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fourteenth and fifteenth centuries are above all the period of feudalism in the
Scandinavian countries. At the beginning of this period, the feudal nobility
had fixed itself firmly in the saddle, and it overrode proudly all other
powers. In particular the Danish nobility shewed, during this period, a robust
and high-handed vigour that easily made it the master and arbiter of the country
and even of the lands beyond. There appeared, however, very little of a national
spirit in the ranks of the nobles; they simply looked on themselves as nobles,
as the naturally privileged class of society, and, inspired by this feeling, in
the struggle for their privileges, they combined with their fellows beyond the
national frontiers as well as inside them. Herein is to be found the chief
factor which caused these centuries to be also a period of Scandinavian union.
But a political union of formerly independent kingdoms was not possible without
the intermediary of the royal power, and although the king, in principle, was
at the head of the nobility, he at this very time began the attempt of building
up a self-relying power, representing the nation and deriving its strength from
non-feudal sources. He too, then, seized upon the idea of uniting the
Scandinavian kingdoms under a single sceptre, seeing in this policy a chance of
increasing his own power; and so it happened that Scandinavianism in these centuries
became an instrument to be employed equally by the rival powers which came to
the front at different moments.
was the natural outcome of social and economic conditions that feudalism and
nobility still had the upper hand in all conflicts; Scandinavian society still
was so predominantly agricultural, the economic units so small, that the
government could only be decentralised and rest upon the landed proprietors,
vassals of the Crown. But, outside this feudal society, there was developing a
commerce tending to create new economic relations; and here the king could see
possibilities of a new financial foundation of his power. As a matter of fact,
we find him beginning to utilise the means that thus presented themselves,
striving to acquire revenue which would be at his free disposal. The assistance
of the commercial capitalist appeared, however, a two-edged weapon; giving his
money as a loan to the king, he really made the king his servant, indebted and
pledged to him for life, and this was the more dangerous to the Scandinavian
king because the merchant from whom he had to borrow was a foreigner. Indeed,
the commerce of the Scandinavian countries during these centuries was wholly in
the hands of the cities of northern Germany, of the rich and powerful Hansa;
and, when the king tried to consolidate a national royal power, he was faced by
the alternative danger, the loss of national independence.
in all directions, we meet conflicting tendencies of development. The three
great powers of Scandinavian history in this period were the Nobility, the
King, and the Hansa. The fourth leading element in society, the Church, had consolidated
itself but was no longer an aggressive force; essentially, however, it ranged
itself on the side of feudalism. The three other powers were still struggling for
expansion, and the possibilities of conflict were widely varied. The history of
the conflicts is abundant in dramatic events, and some imposing personalities
emerge from the whirlpool. It is a pity that no contemporary historian has
pictured to us the men and their doings. The days of the sagas and other
historical writings were at an end; all national literature faded away and
vanished. Only Sweden, previously without any literature at all, produced some
works of religious, political, and even historical content, some rhymed
chronicles which provide some glimpses of the personalities in action. Isolated
events that were fitted to impress themselves upon the mind of the people were
celebrated in popular ballads which were preserved by oral tradition, mainly in
Denmark, and which enable us to catch at least the moral effect of certain acts
upon general opinion. But mostly we are compelled to study these centuries from
dry annals and documents, too often disconnected and full of gaps, where we
have to guess at motives and characters.
murder of the Danish king, Eric Clipping, in the year 1286, led up to a crisis
in the history of all Scandinavia. His widow, as guardian of the new infant king,
Eric VI Menved, succeeded in bringing home to the leaders of the nobility the
responsibility for the murder and effected their exile. But they immediately
found support in Norway, where, at that moment, with a barely adult king, the
nobility was in power, and where, besides, the queen mother, a Danish princess,
had a common interest with the exiles, who from their own feudal interests had
sustained against their own king her claims on Danish territory. The war that
resulted from these claims now turned into a struggle between feudalism and royal
power. The coalition of nobles of the two kingdoms proved successful, and by
the truce of 1295 the Norwegian princes as well as the Danish exiles obtained
acknowledgment of their territorial claims in Denmark, while—a provision still
more characteristic of the progress of feudalism—two Danish castles, erected by
the exiles during the war, were to be kept under the suzerainty of the King of
Norway. King Eric of Denmark by no means intended to accept this truce as a
final settlement of the questions involved, and he immediately sought an alliance
with the young King of Sweden, who just at this date became free from the
guardianship of his council of vassals. The following decades witnessed a series
of changing alliances, in which the Kings of Norway and Sweden supplied a
continually unstable element, sometimes dominated by the influences of the
nobility, sometimes trying to make themselves independent, throwing themselves
on the one or the other side in the incessantly renewed inter-Scandinavian wars.
of the most remarkable expressions of the conflicting tendencies of the period
was the royal ordinance issued in the year 1308 by King Hakon V of Norway.
Apparently this king looked on Philip the Fair of France as the model for his
internal policy, and he really succeeded in making the clergy an instrument of
royal government. Now, probably alarmed by the crushing defeat of the King of
Sweden by the nobles with whom he was allied, King Hakon proclaimed the
resumption of all fiefs granted and the abolition of baronial powers, in fact
the introduction of absolute monarchy. This sweeping ordinance had no practical
results; King Hakon shewed no power of persistence in a policy of such monarchical
only Scandinavian king who steadily kept up the struggle for royal power was
King Eric of Denmark; but he spent his forces, economic as well as military, in
far-reaching plans for extending his power even over the German duchies of
Mecklenburg and Pomerania with the wealthy Wendish towns. In spite of some brilliant
moments of victory, he was in the end defeated, and his real power even at home
was declining. He was forced to recognise the autonomous position belonging to
the Duke of Schleswig and to give away a province at the other end of the kingdom,
Northern Halland, as a fief to the King of Norway; in order to pay his debts he
had to mortgage the whole island of Funan to the Counts of Holstein and to
pledge the incomes of other fiefs and castles. Asa matter of fact, Denmark was
rapidly becoming feudalised, and when, in the year 1319, King Eric died leaving
no children, his brother Christopher, who himself had been fighting on the side
of the nobility against the king, was forced to accept the crown under the
conditions presented to him by the nobles. He was the first Danish king who at
his election (1320) was obliged to submit to a capitulation, pledging himself
to govern the kingdom under the absolute control of the parliament of nobles, and
to make no wars and to demand no taxes without their consent. It was the
complete victory of the new feudalism.
