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VICTORY OF THE PAPACYCHAPTER XSAINT LOUISFrom 1226 to 1270 the crown of France
was worn by a saint, whose actions, public and private alike, were governed by
moral and religious principles, and whose aim was the salvation of souls. It is
therefore essential to begin by considering the king’s psychology, which
explains most things in his reign. It is, moreover, of extraordinary interest
in attaining an intimate understanding of the Middle Ages, and we are enabled
to follow it closely, as there are trustworthy documents extant, notably the
valuable memoirs dictated by the Sire de Joinville, who accompanied the king
on his first Crusade. Louis IX and Louis XI are the two medieval French kings
about whom we know most. After ascertaining the principles which guided his
policy, we shall try to discover whether his court and servants were animated
by a like spirit, and what were the instruments and resources at his disposal.
Then we shall observe his conduct, first while defending himself successfully
against his rebellious vassals, and later, during the second half of his
reign, when he endeavoured to realise his ideals in his internal government and
external policy.
The figure of his mother, Blanche of
Castile, is inseparable from his. He was 12 years of age, and she 38, when
Louis VIII died. It was she who educated and formed the young king; she
governed during his minority, never ceased to take a part in public affairs,
and, at the end of her life, she was again regent from 1248 to 1252 during his
absence in the East. Through her mother, she was a grand-daughter of the imperious Eleanor of Aquitaine and the great English King Henry II; and
her father was Alfonso the Noble, one of the most valiant Kings of Castile.
Blanche possessed a commanding character, great energy, and a taste and talent
for politics. She was a virtuous woman full of ardent piety, who brought up her
children in the practice of an enthusiastic and uncompromising devotion. Louis
IX, in particular, was educated as though destined for
the Church, austerely, andnone too gently. An
anecdote told by Joinville shews that Philip Augustus also took a share in his
grandson’s education, counselling him to be strict to those about him.
Physically Louis was unlike his
mother. He took after his paternal grandmother, the blonde Isabella of
Hainault, and his father, the delicate Louis VIII. Fra Salimbene,
who saw Louis IX in 1248 before his departure for the Holy Land, says, “the king was thin, slender, lean, and tall; he had an
angelic countenance and a gracious person.” Even at this time his health was wretched. He suffered from chronic attacks of erysipelas which
caused him intense pain. Moreover in 1242, while fighting the English in the
marshy district of Saintonge, he had, contracted a malarial infection which
brought on pernicious anaemia, and he nearly died of it in 1244. His ascetic
life and self-imposed mortifications tended to enfeeble him yet further. In
Egypt he was again seriously ill. By the time he returned to France he was bald
and bent; and by the end of his life he was a mere
Constantly subject to illness and of a
nervous and irritable temperament, he had achieved a remarkable mastery over
himself. He must not be represented as a sanctimonious devotee. His character
was energetic and decided, nay even obstinate; he was a brave knight and a king
who knew how to punish. He was not devoid of a certain hardness; he complained
to his confessor that, when praying, he had no tears “to water the aridity of
his heart.” In dealing with his courtiers he always
maintained a certain distance, and never spoke
familiarly to any one. And yet there radiated from him a singular
charm. The friendly intercourse, full of naturalness and delicate humour, which he daily extended to those whom he
esteemed, exercised on them so great an attraction that never was king more
dearly loved. His simple manners blending with a truly kingly majesty, his
perfect good-faith, his aversion to lying and
hypocrisy, inspired affectionate admiration, and he was venerated for his
temperance, chastity, and the fervour of his piety. On this last point there is
a large amount of evidence, which was collected shortly after his death for the
purpose of his canonisation, and which was faithfully summarised by William of
St Pathus, confessor to Queen Margaret. Like all
great saints, Louis IX spent much time both by day and by night in the
exercises of prayer and meditation, depriving himself of bodily enjoyments,
practising mortification, having himself scourged with little iron chains, and
tending the poor and sick, especially those suffering from the more loathsome
diseases. But it must be remembered above all that he was a mystic and a
moralist. “This saintly man loved God with all his heart,” says Joinville; he
sought to attain the state of ecstasy, and, face downwards on the ground, he
became absorbed in prayer from which he emerged dazed and murmuring, “Where am I?”. He
was tormented by the thought that God, Who had died on the cross for men, was
not loved and served as He deserved, that there were lukewarm Christians (among
whom he included his friend the Sire de Joinville), blasphemers, and infidels,
and that he himself did not love his Saviour enough, nor suffer enough for His
sake. But he was not one of those mystics to whom the love of God is all-sufficing
and all-excusing. Sin horrified him. Few saints who mixed in the life of the
world so clearly discerned, in the Middle Ages, the essential principles of
Christianity. His devotion was enlightened and his
faith grounded on a deep knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. He took greater
pleasure in sermons, the study of passages of Scripture, conversations with
theologians, and discussions on morality with the people round him, than in
hearing an endless succession of masses, like his pious cousin Henry III.
We can therefore comprehend the
attitude which he assumed to his family, his counsellors, and his subjects. In
his eyes his first duty was to guide them all to Heaven. He believed that in
this respect he possessed a right which none could dispute. So great in these
matters was his authority as head of the family, that once his wife, in danger
of death, refused to vow a pilgrimage, because he was not near her and could
not give his permission. His idea of the royal power, and the principles of his
internal and external policy, were in perfect conformity with his perpetual
preoccupation for the salvation of souls. He did indeed succeed in avoiding vainglory, had no love of power, and even contemplated
abdication; he only retained the crown from a sense of duty. But he believed
firmly that his sacring conferred on him very extensive rights, and that, when
his conscience pointed out to him clearly a course to be taken, he might then
resort to arbitrary actions and ignore all counsel. This just and moderate king
was one of the founders of the absolute monarchy in France. But he shewed to
his subjects the devotion of a father, going so far as to risk his life for
them, and he respected established rights and privileges whenever they were
not absolutely opposed to his moral ideal. Towards the neighbouring kingdoms he
displayed scrupulous justice, and he was a peacemaker. On the other hand, as
was inevitable, this saint had no feelings of tolerance either towards heresy
among his subjects, or towards the Muslims. The figure of Louis IX offers a
violent contrast to that of his contemporary, Frederick II.
Although St Louis was so firm, his
internal and external policy was occasionally swayed by the influence of his
court and his officials, and this must be recognised. Margaret, daughter of the
Count of Provence, whom he married in 1234, was of an arrogant and
restless nature; she did not succeed, like her sister
Eleanor, wife of Henry III, in filling the court of her husband with natives of
Provence, but Louis had to keep a close watch on her, and he allowed himself to
be somewhat influenced by her in his relations with England. Of the king’s
three brothers, the eldest, Robert of Artois, was imprudent and unruly, as he
amply proved during the Egyptian Crusade. The next, Alphonse of Poitiers, was a
reasonable person, who resembled Louis IX, though with fewer virtues. But the
youngest, the proud and ambitious Charles of Anjou, involved the king in a
very, risky Mediterranean policy.
At first Louis IX’s chief counsellors
were experienced and wise survivors from the reign of Philip Augustus. Those
whom he subsequently selected for himself were for the most part churchmen,
such as Eude Rigatwl,
Archbishop of Rouen, William of Auvergne, Bishop of Paris,
The conservative character of the
government contemplated by St Louis, as also the monarchical progress achieved
under the influence of the king’s servants, can clearly be seen in the history
of the Curia Regis during this reign.
If we except the great constitutional struggles then going on in England, with which there is no analogy in France, the Capetian Curia Regis presents certain great resemblances to that of the Plantagenets. The term and the institution both remained vague. The Curia assisted the king to govern; it was formed from those who had been summoned for some special object, or who chanced to be residing at court, or who held office there and were in receipt of a regular salary. Sometimes they formed great and very numerous assemblies, summoned by the king, and similar to those of previous centuries; sometimes they were little meetings of men competent to deal with politics, law, or finance: officers of the Crown, the “clercs du roi,” the “chevaliers du roi.” During the reign of St Louis, however,
the work of subdivision and specialisation, which had begun long before, became
accelerated, and the rational organisation of the central government made great
strides. As far as we can judge from very inadequate documents, there was as yet no distinct political Council; the word Consilium was applied to every kind of meeting of
the Curia. On the other hand, the commissions of legal officials and of
financial officials were taking shape; their traditions were becoming
established, and their methods of work were improving.
