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Whilst the
degenerate Emperors of the West were hastening to an inglorious extinction, the
Barbarians, who had spread themselves over the continent of Europe, were
engaged in the formation of new monarchies: and when at last (A.D. 476) the
sword of Odoacer won the crown of Italy, the kingdoms of the Franks,
Burgundians, Suevi, and Goths were already established in Gaul and Spain. But
the Burgundian kingdom was overwhelmed by the Franks (A. D. 532) : the Suevi
were lost in the Gothic kingdom of Spain (A. D. 585); and that kingdom was
itself annihilated by the Saracens (A. D. 714).
(The Goths
settled in Aquitaine, under their King Adolphus, in 411. The Burgundian kingdom
was established in Gaul, under Gundicar, in 413; the
Frank kingdom, under Theodomir, in 420. Euric
established the Visigoth kingdom in Spain in 476. The Suevi were already
settled there).
In Italy, the
Goths were superseded by the Lombards; the Greek Emperors were enabled to
possess themselves of a portion of that kingdom, and the imperial exarchs and
governors ruled Ravenna, the Pentapolis, and the southern provinces. Meanwhile
the Frank monarchy grew in power and extent, and at length produced a
master-spirit, who was destined to reunite the shattered members of the Empire,
and to emulate the greatness of the Caesars.
Though Pepin,
King of the Franks, the father of the great Charles, was the first of his race
who enjoyed the royal title, the family had long been illustrious, and by
degrees absorbed the whole of the sovereign authority. Under them, the
dominions of France had been secured and extended; and whilst the feeble
successors of Clovis retained the name of King, Europe was taught to regard the
Mayors of the Palace as the real monarchs of the kingdom.
The first
distinguished member of the family appears to have been Pepin, Mayor of
Austrasia (under Dagobert I, King of the Franks), who died in 639. Doda,
daughter of this Pepin, gave birth to another Pepin, distinguished by the
surname of Heristal. Having exchanged the title
of Mayor for that of Prince or Duke, the second Pepin governed the province of
Austrasia, and by a victory over Thierri III, King of
Neustria (A.D. 690), gave the final blow to the authority of the Merovingian
kings. The power of both these Pepins had been from time to time exerted in
subduing the barbarous tribes of Frisons, Allemans,
and Sclavonians, who had either revolted from the
obedience they reluctantly yielded to the Franks, or threatened the kingdom
with invasion. To the latter Pepin is to be attributed the revival of the
annual assembly of the Champ de Mars.
The glory of
the family was still farther illustrated by Charles, the natural son of Pepin d'Heristal. On his father’s death in 714, Charles
found little difficulty in assuming Pepin’s rank and authority, and was even
powerful enough to dispose of the crown of Austrasia to Clothaire IV (A.D. 717); and subsequently of the whole monarchy of France to Thierri IV (A.D. 720). The reign, indeed, of that
feeble boy is little more than the history of Charles. Like his ancestors,
he repressed the insurgent nations beyond the Rhine; he humbled the Frisons and Saxons; chastised the Allemans, Bavarians, and
other Germanic tribes; and subdued Eudes, the
powerful and rebellious duke of Aquitaine. But it was on his exploits
against the Moors or Saracens that the military reputation of Charles was
principally founded. Those formidable invaders having overrun Spain soon turned
their ravages upon France. In the year 718, Zama, who governed Spain in the
name of the Caliph Suliman, invaded Septimania, or Narbonnese Gaul, the last hold of the Visigoths; and
penetrating the territories of the duke of Aquitaine, laid siege to Toulouse;
where, however, he was utterly defeated and slain. Ambiza,
the successor of Zama, in 725 again led the Saracens into Septimania,
the greater portion of which, including the capital Narbonne, was subjected to
the invaders. Still more terrible incursions were carried on under the Governor
Abdurrahman; who advanced without opposition into the very heart of France. It
was now that the arms of Charles were turned against the invaders; and in a
great battle near Tours, or Poitiers (732), the Saracens were completely
defeated, and compelled to retreat upon their conquests in Septimania.
Abdurrahman perished in this memorable engagement; and on this occasion Charles
acquired his surname of Martel, or the Hammer, indicative of the weight and
certainty of his blows. He next laid siege to Narbonne; but the events of the
siege are shrouded in darkness; and whatever fortune then befell that city, the
final expulsion of the Saracens from Gaul was reserved for the son of Charles
The death of Thierri in 737 left the throne vacant; nor did Charles deem
it necessary to obscure his own lustre by the shadow of
a king. He himself made a peaceful end in 741. Shortly before his death he
received from Pope Gregory III, whose territory was grievously harassed by the
Lombards, a formal embassy, by which the holy father presented him with the
keys of the sepulchre of St. Peter, and exhorted him
to fly to his succour; promising to create him consul
or patrician of Rome, and to transfer his allegiance from the Emperor of the
East to the Duke of France. But Charles was not destined to extend his dominion
into Italy ; and it remained for his grandson to establish in Rome a new
imperial dynasty.
Charles Martel
at his death divided the kingdom the between his two eldest sons, Carloman and Pepin : the former had Austrasia (east of the
Meuse) and Germanic France with its dependencies (that is, the territory beyond
the Rhine); the latter received Neustria (north of the Loire and west of the
Meuse) and Burgundy (east of the Rhone), both retaining the title of Dukes, or
Mayors of the Palace. To Grippo, the third son, a
small territory was assigned; of which, however, he was deprived by his
brothers in 742. Pepin thought proper to raise Childeric III, a scion of the
royal family, to the regal state; but his own power was undiminished; and his
possessions were enlarged by the voluntary retirement of his brother Carloman into a monastery. At length Pepin resolved to
assume the royal title. Pope Zachary, too glad to conciliate the ruler of
France, readily acquiesced in Childeric's deposition : Pepin was proclaimed
King in 752, and received at the hands of Boniface, Archbishop of Mayence, the holy unction, “after the manner in which David
had been anointed by Samuel”. Two years afterwards Pope Stephen II being driven
to seek succour in France against the inroads of the
Lombards, Pepin received anew from that Pope the royal unction, as did also his
queen and his two sons Charles and Carloman; and at
the same time the Pontiff conferred upon the three princes, in his own name and
that of the Roman Republic, the title of Patricians of Rome, to them and their
posterity. In recompence for this service Pepin undertook to march against the
Lombards. He accordingly entered Italy; besieged Pavia, the Lombard capital;
and by a treaty with the King Astolphus obtained
possession of the Exarchate and the Pentapolis. The breach of this peace
chapter called Pepin a second time into Italy; a new siege of Pavia diverted
the Lombard King from Rome; a new peace was adjusted; and the Exarchate and
Pentapolis were left in charge of the Pope. But the conquests of Pepin were not
confined to Italy. Tassillo, Duke of Bavaria, the
rebellious nephew of the King, was compelled to renew his oath of submission;
the insurgent Saxons were reduced, and subjected to a new tribute of three
hundred horses; and the Frisons and Bretons were in
turn compelled to renounce their assumed independence. Pepin completed the
great work of his father, the expulsion of the Moors from France : By the
connivance of the Goths, Narbonne was delivered into his hands; and the whole
of Septimania was at length rescued from the
infidels. After a long struggle with Waifar, Duke of
Aquitaine, Pepin completely vanquished his enemy; and on the duke's
assassination in 768, the whole province became united to the crown. The King
himself expired soon after this event.
