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We now arrive at what may be called
the second period of Grecian history, beginning with the rule of Peisistratus
at Athens and of Croesus in Lydia.
has been already stated that Peisistratus made himself despot of Athens in 560 b.c. He died
in 527 b.c., and was succeeded by his son Hippias,
who was deposed and expelled in 510 b.c., thus making an entire space of fifty years between the first exaltation of the
father and the final expulsion of the son. These chronological points are
settled on good evidence. But the thirty-three years covered by the reign of
Peisistratus are interrupted by two periods of exile, one of them lasting not
less than ten years, the other, five years; and the exact place of the years of
exile, being nowhere laid down upon authority, has been differently determined
by the conjectures of chronologers. Partly from this
half-known chronology, partly from a very scanty collection of facts, the
history of the half-century now before us can only be given very imperfectly.
Nor can we wonder at our ignorance, when we find that even among the Athenians
themselves, only a century afterward, statements the most incorrect and
contradictory respecting the Peisistratids were in
circulation, as Thucydides distinctly, and somewhat reproachfully, acquaints us.
than thirty years had now elapsed since the promulgation of the Solonian constitution,
whereby the annual Senate of Four Hundred had
been created, and the public assembly (preceded in its
action as well as aided and regulated by this senate)
invested with a power of exacting responsibility from the magistrates after their year of office. The
seeds of the subsequent democracy had thus been sown, and no doubt
the administration of the archons had been practically softened by
it. Yet nothing in the nature of a democratical sentiment yet had
been created. A hundred years hence, we shall find that sentiment
unanimous and potent among the enterprising
masses of Athens and Peiraeus, and shall be
called upon to listen to loud complaints of the
difficulty of dealing with “that angry, waspish, intractable little
old man, Demus of Pnyx”—so
Aristophanes calls the Athenian people to their faces,
with a freedom which shows that he at least counted on their
good temper. But between 560-510 b.c. the people are
as passive in respect to political rights and securities as the
most strenuous enemy of democracy could desire, and
the government is transferred from hand to
hand by bargains and cross-changes between two or three
powerful men, at the head of partisans who echo their voices, espouse
their personal quarrels, and draw the sword at their command. It was
this ancient constitution—Athens as it stood before the Athenian democracy—which the Macedonian Antipater professed to
restore in 322 b.c., when he caused the majority of the
poorer citizens to be excluded altogether from the
political franchise.
the stratagem recounted in a former chapter, Peisistratus had
obtained from the public assembly a guard which he had employed to
acquire forcible possession of the acropolis. He thus
became master of the administration; but he employed
his power honorably and well, not disturbing the
existing forms farther then was necessary to insure
to himself full mastery. Nevertheless we may see by the verses of Solon (the only contemporary evidence which we
possess), that the prevalent sentiment was by no means
favorable to his recent proceeding, and that there
was in many minds a strong feeling both of terror and aversion, which presently manifested itself in the armed
coalition of Ins two rivals—Megacles at the head of the Parali or
inhabitants of the sea-board, and Lycurgus at the head of those in
the neighboring plain. As the conjunction
of the two formed a force too powerful for
Peisistratus to withstand, he was driven into exile, after no long possession of his despotism.
But the time came (how soon we cannot
tell) when the two rivals who had expelled him quarreled. Megacles
made propositions to Peisistratus, inviting him
to resume the sovereignty, promising his own aid and stipulating that
Peisistratus should marry his daughter. The conditions being accepted,
a plan was laid between the two new
allies for carrying them into effect, by a novel stratagem—since the simulated wounds and
pretense of personal danger were not likely to be played off a second time with
success. The two conspirators clothed a stately woman, six feet high, named Phye, in the panoply and costume of Athene—surrounded her
with the professional accompaniments belonging to the goddess—and placed her in
a chariot with Peisistratus by her side. In this guise the exiled despot and
his adherents approached the city and drove up to the acropolis, preceded by
heralds, who cried aloud to the people,—“Athenians, receive ye cordially
Peisistratus, whom Athene has honored above all other men, and is now bringing
back into her own acropolis”. The people in the city received the reputed
goddess with implicit belief and demonstrations of worship, while among the
country cantons the report quickly spread that Athene had appeared in person to
restore Peisistratus: who thus found himself, without even a show of
resistance, in possession of the acropolis and of the government. His own
party, united with that of Megacles, were powerful enough to maintain him, when
he had once acquired possession. And probably all, except the leaders,
sincerely believed in the epiphany of the goddess, which came to be divulged as
having been a deception, only after Peisistratus and Megacles had quarreled.