King Eric of Denmark was vainly fighting the ascendancy of the nobility within
and without his country, feudal tendencies obtained a brilliant champion in
Sweden and Norway in the person of a brother of the Swedish king, named Eric,
Duke of Sodermanland, supported with never-failing fidelity by his younger
brother Duke Waldemar. The two dukes really became the leaders of the nobles of
Sweden in their fight for feudal privileges. Eric, the hero of the first
Swedish rhymed chronicle, is presented to us as the most charming knight of the
age, but in his acts he appears as a type of the most unscrupulous noble
imaginable, by every method pushing his personal interests, greedy for power
and land, breaking his oaths whenever it suited him, betraying friend and foe
many vicissitudes, his activities resulted in creating a unique position for
him in Scandinavian politics. He married the daughter and only child of King Hakon
of Norway, thus winning the prospect of power in that country; he obtained as a
fief the south-eastern province of Norway with the new castle of Bohus and also
the Danish province of Northern Halland; and having gained as his share of
Sweden Western Gothland and other western provinces, he was finally the master
of a compact territory, composed of contiguous parts of all the three Scandinavian
kingdoms, an omen of the future union of Scandinavia. At the same time he was
the representative and ideal of the whole Scandinavian nobility, which was the
more strongly bound together in the fight for common interests.
end was put to the intrigues of Duke Eric by a piece of treachery of the same
kind that he was himself wont to use. In the closing days of 1317, he and his
brother were captured by the King of Sweden and committed to a prison from
which they never emerged; it was rumoured that they were starved to death. But
the consequence was a general rebellion of the Swedish nobles; the king could
get no effective assistance from his friend the King of Denmark and was forced
to flee the country; and in the year 1319 an assembly of the Estates of the
realm elected the three-year-old son of Duke Eric, Magnus, to be King of Sweden.
By inheritance, owing to the death of King Hakon, Magnus had just before become
King of Norway, and so the two kingdoms found themselves united under a common
king, the essential fact being that in each country the nobility was in control
of the government.
1319, feudal principles dominated in all the Scandinavian countries, though they
had not developed to the same extent in each of them. In Iceland, a truly feudal
system was always out of the question, merely because there was no need of a military
organisation. In Norway and Sweden, the holders of fiefs never acquired rights
of jurisdiction in their districts. In none of the kingdoms did the fiefs ever
become hereditary, except in the Danish duchy of Schleswig, which held a
position peculiar to itself. The dominating fact in all the kingdoms was that
the nobility had grown up into an organised class that possessed the monopoly
of the local government, the leading part in the central government, and the
control of the economic resources and the military forces of the nation. In all
three countries the Church stood outside the feudal organisation, in the sense
that the bishoprics and abbeys never became fiefs of the Crown; but from this
very time there was an increasing tendency to give the high offices of the
Church to members of noble families, and, since almost all landed property belonged
to the Crown, the Church, and the nobles, these latter really had almost
exclusive command of territorial wealth. In Norway and Sweden, and in some
parts of Denmark, particularly Jutland, there was still in existence a class of
yeomen; but feudal influences from abroad, strengthened by the influx of German
nobles, stimulated the greed of the native nobility, and, chiefly in Denmark,
feudal privileges over the peasants were steadily extended.
victory of feudalism in Denmark almost seemed destined to dissolve completely
the unity of the kingdom. The weak King Christopher, stripped of all military
and financial authority, vainly tried to defend the royal power against the
nobles whom he himself had formerly helped to resist the king. The Danish
nobles obtained a vigorous leader from abroad, one of the Counts of Holstein,
the high-handed Gerhard, who became the tutor of his nephew, the young Waldemar
Duke of Schleswig. Together with his cousin, another of the Counts of Holstein,
he made himself the real ruler of Denmark. King Christopher possessed no other
means of getting money to arm himself against his powerful rival than that of
pledging away his lands, and after a few years he had hardly any land left, and
not a single castle in his own country. Virtually all Denmark was divided between
Count Gerhard and his allies; for some years King Christopher was a fugitive in
Germany, while the count made his nephew the nominal King of Denmark. When
Christopher died (1332), Denmark was without a king for eight years; Count
Gerhard ruled with absolute power the whole of Jutland north of Schleswig as
well as the island of Funen, while his cousin ruled Sealand and most of the other
islands. This same cousin sold Scania to King Magnus of Norway and Sweden, who
assumed the title of King of Scania, keeping at the same time Northern Halland,
while Southern Halland with some other parts of Denmark were in the hands of his
mother, who had married a Danish noble. The kingdom of Denmark seemed only a name,
and the old frontiers between the Scandinavian countries were disappearing.
the rule of the Counts of Holstein, demanding heavy taxes and putting new
feudal burdens on the inhabitants, roused an opposition that combined with the
jealousy of the lower nobility to make an end of their dominion. Count Gerhard
was murdered (1340), and the son of King Christopher, Waldemar, who lived in
exile in Germany, was recalled and ' elected King of Denmark; by shrewd negotiations
he was able to make use of the situation to create for himself a position of
power which was a sufficient starting-point for a restoration of the monarchy.
Waldemar (IV) received the surname of Atterdag, the original sense of which,
like that of several other surnames of Danish kings, is uncertain and disputed,
but in popular tradition it is surmised that it originated from a customary phrase
of his: “Tomorrow is a new day,” expressing his never-failing patience and
hope. Indeed he proved to be a statesman who incessantly worked to strengthen
the royal power. In agreements and promises he was just as unreliable as his
father had been; but he was also as systematic and obstinate in pursuing his
aims as his father had been unstable and weak. He started by marrying the sister
of the Duke of Schleswig; he induced the Counts of Holstein as a preliminary
measure to exchange northern Jutland for the duchy of Schleswig, and gained for
himself a part of northern Jutland as the dowry of his queen. From this
beginning he gradually succeeded in redeeming the peninsula bit by bit,
utilising all his revenues for this purpose, and persuading his subjects to
grant him taxes to restore peace and justice.
the same purpose he received important assistance from the Church, which had
suffered seriously from the lawlessness of the interregnum. Immediately on his
accession the Bishop of Sealand handed over to him the castle and city of
Copenhagen, and from there he could begin to redeem the whole island. He exploited
the weakness of the Papacy in order to make the Church of Denmark an instrument
of royal government, and so he laid the foundation of a durable gain to national
organisation. He realised a large sum of money by selling Esthonia to the
Teutonic Order, parting with a province that had been conquered in the crusade
of Waldemar II more than a hundred years earlier, but had never been other than
a burden to the kingdom. By means of this treasure he was able to start a
series of proceedings with a view to recovering the Crown lands that had been
lost during or even before the interregnum, and he enjoyed the advantage of the
low price of land that was the consequence of the Black Death. The nobility, led
by the Counts of Holstein, did not allow the king to increase his power in this
way without resistance, and they took up arms repeatedly against him, but never
in perfect accord; in each war Waldemar had the upper hand, and in the year
1360 they were compelled to make their peace with the king. By that time almost
the whole kingdom was reconquered, and in a parliament of the realm a charter
was sealed which was in fact an agreement between king and people for the defence
of peace and justice as well as for the mutual maintenance of rights and privileges;
an important advantage for the king was the formal confirmation of the royal
courts of justice. It is true that in other respects he would have to govern
the country through his faithful vassals; feudalism was still the reigning
principle, but the kingdom of Denmark was again a reality.