The surviving
sons of Pepin were Charles and Carloman. Charles
(afterwards better known by the title of Charlemagne) was born at the castle of
Ingelheim on the 26th of February 742; Carloman came
into the world nine years later. Both, we have seen, received the royal
title, with that of patrician of Rome, in their father’s life time ; and
between them, Pepin at his death divided his ample territory. But the brothers
were perpetually at variance; and France might have been afflicted by a civil
war, but for the premature death of Carloman, which
took place towards the close of the year 771. On this event, Charles,
regardless of the rights of his brother’s infant children, took possession of
the whole kingdom; and the widow of Carloman was driven
to seek refuge at the court of her father Desiderius, King of the Lombards. But
though Charles had thus assumed the rule of all his paternal dominions, he was
denied the peaceful enjoyment of their possession. The territ0ry to which he
laid claim comprehended the whole country corresponding with ancient Gaul, as
comprised between the sea, the Rhine, the Alps, and the Pyrenees; together with
a considerable portion of country on the further side of the Rhine. But
throughout this extensive tract lay a multitude of tribes varying in speech and
manners, who for a moment were compelled to submit, yet could scarcely be
called the subjects of the French monarch. The Bretons in the north of France,
and the Gascons in the south, still retained their distinction from the Franks.
On the right of the Rhine the various tribes of Saxons with their Frison and Sclavonian neighbours,
harassed their sovereign and one another; whilst on the south of the Danube the
Allemans and Bavarians seemed ever ready to throw off the yoke. In the remoter
regions were the fierce Huns and Avars, whose very name had once spread dismay
through Gaul and Italy. In the life of Charles, each of these people acts a
part more or less conspicuous; and it becomes important here to distinguish
them, though time and civilization have long since effaced their more prominent
I. The Bretons
As early as the
fourth century, a colony from the island of Britain had settled in that part of
Gaul called Armorica; and in the next century a new swarm of Bretons, driven
out by the Saxon invasions, took shelter amongst their expatriated countrymen,
and continued to preserve their peculiar manners and language. Their assumption
of independence had drawn down upon them the chastisement of Clovis; their King
was degraded into a count; and they were compelled to acknowledge the supremacy
of the sovereign of the Franks. Their territory occupied much of the modern
Brittany; and their incursions beyond their own limits excited the wrath of
Pepin, who took their capital Vannes, and humbled their count into submission.
II. The Gascons
The Gascons
were a people of Tarragonese Spain, who crossed the
Pyrenees during the reign of the grandsons of Clovis, and established
themselves, under a duke, in that district of Gaul situated between those
mountains, the Garonne, and the Ocean. In 630 Aribert, King of Toulouse, and
brother of Dagobert I reduced their country and united Gascony to his own
possessions. The Gascons, however, continued to exist as a people distinct from
the Franks,
III. The Frisons
East of the
Rhine, the Frisons occupied the country between that
river and the Ems. Their reduction had been begun by Pepin d'Heristal in 689, who planted a body of missionaries in the town of Utrecht, in order to
the conversion of the barbarians. Their final reduction was accomplished by
Charles Martel.
The Saxons.
The Saxons were
settled between the rivers Ems, Eyder, and Trave. They were divided into four
tribes; between the Ems and the Weser, were the Westphalians and Angrarians; between the Weser and the Elbe, the Oestphalians; and beyond the Elbe the Nordlingians.
The Saxons had been reduced by Charles Martel about 738, and in common with
most of their neighbours were heathens.
V. The Abodrites
Nearer the
Oder, lay two tribes of Sclavonian descent, the Abodrites and the Wilzes; the
former already tributary to France ; the latter hereafter to be taught
VI. The
Allemans and Bavarians
South of the
Danube, in the ancient provinces of Rhaetia and Noricum, were the Allemans and
Bavarians. Both had been conquered by Clovis in 496: but the
Bavarians were still permitted to choose their own duke, though the right of
approving his election was reserved to the king of the Franks.
Charles, being
now sole monarch of the Franks, resolved to subdue the turbulent spirit of his
Saxon subjects. Having concerted measures in an assembly held at Worms in 772,
he crossed the Rhine and attacked the Saxons, who were headed by a renowned
chief named Witikind. After signally defeating the
rebels, he took possession of the strong fortress of Ehresburg in Westphalia, where was deposited the sacred column, or Irmensaul,
the object of the heathens’ peculiar veneration. (The Irmensaul is by some supposed to represent the Greek Mars, or Mercury, or Juno; it was
more probably a memorial of the destruction of the legions of Augustus by
Arminius). The temple and the idol were overthrown; and the Saxons reduced to
despair sought and obtained peace, for the maintenance of which they were
compelled to give hostages to the conqueror.
The following
year (773) led Charles to a new conquest which greatly extended his dominions,
and paved the way to the most important event of his life. Charles had taken
for his second wife Gisella, daughter of Desiderius, King of Lombardy, whom he
soon afterwards thought fit to repudiate; and the dishonoured princess was dismissed to her father’s court, where she was joined by her
sister Gerberga, the fugitive widow of Carloman, in the following year. This injurious treatment
of his daughters naturally excited the wrath of the Lombard monarch; and his
wrath might have been fomented by a bitter enemy of Charles, then resident at
Pavia. (Aquitaine, comprising the country south of the Loire and west of the
Saone and Rhone, including Gascony and Septimania,
which last was united to France on the expulsion of the Saracens, was erected
into an hereditary dutchy in 637 in favour of Boggis by his uncle Dagobert I. Boggis was succeeded by his son Eudes, who died in 734; Hunald, who abdicated 765; and Gaifre,
or Waifar, assassinated 768). Upon the death of Waifar, Duke of Aquitaine in 768, his father Hunald, who had some time before resigned his duchy to his
son and retired into a monastery, emerged from his religious confinement and
attempted to regain his former possessions. In the first year of his reign
Charles marched against Hunald, whom he defeated and
made prisoner; but who, after a short imprisonment, found means of escape, and
placed himself under the protection of the king of the Lombards.
The smouldering flame of discord soon found occasion to burst
forth. Desiderius, like his predecessors, had indulged in aggressions on the
territory of the bishop of Rome; not only had the conquests of Pepin in Italy
been regained by the Lombards, but the Immortal City
itself was once more threatened by the conquerors. To Charles the holy father
represented his danger; and as Pepin had listened to the exhortation of
Stephen, so the son of Pepin was easily persuaded to succour Adrian. Having collected his army he repaired to Geneva; and dividing his
forces, marched the one division over Mount Cenis, and the other over the Great
St. Bernard. Desiderius, unable to resist his new adversary, suffered himself
to be blockaded in Pavia; whilst Verona, which was defended by his son Adalgiso, capitulated to the Franks. The Lombard prince
effected his escape to Constantinople and was reserved for new adventures; but
by the capture of Verona the widow and children of Carloman fell into the hands of Charles; and having been removed into France were
involved in a fate open to that suspicion which ever attends upon mystery.