daughter of Megacles, according to agreement, quickly became the wife of
Peisistratus, but she bore him no children. It became known that her husband,
having already adult sons by a former marriage, and considering that the Cylonian curse rested upon all the Alcmeonid family, did
not intend that she should become a mother. Megacles was so incensed at this
behavior, that he not only renounced his alliance with Peisistratus, but even
made his peace with the third party, the adherents of Lycurgus—and assumed so
menacing an attitude, that the despot was obliged to evacuate Attica. He
retired to Eretria in Euboea, where he remained no less than ten years,
employed in making preparations for a forcible return, and exercising, even
while in exile, a degree of influence much exceeding that of a private man. He
not only lent valuable aid to Lygdamis of Naxos in constituting himself despot
of that island, but possessed, we know not how, the means of rendering
important service to different cities, Thebes in particular. They repaid him
by large contributions of money to aid in his re-establishment: mercenaries
were hired from Argos, and the Naxian Lygdamis came
himself both with money and with troops. Thus equipped and aided, Peisistratus
landed at Marathon in Attica. How the Athenian government had been conducted
during his ten years’ absence, we do not know; but the leaders of it permitted
him to remain undisturbed at Marathon, and to assemble his partisans both from
the city and from the country. It was not until he broke up from Marathon and
had reached Pallene on his way to Athens, that they took the field against him.
Moreover, their conduct, even when the two armies were near together, must have
been either extremely negligent or corrupt; for Peisistratus found means
to attack them unprepared, routing their forces almost without resistance. In
fact, the proceedings have altogether the air of a concerted betrayal. For the
defeated troops, though unpursued, are said to have dispersed and returned to
their homes forthwith, in obedience to the proclamation of Peisistratus, who
marched on to Athens, and found himself a third time ruler.
this third successful entry, he took vigorous precautions for rendering his
seat permanent. The Alcmaeonids and their immediate partisans retired into
exile: but he seized the children of those who remained and whose sentiments he
suspected, as hostages for the behavior of their parents, and placed them in
Naxos under the care of Lygdamis. Moreover he provided himself with a powerful
body of Thracian mercenaries, paid by taxes levied upon the people: and he was
careful to conciliate the favor of the gods by a purification of the sacred
island of Delos. All the dead bodies which had been buried within sight of the
temple of Apollo, were exhumed and reinterred further off. At this time the
Delian festival—attended by the Asiatic Ionians and the islanders, and with
which Athens was of course peculiarly connected—must have been beginning to
decline from its pristine magnificence; for the subjugation of the continental
Ionic cities by Cyrus had been already achieved, and the power of Samos, though
increased under the despot Polycrates, seems to have increased at the expense
and to the ruin of the smaller Ionic islands. Partly from the same feelings
which led to the purification of Delos— partly as an act of party revenge—Peisistratus
caused the houses of the Alcmaeonids to be leveled with the ground, and the
bodies of the deceased members of that family to be disinterred and cast out of
the country.
third and last period of the rule of Peisistratus lasted several years, until
his death in 527 b.c. It is said to have been so mild in its character, that he once even suffered
himself to be cited for trial before the senate of Areopagus; yet as we know
that he had to maintain a large body of Thracian mercenaries out of the funds
of the people, we shall be inclined to construe this eulogium comparatively
rather than positively. Thucydides affirms that both he and his sons governed m
a wise and virtuous spirit, levying from the people only an income tax of five
per cent. This is high praise coming from such an authority, though it seems
that we ought to make some allowance for the circumstance of Thucydides being
connected by descent with the Peisistratid family.