We know the dates when the Courts of King’s Bench and Common Pleas were established in England; it is impossible to assign a date to the Parlement de Paris which in France corresponds with these. If, however, it were absolutely necessary to decide at which period the Curia Regis gave birth to the Parlement de Paris, we should select the reign of St Louis. In the first place, it was towards the middle of the thirteenth century that the word parlamentum, although still often applied to general courts, began to assume the special meaning which it retained throughout five centuries and to describe the Curia in its judicial sittings. In the second place the itinerant character of the commissions of judges was disappearing more and more. Their establishment in Paris had become inevitable owing to the new character of the procedure. At the beginning of the thirteenth century a large number of judgments, even of great importance, were given verbally, without any written document, and their substance could only be established by means of record, i.e. by witnesses. After the annexation of Normandy to the royal domain, and under the influence of Norman methods, written proceedings superseded the system of record. Judgments began to be entered on rolls, certainly not later than 1254, and by 1263 the more interesting were being registered. In short, a Record Office was definitely established, which necessitated fixed premises, as the piles of documents very quickly assumed enormous proportions; to ensure the swift transaction of business, it became necessary for the legal staff to remain in Paris, although the king and his court still made frequent changes of residence. Finally, and this was the chief sign of a great transformation, this legal staff* gradually eliminated the non-professional element. Twenty or thirty individuals, who had studied customary law and who spent their lives in examining cases and giving decisions, formed the “parlement.” In each case, one of them presided and pronounced judgment. They were called “conseillers,” “maitres,” “chevaliers du roi,” or “clercs du roi.” Bailiffs were also very often to be found among the judges. There were among the bailiffs of St Louis some professional jurists who spent part of their career as maitres in the Parlement; such was, for instance, Peter of Fontaines, bailiff of Vermandois in 1253, who, by desire of Louis IX, wrote a treatise for the legal instruction of the princes. But those who appear under this title in the list of judges were bailiffs still acting as such, who sat either because they happened to be in Paris with the king, or because they were concerned in the case. In like manner bishops were summoned when a prelate was involved in a case. For the same reason it was recognised that the magnates had a right to be tried by the “peers of France”, who on such occasions sat with the legal officers of the king; but (on this point as on many others we must not accept every statement made by Matthew Paris) there was no “court of twelve peers" .The real royal judges, those who presided over all the cases of which the king took cognisance, were professional lawyers, often of obscure birth, whom he had chosen for their talents and their uprightness. These ancestors of the proud Parlement de Paris, which played so important a part throughout the whole existence of the French monarchy, became established as a body in the reign of St Louis. Moreover they could sit in other sections of the Curia, and in the solemn assemblies, and might be political counsellors as well as judges; and for this reason the Parlement, or Curia Regis sitting to try cases, would never renounce its political claims. The origins of the Chambre des
Comptes are even more obscure than those of the Parlement de
Paris. The financial documents of the thirteenth century have almost disappeared,
and we have no treatise of this ancient time comparable with the Dialogus de Scaccario. But the organisation of the Curia Regis sitting to receive the accounts
rendered by the bailiffs, and to prepare in advance for the audit, is certainly
much older than that of the Parlement; it was only perfected during the reign
of St Louis. Here also there is no doubt that the annexation of Normandy tended
to aid the progress of monarchical administration. Borelli de Serres, who has displayed so much penetration in studying
the origin oi public finance in France, has discovered an account dealing with
the bailiwicks of Normandy in 1229-1230; it is much more methodical and regular
than the accounts of the bailiwicks of France in the same period.
Evidently the king’s servants deputed to sit at the Exchequers of Rouen and
Caen brought thence better rules—not only for legal but also for financial
administration. From a comparison of the few rolls that remain, it is evident
that greater order and precision had gradually been introduced into the
classification of receipts and expenditure. But the great reforms in the
financial services and in the Treasury did not take place until the reigns of
Philip the Fair and his sons.
A budget founded on the same methods
as those obtaining in the time of his father and grandfather was indeed
congenial to the conservative tastes, the simplicity, and the pacific policy of
St Louis. It is impossible to estimate the king’s total revenues at this
period; the documents are not sufficiently coherent. But we can at least say
that the character of the royal revenues had not changed. Most of the resources
were still derived from the royal demesne. Besides this, the officials still continued to collect profitable fines, sums paid in
lieu of military service, donations voluntary only in name which were
demanded from towns and which tended more and more to
their financial ruin, and finally heavy tallages imposed from time to time on the Italian bankers and the Jews. On the occasions
of the two crusades of St Louis and the Sicilian expedition of Charles of
Anjou, the clergy had to pay very heavy taxes. In all this there was nothing really new.
Nor was there any essential modification in the methods by which the royal revenues were collected. The provostship of Paris had, indeed, been reformed, but this reform did not bear the character which has been assigned to it by historians up to our day. Relying on references in the Grandes Chroniques de France and in Joinville, it was believed that this office had been farmed out at the beginning of the reign to various unscrupulous bourgeois, who were supposed to have oppressed the population to the grave detriment of the royal treasury; St Louis, “having,” says Joinville, “learned the whole truth... would not allow the provostship of Paris any longer to be farmed,” and entrusted it with good pay to an honest man named Stephen Boileau, who did justice without bias, and was so careful that the Treasury’s receipts were doubled. In reality the reform had neither these motives nor these results. Stephen Boileau’s predecessors were prominent and honest merchants. Boileau himself had at first farmed the provostship. But after about 1265 it is probable that neither he nor any one else would have accepted the office on these terms, for it threatened to become ruinous. The revenues indeed remained the same, while the expenses charged to the provostship were daily increasing. About this time the king decided that Stephen Boileau should cease to farm the office and should become a mere agent; the receipts became increasingly inadequate, but the deficit was henceforth borne by the Treasury. The population was no less oppressed than heretofore, because, in order to bring in the various revenues of the demesne within the provostship of Paris, Stephen Boileau entrusted their collection to numerous farmers, so that the inconveniences which the former system had imposed on the subjects were retained. This is a characteristic example; even in Paris there was no attempt to suppress the system by which the royal demesne was exploited, so as to supersede it by a system of direct collection. Louis IX had many opportunities of adding considerably to his resources by acquiring new domains. His scrupulous honesty prevented this. The tale of acquisitions during his reign is quickly told. By the treaty of Paris which in 1229 ended the Crusade against the Albigenses, the Count of Toulouse was deprived of the duchy of Narbonne, i.e. Lower Languedoc; everything within this district which had belonged in demesne to the count, especially the viscounty of Nunes, henceforth formed part of the royal demesne; the rest passed from the suzerainty of the count into that of the king. In 1239 the Count and Countess of Macon, who were childess, sold their county to the king. Finally, after the death of the king's uncle,Philip Hurepel,the counties of Clermont-en-Beauvaisis and Mortain, and the castellany of Domfront, accrued to the royal domain. On the other hand, Louis IX formed for his younger sons appanages which almost counterbalanced the above-mentioned annexations; thus Peter received the counties of Alenyon and Perche, and Robert that of Clermont-en-Beauvaisis. These appanages awarded to his sons were, however, very modest compared to those which he conferred on his three brothers, in obedience to the will of his father Louis VIII. On attaining their majority, one of them, Robert, received Artois (1237); to another, Alphonse, were given Poitou, Saintonge, and Auvergne (1241), to which was added, after his marriage to Joan of Toulouse, the heritage of Raymond VII, Count of Toulouse, who died in 1249; finally the youngest, Charles, received Anjou and Maine (1246). If these magnificent provinces had not been assigned to the princes of the royal family, over half the kingdom would have formed part of the royal domain. But possibly the unification of France rather gained than lost from this policy of appanages. In particular, it seems that the very careful administration of Alphonse of Poitiers contributed to the rapid assimilation of the provinces of the Midi. The advantages which the monarchy
reaped from the moderation and uprightness of Louis IX can clearly be seen in
the monetary history of the reign. The king was loth to make excessive profits
on the Mint, or to make arbitrary changes in the relation between the coins and
the money of account; neither did he, at his own good pleasure, modify the
ratio between gold and silver coins. The king's currency inspired so much
confidence that he was enabled to restrict to his advantage the circulation of
the seignorial currencies, without arousing excessive indignation. He did not
claim, as did later Philip the Fair, that he held the exclusive right of
coining, or of authorising the coining of money, but he prohibited the use of
any currency other than his in all places where there was no seignorial mint,
and he ordained that the royal currency should be accepted per totum regnum. His officials, of course, went farther
than he did, and often attempted unduly to prevent the currency of seignorial
money. But the next generation experienced much graver abuses and looked back
regretfully to the good coinage of St Louis.
