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FROM the story of the subordinate duchies, and the disputes of Popes and
Emperors, we return to the main stream of Lombard history.
The wise and loyal Ansprand survived his return from exile and his
elevation to the throne only three months. When he was upon his deathbed, the
people of the Lombards raised his son LIUTPRAND to the throne as his partner
while life still remained to him, his successor when death supervened; and the
tidings of this event, which apparently was the result rather of popular
enthusiasm than of any deep-laid political scheme, brought great joy to the
heart of the dying king. For we must always remember that Liutprand, though the
greatest and most powerful of Lombard sovereigns, and though no other king so
nearly succeeded in welding the state into one homogeneous monarchy, had only
the slenderest of hereditary claims to occupy the palace of Pavia. To talk of
usurpation would be altogether out of place, since the element of popular
election common to most of the Teutonic royalties was still strong in the
Lombard kingship; but for more than a century all the wearers of the Iron
Crown, with one exception had been connected by blood or by marriage with the
family of the revered, almost sainted Queen Theudelinda, and to the glory of
this descent the son of the Milanese noble Ansprand could lay no claim.
Of the year of Liutprand’s birth we have no precise information, but as
in 701 he was still a very young man, contemptuously allowed to live by the
jealous tyrant Aripert II, when he mutilated or put to death all the rest of
Ansprand's family, we can hardly suppose him to have been more than
twenty-eight years old when, eleven years afterwards, he mounted the throne. He
was a man of great personal strength and courage, and in his reign of
thirty-one years he had the opportunity of displaying on a wide, one might
almost say on a European theatre, the large gifts of statesmanship with which
nature had endowed him. In these early centuries, after the disruption of the
Roman Empire, no other ruler save Theodoric the Ostrogoth came so near to
founding a real kingdom of Italy: but like Theodoric, his work perished because
he had no son to succeed him.
At the very outset of his reign he narrowly escaped death by domestic
treason. For some reason or other, his cousin Rothari conspired against his
life, and invited him to a feast, at which he was to have been slain by armed
men concealed in the banqueting-hall. Being warned of the plot, Liutprand
summoned his cousin to the palace. He came, wearing a coat of mail under his
mantle, which the king's hand discovered in the act of exchanging salutations.
The tragedy of Grimwald and Godipert was again performed, with slightly
different circumstances. When Rothari saw that he was discovered, he drew his
sword and rushed at the king. Liutprand drew his too, but before either could
strike, one of the king's lifeguards, named Subo, attacked Rothari from behind.
He turned round and wounded his assailant in the forehead, but the interruption
probably saved the king's life. The other bystanders fell at once upon Rothari,
and slew him. His four sons, whose disappearance from the capital caused them
to be suspected of complicity in their father's designs, when discovered were
put to death.
As an illustration of the personal courage of the new king, Paulus tells
us another story, which probably belongs to a later period of his reign. Being
told that two squires had plotted his death, he ordered their attendance upon
him, and rode with them and with no other escort into the densest part of the
forest. Then drawing his sword and pointing it towards them, he upbraided them
with their murderous designs, and called upon them, if they were men, to come
on and slay him then and there. Stricken by “the divinity which doth hedge a
king”, the caitiffs fell at his feet and implored his pardon, which was granted
to them as to many others who at different times conspired against him, for
great was this king's clemency.
The reign of Liutprand naturally divides itself into two parts. The
first fourteen years of that reign the reign (712-726) are almost bare of
events. Doubtless he was during all that time, consolidating the forces of his
kingdom; and the numerous laws which, during this period, were passed at the
yearly assemblies of his armed fellow-countrymen, show his anxious care for the
good government of his people. In 726, with the outbreak of the great
Iconoclastic controversy, the scene changes, and an almost bewildering
succession of wars, alliances, conquests, restorations of territory, interviews
with Popes, and negotiations with Exarchs, fills up the remaining seventeen
years of his reign.
Reserving for the next chapter the intricate, but momentous history of
those eventful years, I propose now to summarize those additions to the Statute
Book which attest Liutprand’s activity as a legislator, and which were made in
great measure, though not entirely, before the Iconoclastic controversy set
Italy in a flame.
On the 1st of March for fifteen out of the thirty-one years of his
reign, Liutprand, “the Christian and Catholic” King, by the advice and with the
consent of the “Judges” of his realm and of the rest of his faithful Lombards,
put forth his little volume of laws “for the settlement of any points of
controversy which had arisen between his subjects, and which seemed to be
insufficiently provided for by his most robust and most eminent predecessor
Rothari”, or by the “most glorious Grimwald”.