The judgment of Herodotus is also very favorable respecting Peisistratus; that
of Aristotle favorable, yet qualified, since he includes these despots among
the list of those who undertook public and sacred works with the deliberate
view of impoverishing as well as of occupying their subjects. This supposition
is countenanced by the prodigious scale upon which the temple of Zeus Olympius at Athens was begun by Peisistratus—a scale much
exceeding either the Parthenon or the temple of Athene Polias;
both of which, nevertheless, were erected in later times, when the
means of Athens were decidedly larger and her disposition to demonstrative
piety certainly no way diminished. It was left by him unfinished, nor was it
ever completed until the Roman emperor Hadrian undertook the task. Moreover
Peisistratus introduced the greater Panathenaic festival, solemnized every four
years, in the third Olympic year: the annual Panathenaic festival,
henceforward called the Lesser, was still continued.
have already noticed, at considerable length, the care which he bestowed in
procuring full and correct copies of the Homeric poems, as well as in improving
the recitation of them at the Panathenaic festival,—a proceeding for which we
owe him much gratitude, but which has been shown to be erroneously interpreted
by various critics. He probably also collected the works of other poets—called
by Aulus Gellius, in
language not well suited to the sixth century b.c., a library thrown open to the public. The service which he
thus rendered must have been highly valuable at a time when writing and reading
were not widely extended. His son Hipparchus followed up the same taste, taking
pleasure in the society of the most eminent poets of the day,—Simonides, Anacreon,
and Lasus; not to mention the Athenian mystic Onomacritus,
who though not pretending to the gift of prophecy himself, passed for the
proprietor and editor of the various prophecies ascribed to the ancient name of Musaeus. The Peisistratids,
well versed in these prophecies, set great value upon them, and guarded their
integrity so carefully, that Onomacritus, being detected on one occasion in the
act of interpolating them, was banished by Hipparchus in consequence. The
statues of Hermes, erected by this prince or by his personal friends in various
parts of Attica, and inscribed with short moral sentences, are extolled by the
author of the Platonic dialogue called Hipparchus, with an exaggeration which
approaches to irony. It is certain, however, that both the sons of
Peisistratus, as well as himself, were exact in fulfilling the religious
obligations of the state, and ornamented the city in several ways, especially
the public fountain Kallirrhoe. They are said to have
maintained the preexisting forms of law and justice, merely taking care always
to keep themselves and their adherents in the effective offices of state, and
in the full reality of power. They were, moreover, modest and popular in their
personal demeanor, and charitable to the poor; yet one striking example occurs
of unscrupulous enmity in their murder of Cimon by night through the agency of
hired assassins. There is good reason, however, for believing that the
government both of Peisistratus and of his sons was in practice generally mild
until after the death of Hipparchus by the hands of Harmodius and Aristogeiton,
after which event the surviving Hippias became alarmed, cruel, and oppressive
during his last four years. Hence the harshness of this concluding period left
upon the Athenian mind that profound and imperishable hatred,
against the dynasty generally, which Thucydides
reluctantly admits: laboring to show that it was not deserved by Peisistratus, nor at first by Hippias.
left three legitimate sons—Hippias, Hipparchus, and Thessalus. The general
belief at Athens among the contemporaries of
Thucydides was that Hipparchus was the eldest of the three and had
succeeded him. Yet the historian emphatically pronounces this
to be a mistake, and certifies upon his own responsibility that Hippias was both eldest son and successor. Such an assurance from him,
fortified by certain reasons in themselves not very conclusive, is
sufficient ground for our belief—the more so as Herodotus countenances
the same version; but we are surprised at such a degree of historical carelessness in the Athenian public, and seemingly even in Plato,
about a matter both interesting and
comparatively recent. In order to abate this
surprise, and to explain how the name of Hipparchus came
to supplant that of Hippias in the popular talk, Thucydides recounts the memorable story of Harmodius and Aristogeiton.
Of these two Athenian citizens, both belonging to the ancient gens called Gephyraei, the former
was a beautiful youth, attached to the latter by
a mutual friendship and devoted intimacy
which Grecian manners did not condemn. Hipparchus made
repeated propositions to Harmodius, which
were repelled, but which, on becoming known to
Aristogeiton, excited both his jealousy and his fears lest the disappointed suitor should employ force—fears justified by the proceedings not unusual with Grecian despots, and by the absence of all
legal protection against outrage from such a quarter. Under these
feelings, he began to look about, in the best way that he
could, for some means of putting down the despotism.
