The beginning of our World is based on the Law of
God upon War. Any son of God, whether from Earth or Heaven who
declare War on his brother is subjected to death penalty. “You
eat, you die”. The Word of God is God, the Word of God is Law,
the Law is God. Ergo, to declare War on a son of God is to declare
War on God.
From this Law we understand that some of the sons
of God, not of this World, had already found in the Act of War
the perfect entertainment for the eternal days to come. After
all the sons of God are Immortals; once the war is finished
God comes, restore everything to its former station, and time
to move on. War is just a game! The game of the gods!
God’s abominable feeling toward this adoration for
War that some of His sons were having, moved Him to cut short
that adoration by the Law. War on God’s Creatures means War
on their Creator. And the price for declaring War on God is
Death Penalty.
As a Father this was the perfect way to
correct that suicidal tendency of some of their sons.
If not from Love to Justice, it will be by the Fear of God that
Peace will reign.
The Word is God! It was not with the Father, but with
the Lord of Eternity and Infinity with whom the rebels shall
deal. And who would dare to challenge God to a War to the death?
Fear was followed by disappointment.
“O well, the eternity living in peace, blessing each
other again and again, all equals before the Law, Justice for
all, Liberty for all, what a Paradise, welcome to the Paradise
of boredom!”.
Their love for the Game of War could not end there;
there got to be a way to force God, to make Him come to terms.
He has the Cosmos to play with, why should not they have their
own playground?
The answer was clear. What if God’s Darling, His First
Born, was won for their cause? Would still God sustain the Law?
It was a very dangerous play. What if the Son felt
the same way that His Father? In that case Eternal Damnation
was their lot.
And so the War began. Mankind was just the spear with
which stab God in the heart. To fool the Greatest Man, ever,
the father of the Jews, Satan had just to put on the face on
an angel coming in the name of the Lord to greet him, “Holy
War, you are a son of God, Go on Bro! Conquer the World in the
name of the Lord”.
A childish play indeed!
But it came to happen that the Holy Spirit of the
Father was in the Son, and before the Declaration of War of
Satan and his Axis : He felt the same Abomination that His Father.
The Cause of the Rebels was lost. God and the Holy Spirit are
One. And in this One the Father and the Son are One God. The
Father is God, the Son is God, Two Persons : One God.
Obviously to forgive the Human Transgressor in the
name of the Innocence of the Human World meant to leave the
Door of Eternity open to War. God could not allow this Tragedy
to happen again. His House had to see with their own eyes why
He feel War as the ultimate Abomination. War is a fire which
devours everything, and no matter the world forces involved
in to get away from War, once the Three of the Laws which sustain
War has fully grown : Apocalyptical Death comes to turn into
ashes the World.
God had the Power and the Justice in His hand to sentence
to Eternal Exile the Rebel Axis, and to lead the misguided Man
back into His Law. But the Why of His Abomination towards War
would pass unseen, to be finally related to a capricious Will.
The Need was firm and absolute : His Spirit, the Fire from which
came out the Law, had to be seen. For all His House to understand
that the Law is based on Truth, Truth and Experience, and not
in a capricious Will, which tomorrow could change and become
the opposite. Unfortunately this meant to expose the World of
Man to the Law of the Tree of War. However, that Spirit, whose
Sanctity turns into Fire the Being of the Father and the Son,
was going to receive Flesh and Bones, and become the One, Christ,
to stand Before the Doors of Eternity against War forever and
ever. And then Two shall become Tree :
Tree Persons, One God.
Now, let’s turn from the things of Heaven to the things
of Earth. Against the Scripture and God, the Belgic Confessors
said :
The Scriptural Witness on the Trinity
1.-All these things we know from the testimonies of
Holy Scripture as well as from the effects of the persons, especially
from those we feel within ourselves.
2.-The testimonies of the Holy Scriptures, which teach
us to believe in this Holy Trinity, are written in many places
of the Old Testament, which need not be enumerated but only
chosen with discretion.
3.-In the book of Genesis God says, “Let us make man
in our image, according to our likeness”. So “God created man
in his own image”-- indeed, “male and female he created them”.
“Behold, man has become like one of us”.
4.-It appears from this that there is a plurality
of persons within the Deity, when he says, “Let us make man
in our image”-- and afterwards he indicates the unity when he
says, “God created”.
