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Pope Urban II’s speech at the Council of Clermont (27
November 1095) officially launched and defined the crusading movement. Four
independent reports by auditors of the Pope’s speech, Baldric of Dol, Guibert, Fulcher, and Robert
the Monk, have been preserved. They differ much in phraseology, but they agree
in substance and thus supply an authoritative statement of the purpose and
motives of the Crusade. Their evidence is confirmed by the aims and ideals of
the crusaders as these are expressed in the literature of the following period.
All Christendom, the Pope declared, is disgraced by the triumphs and supremacy
of the Muslims in the East. The Eastern Churches have asked repeatedly for
help. The Holy Land, which is dear to all Christian hearts and rightfully a
Christian possession, is profaned and enslaved by infidel rulers. Christian
kings should therefore turn their weapons against these enemies of God, in
place of warring with one another as they do. They ought to rescue the Holy
Land and the Holy City, they ought to roll away the reproach of Christendom and
destroy forever the power of Muslim attack. The war to which they are called is
a Holy War and Deus volt is its fitting battle-cry. Those who lose their lives
in such an enterprise will gain Paradise and the remission of their sins.
In conception and in fact the First Crusade aimed at
rescuing the Christians of the East, and more especially the sacred cities of
Palestine, from Muslim domination. It was an enterprise for the conquest of
Syria and its permanent occupation by a Christian power. The armies of Europe
were set in motion by the head of the Church, and religious considerations
determined the goal of their enterprise. But there is a national and racial
aspect of the contest, even more fundamental than the religious sentiment,
which gives color to the whole surface of the movement. The Crusades are the
second stage in a long-continued and still unfinished military struggle between
Christendom and Islam, between Asia and Europe, which began when the hardy
tribes of Arabia swept through Syria and North Africa into Spain in the seventh
and eighth centuries. The Muslim attack on southern Europe, from the eighth
century to the eleventh, called forth that counter-stroke which is known as the
First Crusade. The main springs of the movement, therefore, are not an enlarged
conception of Christian duty nor a quickened sense of religious opportunity.
The direct line of approach to the history of the crusading movement is a
survey of the Muslim attack on Western Europe which was a sequel to the great
Arabian uprising of the seventh century.
After the Muslim conquest of North Africa, Spain
(eighth century), and Sicily (ninth century), all the southern coast of France
and the western coast of Italy, with the islands of Sardinia and Corsica, lay
at the mercy of hostile fleets and of the forces which they landed from time to
time. The territories and suburbs of Genoa, of Pisa, and of Rome itself were
raided and plundered. The Italian cities of the north had as yet no fleets, and
the Muslims held command of the sea. In the south of Italy and in southern
France Muslim colonies established themselves and were the terror of their
Christian neighbors. During the tenth century the Byzantine Emperors made vain
attempts to shield their possessions in South Italy, and were actually
compelled to pay tribute to the emirs of Sicily. The defeat of the Emperor Otto
II near Rossano in 982 marked the failure of the
imperial power of the West in its traditional part of political defender of the
faith. On the other hand the Muslims had already occupied lands more extensive
than their numbers as yet permitted them to hold securely. They were weakened
by political divisions and by frequent dynastic changes in North Africa, which
was the chief seat of their power. The Muslim settlers in the south of France
were expelled by the year 975 and those in South Italy, excluding Sicily, never
gained more than a temporary and precarious foothold. In North Italy, Genoa and
Pisa began to build ships to protect their coasts, and to further a commercial
policy in which Venice, on the Adriatic shore, already led the way. In the
early part of the eleventh century there was civil war amongst the Muslims in
Africa, Spain, and Sicily, and the balance of power began significantly to
alter. The occupation of Sardinia by the Muslims from Spain, and their descent
from there on Luni in the gulf of Spezia, drove Genoa
and Pisa into an alliance which was crowned with success. Sardinia was
recovered, and a first clear step was taken in asserting the Italian mastery of
the Tyrrhenian Sea (1015-1017). Italian fleets now ravaged the coast of Africa
and imposed treaties in furtherance of their growing commercial interests. Mahdiyah, the capital of the Muslims in Tunis and the chief
harbor of their fleets, was menaced as Genoa and Pisa had been a hundred years
before. In South Italy the Byzantine generals were still unsuccessful against
Muslim raids, but their place was being taken by an ever-increasing number of
Norman knights (from AD 1017 onwards). The victories of the Normans over the
Greeks in this period were supplemented by successful war against the Muslims.
When Sicily was finally plunged into a state of complete anarchy, the Normans
began to make conquests there also (1060). The capture of Palermo
(1072) was a significant token of their progress. Italian fleets co-operated in
these Norman enterprises. When Genoa and Pisa in 1087 made a joint expedition,
for the second time, against Mahdiyah, captured the
town, burned the ships in its harbor, and imposed terms of peace on its ruler,
the command of the Western Mediterranean passed finally to the Italian
republics. The event is a landmark in the history of the medieval struggle
between Islam and Christendom. Even the final conquest of Sicily by the
Normans, which followed it very closely (1091), is not so important. In Spain
the same work of reconquest made steady progress
after the middle of the century. Here too Norman valour and Norman swords played an efficient part. Expeditions from South France, and
probably also ships from Italy (1092-1093), joined in the war. Normans,
Italians, and southern French, were thus already practically leagued in warfare
against the common foe. The First Crusade joined to these allies other peoples,
more widely separated, and bore the contest from the Western to the Eastern
Mediterranean. But the contest remained the same, and the chief combatants on
the Christian side were still Normans, Italians, and Frenchmen.
The recovery of Italy and Sicily and a large part of
Spain from Muslim rule gave an impulse to the victors which could not fail to
carry them to further enterprises. The defeated enemy had territory in Africa
and the nearer East which invited attack. Pisa and Genoa were engaged in an
oversea traffic which beckoned them eastwards. Sicily, in Christian hands,
offered them ports of call and harbors of refuge on their way. Amalfi already
traded actively with Syria, Egypt, and North Africa; Venice more particularly
with the possessions of the Greek Empire. Italian commerce had everything to
gain from Christian settlements in the East. An enterprise for the conquest of
Syria and of Egypt was assured of the welcome and support of the Italian
republics. The adventurous Normans too, as they spread from land to land with
never-failing audacity and success, had found the Muslim East, had seen its
treasures, and had heard its call. Their conquest of Muslim Sicily gave them a
stepping-stone to Egypt and to Syria. From Italy they were already overleaping
the narrow sea which separated them from the Greek Empire. War with the Muslim
East may well have lain within their destiny independently of Pope Urban’s
summons, to which they so willingly responded.
The relation of the Popes to the age-long Muslim war
is easily understood and simply stated. As the primates of the Church their
most sacred interests were always imperiled by Muslim victory. Inevitably their
authority and influence were cast into the balance against the spoilers of the
Church's patrimony. No partial triumph could extinguish their hostility, least
of all while the holy places of the faith remained an infidel possession.
Direct political interest also for a time stimulated their activity. But
at the period of their greatest political power they were influenced chiefly by
the hope of realizing their far-reaching vision of a universal Church. In the
ninth century and in the early part of the tenth century, Rome was within the
territory threatened by the Muslim invaders of Italy, and local circumstances
drove the Popes to concert measures against them. Gregory IV (827-844), Leo IV
(847-855), John VIII (872-882), and John X (914-928), all took an active part
in the Muslim war. Their successors in the eleventh century were not, in all
probability, the actual instigators of the Norman and Italian enterprises of
the period, as some of the chroniclers assert, but at least they gave them
every countenance and support. Benedict VIII (1012-1024), an Italian count and
successful soldier before his consecration, approved and assisted the
expeditions against the Muslim conquerors of Sardinia in 1015-1016. Gregory VII
(1073-1085), by his advocacy of the cause of the Greek Empire, prepared the way
for more distant enterprises. Victor III blessed the standard of the expedition
against Mahdiyah (1087) and declared remission of sin
to all who took part in it. From the middle of the century, under the guidance
of the great Hildebrand, both before and after he became Pope Gregory VII, the
Papacy asserted and in a measure secured its claim to be the ecclesiastical
emperor of Christendom. Granted that all secular power was subject to the
control of the Church for ecclesiastical ends, the Pope became the predestined
head of any great united enterprise against the Muslims. The part played by
Pope Urban in rousing Europe to the First Crusade was suggested from the
outside, and actually became a means of realizing the papal claims. Still, the
suggestion that he should take action was made because he actually represented
the unity of Christendom and alone could issue an appeal which would be
listened to with general respect. The Pope was an international power much more
truly than the Emperor. He controlled an organization through which he could
exert influence upon every country from within. He best could maintain the
“truce of God”, which secured peace at home while the crusaders were absent on
their enterprise. It is not clear that the Pope's initiative was essential to
the starting of the First Crusade, but his intervention at some point was
inevitable and his authority was one of the great forces which maintained the
The date at which Europe became ready for a united
attack on the Muslim East cannot be put earlier than the last quarter of the
eleventh century. The enemy were then at last driven out of the home lands,
excepting Spain, and the Western Mediterranean was again a Christian sea. As
long as the struggle in the West was proceeding, schemes for the conquest of
Palestine were impracticable. These facts must be kept in mind in any
consideration of the alleged bull of Sergius IV
(1009-1012), in which he announces the recent destruction of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem (September 1009) and declares his
wish to overthrow the Muslims and restore the Sepulchre.
His intention is to equip a thousand ships for the purpose of his expedition,
and he says that word has already come from the Italian coast towns to the
effect that preparations there have been begun. Assuming the genuineness of the
document, which is seriously disputed, it may be noted that the preparations
reported may not really have been carried very far, nor indeed even commenced,
and that the circumstances which suggested the expedition were very transitory.
