From Three Byzantine Saints: Contemporary
Biographies of St. Daniel the Stylite, St. Theodore of Sykeon and St. John the Almsgiver, trans.
Elizabeth Dawes, and introductions and notes by Norman H. Baynes, (London:
INTRODUCTION by Norman H. Baynes
THE Emperor Marcian died early in A.D. 457 and with
him the Theodosian dynasty (to which he belonged through his marriage with
Pulcheria) came to an end. His successor, Leo I, owed his throne to the
influence of the all-powerful master of the soldiery, the Alan Aspar and his
father Ardaburius. They doubtless thought that Leo would play the part of their
puppet, but the new Emperor was not prepared to accept that rôle and the Life of Daniel shows us how the plots of
Aspar to overthrow the Augustus of his making were defeated by Zeno the
Isaurian. Leo sought through the support of the hardy mountaineers of Isauria
to rid himself of the dominance of the German element in the imperial army.
From the Life we learn for the first time of the reason for the disgrace of
Aspar and are informed of the way in which Zeno became known to Leo. We can
understand why it was that the Emperor desired to engage condottieri from Gaul,
and it is not surprising that he was angered when Titus, their leader, chose to
abandon the life of a soldier.
The two outstanding disasters of Leo’s reign were the
fire in the capital (September 465) which devastated whole quarters of
Constantinople, and the failure of the naval expedition against the Vandals for
which both the West and the East of the Empire joined forces. Concerning that
defeat the Vita is discreetly silent, for Daniel's prophecy this time had but a
partial fulfilment; but from the Vita we learn that a report had reached
the Emperor that Gaiseric, the Vandal king, intended to attack Alexandria. For
that intention the Life is our sole authority, but at a time when the Vandal
fleet was laying waste the coastlands of Greece and massacring the population
of the island of Zacynthus an assault on
Egypt might naturally be feared. The costly preparations for the African
expedition emptied the East Roman treasury, and it is little wonder that the
Emperor’s subjects complained of the brutality and oppression of the imperial
In 468 Leo married his daughter Ariadne to Zeno and
the child of that marriage (born in 469), who was given the name of Leo, was
declared Augustus in the autumn of 473 and became sole emperor on the death of
Leo I in February 474. For the child-emperor Zeno acted as regent until with
the consent of Leo’s widow Verina he was himself created his son’s colleague.
But Leo II died a few months later and the Isaurian was left as ruler of the
Eastern provinces. As an Isaurian he was unpopular: Verina plotted against him
and hoped to make her paramour Patricius emperor. But when the revolution came
and Zeno had fled to Asia it was Basiliscus, the commander in the expedition
against the Vandals, and not Patricius, who was chosen in Zeno’s room.
Basiliscus favoured the Monophysites and of
the orthodox opposition in the capital, headed by Daniel the Stylite, we
possess in the Life a vivid account. After Zeno had returned to power Daniel
gave him advice which may be regarded as a veiled criticism of his rule, but of
Zeno as emperor Daniel's biographer has on the whole a high opinion: after his
restoration to his throne the most holy churches enjoyed great happiness,
the State was rendered glorious and the Roman Empire was strengthened. It is a
remarkable tribute to an Isaurian emperor.
Zeno’s successor was chosen by his daughter-in-law,
the Augusta Ariadne; her choice fell upon a Civil servant, Anastasius, who had
recently been proposed as bishop for the see of Antioch. Anastasius
(A.D. 491-518) finally banished the threat of Isaurian domination: they had
performed their task, the German element in the imperial army was no longer
dangerous, and thus the mountaineers could be sent back to their homes. Against
the invasions of the Bulgarians, Anastasius constructed to the west of
Constantinople a Long Wall, a line of fortifications stretching from the Propontis to the Black Sea at a distance of some forty
miles from the capital. It is apparently this fortification which the author of
the Life of Daniel has in mind in ch. 65. For
Anastasius Daniel’s biographer has an enthusiastic admiration; in ch.9 I he
gives an almost lyrical description of the Emperor's character, of his piety,
of the complete absence of that love of money which in a sovereign Is in very
truth for his subjects the root of all ills. Anastasius, both in peace and war,
provides for the world the fullest prosperity.
Such is the historical background of this Life of
Daniel, the Pillar Saint. It was Simeon the Stylite who in the fifth
century set the model for this strange form of penitential asceticism, and it
was his renown which led others to follow his example. Syrian asceticism was
represented rather by the solitary than by the monk who shared in the common
life of a monastery; when compared with the Palestinian rule of
St. Sabas it adopted extremer forms in its struggle to subdue the
passion of man's intractable flesh. One form which was widely practised was that of the ‘station’ (stasis): the
ascetic took his ‘stand’ and thence forth remained immobile. Some would stand
all the night in prayer, some stood continuously for years while others divided
the day between sitting and standing in one and the same spot.
Simeon was born c. A.D. 389 on the borders of Syria
and Cilicia; he became a shepherd-boy and was completely illiterate. It was the
hearing of the beatitudes as they were read in church which led him to
asceticism and caused him to join a monastery. Here the rigours of his mortification of the body roved
incompatible with the common life of the brotherhood, so, leaving the
monastery, he began his discipline as a solitary by shutting himself up in a
cell not far from Antioch. Three years later he retired to a neighbouring height, and there marked out for himself
a circular enclosure; to prevent himself from passing beyond this enclosure he
attached himself to a large stone by a chain. After some time he ceased to use
the chain, and for four years he stood within the enclosure without lying or
sitting down, snowed upon, rained upon, and scorched. His fame spread far and
wide; pilgrims came in large numbers; the sick sought healing; all wished to
touch him or to carry off some relic from the Saint. To escape the devotion of
the crowds he thought of the expedient of standing upon a column and the
original column was twice increased in height by the addition of a new drum. On
the column in its final form-forty cubits in height-he stood for thirty years
without shelter either from the frosts of winter or the scorching heat of
summer. At times the glare of the sun made him completely blind. The night and
the greater part of the day he spent in prayer, but twice a day he addressed
the folk who thronged about the column, giving them moral counsel, settling
their disputes, healing their diseases. Arabs, Persians and Armenians came on
pilgrimage to the Saint; Christians came from Italy and Spain, from Gaul and
from Britain. St. Geneviève of Paris wrote to him. In Rome little
images of Simeon, even during his lifetime, were to be found in work-shops to
secure the safety of the workers.
Many ascetics had their own peculiar forms of
devotion: Simeon would bow so deeply in his worship that his forehead all but
touched his feet. On one occasion an admirer set himself to count the number of
these bowings; he had counted up to twelve hundred and forty-four and then
desisted from sheer weariness: the Saint continued bowing. The crowds of his
admirers had no doubts of Simeon’s sanctity, but the ecclesiastical authorities
frowned upon this novel form of penitential piety. It is clear that the Saint’s
champions developed an apologia to meet such criticism: they pointed to the
strange conduct of the Jewish prophets. God, they urged, can use extraordinary
means to bring home to man His messages. The apologia was successful: when
Simeon died seven bishops accompanied in solemn procession the translation of
the Saint’s remains to Antioch
In this Byzantine world everything was fair where
sacred relics were concerned: to secure a relic guile and even open theft were
justified. The dead saint would even help those who sought to steal his body.
When it was thought that a certain holy man was near to death there was a free
fight amongst parties from rival villages. The victors in the affray carried
off the body to Antioch when the Saint, recovering, asked to be taken back to
the mountain from which he had been violently transported. Immediately it was
known that Simeon was dead Saracens rushed up on their camels in order to gain
possession of his body by force of arms, but the sacred relic was guarded by
the imperial troops under the command of the master of the soldiery. In Antioch
the body rested; it remained the city's pride and protection.
It is not easy for us to picture to ourselves the life
led by the stylite saints on the pillar-top. There was, of course, a
balustrade or iron trellis-work around the platform: we never hear of a saint
inadvertently falling from his pillar. The saint controlled all access to
himself since any visitor was of necessity compelled to wait until the order
was given for the ladder to be placed against the pillar. To reach Daniel's
first column the ladder according to one manuscript had fourteen rungs but when
a column might be sixteen or eighteen metres in
height the moving of the ladder can have been no light task. The Stylite’s column
consisted of three parts: the steps up to the platform at the base of the
column, the column itself and then the enclosure at the column’s top. The
column of the elder Simeon had three drums, in honour of
the Trinity, says the Syriac biographer. The elder Simeon, as we have seen, had
no shelter at all as he stood upon his column and St. Daniel desired to follow
his master's example until he was ultimately persuaded to permit the
construction of a covering. Exceptionally in Daniel's case twin columns were
erected, clamped together by iron bars and a piece of masonry of which it is
difficult to fix the position. Of the extent of the space occupied by the
pillar-saint on the top of the column we have no accurate knowledge; often it
is not easy to decide whether visitors stood on the topmost rungs of the ladder
or whether they mounted on to the platform.
The Stylite soon became a magnet and drew
disciples desiring to settle near the Saint; thus, as it was with St. Daniel, a
monastery was formed or, it might be, as with St. Alypius a nunnery
as well.
It is terrifying to contemplate the sufferings endured through whole decades by these athletes in the school of salvation: amongst those of strict observance it was not permitted to sit or to lie down: they had taken their stand and might not desert it. They sought to overcome the need for sleep and, if sleep they must, they did so, still standing, leaning against the balustrade. To increase the strain upon the rebel body St. Simeon the younger forced himself for a whole year to squat upon his heels. Only in the interest of threatened Orthodoxy might they abandon, as did Daniel, their 'stance' and descend from their column. When they had established themselves in lonely places they might be forgotten and might all but perish of hunger and thirst. We may sympathize with Delehaye's comment:Nous comprenons ;difficilement que ces hommes pieux aient pu agir de la sorte sans tenter la Providence. Leur simplicité est leur grande excuse.' And, despite everything, they were so
astonishingly long lived. Newman's judgment is familiar: “if these men so
tormented their bodies as Theodoret describes, which it is difficult to doubt,
and if, nevertheless, instead of killing themselves thereby, they lived to the
great age which he also testifies, this fact was in itself of a miraculous
And I had hoped that ere this period closed
Thou wouldst have caught me up into thy rest,
not these weather-beaten limbs
The meed of saints, the
white robe and the palm.
take the meaning, Lord: I do not breathe,
Not whisper, any murmur of complaint.
Pain heap'd ten-hundred-fold
to this, were still
Less burthen, by ten-hundred-fold, to bear
Than were those lead-like tons of sin, that crush'd
My spirit flat before thee.
To make up what was lacking in the sufferings of
Christ was no light task.
It will suffice to add a brief note on the chronology
of Daniel's life as established by Père Delehaye:
the Saint was born in A.D. 409; until he was twelve years old he lived with his
parents; the next twenty-five years were spent in a monastery; then during five
years he visited the most famous ascetes of
his time; at the age of forty-two he arrived in Constantinople; after nine
years spent in what had been a pagan temple he mounted his pillar on which he
passed thirty-three years and three months. He died at the age of eighty-four
years and three months in A.D. 493.
BEFORE all things it is right that we should give
glory to Jesus Christ our God, Who for us was made man and for our salvation
endured all things according to the Dispensation; for His sake, too, prophets
were killed, and just men crucified themselves because of this faith in Him and
by His grace, after having kept patience under their sufferings unswervingly
unto the end, they received a crown of glory. These men our Master and Saviour Christ gave us as an example that we might
know that it is possible for a man by the patient endurance of his sufferings
to please God and be called His faithful servant.
For this reason I thought good to take in hand a
recital of the labours of St. Daniel, yet I
do so with fear; for this man's way of life was great and brilliant and marvellous, whereas I am but a witless and humble person. I
fear lest I should hear those words applied to me which our Saviour spoke through the prophet David: “But unto the
sinner God saith, Why dost thou declare my statutes and takest my covenant in thy mouth?” (Ps 1..16)
Yet I do not venture to dismiss in silence those
narratives about the Saint which I received from my fathers for fear
lest the Lord should justly torture me in His great and terrible day for not
having given into the bank the talent through His will entrusted to me for the
edification and profit of the many. Being thus fortified by your prayers I will
put down truthfully everything I heard from the men who were the Saint's
disciples before me and I will also relate truly all the things I saw with my
own eyes. For it is certain that the Lord 'will surely destroy them that speak
lies'.(Ps 5.6) I therefore beseech you lovers of learning to cast aside all
thoughts of this present life and grant me your favourable hearing.
This father among saints was the son of a father named
Elias and a mother Martha; he came from a small village called Meratha (which is, being interpreted, ‘the Cave’) in
the territory of Samosata in Mesopotamia. As his mother was barren and was
reproached for this by her husband and kinsfolk, she went out one day secretly
at midnight unbeknown to her husband and stretching forth her hands to heaven,
prayed saying, 'Oh Lord Jesus Christ, Who art long-suffering towards the sins
of men, Thou Who didst in the beginning create woman to increase the race of
men, do Thou Thyself take my reproach from me and grant me fruit of my womb
that I may dedicate him to Thee, the Lord of All'. After weeping bitterly and
afflicting her soul with many lamentations, she came in to her husband and
whilst sleeping beside him saw in a vision of the night two great circular
lights coming down from heaven and resting near her. Next morning she related
the vision to her husband and kinsfolk and each one interpreted differently the
things she had told them. But she sighed and said to herself, 'My God to Whom I
prayed will do what is best for my unhappy soul'. And not many days later she
conceived the holy man of whom we spoke.
So he was born; and when in course of time he had
reached the age of five years his parents took him with offerings of fruit to a
monastery near the village and the abbot asked them, 'By what name is the child
called?' And when the parents mentioned some other name, the old man said, 'He
shall not be called that, but whatever the Lord shall reveal to us, that shall
his name be'. And the archimandrite said to the child in the Syrian dialect,
'Go, child, and fetch me a book from the table'. For it is a custom in
monasteries that many different books should be laid in front of the sanctuary,
and whichever book a brother wants he takes and reads. So the child went and
fetched the book of the prophet Daniel, and from this he got that name.
But when the parents besought the abbot to receive him
into the monastery and let him stay with the brothers he could not be
persuaded, because the child was still so very young; so they took him home
again and he abode with his parents
Now when he was twelve years old he heard his mother
say 'My child, I have dedicated you to God'. Thereupon one day without saying
anything to anybody he went out of the village for a distance of about ten
miles where there was a monastery containing fifty brethren. And entering the
monastery he fell at the abbot's feet and begged to be received by him. But the
abbot said to him, 'Child, you are still very young in years and are not able
to endure so hard a discipline; you know nothing of the monks' life; go home,
stay with your parents and after some time when you are able
both to fast and to sing and to endure discipline, then come back to
us'. But the child answered, 'Father, I should prefer to die in these hardships
than to quit the shelter of your flock!' And when, in spite of all he could do,
the archimandrite was unable to persuade the child, he said to the brethren,
'In truth, my children, let us receive this boy for he seems to me to be very
much in earnest' And they all yielded to the abbot's counsel, and thus Daniel
remained in the brotherhood.