the same time, in Sweden and Norway, the national government was becoming ever
more feudalised. While King Magnus was a minor, the representatives of the
nobility and clergy were ruling in both countries, and they were not willing to
give up their power after his coming of age. We may observe how the king
himself was under the domination of the ideas of feudalism: when, in the year
1335, he married Countess Blanche of Namur, she received as her marriage portion
certain districts in both kingdoms to administer and tax—a complete novelty in
Scandinavia. These districts after some years were consolidated into a Swedish-Norwegian
dominion on both sides of their southern frontier, following the example set by
Duke Eric, the king's father. When the queen had given birth to two sons, one
being named Eric after his Swedish grandfather, the other Hakon after his
Norwegian great-grandfather, King Magnus and the nobility of both countries agreed
to make each prince the heir of one of the two kingdoms; the younger, Hakon,
even succeeded to the government of Norway as soon as he came of age, though
King Magnus retained some provinces of Norway. So we see the two kingdoms
treated without regard to national traditions; the only point of view seemed to
be the personal interests of the members of the dynasty.
exception to this policy may, however, be found in the work, set on foot by
King Magnus, of combining all the different district-laws of Sweden into a
national code, as had been done at an earlier time for Norway; and he succeeded
in accomplishing such a codification for Sweden in the year 1347. This national
law did not mean, however, the strengthening of the royal government; on the
contrary, it enacted, what formerly was but customary, that the king could only
exercise his authority in collaboration with the Council of Peers. In spite of
this concession on his side, the nobility in both kingdoms felt jealous of his
natural tendency to take decisions on his own account, particularly with regard
to his third “kingdom”, Scania. Several times there was friction between the
two parties, and the feelings of the Swedish nobility are expressed in the revelations
of Saint Bridget, a lady of one of the greatest families of her country, who in
her holy discourses reviled the king and queen in most venomous and foul terms,
and at least succeeded in blackening their fame to posterity.
a certain degree, in Sweden and Norway we meet with the same tendency towards a
dissolution of national unity as manifested itself in Denmark somewhat earlier.
But even the political separation of the two kingdoms could not stop the
welding together of the upper classes that had set in from the closing years of
the thirteenth century. A particular event came to further this development:
the Black Death, which devastated all the Scandinavian countries during the
years 1349*50. Only Iceland escaped the plague, because it interrupted the navigation
from Norway to that distant island; but this first great plague was followed by
others in the course of the same century, and these reached Iceland as well, so
that all peoples of the Scandinavian race had to bear the consequences of their
devastations. In popular tradition the Black Death, in these countries called the
Great Death, was said to have depopulated them almost completely. Statistics on
this point are highly discordant, and the consequences of the plague are much
disputed. Economic values, particularly those of land, seem likely to have been
depreciated through the loss of a large number of the cultivators, and for that
reason the wages of labourers and the conditions of peasants may possibly have improved.
More certain is it that the incomes of the landowners must have diminished. In
Denmark the king appears to have taken advantage of these conditions to win back
much land for the Crown. In Sweden and Norway we see nothing of that kind. But
the Norwegian land-owners were hard stricken by the effects of the plague, and
the consequence was an increasing denationalisation of both nobility and
Church. It became necessary in Norway to fill ecclesiastical offices to a great
extent with incumbents from Sweden, and the number of noble families was
manifestly dwindling. We observe at this time an avowed tendency of men and
women of noble birth to marry only persons of their own rank, and the consequence
was that inter-marrying of Swedish and Norwegian great families became
increasingly frequent. In both countries there resulted a concentration of
landed property in relatively few hands, some single families rising to hitherto
unknown wealth. But necessarily this mingling of nationalities was more to the disadvantage
of the nobility of Noray, which was easily outnumbered by that of Sweden. If on
the whole the Black Death weakened the national and economic forces of Norway in
relation to those of Sweden and Denmark, this was most marked in the case of
the nobility, and so it pushed on the development which was already in progress
and was undermining the national independence of Norway.
respect to national policy, the Swedish nobles went on fighting for their class
privileges. When, in 1355, the younger son of King Magnus ascended the throne
of Norway as King Hakon VI, a party of the Swedish nobles egged on the elder son
Eric to rebel against his father, and they did not hesitate to accept foreign
assistance. On this occasion a new power entered actively into Scandinavian
politics, that of the Duke of Mecklenburg, Albert, the very fox of foxes, the
match even of the “wolf” King Waldemar of Denmark. Twenty years earlier he had
married the sister of King Magnus; and in pledge of her dowry he had received
the control of the herring staples of Scania. Now he saw the opportunity of
extending his power and his revenues; when, by his intervention, King Magnus
was forced to divide Sweden, leaving the southeastern part to Eric, Duke Albert
received his reward in the possession of several castles and districts in the
country. For his defence, Magnus sought the alliance of King Waldemar and had
his son King Hakon betrothed to Waldemar’s younger daughter Margaret, promising
to cede the principal castle of Scania, Helsingborg. But he gained no advantage
from the bargain; when, in the same year (1359), the young King Eric was
removed by death, Waldemar attacked and conquered the whole of Scania, thus
uniting again all the old Danish provinces (1360). The following year he even conquered
the island of Gotland with the rich city of Wisby.
had entered upon this policy of conquest with the connivance of Duke Albert,
giving his elder daughter Ingeborg in marriage to the duke’s elder son Henry.
But by taking Gotland he went beyond the limits that the duke could well
tolerate, and he also renewed his alliance with King Magnus, causing the marriage
between his daughter Margaret and King Hakon to be celebrated. Duke Albert took
his revenge by an alliance with the nobles of Sweden, who willingly deposed
King Magnus and elected the duke’s younger son Albert as King of Sweden (1363);
only succeeded in keeping some of the western districts of the country. In the
war that followed, King Albert was not able to maintain himself in Sweden without
the support of the nobility, and finally he was compelled to grant a charter or
capitulation (1371), the first in the history of Sweden, by which he pledged
himself to govern the country only by the consent of the council of lords, the
lords themselves getting the right to nominate to the council and to appoint
the governors of castles and fiefs. This meant the absolute power of the
the increasing feudalism, which took away from the Crown much of its revenues
and transferred the military control to the vassals of the realm, the kings had
to look for new means to maintain the royal authority, and in the course of the
fourteenth century the Scandinavian kings began borrowing money in order to
have armies at their disposal. But the state loans became a new danger to their
power; for, in most cases, they had no other way of paying their debts than by
embarking upon new loans or pledging lands and revenues. The first state loans
seem to have been supplied by the Pope and by the wealthy princes of northern
Germany, the Counts of Holstein or the Dukes of Mecklenburg, and we can easily
realise the political effects of the borrowing from the latter. But soon we see
emerging another financial power, which in virtue of its economic superiority
came to be a dominating element of Scandinavian politics for about two
centuries; that power was the towns of the German Hansa, in particular the
so-called Wendish towns, i.e. those of the Baltic.
wealth and power were due to their control of the great export trade of the
Baltic countries, the rye from the plains of the Oder and Vistula, the furs from
Russia, and so forth1. By their commerce they built up important funds of
mobile capital, by which they were able to control the export and import trade
of all the Scandinavian countries, the herring fisheries of Scania, the
production of iron in Sweden proper, the exporting of cod from Norway, making themselves
at home at Wisby, at Stockholm, at Bergen, and elsewhere. Starting in the
thirteenth century by obtaining protection for their navigation, they were able
to extend their privileges by agreement, by prescription, and by force,
fighting with success all attempts to keep them to the strict letter of the
original treaties; and gradually they became one of the great political powers
of the North, particularly after uniting in the celebrated Hanseatic League, a
name that appears in the midst of their disputes with the Scandinavian
governments towards the middle of the fourteenth century.
