Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, turned back from
the Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness and tempted there by
the devil for forty days. He ate nothing in those days, and when they were
past, he was hungry. The devil said to him, "If you are the Son of God,
command this stone to become bread. Jesus answered him, "Man does not live
by bread alone." And taking him up to a high place, he showed him from
there in a moment all the kingdoms of the world, and the devil said to him,
"All this power and its glory I will give to you, for it has been
delivered to me, and to whom I will I give it; if you therefore fall down
before me, all will be yours. Jesus answered and said to him, "It is
written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you
serve.'" Then he led him up to Jerusalem and set him on the pinnacle of
the temple, and said to him, "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself
down from here; for it is written, "He has sent his angels over you to
guard you and to take you in their hands, lest you dash your foot against the
stones." Jesus answered and said to him, "It is said, "You shall
not tempt the Lord your God." And when all temptations were ended, the
devil withdrew from Him until the appointed time.
Let us follow JESUS into the wilderness of
Judea. It is the first thing He does after subjecting Himself to the
fulfillment of Scripture before the prophet at Jordan. No king of Israel was
without the recognition of the Prophet of YAVE GOD. It must be said that the popular
idea that it was the high priest who was to confer upon the son of David his
crown was a false idea. The crown was placed on the head of the house of David
by the hand of the prophet of God. It was the Prophet Samuel who gave the crown
to Saul, and it was the same Prophet Samuel who passed it on to David. The
recognition of the Inheritance of the son of David belonged to the Prophet of
God, in this case to John the Baptist. And hence JESUS rose up against the
Temple and submitted to the Prophet of YAHWEH GOD, his FATHER, so that the
Scripture would be fulfilled.
Baptized by the Prophet of the Jordan the Crown of
David was His. And yet, living in the Intimacy of his Lord, the Baptist
says of Him : "Behold the Lamb of God".
That is, the idea that GOD had of the Crown of the son
of David and the idea that the people had of the throne of the heir of the
mythical king of Jerusalem were as far apart as Heaven and Earth, which I think
are three million light years.
Without going so far we have live and direct the heirs
of that mythological idea of an Imperial Jerusalem, lady and mistress of the
Universe, in the image of Eternal Rome, in the current Jewish orthodox school,
still waiting for the mythical son of David who lives in their heads to come
down from Heaven, and who, recognized by them as the Messiah will raise the
walls of Jerusalem to the Olympus of the nations, making them all tributaries
of their coffers.
The Prophet of the Jordan legitimizes the Davidic
Inheritance to JESUS, thus fulfilling the Scripture, but what JESUS was going
to do with that crown of David was an event that belonged exclusively to his
Person. In keeping with the Fulfillment of Scripture, John knows that that king
must be Sacrificed for the sake of the Ignorance of Mankind and the Innocence
of God. Now, JESUS was free, He had a will of His own; the final decision
He made belonged to His own Self. The Scripture had been fulfilled, the son of
David was alive; the mission for which John had been begotten had been
consummated; John could now leave this World, he had nothing more to do here
Below. The Future of this World and of the whole Creation was in the hands of
the "son of David" and "Lamb of God" in the same person. In
this duality was the Mystery. Everyone was looking for the Messiah, the son of
David, forgetting what St. John would later say:
"Then Andrew found his brother Simon and said to
him, We have found the Messiah, which means the Christ."
In fact, "Christ" means "the Lamb of
God". This is the title with which JOHN presented him to his Disciples,
and which neither Andrew nor John could understand. They only knew that JESUS
was the MESSIAH, and the Messiah was the son of David; ergo: the heir to the
throne of David was alive, the Freedom of Jerusalem of the Jews was in his
hands. As his Disciples, to them would correspond the role of Ministers of the
King of Israel. Holy holy Haleluyah!
Far from these thoughts, JESUS withdraws into the
wilderness. The Scripture must continue to be fulfilled, for it was written
from the origin of the world born of the Fall:
"Then said YAVE GOD unto the (DEVIL, Satan), the
(ancient) serpent, Because thou hast done this thing, cursed shalt thou be
among all cattle and among all beasts of the field. Thou shalt crawl upon thy
breast and eat the dust all the days of thy life. I put perpetual enmity
between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; he shall crush
thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for his heel."
The first thing we observe is the rupture of the
Divine Paternity over the one who up to that moment had been counted among the
children of God. Let us remember:
"It came to pass one day that the sons of God
went to present themselves before YAVE GOD, and Satan also came among
YAHWEH GOD said to Satan: "cursed shalt thou be
among all cattle and among all the beasts of the field", he withdraws his
status as son of God and compares him to the beasts "that crawl on their
breast and eat the dust all the time of their life", that is, deprived of
the Eternal Filiation, which makes the life of the Being feed from the Divine
Source, Satan will feed from his own forces, until the day comes when the son
of Man, son of Eve, rises against him in Duel to Death and crushes his head.
It is to this Encounter that JESUS, the son of MARY,
daughter of EVE, turns. It is an Encounter in which the two contenders are to
meet face to face. Satan is going to confront the Champion that GOD has raised
for his son ADAM, in whose Arm rests the Vengeance for the blood of the First
The Combat is to the Death. Satan stakes his Eternal
Life. If Satan loses the Duel against the Champion of God, the Law will be
consummated, and once his Sentence is executed: "Banishment of
Creation", thrown into the Outer Darkness that surrounds the New Cosmos,
Hell will be his Prison for Eternity; there his Cell has for Walls the
Only God can enter the Infinite and return to his
Paradise. Hence, inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Bride of Christ received in
Heredity the Creed of Eternity, which says: "He died, and descended into
Hell, and rose again the third day". It is obvious that GOD the FATHER
could not hide from his SON the nature of the DESERT that HIS Law against the
Science of Good and Evil had sealed. LAW that the SON himself seals in his
YES TO PEACE, NO TO WAR, will be the soul of the LAW
of his everlasting Kingdom.
We return; we are walking with JESUS, towards the
mountains of the Judean Desert. JESUS begins alone his journey to meet SATAN.
His Testimony, even being that of the Son of God, would have had no historical
value if he had not had Witnesses who claimed to have seen him lost among the
mountains of Judea at the Encounter of the Serpent, and to whom, asking him
later what had happened, he told them what happened in that Encounter. We read:
"The next day, when John was again with two of
his disciples, he looked upon Jesus, who was passing by, and said, Behold the
Lamb of God. And the two disciples, hearing him, followed Jesus. When Jesus saw
them following him, he returned to them and said to them, "What do you
seek? And they said unto him, Rabbi, which signifieth Master, where dwellest thou? And he said unto them, Come and see. So they went
and saw where he dwelt, and abode with him that day. It was about the tenth
JESUS could not take them with Him. That Encounter was
between the Two Champions, on the one hand that of Death, SATAN, and on the
other that of YAHWEH GOD, JESUS.
JESUS was going to meet the Devil, the Ancient
Serpent, the Devil in person, it was not an Encounter at the level of mere
mortals. Both Andrew and John were two young boys. And even if they had been
Peter and James, the idea of seeing the Devil face to face would have created
panic. That encounter was between the two Champions who were going to fight
their Duel to the Death in front of the House of the children of God. The
winner would take all.
If the Prince of Death won, the structure of Creation
according to YAHWEH GOD should legitimize the Tree of the Science of Good and
Evil in his Paradise.
If the Victor was the son of Man that possibility
would be rejected and Satan would be banished from Paradise for Eternity.
What was at stake for the DEVIL was everything. If
Satan did what he did, namely: shoot the arrow against the Achilles heel of the
First King that the Earth gave birth to, copying here the phrase of the
Sumerian Royal List "on whose head the Crown came down from Heaven",
it was because Satan believed that in the corresponding Duel between the son of
Man and him the victory would be his.
The law about Crime among the sons of God was clear
and simple:
"From one man's blood, from another man's hand I
will ask Vengeance."
The interpretation was clear... And although I have
already touched on this matter in the DIVINE HISTORY, in honor of the Overcomer
it is good for me to insist.
Evidently the interpretation of the Law implicated any
son of God in the Vengeance for the blood of Man, son of God. At the same time
the Law imposed that the Avenger of that blood be another man. Which left out
of the Vengeance the children of God not of our World, or as St. Paul liked to
say : "NOT of this creation".
Wisdom in Solomon used the hand of the wise king to
affirm about that Adam that since he was formed by God himself to be the king
of the World, Adam was the greatest Man that God had ever created among the
sons of men. Thus, if the man who came from the Hand of YAHWEH GOD Himself was
a toy of straw to which Satan set fire with a single match, opening the gates
of Hell to Mankind, it goes without saying that the Champion that GOD raised
for the Dead would not last Satan even three years.
Banished from the Heart of God, Satan's dementia had
been progressing during the millennia following the Fall and prior to the
Birth. Thrown among the human beasts born of his Betrayal of God, from so much
devouring "dust" he himself had become another animal in the image
and likeness of man who by his Treason crawled on the earth. When Satan meets
JESUS he had no idea nor did he imagine "how" YAHWEH GOD prepared the
Revenge for the blood of his son Adam.
But let us return to JESUS. He is lost among the
desert mountains of Judea. He has time to think. He has time to see His way in
the coming years. He has time to see the Future of Mankind. Before Him, as a
man, two paths are offered. To take up the Cross of the Lamb of God; or ... to
pick up the Crown of Adam and declare Himself King of the World by the work and
grace of God. As a man the Decision was his... If JESUS had been just that, a
man, nothing more ...
But JESUS is "YOU-GOD", that Being
engendered in the Uncreated Nature of the one who says of Himself:
"I-GOD". That which the DEVIL could not even imagine, that YAHWEH GOD
would choose as Our Champion his only begotten Son, is what was happening. Let
us remember:
The Law demanded Vengeance for the Blood of Adam by
the Hand of a son of that same Adam. All the sons of God being begotten of the
Nature of Creation, as we all are, they also sons of the Mud of their Worlds,
by this Origin were all excluded from the possibility of being called to take
Vengeance for the Blood of Adam. The Idea that YAVE GOD would choose his
BELOVED SON as our Champion was outside the field of thought of the Manslayer
against the God signed Penalty of Banishment.