At the very outset of his reign the young king claims high authority for
his utterances as a legislator. He has conceived the idea of framing these
laws, not by his own foresight, but by the will and inspiration of God :
because the king's heart is in the hand of God, as is witnessed by the wisdom
of Solomon, who said, “As the rush of water, so is the heart of the king in
God's hand: if He shall keep it back, everything will be dried up, but if He in
His mercy gives it free course, everything is watered, and filled with
health-fullness”. So too the Apostle James in his Epistle says, “Every good
gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of
This highly theological statement of the king's functions is no doubt
due to the ecclesiastic employed by him to express his thoughts in that which
was supposed to be the Latin language, and it is probably to the same official
that we owe the following strong statement of the supremacy of the Roman
Church, which is contained in the law against marriage with a first cousin's
After enacting that any man offending against this law shall forfeit all
his property, and his children shall be treated as illegitimate, the royal
legislator adds, “This ordinance have we made because, as God is our witness,
the Pope of the City of Rome, who is the head of the Churches of God and of the
priests in the whole world, has exhorted us by his epistles in no wise to allow
such marriage to take placed”. But notwithstanding these expressions, and
though the prologues to the laws lay a strong emphasis on the now Catholic
character of the Lombard nation, it cannot be said that they exhibit any trace
of that obsequious servility towards the Church which is characteristic of the
laws of the Visigothic kings a little before this date, nor is there any vestige
in them of that furious persecution of the Jews which was the especial disgrace
of Spanish Christianity, and which paved the way for the Moorish conquest of
It must be noticed in passing that the Latin in which King Liutprand’s
statutes are clothed is barbarous, often to the verge of incomprehensibility,
more barbarous than that of Gregory of Tours, more barbarous even (and this is
worth noticing) than the laws of Rothari. Evidently during the seventy or
eighty years that had elapsed since that king's accession, the light shed by
the torch of learning had been growing dimmer and dimmer, and the Church had
been losing even the feeble hold which she once had upon the wisdom and the
culture of buried Paganism.
Taking a general survey of the laws of Liutprand and comparing them with
those of Rothari, we see at laws once that the Lombards have entered upon a new
phase of social life. The laws of the later legislator breathe far less than
those of his predecessor the atmosphere of the forest and the moorland. The
laws about falcons, and stags, and swarms of bees, have disappeared from the
statute book, or at least require no fresh additions to be made to them, but
instead thereof we have elaborate provisions for the enforcement of contracts
and the foreclosure of mortgages.
One great and striking change made by King Liutprand shows the
increasing value set upon human life, as the Lombards were putting off their
barbarous customs and settling down into a well-ordered commonwealth. This was
the virtual abolition of the guidrigild, and the substitution of absolute
confiscation of the offender's property, in cases of murder. It will be
remembered that, under the earlier legislation, the shedder of blood, according
to a common custom among the Teutonic nations, had to pay to the representatives
of the murdered man a compensation, which varied according to his rank of life,
and which (though our information on the subject is not so precise as we could
desire) was probably small, when the victim was a man of low social position.
Now, however, the king ordained that in all cases where one free man killed
another, not in self-defense, but of malice aforethought, he should lose his
whole property. The heirs of the murdered man took only his old guidrigild, and
the balance left over went to “the King's Court”, the residuary legatee of all
fines and compositions. If, on the other hand, the murderer's property was
insufficient to pay even the old guidrigild, he was handed over to the heirs of
the murdered man, apparently not to be put to death by them, but worked as a
Of course, even this punishment falls far short of those which our
modern civilization assigns to the crime of murder. Still we can see that,
especially in the case of the rich and powerful, the effect of the new
punishment would be far more deterrent than the old. Probably under the code of
Rothari a Lombard noble might have killed a dozen free men of inferior position
without seriously impairing his fortune, whereas now, after the first deed of
violence of such a kind, he found himself stripped of everything. And thus the
change introduced by Liutprand tended towards the equality of all men before
the law, and was in the best sense of the word democratic. At the same time,
while the guidrigild lost some of its significance on one hand, gained it on
the other. If it was less important as protection against violence, it became
more important as a penalty for crime. In the case of a nun's guardian who
consented to her marriage ; of men who aided and abetted in an insurrection; of
forgery of a document; of the preparation of a legal instrument by a scribe
ignorant of the law; of breaking troth-plight, and giving to one man the
affianced bride of another, the offender was bound to pay his guidrigild, which
went in some cases to the King's Court, in others to the person injured by his
offence. So, too, the officer of the crown who molested men in the enjoyment of
their just right the master of a fugitive slave who presumed to drag him away
from the altar of a church the man who committed an indecent assault upon a woman
or who stole her clothes while she was bathing, the man who dared to marry the
wife of another still living husband each had to pay the full guidrigild which,
under the old law, would have been payable by his murderer. There seems to be a
certain sense of justice, rough perhaps, but still justice, in this provision
of the Lombard legislator, who says in effect to the wealthy and noble members
of the community, “We will protect your persons by inflicting a heavier fine on
him who assaults or molests you than on the assailant of a person of lesser
rank : but on the other hand, if you transgress our laws, the penalty which you
must pay shall be in the same proportion heavier”.