5.-It is true that he does not say here how many persons
there are--but what is somewhat obscure to us in the Old Testament
is very clear in the New.
6.-For when our Lord was baptized in the Jordan, the
voice of the Father was heard saying, “This is my dear Son”;
the Son was seen in the water; and the Holy Spirit appeared
in the form of a dove.
7.-So, in the baptism of all believers this form was
prescribed by Christ: “Baptize all people in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”
8.-In the Gospel according to Luke the angel Gabriel
says to Mary, the mother of our Lord: “The Holy Spirit will
come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow
you; and therefore that holy one to be born of you shall be
called the Son of God”.
9.-And in another place it says: “The grace of our
Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of
the Holy Spirit be with you”.
10.-“There are three who bear witness in heaven--the
Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit--and these three are one”.
11.-In all these passages we are fully taught that
there are three persons in the one and only divine essence.
And although this doctrine surpasses human understanding, we
nevertheless believe it now, through the Word, waiting to know
and enjoy it fully in heaven.
12.-Furthermore, we must note the particular works
and activities of these three persons in relation to us. The
Father is called our Creator, by reason of his power. The Son
is our Savior and Redeemer, by his blood. The Holy Spirit is
our Sanctifier, by his living in our hearts.
13.-This doctrine of the holy Trinity has always been
maintained in the true church, from the time of the apostles
until the present, against Jews, Muslims, and certain false
Christians and heretics, such as Marcion, Mani, Praxeas, Sabellius,
Paul of Samosata, Arius, and others
like them, who were rightly condemned by the holy fathers.
14.-And so, in this matter we willingly accept the
three ecumenical creeds--the Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian--as
well as what the ancient fathers decided in agreement with them.
Point 1:
1.-All these things we know from
the testimonies of Holy Scripture as well as from the effects
of the persons, especially from those we feel within ourselves.
The falsehood of the Confessor cannot be more immense.
The Holy Scripture is not witness to God, but the Book of God.
The Witness of God, this is to say, the One proclaiming the
Bible being the Book of God : is the Church. Before the Church
were the Temple of the Jews. But once God passed His Book from
hand to hand, the Church, the Body of Christ on Earth, has been
and always will be the Only Witness of Christ, Her Head, who
after His Resurrection sit on God’s Throne as God of the Nations,
in which the Creation sees the Father, the Son and the Holy
Spirit : Three Persons, one God.
Where on the Holy Scripture can be found the Declaration
of the Dogma of the Trinity? Wasn’t there in the House of the
Hebrews and Jews living wisdom enough to read that Testimonies
of the Holy Scripture if there was any? Wasn’t Saint Paul who
said that if they knew who were hanging on the Cross they would
had cut their hands off instead? How could speak in this way
Saint Paul if already in the Old Testament contained the Mystery
of the Dogma of the Trinity? The Belgic Confessors are false
witnesses, giving false testimonies against the Holy Scripture
and God, His Author.
However, who are those persons giving Testimonies
to the Confessors, and so especial as to live within them? Because
from the star the only especial person who live within the Christian
Man is Christ, in whom lives the Father, the Son and the Holy
Spirit. And Christ being the Head of the Church, and the Church
His Body, and God the Head of Christ, beyond the testimony of
the Church, a testimony given with Blood during centuries, and
of whom, the Catholic Church, God Himself gives Testimony counting
on Her account His Victories : against the Roman, against the
Islamic Empire, against the German, against the Reformation
Empire, and finally against the Empire of the Scientific Atheism;
beyond Christ, head and Body, who else can live within a man?
Marching on we may be find the solution to this mystery.
Point 2:
The testimonies of the Holy Scriptures,
which teach us to believe in this Holy Trinity, are written
in many places of the Old Testament, which need not be enumerated
but only chosen with discretion.
Of course, they are written nowhere. It was written
in our hearts and minds by Christ in the Church and through
His Church. The spirit of defamation shown in this paragraph
allow us to look at the face of those who use Religion to play
Politics and won’t give up before nothing to reach their goal,
to make of the Free People their slaves, in mind and heart.