King Waldemar ventured to conquer Wisby, they felt their position highly
endangered, and a coalition of towns under the leadership of Lubeck declared
war against Denmark. The war developed into a general Scandinavian war after
the Duke of Mecklenburg had made his son King of Sweden. On the one side were
the Kings of Denmark and Norway, on the other side, not only Sweden and Mecklenburg
but also the Counts of Holstein, the Duke of Schleswig, and finally (1867) an
alliance of seventy-seven North-German towns, reaching from the Netherlands to
Prussia, called contemptuously by King Waldemar “hens.” The “hens” however, proved
strong enough to defeat the over-confident king, capturing the castles of
Copenhagen and Helsingborg, ravaging the open plains of Denmark as well as the
coast of Norway, and cutting off the foreign commerce of both countries. While
Waldemar was absent in Germany, trying to win allies among the princes there,
the Danish Council of the Realm made peace with the Hansa, which, on its side,
found it profitable to treat on its own account without regard to its allies
when it was offered an important extension of its commercial privileges.
According to the terms of peace (1370), the German towns obtained not only full
protection for all their commerce, but in addition a considerable lowering of the
customs’ tariff, and even in certain cases entire exemption from duties; and,
as reparation for damages, they were granted the dominion for sixteen years of the
chief castles and marketplaces of Scania with two-thirds of the revenues. The
transformation of economic into political interests was expressed in the treaty
by the humiliating provision that the successor of King Waldemar should not be
nominated without the consent of the Hansa towns. In the same year Norway made
a truce for five years with the Hansa towns, confirming all the rights and
privileges they had won in that country.
Waldemar was obliged to accept the situation as determined by the treaty;
returning to his country, he agreed to be reconciled with Duke Albert of
Mecklenburg, to whom he gave the assurance that the grandson of them both, the
infant son of Henry and Ingeborg, named Albert, would be elected King of
Denmark on his death. By these agreements he at least was able to expel the
Counts of Holstein completely from northern Jutland, and to limit their power
in Denmark to the southern part of Schleswig. With Sweden alone the state of
war subsisted, although the Norwegian kings on their side concluded a treaty of
peace by which they recognised the younger Albert of Mecklenburg as King of
situation envisaged by the treaty with the Hansa towns in 1370 was realised on
the death of King Waldemar in 1375, and the question arose whether the Danes
would allow a Mecklenburg prince to mount the throne of Denmark, and so in fact
make the Duke of Mecklenburg the master of Denmark and Sweden alike. The Hanseatic
towns of Mecklenburg could not very well oppose the wishes of their sovereign,
but they contrived that the Hanseatic League as such did not make use of its
right of intervention and held aloof from the election in Denmark. So the
matter rested with the Danish lords, and among them two parties formed.
this moment, there entered the scene of Scandinavian history one who was quickly
to become the most remarkable personage in these countries during the later
part of the Middle Ages. This was a woman, Queen Margaret of Norway, the younger
daughter of King Waldemar. Born in Denmark, and from the time of her marriage
at the age of ten educated by a great Swedish lady, a daughter of Saint
Bridget, probably in the part of Sweden that obeyed King Magnus, she was now
Queen of Norway and therefore presumably dowered, like Queen Blanche, with the
frontier fiefs of all three kingdoms. She thus represented more than anyone
else the idea of a Scandinavian policy, which had been prepared by the
preceding development. Her character proved her a true daughter of her father,
only still more clever in dealing with men, using kindness, art, or force
according to circumstances, always self-controlled and clearheaded, keeping
firmly in view her ambitious plans. At this date she was aged twenty-two, and
five years earlier she had given birth to her only child, her son Olaf, whom she
made the first instrument of her desire for power.
the news of her father's death, she hurried to Denmark with young Olaf, soon
followed by her husband King Hakon, and there she proceeded to win votes for
her son. She immediately acted as if the royal power were hers, granting fiefs
and donations to the Danish nobles. While the Mecklenburgs allied themselves
with the Counts of Holstein and received the support of the Emperor, Margaret
delivered the decisive stroke in sending a communication to the Hanseatic
towns, informing them that she would reconfirm all their privileges in Norway
if they allowed Olaf to be elected King of Denmark. Having thus secured her
position, she succeeded in gaining for Olaf the homage of the parliament of Denmark.
In return, together with King Hakon, she signed the charter that defined Olaf’s
obligations as king. A consequence of the election was war with the Mecklenburgs
of Germany and Sweden, but it was a rather tedious affair, since the nobles on
both sides had but little interest in carrying on feuds with one another. Queen
Margaret stayed in Denmark, governing there as the guardian of her son, and
four years later, at the death of King Hakon VI (1380), when her son inherited
the crown of Norway, she became the virtual ruler of that country also. The
chronicles of Lubeck have preserved the impression of wonder made upon her contemporaries
by her “great prudence,” her wisdom and strength, and they tell how she made
the nobles obey her will, sending the vassals from one castle to another, as the
superior sends the monks from one monastery to another. It is true that she
only obtained peace with the Counts of Holstein by granting them the duchy of
Schleswig as an hereditary fief (1386). But on the other hand, in the same year,
she regained the castles and markets of Scania from the German towns. In Norway
she strengthened her power by having two of the clerks of her household made in
succession Archbishops of Nidaros, first a German, and then a Swede; the brother
of the latter was the chancellor of the realm. It was a sign of still
farther-reaching plans that she made King Olaf, when he came of age (1385),
take the title of “true heir of Sweden.”
at a blow, all her plans and all her power seemed to fall to ruins, when King
Olaf, in whose name she governed, suddenly died in Scania in the summer of 1387.
At this critical moment, she shewed to the fullest measure the energy of her
character; she proved strong enough to overthrow all the traditional rules of
government and to make herself in law as well as in fact the head of her
kingdoms. King Olaf left no direct successor; the nearest and only heirs by the
law were the descendants of the sister of King Magnus, the Dukes of Mecklenburg,
cither King Albert of Sweden or his nephew, the now reigning Duke Albert, who
had been the rival of Olaf in the Danish election of 1376. Neither Queen
Margaret nor the nobles of Denmark and Norway could have the slightest idea of
admitting either of the dukes to the succession. On the other hand, neither law
nor practice allowed the crown of any of the Scandinavian kingdoms to be
conferred on a woman. Examples had, however, been recently given by foreign
nations: during the forty years that ended in 1382, a queen of the house of
Anjou, Joanna I, had reigned in the kingdom of Naples, and, in the same year
that she met with her death, a princess of the same house was made “king” of
Hungary, reigning there till 1387, while her sister Hedwig for a couple of years
was “king” of Poland. Such a title Queen Margaret could not assume; but within
a week after the death of King Olaf, the members of the Danish Council present
with her in Scania consented to elect her regent of the realm, and in the weeks
following she received the homage of nobles and people in all the provinces of
Denmark as “mistress and ruler with full authority as guardian of the realm.”
