Europe in the XVI century |
UPON the death of Henry of Valois, Henry of Bourbon succeeded to a
dubious heritage and a distracted kingdom. His ancestral right to the temporal
throne was clear; but, before a Calvinist could be accepted as Most Christian
King and eldest son of the Church, a new definition of Church and Christian
would be required. As a party leader he inherited all the difficulties which
beset Henry III as well as those of his own position. His opponents commanded
the sympathy of the great majority in France. The organization of their League was effective and all-pervading. The great towns, with few
exceptions, were on their side. The family interest of Guise, though it alarmed
and alienated a considerable part of the French nobility, had grown by fifty
years of active political work to rival the monarchy itself. The Parlements, which during the troubles had arrogated to
themselves an extensive political control, had been captured by the League,
and the royalist minorities had been compelled to secede. The Sorbonne contributed
the prestige of theological authority to combat the claims of a heretic: a
heretic relapsed. The lower clergy threw their considerable influence and
damaging activity on the same side. The most experienced administrators added
the weight of their support; and the rank and file of office-holders shared
the views of the majority. Outside the kingdom, the Pope might be expected to
give moral if not material assistance. The Leaguers were secure of aid from the
most powerful European monarch, and had recognized claims upon his treasury.
Among Henry's possible allies, Elizabeth was cautious and chary, the United
Provinces were embarrassed and exhausted, the German Princes disorganized, divided, and for the most part poor. The King
of Spain had all his resources at his own command, and it was not his habit to
let expenditure wait upon revenue.
But chance had granted one signal opportunity to Henry. In the camps at Meudon and Saint-Cloud were assembled all that was left of
the faithful royalist nobility, all that royal promises and prestige had
availed to collect of foreign assistance, and all that the name of Henry of
Navarre and the credit of the Reformed religion had been able to contribute to
this singular alliance. By the exercise of conspicuous tact, the new King
contrived to propitiate the Catholic nobility (some, like Biron,
by material concessions, others by holding out hopes of conversion) without
alienating the bulk of his Protestant followers. The army which Henry led into
Normandy, though weakened by important defections both on the Protestant and on
the Catholic side, was still the army of a King, not that of a mere party
leader or pretender.
The victories of Arques and Ivry were extorted from fortune by the valor and resource and energy of Henry IV. They gave time for certain favorable influences to sway the balance. The strong
royalist feeling, which still prevailed among the French nobility, was fostered
and strengthened by Henry's personal exploits. The Wars of Religion and the
disgraces and disorders and incompetence of the Valois government had indeed
done much to break down the tradition which the Capet dynasty had painfully and
slowly built up during six centuries. The example of resistance to the royal
authority had been set by the Protestants; but the formation and development of
the League had called forth opinions destructive to the monarchy more
abundantly, if anything, upon the Catholic side. The deposition of an unworthy
King, the elective character of the monarchy, the control of the King by the
Estates, the duty of resistance to tyranny, the justification, in certain
circumstances, of tyrannicide, the doctrine of a
contract between King and people that might be voided by non-fulfillment of implicit conditions or abrogated by the people's
act, the need of constitutional checks and balances, all these were topics which
lent themselves more easily to the champions of the League than to the
Protestants, who were themselves in a minority. Again, the League, with its
democratic organization in the great cities where so
much of its power lay, brought the practice of popular control and popular
government into the political arena; while the Calvinists, in spite of the
democratic aspect of their consistories and synods, were really more conservative
both in theory and in practice than the extremists of the League, and were
ready to rally to a monarchy that offered them tolerable prospects of efficient
protection. Moreover, the subversive doctrines which inspired the abundant
political literature of the time appealed rather to the bourgeois than to the
nobles, who were in fact disgusted and alarmed at the license of the citizens;
and such views found little sympathy among the higher ranks of the clergy.
Everywhere attachment to the King, though dormant, only awaited a favorable occasion to reassert its power. Thus the
monarchical tradition, though shaken by the years of disorder, still retained
its vitality, and came to the support of a King who showed himself worthy of
royalist devotion. The nobility, although their military service was
interrupted and precarious, fought brilliantly and successfully on Henry's
Again, the Gallican sentiment, chartered but not created by the
Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges, and encouraged in a less attractive form by the
Concordat of Francis I, was a force that had hitherto exercised little
influence in the struggle; but the situation was such that a conflict between
national and ultramontane could hardly be avoided. A cardinal point in the
Gallican creed was that the Pope could exercise no temporal authority in France; and papal excommunication, papal deposition of a heretic King, were probable
if not inevitable, and carried vital consequences in the temporal sphere. The Parlements were the home of Gallicanism, and, if any
question arose of the Papacy dictating the choice or the exclusion of a King,
were likely to rise in opposition. Moreover, since the Concordat of Francis I,
the King had controlled all the higher patronage of the Church; and the
prelates, through dependence on the royal favor, had become a royalist body.
Very few Bishops ever joined the League; and at the crucial time of his
conversion episcopal aid and countenance proved of
incalculable value to Henry. So long as Sixtus lived,
his cautious policy avoided anything resembling a rupture. But the violent
policy of Gregory XIV, which appeared to be dictated by Spanish proclivities,
tended to enlist all Gallican sympathies on the royalist side. His monitorials of March 1, 1591, by which Henry was
excommunicated and declared incapable of reigning, were rejected, not only by
the dissident Parlements of Chalons and Tours, but by
a weighty assembly of prelates at Chartres (September 21, 1591).
Finally, there was in France a strong national feeling which contributed
not a little to the ultimate result. The League, although in alliance with
Spain, and in receipt of Spanish subsidies, had before Ivry not shown itself decisively anti-national. The Guises were regarded by many as
foreigners, in spite of their long settlement in France; and the intention of
Henry of Guise may have been to substitute himself for Henry of Valois. But
such designs, if they existed, were prudently masked. In reliance upon foreign
aid up to the battle of Ivry there was not much to
choose between the two sides. Both sides employed foreign contingents, and
relied on foreign subsidies. But after that battle it became more and more
apparent that the cause of the League depended upon the armed and official
intervention of Spain. The blockade of Paris must have ended in the surrender
of the capital but for the march of the Duke of Parma; and similar action
frustrated the siege of Rouen. In the sittings of the Estates of 1593 the
designs of Spain were clearly exposed. Encouraged by the overtures of the
"Seize", the King of Spain put forward the claims of his daughter to
the throne of France. But the Estates, purely partisan as were the interests
represented among them, would not tolerate the proposal in any form. The hopes that Mayenne or the young Duke of Guise may have
entertained were defeated in part by the division of the family interest; but
the Salic Law proved the final and insuperable bar to all the candidates.
The Parlement declared the Salic Law
fundamental, and vital to the interests of the nation. The Estates followed
their lead. Had the Cardinal of Bourbon, only one degree further removed from
the direct succession than Henry himself, lived to secure the adhesion of the
national party, the result might have been different. But, as it was, the
dreams of League theory, that a system of election might be substituted for the
rules of succession under which France had grown to be a nation, were
conclusively relegated to the limbo of the impracticable. For the second time
in history the Salic Law, for all its frame of legal pedantry, proved itself
the safeguard of French national existence, the formula of French independence.
Henry IV (13 December 1553 – 14 May 1610) King of France from 1589 to 1610 and (as Henry III) King of Navarre from 1572 to 1610. He was the first monarch of the Bourbon branch of the Capetian dynasty in France. His parents were Queen Jeanne III and King Antoine of Navarre. |
Conversion of Henry. [1593
Again, the support of Spain, which kept Henry at a standstill for more
than two years after the battle of Ivry, brought
about by an inevitable chain of causation the solution of another problem. Both
before and after his accession Henry had professed his willingness to be
instructed, and had held out hopes that instruction might lead to conversion.
There are some reasons for believing that on the vital question of the Real
Presence his personal leanings were towards the Catholic position. At
Saint-Cloud he had opposed to demands for immediate conversion considerations
of honor. He could not, as King of France, abandon
his religious profession in response to force. The successes of Arques and Ivry seemed to have
indefinitely postponed the prospect of his change of faith. Had he been
successful before Rouen and Paris, no conversion might have ensued. But in 1593
four years' experience seemed to show that the choice lay between indefinite
prolongation of civil war and fulfillment of his
pledge. In what proportions ambition, true patriotism, and genuine conviction
contributed to Henry's decision no man can say. But his subsequent history
shows him a true friend, not only to religious toleration, but also to the
religion which he adopted. Motives of patriotism were fully sufficient to
justify some sacrifice of personal predilection. The reunion of France under a Protestant
King had been proved to be impossible. It had been proved that no King other
than Henry could hope to satisfy the national desire for a natural King. The
conversion of Henry was thus the only hope of France.
But Henry's conversion, though indispensable, was not in itself
sufficient to produce a settlement. Doubts still existed of his sincerity. The
absolution granted to him by the French prelates was only provisional; and
absolution by the Pope was necessary to complete his reconciliation with the
Church. Clement VIII, though his attitude was encouraging, was determined that
the King should knock at the door more than once before he was admitted to the
Church. Meanwhile France had to live; and daily life gave daily opportunities
for the application of minor sanatives. The military
situation remained unchanged. Henry's authority extended little further than
the area dominated by his troops and his allies. In Dauphiné his lieutenant, Lesdiguières, held the field in the
Protestant interest. In Provence the Duke of Épernon,
nominally governing under royal authority, was building up against local
opposition a power neither Leaguer nor Royalist, but private. In Languedoc the Politique Governor, Montmorency, maintained his position,
though the League was still formidable and controlled the Parlement of Toulouse. Montmorency' own attitude was doubtful; and there was reason to
believe that he aimed at establishing independent power. His loyalty was
eventually secured by the gift of the office of Constable. In the country
between Loire and Pyrenees lay Henry's ancestral domains, the lands of Navarre,
Béarn, Foix, Armagnac, Bourbon, and Albret. But the League was strong even here. Bordeaux and
the Bordeaux Parlement were for the League; Poitou
in particular was very evenly divided. North of the Loire Britanny was held by the Duke of Mercoeur with Spanish aid,
not without opposition, but with commanding superiority. Normandy was shared
between the parties; rival Parlements sat at Caen
and Rouen. Picardy was for the League and subject to Spanish influence. In the
East and Centre of France the League had scarcely been attacked. Burgundy
especially was the stronghold of Mayenne's power.
Champagne, under the government of the young Duke of Guise, acknowledged the
League. At Lyons, though the Guisard governor,
Nemours, was on bad terms with the civic community, League influence was
hitherto unimpaired. The work of reconstruction was still to be done.
In long
years of warfare men had almost ceased to desire peace; some, like Biron, were inclined to prolong the war in order that they
themselves might be indispensable; others, like the Seize, feared that peace
would bring retribution; it was first of all necessary that men should be
brought to desire security and repose. For this purpose Henry succeeded in
negotiating a truce, which was concluded on July 31, 1593, for three months,
and afterwards prolonged till the end of December. During this interval the
League began to dissolve. Individuals opened negotiations with the King, and
some minor surrenders actually took place. Lyons rose against Nemours
(September 18) and threw him into prison. One vein of contemporary thought is
represented by the Satyre Ménippée,
part of which circulated in this year, and which in the following was published
in its complete form. Though a partisan production, its exposition of the
selfish aims of prominent Leaguers carried conviction; the line adopted hit
the temper of the time; and the opinion began to spread that the League was
now only perpetuated for personal and political objects. Meanwhile the King
made known his desire for peace; and, when hostilities were renewed with the
new year, it was felt that the fault lay elsewhere, with Spain, with the Seize,
and with Mayenne. Before the truce was ended, Villeroy, the most experienced administrator on the side of
the Leaguers, had declared his defection; and on every side adhesions to the
royal cause were in contemplation.