Meanwhile Hipparchus, though not entertaining any designs of
violence, was so incensed at the refusal of Harmodius, that he could not be satisfied without doing something to insult or humiliate him. In order to conceal
the motive from which the insult really proceeded, he offered it, not directly to Harmodius, but to his sister. He caused this young maiden to
be one day summoned to take her station in a religious
procession as one of the Kanephorae or basket-carriers, according to the practice usual at Athens. But when she arrived at the place where
her fellow-maidens were assembled, she was dismissed with
scorn as unworthy of so respectable a function, and the summons addressed to her was
An insult thus publicly offered filled Harmodius with indignation, and
still farther exasperated the feelings of Aristogeiton. Both of them resolving at all hazards to put an end to the despotism, concerted means for aggression with a few select associates. They awaited
the festival of the Great Panathenaea, wherein the body of the citizens were accustomed to march up in armed procession, with spear
and shield, to the acropolis; this being the only day on which an
armed body could come together without suspicion. The conspirators appeared
armed like the rest of the citizens, but carrying concealed daggers besides.
Harmodius and Aristogeiton undertook with their own hands to kill the two Peisistratids, while the rest promised to stand forward
immediately for their protection against the foreign mercenaries; and though
the whole number of persons engaged was small, they counted upon the
spontaneous sympathies of the armed bystanders in an effort to regain their
liberties, so soon as the blow should once be struck. The day of the festival
having arrived, Hippias, with his foreign body-guard around him, was marshaling
the armed citizens for procession, in the Kerameikus without the gates, when Harmodius and Aristogeiton approached with concealed
daggers to execute their purpose. On coming near, they were thunderstruck to
behold one of their own fellow-conspirators talking familiarly with Hippias,
who was of easy access to every man. They immediately concluded that the plot
was betrayed. Expecting to be seized, and wrought up to a state of desperation,
they resolved at least not to die without having revenged themselves on
Hipparchus; whom they found within the city gates near the chapel called Leokorion, and immediately slew him. His attendant guards
killed Harmodius on the spot; while Aristogeiton, rescued for the moment by the
surrounding crowd, was afterward taken, and perished in the tortures applied
to make him disclose his accomplices.
news flew quickly to Hippias in the Kerameikus, who
heard it earlier than the armed citizens near him awaiting his order for the
commencement of the procession. With extraordinary self-command, he took
advantage of this precious instant of foreknowledge, and advanced toward
them,—directing them to drop their arms for a short time, and assemble on an
adjoining ground. They unsuspectingly obeyed; upon which he ordered his guards
to take possession of the vacant arms. Being now undisputed master, he seized
the persons of all those citizens whom he mistrusted—especially all those who
had daggers about them, which it was not the practice to carry in the Panathenaic
is the memorable narrative of Harmodius and Aristogeiton, peculiarly valuable
inasmuch as it all comes from Thucydides. To possess great power—to be above
legal restraint—to inspire extraordinary fear—is a privilege so much coveted
by the giants among mankind, that we may well take notice of those cases in
which it brings misfortune even upon themselves. The fear inspired by Hipparchus—of
designs which he did not really entertain, but was likely to entertain, and
competent to execute without hindrance—was here the grand cause of his
conspiracy here detailed happened in 514 b.c., during the thirteenth year of the reign of Hippias, which
lasted four years longer, until 510 b.c. These last four years, in the belief of the Athenian
public, counted for his whole reign; nay, many persons made the
still greater historical mistake of eliding these lust
four years altogether, and of supposing that the conspiracy of Harmodius and
Aristogeiton had deposed the Peisistratid government
and liberated Athens. Both poets and philosophers shared this faith, which is distinctly put forth in the beautiful and popular Skolion or song on the subject: the two friends are there celebrated as the authors of liberty
at Athens—“they slew the despot and gave to Athens equal laws.” So
inestimable a present was alone sufficient to enshrine in the minds of the subsequent democracy those who had sold
their lives to purchase it. Moreover, we must recollect that the intimate connection between the two, though repugnant to the modern reader, was regarded
at Athens with sympathy,—so that the story took hold of the Athenian mind by the
vein of romance conjointly with that of patriotism. Harmodius and Aristogeiton were afterward commemorated
both as the winners and as the
protomartyrs of Athenian liberty.
