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TheBlack Obelisk of Shalmaneser II1019–1013 BC
Text Source:
Library collection: "World's Greatest Literature"
Published work: "Babylonian and Assyrian Literature"
Translator: Rev. A. H. Sayce, M.A.
Publisher: P. F. Collier & Son, New York
Copyright: Colonial Press, 1901
This inscription is engraved on an obelisk of black marble, five feet in
height, found by Mr. Layard in the centre of the Mound at Nimrod, and now in
the British Museum. Each of its four sides is divided into five compartments of
sculpture representing the tribute brought to the Assyrian King by vassal
princes, Jehu of Israel being among the number. Shalmaneser, whose annals and
conquests are recorded upon it, was the son of Assur-natsir-pal, and died in 823 BC, after a reign of thirty-five years. A translation of the
inscription was one of the first achievements of Assyrian decipherment, and was
made by Sir. H. Rawlinson; and Dr. Hincks shortly afterward (in 1851) succeeded
in reading the name of Jehu in it. M. Oppert translated the inscription in his "Histoire
des Empires de Chaldea et d'Assyrie," and M. Menant has given another rendering of it in his "Annales des Rois d'Assyrie" (1874). A copy of the text will be
found in Layard's "Inscriptions in
the Cuneiform Character" (1851).
Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser II
Face A
[1] Assur, the great Lord, the King of all
[2] the great gods; Anu, King of the spirits
of heaven
[3] and the spirits of earth, the god, Lord of the world; Bel
[4] the Supreme, Father of the gods, the Creator;
[5] Hea, King of the deep, determiner of
[6] the King of crowns, drinking in brilliance;
[7] Rimmon, the crowned hero, Lord of canals;
the Sun-god
[8] the Judge of heaven and earth, the urger on of all;
[9] (Merodach), Prince of the gods, Lord of battles; Adar, the terrible,
[10] (Lord) of the spirits of heaven and the spirits of earth, the
exceeding strong god; Nergal,
[11] the powerful (god), King of the battle; Nebo, the bearer of the
high sceptre,
[12] the god, the Father above; Beltis, the
wife of Bel, mother of the (great) gods;
[13] Istar, sovereign of heaven and earth, who
the face of heroism perfectest;
[14] the great (gods), determining destinies, making great my kingdom.
[15] (I am) Shalmaneser, King of multitudes of men, prince (and) hero of Assur, the strong King,
[16] King of all the four zones of the Sun (and) of multitudes of men,
the marcher over
[17] the whole world; Son of Assur-natsir-pal, the supreme hero, who his heroism over the gods
[18] has made good and has caused all the world to kiss his feet;
Face B
[19] the noble offspring of
[20] who has laid his yoke upon all lands hostile to him, and
[21] has swept (them) like a whirlwind.
[22] At the beginning of my reign, when on the throne
[23] of royalty mightily I had seated myself, the chariots
[24] of my host I collected. Into the lowlands of the country of 'Sime'si
[25] I descended. The city of Aridu, the
strong city
[26] of Ninni, I took. In my first year
[27] the Euphrates in its flood I crossed. To the sea of the setting sun
[28] I went. My weapons on the sea I rested. Victims
[29] for my gods I took. To mount Amanus I went up.
[30] Logs of cedar-wood and pine-wood I cut. To
[31] the country of Lallar I ascended. An
image of my Royalty in the midst (of it) I erected.
[32] In my second year to the city of Tel-Barsip I approached. The cities
[33] of Akhuni the son of Adin I captured. In his city I shut him up. The Euphrates
[34] in its flood I crossed. The city of Dabigu,
a choice city of the Hittites
[35] together with the cities which (were) dependent upon it I captured.
In my third year Akhuni
[36] the son of Adin, from the face of my
mighty weapons fled, and the city of Tel-Barsip,
Face C
[37] his royal city, he fortified. The Euphrates I crossed.