So true is this statement "Idea of YAHWEH GOD
choosing his BELOVED SON as our Champion was out of the field of thought of the
Homicide" that the first thing that occurs to him to say to JESUS is:
"If you are the son of God...".
It can be seen that the DEVIL, SATAN, the ANCIENT
SERPENT, did not have the slightest idea of who JESUS was, who, as if he,
Satan, were less than a rat or a worm that crawls on the dust, answered in his
own way: "VADE RETRO SATAN".
Victory would come to us from the Hand of the One who
had been begotten to be Invincible.
But let us not go so far. There are forty days and
forty nights that the Son of God has before His eyes our Future and the Future
of the entire Creation.
It is very nice to shed crocodile tears for the
Tragedy that does not touch you, for the hurricane that devastates populations
at an infinite distance from your home, for the war that spreads its infernal
fire through nations that say nothing to you. The stab that plunges into the
heart of the stranger, pierces through the chest and comes out of the back,
what to you? The tyrant's thunderbolt that shakes the tree of the nation and
collapses peoples under the weight of the branches it tears off, and... ? The
death that enters through the window and spreads its darkness for the souls,
what is it...?
Is not the hell of war a spectacle worthy of a god?
Nations like armies of tin soldiers moved by the gods
in a game of infernal chess to the health of the glory of the gods, is not the
pastime beautiful?
What are all the peoples of Creation but dust moved by
the wind of the will of the children of God, partakers in everything of the
Divinity of their Father and Lord?
Eternity is a word of few letters, but what is the
weight of its nature? For he who is True God that nature is in his Being. How
beautiful it is to be Creator of Worlds! All created to enjoy eternal life
in the Paradise of Hell, isn't it Satan? That is what you wanted. This is why
you rose up against the Kingdom of God using Man as your battle axe.
What was the First Man? A creature in his Cosmic
Infancy. There was no Evil in his Heart, like that of the Child who entered the
Temple to take charge of the World and save the Human Race from its Perdition,
the Mind of the Man that God had formed with his Hand was clean of all evil
God had spoken and His Word was His Law. "Eat
not, for thou shalt die." Was Adam mad? God was his Father, and of course
he was, he was mad, but mad with Love for God, his Creator.
That son of God, the youngest of his House, knew the
existence of the fruit of the Science of good and evil, War, as it is known in
the Book of the History of Creation. And nothing more. He knew no Evil, it was
unthinkable for him to Doubt the Divine Word. To love God with all his mind,
his heart and his Law, and his neighbor as himself was his Law of Life.
What did you do Satan? Kill your own brother posing as
a Messenger of his Father:
"Nay, ye shall not die, but ye shall be as the
And Eve and Adam, as one who has the Blessing of God,
declared themselves gods; henceforth the Word of the king would be Law. And the
Civil War was made. For Man recognizes no God but his Creator.
The Hour of Vengeance, the Day of YAHWEH, had dawned.
God had chosen for us as Champion the Son of his Uncreated Womb. How could we
imagine that such a Father would choose his Beloved Child to take the Hammer of
Vengeance and crush the Head of the Murderer of his little brother Adam!
The Incarnation of this Son, of whom God Himself says
"Thou art True God of True God," and opening His Mouth His Word
becomes no matter what the content, this possibility never entered Satan's
head; not in vain did God say to him :
"Because thou hast done this, cursed shalt thou
be among all cattle and among all beasts of the field. You shall crawl on your
breast and eat the dust all the days of your life".
From what one eats one ends up being that which one
eats. By making men his food, his thought became that of any other man. Were
Jews and Romans able to discover the True Identity of the Prophet Galileo?
By his works, natural to God, could they understand
that the one they had before them was the Son of God?
Accustomed to amuse himself by massacring nations of
men and using men as pawns in his chessboard of war to the death against the
Kingdom of that JESUS, whose Throne he envied with all his soul and being, Satan
had ended up having the intelligence of just another man.
"If thou be the Son of God...say unto this stone
that it may become bread."
Satan had NOT the remotest idea of the Identity of the
One who had risen to avenge Adam's death. "Say unto this stone that it may
become bread." Was he a fool, had he not read the Scripture? :
"Verily I say unto you, that God is able of the
stones to make children of Abraham."
He had before him the Son of the Creator and all he
could think of was to challenge him to turn his staff into a serpent? Had he
not read the Scripture? :
"God will send you a prophet greater than I, and
whoever will not listen to him will be cut off from his people."
What are the sons of God, magicians in the style of
Pharaoh's magicians? Is the Power of God simply magic?
Satan's ignorance of the Incarnation was absolute.
But it was absolute for everyone. His Disciples knew
it only when the MOTHER discovered it to them during the three days of waiting
between the Crucifixion and the Resurrection. All those who had known the
Incarnation: the maternal grandmother of Jesus, Joseph, the husband of MARY,
and his brother-in-law Cleophas, brother of the MOTHER, Elizabeth and
Zechariah, parents of the Baptist, had all died. The only living person who,
apart from the MOTHER, knew of the Incarnation was the Baptist. The Silence of
the MOTHER and the BAPTIST about the Incarnation of the Only Begotten and
Firstborn Son of YAVE GOD was absolute.
The Incarnation was the most powerful secret ever best
kept by those who lived its Reality. And at the date of the Encounter between
SATAN and JESUS all those who lived that Event had died. In fact, before the
Incarnation took place, YAHWEH GOD himself expelled from his World that wicked
generation of God's children, led by Satan, about whom Moses wrote in his
Canticle. With this expulsion it was announced to the House of the sons of God
that the Day of Vengeance had come. Cast out of Heaven the DEVIL immediately
sets out to seek God's chosen Avenger to call him to account for the blood shed
since Adam. This event is recorded in Revelation for our intelligence and
knowledge of Salvation History.
Thus, ignorant of the Identity of the One before him,
knowing only that That One is the son of Man, God's chosen one to confront him,
from whose Duel, supposedly, he, the Ancient Serpent, will emerge with his head
crushed, after His reply "Man does not live by bread alone," the
Devil continues:
"All this power and its glory I will give you,
for to me it has been given, and to whom I will I give it; if, therefore, you
will prostrate yourself before me, all will be yours."
And indeed the Crown "which came down from
Heaven" Satan plucked from the head of the king whom God gave to men in
the days of Eden. But God did not give the Crown to Adam to do with the Power
that came with it as he pleased. God created Man in the Image and Likeness of
His Son, in whose Image and Likeness He creates all His children. This is why
the Ancients wrote that "the Crown came down from Heaven", and did
not write that "it came up from Hell". Speaking in Christian, we
can say that whoever wrote this statement, "the Crown came down from
Heaven", like all the other peoples of the Earth was living in Hell. Ergo,
the Sumerians could well have claimed the opposite, namely, that the Crown came
up from Hell. But no, they did not.
The Power that God placed in his son Adam had Wisdom
for his Scepter, Peace for his Throne, and Love for Life and for the Life of
others for his Crown. Far from this Power were the words of the one who offered
to the Creator of the World what belonged to Him by Right. The Answer of JESUS
reveals to us the Nature of that Power:
"The Lord thy God shalt thou worship and Him only
shalt thou serve".
The Power of God in His children has by nature to
serve Him by governing the peoples of His Creation in the bosom of His Justice;
in the Government of the Holy Spirit the Love of His Creator for all His
creatures, over whom God extends His everlasting Paternity, is manifested
Alive. This is the Nature of the Power that God deposited in the crowns of his
children. Power in every respect the enemy of the Power which Satan enjoyed,
and would lead him to ruin.
JESUS does not look at it. The Law must be fulfilled.
The Enemy of His Crown must see rod to face the One who came to crush his Head,
take that Power from him, and sign the Sentence of Eternal Banishment against
him sealed by his Father.
Satan goes on to want to prove that He also knew the
"If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down
from hence: for it is written, He hath sent his angels over thee to keep thee,
and to hold thee in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against the
And indeed Satan knew the Scriptures. Also the High
Priest and the Temple authorities knew the Scriptures. Not for the same
existential reason. Satan because it is the law of war to know the enemy in
order to discover his weakness and destroy him. The Temple because its future
depended on the Law. But as for the access to the Intelligence from which those
Scriptures came neither one nor the other had the door open. Only their
Prophets went in and out through that Door to the Mind of God with the
assurance of those who were in their secrets ... for they were one with their
Today, the Door to that Divine Mind is JESUS Himself
who, without even looking at Him, dismisses from His side the Enemy against
whom He let fall the Hammer of His Omnipotence.
and what is your answer, you who read these lines?
We have reached a point of no return. We have followed
JESUS into the desert. For 40 days we have been waiting by His side for His
Enemy, Our Enemy, Satan, to appear. The Fire that consumes JESUS against Satan
burns in our spirit, the heat of His flame is that of the Incombustible Bush in
Fire from which YAHWEH GOD said of Himself: “I AM WHO I AM”, I AM NOT that
which you believe God is, or should be; I AM NOT that evil monster that from
before the Beginning of Creation writes the Script of the Tragedy of the World
that I am about to create, and I believe in the Universe that I have created to
be my Paradise. MY Universe is My World, my Law is its Beginning and its End. I
AM YAVE, Father of JESUS, the same one whom you have followed to the Desert by
the hand of my son, now look me in the face.
Indeed, what is God seeing? There Satan and JESUS are,
facing each other. Satan does not see the Fire from which the Words of JESUS
arise; Satan has become a beast without intelligence, a loathsome Serpent full
of venom, but a beast incapable of understanding or seeing GOD. Satan believes
that JESUS is alone. He is NOT. HIS FATHER is beholding the GATHERING. And we
are going to raise our heads and direct our eyes to YAVE GOD, our CREATOR, the
Creator of the New Cosmos, Lord of Infinity and Eternity, whose Word is Law for
Space, Time and Matter, and in whose Immaculate and Incorruptible HEART lives
WISDOM, his WIFE. Yes, we have entered into the INTIMACY of GOD. His eyes
are watching the Scene. And with the eyes of a son who loves his Father above
all things we contemplate the Scene of the Encounter with his eyes.
We have before us two irreconcilable conceptions of
the Nature of Power.