Statues were erected in their honor shortly after the final expulsion of the Peisistratids; immunity from taxes and public burdens was granted to the descendants of their families; and the
speaker who proposed the abolition of such immunities, at a
time when the number had been abusively multiplied, made his only special exception in favor of
this respected lineage. And since the name
of Hipparchus was universally notorious as the person slain, we discover how it was that he
came to be considered by an uncritical public as the predominant member of the Peisistratid family— the eldest son and successor of Peisistratus—the
reigning despot—to the comparative neglect of Hippias. The same public probably cherished
many other anecdotes, not the less eagerly believed because
they could not be authenticated, respecting this eventful period.
may have been the previous moderation of Hippias, indignation
at the death of his brother, and fear for his own
safety, now induced him to drop it
altogether. It is attested both by Thucydides
and Herodotus, and admits of no doubt, that his power was now employed harshly and cruelly—that
he put to death a considerable
number of citizens. We find also a
statement noway improbable
in itself and affirmed both in
Pausanias and in Plutarch—inferior authorities,
yet still in this case sufficiently credible—that he caused Lesena,
the mistress of Aristogeiton, to be tortured to death, in order to extort from her
a knowledge of the secrets and accomplices
of the latter. But as he could not but be sensible that this system
of terrorism was full of peril to
himself, so he looked out for shelter and support in
case of being expelled from Athens. With this view he sought to connect himself with Darius, king of
Persia—a connection full of consequences to be hereafter developed. Aeantides,
son of Hippoclus the despot of Lampsacus
on the Hellespont, stood high at this time
in the favor of the Persian monarch,
which induced Hippias to give him his daughter Archedike in marriage; no small honor to the Lampsakene,
in the estimation of Thucydides. To explain how Hippias came to fix upon this
town, however, it is necessary to say a few words on the foreign policy of the Peisistratids.
has already been mentioned that the Athenians, even so far back as the days of
the poet Alkaeus, had occupied Sigeium in the Troad, and had there carried on war with the Mitylenaeans; so that their acquisitions in these regions
date much before the time of Peisistratus Owing probably to this circumstance,
an application was made to them in the early part of his reign from the Dolonkian Thracians, inhabitants of the Chersonese on the
opposite side of the Hellespont, for aid against their powerful neighbors the Absinthian
tribe of Thracians. Opportunity was thus offered for sending out a colony to
acquire this valuable peninsula for Athens. Peisistratus willingly entered into
the scheme, while Miltiades son of Kypselus, a noble
Athenian living impatiently under his despotism, was no less pleased to take
the lead in executing it: his departure and that of other malcontents as
founders of a colony suited the purpose of all parties. According to the
narrative of Herodotus—alike pious and picturesque, and doubtless circulating
as authentic at the annual games which the Chersonesites,
even in his time, celebrated to the honor of their oekist—it
is the Delphian god who directs the scheme and singles out the individual. The
chiefs of the distressed Dolonkians going to Delphi
to crave assistance toward procuring Grecian colonists, were directed to choose
for their oekist the individual who should first show
them hospitality on their quitting the temple. They departed and marched all
along what was called the Sacred Road, through Phocis and Boeotia to Athens,
without receiving a single hospitable invitation. At length they entered
Athens, and passed by the house of Miltiades while he himself was sitting in
front of it. Seeing men whose costume and arms marked them out as strangers,
he invited them into his house and treated them kindly: upon which they
apprised him that he was the man fixed upon by the oracle, and adjured him not
to refuse his concurrence. After asking for himself personally the opinion of
the oracle, and receiving an affirmative answer, he consented ; sailing as oekist at the head of a body of Athenian emigrants to the
reached this peninsula, and having been constituted despot of the mixed
Thracian and Athenian population, he lost no time in fortifying the narrow
isthmus by a wall reaching all across from Kardia to Paktya, a distance of about four miles and a half; so that
the Absinthian invaders were for the time effectually shut out, though the
protection was not permanently kept up. He also entered into a war with Lampsacus
on the Asiatic side of the strait, but was unfortunate enough to fall into an
ambuscade and become a prisoner. Nothing preserved his life except the
immediate interference of Croesus, king of Lydia, coupled with strenuous
menaces addressed tobthe Lampsakenes, who found themselves compelled to
release their prisoner. Miltiades had acquired much favor with Croesus, in what manner we are not told. He died childless some time afterward, while his nephew Stesagoras, who succeeded him, perished by assassination some time subsequent
to the death of Peisistratus at Athens.