Leaving his
uncle Bernard to carry on the blockade of Pavia, Charles descended to Rome,
(774), where he was received with the utmost reverence by the Pope and the
Romans. To him as their Patrician they rendered all the honours once bestowed on the exarch of the eastern emperor;
and in return Charles assumed the right of investing the see of Rome with those
lands already assigned to the Pope by his father Pepin. His return to Pavia was
quickly followed by the surrender of that city (the Pavians,
reduced to the last stage of famine and disease, stoned to death Hunald, the former duke of Aquitaine, who opposed their
cries for surrender); and the title of King of Lombardy, for ever lost to the
Lombards, was assumed by the King of the Franks. But this conquest scarcely
altered the general state of Italy. The Lombards were permitted to retain their
laws and institutions. From the three great Duchies of Friuli, Spoleto, and
Benevento, no more was required than the fealty they had been accustomed to
yield to the Lombard kings; and the less important duchies were still confided
to their respective dukes. The Exarchate of Ravenna (with the exception of Ferrara
and Faenza), the Pentapolis, and the Dutchy of Rome, chapter were confirmed to
the Pope, subject, however, to the sovereign rights of Charles. The Greek
possessions in the south were respected (the Exarchate and Pentapolis, enclosed
between the Apennines and the Adriatic, extended from the Po to the south of
Ancona. The Duchy, governed by a duke subordinate to the exarch, extended from
Viterbo to Terracina, and from Narni to the mouth of
the Tiber). The residue of Italy, as Liguria, Aemilia,
Venetia, Tuscany, and the Cottian Alps, was appropriated to the conqueror; who
subsequently entrusted the limits, or marches, to the government of Marquises
and the cities to Counts; over whom the royal Commissaries were invested with
an extraordinary authority for the good government of the whole (these Missi were only created on occasion, and thus differed from
the Counts of the Palace, who were permanent judges attendant upon the
Sovereign). The cities were required to take the oath of fealty; upon them, as
well as the feudatories and ecclesiastical bodies, were imposed the tributes of Fodrum, Parata, and Mansionaticum, an easy burthen, and only enforced whilst
the sovereign sojourned in Italy. (The terms Parata and Mansionaticum are frequently confounded; but the
distinction seems to be, that the former signified the expense which the host
incurred in receiving his guest; the latter, the money collected and paid to
the guest to provide for his own maintenance). To the general meetings of
the nobles Charles added the ecclesiastical authorities; and with him
originated those legislative assemblies which were afterwards accustomed to be
held in the plain of Roncaglia.
returned to France, carrying with him, as his captives, Desiderius and his
queen. But whatever submission the three great duchies had affected to yield,
it was soon manifest that they entertained no friendly disposition towards
their new sovereign. Scarcely had Charles crossed the Revolt of Alps than Radagaiso, Duke of Friuli, threw off the mask, and sought
to restore Prince Adalgiso to the throne of his
father. Upon the tidings of insurrection Charles hastened back to Italy, and
speedily completed his vengeance. The duchy of Friuli was dismembered; and the
Duke paid by decapitation the penalty of his rashness. Awed by this terrible
example, Hildebrand, Duke of Spoleto, deemed it prudent to renew his
declarations of obedience. But the more distant duchy of Benevento maintained a
doubtful position, and for the present evaded any express submission.
During the
absence of Charles at the siege of Pavia, the restless Saxons, incited by their
former second leader Witikind, a second time
revolted (775), and drew the King, on his first return from Italy, to the
banks of the Weser. Though beaten and apparently reduced, they found
occasion to surprise, by a midnight inroad, the slumbering camp of Charles; and
many of his soldiers perished ere the danger was discovered. They were
soon, however, repulsed; and the slaughter of their troops and the desolation
of their country once more reduced them to submission. But no sooner had
the King returned to Friuli than the Saxons were a third time in revolt
(776). The arrival of Charles at Worms for the third time damped their
rebellious spirit; and he now resolved to spare the insurgents on no other
terms than their consenting to embrace the Christian faith. In compliance
with their promises of submission and conversion, many appeared in the
following year in an assembly at Paderborn, and received baptism: but the inexorable Witikind still disdained to submit; and retiring into
the more northern regions awaited a new occasion for revolt.
It was in this
assembly that the thoughts of Charles were first invited to the conquest of
Spain. That country had been completely overrun by the Arabs at the beginning
of the eighth century: the Christians were subjected to the yoke of the
infidels, who exacted from them a moderate tribute, incorporated them with
their own people, and even permitted them to maintain the Christian religion in
the midst of their conquered cities. But in the fastnesses of the Asturias the
spirit of independence was still kept alive by a small band of fugitives; who,
being headed by Pelayo a member of the Gothic royal
family, created him their King, and devoted themselves to the arduous labour of reconquering Spain. In the valley of Cangas
the standard of liberty was displayed; the Moorish force which was sent to
overwhelm the little band of heroes was miraculously annihilated; and Pelayo, being joined by Alfonso a noble Spaniard at the
head of a troop of Biscayans, possessed himself of Gijon, and some other places
in Asturia and Galicia. After a reign of
nineteen years, Pelayo was succeeded by his son Favila (737), whose death two years afterwards made room for
the Catholic Alfonso (739). Under him the conquests of the Spaniards were
more widely spread. Having reduced the greater part of Gallicia and the mountainous district of Asturia, he extended
his kingdom by many acquisitions in Leon, Castile, and Biscay. Dying in
757, he was succeeded by his son Froila, who defeated
the Moors in a pitched battle, and built Oviedo, which he constituted as the
capital of his kingdom; and there his immediate successors continued to reign.
These conquests
were not a little promoted by the fruitless expeditions of the Moors across the
mountains, which led to their great defeat by Charles Martel, and their final
expulsion from France by Pepin. But a still more advantageous circumstance
for the Christians was the disordered and factious state of the Moorish
government. Far distant from the newly-acquired conquest, the caliph of
the East committed the care of Spain to a governor nominated by himself; or,
upon urgent occasions, by his viceroy in Africa. These governors were perpetually
exposed to sedition and perfidy; and were at length entirely extinguished by
Abdurrahman (756), who restored the splendour of the Ommyade race; and seating himself upon the throne of
Cordoba, for ever renounced the dominion of the Abasside caliph.