Immediately afterwards she went to Norway, where the Norwegian Council met at
Oslo. She had been fortunate in having the new Archbishop of Nidaros, who had
been in her service, with her in Scania when King Olaf died, and he summoned the
spiritual and secular lords of the realm to meet. They had no legal authority
to nominate the new king, but, in the beginning of 1388, they decided to elect
Margaret regent of Norway for the rest of her life, denying the Mecklenburgs
any right of succession inasmuch as they were enemies of the kingdom. By this
act Margaret became the source from which the future succession was to be derived,
and the Norwegian Council, passing over her nephew, the young Duke Albert,
declared her grand-nephew of the same line, the infant Duke Eric of Pomerania,
the nearest heir to the crown.
is worth while noting that many of the lords who participated in this irregular
election were Swedes married to Norwegian heiresses or otherwise land-owners in
Norway, and at the same time we may observe the influence of the intermarriages
between the noble families not only of Norway and Sweden, but of Sweden and Denmark
as well, which created common economic interests particularly in the frontier
provinces. Exactly at the same date that King Olaf died, many Swedish nobles
had openly rebelled against King Albert because he tried to win back for the Crown
the fiefs of his greatest vassal, who had just died; they allied themselves
with their kinsmen beyond the frontier, and, in the spring of 1388, their
delegates met with Queen Margaret in one of her Swedish castles, acknowledging
her as the rightful ruler of Sweden and promising to accept a successor at her
choice. War followed, and in the battle of Falkoping, February 1389, King Albert was defeated and
captured. The whole of Sweden submitted to Margaret, and so she became the ruler
of all three Scandinavian kingdoms.
first object now was to regularise her position and establish a durable Scandinavian
union. She immediately obtained the recognition of young Eric as her successor
in Denmark and Sweden, and he even received homage as king, first in Norway, later
in the two other kingdoms, while she kept as her personal dominion a
combination of Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish provinces. When Eric came of age,
she summoned a joint Scandinavian assembly of lords at Calmar in Sweden for the
summer of 1397, with the object of having him crowned as the king of the Union
and of making an agreement between the kingdoms that would seal their union. It
was an unusually magnificent assembly that met at Calmar; the only serious
disappointment was the complete absence of the prelates of Norway, which was
probably to be explained by their reluctance to accept the abandonment of their
ancient privilege in the election of kings in Norway. King Eric, at the age of
fifteen, solemnly received the crown at the hands of the Archbishops of Lund
and Upsala, and he created more than a hundred knights from all his kingdoms. But
the negotiations for a real act of union ended in failure. A document was drawn
up, confirming the perpetual union of the three kingdoms, establishing the
right of succession of the king's sons in all of them, and providing for a
common election in the absence of surviving sons; in this way a compromise was
made between the constitution of Norway on the one side and that of Denmark and
Sweden on the other. Further, the document established rules about mutual
assistance in case of war, but the government of each kingdom was to be
conducted according to its own laws. This agreement never obtained legal
validity; the representatives of Norway refused to sign it, perhaps because it
did not afford sufficient guarantees against neglect of their interests (there
is no evidence in favour of the generally accepted hypothesis that Queen Margaret
induced them to stay away because her desires were not met by the agreement),
and no attempt was made to obtain its ratification by the councils of the
separate kingdoms. So the Scandinavian Union was not placed upon a stable legal
basis; its future was at the mercy of the conflicting interests of the royal power
and the nobility and of national jealousies.
remained the virtual ruler of all the Scandinavian kingdoms until her death in
1412, and she kept the reins firmly in her hands. It is characteristic of her
position that, on one occasion, the delegates of Lubeck referred to her as “Lady King”. As
long as she lived, King Eric exercised no real power; she instructed him never
to decide anything by himself, but always to adjourn all matters until she
could be present. After she was dead, he continued the government according to
her principles, only carrying them still farther, following out their
consequences with decision and energy.
Margaret and Eric strove to make a permanent unity of their kingdoms. In Sweden
and Norway, even in Iceland and the western islands belonging to Norway, they
adopted the ecclesiastical policy started by Waldemar IV in Denmark. By means of
papal provisions they enthroned their personal servants or friends in all vacant
sees, and, as most of these were naturally Danes, they became instruments for
denationalising the Church of their adopted country. In Sweden, Margaret began
intruding Danish nobles into the fiefs, and Eric extended this policy to Norway.
Both of them omitted to fill the high offices of administration in Sweden, and
they partly did the same even in Norway, where, at last, the king made the
Danish Bishop of Oslo his chancellor. In fact, the administration of all the
kingdoms was united in Denmark. Sometimes, members of the Swedish or the
Norwegian Council of the Realm came to Denmark to assist at deliberations over
matters concerning their countries, and occasionally common meetings of all
three Councils were held. But, generally, decisions were taken with the
assistance merely of Danish councillors or even by the royal chancery alone. On
the part of the king, there was a demonstrable tendency to unify the
administration in central bureaux, and Copenhagen tended to develop into the capital
of an empire in the modem sense of the word. It would not be right to
characterise all this as the expression of a truly Danish imperialism or
nationalism; in Denmark itself, queen and king took into their service many
German nobles, and thence they spread even to Sweden and Norway; their
recommendation was their fidelity towards the king. But it must be added that
these German immigrants brought with them a feudal spirit that in the end would
be dangerous to the royal power.
one particular point Queen Margaret maintained a tenacious struggle against the
feudal principles that from Germany threatened to get a foothold on Scandinavian
soil. This was the question of the succession in the duchy of Schleswig. When
the Count of Holstein, to whom, in 1386, she had felt forced to grant this
Danish duchy as a hereditary fief, died in the year 1404, leaving only children
under age, she succeeded in making King Eric their formal guardian, and she
began to seize lands and castles of the duchy for the direct royal
administration. When, accordingly, in 1410, the eldest son of the former duke
at last proclaimed himself Duke of Schleswig, Eric protested, claiming that according
to Danish law no heredity in fiefs was allowed. Wax* broke out, and, with
interruptions of negotiations, law-suits, and judgments, it lasted for more
than twenty years. King Eric went so far as to contend that fiefs in the European
sense could not legally exist in Denmark, and appealing to the Emperor Sigismund,
who was his cousin, he obtained in 1424 an imperial sentence in his favour. But
the Counts of Holstein did not submit to a decision even of such an authority.
They allied themselves with the Hansa towns, they were able to conquer
Schleswig by arms, and finally, in 1432, Eric was forced to leave the duchy in
their possession; his fight over this matter ended in defeat.
other points too he brought himself into conflicts which he could not control.
The war of Schleswig was an expensive affair, and he had to seek for money wherever
it was to be found. He tried to extort as high duties as possible from the
German merchants, limiting their liberties and exemptions as far as he was able,
and this policy was the reason why the Hansa too went to war against him. In
this war he was more successful, and in any case he was able to establish, from
the year 1428, a royal revenue of a new kind, the Sound dues on all ships
passing through the straits between Sealand and Scania. But the extension of
the war meant still more expense, and he was obliged to tax his subjects more
heavily than they had been accustomed.