The reported destruction of the Holy Sepulchre was
indeed an event likely to awaken the resentment of Christendom, and it may
possibly have originated the earliest formulation of the crusading idea that
has been preserved. But nothing came of Pope Sergius’
intention; the Italian cities were not yet able to fit out the armada he
proposed, and the Sepulchre, only partially injured,
was soon restored without Western intervention. Neither the alleged destruction
of the Sepulchre nor the Pope's daring thought, if it
actually was his, had any direct influence on the origin of the First Crusade.
At most they may have increased the animosity of war in the West and stirred
the Christians there to renewed exertions.
The feature of the First Crusade that most struck the
imagination and stirred the fervor of its supporters was its declared purpose
of delivering Jerusalem from the hands of the infidels. Extreme veneration for
Jerusalem and its sacred sites was fostered by the whole system of Latin
Christianity, and especially by its encouragement of pilgrimages. Frequent
pilgrimages to local and national shrines were crowned by the necessarily less
frequent pilgrimage to Palestine. In the eleventh century pilgrimages en masse, in which hundreds journeyed together to
Jerusalem, led by some bishop or noble, were not unknown. One such notable
pilgrimage was from Normandy in 1064; another was headed by Count Robert I of
Flanders (1088-1089). Individual pilgrimages also grew more frequent as the
century advanced and the way became easier. The Cluniac revival gave fresh life
to this part also of the Church's ancient practice. Devotion to the cradle of
Christianity was nurtured and stimulated even amongst those who never
adventured on the distant journey. The indignities which Christians suffered in
Jerusalem at the hands of the Muslims thus became familiar in Western Europe.
It is not likely that the occupation of Jerusalem by the Turks (1071) stirred
feeling in any special manner. But the capture of Antioch from the Greeks
(1085) may have done so. Some part of its former population seems to have
reached Europe, and to have roused animosity against the Turks by a recital of
its misfortunes. In this and other ways the victories of the Turks over the
Greek Empire influenced popular feeling and at the same time the policy of
those at the helm of state. It was the situation of the Greek Empire and the
advance of the Turks in Asia Minor which finally called Europe to arms on
behalf of Jerusalem and the Eastern Churches. A sense of obligation to the Holy
City and to Christians in the East, long expressed in other ways, now took the
form of the First Crusade.
Peril of the Eastern Empire
The long history of warfare between the Muslims and
the Byzantine Empire has been told in another volume of this work. In the
crisis which followed the fatal battle of Manzikert (26 August 1071), the Emperor Michael VII conceived the idea of calling to his
assistance his Christian brethren of the West. His appeal was directed to Pope
Gregory VII, as the supreme representative of Western Christianity and more
truly its common head than the greatest of its secular potentates. The
Emperor’s petition fell on willing ears, for Gregory saw in it an opportunity
of restoring the East to the Roman obedience, and at the same time of
practically realizing his great principle that the kings of Christendom are the
liege servants of the Church. For several months the Pope was full of the
project of a mighty expedition to the East, in which he thought of personally
taking part, and for which his letters claim that he received substantial
promises of support (1074). But preoccupations in Italy made it impossible for
him to carry out his intention. The Greek Emperor was left to wage an unequal
war with the Turkish invaders of his dominions. They overran Asia Minor and
came within striking distance of Constantinople itself. The Emperor Alexius
(1081-1118) saved a part of his Asiatic territory by acknowledging defeat and
making what terms of peace he could. His position was weakened by the frequent
wars he had to wage with the vassals of the Empire in Europe. When at length
these wars were ended (1094) and the recovery of lost Byzantine territory in
Asia became again feasible, it is not surprising that Alexius bethought
himself of the powerful help which had once been so nearly granted to his
predecessor. In 1090 he had been assisted against the Turks by Count Robert of
Flanders. Such another expedition, but on a considerably larger scale, was no
doubt what he desired and hoped for. His appeal was directed to Pope Urban II,
Gregory’s successor in spirit as well as in office (1088-1099). Once more the
Byzantine proposal was favorably received, and on this occasion nothing
intervened to prevent the Pope from executing his resolve. At his summons
Western Europe eagerly prepared to make war with the Muslim East.
The First Crusade by proceeding through Constantinople
and Asia Minor accomplished for Alexius even more than he can originally have
expected to obtain from his Western allies. Not the least achievement of the
crusading movement, considered in its ultimate results, was that it postponed
the Turkish capture of Constantinople for 300 years. But the crusaders never
regarded themselves as the mere auxiliaries of the Greek Empire, nor was their
chief purpose to aid the Emperor against his Muslim enemies. Pope Urban’s
official utterance declared the general purpose of the Crusade to be the
deliverance of the Christians of the East. The danger of the Greek Empire is
therefore one motive to action, explicitly stated, but much more stress is laid
on the situation in Palestine. There and not in Asia Minor lay the supreme
object of the enterprise for the peoples of the West. Their conception of the
Crusade may be said to differ from that of the Emperor only in the emphasis
which they laid on one part of a complex whole. Alexius’ appeal, in general
terms indeed, was also doubtless on behalf of the Christians of the East, and
possibly his ambassadors spoke of the deliverance of Jerusalem as something to
be aimed at ultimately by the allied forces. But the mere change of emphasis
exercised a transforming influence. Very quickly it appeared that all the Latin
interests, religious, commercial, and political, lay in these remoter
achievements in which the Emperor had no direct concern. Thus the Crusade had
one aspect for the Latins and another for the Greeks. The two parties were
engaged in appearance in a common enterprise. Each quickly found the other
disloyal to the common cause, because their conception of that cause was not
the same. All the history of the relations between the Greeks and the Latins,
in the First Crusade and afterwards, must be read in the light of this
fundamental discrepancy.
Assuming now that a proposed expedition on behalf of
the Greek Empire and the Eastern Churches could thus become one for the
deliverance of Jerusalem and the Holy Land, we can better estimate the
significance of Pope Gregory VII’s scheme in 1074. It has been argued that his
intention was quite different from that of the crusaders of 1096, and that if
his project had been realized there would have been an expedition to the
assistance of the Greeks but no crusade. In reality the comparison in these
words does not lie between two quite disconnected schemes, and it seems more
than probable that, if events had progressed further in Gregory’s time, they
would have taken the course they did afterwards in Urban’s. It is significant
that one of Gregory’s letters shows that Palestine was thought of as the goal
0f his enterprise. It is true that this goal is not yet the chief object which
he has in view. But neither was it so at first in the time of Urban. It was
only after consideration, and when it had been decided to inaugurate a great
international enterprise (i.e. between the dates of the Councils of Piacenza
and Clermont), that Pope Urban and his councilors began to define the issue in
a specially Latin sense. It is not extravagant to suppose that Gregory would also
finally have done the same. Still, it remains to the credit of Urban and his
advisers that they saw there was a distinctive Latin view which it was for them
to enunciate, and that this was done in the Pope’s great speech at Clermont.
It must be added that the part played by Alexius in
the inception of the Crusade has been variously estimated, and that recent
writers of authority have denied it altogether. These writers are entirely
justified when they insist that the number of the crusaders was a cause of
surprise and of serious trouble and anxiety to the Emperor, and that he did not
propose a crusade in the sense of the actual movement, if that be defined as “a
religious war, properly so called, induced by the assurance of spiritual
privilege and undertaken for the recovery of the holy places”. Admitting this,
however, it may still be asserted that letters of the Emperor to the Pope
formulated the first draft, as it were, of a scheme for which the West had long
been ripening, and which came into being in the shape of the First Crusade. Ekkehard and Bernold of St Blaise
supply the necessary proof so far. If so, the Turkish advance and the need of
the Greek Empire must be included amongst the determining causes of the
crusading movement. The expedition of Robert of Flanders, recorded by Anna Comnena and already referred to, then also becomes a
precursor of the First Crusade. The alleged letter of the Emperor to Robert,
asking for help, may or may not be genuine in its present form. The supposition
to which recent critics incline, that it is a modified edition of the original
letter, seems best to account for its conflicting features. But that some such
letter was written by the Emperor to Robert is both credible and probable.
Pope Urban’s first public appeal on behalf of the
Christians in the East was made at the Council of Piacenza in March 1095. The
humiliation of the Eastern Church and the danger of Constantinople were
described to the Pope and the Council by ambassadors from the Greek Emperor.
Urban espoused their cause so warmly that some pledged themselves at once to go
to the rescue of the imperial city. There is no allusion to the Holy Land in
the one report (that of Bernold) which we have of
these events. The decision to rouse Christendom to a united attack on Islam
must have been arrived at in the summer months which followed the Council of
Piacenza. The direction of such an enterprise, its prospects of success, and
the motives to which it might appeal for support, must all have been
considered. In this interval, we may suppose, Jerusalem became the hoped-for
prize of the Muslim war and the chief incentive to it. There are indications
that even certain details had been arranged before the Council of Clermont,
e.g. the time of starting, the declaration of a three years’ truce for the
security of the crusaders’ homes and property, and their solemn pledge, marked
by the assumption of a cross on the cloak or tunic. It can hardly be doubted
that the Pope had assurance of influential support before he delivered his
speech at Clermont. The circumstances of the adhesion of Raymond of Toulouse
imply that he was previously aware of the Pope's intention and had been invited
to join the movement. Thus prepared for, Pope Urban’s eloquent speech on 27
November 1095 met with an enthusiastic reception and definitely committed the
Church to a movement in full accord with its genius and history. On the
following day, in a council of the bishops, Ademar of Puy was chosen to be the papal representative during
the Crusade. Other matters connected with its organization were doubtless at
the same time provided for. During the next six months a host of preachers,
both official and voluntary, carried the Pope’s appeal into every part of
France and even beyond its borders. Urban’s personal share in this missionary
work cannot be too highly estimated. His association with the Cluniac movement,
his French nationality, his eloquence and energy and organizing power, were all
of conspicuous influence in determining the result. For nine months he
travelled from place to place with the special purpose of stirring enthusiasm
for the Crusade. He traversed Western France as far as Le Mans. At Tours he
held a synod from 16 to 23 March 1096. From there he turned southward to
Bordeaux and then eastward through Toulouse, Montpellier, and Nimes. He did not
return to Italy until the month of September 1096. The first proclamation of
the Crusade at Clermont, the ensuing journey of the Pope through France, and
the enthusiasm with which he was received, account in large measure for the
extent to which the Crusades became and continued to be a French national
Leaders of the Crusade
Neither King Philip of France nor the Emperor Henry IV
was on such terms with the papal court as to make it possible for them to join
the First Crusade. None of the great nobles who therefore became its chiefs had
any good claim to authority over the others. Ademar of Puy was the principal ecclesiastic in the army but
not its military commander. As a Provencal bishop he was in fact a vassal of
Raymond of Toulouse. The composite character of the Crusade, its association of
men of different nationalities, naturally suspicious of and hostile to one
another and without any supreme leader, thus provided sure causes of disunion
and discord. Even the common purpose of the national chiefs, their intention to
conquer and occupy Syria or Palestine, was a further cause of separation. Those
at least who intended to settle in the East were prospective rivals in the
apportionment of the conquered territory. Thus when the crusaders assembled at
Constantinople they did not become one united army, but remained a loose
confederation of forces, whose individual characters and rivalries did much to
determine the subsequent failures of the First Crusade, and indeed of the whole
crusading movement.