Such as they were, the financial
resources of the monarchy enabled him to defend himself when attacked, to carry
out two crusades, and finally to establish peace throughout the kingdom. This
was achieved without
any alteration in the old military
system. In case of danger, he had recourse to feudal service, and the service
of the communes in the royal demesne. The right of summoning to the host all
the common people of the demesne was exercised, but almost solely to permit the
levying of taxes in lieu of service. On the other hand, regular troops
consisting of knights, cross-bowmen, and servants, were engaged and paid, who could be employed at
will and depended on with safety. The enemies of France found themselves
confronted with a sound and efficiently-led army.
In a word, under St Louis the French
monarchy displayed no inordinate ambition, and did not possess the new
resources which would have been necessary to satisfy it. But it perfected the
earlier means of action, and, as will be seen, Louis knew how to reap full
advantage from his twofold character as a supreme suzerain and the possessor of
divine right bestowed by the sacring. During the childhood and youth of the
king, the monarchy experienced some hard blows, which it succeeded in parrying;
after 1243, or thereabouts, its triumph was assured, and it enjoyed an
incomparable prestige. We must first study it on the defensive.
When Louis VIII died, he entrusted the
care of the kingdom and of his son to Blanche of Castile. The barons were
annoyed by this decision, and there were significant and alarming abstentions
from the coronation of the young Louis IX on 29 November 1226. Blanche’s
somewhat harsh methods left the barons no hope of dividing among themselves the
rich heritage of Philip Augustus and his son. They immediately announced that
they were unwilling to be governed by a woman and a stranger, who was sending
the royal money to Spain, was teaching her son to dislike the nobles and to
surround himself with priests, and was preventing him
from being liberal with his possessions. They called her by the name which in
the Roman de Renard is given to the she-wolf: Dame Herscnt. And in the winter of 1226-7 a feudal coalition
was formed.
But the protagonists of the feudal
opposition were of poor metal. The old members of the League which Philip
Augustus had overthrown at Bou vines were no longer
formidable; Ferrand, Count of Flanders, who had been set free on 6 January
1227, remained inert, and his accomplice, Renaud de Dammartin,
Count of Boulogne, died soon after in prison. Philip Hurepel,
the king’s uncle, a negligible and inefficient person, whom the barons would
have liked as regent so that they might have a free held, was incapable of playing
the part of a leader. The Count of Champagne, Thibaud le Chansonnier, was a great noble given to poetry, versatile and inconstant; he
professed a platonic love for Blanche of Castile, which she turned to account;
in his vacillations, he was formidable neithei* to
the monarchy nor to the allies whom he betrayed. The nobles of Poitou, such as«the Count of La Marche, were perpetual busy-bodies,
troublesome rather than dangerous, always ready to yield to force and to start
fresh and useless intrigues the next day. Blanche’s most dangerous enemy was
Peter of Dreux, great-grandson of Louis VI, who held the county of Brittany as guardian for his son, who
was still a minor. He was a harsh and ambitious man, dissatisfied with his
precarious position and with his temporary title of Count of Brittany. He was
nicknamed Mauclerc, because of the brutality with
which he treated the Breton clergy. Finally, the coalition could reckon on the
Count of Toulouse, who had not yet made his submission, and on the King of
England, who regretted the French possessions which had been wrested from John
The struggle was confused and
uninteresting; as intricate and as useless as, in later days, was the Fronde
during the minority of Louis XIV; as full of childish intrigues and betrayals;
as disastrous for the hardworking populations of certain provinces, such as
Champagne which was laid waste by the soldiers. The first coalition concluded
between Peter Mauclerc, Thibaud of Champagne, the Poitevin nobles, and the King of
England, was easily foiled by means of a few concessions, the most serious of
which was the grant of Belleme and St James de Beuvron, important fortresses on the borders of Normandy
and Brittany, which Peter Mauclerc demanded
(February—March 1227). In the same year the nobles all but captured the young
king. “All the barons” says Joinville, “were assembled at Corbeil. And the
sainted king once told me that neither he nor his mother, who were at Montlhery, durst return to Paris, until the people of Paris
came armed to fetch them. And he told me that from Montlhery onward the roads were full of men armed and unarmed as far as Paris, and that
all prayed to Our Lord that He would grant to the king a good life and a long,
and that He would defend and guard him from his enemies.” These vivid
impressions of childhood must have made a deep mark on the mind of Louis IX; in
such days he conceived a great horror of feudal disorder and vowed that he
would restore peace to France.
During the years 1228-9, the nobles
continued to agitate and to conspire; but Blanche of Castile, skilfully aided
by an Italian prelate, the Cardinal-legate, Romano Frangipani, succeeded in
partially disorganising the forces of her enemies. The cruel war between the
Albigensian heretics and the royal troops, which had been going on in the
county of Toulouse since 1226, came to an end, after a systematic devastation
of the Toulousain district. The legate forced Count Raymond VII to submit and
to accept very severe terms. Raymond was only allowed to retain the district of
Toulouse, Agenais, Rouergue, Quercy,
and the north of Albigeois (Treaty of Paris, 11 April
1229). In the north, Thibaud of Champagne was almost
completely won over to the monarchical cause. The good towns in the royal
domain between the Seine and Flanders, thirty-four in number, swore to serve
faithfully the king and his mother. A heavy blow was struck at the prestige of
Peter Mauclerc by the capture of his castle of Belleme, which was held to be one of the strongest
fortresses in the kingdom. This was a strenuous operation of war, carried on
ruthlessly in the heart of winter
(January 1229) by the Marshal John Clement, in the presence of Louis IX and
Peter Mauclerc then resolved on open treason, and on 9 October in the same year he landed in
England. A few days later, he did homage for Brittany to Henry III. In the
month of January he sent to bid defiance to the King
of France. The year 1230 was particularly critical. The King of England, after
having made considerable preparations and requisitioned several hundred
vessels, landed at St Malo on 3 May. Meanwhile Champagne was invaded: Philip Hurepel, the Duke of Burgundy, and the other conspiring
barons could not forgive Count Thibaud for having
deserted to the queen’s party; it was asserted that he had poisoned Louis VIII
and that he was Blanche of Castile’s lover. Fortunately for her, the inert
Henry III had not sufficient energy to seize so good an opportunity; and,
moreover, the French barons hesitated to betray their king openly and disobey
the Pope, who was supporting Blanche of Castile. When they received their
summons to the host to repel the English invasion, they did not refuse their
service of forty days, and contributed their quotas to the royal army which
invaded Brittany; they allowed the Curia Regis, assembled in the camp
outside Ancenis, to declare that Peter Mauclerc had forfeited the guardianship of Brittany (June
1230). At the end of the forty days, they went back to their spoliation of
Champagne; but Blanche of Castile, now free from anxiety in the west, was in a position to help her vassal. The enemies of the Count
of Champagne dared not attack the army in which the young king was present in
person, and, when Philip Hurepel concluded with the
Queen Regent a peace favourable to himself, the coalition of nobles became
disorganised (September). Meanwhile Henry III was feebly carrying out a useless
military advance as far as Bordeaux; then, uneasy at the attitude of certain Poitevin barons, and unwell, he retraced his steps and
returned to England (28 October). His subjects were very resentful at this
wretched expedition, and for over ten years his financial embarrassments
obliged him to postpone his plan of reconquering the fiefs lost by John
Lackland. In 1234 Peter Mauclerc, counting on his
support, again took up arms. As the King of England only sent some 60 knights
and a body of Welsh bowmen, Peter was unable to resist the royal army, made his
submission, and informed Henry III that he renounced his allegiance.
In the same year, 1234, on 25 April,
Louis IX attained his majority. His mother, who still
continued to play a great part in politics, had well defended the
interests of the Crown during his minority. No foreign prince had succeeded in
lessening its glory. By the marriage between Louis and Margaret of Provence, French
influence was extended beyond the Rhone, which then served as frontier.
Internally the royal domain had been increased by the addition of a part of the
county of Toulouse. The lands which had for a time been granted to Peter Mauclerc had been recovered. Thibaud le Chansonnier, in return for the services rendered
The last uprising of the malcontents
occurred between 1240 and 1243. It might have had serious results, as the whole
of the west and south of France was affected. In 1240, owing to causes which we
shall consider later, the Albigenses again became active, and there were armed
risings in Languedoc. In the following year Alphonse, the king’s brother, was
invested with his appanage, and went to Poitou to receive the homage of his
vassals. The most powerful of these was Hugh of Lusignan, Count of La Marche,
who had married Isabella of Angouleme, widow of John Lackland and mother of
Henry III, the very person whose marriage to the King of England had caused the
appeal of the Poitevin barons and the sentence of disinheritance pronounced by the Court of France against John
in 1202. She was a woman with an imperious and violent temper, before whom Hugh
trembled. We learn from a very interesting letter written by a bourgeois of La
Rochelle to Blanche of Castile,
that Isabella could not bear the thought that her husband was vassal to
Alphonse of Poitiers. She roundly declared to Hugh of Lusignan that he should
never again share her bed if he consented to abase himself in this manner. Hugh, who would have preferred a policy of bargaining
and small profits, resigned himself to the task of forming a conspiracy.