[38] The city unto Assyria I restored. I took it. (The town) which (is)
on the further side
[39] of the Euphrates which (is) upon the river 'Sagurri,
which the Kings
[40] of the Hittites call the city of Pitru,
[41] for myself I took. At my return
[42] into the lowlands of the country of Alzi I descended. The country of Alzi I conquered.
[43] The countries of Dayaeni (and) Elam,
(and) the city of Arzascunu, the royal city
[44] of Arame of the country of the Armenians,
the country of Gozan (and) the country of Khupuscia.
[45] During the eponymy of Dayan-Assur from
the city of Nineveh I departed. The Euphrates
[46] in its upper part I crossed. After Akhuni the son of Adin I went.
[47] The heights on the banks of the Euphrates as his stronghold he
[48] The mountains I attacked, I captured. Akhuni with his gods, his chariots,
[49] his horses, his sons (and) his daughters I carried away. To my city Assur
[50] I brought (them). In that same year the country of Kullar I crossed. To the country of Zamua
[51] of Bit-Ani I went down. The cities of Nigdiara of the city of the Idians
[52] (and) Nigdima I captured. In my fifth
year to the country of Kasyari I ascended.
[53] The strongholds I captured. Elkhitti of
the Serurians (in) his city I shut up. His tribute
[54] to a large amount I received. In my sixth year to the cities on the
banks of the river Balikhi
Face D
[55] I approached. Gi'ammu, their Governor, I smote.
[56] To the city of Tel-abil-akhi I descended.
[57] The Euphrates in its upper part I crossed.
[58] The tribute of the Kings of the Hittites
[59] all of them I received. In those days Rimmon-idri
[60] of Damascus, Irkhulina of Hamath,. and
the Kings
[61] of the Hittites and of the sea-coasts to the forces of each other
[62] trusted, and to make war and battle
[63] against me came. By the command of Assur,
the great Lord, my Lord,
[64] with them I fought. A destruction of them I made.
[65] Their chariots, their war-carriages, their war-material I took from
[66] 20,500 of their fighting men with arrows I slew.
[67] In my seventh year to the cities of Khabini of the city of Tel-Abni I went.
[68] The City of Tel-Abni, his stronghold,
together with the cities which (were) dependent on it I captured.
[69] To the head of the river, the springs of the Tigris, the place
where the waters rise, I went.
[70] The weapons of Assur in the midst (of it)
I rested. Sacrifices for my gods I took. Feasts and rejoicing
[71] I made. An image of my Royalty of large size I constructed. The
laws of Assur my Lord, the records
[72] of my victories, whatsoever in the world I had done, in the midst
of it I wrote. In the middle (of the country) I set (it) up.
Face A, base
[73] In my eighth year, Merodach-suma-iddin King of Gan-Dunias
[74] did Merodach-bila-yu'sate his foster-brother against him rebel;
[75] strongly had he fortified (the land). To exact punishment
[76] against Merodach-suma-iddin I went. The city of the waters of the Dhurnat I took.
[77] In my ninth campaign a second time to the land of Accad I went.
[78] The city of Gana-nate I besieged.
Merodach-bila-yu'sate exceeding fear
[79] of Assur (and) Merodach overwhelmed, and
to save his life to
[80] the mountains he ascended. After him I rode. Merodach-bila-yu'sate (and) the officers
[81] the rebels who (were) with him (with) arrows I slew. To the great
[82] I went. Sacrifices in Babylon, Borsippa, (and) Cuthah I made.
[83] Thanksgivings to the great gods I offered up. To the country of Kaldu I descended. Their cities I captured.
[84] The tribute of the Kings of the country of Kaldu I received. The greatness of my arms as far as the sea overwhelmed.
[85] In my tenth year for the eighth time the Euphrates I crossed. The
cities of 'Sangara of the city of the Carchemishians I captured.
[86] To the cities of Arame I approached. Arne
his royal city with 100 of his (other) towns I captured.
[87] In my eleventh year for the ninth time the Euphrates I crossed.