expedition of Miltiades to the Chersonese must have occurred early after the first usurpation of Peisistratus, since
even his imprisonment by the Lampsakenes happened before the ruin of Croesus (546 b.c). But it was not
till much later—probably during the third and
most powerful period of Peisistratus—that the latter undertook his
expedition against Sigeium in the Troad. This place appears to have fallen
into the hands of the Mitylenaeans:
Peisistratus retook it, and placed there his illegitimate son Hegesistratus as
despot. The Mitylenaeans may have been enfeebled at this time (somewhere between 537-527 b.c.) not only by the strides of Persian conquest on the mainland,
but also by the ruinous defeat which they suffered from Polycrates and the
Samians. Hegesistratus maintained the place against various hostile attempts,
throughout all the reign of Hippias, so that the Athenian possessions in those regions comprehended at
this period both the Chersonese and Sigeium. To the former of the two,
Hippias sent out Miltiades, nephew of the first oekist, as governor after the death of his brother
Stesagoras. The new governor found much discontent in the peninsula,
but succeeded in subduing it by entrapping and imprisoning
the principal men in each town. He farther took into his pay a
regiment of 500 mercenaries, and married Hegesipyle, daughter of the
Thracian king Olorus.
It must have been about 518 b.c. that this second Miltiades went out to the
Chersonese. He seems to have been
obliged to quit it for a time, after the Scythian expedition of Darius,
in consequence of having incurred the hostility of the Persians;
but he was there from the beginning of
the Ionic revolt until about 493 b.c., or two or three years before the battle of Marathon,
on which occasion we shall find him acting commander
of the Athenian army.
the Chersonese and Sigeium,
however, though Athenian possessions,
were now tributary and dependent on Persia. It was to Persia that Hippias, during his last years of alarm, looked for support in the event
of being expelled from Athens: he calculated upon Sigeium as a shelter, and upon Aeantides as well as Darius as an ally. Neither the
one nor the other failed him.
same circumstances which alarmed Hippias and
rendered his dominion in Attica at once more oppressive
and more odious, tended of course to raise the hopes of bis enemies, the
Athenian exiles, with the powerful Alcmaeonids at their
head. Believing the favorable moment to be
come, they even ventured upon an invasion of Attica, and occupied a post called Leipsydrion in the mountain range
of Parnes,
which separates Attica from Boeotia. But their schemes altogether failed: Hippias defeated
and drove them out of the country. His dominion now seemed confirmed, for the
Lacedaemonians were on terms of intimate friendship with him; and Amyntas,
king of Macedon, as well as the Thessalians, were his allies. Yet the exiles
whom he had beaten in the open field succeeded in an unexpected maneuver,
which, favored oy circumstances, proved his ruin.