On Satan's side we have Power as a Natural Right due
to a self-idolatrous Ego that recognizes no more Law than its own Pride, nor
more Justice than its own Passion for Power;
On the part of JESUS we have Power as Love of Life,
his Passion is adoration of the Law of the Spirit of the Creator, who for Love
of his Creation elevates us all to the condition of his Son: we are sons of
Satan worships War, the Strength of his glory is based
on Destruction; either he is given what he wants or he rises as a Beast fed by
Hellfire, ready to devour all life. It does NOT recognize TRUTH as the Mother
of Civilization. The only Truth is his own, either he is given what he wants or
he declares War against GOD himself. He is the son of Death, the father of the
Perdition of all who follow him. There is no more Love in him for his Creator
and his Creation. He has dared to Threaten God, FATHER of JESUS, with the
Destruction of his Creation, we, the Human Race, and even in his madness dared
to Betray the Lord of Infinity and Eternity, Creator of the Galaxy Forest of
the New Cosmos; and to challenge him to a Pulse for the transformation of His
House into a Global Tyranny ruled by gods, he, Satan, its head.
JESUS loves the Life of Creation to the point of
saying “I AM THE LIFE”, he who attacks you, attacks me; he who seeks your,
destruction seeks mine, and he shall meet me. Civilization is the Fruit of the
Fraternity that proceeds from the Divine Universal Peace; no matter the people
or the origin of your being in space and time, you are all Citizens of the
Kingdom of my FATHER, and it is the KING's Sacred Duty to defend you, to
protect you and to crush the head of your Enemy. Your Enemy is my Enemy.
GOD, Your FATHER, beholds the Gathering. We are at His
side. The Fire of His Being is the LIGHT that brightens the soul and spirit of
us all. There is NO FEAR, our eyes see what His eyes see. There is no turning
back now. He has given us YOUR-GOD, His Son, the Son of His uncreated womb, for
a Champion. THE POWER?
What is the Power?
Nuclear weapons?
What can the cry of a disciple of the Devil
threatening the World with a Destruction of which there will be neither “Victor
nor Vanquished”, say to Him who with a single Word can reduce the Earth to dust
wandering among the nebulae of the Heavens?
Fear of that evil murderer who rose up against a Naked
Creature in the Sciences of War, and even being told “Do not do it, or you will
die”, believed that Death would be Stronger than the Creator of the Universe.
Behold, a nation strips itself naked, let us call it
UKRAINE. For love of World Peace, like St. Francis on the day of his Vow to
God, that nation disarms. It is the Third Nuclear Power of the 20th Century.
Caught between the Ices of the Cold War, to raise the Temperature and feed the
Fire of World Peace, UKRAINE dismantles its NUCLEAR POWER. It undresses.
U.S.A., RUSSIA, U.K., France and China swear in
Budapest, by the Word of Honor of their States and Armies, the Inviolability of
the Borders of Ukraine. The Violation of those Borders becomes from that day an
Abomination, whoever violates them in the Future will know the Answer of the
other Nations that have celebrated, for their Honor, that Nudity in the Name of
Peace. The Law is Eternal: “Do NOT do it, or you will die”. But they challenge
the whole World to a War of which there will be neither Victor nor Vanquished.
God contemplates the Scene. Satan rubs his hands
together. Yes, he recognizes to that UNKNOWN JESUS a courage unbecoming of a
man. Any man at the thought of coming face to face with the Devil would have
died of fear. This UNKNOWN JESUS not only did not run but had the courage to
come to meet him. JESUS does not even look at him. He is repulsed by his
Presence, but endures his breath. The Beast next to him, once a son of God, is
unable to see the Hammer in the Hand of the Arm that will crush the Head of the
Serpent within Satan. The Strength of that Arm is the Strength of the Arm of YAHWEH
God beholds the Serenity of His SON. There is NO DOUBT
or FEAR in His JESUS, and JESUS knows perfectly well that His FATHER
contemplates Him.
The dice had been cast long ago, from the very moment
God said to Satan “My SON will crush your head”, that head was already crushed.
Thousands of years had passed. The nature of being a son
of God had disintegrated in Satan; for thousands of years he had devoured human
flesh, millennium after millennium he had drunk human blood to the point of
absolute drunkenness, dust had been his element, and now he was nothing but a
Beast, his final decision signed with the Blood of Adam : “Rather a king in
Hell than a mere Citizen in the Kingdom of God”.
The answer of JESUS is the answer of his FATHER: “So be
We see, then, that each line of the BOOK OF GOD is the
Speech of that Eternal Wisdom who, loving God with all her being, made in HIS
Heart her Home, her House, her World, her Universe, her Paradise; world,
universe, paradise, house and home, against which Death raised his Champion,
invested him as his Prince, became the source of his Strength and now, without
masks behind which to hide, throws himself into the FINAL BATTLE. Death has
before him his enemy: YAHWEH GOD.
The Cosmic War between Life and Death has reached the
field where one will celebrate His Victory and the other will be banished from
Creation. LIFE not only finds in God its King, but incarnating His Son says “I
So, having God with Us, where is the fear of Death?
Who are those cowards who in the face of the Threat of
the Devil hide behind diplomatic walls, surrendering the lives of a people “sacred
in the eyes of God” as the price for their miserable existence?
The Victory is the King’s, the Invincible is God in
Him. There is NO more Answer to Satan's house than “Do NOT do WAR, or you will
But let us return to our Creator’s side.
JESUS hungers. HIS FATHER adores Him. Before He knows
His Answer to the Devil He already cries it out before all His Creation, “Behold
my BELOVED SON”, the Son in whose Image and Likeness we are all formed; Image
and Likeness Satan banished from His being; Image and Likeness in which we have
our Glory.
God looks at us. He contemplates us, He smiles at us,
where is the Fear, where is the sting of Death?
The beasts in the image and likeness of Satan believe
that the Power is in the Arm dressed for War. His disciples have jaws of steel
and teeth of iron, their mouths breath fire from hell, a homicidal poison that
kills all their enemies, from within and without.
They have no law but Iron; they know no civilization
but that which is founded on the terrors of War. They feed on the flesh of
nations and are drunk with the blood of peoples. They believe themselves to be
gods beyond good and evil; and like their master and lord, rather dead than men
among men, citizens all of the same Divine Kingdom founded on Peace among true
brothers, they invoke World War as the route to Universal Hegemony.
God and the King contemplate us. The King stands and
God leads His armies. There will be NO Nuclear War, and those who have violated
the sacred borders, if they do not leave the territory consecrated to Peace,
will die.
But it is Time to eat. The entire Creation comes down
to serve Its King. The whole House of God’s sons waited with their hearts in a
fist for the Meeting between the son of Eve and of Satan. They saw JESUS and
understood what their Enemy had not understood: that this UNKNOWN JESUS was the
Son of whom YAHWEH GOD says: “YOU GOD, my Son”.
We come down with JESUS from the Mountain. It is
Celebration Time; Victory is guaranteed; before he was born, CHRIST was already
proclaimed the Victor.
All to the Wedding of Canaan. Raise your glasses.
Celebrate LIFE. Laugh and rejoice without Fear of Death, is this not Happiness?
Lift up your souls, lift up your hearts. JESUS drinks,
laughs, talks, lets himself be embraced and embraces, loves and is loved; let’s
sing and dance, for each day has its eagerness.
There is the MOTHER, her relatives, her sisters, her
nephews and nieces, her sons and daughters-in-law, there are, although they do
not know it yet, those who will be His Disciples. After accompanying him
all that day, JESUS disappeared for 40 more days. Suddenly He is back.
As I said in the DIVINE HISTORY, He disappeared and
appeared without giving explanations to anyone, and returned with that Presence
of His that it was impossible to get angry or just reproach Him for anything.
He appears at the wedding feast of Canaan with His Mother as if those 40 days
in the desert were of no one's interest. He sits with the guests, his
relatives, and enjoys the joy as any son of man. The Disciples meet the Son of
Mary. Peter's mother-in-law is a sister of the MOTHER. Those present are mostly
members of the clan of David of Galilee. They know that the Head of the Clan
is, by tradition, the son of Jacob of Nazareth. Jesus is that son. But before
him there had been many and none claimed the Inheritance of David. According to
Andrew and John this son of Jacob was the Messiah. In him the line ended. To
him and only to him, according to the Baptist, corresponded the Inheritance of
the Kingdom of David. But what are we talking about? Independence from the
Empire of Rome? Declaring war on Caesar? Where were the armies?
Of course during those 40 days James and Peter talked
about the news brought to them by Andrew and John. Ok, Mary's son is the
Messiah, so what? Who is Jesus? JESUS is a farmer, wealthy, owner of the
carpentry of his brothers, bequeathed to him by his father Joseph, but farmer
after all. And to make matters worse, a Galilean, what future did he have? With
what power was he going to conquer the throne of his father David?
I insist, God did not write a single line in vain. His
Gospel is the Door to the Memory of the events that remained on the other side
of the Door of His Silence. From the beginning generations wanted to manipulate
the Text of HIS Book in order to create for themselves a church of their own to
live as high priests. They were not interested in Truth, their interest was
always centered on turning the Letter into Gold. Quite the opposite of the
interest of the one whom we immediately see turning Water into Wine.
JESUS knew the thinking of those who were to be his
Disciples first and his Apostles afterwards. HE had no need to hear them to
know what they were thinking; it was enough for HIM to set His eyes on a person
to know his soul as if He had given birth to him. HIS Power is the Power of
God. The Evangelists insisted again and again on this point. JESUS knew
everyone's thoughts without needing to speak to anyone. His Look was the Look
of God; our hearts and minds are naked before His eyes. So knowing the thoughts
of his Disciples, God causes the scene to be transformed for the Manifestation
of the Nature of the Power of his Messiah.
The sponsors of the Wedding run out of wine. In those
days, like funerals, weddings did not end in one day. The longer a wedding
lasted the more prestige for the house. A wedding that lasted one day said very
little about the family, the length of the wedding said a lot.
That the people in the wedding was her family is
revealed by the MOTHER when she addresses her Son. That this MOTHER knew the
Nature of the Power of her SON is revealed by the Author speaking to HIM in his
ear: “Son, they have no Wine”. “What to you and me, Woman” reveals to us that
JESUS discovers at that moment the Presence of his FATHER.
The Disciples must know the Nature of the Power of the
Messiah. It is NOT weapons or armies that are the Source of His Glory; His
Power is the Glory of the Freedom of God.