With the new year similar occurrences became
more frequent. Aix and its Parlement, hostile to Épernon, submitted to the King and carried with them part
of Provence. A fresh revolution took place in Lyons, and the city accepted
terms in February. The condition that the exercise of no religion other than
the Catholic should be permitted in the city showed how far the King was
prepared to go. What better terms could any Catholic city desire? Villeroy and his son finally came over, and brought with
them the town of Pontoise; and d'Estourmel began to negotiate for the surrender of Peronne, Roye, Montdidier, frontier towns
of Picardy, which was completed in April. La Chastre brought Orleans to the royal obedience; Bourges and the remainder of Berry and
the Orléanais soon followed the example. The royal
prestige was considerably enhanced by Henry's coronation with all due forms at
Chartres (February 27, 1594). Rheims was still in the possession of the League,
and precedents existed for this alternative place of consecration; while the
chrism employed was drawn from the Sainte-ampoule of St Martin, scarcely less
holy than that of St Rémi.
Recovery of Paris. [1594
But Paris was not to be regained at the price of a mass. The new
positions acquired by the King enabled him to establish an effective blockade;
and the city soon began to feel the pinch of hunger once more. The Politique party began to raise its head; Mayenne began to feel insecure; he was forced to abandon
himself more and more to the Seize, and to rely upon Spanish troops. The
Governor, Belin, was deposed, and Cossé-Brissac set up in his place. The Parlement began to lean to
reconciliation, and its meetings were prohibited. But agitation and conspiracy
continued, and on March 6 Mayenne left the town.
Freed from his supervision, the King's friends moved forward more boldly; Cossé-Brissac was gained and succeeded in hoodwinking the
Spaniards. On the morning of March 22 the King entered his city and occupied it
almost without resistance. The Spanish garrisons were cut off from each other
and were fain to accept the conditions offered, that they should depart with
bag and baggage. Great skill was shown in all the arrangements; but matters
could not have passed off so quietly had not a considerable revulsion of
feeling taken place. Even in the disorderly and enthusiastic quarter of the
University no serious opposition was met, though the regular force by which the
King was supported on his entry did not exceed the numbers of the Spanish
garrison. A universal amnesty was granted, even to the leaders of the Seize,
though it afterwards became necessary to banish some hundred and twenty of the
most irreconcilable Leaguers.
On the reoccupation of the capital it became possible to begin the work
of reconstruction. During the months of April and May the sovereign Courts, the Parlement, the Chambre des Comptes, the Cour des Aides, were
restored to their lawful constitution and authority. The dissentient members of
these bodies had retired in 1589 to Tours and Chalons, where rival Courts had
been set up. The members of these royalist Courts were now recalled and took
their places peacefully side by side with those magistrates who had issued
their decrees in the service of the League. The Parlement annulled the office of Lieutenant-General, irregularly conferred upon the Duke
of Mayenne. The Sorbonne, and the University as a
whole, made their submission to the King, took the oath of allegiance, and
issued a declaration recognising Henry as the lawful
sovereign of France.
Elsewhere the King began to enter into his heritage. In
Normandy Villars, the Governor of Rouen, who had successfully resisted the King
in arms, now consented to treat, and agreed on March 27 to hand over Rouen,
Havre, Harfleur, and the other places under his
control. The entire province shortly passed into the King's hands; and the
dissentient Parlement of Caen united with that of
Rouen. In Picardy Abbeville and Montreuil made their submission. Many smaller
places in the centre and south-west came over before the end of May. But
military successes were needed to expedite the process of reduction. The King
moved against Laon, and, after a siege, forced it to
capitulate on July 22. This important evidence of material strength hastened
events. Amiens, Dourlens, Beauvais, Noyon, were surrendered to persuasion or force, and thus
the reconquest of Picardy was nearly completed, and the northeastern frontier
of France was protected; though in compensation the King of Spain succeeded in
attracting the League captains, de Rosne and the Duke
of Aumale, to his service, and in placing a strong
Spanish garrison in La Fere. Poitiers, and almost all
the principal places which remained to the League in Poitou, Anjou, and Maine,
were recovered. Most significant of all, the family of Guise began to treat. Elbeuf asked and received the government of Poitiers, which
he had previously held for the League. The young Duke of Guise surrendered
Champagne, and accepted in its place the government of Provence, which it was
understood he would have to recover by arms from Épernon.
The Duke of Lorraine himself made a treaty with Henry and left the coalition.
Even in Mayenne's particular stronghold of Burgundy a
movement for peace and submission began, and several towns made separate terms
with the King. Only in Britanny the Duke of Mercoeur still held up the banner of rebellion, assisted by
Spanish reinforcements, but opposed with some success by the royal forces and
an English auxiliary contingent.
The Sword of Henry IV, by Ingres
The Croquants. The Jesuits. [1594
But the break-down of authority in France had left the peasants without
protection. The troops of both parties, ill-paid and ill-disciplined, had lived
upon the country; and the local lords, to meet their expenses in the war, had
often resorted to illegal exactions. Many castles were little better than caves
of brigands. The peasants were frequently subjected to double taxation, on
behalf of the King and on behalf of the League. These manifold misfortunes had
led to local insurrections of the countryfolk in many
places, both before and after the accession of Henry; and now in 1594
throughout the districts of Limousin, Périgord, Saintonge, Quercy, and Agénois, the armed
rising of the peasants reached a dangerous height, and threatened to spread
into the neighboring provinces. It is said that
50,000 men were under arms. Henry endeavored to
pacify the rebels, known as Croquants, by offering
conciliatory terms and promising to redress their grievances; but force and
skill were necessary in addition, and the insurrection was not finally put down
until 1595. The revolt was the more dangerous, because in the south-west it
appears to have received some secret encouragement from certain dissatisfied
Calvinist leaders.
Towards the end of 1594 an enthusiast, Jean Chastel, a pupil of the Jesuits, made an attempt upon the
King's life, and succeeded in wounding him, though not dangerously. This
incident brought to a head an agitation which had long been growing against the
Jesuit Order. It was the popular belief that the Jesuits taught the lawfulness
of tyrannicide to the pupils in their schools and
colleges; the University was jealous of their influence; it was asserted that
the Society took its instructions from the King of Spain; the parish clergy
added their complaints; and already in April, 1594, a movement had been set on
foot for their expulsion. The attempt on the King's life renewed the attack;
enquiries and searches were made, and evidence was found tending to incriminate
to some extent three Jesuit fathers. The Parlement of
Paris took up the matter, and passed a decision to exclude the Order from their
jurisdiction. The Parlements of Rouen and Dijon
followed the lead; but in the jurisdictions of Toulouse and Bordeaux no action
was taken. These events tended to some extent to damage Henry in the eyes of
the Catholics and of the Pope, and to delay the date of Henry's final absolution.
While on the one hand the King found it impossible to maintain friendly
relations with every section of the Catholic clergy, on the other hand it was
equally difficult to satisfy his Calvinist friends. The declaration of
Saint-Cloud had promised to reserve to Catholics for a period of six months all
offices which might become vacant, and to confer upon Catholics exclusively the
government of all towns that might be recovered from the League. Policy
required that until his position was secure Henry should show, if anything, a
preference for the Catholics. The Catholics were the prodigal son, the
Protestants learnt the feelings of the elder brother. Devoted servants, such as Rosny and La Force, saw their claims to recognition
indefinitely postponed. The declaration of Saint-Cloud promised to the
Calvinists private liberty of conscience, the public exercise of their worship
in the places which they actually held, in one town of each bailliage and sénéchaussée, in the army, and wherever the King
might be. In 1591, in response to pressure from the Calvinists, and after
consulting with the Catholic prelates, Henry formally revoked the Edict of
July, 1588, and restored the Edict of Poitiers (1577) with its explanatory
agreements of Nérac and Fleix.
But in the compacts made with Paris, Lyons, Rouen, and other important Catholic
towns, he was forced to concede the exclusion of Calvinist worship from the
urban precincts. The more moderate of the Protestant leaders understood that
these terms were the best they could expect for the present; but extremists,
like La Trémouille, and Turenne, who in 1591 obtained
by marriage the dukedom of Bouillon, did not conceal their dissatisfaction.
Short of open hostility, they made their opposition and discontent felt in
every opportunity; and it was only by the most constant exercise of vigilance
and conciliation that an open rupture with the Protestants was avoided.
Payments to the leaders.
all these difficulties Henry steered his course with unfailing accuracy of
judgment, undaunted courage, inexhaustible geniality and buoyancy of spirits.
By the end of 1594 he had recovered the greater part of his kingdom. The means
adopted show his practical sagacity and disregard of conventional reasoning. He
did not hesitate to pay the price which his opponents asked; and the price
demanded was proportionate to his needs. Paris was bought comparatively cheap
for 1,695,400 livres. Rouen, and the other places
which Villars surrendered, cost 3,477,800 livres;
the Duke of Guise received 8,888,830 for himself and his immediate subordinates; the Duke of Lorraine a similar sum. La Chastre had
898,900 livres, Villeroy 476,594. These figures do not include the value of the offices and dignities
which were conferred upon the principal persons, for which indeed for the most part
they rendered an equivalent in honorable service.
When Rosny hesitated to accept Villars' terms, the
King told him not to look too closely at the figures. We shall pay these men,
he said, with the revenues which they bring to us; and to recover the places by
force would cost us more in money alone, to say nothing of time and men. The
sums asked may appear exorbitant; but it must be pointed out that all the
leaders had drawn heavily upon their private fortunes, and had incurred
enormous debts to defray their expenses in the field. With practical common
sense the King stood neither upon honor nor upon
precedent. He paid what was asked, often with a jest, and got full value for
his money. First and last, he disbursed to the leaders of the League more than
thirty-two millions of livres, far more, that is,
than a year's revenue of France at this time. But by so doing he antedated
perhaps by many years the time when he should enter into the full receipt of
his income; and in addition he saved his subjects from all the waste of war,
and secured further the profits of peace. That rebellion should be recompensed
seemed to many a dangerous example. But the King saw that the needs and the
circumstances were exceptional; and he did not intend that they should recur.
Not less extensive were the concessions which Henry was forced to allow
to the towns. Meaux was exempted from taille for nine years. Orleans was to have no royal
garrison or castle; Rouen no garrison, impost, or taille for six years; to Troyes arrears of taxation for three years were remitted; Sens, Amiens, and Lyons, were to receive no garrison. But
one danger the King avoided. He created no great hereditary governments. Such
conditions were pressed upon him with dangerous pertinacity in 1592, when fortune
had long been adverse. They were urged not only from the Catholic but also from
the Protestant side. He rejected them consistently, and thus saved the unity of
France and excluded the restoration of feudalism. Of money he was lavish,
though he can hardly have known whence he was to procure it. But every form of
permanent heritable authority he disallowed.
By one means and another, at the end of 1594, Henry might consider that
he had established his position as King of France. He proceeded to emphasise this fact in the eyes of Europe by declaring war
upon the King of Spain. Ever since his accession he had in fact been at war
with Philip. But he had hitherto been fighting rather as a party-chief than as
King. He now showed that as King he was not afraid to enter the lists with the
most powerful of European monarchs. Nor was he without allies. The United
Provinces, though unable to spare from their own needs any considerable
assistance, by their own war continued to lighten the pressure upon France. Elizabeth,
with whom he had informally concluded in 1593 an alliance of offence and
defence, occasionally furnished small sums of money, or a few thousand troops.
The Princes of Germany advanced loans, and allowed recruiting; and their
assistance was not without importance. The Grand Duke of Tuscany also granted
loans. It was hoped that the Swiss would join in the conquest of Franche-Comté,
in consideration of a share in the territory acquired. This province had
hitherto been guaranteed from attack by Swiss protection.
War declared against Spain. [1594-5
The King of France, then, determined to take the offensive. His plans
were laid for a simultaneous invasion of Artois, Luxemburg, and Franche-Comté,
while Montmorency, recently elevated to the dignity of Constable, was to defend
the frontiers of Dauphiné and the Lyonnais. A fifth
army was to attack Mayenne at his Burgundian base.
The opening of the campaign found Spain unprepared. Raids were made on Artois,
Luxemburg, Franche-Comté. But before long the invaders were rolled back.
Elizabeth withdrew her troops from Britanny; and
provision had to be made for the defence of this province against Mercoeur and the Spaniards. A force of Dutch auxiliaries
which had been serving in Luxemburg was recalled. The Duke of Nemours was
threatening Lyons; and Montmorency called for additional aid. But Henry
decided to make his first effort in Burgundy.
The Estates of this province had already urged upon Mayenne their desire for peace; and successes in this quarter might mean the recovery of
the district. By the early days of June, 1595, Beaune,
Dijon, Autun, and other places had revolted and
opened their doors to Biron (son of the old Marshal).