And shortly afterwards his parents, who had sought him
found him in this monastery and rejoiced with great joy, and then besought the
abbot to give him the tonsure. And he, having noticed his advancement in
godliness and good disposition, sent for him and said, 'Child, do you wish me
to give you the tonsure?' Daniel immediately threw himself at his feet and
said, 'I beseech your Holiness, father, do it today!' But the abbot again
said, 'You are unable to endure the discipline' To this the boy replied, 'I
know well that I am young and weak, but I trust in God and your holy prayers,
because the Lord Who accepts our purpose gives us strength, for He is a God of
purposes'. Then after blessing him and praying fervently over him, the
archimandrite with the wisdom that had been given him by God instructed him in
the things necessary for salvation. And afterwards according to custom he bade
all the brethren gather together, and while they sang a hymn he bestowed upon
him the holy robe of the monk. And dismissing the parents with blessings he
bade them not to visit their son frequently.
While Daniel made progress in asceticism and in
the splendour of his way of life he could
not bear the scrutiny and the praise of the abbot and, still less, that of the
whole brotherhood; so he planned to go to the Holy City, Jerusalem, and at the
same time to visit the holy and thrice-blessed Simeon, the man on the pillar,
in whose footsteps he felt constrained to follow.
Therefore he began to pray the abbot of the monastery
to set him free to attain his desire, but he could not persuade him.
Soon after this, since our Master God in truth so
willed it and the need of the church demanded it, the Archbishop of that time
commanded all the archimandrites of the East to assemble in the capital city of
Antioch. And so it happened that this abbot together with some others went,
too, and amongst them he allowed the holy man also to travel with him as his
As God granted that the matter for which they had
suffered many vexations should be brought to a satisfactory settlement, they
departed to their own monasteries; and on their way they lodged in a village
called Telanissae where there was a very large
monastery and monks pursuing a very noble and virtuous way of life; here, too,
the afore-mentioned holy Simeon had received his training. And when the monks
there began talking about the achievements of the holy Simeon, the monks from
Mesopotamia withstood them, contending that it was but a vainglorious
proceeding. 'For', said they, 'it is true that a man even if he were living in
your midst might practise a mode of life
hitherto unknown and please God, yet never has such a thing happened anywhere
that a man should go up and live on a pillar'.
So the monks of that monastery persuaded them to go
and see what hardships Simeon was enduring for the sake of the Lord.* And they
were persuaded and went and the holy Daniel with them. When they arrived at the
place and saw the wildness of the spot and the height of the pillar and the
fiery heat of the scorching sun and the Saint's endurance and his welcome to
strangers and further, too, the love he showed towards them, they
were amazed.
For Simeon gave direction that the ladder be placed in
position and invited the old men to come up and kiss him. But they were afraid
and declined the ascent of the ladder- one said he was too feeble from old age,
another pleaded weakness after an illness, and another gout in his feet. For
they said to each other, 'How can we kiss with our mouth the man that we have
just been slandering with our lips? Woe unto us for having mocked at such
hardships as these and such endurance'. Whilst they were conversing in this
manner, Daniel entreated the archimandrite and the other abbots and Saint
Simeon as well, begging to be allowed to go up to him. On receiving permission
he went up and the blessed man gave him his benediction and said to him, 'What
is your name?' and he answered, 'Daniel'. Then the holy Simeon said to him,
'Play the man, Daniel, be strong and endure; for you have many hardships to
endure for God. But I trust that the God Whom I serve will Himself strengthen
you and be your fellow-traveller'. And placing his
hand upon Daniel's head he prayed and blessed him and bade him go down the
ladder. Then after the holy and blessed Simeon had prayed for the
archimandrites he dismissed them all in peace.
After they had all by the will of God been restored to
their own monasteries and some little time had passed, the holy man, Daniel,
was deemed worthy to be raised to the post of abbot.
Thereupon he said to himself, 'At last you are free,
Daniel,* start boldly and accomplish your purpose'. When he had made trial of
him who held the second place and found that he was able to undertake the
duties of an archimandrite, he left everything and quitted the monastery; and
when he had reached the enclosure of the holy Simeon he stayed there two weeks.
The blessed Simeon rejoiced exceedingly when he saw
him and tried to persuade him to remain still longer, for he found great joy in
his company. But Daniel would not consent thereto but pressed towards his goal,
saying, 'Father, I am ever with you in spirit'. So Simeon blessed him and
dismissed him with the words, 'The Lord of glory will accompany you'. Then
Daniel went forth wishing to travel to the holy places and to worship in the
church of the Holy Resurrection and afterwards to retire to the inner desert.
He heard, however, that the road to Palestine was
dangerous, so he inquired the cause of this and was told that the Samaritans
had revolted against the Christians. But he said to himself, 'Start, Daniel, do
not swerve from your purpose, and if perchance you may even have to die for
your faith with the Christians, a great thing is in store for you'. Whilst he
was thus deliberating with himself and walking along one fine noon-day, a monk
overtook him, a very hairy man; he appeared to be a venerable man resembling
Saint Simeon.
After greeting him he said in the Syrian dialect,
'Whither are you going, beloved?' And our Master, Daniel answered, 'I am going
to the holy places, if it is the will of God'. And the old man replying said,
'You say rightly, "If it be the will of God", for have you not heard
of the unrest in Palestine?' Daniel, the servant of God, answered, 'Yes, I have
heard, but the Lord is my helper and I hope to pass through unhurt, and even if
we must endure suffering, yet if we live we are the Lord's, and if we die we
pass into His hands'. The old man said to him, 'Do you not know that it is
written, "Do not let your foot be moved, for He that keepeth thee will not slumber''?'(Ps. 121.3) To this
holy Daniel replied, 'I told your reverence before that even death for the sake
of God is good'. Then the old man waxed angry and turned away saying, 'I cannot
put up with your arguing, for such is not our custom'. So Daniel, the servant
of God, said to him, 'What do you bid me do? to return?' The old man replied,
'I do not advise you to return for "he that putteth his
hand to the plough and turneth back is not
fit for the kingdom of Heaven".(Luke 9.62) But if you will listen to me,
there is one thing I advise.'
Our Master, Daniel answered, 'Indeed, sir, if you
advise anything that is possible and that I can do, that I certainly will do,
for I see that you are both a father and a teacher'. And the old man said,
'Verily, verily, verily, behold three times I adjure you by the Lord, do not go
to those places, but go to Byzantium and you will see a second Jerusalem,
namely Constantinople; there you can enjoy the martyrs' shrines and the great
houses of prayer, and if you wish to be an anchorite in some desert spot, either
in Thrace or in Pontus, the Lord will not desert you'.
Whilst they were speaking of these matters, they
reached a monastery, and evening had already fallen. Then holy Daniel said to
the elder, 'Do you bid us lodge here?' and the old man said, 'Go in first and I
will follow'. Our Master, Daniel imagining that a bodily need constrained him,
went in first and waited, but never saw him again; and all this happened,
beloved, because divine power so willed it. For had not Palestine been in a
troublous state at that time, the West would never have encountered this wonderful
Of these things which I have here written down,
beloved, I heard some, as I told you before, from those who were the Saint's
disciples before me ;* others from trustworthy men who followed the footsteps
of the Saint from the beginning; and yet others I heard myself when our good
shepherd related them with his own mouth-not indeed in order that we should
commit them to writing, for he did not wish to receive glory from men but
looked to his reward from God-but when he confirmed and comforted us and continually counselled us
to abide patiently under our sufferings. And that you, beloved, may know that
what I say is true, there are still living some of the devout men who
frequently visited the enclosure of the Saint who bear in memory that which I will
now relate, how that a certain disciple of the Saint's thinking he would
achieve a work of piety and edification, sent for a painter and [Another
reading says: 'And had the events which occurred in the reign of Basiliscus
painted"] had the portrait of the Saint painted above the porch at
the entry to the chapel in the quarter of the city named after Basiliscus, and
he himself also wished to write the life of the Saint. But when our most
saintly father heard of it he was exceedingly angry and ordered the painting to
be wiped off, and the papers to be thrown into the fire, so determined was the
servant of God not to receive glory from men. Let us now return to our subject.
When Daniel had entered the monastery and had saluted
the abbot and the brethren there, they asked him to partake of food. But he
replied that he had an old man with him and must wait for him. So they all
waited patiently for several hours and as he did not appear they decided he
must be lodging in another monastery, so after giving thanks they took their
supper. And after supper when the monks were sleeping, the old man came in a
vision, they say, and spoke thus to the holy man, “Again I say unto you, do that
which I counselled you to do”. Therefore, on awakening Daniel debated
within himself what was this aged counsellor: man or angel?
Then saying nothing to anybody about this, but bidding
them all farewell after the psalm-singing in the night and having received
their 'God speed you!' he left the monastery and started on the road to
Byzantium. When he reached a place called Anaplus,
where there was an oratory dedicated to the archangel Michael he spent seven
days there in this oratory.
Once he heard some men conversing in the Syrian
dialect and saying that there was a church in that place inhabited by demons
who often sank ships and had injured, and still were injuring, many of the
passers-by, and that it was impossible for anyone to walk along that road in
the evening or even at noonday.
As everybody was continually complaining about the
destructive power which had occupied the place, the divine spirit came upon
Daniel and he called to mind that great man, Antony, the model of asceticism
[and Paul, his disciple] ;* he remembered their struggles against demons and
the many temptations they suffered from them and how they had overcome them by
the strength of Christ and were deemed worthy of great crowns. Then he asked a
man who understood the Syrian dialect about this church and begged him to show
him the spot.
On reaching the porch of the church, just as a brave
soldier strips himself for battle before venturing against a host of
barbarians, so he, too, entered the church reciting the words spoken by the
prophet, David, in the Psalms: “The Lord is my light and my saviour, whom shall I fear? the Lord is the defender of my
life, of whom shall I be afraid?” (ps. 27:1) and the rest. And holding the
invincible weapon of the Cross, he went round into each corner of the church
making genuflections and prayers .
When night fell, stones, they say, were thrown at him
and there was the sound of a multitude knocking and making an uproar; but he
persevered in prayer. In this way he spent the first night and the second; but
on the third night sleep overpowered him, as it might overtake any man bearing
the weakness of the flesh. And straightway many phantoms appeared as of giant
shapes some of whom said, 'Who induced you to take possession of this place,
poor wretch? do you wish to perish miserably? Come, let us drag him out and
throw him into the water!' Again, others carrying, as it seemed, large stones
stood at his head, apparently intending to crush it to pieces. On waking, the
athlete of Christ again went round the corners of the church praying and
singing and saying to the spirits, 'Depart from hence ! if you do not, then by
the strength of the Cross you shall be devoured by flames and thus be forced to
flee'. But they made a still greater uproar and howled the louder. But he
despised them and taking not the slightest notice of their uproar, he bolted
the door of the church and left a small window* through which he would converse
with the people that came up to see him.
In the meantime his fame had spread abroad in those
regions, and you could see men and women with their children streaming up to
see the holy man and marvelling that the
place formerly so wild and impassable lay in such perfect calm, and that where
demons danced lately, there by the patience of the just man Christ was now
glorified day and night.
Now the priests of the Church of the Archangel Michael
lived nearby and they were simple folk. So when the envious demon who hates the
good saw such victories gained through the power of Christ, he was mad with
rage and suggested to the minds of the priests an argument that ran like this: “It
is no good thing that you are doing in letting the man dwell there; for just
look how all the world goes to him and you in consequence remain with nothing
to do. You had better go to the city and say to your bishop. Some man, come
from we know not where, has shut himself in near us and he is attracting people
to him, although he is a heretic. But he is a Syrian by birth and so we are
unable to hold converse with him.” Having reasoned thus among themselves the
priests went in and reported the matter to the man who was then the bishop,
namely the blessed Anatolius, the Patriarch of Constantinople. But the
Archbishop said to them, “If you do not understand his language, how do you
know that he is a heretic? Leave him alone, for if he has been sent by God he
will be established; but, if it is otherwise, he will go away of his own accord
before you chase him out. Do not bring a scandal upon us and yourselves”. With
these words he dismissed them. And they went home and kept quiet for a time.
But when the demons saw that they were accomplishing
nothing, they again rose in rebellion against the servant of God and brought
phantoms before him, carrying, it is said, naked swords, and crying, 'Whence
have you come, man? give place to us for we have been living here for a long
time. Do you wish your limbs to be cut in pieces?' And then, it is said, they
came towards him with their swords and spoke again saying to one another, !Do
not let us slay him, but let us drag him along and cast him into the water
where we sank the ship!”. And they made as though they would drag him away. But
the servant of God arose, and after uttering a prayer he said to them, “Jesus
Christ my Saviour, in Whom I have trusted and do
trust, He will Himself drown you all in the deepest abyss” A great howling
arose and they flew round his face like a swarm of bats and with a whir of
wings went out of the window, and so he drove them all forth by the power of
God through prayer.
The Devil, seeing that once more his ministers had
been routed, again stirred up the priests to go to the Archbishop; and they
said to him: “Master, you have authority over us; we cannot bear that man, bid
him come away from that church, for he is an impostor.” Then the blessed
Anatolius sent the officer of the most Holy Church with the deacons and in the
night they burst open with crowbars the door which the Saint had closed and
brought him to the City. When the Saint was brought before the holy and blessed
Anatolius in his palace, the Archbishop asked him “Who are you? and whence have
you come to these parts and what is your belief?, tell us.” And the servant of
God declared his blameless faith by means of an interpreter and the blessed
Anatolius stood up and embraced him and besought him to remain in the palace,
but the men who had brought him he dismissed, saying, “Go, hold your peace, for
I find great edification in this man”. So they left him there in the bishop's
palace and went their ways.
In the meantime the Bishop fell into a very severe
illness, so he sent for the holy man and begged him to offer prayers on his
behalf that he might be freed from the illness. And, since it so pleased the
Divine Power, after the Saint had made his prayer, the Bishop was cured of his
illness by God's good pleasure. Thus the words of the psalm were fulfilled
towards the Saint: 'He will perform the desire of them that fear Him, He also
will hear their cry and will save them.' (Ps. 114:19) After the Bishop's recovery
the servant of God asked to be allowed to depart; but the Archbishop would not
agree thereto and said 'I wish you to live with me'. Then he again begged to be
allowed to go, and asked him to grant pardon to the men who had slandered him
to the Bishop, for the latter was threatening to excommunicate them. And the
Bishop said, 'I must ask pardon of you, servant of God, for your arrest, but
God has made your presence here a great blessing to me, for if your holiness
had not settled there, I should certainly have departed this life'. He also
implored him to let him build a cell for him saying, 'Since I am unable to
persuade you to live here with me, if you will let me I will build you a small
monastery, for our most Holy Church has many a suitable spot in the suburbs of
the city. Go out and look at them and whatever pleases you, I will give you'.
But the holy man replied, 'If you really wish to do me a service, I beseech
your Holiness to send me to the place to which God led me'. Finally the Bishop
bade him be taken back with great respect and settled in the aforementioned
church. Then the people could be seen flocking to the holy man again with joy
and delight and many were granted healing so that all marvelled at
the merciful grace of our Master Christ which He poured out upon His servant.