“Do whatever He tells you” says the Mother to her
relatives. The obedience they render to her reveals to us the Authority of MARY
among her own people. No one objects, no one knows what she intends. Nazareth
is far away. SHE cannot bring wine from her house just like that. And yet no
one stay sit. They do what SHE wants, do whatever her SON tells them.
JESUS understands; it is HIS FATHER who is speaking to
HIM in HER. He calls to his Disciples, “Come with me”. His Disciples believed they
will accompany him to buy Wine. They do not leave the house. JESUS says to his
Disciples : “Fill the jars with WATER”. They fill them, they close the jars.
And immediately he says to them: “Pour the WINE”. They all look at him. Has he
lost his mind? They open the jars. “It is WINE”. And the Evangelist concludes :
“And his Disciples believed”. They already had the answer they had been
looking for : “NOT the weapons, not the armies, the Power of the Messiah is the
Power of God”.
And so began the Great Adventure. The greatest
adventure that any man has ever lived or could live. To walk with the Son of
God, step by step, day after day, month after month, year after year. Until
that day for Eternity: the day He said to Peter: “Put down your sword, Peter,
he who kills with iron, dies with iron”.
So Yesterday as Today and Tomorrow forever and ever,
he who makes War, by the Law, shall die.
Now there was a Pharisee named Nicodemus, a ruler
among the Jews, who came to Jesus by night and said to him, "Rabbi, we
know that you have come as a teacher from God, for no one can do these miracles
that you do unless God is with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily I
say unto thee, Except a man be born from above, he shall not enter into the
kingdom of God....
Nicodemus answered and said, How can that be?
Jesus answered and said, ... If ye believe not when I
speak to you of earthly things, how shall ye believe, if I speak to you of
heavenly things? God did not send his Son into the world to judge the world,
but that the world might be saved through him. He who believes in Him is not
judged: he who does not believe in Him is already judged, because he did not
believe in the name of the only begotten Son of God..... But he who works the
truth comes to the light, that his works may be made manifest, for they are
done in God.
Truth has but one Way. And JESUS having said : “Truth
shall make you Free”, and adding “I AM THE WAY”, the conclusion of Intelligence
is logical : “HE is the Way of, and to, Freedom”. Any other conclusion comes
from Satan.
I know that the Freedom of Science, just as the
freedom of the Reformation led to the European Civil War of the 30 Years, the
famous liberal utopia of Scientific Atheism led OUR CIVILIZATION to the WORLD
WARS. And at present, SCIENCE, the darling-slave of Power, which did not want to
be Free in the Kingdom of God, has dragged us, again, to the edge of the
Precipice of the Extinction of life on Earth.
No one but Science itself is guilty of having
installed itself in Genocidal Anti-Christianity against Humanity under the Lie
of Scientific Atheism as the Path to Freedom.
For this reason I have undertaken the Great Adventure
of Walking with JESUS towards the Freedom that from his Truth emerges and
engenders in Man, we, Creation of God, a New Man. Citizen of his Kingdom,
subject of Divine Right, and Object of the Duty that all the sons of God have
to Defend and protect Their Own Life, and the Lives of our Neighbors and
Brothers with the Force that, having in the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and
the Earth as its Source; this Divine Right to Self-Defense engenders in us the
Duty to defend and protect the Life of our Neighbor and Brother, their peoples and nations, all Citizens of the
Kingdom of JESUS, whose lives God will ask us to account for, when having the
Power to Defend those lives we simply stand by and watch as Cain destroys the
head of Abel.
The Defense of Life in us and in the entire Creation
is a Duty that comes from God the Creator, who clothes His Creation with the
Almighty Power of His Arm, so that His sons may rise up between Cain and Abel.
To stop the Genocide of the Liberty and Life of a
Nation of His Kingdom, Citizens of the Kingdom of God, is a Divine Duty. Cain
must choose: submit to the King’s Law, or die.
The JESUSCHRISTIAN Duty is a DIVINE Right that comes
to us in Inheritance with our Birth from the Spirit of Our Creator.
Consequently it is of Divine Right the Almighty Duty to defend the Life of our
Neighbor and Brother without fear of Death; but on the contrary, the Fear of
Death is our Enemy. It is written “Cowards shall not inherit the Kingdom God”;
word of the KING, JESUS. Because God not being a Coward cannot leave in
Inheritance what does not exist in His Heart.
The Doctrine of JESUS is Eternal : “For God so loved
the world, that He gave us His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in
Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. The Intimacy of this
Declaration admits no darkness. God gave us as Champion and Model of Being, in
whose Image and Likeness we are born again, the Son of His Eternal womb, in whom
the Duty to defend the Life of the Citizens of His Kingdom is an Almighty Right
innate to His CROWN, and as the Apostle says speaking of it: “… Incorruptible,
A Creation alienated from this Right was the one that
God rejected to Hell, and sending us his Son has opened us to all the Door to
his Paradise, his World, his House, his Home.
In which direction shall we walk then in search of
There is only one WAY. Any other WAY, be it religious,
scientific, philosophical or theological, leads to Satan.
The structure of the JESUSCHRISTIAN Discourse is
direct: “I AM THE TRUTH, I AM THE WAY, I AM THE ETERNAL LIFE”. So, loving Life
with all the strength of our being, where could we go, how could we raise our
life to Eternity but walking with JESUS?
“We have found him”: Andrew and John say to Peter and
James. And yet we know that no one finds God, it is God who allows himself to
be found.
Neither Judaism, nor Islam, nor Buddhism, nor
Scientific Atheism, nor Materialistic Neo-Paganism. They are all speeches to
hide behind their death threats the reality, namely, that not being able to
find God without JESUS, they invented a god towards whom to derive this nature
of ours created to run to the Meeting of its Creator. And if God withdraws, sons
of Adam, how will anyone be able to bring his life to the consummation of his
existence : life in the Image and likeness of the Eternal Life of the Son of
God! But we are not children of Adam, we are sons of CHRIST.
And here we are, walking with Our Father who is in
Indeed, “in the Beginning”, when God said : “Let us
make Man in our image and after our likeness”, the Model was general, and hence
God distributed the Regions of the Earth among his sons “not of our World”. The
Mission of those sons of God, the gods of Antiquity, before the Fall, was to
lead to Civilization the Families under their Guardianship, thus making God
emerge in the Human Genus Five Civilizations. It was Go’s Idea to integrate
them into one, engendering in them a New one. This is when the Reign of Adam,
son of God, began. When the Process of the Universal Formation of Man was
broken, the innate mental properties, with which each son of God impregnated
the Minds of the Peoples under the Tutelage of his children, were transformed
into Walls impossible to tear down.
And yet, as Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, the Word is
God brings to its End the Work to which He gives its
Beginning. His Word is God. HIS Word is Law to HIMSELF. “GOD says and GOD does”.
The Word of God is not the Word of a State, nor that
of a Man who signs a Treaty, a Memorandum, a Contract that binds him to Life or
Death, and when he turns around he steps on his Word. God opens the BEGINNING
and walks towards the END with Almighty Legs and Omnipotent Arms. And he who
pretends to stand in the middle is mad. Satan, the Head of the Serpent, put
himself in the middle, and we already know the price of his madness: ETERNAL
BANISHMENT FROM CREATION. Sentence to which all the sons of God, of Heaven and
Earth, respond: Blessed is God!
BY His Word God opened his Kingdom to the fullness of
the nations of the human race. God had to consummate his Creation. For the
World of Adam did not consummate His Work. Drowned in the waters of his
Ignorance that First Man, the Necessity of begetting a New Man, born of His
Spirit was made. And so God was ready to do it. But this time the Image and
Likeness of God would not come to the New Man from just any son of God; the
Almighty Creator of the New Cosmos gave us as Father the very Son of His
Uncreated Womb.
And there He was, walking, Our Father who is in
Heaven. Nicodemus approaches Him. How can man, being old, be born again?
Nicodemus puts in Doubt the Power of God; he subjects
the Divine Omnipotence to the structure of the Impotence of human Reason.
Our Father's Answer is direct: “Indeed, verily, I say
unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter
into the kingdom of heaven”.
The Creation of Life in the Image and Likeness of God
has in this dimension its nature. First , Matter is created, finally Matter is invested with the Divine
Spirit, which engenders in us a son of God.
We have the perfect image of this Creative Dimension
in the Burning Bush. Invested with the Eternal Nature of its Creator, Matter is
never consumed; Creation participates in the Life of its Creator through the
Spirit of the son that God engenders in His Creature.
Although our existence is ascribed to temporality on
Earth, we walk in the eternal Life that God has unfolded before us. We are no
longer subject to the Walls of the Old Man, son of the Fall of Adam’s World.
The Model of our Being is the Son of God.
All the Old is dissolved. Judaism, Islam, Buddhism,
Atheism, Materialism, all are false.
Having said this, we look Him in the face. He is
CHRIST JESUS OF YAHWEH AND ZION, the Firstborn of the sons of God. He is the
Invincible Champion that God gave us, and He raised Him to the Throne of the
Everlasting Universal King, to Defend and Protect our Life.
YES: also JESUS was born again; God gave him a New
Name: CHRIST. The CHILD had given way to MAN. And that Man is the Model in the
Image and Likeness of which we are all formed, fulfilling the GOAL of the WORD:
"Let us make MAN..."
Citizens of Thy Kingdom, the workmanship of Thy Being,
subject of Right and Object of Duty.
PEACE is not built by not making War; PEACE is
defended, protected with all the Forces of Being.
YESTERDAY: “If you do not believe when I speak to you
of earthly things, how will you believe if I speak to you of heavenly things?”
TODAY “Yes”. TODAY we have the Mind and Intelligence
of those who being in the Intimacy of our Creator, having been born of His
Spirit, begotten in His Image and Likeness, can understand, speak and make
known heavenly things. Wisdom, “spoken among the perfect” YESTERDAY, is our
Inheritance, and for this reason God said, “It was necessary that the Testator
should die”, for if He did not die He could not bequeath in Testament his
Spirit of Intelligence to his Offspring.
We are the Offspring of CHRIST, the Future of which it
was written: “The whole Creation awaits the day of the glory of the Liberty of
the sons of God”. That Day is TODAY. And the Source of our Freedom being the
Glory of JESUS CHRIST, Our Father in Heaven, the Glory of God’s only begotten
Son, where is the Fear?