In the laws of Rothari we had to regret the absence of any clear
indication of the amount of guidrigild payable for the violent death of a
member of each of the various classes of the community. King Liutprand gives us
this missing detail, and as he does not profess to abrogate the law of his
predecessor, he perhaps only re-states the previously existing custom. The law'
is so important that it will be well to quote it entire:
“We remember that we have already ordained that he who [of malice] kills
a free man shall lose the whole of his property; and that he who kills in
self-defense shall pay according to the rank of the person slain. We now wish
to ordain how that rank is to be estimated.
“The custom is, that if the slain man is a person of the lowest rank,
who is proved to be a member of the [Lombard] army, the manslayer shall pay 150
solidi : for an officer 300 solidi. As concerning our followers let him who is
lowest in that rank be paid for, when slain, at the rate of 200 solidi, simply
because he is our servant; and those of higher position, according to the
dignity of their office, in an ascending scale up to 300 solidi”.
From this law we can at last form some idea of the estimation in which
the lives of the different members of the Lombard community were held. We can
hardly be wrong, however, in supposing that the “army man” of King Liutprand’s
edict is necessarily a member of the conquering nation : and thus we get no
nearer to the solution of the old question, “What guidrigild, if any, was paid
by the murderer or the unintentional slayer of a free Roman?”
But though on this point the laws of Liutprand fail to give us the
desired information, they do not so entirely ignore the existence of a
non-Lombard population as was the case with those of Rothari. In the first
place, it is noteworthy that nearly all the laws which relate to inheritance
begin with the words Si quis Langobardus, evidently implying that there
were other persons than Lombards in the country to whom these laws did not
apply, and we naturally conjecture that these persons are the old Roman
population, still working, as far as their own internal affairs are concerned,
by the laws of Theodosius and Justinian.
This conjecture becomes almost certainty when we read in Liutprand’s law De Scribis, “We have ordained that they who write deeds, whether
according to the law of the Lombards (since that is most open, and known by
nearly all men), or according to the law of the Romans, shall not prepare them
otherwise than according to the contents of those laws themselves. For let them
not write contrary to the law of the Lombards or that of the Romans. If they do
not know the provisions of those laws, let them ask others who do, and if they
cannot fully learn the laws, let them not write the deeds. Let any one who
presumes to act otherwise pay his own guidrigild, unless there is some express
understanding [of an opposite kind] arrived at by the parties”.
It is quite in accordance with the indications thus furnished us, that
we find it provided that if any of a Roman married a Lombard woman, and
acquired the mundium over her, she thereby lost the status of a Lombard woman.
The sons born of such a union were Romans like their father, and had to “live
by his law”; and in case of her marrying a second husband without the consent
of the heirs of the first husband, they had no right to claim damages
(anagriph), nor to start a feud (faida) with the presuming consort.
We thus see that, under the Lombard kings, a beginning at any rate was
made of the system of “personal law”, a system which attained its full
development under the Carolingian kings, under whom the various members of the
same community, Franks, Lombards, Romans, each had the right of living under
their own ancestral code of laws. Signs of Lombard jurisprudence, though still
crude, and in some respects barbarous, had evidently some germs of progress and
improvement. We can perceive on the part of Liutprand an anxious desire to
govern his subjects justly, and to carry their reason along with him in his
various decisions. We see with satisfaction that he is prepared to accept for
himself the same measure which he metes out to others. Thus, having ordained
that a lad under the age of eighteen cannot, except under certain special
circumstances, make a valid alienation of his property to another man, he
passes a special law enacting that not even to the king shall such a donation
be valid.