What discretion and why use discretion when the Truth is a flag,
and a sword and an armor, the dress of the warrior who enters
in the battlefield to fight back the work of the Devil? But
when the Lie is the sword in the hand, where can be found Christ
in the heart and mind of the user of discretion? Who will doubt that those who sworn to set the world on
fire in the name of the Testimony of those who lived in their
within, those would not stop the burn until the total destruction
of the Catholic Church, and as that Satan who dressed himself
in angel’s costumes to pass as Messenger of God, those would
not stop before nothing to reach their goal, Lie and Manipulation
their tools, unfortunately the tools in the hands of the devil.
But let’s keep on marching on.
Point 3:
In the book of Genesis God says,
“Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness”. So
“God created man in his own image”-- indeed, “male and female
he created them”. “Behold,
man has become like one of us”.
I think there is no need to import in here the biblical
paragraphs quoted by the Confessors, so universally known they
Obviously if Wisdom were the source of the Confessors
they would not make of themselves a joke when saying that God
is “male and female. It seems that they used the same logic
which gave way to the Mythologies. In the old good days the
Gods became at the image of the men. In the same way the Confessors
make their Gods at the image of men. Who is which, this is their
secret. They implied that those who said “let’s” were the Son
and the Father, ergo the question is weird but just : Who is
the male and the female, the Father is the female? Because we
know the Son to be a male. So?
That the Bible is the book of God is out of discussion,
that because once upon a time men were made at God’s Image we
are all divines, it is. Of course not in the ears of the “divine”
Confessors and Fathers of the Reformation. When they began to
call themselves “gods”, using by subterfuge the word “divines”?
And who gave them this power to call themselves “gods”? It may
be that the same who said to Adam “Eat and be a god”,
is their source?
The case is this. The Word was in the beginning, and
the Word became Man, and we know, not from the Bible alone,
but from the Testimony of Mother Church that Jesus Christ was
the Son of God. He was the Son who said . “Let’s make the Man
to our Image”, and as God cannot be created, it implies that
those who he was talking to were the sons of God, as Saint Paul,
said, “Not of this creation”, not of this Earth. Ergo, the Christians
become Family of God, not the Image of God, but the Image of
the Son of God. Otherwise we would be gods.
When the Bible reads : man has become like one of us”, it’s talking about becoming not a
“god”, nor even “a son of God”, but “…knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach
out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and
live forever”, this is to say, a person who knows the Science
of War.
This kind of manipulation of the Belgic Confessors is typical all along
the books and words of the Fathers of the Reformation. They
get a biblical paragraph, cut it in pieces and stick the pieces
to their own words
and purposes, extracting the Divine truth in order to make them
speak their own words. It’s a virus process, a malignant process,
typical from cancer, AIDS, and so on and so forth. It will be
not the first time we find this process marching on.
The conclusion from this paragraph,
interpreted as they do, is that the man is a god, and ergo they
can call themselves “divines”, and this divinity
given free from one to another in the name of the Hate
to the PIGS, the Mediterranean Catholic Nations, born to go
to Hell. If the biblical reader would dare to read with his
own eyes the Bible it will see that in the Song of Moses God
says : “that He distributed the Families of the Nations of Mankind
between the sons of God”, this way Himself coming to testify
before the Universe about the nature and names of those who
were included in the word “Let’s Make man to our Image”. And
the New Testament says : “Jesus, son of Joseph … son of David
… son of Abraham … Son of Adam, son of God”, who was the First
Man created at the Image of He who said “let’s make Man at our
Image”, ergo : a
son of God. Notwithstanding this testimonies of God and the
Bible, the Belgic Confessor says that the One who spoke was
the Father, who was speaking to the Son. The denial of the Divine
Bible made in this Paragraph is absolute. Let’s move on to the
Point 4:
It appears from this that there
is a plurality of persons within the Deity, when he says, “Let
us make man in our image”-- and afterwards he indicates the
unity when he says, “God created”.
They are guessing. But if those persons within them
were the persons referred to in the Dogma of the Trinity, they
would guess nothing and speak firmly.
Is the Son not Uncreated God from Uncreated God?
It is.
The Divinity of the Sons of God, ergo, is based on
the Divinity of the Son. It was God who said : “I will put everything
at His feet”, which was done, first, by raising Him as Universal,
Eternal Judge, the Lives of the entire Creation in His Hand;
secondly, crowning Him and as Universal King, sitting Him in
His Own Omnipotent Throne, all the Nations His subjects; and
thirdly, elevating Him as High Pontiff of the Universal religion
of the Kingdom of God, this way becoming the Head of the Church,
and the Church the trunk of the Tree of Life, to which Branches
the Nations come to eat the Fruit of the eternal Life.