Ours is the Promise: “Thy Offspring shall conquer the
gates of their Enemies”.
Sons of God, by the Truthfulness of the One who is His
Only Begotten and Firstborn, we are the Future of the Human Race. We have been
begotten in the spirit of eternal Life to call all Nations to the Citizenship
of His Kingdom. The Nation that rejects it will be erased from the map of
History, and its name from the Book of Life: “for he that believeth not in Him
is judged already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only
begotten Son of God”.
NO ONE who does not bow his knees before the KING will
enter HIS Paradise. This is the Last Word of God.
The New Universe has been created by YAHWEH GOD
according to the Laws of His Heart and Wisdom. And whoever does not want to
live in the Light of his Personality, whose Love for his Creation is so
enormous that he chose us for Champion His Own Son, even though His Victory
would be His Cross, he will not enter his World.
“Dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return” is the
best sentence that can be wished to him who in his unbelief lodges in the arms
of Satan.
And finally we return to History. We have already
heard Andrew and John calling JESUS “Rabbi”. Again we hear Nicodemus calling
him “Rabbi”. Far from opening an academic discussion, and starting from the biohistorical scenario that I unfolded in the DIVINE
HISTORY OF JESUS CHRIST, it is understood that when Joseph died, and the
kingdom of Herod had been divided among his sons, the synagogue of Nazareth was
in charge of JESUS, the heir of Jacob of Nazareth, whose house had exercised
the civil authority in the town since its foundation by Abiud, son of
That image of a MARY living almost in misery, and a
Joseph Carpenter without education of any kind was imposed, during the
Reformation, by its first hero, a Martin Luther whose Intimacy was not with God
but with Satan; the homicidal fruits of his doctrine, whose nature was revealed
in the 30 Years' War, on pain of being blind, speaks volumes about the identity
of his Hidden God… Indeed we did not know that God was a coward and had to hide
from Satan and his disciples.
But since I have already opened this subject in
THE ANTICHRIST, I will pass on opening a door that is always open. The fact is
that, as can be read in the HEART OF MARY, his son, heir of his father Jacob,
when He came of age became by the authority of his family the Rabbi of
Nazareth. His upbringing in Alexandria gave him the mastery of the languages of
the Empire, Latin and Greek, on the one hand, and on the other, of the Sacred
language of the Old Testament, Aramaic, in addition to the Hebrew common among the
To know how to read and write, as much in the
Antiquity as in the medieval ages, during the time of JESUS was an art and a
science reserved to the families that could afford to have their children
without working. Until he was twelve years old JESUS lived no other reality
than that of a CHILD, son of parents without economic problems of any kind, who
let him live the City of Alexandria of the Nile at his pleasure.
The CHILD was not a Prodigy; the CHILD was the Son of
God; his Intelligence was natural TO WHO HE WAS.
After the Episode of the Temple the CHILD enters in a
low profile of relationship, until dead Cleophas and Joseph, for his fortune
and for his intelligence He becomes the Rabbi of Nazareth, in whom the families
rested the religious education of their children.
“Let the children come to me” was not propaganda. The “Rabbi
of Nazareth”, the son of MARY, did not take care of the children of the people
in response to a contract with the Temple. The love for the men those children
would become was His Devotion.
In front of their parents, on the religious days when
the synagogue opened its door, the religious profile of Mary’s son was that of
a Jew of the prophetic school. No one could see in Him the Messiah, an Intimacy
to which not even the Mother herself had access.
When her Son ascends to the Cross, then she
understands the Silence of “her Child”. Since He left the Temple, at the age of
Twelve, “her Child” knew that His Return to His Divine Father was through the
Cross of CHRIST.
Everyone wanted to give him the Crown of David. None
knew that his Crown was the Crown of Eternal Life.
Whoever becomes a Citizen of his Kingdom participates
in the Eternal Life of the King, whoever refuses to accept his Crown signs
against himself his death sentence.
Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of
himself, but what he sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, the
Son does likewise. For the Father loves the Son, and shows him all that he
does, and will show him even greater works than these, so that you may marvel...
Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him.
Let it be known that Whoever in ecstasy before the Beauty and
Greatness of our Heavens believes that he has already seen everything, let him
not be depressed because GOD loves His Son, and shows him all that He does, and
will show him even greater works than these, so that we may be astonished.
The Invitation is written. And God never breaks his
The necessity of creating our Civilization on Earth in
the Image of the Civilization of His KINGDOM in Heaven is then real.
With JESUS came the KINGDOM of God to Earth.
First the KING, for there can be no Kingdom if there
is no King. But the KING had to be invested by God as King over all His House.
The King had to return to the World from which he came to be Crowned before all
the House of God.
Until HIS Return as King in the Fullness of His Glory,
He left us His Church, who in His Name, as His Bride, has begotten Him on Earth
a People. Dying, JESUS made a Testament, bequeathing to HIS Offspring the
Spirit of Intelligence. Which touches us all. And born his Heir, it is to his Father,
the KING, to whom his Descendants owe : Obedience, Loyalty and Fidelity. And
this Obedience refers to the Edification of our Civilization in the Image of
the Civilization of his Kingdom.
For we know what God said : “Make things in the image
of what is shown to you”. And later: “The New Jerusalem came down from Heaven”.
Statements that involve us in the Creation of our Civilization in the image and
likeness of that which in Heaven God has built for the Kingdom of His Son, and
who, following His Word, “The son can only do what he sees the Father doing”, calls
us to the opening of Earth to His Kingdom.
It is understood that DEATH, moved by its inertia,
sought the Destruction of the Bride in which the King was to beget a Son to
God, and once this Offspring was born, DEATH sought the destruction of Life on
Earth, which is the Moment we are living in live to the Present.
The whole Creation has YAHWEH for Universal God,
Creator of his Son’s KINGDOM; this KINGDOM has for everlasting KING his Son
Thus, because he is the KING, the Son of God is the
Head of all the hosts of Creation. The due Obedience of all the Armies of all
the Peoples and Worlds of Creation is to JESUS CHRIST, the Universal KING.
The Law on WAR comes from GOD, and condemns to Eternal
Banishment from Creation every People and Nation that rises up in War against
its Neighbor.
War is an Abomination in the eyes of the CREATOR of
the UNIVERSE; his Law : “Do not eat, you will die”, has eternal Value.
The Law of YAHWEH GOD establishes as Duty of all the sons
of God and the armies entrusted to them for Peace, to rise up against whoever
declares War to his Neighbor, and whoever does not rise up to stop a new Satan rebels
against the KING: the Sentence against him is Banishment from Creation.
The Kingdom of God has a SINGLE RELIGION, entrusted to
the Bride of the KING, the Catholic Church, Mother of His Offspring; She is His
Body and He, Her Lord, is her Head.
Her Lord and Husband, CHRIST JESUS, is the Universal
Supreme Pontiff of the ONE Universal Religion that lives in the Being of the
House of God. Anyone who separates from this House, dividing the Body of the
Lord, raising a new religion or church, rises in Rebellion against God.
The sentence for Rebellion against the House of CHRIST
JESUS, His Bride, governed by the Holy Spirit, which the FATHER sent upon the
Brethren of CHRIST JESUS and made His Twelve Disciples the Body in which GOD
DWELLS LIVES WITH US, the church and people who remain in Division shall be cut
off from the Tree of Life and cast out to be the fuel of fire.
These are the two Pillars on which God has founded His
Kingdom and both are in the Hands of His Son, Almighty KING and Most Holy Lord.
Whoever does not bend his knees before JESUS CHRIST, King and Lord, will not
enter His Paradise.
The sons of God, of Heaven and Earth have only one
5 "COME"
Where is Death your sting? Where is your poison?
I was thrown into a mass grave, corpse among corpses,
and you said to yourself, he will no longer raise his voice, I will close the
gates, he will not come out of the pit.
I called upon the King. As a father running to the aid
of his son, the King came to me, and giving me his hand he said:
"You are my son, arise. You have to speak to the
nations, I have begotten you to bring my Kingdom to many peoples, and Obedience
to my Will to the inhabitants of the Earth. I have given you my Name, you bear
the Name of the House of the sons of God, do not fear, I will be with you all
the days of your life".
What is now, rebellious sons, your victory?
I rise from Earth to Heaven, and before the House of
my Creator I bless His Wisdom, because by overcoming His pain for our present
misfortune He has opened to us the Paradise of His Heart to eternal Joy.
I bless God and bend my knees before his Justice:
Cursed for eternity whoever wages War against his
Cursed is he who raises the battle-axe against his
Let him be as the dust that the Wind of the Spirit
casts into the abyss,
Let there be no remembrance of his existence,
Cursed be he who sheds a tear for the people who
rebelled against the King's Peace and led their armies against the Throne of
the Son of God.
Be for Eternity the fate of Satan the fate of all the
enemies of His Kingdom.
The King, my Father, has said to me:
"Son, say to the Barbarian of the North,
Do you see the map of your glory?
I will erase the borders and I will draw new ones
your name only will be found in the books of History,
and your fall will be a lesson for all my enemies.
And you, my son,
raise your arm against the Third Rome;
against the First I raised the iron scepter of my Father,
and I broke her glory as a potter's vessel is broken;
the Second I delivered to the armies of Death;
against the third thou shalt lift up iron scepter, and beat down the walls thereof,
which shall be broken like a potter's vessel.
Do NOT be afraid, I am with you".
Who can stand before the Wind that comes from Heaven?
It is the Wind that comes from God sweet and fresh as
the wind of springtime
after the cold of winter. Lift up the heart and
refresh the soul.
Open the gates of being to joy and the spirit to
endless life.
Come, O peoples, come forth from the grave,
Lift up your heads, the Creator opens his arms to you,
Do not be blind like your fathers,
The Gate of Paradise of eternal Life is the King,
Seek not elsewhere, forgive your Fathers, But do not
follow their way.
But follow not their way,
The way to God is his Son.
Yes, Today I celebrated Victory:
"Let us make Man in our image and after our
For this reason my being is standing before my Creator
My Voice has in its Breast the source of my Word.