Margaret had continued her father’s policy of regaining lands, castles, and fiefs
for the Crown, and, in particular, she had pursued the same object in Sweden in
order to increase the royal revenue; in all her countries as far as possible
she appointed her own bailiffs in place of the feudal lords. In this way, the
peasants came as it were between the upper and the nether millstone. If, after
the Black Death, their condition had improved, now the reaction set in more and
more strongly, king, bailiffs, and landlords vying with one another in heaping
upon them all kinds of taxes and imposts. For the peasants, both feudalism and
the development of royal power led to the same result—increasing oppression.
But another consequence was dissatisfaction and disquietude, and from about
1420 we notice a tendency to riots and rebellions among the peasants,
particularly directed against the foreign bailiffs and fief-holders. Of these
there were most in Sweden, in all probability because the lands and fiefs there
were richer and more attractive than those of Norway, and so, naturally, the
movement in Sweden became more important than that in Norway. For the same reason,
the native nobility of Sweden was more irritated in its national particularism
than that of Norway; but in both countries, even among the nobility, dissatisfaction
and opposition to the royal policy made themselves increasingly felt. The
intrusion of foreign clerics into the sees created a certain uneasiness in the
Church of Norway as well as of Sweden, and from 1432 a sharp conflict arose between
King Eric and the chapter of Upsala regarding the nomination of a new archbishop.
So, in Sweden, quite an army of different forces united to oppose the government
of the king. Besides, a new social force entered the field, strengthening the
movement; this was the growth of an independent merchant and industrial class,
based chiefly on the export trade of Stockholm and the iron-smelting of the
province of Dalame (Dalecarlia). From this province came the leader of the
name was Engelbrecht, son of another Engelbrecht, a mine-owner of knightly
rank. Personal interests were involved in his rebellion: heavy taxes burdened
the mining industry, and wealthy nobles were busy shouldering out the original
owners. But the noble character of Engelbrecht raised him above egoistic
considerations, and his far-sighted views made the rebellion a revolution in the
history of Sweden. After appealing in vain to the king for the removal of the
oppressive Danish bailiff of the province, he put himself at the head of the
dissatisfied peasants and yeomen, who, perhaps, were encouraged by the reports
of the Hussite rebellion in Bohemia. In the summer of 1434 he marched with his
army through the eastern and southern provinces of the country, everywhere calling
men to arms against foreign masters, capturing the castles, and expelling the
bailiffs. Some of the higher nobility joined the rebellion; but the Council of
the Realm met at the order of the king, fearing to lose its privileges and anxious
to repress the people. Engelbrecht, however, forced the Council to throw off,
in the name of all Sweden, their allegiance to King Eric, and a general parliament
was called for the next year (1435) in the town of Arboga, near the home of
Engelbrecht. With this parliament, something new was created in Sweden; there
met not only the old orders of the realm, secular and spiritual lords, but
besides them the burghers and the yeomen, thus forming an assembly of four
orders and thereby establishing an institution destined to remain for more than
four hundred years an important element in Swedish politics; for centuries it
was the most democratic body in any European country.
Parliament of Arboga elected Engelbrecht regent of the realm. The Council
looked for means of annulling such revolutionary proceedings; it negotiated with
King Eric with the object of acquiring the government of the country and the transference
of the fiefs to itself, and it appointed a man of the higher nobility, Karl
Knutsson, regent along with Engelbrecht. In the first place, the popular
rebellion was defeated by the murder of Engelbrecht in the spring of 1436. His
ideas and his example, however, were kept alive in the tradition of the new
classes he had called to power, and one of his friends composed songs about the
little man raised by God to save the people, praising liberty as the finest
thing in the world.
the meantime, the rebellion of Engelbrecht had infected the people of Norway.
Some weeks before his death, yeomen and peasants in the districts around Oslo
rose against the foreign bailiffs under the leadership of a noble, Amund Sigurdsson.
The Council of the Realm assembled and made an agreement with the rebels,
prudently securing their adhesion to a purely national programme, which included
provisions that all fiefs were to be given to natives and all high government
offices to be filled up. Such was the policy of the Swedish Council too, and it
succeeded in crushing new risings of the farmer class. When the peasants of Denmark
likewise rebelled, the Danish Council joined its Swedish colleagues and would
not obey King Eric any longer. Now the whole movement against the king had
passed into the hands of the nobility, fighting for its class interests. When
Eric fled the country in the year 1438, the Danish Council summoned from Germany
his nephew Christopher, son of the Count Palatine of the Rhine (Pfalz-Neumarkt).
He was made King of Denmark in 1440, and later in the same year King of Sweden.
When the Norwegian Council, whose requests had been complied with by King Eric,
found itself deserted by its lawful ruler, it last of all, in 1442, saw no other
way open but to elect Christopher King of Norway as well.
accession of King Christopher to the throne of the Scandinavian kingdoms meant
the defeat of the aspirations for monarchical power that had animated the
government of his immediate predecessors. In all three countries the nobility
took the undisputed control. The Church rose again from its former subordination
and freed itself from the encroachments of the kings upon the episcopal elections,
only indeed to drift under the dominion of the nobility. The nobles took
advantage of the decisions of the Council of Basle which dissolved the alliance
of king and Pope, and in Sweden and Norway alike native bishops of noble
families filled the sees. At the same time, the interests of the rising national
burgher class were sacrificed; the powerlessness and poverty of King
Christopher made him dependent on the financial assistance of the Hanseatic
towns, and he confirmed their commercial privileges to the widest extent in
spite of the protests of the native burghers; he himself jestingly declared
that the Hansa had more privileges and liberties in his countries than the king.
He even gave up the dues on shipping in the Sound.
after a short reign, he died in 1448, the nobility saw no limits to their power.
In Sweden, a party of the nobles elected one of themselves king, the regent
during the former interregnum, Karl Knutsson (Charles VIII). In Denmark, the nobles
offered the crown to the greatest of their order, the Duke of Schleswig, who
was at the same time Count of Holstein. He refused, however, being probably not
at all desirous of falling under the influence of his Danish compeers; but he
recommended to them a German nephew of his, Count Christian of Oldenburg, who
was accordingly elected King of Denmark with a capitulation that left all power
in the hands of the Council of the Realm. In Norway two parties formed, which
favoured respectively the Swedish and the Danish candidate. At first, the Swedish
party, led by the Archbishop of Nidaros, had the upper hand and caused King
Karl to be crowned, on which occasion he signed a capitulation corresponding to
the Danish one. In fact, earlier in the same year (1449), King Christian had
already agreed to a capitulation for his election in Norway, the first act of this
kind issued for that country; and, when the archbishop died shortly after, the
Danish party carried the election of its candidate, making Christian King of
Norway. Now a formal act of union was signed by representatives of the Councils
of Denmark and Norway at Bergen on 29 August 1450, laying down the principle
that both kingdoms should always obey the same king, and providing for a common
election by the two Councils on the death of the reigning monarch. As a matter
of fact, this agreement was a copy of a similar agreement signed by
representatives of the Councils of Denmark and Sweden a few months before, and,
after a war of some years, King Karl was forced to flee the country, Christian
I being crowned as King of Sweden as well (1457).