Velasco, the Constable of Castile, who had been busy expelling the Lorrainers from Franche-Comté, united his forces with Mayenne and advanced into the duchy of Burgundy. After
disposing of such forces as he could command for the defence of his other
frontiers, Henry hurried eastward, and arrived at Dijon on June 4, 1595. He at
once sent out reconnaissances to ascertain the
position and forces of the advancing enemy, and moved forward himself with a
portion of his cavalry to Fontaine Française. In
consequence of inaccurate and insufficient information Biron was entangled in an encounter with a superior force of hostile cavalry. The
King hurried to his aid, and found himself engaged with the vanguard of the
main opposing force, while the remainder was close at hand. A dashing cavalry
skirmish followed, in which the King displayed all the best qualities of a
soldier, and, aided by the excessive caution of the Constable of Castile,
succeeded in retrieving the error. The engagement, such as it was, was not in
any way decisive; but in its results it was equivalent to a victory. The
Constable, whose instructions were only to secure the Franche-Comté, declined
to advance further, and retired to his own province. The reduction of such
citadels as still held out against the King soon followed; and the whole of
Burgundy, except Châlon and Seurre,
came into the King's hands before the end of June. The Parlement of Dijon was reunited and reestablished. Henry even advanced into
Franche-Comté, but retired at the request of the Swiss, who disclaimed any
desire for the conquest of the country. Mayenne, who
considered himself absolved from any further obligation to his allies, now
concluded a truce with the King, and retired to Châlon,
to await the final reconciliation of the Pope with the King, which appeared to
be at hand.
In allowing a reasonable time to elapse before Henry's conversion was
accepted as genuine, Clement was acting in conformity with the circumstances of
the case. Political exigencies may have not only suggested the delay but
prescribed the moment for removing the bar. All the influence of Spain was
exercised in opposition to Henry; and Spanish ambassadors allowed themselves a
singular freedom of language in dealing with independent Popes. So long as
Henry's fortunes were uncertain the threats of Spain required consideration. In
the autumn of 1595 Henry appeared to have gained the upper hand of his enemies
in France, and to be holding his own in opposition to Spain. He was on friendly
terms with the Grand Duke of Tuscany; and the Venetians from the first had
shown him conspicuous favor. These facts may, indeed they must, have suggested
to Clement that the period of penance and probation had been sufficiently
prolonged; and the southward advance of Henry with his successful army was
another element affecting the calculation. After the most serious deliberation
in private and among the assembled Cardinals terms were concluded with the King; and on September 17, 1595, the solemn decree of absolution was pronounced.
The conditions were not unduly severe. Besides the indispensable obligation to
restore the Catholic religion and grant free exercise for its worship in all
parts of his kingdom, even in Béarn, the only points that require notice are the
provisions: that the Prince of Condé, the heir-apparent, should be brought up
in the Catholic religion; that the decrees of the Council of Trent should be
published and observed in France, with the exception of those articles which
might endanger the order and peace of the realm (a proviso which in effect
nullified the concession); and that a monastery should be built in every province
of France, including Béarn. Nothing was said about the suppression of heresy;
and, although a preference was to be given to Catholics in appointments to
offices, that preference did not imply the exclusion of Protestants.
While this
important negotiation was drawing to its close, the King was moving south to
Lyons, where the Duke of Nemours had recently died. He made his solemn entry
into the city on September 4, and the places occupied by the late Duke were
rapidly reduced. The new Duke began to treat, and his submission was solemnly
ratified early in the new year. The Duke of Joyeuse,
who had hitherto maintained his power in western Languedoc in the interests of
the League, had been weakened by many defections, and notably by the secession
of the majority of the Parlement of Toulouse. While
he was attempting to coerce the Parlement, Narbonne
and Carcassonne revolted; the bases of his strength were crumbling under him;
and he also made his peace before the end of the year. Preliminary terms were
accepted by Mayenne on September 23; the government
of the île de France was conceded to his son; three
strong places, Soissons, Châlon, and Seurre, were allotted to him for his security; and he was
allowed to treat in the quality of chief of his party. His monetary
compensation exceeded three and a half million livres.
But the price was not excessive; for Mayenne abode
loyally by his compact, and proved a faithful and valuable servant to his King.
The decrees of Folembray (January 31, 1596),
which covered the cases of Mayenne, Nemours, and Joyeuse, marked a further stage in the general restoration.
Shortly afterwards (February 17) the young Duke of Guise entered Marseilles, by
agreement with some of the principal inhabitants, just in time to defeat a plan
of Philip to seize this important harbor. The
galleys of Doria were already in the port. Since the
previous November Guise had taken seriously in hand the reconquest of his
province; and, in spite of an alliance which he concluded with Spain, Épernon had seen the area of his authority steadily
diminishing. On March 24 he made his agreement with the King; and the
reduction of the south-east was completed. Other and less conspicuous
surrenders had meanwhile taken place elsewhere; and even the Duke of Mercoeur in Britanny had
concluded a truce.
1595] Losses on the northern frontier.
But these important advantages were not to be attained without a
considerable display of military force, which was sorely needed elsewhere; and
the time spent by Henry in Burgundy and at Lyons, although most profitably
employed, coincided with a critical period of the northern campaign. The
Spanish army, commanded by Fuentes, after failing to seize the castle of Ham,
which had been held by the Duke of Aumale for the
League but now fell into the hands of the King's troops, proceeded to besiege Dourlens. The command of the French forces was divided
between Bouillon, Saint-Paul, and Villars, with the results that might have
been expected. The plan adopted for the relief of Dourlens led to a general engagement; and Villars, in covering the retreat, was
defeated, captured, and put to death (July 2e). The losses of the French were
estimated at 3000. But Nevers had meanwhile come up
with the troops under his command, and the towns on the Somme were put in a
state of defence. Fuentes turned aside and laid siege to Cambray (August 11, 1595). At this moment Henry had to choose between his expedition to
Lyons and a northward march to take command in Picardy. Results seem to prove
that his decision was wise. But a heavy price was paid for the pacification of
the south-east; and the funds disbursed by agreement to the Leaguers reduced
the royal treasury to complete destitution.
The position of Cambray was peculiar. The Duke
of Anjou had seized this independent bishopric on his way to the Low Countries
in the year 1581; and in the opening year of Henry's reign it was held by the Sieur de Balagny for the League. Balagny, first among the leaders of the League, had made
his terms with the King of France. The Governor of Cambray now acknowledged the royal authority; the city was held in the King's name,
and had been prepared for defence with royal assistance and by royal advice.
The force, which now beleaguered the city, was contributed and equipped by the
Spanish Netherlands, whose territory was flanked and threatened by this hostile
fortress. De Vic was sent by Henry to take charge of the defence. After vainly endeavoring to collect an army for its relief he threw
himself into the town with a small force (September 2). His arrival imparted
fresh vigor to the garrison, and gave Henry time to
complete his work at Lyons, and to issue orders for the assembling of a
relieving army. But, while the King was still on his way, having left Lyons on
September 25, the inhabitants of Cambray, with whom Balagny had always been unpopular, taking offence at the
issue of a copper token currency to defray the expenses of the garrison, rose
against their governor, seized a gate, and on October 2 delivered the city to
the Spaniards. The citadel remained; but for want of provisions that also was
surrendered on October 9. Spanish rule was established, and the authority of
the Archbishop reduced to insignificance.
To compensate for these losses the King now undertook the siege of the
Spanish stronghold of La Fère. His mission to
Elizabeth requesting assistance failed, because he was not willing to purchase
her aid by the surrender of Calais. But, by threatening to conclude a truce
with Spain, he persuaded the Dutch to send a small auxiliary force of 2000 men.
With such troops as he could spare from the defence of his own fortresses, and
with the ban and arrière ban which assembled in
response to his appeal, he sat down before La Fère (November, 1595). The state of the finances, and in consequence the provision
for the army, were deplorable. The King had to intervene almost weekly to
obtain such small sums as could suffice to keep his army together.
the Archduke Albert assumed the government of the Low Countries; and, although
he was unable to relieve La Fère, by the advice of de Rosne he planned a sudden attack upon Calais,
surprised the positions which commanded the approaches to the walls, and took
the city before Henry could come to the rescue (17 April). The fall of Calais
was soon followed by that of Ham, Guisnes, and Ardres. The Protestants, discontented with the delay
interposed by some of the Parlements in the
registration of the new decrees, chose this time to press their demands upon
the King. La Trémouille and Bouillon had left the
camp at La Fère; civil war was again in sight; but
the mediation of Duplessis Mornay averted the danger. Still the King held on; and on May 16 La Fère capitulated. But as soon as the siege was completed
the army broke up. For want of funds it was impossible to keep the professional
soldiers together; and the nobles felt that they had done their duty. With
difficulty the King retained sufficient men to secure his frontier towns.
Fortunately the Archduke found work to distract his attention and to divert his
resources on the side of the United Provinces.
At this moment there was danger
that the King might be left to carry on his work alone. The Dutch were inclined
for peace, if peace could be obtained; and their foreign policy was dictated
by Elizabeth. To Henry's urgent demands for assistance during the siege of La Fère, and while the fate of Calais hung in the balance,
Elizabeth had returned no response. Until the fall of Calais she had hoped to
obtain this place as an equivalent for her aid. After its fall she still hoped
to obtain it from the King of Spain by exchange for Flushing and Brill, which
she held as security for her loans to the Dutch. Boulogne was now to be the
price of her assistance; and Henry could hardly afford to pay this price. But
a fresh embassy, despatched in April, aided by
reports of fresh designs on the part of Philip upon England, obtained more favorable terms. On May 26, 1596, an offensive and
defensive league was concluded between England and France; and the adhesion of
the United Provinces, though not immediately notified, was in principle
settled. In order to secure this support, Henry was obliged to tie his hands
and to promise that he would not make peace without the consent of his allies.
But the proposition as to Boulogne was dropped, and the designs upon Calais
came to nothing; the Dutch had been warned, and kept an eye on Flushing and
Brill. On the other hand, the great joint expedition to Cadiz, which followed
at once upon the new alliance, was mismanaged and effected little of moment.
1596-7] The Assembly of Notables.
The autumn of 1596 saw no important operations on the northern frontiers. A
French attempt to surprise Arras failed, and raids into Artois did not affect
the main issue. On the other hand this autumn saw the beginning of financial
reform, and of Rosny's activity in the Council of
Finance; and the necessary foundations for the campaign of the following year
were laid. The assembly of Notables, which Henry summoned for October, 1596,
was intended to suggest and authorise new taxation,
and to assist in the reorganization. Its members were
drawn from the clergy, the nobility, the sovereign Courts, the municipal
magistrates, and the financial officers of the Crown. Their deliberations threw
light upon the financial position, but their suggestions did little to improve
it. They discovered that the royal revenues amounted to 23 millions of livres, of which sixteen millions were appropriated to
first charges, leaving only seven millions for war, the royal household,
fortifications, roads, and public works. They agreed that the revenue ought to
be raised to thirty millions, and for this purpose they proposed the pancarte or sou pour livre: a tax of five per cent, on all goods introduced for
sale into towns and fairs, excepting corn. They reckoned that this tax would
bring in five millions, while minor reforms would supply the other two. In
operation this tax produced little more than a million and proved highly
unpopular. The picturesque story told by Sully of the establishment of a
Council of Reason, and of his own wise advice, whereby the Council was utilised and circumvented and eventually suppressed,
appears to be without historical foundation, an invention intended to exalt the
author's own importance.
Efforts to recover Amiens. [1597
In the early months of 1597, while Henry's ambassadors, Bongars and Ancel, were urging in
vain the Princes of Germany to combine in a final and joint attack upon the
King of Spain, Clement was working for peace. But Henry, anxious as he was to
secure for his exhausted kingdom an interval of repose and recuperation, could
not consent to any peace or truce which involved the retention by the Spaniards
of the captured places on his northern frontier. To this list Amiens was added
on March 11, 1597. When this town made its terms with the King, it was
stipulated that no royal garrison should be quartered in its precincts.