A brief notice of each of the more important leaders
will therefore suitably clear the way to an understanding of the events of the
Crusade. Hugh, Count of Vermandois, brother of the
French king, was in some degree his royal brother’s representative. But neither
his army nor his war-chest were commensurate with his apparent rank, and he did
not play a distinguished part during the Crusade. He intended to settle in Palestine,
although he did not carry out his intention. The oldest and the wealthiest of
the crusading leaders was Raymond of Saint Gilles, Count of Toulouse since
1093. His army was from the first probably the most considerable and his wealth
enabled him to maintain its strength. He had fought with the Muslims in Spain,
and his third wife was Elvira of Castile. During the Crusade he claimed a
foremost place, and doubtless expected to become a prince in the Latin East.
With him went Ademar of Puy.
Robert of Normandy, son of the Conqueror, was fitted for leadership neither by
character nor by military capacity, but was of importance because of the number
of Norman nobles who followed him. Godfrey of Bouillon, Duke of Lower Lorraine,
had similar resources to those of Robert, but in character and capacity he
stood much higher. His dukedom was a barren title, and he sold his small
estates to provide himself with means for the Crusade. He is described as being
equally fit to be the light of a monastery or the leader of an army. During the
Crusade he distinguished himself as a brave soldier, although in no sense, of
course, its supreme commander. His brothers Baldwin and Eustace gave added
strength to his position. The latter had already been an ally of Robert of Normandy
against William Rufus. Robert II of Flanders (1093-1111) was pre-eminent for
his soldierly qualities and had greater monetary resources than either Robert
or Godfrey; but as a leader of the Crusade he stood in the second rank. By far
the most able of the crusading chiefs and the best fitted to establish a Latin
princedom in Syria was Bohemond of Taranto. The
Norman knights from Southern Italy who accompanied him, including his bold
nephew Tancred, were sufficient in numbers to make his force important apart
even from his own capacity. There is strong reason to suspect that he was
resolved from the first, by one means or another, to make himself lord of
Antioch. He had Muslim troops in his army, and Tancred, if not Bohemond also, could speak Arabic. Having experience
already in Muslim warfare, he displayed during the Crusade a resourcefulness
and a military capacity in which he had no equal.
Three chief ways to Constantinople were open to the
crusaders. One starting from the Rhine passed by Nuremberg and Ratisbon, down the valley of the Danube, and through
Hungary. It was already a pilgrim road familiar to many. Another passed through
Dalmatia, and was accessible from the north of Italy and the south of France.
The third was the ancient Appian Way through the centre of Italy, and involved a short sea passage from Bari or some other Italian
coast town. Each of these was used by some of the numerous bands and armies
which inarched to Constantinople from the spring of 1096 to the spring of 1097.
None of the leaders whose names have been enumerated started before 15 August
1096. This was the date fixed for the departure of Ademar of Puy, and had been announced to others as an
indication of the time when they should be ready. But the spring of 1096 may
have been named by some of the earlier preachers, and by that date a popular
movement, for which little preparation was required, was already afoot. The
first crusaders whose start can be dated were Frenchmen from districts visited
by Peter the Hermit. They left home in March, and seem to have included only
eight who could be ranked as knights. Five of these were of one family, Walter Sansavoir (the Penniless) of Poissy on the Seine, with his uncle and three brothers. They are said by Orderic Vitalis to have been a
part of Peter's own expedition as far as Cologne and to have separated from him
there. In Christian Hungary they were well received by King Koloman and passed through his territories without any special incident. At Belgrade,
which lay just on the Bulgarian frontier, the account that they gave of
themselves was disbelieved and they were refused provisions. This led to a
general plundering of the district by the crusaders and to severe retaliation
by the Bulgarians. Walter hurriedly fled as far as Nis, where the Greek
governor of the province was stationed and where he was recompensed for his
losses and given a safe-conduct for the remainder of the journey. It is
calculated that he arrived in Constantinople soon after the middle of July.
Peter the Hermit was one of the most successful of the
preachers who stirred enthusiasm after the Council of Clermont. He preached at
first in Berry in central France, and afterwards, perhaps, chiefly in the
districts to the north and north-east of his starting-point. He, like Walter,
made his way to Constantinople through Germany and Hungary. He is known to have
passed Treves on 10 April 1096, but before he finally turned eastwards he
preached the Crusade for a week at Cologne (12-19 April). In South Germany he
and his French followers were joined by considerable numbers of Germans
gathered from those districts which favored the Pope in his quarrel with the
Emperor. Walter of Teck and Hugh of Tubingen, Count-Palatine of Swabia, are two
of some twenty knights who were their leaders. Whatever authority Peter may
have enjoyed among the French peasantry, whom he had stirred by his preaching,
it cannot be supposed that he was in any way recognized as a leader by this
German contingent. Possibly the Germans followed at some distance, even some
days’ march, behind Peter’s Frenchmen. Albert of Aix's history, our only
source, refers chiefly to the latter. Hungary was traversed peacefully and
uneventfully as far as Semlin (Malevilla),
just on the Bulgarian border. Here the French crusaders stormed and plundered
the town, on the alleged ground of injuries recently done to stragglers in
Walter's army. In Bulgaria, which they now entered, they were beyond the reach
of Hungarian retaliation, and having given hostages to Nikita, its governor,
they were permitted to purchase provisions in Nis. Here again, however, trouble
arose, owing, it is said, to the burning of some mills and houses by a party of
Germans. Peter’s baggage train, including his money-box, was completely
plundered by the Bulgarians, numbers of women and children were taken captive,
and Peter himself and his followers were driven in headlong flight into the
woods. In Sofia the fugitives found a harbor of refuge, and were overjoyed to
receive a message from the Emperor to the effect that they had already suffered
sufficiently for their wantonness and that they might be assured of his
protection during their further journey. They reached Constantinople and
encamped alongside of Walter's followers on 1 August 1096.
The trans-shipment, five days later, to the coast of
Asia Minor of all the crusaders who had now reached Constantinople, was no
doubt at the instance of the Emperor Alexius. He may already, in this short
time, have had experience of conflicts arising between the Greeks and the
Latins. At least he foresaw that they were sure to arise. There is no ground
for the suspicion that the Emperor showed unfriendliness by his action and
deliberately sent the crusaders to meet their doom on the other side. Provisions
were regularly supplied to their camp at Cibotus, and
if the pilgrims had remained quietly there until reinforcements arrived, as
they were advised to do, they would have been undisturbed by the Muslims. About
the middle of September, however, first a party of Frenchmen ravaged the
neighborhood of Nicaea, and then an expedition of Germans followed and captured
a castle close at hand (Xerigordon). Daud Qilij-Arslan, Sultan of Rum,
after a week’s siege recaptured the castle (7 October), and then, having made
the necessary preparations, led an army against the Latins at Cibotus. The crusaders marched out against him as he
approached and were utterly defeated (21 October). More than half the Latin
knights were slain. Hugh of Tubingen, Walter of Teck, Walter Sansavoir and two of his brothers, were amongst the number.
Most of those who escaped took refuge in the citadel at Cibotus,
from which they were rescued by Greek ships. The more important of the
survivors afterwards joined the forces of Godfrey of Bouillon. Many sold
their weapons and gave up the crusade altogether.
Following Peter’s expedition came several bands which
did not reach their destination at all. One passed through Saxony and Bohemia,
headed by a priest named Volkmar. It may be identified
with those crusaders who persecuted the Jewish colony at Prague (30 May).
Further on, at Nyitra (Neutra)
in Hungary, most probably owing to their own excesses, they were attacked by
the Hungarians and completely dispersed. The survivors probably returned home.
The identification of Volkmar with Fulcher of
Orleans, afterwards referred to as one of Peter's companions, is too precarious
to be relied on.
Another German expedition from the Rhine had been
stirred by Peter's preaching and by that of a priest, Gottschalk by name, who
marched with it. Inspired no doubt by what had already taken place, as we shall
see, in the cities on the Rhine, they commenced a persecution of the Jews at Ratisbon (23 May). They were well treated by the Hungarians
in Wieselburg (Meseburg),
but behaved so badly there that they were attacked some distance farther on by
the orders of the Hungarian king and utterly cut to pieces. Very few of
them escaped.
