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born on October 2, 1886, in Zurich, Switzerland. He was the third
child in a family of ten children. The Trumpler
family, which traced its genealogy back to 1384, was well established
and was active in business and manufacturing. A structured family
life was regulated by a strict businessman father and was softened
by a kind and loving mother. From a very early age the children were
encouraged to be industrious, and they engaged in handicrafts that
ranged from making puppets to embroidery. School was important
and church was a significant activity. All these family characteristics
were apparent throughout Trumpler's life. In a quite remarkable
autobiographical sketch and self-analysis written before he finished
the Gymnasium at age nineteen, Trumpler
recounted some of his childhood memories and the succession of interests
that occupied him up to that time. The document itself is an indicator
of his character. The handwritten manuscript resembles a copper plate
engraving. He was a perfectionist. Growing up in a very
large family (and having many cousins and relatives) made friends
of secondary importance. Though he spoke of getting to know his fellow students at school, Trumpler had few close friends in his early years. He described
himself as reserved, and often found it difficult to participate in
a group conversation. He did well in school, but his classes seem
not to have interested him, particularly in the earlier grades, since
he had already learned to read and write at home. From summer excursions
in the Swiss Alps with his father and two older brothers Trumpler
gained a great love of nature, particularly the high mountains. An important part of growing up in the Trumpler family was to decide what profession to enter after
finishing school. The problem of deciding on a profession flows throughout
Trumpler’s account. As a quite small child
he liked to do errands for the family and to learn about Zurich. He
enjoyed getting to know the stores and the businesses of the city.
He decided he would become a businessman. During an outbreak of smallpox
in Zurich when school was dismissed, he substituted for an assistant
in his father's office in order to learn more about his future profession, which seemed
settled from early childhood. But as he grew older his interests began
to change. After the first years in the Gymnasium Trumpler began to formulate problems for himself—to educate
himself, as he described it. He read extensively and explored art
and literature, especially poetry. Eventually, he felt that he had
too little imagination ever to write or to become a poet or an artist.
However, photography gave him an artistic outlet that he enjoyed all
his life. He developed a major and continuing interest in science
and the scientific method. He could work in science by himself and
the careful systematic development of data and evidence was much to
his liking. Early on, he studied astronomy, but found that his knowledge
of physics and mathematics was insufficient to get him deeply into
the subject, and he did not have a telescope. He became interested in biology and zoology.
He described at length his intense interest in the dissection of a
pigeon and his investigation of the internal organs and the detailed
structure of the skeleton. Classes, he felt, interrupted these more
interesting experiences. At age seventeen Trumpler
was confirmed in the church. He had gone to Sunday school regularly
and had religious instruction at school. For a while after confirmation
he seemed satisfied with what he had been taught, but he began to
have doubts. He listened carefully to discussions, he said, and made
his own observations of the world around him. He observed contradictions
between what religion taught and what he observed. He believed what
he himself observed; he became a skeptic. After much thought, he formulated three major questions
that he would try to answer for himself: Does God exist? Does man have an immortal soul? Does man have free will? He finally equated God with the totality
of physical laws that govern the universe. To the second question
he could find no fully satisfactory answer. To the third question
his answer was, he said, uncertain, but he was inclined to deny the
existence of free will. He did, however, accept the moral teachings
of Christianity as the rules to live by. Trumpler’s growing interest and joy in science made
him question his early decision to go into business. He began to think
about a career in science. He finally decided he was totally unsuited
for business. He loved seclusion and thought, he wrote, not the constant
contact with people that business required. He might become a science
teacher in the Gymnasium, but again, his retiring nature would make
it difficult or impossible to be a successful teacher. He tentatively
decided that he would become a doctor. That would permit him to be
involved in some science and would be a useful occupation. His parents
argued against the plan. There were enough doctors, they said, and
it would be difficult to find a practice. In the end, Trumpler gave up the idea. His paternal grandparents argued
strongly that he should go into business and have science as a hobby.
Trumpler respected his grandparents greatly and accepted their
advice. On the last night of 1905 and in the first hour of 1906, Trumpler announced his decision to his parents. They were
pleased. His father proposed that he should spend a year as an apprentice
in a bank and that he then should study jurisprudence so that he could
become a bank director. Trumpler noted that
he hated jurisprudence, but he could console himself with some science. Trumpler graduated from the Gymnasium first in his
class and became an apprentice at a bank in Zurich. Within a year
the mismatch between banking and his interests became unbearable.