God did not created Man to be God. God cannot be created.
The Fathers of the reformation fell on this self-adoration typical
from the Barbarian and pagan Nations, and to defend their divinity
had to destroy the Catholic Church. They had in mind the same
goal the devil had, why was so?
Point 5:
It is true that he does not say
here how many persons there are--but what is somewhat obscure
to us in the Old Testament is very clear in the New.
Of course it is in the New Testament very clear, but
no that we have been created to be gods, but to be sons of God.
However, the Old Testament is absolutely clear about the creation
of man as a son of God at the Image of the sons of God; again
and again God keep on talking about the generation of rebel
sons against His Law. We see in the book of Job the Bible speaking
of Satan as son of God. We read about the sons of God making
of our women their lovers. God would be throwing us to madness
and mental misery planting in us the desire to be equal to Him,
“gods”. That was the meaning of the Temptation, “eat and become
a god”. “You are a son of God, now you have to walk the last
step of evolution. Be a god”. The fathers of the Reformation
were calling the world to this New Church of theirs, the Church
of the gods, with their god of the gods in his throne, the English
He who lives in darkness sees everything very obscure,
Point 6:
For when our Lord was baptized
in the Jordan, the voice of the Father was heard saying, “This
is my dear Son”; the Son was seen in the water; and the Holy
Spirit appeared in the form of a dove.
Yes, and a vulture too. And desert rats, and many
creatures of the waters also. The world did not stop its going
down to the Apocalyptical War because Jesus’s Baptism.
If God the Father was the One who said “let’s make
the Man…” their conclusion could be honored, accepted, reverenced,
and they themselves be adored as gods, indeed. The title “divines”
with which they adore each other it would be indeed true to
its letters. But, no, the Deny Christ, they Deny the Gospel,
they deny Jesus, they Deny the Bible, they deny the Church,
they Deny the Universal College of the Fathers of the Church,
who says : “The Word is God, and the Word became man, and the
Man was Jesus Christ”. It is Him who said “let’s make man to
ur Image and likeness”. It was in the beginning and those were
His words.
God the Father could not said those Words because
the relation between Father and Son is beyond the understanding
and comprehension of the Creation. Very clear is the word of
the Builders of the Catholic Church on this subject : We are,
all of us, sons of God by adoption. The Son is not, He is of
the Essence, Substance and Nature of the Father, He is True
But if He was the Father who said those Words “Let’s..”:
this means that the Son is Adopted. This is to say, the Fathers
of the Reformation brought back the Arian Creed and gave it
a new form, and this time, with the power of the Empire of the
Devil to support them, Arius won the day.
The Declaration of the Father on His Son is done after
separating Him from His brothers in God. All the sons of God,
whether from Earth or Heaven, whether already created or to
be created, we are all sons of God “by adoption”. God takes
His Son, not by Adoption, but from His Soul and Spirit, and
putting Him apart made to everybody very clear the limits of
the relation between Creator and Creature. “Here is your Creator,
there is you. Hitting the Road of Truth, Justice and Peace,
you have in Him everything. On the road of Lie, Corruption and
War, you have in Him your eternal enemy”.
God is not created, God is Uncreated. How could then,
but by making a joke of Himself and of His creature a stupid
nuts say God “Let’s make Man a God to ur Image”? This is what
the Belgic Confessors in the name of the Father of the Reformation
are declaring in this Article. From man to man, my advice to
you all who were have been deceived by those prophets of that
New Church who tough Superior to the rest and to be a son of
God was nothing to them, they would not accept less than Divinity,
my advice is that you run away from them and into the Catholic
Church, ask forgiveness and be happy as a son of God and son
of man.
Point 7:
So, in the baptism of all believers
this form was prescribed by Christ: “Baptize all people in the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”.
So what? Don’t you know that the Holy Spirit became
Man, and by the Power of God Christ became the Head of the Church?
To whom was given this Power of Absolution of all crimes and
sins but to the Christ? Now you come and take that power from
the Hand of Christy, to make of yourselves the Christ?