And even those who had formerly wished to persecute him did not cease serving
him and in all ways caring for the holy man. And he did as he had done
formerly-he bolted the door and left only a small window open through which he
spoke, instructing and blessing the people, as I said before.
After a space of nine years had elapsed, the servant
of God fell into an ecstasy, as it were, and saw a huge pillar of cloud
standing opposite him and the holy and blessed Simeon standing above the head
of the column and two men of goodly appearance, clad in white, standing near
him in the heights. And he heard the voice of the holy and blessed Simeon
saying to him, 'Come here to me, Daniel'. And he said, 'Father, father, and how
can I get up to that height?' Then the Saint said to the young men standing near
him, 'Go down and bring him up to me'. So the men came down and brought Daniel
up to him and he stood there. Then Simeon took him in his arms and kissed him
with a holy kiss, and then others called him away, and escorted by them he was
borne up to heaven leaving Daniel on the column with the two men. When holy
Daniel saw him being carried up to heaven he hard the voice of Saint
Simeon, 'Stand firm and play the man'. But he was confused by fear and by that
fearful voice, for it was like thunder in his ears. When he came to himself
again he declared the vision to those around him. Then they, too, said to the
holy man, 'You must mount on to a pillar and take up Saint Simeon's mode of
life and be supported by the angels'. The blessed one said, 'Let the will of
God, our Master, be done upon His servant'. And taking the holy Gospel into his
hands and opening it with prayer he found the place in which was written, (Luke
1:76) 'And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest,
for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways'.
And he gave thanks and closed the book.
Not many days later a monk came from the East by name
Sergius, a disciple of Saint Simeon, annou1lcing the good end of the Saint's
life and carrying in his hands Saint Simeon's leather tunic* in order to give
it to the blessed Emperor Leo by way of benediction. But as the Emperor was
busy with public affairs, the aforesaid Sergius could not get a hearing, or
rather it was God who so arranged it in order that the new Elisha might receive
the mantle of Elijah. When Sergius grew weary of waiting in the City because he
could not obtain a hearing, he decided to go as far as the monastery of
the Akoimetoi (The Sleepless ones): now it
was not possible for anyone to reach that monastery except by passing the
church and the channel by it, as there was generally a north wind blowing. When
he had entered into the boat with many others, men and women, they set sail. On
reaching the spot where the demons used formerly to hurl stones at the
passengers and continually sank their boats, those in the boat gave thanks to
God and made mention of the holy man.
Sergius inquired who he was, for said he, 'I should
like to be blessed by him'. They answered 'Whilst the sailors tow the boat
past, we can all land and go up to him.' And this they did. And Sergius came
and embraced the Saint. And whilst they were talking and Daniel, the servant of
God, was hearing about the end of the holy Simeon he related his vision to
Sergius, who on hearing it said, 'It is to thee rather than to the Emperor that
God has sent me; for here am I, the disciple of thy father; here, too, is his
benediction'. And taking out the tunic he handed it in through the window. The
Saint took it and kissing it with tears said, 'Blessed be Thou, O God, Who dost all things after Thy will and hast deemed my
humbleness worthy of the benediction which Thy servant has brought'. Then some
men from the ship upbraided Sergius for delaying and preventing them from
sailing; to them Sergius answered, 'Go on your ways and fare well; God has led
me from one father to another'.
From that day he remained near the blessed Daniel, and
Sergius saw the following vision. Three young men, it seemed, came to him and
said, 'Arise, say unto father Daniel "The appointed time of thy discipline
in this church is now fulfilled, from henceforth leave the church, come hither
and begin thy contest".' When he awoke he related what he had seen. The
blessed Daniel said to him, 'Brother, the Lord has revealed quite clearly to us
what should be done, for this dream which your Piety saw fits in with the
vision which I saw; be ready therefore to endure hardships for the Lord and
come up on the hill and we will search out the more desolate and higher lying
spots in these parts and judge where we ought to set up a column. For it was
not without a purpose that God guided you to bring to my unworthiness the
father's garment'. Whilst the blessed Daniel was saying this to Sergius, lo! a
certain imperial guardsman,* by name Mark, who had been a friend of the holy
man from the beginning joined them; and now, knowing his intention from the
conversation he had overheard, besought Daniel to allow him to provide the
column. The blessed Daniel said to him, 'Behold God has sent you according to
your faith, my son Mark, so that you may be the pioneer in this good work; pray
therefore that the good Lord may also grant us endurance.'
After the guardsman had embraced the holy man and
sailed away, Sergius went up to view the spot where the column was to be set;
and a short distance away he saw a white dove fluttering and then settling
again. Thinking it was caught in a snare he ran towards it, and then it flew up
and away out of his sight. Seeing that the place was solitary and considering
the incident of the dove that it had not been shown to him casually or by
chance, he gave thanks to the Lord and returned to the holy man in the church
bringing him the glad tidings that the Lord had prepared for them a suitable
place. Then he, too, gave thanks to the Lord Who brings all things to pass
according to His will.
And indeed after two days men came back from the city
carrying the pillar; there were with them two workmen sent by the guardsman to
fix the column in whatever place it was desired. So Sergius went up with them
by night and they fixed the pillar and came back reporting that the pillar was
erected. Daniel gave them his blessing and sent his blessing to the guardsman,
and then dismissed them. And the blessed Daniel said to Sergius, 'We do not
know the measure of the circumference of the pillar'. But Sergius was unwilling
to go up again and take the measurement of the column. However, the blessed man
had another disciple dwelling near him by name Daniel, him he bade go up and
take the measurement of the column. So he went up and as he was measuring the
column, he was seen by the men who were guarding the vineyards in the neighbouring field which belonged to Gelanius, who at that time was steward of the sacred table
to the most pious Emperor Leo. They ran up and held him and asked, 'Whence are
you and by whose authority are you taking the measurements of the column?' He
answered them, 'I am not a stranger, I belong to the father Daniel who lives in
the church and I have come upon his business. And when I saw the column I was
delighted'. And when they heard his answer they let him go. And the brother
went back to the City to a place called 'The Three Crosses', and ordered a
balustrade, and took it with him. Afterwards he related to Daniel everything
that had happened to him and the answer he had given to the men. The blessed
man replied, 'The will of the Lord be done !'
And it came to pass after three days when night had
fallen they opened the church in which Daniel was shut up, and taking the
brother he went up to the spot-for Sergius had departed to another place
Thrace-wards-and they found a long plank lying there which the inhabitants of
the suburb had prepared for knocking down the column. This they bound with a
rope and stood it up against the column, and then went up and put the
balustrade on the column, for that column was not really high, only about the
height of two men. When they had fitted the balustrade and bound it firmly with
a rope they knelt and prayed to God. And the blessed Daniel went up and stood
on the column inside the balustrade and said, 'Oh Lord Jesus Christ, in Thy
holy name, I am entering upon this contest; do Thou approve my purpose and help
me to accomplish my course'. And he said to the brother, 'Take away the plank
and the rest of the rope and get away quickly so that if anybody comes he may
not find you'. And the brother did as he was told.
The next morning the husbandmen came and when they saw
Daniel they were amazed; for the sight was a strange one, and they came near
him, and when they looked on him they recognized him as the man who had
formerly been in the church. After having received the Saint’s blessing they
left him and went to the City and reported to Gelanius,
the owner of the property. On hearing their news he was very angry with them
for not having guarded that part of his land; and he was also annoyed with the
blessed Daniel for having done this without his consent. And he went and
reported the matter to the blessed Emperor Leo and the
Archbishop Gennadius, for the blessed Anatolius had already gone to his
rest.* The Emperor for his part said nothing. But the Archbishop said to him,
'As master of the property, fetch him down; for where he was he had no right to
be, but he was not there on my authority'.
Then Gelanius took
several men with him and went up to the servant of God, and, although it was a
calm day and the air was still, yet it came to pass that suddenly the clouds
gathered and a storm arose accompanied with hail so that all the fruit of the
vineyards was destroyed and the leaves were stripped from the vines, for it was
the time of the vintage. And it was only with difficulty that the men who were
with Gelanius got away and they muttered
amongst themselves, for they were astonished at the strangeness of the sight.
Gelanius then approached the blessed man and said, 'Who gave you permission
to take up your stand on land belonging to me? Was it not better for you in the
church?-but since you have shown contempt of me, the owner of the property, and
have taken no account of the Emperor and the Archbishop, let me tell you that I
have been empowered by them to fetch you down.
But when he persisted and repeated his demands it
seemed an unjust and illegal proceeding to his companions and they opposed its
being done, 'Because', said they, 'the Emperor himself is a pious man and this
man is orthodox and this spot lies at a distance from your field'. When Gelanius perceived that there would be a disturbance
he said to the Saint in the Syrian language-for by birth he was a Syro-Persian* from Mesopotamia-'Please pretend to come down
for the sake of those who ordered you to descend, and then I will not allow you
really to touch the ground.' So then a ladder was brought and Daniel came down
about six rungs from the column. There were still several rungs before he
actually reached the ground, when Gelanius ran
forward and prevented his coming down the last rungs,* saying, 'Return to your
dwelling and your place and pray for me'. For as Daniel was coming down he had
noticed that sores and swellings had begun to appear on his feet, and he was
distressed. And the blessed man went up the rungs of the ladder down which he
had come, and stood inside the balustrade on the column; and after offering
prayer. all received his blessing and went down from the hill in peace.
So Gelanius, when he had reached the capital,
reported everything to the Emperor telling him of the patience and endurance of
the man so that he won the Emperor s pity for him.
Not many days later Gelanius went
up to the Saint asking him to allow him to change the column and have a very
large one placed for him. And lo! while they were conversing a certain Sergius
arrived from the parts about Thrace, a lawyer by profession, bringing with him
a very young boy, his only son, by name John, who was grievously tormented by a
demon. This man came and threw himself to the ground in front of the column,
weeping and lamenting and crying out, saying, 'Have pity upon my son, oh
servant of God; it is now thirty days since the unclean spirit first called
upon the name of your Holiness; and after inquiring for you through eight long
days, we have come to claim your blessing'. When Gelanius heard
this and saw the old man afflicting himself thus out of pity [or, by
altering the punctuation, '…afflicting himself, he, too, was moved with
sympathy for him] he, too, was affected and burst into tears. And the holy
Daniel said to the old man, 'He that asketh in
faith receives all from God; if therefore you believe that through me a sinner,
God will heal your son, according to your faith it shall be given unto you'.
And he bade the young man approach; and he drew near and stood before the
column. And the Saint bade them give him a drink of the oil of the saints. And
it came to pass when they gave him to drink that the demon threw him to the
ground and there he rolled in their midst. Then the evil spirit rose up and
shouted swearing that he would go out on that very day a week hence.
Gelanius was amazed when he saw this and besought the holy man to agree to
a new column being brought; and when the Saint yielded to his entreaties Gelanius went home after receiving a blessing. And on
the following day he sent stones for the steps, and the base together with the
column itself and the workmen and all the things necessary for fixing it, and
for a week they were at work preparing the foundation and erecting the column.
While this work was in progress Sergius returned from Thrace and the blessed
Daniel said to him, 'Oh faint-hearted, why did you desert me?' Sergius fell
down and received forgiveness and remained with him again. And the other
brother, seeing that the Lord made all things prosper for the Saint, fashioned
for himself a booth of branches and dwelt there near the Saint opposite the
column. And by the grace of God the number of disciples increased and Sergius
was made their superior as he was qualified by his age and had been the
disciple of Saint Simeon.
In the meantime there came to the Saint one Cyrus,*
an exconsul and ex-pretorian prefect.
He was a very trustworthy and wise man who had passed through all the grades
of oice owing to his extreme sagacity. But
late in life he suffered from a plot hatched by Chrysaphius, the Spatharius, and was sent as bishop to a small town, namely
to Cotyaeum in Phrygia, and realizing the
treachery of Chrysaphius he yielded so as not to bring his life to a
miserable end. After the death of the Emperor Theodosius he divested himself of
his priestly dignity and resumed his secular rank and so continued to the end
of his life, for he lived till the reign of Leo of most pious memory. He used
to distribute all his belongings to the poor. This man Cyrus, had a daughter
called Alexandria who was afflicted by an evil spirit, and he had brought her
to the holy man Daniel when the latter was still at the foot of the hill in the
church, and thanks to the intercessions of the archangels and the tears and
prayers of the holy man the Lord freed her from the demon within seven days.
Consequently from that time forth the two men had a passionate affection for
each other.
So when Cyrus came and found that the column had been
erected, he inquired who had placed it and hearing that it was Gelanius, the steward at the imperial court,* to whom the
lands also belonged, at first he was indignant that Daniel should have allowed
this to be done by one who had shown him such insolence. 'Should not I far
rather have been allowed to do this, if anything else was wanted?' Then the
Saint began to beg and beseech him saying, 'All people everywhere proclaim your
good will towards me; I accepted this column from Gelanius in
order that I might not offend him. The God Whom I serve will recompense you
with good things according to your faith'. And after giving him his
blessing he dismissed him.
And it came to pass that on the following day,
Saturday, Gelanius came with a large
company to remove the Saint to the larger column; and as they were about to
transfer the servant of God from pillar to pillar, the demon in Sergius' son became
agitated, for he was being forced to go out of him, and he cried with a loud
voice saying, 'Oh, the violence of this false magician! When he was still in
the church he drove me out of Cyrus' daughter; so I went away to Thrace and
found a dwelling in this young man; and behold, he has brought me here from
Thrace and now he persecutes me. What have you to do with me, Daniel?-oh
violence! I must come out from this one, too !' and after reviling the Saint
furiously and afflicting the young man he came out of him by the power of the
Lord. As the demon came out, he created such a stench that all the crowds
present could not endure the stench and had to cover their noses; and the young
man lay on the ground with his mouth open so that all said he was dead and his
father beat his breast as if over a corpse. Then the holy Daniel said to
Sergius, 'Make him sit up and give him to drink of the oil of the saints'. And
as the boy drank, vomiting came upon him and he brought up black clotted blood.
Then the servant of God cried from above with a loud voice saying, 'John, what
ails you? stand up!' And immediately, as if awakened from sleep, the boy said,
'What is your will, master?' and He ran forward and embraced the column, giving
thanks to God and the Saint. And fear seized upon them all and for a long space
of time they stretched out their hands to heaven and with tears kept shouting
the 'Kyrie, eleison' (Lord, have mercy!).
Then with great ceremony and with an escort to guard
him Daniel moved on to the taller column. And Gelanius,
having seen the wonderful works of God, went down from the hill and related
everything in detail to the Emperor and to all the great folk of the Court. The
young man who had been cured fell at his father's feet and implored him to
entreat the servant of God to grant him the holy robe of a monk and, as the old
man could not be persuaded because he wished to keep his son near him, the son
protested saying, 'If you will not do this, then I shall go away secretly to
some other place where you will not even be able to see me'. In this way he
persuaded his father who then petitioned the holy man who received his son and
bade him live with the brethren. After a year had been fulfilled and the young
man by the grace of God was making progress towards the good way of life the
holy man sent for his father and gave the son the holy robe. Then the father
was content and returned to his home rejoicing and glorifying God. After three
years the young man passed away and went to the Lord after having lived a good
And when these things had thus been auspiciously
accomplished Eudoxia* of pious memory came from Africa and heard all about this
holy man from her own son-in-law Olybrius of glorious memory; she rejoiced
greatly and visited the Saint's enclosure.