Nevertheless, relying on the strength of the fortifications, and on the loyalty
of the inhabitants, the King had selected Amiens as the depôt for the war
material collected in view of the coming campaign. The commander of Dourlens, learning of this great accumulation of valuable
stores, and also that the civic guard, although duly watchful during the hours
of night, relaxed its vigilance by day, planned an attack for the early hours
of morning, and effected his entry into the town. Resistance was overpowered;
the town was sacked; the military chest, artillery, and provisions, fell into
the hands of the Spaniards.
The King determined that his first object must be
the recovery of Amiens. Expedients were immediately devised for the collection
of funds: a forced loan, a sale of new offices, an increase in the gabelle of salt. Lesdiguières was despatched to take charge of Dauphiné.
Aid was sent to the King's lieutenants in Britanny.
The garrisons of Picardy were strengthened, and a small force was at once
collected to begin the blockade. Measures were taken for the manufacture of a
new siege-train, and the necessary ammunition. The Constable was left in Paris
to see to the execution of these orders; on March 12 the King left the capital.
Marshal de Biron had already been despatched to make preparations for the blockade.
The King began by visiting his garrisons, where he found the troops
ready to disband for lack of pay. Promises, and urgent messages for the supply
of funds, enabled him to meet this danger, and to put the fortresses in a state
of defence. Before the month of March was out Biron was established at Longpré beyond the Somme to close
the approaches from Flanders. Corbie and Pecquigny were strongly occupied. To divert attention
attacks were made upon Arras and Dourlens, of which
much cannot have been expected. On April 5 the King himself designed and
ordered the siege works necessary to cut off all access from the north. He then
returned to Paris to induce the Parlement to register
the Edicts framed in view of the extraordinary financial exigencies. "I
come to demand alms", he said, "for those whom I have left on the
frontier of Picardy". But a lit de justice was
needed, and was held on May 21. With the Parlement of
Rouen he had similar difficulties. To them he wrote, "I think rather of
the danger of an invasion, than of the formalities of laws and ordinances.
There is nothing irremediable except the loss of the State". The Parlement held out for two months, and then registered the
Edicts. The emergency was indeed dangerous; the King's prestige was shaken;
seditious attempts were made to seize Poitiers, Rouen, Rheims, Saint-Quentin;
and Archduke Albert had hopes of securing Metz. The Vicomte de Tavannes was arrested; and exceptional measures
had to be taken to restrain the Comte d'Auvergne from
open rebellion.
Meanwhile, in spite of the bankruptcy which had been forced upon Philip
in the autumn of 1596, the Archduke Albert was collecting an army of 28,000 men
to relieve Amiens. Elizabeth was entreated to make a diversion by attacking
Calais; but she confined her aid to 2000 men for six months. The Dutch sent
their stipulated contingent of 4000 men, but refused to initiate offensive
operations on their own part. But to propositions of peace from Spain the King
replied, "I will speak of it further when I have recovered Amiens,
Calais, and Ardres". Infantry was raised in the
various provinces; the nobility were called up, and promised to remain in arms
until Amiens had fallen. Rosny, who was now supreme
in the Financial Council, was stimulated to the utmost exertions, and supported
in every step which he thought necessary. The pay and provisions for the siege
of Amiens were regularly supplied up to the end, and almost from the first.
June 7 Henry reappeared in the camp of Amiens. The army of investment was not
yet much larger than 6000 foot, with a small force of cavalry. Nevertheless Biron had done wonders. The work of circumvallation to the north was nearly completed. The forces
were soon raised to 12,000 foot and 3000 horse; and before the siege was ended
there were 30,000 men about the town. The line of the Somme was now
strengthened at every possible point of crossing to prevent relief from
reaching the city by a circuit from the south. On July 17 a dangerous sortie
was made, but was eventually beaten back. Forty-five cannon were now battering
the walls. Saint-Luc showed conspicuous ability in the command of the artillery; and his death on September 5 was a great loss. Early in September the
Archduke Albert left Douay with a relieving army of 18,000 men, and 3000 horse,
7000 being left to guard his communications. The proposal to cross the Somme
below Corbie was thought too dangerous; and a more
direct advance upon the besiegers was substituted. On the 15th the Spanish army
appeared upon the banks of the Somme, about six miles below Amiens. The enemy,
while detaching a small force to attempt the passage of the Somme, advanced to Longpré, which had been fortified by the advice of the Duke
of Mayenne. On the approach of the main army he sent
forward trustworthy supports to strengthen this position; an attack upon it
was repulsed; and the attempt to cross the Somme was frustrated by Henry's
dispositions, the troops which reached the southern bank being driven back with
serious losses. On the 16th the Archduke retired in good order, Henry having
decided not to risk a general engagement. On September 25 Amiens capitulated.
After this the town was held by a royal garrison.
Peace of Vervins. [1597-8
This success opened to Henry the prospect of an honorable peace. Philip II knew that his days were numbered; he was anxious to leave to
his son a peaceful succession; he desired to make provision for his daughter,
the Infanta Isabel Clara Eugenia; it was clear that
nothing worth the sacrifices involved could be gained by prolonging the war
with France; and he still cherished hopes of recovering the United Provinces.
His ally, the Duke of Savoy, had been hard pressed in the south. Lesdiguières had invaded his territory, and occupied the
whole territory of the Maurienne. The forces of Savoy
had been defeated in several engagements. Prince Maurice had taken advantage of
the expedition of Archduke Albert to carry his arms far and wide into Gelders, Overyssel, Frisia, and even into Westphalia, and the Electorate of
Cologne. The expedition which left Ferrol in October for Britanny and Cornwall was scattered by storms. In October Philip opened negotiations
with France, in November he pushed them with more sincerity. Henry began to
His chief difficulty was with his allies. So recently as 1596 he had
concluded an offensive and defensive alliance with England and the Dutch, and
had promised not to make peace without their consent. In order to give some color to his defection, he pressed upon the Estates
General in November the necessity of more ample and vigorous assistance in a
joint and general war for the conquest of the Spanish Netherlands. To Elizabeth
de Maisse was sent to make similar representations.
But it would have been difficult to satisfy Henry. He was bent upon peace on
the condition of recovering his lost towns. These diplomatic demonstrations
were only intended to prepare his allies, and to give some excuse for his
desertion of them. The state of his kingdom required peace; and herein lay his
real justification. The cool reception given by Elizabeth to his proposals was
natural enough in the circumstances, and could not be considered to relieve him
of his obligations.
On January 12 Henry authorized his
representatives to negotiate with the Archduke at Vervins for a peace. The chief difficulty was the condition on which the King thought
it necessary to insist: that England and the United Provinces should be
admitted to the peace if they desired. When this had been surmounted, the Peace
of Vervins was concluded (May 2, 1598). The Treaty of
Cateau-Cambrésis was put in force again. Henry recovered all his conquered
places in Picardy, as well as the fort of Blavet in Britanny. The Duke of Savoy was included in the treaty;
and the question of Saluzzo, which he had seized from
France towards the end of the reign of Henry III, was to be decided by papal
arbitration. The Swiss were comprised in the agreement, with their allies, a
term which by implication covered Geneva. Neither Elizabeth nor the United
Provinces elected to join in the treaty; but Henry continued his unofficial
assistance to the Dutch, first by repaying gradually the sums which they had
advanced to him, and afterwards by subsidies, which ultimately amounted to two
million livres a year. About the same time the Grand
Duke of Tuscany was persuaded to give up the Château d'If and other places commanding Marseilles, which he held as security for his loan
of 3,600,000 livres.
Meanwhile the King had completed his preparations for the armed
reduction of Britanny. His intervention on this side
of France was the more necessary since Protestants, headed by the Duke of
Bouillon and La Trémouille, and leagued with the Duke
of Montpensier, and the Comte de Soissons, had long
been threatening trouble in Poitou, Limousin, Berry,
Auvergne, and neighboring provinces. The disturbed
condition of these provinces, where League captains still retained some centres for their depredations, was the excuse; but
ambition working on religious disaffection for political ends inspired the
1599] The Edict of Nantes.
In February, 1598, the King set out from Paris. On his way he passed
through Anjou and Touraine and used the opportunity to extinguish remaining
sparks of disorder due to the League, and to overawe the leaders of Protestant
disaffection. For ten years the province of Britanny had been the arena not only of faction and party strife, but also of foreign
armies, English and Spanish. Now that the King had been converted and received
by the Pope, the peace party was strong among the Bretons, as was proved by
spontaneous demonstrations in Dinan, St Malo, and Morlaix. But Mercoeur still held the strong city of Nantes, inaccessible
at certain seasons; and his strength was not contemptible. Besides 5000
Spaniards at Blavet, he had 2000 men under his own
command. Twelve places acknowledged him in Britanny and Poitou, each of which was said to be strong enough to stand a siege. The
reasons therefore, which induced Henry to compromise with Villars, Mayenne, Épernon, and others,
existed here in greater force; and Mercoeur made a
very profitable bargain. The Duke and his followers received a complete amnesty
and more than four million livres in return for the
surrender of the province, the cities, and the castles; and it was agreed that Mercoeur's daughter should be married to the natural
son of Henry and Gabrielle d'Estrées, César,
afterwards Duke of Vendôme. On the conclusion of this
treaty at Ponts de Cé (March 20) the submission of the whole north-western district, and the
extirpation of the last centres of disorder, speedily
followed; and the evacuation of Blavet by the
Spaniards after the Treaty of Vervins completed the
reunion of France under one King.
Henry moved on to Nantes, and held an assembly of the Estates of the
province of Britanny. All the irregular imposts of
the unquiet time were abolished, and arrears of taxes remitted. In return for
these benefits the Estates granted a special vote of 800,000 livres for the coming year. At Nantes the moment seemed to
have come to settle the status of the Protestants on a more satisfactory if not
on a permanent basis. The famous Edict signed in April, 1598, consolidated the
privileges which the Calvinists already possessed by the various declarations
and edicts previously passed: the Declaration of Saint-Cloud (1589), the Edict
of Mantes (1591), the Articles of Mantes (1593), and the Edict of St Germain (1594).
Although the registration of the Edict of Mantes and of the Edict of St Germain had been delayed, it had been finally accorded.
Complete liberty of conscience and of secret worship, local rights of public
worship in 200 Protestant towns and some 3000 castles of Protestant seigneurs hauts justiciers, and in one city
of each bailliage and sénéchaussée of the kingdom, free access to all public offices, these rights the Calvinists
already possessed, except in Provence and in the bailliages of Rouen, Amiens, and Paris. At the assembly of Sainte-Foy (1594) they had
claimed far more. They had planned the division of the kingdom into ten
circles, each with its separate council authorized to
collect taxes, to maintain troops, to accumulate war material. A central
assembly of deputies, one from each of the ten circles, was to combine and harmonize the common policy. There was also talk of a
foreign protector to preside over this internal and independent State. The
object of the Edict, which bears the stamp of a temporary measure, was to
extend religious liberty so far as was consistent with the temper of the time
and with special conditions made with rebellious towns and districts, and to
limit political independence so far as was compatible with the not unnatural
fears and suspicions of the Protestants, who still remembered the day of St
Bartholomew and the ascendancy of the Guises. Liberty of public worship was
extended to two places in every bailliage or sénéchaussée; a limited number of seigneurs not hauts justiciers were allowed to
establish public worship in their castles; and in all places where it already
existed it was authorized. The King assigned a sum of
money for Protestant schools and colleges, and authorized gifts and bequests for this purpose. Full civil rights and full civil
protection were granted to all Protestants, and special Chambers (Chambres de l'Édit) were
established in the Parlements to try cases in which
Protestants were interested. In Paris this Chamber was composed of specially
selected Catholics with one Protestant Councillor;
in Bordeaux, Toulouse, Grenoble, one half of the members were to be Protestant.
The admissibility of Protestants to all public offices was confirmed and even
the Parlement of Paris admitted six Protestant councilors.
The political privileges granted were of a liberal, even of a dangerous
character. The Calvinists were allowed to hold both religious synods and
political assemblies on obtaining royal permission; this condition was at
first omitted in the case of the synods, but was later seen to be necessary.
