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The Rule
of St Benedict was the fountain of monastic discipline in the West, the source,
not of a single religious order, but of religious order in the most
comprehensive sense of the phrase. Composed in the beginning for a single
community of cenobites, it took into account no system which involved the
grouping of monasteries in an organized federation or subordinated a number of
houses to one common head. The successors of St Benedict at Monte Cassino could make no claim to
any but an honorary primacy among Benedictine abbots. The Benedictine monastery
was a self-ruling corporation; its abbot, the father of the convent, was
supreme in it and in the dependent priories which formed integral, though
locally detached, portions of the organism. The Rule supplied the main
principle of its life; but in details it was governed by its own customary
code, the result of local conditions and individual convenience. Such bodies of
customs would necessarily have strong family and local likenesses; but they
would show no trace of a rigid uniformity. Relations between neighboring
communities might be fraternal, but each was a separate household, recognizing
a common paternity, not in any supreme monastery, but in St Benedict, the
founder of the monastic order.
This autonomy of the Benedictine community, with
its healthy encouragement to free development on natural lines, was
nevertheless not without its drawbacks. The history of such great houses as
Monte Cassino and Farfa shows, on the one hand,
that a body of monks unprotected by any central authority or mutual bond of
union was peculiarly liable to dispersion under the pressure of external
attack. During the Lombard invasions in the sixth century, and the Saracen
inroads in the ninth, both monasteries were left desolate for long periods. On
the other hand, the community ran the continual risk of internal decay. The
rule of a weak or careless abbot, under no effective supervision, was
inevitably a source of danger; while the growth of temporal possessions, given
by benefactors with the best intentions, brought with it temptations to the
relaxation of religious observance and to the admission of secular customs out
of keeping with the Rule. Both causes, in the disturbed condition of European
society, combined against the steady maintenance of the founder's principles. A
convent scattered by invaders, and forced to lead a vagrant life in search of
casual hospitality, was unlikely, when it was restored to its old home, to
enter upon its duties with its pristine zeal and to prefer austerity to
St Benedict of Aniane
In his endeavors for reform, Benedict had to
contend with three main abuses. The custom of granting monasteries as fiefs to
lay proprietors endangered the whole system. Benedict prevailed upon Louis to
appoint only regulars as abbots, and to modify the requisition of services from
religious houses. Closely connected with this first abuse was the prevalent
abandonment of regular observances. In some prominent houses, such as
Saint-Denis at Paris and Saint-Benigne at Dijon, the inmates had abandoned the title of monks for that of clerks and
canons. Saint-Benigne was
brought back to discipline in Benedict's lifetime by its Abbot, Herlogaud. At Saint-Denis his
efforts had little success; the monks who were introduced to leaven the house
were expelled by the canons; and it was not until some years after his death
that the reform was effected by Hilduin and Hincmar. But the crying evil which Benedict recognized as
the root of irregularity was diversity of observance. If he was urgent in
enforcing the Rule of St Benedict as the foundation of an orderly system, his
panacea for disorder was uniformity of custom.
The Council of Aix-la-Chapelle
It will be noticed that the Council of
Aix-la-Chapelle recognized the existence of canons, or persons leading the
canonical as distinct from the monastic life, among the constituent parts of
ecclesiastical machinery. St Chrodegang,
Bishop of Metz (742-766), had composed a rule for the clerks of his cathedral
church, by which they were given a quasi-monastic constitution embodying the
principles of the common life and community of goods. His rule was the
starting-point of reform in similar bodies of clergy, to whose members the
title of canons was generally applied. Its origin is sometimes attributed to
the canon or rule under which they lived; but it was more probably derived from
the canon, the official list or matriculus of a community. Although this system was in itself an attempt to apply to
corporations of secular clerks a constitution upon modified Benedictine lines,
its growth presented an alternative mode of life to the inmates of monasteries.
The claims of the monks of Saint-Denis and Dijon to be styled canons or regular
clerks was a rejection of the mixed constitution of a monastery, in which only
a certain proportion of the monks were in holy orders. It also excused the
possession of private property by individuals, as the canon had his special
allowance from the common fund or, where he was bound by no rule, lived upon
the income derived from an individual estate. At Aix-la-Chapelle regulations
were also drawn up for canons by a committee of bishops and clerks; and the
code attributed to Amalarius,
Dean of Metz, on the lines of the Rule of St Chrodegang, was intended for the use, not merely
of cathedral and collegiate chapters, but of clerks in general. It was not
until a much later date that the so-called Rule of St Augustine was formulated
for the use of bodies of clerks vowed to a common life of the monastic type.
For Carolingian monasticism in its full vigour we must look to the
abbeys of Gaul and Germany, to Saint-Maur,
St Gall, or Fulda. In Italy such monasteries as Monte Cassino and Nonantula flourished under the Carolingian
Emperors as centres of
civilized and scholarly activity. But the general tendency of the Italian
monasteries was towards secularization. Farfa, between the Sabine hills and the Tiber, was
especially favored by Lothar, the son of Louis the
Pious. Its abbot was a prince ruling over a large territory and commanding the
allegiance of powerful vassals; he owned no superior but the Emperor, and was
able to resist successfully the encroachments which successive Popes, grudging
him the privilege of exemption from their authority, made upon his lands. The
great monastery, with its circle of embattled walls, its four churches, its
imperial palace and splendid monastic buildings adorned with spacious
colonnades, was more like a fortified town than a place of retirement from the
world. It withstood the attacks of the Saracens for seven years before its
eventual fall. Such a foundation was an easy prey to the irregularities against
which Benedict of Aniane had striven. Even within the main area of his reform, the dissolution of the
Empire of Charlemagne, rent by intestine quarrels and harassed by the invasions
of the Northmen, caused the temporary extinction of
monastic life after its brief revival. The advance of the northern pirates
along the Loire and Seine was marked by the abandonment and pillage of Marmoutier, the shrine of St
Martin of Tours, Fleury, to which the body of St
Benedict had been translated after the Lombard destruction of Monte Cassino, and Saint-Denis. The
monasteries of the southern coast, such as Saint-Victor at Marseilles and Lerins, formerly a notable link
between eastern and western monachism, were sacked by
more than one invader during the eighth and ninth centuries. When, after the
fury was past, monks returned to these sites, it was with disheartenment and
little hope of safety.
Odo of Cluny
In France, Odo’s most remarkable success was the reform of Fleury, to which he was called in 930. At first the monks
resisted his entry with violence; but his personal fearlessness overcame
opposition, and, with the help of Hugh the Great, the father of Hugh Capet, he
purged the convent of abuses and converted it into an active missionary centre, second only to Cluny in influence. In 936, on the
invitation of Alberic, the temporal sovereign of
Rome, Odo paid his first
of several visits to Italy. He was given authority over the monasteries in
Roman territory: St Paul's without the walls of Rome was successfully reformed,
and other houses followed suit. A beginning was made at Monte Cassino; but Farfa, divided by a schism
between two rival abbots who had murdered their predecessor, resisted the
introduction of Cluniac monks by Odo and got rid by poison of
the abbot whom Alberic installed by armed force. Yet,
if Odo’s personal success
in Italy was limited, he at any rate sowed the seed of a much needed revival.
Neither Alberic nor his step-father and rival, King
Hugh of Italy, can be credited with an ardent zeal for religion; but both, in
the favor which they showed to the Abbot of Cluny, paid testimony to the
importance of religious activity in the restoration of general order.
The work of Odo was continued with unabated energy by his
successors. Mayeul (Maiolus), Abbot of Cluny from
954 to 994, was able, with the favor of Otto the Great and his son, to advance
the Italian reform in Ravenna, Pavia, and Rome. Through the influence of the
Empress Adelaide, the first offshoot of Cluny in the Burgundian kingdom was
founded at Payerne (Peterlingen) in the Jura. Among
the French monasteries reformed by Mayeul were Marmoutier, Saint-Maur-des-Fossées, and Saint-Benigne at Dijon. He died on his way to
Saint-Denis, where his successor Odilo (994-1048) achieved some success. It was under the rule of Odilo that the position of Cluny as the supreme
head of a monastic congregation was achieved.
Odo had succeeded to the headship of only half the
monasteries which Berno had ruled; and his influence as Abbot of Cluny depended entirely upon his
personal gifts and piety, not upon the established reputation of a
community which was as yet young and had
acquired no great possessions. Most of the houses which submitted to his
guidance were Benedictine monasteries with a history far older than that of Cluny. In subjecting
themselves to him for a time, they did not surrender their independence. When
he died, the number of houses immediately dependent on Cluny was very small.
They were slightly increased under his next successor Aymard (942-954); but Mayeul, at his accession, had only five dependent
monasteries under his charge. Under Mayeul,
again, the work of reform did not include the principle of submission to Cluny.
Several of the Benedictine foundations whose life was quickened by Odo and Mayeul initiated reforms of their own which were
independent of Cluniac effort. Thus Fleury and Marmoutier had each its own congregation of reformed monasteries, which modeled their
customs upon those of the reforming house, but were not members of a distinct
order. The Lombard William of Volpiano,
to whom Mayeul committed
the government of Saint-Benigne in 990, migrated from Dijon to Normandy and introduced practices learned from
Cluny into the Norman monasteries, either in person or through his disciples.
Yet, though these were closely allied in ties of friendship, they owned no
superior house to which obedience was due, but preserved the Benedictine
principle of local autonomy.