Cities to a countless number I captured. To the cities of the Hittites
[88] of the land of the Hamathites I went
down. Eighty-nine cities I took. Rimmon-idri of
Damascus (and) twelve of the Kings of the Hittites
[89] with one another's forces strengthened themselves. A destruction of
them I made. In my twelfth campaign for the tenth time the Euphrates I crossed.
[90] To the land of Pagar-khubuna I went.
Their spoil I carried away. In my thirteenth year to the country of Yaeti I ascended.
[91] Their spoil I carried away. In my fourteenth year the country I
assembled; the Euphrates I crossed. Twelve Kings against me had come.
[92] I fought. A destruction of them I made. In my fifteenth year among
the sources of the Tigris (and) the Euphrates I went. An image
[93] of my Majesty in their hollows I erected. In my sixteenth year the
waters of the Zab I crossed. To the country of Zimri
[94] I went. Merodach-mudammik King of the
land of Zimru to save his life (the mountains)
ascended. His treasure
[95] his army (and) his gods to Assyria I brought. Yan'su son of Khanban to the kingdom over them I raised.
Face B, base
[96] In my seventeenth year the
Euphrates I crossed. To the land of Amanus I ascended. Logs
[97] of cedar I cut. In my eighteenth year for the sixteenth time the
Euphrates I crossed. Hazael
[98] of Damascus to battle came. 1,221 of his chariots, 470 of his
war-carriages with
[99] his camp I took from him. In my nineteenth campaign for the
eighteenth time the Euphrates I crossed. To the land of Amanus
[100] I ascended. Logs of cedar I cut. In my 20th year for the 20th time
the Euphrates
[101] I crossed. To the land of Kahue I went
down. Their cities I captured. Their spoil
[102] I carried off. In my 21st campaign, for the 21st time the
Euphrates I crossed. To the cities
[103] of Hazael of Damascus I went. Four of
his fortresses I took. The tribute of the Tyrians,
[104] the Zidonians (and) the Gebalites I received. In my 22d campaign for the 22d time
the Euphrates
[105] I crossed. To the country of Tabalu I
went down. In those days (as regards) the 24
[106] Kings of the country of Tabalu their
wealth I received. To conquer
[107] the mines of silver, of salt and of stone for sculpture I went. In
my 23d year
[108] the Euphrates I crossed. The city of Uetas,
his strong city,
[109] (which belonged) to Lalla of the land of
the Milidians I captured. The Kings of the country of Tabalu
[110] had set out. Their tribute I received. In my 24th year, the lower Zab
[111] I crossed. The land of Khalimmur I
passed through. To the land of Zimru
[112] I went down. Yan'su King of the Zimri from the face
[113] of my mighty weapons fled and to save his life
[114] ascended (the mountains). The cities of 'Sikhisatakh,
Bit-Tamul, Bit-Sacci
[115] (and) Bit-Sedi, his strong cities, I
captured. His fighting men I slew.
[116] His spoil I carried away. The cities I threw down, dug up, (and)
with fire burned.
[117] The rest of them to the mountains ascended. The peaks of the
[118] I attacked, I captured. Their fighting men I slew. Their spoil
(and) their goods
[119] I caused to be brought down. From the country of Zimru I departed. The tribute of 27 Kings
[120] of the country of Par'sua I received.
From the country of Par'sua I departed. To
[121] the strongholds of the country of the Amadai,
(and) the countries of Arazias (and) Kharkhar I went down.
[122] The cities of Cua-cinda, Khazzanabi, Ermul,
[123] (and) Cin-ablila with the cities which
were dependent on them I captured. Their fighting men
Face C, base
[124] I slew. Their spoil I
carried away. The cities I threw down, dug up (and) burned with fire. An image
of my Majesty
[125] in the country of Kharkhara I set up. Yan'su son of Khaban with his
abundant treasures
[126] his gods, his sons, his daughters, his soldiers in large numbers I
carried off. To Assyria I brought (them). In my 25th campaign
[127] the Euphrates at its flood I crossed. The tribute of the Kings of
the Hittites, all of them, I received. The country of Amanus
[128] I traversed. To the cities of Cati of
the country of the Kahuians I descended. The city of
Timur, his strong city
[129] I besieged, I captured. Their fighting men I slew. Its spoil I
carried away. The cities to a countless number I threw down, dug up,
[130] (and) burned with fire. On my return, the city of Muru, the strong city of Arame the son of Agu'si,
[131] (as) a possession for myself I took. Its entrance-space I marked
out. A palace, the seat of my Majesty, in the middle (of it) I founded.