As the power of the king had increased, that of his representatives had
increased also, and with their power, the temptations to corruption, the vices
of civilization beginning to take the place of the vices of barbarism. There
are many laws against oppression and exaction by the king’s stewards (actores);
and the penalties on the judge who merely delays the administration of justice
are exceedingly severe. Two classes of judges are here enumerated, the sculdahis,
and above him the judex. If a sculdahis delayed for four days to
administer justice when called upon to do so, he had to pay 6 solidi to the
plaintiff, and 6 to the judex above him. If the cause was too high for the sculdahis,
and was brought before the judex, he had six days' grace given him, and at the
end of that time, if he had not pronounced judgment, he had to pay 15 solidi to
the plaintiff. Or, if it was a case which ought to be transferred to the King's
Court, and the judex delayed doing so for twelve days, he had to pay 12 solidi
to the plaintiff, and 20 to the king. Even the vast fortune of Lord Chancellor
Eldon would scarcely have been sufficient to meet the continual levy of fines
like these.
The old barbarous wager of battle (pugna per camfiones) still existed,
but was viewed with suspicion and dislike by Liutprand. He does not scruple to
imagine and provide for a case in which a man accused of theft has been
vanquished in single combat, but stricter enquiry afterwards made by the king's
representative (publicus) has established his innocence. He declares that
wicked persons would sometimes challenge a man to the combat in order to annoy
and worry him, and therefore prescribes the form of oath which the challenger
might be forced to take, and which was to the effect that he had reasonable
grounds of suspicion, and did not give the challenge in malice, in order to
weary him by the battle. And in a very curious law about accusations of
poisoning he expresses himself even more strongly, saying in substance, “We
have now ordained that the punishment for the murder of a free man shall be the
loss of the whole of the murderer's property : but certain men, perhaps through
hardness of heart, have accused the relations of a man who has died in his bed
of having poisoned him, and have therefore, according to the old custom,
challenged them to single combat. It seems to us a serious matter that the loss
of a man's whole property should be caused by the weakness of a single shield:
and we therefore ordain that in case any accusation of this kind should be
brought in future, the accuser shall swear on the gospels that he does not
bring it in malice, but has good grounds for his suspicion. Then he may proceed
to battle according to the old custom, but if the accused person or his hired
champion is defeated, let him pay, not his whole fortune, but a composition, as
under the whole law, according to the rank of the murdered man :—For we are
uncertain about the judgment of God, and we have heard of many persons unjustly
losing their cause by wager of battle. But on account of the custom of our
nation of the Lombards we cannot change the law itself”.
In connection with these allusions by Liutprand to the decaying
jurisprudence of his ancestors, it will well to notice one passage in which he
quotes the ancient customs of his nation. Law 77 enacts, “If two brothers, or a
father and son, have divided their estate by solemn thinx, and one of them
shall die without sons or daughters, let the King's Court succeed to him. We
have ordained this because, though it be not precisely so set down in the edict
(of Rothari), nevertheless all our judges and faithful subjects have declared
that so the ancient cadarfida has ever been, down to our own time”. The
passage is interesting, because we have here a glimpse of that unwritten common
law of the Lombards, known by this strange and somewhat mysterious name cadarfida,
by which, according to the Chronicon Gothanum, legal disputes were generally
decided until Rothari arose, the first codifier of Lombard law.
Space fails me to enumerate all the interesting particulars as to the
social and domestic life of the Lombards, which may be gleaned from the laws of
Liutprand. In particular, the numerous edicts relating to women would be well
worthy of special study, showing as they do a decided upward tendency in the
estimation in which they were held.
Another proof of increasing softness of manners is afforded by the laws
about slaves. Of course, the unfree condition of the slave and the Aldius still
continues, but a new and effectual form of manumission is introduced, according
to which the owner gives the slave into the hands of the king. The slave by the
intervention of the priest is then “led round the sacred altar”, and after that
dismissed free. This solemn act of manumission, in which king and priest were
associated on behalf of freedom, was to have as great efficacy as if the slave
had been declared “folk-free” by a regular thingation. The slave who,
after he had in this or any other way received his “full freedom”, continued to
serve his old master (out of gratitude or for wages), was warned that he would
do well to make frequent opportunities for showing forth his freedom to the judge
and to his neighbours, lest in time to come the fact of his emancipation should
be called in question. And if the owner of married slaves wronged the husband
by committing adultery with the wife, he thereby emancipated both, as fully as
if he had by solemn thinx given them their freedom. But in order that
there might be no doubt of their emancipation, they were desired to come to the
palace, prove their case, and receive their freedom at the hand of the king.