Again, parallel movements may be traced with
which Cluny was only indirectly connected. Thus the reform of monasteries in
the Netherlands, under Gerard of Brogne,
and that which proceeded from Gorze in the diocese of Metz, were purely spontaneous in origin. The monks of Gorze adopted certain customs
which bore a strong resemblance to those of Cluny; and it is possible that the
reform of the Abbey of Saint-Evre at Toul, achieved by
monks of Fleury in 934, brought them into contact
with Cluniac observances. Equally indigenous in its
beginnings was the reform and restoration of the English monasteries, in which
the prime mover was Dunstan, ably seconded by Aethelwold and Oswald. If Dunstan, during his
exile from the court of Eadwig,
learned much from continental monachism in the abbey
of Saint-Pierre or Blandinium at Ghent, his policy had been matured in his own brain during years of quiet
meditation at Glastonbury. The aid of Abbo of Fleury was subsequently invoked to kindle
popular enthusiasm, when Aethelwold repeopled the ruined
monasteries in the east of England, and when Oswald, in the Severn valley and
at Ramsey, founded new houses in which the Benedictine Rule was strictly
observed. Such movements felt the influence of the Cluniac revival, but were distinct from it. Once more, the German reform undertaken a
century later by William, who, formerly a monk of St Emmeram at Ratisbon, was
elected Abbot of the distracted monastery of Hirschau in the diocese of Spires in 1069, owed
much to Cluny, then at the height of its power. William modeled his reform
directly upon Cluniac principles; Ulrich's edition
of the customs of Cluny, compiled at his request, was dedicated to him; some of
his monks were sent to Cluny to learn regular observance, and the customs of Hirschau were compiled from
their report. The German congregation, however, owed no allegiance to the
monastery to which it was thus indebted. Similarly, the reform of Farfa, achieved by the Abbot
Hugh whose purchase of his office in 997 was the unpromising beginning of a
praiseworthy career, followed the Cluniac methods
which the monastery had rejected at an earlier date. The customs of Farfa, compiled shortly after
Hugh's death in 1039, belong, like the Ordo Cluniacensis of
Bernard and Ulrich’s Antiquiores Consuetudines, to the
main group of authorities for Cluniac practice, and
include a most valuable description of the arrangements of a model Cluniac monastery. But Farfa remained outside the Cluniac order.
Odilo of Cluny
Odilo’s rule at Cluny was distinguished by the
intensive application of Cluniac customs to a
congregation of dependent houses. Roving commissions to administer the affairs
of foreign monasteries became less frequent; we hear more, on the other hand,
of gifts of monasteries to Cluny, which were affiliated directly to her as
their parent and mistress. The biogiapher of Odilo enumerates some
of the principal churches which he ruled and enriched with possessions,
buildings, and ornaments—Paverne and Romainmôtier in the
diocese of Lausanne, Saint-Victor at Geneva, Charlieu and Ambierle near Lyons, Ris, Sauxillanges, Souvigny, la Ferte-Hauterive, and Saint-Saturnin in Auvergne, the
priory founded by Mayeul at Pavia, and la Voulte-sur-Rhone, founded by Odilo himself in the last years of his life. He
adorned the cloister of Cluny with marble columns, shipped from distant places
down the Durance and the Rhone, so that he was wont to boast that he had found
Cluny of wood and left it of marble.
It may be said with equal truth that he left
Cluny, hitherto merely a spiritual power among Benedictine houses, the head of
an order, as distinct from a mere congregation of monasteries, within the
Benedictine system. Each house of the order owed absolute obedience to the
sovereign abbot. Odo had
acquired for Cluny the privilege of exemption from any authority but that of
the Pope. Her priories, members of the mother-house and incapable of
independent action apart from her, were similarly exempt from control by
diocesan bishops or secular princes; in whatever country they were founded,
they were subjects of Cluny, amenable only to the decrees of the annual chapter
at which the priors of the order were gathered together under the presidency of
the abbot. The title of abbot, accorded to the head of an old house like Vézelay, which had been drawn
within the Cluniac system, did not imply
independence of the central government. Certain houses had an honorary
preeminence, la-Charité-sur-Loire,
Saint-Martin-des-Champs at Paris, Souvigny and Sauxillanges, and
Lewes, the first Cluniac foundation in England, established
in 1077. For visitatorial purposes, the order was divided into ten provinces, for each of which two
visitors and other officers were appointed at the general chapter. The provincial organization,
however, did not imply local autonomy; the
visitors were responsible to the central autocracy.
This constitutional machinery was perfected
during the long rule of Odilo’s successor Hugh (1049-1109). His abbacy, glorious as it was in the continual
addition of monasteries to the order and in the foundation of the splendid
abbey church of Cluny for the 300 or 400 monks for whom the old buildings were
insufficient, was in some respects the turning-point of the history of the Cluniac movement. It covered the period of the struggle
between the Emperor Henry IV and the Papacy which his father had taken action
to reform. In this conflict Cluny was naturally in sympathy with the Pope. Its
exemption from local authority made a strong Papacy essential to its
undisturbed existence. Its early success had been largely due to its
geographical position in a district little affected by the strife of the last
days of the Carolingian Empire. But, with the spread of the order over Europe,
and with the growth of the spirit of nationality, the safeguard of its central
authority was, more than in earlier times, the protection of the supreme
spiritual power. On the other hand, while the Papacy was menaced by the power
which had restored it, Cluny was surrounded by enemies of the reforms demanded
by Gregory VII. It is hardly surprising that its abbot preferred a cautious
neutrality to a whole-hearted espousal of the cause of Gregory, and to the
consequent risk of provoking the active enmity of Henry IV and the prelates
whose jealousy of Cluniac privileges was ready to
take advantage of Cluniac weakness. Tradition,
founded upon the supposed association of Hildebrand with Cluny, has represented
the order as a chief instrument of the policy which, as Pope, he sought to
carry out. We may assume with justice that he looked for support to the great
influence of the abbot. He found friendship and consolation; the fullness with
which he poured out the anxieties of his heart in his letters to Hugh admits of
no other interpretation of their spirit. But with these confidences was mingled
a tone of impatient reproach which shows that Hugh's regard for him did not go
to the length of overt action. The voice of the abbot was not heard in the
Pope's synods; Cluny was unprepared to throw its weight into the scales upon
his side. As Gregory complained, there were occasions when the abbot's holiness
shunned trouble, and when he was slothful in answering the demands of serious
The days of Cluniac reform, in fact, were numbered with the settled organization of the Cluniac order. In a monastery which had increased in
power and riches, the mistress of some two hundred priories, piety might still
be found and the opus Dei still flourish; but its missionary energy had
been exchanged for concentration upon internal polity. The patriarchs of Cluny
had insisted upon a strict observance of the Rule, upon silence in church and
cloister, upon the banishment of meat from the convent table, upon eradication
of the nequissimum vitium of private
property. While this was so, the success of Cluny as an agent of reform was
obviously due in no small degree to its moderation and avoidance of extreme
forms of asceticism. It presented an ideal which it was possible for the
ordinary monk to follow. In spite of its remissness in the cause of Gregory
VII, it still sent out great men to champion the papal claims. Urban II, the
inheritor of the Hildebrandine policy, had been Prior of Cluny; Paschal II who followed him in the papal chair
was also a Cluniac monk. It was to Cluny that Gelasius II, Paschal’s successor, came to
die, and the next Pope, Calixtus II, was chosen in the abbey. Its fame suffered a temporary eclipse under the
rule of Pons, who succeeded Hugh in 1109 and was obliged to resign in 1122; but
the wisdom and devout learning of Peter the Venerable, who compiled a revised
code of statutes, kept its reputation alive long after. Even so severe a critic
as Peter Damian could refer to Cluny in the days of Hugh as “a paradise watered
by the streams of the four Gospels, a garden of delights, a spiritual field
where earth and heaven meet, a ground of conflict, in which, as in a
wrestling-school of the spirit, the frailty of the flesh contends against the
powers of the air”. St Bernard's quarrel with Cluny arose in the evil days of
Pons, when his cousin Robert was enticed from Clairvaux by specious arguments, and his condemnation of the pride and magnificence of
Cluny and its preference of the letter to the spirit of the Rule was doubtless
affected by this circumstance. Yet this splendor and monastic luxury was not
the growth of a few years of misrule; for one point which Bernard attacked, the
architectural beauty of the churches and cloisters, with their profusion of
ornament and sculpture, we have abundant evidence from the time of Odilo onwards. It was through the
imperceptible effect of wealth and power upon a never excessively rigorous
system that the state of things arose in which, as Bernard said, the welfare of
the order and its observance of religious discipline were held to consist in
the magnificence of its feasts, its furniture, and its buildings.
In these respects Cluny set the example to Benedictinism in general. The
great revival of monastic life in England which followed the Norman Conquest
was a revival of decent order rather than of stringent observance. Lanfranc, in
issuing his ordinances to the monks of his metropolitan church, had in view a
well-ordered community, pursuing the life of church and cloister with exemplary
decorum and following the Rule without extravagant professions of asceticism.
The land-owning monasteries of Domesday, the
churches whose monks formed cathedral chapters, the splendid buildings which
were in progress before the end of the eleventh century, were certainly not
homes of an excessively severe discipline. Local instances of disorder, no
doubt, occurred; and the strife between William Rufus and Anselm had dangerous
effects upon the religious life, exposing monasteries to the intrusion of
unworthy nominees of the Crown. It is to be noticed, however, that such
movements as that which led in 1132 to the secession of the monks of Fountains
from St Mary's at York were clue, not to any definite scandals but to the
failure of abbots and convents to live up to the stricter precepts of the Rule.
The Order of Camaldoli
Even in the days of the greatest activity of
Cluny, sporadic efforts at a high standard of asceticism are noticeable outside
the main movement. In Italy the traditions of the austerities practised by the hermits and
anchorites of the East were never dormant. Fonte Avellana in the diocese of
Faenza, founded shortly before the year 1000, was a monastery of bare-footed
anchorites. Some forty years later, under the guidance of Peter Damian, its
strict practices were introduced into other houses, and daughter-monasteries were
founded. The mortifications of the community provoked such criticism that the
ardent abbot himself felt bound to restrain them. The enthusiasm of Peter
Damian, which contributed so much to the revival of the papal authority in
Italy, was fostered by the example of Romuald, the
founder of the Camaldolese order. The life of Romuald is an extraordinary
romance of spiritual fervor. He settled in one hermitage after another, imbuing
disciples with his own enthusiasm, establishing communities of hermit-monks,
but constantly disappointed by their failure to reach his own almost
unattainable standard. The Emperor Otto III found in him a visionary after his
own heart, and placed him in charge of the abbey of Sant Apollinare in Classe near his native
city of Ravenna; but here his attempt to impose his severe discipline upon the
convent forced him to resign. He was, in fact, wholly unadapted for the cenobitic life; and such success as he achieved
was found in solitude and desert places. After abandoning, owing to a sudden
illness, a missionary expedition to Hungary, he settled at Camaldoli, near Arezzo, about 1012. Here, on a
desolate mountain, he and a few brethren lived in separate cells, attending
common offices in their oratory, but passing the rest of their time in silent
prayer and meditation, and working on the barren soil for their living. Romuald himself left Camaldoli after a time, migrating to Sitria, near Sassoferrato, where he
attracted so many followers that Sitria,
says his biographer, became another Nitria,
full of hermits, some living in their cells as in tombs. He died in 1027 at Valdicastro, near Camerino, where he had founded
a hermitage at an earlier date.