And after prayers had been offered and she had been
blessed by him she said, 'Everything I heard from my son Olybrius I have found
more abundantly in your angelic presence* and the prophecies which you
announced to him about my coming here when you were still in the church are
also known to me. On that account am I come both to enjoy seeing you face to
face and to receive a perfect blessing. Now I have many convenient lands here,
therefore, if it is to your liking, I beg you to move on to land that belongs to
me, for by so doing you would cause me great content of spirit'. But the Saint
replied to her, 'May the God, Who has shown us sinners the face of your Piety
in the flesh, grant you together with an earthly kingdom a heavenly and eternal
one according to your faith. But as regards my removal you will remember that
our Lord told us (1. Cor 7:24) not to move from place to place, but
where each man is called-provided only that the place be pleasing to God-there,
too, let him practise to remain until he
leave this tabernacle; therefore as the Lord has once planted me here, it is
not permissible for me to move from here. For as your Piety sees, this place is
barren and I must not seek a pleasant resting-place'. When Eudoxia, the most
faithful Empress, heard these words she was edified by them all and, having
paid him reverence with all good-will, she came down from the hill.
On the following day there happened to come the elder
daughter of Cyrus, the eminent man of whom we have already spoken,* and she had
an evil spirit; and after staying some time in
the enclosure she obtained healing through God. After his daughter had been
freed from the demon and returned to her home, the most distinguished man,
Cyrus, whom we have often mentioned, came giving thanks to God and to the Saint
and asked to be allowed to put an inscription on the column. Though the just
man did not wish this to be done, yet, being hard pressed by Cyrus and not
wishing to grieve him, he allowed him to do it. So he had carved on the column
the following lines:
Standing twixt earth and heaven a man you see
Who fears no gales that all about him fret;
Daniel his name. Great Simeon's rival he
Upon a double column firm his feet are set;
Ambrosial hunger, bloodless thirst support his frame
And thus the Virgin Mother's Son he doth proclaim.
These verses are still inscribed on the column and
thus preserve the memory of the man in whose honour they
were written.
Things were in this state when a certain elder born in
Pontus came to the Saint's enclosure bringing with him his son, a young man of
about twenty years old, who was afflicted by an evil spirit. And this evil
spirit was deaf and dumb. Then the father fell down before Daniel begging him
to heal his son. Now while the father and his son were still on their way the
Saint saw the young man being held fast by his own servants. And knowing in his
spirit why the man was coming, he besought God for him and asked that He would
give him a speedy healing. In consequence the demon was greatly agitated and
having wrenched the young man from the grasp of the servants who were holding
him he dashed away from them. It was Sunday and thus by the providence of God
the ladder was necessarily standing against the column. And the young man
rushed headlong to the ladder and climbed up it, but before he had gone half
way up he was cleansed and descended in perfect health and stood in front of
the column with his father glorifying God; and other signs, too, God did at
Daniel's hands.
Now the blessed Emperor Leo of pious memory had heard
from many of these things and desired for a long time to see the man. Therefore
he sent for the pious Sergius, who carried the Saint's messages, and through
him he asked that the Saint would pray and beseech God to grant him a son. And
Daniel prayed, and through God's good pleasure the Emperor's wife, the Empress
Verina,* thereafter conceived and begot a son- whereupon the Emperor
immediately sent and had the foundations laid of a third column.
Now the demon of envy could not control his envy so he
found an instrument worthy of his evil designs. A certain harlot, Basiane, who had lately come to Constantinople from the
East, entrapped many of those who hunted after women of her sort. The sons of
some heretics summoned her and made the following suggestion to her: 'If you
can in any way bring a scandal upon the man who stands on the pillar in Anaplus or upon any of those who are with him, we will pay
you a hundred gold pieces.' The shameless woman agreed and went up to the holy
man with much parade and took with her a crowd of young men and prostitutes and
simulated illness and remained in the suburb opposite the Saint's enclosure.
And though she stayed there no little time she spent her time in vain. As she
was anxious to get possession of the money she went down to the city and
plotted after this fashion. To her lovers she said, 'I managed to seduce the
man, for he became enamoured of my beauty
and ordered his disciples to bring me up to him by means of the ladder; but as
I would not consent, the men there planned to lie in wait and kill me; and it
is with difficulty that I have escaped from their hands'. When her lovers heard
this they thought they had gained their object and imparted the news to all
their fellow conspirators. And thereupon as the report spread you could have
seen a war between the believers and unbelievers. While matters were in this
state, God Who rejoices in the truth and ever defends His servants, brought it
about that the abandoned woman, Basiane, should
be tormented by an evil demon in the middle of the City and then and there
should proclaim her plot and the wrong which the licentious men had suggested
to her against the righteous Daniel, promising her money if she were
successful. And not only did she make public their names, shouting them for all
to hear, but their rank also. Then could be seen a change in the ordering of
affairs, for the faithful now rejoiced, whilst the faithless who had threatened
to throw stones against the just man were put to shame.
While she was being chastised terribly for many days,
the Christ-loving inhabitants of the City took pity upon her and led her away
to the Saint and importuned him to pray to God on her behalf that she might
obtain healing. But the servant of God said to them, 'Believe me, beloved, the
former calumnies have now become as it were blessings to me; for neither does a
man who is praised falsely benefit thereby nor does he sustain any injury who
is slandered unjustly. For he who has entrusted his soul to God rejoices rather
in false calumnies-for they procure a reward for him-than in true praises which
swell and puff up the mind'. After these words as they all besought him to bear
no malice against her, because they saw the wretched woman being so afflicted
before the column, he bade them all stand for prayer. And stretching out his
hands to heaven in the sight of them all, he besought God with tears for many
hours that she might be healed. And it came to pass, as he prayed, that the
demon cast her to the ground and came out of her in that same hour; and he bade
them give her to drink from the oil of the saints. And when she came to herself
she stood up and embraced the pillar weeping and praising God. And all those
who were present gave thanks to God Who had granted such grace to the holy man:
and they took her and went away with rejoicing.
About that time it was revealed to the holy man by the
power of God that very great wrath from heaven was about to descend upon the
city, and he made this known to the blessed Archbishop Gennadius, and also
to the Emperor, begging them to order rites of intercession concerning this.
But as the feast of the saving Passion of Christ was at hand, they did not wish
to disturb the people and cause sorrow to reign through the whole city during
the feast. And when the holy feast was past, the matter was not remembered any
Thereafter the blessed Emperor Leo of pious memory
reflected that he had often put Daniel to the test and had obtained many
benefits through his holy prayers; so, through a guardsman, he sent a message
to the Archbishop, of whom I have already spoken, saying, “Go up to the holy
man and honour him with the rank of priest”.
But the Archbishop was unwilling and sent various excuses to the most pious
Emperor through the messenger. The Emperor waxed indignant at the delay and
sent again to the blessed Gennadius saying, “If you intend to go up,
do so, for I myself am going and the will of God is coming to pass”. Then the
Bishop was afraid, so he took some of the clerics with him, and came to the
holy man’s enclosure. The reason of his coming had been made known to the holy
man beforehand. The Archbishop said, “Father, bless your children”. The holy
man replied, “Your Holiness must bless both me and them”. The
blessed Gennadius said “For a long time I have wished to come up and
enjoy your prayers; I pray you order the ladder to be placed so that I may come
up and receive a full blessing, for God will convince your Holiness that it is
through my being busied with the manifold needs of the Church that I
have not been able to do this long ago”. But the servant of God having heard
these words, though the Archbishop continued to implore him to allow the ladder
to be set against the column, yet refused to make any further answer.
Whilst all those present continued to importune Daniel
and the just man still refused to consent, the day was slipping by; and as the
crowd was tormented with thirst owing to the heat and the Archbishop saw that
he was not achieving anything, he bade the Archdeacon offer a prayer; he
himself stood and uttered a further prayer and through the prayer ordained the
holy man to be a priest and said, 'Bless us, sir priest; from henceforth you
are a priest by the grace of Christ; for when I had prayed God laid His hand
upon you from above'. And for a long time the crowd shouted, 'Worthy is he'.
Afterwards all, together with the Archbishop, besought the holy man saying,
'Order the ladder to be put in position, seeing that you have now become what
you wished to avoid'. On the just man's giving permission for this to be done,
the Archbishop mounted the ladder holding in his hand the chalice of the Holy
Body and the Precious Blood of our good Mediator Jesus Christ our God. After
saluting each other with a holy kiss, they received the communion at each
other's hands. Then the Archbishop descended from the hill and entering the
palace reported all that had happened to the Emperor.
And the blessed Leo of pious memory rejoiced in these
doings; and not long afterwards he visited the place in which the holy man
dwelt and asked for the ladder to be set so that he might go up and be blessed.
When the ladder was placed, the Emperor went up to the servant of God and
begged to touch his feet; but on approaching them and seeing their mortified
and swollen state he was amazed and marvelled at
the just man's endurance. He glorified God and begged the holy man that he
might set up a double column and that Daniel would take his stand upon it. [And
when this double column had been set up] the Bishop and almost the whole city
came up and people, too, from the opposite shore. As the Emperor Leo importuned
him incessantly to cross over on to it there and then, the servant of
God bade planks to be laid to form a bridge from one ladder to another. This
being done, the holy man walked across to the double column. And on that day so
many received healing that all were astonished.
And it came to pass shortly afterwards that there was
a great fire in the capital.* So all the inhabitants were in great distress and
the majority had to flee from the city. They made their way to the holy man and
each of them implored him to placate God's anger so that the fire should cease.
At the same time they would relate to him the personal misfortunes they had
suffered; one would say, 'I have been stripped bare of great possessions';
another, 'As the fire was far off I felt no uneasiness but slept with my wife
and children; but suddenly the catastrophe overtook me and now I am a widower
and childless, and have barely escaped being burnt alive'. Or again another, 'I
ran away from that terrible danger only to suffer shipwreck of my scanty
belongings'. The holy man wept with them and said, 'The merciful God wished to
spare you in His goodness and made these things known beforehand and He did not
keep silence concerning it; you should therefore have importuned God and
escaped His terrible wrath. For once upon a time when
the Ninevites were warned by the prophet that destruction threatened
them, they escaped it by repenting. I was not vexed by the thought that God's
mercy might prove me to be a false prophet; for I had as an example the prophet
who was angry because of the gourd; and now I beg you bear with gratitude that
which God has sent. For a master is most truly served when he sees his servant
bearing chastisement gratefully; and then he deems him worthy not only of his
former honour but even of greater by reason
of his goodwill towards him'. And many other words of counsel he spoke unto
them and turned their hopelessness into hopefulness and then dismissed them
saying, 'The city will be afflicted for seven days'.
When the fire had ceased, fear seized upon all the
citizens. And then the most blessed Emperor Leo of pious memory took his wife
and went up and did reverence to the servant of God and said, 'This wrath was
caused by our carelessness; I therefore beg you pray to God to be merciful to
us in the future'. Now consider, dear reader, how the saying of the holy man's
mother was fulfilled. For now he received the adoration of the two lights which
his mother had seen over her bed in a vision of the night. After all had with
one accord received a blessing, the Emperor lodged in the palace of St.
Michael, which was about one mile distant near the sea.
One day a terrific storm arose and as for some reason
the column had not been properly secured, it was torn from its supports on
either side by the violence of the winds and was only kept together by the iron
bar which held the two columns in the middle. Thus you could see the double
column swaying to and fro with the just man; for when
the south wind blew it leant over to the left side, but when the north wind
blew it inclined to the right, and streams of water poured down like rivers,
and the base was getting shattered, for the violent winds were accompanied by
thunderstorms. His disciples sought to underpin it with iron bars, but one
swing of the column smashed them, too, and very nearly killed the men who tried
to withstand it. Their shouts were mingled with their tears, for they were
likely to suffer the loss of their father, and in their distracted state one
ordered one thing and another. By this time they had all become pretty well
desperate; there they stood trembling and aghast, turning their head from side
to side as the column swayed now this way and now that, following with their
eyes to see in what direction the corpse of the just man would be hurled with
the column. But the servant of God answered not a word to anyone but persevered
in prayer and invocations to God for aid; and through His compassion the
merciful God caused the danger to cease by sending a calm.
On the following day the Emperor sent his chamberlain,
Andreas by name, to inquire whether the holy man had suffered any harm from the
violence of the winds. When the messenger came up and saw the extremity of the
danger through which the just man had passed he went back and reported it to
the Emperor. When he heard it he was furious against the architect who had laid
the foundation of the column so badly and the Emperor purposed to put him to
death. He went up at once in all haste and when he saw with his own eyes how
the column had been shaken and what the holy man had endured, he was amazed and
all present glorified God. And the Emperor said to the holy man, 'For all that
man could do, you were helpless and in sore peril, but as you had God to
support you, you have triumphed over the plot of the devisers of evil'. Hearing
of the Emperor's threat against the architect, the servant of God begged the
Emperor not to do him any harm. And so a pardon was granted him, and
instructions were given that the column should be fixed securely; and this was
As the Emperor was on the point of leaving, the Devil,
who is ever envious of the good, devised against him a dangerous snare because
of the so great affection which he cherished for the holy man; for the horse he
was riding shied and reared, and then fell to the ground on its back together
with its rider. The curved edge of the saddle caught the Emperor’s face and
grazed it a little and the crown which he was wearing was shot from his head,
and some of the pearls which hung over the back of his neck were dashed from
their setting. The Emperor by the will of God was preserved unhurt, and after
he had gone down to the City a special act of grace was shown by God. For the
Emperor was angry with the general, Jordanes, who was his count of the
stable, and the latter, seized with fear on hearing his threats, took refuge in
the holy man's enclosure and obediently listening to the just man's counsel, he
renounced the doctrine of the Arians and joined the community of the Orthodox
faith. At the same time the Emperor was reconciled to him; for when he of pious
memory heard that the holy man was anxious about the accident which he had
sustained on riding home he immediately sent Calapodius,
his head chamberlain, to reassure the servant of God and say, 'Your angelic
presence must not have any anxiety about me, for through your holy prayers I
was preserved unhurt, and I know now why I had that accident, for when visiting
your Holiness I ought not to have mounted my horse so long as you could see me;
but, I beg you, pray earnestly to God to forgive me for my ignorance'.
Remark now, dear readers, the Wicked One's disgrace!-
for just as he thought he would have some success, he was still further
disgraced, for the aforementioned most pious Emperor built a palace close to
the church of St. Michael and spent the greater part of his days there and
became the holy man’s inseparable companion. And in future as soon as he
perceived the just man from a distance he alighted from his horse; similarly,
too, when he went down from the hill, he did not mount until he was hidden from
his sight.