They retained the complete control of the 200 cities which they still held,
including such powerful strongholds as La Rochelle, Montpellier, and Montauban. The King agreed to supply funds for the maintenance
of the garrisons and the fortifications, hoping, it may be, in this manner to
retain a hold upon them. The possession of these cities and towns was at first
only guaranteed until 1607, but it was prolonged until 1612. If, as may be
surmised, Henry looked forward to a time when this provisional guarantee should
no longer be thought requisite, that hope, like many others, remained
unfulfilled at his death. After considerable opposition on the part of the Parlements the Edict was finally registered in 1599, at
Paris; and the other Parlements sooner or later
accepted it with some restrictions.
The Edict, according to modern ideas, grants more and less than was
desirable. Religious liberty was incomplete, while local political liberty was
excessive and dangerous. The reasons for both defects are too obvious to
require explanation; and, in spite of them all, the registration of the Edict
of Nantes in 1599 worthily marks the completion of the first part of Henry's
work in France. Union was now restored; the League was at an end; an honorable peace had been concluded with Spain; the
frontiers of France had been recovered; order was established throughout the
land, and a law securing adequate religious liberty was not only enrolled but
respected. The remaining years of Henry's reign, in spite of some trifling wars
and the menacing storm-cloud that arose before his death, were years of peace
and returning prosperity. The way was now clear for administrative reform;
but, before attempting an estimate of what was achieved in that direction, it
will perhaps be well to conclude the narrative of events which henceforth admit
of a more summary treatment.
1599-1601] War with Savoy.
The controversy with the Duke of Savoy concerning
the marquisate of Saluzzo was left by the Peace of Vervins to the arbitration of the Pope. The Treaty of
Cateau-Cambrésis assigned the disputed territory to France, so that the
arbitration seemed to be an easy matter. But the Pope soon found that the
parties were irreconcilable; and in 1599 he renounced his ungrateful task.
Direct negotiation proved equally fruitless. It was plain that the Duke of
Savoy relied upon arms to maintain his claim. Fuentes, the Spanish Governor of
Milan, encouraged him to hope for Spanish aid; and it is probable that he
relied upon the help of friends in France. Henry offered to exchange Saluzzo for Bresse and certain neighboring territories. Abundant time was given for the
consideration of this offer; but the Duke continued to temporisze; and at length in August, 1600, the King decided to resort to arms.
Rosny, who was now not
only Surintendant of Finance, but also Grand Master
of the Artillery, had raised the funds and constructed the finest siege-train
that had hitherto been seen. An army under Biron was
directed to invade Bresse, another under Lesdiguières to invade Savoy. On the same day, August 13,
the towns of Bourg in Bresse and Montmélian in Savoy were taken by assault; and Chambéry opened
its gates. In spite of understandings between Biron and the Duke of Savoy, and secret information supplied by the latter, the
campaign resembled a military promenade. Castles reputed impregnable melted
like wax under the fire of the new and powerful artillery. The King, after
seeing that all was going well in Savoy, joined the army of Bresse; and under his eye any traitorous dispositions on the part of Biron were left little chance. The fall of the citadel of Montmélian (November 16) completed the military occupation
of Savoy and Bresse, with the exception of the
citadel of Bourg. The fort of Sainte-Catherine, a constant menace to Geneva,
was destroyed. On January 17, 1601, the Duke of Savoy was obliged to come to terms,
and ceded in return for Saluzzo the lands of Bresse, Bugey, Gex, and Valromey, in lieu of an
indemnity. The King rounded off his territory in France, and seemed to
renounce the Italian ambitions of his predecessors.
During this period another urgent desire of the King had been fulfilled.
He had long been separated from his wife, Margaret Valois; and the fear that
Gabrielle d'Estrées might be her successor had alone
prevented the Queen from agreeing to a divorce. The death of Gabrielle (April
10, 1599) removed this obstacle. The papal Court proved complaisant; the Queen
agreed; and on December 17, 1599, the marriage was dissolved. A conditional
promise of marriage to another mistress, Henriette de
Balzac d'Entragues, threatened to interpose another
difficulty; but the conditions were not fulfilled; and Henry was free to
marry the princess of his choice, Maria de' Medici, who became his wife on
October 5, 1600. On September 27,1601, the Queen gave an heir to France. Other
children were afterwards born; and all fear as to the succession was now
Designs of Henry. [1598-1610
The career of Henry IV is an unfinished career. The Peace of Vervins marks the end of the first period. By 1598 internal
peace had been established; and external peace until 1610 was only disturbed
by the brief war with Savoy. The second period was a period of peace, but of
peace as a preparation for war. The third period had just begun when the
assassin's dagger cut short the execution of that policy which, after all
apocryphal details have been struck out, may still deserve to be termed his
"Great Design". The exact nature of the King's plans cannot now be
ascertained. Of the fantastic and discredited imaginations of Sully little use
can be made, and that only with the greatest caution. More may be learnt from
the confidential correspondence of the King, if care be taken to distinguish
between schemes entertained for a moment and indications of settled and
continuous policy. But the safest guide to the ultimate aims of Henry is the
study of his action as a whole from the Peace of Vervins to the outbreak of the Cleves-Jülich War. Reserve,
restraint, economy, organization, silent and
steadfast advance, the gradual addition of alliance to alliance, indicate that
the purpose was so great as to require the employment of all available
resources. The establishment of universal toleration may have been subsidiary
to the main design; but religion was consistently postponed to politics; the
real end was the political hegemony of Europe, which could only be obtained at
the expense of the House of Habsburg as a whole. For a time antagonism appears
to be mainly directed against Spain; but, as the combinations widen and
mature, the Austrian House is seen to be also included; and against Austria in
fact the first blow was actually directed.
Some years were needed for the settlement of unsolved domestic problems.
The final dissolution of the League, the peace with Spain, and the Edict of
Nantes, did not free the realm of France from elements of disquiet, disunion,
and intrigue; and the play of these forces was seldom unaffected by external
influences. The conspiracies of the years 1598-1606 are compounded from the
potent ingredients of personal ambition and religious discontent; they work
upon a society not yet weaned from traditions of faction and disorder; and
they rely upon the secret support of Spanish ambassadors and the Spanish Court.
In Biron personal ambition predominates; in Bouillon
it is strengthened by the impulses of a party chief; in the Comte d'Auvergne and his sister, Henriette d'Entragues, a personal, almost a dynastic, motive
prevails; but the several conspirators work with each other and with Spain,
though the diversity of their several ends facilitates the operations of
Charles de Gontaut, duc de Biron (1562–1602), son of Armand de Gontaut, baron de Biron, fought brilliantly for the royal party against the Catholic League in the later stages of the Wars of Religion in France. He was made admiral of France in 1592, and marshal in 1594; governor of Burgundy in 1595, he took the towns of Beaune, Autun, Auxonne and Dijon, and distinguished himself at the battle of Fontaine-Française. In 1596 he was sent to fight the Spaniards in Flanders, Picardy and Artois. After the peace of Vervins he discharged a mission at Brussels (1598). From that time he was engaged in intrigues with Spain and Savoy; notwithstanding these, he directed the expedition sent against the duke of Savoy (1599–1600). After fulfilling diplomatic missions for Henry IV in England and Switzerland (1600), he was accused and convicted of high treason and was beheaded in the Bastille on the 31st of July 1602.
The old Marshal de Biron had been one of the
first to adopt the cause of Henry after his accession. He had demanded a
substantial price for his adhesion; but, having received it, he did good work.
His conduct on one or two occasions, notably at the siege of Rouen, gave cause
for suspicion that he was prolonging the war in order to enhance the value of
his own services. Such suspicions are, however, easier to conceive than to
confirm; and he had given his life for the King. After his death his son stood
high in Henry's favor: he was a dashing soldier; and at Amiens he had shown
himself before the King's arrival a good commander. After the King joined the
besieging army, Biron's jealousy, vanity, and
uncertain temper, impaired his usefulness; he was already in communication
with the Archduke; later, it is said, he confessed that he purposely left the
important position of Longpré undefended, in order
that the Archduke might throw succor into the city,
and that the King might thus still be dependent upon himself. This omission was
retrieved by Mayenne's foresight; and the purpose of
the conspirator was defeated. The King loaded Biron with favors; he was made a Marshal, a Duke, and
Governor of Burgundy. But his ambition does not seem to have been satisfied.
During the war with Savoy he was in communication with Charles Emmanuel and
with Fuentes; and several acts of treachery are laid to his charge. The Duke
of Savoy had promised him his daughter in marriage; and this alliance,
suspicious in itself, was rendered more suspicious by concealment. In 1601 he
made a partial confession to the King, who freely pardoned him. But it seems
that he nevertheless continued his secret intrigues.
Death of Biron.—Auvergne. [1601-4
The scope of his designs was wide and vague. There can be no doubt that
he was in communication with the Duke of Savoy, with the Viceroy of Milan, and
with the King of Spain; and that he approached all who were supposed to be
malcontent (the Duke of Bouillon, the Comte d'Auvergne,
La Trémouille, the Comte de Soissons, the Duke of Montpensier, the Duke of Épernon) and endeavored to organize a
rising, which, if successful, would have led to the dismemberment of France in
the interests of private ambition, Protestant particularism,
and Catholic exclusiveness. To reconcile these diverse interests would have
been difficult, if not impossible; even at the outset this difficulty became
apparent. The King's prestige was growing day by day; and the prospects of the
conspirators seemed by no means hopeful. Bouillon and Auvergne, however, were certainly
implicated in Biron's designs. Henry was well aware
that Biron was engaged in dangerous intrigues. In
September, 1601, he sent him on a mission to Elizabeth, who gave him a very
suggestive lecture on the fate of Essex. But the lesson did not avail; and in
1602 significant preparations abroad, which could not be concealed, seemed to
indicate that the plot, whatever its nature, was nearly mature. At this stage
it was discovered that La Fin, a discarded agent of Biron,
was ready to make disclosures. La Fin was sent for; the King listened, and
took measures to defeat the plot. All the suspected personages found that the
King required their presence on important business. Some gave satisfactory
assurances; but Bouillon and La Trémouille kept
away. By an ingenious device all artillery was withdrawn from Biron's province of Burgundy, and troops were massed in
every dangerous quarter. At length Biron consented to
appear before the King at Fontainebleau, where he arrived on June 12, 1602.
King knew all, or nearly all; but he was still anxious to save the Marshal,
whom he seems to have dearly loved. A confession and complete submission would
have saved him, but no confession or submission was forthcoming. The Marshal
was too proud or too suspicious. He protested his complete ignorance of any
criminal intention other than those which he had previously admitted. There was
no other way. Biron and Auvergne were arrested. Biron was sent to trial before the Parlement.
The verbal pardon which he pleaded had no legal validity; it was more than
doubtful whether the pardon covered all his offences up to its date; it could
not cover subsequent proceedings. Among the documents put into court and
acknowledged by the accused was a memorial of some length and considerable
detail, supplying full information about the King's army to the Duke of Savoy.
This and other autograph documents supplied by La Fin made the case clear, even
without his verbal testimony; and justice took its course. On July 31 the
Marshal suffered the death penalty. There is much that is doubtful, much that
is unintelligible, in the case of Biron; but it can
hardly be doubted that he was guilty, and that the King did his utmost to save
him. After four months of imprisonment Auvergne made a full confession, and
received his pardon. Many details were ascertained after Biron's death.
Auvergne may have owed his safety to his half-sister, Henriette d'Entragues, Marquise
de Verneuil, the King's mistress. But the family
deserved little consideration. The promise of marriage, mentioned above, was
the excuse for their discontent. It not only gave plausible ground for a
grievance, it opened the way for vague claims to the succession on behalf of Henriette's children. In 1604 the King demanded and
obtained its restitution; a little later all the intrigues which the family
had been carrying on with Spain and with Bouillon became known, and the father,
the daughter, and Auvergne were arrested. Henriette was pardoned; Auvergne, who was indiscreet enough to quarrel with the still
powerful mistress, was, however, kept a prisoner. But this plot and the
previous attempt of the Prince of Joinville, son of the Duke of Guise, serve
mainly to show how firmly the King's power was established.
1604-6] Bouillon. The Protestants.