Camaldoli survived the departure of its founder, and
became the head of an order of hermit-monks, which received papal approval in
1072. The original severity of the order was modified in the direction of
humanity by successive priors of Camaldoli,
its permanent generals. An important step was taken in 1102 by the foundation
of the monastery of Fontebuono,
at the foot of the mountain of Camaldoli,
a cenobite establishment which ministered to the wants of the hermits and gave
them a place of retirement in case of sickness. Henceforward the double
element, hermit and cenobite, existed in the order; and one of the
congregations into which it was eventually divided, that of San Michele at Murano,
was exclusively cenobite.
La Cava, Vallombrosa, and Grandmont
The Camaldolese and Vallombrosan orders
had little success outside Italy. In France, the hermit movement developed upon
individual lines, and one order, French in origin, spread its branches
throughout Europe. The first distinctively French order, that of Grandmont, was inspired from
Italian sources. Its founder, St Stephen, as a boy accompanied his father on a
pilgrimage from their home in Auvergne to the shrine of St Nicholas at Bari in
Apulia. Taken ill on the return journey, he remained in Italy under the care of
the Archbishop of Benevento. The holy conversation of some Calabrian hermits impelled him to imitate their life;
and, upon his patron's death, he returned, armed with the papal blessing, to
his native country. Here he took up his abode on the hill of Muret, near Limoges, where, in
1076, he renounced the world for a life of solitary abstinence and poverty. The
usual band of disciples gathered round him, to whom he prescribed a life
entirely separate from worldly distractions, avoiding the acquisition of
property, and depending upon the voluntary alms of the faithful. After his
death, the desert in which he had settled was claimed by a convent at Limoges;
and the new prior migrated, to avoid disputes, to a neighboring solitude at Grandmont. The rule founded
upon the counsels of St Stephen, and approved by Hadrian III in 1156, was that
of a cenobite community with common buildings. Each house of the order was
divided into clerici and conversi, the
first busied entirely with divine worship and contemplation, the second with
the temporal care of the cell, the name applied collectively to the habitation
of each convent. The dependent cells,
few in number when the rule was composed, were entirely subordinate to the
prior of Grandmont, to
whose election each sent two proctors. Thus, in general character, Grandmont closely resembled Vallombrosa; while, in its
congregational organization, the method of Cluny was followed. At no time was
the order large, and, during its early years, it passed almost unnoticed. But
it spread beyond France: small Grandimontine houses were to be found in remote places in England, at Grosmont on the Yorkshire moors and at Craswall on the slopes of the
Black mountains in the Welsh march. Its rule underwent various modifications at
the hands of the Popes of the thirteenth century; and in 1317 John XXII raised
the prior to the dignity of an abbot
St Bruno and the Grande-Chartreuse The founder of the Carthusian order was Bruno, a native of Cologne, who, at the time of his conversion to the
hermit life, was canon of Rheims and master of the cathedral school there. In
1084, after spending some time in a hermitage near the abbey of Molesme, he and six companions,
four clerks and two conversi, besought Hugh, Bishop of Grenoble, to grant them a place of settlement in
his barren and mountainous diocese. Hugh amply satisfied their ambition for
solitude. The desert of Chartreuse, entered by a cleft in the rocks at the top
of a steep ascent, inhabited only by wild beasts and generally covered with
snow, was, in the bishop's words, more like a prison or purgatory than a human
dwelling-place. Bruno and his companions built their church and little cells
near the summit of the site, round a spring which gave them their daily drink.
The founder himself, called away to Rome by Pope Urban II, sought the congenial
society of the hermits of southern Italy, and died in a monastery which he
founded at la Torre in the diocese of Squillace.
His departure seems to have been followed by the temporary desertion of
Chartreuse, which he commended in his absence to the Abbot of la Chaise-Dieu in Auvergne; but it was
restored to one of the original inmates, Landoin of Lucca, before Bruno's death in 1101.
The recognition of the Grande-Chartreuse as the
head of an order was not fully achieved before 1176; but daughter-houses had
come into existence by 1128, when Guigues du Chatel, prior from
1110 to 1137, drew up the Consuetudines Carthusienses, at the
request of three priors of dependent convents. The essential points in the
constitution of the Grande-Chartreuse, as in that of Grandmont, were isolation from worldly affaires
and complete poverty. Beyond the bounds of the desert, which surrounded the
monastery and afforded some scanty pasturage for a limited number of sheep and
cattle, the acquisition of property was forbidden. Any temptation to further
possession was checked by the limitation of the conventual body to a prior and twelve monks,
sixteen conversi, and a few hired servants, shepherds, and herdsmen. As at Camaldoli, the monastery
consisted of two distinct parts, the hermitage proper with its separate cells,
and the lower house, tenanted by conversi and administered by a proctor chosen from among the hermits. Dressed in habits
of coarse white cloth, with hair-shirts next their skins, the brethren
abstained wholly from meat, fasting three days a week on bread, salt, and
water, and on other days eating only vegetables, with the occasional addition
of cheese or some milk-food, and drinking watered wine. Not even the sick were
permitted the use of meat; gifts of fish were allowed, but not its purchase.
The lesser hours were said privately by the monks in their cells; only certain
hours were said in church, and in the early days of the monastery mass seems to
have been celebrated only on Sundays and feast-days, when the monks left the
cells to eat together in the refectory. The life of solitary prayer, varied only
by work on the plots of ground adjoining the cells, was the ideal long
maintained by the Carthusian community. Guests were
merely tolerated. The monastery was founded in the desert to afford refreshment
to men's souls, uot to
their bodies; its site furnished no conveniences for visitors and horses; as
for alms to the poor, it was better to send surplus food to neighboring towns
than to attract a crowd of beggars.
The spirit of the Carthusian customs and statutes is a rigorous determination to maintain the strictest
self-denial. Those who framed them kept in view all the dangers which beset a
nascent order. The novice was warned of the hardness of the life; if its
demands were too onerous for him, he was not encouraged to persevere. The poor
and compulsorily small monasteries were unattractive homes for men who wished
to retire from the world with a certain degree of comfort. From the beginning, Carthusian monks recognized that their life was fit only
for the few. They refused to affiliate large houses to their order. When
Stephen of Obasine consulted Guigues with a
view to uniting his house to some strict order, he was told that the Carthusians had no room for it, and was advised to join
the Cistercians, who kept the royal road and whose statutes led to all
perfection. The hermit Carthusians admired but had
no desire to emulate the rapid growth of cenobite reform under the Cistercians.
Their humility and rejection of ambition met with its reward in the later
Middle Ages, when, amid the decay of the cenobite orders, they still preserved
their pristine zeal.
The symbolic idea of the double community at Fontevrault, whose patrons were
St Mary and St John, was the care which the beloved disciple bestowed upon the
mother of our Lord. The abbess was supreme over the monastery. The women, of
whom there were 300 in the largest cloister alone, were consecrated to prayer;
the men were charged with the temporal needs of the house. Cloisters, dedicated
to St Lazarus and St Mary Magdalene respectively, were set apart for the
diseased and the penitent. The Rule of St Benedict was stringently enforced;
the use of meat was forbidden, and the community was ordered to receive no
gifts of parish churches or tithes. In 1106 the new order was approved by
Paschal II, and in 1113 it received the privilege of exemption. Daughter houses
soon grew up in Anjou, Touraine, Berri, and Poitou;
and the success of the order was so great that in 1145 there were said to be
more than 5000 nuns at Fontevrault itself. Nuns were brought from it into England by Henry II to reform the abbey
of Amesbury; others were settled at Nuneaton and at Westwood in Worcestershire; and the church of Fontevrault became the chosen resting-place of the Angevin royal family.
Foundation of the Cistercian
The institution of the order of Citeaux marks the third great epoch in the history of
medieval monachism. The reforms of Benedict of Aniane had been short-lived;
the purity of Cluny had become alloyed by customs out of keeping with the intention
of its founders. In 1098, Robert, Abbot of the Benedictine house of Molesme in the diocese of Langres, with six of his monks,
dissatisfied with the imperfect observance of the Rule in their monastery,
migrated, with licence from the papal legate Hugh, Archbishop of Lyons, to Citeaux,
a desolate place covered with thick woods and thorn-bushes in the diocese of Chalon. Here, on Palm Sunday, 21 March 1098, the birthday
of St Benedict, the Cistercian order took its beginning. The new monastery was
approved by the local diocesan, and the expenses of its wooden buildings were
defrayed by Eudes, Duke of Burgundy, who proved a
good friend to the struggling community. Robert himself was recalled to Molesme within a year of the
foundation ; and it was his successor, Alberic, who
obtained papal approval of the literal observance of the Rule of St Benedict to
which he and his monks devoted themselves. But the monastery was as yet
insignificant; during the first years of its existence, its promise can hardly
have seemed to contemporary observers as great as that of Fontevrault or Savigny.
Its legislator arrived in 1109, in the person of the third abbot, the
Englishman Stephen Harding. It was not, however, until 1113 that the event took
place which was, within a few years, to raise Citeaux to a position of unrivalled influence in the Church at large. In that year St
Bernard, with thirty companions, including his brothers, made his profession to
Abbot Stephen ; and in the same year Citeaux,
enlarged in numbers, sent out its first colony to la Ferté-sur-Grosne.