Amongst those
Emirs who had been deprived of their local governments by this revolution, was Eben-al-Arabi, governor of Saragossa. At the same assembly
in which Charles assisted at the conversion of his Saxon subjects, he listened
to the voice of the infidel Al-arabi, who had
journeyed as far as Paderborn to implore the aid of the Christians against the
usurper Abdurrahman. Charles readily undertook to march into Spain; and
entering Navarre at the head of a considerable army, laid siege to the capital Pampluna. That city immediately surrendered; and
Charles crossing the Ebro (778), advanced upon Saragossa, which soon fell into
his hands. Other Saracen cities hastened to place themselves under the
protection of the conqueror: Huesca, Barcelona, and Girona swore fealty to the
French king; and Charles, having spread his authority from the Pyrenees to the
Ebro, established the march of Spain, which he committed to the government of a
newly-created count of Barcelona. It was upon the occasion of his return into France
that a conflict took place between the rear of the French army and the
treacherous Gascons, who had formed an ambush amidst the mountains. The valley
of Roncesvalles has been marked by tradition as the theatre of Charles's
disgrace. After the main body of the army had been suffered to advance in
security, the rear was suddenly attacked and cut to pieces, the baggage seized
and plundered, and many principal officers numbered among the slain. Of these,
the names of three only appear in any accredited narration; Eghart,
Steward of the royal table; Anselm, Count of the palace; and Rutland, Roland,
or Orlando, Governor of the march of Bretainy. The
names of Orlando and Roncesvalles cannot fail to conjure up the dreams of
chivalry and enchantment; but the dry annals of that age refuse to realize
these splendid visions. The death of Orlando first announces that he ever
existed; and the gorgeous meteors of Poetry and Romance are scarcely visible
through the dense atmosphere of History.
Not long after
this expedition, a fourth revolt (779) of the Saxons called for the presence of
Charles in Germany. Witikind had again returned from
the north, and led his countrymen to the massacre of the Franks who occupied
the eastern bank of the Rhine. On the borders of the Eider the rebels received
a complete overthrow; nor was the wrath of the avenger appeased until
multitudes of the barbarians had fallen. Resolved to tame their insurgent
spirit by the spread of Christianity, Charles not only distributed among them a
number of missionaries, but enacted laws by which the infraction of the
smallest ordinance of the Church was made punishable with death. The callous Witikind once more sought refuge in the regions of the
In the ensuing
year Charles deemed it expedient again to visit Italy (781). He had too
much reason to suspect the intentions of Arechis, or Aregiso, Duke, of Benevento, who was in correspondence with
the Lombard prince Adalgiso, then resident at
Constantinople; and had even entered into a negotiation with the imperial
court. Taking with him his queen Hildegarde (whom he married immediately
after repudiating his Lombard consort), and his two youngest sons Carloman and Lewis, Charles crossed the Alps and arrived at
Rome early in the year 781. His presence hushed all clamours; every thing breathed peace and conciliation. At
his desire, Adrian I invested the two young princes each with a kingly
crown. Carloman, then little more than seven
years old, was baptized by the name of Pepin and crowned King of Italy by the
Pope; and Lewis, then about three, received the crown of Aquitaine. Nearly
at the same time, Charles was gratified by a proposal from the Empress Irene
which promised to dispel all fears on the side of Constantinople. This was
no other than an offer to contract in marriage the young Emperor Constantine
with Rotrude, Princess of France; an union which,
though only prospective from the present youth of the royal couple, was readily
assented to by Charles; and the intended empress was forthwith instructed in
the Greek language.
If the mild
precepts of the gospel failed to produce their due effect upon the unquiet
Saxons, perhaps the pageantry of their new form of worship might have consoled
them for the loss of their idols. But Witikind once
more appeared amongst them, and the pious, or politic, labours of Charles were again frustrated (782). The ministers of his religion were
barbarously massacred; two of his generals, whom he had despatched against the rebels, received a disgraceful defeat; and the royal presence again
chapter became necessary in Saxony. The moment Charles appeared there,
order and submission were restored; and Witikind hastily retreated beyond sea. But a dreadful retribution awaited the wretched
people who had been deluded or encouraged by his rebellion. Charles
summoned before him at Verden the principal persons
of the nation; nor was his vengeance satiated until four thousand five hundred
of the rebels had been butchered in his presence. This ferocious act of
carnage defeated its own object: a general insurrection immediately followed;
and Witikind and his brother Alboin were quickly at
the head of the Saxons. But the arms of Charles were too potent for resistence; two signal victories broke the Saxon spirit;
and either party seemed weary of the war. Witikind and Alboin, who had braved the conqueror’s fury, were softened by his pacific
offers; both submitted and were baptized; and a longer interval of peace (785)
ensued than Charles had yet experienced from this rebellious people. From the
Saxons, the attention of Charles was called towards the western extremity of
his kingdom. The Bretons, who had learned from Pepin the dangers of
insubordination, now ventured to renounce the authority of his son; and Charles
resolved to complete the work which his father had begun, and dissipate this
illusion of independence. His very menaces seem to have had the desired
effect without forcing him to a conflict. At an assembly at Worms he received
their oath, whereby they acknowledged themselves vassals of the French; in
token of which they submitted to the galling terms of hostages and a tribute.
To one who
aimed at universal dominion it was against but reasonable that repose should be
denied. The duke of Benevento had perpetually been an object of suspicion to
Charles. His connexion with Desiderius, the last
Lombard king (for he had married Adelburga daughter
of the monarch), and the natural rancour of his
duchess at the injuries and misfortunes of her dearest relations, were too
strong incentives to rebellion, had not prudence whispered respect for the vigour and promptitude of the French King. At length,
however, Arechis summoned courage openly to renounce
the authority of Charles; and, in assertion of his independence, ventured to
assume the title of Prince of Benevento. But this bold step was hardly taken,
ere the self-created prince learnt with consternation that the rapid march of
the King had already brought him as far as Rome; and terrified at this sudden
and unlooked for vicinity he now sought to avert the ruin he had heedlessly
drawn down upon him. He immediately despatched an
embassy to Charles with protestations of repentance and submission, which met
the King at Capua, and induced him to pardon his penitent vassal, and receive
the children of Arechis as pledges for his future
obedience. The dark fate of their cousins might have justified alarm for the
young Grimbald and Adelgisa;
but they had no reason to complain of the rigours of
captivity. Adelgisa was suffered to return to the
duke at Salerno; and Grimbald, though compelled to
accompany Charles into France, was treated with conciliatory kindness.
Another victim
was to be offered at the shrine of universal dominion. Tassillo,
Duke of Bavaria, was closely connected with Charles by both blood and
marriage. Odilo, the father of Tassillo, had married Hiltrude the daughter of Charles Martel; and Tassillo himself
espoused Liutberge, daughter of Desiderius, and
sister of the repudiated wife of Charles. Tassillo had already in the reign of Pepin incurred suspicions of disaffection; and
Charles on more than one occasion found it necessary to admonish and overawe
his refractory kinsman. On the first news of the Beneventine defection, the wife of Tassillo prevailed upon him to
take part in the rebellion; but ere any blow had been struck, the Bavarian was
summoned by his sovereign to vindicate himself, before his peers, at the
Assizes of Ingelheim. Tassillo was in no
condition to disobey the call. His subjects had learned, from the fate of the
Saxons, a lesson which made them anxious to separate their cause from that of
their chief. They even appeared as his accusers, and the convicted traitor
was doomed to death. Charles, however, vouchsafed to spare his life, but upon
no light conditions. The duchy of Bavaria was abolished and divided into
counties; and the duke, his wife, and his children were immured in different
Meanwhile (788)
Charles received from Adrian an of the intimation which convinced him of the
insincerity of his Beneventine vassal, and of the
hostile views of the court of Constantinople towards himself and the Pope. The
return of the King to France had emboldened Arechis to renew his negotiations with Irene and Adalgiso.