Conditions were favourable. The Poitevin barons were
proverbially addicted to treason. They held meetings, first among themselves,
then with the Gascon barons and the mayors of Bordeaux, Bayonne, St Emilion, and La Reole. The
“French,” they said, wish to enslave us; it were better to come to terms with
the King of England, who is a long way off, and will not take from us our
lands. And, in fact, they did come to terms with the King of England, and also with the King of Aragon, who was lord of
Montpellier, and with the Count of Toulouse. At the court held at Poitiers on
Christmas Day, Hugh of Lusignan defied his lord, the Count Alphonse, and war
was prepared.
In the spring of
1242 the royal army very quickly captured the Poitevin strongholds. Henry III vainly demanded from his Parliament the resources
necessary for a fresh invasion of France. He landed at Royan on 12 May 1242, with a small expedition consisting only of seven earls and 300
knights. Isabella welcomed her son warmly and thanked him for coming to succour
his mother, whom the sons of Blanche of Spain so wickedly wished to tread
underfoot. But when the armies of the two kings met near the
bridge of Taillebourg on 21 July, there was no
battle; alarmed at the sight of the French camp, which looked like a large and
populous city, Henry’s scanty troops retired within the walls of
Saintes. On the morrow, however, the English and the Gascons made a sortie. But
Henry III gave the signal for flight. The Poitevins submitted; Hugh of Lusignan, Isabella, and their children presented themselves
before Louis IX, and kneeling begged for mercy. Mad with anger, Isabella became
a nun and retired to Fontevrault, where she died in
1246, quickly followed to the grave by her husband. Meanwhile Henry III retired
to England two months after his defeat at Saintes, with yet another failure to
his account.
This was the last English invasion
during the reign of St Louis. It was also the end of the feudal anarchy in
Poitou for many a day; order was established by the administration of Alphonse
of Poitiers and later by that of the king’s officials.
But the Midi was not yet pacified. In
that region, Louis IX reaped what the severity of his officials and the
inquisitors had sown. The treaty of 1229 had not put an end to the persecutions
from which Languedoc suffered. In the seigniory retained by Raymond VII, Count
of Toulouse, who was personally inclined to a tolerant and kindly policy, he
was under the supervision of the legates and. the bishops, who rained
excommunications on him whenever he shewed any signs of lukewarmness in
religious affairs. In 1233 he was obliged to publish statutes against heresy,
and to allow the Inquisition to be organised within his States. The persecution
was ruthless, and it ruined, decimated, dispersed on distant pilgrimages, or
terrorised by frequent auto-da-fes, a large number of families. Tolerant Catholics were prosecuted and heretics were offered a
choice between conversion or death. “Behold”, said the Inquisitor,
“the consuming fire which devours thy companions. Answer me quickly; either
thou shalt burn in the fire, or thou shalt conform.... See, how the people
crowd to see thee burn.”
In the new royal seneschalships of Beaucaire and Carcassonne, religious persecution was not the only evil. The
seneschals and viguiers who administered them were knights from
northern France; they treated districts as conquered country.
The seneschals, once they were appointed by the king, lived like great
independent barons, and profiting by the difficulties of the monarchy, they
enjoyed absolute authority. Peter of Athies, who was seneschal of Beaucaire from
1239 to 1241, abused his position shamefully; greedy and licentious, he
governed by fear, and refused to obey the orders sent by the king. “I would,”
he said,gladly give a
hundred silver marks if I might hear nothing more of the king and queen.” William
of les Ormes, seneschal of Carcassonne, imprisoned some burgesses who, crippled
by the taxes he had imposed, ventured to appeal to the king. Each seneschal had
for lieutenants several vigulers (vicarii). These purchased their appointments,
and meant to derive great profits therefrom; they disobeyed the
seneschal even as he disobeyed the king. Filially, in each parish of the
demesne, there was a baile to manage the king’s property and arrest delinquents. The batles were recruited from among the natives of the province, but were none the less violent and tyrannical. Thus the
inhabitants were, in one way or the other, crushed beneath the weight of
vexations, fines contrary to custom, arrests on false pretences, requisitions
without payment, forced labour, injury to property, and, finally, arbitrary
During the early part of St Louis' reign, it frequently happened that similar abuses were suffered elsewhere, and
there were complaints in the Midi about the officers of the Count of Toulouse,
before the Albigensian crusade. But the oppression had become aggravated in the
two seneschalships, because it was not easy to lodge
a complaint at the king’s court, which was so far away. Moreover, it had
assumed a much more destructive character, because the repression of heresy was an excuse for violent methods, and because the
privileges of the lay and ecclesiastical aristocracy and of the bourgeoisie,
which had been respected by the Counts of Toulouse, were now bitterly opposed
by the king’s officials. Not only were those inhabitants convicted of heresy,
the faidits punished and dispossessed,
but very often the goods of those whom the Inquisition recognised as victims
of false accusations were not returned to their owners, and the Catholic
relatives of the faidits were persecuted and
robbed. Finally, the seneschals, under pretext of restoring order and defending
the king’s rights, were above all intent on destroying strongholds, preventing
the exercise of seignorial and municipal jurisdiction, and extending the royal
demesne properly so called to the limits of their seneschalships.
They engaged in a bitter struggle with the nobles of the Cevennes in the
mountainous districts of Gevaudan and Velay, and even
in Vivarais, which was still territory of the Empire.
The Albigensian crusade, which had ruined so many southern families, had left
two powerful houses in the Cevennes—the Pelet, and
the lords of Anduze—who were allowed to remain after
promising fidelity and orthodoxy. Round these two
there existed a horde of brigand barons, poverty-stricken but formidable
warriors, who passed their lives in quarrelling but would not brook foreign
domination. Peter of Atliies succeeded in taking and
demolishing a large number of strongholds, and in
establishing royal bailes here and there in Gevaudan. His struggle
with Dame Tiburge, widow of Bernard Pelet, was famous. He was not always victorious, but he
destroyed five of the castles which had belonged to the Pelet family and shattered their prestige. In like manner, Peter Bermond of Anduze was partially dispossessed. Finally the towns, which had gradually obtained the right of
forming consulats with important privileges with
regard to administration, justice, and taxation, went back to their former insecurity.
At Beaucaire, for instance, the consulate was suppressed, and the judicial and
financial privileges of the town were persistently violated.
An outlaw, Raymond Trencavel,
resolved to use the popular discontent to revive the Albigensian
resistance. He was the son of Raymond Roger, Viscount of Beziers and Carcassonne, one of Simon de Montfort’s victims. Raymond Trencavel, who had been excommunicated in 1227 and deprived
of his possessions, had taken refuge at the court of the King of Aragon, a
centre of intrigues against France. Without waiting for substantial support
from the enemies of Louis IX, he appeared in Languedoc in 1240 with a band of
exiles and of Catalan knights, persuaded part of the population in the seneschalship of Carcassonne to espouse his cause, and seized a few places. The seneschal William of les
Ormes, the Archbishop of Narbonne, and the Bishop of Toulouse organised the defence
of Carcassonne, and called for help from the Count of Toulouse, who however
preserved a doubtful neutrality. In reality he was counting on Trencavel’s success, but did not
wish to compromise himself immediately. Trencavel occupied the open bourg of Carcassonne, and 33 Catholic priests were
massacred there. But the fortified cite resisted Trencavel’s furious assaults (17 September—11 October 1240), and he made off when he learnt
that royal troops were approaching. Blanche of Castile, who seems at this time
once more to have assumed control of affairs in the Midi, had entrusted a
strong army to an efficient leader, the Chamberlain John of Beaumont, who was
notorious for his brutality. Trencavel retreated
across the Pyrenees.
Many of his partisans were hanged;
many old families round Carcassonne were deprived of their possessions, and
the land passed finally to new owners. But the Count of Toulouse, encouraged by
the King of Aragon, the Count of Foix, and other Pyrenean seigneurs,
secretly prepared a revolt. In 1241 he negotiated with Hugh of Lusignan, who
was prepared to defy Alphonse of Poitiers. Meanwhile the Inquisitors, at this
most untimely moment, redoubled their zeal, and even attacked Catholics who had
merely kept up relations of friendship and neighbourliness with the Cathari.