It happened about the same time that Gubazius,* the king of the Lazi arrived at the
court of the Emperor Leo, who took him up to visit the holy man. When he saw
this strange sight Gubazius threw himself
on his face and said, 'I thank Thee, heavenly King, that by means of an earthly
king Thou hast deemed me worthy to behold great mysteries; for never before in
this world have I seen anything of this kind'. And these kings had a point in
dispute touching the Roman policy; and they laid the whole matter open to the
servant of God and through the mediation of the holy man they agreed upon a
treaty which satisfied the claims of each. After this the Emperor returned to
the city and dismissed Gubazius to his
native land, and when the latter reached his own country he related to all his
folk what he had seen. Consequently the men who later on came up
from Lazica to the City invariably went up to Daniel. Gubazius himself, too, wrote to the holy man and
besought his prayers and never ceased doing so to the end of his life
In the following year a storm of unbearable violence
took place and caused the Saint's leather tunic to become like a bit of tow
under the searing blast of the winds, and then the wind tore off even that
wretched rag from the holy man and hurled it some distance away into a gully
and the holy man was exposed to the snow all night long. And as the bitterest
winds dashed against his face, he came to look like a pillar of salt. When
morning broke the ladder could not be dragged along to him because of the
tempest's violence, so he remained as he was and very nearly became a lifeless
But by God's mercy a calm followed, and they brought
up the ladder. His disciples saw the hair of his head and beard glued to the
skin by icicles, and his face was hidden by ice as though it were covered by
glass and could not be seen and he was quite unable either to speak or to move.
Then they made haste and brought cans of warm water and large sponges and
gradually thawed him and with difficulty restored his power of speech. When
they said, 'You have been in great danger, father', he answered them as though
he were just awaking from sleep and said at once, 'Believe me, children, until
you woke me, I was completely at rest. When the terrible storm broke and my
garment was torn off me by the force of the winds, I was in great distress for
about an hour, and then after a violent fainting fit I called upon the merciful
God for help. And I was wafted, as it were, into sleep and I seemed to be
resting on a magnificent couch and kept warm by rich coverings and I saw an old
man sitting on a seat by my head, and I thought he was the man who met me on
the road when I was coming away from the blessed Saint Simeon's enclosure.* And
he appeared to be talking with great love and sincerity and he pointed out to
me a huge hawk coming from the East and entering this great city and finding an
eagle's nest on the column in the Forum of the most pious Emperor Leo. And he
came and settled down in the nest with the eagle's young and then no longer
appeared to be a hawk but an eagle. And I inquired of the old man what that might
mean. And he answered. "There is no need for you to learn that now, but
you shall know hereafter". And whilst he held me in his arms and warmed
me, the same Old man said very pleasantly, "I love you dearly; I wanted to
be near you; many fruit-bearing branches are to blossom from your root".
And as we found pleasure in each other you did not do well in waking me; for I
was delighted at meeting him'. Then the disciples said to the holy man, 'We
pray your forgiveness, but truly we were in great despair; for we thought your
Holiness had died. What do you think that vision means, father?' He said to
them, 'I do not understand it clearly, but God will do what is pleasing to Him
and expedient for us'. But his disciples tried to interpret the vision and
said, 'It behoves you with the help of the
Emperor to bring the corpse of the holy and most blessed Simeon to this city.
For it appears from the vision that this is the pleasure of the blessed Saint
The servant of God said to them, 'Fetch another
leather tunic and wrap me in it'.
And the Emperor considering the peril through which
Daniel had passed, said, ' It is not right for him to stand naked and
unprotected and incur such dangers'. And he went up to him and begged him to
let him make him a shelter of iron in the shape of a little enclosure. But the
holy man did not wish it saying: 'Our sainted father Simeon did not have
anything of the kind although he was far older than myself; therefore it is
right that I who am young should practise endurance
and not seek ease which relaxes the body'. But the Emperor replied, 'You have
spoken well, father, and I approve your resolve; for I rejoice in your
endurance, when I see, too, the help of God which constantly sustains you. For
this reason a crown is being woven for you; yet be willing to serve us for many
years still, and therefore do not kill yourself outright, for God has given you
to be fruitful on our behalf'. With these arguments he with difficulty
persuaded the holy man to accept his offer; and then the shelter was made. And
from that time on the holy man remained untouched by storms. All the visitors
who came from different nations, were they kings or emperors or ambassadors,
the Emperor in person would either take them to see the Saint or send them up,
and he never ceased boasting of the Saint and showing him to all and
proclaiming his feats of endurance.
About that time a certain Zeno, an Isaurian by birth,
came to the Emperor and brought with him letters written by Ardaburius, who was
then General of the East; in these he incited the Persians to attack the Roman
State and agreed to cooperate with them. The Emperor received the man and
recognizing the importance of the letters he ordered a Council to be held; when
the Senate had met the Emperor produced the letters and commanded that they
should be read aloud in the hearing of all the senators by Patricius,* who was
Master of the Offices at that time. After they had been read the Emperor said,
'What think you?' As they all held their peace the Emperor said to the father
of Ardaburius, 'These are fine things that your son is practising against
his Emperor and the Roman State'. The father replied, 'You are the master and
have full authority; after hearing this letter I realize that I can no longer
control my son; for I often sent to him counselling and warning him
not to ruin his life; and now I see he is acting contrary to my advice. Therefore
do whatsoever occurs to your Piety; dismiss him from his command and order him
to come here and he shall make his defence'.
The Emperor took this advice; he appointed a successor
to Ardaburius and dismissed him from the army; then ordered him to present
himself forthwith in Byzantium. In his place he gave the girdle of office
to Jordanes and sent him to the East; he also appointed Zeno, Count of the
And the Emperor went in solemn procession and led him
up to the holy man and related to him all about Ardaburius' plot and Zeno's
loyalty; others told him, too, how Jordanes had been appointed
General of the East in place of Ardaburius. The holy man rejoiced
about Jordanes and gave him much advice in the presence of the
Emperor and of all those who were with him then he dismissed them with his
Some time later it befell that a report was spread that Genseric, King of
the Vandals, intended to attack the city of Alexandria;* this caused
great searchings of heart to the Emperor
and to the Senate and to the whole city. So the Emperor sent his spatharius Hylasius, who was
a eunuch, to inform the holy man about Genseric and of the Emperor's intention
to dispatch an army to Egypt. Hylasius went
up and delivered the Emperor's message to the holy man; and the holy man said
to him, 'Go and say to the Emperor, "Do not be troubled about this, for
God sends word to you through me, a sinner, that neither Genseric nor any of
his will ever see the city of Alexandria; but if you wish to send an army that
is a matter for you to decide; the God, Whom I adore, will both preserve your
Piety unhurt and will strengthen those who are sent against the enemies of the
Empire". Hylasius departed and
reported these words to the Emperor, and by the grace of God his words come
Thereupon the Emperor returned thanks to God and the
holy man, and went up to the ladder and asked his permission to build a lodging
for the brethren and for strangers. But the blessed Saint opposed the idea
saying, 'Saint Simeon never had any building at all in his enclosure during his
lifetime; but I beseech your Piety to grant me the request I make of you'. The
Emperor said, 'I for my part beseech you to do so, command me if you have any
wish', to which the holy man replied, 'I beg you to send men to Antioch, and to
bring back the corpse of Saint Simeon'. The Emperor rejoiced at this request
and answered, 'Do you then give orders for a house to be built where strangers
can rest, and a dwelling for the brethren: for I see that with God's help the
number of brethren and disciples will increase, and there will be a large crowd
of strangers who will be sore put to it if they come up and find no place
wherein to lodge. For the blessed Simeon, as you said, did not live in such a
storm-beaten place, nor did people go up to him for so many different needs but
only to pray and to be blessed; whereas you suffer annoyance in many ways from
those who are perplexed over matters of State. Through them I receive many
letters from you and rejoice to do so, for they bring me much profit. And so
let that come to pass which I wanted when I made my request'. Then the blessed
Daniel said to the Emperor, 'Since it was for the glory of God and for the
protection of brothers and strangers that your Piety proposed to do what you
suggest, give orders for it to be done'. Then the Emperor planned that the
martyr-chapel of Saint Simeon should be placed to the north of the column and
be built with piers and vaults but no columns;* and the monastery for brothers
and strangers should be behind the column. And after prayers had been offered,
he returned to the city.
While the work was progressing well by the grace of
God, the remains of Saint Simeon arrived from the city of Antioch.* Being
informed of this the Emperor ordered the Archbishop to announce that the
deposition of the holy remains would take place and that there would also be an
all-night service in the church of St. Michael at Anaplus because
the Emperor himself was in his palace there. Thus on the following day an
imperial carriage was prepared in which the Archbishop took his seat and taking
the remains with him went up the hill in this fashion, and all the people in
untold numbers, some going ahead, and others following, made their way to the
appointed place singing psalms and hymns. And many healings took place on that
day of the deposition of the holy remains. After the service which followed the
whole populace streamed out into the enclosure to the holy man in order to be
blessed. And the Archbishop with all the clergy went there likewise; and a
throne was placed in front of the column; and when the Archbishop had taken his
seat he said to the holy man, 'Behold, the Lord has fulfilled all your desires;
and now bless your children with your counsel'. After the deacon had said the
'Let us attend', the holy man from his pillar said to the people: 'Peace be
upon you !' and then opening his mouth taught them, saying nothing rhetorical
or philosophical, but speaking about the love of God and the care of the poor
and almsgiving and brotherly love and of the everlasting life which awaits the
holy, and the everlasting condemnation which is the lot of sinners. And by the
grace of God the hearts of the faithful people were so touched to the quick
that they watered the ground with their tears. After this the Archbishop
offered a prayer, and then the holy man dismissed them all, and each man
returned to his house in peace.
One day a disbelieving heretic came up to the holy
man, ostensibly for prayer, with his wife and children and some girls; but
instead of prayers he began uttering calumnies against the holy man and poking
witticisms at him. And the crowds who were united in their belief in God said
to him, 'What are you doing, man, talking thus foolishly and, instead of
praying, hindering us? Why have you come up here?' He said to them, 'I, too,
heard from many about this man and came up to be edified, and I found the opposite;
for when I approached the column to do obeisance I found this fish lying on the
step'. And from the inside of his garment he pulled out a very large fried
fish, which he had prepared in the market as lunch for himself and his
companions; this he showed them, casting blame upon the holy man for being a
voluptuary and not temperate. They who saw it first were astonished at his
scheme and then, after censuring him severely, they left him alone saying, 'You
will find out what lies you are uttering against the servant of God'. And as he
was returning to the city, in order that the merciful God might make manifest
how He protects His servants, it came to pass that the man himself, as well as
his wife and children, began to shiver with ague; then after they had reached
the market of the Archangel Michael and he wanted to partake of the fish, the
wretched fellow was suddenly seized by an unclean spirit, and as he was driven
by the demon all round the market he confessed all
the deception he had practised against the holy man.
And so, being driven on by the demon, he reached the enclosure with all his
friends following him. There they persisted in their repentance and made full
confession. Within three days the Lord healed them after they had been given
oil of the saints to drink. As thank offering he dedicated a silver icon, ten
pounds in weight, on which was represented the holy man and themselves writing
these words below, 'Oh father, beseech God to pardon us our sins against thee'.
This memorial is preserved to the present day near the altar.
At that time the blessed Emperor Leo heard from many
about a certain Titus, a man of vigour who dwelt in
Gaul and had in his service a number of men well trained for battle; so he sent
for him and honoured him with the rank of
Count that he might have him to fight on his behalf if he were forced to go to
year. This Titus he sent to the holy man for his blessing; on his arrival the
Saint watered him with many and divers counsels from the Holy writings and
proved him to be an ever blooming fruit-bearing tree; and Titus, beholding the
holy man, marvelled at the strangeness of
his appearance and his endurance and just as good earth when it has received
the rain brings forth much fruit, so this admirable man Titus was illuminated
in mind by the teaching of the holy and just man and no longer wished to leave
the enclosure, for he said, 'The whole labour of
man is spent on growing rich and acquiring possessions in this world and
pleasing men; yet the single hour of his death robs him of all his belongings,
therefore it is better for us to serve God rather than men'. With these words
he threw himself down before the holy man begging him to receive him and let
him be enrolled in the brotherhood. And Daniel, the servant of the Lord,
willingly accepted his good resolve. Thereupon that noble man Titus sent for
all his men and said to his soldiers,* 'From now on I am the soldier of the
heavenly King; aforetime my rank among men made me your captain and yet I was
unable to benefit either you or myself, for I only urged you on to slaughter
and bloodshed. From today, however, and henceforth I bid farewell to all such
things; therefore those of you who wish it, remain here with me, but I do not
compel any one of you, for what is done under compulsion is not acceptable.
See, here is money, take some, each of you, and go to your homes'. Then he
brought much gold and he took and placed it in front of the column and gave to
each according to his rank. Two of them, however, did not choose to take any,
but remained with him. All the rest embraced Titus and went their ways.
When the Emperor heard this he was very angry and sent
a messenger up to the holy man to say to Titus, 'I brought you up from your
country because I wanted to have you quite near me and I sent you to the holy
man to pray and receive a blessing, but not that you should separate yourself
from me'. Titus replied to the messenger, 'From now on, since I have listened
to the teaching of this holy man, I am dead to the world and to all the things
of the world. Whatever the just man says about me do you tell to the Emperor,
for Titus, your servant, is dead'. Then the messengers went outside into the
enclosure to the holy man and told him everything. And the holy man sent a
letter of counsel by them to the Emperor, beseeching him and saying, 'You
yourself need no human aid; for owing to your perfect faith in God you have God
as your everlasting defender; do not therefore covet a man who to-day is and
tomorrow is not; for the Lord doeth all things according to His will. Therefore
dedicate thy servant to God Who is able to send your Piety in his stead another
still braver and more useful; without your approval I never wished to do
And the Emperor was satisfied and sent and thanked the
holy man and said, 'To crown all your good deeds there yet remained this good
thing for you to do.* Let the man, then, remain under your authority, and may
God accept his good purpose'. Not long afterwards they were deemed worthy of
the holy robe, and both made progress in the good way of life; but more
especially was this true of Titus, the former Count.
Next the Devil, the hinderer of good men, imbued Titus
with a spirit of inquisitiveness and suggested that he should watch the holy
man in order to see if he ate and what he took to eat. So one day he waited
till about the time of lamp-lighting and then unnoticed by all the brethren he
remained outside in the enclosure hidden behind the column. When the nightly
psalmody took place in the oratory the brothers imagined he had stayed behind
because he was sick. The following day he spent with all the others. Although
he did the same thing for seven nights, he found out nothing. Finally he openly
conjured the holy man to explain his manner of life to him. And the holy man
granted him his wish saying, 'Believe me, brother, I both eat and drink
sufficient]y for my needs; for I am not a spirit nor disembodied, but I too am
a man and am clothed with flesh. And the business of evacuation I perform like
a sheep exceedingly dryly, and if ever I am tempted to partake of more than I
require, I punish myself, for I am unable either to walk about or to relieve
myself to aid my digestion; therefore in proportion as I struggle to be
temperate, to that degree I benefit and the pain in my feet becomes less
intense'. Titus answered, 'If you, your Holiness, who are in such a state of
body and standing in such a wind-swept spot, struggle in that manner to be
temperate for your own good, what ought I to do who am young in years and
vigorous in body?' The Saint replied, 'Do whatever your flesh can endure;
neither force it beyond measure nor on the other hand abandon it to slackness;
for if you load a ship beyond its usual burden, it will readily be sunk by its
weight, but if on the contrary you leave it too light, it is easily overturned
by the winds. By the grace of God, brother, I understand my natural capacity
and know how to regulate my food'. After hearing this Titus went away to the
oratory, took his place in one corner and hung himself up by ropes under his
armpits so that his feet did not rest upon the ground, and from one evening to
another he would eat either three dates or three dried figs and drink the
ration of wine. He also fixed a board against his chest on which he would
sometimes lay his head and sleep and at others place a book and read.