[132] In my 26th year for the seventh time the country of the Amanus I
traversed. For the fourth time to the cities of Cati
[133] of the country of the Kahuians I went.
The city of Tanacun, the strong city of Tulca I approached. Exceeding fear
[134] of Assur my Lord overwhelmed him and
(when) he had come out my feet he took. His hostages I took. Silver, gold,
[135] iron, oxen, (and) sheep, (as) his tribute I received. From the
city of Tanacun I departed. To the country of Lamena
[136] I went. The men collected themselves. An inaccessible mountain
they occupied. The peak of the mountain I assailed,
[137] I took. Their fighting men I slew. Their spoil, their oxen, their
sheep, from the midst of the mountain I brought down.
[138] Their cities I threw down, dug up (and) burned with fire. To the
city of Khazzi I went. My feet they took. Silver
(and) gold,
[139] their tribute, I received. Cirri, the brother of Cati to the sovereignty over them
[140] I set. On my return to the country of Amanus I ascended. Beams of
cedar I cut,
[141] I removed, to my city Assur I brought.
In my 27th year the chariots of my armies I mustered. Dayan-Assur
[142] the Tartan, the Commander of the wide-spreading army, at the head
of my army to the country of Armenia I urged,
[143] I sent. To Bit-Zamani he descended. Into
the low ground to the city of Ammas he went down. The
river Arzane he crossed.
[144] 'Seduri of the country of the Armenians
heard, and to the strength of his numerous host
[145] he trusted; and to make conflict (and) battle against me he came.
With him I fought.
[146] A destruction of him I made. With the flower of his youth his broad
fields I filled. In my 28th year
[147] when in the city of Calah I was stopping news had been brought
(me, that) men of the Patinians
[148] Lubarni their Lord had slain (and) 'Surri (who was) not heir to the throne to the kingdom had
[149] Dayan-Assur the Tartan, the Commander of
the widespreading army at the head of my host (and)
my camp
[150] I urged, I sent. The Euphrates in its flood he crossed. In the
city of Cinalua his royal city
[151] a slaughter he made. (As for) 'Surri the
usurper, exceeding fear of Assur my Lord
[152] overwhelmed him, and the death of his destiny he went. The men of
the country of the Patinians from before the sight of my mighty weapons
Face D, base
[153] fled, and the children of 'Surri together with the soldiers, the rebels, (whom) they
had taken they delivered to me.
[154] Those soldiers on stakes I fixed. 'Sa'situr of the country of Uzza my feet took. To the kingdom
[155] over them I placed (him). Silver, gold, lead, bronze, iron, (and)
the horns of wild bulls to a countless number I received.
[156] An image of my Majesty of great size I made. In the city of Cinalua his royal city in the temple of his gods I set it
up. In
[157] my 29th year (my) army (and) camp I urged, I sent. To the country
of Cirkhi I ascended. Their cities I threw down,
[158] dug up, (and) burned with fire. Their country like a thunderstorm
I swept. Exceeding
[159] fear over them I cast. In my 30th year when in the city of Calah I
was stopping, Dayan-Assur
[160] the Tartan, the Commander of the wide-spreading army at the head
of my army I urged, I sent. The river Zab
[161] he crossed. To the midst of the cities of the city of Khupusca he approached. The tribute of Datana
[162] of the city of the Khupuscians I
received. From the midst of the cities of the Khupuscians
[163] I departed. To the midst of the cities of Maggubbi of the country of the Madakhirians he approached. The
[164] I received. From the midst of the cities of the country of the Madakhirians he departed. To the midst of the cities of Udaci
[165] of the country of the Mannians he
approached. Udaci of the country of the Mannians from before the sight of my mighty weapons
[166] fled, and the city of Zirta, his royal
city, he abandoned. To save his life he ascended (the mountains).