Persecution of Jews on the Rhine
From the valley of the Rhine also, somewhat later,
came an expedition whose chief leader was Eurico,
Count of Leiningen, between Worms and Spires. He made
himself notorious by commencing a persecution of the Jews in the Rhine cities.
Previous to the crusades the Jews had been living on quite friendly terms with
their Christian neighbors, and although the new movement had stirred religious
animosity against them they had not hitherto been molested. Count Eurico was most likely chiefly influenced by the hopes of
the plunder which he secured in the Jewish quarters of Spires (3 May), Worms
(18-20 May), and Mainz (27 May). He initiated a persecution which extended to
other cities. That in Treves (1 June) is attributed by the Jewish contemporary
account to the agency of visitors from the towns just mentioned. The synagogues
and Jewish houses in Cologne were plundered by crusaders chiefly from Lorraine,
on their way up the Rhine to join Eurico (early in
June). The Jews of Cologne took refuge in the country villages roundabout and
it was in them that the worst massacres took place (end of June). The crusaders
whose evil work this was may have come from France or from Flanders and
Lorraine, and they must ultimately have joined Eurico on the borders of Hungary. Eurico’s army included
finally a considerable number of Frenchmen, in addition to his own German
followers. Amongst these were Clarebold of Vendeuil, Drogo of Nesle, and
perhaps William of Melun, known as Charpentier, “the carpenter”, because of his fighting
prowess. This expedition found its progress barred at the Hungarian frontier by
King Koloman, who was posted with an army in the
strongly fortified city of Wieselburg (middle of
June). The king's hostile attitude is fully explained by his recent
experiences, not to mention the reputation of Enrico’s followers which had
probably been reported to him. The crusaders besieged Wieselburg for six weeks with an increasing prospect of success, until one day, as they
pressed their attack, a sudden sally of the besieged threw them into a panic.
They were quickly routed and completely dispersed (beginning of August). Eurico escaped and returned home. Others joined the army of
Godfrey, which was now advancing. Some of the French knights made their way
into Italy and there joined the forces of Hugh of Vermandois.
The incredible estimates of the numbers of those who
joined in the First Crusade still given in modern histories of deserved repute
make it necessary to discuss this subject specially and somewhat fully. At this
point it will be sufficient to indicate the nature of the evidence in the case
of the disastrous expeditions of which an account has just been given. The
statements of our sources to the effect that Walter had 15,000 followers and
Peter 40,000, or that the crusaders when encamped at Cibotus numbered 25,000, are to be regarded as possessing no evidential value at all.
Such numbers in medieval sources when they can be brought to a definite test
are invariably proved to be unreliable. Albert of Aix is our chief authority
for the events in question, and his use of numbers may be illustrated from one
chapter in his history. There we read that Peter's host of 40,000 was dispersed
by the Bulgarians, that only a party of 500 remained with Peter and the other
leaders, that these by making signals and blowing horns reassembled 3000 more
by evening, and that after three days 30,000 men, showing a loss of 10,000,
resumed their march together. Such an account only tells us that the crusaders
were routed and scattered and gradually reassembled, and that they lost a large
part (one quarter) of their total number. Even in this form the narrative may
not be reliable history. But in any case the numbers are not records based on
observation or tradition, nor even of the nature of statistical estimates. They
are a mere fashion of speech intended to express proportions and relations, and
may be called illustrative or pictorial numbers. In another chapter there is a
good illustration of the merely pictorial use of a number. Instead of relating
how a band of hot-headed youths made an unjustified attack on Nis and were
immediately joined in their attack by another similar band, the writer states
that the attack was made by 1000 men, and that these were immediately followed
by another thousand like them. Here 1000 is used where another writer would
consider 500 or 300 appropriate. Almost everything depends on the numerical
scale in use, almost nothing on the actual figures. These may be quite unknown
to the writer, and then of course cannot influence his choice of a number.
Those who recognize that such numbers are unreliable often say that they are
“exaggerated”. This criticism does not go far enough if it implies or is
understood to imply that the numbers bear some proportion to reality and may be
taken as a starting-point for an estimate of the actual numbers. Pictorial
numbers in most writers are essentially fictitious, and are only at best of
occasional use to the historian by setting an upper limit to the figures which
he is in search of.
Any estimate given of the numbers, say of Walter’s
followers or of Peter’s, must start from another kind of evidence. Some of the
experiences of the crusaders indicate their relatively small numbers. Walter’s
followers were put to flight by a force of which the greater part seems to have
consisted of the garrison of Belgrade; Peter's host was easily dispersed by the
troops assembled in Nis. Both expeditions seem to have obtained sufficient
supplies of food without difficulty from the markets of the towns they passed
through. Even allowing in the one case for the presence of undisciplined
peasant pilgrims, with some proportion of women and children, and in the other
for provisions carried with them, these facts are significant. If the first
narrative summarized above be historical at all, it cannot describe what
happened to 40,000 people, nor even to 10,000. Only by making it refer to
Peter’s own French followers and by numbering these in hundreds instead of in
thousands do the difficulties disappear. If the number of knights be taken, as
it usually may, to be an indication of the number of efficient soldiers in the
two expeditions, we reach a total of a very few thousands as our maximum. The
defeat of the crusaders at Cibotus by an army such as
that of Qilij-Arslan is also an evidence of numerical
weakness. In conclusion, however, we can only guess at the numbers who marched
through Hungary with Peter and Walter. If the guess be made of 4000 to 5000 for
Walter and 6000 to 7000 for Peter, these figures are maxima which may still be
much too high. They are large in proportion to the numbers of the disciplined
armies which followed, under Godfrey and the other leaders, of which a better
estimate can be given1. By the end of October Alexius was fully informed of the
magnitude of the crusading movement and had decided what policy to follow. His
first aim was to minimize the disturbance and loss of property which the march
of the crusaders through his European territories necessarily involved. This he
sought to do by giving a friendly reception on the borders to each fresh
arrival, and by provision of supplies to the various armies on the march. At
the same time he posted troops along every line of approach to Constantinople
with instructions to deal severely with plunderers and to repel force by force.
Alexius had also reason to fear that the leaders of the Crusade might not
respect his claims to the countries they were about to reconquer from the
Muslims. Bohemond, at least, who had been a recent
invader of his territory, was certainly not to be trusted. If the Latins chose
to act in combination they were formidable enemies and perhaps irresistible.
But they came professedly as friends. The circumstances thus pointed to a
definite agreement with them as a solution of this part of the Emperor's
difficulties. It may be supposed that he was indifferent regarding the future
government of Palestine. But Asia Minor and Northern Syria were, in virtue of
tradition and long association, essential parts of the Empire and could not be
alienated voluntarily. On the other hand, guidance through an unknown country,
abundance of provisions up to a certain point, subsidies of money, the use of
Constantinople as a starting-point for the march through Asia Minor, possibly
the assistance of Greek troops and ships and a free hand in Palestine, were all
substantial advantages which could be offered in exchange for a recognition of
imperial claims. Taking advantage of Western feudal customs, Alexius decided to
demand from each crusading chief an oath of allegiance and a promise that the
ancient possessions of the Empire which might be reconquered should be restored
to him. Of course the oath of allegiance could only apply to the crusaders as
holders of land in the East, which they were to occupy as the Emperor’s
vassals. So understood, it was a reasonable settlement of the future relations
between the Latin settlers and the Greek Empire, assuming, that is, that they
really came to deliver the Christians of the East and therefore the recently
enslaved lands of the Empire. Of course if the crusaders fought merely for
their own gain and recognized no obligation to the Emperor, they might well
regard Alexius’ proposal as unwarrantably to his own advantage. But this was
not the footing on which they presented themselves. They were permitted to
enter Greek territory only as allies, already bound implicitly to render
assistance to the Greeks against their Turkish enemies. The Emperor’s proposal
when it was put before them was received with dislike by some; but most seem to
have recognized that it was a proper way of making definite the understanding
created by their presence and of regulating their future relationship. If the
Emperor continued the support he had already commenced to give, they were
prepared to regard their conquests as ultimately a part of the Greek Empire. It
was indispensable that many of the Latin knights should settle in the East, and
it was agreed that they should do so as vassals of the Empire and not as
independent Latin rulers. The special promise to restore the lost lands of the
Empire to Alexius was no doubt intended to be realized in large measure by the
establishment of Latin fiefs, and thus was not an irreconcilable alternative to
the Latin occupation of Syria.
Obviously the foregoing interpretation and estimate of
Alexius’ policy depend to a considerable extent on the view taken of the origin
and purpose of the Crusade. It has been argued by some modern writers that the
Emperor should have welcomed the establishment of the Latins in Syria on any
terms, that he tried to impose impossible conditions upon them, and that he
roused their enmity by his jealous and suspicious conduct. Such criticism
assumes that the Crusade was not organized even in part on behalf of the
Empire, and ignores the almost complete certainty of friction and discord
arising in any case. It also, in particular, undervalues the importance of
Antioch for the Empire, and underestimates the danger arising from the
establishment there of an independent Norman state.
Hugh of Vermandois was the
first crusader of the highest rank to reach Constantinople. He came through
Italy, and crossed from Bari to Durazzo probably
before the end of October 1096. Many of the French knights who might have
accompanied him marched through Germany and Hungary. Others were lost in a
storm during the crossing from Italy, and those who remained were few in
number. Hugh received, nevertheless, a cordial reception from the Emperor and
gifts in due proportion to his rank. In return he took the oath of allegiance
which Alexius desired. Some sources suggest that he was practically compelled
to take the oath. But such compulsion, however small Hugh’s following, was
neither politic nor possible.