The King is my God and I am His child. He has told me:
“Thou shalt NOT die”,
And I feel my strength growing as in the beginning.
When He begot me,
he held me in his arms, and looking upon my face he
gave me his new name.
Do you not see, O nations, that Death has deceived
you, that Satan is his sting.
and tempting you with Freedom, he has poisoned
your minds, casting you one against the other like
beasts hungry for
beasts hungry for human flesh, thirsting for sisterly
for sister blood?
There is NO Future outside the Borders of my Father's
Your visions were mirages behind which Death hid its
world wars.
What do you want now, to banish Man from the Earth?
There is NO man outside the being of the sons of God.
The Future of the Century is the Citizenship of the Kingdom of God, those who
oppose and confront the Glory of the Son of the Creator of the Cosmos will be
swept away like dust from the road shaken by the storm coming down from Heaven.
Listen, put your ears to the ground, an earthquake is
approaching, it has already begun to shake the hypogeums of the earth, the tremors make the legs tremble, the buildings feel their
foundations vibrate. How will you prevent the volcano from rising? Have you NO
God will not again shake the walls of History by
waters; it will be by fire that this ancient world will be left behind, and
from its ashes a new one already emerges. It is like the pain of the mother who
is in labor and begets in a single day a whole generation. Her husband jumps for
joy. He calls all his brothers, for she who was childless gave birth in her old
age, in one birth, to a whole generation.
The King's heart is enlarged. His arms are like the
it embraces all, no one is left out,
His light announces a unique truth, we are not dead,
the night is past, we are alive,
and we have a whole life ahead of us.
What shall we do with the rising day?
Shall we return to Cain's banquet, Satan serving the
Abel's blood for wine,
his flesh for meat?
For this God loved his sons, for by their lives they
vowed to shatter the fratricidal table, and never again shall Creation know
such delirium.
Blessed are your hearts, never let your souls allow
this tragedy that has scourged Man to fall as a deluge of hell on the Future of
the Kingdom of your Father and God.
Men, do not be beasts like that Science which thought
it could create a new universe and by converting the nations to its fratricidal
discourse dragged the nations into the field of the wars of the twentieth
Do you think that God does not remember his speech?
“War is the weapon of the stronger, and his duty is to
use it against the weak;
the survival of the weak is to live on his knees in
the service of the strong”.
And so it was;
Maddened by the speech of the Science of the
nineteenth century, the nations, like filthy beasts begotten in the furnaces of
hell, rushed to devour each other in the fields of Gog and Magog. Horrified by
their crime the wise men washed their hands of the blood of the nations by
placing the Ultimate Weapon at the service of their masters.
“Neither against Cain nor against Abel, neither
against Satan nor against Christ”, here is their new discourse
Tell me, sons of those dead sacrificed to the glory of
the Atheism of Science, what will be the judgment of the King upon your wise
men, the creators of the universe?
Will he allow those apostles of War to cross the gates
of his Kingdom, importing with them the Fire of Hell, or will he command his
servants to put them in chains and cast them with their god and master, Satan,
into the Abyss of eternal Banishment?
Who is the madman who, opening the door to a Freedom
without borders, chooses prison unto death? Hell rather than Paradise?
Between Scientific Atheism and Divine Wisdom, do you
still choose to be gods in the image and likeness of Satan? Who do you think
you are? Will you raise your weapons against Heaven?
Come all you dictators and tyrants, gather and
assemble against the King, say :
“We will kill his son as we killed his Father”.
And you, ignorant, fed up with your own pride, did you
really believe that the King was going to come down to be crucified once again?
Did you really believe that God was going to send his
Beloved Son so that you would again ask for his head?
Did you not declare yourselves “divine” and swear on
the blood of the Wars of Religion and the Fratricidal War of the 30 Years that
in you resists the Holy Spirit to interpret the Scriptures?
Did you not read what my Father wrote?
“I will give him my New Name,
and the Name of my God,
and the name of the Mount of my God,
I will put in his Hand my Iron Scepter ,
and I will give him the Morning Star.
I will be his Father and he shall be my son”.
Behold, I am one with the King, He is my God,
his Word is in my Mouth, my hands have been blessed
to do His Will and lead the Fullness of the nations
into His Kingdom.
What did you expect, a golden idol covered with
diamonds, with a flaming sword in his hand walking his hell on Earth? Out of
clay God created Man, will you tempt God by despising his Creature?
My spirit breathes the wind of Heaven,
My heart is enlarged drinking from the fountain of
eternal life,
My legs make the Way while my soul sings for joy,
I have conquered Death.
Where is your sting,
where is your poison, Satan,
with which you threw me into the common grave
where so many dead lie?
Here I am, by the King's glory I am alive,
and as a son who serves his Father with all his being,
I shall live days that never end.
Whoever wants to know this joy, let him follow me.
A Word has my God put in my mouth: “COME”.
The question that concerns us all is the denial of the
scientific animal intelligence to establish itself in the bestialism of an anti-Christian atheism, whose pathological derivation implies the
universal genocide of all life on Earth, as the foundation of its denial of the
Existence of God and the Life of his Son.
From the spirit of the patristic wisdom it was always
understood that the denial of man to believe in the God of Jesus has its origin
in the effect that the Tragedy, to which all peoples were condemned as a result
of the divinization of the first king, Adam, the Alulim of the Sumerian Royal List, unleashed in all the peoples of the world. Likewise
it is seen that having been Adam who committed such a great Transgression, by
which the whole world was placed under the crown of Satan, a fact of which he
boasted before JESUS; and, therefore, having been "that father",
ADAM, the cause of so much misfortune, it was of justice that his son, CHRIST,
for the sake of obtaining God's Mercy offered himself as the Lamb of Atonement
for the sins committed by all the peoples from the Fall until his Coming.
Once His Blood was shed, that Justice operated on
Earth because "that son" obtained from God the natural Grace
established in the Law "for all the people". For we know that God
created all nations to be one People, and hence He said, "let us make
Man...". Whereupon He gave for the Head of the Body of that Man, namely,
the whole Human Kind, that King, ADAM, of whose Flesh Christ was born.
This Wisdom, about which the Holy Spirit would later
say in the Apostles that it was compiled in JESUS, gave rise to the absurd
theory that all nations were born of only one human couple, denying with its
denialist fundamentalism what MOSES said: "God distributed among his sons
the families of the peoples, but his lot was Adam, father of Jacob, father of
David, father of Jesus".
We can NOT blame men, neither ancient nor modern, by
reason of having lived and living in a mental building without a door to
Creative Wisdom, for all peoples having been banished from Divine Intimacy, and
given over to Satan by the loss of the Crown that came down from Heaven, all
were locked into a positive intellectual disability which prevented them, and
prevents them to this day, from understanding of heavenly things, that is,
"the nature of the Cosmic Conflict into which Death dragged God's
Intelligence being established in its animal
condition, Science having become an instrument of Destruction in the service of
POWER, like Pontius Pilate, washing his hands of the blood of the nations in
his Master and Lord the State, the question which, walking with JESUS and
seeing Him at Work, comes to our minds revolves around and has its center in
the nature of Power according to men, on the one hand, and according to God, on
the other.
The swarm of Works that JESUS displayed by all the
populations of the Israel of the sons of Herod has never been recorded because,
as the Apostle said, if they were all enumerated there would be no books in
this world to describe the army of sick people of all classes who enjoyed the
Health that comes from God.
Evidently marveling at the Power that God gave to his
Messiah, that army proclaimed him their King, and was ready to follow him to
the end of the world. The refusal of JESUS to make that Power a Weapon of War
was by them lived as a Betrayal, which was represented in the Sale of Judas,
from which Jerusalem obtained its corresponding payment, also represented in
the suicide of the Traitor Judas, that is: the destruction of her walls, and
the exile of her inhabitants to be massacred by all the peoples of the future
until the day of their Conversion.
The Denial of JESUS, walking with Him, open our eyes to
the Spirit of intelligence at His Image, we understand it Divine. God abhors War. The Destruction that War
represents is the Denial of His Creative Power. God's Power is in His Nature.
HE is the CREATOR.
The very idea of entering into contention with
Creatures which HE begets from the dust of the stars is in their eyes pure
insanity. Can anyone imagine that He who has the Power to Create Galaxies and
Universes, in which He cultivates the Tree of Life of the Worlds, would imagine
HIMSELF entering the field of battle with the dust whose existence is in His
Breath, when a single Breath of His is sufficient to cause all life to
disappear from the face of Time?
The very Idea of a Creation based on the Science of
Good and Evil, namely, to create some people for Hell and others for Paradise,
is in their Eyes satanic from A to Zeta.
To challenge God, as Satan and his rebellious
generation did, to create a New Man from the bosom of darkness, that is, from
conditions of principle such as those experienced by the Generation of CHRIST
JESUS, was a Challenge to which only a pathological suicide seduced by the
homicidal and fratricidal schizophrenia that the Challenge implies, could give
life. The mere Idea of entering into a contest with his Creature causes
absolute incredulity in the Creator; especially when his own Creature counts in
his Existence the glory of having seen with his eyes God in Creative Action.
The Brothers of YAHWEH GOD fell on their knees when
they discovered, in whom until then they saw their Familiar, the Firstborn of
the gods, the LORD OF ETERNITY AND INFINITY; and did those whom he created to
be his children raise their Arm to throw a glove in the face of the UNIGENITUS
of the gods?
For yes, from Satan's wisdom: the Fall of Adam was
necessary to Tempt the UNIGENITUS of the sons of God, but the one he was really
challenging was the UNIGENITUS of the gods. For just as by the PRIMOGENITURE of
JESUS his Brothers have in HIS UNIGENITURE the TRUTH of their Nature as sons of
God, so the TRUTH of the gods, Brothers of YAHWEH GOD, have in their
PRIMOGENITURE theyr Divine TRUTH. Summarizing, that
Satan's Challenge, pretending to tempt the Firstborn of GOD, seeking with his
Fall to confront the SON with the FATHER, obtaining from this confrontation the
dissolution in God of the Holy Spirit and the Law, this satanic wisdom was
absolute madness in the eyes of God, and as I said, in the DIVINE HISTORY OF
JESUS CHRIST, by logic the nature of this madness had to open GOD’S eyes to
Death as the true Enemy of His Creation.