The friendly relations between the Empress and the King were already dissolved;
the concerted match between their children was broken off; and Irene, jealous
of the still increasing power of Charles, lent herself to the attempts of Adalgiso to regain the crown of Lombardy. But before their
schemes were ripe for execution, death surprised the prince of Benevento, and
the decease of his eldest son Romoald left Grimbald heir to the principality. That youth had been won
by the kind offices of Charles, and still resided at his court; and the Beneventines now eagerly desired that he might be permitted
to return amongst them. To this the King assented; but upon two conditions; the
one calculated to perpetuate his own supremacy; the other to abolish a peculiar
chapter mark of distinction, which seemed too national to be retained by a
portion of the subjects of one great monarchy: the coin and public acts were to
bear the name of Charles, and the Lombards were to trim their beards after the
Frank fashion. The young duke’s fidelity was speedily put to the test; Adalgiso, supported by a Greek force, landed on the coast
of Italy, and Charles despatched an army from France
to repel the invaders. This army was immediately joined by Grimbald and Hildebrand, Duke of Spoleto; and the united forces obtained a complete
victory near Benevento. The Greek general falling into the hands of the
Lombards was cruelly put to death; and Adalgiso escaping to Constantinople ended his days in obscurity.
The following
year (789) extended the dominions of Charles as far as the shores of the Baltic.
We have already noticed the two tribes of Abodrites and Wilzes, situated between the Elbe and the Oder;
the former professing submission to Charles; the latter disdaining obedience,
and manifesting their love of liberty by continued attacks upon their more
pacific neighbours. The cries of his Abodrite subjects drew Charles into the more northern district of Germany; and the
ravages and prowess of the Franks threw the Wilzes into astonishment and consternation. They lost no time in appeasing this new
enemy; they at once surrendered their lands to the invader; agreed to hold them
as his vassals; and delivered over to him a band of hostages.
A more
important foe was next to be subdued, and a new kingdom added to the French
monarchy. After a year’s repose, Charles resolved again to enjoy the excitement
of war; and an expedition (791) was concerted against the Huns or Avars, who
looked with jealousy on the dismemberment of Bavaria, and even ventured to
attack the French possessions in Lombardy and Germany. The chastisement of
these incursions was entrusted by the King to his generals; and three signal
victories abated the ferocious ardour of the Huns.
They even condescended to despatch ambassadors to
Worms to settle with Charles the boundaries of his new Bavarian acquisitions.
But the negotiation proved abortive; and Charles resolved to put himself at the
head of his army and proceed to the reduction of his heathen neighbours. This
savage people had spread themselves over the ancient Pannonia as far as the river Ens, and occupied the modern Bohemia and Austria,
with much of the more distant country. Their towns, or rather villages, were
fortified by strong fences which protected their homes, whilst they sallied
forth into the surrounding countries, and returned laden with wealth which
their uncivilized state rendered superfluous. The invading army of Charles
exceeded any that he had hitherto commanded. His entry into the territory
of the Huns was preceded by fasting and prayer, by masses and processions, and
by all the ingenious expedients for propitiating heaven which the darkness of
that age encouraged. But the overwhelming multitude of the invaders might have
secured success without the special interference of Providence. The Huns in
vain endeavoured to stem the torrent; and after
fighting with the utmost bravery were driven back in all directions. Town after
town fell rapidly into the hands of the conquerors: Vienna and other strong
fortresses were plundered and dismantled; an immense booty was secured; and Charles
now pushed the limits of his territory from the banks of the Ens to the junction of the Danube with the Drave. After
this important conquest, he took up his winter quarters at Ratisbon.
But whilst
Charles thus carried his victorious arms through foreign regions, he was
threatened by domestic danger; and on his return from the Hunnic war (792) had
nearly perished by the daggers of conspirators, amongst whom was his own son.
The King had now been four times married. The issue of the first marriage (if marriage
it really were) was Pepin. The mother, Himiltrude,
had been cast off when Charles found it convenient to espouse the daughter of
the king of Lombardy. After his divorce from Gisella, her place was quickly
supplied by Hildegarde, a lady of Swabia, who gave him three sons, Charles, Carloman, and Lewis. Hildegarde, whose virtues gained
her the esteem of her husband and his people, died in 783; and the disconsolate
widower shortly afterward solaced himself by a fourth marriage with Fastrade, daughter of a German count. In the appropriation
and division of conquered territory, the eldest son Pepin had been entirely
overlooked. His very existence seemed forgotten when at the baptismal font
his name was conferred on Carloman his
brother. Pepin was deficient neither in courage nor understanding, but his
person was deformed and forbidding; and whilst he was neglected by his father,
he was doomed to endure the injurious treatment of his new step-mother, who in
no wise resembled the mild and virtuous Hildegarde. Incensed by this usage, the
gloomy youth brooded over his wrongs till his mind engendered the black design
of destroying his king and father. Congenial spirits were not wanting to
participate in his dark purpose, and the King’s sojourn at Ratisbon was chosen
for executing the murderous intention. Shortly before the time appointed for
striking the blow, the conspirators assembled to take their last council in a
church, and in the eagerness of their discussion overlooked the person of a
Lombard priest, who reposed in an obscure corner of the building. The intruder
was already in possession of their secret, when they discovered their error;
and even then they were content to spare his life on his swearing to preserve
silence. But no sooner was the priest liberated from his mortal danger than he
hastened to the King and laid open all he had discovered. The conspirators were
immediately seized; the greater number were condemned to death; and Pepin
himself was saved from the last punishment by the lenity of his father, who
caused him to be immured for life within the walls of a monastery. The priest
was rewarded with the Abbey of St. Denys. Fastrade,
whose excesses had assisted to provoke this tragedy, did not long survive its
completion; and Charles by a fifth marriage raised to the throne Liutgarde of Swabia.
The retreat of
Charles to Ratisbon had enabled the fugitive Huns to return to their deserted
territories, to repair their dismantled towns, and put themselves in a position
to repel a new invasion. For the present the disordered state of Charles’s
dominions was their best protection. Italy, Saxony, and Spain were filled with
revolt and confusion. In the first, Grimbald, Duke of
Benevento, once the strict ally of the King, gradually relinquished his
allegiance; and having espoused Uvantia, niece of the
Greek Emperor, openly rejected the dominion of France (793). Against him
Pepin, King of Lombardy, and Lewis, King of Aquitaine, were despatched,
and a desultory and fruitless war was commenced in Benevento. In Saxony,
the restless infidels had surprised the French garrison, massacred the
missionaries, burnt the churches, and once more set up their idols. In Spain
the Moors had attacked and captured Barcelona, and even overleaped the
Pyrenees and carried their ravages to the gates of Narbonne. Fortunately
their war with Alfonso II King of Leon, diverted them from further prosecuting
their invasion; and the caliph Hissem was compelled
to strengthen his forces in Spain by the recall of his troops from Languedoc.