Godfrey of Bouillon
The next arrival was Godfrey of Bouillon. He left home
about the middle of August and reached Tuln, near
Vienna, soon after Eurico’s defeat. There he spent
three weeks negotiating with the Hungarian king regarding his further progress. Koloman agreed to allow him to proceed if he gave
sufficient hostages for the good behavior of his troops. Godfrey's brother
Baldwin and his family having been accepted as hostages, the crusaders marched
through Hungary under strict discipline and closely watched by the king in
person. Provisions were abundantly supplied, and at the frontier Baldwin and
his family were released. At Belgrade Godfrey received assurances from Alexius
that the crusaders would find abundant markets open to them on their route if
they refrained from ravaging his country. The Emperor kept his word and all
went well as far as Silivri (Selymbria),
two days’ march from Constantinople. There the Latins encamped for a week, and
the country was laid waste by Godfrey's orders. The explanation of the Latin
historian Albert is that Hugh of Vermandois was a
prisoner and that the Emperor had given no satisfaction to an embassy which
Godfrey sent to him from Philippopolis. He further states that Godfrey’s action
secured Hugh's release. Evidently, as Godfrey approached Constantinople he
became suspicious of the Emperor’s good faith, and possibly he made some demand
which Alexius refused. When he encamped outside the gates of the Greek capital
and was met by Hugh and representatives of the Emperor (23 December), his
suspicions remained and he refused the Emperor’s invitation to an interview.
Anna’s narrative suggests that the cause was his unwillingness to take the oath
of allegiance required of him. Albert indicates rather a general suspicion of
the Emperor’s good faith. Reading between the lines, in the light of the final
issue, we may conjecture that Godfrey at this stage asked for hostages as a
guarantee of his safety, and that the Emperor considered this demand an insult
to his dignity. Rather than have the surrounding country plundered by the
Latins, Alexius continued his permission to them to purchase provisions, and
four days after Christmas he invited them to leave their tents and take shelter
in a suburb of the city. As the weather was inclement, this proposal of the
Emperor was accepted. An interchange of messages went on until the middle of
January 1097, Greek soldiers all the time keeping strict watch to see that the
Latins did not issue out to plunder. The conflict which ensued was inevitable
in the circumstances and is not to be attributed to a deliberate act of policy
on either side. The sources disagree, of course, as to which party was the
aggressor. The Latins burned the suburb in which they were quartered and took
up their position under the walls of the city. From there they plundered the country
round for a week. But both sides had reason to desire peace, and quickly came
to terms. The view we take of the cause of this dispute decides the question of
which side now yielded most to the other. The Emperor sent his son John as a
hostage, and at the interview which followed Godfrey took the required oath of
allegiance (latter part of January 1097). Hugh of Vermandois assisted in bringing matters to this conclusion, and the royal hostage was
released immediately after the interview. Some weeks later the Latins were
transported to a camp on the opposite coast, no doubt in order to make room for
other crusaders, who were now at hand (end of the third week in February). In
their new quarters they were still supplied with provisions by the Emperor, and
the poor among them were substantially helped by his bounty.
Bohemond of Taranto
Bohemond was the next to arrive in Constantinople with a few
knights (beginning of April). He seems to have crossed from Italy at the end of
October 1096. But his forces followed slowly in separate bands for which he
waited, and the united army was just at Castoria by
Christmas. They crossed the river Vardar, not much farther on, on 18 February.
Here there was a skirmish with Greek troops, who attacked them presumably because
of their previous depredations. From this point they were under the guidance of
a high official sent from Constantinople, and by his care obtained abundance of
supplies. Rusa was reached on 1 April, and there Bohemond left his army for Constantinople. Tancred remained
in command, and finally crossed into Asia Minor without entering
Constantinople. Bohemond was an hereditary enemy of
the Greek Empire, and now as at all times ready to take up arms against Alexius
if he saw any advantage in doing so. He intended to secure a princedom in the
East, and most probably had already fixed his choice on Antioch. Before taking
the oath of allegiance he endeavored to obtain a promise from the Emperor to
support his scheme. Alexius’ answer no doubt was that such requests were
premature, and that everything would depend on the issue of the Crusade. It is
unlikely, in spite of the definite statement of the Gesta Francorum, that Bohemond was now promised territory in the neighborhood of Antioch. At most the Emperor
may have indicated that he would afterwards consider favorably such claims as
the Norman chief might be able to present.
Robert of Flanders accomplished the first part of his
journey through France and Italy in the company of Robert of Normandy. He
crossed from Apulia in December 1096, and did not advance farther towards
Constantinople until the spring. He arrived later than Bohemond,
and readily took the oath of allegiance.
Raymond of Toulouse
Raymond of Toulouse, having left home, perhaps, about
the end of October 1096, came by the north of Italy and the eastern shore of
the Adriatic Sea. Passing through Dalmatia in the winter, his army suffered
from the inclemency of the season, from scarcity of food, and from the attacks
of the inhabitants of the country, so that large numbers of the crusaders lost
their lives. At Durazzo messengers from the Emperor
brought assurances of friendship and promised supplies. Beyond this point,
however, there was frequent fighting between the crusaders and the Greek
mercenaries who watched their progress. The Provençals considered themselves the aggrieved parties, and retaliated by destroying the
suburbs of Rusa and plundering the town. At Rodosto, four days’ journey from Constantinople, Raymond
received a request from the Latin leaders already in Constantinople to hurry
on, because they were preparing to start and were making arrangements with the
Emperor to which it was desirable that he should be a party. When he reached
Constantinople (perhaps in the third week of April), he decisively refused to
take the now customary oath of allegiance. If the Emperor put himself at the
head of the expedition and came with them, he would become his follower, he
said, not otherwise. News of a shameful defeat of his army in a conflict in which
they were afterwards judged to have been in the wrong only increased his
determination not to yield. Finally, under pressure, he only consented to take
an oath that he would do nothing against the life and honor of the Emperor. In
consequence of his attitude he received, as the Provencal historian notes, little
of the Emperor's bounty.
Last of all came Robert of Normandy with his powerful
brother-in-law, Stephen of Blois and with Godfrey’s brother Eustace, Count of
Boulogne. Their army included the first expedition of Englishmen and Britons to
join in the Crusade. Robert left home in September and had spent the winter in
the south of Italy. He embarked at Brindisi on 5
April 1097, and reached Constantinople about the middle of May. After spending
a fortnight in the Greek capital he proceeded to the siege of Nicaea, which had
already begun.
The Emperor Alexius had good reason to be satisfied
with the initial result of his negotiations with the Latins. Formally, at
least, he had secured from the leaders of the Crusade the acknowledgment he
desired. Even Raymond of Toulouse seems finally to have admitted the Emperor's
claims in Asia Minor and Syria. An agreement so important and so intricate must
have been put in writing and signed by the contracting parties. If it did not
specify all the lands which the Emperor claimed, it probably named at least the
territories and towns in which he desired to place Greek governors, and some
also of those which might be held by the Latins in fief. The plunder of all the
captured cities may have been assigned to the Latins, and the Emperor certainly
promised military assistance to his allies. The obligations of the Latin
feudatories must have been defined, and, it may be, also the conditions on
which they would obtain recognition as lords of the conquered territory. Of
course the adherence of the crusaders to this agreement depended entirely on
the Emperor’s fulfillment of his promise to render them further assistance. If
he failed in this obligation, the Latins were inevitably released from their
pledges to him. But meantime the leaders were won partly by the personal charm
and lavish gifts of the Emperor, partly, it may be added, by the reasonable
character of his proposals, so that they judged their treaty with him to be of
value to their enterprise. It is true that there was at the same time,
especially among the rank and file, a strong undercurrent of suspicion and
hatred of the Greeks. Godfrey’s troops and Raymond’s had already been engaged
in serious fighting with them.
The Normans were really bitter and contemptuous
enemies of the Greeks, although Bohemond judged it to
be expedient to acquiesce in a general treaty, and required Tancred, much
against his will, to take the common oath of allegiance. At the same time the
marked hostility of the Western sources to the Emperor in their narratives of
these events reflects largely the anger and disappointment of a later period.
The Greeks and Latins had important interests in common, and it is likely that
the policy inaugurated by the Emperor would have held them together until at
least the foundations were laid in Syria of one Greco-Latin state. It was
Alexius’ own failure to implement his promise that finally turned the Latins
into declared and irreconcilable enemies.
The siege of Nicaea
Before the Latins left Constantinople, their route
through Asia Minor and their plan of operations had been decided on. In the
first place the Muslim capital of Nicaea, about six days’ march overland from
Scutari, was to be taken. The Emperor provided siege engines and food supplies
but only a small detachment of troops. Nicaea was very strongly fortified and
was protected on the west side by the waters of a lake. The disposition of the
crusading army illustrates the separation caused by national divisions. Bohemond’s forces encamped on the north, Godfrey and the
Germans on the east of the city (6 May 1097). When Raymond’s troops arrived
they occupied the south side (16 May). On the day of Raymond’s arrival a small
force of Muslims attempted to throw themselves into the city and were beaten
off. Robert of Normandy and his men joined the besiegers on 1 June; their
position also was on the south side. The siege operations, begun on 14 May,
were pressed strenuously with little result for nearly five weeks. At length
the ruin by Raymond's engineers of a large tower on the south side brightened
the prospects of the besiegers. This and the launching on the lake of Greek
vessels, brought from the sea, decided the defenders to surrender. They opened
negotiations with the Greek commander, and capitulated to him on condition that
their lives should be spared (19 June 1097). Most likely they were allowed to
remain undisturbed in their homes if they chose to transfer their allegiance to
the Emperor. In order to prevent wanton plundering and destruction, the Latins
were allowed to enter the city as visitors only and in small parties. As
previously arranged, the spoil of the town, or its equivalent, was distributed
among the crusaders, and their leaders received in addition handsome gifts from
Alexius. No doubt the sparing of the lives of infidels became a cause of
reproach to the Emperor in the Latin camp, and perhaps the precautions taken to
protect the city from plundering were resented. But the Latins do not seem, on
this occasion, to have been unfairly treated, and some of them settled in Nicaea
as the Emperor's subjects.
