To begin with let’s say that God’s first impression
about the Rebellion of those of His sons who lined with Satan
to use Man as an axe of War against the Law and, thinking that
they Son could fall in the Temptation, to get Him on their side,
was Wrath. This First Impression, Wrath, is the impression which
the Jews wanted to pass on to the Christians, but the Christians
rejected it. And there was no Judeo-Christianity.
The Jews lived under that Impression, Wrath, and the
Reformation brought it back to the first line. Love gave way
to Hate, and Holy War from Protestants and Anglicans to Catholics
was declared.
However, all of them had been shut in the realm of
the Ignorance of the Heart and Mind of God. They all knew that
what God thought it “Good” to tell them. Not until the Age of
the sons of God, or Day of the Fullness of the Nations, could
the Truth be freely opened to the world.
We must understand God. And to do this we have to
put ourselves in His shoes. Let’s get upon the scenario of the
We have God, the Creator of the New Cosmos, the Lord
of Infinity and Eternity, whose Power is infinite and whose
Wisdom is eternal. He is Indestructible. He caused a Revolution
in the Cosmic reality by His Will of communicating Life to Immortality.
He turned the Uncreation into the Creation; from being the Metaphysical
Cause of the Cosmic Motion He became the Physical Cause of the
Universal existence. It was only counting on this Revolution
that Immortality could come into Life. But no matter the nature
of the Immortal Life, all life is the creation of His Hands
: Clay into which He breathes His Soul.
How could simple creatures of clay, raised to Immortal
Life by His Breath, people born out of the Dust, and that to
the Dust they could be sent by Him with one single word, how
could those creatures, upon whom He showered His Love for Life,
how could they dare to stand up and declare War on His Law and
Will? Which kind of Madness brought them to that stage?
Which kind of force was baking up their madness?
God had reduce to Dust the entire fabric of the Uncreated
Cosmos. His sons are just atoms of dust on which He breathes
Life, and Life Immortal. How could those sons, led by Satan,
to open their mouths and declare War on the Holy Spirit of the
Law if there was not a Force pushing them, again and again,
to open for It the door of the Creation?
He had brought forth Immortality to Life, but what
about Death?
All along the Uncreation, Life and Death came together.
And it was still so. He had raised Life to Immortality, but
He hadn’t break up the fact of Life and Death coming together.
The Revolution
of Creation had entered in its Last Battle. The last remain
of the Uncreation System, Death, had to be cast out. Life had
to be separated from Death, forever and ever.
God has assumed that giving Immortality to Life the
problem of Death was solved. War came about couple of times
during the Creational Days. Still He didn’t saw the nature of
the Problem. He related the Wars of the sons of God to the Isolation
into which they were confined during the Acts of Creation of
New Universes. Looking to giving to that continual tendency
of his sons to make of War a game, an end, He brought forth
the Law : Death Penalty on the Transgressors.
But this didn’t work out. The same old sons of God
who already set Heaven on fire, had brought the Fire of War
down to Earth; the Fear of God didn’t stop them. Death had found
a home in those sons of God and was doing its work : “A time
to live, a time to die”, just as if Immortality and Creation
had never taken place. To push to its end this Force of the
Uncreated Cosmic System, only God could. And the Time had come
for it.
The entire Creational System was going to feel the
In the first place, Power, and the Hierarchy of Power,
natural to the Imperial System that God had given to His World,
had to be removed, forever. The King of kings had to die, and
with Him His Empire. The King had to be reborn, and with Him
the Kingdom of God. One Universal King, Jesus Christ: Head of
all Powers, Head of all the Armies of the Nations, to whom the
command of the Forces of the Nations is due, and without whose
Command no Force moves. Ergo, all the kings had to put their
crown at the feet of the Throne of God. Those who dared to rise
in rebellion against the Decreed Of God, be expelled from the
Creation, to be confined in the bottom of the Infinity for the
Eternity : call it Hell.
In the second place, all the Religions of the nations
had to become One, under One Universal, High Pontiff, Christ
Jesus : Head of all the churches, Lord of all the Priests of
the Creation of God, any headship on any church not under this
Divine Head to be cut off from the Tree of the Life and thrown
down to burnt in Hell.