By the time of the promulgation of the Carta Caritatis, which was confirmed by Calixtus II at Saulieu on 23
December 1119, the wide expansion of the Cistercian order was a certainty. The
foundation of la Ferte was
followed by that of Pontigny in 1114. Clairvaux, with Bernard.as its abbot, and Morimond, both in the diocese
of Langres, were
colonized on 25 June 1115. To the abbots of these four houses special
pre-eminence was given in the councils of the order; from them and from Citeaux proceeded those generations of abbeys which in
quick succession rose all over Europe. At the date of the confirmation of the
Charter of Charity, the order possessed twelve monasteries, of which seven were
daughters of Citeaux, two of Pontigny,
and two of Clairvaux. As yet, it had not extended far
beyond the bounds of Burgundy and Champagne; but its circle of influence was
beginning to widen, and one house, Cadouin in the distant diocese of Sarlat, which owed its
foundation to Robert of Arbrissel,
had been affiliated to Pontignv.
The Charter of Charity
The Charter of Charity was drawn up to ensure mutual
peace and love between the houses of the order. As a constitutional document, its
essential point is the position of Citeaux as the
head of the family. The autocracy of Cluny was not copied. Reverence and
obedience were due to Citeaux as a parent; but a
certain degree of autonomy was necessary for each house. The order was not
composed of an abbot and a crowd of completely dependent priors. Each monastery
was ruled by its own abbot, whose responsibility to his superior was purely
spiritual. The Abbot of Citeaux had the cure of souls
of the order; but he might levy no temporal exactions upon his spiritual
children. In the primitive interpretation of the Rule, in divine service, and
in customs, uniformity on the pattern of Citeaux was
to be kept; a monk of one house would find nothing strange or unfamiliar in
another. In all houses of the order, the abbots gave place to the Abbot of Citeaux, if he happened to visit them.
On the other hand, the visitatorial power of the Abbot of Citeaux was limited. If he practically took charge of a daughter-monastery
during his visitation, he might alter nothing without the consent of its abbot
and the convent, and the advice of the abbot was necessary to his correction of
faults. He might not receive guests in the guest-house, unless the abbot was away.
Further, the visitation of each monastery, once a year, belonged to the abbot
of the house which was its immediate parent. Thus, among the twelve abbeys
existing at the end of 1119, Pontigny and Clairvaux were subject to visitation from Citeaux, but the Abbot of Pontigny was the visitor of Bouras and Cadouin, and the
Abbot of Clairvaux of Trois-Fontaines and Fontenay;
and, within a short time, the abbots of these daughters of Pontigny and Clairvaux were exercising the same right over
daughters of their own. The order spread in this wav by a closely connected
system of affiliated houses, each descending in a regular line of pedigree from Citeaux, the mother of all. At Citeaux the yearly chapter-general of the order was held, with the abbot as president; at
such assemblies and elsewhere where they met, the precedence of abbots was
determined by priority of foundation. Measures, however, were taken for holding
the power of the Abbot of Citeaux in check. He
himself was subject to visitation by the four prime abbots of the order; if he
was unsatisfactory, they were charged with special powers of correction, short
of deposition or excommunication, which were reserved to the decision of the
chapter-general. Similarly, the settlement of controversies between abbeys
belonged to the Abbot of Citeaux, but not without the
choice of such assessors as he might think fit. The removal of other abbots was
delegated to the abbot of the parent house with others to help him; while a
similar committee presided over the elections of abbots and guided the decision
of the convents concerned. To sum up, each house of the order had its place in
an hierarchy at the apex of which was Citeaux; each
was under some degree of supervision exercised by the abbot from whose
monastery it took birth. The primacy of the whole order was secured for Citeaux, which had the immeasurable advantage of being the
regular seat of the chapters-general; but the monarchy of the Abbot of Citeaux was limited by necessary safeguards, and his
autocracy was impossible without complete subversion of the constitution.
The Cistercian Constitution
The regulations for the foundation of new abbeys
implicitly prevented the growth of subordinate priories. When a new house was
founded to the honor of St Mary, to whom, in memory of the beginnings of the
order in St Mary’s at Molesme,
all its monasteries were dedicated, the head of the thirteen monks sent out to
colonize it was the abbot. Each monastery had its granges, divided from one
another by specified minimum distances; but every care was taken that the
grange should not become the permanent abode of a small body of religious. No
monk save the cellarer, the temporal officer of the abbey, might have charge of
it. If monks went, as in harvest-time, to work at the granges, they might pass
the night there only in cases of absolute necessity. No churchyards were to be
made or burials take place at granges. Such places, in fact, were intended for
the support, not for the residence of the community; and their care was
entrusted to the conversi or lay-brothers.
The conversus or laicus barbatus was by no means a peculiarly Cistercian institution; but it was in
this order that his position was most clearly defined. In a self-supporting
community, far from populous places, it was necessary to have workmen on the
spot. Although the Rule prescribed manual labor to its followers, the prime duty
of a monk was prayer and his proper place was the cloister, not the field or
workshop. Thus, when Alberic undertook the rule of Citeaux, he and his monks decided to receive conversi, whom
they would treat as themselves in life and death, save that they were not to be
admitted as monks. The hire of workmen, however, was also contemplated; and
hired artificers and laborers are mentioned in the early statutes. We have no
means of estimating how many conversi Citeaux supported at first, or how many were sent out
to la Ferté in 1113. It
is certainly probable that this consecration of labor received some stimulus
from non-Cistercian sources. The community of Thiron, established in the diocese of Chartres
about 1114, consisted largely of men who were encouraged by Bernard of
Abbeville to exercise in their monastery the trades to which they had been
trained; and the enlistment of these tirones in the service of God appears to have given Thiron its name. But there can be no doubt that,
with the rapid development of Cistercianism after the foundation of Clairvaux and Morimond in 1115, conversi entered the
order in large numbers. They were admitted purely as laborers; they took the
vows, but were prohibited from learning to read or write. They were lodged in
the cellarer's building on the west side of the cloister, which frequently, as
at Fountains, Ourscamp,
and Vauclair, testifies
to the very ample accommodation which their numbers required. Their simple offices,
consisting of repetitions of prescribed prayers, were said in the nave of the
church, before they went out, early in the morning, to the workshops and
granges. At the granges, they had intervals at the canonical hours for
devotions, led by their appointed overseers. Their chapter-meeting was held
every Sunday by the abbot or his deputy. From the early Usus Conversorunu which prescribes their manner of
life, it is clear that they were intended mainly for field-work, and that
batches of them resided temporarily on the granges; while the directions for
their habit had field-work mainly in view. There can be little doubt, however,
that they made themselves useful in the various offices and workshops which, as
at Clairvaux, filled the outer court of the monastery;
and, if Cistercian architecture, the natural consequence and appropriate
expression of the devotion of the order to ideals which excluded all flattery
of the senses, cannot be proved to owe anything to the brain of the conversus, it was
certainly aided by his hands.
The call of the Cistercian order to men to save
their souls by retirement from the world to a life of voluntary abstinence and
prayer in uninhabited valleys had an extraordinary power. Citeaux,
by virtue of its compact organization, and with the aid of the missionary zeal
and ubiquitous energy of St Bernard, outstripped all other congregations in the
rapidity of its growth. In 1120 it set foot in Italy, at Tiglieto in Liguria, founded from la Ferté; while Morimond made its first step
eastwards to Bellevaux in
Franche-Comte. In 1123 and 1127 Morimond established two important colonizing centres in Germany, Camp in the diocese of Cologne and Ebrach in Franconia; from Camp the movement spread
into the central and north-western districts of Germany, while the first
daughter of Ebrach was Reun in Styria. Meanwhile, in
1128, through l'Aumône in
the diocese of Chartres, a daughter of Citeaux, the
Cistercians reached England at Waverley in Hampshire; and the same house in 1131
sent another colony to Tintern,
quickly followed in 1132 by Rievaulx,
of the family of Clairvaux. In the previous year Clairvaux had established houses in Franche-Comté and the
dioceses of Geneva and Mayence. In 1132 she founded Moreruela in the kingdom of
Leon, the earliest monastery of the order in Spain. Rievaulx in 1136 became the mother of the first Scottish house at Melrose. Clairvaux reached Flanders at les Dunes and Portugal at Alofoes in 1138, and founded Whitland in South Wales in
1140. In 1142 Irish Cistercianism began at Mellifont, which, through the friendship of Malachy O'Morgair for Bernard, joined the family of Clairvaux; and in
1143 the same family was increased by two Swedish houses, at Alvastra and Nydala. In 1144 Denmark was
entered by Citeaux at Herrevad; and in 1146 and 1147 two English
monasteries of the line of Clairvaux, Fountains and
its daughter Kirkstead,
colonized Lysa and Hovedo in Norway. Hungary,
Poland, and Bohemia received their earliest colonists from monasteries of the line
of Morimond in 1142 and
1143; and in 1150 Clairvaux founded a house at Cabuabbas in Sardinia.
Many other monasteries were founded during this
period; and, apart from the great activity of Clairvaux and Morimond, the younger
houses, especially in England, were very prolific. Waverley and Rievaulx produced large
families; and Fountains, which, after its secession from St Mary's at York in
1132, joined the order in 1135, owned no less than eight daughters at the
beginning of 1151. In Ireland also Mellifont owned
five daughter-houses within eight years of its foundation. Progress in the
German and Austrian provinces, through Morimond and its offshoots, was remarkable. Throughout the Spanish peninsula the line of Clairvaux spread, monopolizing Portugal, Gallicia, and Leon; while the Gascon foundations of Morimond colonized Navarre and Castile, and shared
Aragon and Catalonia with the children of Clairvaux,
who eventually reached Valencia and Majorca, as the Christian arms advanced
against the Moors. In Italy progress was slower; but all the chief houses
established their lines in various parts of the country, and that of Clairvaux grew with fair rapidity. St Bernard himself was
present at the foundation of Chiaravalle in
Lombardy in 1136, and the first abbot of the monastery of SS. Vincenzo ed Anastasio at Rome, Bernard of Pisa, was raised to
the Papacy in 1145 as Eugenius III. From 1145 to 1153 the Church was virtually
ruled from Clairvaux; and with the deaths of St
Bernard and Eugenius in 1153, the great age of Cistercian activity ended.