After the capture of Nicaea the proximate goal of the
crusaders’ march was Antioch on the Orontes. It may be assumed that Alexius
urged the siege and capture of a city which had been for a century an outpost
of the Empire, and the occupation of which would be an important initial step
in the conquest of Syria. Besides, the “deliverance” of Antioch had been from
the first one of the specific objects of the Crusade. The way through Asia
Minor was familiar to the Greeks and in any case easily found and followed. It
leads through Dorylaeum and Iconium and then over the passes of the Taurus into Cilicia. But in order to rescue
Armenia Minor from the Muslim yoke and to secure for themselves friendly
support in a district near Antioch, the main body of the crusaders kept
eastwards to the anti-Taurus mountains, and then came southward to Antioch by
way of Geuksun (Coxon) and Marash. Cilicia, in which there was also a friendly
Armenian population, was secured by Tancred and by Godfrey’s brother Baldwin.
The Latins sent letters to the Armenians of Euphratesia,
most probably from Nicaea, and Baldwin was joined there by an Armenian exile
who accompanied and advised him during the march through Asia Minor. This
alliance with the Armenians was afterwards of great value during the siege of
Antioch, and by it the crusaders were enabled to make their first settlements
in the East.
When the Latins left Nicaea—those who moved first
started on 27 June—some cherished the hope that they might reach Jerusalem in
five weeks, if Antioch did not prove a serious obstacle in their way. It was
three months before they approached Antioch and nearly two years before any of
them reached Jerusalem. Qilij-Arslan, having
assembled his army too late to save Nicaea, attacked the Latins near Dorylaeum on 1 July. The crusaders were in two divisions,
two miles apart, on separate roads. The first encounter was between the whole
Turkish army, which consisted exclusively of horsemen armed with bows, and the
smaller part of the Latin host, which included the Normans only, under Bohemond, Tancred, and Robert of Normandy. An attack of the
Norman knights was repulsed by the Turks, whose advance, in turn, was checked
by the spears and bows of the Latin infantry, upon whom the knights fell back.
The encircling Muslims now employed their usual elusive and harassing tactics
and the Normans fought a desperate battle, until they were relieved by the
arrival, in successive bands, of Godfrey and the other leaders. The Turks
having retreated on to a hill-side, the crusaders formed themselves into line
of battle and broke and scattered their opponents by one irresistible charge.
In the shock of direct encounter the light Turkish horsemen had no chance of success.
The fight before Godfrey’s arrival may have lasted two or three hours and the
second stage of the battle, including the pursuit, three hours more. The enemy
was pursued for several miles, and great booty was obtained from the captured
Muslim camp.
Alliance with the Armenians
During the march beyond Dorylaeum the Latins found the country laid waste for a considerable distance, and
suffered greatly from want of food and water as well as from the excessive
heat. They lost a large number of their horses and baggage animals. Most
probably the crusaders now marched in one main force, where all the baggage was
placed, and in several smaller forces under independent leaders such as Tancred
and Baldwin. From Iconium eastwards the conditions
seem to have improved, and of course in Armenia Minor the friendship of the
Christian population made the way easy. The Muslims were nowhere in sufficient
force to venture a further attack after their defeat at Dorylaeum.
In Armenia Minor the Turkish garrisons, which had not long been in possession,
were expelled and Armenian supremacy was restored. Several Western knights
settled in the conquered strongholds, but the only leader of importance to
remain in the district was Baldwin, Godfrey’s brother, afterwards his successor
in Jerusalem. Baldwin was the founder of the first of the crusading states in
the East. After passing, as we shall see, through Cilicia he reached the main
army at Marash. But while it went on to Antioch he
remained to establish a Latin princedom in Euphratesia.
His first capital was Tell-bashir (October 1097).
Afterwards, when he became ruler of Edessa (spring of 1098), he made that city
his capital. His forces in themselves were not at first large, but the
friendship of the Armenian princes secured his position. After the fall of
Antioch, Godfrey came to his assistance, and from that time he was quite able
to maintain himself. Undoubtedly, if the Latins had continued to co-operate
with the Armenians, this northern state would have been a much more effective
bulwark of their power than it ultimately proved to be.
No doubt Baldwin’s settlement in Edessa was made with
the consent and approval of the Latin leaders. It was in some measure due to
him, since he had recently resigned to Tancred his claim on Cilicia. As the
crusaders arrived in the districts where the first permanent conquests were
attempted, it became perfectly clear that each leader fought not merely for the
common cause but also for a share in the territory that was being conquered. In
the smaller undertakings each national army made its own conquests and of
course claimed to retain what it thus won. The events in Cilicia are narrated
at full length by the sources, and may be taken as the best available
illustration of what has just been said. The occupation of this province was
probably part of a general scheme suggested by Armenians who accompanied the
crusaders from Nicaea, and it may have been included in the plans of the
leaders from the time they left that city. But since Baldwin and Tancred were
rivals in their operations in that province from the first, it is not hazardous
to conclude that one at least was deputed to protect national interests against
the action of the other. Tancred left the main army at Heraclea and made
directly for Tarsus, which he hoped to gain with the help of Armenian friends.
He had encamped beside the town and was negotiating its surrender, with every
prospect of success, when Baldwin came on the scene with much larger forces. It
is uncertain whether Baldwin had left the main army at Heraclea, or had
separated from it much earlier than Tancred and had reached Tarsus by a
different road. The result of his arrival was that the Turkish garrison
deserted the town and the inhabitants prepared to surrender formally to
Tancred. Baldwin, in virtue of his superior strength, required them, however,
to surrender to him, and Tancred retired in anger without fighting. At Adana he
found the Turks already driven out and an Armenian governor installed, from
whom he received a welcome. Mamistra, the next town on the way, was occupied
without difficulty, for the garrison fled almost as soon as Tancred approached
the city. Meantime Baldwin was joined at Tarsus by a fleet of Flemings and
Frisians, which had been cruising for some years in the Mediterranean and was
commanded by a certain Winemar of Boulogne. Having
left a garrison in Tarsus, Baldwin marched on to Mamistra, where he encamped
outside the walls. Either party may have been the aggressor in the fighting
which followed. But Baldwin had now designs further east, so that peace was
quickly re-established and Tancred was left in possession. Before the Norman
leader left Cilicia, he had established a claim to possession which Bohemond and he, as princes of Antioch, afterwards
strenuously maintained against the armies of the Empire. Meantime most of the
population favored the Latins, and the small Turkish garrisons were cowed by
the numbers of their opponents. Only a fortnight or three weeks were required
to subdue the principal towns of the province. Three or four weeks more were
spent in the neighborhood of Antioch, subduing castles there. Iskanderun (Alexandretta) was one of Tancred’s acquisitions
and probably became his headquarters. It is significant that Raymond of
Toulouse and Robert of Flanders also sent on a part of their forces to make
conquests in Northern Syria before the main body of the army arrived. Each
leader was thus fighting for his own hand and anxious not to be outdone by his
rivals. The result was that before the siege of Antioch began the Latins had
gained a secure footing in Syria and Euphratesia.
These preliminary conquests, and especially the establishment of friendly
relations with the native Christian population, were the essential conditions
of further success. It was perfectly evident soon after the main army reached
Antioch (21 October 1097) that the crusaders were not able to press the siege
of such a strongly fortified city. Lack of siege engines and the moderate
number of efficient fighting men in the army may have been contributory causes.
No attempt was made to undermine the walls or to take the town by storm. For
four or five months the city could not even be said to be strictly invested.
The Latins were encamped together, with the exception of one small party under
Tancred, just on the side where they had reached the town. The besieged still
had almost complete liberty of exit, especially by the river gate on the north
side. The fighting was only a series of skirmishes on the plains to the north
of the Orontes, and on the roads eastward to Harim and westward to St Simeon. Although the Turkish garrison was not more than 5000
strong, and the auxiliary troops cannot have been numerous, the Latin army was
evidently not the overwhelming force dreamed of by poets and imaginative
historians. Still the chief cause of the weakness of the Latin army was its
deficiency in supplies. In December 1097 and in the earlier months of 1098 the
number of horses, so vital to the strength of the army, was reduced to a
dangerously low figure. The privations of the crusaders themselves would have
been intolerable but for the assistance of their Armenian and other native
Christian allies. As many as could be spared from active service were dispersed
through the conquered towns and castles of Cilicia along the coast and the
neighboring country. It was not until fleets from England and other countries
arrived in the spring that the strain of the situation was relieved. On the
other hand, during the winter the Muslim garrison does not appear to have
suffered much from lack of provisions. A large part of the non-combatant
population, especially Armenian and Syrian Christians, were dismissed at the
beginning of the siege. In early spring the Muslims were still able to pasture
their horses in relays outside the city. It was only from March or April that
the besieged began to suffer serious privation. Their numbers were then reduced
not only by death but by desertion. Finally, it was the treachery of a
discontented soldier which secured an entrance for the enemy (3 June 1098).
The chief events of the siege were the battles which
the crusaders fought with the relief armies of other Syrian emirs. Yaghi Bassan, the Turkish
governor of Antioch, had no reason to expect cordial assistance from his
neighbors. They did not desert him altogether, but the ease with which they
were repulsed is as much an indication of their lukewarmness as of the superiority of the Latin arms. In November, raiders who probably came
from Harim, a strong castle on the way to Aleppo,
were ambushed and severely defeated by Bohemond,
Robert of Normandy, and Robert of Flanders. These same leaders were sent out in
December to bring in supplies, and at Al-Barah they
encountered and repulsed troops from Damascus and Homs which were on their way
to relieve Antioch (31 December 1097). In the beginning of February 1098 the
Latins learned that a Muslim army, consisting chiefly of troops from Aleppo,
was close at hand. It was decided that they should be met a few miles away at a
narrow point on the road by the full force of the Latin cavalry, 700 strong.