In the third place, the Justice of all Nations will
be under the Jurisdiction of One Universal Court, Presided by
One Universal and Omnipotent Judge, Jesus Christ: Source of
Justice and Law, Head of the Court of the sons of God, in whose
Word is the Power of God on Life and Death.
Let’s now see how the Belgians Dutch Confessors retort
this Wisdom in order to
separate Jesus from Christ.
The Deity
of Christ
1. We believe that Jesus Christ, according to his
divine nature, is the only Son of God--eternally begotten, not
made nor created, for then he would be a creature. He is one
in essence with the Father; coeternal; the exact image of the
person of the Father and the “reflection of his glory”, being
in all things like him. He is the Son of God not only from the
time he assumed our nature but from all eternity, as the following
testimonies teach us when they are taken together. Moses says
that God “created the world”; and John says that “all things
were created by the Word”, which he calls God. The apostle says
that “God made the world by his Son”. He also says that “God
created all things by Jesus Christ”. And so it must follow that
he who is called God, the Word, the Son, and Jesus Christ already
existed when all things were created by him. Therefore the prophet
Micah says that his origin is “from ancient times, from eternity”.
And the apostle says that he has “neither beginning of days
nor end of life”. So then, he is the true eternal God, the Almighty,
whom we invoke, worship, and serve.
One more time we see the wolf
hiding itself beneath the
skin of the lamb. No wonder Luther’s god was a “hidden
god”! why the devil shows himself face to face to the world?
This Article, with all its defects, is the Creed of the Catholic
Church, by the Catholic Church defended with Her Flesh, and
signed with Her Blood for the Salvation of all men and nations.
And when I say the Catholic Church I mean the Wife of the Lord,
the Church of the Bishops, among whom the Bishop of Rome is
the Chief, but Her Head is the Lord Himself, Jesus Christ. About
Whom, this Jesus Christ, the Confessor knew absolutely nothing,
and had no interest in knowing absolutely nothing beyond the
Creed of the Catholic Church, written by Her and defended by
Her during One Thousand and Five Hundred years.
We understand from this Article that the nations for
which the Confessors wrote were herds of real animals to whom
the Historical Sciences meant absolutely nothing, and trusting
in their natural animality they
dared, like a virus which breaks inside the cell to take the
form of the original in order to procreate itself, the Confessors
presented themselves like the Builders of this Nicaean Confession,
no single word of its sentences related by no mean with the
History of the Catholic Church against which the Holy War had
been declared in order to set the world on fire.
But let’s demolish their malignant sentences one by
one :
Point One:
We believe that Jesus Christ,
according to his divine nature, is the only Son of God--eternally
begotten, not made nor created, for then he would be a creature.
Wrong! This declaration is satanic. With this paragraph
the Confessors are making of the Fatherhood of God a joke, a
masquerade, a falsehood. They are calling God a comedian who
enjoys himself in calling his sons to the actors in the play.
Who else but Satan could deny the Fatherhood of God on His sons?
And we understand why Satan denies the Truthfully of God’s Fatherhood.
If God be Real and True Father of the sons of God why, for a
Sin, He damned them to Hell? Who is the Father who rises to
kill his own children because they are not like him? And so
on and so forth. Here the Confessors take this Satanic Argument
and rises to the category of Article of Religion, but not of
Christ’s, but of Satan’s. The successor of the Confessors shall
ask themselves : God is a Comedian who call His sons : Sons
of God, because He fancies to do so? You are not real and true
sons of God?
The second part of the paragraph is used to dispossess
us all from our divine Father. The Son is Uncreated, as His
Father. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, One God. If we are not
sons of God, because “only Jesus Christ is true Son of God”,.
In this case Jesus Christ was a Liar, His Doctrine was wisdom
from Hell. “Our Father in Heaven….” He said.
We are sons of God. God is Father, we are His sons.
How then the Confessor deny us our only glory: our divine sonship?
Who but the Devil could be the Liar to inspire this denial of
the truthfulness of God’s Fatherhood on us?
If so, the Bible is not the Book of God, because it
says : “Adam, son of God”.