With parental approval he left the bank and in 1906 entered the University
of Zurich to study astronomy, physics, and mathematics. He had found
his life interest. He began to participate in student activities at
the university. He joined the Academic Alpine Club of Zurich and with
friends from the club climbed many of the highest peaks of the Swiss
Alps. During a week-long trip on skis through the glacier region of
the Berner Oberland, Trumpler and friends
from the Alpine Club made one of the first winter attempts to climb
some of the high peaks. In 1908 Trumpler
transferred to Gottingen, where he studied with some of the leading
scientists of the time—Klein, Hilbert, Voigt, Schwarzschild—and completed
a Ph.D. degree magna cum laude in 1910 under the direction of Professor
J. Ambronn. His thesis involved experiments
in the photographic recording of the meridian transits of stars. He
remained at Gottingen as an assistant until he joined the Swiss Geodetic
Commission in 1911. At a meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft in Hamburg in 1913 Trumpler
took the opportunity to meet many of the leading American astronomers.
With Frank Schlesinger he discussed a plan he had developed to determine
the proper motions of the Pleiades. He had become interested in that
cluster when he observed it in the course of
his thesis work at Gottingen. Schlesinger was interested in the plan
and thought it was feasible. War interrupted Trumpler’s
work at the Geodetic Commission. In 1914 he was called up for military
duty as a first lieutenant in the Swiss Army. In 1915 Schlesinger
invited Trumpler to become an assistant at the Allegheny Observatory.
Fortunately, Trumpler received a leave of
absence from the army with permission to leave Switzerland to accept
the position at Allegheny. He arrived in the United States in May
1915. In the summer of 1916 he returned to Switzerland for his marriage
to Augusta de la Harpe. Together with his bride, Trumpler
returned to the United States, crossing the Atlantic in a military
convoy. Trumpler was invited to the Lick Observatory as a
Martin Kellogg fellow in 1919 and was appointed assistant astronomer
in 1920. With a position in a major American observatory, Trumpler
decided that his future was in the United States. He became a naturalized
citizen in 1921. The bulk of Trumpler’s
scientific work falls into two categories: (1) positional astronomy,
or (2) the study of star clusters and the Milky Way. His earliest
work was all in positional astronomy, his thesis field. His first
paper, published in 1910, related to the determination of the latitude
of Gottingen; his work with the Swiss Geodetic Survey consisted of
the accurate determination of longitudes of the Swiss observatories.
At the Allegheny Observatory Trumpler published
the parallaxes of 23 stars and the proper motion of Nova Aquila. He was also very actively at work on topics
that fell in the second category. In 1915 he published a paper on
the relative motions of the Pleiades and in 1920 a second one on the
constitution of that cluster. Perhaps his most significant work at
Allegheny, a forerunner of things to come, was a study of the classification
of star clusters. Trumpler’s approach to the study of a phenomenon or
class of objects was to gather all available data (including his own
observations) and compile a very detailed catalog
that he could then use to show the relationships of various features
of the objects or phenomenon. His creation of the extensive catalog
of star clusters, on which he spent many years, was an outgrowth of
the early work at Allegheny. It provided the basis for the most important
papers he published during his years at Mt. Hamilton. At Lick, Director W. W. Campbell recognized
Trumpler as an exceedingly accurate and
skillful observer and chose him as his collaborator for the
1922 Lick-Crocker Eclipse Expedition to Wallal,
Australia. The expedition's principal objective was to measure the
deflection of light at the limb of the Sun in order
to test Einstein's theory of the deflection of light in a gravitational
field. Eddington had measured the deflection at the 1919 eclipse as
1.61 +/− 0.3 seconds of arc, a value determined from five stars
measured on each of two plates. Campbell wanted a much stronger test
of the effect. Trumpler approached the project in his usual thorough
and detailed way. The two eclipse cameras (of focal lengths 5 feet
and 15 feet) were set up on Mt. Hamilton in the form they would be
used at the eclipse and were thoroughly tested on the stars. Their
field errors were carefully examined. A method of differential measurement
of stellar images was devised and the apparatus necessary for its
use was constructed. The literature on the derivation of the deflection
of light at the limb of the Sun was researched and some errors in
the earliest discussions were corrected. Four months before the eclipse
the cameras were set up in Tahiti just as they were to be set up and
used in Australia. Photographs of the eclipse field of stars were
taken with telescope pointings as nearly
as possible identical to those that would exist at the time of the
eclipse. These formed the standards against which the stars photographed
during the eclipse would be measured. The eclipse expedition was a
complete success. Ten plates were obtained. Depending on the camera,
approximately 70 or 140 stars were measured on each plate. The
final result determined for the deflection of light at the
limb of the Sun was 1.75 +/− 0.09 seconds of arc. This was taken
as strong confirmation of the Einstein theory, which predicted 1.75
seconds of arc. In 1925 Trumpler
used the catalog of star clusters he was
developing to write a paper entitled “Spectral Types in Open Clusters.”