Canons regular
The immediate influence of Citeaux affected the movement which took place during the first half of the twelfth
century among regular canons. The attempt to enforce a rule of life upon
clerks, of which we have seen the beginning, was hampered by the secular
preferences both of themselves and of the monks who sought to emulate their
comparative freedom from restraint. In 1059 Nicholas II, at the instigation of
Peter Damian, held a council at which the duty of the common life and the
renunciation of private property were made obligatory upon corporations of
canons; and in 1063 these principles were reasserted by Alexander II, who
introduced canons of the reformed congregation of San Frediano at Lucca into his metropolitan church of
St John Lateran. We have signs of the influence of these reforms in England, in
indications of provisions for the common life at Beverley and Southwell in the time of the
Confessor, and in the establishment of the Lotharingian system of communal chapters at Exeter
and Wells. Mentions of the Rule of St Augustine begin to appear soon after the
council of 1063. This Rule, founded upon the famous letter of St Augustine to a
congregation of religious women, was supposed to embody the principles upon
which he had constituted the common life of. his clerks at Hippo. The English
churches which have been mentioned never received it; and the normal cathedral
and collegiate chapters of canons, both here and abroad, consisted of secular
clerks, holding separate prebends of varying value, possessing their own houses, and, if they chose to reside in
person, receiving additional allowances from the common fund. But the
Augustinian reform had its result, early in the twelfth century, in the
frequent substitution of regular for secular canons in churches where the
canonical life had fallen into decay, and in the foundation of communities of
clerks on what was really a monastic basis, although the Rule which they
followed was lighter and admitted of a more liberal interpretation than that of
St Benedict. The Rule was enforced upon all canons regular by Innocent II in
1139; but, before this date, houses had come into existence in large numbers in
England and France. In France Ivo, Bishop of Chartres, who had received a
monastic training at Bee under Lanfranc, promoted the formation of such bodies.
In England canons regular of St Augustine seem to have appeared first in 1106
at St Botolph’s,
Colchester; the order spread within the next few years, and in 1133 the priory
church of Carlisle was converted into the cathedral church of a new diocese.
Augustinian canons
The Premonstratensian Order
Some twenty years after the order of Prémontré had come into being,
Laurence of Liege likened the two orders to the cherubim, spreading out their
wings in the midst of the tabernacle on either side of the mercy-seat, and to
the two witnesses of the Apocalypse, sent by God at the end of the world, and
clothed in the sackcloth of penitence. The repression of the heresy of Tanchelin at Antwerp by Norbert
brought the order into the Low Countries; and his promotion to the
archbishopric of Magdeburg in 1126 ensured its success in Germany. In 1127,
when Honorius II confirmed the order in its possessions, it had nine abbeys, Prémontré, Saint-Martin at Laon, Saint-Michael at Antwerp, two in the diocese of
Munster, and one in each of the dioceses of Soissons, Liege, Mayence, and Metz. By 1144, ten years after Norbert's
death, the nine had grown to seventy. Some nine years later, the order was to
be found in almost every country in Europe and had reached Palestine. The
eventual number of its houses is somewhat variously stated, and some estimates
appear to be extravagant. The first English monastery, Newhouse in
Lincolnshire, was colonized from Licques in the Boulonais in 1143;
and eventually the order could count some thirty houses in England and Wales.
The establishment of dependent priories, a natural consequence of the
connection of the canons with parish churches, marks a point of divergence from
Cistercian custom. There were also several cathedral churches with Premonstratensian chapters, of which we have one British
example at Whithorn in
In another respect also this order,
in its early days, presented a contrast to Citeaux.
The Fontevraldine experiment of monasteries
combining monks with nuns was never contemplated by the Cistercians. Women,
indeed, soon embraced the Cistercian interpretation of the Rule of St Benedict;
and Stephen Harding founded the first Cistercian nunnery in 1120, at Tart in
the diocese of Langres. Such nunneries took their place in the line
of affiliation; but abbesses were not admitted to chapters-general, and, in
time, the nunneries of certain countries held their own general chapters.
In England no affiliation between Cistercian
nunneries can be traced : these small and poor houses, like Benedictine
nunneries, sprang up independently; their connection with the order was simply
their adoption of Cistercian customs: and, like Benedictine nunneries again, their visitors were the diocesan
bishops. Where the original link to the
main order was closer, the alliance tended to become little more than nominal;
and the difficulty of supervision is illustrated by the fact that it was possible in 1210 for the Infanta Constance to usurp the functions of an abbot in the nunnery of las Huelgas at Burgos,
founded by her father Alfonso VIII, blessing and instructing novices and
hearing confessions. It was perhaps to
meet the problems of the effective supervision of nunneries and the proper
provision for them of priestly ministrations that the order of Prémontré, at its beginning,
admitted women to its houses.
It may be
noticed, however, that the statute of the general chapter of 1138, which
forbade the admission of women, appears to deal primarily with lay-sisters or conversae, and
refers to separate nunneries of “singing sisters”. Be this as it may, the custom of receiving
women did not last long. Of the very few Premonstratensian nunneries in England, Irford in Lincolnshire appears
to have been always regarded as a dependent cell of the abbey of Newhouse; and
similarly the obscure nunnery at Guyzance in Northumberland was under the charge of the canons of Alnwick. The nuns of Swine in Yorkshire, regarded
as a Cistercian house, were served by Premonstratensian canons during a considerable period.
The double system was also attempted by
Augustinian canons. It is found for a short time in one small Yorkshire house, Marton in the forest of Galtres; but here the nuns, who
followed Cistercian customs, were transferred to Moxby, not far away. Again, it played a part in
the early constitution of the congregation of Arrouaise, which had some houses in England, and
preserved a separate, though somewhat nominal, existence until the later part
of the fifteenth century. In this instance, as in that of Prémontré, the system was not long-lived. Its success, however, was achieved in
England, though upon a small scale, by the order of Sempringham, which was founded for nuns in 1131 by
Gilbert, rector of Sempringham in Lincolnshire. He endeavored without success in 1147 to induce the
chapter-general of Citeaux to receive his nuns into
its order. St Bernard and Eugenius III, however, interested themselves in his
venture; and it was with the aid of St Bernard that the Gilbertine statutes were compiled. Canons, following
the Rule of St Augustine, and converse dwelling in a separate cloister,
formed after this date an integral portion of each convent. Before Gilbert's
death in 1188, thirteen houses had been founded, all in the .dioceses of
Lincoln and York. Subsequently, the number grew to twenty-six; but, although
the double constitution of most of the earlier houses continued until the
suppression, all but two of those established after 1188 were for canons only.
The prior of the canons in each house, where they were limited to a maximum of
thirteen, was the head of the monastery, in direct contrast to the Fontevraldine arrangement. The
order was exempt from episcopal visitation and held its chapter-general yearly
at Sempringham ; but the
office of master or general was not attached to the headship of one particular
monastery, and might fall by election on any prior or canon who was placed on
the list of suitable candidates. Outside England, the order possessed no house,
with the exception of one short-lived establishment in Scotland; and its
English houses were few outside Lincolnshire and Yorkshire. Cistercian
nunneries to which conversi were attached were numerous in the same districts; and there are indications
that for some of these, like Swine, already mentioned, a constitution
resembling that of Sempringham may have been intended. In some, a monk or canon was frequently put in charge
of affairs, with the title of master or warden.
Military Orders and Orders of canons
At the Council of Troyes in 1128, St Bernard
provided the initial suggestions for the Rule adopted by the Knights Templars,
a community established at Jerusalem ten years earlier for the defence of pilgrims. The older military order, the Knights
of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, had some years earlier adopted a Rule
modeled on that of St Augustine, which in 1114 had been introduced into the
chapter of the church of the Holy Sepulchre.
Military orders, while adopting the three substantial vows, were not strictly
monastic; the business of the knights was warfare against infidels and heathen,
and the preceptories or commanderies in which they were
dispersed in Europe and the East were either castles or small manor-houses with
little likeness to monasteries. In 1147 the castle of Calatrava in Castile, captured from the Moors, was
given to the Templars. They were unable to hold it, and for some years it was
defended by Cistercians, chiefly conversi, from the Abbey of Fitero in Navarre. This was the origin of the Knights of Calatrava, whose order was approved by Alexander
III in 1164, and in 1187 was submitted to the visitation of the Abbot of Morimond. From Calatrava arose the Knights of Alcantara,
formed by the reconstitution on Cistercian lines of an order founded earlier at Pereyro in the diocese of
Ciudad Rodrigo. The Portuguese order, known from 1181 as the Knights of Avis,
was under the visitation of the Cistercian Abbot of Tarouca; in 1213 it was subordinated to Calatrava, but re-established
its independence after the victory of Aljubarrota in
1385. Two other Portuguese orders, those of the Wing of St Michael and of
Christ, the latter founded in 1317, were under the jurisdiction of the Abbot of Alcobaca; while the Valencian Knights of Montesa in 1316 received their constitution from Calatrava and were submitted to
Cistercian abbots. On the other hand, the Knights of Santiago, founded in 1171,
adopted the Rule of St Augustine, which was also the model for the northern order
of the Teutonic Knights and the order, which they absorbed, of the Knights of
the Sword in Livonia. Various congregations of hospitallers, which afforded lodging to pilgrims
on European roads, and in some cases had originally a semi-military character, such
as the canons of Saint-Antoine in the diocese of Vienne and of Altopascio near Lucca, and the
canons and knights of the united hospitals of the Holy Spirit at Montpellier
and Santo Spirito in Sassia at Rome, followed the
Augustinian Rule.
It may be noted here that the same Rule,
applicable to many diverse communities, was employed by St Dominic in the
constitution of the order of Friars Preachers, and was followed by the order of
Hermits known popularly as Austin friars. Some orders also, which are occasionally
reckoned among friars, were in practice hardly to be differentiated from Austin
canons. Such was the Trinitarian order for the redemption of captives, founded
at the close of the twelfth century by St John of Matha and St Felix of Valois; the minister and
brethren of their chief English house, St Robert’s at Knaresborough, were regarded as Austin canons, and
were allowed to hold and serve parish churches. Likewise, the Bons-hommes of Ashridge and Edington, of whose ultimate origin nothing is known, were
not friars, as is sometimes said, but Austin canons; their name appears again
in the fifteenth century in Portugal, with customs and a blue habit derived
from the secular canons of San Giorgio in Alga at Venice, and was applied later
to the Minims in France. Originally they were apparently a congregation which,
observing the Rule of St Augustine, maintained a certain individuality in habit
and customs.