Exasperation increased, and the news spread that the English and the barons of
the west were about to drive the
The disturbances whose history we have
just summarised, marked alike the close of the Albigensian resistance and the
end of the dangers which had threatened the monarchy ever since the coalition
of Bouvines. Henceforward Louis IX could devote
himself to the salvation of his soul and the good government of his kingdom.
The dominant preoccupation in St Louis’ mind was to lead num heavenward in his company. Therefore the Christian
education of his subjects in every rank of life was his chief interest. Every
evening, at bed-time, he personally gave religious
instruction to his children. He wrote for their use with his own hand the Enseignements, which are chiefly pious
precepts. Vincent of Beauvais, the famous author of the Speculum, tells us that St Louis charged him to give moral and religious instruction to
“princes, knights, counsellors, ministers and others, who were resident at
court or administering public affairs elsewhere.” The king liked to arrange sermons for the edification of his barons, for the
common people, or even for the clergy. He considered, that there were never enough houses dedicated to prayer. “And so”, says Joinville, “even as the writer who has written a book illuminates it with
gold and azure, the said king illuminated his kingdom with beautiful abbeys.”
One of the most perfect gems of Gothic art, the Sainte Chapelle in Paris, was
built at his order (1246-8) to provide a worthy abode for the relics of the
Passion, which he purchased from the needy Emperor Baldwin. What may be termed
the social policy of St Louis was definitely religious in character. When lie founded in Paris the famous lay congregation of the
Quinze-Vingts, to provide an asylum for 300 blind
folk, when he sent succour to provinces threatened with famine,
when he personally attended the poor and sick, he was applying the precepts of
his religion with, intellb gence and love, but he was far from possessing any of our modern ideas. For this same
man, still with the intention of securing his own salvation and that of others,
showed himself capable of cruel fanaticism.
He indeed punished blasphemers and
persecuted heretics with great harshness. It was owing to his active
co-operation that Popes Gregory IX and Innocent IV were enabled to establish
the Inquisition in France, when in most countries of Europe it was repulsed by the secular clergy. And especially from 1233 onwards the
persecution became systematically organised, and spread almost throughout
France, because of the resistance offered by the Cathari in the South and
infection from the Albigensian heresy in the Northern provinces. Louis and his
mother defrayed the expenses of the inquisitors, and supplied them with a guard for their protection. The secular clergy had
abandoned their ancient prerogative at the request of the Pope and the king;
while councils at Beziers, Albi, and Tours
established the tribunals of the Inquisition and their terrible secret
procedure, which was to exert so sinister an influence on French criminal law.
The officials of St Louis offered no opposition to prosecutions which enabled,
them, by means of confiscations tending to the king’s advantage, to enrich the
treasury and round off the demesne.
The prevailing credulity is shown by
the belief accorded to Brother Robert, who between 1233 and 1239 terrorised the
tie de France, Burgundy, Champagne, and Flanders. He was a converted Patarine, and was therefore nicknamed the Bougre, or Bulgar. After a holocaust of 183
heretics, or so-called heretics, who were burned before an immense throng at
Mont-Aimé in Champagne, men realised that this maniac
was condemning Orthodox and Cathari alike; he died in prison. We have seen how
in the Midi the Albigensian resistance ended in the final submission of Raymond
VII. But the persecution continued, and the Count of Toulouse helped therein,
in accordance with his promise. He shewed great zeal. In the year of his death
(1249) he burned near Agen 80 Cathari who had
recanted their errors, and whom an inquisitor would not have handed over to the
secular arm for execution. After him came the greedy Alphonse of Poitiers, who
married his daughter and took possession of the country; he was less barbarous, but gave his support to prosecutions from which
the king allowed him to benefit.
Personally Louis IX would certainly not have ordered the burning of repentant heretics, foi’ one of his great desires was for conversions.
Just as at his abbey of Royaumont he educated Saracen
children whom he had brought from the East, so by his generous gifts he
succeeded in
Nowhere was the rigidity of Louis IX’s
principles in the internal government of his kingdom more forcibly shewn than
in the exercise of his duties as a judge. There he applied the theory of
monarchy rendered divine by the sacring to its full extent. He regarded himself
as God’s delegate. He was pre-eminently the king justiciar. No doubt many of
the events in the judicial history of his reign—which has scarcely begun to be
written—are manifestations of the tenacious activity of his counsellors
sitting in the Parlement, and of the enterprising spirit shewn by his bailiffs
and seneschals. But it seems possible to trace the king’s share, which was no
small one. In the first place, he liked to try eases himself, according to his
conscience. In several great criminal cases he imposed his will. He also liked
to set the over-litigious on the “right and straight” path. Joinville depicts
him at the foot of an oak at Vincennes, or else seated in his garden in Paris,
superintending the exercise of justice by his counsellors, and altering the
sentence when it did not please him. Moreover he took care that justice should be equal for all.
Neither the most noble families, nor the members of his household, could expect
any favour from him. Charles of Anjou, who was selfish and vainglorious, was
slow to understand that the king’s brother must pay his debts and consider
other people. Louis IX did not spare him.
The old barbarous customs of vengeance, of private war, of judicial duels, horrified Louis. The judicial duel was used either as a method of proof against a witness accused of falsehood, or a means of recourse against a judge appealed against for false judgment. Influenced obviously by Canon Law, which did not admit the duel, Louis IX forbade its use before the royal, judges. This was one cause for the enormous multiplication of appeals brought before the Parlement of Paris. The king went still farther, when he attacked the old right of vengeance which was practised by the bourgeois and the peasants as well as the nobles, but which had specially terrible results when it caused war between two great feudal families. The remedies which had been found, a truce or surety between families at feud, a “paix a partie,”i.e. “peace between the parties,” terminating the blood-feud and accompanied? by a penance for the guilty, all this did not content St Louis. He established, or at least revived, the Quarantaine-le-Roi, a truce of 40 days imposed on those of the relatives who had not taken part in the original affray. He revised those paix a partie which did not seem to him
to impose severe enough penances on the murderers. Finally, about January 1258, he decided to forbid all private wars, all
incendiarism, all disturbance caused to husbandry throughout his
kingdom, and the carrying of arms was strictly prohibited. Family feuds did not
absolutely cease, but they were effectively checked by the interdict against
carrying arms; in the Midi, even outside the royal domain, cognisance of any
infraction of this law was one of the cases reserved for trial at the royal
It was not enough to impose on others
order and justice, and a respect for persons and property. St Louis realised
that for the last fifty years the monarchy had been committing crimes of
violence and injustice, alike in the old domain and the new. When he was on the
point of departure for the Egyptian Crusade, he felt scruples over leaving
unanswered the complaints he had received, and he determined to entrust a
mission of reparation to certain trustworthy men. Hence the system of circuits
of enquetteurs, which began in 1247,
and which, after the king returned from Palestine, took place every year.
Before and after the days of St Louis, it sometimes happened that the Kings of
France sent counsellors to make distant circuits; but this was intended, in the
narrowest sense of the word, to serve the king’s interests, to compel obedience
from his officials, to make peculators disgorge their ill-gotten gains, or to
restore the tranquillity which had been disturbed. St Louis, in his letters of
January 1247, declared that the mission of the enqueteurs was to “receive in writing and to examine the grievances which may be brought
against us and our ancestors, as also allegations of the injustices and
exactions of which our bailiffs, provosts, foresters, sergeants, and their
subordinates may have been guilty.” Thus the king
wished to repair the sins which had been committed; the inquests had a moral
and religious character. Moreover, the enqueteurs were almost always Franciscan friars, especially at first. Gradually there were
introduced among them some counsellors from the Court, who presided over the
commissions, because it was recognised that the religious lacked experience
and frequently allowed themselves to be deceived. But until the end of the
reign, the people regarded the circuits of enqueteurs as intended “to give justice to everyone, the poor as well as the rich.” After
the death of St Louis, the character of these missions completely changed.
Only a small part of the depositions
collected has survived. Nevertheless it fills a folio
volume of the Recueil des Historiens de France Sometimes we find complaints
classed according to a geographical plan, and relating to all kinds of
subjects, often futile and trivial. Sometimes we find a wide inquest concerning
the administration of some bailiff or provost, and occasionally the emptiness
of the accusations proves that the official was an honest man. But very many
abuses, violent actions, and arbitrary proceedings, are freely denounced. This
enormous mass of documents was not collected in vain; the enqueteurs possessed most extensive powers to
By means of the Inquests of St Louis,
his letters and ordonnance and other documents, we can form some idea
of his attitude towards the clergy, the nobles, the privileged towns, and the
common people.