It presented data from the HR diagrams for 52 clusters. Trumpler
found that there were two types of clusters. Type 1 contained no giant
stars and had a main sequence in which the spectral types might extend
from spectral type O or B down the main sequence as far as the observations
went. Type 2 contained red giant stars and had no stars earlier than
A or F on the main sequence. No cluster was found that contained both
O or early B stars and red giants. Nowadays, the explanation of the
two cluster types is immediately evident: they are the result of stellar
evolution. In 1925 these observations were challenging. Trumpler
surmised that the difference of the cluster types was caused by a
difference in the mass distribution among the stars when the cluster
was formed, but it was not possible for him to reach a satisfactory
solution to the puzzle with the then current idea that small-mass
stars evolved more rapidly than large-mass stars. In 1930 Trumpler
published “Preliminary Results on Distances, Dimensions, and Distribution
of Open Star Clusters.” It was an extraordinary paper and represented
an immense amount of labor. HR diagrams
determined for 100 clusters were used to infer distances that were
then used to derive linear diameters for the clusters in the sample.
The diameters covered a wide range from 2.3 to 21 parsecs. Next the
clusters were classified according to central concentration, range
of brightness of stars, and richness of the cluster, and their linear
diameters were re-discussed. The expectation was that clusters of
the same classification would have the same linear diameter. They
did not; distant clusters of any one type seemed to have diameters
larger than nearby clusters of the same type. Exhaustive analysis
of the data for possible causes of this discrepancy left Trumpler
with only two possibilities: clusters did increase in size with distance
(a situation that is not physically reasonable) or the distances determined
from the HR diagrams were wrong because of absorption of light in
the Milky Way. Trumpler showed that on average
the absorption is 0.67 (photographic) magnitudes per kiloparsec and
that the absorption is selective, since distant stars appeared redder
than nearby stars of the same spectral type. Finally, he showed that
the absorbing material is concentrated primarily in a thin layer in
the galactic plane. Trumpler then went on to present his catalog of 334 clusters for which he computed distances from
their diameters. These 334 objects were used to determine the space
distribution of the clusters and to determine the plane of the galaxy.
But, from that point on the broader conclusions about the galactic
system reached from these data went badly astray. Though Trumpler
had discovered interstellar absorption, he did not at the beginning
clearly perceive its overpowering influence on observations of distant
objects. In 1930 ideas about the size and nature of the galaxy, especially
its size, were at a very early stage of development. At that time
Trumpler believed that the 334 open clusters
he was investigating defined the galaxy, the Milky Way system. According
to his analysis, the system was at most 10,000 parsecs in diameter;
the Sun was roughly near its center. Earlier
investigators had proposed very different models of the galaxy. In
1918 Shapley first delineated the quasi-spherical system of globular
clusters and identified the center of the
globular cluster system with the center
of the galaxy at a distance of 16,000 parsecs
from the Sun. In 1927 Lindblad and in 1928 Oort explained the systematics
of stellar motions as arising from rotation of the galaxy around a
center located at a distance of 10,000 parsecs in the direction of the center of the system of globular clusters. It was a time of
great confusion. One decade later, in a paper presented at
the dedication of the McDonald Observatory and published in 1940 with
the title “Galactic Star Clusters,”, Trumpler
showed how star clusters could be used in the solution of a variety
of galactic problems. In one section of the paper, he analyzed
the visibility of galactic star clusters of representative types located
in the plane of the galaxy at different distances from the Sun. Interstellar
absorption was assumed to be present. He demonstrated that at distances
of 5,000 parsecs from the Sun even the brightest and most favorable
galactic clusters would have been missed in all the observational
surveys that had been made up to that time, and fainter clusters would
be undetectable at distances of 2,000 parsecs or less. Trumpler then acknowledged that all 334 clusters
he had studied in the 1930 paper were located within a few kiloparsecs
from the Sun; they did not outline the galaxy. One may note from the
drawing in Trumpler's paper that, by 1940, the accepted distance to the
center of the galaxy was settling down at
10,000 parsecs and its location was in the direction to the center
of the system of globular clusters. In a 1935 paper entitled “Observational Evidence
of a Relativity Red Shift in Class O Stars” Trumpler
analyzed seven clusters that contained O-type
stars for systematic differences in radial velocity between their
O stars and stars of later types. The O stars all showed positive
residual velocities. The average red shift (absolute value) was 10.1
km/s. As a confirming test of such a red shift, Trumpler
determined the solar motion from O-type stars. Any red shift present
should show as a K-term. The K-term found from 69 stars was +6 km/s.