And he did this for some long time and benefited all
those who visited him; amongst these was the most faithful Emperor, Leo, for
whenever he went up to the holy man, after taking leave of him, he would go in
to the blessed Titus; and beholding his inspired manner of life he marvelled at this endurance and besought him to pray
for him. And it pleased the Lord to call him while he was at prayer, with his
eyes and his face turned upwards and heavenwards, and thus it was that he
breathed his last. The brethren looking at him thought he was praying as usual.
When evening had fallen, the two brethren came who had formerly been his
servants and now ministered unto him and brought him all he required, and they
discovered that he was dead. And when they began to lament all recognized that
he had gone to his rest. His head lay back on his neck, his hands were crossed
and supported by the plank and since the weight of the body was borne by the
shoulder ropes his legs hung down straight and were not bent up. And as one looked
on the corpse of this saintly champion it showed the departed soul's longing
for God. The brethren went and told the elders who came out to the holy man's
enclosure and announced to him the death of the glorious saint. When he heard
of it he thanked the Lord and bade them carry out the corpse to him after the
time of lamp-lighting and put it in front of the column and hold an all-night
service there in his memory. The nest day Titus was
buried in the tomb of the elders by command of the holy man.
After Titus had died this holy death, one of the
barbarians who had come with him and had been named Anatolius by the holy man
aspired to the same kind of life in the same place, and conducting himself
blamelessly therein for a long time he greatly benefited all those who visited
him. Thus his fame spread on every side. As he wished to flee from glory among
men he went out at night into the enclosure to the holy man and fell down
before him imploring him to grant him his permission. The holy man inquired the
reason and, on hearing it, prayed over him and dismissed him. After receiving
his dismissal Anatolius travelled to the chapel of St. Zacharias in Catabolus (the Harbour)
and took up his dwelling there in a suburb on the opposite shore; at that
time Idoubingos* was general. Shutting himself
up in a small cell, he lived in it for a long time; later he established a
small monastery* of about twelve men, which by the grace of God and the prayers o f the holy father is still in existence to-day;
thus in blessedness he passed away to the Lord.
About that time the pious Emperor Leo married his
daughter Ariadne to Zeno (of whom we have spoken before) and also created him
consul. And shortly afterwards when the barbarians created a disturbance in
Thrace, he further appointed him commander-in-chief in Thrace. And in solemn
procession he went up to Anaplus to the
holy man and besought him as follows: 'I am sending Zeno as general to Thrace
because of the war which threatens; and now I beg you to pray on his behalf
that he may be kept safe'. The holy man said to the Emperor, 'As he has the
holy Trinity and the invincible weapon of the Holy Cross on his side he will
return unharmed. However, a plot will be formed against him and he will be
sorely troubled for a short time, but he shall come back without injury'. The
Emperor said, 'Is it possible, I beg you, for any one to
survive a war without some labour and
trouble?' When they had received a blessing and taken their leave they returned
to the city. Then the aforesaid Zeno set out for the war and soon afterwards a
plot was formed against him as the holy man had foretold, but by God's
assistance he escaped and reached the Long Wall and crossed from there and came
to Pylae; and later still he reached the city of
the Chalcedonians.
Now while the patrician Zeno was still absent at the
war a male child was born to him by the Emperor's daughter and received the
name of Leo. When Aspar and his sons stirred up a rebellion against the most
pious Emperor Leo, He 'that maketh wars to cease unto the ends of the
earth fought on the side of the pious Emperor and destroyed them both. After
that Leo crowned his own grandson and namesake, emperor. And thus it came to
pass that Zeno took courage and crossed from Chalcedon to the city and entered
the palace and came to the Emperor Leo.
As time went on it befell that the pious Emperor Leo
the Great fell sick and died;* he made a good end and left as successor to the
throne his own grandson Leo, son of the patrician Zeno. Then the Senate
convoked a meeting because the Emperor was an infant and unable to sign
documents; and they determined that his father Zeno should hold the sceptre of the Empire. And thus he was crowned and
became Emperor. After three years had passed the Lord took the infant, the
pious Emperor Leo, into His eternal kingdom; and he went to the land of his
fathers, and left the Empire to his father.
The Roman government was being well administered by
the will of God, and the State was enjoying a time of quiet and order, and the
holy churches were living in peace and unity, when the ever envious and
malignant Devil sowed seeds of unjust hatred in the hearts of some who claimed
to be the Emperor Zeno's kinsmen, I mean Basiliscus, Armatus and
Marcianus and some other senators. When Zeno became aware of the treachery that
was being planned against him, he went up to the holy man and confided to him
the matter of the plot. The holy man said to him, 'Do not let yourself be
troubled about this; for all things that have been foreordained must be
accomplished upon you. They will chase you out of the kingdom, and in the place
where you find a refuge, you will be in such distress that in your need you
will partake of the grass of the earth. But do not lose heart; for it is
necessary that you should become a second Nebuchadnezzar, and those who are now
expelling you, having felt the lack of you, will recall you in the fullness of
time. You will return to your Empire, and more honour and
glory shall be added unto you and you shall die in it. Therefore bear all with
gratitude; for thus must these things be'. The Emperor thanked him for these
words (for he had already put him to the test in the case of other prophecies
of his) and after being blessed by the holy man he took his leave and went down
to the City.
Now the malicious men whom I mentioned above had free
access to the blessed Empress Verina, Basiliscus because he was her brother and
chief of the Senate, and Armatus as being
her nephew and Zuzus as being the husband
of her sister, and Marcianus the husband of her daughter and son of an emperor.
They were constantly at her side and by their guile persuaded her to conspire
with them to drive Zeno from the throne. As he knew of their wickedness and
that he was in danger of assassination, he took his own wife, the Empress
Ariadne, and some eunuchs, and unbeknown to all he left the palace one night
during a very heavy storm. They crossed the straits and landed* at Chalcedon
because of their pursuers, and they escaped and reached the province of
Isauria. The Empress Verina so controlled the revolution that she secured the
crown for her brother Basiliscus; who shortly afterwards attempted to do away
with his own sister. However, she fled to the oratory of the Ever-Virgin Mary
in Blachernae and remained there as long as Basiliscus lived.
Next Basiliscus-name of ill omen-made an attack upon
the churches of God, for he wished to bring them to deny the incarnate
dispensation of God. For this reason he came into conflict with the blessed
Archbishop Acacius, and sought to malign him so as to bring about his ruin.
Directly news of this attempt reached the monasteries all the monks with one
accord assembled in the most holy Great Church in order to guard the
Archbishop. After some consideration the Archbishop ordered all the churches to
be draped as a sign of mourning, and going up into the pulpit he addressed the
crowds and explained the blasphemous attempt which was being made. 'Brethren
and children', he said, 'the time of martyrdom is at hand; let us therefore
fight for our faith and for the Holy Church, our mother, and let us not betray
our priesthood.' A great shout arose and all were overcome by tears, and since
the Emperor remained hostile and refused to give them any answer, the
Archbishop and the archimandrites determined to send to the holy man, Daniel,
and give him an account of these things, and this they did.
And it happened by God's providence that on the
following day Basiliscus sailed to Anaplus, and
sent a Chamberlain* named Daniel, to the holy man to say, 'Do those things
which the Archbishop Acacius is practising against
me seem just to your angelic nature?* for he has roused the city against me and
alienated the army and rains insults on me! I beg you, pray for us that he may
not prevail against us'. After listening to him the holy man said to Daniel,
'Go and tell him who sent you, "You are not worthy of a blessing for you
have adopted Jewish ideas and are setting at nought the incarnation
of our Lord Jesus Christ and upsetting the Holy Church and despising His
priests. For it is written 'Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither
cast your pearls before the swine' (Matt. 7: 6.) Know therefore and see, for
the God Who rendeth swiftly will surely
rend your tyrannous royalty out of your hands". When the chamberlain heard
this answer he said he dared not himself say these things to the Emperor and
besought Daniel to send the message in writing, if he would, and to seal it
with his seal. The holy man yielded to the eunuch's entreaties, wrote a note
and after sealing it, gave it to Daniel and dismissed him; and he returned and
delivered the sealed note to the Emperor. He opened it and when he learnt the
purport of the message he was very angry and immediately sailed back to the
city. These things were not hidden from the Archbishop Acacius and his most
faithful people; therefore on the following day almost the whole city was
gathered together in the Great Church and they kept shouting, 'The holy man for
the Church! let the new Daniel save Susanna in her peril! another Elijah shall
put Jezebel and Ahab to shame! in you we have the priest of orthodoxy; he that standeth for Christ will protect His bride, the
Church'. And other such exclamations they poured forth with tears.
On the morrow the Archbishop Acacius sent to Daniel
some of the archimandrites who were best beloved of God; these were the
blessed Abraamius of the monastery of
St. Kyriakus, Eusebius who dwelt near the Exakionium* Athenodorus of the monastery of Studius* and Andreas, the vicar of the exarch,* and
some others. Having chosen these he sent them saying, 'For my sake and the
faith's go to the holy man Daniel, throw yourselves before his column and
importune him with entreaties saying, "Do you imitate your teacher Christ
Who 'bowed the heavens and came down' (Ps. 18:9) and was incarnate of a holy
virgin and consorted with sinners and shed His own blood to purchase His bride,
the Church. (Acts 20:28) Now that she is insulted by the impious, and her
people are scattered by fierce wolves and the shepherd tempest-tost, do not ignore my grey hairs but incline your ear and
come and purchase your mother, the Church'. And they went and did as they were
bid and threw themselves down before the column; and the holy man seeing them
lying on the ground was disturbed and began to call to them from above, 'What
are you doing, holy fathers, mocking my unworthiness? What is it that you bid
me do?' Then they stood up and said, 'That you with God's help should save the
faith which is being persecuted, save a storm tossed church and a scattered
flock, and save our priest who, despite his grey hairs, is threatened with
death'. And Daniel said to them, 'He is truthful that said, "The gates of
hell shall not prevail against the holy Church'' (Matt. 16:18); wait patiently
therefore where you are and the will of God shall be done; pray then that God
may reveal to us what we should do'. And it came to pass that as Daniel was
praying in the middle of the night, and as the day dawned-it was a Wednesday-he
heard a voice saying distinctly to him, 'Go down with the fathers and do not
hesitate; and afterwards fulfil your course in peace!' Obedient
therefore to the counsel of the Lord he woke his servants. And they placed the
ladder and went up and took away the iron bars round him. And Daniel came down
with difficulty owing to the pain he suffered in his feet, and in that same
hour of the night he took the pious archimandrites with him and they sailed to
the City and entered the church before the day had begun.
And thus it was that when the people came to God's
house while, according to custom, the fiftieth psalm was being sung, they saw
the holy man in the sanctuary with the Bishop and marvelled;
and the report ran through the City that he had come. All the City, and even
secluded maidens, left what they had in hand and ran to the Holy Church to see
the man of God. And the crowds started shouting in honour of
the Saint saying, 'To you we look to banish the grief of the Church; in you we
have a high priest; accomplish that for which you came; the crown of your labours is already yours'. But the holy man beckoned
with his hand to the people to be silent and addressed them through the
deacon, Theoctistus, 'The stretching forth of
the hands of Moses, God's servant, utterly destroyed all those who rose up
against the Lord's people, both kings and nations; some He drowned in the
depths of the sea, others He slew on dry land with the sword and exalted His people;
so to-day, too, your faith which is perfect towards God has not feared the
uprising of your enemies, it does not know defeat nor does it need human help;
for it is founded on the firm rock of Christ. Therefore do not grow weary of
praying; for even on behalf of the chief of the apostles earnest prayer was
offered to God, not as if they thought he was deserted by God but because God
wishes the flock to offer intercessions for its shepherd. Do you, therefore, do
likewise, and amongst us, too, the Lord will quickly perform marvellous things to His glory'. After he had said
this they took down all the mourning draperies from the sanctuary and the whole
church. Daniel also wrote a letter to the Emperor saying, 'Does this angering
of God do you any service? is not your life in His hands? What have you to do
with the Holy Church to war against its servants, and prove yourself a second
Diocletian?' And many other things like these he wrote both by way of counsel
and of blame. When the Emperor received the letter and found that Daniel had
come down and was in the church he was stung by the prick of fear and sent back
word to him, 'All your endeavour has been
to enter the City and stir up the citizens against me; now see, I will hand the
City, too, over to you'. And he left the palace and sailed to the Hebdomon.
When the holy man heard this news, he took the crossbearers and the faithful people and bidding the
monks guard the Church and the Archbishop he went out. As they
reached Ammi, close to the chapel of the prophet the holy Samuel, the just
man being carried by the crowd of the Christ-loving people, behold, a leper
approached and cried aloud saying, 'I beseech you, the servant of the God Who
healed lepers, to pray Him that I may be healed!' On hearing him the holy man
ordered his bearers to halt; and when the leper had drawn near, the holy man
said to him, 'Brother, how came you to think of
asking me things that are beyond my power? for I, too, am a man encompassed
with weakness even as you are'. The leper replied, 'But I beg you, I know that
you are a man of God; and I believe that the God Whom you serve will grant me
cleansing in answer to your prayers; for the apostles too were but men and yet
through their prayers the Lord healed many'. The holy man marvelling at his faith said to him, 'Do you then
believe in Him Who gave healing to many through His saints?' The leper said,
'Yes, and I believe that even now if you pray I shall be healed'. Then Daniel
turning to the East asked the people to stretch forth their hands to heaven and
with tears to cry aloud the 'Kyrie eleeson'
(Lord, have mercy!) And when he deemed that they had done this long enough, he
said to the men near him, 'In the name of Jesus Christ, Who cleansed lepers,
take him and wash him in the sea and wipe him clean and bring him back'. They
ran off with the man, washed him in the sca and
by the power of Jesus Christ the leper was healed on the spot. When the
multitudes saw this astonishing miracle they shouted unceasingly the
'Kyrie eleeson'. Then the crowds took the man
that was healed, all naked as he was, and returned to the City and brought him
into the Holy Church and leading him up to the pulpit declared this wondrous
miracle to all. The whole city ran together and beholding him who had been a
leper cleansed by God through the holy man's prayers they glorified God for
making the leper spotless. And so all those in the City who had sick folk ran
to the servant of God. And the Lord gave healing abundantly to them all.