Even the Duke of
Bouillon, though a Prince of the Empire, connected by widespread relations and
alliances with the Protestant German Princes, could do little more than
advertise his discontent. The Protestant leaders of France rejected his
treasonable overtures when these were laid before them. After the discovery of
his share in Biron's plot Bouillon took flight to
Germany, where he endeavored to raise the Protestant
Princes against Henry, and, failing in this attempt, he retired to his capital
of Sedan. When at length, in 1606, it seemed opportune to bring this
troublesome intriguer to reason, Henry occupied his territory and capital
almost without firing a shot. Sedan received a royal Governor and a royal
garrison; and Bouillon was completely reconciled to the King. La Trémouille had died in 1604; and the expedition of Sedan
closed the last source of internal weakness. The effect is at once seen in the
firmer action taken by Henry in the diplomatic questions which he had in hand.
The disaffection of the Protestants throughout these years gave strength to
every hostile manœuvre. It must be remembered that
the Edict of Nantes, favorable as it was in many
respects to the Protestants, did not put the two religions on a complete
equality. While the exercise of the Catholic religion was introduced
everywhere, even into Béarn, the Protestant worship was confined to a limited
number of places. Complete freedom of speech could not be allowed to the
Calvinists. The public identification of the Pope with Antichrist could not be
permitted in a Catholic country. Such latitude could not be allowed even to
Duplessis-Mornay. But, when the King protested, he had some difficulty in
preventing the Protestants from adopting this identification as a substantive
part of their confession. In 1603 the King thought it desirable to conciliate
the Jesuits, and allowed them to return to certain specified places in those
parts of his kingdom from which they had been excluded since 1595. This act was
ill-received, not only by the Protestants, but also by the Gallican Parlement of Paris, and was only registered after the
vigorous intervention of the King (1604). In face of this apparent evidence of unfavorable intention the Protestants held the more firmly
to their privilege of political assemblage which the King rightly felt to be
dangerous. This conflict of purpose came to a head at the Assembly of Châtelhérault in 1605, for which the King reluctantly gave
his permission, on condition that his commissary was to attend the proceedings.
Rosny was nominated as commissary; and the proceedings of the Assembly at first took a menacing direction. On
July 26 the deputies of the Reformed renewed the oath to the Union of the
Evangelical Churches, promising to keep secret all resolutions which might be
adopted, and to devote their lives and property to the maintenance of such
resolutions against whosoever should attempt to frustrate them. This oath was
not relieved of its factious and rebellious character by the reservation of
humble obedience to the King. But Henry's protest, conveyed through Rosny, brought the Protestants to their senses. No further
steps were taken for the execution of the designs implied in the oath; and the
deputies were eventually contented with the permission to retain their
fortified places until 1612. The Assembly then broke up; and the King and his
Protestant subjects were once more at peace.
While Henry had ambitious subjects
who were unsatisfied with the highest position attainable by them under the
monarchy, and had to reckon with an organised Protestant community whose latent discontent might at any time lead to civil
war, Spain had also a subject population whose grievances gave opportunity for
external intrigue.
The Moriscos of Spain. [1602-12
The Moriscos, on whom the
prosperity of Valencia and Granada chiefly rested, and who were powerful even
in Aragon, had for more than a century suffered the most galling forms of
religious, political, and national oppression. No means had been spared to
stamp out their religion, their customs, their speech. The Moriscos rendered outward obedience to force, but inwardly they clung the more
obstinately to their religion and their nationality. Their industry supported
agriculture, the arts, commerce, and banking, in the provinces where they were
settled. They were in relation with the Berbers of Africa, and with the Turks.
In 1602 they opened negotiations with Henry, who saw an opportunity to
retaliate for Spanish intrigues among his own subjects. A general Moorish
rising was planned to which Henry was to contribute arms and leaders. But the
moment was not propitious for decisive action on the part of France. The
negotiations were allowed to drag on until 1605, when everything became known.
The Spaniards had agents in France, by whom the most secret designs of the
French Court were divulged. L'Hoste, the confidential
secretary of Villeroy, was in their pay, and was
discovered in 1605. Thus the Moorish conspiracy came to light; and the
negotiations only gave an excuse for the final expulsion of the Moriscos in 1609, which proved indeed almost as disastrous
for Spain as a successful Moorish rising could have been. The only evidence
that Henry could then give of his friendly disposition towards this unhappy
people was to receive with kindness the fugitives who were driven across his
boundaries, and to supply them with means of transport to the country of their
Thus the Peace of Vervins, though it brought
to an end open hostilities between France and Spain, did not, indeed could not,
terminate mutual animosity and rivalry between the two Powers, the one still
struggling to maintain a precarious hegemony, the other justly aspiring to
equal influence, and ambitious of superiority. Neither Power was prepared for
open hostilities; both were exhausted and desirous of repose. Each was, however,
willing to use any means short of open war to secure an advantage; each was
willing to ignore an attack provided it was decently disguised. Thus the
Spanish attempts in 1601 to seize Marseilles and Metz were allowed to pass
unnoticed; their disavowals in the cases of Biron and Auvergne were accepted; when Henry, in 1602, stopped the Neapolitan troops
passing up the Rhine towards Flanders, his action led to altercations but not
to war; his schemes against Perpignan in 1603, though discovered, were not
openly resented. The superiority of Henry's policy is seen in the more careful
economy of his resources. The Spaniards continued the long struggle with the
Netherlands long after it was evidently hopeless. Where Henry contented himself
with diplomatic means, as in the question of the Grisons and the dispute
between Venice and the Pope, the Spanish power was drained by expensive
armaments, which were never brought into action. The internal management of
France was prudent and sparing; that of Spain extravagant and corrupt. Thus,
if it had come to an open conflict between the two Powers, France would have
been found complete in equipment and organization,
able to bear the strain of long campaigns, and rich in reproductive vitality.
Though the machinery was never put to the test, we may yet admire the plans.
1601-6] Hostility of France and Spain.
the secret duel between the two Powers the advantage at first lay with the
Spaniards. It was hope of Spanish support that drove Savoy into war with
France. Similar expectations inspired the attack made by Savoy on Geneva in
1602. The failure of that attack, and the dissatisfaction of Charles Emmanuel
with the material advantages gained by his close alliance with Spain, gradually
alienated Savoy from the Spanish, and urged her to court the French connection. From 1603 onwards negotiations between Charles
Emmanuel and France were in constant progress. In return for his alliance,
which opened the road to Italy, the Duke hoped to secure the restoration of the
lands ceded by the Peace of Lyons, and in addition the right to conquer Geneva.
Henry was determined to bring him over to his side without paying any such
price; and by patience he eventually succeeded. The renewal of friendly
relations with Savoy showed that the King was once more turning his eyes towards
Italy; and in fact Henry began gradually to form connexions with Italian Powers. The Grand Duke of Tuscany, alienated from Spain by the
fortification of Ponte Longone in Elba, drew closer
for a time the ties of friendship that from the first he had maintained with
Henry. Modena and Mantua showed cautious leanings in the same direction. In the
dispute between Venice and the Pope concerning the Venetian jurisdiction over
the clergy, the relation of the religious Orders to the State authority, the
taxation of the clergy, and similar questions, both Powers put out their utmost
diplomatic resources; and Spain made serious preparations for war (1606-7).
But the credit of securing the final settlement remained with the French
diplomats, Joyeuse, du Perron,
and de Fresnes; and though the Pope might cherish rancour at his virtual defeat, and the Venetians had
expected more than diplomatic support, yet the matter was arranged according to
the wishes of Henry; and his prestige was thus materially raised without the
expenditure of men or money.
The renewed interest of France in Italy was also
seen in the affair of the, Grisons. In 1602 the Spaniards had succeeded in
preventing the Gray Leagues from renewing their alliance with France. But,
undeterred by this defeat, Henry aspired not only to friendship with the
Leagues, but to predominant influence with them as controlling the Valtelline, and therewith the communications between Milan
and the Spanish and Austrian dominions north of the Alps. In 1603 he succeeded
in concluding an alliance between the Grisons and Venice. The Grisons were
peculiarly susceptible to Spanish influence, because their country depended for
its supplies upon the duchy of Milan. The alliance with Venice opened for them
an alternative source of supply; and the Spanish Governor of Milan found that
neither the exclusion of the Grisons from the Milanese markets, nor the
erection of fortresses on the Grisons' frontier, availed any longer to bend the
mountaineers to his will. The Leagues wavered, and negotiated; and for years
the conflict continued. Finally, in 1607, French influence won the day; the
Franco-Venetian alliance was confirmed; and for the time the Valtelline was closed to Spanish ambition.
Henry's antagonism to Spain was to be seen not only in the diplomatic
field. Though in 1602 he declined an offensive and defensive alliance with
England and the United Provinces, he encouraged the latter with large subsidies
of money, and allowed French regiments to serve in the Low Countries. He
rejected all proposals made by Clement VIII for an alliance between France and
Spain. Although at one time he seemed inclined to listen to suggestions of a
marriage between the little Dauphin and the Infanta Anna, his real wishes in the matter were never seriously tested, and the
overtures were soon abandoned. Nor was he disposed to make a distinction
between the Austrian branch of the House of Habsburg and the Spanish branch.
Though his direct interests came less frequently into collision with the
Austrians, his animus was clearly shown by his refusal in 1602 to aid the
Austrians against the Turks. He maintained in fact the policy, inherited from
Francis I, of friendship with the Turks; whom he encouraged by all the means
in his power to war against the Austrian monarchy, and against Spain in the
1606-8] The Netherlands and France.
It is hardly necessary to say that in the most important part of Henry's
foreign policy during these years, the hardly disguised support which he gave
to the United Provinces, his action was not disinterested. Apart from the
constant drain of Spanish treasure and troops which he thereby occasioned at
small expense to himself, he cherished hopes that the Provinces would at last
be induced to accept his sovereignty. In 1606 he put before the Estates General
proposals to this effect, and suggested a joint campaign for the conquest of
the Austrian Netherlands. The Estates ingeniously met the inconvenient
proposition by pointing out that so important a step could not be taken without
consulting the provincial Estates. As they foresaw, Henry shrank from the
involved publicity. Alternative plans for territorial concessions, in return
for increased support, were similarly declined; and this pressure from their powerful
ally may have inclined the Provinces to accept the eight months' suspension of
hostilities offered by the Archdukes (March, 1607) and to begin negotiations
for a permanent peace. Unwelcome as this action was to Henry, he adapted
himself to the change of circumstances so soon as he was convinced that the
Provinces really desired peace, and was determined to have a hand in moulding the conditions. It was to his interest that the
terms should be as unfavorable to Spain as possible,
and therefore he could safely throw the whole of his diplomatic weight upon the
side of the Provinces. He could do this the more safely since the failure of
the negotiations would be even more advantageous to him than the most favorable treaty of peace. In accordance with this policy
he concluded (January, 1608) a defensive alliance with the Provinces, without
waiting for the adhesion of England, which had been sought. Meanwhile he endeavored by every means in his power to detach Archduke
Albert from the Court of Madrid, and even hoped that his offices as mediator
might be requested.
The negotiations dragged on; and side issues arose. Henry
pursued for some time with zeal the scheme of a marriage between Philip's
second son, Carlos, and his own daughter, Christine; the united and independent
Netherlands were to be their marriage portion on the death of Albert and his
consort. But this scheme was little likely to commend itself to Spain, against
whom it was in fact directed. The Spaniards required as a condition previous to
the consideration of any marriage proposals that Henry should abandon the cause
of the Provinces. Thus, after delaying for some months the conclusion of a
lasting truce, these negotiations broke down. On the vital points of the
negotiations Henry consulted his own interests. The Indian trade did not
concern him. The freedom demanded for Catholic worship in the Provinces was a
delicate point; and he steered as well as he could between his duty to the
Catholic religion and his desire not to offend the susceptibilities of the
Dutch. He opposed all proposals for a rectification of boundaries, wishing to
perpetuate difficult relations between the two Netherland States. At first his
preference was for a peace as against a prolonged truce; but, when the
conditions demanded on either side appeared irreconcilable, it was Jeannin who induced the States General to put forward
proposals for a lengthy truce.