What we believe, what the sons of God from Heaven
and Earth we believe, is that Jesus Christ, the God’s Uncreated
Son, of the Essence and Substance of the Father, in virtue of
the Truthfulness of His Sonship,
makes of all of us True sons of God. He is the First Born of
God, the Heir of Our Father, the King and Lord of His Kingdom,
in whose Glory all the sons of God have Sharing for the Eternity
to come. What we believe, the sons of God from Heaven and Earth,
is that the Brotherhood of the Son for the sons of His Father
is Truth to Infinity and Eternity. Ergo, this Paragraph of the
Tenth Article is satanic, because He denies the Fatherhood of
God and the Brotherhood of the Son.
Point two:
He is one in essence with the
Father; coeternal; the exact image of the person of the Father
and the “reflection of his glory”, being in all things like
False! Firstly: The Son is not one in essence with the Father, the Son has His own Essence. “I
have Life in Myself” said He. This “one
in essence with” brings back from the grave the Arian Confession,
which makes to depend the Divinity of the Son “in
essence with” the Divinity of the Father, where this “essence with” implies dependence. An action of Satanic Black Magic
which the Confessor did in response to their absolute ignorance
on “the Things of Heaven and Earth”; incapable to understand
the Wisdom of the Catholic Fathers they mingled the sentences
they read without having the proper understanding of the deal
on stake during the days of Arius and the Nicaean Council, and
this they did always counting on the animal intelligence of
their people, which they treated as fools.
Secondly: The Son is not the Image of the Father.
All image is the reflection of one certain original, and because
it the image is produced on an external entity. The Son has
not been produced on an external entity, as Arius and the Arians
said. The Son is the Son and the Father is the Father: Each
Original in Himself, Both Real in Themselves. Saying that the
Son is “the exact image
of the person of the Father” they deny to the Son His Own
Personality, and this no matter what the Catholic Fathers said
: “Three Persons, One God”. By an animal Reason possessed they
reduced this Oneness of this Divinity to a person who copies
himself three times; the Father, the original; the Son the Copy,
and the Holy Ghost? … well, we leave this for Satan to answer.
The Father has the Glory of the Creator of Everything, the Son
has the Gory of the King and Lord of Everything His Father makes.
Two Persons; Two Glories. The Confessors, incapable to understand
the Fullness of the Divinity in Jesus Christ, twisted the Creed
of the Catholic Fathers in order to lead their nations to the
Wars of Religion and finally to the World Wars.
Point three:
He is the Son of God not only
from the time he assumed our nature but from all eternity, as
the following testimonies teach us when they are taken together.
One more time the Confessor dealt with their nations
as with herd of animals, as wolves do with the lambs while the
shepherds sleep. They had never been told of the Incarnation
of the Son of God? The Catholic Church did never speak of the
Incarnation of the King of kings to the children of the Barbarian
Stock, whose fathers rebelled against Civilization and Christ
from the very beginning of their existence? And this accusation
can they hold it before the tribunal of the Son of God?
Which Testimony, but the Testimony of that Catholic
Nations, which with their blood proclaimed the Incarnation of
the Son, could they adduced to bear witness of the existence
of the Uncreated-First Born-Son of God?
Let’s give them credit :
Moses says that God “created
the world”; and John says that “all things were created by the
Word”, which he calls God.
However, all we know is that John was One of the Builders
of the Catholic Church, because the Foundation was put by God,
but the Builders was Jesus Christ’s Brothers in God. Nonetheless
once the Confessor had denied God having sons, because He has
only One, and the correspondence is that Jesus was a Liar and
the Apostles true Madmen who believed themselves to be sons
of God, once this madness assumed we have to give credit to
Satan when saying that Moses and John had nothing to do with
the Catholic Church, reason why Her testimony is not valid before
the world, and consequently, She had to be destroyed by fire
and sword. Speaking about which one of these Confessors said
in his insanity that
world is a vast and grand game of cards, made up of emperors,
kings, and princes. The Pope (the Catholic Church) for several
centuries has beaten emperors, princes, and kings. They have
been put down, and taken up by him. Then came our Lord God;
he dealt the cards; he took the most worthless of them all,
(Luther) and with it he has beaten the Catholic Church (the
Pope), the conqueror of the kings of the earth . . . There is
the ace of God. ‘He has cast down the mighty from their seats,
and has exalted them of low degree’, as Mary says”.