reign of Christian I marks the lowest point in the decline of royal power in
the Scandinavian kingdoms. Apparently, his position was a brilliant one. He not
only united the crowns of three kingdoms, but he added to them the dominion of
Schleswig and Holstein, succeeding his uncle there in the year 1460, on the
condition, however, of granting new privileges to the nobility of both provinces,
thereby confirming the famous provision that Schleswig and Holstein should for
ever remain linked together, a provision that was originally drawn up to protect
the interests of the landed nobility, but later became a kind of national
programme. Some years later, Christian gave his daughter Margaret in marriage
to King James III of Scotland; but for the payment of most of the dowry he
pledged the Norwegian islands of the Orkneys and Shetlands (1468). Still later,
he undertook with great splendour a journey to Rome, obtaining from the Pope
the authority to found a university at Copenhagen and from the Emperor the elevation
of the county of Holstein into a duchy. For all such things he had to pay
dearly. In order to win the two duchies he was obliged to give other claimants
123,000 florins in all; he loved to hold a splendid court, and he always travelled
in great state. But he was always in straits for money, and in Swedish
tradition he received the surname of “the leaking purse? He was obliged to borrow,
and he incurred large debts, particularly with the nobles of Holstein and the
Hanseatic towns; they became his real masters. Of course, he could not avoid
confirming all Hanseatic privileges in his kingdoms, and he even tolerated it
when the German merchants of Bergen slew the castellan of the city who tried to
limit their control.
characterises the national development of the latter half of the fifteenth century
is the eclipse of Norway and the rise of Sweden. In Norway, the only authority
that remained a bulwark, however weak, of its independence, was the Church; the
fight for ecclesiastical freedom became identified with that for national
independence. The nobility, too, had chiefly their class interests in view; but
the national demands which they had been driven to put forward in 1436 had very
soon lost their hold upon them. The immigration of Swedish nobles had been
followed by that of Danish, and about 1450 most of the leading families of the
country were in fact essentially foreign; it is characteristic that the last appeal
sent by the Norwegian Council of the Realm to King Eric, in 1440, was written in
the Danish language, thus foreboding the supersession of Norwegian as the official
language of the nation. A Council of the Realm with such a foundation could
have neither the will nor the ability to maintain a strong national policy, and
patently the government of the kingdom was continually growing weaker. The
pledging of the Orkneys and Shetlands in 1468 really meant the final loss of
the islands. Already before the end of the fourteenth century the administration
of the earldom was left to the Scottish family of St Clair; from this time the
bishops were Scots; both earls and bishops gave offices to their fellow-countrymen,
who acquired land in the islands, and about 1440 the judge of the Orkneys gave
his decisions in English. Now, from 1472, the Bishop of the Orkneys and
Shetlands was made a suffragan of the Archbishop of St Andrews, and from that
time the Norwegian character of the people of the Orkneys began rapidly to
disappear, although in Shetland the Norwegian language still lived on for three
more centuries. The national resistance of the Shetlands could be so durable
because of the continual commercial intercourse with Norway. But, as a matter
of fact, the active commerce of Norway was, towards the end of the Middle Ages,
at its lowest ebb. Obviously, that was one reason why the traffic with far-off
Greenland came absolutely to an end about the middle of the fifteenth century;
and the government neglected its duties toward the colonists, so that, left
without assistance from the mother country, they died out in starvation and degeneration.
the thirteenth century, the export trade from Norway was almost completely in
the hands of the Hanseatic capitalists, and such a condition was not
exclusively to the disadvantage of Norway, since they were able to make Bergen
a great staple for fish, selling the Norwegian cod to the whole of northern
Europe. One of the consequences was the development of fisheries in the
northern parts of the country, and during these centuries Norwegian fishing-folk
spread in settlements along the coast of Finmark as far east as the Varanger
Qord, thus making this part of the kingdom truly Norwegian. But the economic superiority
of the Hansa merchants was an almost insuperable obstacle to the growth of a native
burgher class; at Bergen the merchants of Lubeck, at Oslo those of Rostock
formed a power against which the natives vainly tried to rise. It was the chief
weakness of Norway that, in an age when the nobility had lost all national force
and spirit, the country could not produce a burgher class that might take over
the task of a national policy. In the fjords and the valleys there lived a
sturdy race of farmers who kept up the national traditions of law and language,
and there are signs that, during these centuries of national depression, a
popular literature of folk-songs developed among them, in part founded upon the
sagas of the thirteenth century. But yeomen and peasants here had no political
interests or aspirations, and so no powerful class was left to defend the
independence of the nation.
Sweden, on the contrary, commercial and industrial activities created a burgher
class that was able to comprehend intellectual and political interests, and at
the same time was strong enough to animate with new ideas both the lower ranks
of the nobility and the higher ranks of the yeomanry, thus uniting them into an
efficient body able to express a national will. For some decades it might seem
as if Swedish politics were nothing but the rivalry of different sections of
the higher nobility, using for their egoistic purposes alternately Christian I
and Karl Knutsson. During a period of twenty years, until his death in 1470,
Karl was thrice made King of Sweden without ever having any real power; wars
were fought with changing success, and great families joined one or other party
for merely personal reasons. But beneath the surface of ignoble ambitions we
are able to observe the new life awakening. The struggles of Engelbrecht and Karl
were told in rhymed chronicles, imitating those of the age of Duke Eric, and in
these chronicles we meet with a really national spirit, proclaiming the idea of
independence. Other authors strove to build up complete histories of the kingdom
of Sweden, trying in this way to rouse a national consciousness.
upon the death of King Karl, the programme of Engelbrecht was revived again by
the king’s nephew Sten Sture. Against the majority of the Council of the Realm,
chiefly with the assistance of burghers and yeomen, he was proclaimed regent of
Sweden, and he kept this position for almost thirty years. In a hard battle
just outside Stockholm, on a hill that now forms a part of the city, he won a
decisive victory with his army of burghers and yeomen over the forces of King
Christian (1471). The burghers of Stockholm had rushed against the enemy,
singing the song of St George, the patron saint of their city; and sis a token
of gratitude for the victory Sten Sture made a German artist carve a
magnificent sculpture of St George killing the dragon which still adorns the
Great Church of Stockholm, an expressive witness to the burghers’ pride. Immediately
after the victory, the citizens ’of Stockholm, assisted by representatives of
other towns, forced the Council of the Realm to expunge from the law the
provision that half of each town council should be Germans; this was the declaration
of independence of the Swedish burgher class. The new spiritual life of the
nation manifested itself by the foundation of the University of Upsala (1477),
preceding by a year that of the University of Copenhagen, and in the following
decade the new art of printing was employed for the national propaganda.
the same time, Swedish population and Swedish power were spreading northward and
eastward. Merchants and farmers of Swedish and Finnish nationality settled on
both sides of the Gulf of Bothnia, and the whole of Finland was brought more
and more closely under Swedish administration. At the easternmost point of the
Gulf of Finland, the town of Viborg obtained its chartered privileges in 1403,
and in the decade from 1470 to 1480 it was strongly fortified by the same castellan,
a relative of King Karl and of Sten Sture, who, a little farther to the north,
founded the strong castle of Olofsborg. At this part of the frontier, the
Swedes met rivals for commerce and power in Russian cities and princes. This was
a rivalry which, as early as the middle of the fourteenth century, had led to war,
but which received a more dangerous and important character after the erection of
the dominion of the Tsars of Muscovy. As a matter of fact, under the rule of
King Karl and the independent regents who succeeded him, Sweden entered upon
the policy of conquest that aimed at extending its power over the lands of the
Teutonic Order east of the Baltic. As yet, these plans did not produce durable
results, but they inaugurated a momentous feature of future Swedish politics,
and they already played a part in the relations of Sweden with Denmark.