Charles therefore resolved in the first instance to chastise the rebellious
Saxons, and to make their reduction the prelude to his attack upon the
Huns. With a view of facilitating this latter conquest he formed the
design of uniting the rivers Rhine and Danube. This project, which has extorted
the admiration of his historians, would scarcely deserve notice in an age of
more advanced civilization. The Mayne, which flows into the Rhine, forms a
junction with the Retnitz near Bamberg, whose source
is near Weissenburg in Franconia. Near Weissenburg also rises the Altmuhl,
which flows into the Danube by Kelheim in Bavaria. To connect the Retnitz with the Altmuhl is,
therefore, to connect the Rhine with the Danube; the German Ocean with the
Euxine Sea. Charles resolved to accomplish this desirable object by means of a
canal. The distance to be cut through was scarcely two leagues, and the work
was actually commenced. But the mechanical arts of
the eighth century were unable to execute the suggestions of Charles’s genius,
and the great project was never accomplished. In the midst of his warlike
preparations, the King found time to hold a Council at Frankfort (794), where
were promulgated his strenuous, though tolerant, censures on the worship of
images, and the condemnation of the doctrines of Nestorius, then newly revived
by Felix, the heretical bishop of Urgel.
From Frankfort,
Charles proceeded to the castigation of the Saxons. He divided his forces into
two bodies, commanding one in person, and entrusting the other to his eldest
son, Charles, Duke of Maine. The very presence of the King disarmed the
barbarians; their submission was received on two conditions; first, that they
should receive a new body of missionaries; secondly, that one third of those
who had taken up arms should be delivered over to the conqueror. With a policy
not remarkable for sagacity, Charles caused these prisoners to be distributed
through the remotest provinces of his kingdom; they were cut off, indeed, from
their country, but they carried with them the spirit of rebellion; and when
afterwards the Flemish subjects broke out into that insubordination which they
learned from the Saxon settlers, it was quaintly said, that instead of one
devil, Charles had now raised up two. Nor did this measure tame the
obdurate residue. Wiltzan, the ally of Charles
and king of the Abodrites, was surprised and slain;
and the annals of the five succeeding years are marked by new revolt, new
chastisement, new submission, and new dispersion of the rebels into other territories.
This succession
of revolts afforded Charles no time to visit the Huns in person: his arms were
nevertheless irresistible. Under the command of Henry, Duke of Friuli, and of
Pepin, King of Italy, the Huns were repeatedly defeated; their Khan was slain;
and the limits of the French monarchy were now extended as far as the river Saave. An immense booty rewarded the bravery of the army;
the Huns were compelled to receive Christianity and the heavier yoke of
Charles, whose dominions were enlarged by the junction of Pannonia (796).
Whilst his
brother was thus engaged in overthrowing the Huns, Lewis, King of Aquitaine,
was sent into the south to curb the insolence of the Saracens. The exploits of
this prince have scarcely been thought worthy of relation, a sure sign of their
insignificance. But the troops of Charles were soon after enabled to
rescue the Balearic Islands from the descents of the infidels (799); and the
grateful inhabitants of those isles voluntarily surrendered themselves into the
protecting hands of the king of the Franks.
In the midst of
these wars, Charles lost a sincere and zealous friend by the death of Pope
Adrian I, who expired at Rome in the year 795. But his successor Leo III was no
less friendly, and the views of the King and Pope were exceedingly well suited
for their mutual advantage. Immediately after his election, Leo transmitted to
the royal residence at Aix-la-Chapelle, the standard of Rome with other gifts;
and exhorted Charles to delegate one of his nobles, who might receive, in his
name, the oath of fealty from the Roman people. In compliance with this
agreeable request, the Abbot Angelbert was despatched to Rome; and the present of a portion of the
Hunnic spoils was at the same time transmitted to the Pope. The proffered oath
was pronounced; the equivocal title of Patrician was explained by that of Lord;
the allegiance due to the eastern Empire was entirely forgotten; and
thenceforth the Commissaries of the King of France administered justice in the
capital of the west. Happy indeed was it for Leo that he had secured so
powerful an ally and protector. In the fifth year of his pontificate, a
fearful conspiracy burst out in Rome; the person of the Pope was cruelly
lacerated, and with difficulty his life was preserved from the violence of his
aggressors. To Charles he flew for refuge; at Paderborn he was kindly
received by the monarch, who sympathized with his sufferings, and listened with
complacency to his protestations of innocence of the charges which his enemies
had promulgated against him. Justice, however, required that both parties
should be heard; and with a view to a full investigation, the Pope was
conducted back to Rome under a magnificent escort of bishops and nobles, at
once his protectors and judges. The hearing of the cause terminated in the
acquittal of the Pope and the confusion of his accusers; and the authors of the
revolt were transmitted to the King to be punished according to his pleasure.
But Charles had meanwhile resolved to visit Italy in person. The stillness
which reigned in Saxony and Pannonia permitted his absence from Germany; the
protracted war in Benevento, the wrongs of the Pope, and perhaps some secret
understanding with the holy father, were sufficient motives for this
expedition; and on the 24th of November, 800, Charles I King of the Franks
arrived in Rome. Assisted by the spiritual and temporal lords of Italy and
France, Charles immediately proceeded to the judgment of the Pope. But Leo’s
accusers were already silenced; and the absence of accusation ensured his
acquittal. The Pope thus absolved deemed it prudent to be fortified by the
judgment of God; and mounting the pulpit solemnly swore his innocence on the
Holy Gospels. This gratuitous appeal entirely convinced the applauding
The benefits
which Leo had received from Charles called for remuneration, and a cheap
remuneration lay in the hand of the Pope. The bond which connected Rome
with the eastern Empire was already loosened; the conqueror of Europe was now
Patrician or Lord of Rome; and the name of Emperor seemed only wanting to fill
up the measure of his greatness. Accordingly on the anniversary of the
birth of Christ, when multitudes of every nation thronged the church of St.
Peter, whilst Charles was immersed in prayer at the foot of the apostolic sepulchre, the Pope drew near him with a golden crown and
imperial mantle. No sooner had Charles risen from his devotions than Leo,
placing the crown upon the monarch’s head, exclaimed aloud, “To Charles,
Augustus, crowned by God, the great and pacific Emperor of the Romans, life and
victory”. Acclamations re-echoed throughout the assembly; and the Senate,
the Romans, and the strangers simultaneously repeated the important sentence
which once more gave an Emperor to the western world. At length the joyous
sounds being hushed, the Pope proceeded to anoint the new Emperor with the
sacred unction, and invested him with the imperial mantle. All present paid
their homage to their sovereign, and Charles swore to protect the holy church
of Rome to the utmost of his power.