The measured red shifts in the clusters were used to infer the masses
of the O stars. Trumpler determined distances
to the clusters from their HR diagrams and used measured magnitudes
of the O stars along with standard bolometric corrections and temperature
scales to compute their radii. He calculated individual O star masses
that ranged from 75 to 340 times the mass of the Sun. These results
for the “Trumpler Stars,” as these O stars were called in the literature,
were and still are controversial. Stellar masses that are 100 or more
times the mass of the Sun are incompatible
with modern ideas of stellar formation and instability. That there
is a gravitational red shift present in the O stars is certain, but
the shift measured by Trumpler is excessive
by a factor of at least three and possibly more. The source of the
large values and the inferred masses is unknown and presents a continuing
problem in need of a solution. A variety of data, not only from the
clusters but from other sources as well, indicate that an additional
as yet unknown effect is very likely present
in the clusters or the O stars. As early as 1924 Trumpler
started to measure radial velocities for a selection of open clusters.
Originally, it seems that these were simply to supply statistical
information for his extensive catalog of
clusters. As time went on, it became apparent that radial velocities
were useful for the solution of many problems and the program became
the observational focus of Trumpler’s scientific career. Radial velocities can, for example,
provide a means of separating cluster members from non-members as
in Trumpler’s 1938 investigation of the star cluster in Coma
Berenices. This study is an excellent example of the huge effort required
to produce the information Trumpler would
have liked for each cluster: its position, distance, proper motion,
and radial velocity, along with a complete list of cluster members
and a full set of observable properties for each member. These data,
in turn, could be used to provide a picture of the fundamental physical
properties of the cluster: its motion in space, its linear size, the
space and velocity distributions of the cluster members as a function
of mass or luminosity, etc. Trumpler would
have liked to establish all these functions for many nearby clusters. During the period from 1940 to his retirement
in 1951, Trumpler was fully occupied by
teaching and working on his extensive program of radial velocities.
He did continue to observe spectra with the 36-inch telescope and
he gave various public lectures and participated in a few symposia,
but he produced no important papers on clusters; it was a period of
data gathering. Unfortunately, even though he continued to work on
the radial velocity program after retirement, he did not live to complete
the task he had set for himself. It was an overwhelming project for
one individual, and would have been a very
large task even for a group. His plan to use the information in a
major study of galactic rotation was never realized. Some data from
the radial velocity program in manuscript form have been supplied
to individual investigators; it is hoped that all the data can be
made generally available. Trumpler undertook two projects at the Lick Observatory
well afield of his major work on clusters. One, at the request of
the Solar Parallax Commission of the International Astronomical Union,
involved observations of Eros at the opposition of 1931 as part of
the international campaign to measure the solar parallax. The other
was a program of the Lick Observatory to observe Mars at the opposition
of 1924. There were two phases to the plan for Mars:
(1) a color survey of the planet made photographically
with filters and matched photographic emulsions at the Crossley reflector
and (2) combined photographic and visual observations made with the
36-inch refractor in the relatively small wavelength range (yellow
and red) in which it could be used effectively. W. H. Wright made
the color survey and Trumpler carried
out the photographic-visual survey. He made about 1,700 photographs
of Mars directly at the focus of the 36-inch refractor during the
1924 opposition. He analyzed some 150 of these taken at moments of best seeing.