Though, as I have said, we have far fewer laws relating to the forest
and the farmstead than in the code of Rothari, it is evident that horses were a
valued possession, and their ownership, as in all civilized communities, was a
frequent cause of litigation.
“If a man wishes to buy a horse, he ought to do it in the presence of
two or three men, and not secretly. Then, if afterwards any one should claim
that horse, he will have these witnesses to appeal to, and shall not be liable
to a charge of horse-stealing. But if the claimant of the horse does not
believe such witnesses, let the defendant confirm his case by putting them on
their oath, unless they be that kind of men whom the king or the judex would
believe even without an oath. But if he cannot produce any witnesses in whose
presence the transaction took place, and can but repeat simply “I bought it”,
or if he says that he bought it from some Frank, or nobody knows whom, he will
have to pay the fine for horse-stealing.
We find in the code of Liutprand one or two interesting indications of
the religious condition of the Lombards. Especially we have some almost savage
legislation against soothsayer's (arioli), whether male or female. Any one who
himself consults such persons, or sends his slave to receive their answers, is
to pay half of his own guidrigild to the king. The same heavy fine shall be
paid by any judex or sculdahis or inferior functionary in whose district
these soothsayers shall be lurking, if for three months he fail to discover and
punish them. And if, when they have been detected and denounced, such
functionary, either for a bribe, or out of pity, or for any other reason, lets
them go, he shall pay not the half, but the whole of his guidrigild to the
king. As a further incentive to diligence, the judex is ordered to sell the
convicted soothsayer out of the province as a slave, and allowed to put the
proceeds of the sale into his own pocket.
In the course of this legislation we are informed that (as at Benevento
in the time of St. Barbatus) there were still some country folk who worshipped
a tree or a fountain, calling it their sacramentum; and the punishment for
these superstitious rites was the same as that for consulting soothsayers, the
payment of half a man's guidrigild to “the sacred palace”.
It is time to draw this slight and imperfect sketch of Liutprand’s
legislation to a close, but the reader may be interested by three or four of
the most characteristic laws, which seem to show us the great king sitting in
council with his judges, and hearing and resolving the harder cases which were
brought before him.
Law 138. Incitement to murder by a slave.— “We have been truly informed
that a certain man, by the instigation of the devil, said to another man's
slave, ‘Come and kill thy lord, and I have it in my power to grant thee
whatsoever favor thou shalt desire'. Persuaded by him, the lad entered into the
evil design, and the tempter was wicked enough to say in the very presence of
the victim, ‘Strike thy lord'. For his sins the slave struck the blow, and the
other said, ‘Strike him again. If thou dost not, I will strike thee'. Then the
lad turned round and struck another blow, whereupon the master died. In the
requisition for blood, it was argued [on behalf of the tempter] that he ought
to pay only the composition for conspiring against life [consilium mortis, the
fine for which was 20 solidi], but we and our judges were not at all satisfied
with this argument, reflecting that conspiracy is a hidden thing, which
sometimes attains its end, and sometimes misses it. But this murder was
instigated in the actual presence of the victim, and we do not call it
consilium when a man points to another, present before him, and says in so many
words, ‘Strike that man'. Therefore the instigator of the crime shall be
punished, not for consilium mortis, but for murder itself; and, according to
our recent edict, shall forfeit the whole of his property, of which half shall
go to the heirs of the murdered man, and half to the King's Court”.
Law 135. Insult to a woman.—“It has been reported to us that a certain
perverse man, while a woman was bathing in a river, took away all the clothes
which she had for the covering of her body; wherefore, as she could not remain
in the river for ever, she was obliged to walk home naked. Therefore we decide
that the hateful man who has been guilty of this presumptuous deed, shall pay
his whole guidrigild to her whom he has offended. We do so for this reason,
that if her father, or brother, or husband or other near male relative had
found that man, there would undoubtedly have been a breach of the peace
(scandalum), and the stronger of the two would probably have killed the other.
Now it is better for the wrongdoer to live and pay his own guidrigild, than to die,
and cause a faida to those who come after him, or to kill and lose the
whole of his property”.