Europe now
beheld once more two emperors. But how different their situations! In the East,
Constantine, the legitimate successor of his father Leo, lay blind and captive;
whilst his ambitious mother Irene wielded the sceptre she had wrung from the hand of her son, and governed the still decreasing
territories of the empire. In the West, shone forth Charles the Great, or
Charlemagne, the hereditary lord of a regal dominion, the conqueror of nations,
and the founder of a new dynasty. Ill as the proud Irene might brook this
assumption of the imperial title, her weakness compelled her to dissemble. Her
throne was shaken by internal discord; the favourable moment for her destruction was eagerly watched; and she opened a negotiation
with Charlemagne, which included a proposal of her marriage with that monarch
and the consequent union of the ancient and modern empires (802). But in
the midst of these negociations Irene was dethroned
and exiled, and Nicephorus ascended the throne. A friendly intercourse was soon
afterwards established between the two emperors: to Nicephorus were guaranteed
Sicily, the Greek cities of Calabria, and the sovereign rights over Naples, Gaieta, and Amalfi; whilst Rome and the residue of Italy,
with Istria, Croatia, and Dalmatia (excepting the maritime cities) were
surrendered to Charlemagne. Nor was Nicephorus the only eastern sovereign who
recognized the title of the western Emperor. On the throne of Bagdad sat the
renowned caliph Haroun-al-raschid. Twice after the
coronation of Charlemagne the ambassadors of Haroun visited the imperial court;
and amongst other magnificent presents conferred upon the Emperor, the pious
beheld with delight the keys of the city of Jerusalem.
But whilst
Charlemagne was thus securing the friendship of distant princes, the
disquietude of his own subjects called for the interference of his
arms. The Saxons were for the twelfth time in rebellion (803); the
treacherous governor of Barcelona had betrayed his trust; the new subjects in
Pannonia were harassed by the Sclavonians of Bohemia;
and the undaunted duke of Benevento still refused to succumb. Against the
Saxons the Emperor headed his army in person; little resistance appears to
have been offered; and in pursuance of his former policy he thinned the numbers
of the insurgents by transplanting ten thousand families into distant regions.
At a Diet at Saltze in Franconia (804) he
subsequently received the capitulation of the whole Saxon nation. Their laws
and liberties were preserved to them; they were released from tribute and other
burthens and admitted to the privileges of the Franks, though the nomination of
their governors and judges was reserved to the Emperor. But the same measure of
indulgence was denied them in matters of religion; the Christian faith was
imposed upon them; the former bloody decrees were renewed and extended; and the
punishment of death awaited the transgression of the minutest religious
institution. Little applause could be claimed by the politic prince who taught
the best of religions by the most unchristian means, merely as a curb to his
unruly subjects. Idolaters by education or choice, they became hypocrites by
compulsion; and the double stain was only to be effaced by the gradual course
of time.
The reduction
of Barcelona, Bohemia, and Benevento was entrusted to the sons of the Emperor.
The youngest, Lewis King of Aquitaine, marched into Catalonia, and quickly
overwhelmed Zaddo the rebel governor, who vainly
looked for assistance from the court of Cordoba. The arms of the eldest,
Charles Duke of Maine, were no less prevalent in Bohemia: the Sclavonians were defeated, their chief perished in battle;
and Bohemia, Lusatia, and Misnia were added to the
imperial dominions. But to Pepin, King of Italy, a harder task had been
assigned. During the life of Prince Grimbald the arms
of that king reaped but little harvest: continued incursions into the Beneventine territory left the Lombards still unbroken; nor
was it until after the deaths both of Grimbald and
Pepin that the duchy became tributary to the Empire. The pacific disposition of
the successor of Grimbald, rather than the arms of
the Franks, effected the long-desired object; and after a war of nearly
eighteen years, Grimbald II purchased peace by the
payment of a moderate tribute (811).
At the mature
age of sixty-four Charlemagne made his Will, which, having been approved of by
the States, was sent to Rome to be confirmed and signed by the Pope. He
divided his dominions between his three sons, Charles, Pepin, and Lewis; and
gave liberty to his subjects, after the death of those princes, to choose their
own sovereign, provided the person elected were of the royal house. One other
clause in this instrument is too remarkable to be omitted. The sons of Charles
were forbidden to put to death, or to mutilate, or blind, or consign to a
cloister, any one of his grandsons, upon any pretext whatsoever. Perhaps in
dictating this extraordinary prohibition the remembrance of the children of his
brother Carloman might have oppressed the soul of the
Emperor. That the prohibition would itself be ineffective he might easily
anticipate; that it was not wholly superfluous or inconsistent with the feeling
of the times, the sequel of the Carolingian history will sufficiently testify.
might now abandon himself to that repose which his age required; and for his
personal exploits his reign might here be closed. But his sons were active and
warlike: new aggressors were to be repulsed; and new conquests to be achieved.
About the year 808 the shores of France and Germany were for the first time
visited by a ferocious band of strangers, afterwards but too well known to the
rest of Europe. The northern boundary of the dominions of Charlemagne was the
ocean, excepting only where the river Eyder (then the Daene)
divides the extreme regions of the north from the mainland: there this river
placed a limit to the Empire. Beyond this limit, in the narrow isthmus which
parts the Baltic from the German Ocean, were settled the Danes or Normans, who
had already infested the shores of Britain. The incursions of these people
across the Eyder were checked by the imperial troops; but in their navy the
Normans possessed the means of surprise and devastation against which the
Franks were very inadequately provided. The Emperor was not remiss upon
this occasion; he caused watch-towers to be built upon the coast; a number of
new vessels to be constructed; and by such expedients he diminished a grievance
which he was unable wholly to remedy. The Normans continued their
periodical incursions; and finally obtained a footing in one of the fairest
provinces of France.
The last days
of Charlemagne were cruelly embittered by domestic loss. Scarcely had the
afflicted father closed the grave over the princess Rotrude ere the news of the death of Pepin, King of Italy, again demanded the paternal
tears; and the succeeding year he was bereaved of his eldest son Charles, whom
he had destined to succeed him in the largest share of his
dominions. Lewis was now his only surviving son; but Pepin left a bastard
named Bernard, on whom Charlemagne conferred the crown of Italy. To secure
the residue of his dominions to Lewis, the Emperor resolved to associate him in
the Empire; and having assembled the States at Aix-la-Chapelle (813), he
obtained their approbation of his design. On the appointed day, Lewis
attended his father to the holy altar, on which had been placed a second
imperial crown. By the old Emperor’s command, the Emperor elect raised the
diadem and placed it on his own brow;—the first, though not the last, example
of a self-crowned Emperor. Charlemagne did not long survived this
ceremony. He expired at Aix early in the year 814, in the
seventy-second of his age, forty-sixth of his reign.
In person,
Charlemagne was lofty and majestic; in manner and disposition, courteous and
affable; and in spite of the sequestration of his nephews, and the coldblooded
butchery of his prisoners, panegyric has declared him just and merciful. His enterprizing spirit, his active bravery, his persevering
energy need no other record than the simple statement of his life. History
appears content to charge him but with one fault—incontinence. The censure of
this constitutional error he seems willing to have avoided, since in lawful
wedlock he was the husband of five consecutive wives; and the loss of the one,
repudiated or dead, was immediately replaced by another. At the decline,
however, of his life after the death of his last queen we are informed that he
solaced himself with four successive concubines; and a numerous illegitimate
progeny bore evidence that the trammels of wedlock were insufficient for the
confinement of his passions. Scandal has even converted his paternal affection
for his daughters into too intense a sentiment. He loved them at least too well
to suffer their separation by marriage; and they were sedulously instructed
under his own eye in the laudable pursuits of housewifery and embroidery.