Denmark and Norway, King Christian I, who died in 1481, had been succeeded by
his son Hans. On the part of Norway, there had been some vacillation, the
Archbishop of Nidaros desiring to unite with the Swedes; but, finally, the two Councils
of the Realms met together and elected Hans as common king of both countries
(1483), obliging him to sign a capitulation that confirmed the absolute authority
of each Council over the royal power; it even stated the duty of resistance on
the part of the subjects in the event of the king not keeping its provisions. It
testifies to the increasing closeness of the union of the two kingdoms that on
this occasion the royal capitulation was issued in common for both of them. On
the other hand, in the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein, King Hans was obliged
to divide power with his younger brother Frederick.
the reign of this king two opposite tendencies were clearly manifested. On the
one side, he was the creature of the nobility, dependent on the will or the
consent of the members of the Council for all his actions. On the other side,
he appears as a kind of burgher king, almost on a par with his contemporary,
King Louis XI of France, finding his friends and associates among the wealthy burghers
of Copenhagen, even having his son and successor educated in the house of one
of them; and he was able to reverse the weak policy of his immediate
predecessors in regard to the Hansa towns. This task was facilitated for him by
the discords inside the Hansa League and even inside the single towns,
particularly in Lubeck. But the essential factor was the development of a
native class of merchants and artisans in the Danish towns, while in eastern Norway
Dutch merchants began an active competition with the Wendish towns, coming there
to buy and export on an increasing scale a new commodity, timber. King Hans
dared to engage in a privateering war with the Hanseatic towns, and they were
forced to acquiesce in the grant of equal commercial privileges to their
rivals. It was an omen of a new age for Norway too when his son Prince
Christian, as viceroy of this country, in 1508 issued new privileges for the
city of Oslo, by which all those of the German merchants were revoked and the
retail trade was made a monopoly of the burghers of the city.
however, King Hans schemed to renew the Scandinavian policy of his father by
winning the crown of Sweden, he had to consider exclusively the interests of
the nobility. In fact, already in the year 1483, the Swedish Council of the
Realm had agreed with the Councils of Denmark and Norway to acknowledge him as
their king, accepting with pleasure the provisions of his capitulation in
favour of the nobility. But the regent Sten Sture, supported by the lower
classes, succeeded in putting off the realisation of this promise from one year
to another, and even papal excommunication could not induce the people to
abandon him. He roused the enmity of the higher clergy by interfering in the
nomination of bishops and abbots, and the nobles complained of not receiving
the fiefs to which they thought themselves entitled. He threatened them with a
social revolution, with “another Engelbrecht;” but at last they organised a
rebellion, and at the same time King Hans made an alliance with the Russian
Great Prince Ivan, who invaded Finland. Arriving at Stockholm with a strong
army, Hans forced Sten Sture to capitulate and was crowned as King of Sweden (1497).
renewal of the Scandinavian Union lasted only for a few years. King Hans had
the misfortune to be completely defeated when, with his brother Duke Frederick
and a strong force of knights and German mercenaries, he attacked the yeomen of
the Ditmarschen in Holstein; the battle (1500) ended in a disaster, similar to
that of so many other conflicts between feudal knights and yeomen towards the
close of the Middle Ages. In the same year, a man of a new type began to agitate
for a rising in Sweden; his name was Dr Hemming Gadh. He was an ecclesiastic by
education, a diplomat by his talents, a revolutionary by instinct. For twenty
years he had lived in Rome as representative of Sten Sture and had been able to
obtain the removal of the regent’s excommunication. On returning, he succeeded
in reconciling Sten with one of his bitterest enemies among the Swedish
nobility, a distant kinsman, Svante Sture, and, being himself nominated bishop
to a vacant see—a nomination, it is true, that was never confirmed by the Pope,
but, instead, drew down on him the papal excommunication—he became a member of
the Council of the Realm. As such, with both the Sture and a few other members,
he proclaimed the deposition of King Hans (1501), accusing him of oppression of
the people and of alliance with the Russian enemies of the land. At the same
time, he instigated a rebellion in Norway, led by a noble of mixed Norwegian
and Swedish descent. This rebellion, however, was unsuccessful, the leader
being murdered by a personal enemy, one of the Danish nobles in Norway; his
widow fled to Sweden and married Svante Sture. In Sweden, the rebels had the
upper hand against both the nobles’ party and the Danish armies.
the death of Sten Sture (1508), Svante Sture was made regent, to be succeeded
in 1512 by his son, the younger Sten. Under the regency of these two Hemming Gadh
was the dominating spirit, agitating for an increasingly democratic and
national programme. He had to give up his episcopal see and was made a military
commander; recalling the former extortions of Danish bailiffs, he excited the
hatred of the people against the Danes and the higher nobility alike. Meanwhile
the representatives of the nobility addressed an appeal for assistance to their
fellow nobles in Denmark. “We speak the same tongue, and almost all of us are
kinsfolk/ So, more and more clearly, the antagonisms of home politics were
deciding the dividing lines in the fight for independence.
Gadh achieved his greatest success when, as a delegate to the Hansa assembly at
Lubeck, he induced the Wendish towns to declare war against Denmark. This war,
however, impelled King Hans to appeal to the Dutch and English rivals of the
German merchants and to build up a strong Danish fleet for the defence of his
own burghers. In fact, when he died in the year 1513, he was victorious on the
sea, breaking the predominance of the Hanseatic power, and at home he had
strengthened the royal authority so far as to give the Council of the Realm
occasion to complain that he had broken more than half of the articles of the
capitulation granted at his accession, particularly in conferring high positions
on non-noble persons.
Denmark, as well as in Sweden, the result of the development was the decline of
the political importance of the nobility. In both countries a burgher class was
rising that was able to reconquer the national independence, both economic as
against the Hansa and political as against its Scandinavian neighbour. In part
leaning upon this burgher class, the royal power organised itself more firmly,
thus preparing the creation of truly national kingdoms. Only Norway was lagging
behind, because the growth of an independent burgher class came more slowly
there; for that country, then, the sixteenth century meant the climax of the power
of the nobility and, as a consequence, the loss of national independence.
all three countries, the crisis began with the accession of King Christian II (1513).
His government meant the sharpening of all social and political conflicts, and
led, through much bloodshed, to the establishment of new conditions for the
classes and the nations of the Scandinavian North.
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