Indeed, the Builder of the House wasn’t a wise man;
He built it on sand, and when the “Great Man” came up the House
crumbled to the bones, right? Notwithstanding where is the fool
who sings victory before the battle has begun? All we know is
that the Pope and the Catholic church are here, and that the
Jews thought themselves able to destroy the House of the Lord,
and the Romans too, and the Barbarians also, and the Arians,
of course; and the Muslims, and then the Protestants. Where
is Luther? Where Hitler is.
And the song goes:
The apostle says that “God made
the world by his Son”. He also says that “God created all things
by Jesus Christ”. And so it must follow that he who is called
God, the Word, the Son, and Jesus Christ already existed when
all things were created by him. Therefore the prophet Micah
says that his origin is “from ancient times, from eternity”.
And the apostle says that he has “neither beginning of days
nor end of life”. So then, he is the true eternal God, the Almighty,
whom we invoke, worship, and serve.
Absolutely not! Here the Confessors in their foolish
ignorance are saying that He who came down from Heaven to Earth
was the “Almighty”, the Father. Here they are denying the Most
Vital Principe of the Christian Religion : The Incarnation of
the Son of God. But let’s take the skin of the sheep out of
their animal reason and see them face to face.
And so it must follow that he
who is called God, the Word, the Son, and Jesus Christ already
existed when all things were created by him.
Then “it must
follow”? But is not God a living God? Christianity is not
the Religion of the Living God?
We are sons of God, we don’t think, we don’t follow a
process of thinking, “we believe because we live”. We know that
the Son of God is the One who said Let there be the light, not
because we inferred from the Scripture; we have seen the Son
of God, we have heard the Son of God. And this testimony of
the Eye and the Ear has been transmitted to us in the womb from
Mother to son. Naturally those who rejected the Motherhood of
the Wife of the Lord, had to search foundations for their creed
in the “letter”, and forgetting that the “letter kills”, only
the Spirit, this is the Blood, gives eternal life, they dammed
themselves. When had been seeing the wolves accusing the shepherd
of being wolves and the lambs turning away from the shepherds
to give themselves freely to the wolves? This is the Argument
that the Reformers attached to their Doctrines, a Doctrine of
Reason, not of Living Faith. That was the Reformation, a satanic
answer to the Question of the Denials of Peter’s Successors.
Therefore the prophet Micah says
that his origin is “from ancient times, from eternity”. And
the apostle says that he has “neither beginning of days nor
end of life”.
Firstly, the Text
says :
you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
you are small among the clans of Judah,
of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel,
origins are from of old,
ancient times.
That “from eternity”
attached to the Text is a freedom which, in order to misuse
it and serve themselves of the Word of God, the Reformers allowed
themselves at the time to rewrite the Bible; this is to say,
their way to put the finger in God’s lips, and order Him to
shut up.
Secondly; The Apostle was talking on the priesthood
of Melchizedec, referring Christ’s
Priesthood to the Eternity of the Son, this way saying that
in the same way that the Son is the Son forever, so Christ’s
Priesthood is Forever. Whence the question: Is that so? If it
is, under which premise the Reformers dared to deny to the Catholic
Priesthood their Eternal Office? However, if they can demonstrate
that God abrogated Christ’s Priesthood, and that Christ’s Priesthood
was in the grave during one thousand and five hundred years,
then we will shut up our mouth to agree with the Confessors
that indeed Reason and not Faith is the road to Salvation..
Final Paragraph:
So then, he is the true eternal
God, the Almighty, whom we invoke, worship, and serve.
Here we see the Confessors taking the Faith much higher
than God took Christ. We see that in order to
give to His Creation One Universal and Eternal Religion
God engendered a New Priesthood, born to be Eternal as much
as the High Priest and Head of the New Priesthood was Christ,
who being Jesus, and Jesus the Son, in Christ Jesus we have
been given by God a Catholic Priesthood to last forever and
ever, as much as the Son is Eternal. But how can you invoke
Jesus against Christ, this is a mystery whose secret we may
discover in a coming article.