But it is really God dead? Because If Christ never
resurrected then you can do that and anything you want. But
if He did, the hand who touch the water and the head who put
his neck under that water, being not the Hand of Christ that
hand, this is to say, the Catholic Church, His Body, he is baptized
not by Christ but by the Devil. Don’t feel ashamed, the greatest
of men, the one who God formed with His own hands, could not
resist the power of manipulation of the Devil, how could you
on your own do so? It is up to you.
If Jesus Christ resurrected, if He is not dead, the
Power of Christ to Baptize, the Grace of Absolution, had never
passed away from His Hands; ergo: the Catholic Church His Body
on Earth : all Baptism not made by Her, is null and void.
It is to you to make your mind. It is only God who
has that Power, and accordingly He became Man to pass it on
to Christ, and to no one else have been given that Power. He
who takes it in his hands because the unworthy behavior of a
priest, he denies God and His Christ. And who is the Antichrist
but he who denies Christ?
Point 8:
In the Gospel according to Luke
the angel Gabriel says to Mary, the mother of our Lord: “The
Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High
will overshadow you; and therefore that holy one to be born
of you shall be called the Son of God”.
And yet we all know that the Son of God came and Incarnate
Himself in the womb of a Woman in order to give flesh and bones
to the Word of His Father. Is the Confessor separating this
Fact of the Incarnating of the Son of God from the fact of the
Coming of the Son of Man? Or it is it saying that the Incarnation
of the Holy Spirit produced to God a son, this way going with
Arius and following his creed to the last detail?
We all know that the Rebellion of the sons of God
brought to History the most unequal of the duels ever conceived.
A son of God, not if this Creation, killed a son of God, of
this creation; a man created and formed in the best historical,
creational scenario
to imagine was killed with a simple word. His children were
left alone in the power of the killer of their father, and as
time went on they degenerated into one of the many human animals
into which Mother Earth saw her children turned. So, while the
children of the dead were every millennium more and more animalized,
the killer was more and more powerful, to the point to become
the real master and lord of the world. The crown of the dead,
born to be the king of the world, the killer took it to himself.
Four millennia after a child born out of that stock was to come
and take that crown from his head and declare himself the new
king of the world? What a joke!
But the Law was clear : “The blood of a man will be
avenged by another man”; and ergo “The blood of the son of God,
will be avenged by another son of God”. How could expect the
Killer that God’s chosen to avenge his little brother’s blood
would fall on the Elder son of God, Jesus, the king of kings
and Lord of lords of God’s Heavenly Empire? And so the One on
whom possible adherence to the Religion of War was used as argument
for the Rebellion, He became the Avenger of Adam, His Brother,
and the Incarnation of the Abomination felt by God against the
Law Breakers.
What were they talking about the Fathers of the Reformation,
then, in this Article? Were they nuts, or they though the Reformed
Nations to be composed by families of nuts? They are saying
that the Son of May was a son of God by adoption, and very clearly!
Jesus would be called son of God because the Shadow of the Holy
Spirit would overcome on Her, it is their saying. Their Sin
: to believe that they could understand the Mechanism of the
Incarnation of the Son of God, belief which drove Arius to Madness
and finally to the side of the Antichrist.
Point 9:
And in another place it says:
“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and
the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you”.
Saint Paul is giving final greeting to the Corinthians
with the words above. He was not speaking about the Dogma of
the Trinity. What is the Grace of Jesus however, but the Absolution
of the Sins in the Baptism of Christ, head of the Catholic Church,
her Body on Earth, in which the Fellowship of the Brotherhood
of the sons of God, fed by the Love, that Love which is God,
is lived and enjoyed?
Those brain washing reformers had no shame to distort
any verse of the Bible, whether from the Old or of the New Testament
no single paragraph of phrase was free from their virical
Point 10:
“There are three who bear witness
in heaven--the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit--and these
three are one”.
Actually these are the exact words of Saint John:
“For there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water and the blood;
and the three are in agreement”.
The Confessor play their divine,
virical trick, again, and deny
the Son as God; God is Spirit, the Son is God, the Son is Spirit;
this, as Arius, their forerunner, the logical brain of the Teuton
and Saxon Race could not accept. They could be called idolaters
by the followers of Mohammed, and of Moses too. With this simple
trick they invalid the Coming of Jesus as Witness of the Bible.
You choose.