The foot-soldiers and unmounted men were left to guard the camp. The Muslims
were attacked where they could not employ their customary enveloping tactics,
and their crowded rear increased the confusion rather than the strength of the
ranks in front. The first charge of the crusaders was checked, but the onset of
the reserve under Bohemond was irresistible. The
Latin victory (9 February 1098) was especially welcome because it secured fresh
supplies of provisions and of horses, and was followed immediately by the
surrender of the strong castle of Harim.
As already observed, the investment of Antioch by the
crusaders was not complete until March or even April. The city lay at this time
wholly on the south bank of the Orontes, with its northern wall running roughly
parallel to the river. The Latin camp was on the same side of the Orontes,
round the north-east corner of the wall. In this position the crusaders
blockaded three of the city gates, which opened here on the northern and
eastern sides. They built a bridge of boats across the river to be a means of
communication with the plain on the other side, in front of the city, and later
a fort on the hill slopes beside them to protect their exposed flank on the
south. Tancred remained separate from the main army in occupation of a
monastery on the west side of the city, no doubt in order to maintain
communication with the sea and the port of St Simeon, ten miles away. The gate
in the centre of the north wall, where it approached
the river most closely, was the principal gate of the city and opened onto a
bridge over the Orontes. By this the Muslim garrison issued out to intercept
the provision trains, which began to come more frequently in spring from St
Simeon to the Latin camp. In front of the bridge was a low mound with a mosque
and a burying-ground upon it. In order to frustrate the sallies of the
garrison, the crusaders at length determined to seize and fortify this post. On
1 March Bohemond and Raymond rode with a strong
escort to St Simeon in order to obtain workers and tools for the fortification
of the mound, and with the intention of escorting a provision train on its way
to the camp. A party of the garrison set an ambush for them as they marched
back (5 March). The knights seem to have saved themselves at the expense of
their companions, many of whom lost their lives. Meantime Godfrey and the other
leaders in the camp had become aware of what was happening, and prepared to
intercept the victorious Muslims. Bohemond and his
horsemen joined the main army in time to share in this counter-attack. The
garrison attempted to reinforce their comrades, but this only increased the
magnitude of their disaster. Next day the work of fortifying the rising ground
in front of the river gate was begun. The gravestones on the hill supplied
welcome material to the builders. The graves themselves were desecrated, to the
distress and indignation of the Muslim spectators. After the fort was
completed it was occupied by Raymond’s troops. Early in April Tancred’s
position was strengthened, and the only other important gate, that on the
western side, was now completely blocked. The garrison was quite unable to
dislodge the crusaders from their new position, and provisions could no longer
be brought into the beleaguered city.
Surrender of Antioch and Battle with Karbogha
In May 1098 word reached the crusading chiefs that a
great army under the command of Karbogha of Mosul,
with the approval of the Caliph of Baghdad, was on its way to the relief of
Antioch. The Latin position was now extremely perilous. Fortunately Bohemond was already in communication with an officer who
commanded one of the western towers, and through him the Latins gained an easy
entrance into the city on the night of 3 June. Although the citadel at the
southern extremity of the town did not surrender, the crusaders were now
protected by the walls of Antioch itself against the army of Karbogha. On 5 June the Muslim host encamped at the “Iron
Bridge”, eight miles away, and that same day, or the day before, a party of
their horsemen was seen from the walls of Antioch and skirmished with the
Latins. From 8 June to 28 June the crusaders were besieged in Antioch. Some of
the nobles lost heart at once and deserted their comrades. The ships in the
harbor of St Simeon began to set sail, crowded with fugitives. Had Karbogha’s army arrived four days sooner, it is not
improbable that the crusading movement would have been extinguished at the
gates of Antioch. As it was, the Latins endured three weeks of continuous fighting
and terrible privation.
In these circumstances the crusaders took an
unprecedented step. Neither on the march to Antioch nor during the siege had
their operations been controlled by one supreme commander. The current modern
belief that Godfrey of Bouillon was the leader of the whole Crusade has no
foundation in fact. But now it was decided that one chief should take command
and the choice of the leaders fell on Bohemond. Enthusiasm
had already been stirred by supernatural visions and by the finding of the Holy
Lance (14 June), and thus encouraged the leaders had decided to put all to the
hazard of a single battle. Bohemond’s part was to
direct the preparations, to marshal the army, and to exercise the chief
command during the fight. His supreme authority was to remain intact for a
fortnight beyond the day of battle. It is probably not accidental that the
chosen day (28 June) was a Monday, the second octave of the finding of the Holy
The hazardous operation of crossing the bridge into
the plain north of the Orontes, where the Muslims lay, was accomplished without
dangerous interference from the enemy. Karbogha’s army included the troops of the brothers Duqaq of
Damascus and Ridwan of Aleppo, who were deadly
rivals, and Arab forces upon whom small reliance could be placed. When it was
known that the Latins intended to march out from the city, there was hot debate
regarding how they should be met. Those who wished that they should be attacked
as they issued from the bridge were overruled, and some in consequence rode
away almost before the fight began. The Latins took up their position in the
plain, with their front to the east, in three divisions, stretching from the
river to the hills. Bohemond with strong forces
posted himself in the rear, facing westward. It is not clear that the Muslims
had a well-arranged plan of battle. Evidently the Syrian, Mesopotamian, and
Anatolian troops operated separately, and their chief attack was from the west
and north-west, although their main strength faced the Latins on the east. The
crusaders, therefore, were able to transfer reinforcements from the east front
to the west, and to rout the enemy in the rear before they began their decisive
movement forward. Karbogha, who was posted on the
right Hank of the Muslim army, remained strangely inactive. When he saw that
the attack from the west had failed, he drew back to his camp, set fire to his tents,
and made off in hasty flight. The number of the Muslim slain does not seem to
have been large. Yet the Latin victory was the turning-point in the history of
the First Crusade and decisive of its ultimate success. The defenders of the
citadel of Antioch now made overtures of surrender, and the Latins took
possession in the beginning of the following week. It was determined in council
that the march on Jerusalem should not be resumed until 1 November.
Bohemond, Prince of Antioch
The final disposal of Antioch after its capture was
complicated by jealousies and rivalries and doubtful questions of
interpretation. Certainly it had been assigned by treaty to Alexius, but only
on condition that he brought in person a sufficient army to help the crusaders.
What period might he claim for the fulfillment of this promise? In 1097 and
1098 the naval and military forces of the Empire were chiefly engaged in
subduing Muslim towns in the west of Asia Minor. But in June 1098 Alexius had
already marched with a considerable army half way to Antioch, following the
road traversed in the previous year by the crusaders themselves. Unfortunately
for all concerned, he listened at Philomelium to the
alarmist stories of Stephen of Blois and the other fugitives from Antioch who
met him there. They probably told him that the crusading host had been
irretrievably defeated, and that a Turkish army was already marching against
him. He turned back to protect his recent conquests in Asia Minor. Naturally
this action was judged by most to be a surrender of the Latin cause. At the
best Alexius was now in a position hard to retrieve. There are two accounts of
the message which the crusaders sent him in July. Albert of Aix says that the
envoys were instructed to tell the Emperor that he had been untrue to his
promise, and thus had nullified his treaty. This may have been the opinion of
most of the Latin leaders, but, as their attitude in November showed, they were
not yet prepared completely to break off relations with the Emperor. The Gesta Francorum says that the envoys were told to invite Alexius to fulfill his promise and
come to receive possession of Antioch. It may be that something of this kind
was said, with qualifications, setting a limit to the delay which would be
considered reasonable, and referring to the Emperors recent retreat. Presumably
the envoys were empowered to adhere in substance to the original treaty,
provided the Emperor agreed to carry out his engagements effectively and
quickly. It is not known what reply Alexius sent to this communication. It may
be that he felt the difficulty of his position so keenly that he sent no
immediate reply. In the spring of 1099 he promised to join the crusaders with
an army on St John’s day (24 June), if they would wait for him until then.
Perhaps he was encouraged by the support of Raymond of Toulouse. But his
proposal came too late. The Crusade was nearing a successful conclusion without
the Emperor’s assistance. All the leaders except Raymond now held that the
treaty had lapsed, and that the Emperor had not fulfilled his obligation.
Bohemond, Prince of Antioch as he now became, profited most by
the Emperor's mistake. Before the capture of the city he had maneuvered
dexterously to establish his claim to it. Under pressure of Karbogha’s approach, the leaders had reluctantly assented to his proposal that the
lordship of Antioch should fall to anyone who secured its capture or betrayal.
Before Bohemond made this proposal he had arranged
for the betrayal of the town. Of course the rights of the Emperor were duly
reserved, but after the defeat of Karbogha’s army Bohemond was practically ruler of Antioch. In November he
urged that the Emperor's claim had already lapsed. The other leaders would not
yet make the declaration he desired, but Raymond was the only one to maintain
that Alexius’ right was beyond dispute. Provencal troops held strong posts in
Antioch until January 1099. Their ejection in that month marked Bohemond1s
final triumph.
The six months that followed Karbogha’s defeat were spent by the crusaders partly in recuperating their strength,
partly in extending their conquests. Baldwin of Edessa gained especially by the
help which he received at this time from Godfrey and other crusaders. Bohemond strengthened his position in Cilicia. Raymond, and
no doubt other leaders also, sought to occupy the Muslim castles on the way to
Aleppo and in the valley of the Orontes. Plague raged in Antioch and St Simeon
for several months, so that few remained there of choice; its most
distinguished victim was Ademar, Bishop of Puy. The quarrel between Bohemond and Raymond regarding the lordship of Antioch further delayed the march of the
Crusade. At last Raymond in despair yielded to the clamor of his Provencals and started for Jerusalem, accompanied by
Tancred and Robert of Normandy (13 January 1099). They marched slowly as far as Arqah near Tripolis, to
which they laid siege (14 February), and where they were joined by Godfrey and
Robert of Flanders a month later. Here, on 8 April, the unfortunate finder of
the Holy Lance, Peter Bartholomew, submitted himself to an ordeal by fire. When
he died, after twelve days, the nature and cause of his injuries were a matter
of dispute between the believers and the unbelievers. The siege of Arqah was abandoned in the middle of May (13 May), and the
remainder of the march to Jerusalem by the coast route was accomplished without
any special incident. Ramlah, between Jaffa and
Jerusalem, was occupied on 3 June, and on the morning of 7 June the crusading
army at length encamped outside the walls of the Holy City.