They provided determinations of the diameter and polar flattening
of Mars, the heights of the visible atmosphere in yellow and red light,
and the position of the planet's north pole. Trumpler
then went on to determine the areographic
longitudes and latitudes of 228 markings on the planet. Each marking
was measured on from 3 to 17 photographs. From these positions a map
of Mars was drawn and analyzed. In his discussion of the map Trumpler
always described the so-called canals as a network and pointed out
that though they were generally drawn as uniform, they were, in fact,
quite irregular. He concluded that they were natural features in the
topography of Mars. The bright areas that appeared for short periods
he suggested were snow or frost. When he compared his maps of the
dark areas with those of earlier observers there seemed to be changes
in extent in latitude of some features. He thought that, if this were
the case, the most likely explanation was that the dark areas represented
vegetation that varied in coverage from year to year. When Trumpler’s
chart is compared with a modern map made from Viking photographs, there is a remarkable similarity,
particularly in the delineation of dark areas. One can readily see
that the network, as Trumpler called it,
is made up of edges of craters, areas between adjacent craters, and
small spots that happen to be approximately in line, all
natural features in the landscape. As he correctly described himself in his
early autobiographical sketch, Trumpler
was slightly reserved, but he was broadly intellectual, a person with
many interests. Augusta Trumpler shared
his many intellectual interests, but was much more outgoing. While at Pittsburgh
at the Allegheny Observatory, they found and joined the Unitarian
Church, which fitted well with the philosophical views developed by
Trumpler when he was a young student. Activities
of the Unitarian Church formed an important part of their lives. The Trumplers’
first daughter was born while they were in Pittsburgh. Coming to the
isolation of Mt. Hamilton with a small child must have been a daunting
experience. For the first year they had rooms in the dormitory and
took their meals at the boarding house. Eventually, they did move
into an observatory house, the first of many different ones they occupied
until one was built specifically for them in 1928. Today the isolation of Mt. Hamilton during
the first quarter of the century is hard to imagine. It was a small
community of 40 to 50 people—the families of the five or six astronomers
plus those of the staff that maintained the instruments and houses
plus the observatory secretary, graduate students, assistants, and
the school teacher who taught in the one-room Mt. Hamilton school.
In the 1920s cars were not the commonplace items they are today. For
many residents of Mt. Hamilton, the Trumplers among them, communication with the outside world
was by the stage, which six days each week made the 25-mile trip between
San Jose and the observatory, bringing the mail as well as food and
supplies and carrying passengers. A trip to San Jose was an event
that required careful planning and at least an overnight stay. The family of an astronomer on Mt. Hamilton
had an unusual life. Each astronomer normally worked one, two, or
more nights a week at the telescope and then slept during daylight
hours. Children had to learn to play quiet games; dogs were not allowed
on the mountain. Social events were infrequent. Occasionally there
were movies in the schoolhouse. The families took turns renting the
films. Saturday was Visitors' Night, a special occasion when the children
could “go up top” to see all the visitors who came from San Jose and
the Bay Area to look through the 36-inch telescope. There were some
sports on the mountain. There was a tennis court and hiking was popular. A dam on Isabel Creek some 5 miles from the observatory
provided swimming on hot summer days. In summer there were graduate
students from Berkeley and sometimes visiting astronomers. All would
join the residents of the mountain at the post office at noon when
the stage arrived from San Jose. The astronomer who served as postmaster
would deliver the mail, and the custodian would set out for each family
the supplies just brought up. Trumpler became interested in gardening and undertook
the development of a garden at a natural spring on the east side of
Mt. Hamilton about a mile from the road. During World War I the site
had been used by some of the astronomers to grow vegetables, but it
was later abandoned. The development undertaken by the Trumplers
and their five children was a weekend activity that lasted for many
years. After reclaiming the older space and enlarging it, they rebuilt
a high fence around the garden to keep out the deer. They built a
small cabin and picnic area next to the garden; the lumber for the
structure was carried to the site piece by piece. There was a small
swimming pool and play area (called Monkey's Paradise) for the children.
With picks and shovels the family dug out and made a road that finally
allowed them to drive to the garden. In this extensive work they were
often helped by summer graduate students from Berkeley, who enjoyed
the exercise as well as the hospitality of the Trumpler
family. Though the cabin and the area are again falling into decay,
the residents of the mountain still speak of Trumpler’s
Garden. An arrangement between the Lick Observatory
and the Berkeley Department of Astronomy made it possible for periodic
exchanges of personnel to occur. An astronomer from Lick would spend
a semester teaching at Berkeley; a professor from Berkeley would spend
a semester doing research at Lick. The Trumplers
got to know several families from Berkeley and found that they shared
many interests. Trumpler exchanged with Berkeley in 1924 and 1930. The family
enjoyed being in a university town and Trumpler
found that he enjoyed teaching, and was successful
at it in spite of his much earlier doubts. With five children, the Trumplers were facing an important problem. The one-room school
on Mt. Hamilton went through only the eighth grade. One by one the
children would have to leave the mountain to continue their education.