Thereafter as the holy man with the crowd approached
the palace of Hebdomon, a Goth leant out of a
window and seeing the holy man carried along, he dissolved with laughter and
shouted, 'See here is our new consul !' And as soon as he said this he was
hurled down from the height by the power of God and burst asunder. Then sentinels,
or the palace guards, prevented those who had seen the fall from entering into
the palace, saying they should have an answer given them through a window. But
when the people insisted with shouts that the holy man should enter the palace
but received no answer, the servant of God said to them, 'Why do you trouble,
children? You shall have the reward promised to peacemakers from God; and since
it seems good to this braggart to send us away without achieving anything, let
us do to him according to the word of the Lord. For He said to His holy
disciples and apostles, "Into whatsoever city or village ye shall enter
and they do not receive you, shake off the dust of your feet against them as a
testimony to them"; (Matt 10:11) let us therefore do that'. And he first
of all shook out his leather tunic and incited the whole crowd to do likewise;
and a noise as of thunder arose from the shaking of garments. When the guards
who were on duty* saw this and heard all the marvellous things
God had wrought by Daniel most of them left all and followed him.
When the impious Basiliscus heard what the holy man
had done in condemnation of him, he sent two guardsmen of the court and a legal
secretary of the Emperor* with them to overtake Daniel and implore him to
return. These men overtook Daniel and implored him in the name of Basiliscus
saying 'The Emperor says "if I indeed sinned as a man, do you as servant
of Christ propitiate Him on my behalf and I will seek in everything to serve
God and your Holiness"." But the holy man said to them, 'Return and
say to the Emperor: Your words of guile and deceit will not avail to deceive my
unworthiness, for you are doing nothing but "treasuring up for yourself
wrath in the day of wrath"; (Rom 2:5) for in you there is no fruit of good
works; wherefore God will shortly confirm his wrath upon you that you may know
that "the Most High ruleth over the
kingdom of men" (Dan 5:21) and will give it to the good man in preference
to you'.(Cf. I Sam 15:28) With these words he bade the Emperor's secretary to
spread out his cloak and after shaking the rest of the dust from his own
clothing into the cloak he said, 'Go, carry this to the braggart as a testimony
against him and against her who is his confederate* and against his wife'
Directly after the messengers had returned and given the Emperor the just man's
answer, the tower of the palace fell; since even lifeless things may feel the
wrath of God to the salvation of many.
When the just man had arrived at the Golden Gate and
saw the concourse of people, he besought them to return each to their own home.
But they as with one voice cried, 'We intend to live and die with you; for we
have nothing with which to repay you worthily; receive the resolve of your
suppliants and lead us as you will, for the Holy Church awaits you'. Whilst the
people were uttering these cries two young men afflicted with demons were
brought to him; and after he had prayed with tears to God, they were immediately
cleansed and they followed him glorifying God.
When they came to the chapel of St. John in the
monastery of Studius the monks came out and
requested the holy man to come in and offer prayer in their prophet's shrine
and to rest a little from the thronging press which encompassed him. When he
consented to come in and offer prayer there was such a crush of people in the
narrow passages that many only narrowly escaped being trodden to death. Then
after Daniel had offered prayer in the venerable shrine and passed through to
the sacristy he and the men who carried him had a short rest. And the monks had
the idea of taking him through the garden to the sea and bringing him by boat
to the Great and very Holy Church. When the people got wind of this, a great
tumult arose among them and they shouted and said, 'Bring the just man here if
you love orthodoxy; do not begrudge healing to the sick'. They also said to the
just man, 'Freely you have received therefore freely give! (Matt 10:8) if you
desert us we will burn down the chapel at once'. So the holy man came out of
the sacristy and addressed them, reassuring them and asking them to go on ahead
of him and thus relieve the pressure of the crowd.
When Daniel came out of the prophet's shrine and was
going on his way, behold, a certain woman, as did the woman of Canaan, (Matt
15.22) cried to him saying, 'Oh servant of God, have pity on my daughter, for
she whom you see has now been bedridden for three years in the grip of an
unknown disease, and though many doctors have visited her, not one of them has
been able to help her. So now I beseech you, oh holy man, do not despise my
tears for I am sorely distressed about her'. Seeing her in such terrible grief,
the holy man was dissolved in tears, and raising his eyes to heaven and
stretching out his hands to God he prayed; and then calling the girl close to
him he sealed her with the sign of the precious Cross and said to her, 'In the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ Who ever worketh our salvation and does
not desert us, be thou cured of this disease'. And the girl was cured of her
scourge in that hour in the sight of all the people.
When they drew nigh to the house of the most glorious
patrician Dagalaiphus, the patrician himself
leaned out from an upper window and seeing that the holy man was being
unbearably crushed by the thronging crowd, he ran down with a body of helpers
and took him out of the crush and caused him to be carried into his house near
the Forum of the Ox to rest there. He himself stood in the porch and excused
himself to the people by saying, 'I did this in order that my house might be
blessed'. And he put Daniel into a litter and secured him well by posting men
round the litter to prevent his being troubled by the crowd. And in this manner
he was brought in safety to the Church without any difficulty.
When he entered into the most holy Cathedral he was
received in great sincerity and with acclamation by the Archbishop Acacius and
the holy archimandrites and all the reverend clergy and the most pious monks
and the most faithful people. And all glorified the merciful God for the marvellous things that they had heard and seen which
God had done through him. And they led him into the vestry that he might have a
short rest from the pressure of the crowd. And behold a snake came out from
some hole and wound itself round his feet; those present were terrified on
seeing the animal and ran forward to kill it; but the holy man prevented them
saying, Leave it alone, it is near its end'. and shaking it off his feet he
said to it 'Go to thy place !' and it went to the wall opposite them and in the
sight of all of them it burst in pieces.
The patrician Herais hearing that he was in the
vestry came in, threw herself on the ground and seized the holy man's feet,
begging him that she might have a son. But when she saw that on the one foot
the sole had dropped away from the ankle bone and there was nothing left but
the shin bone she was amazed at the man's endurance. She gave him a little cord
and begged him to wind it round his inflamed foot and give it to her. But he
would not suffer this to be done. Then the Archbishop Acacius and all the pious
men present besought the holy man to grant her what she asked. Then the holy
man consented, took the cord and placed it on his inflamed foot and gave it to
her saying, 'According to thy faith may the Lord grant thee thy request for a
son; and his name shall be Zeno'. And it came to pass that soon afterwards this
most noble woman conceived and bore a son and called him by the name of Zeno
according to the word of the Saint.
When all these things had been thus auspiciously
accomplished by the grace of the Lord, and when Basiliscus of ill-omened name*
had heard from his legal secretary of the Saint's condemnation of him and of
the sudden fall of the palace tower, it did not seem to him to augur any good.
And immediately without a moment's delay he entered a boat and sailed from
the Hebdomon to the City; and the next day
he sent senators to the very holy Cathedral to beseech the Saint to take the
trouble to come as far as the palace. But he would not consent to go but said,
'Let him come himself to the Holy Church and make his recantation before the
precious Cross and the holy Gospel which he has insulted; for I am but a sinful
man'. The senators went back and gave this message to the Emperor, whereupon in
solemn procession he at once went to the Church. The Archbishop met him with
the holy Gospel in the sanctuary and was received by the Emperor with
dissimulation; then after the customary prayer had been offered Basiliscus went
in with the Archbishop to the holy man. And they both fell at his feet before
all the people, both Basiliscus and the Archbishop Acacius. And Daniel greeted
them and counselled them to seek the way of peace and for the future
to refrain from enmity towards each other. 'For if you are at variance', he
said, 'you cause confusion in the holy churches and throughout the world you
stir up no ordinary unrest'. The Emperor then made a full apology to the holy
man and the people cried out saying, 'Oh Lord, protect both father and sons; it
is in Thy power to grant us concord between them; let us now hear the Emperor's
confession of faith! why are the canons of orthodoxy upset? why are the
orthodox bishops exiled? To the Stadium with Theoctistus,*
the Master of the Offices! the Emperor is orthodox! burn alive the enemies of
orthodoxy! send the disturbers of the world into exile! a Christian Emperor for
the world! let us hear what your faith is, Emperor!'
These and countless other exclamations the people kept
shouting, and all the time the Emperor and the Archbishop lay prostrate on the
ground at the holy man's feet.
Then the holy man summoned Strategius,
the imperial secretary, and bade the Emperor make a proclamation to the people
by way of justification, and this he did. And the secretary mounted the pulpit
and began to read as follows: 'We believe that your Reverences-perfect in
understanding as you are-cannot fail to know that from infancy up we have been
orthodox and have communicated in the very Holy Church in which our children
were baptized; and that we believe in the one holy and consubstantial Trinity,
and we approve your warm championship of the faith. Do not, therefore, accept
any childish insinuation against us from those who say that we do not think
rightly concerning the holy faith. For you know yourselves that we who are
soldiers brought up and trained to arms are not able to understand the depths
of the holy faith; but since it is now a time for peace and no season for
controversy, I can pass over many things, since we are able completely to
convince you, our beloved subjects, that we shall not be found guilty of a
single one of those charges which men in their fickleness plotted to bring
against us. This is our justification before God and the holy man and we have
stated it clearly to you.' Having in this way appeased the holy man and the
people, the Emperor was reconciled to them. And having been reconciled to the
Archbishop in the sight of them all the Emperor returned to his palace. Thus
did our Master God bring the enemy of His Holy Church to His feet.
When all minds were set at rest and the people were
moving off to their own homes the servant of God returned to his usual practice
of asceticism, but when he had sailed back he reached his column only with
difficulty owing to the press of faithful people and of those overmastered by
divers illnesses. Therefore with great danger and much distress he made the
ascent of his column and summoned them all, and after praying to God he
dismissed them all restored to health. To the clergy and monks and the people who
had remained behind he said, 'It was not with honesty of purpose that the
persecutor appeared to make peace with us; be patient therefore and you will
soon see the glory of God; for the Lord will not overlook the affliction of His
servants and His holy churches'. And thus it was accomplished by the will of
God, for after a short time Zeno, the Emperor, returned with his wife, the
Empress Ariadne, the daughter of royal parents.* Thenceforth the holy churches
rested in much contentment and the State grew glorious and the Roman government
waxed in strength. And the aforesaid usurper met with his due reward, as the
servant of God had foretold. And thereafter the Emperor often went up to the
holy man returning thanks to the merciful God, and also to the Saint, reminding
him of the things which he had foretold should happen.
Once a goldsmith came up from the City to the holy man
with his wife and they brought with them their seven-year-old child who had
never walked from birth but spent his life crawling along. This goldsmith came
to the holy man and throwing himself and his child in front of the column, he
besought the holy man saying, 'Oh servant of God, have pity on my young child
who longs to stand up but cannot do so, for nature conceived him contrary to
nature; grant me this joy, oh servant of God, for I have followed your
holy foosteps; do not send me away, I pray you,
with my petition unfulfilled'. The holy man replied, 'Do not be so impatient in
your words; for your zeal towards God, if accompanied by faith and patience,
will release your son from his calamity; do not be discouraged but go with the
child and remain by the holy relics of Simeon,* the holy servant of God and our
father; anoint the child's feet with the holy oil and bring him back here when
prayer is being offered, and we trust in God that He will give him healing'.
The man did as the holy man had ordered him, and on the seventh day, when
prayer had been offered in the enclosure, the boy suddenly jumped on to the
steps of the pillar and went up and embraced the column; all marvelled and glorified God for this wonderful
happenings And his parents gave thanks to God and to the holy man and took the
boy home in health. When the boy grew to be a man he frequently visited the
holy man, received a blessing and returned home.
A certain man travelling to Constantinople from the
East fell among robbers who stole from him everything that he had with him,
mutilated his body, cut the sinews of his knees and leaving him half dead, went
their ways; but by the providence of God they had not inflicted any mortal
wound on him. Some wayfarers who came to that place picked him up and carried
him to the city of Ancyra, for it was close to that city that this had befallen
him. There they took him to the bishop who ordered him to be conveyed to the
hospital and cared for there. But while his wounds were tended he was not able
to walk. He therefore made this request of the bishop, 'I was travelling to
Constantinople in fulfilment of a vow making my way to our lord
Daniel, who stands on the column, when I met with this accident; and now that,
thanks to you, I have been healed it behoves me
to fulfil my vow. I pray you, therefore, servant of God, to send me
safely to Constantinople to the holy man' The bishop, since he thought that
this was a pious request; gave him money for his expenses, also a beast and two
men to conduct him to the holy man Daniel. So the men took him and brought him
to the holy man's enclosure and then carried him and laid him in front of the
column. The man cried aloud and told the holy man the reason for which he had
come and related what had happened to him and how he had been saved by the help
of God and the bishop. The holy man sent thanks to the bishop for the kindness
he had shown to the man and after furnishing those who had brought him with
supplies for their journey he dismissed them in peace with presents for the
bishop. He handed over the man to some of the servants with orders to carry him
and bring him to the enclosure daily at the hour of prayer, and to anoint him
with the oil of the saints; the man's legs hung down as if they did not belong
to him. After a few days, one Friday when the Saint had said the prayers as
usual and all had said 'Amen', the man suddenly leapt from the litter, and
stood on his feet and said with a loud voice, 'Bless me, oh servant of God'.
And he quickly ran up the steps and embraced the column giving thanks the while
to God.
Here I think it would be reasonable to make known the
faith which lay hidden in Hippasius, the 'second
centurion'.( Matt 7:5-13: Luke 7:2-10) This man was so rich in the great
poverty of Christ that the cures performed by Christ's disciples he accepted as
though wrought by the Lord Himself; for if any one of his house, be it son or
daughter or man-servant or maid-servant, fell ill or suffered from anything, he
judged himself unworthy to seek the intercession of the Saint, but would send
letters asking for the Saint's prayers. On receiving the holy man's written
rep1y he would lay the letter, as if it were the miracle-working hand of Jesus,
on the sufferer and immediately he received the fruits of his faith
A certain woman had a son of twelve
years, Damianus by name, dumb from birth; him she brought to the holy
man's enclosure and signing to him not to go away, she left him and departed.
Then when the brethren saw the boy staying there and saying nothing to anybody,
they brought him to the holy man. He, beholding him, ordered that he should
remain in the monastery, saying, 'The boy shall be God's minister'. The
brethren said, 'He is dumb, master !' He said to them, 'Moisten his tongue with
the oil of the saints'. But the brethren suspected that from stress of poverty
the mother had suggested to him to feign dumbness; so very often when the boy
was asleep they woke him suddenly by making a noise; and at other times they
would prick him in the body with needles or pens to try whether he would speak.
But he said nothing, as he was held by the power of dumbness. One Sunday, after
some considerable time had passed, when the holy Gospel was going to be read
aloud, and the deacon had announced the lesson from the holy Gospel of St.
Matthew, the boy shouted out ahead of the others, 'Glory be to thee, oh Lord!'