an accident which had occurred in the year 548 b.c., the Delphian temple was set on fire and burnt. To repair
this grave loss was an object of solicitude to all Greece; but the outlay
required was exceedingly heavy, and it appears to have been long before the
money could be collected. The Amphiktyons decreed
that one-fourth of the cost should be borne by the Delphians themselves, who
found themselves so heavily taxed by such assessment, that they sent envoys
throughout all Greece to collect subscriptions in aid, and received, among
other donations, from the Greek settlers in Egypt twenty minae,
besides a large present of alum from the Egyptian king Amasis: their munificent
benefactor Croesus fell a victim to the Persians in 546 b.c., so that his treasure was no longer open to them. The total
sum required was 300 talents—a prodigious amount to be collected from the
dispersed Grecian cities, who acknowledged no common sovereign authority, and
among whom the proportion reasonable to ask from each was difficult to
determine with satisfaction to all parties. At length however the money was
collected, and the Amphiktyons were in a situation to
make a contract for the building of the temple. The Alcmaeonids, who had been
in exile ever since the third and final acquisition of power by Peisistratus,
took the contract. In executing it, they not only performed the work in the
best manner, but even went much beyond the terms stipulated; employing Parian
marble for the frontage where the material prescribed to them was coarse stone.
As was before remarked in the case of Peisistratus when he was in banishment,
we are surprised to find exiles (whose property had been confiscated) so amply
furnished with money, unless we are to suppose that Cleisthenes inherited
through his mother wealth independent of Attica, and deposited it in the temple
of the Samian Hera. But the fact is unquestionable, and they gained signal
reputation throughout the Hellenic world for their liberal performance of so
important an enterprise. That the erection took considerable time, we cannot
doubt. It seems to have been finished, as far as we can conjecture, about a
year or two after the death of Hipparchus—512 b.c.—more than thirty years
after the conflagration.
the Delphians, especially, the rebuilding of their temple on so superior a
scale was the most essential of all services, and their gratitude toward the Alcmaeonids
was proportionally great. Partly through such a feeling, partly through
pecuniary presents, Cleisthenes was thus enabled to work the oracle for
political purposes, and to call forth the powerful arm of Sparta against
Hippias. Whenever any Spartan presented himself to consult the oracle, either
on private or public business, the answer of the priestess was always in one
strain—“Athens must be liberated.” The constant repetition of that mandate at
length extorted from the piety of the Lacedaemonians a reluctant compliance.
Reverence for the god overcame their strong feeling of friendship toward the Peisistratids, and Anchimolius,
son of Aster, was dispatched by sea to Athens at the head of a Spartan force to
expel them. On landing at Phalerum, however, he found them already forewarned
and. prepared, as well as farther strengthened by 1,000 horse specially
demanded from their allies in Thessaly. Upon the plain of Phalerum this latter
force was found peculiarly effective, so that the division of Anchimolius were driven back to their ships with great
loss, and he himself slain. The defeated armament had probably been small, and
its repulse only provoked the Lacedaemonians to send a larger, under the
command of their king Cleomenes in person, who on this occasion marched into
Attica by land. On reaching the plain of Athens, he was assailed by the
Thessalian horse, but repelled them in so gallant a style, that they at once
rode off and returned to their native country; abandoning their allies with a
faithlessness not unfrequent in the Thessalian
character. Cleomenes marched on without farther resistance to Athens, where he
found himself, together with the Alcmaeonids and the malcontent Athenians
generally, in possession of the town. At that time there was no fortification
except round the acropolis, into which Hippias retired, with his mercenaries
and the citizens most faithful to him; having taken care to provision it well
beforehand, so that it was not less secure against famine than against assault.
He might have defied the besieging force, which was no wav prepared for a long
blockade. Yet, not altogether confiding in his position, he tried to send his
children by stealth out of the country; in which proceeding the children were
taken prisoners. To procure their restoration, Hippias consented to all that
was demanded of him, and withdrew from Attica to Sigeium in the Troad within the space of five days.
fell the Peisistratid dynasty in 510 b.c., fifty years after the first
usurpation of its founder. It was put down through the aid of foreigners, and
those foreigners, too, wishing well to it in their hearts, though hostile from
a mistaken feeling of divine injunction. Yet both the circumstances of its
fall, and the course of events which followed, conspire to show that it
possessed few attached friends in the country, and that the expulsion of
Hippias was welcomed unanimously by the vast majority of Athenians. His family
and chief partisans would accompany him into exile—probably as a matter of
course, without requiring any formal sentence of condemnation. An altar was
erected in the acropolis, with a column hard by,
commemorating both the past iniquity of the dethroned dynasty, and the names of all its members.