From the days of Benedict of Aniane to the epoch of the Cistercian movement,
the ideal at which monastic reformers aimed was uniformity of practice by means
of the congregational system. In France and Italy, at frequent intervals, the
customs of individual monasteries had been extended to others, until groups of
houses, sometimes attaining to large numbers, had been formed. To speak of such
groups as orders is hardly accurate; medieval references to the orders of Thiron or Arrouaise may be found, but the term can only be
loosely applied to congregations whose polity was incomplete and the members of
which had no very binding connection with the house whose customs they
followed. On the other hand, the congregations of Cluny and Citeaux,
with their definite organization, became orders in the true sense of the word; Prémontré, Sempringham, the orders of hermits and anchorites
who adopted the cenobite life in a modified form, were more than ordinary
congregations. The history of the Cistercian order shows clearly how a body
with a complete political system was capable of absorbing congregations whose
constitution was less sharply defined. Nevertheless, these orders, governed by
their own statutes, had no actual rule of their own. Their object was the
strict observance of the Rule of St Benedict or of St Augustine; and outside
them were the numerous monasteries which followed both these Rules, without
ties which bound them to any congregation. The abbey of Saint-Denis might
receive the customs of Cluny for a time; its great abbot, Suger, might undertake its reform as the result of
the objurgations of St
Bernard; but it remained a Benedictine house, without entering the Cluniac or Cistercian systems. Great English abbeys like
Peterborough and Ramsey might enter into an alliance of mutual fraternity; the
customs of Westminster might be nearly identical with those of St Augustine's
at Canterbury; but such monasteries were autonomous bodies. It was also among
these houses that the most influential and well-endowed monasteries were to be
found in the later Middle Ages. If the wealth of Cluny was great, few of its
dependencies could boast more than a modest income. Cistercian abbeys, to judge
from the revenues of English houses at the suppression, were seldom well-to-do;
and even Fountains or Furness could not compare in income with the great
Benedictine houses. The riches of Augustinian canons, many of whose monasteries
were small and poor, were certainly not excessive; and their ecclesiastical and
political importance was small in proportion to their numbers. But such communities
as Cirencester and Bridlington greatly exceeded
any Premonstratensian house in wealth. While the
papal grant of the use of the mitre to abbots and priors was a privilege which might be conferred irrespective of
orders, it was to the heads of prominent autonomous houses that it usually
fell. Again, though in the early days of the English parliament Cistercian and Premonstratensian abbots were summoned side by side with
Benedictines and Augustinians, the eventual body of spiritual peers, in
addition to the bishops, consisted, with some four exceptions, of the chief
Benedictine abbots.
Speaking generally, Benedictine and Augustinian
houses were subject to episcopal control. The local bishop confirmed elections
of abbots and priors, and held periodical visitations. A few important monasteries
were subject immediately to the Pope and had quasi-episcopal jurisdiction
within their own liberties; in England, St Augustine's at Canterbury, St
Alban's, St Edmund's at Bury, Westminster, and Evesham, of the Benedictines, and of the
Augustinians, Waltham and St Botolph’s at Colchester, enjoyed exemption. The exercise of control, whether by papal
legates or bishops, over monasteries in which the abbot or prior was supreme,
was always a difficult problem. The head of the house was a constant factor in
its administration; the visitor was an occasional intruder, not always welcome,
and sometimes resented by communities which, like St Mary's at York and
Glastonbury, attempted more than once to assert that they were exempt. His
injunctions had statutory force; but bishops often found that, between
visitations, their most careful provisions for the good order of a monastery
had been treated as a dead letter.
The Fourth Lateran Council, 1215
The famous injunctions addressed by Innocent III
to the Abbot and convent of Subiaco, and preserved in
the body of the Canon Law, give a comprehensive view of the breaches of
monastic order which visitors discovered early in the thirteenth century; and
their time-honored language was employed again and again, during the next three
centuries, to clothe similar ordinances where they were necessary. To remedy
such irregularities, Innocent III, at the Lateran Council of 1215, resorted to
an application of the congregational system. Reform which could not be
successfully effected by the ordinarius loci might be achieved by a closer association of monasteries. Triennial
chapters for Benedictines and Augustinians respectively were established in
every kingdom or separate province, at which, on the model of Cistercian
chapters-general, statutes were to be drawn up and reforms undertaken, under
the presidency of abbots elected by the assembly. Visitors were to be appointed
by the chapters, not to supersede the ordinary visitor, but to ensure the
supervision of monasteries by a central authority of their own.
At the same time, while the help of Cistercian
abbots was recommended in the formation of provincial chapters, no attempt at a
subversion of the autonomy of monasteries was contemplated. A federal bond was
established in each province, for the sake of greater uniformity; but there was
no permanent president or general of the federation, no affiliation to any
particular house whose abbot was endowed with primacy. No effort was made to
check local customs. The provincial chapter added a new feature to the
recognized order of things; the best prospect of its success was the hope that
its meetings might do something to raise and maintain at a high level the
standard of life prescribed by both Rules. It is possible to criticize the
constitutions of Cluny and Citeaux as foreign to the
principle of self-government implied in the Rule of St Benedict. The decree of
the Lateran Council, on the other hand, contained no revolutionary element.
Of the internal state of Benedictine and
Augustinian houses in England during the thirteenth century we have abundant
information in the episcopal registers of its second half; while the Regestrum Visitationum of Eudes Rigaud,
in the middle of the century, gives a detailed picture of the life of Norman
monasteries. The evidential value of episcopal injunctions has often been
disputed, on the ground of the formal language in which they are cast, and in
the absence of reports of the visitations after which they were issued. More
material is available now than formerly for the critical study of their texts;
and it is impossible to avoid the conclusion that their language refers to
faults which had actually been discovered in the monasteries to which they were
addressed. Precautionary injunctions to a monastery against abuses from which
it was entirely free exist only in imaginations which picture medieval
institutions as superior to the ordinary rules of common sense. There is
abundant proof that these injunctions were composed, as Rigaud wrote of the typical series directed to the
monks of Saint-Ouen at
Rouen in December 1249.
The decrees of the Lateran Council were followed
within little more than a quarter of a century by the statutes of Gregory IX for
the reform of the Benedictine order. These, involving detailed regulations on
points of discipline and prescribing fixed penalties for their breach, were
certainly not very sedulously regarded. Rigaud, in his visitations, frequently found that
monasteries were without copies of them; and in 1253 the Abbot and convent of Jumieges, complaining to
Innocent IV that they found the difficulties in maintaining the order of their
house much increased by the rigid wording of the Gregorian statutes, were
dispensed from observing their contents, so far as they were not of the
substance of the Rule. Such a permission might lend itself to a very liberal
interpretation. Any attempt, indeed, to curb laxness of discipline in
monasteries by hard-and-fast legislation was impossible. The natural tendency
of establishments of old foundation was to that type of life which the monks of
Fountains in 1132 had found inadequate for their spiritual needs at York. It
was only here and there that visitors discovered monasteries which were in a
really scandalous condition. Selby, in the second half of the thirteenth
century, under the rule of unsatisfactory abbots, was anything but a pattern of
a respectable and God-fearing life to the neighboring parts of Yorkshire. Some
of the nunneries of the diocese of Rouen had succumbed to the temptations to
which undefended communities of women were peculiarly liable. Other instances
could be cited; but the typical faults of monasteries were failures to comply
with the standard demanded by the Rule. Heads of houses, moved by family
considerations or other inducements, admitted unsuitable persons to the
novitiate and profession. Accounts were negligently rendered; the common seal
of the house was not securely kept; slackness in the services of the church was
observable; silence was not kept in cloister and the common buildings; fasting
and the prohibition of meat were constantly disregarded. The conduct of the
scattered cells or priories attached to the greater abbeys was a difficult
problem. These, for the most part, were small establishments without conventual buildings, committed
to the charge of a prior and one or two monks, whose main duty was that of
looking after the local estates of their house and collecting their fruits.
Such, with few exceptions, were the numerous priories in England possessed by
French monasteries. Sometimes, in direct contravention of the Rule, a single
religious without a companion was in charge of a priory; and, even where the
requisite pair of monks was in residence, fasts were not kept and flesh-meat
was in general use.
Causes of the decline of
Monastic rules, however, are counsels of
perfection; and St Benedict had foreseen that his disciples would have to
reckon with the constant recalcitrance of human nature. It was inevitable that
some monasteries should sink into decay and abandon discipline altogether, and
that small breaches of the Rule should become habitual in others. Of the crowds
of men and women who flocked into monasteries during the periods of Cluniac and Cistercian reform, many were doubtless
prompted by a merely temporary emotion to escape from the world to refuges in
the quiet of which they hoped to save their souls, while to others the comparative ease of a life of prayer may have outweighed its
prospective hardships. It was certain, at any rate, that no monastery could
hope to be without some unfit persons, whom it would tax the energy of the
abbot to control. Where the abbot himself was ineffective or engrossed with
temporal affairs, the sin of acedia was sure to make headway. Grumbling
and internal discord were a sure evidence of decline; if, as Rigaud found, the custom of
making open complaints in chapter had fallen into disuse, private animosities
flourished instead; and where, as at Bardney,
in the last years of the thirteenth century, a convent was openly at war with a
tactless and overbearing abbot, and the strife became matter of common talk, or
where, as at Fountains in the same period, the house was so deeply in debt that
the Crown found it necessary to appoint an official receiver, the reputation of
a monastery was seriously injured.
The growth of the mendicant orders in the
thirteenth century diverted popular enthusiasm from the monastic orders proper.