The traditional defensive attitude of
the Capetian monarchy and lay society towards the Church was not interrupted by
St Louis. Astonishment has been expressed because so pious a king, albeit
showing the greatest theoretical respect towards any wearer of the tonsure, and exercising the greatest care in the
disposal of any benefices to which he held the nomination, should yet have
proved so energetic a layman.He did not question either the
spiritual supremacy of the Church, nor the old alliance which bound it to the
monarchy. He only aimed at repressing the abuses which threatened the temporal
power, and, in this sphere as elsewhere, he wished to preserve every one’s
rights. His mothe Blanche of Castile had set him an
example. She had had violent conflicts with the Bishop of Beauvais, with the
Archbishop of Rouen, and with the masters and students of the University of Paris, whose courses were interrupted for two years
Joinville records interviews between
the king and certain bishops about temporal matters. St Louis spoke to them
very sharply, and did not hesitate to accuse them of
covetousness and disloyalty. In like manner, the Inquests prove that his
officials insisted that the clergy should shew them respect; thus a viguier once condemned some monks to be
fined because they had not left their refectory and come in a body to receive
him. St Louis repressed his officials when they exceeded their powers, but did not permit their legitimate authority and
their independence to be questioned. If they refused to seize the goods of
excommunicated persons, the king upheld them; he considered that in such cases
the Church should not call for his support. As regards jurisdiction, he
preserved the same attitude as his grandfather Philip Augustus. As certain
prelates offered a stubborn resistance to the jurisdiction of the royal and
seignorial judges, an assembly was held at St Denis in 1235, and the king
joined the barons in sending a protest to Pope Gregory IX against the
proceedings of the clergy.
In other circumstances he made common
cause with his clergy against the Holy See, or even, towards the end of his
reign, with the Holy See against his clergy. Relations between Church and State
in France as well as in England, during the last three centuries of the Middle
Ages, were affected by the greed and favouritism of the Popes, who claimed to
dispose of the benefices and property of the churches, while the governments
did not wish foreigners to monopolise appointments to bishoprics and abbeys,
nor gold to be taken out of the kingdom. The first great ordonnance prohibi ting irregularappointments to benefices, and thelevying of taxes for the benefit
of the Roman Curia, was for long attributed to
Thus the relations of St Louis with the clergy were, as was natural,
determined by the traditional policy of the monarchy and by circumstances. As
regards the nobles, it is equally impossible to describe his attitude in a
single phrase. As further documents are published, and the provincial history
better known, the impression is rendered more complex.
Personally Louis IX was conservative. If we consider his decisions, or study
carefully the Life of Joinville, who composed his memoirs, or at least
put the finishing touches to them, in the days of Philip the Fair and noted the
changes that had taken place, we feel that Louis had .a great idea of the sacred rights of the monarchy, but that he still adhered to
the feudal point of view. He did not use the victories achieved by himself and
his mother to destroy the turbulent dynasties of Brittany or Poitou, and the
motive force in his negotiations with the King of England was, as will be seen,
to resume correct feudal relations with him. When he suppressed the judicial
duel, it was only in the royal domain. It is a mistake to talk of the extension
in his reign of “royal cases,” i.e. cases in
which the royal justice, as such, reserved for itself the trial.
When we examine the facts, it will be found that these so-called royal cases,
in the time of St Louis, can almost all be explained by feudal law. The multiplication
of the “bourgeois du roi,” who escaped the law-courts
of their feudal lords, does not seem to have been systematically intended by
Louis IX, nor by the Parlement of Paris. The king carried his respect for the
independence of his barons so far that, in 1246, he allowed those in the north
and west, under the influence of the anticlerical agitation of Frederick II,
to organise a league to oppose the temporal claims and the excessive enrichment
of the clergy and the Pope;
it had a directing
committee, subscriptions, and
statutes. For twelve years we find the Holy See fulminating vainly against the statutarii; the king was not disturbed, and
remained neutral, both because he shared some of the opinions held by the
leaguers, and because he did not feel for his nobles the meddlesome mistrust of
a Philip Augustus or a Louis XI.
Nevertheless the nobles—even in the ancient domain, and even after the troubles
which we have described had been allayed—complained and grumbled, and Louis’
reign was not regarded as a Golden Age until later, in retrospect, when the
violent methods of his successors were being experienced. This was because
Louis IX considered that, as supreme suzerain and as king, he had a right to
repress injustices and brutalities with severity. He frequently punished barons
who had executed accused men without a trial or by a wrongful judgment. He
attempted to stop tournaments, which were the favourite pastime of the nobles.
His prohibitions of carrying arms, and of vengeance, although in practice they
had to be modified, caused great irritation. But above all the nobles were
exasperated by the slow, steady, and irresistible progress of the monarchical
administration, which was assisted in its work by the king’s brothers in their
appanages. Appeals to the Curia Regis became multiplied; the encroachments of the bailiffs and seneschals of the king and his
brothers on seignorial jurisdictions, even when disavowed, created precedents
which were not forgotten.
A similar picture is supplied by the
documents concerning municipal history. In theory the alliance between the
monarchy and the towns continued. “Preserve,” writes Louis IX in his Enseignements to his son, “the good towns and
communes of thy kingdom in the state and in the franchises in which thy
predecessors preserved them; and if there is aught to
amend, amend and redress it. And keep them in thy favour and thy love, for if
thou art strong in the friendship and wealth of the great towns, thy subjects
and foreigners will fear to act ill towards thee, especially thy peers and thy
barons.” The fidelity of the great towns of the ancient domain had indeed been
precious during the troubles of the regency, and Louis IX granted many
confirmations of their liberties. It is none the
less true that it was during his reign that the decay of urban liberties began
in France. This tendency to decline was inevitable. Owing to
economic progress, there had arisen capitalist oligarchies which had
seized municipal power, which governed to their own advantage, kept wages low,
and crushed the poorer people with heavy taxes. The “mediocres”
formed leagues, and insurrections took place. The towns, unquiet and ill-administered, were unable to pay the heavy sums which the monarchy demanded
from them. Ballads made by the petty bourgeois of Arras about the great
defrauders and their false declarations of properties and incomes have been found.
Then the king took serious measures. In 1262 there appeared two ordonnances which were designed to put the king’s officials in a position to know exactly
the state of the towns’ finances, and to organise monarchical control; every
year the municipalities were to be re-elected on the same day—29 October—and
the accounts for the last year were to be brought to Paris by the outgoing echevins and their successors on 17 November. These ordonnances were carried out only in “France” and in
Normandy, and only for some 20 years. But thus there
began an administrative superintendence which never again slackened. Moreover,
it did not lead the monarchy to moderate its fiscal demands. The towns, faced
with constantly increasing exactions, were deeply in debt by the end of the
Outside the “great towns,” the common
people in the bourgs and country districts of the royal domain suffered,
as is proved by the Inquests, from plundering by subordinate officers, and from
fines inflicted rightly or wrongly by the provosts. They were rigorously held
in hand, and brawls were severely punished. But they were also protected,
wherever the monarchy possessed any effective power.
As a whole the French peasants owed to St Louis and his mother a period of
tranquillity such as they had not enjoyed since time immemorial. Therefore when they learned of Louis IX’s misfortunes in the
Holy Land, they were more deeply affected than the nobles and the clergy; in
1251, throughout the north-east of the kingdom, the shepherds and peasants, the
“pastoureaux,” rose to join the king at the bidding
of a visionary. This “Crusade of the Pastoureaux”
ended badly; they took to pillaging churches and the houses of bourgeois. After
much hesitation, Blanche of Castile decided to order its repression. She had
thought that these unfortunate men would really go to deliver her son. This
was not the only proof she gave of her sympathy with the poor. In the following
year (1252) she went herself to deliver the peasants whom the Chapter of Notre
Dame at Paris had caused to be arrested wholesale for refusing to pay the taille, and whom they had cruelly thrust into stifling prisons.
In order really to understand and
grasp, in a definite and limited field, the attitude of the monarchy towards
the various classes in the nation, it is well to examine the king’s policy in
the seneschalships of Beaucaire and Carcassonne, and
that of his brother Alphonse of Poitiers in the county of Toulouse during the
last years of the reign.