Law 113. Testamentary power.—“If any Lombard should wish to make any
special provision for a son who has served him well, he may have power to do so
to the following extent. If he has two sons, he may favour the one who has
shown him godly obedience by an extra third of the property; if he has three
sons, by a fourth; if four, by a fifth, and so on. And if they have all served
him equally well, let them partake equally of their father's substance. But if
perchance the father have married a second or a third wife, and have issue both
by the earlier and later marriages, he shall not have the power of thus
preferring any one of the children of the later marriage during their mother's
lifetime, lest any should say that it is done at her instigation. But after her
death he shall have power to prefer as aforesaid. For we think it is according
to God's will (and to right reason), that if, even between slaves, he who
serves his master well is more rewarded than he who serves him badly, the
father should have a similar power of distinguishing between his sons, and
rewarding them according to their deserts”.
Law 141. Women incited to brawling by their husbands.—“We have been
informed that some faithless and crafty men, who do not dare themselves to
enter a neighbouring house or village and raise a disturbance there, for fear
of the heavy composition to which they are liable for such an offence, have
called together all the women over whom they had power, both free and bond, and
have sent them against a weaker body of men. Then these women, attacking the
men of such town or village, have inflicted blows upon them, and made greater
disturbance, and done more mischief than even men would have done in their
place. But when enquiry was made into the tumult, the men who were on the
defensive, and could not help themselves, were called to account for their
unwilling violence.
“Therefore we decree that should the women dare to act in this manner in
future: (1) Those who have defended themselves against them shall not be
answerable for blows or wounds, or death itself, either to the husbands or the
mundwalds of the women
“(2) Let the magistrate (publicum) in whose district the tumult has
happened, catch those women, and shave their heads, and distribute them among
the villages round about, that henceforward women may learn not to do such
presumptuous deeds.
“(3) Should the women in such a brawl inflict blows or injuries on any
one, their husbands must pay for them according to the tenor of [King
Rothari's] edict.
“Our reason for making this ordinance both as to the chastisement of the
women and as to the payment of their compositions is, that we cannot liken such
a [craftily planned] assemblage of women to a faction fight, or sedition of
peasants, since in those outbursts men act, not women”
I will end this chapter with two little incidents of village life drawn
from the laws of Liutprand. —
Law 136. Death by misadventure at a well— “It has been told us that a
certain man had a well in his courtyard; and above it (according to custom) a
fork and a balance-weight for drawing water. Now while one man was standing
under the balance-weight, another, who came to draw water, incautiously let the
balance-weight go, and it came upon him who was standing there, and caused his
death. When enquiry into the death took place, and a demand for the composition
was made, it was held by us and our judges that the man who was killed, as he
was not a mere animal, but had sense and reason, ought to have considered
beforehand where he would take up his station, and what was the weight which he
saw over his head. Therefore two-thirds must be deducted from his composition,
and the third part of the sum at which he is valued, according to the tenor of
the edict, shall be paid by him who drew the water carelessly, to the sons or
nearest relations of the dead man : and so let the cause be finished without
guile and without faida, since the deed was done unwittingly. Let there
be no charge brought against the owner of the well, for if such a charge be
admitted, no one hereafter will allow others to draw water from his well; in
which case, since all cannot be the owners of a well, many poor persons will
die, and wayfarers also will suffer great hardship”.
Law 137. Death of a child from a horse's kick.—“It has also been
reported to us that a certain man lent his mare to another man to draw his
wagon, but the mare had an unbroken colt which followed its mother along the
road. While they were thus journeying, it chanced that some infants were
standing in a certain village, and the colt struck one of them with his hoof,
and killed it. Now when the parents brought the matter before us, and claimed
compensation for the infant's death, we decided, after deliberation with our
judges, that two-thirds of the child's guidrigild should be paid by the owner
of the colt, and the remaining third by the borrower of the mare. True it is
that, in a previous edict it was ordained that if a horse injures any one with
his hoof, the owner shall pay the damage. But inasmuch as the horse was out on
loan, and the borrower was a reasonable being, and might, if he had not been
negligent, have called out to the infants to take care of
themselves,—therefore, as we have said, for his negligence he shall pay the
third part of the child's price”.
With this sensible decision we take leave of Liutprand the legislator
and the judge, and turn to consider the events of the age in which he had to
play his part as a warrior and a statesman.
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