In 1935 when two children were living away from home, Trumpler
arranged to continue as a Lick astronomer but with residence in Berkeley,
where the family would again be united. Trumpler
commuted to Lick to use the 36-inch telescope during the school year
and the family returned to their house on Mt. Hamilton during the
summer. At Berkeley, Trumpler
had an office in the Department of Astronomy where he carried on his
research and writing. Occasionally he would give some specialized
classes in galactic structure. He found that he enjoyed teaching and
working with the graduate students. In 1938 he transferred permanently
to the Berkeley campus as professor of astronomy, but he retained
the house at Mt. Hamilton where the family spent the summers and Trumpler
observed with the 36-inch telescope. Trumpler was a very successful teacher. Periodically,
he gave the introductory course for non-majors, as did all the faculty
members. He expanded and modernized the upper division course in practical
astronomy, a field in which he had worked throughout his career: setting
up and testing instruments, measuring photographic plates, etc. He
also developed a graduate course in statistical astronomy (galactic
structure), which all the graduate students took. It was Trumpler’s
specialty and was very popular with the students. Many chose him as
their thesis adviser. In the summer of 1939 Trumpler
had an accident at the 36-inch telescope that had an important unforeseen
consequence. Trumpler was alone at the telescope
and for the first observation of the night needed to reverse the instrument
from one side of the pier to the other. This operation is performed
slowly from a platform near the top of the mount by locking the telescope
and turning two wheels that slowly move it to the desired location.
The operation can also be performed quickly from the floor by holding
the telescope at the eye end and swinging it around by hand. The instrument
is very heavy and, once moving, has a great deal of momentum. At the
critical moment when the instrument is just moving over the pier around
the polar axis, the operator must move the telescope around its second
axis or else the eye end of the telescope will move directly into
the floor, potentially damaging the telescope and the equipment mounted
on it. Trumpler missed the moment to swing
the telescope around the second axis and it started to go into the
floor. He was partially under the telescope desperately trying to
get the clamp to stop the motion when the telescope struck him on
the knee, driving his heel into the floor. His heel was crushed. The
telescope was undamaged, but the experience was painful for Trumpler,
who spent a long period of time with his leg in a full cast. During recuperation, when Trumpler was learning to walk normally again, the doctor advised
him to do a good deal of walking in sand. The Trumplers
started spending time at Santa Cruz and Rio del Mar, where they would
walk on the beach. On one occasion, when they were returning their
house key to the rental agent, they learned that a house on the cliff
overlooking the beach at Rio del Mar had just been put up for sale
at a very favorable price because the owner
was fearful that the Japanese were about to attack. (They had attacked
Pearl Harbor a few days earlier.) The Trumplers
looked at the house and bought it on the spot. It became a home that
they very much enjoyed and to which they retired. Trumpler often spoke about writing a book based on
his course in statistical astronomy. In 1951, the year he retired,
he and a former student who was then on the staff of the Lick Observatory
completed the book. Statistical Astronomy was
published by the University of California Press in 1953 and was reprinted
by Dover in 1962. It was Trumpler’s last
publication. The Trumplers retired
to Rio del Mar where he continued to work on his radial velocity data
and to develop the large garden he so much enjoyed. They were founding
members of the Unitarian Universalist Society in which they were very
active. Trumpler’s health began to fail rapidly after being diagnosed
with leukemia. He died unexpectedly on September
10, 1956, after a few days in the hospital. Trumpler was a member of the International Astronomical
Union and many astronomical societies. He had been a councilor of the American Astronomical Society and twice was
president of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (1932 and 1949).
He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1932 and was
a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. To honor
him as an outstanding teacher who guided many students through their
theses, the Astronomical Society of the Pacific established the Trumpler
Prize for the most outstanding Ph.D. thesis of the year; it has been
given annually since 1974. I AM GRATEFUL TO Dorothy Schaumberg,
librarian at the Mary Lea Shane Archives at Lick Observatory, and
to Jenny Mun at the National Academy of Sciences for information on
several dates. I thank Alar Toomre for helpful
suggestions relating to early drafts of this biographical memoir.
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