And after uttering this first cry he in future surpassed all the brethren in
his singing of the psalms. A certain chamberlain, Calopodius by
name, had built an oratory to the holy Archangel Michael and came to the holy
man asking him to give him some brethren for this oratory in Parthenopolis.*
And together with the brethren the holy man gave him this boy to sing the
psalms and he became God's minister, as the servant of God had foretold about
him. So great are the achievements of grace, so great the gifts of our Master
to His sincere servants; he came not speaking and became a good speaker, he
came voiceless and gained a beautiful voice, he was deserted by his mother as
dumb and he proved to be the wonderful herald of the church.
Many other marvellous works,
too, were performed by God through His servant Daniel which neither words can
describe nor tongue relate; these we must of necessity omit so as not to
prolong our story unduly; for those we have told are sufficient to confirm the
faithful and to lead the faithless to turn to the faith. But let us attempt to
describe how resolute and inflexible was the faith of the holy man.
Through the Devil's working a tumult once arose in the
most holy churches, for tares had sprung up from vain disputations and
questionings, so that some of the monks, who were renowned for good living,
through their simple-mindedness and through their failure to consider the
matter with precision, left the most Holy Church and separated themselves from
the holy fellowship and liturgy. These mischief-makers came to the holy man and
tried to confound him with similar arguments, but he who kept the foundation of
the holy faith unmovable and unshakable answered them saying, 'If the question
which you raise is concerning God, your inquiry is no simple or ordinary
matter, for the Divinity is incomprehensible; and it will be sufficient for you
to study the traditions of the holy apostles about Him and the teaching of the
divine Fathers who followed in their steps and not trouble yourselves any
further. But if the matter in dispute is about human affairs, as, for instance,
if one priest has removed another, or has accepted one to whom the others
object, all such things must be submitted to the judgment of God and to the
rulers themselves to judge according to the divine canons; for we are the sheep
and they are the shepherds, and they will give account to God for the flocks
entrusted to them; let us abstain from vain and dangerous questionings and let
us each consider that which concerns ourselves knowing that it is not without
danger that we separate ourselves from our holy mother, the Church. For her
bridegroom is the true Shepherd Who is able to recall to His fold the sheep
that have strayed and to lead those who have not strayed to better pasture.
Therefore it suffices us to believe unquestioningly in the Father, Son and Holy
Ghost, and to receive the incarnate dispensation of our Lord Jesus Christ and
his birth from the Virgin in the same way as He Himself was pleased to do in
His own loving kindness, for it is written: 'Seek not out the things that are
too high for thee, neither search the things that are too deep for thee'
(Ecclesiasticus 3:21). With this and similar counsel and warning he led
their hearts away from soul-destroying questionings and kept them unshaken in
the faith.
He also foresaw the death of the Emperor Zeno and this
he made known to him through one of those who often came to visit him, first by
ambiguous messages, and then later he warned him clearly that he would receive
the recompense for his good and evil deeds. He told Zeno that owing to his
faith in God and his good deeds he might have full confidence when he came into
the presence of God; but he must be mindful to abstain from all covetousness,
and he must excel in the good ordering of his life and banish all informers and
treat with generosity all those who had sinned against him; for by nothing is
God better pleased than by forgiveness and gentleness. These things he said
before Zeno's death; and to us he foretold that after her husband's death the
Christ-loving Ariadne would reign over the Empire because of her perfect faith
in the God of her fathers. And that with her would reign a man who loved Christ
and had devoted his whole life to hymns to God and to vigils, who was a model
of sobriety to all men and who in gentleness and justice would surpass all
those who had reigned at any time; 'he will turn aside, too', he said, 'from
that love of money which according to the apostle is "the root of all
evil''.(I Tim 6:10) He will govern the State impartially and honestly, and
throughout his reign he will grant peace and confidence to the most holy
churches and to the order of monks. In his time the rich shall not be favoured, neither shall the poor be wronged, for this above
all, both in peace and in war, will be the surest guarantee of prosperity to
the world.' All these predictions were confirmed shortly afterwards, for when
Anastasius* had been elected Emperor, his acts in themselves were sufficient
proof to the world that the Saint's prophecies had been fulfilled, and those
who dwelt in the holy man's enclosure realized this more especially since they
received all manner of benefits.
During the holy man's first illness, from which he was
expected to die, the pious sovereigns of whom I have spoken moved by divine
zeal, displayed great eagerness to honour his
memory, for they brought from the capital a very large tomb of precious stone
and splendid metal-work which can be seen to this day in the consecrated
enclosure, a very wonderful sight for visitors and of surpassing lavishness,
and whatever was needed for the funeral they supplied with the greatest
generosity. And it is superfluous to mention the munificence of the liberality
of the pious sovereigns and their unfailing protection. This devotion to the
Saint which was so fruitful and a fountain of kindly deeds the servant of God
heard of after his recovery and said, 'All these acts are truly great and
worthy of their faith in God and sufficient to call down the goodwill from
above upon them, but a resting-place of stone and one so distinguished does not
befit me; for I desire the earth only according to God's command: "Dust
thou art and unto dust shalt thou return''.(Gen. 3:19) The rulers
will receive a far greater recompense from God; but I myself wish to be buried
deep down in the earth and have the remains of holy martyrs laid above me, so
that, if anyone should wish to visit my resting-place to strengthen his faith,
he may pay his reverence to the Saints and from them receive the reward of his
good deeds and free himself from condemnation'. This wish we carried out
according to his orders after his second illness and actual translation. For
above his revered grave lie the relics of the three holy children,
Ananias, Azarias and Misael. These were brought from Babylon by
the Emperor Leo of pious memory during the lifetime of the holy man, and were
deposited by Euphemius,* the most holy Archbishop of
the imperial city, who out-rivalled all others in his zeal for
showing honour to the holy man; so we did
not experience any feeling of separation from our blessed and glorious father.
And at the moment of Daniel's blessed death the sovereigns increased their
gifts, for they bought tens of thousands of candles and illuminated both the
oratories; and beginning at the very top of the column they filled with candles
all the spiral scaffolding built for the descent of the holy corpse.
So great a grace of prophecy was granted to this holy
man that three months before his falling asleep he foretold to us that within a
few days he would quit the dwelling of his body and go to dwell with the Lord.
And from that time on he did not converse with those that resorted to him about
present-day matters only, but by foreknowledge he also announced future events
to them, strengthening them with words of good counsel, and he gave injunctions
to his usual attendants and to us how his precious body was to be brought down
from the column.
And in every instance in which we obeyed him things
turned out propitiously for us; but if perchance we did anything contrary to
his command, or as we thought fit, being satisfied with our human planning, it
was sure to turn out contrariwise for us; for he had been deemed worthy by God
of the prophetic gift.
And as he had been granted this wonderful grace the
glorious man also told us beforehand of Herais,* the servant of God, and
said that moved by spiritual zeal she would not allow his holy body to be
brought down except by the means she herself would provide, and he warned us
that nobody should oppose her in this intention, and this, too, came to pass.
For this most noble servant of God, Herais, generous as ever, made lavish
provision for the funeral of our thrice-blessed father Daniel supplying an
abundance of candles and oil beyond measure and gold for distribution to the
poor and a great quantity of wood. And she ordered a number of men who were
experienced in such works to erect a structure spiralwise round
the column and about the entrance to the oratory where the much-enduring body
of the noble champion of the ascetic life was to lie, so that it might not be
injured by the onrush of the crowd trying to snatch a relic. And according to
the command of the holy man nobody hindered her in this pious purpose.
Seven days before his falling asleep he summoned the
whole brotherhood, from chiefest to least,
and some he bade stand quite near him on the top of the ladder and listen to
his words. When he knew they were assembled, he said, 'My brothers and
children, behold, I am going to our Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. God Who
created all things by His word and wisdom, both the heaven and the earth and
the sea and all that in them is, Who brought the race of men into being from
that which was not, He Who is terrible to the angels but good to men, Who
"bowed the heavens and came down'' (Ps. 18:9) upon the earth "like
rain upon the mown grass", (Ps. 72:6) upon the holy virgin Mary, the
mother of God, and was pleased to be incarnate of her, as He alone understands,
and to be seen by men upon earth, Who "took away the sins of the world''
(John 1:29) and suffered for us, and "with His stripes" (Is. 53:5)
upon the Cross healed our spiritual wounds, and "nailed the bond that was
against us to the wood of the Cross'', (Col 2:14) He will strengthen you and
will guard you safe from evil and will keep your faith in Him firm and
immovable if you continue in unity with each other and perfect love until you
draw your last breath. May He give you grace to serve him blamelessly and to be
one body and one spirit continuing in humility and obedience. Do not neglect
hospitality; never separate yourselves from your holy mother, the Church, turn
away from all causes of offence and the tares of heretics, who are
the enemies of Christ, in order that ye may become perfect even as also your
heavenly Father is perfect. And now, I bid you Farewell, my beloved children,
and I embrace you all with the love of a father; the Lord will be with you.'
These words he ordered to be read aloud to the brethren by those who had stood
nearest to him and caught the words, for he was lying down. When this had been
done, and the brethren had heard the holy father's prayer and farewell they
burst into such weeping and wailing that the noise of their lamentation sounded
like unto a clap of thunder. Once again the holy man prayed over us and then
dismissed us telling us not to be faint-hearted but bear up bravely, 'and make
mention of me in your prayers !'
From that hour on, as if moved by some divine
providence, the body of faithful people came up of their own accord. And they
would not move from the holy man's enclosure until Euphemius,
the most holy Archbishop of this imperial city, arrived. He mounted the column
and looked, and then standing high up on the ladder, announced to all the
people, 'The holy man 1s still alive and with us; do not be troubled; for it is
impossible for his holy body to be consigned to the grave before news of his
death has been published to everyone and all the holy churches everywhere have
been informed'. And this was done.
But I must not forget to mention the greatest thing of
all which was indeed worthy of wonder. Three days before his falling asleep in
the middle of the night he was allowed to see at one time all those who had
been well-pleasing to God. They came down and when they had greeted him they
bade him celebrate the divine and august sacrament of the Eucharist, and two
brethren standing by were allowed to be hearers of the words and to make the
due responses. And directly he had completed the liturgy of God he woke up from
his trance and coming to himself he asked for the holy communion to be
administered to him; this was done and he partook first, and we all at that
hour of midnight also partook of the Holy Mysteries just as if he had been
administering to us the holy sacrament. Then, bidding farewell to the crowds
who surrounded him, he bade the brethren present throw incense into the censer
without ceasing.
Just about the time of his holy departure from this
life a man vexed with an unclean spirit suddenly cried aloud in the midst of
the people, announcing the presence of the saints with the holy man, naming
each one of them; and he said, “There is great joy in heaven at this hour, for
the holy angels have come to take the holy man with them, besides there are
come, too, the honourable and glorious
companies of prophets and apostles and martyrs and saints; they are tormenting
me now, and to-morrow at the third hour they will drive me out of this
tabernacle; when the holy man is going to his home in the heavens and his
saintly corpse is being brought down, I shall come out.” And this did indeed
happen. Our glorious father Daniel died at the third hour on the following day,
a Saturday, December 11th in the second indiction (A.D.
493), and at the time of his death he worked a miracle in that the man with an
unclean spirit was healed.
When they took down the railing they found his knees
drawn up to his chest, and his heels and legs to his thighs. And whilst his
body was being forcibly straightened, his bones creaked so loudly that we
thought his body would be shattered; yet when he was laid out, he was quite
entire except that his feet had been worn away by inflammation and the gnawing
of worms. The weight of the hair of his head was divided into twelve plaits,
each of which was four cubits long; likewise his beard was divided into two and
each plait was three cubits long. Most of the Christ-loving men saw
They clad him, as was his wont, in a leather tunic,
and a plank was brought up and laid on the column and he was placed on it.
At early dawn the Archbishop Euphemius,
dearly beloved of God, came and went up the column by the spiral way and kissed
the precious corpse, and thus, too, did all the faithful high dignitaries and
officials, for they went up to the head of the column, gave their benediction
and kissed his blessed body and came down.
But the people demanded that the holy man should be
shown to them before his burial, and in consequence an extraordinary tumult
arose. For by the Archbishop's orders the plank was stood upright-the body had
been fixed to it so that it could not fall-and thus, like an icon, the holy man
was displayed to all on every side; and for many hours the people all looked at
him and also with cries and tears besought him to be an advocate with God on
behalf of them all. When this had been done, behold, all the people suddenly
saw clearly with the naked eye three crosses in the sky above the corpse and
white doves flying round it.
Next there was great anxiety about the manner of
bringing it down for the funeral; for the Archbishop Euphemius was afraid the corpse might be torn asunder by the crowd, so he ordered it to
be put into a case of lead, and this coffin the aforementioned illustris, the most pious Herais, also
provided. This coffin was raised on the shoulders of the most holy Archbishop Euphemius and he bore it together with the noblest
officials and pious men, and they brought down the corpse by way of the spiral
stairway without its being hurt.
But in order to receive a blessing the people rushed
forward in front of the entry to the chapel and as the planks could not bear
such a sudden rush they parted from each other and all the men who were
carrying the coffin were thrown to the ground with the holy corpse. By the
grace of the Lord the carriers did not suffer any injury nor did they give way,
but they most marvellously withstood the
onrush of the crowd so that among those countless thousands of men, women and
children not a single one sustained any harm.
And Daniel was brought into the oratory and laid to
rest underneath the holy martyrs as he had wished.
These few short reminiscences out of many, beloved, we
have recorded in this our work as best we might. We rejected a multitude of
words in order to avoid satiety, and although numberless incidents have been
omitted, we are assured that these will suffice the faithful for remembrance
and give them all that they desire.
Now let us in a short summary review his whole life
down to the end of his time on earth.
Our all-praiseworthy father Daniel bade adieu to his
parents when he was twelve years old, then for twenty-five years he lived in a
monastery; after that during five years he visited the fathers and from each
learned what might serve his purpose, making his anthology from their teaching.
At the time when the crown of his endurance began to be woven the Saint had
completed his forty-second year, and at that age he came by divine guidance, as
we have explained above, to this our imperial city. He dwelt in the church for
nine years, standing on the capital of a column, thus training himself
beforehand in the practice of that discipline which he was destined to bring to
perfection. For he had learned from many divine revelations that his duty was
to enter upon the way of life practised by the
blessed and sainted Simeon.
For three and thirty years and three months he stood
for varying periods on the three columns, as he changed from one to another, so
that the whole span of his life was a little more than eighty-four years.
During these he was deemed worthy to receive “the
prize of his high calling”; ( 1 Philipp. 3:14.) he blessed all men, he prayed
on behalf of all, he counselled all not to be covetous, he instructed
all in the things necessary to salvation, he showed hospitality to all, yet he
possessed nothing on earth beyond the confines of the spot on which the
enclosure and religious houses had been built. And though many, amongst whom
were sovereigns and very distinguished officials occupying the highest posts,
wished to present him with splendid possessions he never consented, but he
listened to each one's offer and then prayed that he might be recompensed by
God for his pious intention.
While we bear in mind our holy father’s spiritual
counsels let us do our utmost to follow in his steps and to preserve the
garment of our body unspotted and to keep the lamp of faith unquenched,
carrying the oil of sympathy in our vessels that we may find mercy and grace in
the day of judgment from the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost now and
henceforth and to all eternity, Amen.
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