While the Cistercians continued, year after year, to found new monasteries,
their rate of progress was much slower than it had been at first; and the other
orders were much less active. They had become part of the established condition
of things; and the benefactions which had placed them in possession of lands
and churches were less numerous than formerly, and were being diverted into
other channels. The popularity of the friars was not likely to leave the
conduct of the older orders without criticism : it is significant that the two
visitors of monasteries at this time from whom we have the most ample records,
Archbishops Rigaud and Peckham, were both Franciscans
whose zeal in commenting upon monastic abuses can hardly, with the best
intentions, have been free from the prejudices of their early training.
By this time, great and far-reaching reforms
like those of Cluny and Citeaux were no longer to be
contemplated. The unsettled state of society which had contributed to their
success was at an end; with the growth of national institutions and sentiment,
the development of another worldwide order, breaking down the barriers of race
under the protection of a universal Church, was as impossible as a new crusade.
The old quarrel between the keys and the sword was to enter upon a new phase as
a merely political contest, the points at issue in which were to be debated by
jurists and publicists, and were not to be decided by the missionaries of
religion. Henceforward, new orders were of a purely local character, and their
outposts beyond the country in which they took birth were few. Reform,
moreover, acquired a tendency to lay stress on certain definite points, such as
strict enclosure and the change of heads of houses at regularly recurring
intervals, which indicate a movement in a different direction from that of the
older reforms.
From time to time, new movements, somewhat on
the lines of Camaldoli and Vallombrosa, achieved
some success in Italy. In the early part of the twelfth century the hermit John
of Matera founded the order of Pulsano in Apulia; and his friend and companion, William of Vercelli, the founder of
Monte Vergine, became the
first general of an order which, with the encouragement of King Roger, was well
received in Sicily. The monasteries founded in Calabria and the Basilicata from
Flora, the retreat of the famous hermit Gioacchino (Joachim) before 1192, were affected by
the influence of the Cistercian monasteries in which he had lived, and
interpreted the Rule of St Benedict with such austerity that Gregory IX forbade
migrations from them to Cistercian houses, as infringing the prohibition to
monks to pass from one order to another of less strict observance. The Rule of
St Benedict was also adopted in 1231 at Monte Fano by Silvestro Gozzolini, the founder of the Silvestrines or Blue
Benedictines. Rather more than twenty years later, another order of Benedictinised hermits gathered
together under Peter of Morrone.
After his election to the Papacy in 1294, his monks took the name of Celestines. During his short
and inglorious tenure of his office as Pope, he introduced Celestines into Monte Cassino, from which they were quickly removed by
Boniface VIII. The order, however, survived its founder and established houses
in France and Germany. All these orders were Neapolitan in origin; but in 1313
another was born further north, at Acona in the diocese of Arezzo, to which Bernardo Tolomei and two Sienese noblemen retired. This was the beginning
of the strict order of Monte Oliveto,
the name given to Acona from the olive-groves which recalled the memory of our Lord's agony in
Gethsemane. It had a considerable vogue in Italy, and was permitted to receive
members from other orders, the Carthusian excepted.
The Benedictine Constitutions, 1336 and 1339
A comprehensive attempt at monastic reform was
made by the Cistercian Benedict XII, formerly Abbot of Fontfroide in the diocese of Narbonne. His
constitutions for the Cistercian order, Fulgens sicut stella, issued in July 1335, are chiefly remarkable for their regulations against
the indiscriminate use of flesh-meat, which had been introduced into certain
monasteries, on the plea of custom, upon certain days in the week. It was now
banished from the refectory, but permitted, with no very stringent restrictions,
in the common hall of the infirmary and at the abbot's table in his lodging;
while all flesh-meat was to be cooked in the special kitchen attached to the
infirmary. Benedict also attempted to check the construction of private rooms
or cells, which led to irregularities. A separate lodging for the abbot had
become, in all orders, a permissible transgression of the Rule, due to the
necessities of his office; and separate chambers in the infirmary were a
convenience that could not easily be disallowed. The division of the dormitory
into cubicles was absolutely prohibited; but the prohibition, if observed for a
time, was soon disregarded. Clauses against private allowances to monks and the
distribution of dividends between the abbot and convent were directed against
the growth of proprietor; and safeguards were enforced for the financial
administration of monasteries.
The constitutions for Black monks (Benedictines
and Cluniacs), issued in
1336, and for Austin canons, in 1339, re-enacted the order for triennial
chapters, establishing thirty-nine Benedictine and twenty-two Augustinian
provinces. These constitutions formed the chief basis on which later visitors
of monasteries framed their enquiries. With regard to such customs as the use of flesh-meat their
provisions were cautious and lenient; but cells in the dormitory, except for
the old and infirm, were as strictly forbidden as in Cistercian houses. The
maintenance of the common life and the expulsion of customs tending to the
acquisition of private property were insisted upon. Secular persons were, as far as possible, to
be banished from the company of the brethren ; and monks and canons were not
permitted to go outside their monasteries without reasonable cause or without
a companion. The integrity of monastic property might not be broken without the
deliberation and consent of the whole or a majority of the community; the
danger of indiscriminate or improperly conducted sales and leases of land was,
as contemporary and later documents show, one that could not be too sedulously
anticipated. While, especially in the case of canons, residence outside
monasteries on benefices or in priories was recognized as part of the order of
things, it was essential that the numbers of each community should be kept up
to their full strength. For monasteries which might decay in observance or in
financial resources, regulations were made for bringing in new blood in the
first case, and for union with other houses in the second.
State of learning in
Visitation reports and injunctions also disclose that the Benedictine
constitutions were constantly transgressed by convents in need of ready money.
The bad habit of granting corrodies or allowances in money and victuals to secular persons was forced upon
monasteries by patrons who wished to provide for clerks or old servants at a
minimum of expense to themselves. But corrodies could also be sold to applicants, and thus a convent was often burdened with a
number of lodgers and pensioners who had paid a lump sum for their privileges
and became the actual profiters by the speculation.
Property suffered by sales and disadvantageous leases; timber was cut
down and sold before it was ready for felling. In these circumstances, monastic
finance became a difficult problem; the status domus often showed a deficit, and efforts to cut
down expenses, where habits of life had become fixed, were unavailing. The
evidence shows that the management of finance constantly fell into the hands of
a few, who did much as they chose; a masterful abbot or prior could obtain
possession of the purse of the convent, or a weak one could leave it to the
control of obedientiaries who squandered money and rendered few or no accounts. Petitions for the
appropriation of churches contain statements of poverty brought about by the
decay of property, rises in prices, heavy taxation, and the exercise of the
duty of hospitality to all and sundry, a duty which was profitable where a
monastery was a centre of pilgrimage, but irksome
where it merely was a resort of casual travelers.
But there is no doubt that poverty was the result of careless finance,
and, as was natural, brought general negligence and other evils in its train.
Even in well-managed and prosperous monasteries, the state of things offered a
strange contrast to the requirements of the Rule. The appropriation of a
considerable part of the common fund to the abbot, who kept a large household
of knights, squires, and grooms, and had his own staff of obedientiaries chosen from the monks, his frequent
journeys to London and his manor-houses, were incentives to his monks to live
luxuriously, to acquire private property, and to stray outside their house at
pleasure. Too much stress may be laid upon the faults of individuals; for a
visitor's business was to lay stress on such faults, and he did not waste time
in praising cloistered virtue. It was rarely in England that a great monastery
was found in such a lamentable state of disorder as existed at Ramsey in 1437,
though serious irregularities in smaller houses were not uncommon. It may
certainly, however, be said that the patriarchs of western monachism,
if they could have visited such eminent houses as Westminster, Durham, or
Glastonbury in the fourteenth or fifteenth centuries, would hardly have
concluded that they were fulfilling their vocation.
In England, however, from which these general considerations are drawn,
conditions were comparatively favorable. If the Benedictine constitutions were
not carefully observed, triennial chapters of monks and canons were held, and
there was no general call for monastic reform. The pestilences of the
fourteenth century worked havoc in many houses and depreciated the value of
their property; at this date it seems certain that the great mortality among
Cistercian conversi eliminated this element from the order, and
necessitated the leasing of granges to farmers or their cultivation by hired
On the other hand, during the Hundred Years War, the wisdom of
Cistercian polity was exemplified; while Cluniac priories, in common with the small alien cells, were seized by the Crown as
members of a foreign order, Cistercian abbeys, with their less exacting bond to Citeaux, were left untouched. The orthodox
Lancastrian kings favored monasteries, and, even in suppressing alien priories
and granting them to non-monastic foundations, they were careful to distinguish
between conventual priories, which were preserved, and those which were merely manors belonging to
foreign houses. The Wars of the Roses, if they did not encourage monastic
discipline, at any rate spared monasteries. Even in face of the serious charges
laid to the account of the monks of St Albans by Archbishop Morton, it cannot
be said that, in the period immediately preceding the suppression, decline was
more evident than it had been at a much earlier date. Abbots were still
regulars; the custom, so disastrous in other countries, of granting abbeys in commendam,
never prevailed in England to any noticeable extent. At the same time, the
foundation of monasteries, rare in the fourteenth century, ceased altogether in
the fifteenth. Of the few monasteries founded after the beginning of the reign
of Edward III, the most important were the seven Charterhouses added to the two
previously existing. William de la Pole hesitated over the form of his proposed
foundation at Hull, which his son Michael gave to the Carthusians.
It was in the prayers of this strictest of orders, living apart from the world
in silence and poverty, that the courtiers of the last Plantagenet kings saw
the best assurance of salvation. The last monasteries of any importance to be
founded in England were Henry V’s Charterhouse of Shene and the double house of nuns and canons of
the Brigitine order at Syon.
In France, the disasters of the Hundred Years War, with the prevalence
of anarchy, not only destroyed monastic discipline, but left monasteries
incapable of recovery. Similarly, in Italy and Germany, disturbed by party
factions and intestine warfare, and shaken by the strife of Pope and Emperor
and by the great schism in the Church, monastic life was at a low ebb, the
Benedictine constitutions were a dead letter, and monasteries ruled by
commendatory abbots were virtually secularized.