Throughout the negotiations Henry continued his
subsidies; and in September, 1608, when a rupture seemed imminent, he sent
reinforcements of 4000 men. His envoys worked upon the Archduke Albert to
induce him to grant the indispensable recognition of Dutch independence
(October 16, 1608). All attempts on the part of Spain to detach the King from
his Dutch allies failed; the marriage negotiations never reached a hopeful
stage; and the special Spanish envoy, Don Pedro de Toledo, only succeeded in
impressing Henry with a deep sense of the insincerity of his own government.
Henry rejected absolutely the proposal for a conclusion of a truce
unaccompanied by a recognition of Dutch independence; and the attempts of
Spain to escape from such a concession of independence, though it had been
promised by Archduke Albert, made an unfavorable impression even upon Pope Paul V.
Finally, the Spanish Court decided to grant
the truce on the basis in question, and without insisting on freedom for the
Catholic worship in the United Provinces. Henry might consider that his wishes
were accomplished; but his hostility to Spain had been intensified by the
unsatisfactory course of the long negotiations.
Before the old controversy was
extinguished by the conclusion of the twelve years' truce (April 9, 1609),
material for a new one was provided. On March 25, Duke John William of Jülich-Cleves-Berg had died without issue. Henry had
already taken measures to build up a league under the leadership of France in
view of a great European struggle. At the beginning of 1608 his long and
patient pressure upon Charles Emmanuel of Savoy led at length to unmistakable
proof that the Duke had determined to break conclusively with Spain. The leader
of the Spanish party in Savoy, d'Albigny, was
arrested and put to death in prison. This decisive indication of a change in
policy was followed by the marriage of two Princesses of Savoy, linking their
House in the most public manner with two of the more independent States of
Italy, Modena and Mantua. That Charles had influence at Rome had been proved by
the recent nomination of his son Maurice as Cardinal; and the tendency of
these events was the more marked, inasmuch as both the marriage alliances and
the elevation of Maurice had been strenuously opposed by Spain. But the
negotiations of Henry for a Spanish marriage during the year 1608, his
suspicions of Charles Emmanuel, and the demands still put forward by the Duke
for a cession of territory, retarded the rapprochement between Savoy and
France. When the attempts to secure peace for the Netherlands appeared to have
failed, Henry turned with proposals for an offensive and defensive alliance to
Savoy and Venice; when the outlook improved, these proposals were withdrawn.
The Duke meanwhile was becoming more and more estranged from Spain. He had endeavored to use the advances of France to extort better
terms from Philip. Then, when his expectations were disappointed, he let his
irritation be seen, until the Spaniards were persuaded of his confirmed hostility.
Meanwhile France had been rendered suspicious by his double manœuvres.
And so the negotiations dragged on month after month; and the offensive and
defensive alliance, on which the execution of Henry's plans depended, did not
take shape until the end of 1609. But the position was such that the final
adhesion of Savoy to France could hardly be doubted: for France could offer the
Duke territorial extension in the direction of Milan. Spain on the other hand
could only enrich him at her own expense, which she was not likely to do.
1599-1608] France and Germany.
Henry's interest in Germany had always been subordinate to more immediate
objects. He had endeavored to win the Protestant
Princes for the aid of the United Provinces. He had occupied himself
occasionally with the question of the Imperial succession; when there was fear
that the Spanish King might wish to secure it for himself, he had expressed his
intention in such an event of presenting himself as a candidate (1600). He had
attempted (in 1602 and 1605) to induce the Duke of Bavaria to come forward. He
had consulted with his German friends as to the choice to be made among
Habsburg claimants. Albert of the Netherlands, Ferdinand of Styria, were at all
hazards to be opposed. Matthias or Maximilian of Tyrol were regarded as
preferable. But no selection of a successor actually took place; and all these
questions remained in the sphere of diplomacy. More important was Henry's
scheme for a union of the Protestant German Powers, to which he should stand in
the relation of ally and protector. From 1599 onwards we find him urging the
conclusion of such a union; but the German Princes were suspicious; they were
alienated by the King's delay in paying the debts he had contracted; they sympathised with Bouillon; and hence they refused to
contract any French alliance. In 1607, however, the scheme began to gain
ground, and in 1608 a part of Henry's scheme was fulfilled by the formation of
the Evangelical Union. The keen interest taken by Henry in these negotiations
proves that his policy was directed not only against Spain, but also against
the Austrian branch of the House of Habsburg. Rudolf was then tottering on his
throne; and the disunion in the House of Austria increased Henry's advantage.
The question of the Jülich-Cleves inheritance
had long occupied the minds of European statesmen, and especially of Henry IV.
The matter concerned him nearly. If the territories in question were added to
the Habsburg dominions the pressure of this House upon his eastern frontier
would be redoubled; the United Provinces would be threatened; and the might of
uncompromising Catholicism, to which Henry, whatever his religious profession,
was always by temperament and policy opposed, would be dangerously increased.
So early as 1599 Bongars, the French ambassador,
called the attention of the Elector Palatine to the question. In 1602 Henry
warned the Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel, and put forward
his proposal for a friendly arrangement between the three Protestant claimants,
Brandenburg, Neuburg, and Zweibrücken,
intended to avoid the danger of division among the natural opponents of the
Habsburg ambitions. In 1605 Brandenburg and the Palatinate concluded a league,
which the United Provinces joined. But Lewis of Neuburg was on bad terms with his Palatine relative, the Elector, and purposed to push
his own claim separately when the time came. The formation of the Union was favorable to the prospects of a Protestant succession in
the disputed duchies; but any peaceful agreement between the Protestant
claimants seemed far off, when on March 25, 1609, the inheritance actually
became vacant.
However, Henry's policy (to exclude at all hazards the Habsburgs
and to secure the Provinces for Protestant rulers) was at first so far
successful that Brandenburg and Neuburg agreed (June
10, 1609) to occupy and govern the duchies in common; the aid of the Union was
secured for them; and Henry threw all the weight of his influence on the side
of the two Princes. He would have been satisfied to secure the peaceful
possession of the disputed duchies for Protestants, but he let it be known that
he would meet force with force. The occasion for this did not seem far distant
when the Emperor charged with the execution of his sequestration order the
Archduke Leopold, Bishop of Passau and Strassburg, a
zealous Catholic and a member of the Habsburg House. On July 23 Leopold
obtained possession of the fortress of Jülich from
the commandant, who was in Spanish pay. The Habsburg designs being thus
revealed, Henry saw hopes of uniting Europe against the rival House. To this he
addressed himself, with no fixed intention at the first, as it would seem, of making
the present his occasion for the great effort which he long had had in mind.
Preparations were, however, made for immediate intervention if
necessary. The Dutch were called upon to send the French regiments serving in
their pay to the frontier of the disputed duchies. France began to arm. But it
was not Henry's intention to challenge the Habsburgs single-handed. He set
himself first to detach from them possible allies. The Elector of Saxony, who
was himself a claimant, required the most careful handling. The Pope, at the
outset, was eager to see a new district won for the Catholics; but he was
persuaded that the Habsburgs as usual were using religion as a cloak for
political schemes, and his neutrality was for the time at least secured.
Attempts were made to excite the jealousy of the Princes of the newly formed
Catholic League and to win in particular the Duke of Bavaria. On the other side
the unqualified and substantial support of the Evangelical Union might be hoped; but even here difficulties arose. The German Princes were suspicious of
Henry's intentions. Even the Princes who had occupied the disputed duchies
showed no steadfast determination to provide the necessary means for a
campaign. The alliance with Savoy was now a certainty; but the crafty Duke
spun out the negotiations in the hope of extracting some concession. Attempts
to win Venice failed, for the Signory displayed their
customary caution. The United Provinces, though the King counted on them, were
disinclined to sacrifice the hard-won benefits of peace. The Habsburg position
was a strong one. With the exception of Venice, Savoy, Mantua, and the Pope,
they controlled the policy of the independent States of Italy: Tuscany, Parma,
Modena, Urbino, Genoa, Lucca. The Archduke Albert was forced to forget his
desire for peace and prepare for war, and to take the definite step of cutting
off access to Jülich-Cleves by the Rhine at the
fortress of Rheinberg. Henry's efforts with the
Catholic League proved unsuccessful. The finances of Spain were in a bad
condition; but her military strength was still formidable. The chief weakness
lay in the hostile relations between Rudolf and Matthias, which tended to paralyse the Austrian House.
1609] The Princess of Condé.
Though Henry had good reason
for regarding the Jülich-Cleves complication as a
likely opportunity for uniting Europe against the Habsburg House, by the autumn
of 1609 he must have perceived that his more sanguine expectations were far
from fulfillment. There are indications that his
desire for war had begun to cool, when the flight of the Prince of Condé to the
Spanish Netherlands to protect his wife from the King's pursuit (November 29),
and the protection and assistance which Condé received from Archduke Albert,
introduced a new and irrational element into the situation. The diplomatic
history of the next few months is filled with demands for the surrender of
Condé and the restoration of the lady, pressed upon Archduke Albert, the Court
of Spain, and afterwards on Milan, whither Condé had removed. The incident was exploited
to the utmost by Spain in order to discredit the King. The conflict of
interests rendered a collision probable in connection with Jülich-Cleves; the form which the collision took
was in partial accord with the great scheme which Henry no doubt cherished;
but we are forced to recognize that at this time the
King's judgment was obscured and his movements were deflected by a disastrous
passion. Thus, when he advanced to the execution of his life's design, the
ground had been insufficiently prepared by diplomacy; and a part of the
results of eleven years' watching, waiting, and scheming was sacrificed.
Fevered and irresolute, Henry still pressed forward. The agreement for a
marriage of the Princess Elizabeth of France with the eldest son of the Duke of
Savoy was signed on December 28, 1609. In February arrangements were made for a
joint invasion of Milan, the King providing 12,000 foot, and 2000 horse, the
Duke supplying half that number, and receiving twenty pieces of ordnance. The
results of the congress of the Union at Schwäbisch-Hall
were disappointing. Boissise, the French envoy, did
not even venture to mention to the delegates his master's ulterior aims: the
exclusion of the Habsburgs from the Imperial succession, and the conquest of
the Spanish Netherlands. The King was obliged to be content with a contingent
of 8000 foot and 2000 horse, half from the Union, half from the Princes who
were in occupation of Jülich-Cleves. The Dutch
declared their intention of limiting their support to the Jülich-Cleves
undertaking. No other effective alliances were forthcoming. Nevertheless the
King's scheme was for a general war. He was to advance himself on Jülich-Cleves with about 30,000 men. So large a force
seemed unnecessary, and the Netherlands were probably the ulterior objective. Lesdiguières with the Duke of Savoy was to invade Milan. La
Force was to attack Navarre with 10,000 men. It is noticeable that the
principal commands were given almost exclusively to Huguenots. Besides Lesdiguières and La Force, the Duke of Rohan was to command the Swiss contingent of 8000 men, Rosny (since 1606 Duke of Sully) was grand master of the artillery, and the Duke of
Bouillon was to accompany the King.
On the other hand his opponents had not
been idle. The army in the Netherlands had been brought up to more than 20,000
men. The Milanese was held by not less than 30,000; and contingents were
expected from Sicily and Naples which would raise the total to 40,000. The
semi-dependent Princes were called upon for money or men. Troops were raised in
Spain. In May 25,000 were ready, and more were being collected. The Emperor
gave orders to raise men for Archduke Leopold. The Catholic League was also
arming. The Duke of Savoy, Henry's only noteworthy ally, made it felt that he
knew his own value. In the durable offensive and defensive alliance concluded
at Brosolo (April 25, 1610), the forces to be
provided for the Italian expedition were increased to 31,600; all conquests in
Milan were to go to the Duke; and only trifling compensations were accorded to
the King. On the other hand Archduke Albert showed the keenest desire for
peace, and granted leave for the King's army to pass through Luxemburg on their
way to Jülich.
The murder of Henry IV. [161
Everything was ready. In May the King was in Paris making his last
dispositions before he joined his army at Chalons. The Queen, Maria de' Medici, was appointed as Regent with a council of
fifteen advisers. She was crowned at Saint-Denis on May 13. On May 19 the King
was to leave for the front. On the 14th, as the King was driving in company
with the Duke of Épernon through the Rue de la Ferronnerie, a block in the traffic brought his carriage to
a foot's pace. A man, who had followed the King from the Louvre, seized the
moment to spring forward, and to strike him two blows in rapid succession in
the left side with a knife. His death followed instantly.