All this leads us to understand that the POWER
according to Satan is the Power of men Born of the Fall, whose animal condition
dragged them to believe that in Destruction is the true Glory and Strength of
Power. Installed in this Political Theology of Power for millennia, the effect
of such behavior on the minds of our contemporaries cannot be overlooked. That
Political Theology has become an Animal Instinct in dictators and tyrants of
our time. Embraced to the protonazi Darwinist gospel
under the typology of 21st century socialism and its unmasked form of
Communism, this instinct has its glory in the Political Power as a Legitimate
Arm born to destroy all enemies, which they themselves create in order to
establish their Crimes and Genocides on Legal Ideological foundations.
All this is the absolute opposite of POWER ACCORDING
Let us NOT forget, nor let it occur to us to close our
eyes to the One before us. This JESUS is the Son to whom GOD CREATOR shows all
that He does, and Works in Union with Him. Being born Creator from Creator God,
we hear Him say: "LET THERE BE LIGHT". From the point of view of a
madman: An almost kindergarten work, we would say.
GENESIS that the Object on which his Word was made was the Earth. In short, a
demonstration of Power worthy of a son of God, but not enough to shoot rockets
and worship him as if he were a true God.
Then we move on to the FOURTH DAY, and this JESUS with
whom we walk, extends his WORD to the Heavens. It is NOT a Planet that feels
his POWER; it is the entire Milky Way that receives the Astrophysical
Configuration that we call the TREE OF CONSTELLATIONS, without whose FLIGHT
CHARTER the NAVIGATION through the star systems that compose the Heavens would
be an impossible Journey.
This speaking for the Future.
As far as the PAST is concerned it is understood THAT
the Expansion created on the FOURTH DAY by the Son of God determined a lowering
of the incoming stellar energy in the Biosphere, causing the change that
determined the Final Jump of Animal Life from a prehistoric stage to the
Historical stage.
This JESUS is the One who ten unfolded His Glory over
men, and towards whom, hearing of it, all ran. What has this POWER, this Glory,
to do with the steel fangs and the tongue of fire of the Power of the tyrants
and dictators, kings and warlords of the Earth?
Of course, had He wanted to raise his WORD against
Rome, his WORD alone would have been enough to cause the World Revolution of
which the History of Life on Earth had been dreaming since the days of Abraham.
The Confession of the Holy Spirit in the Apostles became true: "The whole
creation is still waiting for the manifestation of the Freedom of the Glory of
the Son of God".
A lamentation that only in the mouth of a Saint could
sound like Hope, and as such, be included in the Testament of CHRIST.
The Lesson of JESUS does not admit discussion:
"The Political POWER is to serve men, healing the evils that the FALL has
spread throughout the nations".
Any other definition comes from Satan and its fruit is
War, whether Civil, International or World War.
The man or people who bases his Glory on his Power to
Destroy his neighbor, his brother, is an unclean satanic beast; it is the Duty
of all the sons of God to hunt it down, and banish it from the face of the
Every man who seeks Power to make a slave of the
people for the sake of his Ego, according to the vision of himself: Born to
live a godlike life on the blood and sweat of all the families of the nation,
and even at the cost of tyranny to maintain himself in that status quo, that
man renounced Humanity, he is a beast, and as a beast must be removed from
Power to answer for his crimes against the happiness of the people.
Against this foul Power of the kings and tyrants of
the world, JESUS displayed the nature of the True Power given to men:
TO HEAL all the evils that have afflicted our
Civilization for Millennia,
TO HEAL all the wounds that cause the mind of Mankind
to bleed without ceasing.
No other is the Nature of the Power given to men. From
the Laws, from the Sciences, from the Governments, from the ONE UNIVERSAL
CHURCH: this is the True Nature of Power, and for what men do with that Power
they will all have to answer before the DIVINE KING JESUS CHRIST: LORD and
Universal JUDGE as well of Earth as of Heaven.
Cowardice does not exist in the animal kingdom. To be cowardly,
treacherous, murderous, is something exclusive of the human beast in its
position against GOD for not having left in the hands of his SONS the nature of
the Law under which THEY want or wish to be governed.
The insanity in
this position is not necessary to crush it.
Certainly if cowardice were an animal instinct slavery
would have no natural reason, for by law slavery would be nothing other than the
instinct of preservation of life. To accuse the slave of being a coward is unnatural.
And it is so inasmuch as Fear is not the origin of his social status quo, but
only and solely his deprivation of Humanity by the one who, declaring himself
his master and lord, holding in his hand his life and death, proclaims himself “a
Then we have arrived at the core of the Temptation and
Betrayal that took place in Eden: Nothing more and nothing less than wanting to
be “a god” in the way the master is of the slave.
As will be understood, and we have JESUS at our side
affirming our thought, the repugnance that GOD feels to this conception of divinity
is the fire from whose flames HE cursed
the POISON BEAST into which a son of HIS had been transformed, not by
PREDESTINATION but by making use of the Glory of his Freedom as a son of God.
Satanic REASON does not stand before JESUCHRISTIAN INTELLIGENCE.
The Absurdity of SATAN’S Revolutionary Philosophy of Freedom is unmasked in the
Declaration of YAHWEH GOD when HE says: “You are Gods” But.... “gods” in the
image and likeness of HIS SON.
It is true that while nobody saw CHRIST, and each one made
an image of his PERSONALITY according to his little brain, the Divine
affirmation was translated, among many others, in that satanic version that the
kings of Antiquity welcomed as a patrimonial treasure:
“I am a god,
I kill at pleasure
and I do not fear justice
for who can judge a god?”
The Abomination that GOD lives against this statement lives
in us.
BECAUSE JESUS with whom we walk with lives in His
Being this Fire that ignites at the very idea of the conception of Divine
Freedom according to the version of those who, rebelling against the Holy
Spirit of His Father, wanted to homologate that Evil Dignity on the Blood of
the Human Kind, we walk with Him, at HIS side, without Fear, because that Fire lives
in us.
Instead of burning us and reducing us to ashes, this Fire
is that of the Burning Bush. The Soul is the Bush, the Fire is the Spirit. We are sons of God, we are complete,
Creation has reached its zenith... because it has begotten a son of God “in the
image and likeness” of the one who said
Where is the FEAR?
TRUTH is our
Father, the star that shines in the Darkness; His Light is in us. We walk with
Him. We see Him and understand Him. The Glory of His Freedom is the infinite
Power of His God. He has everything in God. His Thought is our thought. We can
do our own will or do the will of our God; we can make everything revolve
around our SELF; or let our SELF be put at the service of all. And this is the JESUCHRISTIAN DILEMMA OF
GETSEMANE; to drink that CUP, put His SELF at the feet of all, or to place His
SELF above all. In His Words, “He who does not forget himself cannot take up my
Cross”. Starting with Himself.
JESUS asks nothing of anyone that He has not first asked
of Himself. We do not walk with Him because He is the Almighty Son of the Creator
of the Cosmos, and you know, whoever meets a rich man of his wealth lives; we
walk with Him because His Personality amazes us, in the CHRIST with whom we
walk lives GOD, and in GOD He shows us the Father and the Son, Two Persons: “One
Spirit”, and this Spirit is of a Love of Life as infinite and eternal as are Eternity and
Infinity. “I AM THE LIFE”. Who does not
want to live eternal life next to This GOD?
The Jesuchristian Dilemma of
Gethsemane has a clear, unequivocal philosophical nature. The Victory of God
over the Devil is taken for granted. JESUS walks with sure and steady step to
the other side of Death.
There is Resurrection and New Beginning. GOD is going to reconfigure HIS
CREATION; the Necessity leaps into view. For the Fire that lives in GOD, if
fanned by the winds of DEATH, if it continued to blow upon his Creation, would
eventually reduce to dust the life of the Tree of the Worlds. GOD could not
remain with bound arms, hand and foot to the Wall of Love for his sons. That
way the End would come. His Son JESUS is seeing it.
Here enters the Gethsemane Dilemma: To whom does this reconfiguration
of CREATION correspond, by which Universal Salvation will come to us? To Him,
JESUS, or to YAHWEH His Father?
Man, it is true, here we play with an advantage. We see
JESUS drinking the CUP to the Health of the Wisdom of His GOD... And even when
that Wine will become bitter in His bowels, He takes the CUP. He lays his SELF
at the feet of His FATHER.
It is the Divine Lesson that comes down from Heaven,
it becomes “flesh and blood” for all of us to learn it, and not as those who
read a book and when the time passes
they forget the letter, but as those in whom “that flesh and blood” becomes
their own.
Inasmuch as the Letter kills, but the Spirit gives Life;
God with the Letter kills us, and with his Spirit, like birds that are reborn
from their ashes, raises us up and makes us : Citizens of HIS Kingdom, subjects
of Right and Duty.
As sons of God we all enjoy everything freely because everything
belongs to Our Father, but as Citizens of HIS Kingdom each and every one of us
lives by the Light of the LAW of the KING. The LAW of the King has in the Law
of GOD, HIS FATHER, the ROCK upon which His THRONE has been founded:
“EAT NOT; for in the Day that do thou SHALL DIE”;.
Speaking clearly : “DO NOT WAR, for thou shalt be
The discourse of JESUS does not admit vain interpretations:
GOD is LOVE; but He is also LAW, and the LAW says that whoever raises himself
in WAR against his brother, against his People, against his Neighbor: He will
be banished from Life.
Satan thought he could circumvent the Law, he thought he
was INVINCIBLE. And rising, in front of the whole CREATION against the Crown of
the First Man, on his Blood he proclaimed his Invincibility over all the nations
of the Universe.
His End will be remembered for Eternity so that no one
will forget that the LAW IS GOD. And in order that this Memory may live for Eternity,
God gave this Memory a BODY, the HOLY
SPIRIT made Man: CHRIST, whose Head is JESUS.
This means that as JESUS looked to the day after His Victory,
we must likewise look to the 22nd Century as if the present Century were the
road that leads directly to the other side of its borders.
Our Work is to shape the Building of Civilization in which
the generations of the coming centuries are to live, leaving in their hands
what is theirs to strive for. God lives in us, and God will live in them.
Like JESUS, our Master, we have to forget our SELF and
direct our eyes to the other side of the frontiers of our Century; the Confidence
that our Victory comes from the Invincibility that is proper to the one who
enjoys the Glory of the Freedom of GOD.