They keep on denying Jesus, as Christ, putting the Word where Saint John
put the Water, which is the door to the Grace of Christ, transmitted
by the Church, His Body; instead they use the Word, “the Logos”,
an abstraction. But we know that the Word was God, and the Word
became Man, and the Man was Christ. And is Christ, this is to
say the Catholic Church, His Body on Earth, who has been giving
Testimony of the Trinity ever since She came around.
To accept this Historical, Divine Fact the Fathers of
the Reformation, of the Modern Reason, this they would not.
“The Word”, which word? Of course, their word.
And thirdly, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, this
is to say, God speaking through Saint John says “The Blood”.
But this would mean to accept the Blood of the Catholic Nations
as the highest testimony ever given on the Divinity od the Son,
the Father, and of Christ, who as head of the Catholic Church,
transit to Her all His Power of redemption and Salvation.
Why they
did so? Well, ashes
to ashes, miraculously no one is perfect but the nations of
the Reformation. And ergo they were given the Power and the
Gory to bow down, grasp a stone and throw it against the Wife
of the Lord. The
Mystery is who gave them this power. Let’s follow the track.
Point 11:
In all these passages we are
fully taught that there are three persons in the one and only
divine essence. And although this doctrine surpasses human understanding,
we nevertheless believe it now, through the Word, waiting to
know and enjoy it fully in heaven
The duty of an impostor is to make himself the author
of the work he steals. The decision of entering in the church
and sack it to the death already made, and to the entire world
declared with the famous words on Holy War from Luther to Christ,
saying : “We will set the world on fire in the name of our Truth”,
this Axis of the Reformation once made had to disconnect the
Catholic Church with the Making of the Dogma of the Trinity,
and for instance with the making even of Christianity. In order
to involve every single countrymen of theirs in their own holy
war, by the Devil already started from the beginning of the
Second Millennium, they produced words such as these, saying
nothing new, resurrecting the war on the Universal Church by
Arius and the heresiarchs of the old days signed. The last sentence
: “through the Word, waiting to know and enjoy it fully
in heaven” is so obscure as
the words of the Gnostics of the firsts centuries. What they
meant with that? Very simple, mark the line between the “perfected”
and the “common”. History tells us that there is nothing which
can excited more a barbarian, ignorant and fanatical brain than
words whose meaning is none but whose adoration is based on
a sentence of death against the unbeliever.
Point 12:
Furthermore, we must note the
particular works and activities of these three persons in relation
to us. The Father is called our Creator, by reason of his power.
The Son is our Savior and Redeemer, by his blood. The Holy Spirit
is our Sanctifier, by his living in our hearts.
Manipulation after manipulation led with success is
a miracle too. If the work of the Devil, can call a miracle,
let it be so. A least the Confessors did not hide their ignorance.”
And although this doctrine surpasses human understanding”, they confessed.
How they dared, then, while recognizing their ignorance to understand
the Dogma they came to declare the Builders of that Dogma to
be the Antichrist, it is a thing not very well understood. If
the Catholic Church was the Antichrist, as Luther and the reformers
said, why stick to the Dogma by the Antichrist made?
Their Ignorance was the source of their Denial of
Jesus Crist again and again, which we see again in this Article
taking the lead. The Father
is called our Creator, they say. Wrong! the Word is God,
the Word was in the beginning, the Word became Man, the Son
is our Creator. He was the Son who said : “Let there be the
light .. and firmament
… and waters … and
land, and birds, and plants and things, and finally, let there
be Man”. Who called the Father our Creator?
Brain washing is a science, one of the branches of
the Tree of the Science of Good and Evil. The progression made
by the Teuton and Anglo-Saxon Nations
in that science is visible even in our days, when it looks that
the whole thing they live and die for is to control the entire
world to the minute and the millimeter. Is their madness, their
passion, they can’t help being Antichristian, anti-humans, anti-all
which means to cut their superpowers and abase the superiority
of their race and world supremacy of their people. Jesus, in
their eyes, committed a tremendous crime when passing the Power
of Christ to the Catholic Church, and put this in the hands
of the Mediterranean Nations. They would not forgive Jesus for
it. They did not want him as Creator. The deserved the Father,
not the Son as their Creator. The Father is superior to the
Son, as they are superior to the rest of the human nations.
How could Jesus! Why he did not wait a little longer to be born?