[167] After him I pursued. His oxen, his sheep, his spoil, to a
countless amount I brought back. His cities
[168] I threw down, dug up, (and) burned with fire. From the country of
the Mannians he departed. To the cities of Sulu'sunu of the country of Kharru
[169] he approached. The city of Mairsuru, his
royal city, together with the cities which depended on it he captured. (To) Sulu'sunu
[170] together with his sons mercy I granted. To his country I restored
him. A payment (and) tribute of horses I imposed.
[171] My yoke upon him I placed. To the city of Surdira he approached. The tribute of Arta-irri
[172] of the city of the Surdirians I
received. To the country of Par'sua I went down. The
tribute of the Kings
[173] of the country of Par'sua I received.
(As for) the rest of the country of Par'sua which did
not reverence Assur, its cities
[174] I captured. Their spoil, their plunder to Assyria I brought. In my
31st year, the second time, the cyclical-feast
[175] of Assur and Rimmon I had inaugurated. At the time while I was stopping in the city of Calah,
[176] the Tartan, the Commander of my wide-spreading army, at the head
of my army (and) my camp I urged, I sent.
[177] To the cities of Data of the country of Khupusca he approached. The tribute I received.
[178] To the city of Zapparia, a stronghold of
the country of Muzatsira, I went. The city of Zapparia together with
[179] forty-six cities of the city of the Muzatsirians I captured. Up to the borders of the country of the Armenians
[180] I went. Fifty of their cities I threw down, dug up (and) burned
with fire. To the country of Guzani I went down. The
[181] of Upu of the country of the Guzanians, of the country of the Mannians,
of the country of the Buririans, of the country of
the Kharranians,
[182] of the country of the Sasganians, of the
country of the Andians, (and) of the country of the Kharkhanians, oxen, sheep, (and) horses
[183] trained to the yoke I received. To the cities of the country of .
. . I went down. The city of Perria
[184] (and) the city of Sitivarya, its
strongholds, together with 22 cities which depended upon it, I threw down, dug
[185] (and) burned with fire. Exceeding fear over them I cast. To the
cities of the Parthians he went.
[186] The cities of Bustu, Sala-khamanu (and) Cini-khamanu, fortified towns, together with 23
[187] which depended upon them I captured. Their fighting-men I slew.
Their spoil I carried off. To the country of Zimri I
went down.
[188] Exceeding fear of Assur (and) Merodach
overwhelmed them. Their cities they abandoned. To
[189] inaccessible mountains they ascended. Two hundred and fifty of
their cities I threw down, dug up (and) burned with fire.
[190] Into the lowground of Sime'si at the head of the country of Khalman I went down.
The Epigraphs accompanying the sculptures
[1] The tribute of 'Su'a of the country of the Guzanians:
silver, gold, lead, articles of bronze, sceptres for
the King's hand, horses (and) camels with double backs: I received.
[2] The tribute of Yahua son of Khumri: silver, gold, bowls of gold, vessels of gold,
goblets of gold, pitchers of gold, lead, sceptres for
the King's hand, (and) staves: I received.
[3] The tribute of the country of Muzri:
camels with double backs, an ox of the river 'Saceya,
horses, wild asses, elephants, (and) apes: I received.
[4] The tribute of Merodach-pal-itstsar of the
country of the 'Sukhians: silver, gold, pitchers of
gold, tusks of the wild bull, staves, antimony, garments of many colors, (and)
linen: I received.
[5] The tribute of Garparunda of the country
of the Patinians: silver, gold, lead, bronze, gums, articles of bronze, tusks
of wild bulls, (and) ebony: I received.
End of Translation
Copyright (c) 1996 by Bruce J. Butterfield
No restrictions are intended for non-profit use