and sacrifice at
the temple of Zeus Homarius, affording opportunity of
settling differences and arranging their common concerns. Of these towns,
twelve are known from Herodotus and Strabo, Pellene, Aegira, Aegas, Bura, Helike, Aegium, Rhypes, Patrae, Pharae,
Olenus, Dyme, Tritaea. But
there must originally have been some other autonomous towns besides these
twelve; for in the 23d Olympiad, Ikarus of Hyperesia was proclaimed as victor, and there seems good
reason to believe that Hyperesia, an old town of the
Homeric Catalogue, was in Achaia.
It is affirmed that, before the Achaean occupation of the country, the
Ionians had dwelt in independent villages, several of which were subsequently
aggregated into towns thus Patrae was formed by a coalescence of seven
villages, Dyme from eight (one of which was named Teuthea), and Aegium also from
seven or eight. But all these towns were small, and some of them underwent a
farther junction one with the other; thus Aegae was
joined with Aegeira, and Olenus with Dyme. All the authors seem disposed to recognize twelve
cities, and no more, in Achaia; for Polybius, still adhering to that number,
substitutes Leontium and Keryneia in place of Aegae and Rhypes; Pausanias gives Keryneia in place of
Patrae. We hear of no facts respecting these Achaean towns until a short time
before the Peloponnesian war, and even then their part was inconsiderable.
The greater portion of the territory comprised under the name of Achaia
was mountain, forming the northern descent of those high ranges, passable only
through very difficult gorges, which separate the country from Arcadia to the
south, and which throw out various spurs approaching closely to the gulf of
Corinth. A strip of flat land, with white clayey soil, often very fertile,
between these mountains and the sea, formed the plain of each of the Achaean
towns, which were situated for the most part upon steep outlying eminences
overhanging it. From the mountains between Achaia and Arcadia, numerous streams
flow into the Corinthian gulf, but few of them are perennial, and the whole
length of coast is represented as harborless.