Enthusiasts, however, were not wanting in Italy who sought to establish congregations
on lines of strict observance of the Benedictine Rule. Carthusians and Olivetans still set
an example of discipline; and Cistercians seem for a time to have remained
superior to the general apathy. The small order of Corpus Christi, founded at Gualdo in Umbria in 1318,
established the abbey of Santa Maria dei Campi near Foligno in 1373, to which its
priories were subordinated. Approved by Gregory XI and by Boniface IX it was
affiliated to the Cistercians in 1393. Twenty years later it was freed from
this nominal dependence, and, preserving Cistercian customs, remained
independent until, late in the sixteenth century, it was merged in the order of
Monte Oliveto.
of the congregational system
The ruin and revival of the older monasteries is well illustrated by the
history of the abbey of Santa Giustina at Padua, which in 140T contained only three religious. Gregory XII gave it in commendam to the Cardinal of Bologna, who attempted to restore it with the aid of Olivetans. The old monks,
however, were brought back by the influence of the Venetian republic; and in
1408 Lodovico Barbo, Prior of the canons of
San Giorgio in Alga, was appointed Abbot, became a Benedictine, and reinforced
the house with two of his canons and two Camaldolese from Murano.
From this germ began the reformed congregation of Santa Giustina, which, coming into life in 1421, held
its first chapter-general in 1424, and gradually included the older Benedictine
monasteries of Italy within its limits. This congregation, which, after the
union of Monte Cassino with it in 1504, adopted the title Cassinese,
marks the beginning of modern monasticism. Its fundamental principle was
essentially different from that of the provincial federations ordered by the
Benedictine constitutions. Its chapters were not mere assemblies of a
consultative body charged with the preservation of unity between bodies which,
for all practical purposes, were self-ruling; they were meetings of a central
executive which controlled the congregation as though it were a single
monastery. So far, it resembled the Cluniac system;
but that system, with a permanent autocrat at its head, was open to abuse,
especially in an age when the custom of granting the dignity of abbot in commendam to some wealthy ecclesiastic who was not even a monk had done so much to
disorganize regular observance. The congregation changed its president, abbots,
and other officers at every chapter. Thus not only the individuality of
monasteries was suppressed, but their right of free election was taken away;
the supremacy of the abbot over the Benedictine house was practically
abandoned, and the abbots became merely the obedientiaries of the general chapter.
While the congregational system involved this important change in the
Benedictine system of government, it supplied an adequate method for dealing
with the critical condition of monastic life in an age which called for
wholesale reform. Its rise was contemporary with the conciliar movement; and it
was the Pope elected by the Council of Constance who, at the request of Albert
of Austria, sent commissaries to reform the monasteries in his dominions. From
this source came the reform of Melk in the diocese
of Passau, which, beginning in 1418, spread to other Austrian houses. Neither Melk, however, nor Castel in the diocese of Eichstadt, which set the example of reform in Bavaria,
organized congregations on the strict model; and their position with regard to
the monasteries which imitated them resembled that of the so-called heads of
congregations at an earlier date. The reform of Bursfeld in the duchy of Brunswick led in 1464 to
the establishment of the first regular congregation in Germany.
Congregation of Windesheim
One of the most remarkable reforms of this later period sprang from the
house of canons regular at Windesheim near Zwolle in Friesland. Its founder, Florens Radewin, was a disciple
of Gerhard Groot of Deventer; he after 1374 had gathered round him a body of
clerks who, without formal monastic organization, were called the Brethren of
the Common Life and are famous in the annals of Christian mysticism. After
Gerhard’s death in 1384 his work was carried on by Radewin; and the foundation of Windesheim shortly afterwards fulfilled his ultimate
aims. In 1395 a congregation was formed consisting of Windesheim and three other houses ; and statutes
were promulgated in 1402. In this union the autonomy of the constituent members
was respected; the prior-superior of Windesheim was merely a moderator, nor was the expedient of annual or triennial elections
of priors adopted. The congregation, however, held tenaciously to uniformity of
habit and customs, and was slow to admit monasteries which did not readily
conform to its rules. It was only by a compromise on the question of habit that
the monastery of Neuss, with some allied houses, was united to Windesheim in 1430. Its
influence, however, worked wonders in the Low Countries and in Germany; and one
of its sons, Johann Busch, was among the most prominent reformers of claustral discipline in his
age. Of the difficulties with which he had to contend and the stern
determination with which he met them he has left us a full record. In house
after house of canons and nuns, in which the substantial vows were neglected or
wholly abandoned, he met with fear, suspicion, or active hostility. His
efforts, however, attended with not a little danger, had at least a temporary
success, and were undertaken with the concurrence of diocesan authorities who
recognized the importance of the restoration of order in the cloister. The
congregation of Windesheim maintained the high spiritual ideals of its founder; in some of its houses a Carthusian severity of life was pursued. Groenendael in Brabant, of
which the famous mystic Jan Ruysbroek had been prior in the fourteenth century, joined its stricter observance in
1448; and the reputed author of the Imitatio Christi was a canon of its monastery at Kempen.
The house of Jesus of Bethlehem at Syon, already mentioned, belonged to an order,
established in Sweden in the middle of the fourteenth century, which was in
part an Augustinian reform. The order of the Saviour,
founded by the Swedish princess St Bridget, was the last attempt at a community
of both sexes in one monastery. Side by side with a cloister of sixty nuns
there was another, in which thirteen priest-canons, four deacons, and eight conversi lived. Thus, as in previous attempts of a similar kind, the spiritual and
temporal needs of the nuns were supplied by a male convent; the abbess, as at Fontevrault, being the head of
the whole community. The order was approved by Urban V; and, although its
monasteries were not numerous, the magnificent endowment of Syon, which at the suppression was among the most
prosperous of English houses, gives it a special importance.
attempts at reform
No congregational movement was initiated by the Benedictines and canons
regular of England before the suppression; and the events of the Reformation
period put an end to the congregation of Bursfeld in Germany. In Spain, the gradual growth
of a Benedictine congregation proceeded from the priory of San Benito el Real
at Valladolid, founded by John I of Castile towards the close of the fourteenth
century, which attracted other monasteries into union with it. The
congregation, with its system of perpetual enclosure and frequent change of
priors, was recognized by Innocent VIII, and the Prior of Valladolid was made
an abbot by Alexander VI. If the Papacy throughout the fifteenth century was
more remarkable for political than for religious zeal, successive Popes at any
rate countenanced the restoration of order in monasteries. Eugenius IV, in his
early years one of the founders of the reformed house of secular canons at San
Giorgio in Alga, displayed an activity in furthering reform which contrasted
favorably with the divided efforts of the Council of Basle to assert its
authority against the Pope's. The zeal of Ambrogio of Camaldoli, the faithful henchman of Eugenius,
restored discipline in his own order and was used to stir up the flagging
energy of others. In 1444 Eugenius, acting upon information from France and
Spain, urged the Cistercian chapter-general to take measures to combat
slackness. The Cistercians had revised their constitutions in 1350 ; but
growing disunion was felt in their ranks, and in 1426 the forward spirits of
the order in Spain had formed a separate congregation under the headship of the
Abbot of Poblet, which
was eventually recognized by one chapter-general and disowned by the next. The
arrest of decline was impossible; when, in 1475, Sixtus IV revived the constitution of Benedict XII against the promiscuous use of
flesh-meat, the power of dispensation permitted to abbots led to the complete
loss of that uniformity of practice which was a substantive principle of the
order. In 1485 came the decision of the chapter-general to allow flesh-meat on
three days a week in a separate refectory as the general practice. This
concession, however, was no avenue to reform; and in 1487 Innocent VIII issued
fresh constitutions for the improvement of monasteries. Early in 1494 a number
of French abbots met at the college of the order in Paris and drew up articles
of reform which show that its shortcomings were those habitual in monasteries
of other bodies. Monks roamed outside their houses in secular habits; within
the monastery they lived too comfortably; the gates were not closed at the
proper hours; there was unchecked communication with secular persons, and women
were allowed to enter the cloister. It is significant of the strength of the
opposition that these articles were quashed on petition by the Parlement of Dijon, on the
ground that they had not been drawn up at Citeaux.
within its jurisdiction. The order was saved from extinction only by the
perseverance of the Spanish congregation in face of rebuffs, and by the
activity of a group of new monasteries in the Low Countries and western
Germany. In 1497 a congregation was formed in Tuscany and Lombardy; and, in the
century following the Council of Trent, the congregational system was extended
to the whole order.
To the same period belongs the extension of the system to France; for,
although sporadic reforms had taken place there about the end of the fifteenth
century, like that of Chezal-Benoit
in the diocese of Bourges, recognized in 1516 as the head of a small
congregation, the sufferings of France during the long wars with England, and
the civil strife of Burgundians and Armagnacs, had vitally injured her
religious life. The growth, however, of later congregations is beyond the scope
of this chapter. The Reformation, bringing complete extinction to the
monasteries of countries and provinces which rejected the papal authority, put
an end to the medieval monastic system. Monasticism, in the later centuries of
the Middle Ages, had lost touch with the main currents of progress; once the
vital force at the back of ecclesiastical reform, it had now become merely a
department of ecclesiastical affairs which exercised little influence. It had
long lost the position in which it could control the Papacy and command the
reverence of the secular power. Such incidents as the suppression of the
Templars, the seizure of the alien priories in England, the summary dissolution
of small and inactive houses by papal bulls, were evidences of monastic
weakness and precedents for wholesale acts of confiscation and destruction.
While Henry VIII took advantage of his breach with Rome to put an end to the
English monasteries, the monasteries and military orders of Spain were equally
at the mercy of the most Catholic king, if it had been to his advantage to
pursue the same line of policy. The monastery, however, is an institution which
in every age meets a certain class of human needs. Though deprived of its old
prominence, it survived the troubles of the Reformation. Under the fostering
care of national congregations, it entered upon a new phase of existence; and,
if it was still subject to the inevitable alternation of lapse and revival,
such bodies as the congregation of Saint-Maur were still to exhibit a pious fervor
comparable to that of Cluny and Citeaux in their best
days, and a learning which more than equalled the best traditions of Monte Cassino and Saint-Victor. If the ordinary medieval monastery has been somewhat
overrated as a centre of learning and education, the
later achievements of Benedictinism in this direction have renewed the lustre of the age when religious houses, in the midst of a chaotic society, were chief
among the formative influences of European civilization.
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