The arrival of the crusaders at their destination
obviously put fresh heart into the rank and file and fresh energy into the
action of their leaders. Jerusalem was strongly fortified and well supplied
with mangonels, and its garrison of 1000 men fought
bravely. Perhaps, indeed, the civilian population was ill-disposed to their
Egyptian governor or was intimidated by the numbers and the reputation of the
Latins, and so did not second the efforts of the garrison. At all events the
siege was quickly brought to a successful issue. The first attempt to storm the
city failed because the besiegers were not equipped with the necessary ladders
and siege-engines (13 June). Two siege-towers, a huge battering-ram, and a
quantity of mangonels were constructed before the
next attack was made. Some Genoese ships which reached Jaffa on 17 June
brought a welcome supply of provisions and also workers skilled in the
construction of siege material. The scarcity of water was the chief
inconvenience from which the Latins suffered. A solemn procession round the
town, when the preparations were nearly complete (8 July), raised general
enthusiasm. The second assault was begun late on 13 July, was continued next day,
and was finally successful on 15 July. Godfrey’s men were the first to storm
the walls, with the help of a siege-tower at the north-east corner. Raymond on
the south was less successful, but the great “tower of David”, in which the
Egyptian commandant was stationed, surrendered to him. The celebration in the
church of the Holy Sepulchre, where men wept together
for joy and grief, and the merciless slaughter of the inhabitants, well
express, in combination, the spirit of the Crusade. Raymond, however, at the
cost of some opprobrium, escorted safely on the way to Ascalon those who had surrendered to him.
Godfrey, Prince of Jerusalem
A prince to rule Jerusalem and the south of Palestine
had now to be chosen. On 22 July the crusading chiefs met for this purpose.
Some of the clergy thought that a high dignitary of the Church should be the
only ruler in Jerusalem, and Raymond favored their view. Raymond himself was
the first to be offered the princedom, but declined it because of his
ecclesiastical sympathies. Finally, Godfrey of Bouillon, rather unwillingly,
accepted the distinguished and difficult post, and thus became Defender of the
Holy Sepulchre (Advocatus Sancti Sepulcri). He was always
addressed as dux or princeps, never
as king. But his successors were crowned as kings, and so he may be called the
first ruler of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem.
The defeat of an Egyptian army near Ascalon on 12 August may be reckoned as the last
achievement of the First Crusade. Palestine was then governed in part by Turkish
emirs and in part by representatives of the Egyptian Caliph. Jerusalem and Ascalon were subject to the same Egyptian governor. The
Muslim army, which the Latins now defeated, was probably levied to protect the
Holy City when the final movement of the crusaders from Arqah became known in Egypt. The Egyptians, seem to have put forward their full
strength, and so may possibly have mustered an army of 20,000 men. Godfrey’s
troops may be reckoned at half that number. By taking the initiative he
probably forced the Egyptians to an engagement before they were quite ready.
The extension of the Latin line from the shore to the hills, in three
divisions, neutralized the numerical superiority of their opponents. The left
wing, which Godfrey commanded, was echeloned behind the other divisions as a
reserve. An attempt of the Muslims to envelope the Latins from the side of the
hills was frustrated. The decisive movement was the charge of the knights of
the Latin centre, which completely broke the opposing
line. The battle was over in less than an hour. The victors gained great spoil
of provisions and animals, especially sheep and camels. But the prestige of the
victory was of much greater value. It was several years before any considerable
movement was again attempted by the Egyptians against the newly-established
The statements of the best contemporary sources
regarding the number of men bearing arms who joined the First Crusade1 are
quite irreconcilable. These discrepancies and the estimates of Muslim armies
that the same sources give, which are impossible, make it clear, as already
explained, that all these general estimates are merely pictorial in character.
Even the lowest of them, if that be 60,000, cannot be admitted to be
approximately correct merely because it is the lowest. 60,000 is a stereotyped
expression used by writers of the period for a very large number.
On the other hand, scattered through the sources there
is a considerable amount of what may be accepted as approximately accurate
information about the numbers of the crusaders engaged in particular fights or
slain on particular occasions, and about the numbers of the knights and men who
served individual leaders. From such details a reliable estimate of the military
efficiency and numerical strength of the Crusade may be obtained, and the
partial figures when taken in combination indicate a range within which the
grand total probably lies. Raymond d’Agiles supplies
more material of this kind than any other writer, and his general consistency
is itself evidence of considerable value. He uses pictorial numbers
occasionally, especially in reports of rhetorical speeches and in estimates of
Muslim armies. But most of his figures harmonize with their context and present
an appearance of tolerable exactness. His general narrative also is
particularly clear and convincing and full of detail. His account of the three
battles fought during the siege of Antioch may be referred to in illustration
of the moderate numerical estimates which are characteristic of him. It must be
remembered that he speaks only of the knights who fought in these battles, and
also that the number of these able to take the field at the time was greatly
reduced by the dearth of horses. Besides, as already explained, the total
strength of the crusaders was never gathered at any one time in the camp at
Antioch. Still, it is noteworthy that the knights in these engagements are
numbered by hundreds and not by thousands. The scale thus provided is amply
confirmed by what we are bound to suppose were the numbers of the Muslims. An
expedition from Aleppo or Damascus might number 500 horsemen or 1000 or 1500,
very rarely more. These figures set a clear upper limit to the numbers of the
Latins on the supposition that the Muslims were superior to them in number.
Such being the character of Raymond’s history, great
importance must attach to his making what may be regarded as a serious attempt
to estimate the number of the crusading army during the siege of Jerusalem.
Excluding non-combatants, his total is 12,000 of whom 1200-1300 were knights.
Now this implies that the more important leaders had an average of something
like 2000-3000 men including 200-300 knights. This agrees with all the
estimates of the forces of these leaders in which any confidence can be placed.
Reference may be made to one of these. Albert of Aix’s narrative, in spite of
its defects, contains a great deal of exact information, especially about
Godfrey of Bouillon. Now Albert says that Godfrey commanded 2000 men during the
battle against Karbogha. In this battle there were
five or six leaders whose forces, on an average, would be equal to Godfrey’s.
Thus the army of the crusaders at Antioch would be similar in size to Raymond's
estimate of that which besieged Jerusalem. In both cases the estimate is rather
too high than too low. The numbers in Karbogha’s army
supply a vague standard of comparison. If it numbered 12,000 it was a large
army for the circumstances of the time. It is unlikely that the Latins were as
numerous. Perhaps at this time the crusaders actually under arms in Syria,
Cilicia, and Edessa numbered 12,000-15,000 men.
In estimating the sum total of those who joined the
Crusade, we have to add such as lost their lives or deserted the cause during
the siege of Antioch and the march through Asia Minor. Non-combatant priests
and women and various ineffectives have also to be
allowed for. But this latter class cannot have been so great as to prejudice
the military effectiveness of the Crusade. Perhaps it is not too great a
venture to suggest that 25,000 or 30,000, all told, marched through Asia Minor
to Antioch; and it seems to the writer that this estimate is more likely to be
above reality than below it. Of course many left their homes who never reached
Constantinople, and those who accompanied Walter and Peter suffered heavy loss
in Asia Minor before the arrival of the organized expeditions. Something has
been said of their numbers already. But to attempt an estimate of all the men and
women and even children (?) who left their homes in Western Europe for the
Crusade would be merely to pile conjecture upon conjecture. Yet perhaps this
may safely be said: that the number, if stated at all, should be in tens of
thousands and not in hundreds of thousands.
As Peter the Hermit still plays an important part in
the popular accounts of the origin of the First Crusade, some additional
observations regarding him may be permitted in conclusion. His actual role as
an early and successful preacher of the Crusade has already been indicated. His
legendary history originated, we must suppose, amongst those who were stirred
by his preaching, and who knew him as the originator of their crusade. Along
with other legends it was elaborated in the popular songs of the period, the chansons de geste.
From there it made a partial entrance into the narrative of Albert of Aix, and
in a more developed form entered the history of William of Tyre.
Through William of Tyre it has so fixed itself in
modern literature that no historian of mere fact seems able to root it out.
According to legend Peter stirred the Pope and all
Western Europe to the First Crusade. The four writers who were present at the
Council of Clermont report Pope Urban’s words in terms which are quite
inconsistent with this representation. Besides, the chief authorities for the
history of the Crusade make it clear that Peter began his preaching after the
council and in consequence of it. His journey as far as Constantinople has
already been related. In the later stages of the Crusade he appears as a
personage of some influence among the poorer classes, but not as one whom the
leaders particularly respected. His volunteering, with a comrade, to take a
message to Karbogha in July 1098, has no clear significance.
Perhaps it was simply a reaction from his failure in the beginning of the year,
when for a time he was a deserter. In March 1099 the duty of distributing alms
to the Provençal poor was entrusted to him. In August 1099 he was one of those
who organized processions and services of intercession for the victory of the
Latins before their battle with the Egyptians. Between Nicaea and Jerusalem he
plays a recorded part five times in all. This minor figure is not even an
appropriate symbol or representation of the mighty forces, religious,
political, and economic, that created the First Crusade.
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