And what is more funny, the Father is called our Creator
in reason of his power. God is not Intelligence; the Creation
is not a Science. Not at all, God is a wizard. Creation is Magic.
Man is the rabbit out of the hat. As a matter of fact if the
Father had not the power they would not bow down before his
word. They have the same conception of God that the Muslims
and the Jews, God is Power, Well not to all, for the Swiss God
is Gold.
However, about the Son they say, though they said
little before that the Trinity is beyond human understanding,
but now they suddenly they understand it all, and they say:
The Son is our Savior and Redeemer, by his blood. All right, now they
were getting very close to the nuclear bomb. Not by His Wisdom
and Divinity, not at all, but by his blood and by his blood
only. Bloody Reformers! A thirty years’ War waiting round the
corner, and two world wars at the end of the road. Blood is
all they wanted and blood they will have, a flood of it!!
And to sleep the baby nuts in their bloody web, they
say : The Holy Spirit
is our Sanctifier, by his living in our hearts. But one
thing is still unclear to me, how was it that living the Holy
Spirit of the God who lives War as an Abomination, they declared
War on the Catholic
Nations, and swore to set the world on fire? Which indeed the
children of the Reformers did, and how, two world wars, man.
To Satan, War is Blood, but to God is an Abomination. How is
it that having in their hearts God they spread War all over,
I their hometowns, in their nations, in Europe as a whole, and
finally throughout the entire world? A very strange God that
Sanctifier! They sanctified themselves saying Jesus Loves you!
O yeah! Let’s share some blood!
Point 13:
This doctrine of the holy Trinity
has always been maintained in the true church, from the time
of the apostles until the present, against Jews, Muslims, and
certain false Christians and heretics, such as Marcion, Mani,
Praxeas, Sabellius, Paul of Samosata,
Arius, and others like them, who were rightly condemned by the
holy fathers.
The Fact is this, that the One Who has been the Maintainer
of This doctrine of the
holy Trinity weren’t they, were they? but that Church against
whom they all gathered together to destroy Her, to raze Her
Temple to the ground… no other than the Catholic Church.
When the Jews stoned the Catholic Hebrews in the streets
of their Kingdom, where were the Reformers and their sanctified
When the Roman Empire
declared Death Penalty on the c French, Italian, Greek,
and Spanish Catholics, where were the Germans, and the English,
and the Dutch, and the Swedish, and the Swiss?
When the Islamic Empire declared Holy War on Mankind
and threw the dice of Death against the Greek, the Spanish,
and the French Catholics, where were to be found the English,
the German, the Swedish, the Danes?, hidden in a whole like
cowards? or eating each other like animals?
So, during sixteen centuries the Spanish, the French
the Italian and the Greek fought back against Jews, Muslims, and certain false Christians and heretics, such
as Marcion, Mani, Praxeas, Sabellius, Paul of Samosata,
Arius, and others like them, who were rightly condemned by the
holy fathers, and in a twinkle of an eye God shows Himself
to be the Devil and ..
there they came, the Superior Race, the German, to bring
together their kind, the English, the Swedish and the Swiss,
and in the Name of the Holy Father destroy the Holy Church that
they build against Jews,
Muslims, and certain false Christians and heretics, such as
Marcion, Mani, Praxeas, Sabellius, Paul of Samosata,
Arius, and others like them, who were rightly condemned by the
holy fathers. What’s next!
Point 14:
And so, in this matter we willingly
accept the three ecumenical creeds--the Apostles’, Nicene, and
Athanasian--as well as what the
ancient fathers decided in agreement with them.
Yes they accept their words, but they did not accept
their work. Their Work was the Work of God : The Creation of
the Universal Church, Catholic, the Tree of Life the Tree of
the churches, whose Fruit the Eternal Life, is given for free
to those who lives with their Heart and utter with their Mouth
the Creed of Heaven, the Creed of the Apostles, the Creed of
the Universe, One Eternal Religion, Founded by God Himself,
and Build with His Hands : A Creed who says so :
One Only King, Jesus Crist,
One Only Lord, Jesus, Christ,
One Only God, Jesus Christ,
And in Jesus Christ we see the Fullness of the Divinity:
Father, Son and Hoy Spirit.
This is the Creed of all the Citizens of the Kingdom
of God, from Heaven and Earth.
Now : Is it this the Creed the Belgic Confessors were
talking about?