No trustworthy evidence has ever been brought forward to connect the act
of François Ravaillac with any conspiracy. Under
torture he steadfastly maintained that he had no abettors or accomplices. He
was moved, as it appears, by religious frenzy, and the desire to strike down
the treacherous Catholic who was taking up arms in the Protestant cause. He
believed that his act would be welcome to the people of France. The execration
with which it was received throughout the kingdom surprised and disappointed
him. The enemies of France rejoiced; but the French people united as one man
to deplore the loss of the most human and sympathetic of French Kings. The
universal and heartfelt grief of his subjects was due to Henry's achievements,
no less than to his personal qualities.
He had raised France from her nadir
almost to her zenith. He had found her distracted, impoverished, desolated,
impotent. He left her united, prosperous, peaceful, flourishing, powerful. He
had surmounted difficulties that seemed insurmountable; he had used the favor
of fortune to the best advantage. His death arrived too soon for the completion
of his ulterior schemes; it may also have saved him from his greatest blunder.
In forcing on the general war on the occasion of the Jülich-Cleves
dispute he had been moved by passion rather than policy. His successors had
still time to minimize and localize the danger. Had Henry lived, he would no doubt have succeeded in extricating
himself from the difficulties incurred by his rashness; but it is probable
that he would have consumed to little purpose a great part of the resources
patiently accumulated in the course of many years.
His highest qualities lay perhaps in the diplomatic sphere. In his
relations with the League these were well displayed. His victory over the
rebels was due rather to tact and timely concessions than to force of arms. In
dealing with the French Protestants even greater tact and skill were required.
After the peace he showed the same qualities, making the power of France felt
in every important question, never wasting his strength, never losing a chance.
In Villeroy, the ideal State Secretary, and in Jeannin, the skilled negotiator, he had able coadjutors who
proved his wisdom in the choice of men: but he was always his own Foreign
Minister. As a diplomatist he was keen, quickwitted,
versatile, prompt, patient. He was, on the other hand, perhaps too sanguine. He
relied too much on the wisdom of his associates. He assumed they would put
aside petty advantages, ignorant fears, and purblind doubts, and see their true
interests clearly. His scheme for a great European coalition could only have
succeeded, if several years of successful war had brought the falterers one by
one into his camp. Policy dictated his opposition to the Habsburgs; he trusted
that religion would bring him allies, and that fear of oppression or absorption
would drive the weak to seek his protection; he found that the Protestants
never trusted him and were jealous of each other, while the weak looked for
safety in inaction.
As a soldier he was vigorous, rapid, intrepid, and clear-sighted. He
never had an opportunity of showing the highest qualities of a strategist. But
he did well whatever he had to do; and in his clear perception of the value of
artillery he was in advance of his time. In his recognition also of the close
relation between finance and successful warfare he showed himself a statesman.
The commissariat and transport of his armies were served with care and method
hitherto unknown in modern Europe. By regular pay he secured the discipline of
his troops, and diminished the evils of war. He endeavored to make France independent of foreign mercenaries, to dispense with German reiter and landsknechte, and to
rely on French troops alone. For his last war he enrolled a force of Swiss, but
the remainder of his troops were purely French. Of some 80,000 men, raised for
the Jülich-Cleves enterprise, only 8000 were
foreign. He developed and improved the engineering department of his forces;
and herein, as in countless other ways, he prepared the way for the glories of
his grandson. With characteristic humanity he extended his thought for his
soldiers beyond the period of their useful service, and founded an
establishment for the maintenance of wounded and decrepit officers and men. His
energy and resources, however, did not suffice to cover the whole field of
warlike activity; and the navy remained during his reign, as previously,
In temperament he was cheerful, genial, buoyant, kindly; in manner
free from all affectation and pride; in intercourse with all classes of his
subjects affable and sympathetic, eager to learn at first hand all the
circumstances of their fortune and life; in relation to his subordinates,
faithful, free from caprice, willing to listen, but determined to be obeyed; in
speech and writing, ready, pointed, apt, and natural. On the faults of his
private life it is not necessary to dwell; few men have shown in their
personal conduct less dignity, self-respect, and self-control; and the effects
of his weakness did not concern himself alone. His infatuation for Gabrielle d'Estrées delayed the marriage which he owed to France; his
relations with Henriette d'Entragues led to a dangerous conspiracy, which he hardly allowed to interrupt his intimacy; his passion for the Princess of Condé led to an inopportune war. But on the
whole his conduct as a ruler was less affected by such influences than has
often been the case.
Religion with him was consistently subordinated to policy. He must have
the credit of having been the first to perceive the merits of toleration as a
political expedient. He saw in it the means by which unity and peace could be
secured for his country. The religion he adopted was the religion of his people; he maintained it in accordance with the wish of the majority; for the
minority he secured such freedom of conscience and worship as opinion would
allow, and such political guarantees as the times required. He sought allies
for the most part, though not exclusively, among the Protestant Powers, because
his enemies were Catholic; but no act or word of his ever tended to embitter
religious animosity. Religious forces he used to serve his political ends; but the line of action which he pursued, if successful, would
in time have emancipated Europe from the devastating furies of religious
His religious policy was wise and enlightened; unfortunately he did not
live to develop it to its natural conclusion. Thus it is as an administrator
that he deserves most fully the gratitude of his people. Few rulers have more
persistently worked for the material welfare of their subjects. In this
department he found an able instrument in Rosny,
afterwards Duke of Sully. Here the good qualities of Rosny told. As Surintendant of finance, as grand master of
artillery, as administrator of roads and communications, his energy, his
financial accuracy, his fidelity, his strength of will, his industry, made him
an invaluable servant. He bore without chafing the unpopularity of the King's economies; and his overbearing demeanour was even an advantage
when he had to deal with importunate courtiers. His vanity, jealousy, and
malice, did not seriously impair his efficiency. The policy which he carried
out was the King's; the indomitable persistence and ubiquitous activity were
his own. In 1598 order had been generally restored. The salutary ordinance of
that year prohibiting the bearing of arms on the public highroads was firmly
enforced and accomplished its end. But the effects of nearly forty years of
civil war and misgovernment were still everywhere apparent. Industry and
commerce were at a standstill; agriculture was crippled; the finances were in
disorder; the taxable capacity of the people was at its minimum; the public
debt was equivalent to a burden of 850,000,000 livres;
the royal domains were pledged; provinces and revenues had been alienated to
foreign Princes or great men in return for loans or in defrayment of
obligations. By the close of the reign the debt had been reduced to 224 millions; the provinces and revenues, whose profits had
been allowed to pass out of the King's control, were recovered; domains had
been regained to the value of 40 millions; rent
charges had been redeemed to the value of 25 millions. On the other hand the
illicit robbery of officials had been repressed; the illegal exactions of
governors of provinces had ceased; twenty millions of arrears of taille had been remitted (1598); the taille had been reduced by nearly two millions a year (from
sixteen millions to fourteen); and a treasure of forty-one millions had been
built up. In consequence of better administration, better bargains with
tax-farmers and contractors, and the redemption of domains and other sources of
revenue, the revenue from sources other than taxation had increased from some
three millions a year to thirteen, and the total
income of the State from 23,000,000 livres, at which
it was estimated by the Notables (1597), to 39,000,000, the estimate for 1609.
This sum must be multiplied by about eight, in order to give its equivalent in
modern currency. Sully deserves in great measure the credit for this
improvement; but the directing intelligence was that of Henry.
Meanwhile, the active mind of the King was constantly considering means
for the material development of his kingdom. Care was taken for the sanitation
of Paris and other large towns, and for the endowment of public hospitals. Many
rivers were canalised and made available for
navigation. Schemes were devised for connecting with each other the great river
systems of France, the Seine, Loire, Garonne, and Rhone, by means of canals;
and, although the plans were not executed, they remain as a memorial of the
wise inventiveness of Henry's age. Extensive operations were undertaken for the
draining and cultivating of marshy land. Olivier de Serres'
great work on agriculture attracted the King's most lively interest; and by his
example he did much to increase its popularity. Efforts were made, with some
success, to introduce the culture of the silkworm into the central provinces of
France. The restrictions on the export of corn were removed, to the great
encouragement of agriculture. Measures were taken to promote various
industries: silk, wool, tapestry, iron, steel, glass, pottery; endeavors were made to resuscitate the mines of France;
and, although such attempts had only a partial success, they prove the high
notion conceived by Henry of a ruler's duty.
Sully, as Master of Ways and
Communications, did much to improve the roads and bridges throughout France;
the State spent freely for this object; and the localities were forced to do
their part. The posts were reorganised; and a new
system of relays was introduced for the transport of commodities. Commercial
treaties were concluded with England, Spain, and the Porte; and French consuls
were established in the most important trading stations of the Levant, even in
Barbary. The colonising energy of Champlain and
others in Canada was encouraged; and attempts were made to organize an East India Company. In every way Sully and his master showed that they
understood that, if a King is to be rich, his country must first be prosperous
and industrious. While all means were adopted to improve the revenue and to
increase public and individual wealth, the closest economy was exercised in
expenditure. During the years of peace the standing army was reduced to the
minimum. Henry relied on finding levies of experienced soldiers at need; and
this proved to be the case in 1606, and again in 1609. Full provision of arms
and ammunition and ordnance was constantly kept in store; here again Sully did
good work; but the expenditure on personnel was rigorously kept down. In
consequence the budget for 1609 showed a clear balance of 18,000,000 livres, available for the extinction of debt, or for the
provision of a war-chest. A weak side of this economy was the reluctance to pay
just debts. This lost for the King the friendship of the Grand Duke of Tuscany,
and did much to alienate the German Princes.
Absolute monarchy.
Constitutional changes were rare throughout the reign. Perhaps the most
important was the concentration of the financial authority in the hand of one
man (1599), in place of the cumbrous and inefficient Council of Finance. The pancarte, established in 1597 on the advice of the
Notables, had to be abolished in 1602. In general, the benefits of Henry's
administration were attained through the better handling of the existing
machinery. But the Paulette deserves mention. Since Louis XII and Francis I the
sale of offices, originated as a financial device, had become a settled
practice. In 1604 the King, on the advice of a certain Faulet,
determined to convert the judicial offices of the kingdom into recognized
heritable property. Judges, in consideration of the annual payment of
one-sixtieth of the sum paid on the last occasion when the office was sold,
were confirmed in the ownership of their posts, receiving liberty to sell them,
or leave them to their heirs, or bequeath them, subject to the sole provision
that the new holder should prove himself qualified. The measure was in part
financial, in part it was expected to create a caste of magistrates, proud of
their independence and of their traditions. As compared with the abuse of
public sale, the new system was perhaps an improvement; but that abuse could
have been at any time abolished; the new one created vested and heritable
rights, which only a revolution could destroy. The independence of the
magistrates might easily make them a danger to the State in times of sedition
or discontent.
In general, it may be said that Henry adopted the system of absolute
government as he received it from Louis XI and Francis I. The change was due to
improved administration, and to a better choice of men. The system suited the
King with his impatience of routine methods and circumlocution; the King
suited the system, for his energy was weighted with caution, his thoughts were
for the State rather than for himself, his ambition never degenerated into
megalomania, and his love of pleasure was controlled by a sense of public duty.
Thus in this reign we see French absolutism at its best. The King's will is
law, but his will is beneficent; and the instruments of his power respond to
the impulse from above. A new page has been turned; few can desire to return
to the traditions of the League or of Henry III; thus the public machine is
not clogged with precedents, or complicated by time-honored routine. The nation feels the need of a ruler, and surrenders itself willingly
into his hand; the ruler is worthy of the nation's confidence. In Henry the
nation's genius seems to be embodied; gaiety, wit, intrepidity, lucidity,
industry, and common-sense, are his most distinguishing attributes, and fit him
to be the King of a people in whom those qualities are prominently displayed.
In the person of a King the French nation more than others finds its
completion, its central point of life; in Louis XIV the nation felt its
majesty, its strength, its glory, its pomp, borne as on a banner before the
eyes of Europe; but in Henry IV its vital characteristics of intellect and
disposition were expressed and realised as in no
other of the long Capetian succession.