During the quarter of a century which preceded his death, Louis IX, without relinquishing the repression of heresy, healed the wounds of his southern provinces. He undertook the administration himself, with the help of his mother, his brother Alphonse, the Parlement of Paris, and the enqueters. The royal seneschals and viguiers of Languedoc no longer enjoyed the dangerous independence which they had been granted during the early years of his reign. After 1254, the seneschals only remained in office for one or two years, four at the most. They were supervised by the enqueteurs, and occasionally the Parlement of Paris reversed their decisions as improper. The index senescalli, who helped them to try cases, gradually absorbed their judicial functions; he became the index maior (juge mage, senior judge); he alone was allowed to condemn any one to imprisonment in grave cases. The old customof summoning the great landowners to give their opinion on the advisability of exporting wheat was restored, and these small assemblies in the seneschalships had sometimes to discuss other questions. And finally, by the famous ordonnances of 1254 and 1259, these seneschals, so carefully counselled and supervised, received instructions breathing the very spirit of St Louis; the king was bent on forcing them to execute righteous judgment, on preventing them from extorting money by fraudulent means, or making the taxes heavier; in certain specified cases, the confiscations imposed under pretext of heresy were to be cancelled; the king’s officers were to repress vice, and to set a good example. At least in their administrative clauses, these ordinances were useful, as the enqueteurs could ensure their being carried out. In the county of Toulouse, Alphonse of
Poitiers pursued a similar course. It is obvious that St Louis exercised very
great influence on his brother, as on the rest of the family. It is noteworthy
that Alphonse of Poitiers did not settle at Toulouse after the death of his
father-in-law, Raymond VII; he lived near his brother in Paris or thereabouts, and accompanied him on his two Crusades. He was
a lover of red-tape, careful, avaricious, and fond of prolonging business. But
the ordonnances on administrative reform published by the ttvo brothers prove satisfactorily by their date and their
contents how well they agreed. The general results of their administration were
Throughout Languedoc, the history of
the lay and the ecclesiastical aristocracy at this period is only a story of
decadence. The old families were ruined; the new-comers from the North, except the Lévis family, were of no
account. Louis IX and Alphonse of Poitiers moderated the excessive zeal of the
seneschals and bailes, and curbed, not without difficulty, their
tendency to usurp lands, rights, and jurisdictions, even within the territory
of bishops and abbots. They put a stop to the more scandalous conflicts arising
therefrom. Both of them insisted on the strict
observance of the ordonnances against carrying arms, and to the best of
their ability they repressed the deep-rooted habits of private war. The towns
and country districts of the Midi began to expand and to prosper during these
happy days ah the end of the
reign. Louis IX, even though he repressed the abuse of power by urban
oligarchies, shewed favour to the bourgeoisie, restoring some of the old
liberties, for instance reinstating the consulate at Nimes. When he created the
town of Aigues-Mortes, so as to have a port of his own on the Mediterranean, he conferred on it great
privileges, which attracted a crowd of immigrants (1246). Carcassonne, which
had been completely deserted for seven years aftei’ Trencavel’s revolt, was repopulated. Alphonse of Poitiers,
who was more meddlesome than his brother, and was in constant conflict with the
town of Toulouse, was nevertheless a great builder of villes neuves. In a word, the two brothers pacified the
Midi. The brilliant seignorial life of the twelfth century had disappeared, but
the bourgeois and the peasants regained security under
the Capetian government.
With those differences and
distinctions which provincial and local history record, but which cannot here
be mentioned, France, during the peaceful period which ended St Louis' reign, presented a spectacle of order, steady work, and development. The land
was well cultivated, and the wastes and the forests were being put under
cultivation. The economic and social condition of the peasants was improving;
the day of wholesale enfranchisements was dawning. The towns were developing in spite of the precarious condition of the municipal
finances. Merchants and students travelled in security. Great artists, such as
Peter of Montreuil, had brought Gothic architecture to a pitch of perfection
which was never surpassed. The most celebrated poem, perhaps, of the Middle
Ages, the Roman de la Rose, dates from this period. French prose was
being created; we have a model in Primat’s Grandes Chroniques de France, which were commissioned by
the king. The racy language of French writers seemed to the neighbouring
peoples the most delightful of all. The monarchy greatly contributed to the
prosperity of the nation by its wisdom, and its prestige gained thereby. France
and her monarchy became great at the same time.
We have pointed out some shadows in
this brilliant picture. The king sincerely desired to recognise, to reveal, to
efface these. But his bailiffs and seneschals were often too strong for him.
The Inquests and the ordonnances could not succeed in restoring the
France of fifty years back, and the ground gained by the king’s servants was
seldom lost. Owing to the very fact that Louis IX was a saint, their
proceedings were even more dangerous to the institutions and customs of the
past, for the king, the upright man, retained the love of his subjects; against
his own will, and without losing his halo, he profited by the abuses of power
committed by his servants. In this reign, monarchical progress was the complex
result of the sanctity of a revered ruler, and the patient and obstinately aggressive
policy of the king’s servants.
In foreign policy, Louis IX was more
his own master. He did not go to war with Christians unless he was attacked,
and, when his safety was assured, he imposed on his counsellors a pacific and
conciliatory policy toward
the Western States. “Avoid,” he wrote in his Enseignements to his heir, “making war
on Christians. If thou art wronged, try sundry means of seeing whether thou
canst retrieve thy rights before having recourse to arms.” On the other hand,
he organised two offensive expeditions with the object of reconquering the Holy
Land and converting the Infidels, or exterminating
them if they resisted. The Crusade was his chief aim in foreign policy.
He lamented the conflict between the
Holy See and the Empire, which was a great obstacle to the deliverance of
Jerusalem, but he did nothing to weigh down the balance. To understand his
attitude, he must not be considered from the standpoint of a Catholic of
today. In his eyes the imperial power and the papal power were equally
legitimate and ought to remain intact. On the other hand, the independence and
neutrality of the kingdom of France had to be maintained. He did not wish his
brother Robert of Artois to accept the imperial crown, offered him by Gregory IX
(1240); but he obliged Frederick II to release the French prelates who had been
captured at sea on their way to the council at Rome (1241). When Innocent IV
was in peril in Rome and crossed the Alps, Louis IX did not offer him refuge in
France, and the Pope stopped at the frontier at Lyons, which was still an
imperial city. The representatives of Louis in the Council of Lyons begged the
Pope to be conciliatory; for was not Frederick II offering to submit to the
arbitration of the Kings of France and England? Innocent IV rejected all compromise, and declared his enemy to have forfeited his
kingdoms (1245). Louis IX remained neutral. He might have seized the
opportunity of extending the frontiers of his kingdom beyond the Rhone. He did
not seek to fish in troubled waters. The only advantage he sought from the
Pope’s critical position was to obtain his favour for the marriage of Charles
of Anjou to the heiress of Provence (1246). But he continued to treat Frederick
II amicably. He even allowed him to issue a proclamation to the French barons,
and to correspond with those who in 1246 founded, as we have seen, a league
against the encroachments of the Church. Only when Frederick II invited the
leaguers to join him in marching on Lyons and seizing the Pope, St Louis
informed Innocent IV that he would protect him. Frederick abandoned his plan
Without waiting for the close of this
tragic conflict, which was by no means ended by the death of Frederick II
(1250), Louis left for the East. He had ceased to count on the reconciliation
of the two adversaries, or on their co-operation. In 1246 the Pope himself had
given secret orders that the preaching of the expedition to the Holy Land was
to be stopped in Germany; he was bent only on securing partisans against Frederick.
Now it was in the month of December 1244 that Louis had token the Cross, for
reasons which have been given elsewhere. At the time when the
capture of Jerusalem by the Khwarazmian Turks, and
the victory of the Emir Baibars Bunduqdari at Gaza became known in France, Louis was in the
clutches of malarial fever, and his death was expected; as soon as he was
strong enough to speak, he took the Cross. The expedition, which was to be so
imprudently conducted, was prepared with the greatest care, and at enormous
cost. Heavy subsidies were demanded from the clergy and the towns. The town and
port of Aigues-Mortes were constructed to ensure the
safe departure of the fleet. The island of Cyprus was chosen as the base for
supplies, and St Louis stayed there for eight months to concentrate his army.
Unfortunately, these great preparations were not supplemented by reliable
information concerning the country about to be invaded. Louis IX had decided,
not without good reason, to attack in his own country Ayyub, the Sultan of
Egypt, who, as we have seen, could be considered the author of the defeats
sustained by the Christians in 1244. There was, however, no exact information
about Egypt or the Nile. The disasters of the Crusade in 1218-21 had taught the
crusaders no lessons, and they were to be repeated.