We have already
seen the extent of his paternal dominions and watched the progress of their
increase. At his death he was lord of Gaul, including the modern states of
France, the Netherlands, Holland, Switzerland, and Savoy; of the county of
Barcelona, including the greater portion of the north of Spain between the
Pyrenees and the Ebro; of the most part of modern Germany from the Eyder to the
Alps, and from the Rhine to the Oder; of the modern Bohemia; of much of the
modern Hungary as far south as the Saave; of Istria,
Croatia, and Dalmatia; of Italy, except the southern possessions of the Greek
Empire; of Corsica and the Balearic Islands. Even the Saxon kings of
Britain acknowledged his sovereign authority; and he was sufficiently
influential to restore Ardulph to the kingdom of
In the
government of his dominions, Charlemagne consigned the administration of the
palace to the great officers of state. The Grand Almoner presided over
spiritual matters; the Palatine count was the minister of justice within the
court itself. Two great assemblies were annually convened;— at the Field of
May, the lay and spiritual magnates were bound, under penalty, to attend and
assist in the deliberation of the national affairs; and all other freemen were
permitted to be present and ratify by their voices the enactments of their
superiors. Into the autumnal meeting the nobles were alone admitted, and by
them were imposed the taxes and other contributions. At these meetings, the
clergy were divided from the nobles; and the nobles were again divided from the
third estate. In the administration of the laws, Charlemagne exercised great
liberality. The conquered nations were allowed to retain their own
institutions; and thus the Salic, the Ripuarian, the Saxon, the Bavarian, and
the Lombard laws were concurrently administered in the Empire. But the choice
of the ministers of Justice was, in general, reserved to the Emperor himself;
and on extraordinary occasions, his Commissaries were despatched into the provinces to hear and determine. For the government of France,
Charlemagne from time to time promulgated his Ordinances or Capitularies, which
bound the Franks alone, unless when other nations were specially designated.
These capitularies extended from the highest to the minutest objects; by some
the great Fiefs of the nation were regulated; by others the private economy of
the imperial household was provided for, even to the sale of superfluous eggs
and vegetables. The Coinage and the weights and measures of the Kingdom were
reformed; and to Charlemagne is attributed the division of money into Livres,
Sous, and Deniers.
The nobles of
Charlemagne were rich and powerful; but he prudently endeavoured to prevent their independence; and, to guard against their acquiring too great
influence over his people, continually insisted on their attendance in his
expeditions. The possessions of many were hereditary; but in the bestowing of
new Benefices (and he was by no means sparing in his bounty) he usually
reserved to himself the right of resumption; and by prohibiting the alienation
of lands by his feudatories repressed the increase of allodial estates, and the
consequent curtailment of the crown possessions.
To the affairs
of Religion, Charlemagne delighted to apply himself. But it was the vice of his policy or zeal to propagate the mildest of
Religions by the edge of the sword; and never were the doctrines of Mahommed written in more bloody characters, than was the
faith of Christ in the eighth century. He frequently summoned Councils at which
he himself presided; and points of doctrine the most subtle were discussed in
his presence. He hazarded a breach with Pope Adrian by denouncing the adoration
of images; and even attempted to grasp the perplexing question of the
procession of the Holy Ghost. Nor did the difficulties of this delicate matter
embarrass the conqueror of nations; he decided for the double procession,
though he was willing to obtain the confirmation of the Pope. An evasive answer
by Leo appears to have satisfied the conscience of the Emperor, and France was
still permitted to believe in the procession from the Son as well as the
Father. He diligently advanced the wealth and power of the clergy: made laws
for the good government of the Church; and enforced the payment of tithes. He
founded several Bishoprics; and increased the episcopal authority, by investing
the Bishops with judicial powers; admitting them into the national Council; and
entirely exempting them from secular jurisdiction.
In the various
revolutions of Europe from the fall of the Western Empire to the accession of
Charlemagne, literature and the arts had been well nigh extinguished. Under the Gothic Kings of Italy, learning had obtained some
protection, and the structures of the Goths might be entitled to
admiration. But throughout the rest of Europe was darkness; and in the
eighth century Italy herself could boast but a scanty catalogue of learned
names ; amongst whom Paul the Deacon, Peter of Pisa, Paolino of Aquileia, and Dungalo of Pavia, were the most
conspicuous. Patrons were wanting to excite emulation; and the scarcity and
dearness of books damped the energies of the most ardent. The toilsome mode by
which copies were to be multiplied, the expensive materials upon which they
were to be written,110 and the almost general ignorance of the language in
which they were composed, restricted their circulation; for even those who
occupied the most conspicuous posts in the Church could lay claim to but small
proficiency in the Latin language, though that language still continued to be
used in all public documents. In the various incursions of the barbarians, a multitude
of strange dialects had spread themselves over Europe. In Italy the Greek
tongue was not wholly extinguished; whilst the Latin was dishonoured and enriched by an admixture of Gothic and Lombard. In Germany the Teutonic
overwhelmed the Latin; in France the corruption of pure Latinity produced a
bastard dialect called the Roman, entirely distinct from the Teutonic of the
Franks, and the Celtic of the Bretons. In Spain, the Roman seems early to have
taken root; but easily permitted engrafting the language of its Saracen
conquerors. No wonder then if the age of the first Carolingian sovereign could
produce but one historian, and a puny band of ecclesiastical casuists and Latin
versifiers. It was the merit of Charlemagne to dispel this chaotic darkness; and
by calling the small and scattered particles of learning into action to produce
collision and vivification. To his native tongue, Charlemagne united a
competent knowledge of the Latin and some acquaintance with the Greek. He
eagerly sought out the few who in the general ignorance were comparatively
learned; and Britain may be proud in having supplied one of the most erudite
men of the day. He collected around him those capable of imparting knowledge,
founded schools, purchased books, and became himself a student. His sons were
no less carefully imbued with the reviving taste for literature; and whilst
they were trained in the favourite military
exercises, were taught to value the less dazzling acquisitions of
peace. Knowledge was with him the sure path to preferment both in Church
and State. Nor will the fame of Charlemagne as the reviver of learning be
seriously injured, if we admit that he himself was unable to write.
The arts are
also indebted to this Monarch for his cheering regard to their forlorn condition.
At Aix-la-Chapelle, which he made his capital, he raised a Cathedral and a
Palace; he drew out from obscurity the mosaics and precious relics of
antiquity; and under his auspices the service of religion was rendered more
solemn and imposing by music worthy its celebration. If little were done under
his reign, his anxiety for improvement deserves approbation: and it is surely
no small praise to Charlemagne that his voice was the first to call the
slumbering artist into action.
These strenuous
exertions in favour of civilization may fairly
entitle this prince to the surname of “The Great”. Born at a time when idolatry
and superstition usurped the place of religion; when the sciences of government
and legislation were a mystery; when literature and art were neglected and
unknown; this renowned emperor, soared above the cloud which covered the face
of Europe, and became himself the luminary from which others derived their
light. But to his unjustifiable and successful aggressions upon the neighbouring nations he probably owed his honourable appellation; and in the eyes of his barbarous
contemporaries the blood-stained conqueror of the Saxons was an object of
higher estimation than the reviver and encourager of the peaceful arts.