Had GOD not introduced us to his Beloved Son and the Son
not introduced us to his FATHER, our Confidence in VICTORY would be reduced to
an illusion; but against the weakness of our position in the world he declares
us Conquerors before we are even born, because GOD is in Him, and HE IS WITH
Having it all in HIM, as HE has it in his FATHER, we have only to do what is natural to us by the
Spirit of Intelligence we have inherited: CREATE to Civilization the World that
has traveled through the Millennia to meet us, a Generation of sons of God born
to conquer the gates of their enemies, about which, seeing us in the Spirit,
St. Paul wrote: “The whole Creation awaits the Day
of the Manifestation of the Glory of the Liberty of the sons of God”.
So it is: we have been begotten to overcome.
The FEAR of TRUTH is FEAR of GOD. Justified in those who
do not know JESUS, without justification of any kind in those who, knowing His
Existence, refuse to BELIEVE that God lives in Him.
In the Hour of Biohistorical Praxis by our Spirit of Intelligence --
divine inheritance of our generation--, our geopolitical thought is governed by
the Law of the King, which establishes UNIVERSAL PEACE on two Immovable
The Right to PEACE
and the Duty of the Defense of LIFE to the enjoyment
of this DIVINE RIGHT by the Plenitude of Nations of the Kingdom of the SON of GOD.
PEACE has been founded by GOD upon the INDIVISIBLE
UNITY of all the Armies of the Fullness of the Nations of His KINGDOM in a
Single Universal DEFENSE BODY, whose HEAD is the KING, HIS SON JESUS CHRIST.
Any division in this BODY, placing a
part of its Members AT THE SERVICE to an individual, people or nation, IT is a
declaration of War against the KING’S CROWN; God's Sentence against the Rebel
God’s Victory over this Century signed upon the
Incarnation and Resurrection of His Son opens our eyes to the ORGANIZATION OF
THE FULLNESS OF THE NATIONS that will govern the UNITY of PEACE in the 22nd
Century, from whose Political and Military History War will be banished from
the face of the Human Race forever and ever.
Evidently from the Wedding of Canaan to the Garden of Gethsemane
JESUS must make his Way step by step. As in Heaven so on Earth, as the Master
so His Disciples.
There is NO Victory without Battle. Nor Battle without
War. War was declared to us on the day when, deceived by an Imposter, posing as
a Minister of God, Death spread his chains over all the inhabitants of the
Earth. This is the Day of the Glory of the freedom of the sons of God, this is
the Hour to put an End to that War.
Nothing is easy in a war of this nature, nor is a walk
to victory against which dictators, tyrants, theocrats and egomaniacs rise like
mountains to bar our way, and threaten us with ABSOLUTE NUCLEAR WAR if we do not
get down on our knees and worship them. Our Answer is our eternal King’s Word:
Whatever letter is added or subtracted from this Word comes
from DEATH, and with DEATH will go to HELL.
Glorify Yourself in your Creation, you are my God,
look not that I come from the clay. Who can stand at your Height, stop your
Arm, close your Mouth? See not that I am like the rock of the mountains;
without gold or value to be prized and left to the weathering of time until the
winds and the rains reduce it to dust. You are God, Yours is the Power and the
Glory, You can make of the simple stone, formless and without beauty, a Work worthy
of Your Power, before the contemplation of which all shall admire and give
themselves to the praise of Him who made such a Work. What is for Your
Lift up the head of Your Creature to heaven, let the
clouds part before his eyes, let his feet be seated on the two sides of the
Ocean and his Voice be heard in the four
regions of the world, and seeing Your Work, let the nations say, who is this
that has been lifted up to Heaven from the Clay?
You are my God, make a Wonder, that seeing it, all may
believe that it is You who holds in His Hands the Life of the World. Do not
take into account that I am only clay with no more value than what Your Breath
wants to imprint on it. Remember Your Creation, do not let Your Creature sink
in the waters and its light be extinguished by the darkness. Yours is the
Power, Yours is the Glory, for this I invoke You, because I know that as Your
Father loved the World, You love it, and You wilt not
allow the Man to whom You hast given life with Your Breath to be like dust that the wind drags to
the Abyss.
/ 02)
The Crown of the World belongs to God, and He has
seated His Son on the Throne of Universal King. The Conclusion of the Gospel
admits no doubt about this Fact. Colloquially speaking we can say that it would have been ridiculous that
having been given the choice between the Crown of Israel or the Crown of this
Universe JESUS would have chosen, for Fear of Death, to be nothing rather than
to be everything. His choice was signed, and ready to be sealed, in the answer He
gave Satan about all the kingdoms this World at his feet if on His knees He
would worship him.
And yet, even when the Kingdom of God was founded, and
its Beginning announced here on Earth, the Servants of CHRIST continued to
speak of their LORD as if this Revolution from Empire to Universal Kingdom had
not been consummated, hence even today when speaking of JESUS CHRIST the title
of King of kings and Lord of lords is still used, as if nothing had happened.
The SILENCE OF GOD since the Fall remained in
Christianity. Colloquially speaking we would say that the Homicide committed
against his YOUNGER son, Adam, was suffered by GOD as a mortal SPEAR hitting straight
into HIS HEART, in response to whose Betrayal HE closed HIS Mind even to HIS
Beloved Son. Knowing this, St. Paul did not lie when he wrote that they spoke
among Them a hidden Wisdom, known to the Apostles, preached privately to the
First Christians, but forbidden to all others; when they left, it remained
unknown again, with Their departure, by Divine disposition, to all, Jews,
Christians and Gentiles.
Thus, the Door of that Silence already opened, it is
good to say that A Kingdom belongs to Him who is its King. So that GOD having
founded a Kingdom it is understood, on one hand, that it must bear his Name:
KINGDOM OF GOD. And, on the other hand, that being GOD’S', on that Throne can
only sit “Someone” who is True God, and only on the Head of that “Someone” can
God place the Crown of His Kingdom.
It is also understood that by founding HIS KINGDOM no
other kingdom can exist beside HIS. The very Foundation of HIS KINGDOM implies
the Abolition of the Empire as a political mega-structure in which other
Kingdoms do fit as integral parts of its Historical Building.
The Abolition of the Imperial Structure touches in
Heaven as on Earth. JESUS enters on Earth as King of kings and Lord of Lords of
Heaven, and returns to Heaven as Universal, Sempiternal King before whose Crown the whole
House of God bends its knees saying: “Thine is the Glory, Thine is the Power”.
Universal Proclamation with which God gives His Answer for Eternity to the
Question of the Divine Truthfulness of His Son JESUS.
Answer that is received from Heaven and proclaims his
Church in the Council of Nicaea. In terms of logic it is understood that being
the Kingdom “of GOD”, the one who sits on that Throne is TRUE GOD.
There is then nothing to add or take away from this
ANSWER. But then one may wonder why the Church continued to title her Lord as
King of kings and Lord of lords when that Title was abolished at the very
moment that GOD founded His Kingdom. Even today the churches of all branches of
the Tree of CHRIST continue to speak of JESUS as that King of kings and Lord of
lords. It is NOT a question here of making an accusation against anyone, but of
bringing to light the nature of the Testament of CHRIST JESUS, for if to his
Brethren in Abraham he bequeathed the Holy Spirit, and to his Church the Spirit
of Faith, to his Descendants he bequeathed the Spirit of Intelligence. The Word
of JESUS is clear as water:
“IF speaking to you of earthly things you do not
understand how would you understand if I were to speak to you of heavenly
And who better
than the Son of God who with His Almighty Word created LIGHT could speak to us
of those things?
It was in wanting to “speak” of those “heavenly things”
that the “Child” went to the Temple.
CHRIST, BOOK ONE; THE HEART OF MARY; HIS FATHER sealed His lips, and those of
His Apostles, subjecting His Words only and exclusively to the Gospel of His
SON. Hence Sam Peter said :
The events of the History of Christianity leave us no room
for Doubt: To the Bride he bequeathed him as LORD, but for his Descendants he
made a Testament as KING.
So as soon as the Apostles left, Ignorance again took
possession of the world, and with Ignorance came Corruption.
But God’s Answer remains: All Kingdoms have been
abolished, as Yesterday in Heaven, TODAY
they will be abolished on Earth.
Not in vain have the empires that have breathed their
breath upon the face of the Earth, as well as the others who in their Ignorance
aspire in our days to resurrect lost empires, all have passed into the books of
History, just as into the pages of the Book of our Memory passed the Christian
Thus, the JESUS with whom we walk is directed to the
THRONE OF GOD as the Eternal Inheritance. He is the Heir of GOD. GOD NOT being
able to die the Inheritance of his SON is received in Life in the Fullness of
his Divine Nature. It is GOD-SON who sits on the Throne of the KINGDOM OF GOD,
and He does so as Almighty KING, subject to the Wisdom of His FATHER, before
whom He bent His knees in Gethsemane, so that once His Offspring is Born in the
Spirit of intelligence, He may unfold His Crown over all the nations of the
Earth, abolish all crowns and call all peoples to the Citizenship of His
The Ignorance that prevented all, Jews as well as
Gentiles, from seeing the True Identity of the one who by His Works showed
Himself superior to the Prophets, that Ignorance lived also in the Disciples
before they were born again as the Apostles, Ignorance that remained in the
churches until the times described in the Book of GOD were fulfilled, during
which FAITH would be the Force that would keep their gates against Hell
We are NOT walking on a battlefield in the service of
a KING whose Identity and Nature we do not know.
And of the heavenly things which JESUS and his
Apostles could not speak in Public in Obedience to the Silence of GOD, already
being made known in THE DIVINE STORY OF JESUS CHRIST, you know now that the
Expectation of Creation is ended, that the WIFE has given Descent to her LORD,
and that the KING stands in the Fullness of the Glory of his Freedom to do the
WILL of his FATHER and to Banish Satan from the Earth.
Now it will be the events that will speak.
For the rest you can see with your eyes what is
happening, Death is deploying its Force against Life, Satan is like crazy
looking for a Nuclear War. But when God in his Son proclaimed to be THE LIFE, THEY
clothed us with his Strength.
The Past is behind us, TODAY the Future begins.
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