Sailing from Cyprus on 15 May 1249,
Louis IX arrived at the Damietta mouth of the Nile on 5 June, only a few days
before the annual rise of the river began. Damietta was easily taken, but it
was six months before the flood abated. Meanwhile resources failed and
discipline waned in the army. When the crusaders started to march on Cairo, and found themselves opposed by the army of the new
Sultan, Turan-Shah, Ayyub’s son, the signal for
disobedience was given by the king’s own brother, Robert of Artois. His
rashness, for which he paid with his life, caused the defeat of Mausurah (19 December). A halt had to be called. The lack
of fresh and sound food caused epidemics of scurvy and dysentery which
decimated the army, still mercilessly harried by the Saracens. Joinville’s
graphic account should be read. From his pages it is easy to picture the
atrocious sufferings undergone by the crusaders, and the exploits they
accomplished. Moreover many of them were earnestly
aspiring to gain the martyr’s crown. When Guy of Chateau-Porcien,
Bishop of Soissons, learned that a return to Damietta was inevitable, Joinville
tells us that “he, having a great desire to go to God, did not wish to return
to the land where he was born; he spurred his steed,
and attacked the Turks single-handed, who killed him and placed him in the
company of God, in the army of martyrs.” During this retreat, which ended in
the capture of the army, Louis IX also nearly “went to God”; he was suffering
from dysentery and almost at the point of death when he was captured (5 April
1250); an Arab physician tended him and cured him. He displayed his usual
energy in negotiating his release. Brutally threatened with torture by the counsellors
of Turan-Shah, then, when the latter was killed in a
revolt of the Mamluks, threatened with death by the
emirs and obliged to be present at the torture of the Patriarch of Jerusalem,
he would not cede to the Sultan any of the Syrian strongholds, and refused to
take the oath demanded by the Emirs, which seemed to him impious. He finally
The tidings of his mother's death (27
November 1252) ought to have decided him to return to France, but he did not
set sail until 24 April 1254. Now civil war was raging in Flanders, and Henry
III had again demanded from Blanche of Castile the fiefs forfeited by John
Lackland. Opinions were fiiuch divided both in France
and in England on the subject of the conquests of
Philip Augustus and Louis VIII. In England, the party of the barons and the
national Church wished to see the State relieved of the continental question, and considered that the people should not be expected
to make fresh sacrifices for a matter of private interest; but his Poitevin and Gascon counsellors urged Henry III to reclaim
the lost fiefs. In France, the counsellors of the monarchy were bent on
resisting this claim with energy. Louis IX was inclined to follow an
intermediate course. He did not question the lawfulness of the sentence of
1202, but he admired the piety of Henry III, and was moved by family feelings. Finally the position seemed to him ambiguous and dangerous;
Henry III had retained in France only the duchy of Guyenne, but all ties of vassalship had been severed between the two kings, and
Henry had recently concluded a treaty of alliance with the King of Castile (22
April 1254). As soon as he returned from Palestine. Louis IX entered on peace
negotiations with Henry I. They dragged out their weary length. Finally,urged by his barons, who
were assuming an increasingly disquieting attitude, Henry III yielded. Peace
was concluded on 28 May 1258, and ratified at Paris in
December 1259.
By the Treaty of Paris Henry III once
more became the liegeman of the King of France, and renounced his claim to
Normandy, Anjou, Touraine, Maine, and Poitou; but Louis IX restored to him all
that he held in fiefs or in demesne in the dioceses of Limoges, Cahors, and Perigueux, as well as the succession to all that Alphonse
of Poitiers held in Agenais and Saintonge, to the south of the Charente, should
Alphonse die childless. As Henry III could not obtain money from his Parliament
for his Sicilian scheme, he also demanded the sum necessary for the support of
five hundred knights for two years.
Louis IX was convinced that he had
served the interests of thefCrown well. “He was not
my man, and he enters into homage to me,” he said
During the years which followed his
return from Syria, Louis IX devoted himself to the task of making peace between
Christians, His most important achievement was in Flanders. Already in 1246 he
had tried to act as arbitrator in order to settle the quarrel between the two
sons whom Margaret, Countess of Flanders, had had by her marriage with Bouchard
of Avesnes, and the children of her second marriage
with William of Dampierre; during the Crusade war had
broken out, and Margaret, rather than yield Hainault to her son John of Avesnes, whom she hated, had offered this county and the
guardianship of Flanders to Charles of Anjou. The King of the Romans, William
of Holland, supported John of Avesnes, and the
ambition of Charles of Anjou threatened to kindle a serious conflict. On his
return, Louis insisted on acting as arbitrator (dit [award] of Peronne, 24 September 1256). John d'Avesnes renounced some fiefs and became the vassal of
Charles of Anjou for Hainault.
Such was the influence of the King of
France that, from the north to the south, foreigners took him as judge of their
differences; the King of Navarre and his sister, the Count of Burgundy and the
Count of Chalon, the Duke of Bar and his neighbours, the Count of Luxembourg
and the Duke of Lorraine, Guigues, Dauphin of Viennois, and his neighbours, the Count of Savoy and Charles
of Anjou, the inhabitants of Lyons and the canons of the cathedral church, all
had recourse to him. The English barons a,nd Henry III entrusted to him the task of pronouncing on the validity of the
Provisions of Oxford; the “Mise of Amiens” (24 January 1264) bears the very
characteristic marks of his political ideas. He would not admit that a king
should be prevented from choosing his own counsellors and officials. He
annulled the Provisions, while ordering that old charters and
customs were to be respected and all quarrels to be forgotten. The
issues at stake were too serious; his decision was nugatory.
Louis IX, whose health was becoming
more and more precarious, was
The death of Frederick II had not
modified his desire for preserving the balance of power and his respect for
established rights; on his return from the Holy Land, he at first remained
neutral, considering Conradin as the legitimate heir. But the aversion which he
felt for Manfred, who did not hesitate to negotiate with the Muslims, and the
emotion caused by the tragic events which disturbed the East in 1260-61,
altered his views. In 1261 a Frenchman of energetic and obstinate character,
Urban IV, became Pope; after his accession he appointed to the cardinalate Guy Foulquoi and two
other counsellors of St Louis; he gradually induced the king to regard the
question of Sicily as linked with the pacification of Christendom and the
deliverance of the Holy Land. He offered the crown of Sicily to the Count of
Provence, Charles of Anjou, who ever since 1258 had not ceased to intervene in
the quarrels of the Piedmontese seigneuries, and who had inordinate ambitions.
Louis IX, greatly respected by his family, could easily have put an end to it
all by his veto. Charles of Anjou evidently succeeded in persuading him that
fertile Sicily would be a good base of supplies, which would facilitate the
crusade. Louis IX therefore undertook the negotiations, obtained from the Pope
better conditions for his brother, and the convention of 15 August 1264 was in
part his work. He allowed his subjects to enter Charles' service in
large numbers, and the Holy See to levy crushing taxes on the Church of France.
. Having become
master of Sicily, which is some 90 miles from Tunisia, Charles of Anjou
was evidently among those who persuaded his brother that the first objective of
the Crusade should be Tunis. Louis IX ceased to exercise a clear judgment where
the Crusade and the Muslims were involved. He really believed that the Hafsid emir Mustansir, who frequently entered
into negotiations with the Christian rulers, was disposed for
conversion. North Africa would again become a great centre of Christianity.
Should this plan fail, Tunis, an easy prey to seize, would at least furnish
vast resources for a fresh expedition on Egypt. Consequently the very
burdensome preparations which he had been making since 1267 for the deliverance
of the Holy Land were at the last moment diverted to Barbary. On 1 July 1270,
at the very height of the dog- days, Louis embarked.
His weakness was steadily increasing. When Joinville, who refused to
accompany him on this mad expedition, hade him farewell, the king was unable
to sit on a horse, and Joinville had to
Louis IX was lamented and praised
throughout Christendom, and almost immediately there were tales of miracles
wrought by his relics. He was canonised a few years later (1297). From a
thousand proofs of the pure glory which surrounded his name in the Middle Ages,
we will quote the following versicles and responses from an “Office of St
Louis” composed in the fourteenth century:
“ Happy the kingdom governed by a king foreseeing, pious, refined in his
character, courageous in adversity. He used his riches to succour the poor, he
despised the soft things of life. He loved labour and defended the churches. He
established the throne on justice. He caused France to enjoy peace. The Church
owes to him her prosperity, and the whole of France the honour wherewith she is
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